Annual Repo rt 2OLG|?:OL7 &


Committee President Nicholas Heyworth Treasurer/Portfolio Jane Cotter-Finance Secretary/Portfolio Cherie Porter*High Performance

Genera I Com m ittee/Portfolio -Media Marinda Jones-Community Roly Blakeway- Business Mike Todd (inactive)- Development Yvonne Mackie-Competition

Management Head Coach Andrew Chittock Com petition Coordinator Yvonne Mackie Head Official Scotty Clouston Julius Head Classifier Sara Edwards Head Bench Bevin Jenkinson Selectors Greg Mitchell Grant Sharman

Administrator (.5) Jo O'Callaghan

Auditors Crowe Horwath Auckland

Bankers ANZ Bank Hamilton

PostalAddress c/- BWCA PO Box 9922 Newmarket Auckland 1149 New Zealand &


As we approach the 201.7 NZWR AGM it gives you, the membership, the opportunity to assess the work of the Committee you have elected. Below is a summary of the key areas of work we have achieved this year.

2017 Achievements . NZ Wheelchair Rugby community has hosted another National league of successful tourna- ments. The Bash, Low Pointers, Ken Sowden Cup, WRCs and Nationals. Through feedback, planning and delivery of future events will continue to improve.

. The Wheel Blacks had a period of consolidation with less travel, new faces have come on board to support the programme, and support individuals'growth and development. Results are positive, as well as the culture within the team and greater development squad.

. Zonals provides us with a great opportunity to showcase our sport to NZ. SkyTV and other me- dia agencies are on board for us to re-capture the imagination and support of NZers. We aim to gain a placing in the 2018 IWRF World Championship, with the team in great shape.

. Relationships with key partners, The Rugby Foundation and NZ Spinal Trust, have been re- established. Both organisations indicate strong interest on future collaboration in develop- ment of educational resources and player recruitment.

. Wheelchair Rugby is the showcase sport at the 20L7 Halberg Junior Disability Games in Auck- land, 6th - 8th of Oct, hosting over 100 disabled athletes from the North & South lslands.

. Social Grading continues to be reviewed to find the best solution to make our game accessi- ble, fair and enticing. Please present your ideas to the Committee, a sub-committee will be formed to support Social Grading ongoing.

. The focus on club development will be key going forward. The rejuvenation of this essential part of the sport will be a priority going forward.

. We want to be fit for purpose as a sport and as a Committee. The continued review and devel- opment of our Governance through policy review will be a focus of the Committee. This will in turn lead to the development of a new Strategic Plan to allow the Committee, the member- ship and the sporting sector know what we are aiming to achieve, and how we aim to achieve it.

It has been a honour to be your President for the best part of 2017. My wish is to continue and I hope you feel we, the Committee, are steering the sport in the right direction.

Nicholas Heyworth TREASURER REPORT

It is a pleasure to present the Treasurer's Report to the members of NZWR, based on the final audited accounts for the year to 31 December 20L6.

. This year we received income of 5196533 of which S1SZSSZ came from the Pin & Win series managed by Appco , $0+00 from Player Levies , grants of $13132 from various community organisations and S10000 from The Rugby Foundation.

. Total expenses of $22a768|eft a deficit of $28235 for the year.

. Travel accounted for the bulk of the expenses this year including 578000 to the France qualifier Cup, Local competition costs accounted for 523500, costs associated with Pin & Win Fundraising of 555625 and administration costs of 530000.

. At 31 December 2016 the cash position was S280000,of which 5228795 was on inter- est earning term deposit. r As reported last year Appco suspended the Series 3 Pin & Win campaign in Septem- ber 20l.6,due to internal issues.

. ln March 20L7, however, they recommenced the campaign and funds are steadily coming in. This could produce up to a maximum of 5L00000 if all 30000 pendants are sold. This income will be reported in the financial year to 31 Decemb er 20t7. r We anticipate this will be the last campaign run with NZWR as a beneficiary and we face the challenge of finding other funding or sponsorship to replace this source of in- come.

. ln this regard Jo our administrator has been very active this year applying for a large number of grants from community funders/trusts and we have been reasonably suc- cessful, however these applications are incredibly time consuming to collate with no certainty.

. Nick Heyworth has also been very proactive on the associations behalf in attempting to raise awareness of the sport in our community to try and develop longer term asso- ciations and sponsorship to replace Pin & Win

Jane Cotter &


2AL7 has seen NZWR support the reestablishment programme that has us rebuilding our squad with our eyes firmly focused on qualifying and medalling at the 2O2O Paralympics in Tokyo, then as "Gold Medal- lists" in 2024. 2017 has been focused on identifying and introducing new and eager talent into the Wheel Black scene, firstly through our training camps and then the team that has and will compete at international events. We have also placed a heavy focus on recruiting the necessary and highly talented resources for our "High Perform ance Program me". To Brent Membery, Kath Fouhy and Michael Hynard (Hashtag), thank you for your involvement and con- tributions. Without your generous contribution of time and effort there is no way our team would be de- veloping at the rate we are. ln 2016 | mentioned that it was an aim to take our training camps to the regions to offer New Zealand public an opportunity to see our National team in action. h 2AL7 we have had training camps in Auckland, Napier, Hamilton and Christchurch. Although the logistics have been a challenge for Jo and Sacha to or- ganise, they have achieved this goal admirably. ln May we played the Ken Sowden Cup, a 5 game series against Australia. Canterbury kindly offered to host this tournament and for that I am very grateful. Our goals, of introducing and developing new play- ers into the squad/team, then on to international competition was successful with some players stepping up and proving their value. We had two very competitive games, losing the first in a double over time, learning from that loss, and going on to win the second competitive game. I also mentioned that we were looking at entering a Wheel Black / New Zealand team into the Australian league as well as inviting lnternational teams to enter into our local competitions. Working to a planned saw the Wheel Blacks enter into two rounds of the Australian league- the Gold Coast and the Sydney round. At the time of me writing this report we had only attended the Gold Coast round. Due to an unfor- tunate accident at the LLth hour, t was unable to attend the Gold Coast tournament. Gavin, Robbie and Cameron along with the support of Sacha, Kelly, Zuzana and Greg took over and with great groundwork from the full programme team, they came away as undefeated winners. To those in the squad, players and the support team, you deserve all you success you achieved. I wish to thank Sacha Wright who undertook the project manager and team manager roles, I know it was a very sharp learning curve and a sometimes very frustrating position, but you prevailed and I know you have implemented processes that willonly benefit us in the future. A big thank you to Jo O'Callaghan and the NZWR Committee who have supported myself and the Wheel Black squad with our vision for the development and future of our sport. To all our volunteers, whether you contributed with organising, bench officiating, refereeing, caring, vide- oing, mechanics, I also owe you a huge thank you and I am ever gratefulfor your time and efforts. Lastly to Kelly, without your support and contributions over the last 3 years I would not have been able to be involved to the extent that is necessary for a new coach to learn and develop, and in turn pass on a successful programme and environment to a young and very exciting team - not only now but in the fore- seeable future. For allthis and more, lthank you.

Andrew Chittock &


Active Classifiers:

Sara Edwards Level4 lnternational Head Classifier New Zealand Binnie O'Dwyer Level 4lnternational Deborah Bowditch Level 4 lnternational Brendon Vercoe Level 3 lnternational Gina lsbister Level 3 lnternational Kate Truman National

National Classifi cations 2016/2017

wRC2 2016 Glenn McDonald Bay of Plenty 1.0(R) 1.0(1) Jake Spooner Wellington New 0.s(1) Rose Vaea Wellington New 3.0(R)

Nationals 2016 Mike Natzke Canterbury 2.s(T) 2.s(2) Blair Whittiker Waikato New 2.0(R) Nat Manville Manawatu New 0.5(1)

wRCl 2017 Tyler Jennings Hawkes Bay 2.s(1) 3.0(1) Lui Te'o Auckland New 2.s(t) Dave Tai Bay of Plenty 1.0(1) 0.5(1)

wRC2 2017 Amanda Lowry Bay of Plenty r.s(1) 1.s(2) lan Simpson Canterbury New 0.5(1) Christopher Barry Wellington 3.s(R) 2.s(t) Marinda Jones Hawkes Bay 2.0(P) 2.0(P) xfl@EEcilni|,@

CLASSI Fl CATION R EPORT.. conti n ued

Classifi er Development:

Kate Truman has been trained in 2017 (WRC 1 and WRC2) and is now a Nationalclassifier. Sara Edwards attended a Classification forum in Wellington on 25 February 20L7, facilitated by Mar- guerite Christophers, PNZ Classification Manager, where the following was covered: r PNZ High performance Strategic Framework and Paralympic Pathway Programme. o PNZ Classification Strategy. . IPC Classification Research meeting and Heads of Classification meeting feedback. . 201.5 IPC Athlete Classification Code and lnternational Standards, workshop on implementation nationally.

Marguerite Christophers, PNZ Classification Manager, spoke to the classifiers present at WRC2, 20L7, regarding the new IPC Classification Code. ln addition the Head Classifier of IWRF (Greg Ungerer) is providing regular updates regarding implementation of changes within the IPC Classification Code.

I nternational Classifi cation appointments:

April 2017: Sara Edwards (Level4) Metro Cup, Poland June 2017: Brendon Vercoe (Level 3) IWRF European Championships (Zonals) July 2OL7: Binnie O'Dwyer World Championship Test Event, Sydney

Sara Edwards &


I have only managed to get to one tournament this year but gave the reins to two very capable referees in my absence. Kelly Chittock was the Head Referee for the Low Point tournament in Waikato and Jeremy Phillips took over for the two rounds of WRC as he was going to be the only senior referee at both rounds. That changed, but both referees were well up to the task and did a great job, so I would like to thank them for helping me out. As I wasn't at three of the four tour- naments I have had Kelly Chittock prepare the Head Referee report. Scotty Clouston Julius

2017 has been a busy year for the referees. Scotty and I decided that there would be discussion papers at each event with questions taken from the casebook. This has enabled us to get our head into the rulebook and the casebook.

Scotty refereed at the second Ken Sowden Cup between Australia and the Wheel Blacks. Phil Washbourn and I evaluated the three referees. Phil also oversaw my development as an evalua- tor and wrote up his findings to both Jon Corson and Stan Battock.

Scotty and Joe Clouston Julius took the trip of a life time to visit their grandson and was not here for most of the season. He left Jeremy Phillips in charge of his team.

I was head official at the Low Pointers tournament where there were only four referees, Jeremy Phillips, Vonnie Phillips, Renske Van Deukeren and myself. There were only four teams. The final was between Waikato and Manawatu. Both Vonnie and Renske improved over the weekend.

The first round of WRC was held in Tauranga and we had a team of seven referees. A couple of our referees pulled up through injury so a few back to backs were necessary.

The second round of WRC was in Wellington. We had Quentin Fleischfresser come over from Aus- tralia as we had a couple of referees that were injured and unable to referee. There were, unfor- tunately, more injuries during the two days and there were only two referees left to officiate the final, Phil and l. lt was a hard fought final with Canterbury taking it from Waikato.

Congratulations to Scotty who is traveling over to Paraguay late August to referee at the Americas Zonal tournament. Tony Dinnington has also represented us at two European tournaments as Technical Commissioner in the 20L5/17 season. PhilWashbourn is Head official at Oceania Zonals here in Auckland, I am going as Technical Commissioner as well.

lf you have a family member or carer that would like to pick up the whistle, I know that Scotty would love to hear from you. We are very short of referees here in New Zealand. And 2018 won't be any different with a couple of referees out with long term injuries awaiting surgeries. HEAD OFFICIAL REPORT.. continued

To this end and with a very heavy heart we bid farewellto Jeremy Phillips. He is hanging up his whistle after the New Zealand Nationals. Jeremy has been around for a very long time, he has retired, returned, retired and then returned. He has also carried out several different roles within the Wheelchair rugby family. I am most grateful for his continued support both in re- cent years and when I was head official. He has, over the last couple of years, officiated with me at the Wheel Black training camps in Auckland, often coming from work...the coach is very gratefulfor his contributions and input and hopes he still may be around to be involved in the future.

Kelly Chittock


Quite a few familiar faces ,who have helped out previous years, returned to help at the 20L7 tournaments. This is always a great help in having people return brining with them past skills and knowledge of the table duties.

Holding onto the class cards, for teams who have requested this, has been a success.

I am volunteering at the 2At7 Gio Australian Nationals/World Championship Test Event, Syd- ney, with a view to bring ideas back and offer an improved running of bench in NZ. NZWR will receive a report on Bench volunteering at the event with findings that may be implemented in the future. Suggestions for improvements are always welcome from the NZ rugby community.

I would like to thank everyone who helped out and I hope to carry on in this role in the future.

Bevin Jenkinson wzlurcffittGaY

Portfolio Summary

High Performance Portfolio-Cherie Porter

- has included the following activities over the 2O1,6/2Afi year.

. Understanding of the High Performance plan to be able to, clarifli and communicate to the com- mittee, including the predicted budget, rationale of attendance and potential outcomes and benefits for NZWR.

. Liaison to secure invitations to international tournaments as per the High Performance Plan and out- lined/required by the Head Coach. This includes outlining the potential costs to NZWR.

. Communicate decisions and information received and required by IWRF for audits, policy and deci- sion affecting the game, e.g. rule changes, selection of IWRF committee members. Communication and decisions are from consultation and agreement with NZWR committee.

o Monitoring of the IWRF website to ensure NZWR remains current with potential opportunities that may benefit NZWR and the High Performance team.

. Provide a contact point for the NZ Team Management with the committee to communicate selection of athletes for ratification and agreement that they are an appropriate and best representation of the High Performance Team, NZWR, and the "Wheel Blacks "

Offr cials Portfolio-Jo O'Callagha n

- has included the following activities over the 2O1,6/2AL7 year.

As the 'voice' and link of Officials to NZWR Committee since Novembdr. I have presented to.the com- mittee:

. Officials feedback from tournaments and actioned solutions. . Organised professional development opportunity for Classifiers. . Assisted with mitigation and coordination of fill-in Ref's when down on numbers. e New Ref shirts, sponsored by DG Sport . ln the 2018 season Classifiers will aim to attend tournaments from the beginning of the season. o Presented requests for support from individualofficials to committee. r Generalsupport and regular communications to Officials via Head Official personnel. . Ensure Officials requirements for tournaments are being met, prior to each tournament. . Ensure Officials are reimbursed costs, as per NZWR policies.

Thank you to all volunteers who offer their personal time and energy to keep NZ Wheelchair Rugby, the regional bodies, and the whole wheelchair rugby community running. lt is a sport of committed, passion- ate people and I am extremely proud to be associated with wheelchair rugby. Crowe Honnmth- Croue Horwath New Zealand Audt Partnership lulember Crowe tlorueth lmemational Level 29, 188 Quey Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand r)rC B,ox 153 Auctcland 1 140 New Zealand New Zealand lrUheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated Tel +64 I 303 4588 Fax +64 I 309 1 1S8 nz lndependent Auditor'g Report to the Msmbers of the Nerv Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated


We have audited the performance report of New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated on pages 1 to 15, which comprises the entity information, the statement of financial performance and statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2016, the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2016, and the statement of accounting policies and other explanatory information. ln our opinion:

a) the performance report on pages 1 to 15 pre$ents fairly, in all material respects,:

the enti$ information for the year then ended; and

the financial position of New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated as at 31 December 2016, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended

in accordance with Public Benefit New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated Slmple Format Reporting - Accrual (Not-For-Profit).

Bmis for Opinion

We conducted our audil of the statement of financial perfonnance, statemant of financial position, statement of cash flovns, statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report in accordance with lnternational Standards on Auditing (New Zeatand) (lSAs (NZ)), and of the entity information in accordance with the lntemational Standard on Assurance Engagrements (New Zealand) ]SAE (NZ) 3000. Our responsibilities under these standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Performance Report section of our report.

We are independent of the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated in accordance with Professional and Ethicd Standard 1 (Revised) Code of Ethics for AEsurance Practitioners issued by the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, and we have fulfilted our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the zudit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncoryorated.

Re*pon*ibilities of tha Board for the Performance Report

The Board are responsible on behatf of the New Zeatand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated for:

{a} ldentiflng outcomes and outputs, and quantifying the oulputs to the extent practicable, that are relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable, to report in the statement of service performance;

Cmwe Howath New Zealand Audtl Partnerslltp is a member o{ Ctwe florw8ilh hlematlcd],a/, a Stfliss r,ffiin. Eaeh rnomber of Crowe Horwath is a sepaf€le atd lnder€/l.dent legal er,Jty. Crowe Honnmth-

(b) The preparation and fair presentation of the performance report, which comprises:

the entity information;

the statement of service performance; and

the statemenl of financial performance, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows, statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report

in accordance with Public Benefit New Zeatand Wheelchair Rugby Assoeiation lncorporated Simple Format Reporting * Accrual (Not-For-Profit) issued in New Zeatand by the New Zealand Aecounting Standards Board; and

(c) For such internal cnntrol as those charged with governance determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the performance report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

ln preparing the performance report the Board are responsible for assessing the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless those charged with governance either intend to liquidate the New Zealand Wheelchaii Rugby Association lncorporated or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audlt of the Performance Report

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the performance report as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether outi to fraud or enor, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with lSAs (NZ) and ISAE (NZ) 3000 will always detect a materiat misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or enor and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the decisions of users taken on the basis of this performance report.

As part of an audit in accordance with lSAs (NZ) and ISAE (NZ) 3000, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professionalscepticism throughout the audit. we also:

ldentify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the performance report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficbnt and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion, including performing procedures to obtain evidence about and evaluating whether the reportei outcomes and outputs and quantification of the outputs to the extent practicable, are relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the ovenide of internalcontrol.

Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expreising an opinion on the effectiveness of the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Associalion lncorporated's internal control.

Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. Croure Honrmth-

Conclude on the appropriateness of the use of the going conc€rn basis of accounting by those charged with governance and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exisis related to events or conditbns that rnay cast signfficant doubt on the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated's ability to continue as a going concem. lf we conclude that a material uncertainty exisis, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the performance report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditot's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Association lncorporated to cease to continue as a going concern.

Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the perforrnance report, including the disclosures, and whether the perfonnance report represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, arnong other malters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal controlthat we identify during our audit.

{**- tfr"tr

Crowe Horwath New Zealand Audit Partnership CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS

Dated at Auckland this 26 day af Jvly ZAfi New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby Assoriation lnr Performance Beport For the year mded 31 December 2O16


ilsnf lnanciel lnformation:

Entity lnformation

Statement of Seryice Performance

Finrnclal lnfprmation:

Statement of Financial Performance 5

Steterncnt of Finanrial Pssition 6

St3tefilent ol Catfi Hows 7

Statement of Afiountlng Polici€ I

Noter to the Performance Report 9

Audat Report t6 HewZeahrd Whed*ah ftugty Assodadon lnc Ertityhfonration

'tlfiro arc uit-?"r'tfltff Ao *r rrtrt?' Fortlnyarr cndd 31 Drlunhr 2018

Ggldance S.itoll.3

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Lr-st*o*4 4-

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Pa&.:' '*Y *x,. "+1 ru htq New ZGaland wheelchalr nugbyAssoctatbn tnc Stetement of Seryice Performancr

'Wfiat dH we do?n, Whrn dld we do lt?n Forltr yerrcrdd 31DrnEmhr2015

Descriptlon of the Entity\ &ttcomes': To develop, racoun3c end pmmde the growth ol Wheckhrir Rrqby in Ncw 2eabnd by facilitating the partlcipatton of anlrone wEhing to ptay either ln a iodal or a clmpeuth,e eoYiroarneflt

To Fr@ide the opportur{ty for those wtro wish to compete on rn inter|rotional lerrel throuch the ilEw Zeelind wheelbla*s,

To darclop the wh€elchrtr Rugty *ilk of all menrbers.

ThE outsuts b€lo$ shou, the expendtorc from the Stat ment ol Financia, perlormance under eadt ompetifroo type .

Actual. Descrlptlm rnd &rantltcatlon {to thc ext€fit Fracticrbk) of thr Entltfri frrtputr:' Thls year

Ce oforgaahiry rnd hcilitadn3 oflocal Compethions 23,5m

Cost of lnternrtlonal Competlthr P.rtlcipation and pr€p.rathn 109.805

Page 4 New Zealand Wheeldrair Rugty Association lnc Statement of Fhancial Performance "l.lo{y rira$ it funded?" ard "What dH it cos For tlre year endcd 31 llecember 21116

Note Actual" This Year s lgppue i Donar{ons, fundraising and other simllar revenue 1 777,460 Fees, subsrrlptionsand otter rgrenue lrom mernbers" 1 6,435 prolidlng goads $9ve. 1pe from or rervices* I 6.,810 lrllqe$,.4ivide.n& and other Investsn€nt revenu* 1 5,828 Other revenue

Tot€l Revenue+ 196,533

Exper$as Expenses related to public fundraising i 2 55,525 Volunteer and employee related costs* 2 16,8.98 Costs refated to providing goods or servicel ' I 132,245 grymF.9{l {.dpl illglir madP 3 Qlhgr ${p9n!fE

?2{iffi * s"rpr*f io.-r.ti tcr the ir"r {2.8'235}


,r\J Page 5 't/t,.'?, *\*x' , i4z Tgpt! NewZealand Wheelchdr BugbyAmciatioR lnc Sutement of Fhanchl Posftirn

'Unrai the cnttty mnr?' rnd "llyhat the entity orvce?" Ai rt lll Oecmbcr2015

" Naull This Year s


Cl'tant AreEtr aanr ecootrtr arU ca# t 51 2.9 pgbtorl g qd. plqne.vqnerts' t .162 tm,F+nF+s 3 228!715

F-{I Fr"*rrtl: . . -2,11I Tdal€rrrcnt Asrets $1qa.q r,rm{11i911grsep. planl PtopertI. and egipment' l&3,8 fotrl Non.olr'srt Atrct3 138

Iqtil^stsr ,14161 uaglitier arr':r* uiUuurs Geditorr rnd accrued epa.nse' 3; .!,_0I_0 Tdal Curr.m Uabllldei i 4ro.B0

Tertllr$tt!r...... r.qtai G4r 1em r"er.u:Ptlp 1i*.lscts1. :,. AccuqrrilledFun+ . Rpi!?l gm!rih!c.4 S gr!v.!Ert.{.rri@r5: 5 {Sg'I1,.{4ltg.Cg.tpluser or {ffi d*f s fteserves* Total A€cumulated Frrdsr

For snd on behalf dths 80r.d ofTrusreE:

N\iy Nidutarl*wath(pred&ntrlaed:

gqred WJoncfier(*astq)

Prgr 5 f,lerv Zealand lldheddrair R6hy Assodafion Inc

' Statement of Cash Flomr nHo* tfie srthy has rccehrcd and uied castr" Forthe y€randed 31 Deceltlbcr 2016

A4qal* This Year $

caq f.hlry: f.g{t operrtlng Acdvlti.i+ f,ashwas ruceiead trsn: . Oonatlona lsndr*lqrrd other rlmlhr recelFtsr ,?q729 teer. flbrcrhllgq6 ?lld ojher rsf.ipti frorn r}Ernberf .9,11{ Receipts lrom provldilg $oodr g sryigq' g,qp ttttStstl, and * Sytd.aLt other inr,_eitment reEFIpq . l,P?!

N9tGsr. .. (1q,es2l

Crsh wa3 apf.ticd tg Payments to gupp[cc and emglq/€es* 233,r23

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C"*r lUwl 1r1v:ap1g 1nd F,hl3ncint A.tivldGrr Crsh une rgceiucd lrom:

!a{r.war 49Oed.t9: Prymefitr tE rurcharc fnwJtments. t22&795) . .-...... '.: Nct C..h Flo{q tpln lryergnS...nd fqgulng Arrtvh.lrs, 122*,IeJl

,..,'.. .,,,.',.,.,.,', ; rl* rry""-." r.i il orL' J 1oo*" " .t2_E_-6.,1P.71.: 9P,ahr,$llf .-..-llJ-r$li tllFlry9erff. - .&!:! l l IhIr *r reprcrentrd by: .....,'....j Bank Accosnts and Caahr sr"zzt :

s"s*o*% '*

PageT WrzEht$ tlewZnaland Whealdnir Rugby Associstion lnc Strtltri*nt of Accountlng Polhies "How dH uru do our accounting?" forlfie}!rrrndd 31 D!cimbir20:16

t rlrofirrapriilhn' Nr!', Z€rhrd Whletdlrr &rt!y Arro.lrti{l lor hes .le(tcd to .Ip8 PBI ffI-A {ttFPl Publtc glnrtr! Endty Srrlfle fomrrt nrport}E . Arcrual [ilo(- For.Prolit) ofi fhc bsrh thrt lt do!, nst haeE psiqr ar.ount bih'g.ild lE Qlelron$l E(pon56 d aqu, to o, Lr3 thsn tZ,oOO.{nD. All tfaa$atitnr In the Partoananca Rtpo[ rrR rtfoftsd uih8 tha rccrud bscr o, sac(n,ntlng. Ihe Per{odrunEE kport ls prctirsd undlr ths rr$rrFthfi thrl tha t,fl eontinrre to oplr$a ln the fioi.r*atlr lutura "rtfty Cos& Uld $nlB. Ta16$Il. ThrAcaodilion is r!3iBrrrsd for Gtf . AilrnEunttrEtaeirdcd crdurilGof G5f. ereFt 161 0rfrtd6 rnd Cndltsrrri{rkh are5Efcdinclurlvr ol6Sf.

lilcanrc Iil $Errr larLfi, Wbe!<ik Cy*by A*oc;lton kl. li rr,holly esrfiprfron t{r\,zedild hcomel3r hat tngl(*troGplied sitfi iS s$rltdy .o.dillonr for ilail$thni

tlnl&tourBrrdc.dl lr.* a(toottli sad afih h the Stetemlrl o, Cidl Fbr?3 tompr*a c.ri bahnclr rnd bont b*nt'r (trdu(|iac siort tcfln depositll {,ith orEin l m.hnl$r3of g0&Y3orbrd.

Sevclte nelErue le rBtogr*ted to ths srr€il {t't h ,r Frob.ttE dut th3 e.mwdr bcs*lt reil llow to rir llrtlq rnd rcft'n& c,rr bc ra! H? nEi$red . R?vent}a lilrEilr€d &t thc fair vrln d onsidcniies raiehred . fhe foBoilq spccitts ,e$Efiion crEcrh nxm bt ffiat t€fora rcvGnus ii mrarured.

Wtrtionr. lundraltirlf ard lri[t3 Dootilom , IundtrElrq ird lrsm hceme ls rGtogr*ed ar rercnoc vhpo flcch,ld .n[ sll $s{€hred oH8rtblrl ltluG b.s6 rhlt . trfir.fe Brnts h.t/t bata givril for. fprcift( Fgrpo$ ,6 nith @rditions rttrdlrd.incorr}c ir mt noani!.d rrnlfl r8recd upo$ sard {rg.nd candtixr* hrvr *under iccn stir$ld , Gfrfll! rctclued {or wl}tclr ttts riqukafirerirr htyr not bq.r mrd b troltrd B 'kroma in adnnte cuncnt llrbilfths.

Fctt from m.rDDrr}, Ra'Cnue frorn ScryE!3 tt{}raup 6 lEt 8$tsd n the a(rountng peaodr n rsucD th€ tQfvtcB3 lre E{oy,t :d .

&n *tmflts-Tsrn&pslrr T*rrn Depodts rdfcrr h&E a tefm d ileerar that tlr* ilo?rihs hn hl' th.n f?cfua montht ara traatad et *rr1 ta,m dlgorfr9 {hd$ qnrlnt rtget, .remr deFodtr r*h a tSrm q{ gllar€r dls} trrche ilqrthr re trg.tad er a non rur?tnl aiaat. clrfl[EinfsllnrirfHtier ' Ihrrc h.lE !.en no.htwi$ h *.ourtlnt pdklerdurhBilre frraruhlxrr(hrrwr- nl[

PrBc 8 ilsr'r Z6hrd UrhEeHralr Rqby Asso&tbr lnc Nou* to tha Fcrfonmrcc Report Fsthc year urdid 31DrEmt't2mf,

ilaL I !LJFtolSruGDn 'ltrB$r Itrailra llrln &ldyrlr. I oonldoili, fundrdrlFlaid rfuBllrr E6ilr; Pln I ltla 152.352 lncama lt,ll3 .Fr!ryqff .11.t775

' qc . 1#rreo.

Il$s.Y!.t Bunilr!.lta0 ,Fitqk t Fc*. sobsrdpdon* md ofrrrrwtnue flum .Monler E(drad frlrrl Mghbrrs 6'i|35 mgnbr:t

'Ibbl g,Jl3t

Ttis ltn lrramrc lbnr &dEL $ na/grtrt from ptEudln! gDodr al rsylEat forl'latrsrt Eorlfrei 6,810

ToC t.!ro

Ihi! Yr.r BrErt.lEil en*B $ lrlbrr! dlyld$& ard olhtrhEilrcil!D{rrs! lntdEt fu(dd 5,0r9

iou 3,818

a.s*onry -*

PuaP @rrot) f{ew ledand Wheelchalr f,ugby Assoclation tnc l-: Nohr b&r Periormncs Repsrt Ferticyura# 11OernbllA$

{l* 2: ArtHr of E0tnrl'

l.tir lbr &ptn'! lEm Arrlr*ii i' Ept'lrlr rd*rd B puUE nisdnlrln3 Su!rytFion r:0 _loldu Cfixrltrior t5,375

4rJ . lr,lri

thlr ?sr. 6Pett5e llam {n!h{ $ Voluntrcr8nd €rtrplolc€ dld cGt .Sdliu and $llp* 1C,t4 5{

!oC r6ief

?tir Y..r Bpan a ltrt r,C|tlr s CpsB nlaftd to pEridlnig@dr orlr\rira Toum$ldtco56 toed 13,500 9rr.nlcgtr 11.18.4 .Tosrnltr€tt Cdtrr OHlaeg eltlr AdmlnlffiUon and oscisd corb 18940



P{c10 Wrzrhq fi eu leahnd Whaahheir Rugby As$ocistion tnc t{Dt$ b ttre Farformance Rsport '. ".. Iorthepryrnded tlDct Qrbir2Pl3

l{ot t lAmffi orlrr.t ..dlhbfl&k5

Thklc, i lry!ttFfir .f .n"fr*t $ lrrrk accounB and rrdr Clrrquf rEro{r[b3bnlc 7,762 lrylrtElcqornrLl&uc 43.191

Tqbl 5!;?'l

Tt& Ye*r Attrt.luflr. +|'rEt'' t lleh.rr and pruprFn€nrs Accounta .Pc6hetL 162


l:hiqVt.' Ae3rtthnr T6*FF g lnv€rtm!aB ftlltrDaFriaCwra.rt 128,7$


Hofa; K-t -f €'sC\* "r

PaIG 11 ,rt 'l/r, -$. fu tiht} Neur Zealand Wheelchalr Rugby A$odathn lnr I{otri to the Ferfomtenta feport Forthcyercfidld at DGc.ilhcr23ri

.F.*.1 i,$rtrtCC gl as..E !q u*iltkr .ti+ll.\y$q jfP!r* ClEdltori.rd rEn €d €xpaBei Tnde srd other pryrbler q3ry .lldlr F?e 2,735 ..' .. i'TDtrl 4050

q:"#**n% '5.

Pa$ 12 3'trut} New Zealand Wheelchalr Bugh Ass*tlon lnr l{ot$ to the Perfonnance Eeport For.tha yenr endrd i}l DeGtmher20l6

llot I r}toprrq, llart and [qrilmc*


CtrrrcmYGr? opfiringclttyiu aorlnt ctftYltt! purch.rrr srlc/Diryoseh Deprcciation and Aftountr &tpainncntr Amourt' Aslet Clr$* Corltput€rr fincludi6g roftweref i .."...... 1,9..." 1&" ?ot l ; l.!!q: 1,,r8


PegElS '% rr-tS Naur Zcrhnd UUhealct* *qty lrrocietion lr Notes to th€ Prformance Report rsr$!yctr;&d lxiOraernhrf0fG

t{ortr * Ae{rfit HG.l A,rrab


cap&rlgr&*lrted Aromndrtcd !? oxmrn or tllr]la.r at P!!!ilp*c..'!: ofe$qiqlq. qrPjH lIliFP,rFl b? srnEE or mmb€ri ' FpffialqqlP{ !9 gf,rerlorilEntff ' .Surplqt(Delirl0' .g.Eg4pugn.s p4 to oro.ff o, m.lillc$' Tronrfu$ Ac*fircf .Tnmhr from Rrian rt ClorfiEtrhnc

H0,?h 'q/s' "f) U

Paaa 1{ Yo,u NewZeahrd Wheelcheh EugbyAsrodatbn lnr foiorto Ora Ferfomimce Scport Fqrtfir yH !hd!d 31 Ddolrhbd 2016

tlolc E : colrlmltnfirt Ed {ond,llErdat

Cofir*tncotr There* no (.nBtlt nra 6 n tsLnaEdec#tltEf. oil I

Contnfail Llr&lllt$ sd fr*rrllri Il.e r,r no conufiSfnt li*ilfiiG or tuladtEl - t bJmce dst (t*t !i$ - fill I fiatrttd ,}rtyTrdrrr(llon theG $d m nlatrd trrv trenlldom during [la ]€or (lat Veer . all I

*":S*o*%r\ "*

PrE3 15 'Yl. r\ ..1'l,4s --n\F \{n I t h'-,, SPONSORS & PARTNERS

FOUNDATION NORTH 'lb K{titittlzi Putea o Tamaki oTniTokerau

DG Spor

{vlAINLAND FouNoATroN r*mHmm,x Proad to Support Oar Conmunity

FourWinds . il iJ .. ir ,i .r i Lr l,

/6i* r,^us* sBLttF,I=? @ No,.*A&sou*t 'i* Funding Your Comnunity l TR!LtITlI Pub T]USt stP'ot Charity.- s.qaour, *r, courl0$d Limited


Thank you to all our supporters