limbing CHigh Students experience the outdoor life

Rock Solid BSU alumni curlers

Real Science Grad student researches effects of logging on wetlands  T H E l a k e , the l e a r n i n g , the Life...

M e s s a g e f r o M  t h e e d i t o r Olympic captured the nation’s attention in February, and Bemidji State University alumni were at center stage. Both the USA men’s and women’s teams call Bemidji home, and six of the ten curlers, including alternates, earned degrees from BSU. guided fellow alumni , Shawn Rojeski, and as well as lead John Schuster to the bronze medal, the first ever for a USA curling team in the Olympics. On the women’s side, skip Cassie Johnson and Jamie Johnson both graduated from Bemidji State. Together, the two squads were rock  solid for BSU, Bemidji, and the nation. Al Nohner (‘70, ‘93) Horizons Bemidji State University  Contents 2 Campus Notes 5 OPC Promotes Spirit of Adventure 8 Will Antel, a Transforming Career 10 Seniors to Watch 12 Research Studies Logging and Wetlands ife... 14 Center for Manufacturing and Applied Engineering

L Class Notes 16 20 BSU Foundation Annual Report

Vol. 21, No. 2, Spring 2006

Horizons is produced by the Communications Office, Alumni Association, and BSU Foundation at Bemidji State Uni- versity. It is published three times per year and distributed free to BSU alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of the University. Direct comments to [email protected] or 1-888-234-7794. Editor Al Nohner Alumni Director Marla Patrias Designer Kathy Berglund Photography Director John Swartz Contributing Photographers Jon Heller, Grant Gartland, Mark Morrissey Contributing Writers Carrie Cramer, Jody Grau, Cindy Serratore, Karen Tolkkinen, Andy Bartlett, Todd Feidler Editorial Assistance Scott Hondl, Peggy Nohner Production Assistance The Johnson Group Marketing, St. Cloud, Minnesota Editorial Board: Joann Fredrickson, Keith Marek, Al Nohner, Marla Patrias, Steve Heriot

PhotograPhs, clockwise starting at left: Pete Fenson directing the men’s team (AP photo); bronze medalists Fenson, Shawn Rojeski, Joe Polo, , and Scott Baird; Rojeski, Fenson and Polo in action; Jamie Johnson (AP photo); skip Cassie Johnson flanked by Jessica Schultz and Maureen Brunt; Fenson; Cassie (left) and Jamie Johnson. Photographs courtesy of USA Curling, Michael Burns, photographer, except those noted as AP photos. Horizons Bemidji State University  CampusCampus Notes Notes

One-Woman Play Dramatizes Alumni Night with the Twins First Computer Programmer Bemidji State University and other Min- Dr. Carol Richards (‘81/’90), professor of nesota state universities are sponsoring speech and member of the BSU Alumni a night with the Twins on Friday, June Association Board of Directors, wrote 23, 2006, when the Twins face the Chi- and presented a one-woman show on cago Cubs for one of the few interleague the world’s first computer programmer. games of the season. The planned events Augusta Ada Byron King, who was born include a pre-game party in the picnic in 1815, is credited with creating the first area on the Plaza, the Anthem code that could drive a primitive version sung by the BSU Alumni Choir, a first of a computer. The daughter of Roman- pitch contest between the schools, and tic poet Lord Byron, she wrote programs the game between the Twins and the that could enable a machine to create Cubs. The school selling the most tick- graphics and compose complex music. ets to the game will win the opportunity Her notes were published in 1842. Book Advocates to select a participant Philosophical Concept of to throw out the first King became acquainted with Charles Distinct Self pitch. The other par- Babbage, an English inventor known to ticipating schools will some as the father of computing for his Dr. David H. Lund’s lat- get to select someone “Analytical Engine,” an early version of est book, The Conscious Self: to stand on the field a computer. Although the machine was The Immaterial Center of Sub- during this time. Ticket never built, King grasped Babbage’s vi- jective States, seeks to prove information is available sion and wrote a code that could make the existence of a self, what at the Alumni website it function. She comprehended that the some would call a soul, that at machine could store programs and data is distinct from the physical or by calling 1-877- and recognized that its function was body. Lund, a professor of 278-2586 or 755-3989. limited to user input. Twenty-five years philosophy, said he avoided ago, the U.S. Department of Defense the term soul because of its named a programming language Ada religious connotations and Capital Bonding Projects because of her contributions. Richards because the idea of a soul Forwarded performed her show during the - might mean different things Bemidji State University has $2.7 million ing celebration of Women’s History to different people. The self in capital bonding projects as well as $4.1 Month at BSU. he refers to is the center of million in Higher Education Asset Pres- the conscious state. ervation and Renovation (HEAPR) funds In the book, which took four that will be forwarded to the Minnesota years to write, Lund contin- Legislature during the 2006 session that ues beyond his refutation of began March 1. The bonding request philosophers who contend includes $700,000 in planning and archi- the idea of a “self” is an ar- tectural funds for the construction of an tificial construct, or that the addition to Sattgast Hall, further renova- “self” is limited to the body tion of the facility, and the demolition of or some part of it, such as the Peters Aquatic Lab. This project will the brain. This book is an relocate the aquatic lab in Sattgast while argument that people have also adding space for the Nursing Depart- an essence that is not physi- ment. The second bonding request is in- cal. The book is written for cluded in the overall MnSCU land acqui- philosophers, cognitive sci- sition request. Bemidji State is seeking $2 entists and anyone else inter- million to purchase the old high school ested in exploring the mys- property from the BSU Foundation as teries of consciousness. well as to abate hazardous materials and demolish the buildings at the site.

Dr. Carol Richards

 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University  Campus Notes

Bernie Adlys, 1992-96 BSU Celebrates 50 Years of Hockey Mike Alexander, 1982-86 Vergilian Society Poet in Residence Dale Baldwin, 1976-80 Players or family representatives from 47 Omer Belisle, 1991-95 Dr. CarolAnn Russell Schlemper of the of the 50 individuals named as Legends Greg Biskup, 1984-88 English Department served as the Ver- Jude Boulianne, Sr., 1968-71 of BSU Hockey were present for a spe- Jude Boulianne, Jr., 1991-95 gilian Society’s poet-in-residence last cial February weekend celebrating the 50 Drey Bradley, 1981-84 summer at the Villa Vergiliana located years of Beaver men’s ice hockey at Be- Charlie Brown, 1968-71 at Cumae, . She and the poetry Terry Burns, 1966-69 midji State. The Beaver program survived Brian Carleton, 1976-80 workshop participants stayed as guests early obstacles to create one of the richest Blane Comstok, 1967-71 of the original owners of the villa, the traditions in the sport: 13 national cham- Brendan Cook, 2001-05 Sgariglia family. Cumae marks the pionships, 19 conference titles, three na- Scott Currie, 1975-79 spot where Greeks first colonized It- Barry Dillon, 1966-70 tional records, and the highest all-time Mark Eagles, 1972-76 aly and was the home of the Vergilian winning percentage among the 59 current Jamie Erb, 1989-93 Sibyl. Schlemper led the seminar and members of NCAA Division I hockey. Bruce Falk, 1967-71 held tutorials daily and one evening Paul Ferry, 1988-92 Eric Gager, 1981-85 gave a reading of her poetry in Eng- BSU Named Distinguished Affiliate Mike Gibbons, 1975-79 lish and Italian. The president of the Bryan Grand, 1967-70 Vergilian Society invited Schlemper The Washington Center for Internships Gary Gustason, 1989-93 to act as the villa’s Rod Heisler, 1975-79 and Academic Seminars named Bemi- poet-in-residence dji State University as a Distinguished Grady Hunt, 2000-04 Wendal Jellison, 1981-85 after hearing her Affiliate. Bemidji State was one of 30 Scott Johnson, 1987-91 presentation at the Brad “O.J.” Kennett, 1989-92 colleges and universities nationwide 2004 International selected for the honor from more than Mark Kristo, 1972-76 Denny Lemieux, 1968-72* Humanities Con- 1,000 in the United States and abroad Tim Lescarbeau, 1982-86 ference in Prato, It- that work with the Washington Center. Todd Lescarbeau, 1983-87 aly. Schlemper has Mark Liska, 1981-85 Bemidji State was cited as an institu- been a professor in tion doing the very best job of making Jim McElmury, 1967-71 Craig Matatall, 1992-96 the English Depart- available to their students the opportu- Bryce Methven, 2000-04 ment since 1988 and has published six nities the Center offers. The Washing- Chris Morque, 1990-94 books of poetry, most recently Gypsy ton Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit John Murphy, 1975-79* Andrew Murray, 2001-05 Taxi, as well as several chapbooks. She organization that extends offerings of Joel Otto, 1980-84 was elected to P.E.N. in New York City colleges and universities by providing Ian Resch, 1984-88 Dan Richards, 1985-89 in 1993, and was awarded the Distin- selected students of all majors intern- guished Alumni Award by St. Cloud ship-centered academic semester or Gary Ross, 1973-75 Gary Sargent, 1972-73 State University in 2000. summer terms in the nation’s capital. Chuck Scanlon, 1971-75 Jim Scanlan, 1978-82 Bill Schmitz, 1975-79 Tom Shinabarger, 1985-89 Jim Thompson, 1962-66* Jim Tyler, 1985-89 R.H.”Bob” Peters, coach * deceased

 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University  Campus Notes

Grant Supports Vision Social Work Consortium of Sports Camp Wins Award A $10,000 grant from the Garth Just weeks after Bemidji State sent its Brooks’ Teammates for Kids Founda- first student to a social work program tion will be used to enhance activi- in Mexico, a national accrediting body ties planned for the Northern Plains honored the collaboration between Visions of Sport Camp, a develop- the University and other higher edu- mental sports camp for children cation institutions that made the pro- and youth with visual impairment gram possible. The Council on Social or blindness held each summer at Work Educators presented the 2006 Bemidji State. The funding will be Global Commission Partners in Edu- used to purchase equipment, such Applications cation Award to the Bachelor of So- as tandem bicycles, judo mats and Available for cial Work Mexico Consortium that beep baseballs, as well as support Northwoods Writers includes Bemidji State and nine other additional activities like archery Conference higher education institutions. The during this summer’s camp. North- consortium created the Social Work Applications are now ern Plains Visions of Sport Camp in a Latin American Context by bring- being accepted for strives to provide its special-needs ing together 42 faculty members and the annual Minnesota campers with opportunities to par- associates from the member schools. Northwoods Writers ticipate in sports and athletic events Students spend a semester in Cuer- Conference held at Be- that they ordinarily don’t have ac- navaca, Mexico, a colonial city that is midji State University cess to in their physical education home to innovative grass-roots educa- June 18-23. The confer- programs. The 2006 camp will be tion programs, economic cooperatives ence offers workshops in held July 8-15. and communities inspired by libera- poetry, fiction, and cre- tion theology. ative nonfiction as well as a session for novice or aspiring authors. Faculty Talk on Business include: poetry, Paisley Ethics Keynotes Rekdal; fiction, Robin Student Conference Hemley; fiction, David Marjorie Kelly, the Jauss; creative nonfic- co-founder and editor tion, Judy Blunt; and of Business Ethics, will creative nonfiction, Tina keynote the 2006 Student Scholarship Parke-Sutherland. Sha- and Creative Achievement Conference ron Olds, the author of April 12. Kelly will present an 8:40 a.m. eight volumes of poetry, address on ethics and corporate social will serve as the Distin- responsibility. Kelly is the author of The guished Visiting Writer Divine Right of Capital, a book offering 50-Year Reunion is May 11 during the week. Ap- ideas on how to move toward a more plication materials and The Bemidji State class of 1956 will humane, democratic corporate design. complete guidelines are be gathering for a reunion May 11. Her work has appeared in many maga- available by contacting The classes of 1955 and 1957 are also zines and she is a frequent contributor the Minnesota North- invited to the event, which is held in to national and regional newspapers. woods Writers Con- conjunction with BSU Commence- For several years she wrote a weekly ference, Bemidji State ment. More information is available column on business ethics for the Min- University #4, 1500 by contacting the Alumni Association neapolis Star-Tribune. The student confer- Birchmont Drive NE, Be- (1-877-278-2586; 755-3989; alumni@ ence is now in its seventh year, and fea- midji, MN 56601-2699 tures presentations and poster sessions (web: www.bemidjistate. by students from a variety of disciplines edu/writersconference; throughout the day. phone: 218-755-2068).

 Bemidji State University Horizons Outdoor Program Center Lets Students Experience Life From the Outside In Spirit of Adventure

“We aim to introduce students to the outdoors and teach them skills so they’re self sufficient. We also serve as a good social setting – a healthy setting. It really enhances people’s ability to get to know others and themselves while becoming confident and adaptable.” Mark Morrissey

 Bemidji State University Horizons The Lake - A Commitment to the Natural World

“I feel like it’s this great big old ship that I get to steer for a while.” That’s how Mark Morrissey, Bemidji State University’s as- sistant director of campus rec- reation, views his role as the director of the Outdoor Pro- gram Center (OPC) on cam- pus. “This program is rooted in some great traditions here,” Morrissey says. “ Those traditions, started more here’s a really cool strand that travels through history. It’s than 30 years ago, have been a really nice tradition of friendship and relationships – things active examples of BSU’s com- T mitment to understanding, beginning from outdoor travel.” Mark Morrissey, OPC director respecting and enjoying the en- vironment. In fact, the original Outdoor ing, swimming, sledding, special programs and activities for school Program brochure cites its purpose as be- camping, ice fishing, skijor- groups, scouts, teams and organizations ing in response to students’ desires to be in- ing, and sailboarding filling like Upward Bound and the Visions of volved in the outdoor world around them. the program’s 2005-2006 Sport Camp for blind students. Today the OPC continues to respond calendar, the Center appears In addition to supplying enjoyable ac- to student interests, providing an array to be meeting its goal of pro- tivities and outings, Morrissey stresses the of services as an information and equip- viding students plenty of out- OPC’s goal to equip students with key ment resource, instructional provider, door opportunities. skills, positive social experiences, as well and trip leader. “There’s an interest in the That’s just a sampling of what as inner aptitude and insight. OPC trips, natural world here – in environmental happens through the OPC. in particular, seem to be naturally suited to issues, in doing outdoor exploration,” The OPC heads up a variety forming friendships and long-term bonds. Morrissey says. “We’re here as a service of weekend and academic- “We aim to introduce students to the to make that happen.” break trips that take partici- outdoors and teach them skills so they’re And it’s happening. With pontooning, pants everywhere from ven- self sufficient,” he says. “We also serve as sailing, rock climbing, kayaking, fly fish- turing through Minnesota’s a good social setting – a healthy setting. ing, biking, canoeing, trapping, bog backwoods to exploring It really enhances people’s ability to get walking, hiking, water skiing, downhill national and international to know others and themselves while be- skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoe- natural wonders. coming confident and adaptable. “We try to get people to ap- “Good things happen when you put preciate the setting here and people together and put them on the we try to get them to appre- road. You’re not watching TV or at the ciate traveling and seeing bar. That’s when you really get to know new places,” Morrissey says. people.” The OPC also provides spe- The relationships formed through OPC cial outings and programs at activities can last a lifetime. In fact, the Hobson Forest, 240 acres some of those originally involved in of pine forest (complete with the program met their spouses on trips, rustic log cabins, trails, and a Morrissey says. Others enjoy life-long small lake) donated to BSU The OPC teaches safe kayak techniques in the friendships and even check back in with and managed by the Center. BSU Pool (above), and leads trips to places like the program regularly. Thunder Bay, Ontario (top of page). Finally, it hosts a number of

 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University  Students can take an OPC class on learning how to make snowshoes.

Morrissey’s not just referring to fellow rates in the nation. During a students. OPC activities are open to the 12 month-period ending in public, allowing for cross-community July of 2005, the OPC served relationships to form. “There’s a really 4,226 participants, an accom- cool strand that travels through history,” plishment Morrissey credits Morrissey says. “It’s a really nice tradition to his staff. of friendship and relationships – things “This program is driven by stu- beginning from outdoor travel.” dent staff,” he explains. “I attri- Another positive aspect of BSU’s OPC bute all of the program’s qual- is its highly affordable nature. Funded ity to those students. They all by student activity fees, everything the add their skills and talents to OPC offers (rentals, clinics, trips, etc.) what’s being done here.” is an extremely good value. That’s one And what’s being done there of the traditions carried on from the pro- is being noticed. The 2005 gram’s beginnings when costs for an out- Making a Difference College and ing ranged from 50 cents to a few dollars. Graduate Guide (Sageworks “We try to provide opportunities for stu- Press) made special note of dents to try stuff really economically,” the OPC and recognized Morrissey explains. “We don’t want to be BSU as “an institution that destination – like its politics, history, lit- exclusive. Affordability is a way to wel- offers transformative student- erature, science, art and photography,” come all types of people.” oriented programming.” The Morrissey says as a way of expanding Even the most expensive outings on the guide is published for people opportunities for the future. It has par- OPC calendar -- the $450 weeklong “searching for or engaged in ticipated in similar programs in the past, trips, often cross-country -- are typically a deeper education and ap- and is helping coordinate a trek this full. The costs typically include trans- proach to life,” according summer to Iceland. portation, equipment, and food. The to the publisher’s Web site “We’re interested in providing really ac- program’s calendar is packed with highly – which is exactly what the tive learning. That’s the root of this stuff. popular and low-cost – if not free – fish- OPC provides as part of BSU. It fires the imagination; you learn things ing, rock climbing and kayak activities. As the OPC looks to the fu- you can’t by reading. The result is the The OPC wasn’t always flourishing. In its ture, it’s considering some best when you integrate all of those types early days, the program had no facility or new endeavors, like accredi- of learning.” equipment. “Its origins were quite mod- tation. An adventure consul- The OPC’s future will still include a focus est,” Morrissey says. Over the years, the tant will be on campus this on maintaining its current balance, one program saw a number of directors and summer to review the pro- anchored the integrity of safe program- found itself at a few different locations. gram and provide input the Center can use in achieving ming while fostering environmental re- It has now settled into a home in the national standards. spect and personal growth. lower Hobson Union that includes of- fices as well as equipment rental area. It “We’re also kicking around “Sometimes you just learn the lesson also manages a boathouse on Lake Be- more ideas for travel where from getting out of your house,” Mor- midji that is used to dispense camping, participants get to study and rissey says. biking, hiking, and water-related gear explore multiple aspects of a It’s one of the simple facts of life that during the summer. often gets lost in our new-millennium Today the OPC ranks as world. But fortunately, its value isn’t lost a program with one of on the OPC staff or participants. They the highest participation know what quality an effective outdoor program like BSU’s adds to life. As he Winter is another season for adds, “When you’re engaged with the enjoyment during a ski trip to natural world, you breathe easier.” Glacier National Park, MT.

 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University  The Life - A Promise to Transform the Future earn L a n d Live

“That’s something I’ve tried to emulate. Really caring about people. That was instilled in me from day one at Bemidji.” Will Antel

 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University  The Life - A Promise to Transform the Future The Life - A Promise to Transform the Future

Live Alumnus Reflects on Career Making Lives Better Through Education We Do Not Serve Indians As a teenager, Antel was a tion for his work. “It gave me a con- multi-talented athlete, re- fidence level, that’s for sure,” he says. “I can still see the sign,” says Will Antel, a cruited by several schools The university’s small size and caring during his nontraditional, if community made a great difference to 1959 Bemidji State University graduate, recalling an image from his childhood not turbulent, high school Antel as a young adult, and strongly af- on the White Earth Indian Reservation career that had him living fected the way he’s since lived, he says. in northern Minnesota. “That was what on his own in a room above “That’s something I’ve tried to emulate,” I grew up in.” a Mahnomen cafe and in the Antel says. “Really caring about people. high school itself to meet That was instilled in me from day one at For many, a childhood on the largest and district eligibility criteria. Bemidji.” historically poorest Indian reservation in Minnesota would serve as a defeat- After graduating, Antel Today Antel is finishing a six-year term ing start. But for Antel, a member of the ended up at the University on the Minnesota State Colleges and White Earth Band of Anishinabe Indians, of North Dakota on a bas- Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trust- his experiences became fodder for his ketball scholarship. “But I ees. “I’ve enjoyed it,” he says. “It’s also life’s work: improving people’s future as dropped out,” Antel says. “I been very challenging – frustrating at a an educator and Native American activ- didn’t apply myself.” time when costs are going up and the ist. “I had first-hand experience of what In winter 1955, Antel came burden is pushed to students.” people were going through,” Antel says. to Bemidji State Univer- Antel doesn’t plan to embark on another That insight proved extremely valuable. sity to play basketball, but term. “My age is up there and I’d like to Over the course of Antel’s 38-year ca- was forced to quit after his do other things,” he says. reer in education, working 20 years with mother’s tragic death, which One of those things involves working the Minnesota Department of Educa- left behind seven other chil- on an NIEA mentorship program. Antel tion and serving at both state and na- dren. Antel then spent his hopes to sign top professionals in vari- tional levels setting education policy for time at Bemidji State Uni- ous fields to mentor Native American American Indian education, he’s made versity attending classes and students. He’s also considering writing significant contributions. working a variety of jobs, an autobiography. “I’m not a person to but not fully embracing -- or sit around and do nothing,” he says. Antel, who served in advisory roles realizing-- his potential. for Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter and That’s evident. Antel’s social and political Bush, was recently honored with the “I wasn’t a great student until work; education career through faculty National Indian Education Association’s I got married and buckled positions at the University of Minne- (NIEA) Lifetime Achievement Award. down my last year,” he says. sota and Harvard; his academic achieve- “I proved to myself that I ments, including a master’s of science The organization’s founder in 1969, An- could do it.” Then, with a vi- tel helped give Native Americans a uni- degree from Minnesota State University, sion of his career as a teacher Mankato and a doctorate from the U of fied national voice – a voice needed to and coach, Antel set out to represent this largely ignored group. The M; and his founding of the now 3,000- excel. “I was always com- member NIEA speaks volumes about organization set out to create opportuni- petitive,” he says. “I wanted ties through education – an avenue that this person with a passion for people and to be the best teacher and improving lives. would support long-term change. coach.” “When you’re challenged you do a lot of But Antel wasn’t always so inspired by or Antel credits Bemidji State about education. In fact, it was athletics things you otherwise wouldn’t,” he says. University with providing “I was lucky.” that fueled him early on. him a supportive founda-

 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University  The Life - A Promise to TransformS the Future eniors to atch biker, Tim Brown took note of oth- W A ers he saw straddling motorcycles dur- ing his travels and stops along the side of the road. As a sociology student, uliya Horbach what he observed was intriguing. Brown added those widely different tional Student Organization activities, experiences to a dash of curiosity and last year serving as its communications stirred up an award-winning research Ydirector; helped launch the BSU Rota- project. His paper, “The ‘Deviant’ Biker ract Club, a new organization on cam- Subculture and the Black Hills Rally,” pus; and worked as a writer and news won him first place in the 2005 Soci- Caralyn Flack editor with the Northern Student since fall ologists of Minnesota Caroline Rose of 2004. Student Paper Competition. Educational scholarship and sponsor- “Tim was commended for the well devel- ship opportunities have taken Hor- oped project and for his ability to pro- “I believe that students should involve bach to the 2004 Democratic National vide a different viewpoint on a unique themselves in as many, events, orga- Convention in Boston, MA, and to subculture,” says Colleen Greer, associ- nizations, conferences, projects and participate in the Student Conference ate professor of sociology at BSU. “His volunteer activities as they can,” says on United States Affairs held at West senior thesis is an interesting qualita- international student Yuliya Horbach, Point Academy. tive study in which he examines recent perfectly summing up her own ener- “She is truly a world citizen and yet research on downward impersonation. getic approach to her college career a benefit to her local community and Tim’s research explores what involve- at Bemidji State University and life in campus,” says Louise Mengelkoch, as- ment in motorcycle subculture means general. sociate professor of journalism and for middle and upper class individuals “BSU offers students two things, a di- chair of the Mass Communication De- and addresses how the subculture has ploma and an opportunity to pursue partment at BSU. “Being from Ukraine, been altered by their involvement.” knowledge. It’s up to each student to she’s had to manage with no financial determine how far they want to go in assistance and, despite that, she will pursuing that knowledge.” be graduating in May with almost a Horbach, who was born and grew up in straight-A GPA at the age of 19. Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, seems to appreci- “She speaks several languages and has ate the significance of those opportuni- taken advantage of every single oppor- ties more than many students, having tunity for deepening and broadening traveled halfway around the world to her knowledge and experience in the pursue her educational goals. field of mass communication. She is With a double major in mass communi- mature beyond her years.” cation and marketing communication, After graduating, Horbach hopes to she will have achieved her degrees in work in the United States for a pe- three years when she graduates this riod or begin working on an advanced spring. She’s a high school graduate degree before returning to her home of both Ukrainian and American high country. schools, having completed her senior “My career will certainly be in commu- year in Blackduck as the recipient of nications. I want to work in a very dy- a U.S. State Department-sponsored namic environment that would match a scholarship for future leaders. fast-pace of life,” says Horbach. “I also In addition to carrying a concentrated want to do my best to utilize my inter- course load, Horbach has served on the national experience and knowledge of Student Senate; participated in Interna- several foreign languages.” im Brown 10 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 11 10 Bemidji State University Horizons T The Life - A Promise to TransformS the Future eniors to atch WBrown conducted his field research at the 2004 Black Hills Bike Rally in St- urgis, SD, where he interviewed rally participants. The subjects included Cristina Egnell met with the career professionals and others whose students one-on-one, talking Harleys, leather attire, and actions em- about personal fitness to boys ulated those of early bikers. and girls ranging from eight to “The growing popularity of the rebel 18. For some, the topic appears biker image is actually having a nega- irrelevant. For many others, it tive effect on the original, earlier bik- is as sensitive as the looks an er movement that made the image of overweight child receives while Sturgis what it is today,” says Brown. sipping a milk shake. “More importantly, I found that this Egnell, a physical education ristina Egnell research is only an example from one major, visited with students in particular group and could very well the Nevis school system as a follow-up “Being part of the first senior class to apply to other groups. Things are be- to fitness assessments administeredC by play all four years is really special for ing commercialized all over.” BSU physical education majors. She me, especially helping bring the pro- In addition to being a strong scholar, approached them as an equal about gram out of the tough years to become Brown was the BSU Geology Club their areas in need of improvement. a high-level team,” Egnell says. president in 2005, has been active in the “She was able to professionally, but in Off the field, Egnell was named an Aca- Sociology Club and has served as an un- a peer-to-peer manner, visit with them, demic All-American, the highest academ- dergraduate teaching associate. He’s also and they responded in a positive man- ic standard in college athletics. She twice worked with the Department of Natural ner,” says Dr. Muriel Gilman, chair of was an Academic All-NSIC conference Resources for three years as a wildland the Physical Education, Health and performer, and was a CoSIDA first-team firefighter locally and in the Boundary Sport Department. “She has a passion Academic All-District V selection. Waters as well as firefighting in Georgia for activity and achievement, and is a “During time that I had off, I ended with the Federal Emergency role model for children and adults.” up doing homework instead of watch- Management Agency. Egnell fit the volunteer work at Nevis ing TV,” she says. “On road trips it was “He’s a wonderful model of into an already hectic schedule. A Presi- hard to get school work done. But I just what it means to be an out- dential Scholarship recipient, she takes a had to keep my priorities straight. You standing student,” says Greer. full load of classes, serves on a variety of can’t go out every night, you can’t relax Brown said he grew up in the committees - including one advising the too much, and sometimes you just had Twin Cities and describes dean of the College of Professional Stud- to work through it to get the home- himself as a hard worker, good ies, is an officer in the PEHS club, and work done.” friend and a good cook. volunteers time around the community. Between playing and studying, she also His time at BSU has made him And she also excels on both the soccer experienced life on the other side of the increasingly aware of larger field and the classroom. whistle. She was a coach at the Min- issues and his future plans in- She is a three-time captain of the women’s nesota Thunder pro team’s camps for clude graduate school and a soccer team, starting every game (181 three years and a coach for the Kick- career that “involves working total) over her four-year career. During ers Soccer Club in her hometown of with intelligent people and her tenure on defense, the BSU program Brooklyn Center, also for three years. making a difference.” grew from one that counted their wins on Soccer has been a lifetime passion for one hand to last fall’s 12-4-7 record when Egnell, having kicked her first sphere the Beavers were listed as the 12th most at the age of five. Now she hopes to improved team in NCAA D-II ranks. In channel that passion for working with each of her years, the team set a new re- youngsters and the sport into a lifelong cord for the fewest goals allowed. career as a teacher and coach. im Brown 10 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 11 T Horizons Bemidji State University 11 The Learning - Focused on Student-Centered Experiences Seeing the orest F for the Trees F or Bemidji State University gradu- ate student Shane Bowe, research is a fancy word for recreation. “I love having a job that pays me to stomp around in the woods and drive a four-wheeler,” Bowe says. But Bowe’s work is anything but frivo- lous. A second-year biology grad stu- dent who also obtained his bachelor’s degree at BSU, Bowe is studying for- est wetlands, with a special focus on logging effects. The project is a collaborative endeav- or between BSU and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), funded by the DNR’s Wetland Wildlife Re- search Group. His work is particular- ly significant due to its unchartered territory. “This research is important because the wetlands we’re looking at are un- studied,” Bowe explains. “They’re very small and temporary wetlands; they’re not on the national index. They don’t count on paper.” But they certainly do count in real life. Wetlands are complex ecosystems that perform a variety of functions vi- tal to society’s existence. They serve as regulatory, protection, and natural- resource-improvement providers, as well as habitats for wildlife and pro- ducers of plant and animal products.

“I had an opportunity here to do a real research project – funded and likely published. It’s not a seat-of-the-pants project. I’m working with professionals and seeing it from

both sides: the DNR’s and BSU’s.” Shane Bowe

Shane Bowe (at microscope) 12 Bemidji State University Horizons and Dr. Richard Koch in the lab. Horizons Bemidji State University 13 The Learning - Focused on Student-Centered Experiences

G r a d s T u d e n t E x p lo r e s F o r e s t W et l a n d s, s T u d i e s Lo g g i n g E f f e c t s

“This research benefits everybody Wetlands ecology is becoming more because wetlands benefit everybody,” widely recognized as critical to main- Bowe says. taining safe environments for future The findings will be particularly use- generations. ful, in terms of recommendations and “I got to see what biologists do on a application, to those in the logging daily basis,” Bowe explains. “It was industry concerned with conservation really good for me. Then the biggest practices. thing was my internship. It was the And on a smaller scale, this research real thing – real science.” also benefits Bowe, as he gains practi- Doing something “real” makes educa- cal and in-depth skills and knowledge tion much more meaningful, Bowe that will likely secure him a position says, and it’s one of the reasons he’s in his career of choice. “I’d like to be pursuing his graduate work at BSU. “I a research biologist, working for the had an opportunity here to do a real USDA or someone who deals with research project – funded and likely conservation issues,” he says. published,” he says. “It’s not a seat-of- Bowe, who’s been on the project since the-pants project. I’m working with 2002, recently completed two years Shane Bowe professionals and seeing it from both sides: the DNR’s and BSU’s.” of field research and is currently per- ed by trees – or lack thereof. “Canopy forming data analysis. With 24 sites closure is a major factor in variance,” Bowe also feels fortunate to have the located in the Paul Bunyan and Buena he says. But there’s much more to find. bounty of Minnesota’s nature at hand, Vista state forests, Bowe has his hands “We’re in the process,” Bowe explains. as well. “Having forests available is full assessing differences in the areas’ “There’s a lot to analyze.” huge,” he says. “I’m not sure you’d get plant and animal life communities. that in other areas.” Bowe, who grew up in Bemidji, always “It gets really messy,” he says. “We’ve had an interest in wetlands, but says his In addition to a real-world project and broken it down into four different experience at BSU transformed his in- Minnesota forests, Bowe feels bol- age structures. Then we’re looking terest into an expertise. “I always liked stered by the qualities of BSU’s staff. at what’s different by taking samples bugs and frogs,” Bowe says. “But when “As a graduate student, I especially en- of bugs and vegetation – seeing how I took the classes at BSU, I learned how joy working with the faculty,” he says. they are affected when trees are cut important these things are.” “There are so many interesting people and how the effects impact the sys- to talk to. Then there’s Dr. Koch. It’s Bowe’s involvement with the aquatic tems long term.” nice to have a wetlands specialist right biology program and mentoring from here.” Bowe is applying multi-varied analysis Dr. Richard Koch, associate professor to his field data, using a percent-vari- of biology, allowed him to explore Overall, his experience at BSU has giv- ance model. With some 50 species to science beyond books. en him the knowledge and confidence cross-analyze, there’s a lot to look at, to achieve his career vision, Bowe says. Koch also holds the George W. Neil- Bowe says. “BSU has supplied me with everything son Endowed Chair in Wetlands Ecol- I’ve learned in the last six years. I know So far, Bowe has seen major effects ogy, a position established in 2001 what I’m talking about.” based on the amount of shade provid- to expand the University’s empha- sis in environmental programming.

12 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 13 NORTHERN MINNESOTA’S Applied engineering, Manufacturing consortium develops state’s, students’ edge

N orthern Minnesota is known for many things, some obvious: water (we are “the Land of 10,000 Lakes”); kindness (Minnesota nice, northern style); and cold (our temps occasionally make national news). And one could add fry bread, walleye and lutefisk. But 3D holography? An odd-sounding addi- tion, but it could join the 3D holography brings images to life in BSU’s Center for Advanced and Emerging Technology. Dr. Elaine Hoffman (left) list along with a number and Bonnie Higgins, both faculty members at BSU, show how 3D holography works. of other high-tech pursuits being explored at Bemidji “What we’re doing is making sure the educational opportunities in State University due to the recent launch of the Minne- manufacturing and engineering can lead people to jobs that will sustainElaine themHoffman sota Consortium for Manu- in a high quality of life in Minnesota – or anywhere.” facturing and Applied Engi- neering at BSU. The Consortium is part of a state- “Minnesota and the northern part of effective manufacturing and engineer- funded effort establishing Centers of the state are not as isolated as people ing programs by operating from BSU’s Excellence to develop Minnesota’s la- think – or as it used to be,” says Dr. Center for Advanced and Emerging bor resources and establish the state Elaine Hoffman, former chair of the Technologies. as a leader in three critical industry ar- BSU Technological Studies Depart- Furthermore, the group will develop eas: health care, information security ment who is serving as interim director relationships with K-12 schools and and engineering. of the Consortium. “We are a player in businesses in an effort to provide multi- the global marketplace.” The Minnesota State Colleges and level learning experiences. Universities (MnSCU) board of trust- For Bemidji State, partnerships will For students and industry, Hoffman ees designated four initial Centers, result in collaborative efforts with feels the result will be a win-win situ- each led by a state university with two- seven MnSCU institutions: Central ation. year colleges and partners. In addition Lakes College, Northwest Technical to the BSU Consortium, other centers College, Northland Community and “There is a tremendous demand for en- were located in health care at Winona Technical College, Saint Paul College, gineers in the United States,” Hoffman State University, information security St. Cloud Technical College, Minne- says. “We want to meet that need for in- at Metropolitan State University, and apolis Community and Technical Col- dustry, and meet the educational needs engineering and manufacturing at Min- lege, and Pine Technical College. for people who want to enter technical nesota State University, Mankato. fields of engineering and those related By utilizing strengths of each partner, to engineering. the Consortium can better develop

14 Bemidji State University Horizons NORTHERN MINNESOTA’S Applied engineering, Manufacturing consortium develops state’s, students’ edge

“Our purpose is to offer people train- to traditional practices. It showed par- “Students benefiting from high level ing options for high-tech, well-paying ticipants who learned via holography technology will have a lot to offer the jobs in Minnesota. We will be con- retained 213 percent more than their industries of the Ingenuity Frontier,” necting learners with stepping stones pencil-and-paper peers. says Hoffman. “That should equate to to high technology at all levels of “The results were staggering,” Hoff- better-paying jobs for our graduates, manufacturing and engineering, from man says about the kind of progres- and for graduates in all of our partner- elementary school all the way through sive approach the Consortium will ing institutions. Many students and post-secondary.” promote. “We’re applying brain-based their families have hopes and dreams Hoffman, who also has a background learning methods, so we’re not just … and they’re banking on this educa- in business and industry, is in charge updating equipment; we’re updating tion system working. This will help of coordinating the eight-school ef- our methods of teaching technology those dreams become realities.” fort, ensuring that programs aren’t du- through the use of high technology.” While those dreams are building, Hoff- plicated, utilizing funding to increase The Consortium is also interested in man and the Consortium’s 12-member technology offerings, and building a who students are – or could be. Work- advisory board are working to imple- network with industry. ing with regional school districts and ment the programs that will make the In order to do that, students need ac- a national initiative titled Project system effective. cess to cutting-edge equipment, Hoff- Lead the Way (PLTW), the group “Our biggest challenge is to get this up man says. By providing hands-on ex- will reach down into the elementary and off the ground as quickly as possi- periences with the latest technology, and middle school levels to introduce ble,” Hoffman admits. “We are tackling students will be most marketable and technology and engineering concepts the management issues of doing some- industry will be best supplied. to young students. PLTW provides a thing that’s never been done before. Enter capabilities in 3D holography, way to learn math, science and tech- What we’re doing is changing the way which was recently installed in the nology through practical application. teaching will work for students.” Center for Advanced and Emerging The PLTW effort is one of the cor- Which adds another characteristic Technology that is part of Bridgeman nerstones for the Ingenuity Frontier, northern Minnesota, and Bemidji State Hall. Bemidji State is one of two uni- an effort to inform people of the engi- University, is known for – innovation versities in the United States with this neering infrastructure already in place in education. technology. across northwest Minnesota But the Consortium is not only focused as well as the opportunities on equipment. It’s also applying its for growth and new direc- academic approach. “We’re not just in- tions. Enhanced and inte- terested in updating equipment,” Hoff- grated educational models, man says. “It goes far beyond that. It from grade school through has a lot to do with how people learn.” two-year and four-year de- grees, play a major role in For example, the 3D holography helping the Ingenuity Fron- evolving at BSU was the focus of a pi- tier attain its goals. lot study assessing Boeing Company engineers’ retention of knowledge learned through holography compared Images viewed through 3D glasses appear to come out of the screen and sometimes feel a bit too close for comfort.

Horizons Bemidji State University 15 ClassClass NotesNotes If you want your information  2005 Emily Storrar is a math teacher at Bra- included in Horizons, contact the 2001 Genny Lowry was recently promoted to ham Area Schools ... Andy Lundbohm was hired Alumni Association Office  general manager of the Palace Casino & Hotel in this fall by Roseau High School where he is (email: [email protected];  Cass Lake. She has 11 years of experience work- teaching basic geometry, algebra and trigonom- toll free: 1-877-BSU-ALUM). ing within Leech Lake tribal gaming operations etry/pre-calculus. He and his wife, Sara, have a ... Beth Fischer was hired this fall as a preschool three-year-old son, Colton ... Mia Hannan was Please NOTE: teacher at Holy Trinity Catholic School in Pierz trained and deployed to Louisiana by the Lyon ... Sara (Ellenson) Carpenter is the new vocal Towns are located in Minnesota & Lincoln County Chapter of the American Red music instructor at Wabasso Public School ... Cross following Hurricane Katrina. She was sent unless otherwise noted. Ryan Stanley is employed as an industrial tech to fill a call for shelter workers ... Maija Harju teacher at Chosen Valley Schools in Chatfield. joined the Permanent Family Resource Center, His wife, Jessica (White) (‘01), is a science teach- Barnesville, in August as an adoption technician ware programming, have one child er at LeRoy-Ostrander High School ... Amy Buss ... Luke Zika was hired this fall as a second grade ... Amanda Baumgart and Mark and Tony Wittmann (‘01) were married August teacher at Ada-Borup Schools ... Matt Hosmer is Bensen were married October 15 13 in West St. Paul. She is employed with the St. teaching 8-12 grade social studies at Fulda High in Perham. She is a social worker Paul School District and he is employed by the School and also serves as the assistant varsity at Evergreen House Inc., Bemidji. Mendota Heights School District. They live in football coach. ... Nathan Johnson is the new in- Mark recently returned from a tour Inver Grove Heights ... Erich Knapp and Robin dustrial arts teacher at Greenbush-Middle River of duty in Afghanistan and is at- Allebach (‘83) were married October 18 in Me- High School. He has previous teaching experi- tending BSU ... Lori Westermann nahga. Erich is an international organ recitalist ence as a substitute in Badger ... Sally Ohman is and Ryan Hemingson (‘04) were and serves as organist and artist-in-residence at a first-year kindergarten teacher at Park Rapids married October 15 in Chaska. St. John’s Lutheran Church in Park Rapids. Robin ... Michael Seppamaki and Leslie Peterson were She is employed as an administra- is an international opera singer. The couple shares married September 30 in Eagan. He’s employed tive support specialist at Fair Isaac a Victorian cottage in Menahga ... Brandi Bruns in sales and customer service at Aerospace Weld- Corporation and he is a construc- and Michael Donaghue (‘99) were married Au- ing Inc. and she’s employed as a field engineer tion coordinator at Lundgren gust 19 in Annandale. She’s employed by Affinity at M.A. Mortenson Company in Minneapolis ... Brothers Construction ... Alisha Plus Credit Union and he is an industrial tech- Michael Beierman and Sarah Haman were mar- Santi and Nicholas Zika (‘04) nology teacher and head hockey coach at Fergus ried October 15 in Bluffton ... Danielle Boos and were married June 18 in Bemidji. Falls High School. They live in Fergus Falls. Ben Miller were married June 18 in Brainerd. Ben She is employed at the UPS Store is employed at DKY Advertising Firm and the and he is employed by Bemidji 2000 Susana Bordon was recently named couple lives in Minneapolis. Public Schools ... Markus Okeson director of Apple Tree Learning Center in Vir- is in his second year of employ- ginia, which provides childcare services to more 2004 Shannon Murray, a Bemidji area musi- ment with the Ellsworth School than 100 area families ... Aaron Cook and Sheryl cian, recently performed a six-week concert tour District, is a sixth-grade teacher Smith were married September 23 at Grand Su- of the Western United States. She’s also released and was selected this fall as the perior Lodge in Two Harbors. Both are employed a CD, “Hallelujah! I’m a Bum.” ... Mark Frank was head boys’ basketball coach ... Ja- as Aitkin County deputies and they live in Mc- hired this fall to teach third grade in Milaca Pub- cob Hoosline and Kimberly Honl Gregor ... Kevin Neal is head football coach at lic Schools ... Andrea Hoyum was hired this fall (‘04) were married in October. Laporte. ... Amy Klicker and Christopher Wiech- by Pipestone Area Schools to teach English and mann (‘97) were married in Oahu, HI. The couple serve as yearbook advisor ... Kimberly Honl and 2002 Jerry Dagel was recently lives in Woodbury with their two sons. Amy is Jacob Hoosline (‘03) were married October 29 ... injured by a grenade blast while finishing her master’s in epidemiology at the Uni- Ann Severson and Jeffrey St. Martin (‘04) were serving in the Middle East and is versity of Minnesota and Christopher is an ac- married July 16 in Forest Lake. She is employed expected to recover fully. He’d tive duty master sergeant with the Minnesota Air with the White Bear School District and he is em- joined the Army Rangers follow- National Guard ... Edward Hanson and his wife, ployed with the City of Woodbury. The couple ing graduation ... Mike Statz was Kristin (Lyle) (‘93) live in Thief River Falls with lives in Wyoming ... Jessica (Ward) Marianiello hired this fall to teach in the Aitkin their children, Brett, 16, Austen, 9, and Peyton, 4. was a featured artist at the Bemidji Community School District ... Eric Barnum, Ed is director of marketing at Shooting Star Ca- Arts Center this winter, exhibiting her work en- director of the Maverick Men’s En- sino, Mahnomen, and Kristin works as a public titled “Open Spaces” ... Nicholas Zika and Ali- semble at Mankato State Univer- defender in Thief River Falls ... Tabitha Carrigan sha Santi (‘03) were married in Bemidji. She is sity, was chosen as one of 15 Bush was hired recently as a police officer with the Be- employed at the UPS Store and he is employed Artist Fellows and will receive midji Police Department. ... Melinda Petrowske by Bemidji Public Schools ... Ryan Heming- $44,000 for the honor. He also of St. Louis Park is employed at US Bank, Minne- son and Lori Westermann (‘03) and were mar- won an artist fellowship stipend of apolis, as a private banking relationship manager. ried October 15 in Chaska. She is employed as $25,000 from the McKnight Foun- She recently completed her masters of business an administrative support specialist at Fair Isaac dation for his choral compositions. administration degree with an emphasis in fi- Corporation and he is a construction coordina- He is also the composer in resi- nance at the University of St. Thomas. tor at Lundgren Brothers Construction ... Ashley dence for Kantorei, a choral per- White and Adam Wood were married December formance group in Denver, CO, 1999 Greg Foster and Corrie Little were mar- 6 in Whitehouse, Jamaica. and was composer in residence for ried July 20 at Giant’s Ridge in Biwabik. He is an the Rose Ensemble in Minneapolis industrial technology teacher and she is an oc- 2003 Alissa Pesta served as co-editor of a new for the 2004-2005 season ... Travis cupational therapist assistant. Both work for St. collection of essays telling the stories of BSU Guida and his wife, Sarah, of Be- Louis County Schools and live in Virginia with students and faculty members who have trav- midji are the adoptive parents of their son, Eli ... Nicolas LaBelle and Sarah Ble- eled near and far with the University travel/study three elementary school-aged chil- gen were married July 16 in Minneapolis. He’s programs. The book is entitled “The Journey that dren, Kristina, Jasmine and James. employed with 3M and she works at Lakeville Matters.” ...Kory Kosek married Tammy Uecker Travis teaches children with emo- North High School. The couple lives in Inver on October 22 at Brownton. He is employed at tional and behavioral disorders in Grove Heights ... Brian Michaelson and his wife, Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District Bemidji and Sarah is employed in Jennifer (Pehling) (‘98), live north of Grey Eagle as the county water plan coordinator in Alex- Cass Lake in a similar type of teach- with their two children, Rilee and Nick. He is andria. Tammy is a speech-language pathologist ing position ... Michael Mercil and teaching physical science and biology at MAHS at SPOT Rehabilitation in St. Cloud ... Hannah Stephanie (Anderson) Mercil (‘02) this year and serving as a junior high football as- (Smith) Lefstad is the new director of Faith in live in Park Rapids where Michael sistant coach. Jennifer teaches second grade in Action of Wright County. She and her husband, is employed as a city police offi- Swanville ... Michael Paslawski of Maplewood Chris, who works in the field of healthcare soft- cer. Stephanie teaches elementary co-authored with Roy Booth (‘89) the 10-minute school in Park Rapids.

16 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 17 Class Notes

In Memoriam play, “Grandpa Jim is Dead” to be published later 1993 Chris Mills, superintendent of Stephen/ this year by Heuer Publishing, LLC of Cedar V. Arlene Bervig ’91 Argyle Central School District, was named 2004- Rapids ... Rob Yearling lives in Downers Grove, Park Rapids, MN 05 Administrator of the Year for District 32. He IL, and owns a business called Creative Design lives in Stephen with his wife, Angie, and three Modeling, Inc. ... Michael Donaghue and Brandi Paul Boswell ’81 children, Davis, Peyton and Isaac ... Kristin (Lyle) Grand Forks, ND Bruns (‘01) were married in Annandale. She’s em- and her husband, Edward Hanson (‘00) live in ployed by Affinity Plus Credit Union and he is an Nancy K. Dee ’91 Thief River Falls with their children, Brett, 16, industrial technology teacher and head hockey Naples, FL/Waterville, Ireland Austen, 9, and Peyton, 4. Ed is director of mar- coach at Fergus Falls High School. They live in keting at Shooting Star Casino, Mahnomen, and Fergus Falls. Eldridge Erickson ’39 San Diego, CA Kristin works as a public defender in Thief River Falls ... Marty Baird and his wife, Tracy (Kininger) 1998 Dan Johnson was hired this fall to teach Clarence A. Gilstad ’59 (‘95) live in Sparta, WI, and have three children, second grade at Verndale High School. He and Blackduck, MN Xavier, 8, Quaden, 5, and Scotlyn, 1. Marty is di- his wife, Rachel, have a son, Josh, 2, and were an- Arthur Hedlund, Jr. ’71 rector of finance for Mathew’s Inc., a hunting bow ticipating the birth of another child in December Bemidji, MN manufacturer ... Pamela May is a board member of ... Todd Hanson is the geographic information the Red Lake Homeless Shelter. systems lab manager for Iowa State University’s John Arthur Helley, Sr. ’79 Department of Natural Resources and Ecology Grand Forks, ND 1992 Greg Bernard, an English teacher at Be- Management in Ames, IA. He lives in Nevada, Norma Hildebrand ’69 midji High School, recently published his first IA, with his wife, Stana, and son, Jonathan ... Jen- Peioria, AZ novel entitled “Alpha Summer” ... Candice Nordli nifer (Pehling) and her husband, Brian Michael- and Chris Johnson, both of Duluth, were married son (‘99), live north of Grey Eagle with their two Cheryl Lynn Kast ’71 August 26 at Leif Erickson Park in Duluth. She is children, Rilee and Nick. He is teaching physical Bemidji, MN employed by North Shore Community School, science and biology at MAHS this year and serv- Ronald Kelley ’70 Duluth, as a first grade teacher. He is employed ing as a junior high football assistant coach. Jen- Bemidji, MN by Stout Mechanical as a project engineer ... Tim nifer teaches second grade in Swanville ... Scott Lundeen was installed November 13 as pastor of Jaeger and Rachael Schneider were married Oc- Alvin Joseph Koroshec ’62 the Grace Lutheran Church in Erskine. He and tober 15 in Bowman, ND. He is employed as the Aurora, MN his wife, Candyce, have two grown children and controller for Farmers Union Oil Company in Richard (Dick) E. Mesna ’54 a granddaughter. Stanley, ND, and she is a special education and Eden Valley, MN elementary education teacher for the Powers 1991 Lee Westrum was an unopposed incum- Lake Public Schools in Powers Lake, ND. William Rasmussen ‘69 bent in the Benson City Council elections this Sauk Rapids, MN fall. He is principal of Benson High School. He 1997 Blue Olson is assistant football coach at Gwen Adelaide Reinhart Lund ’67 was elected to the council in 2001 after first hav- Laporte High School this year ... Jennifer Bluth Warroad, MN ing been appointed to serve two years of a va- was hired this fall as a mathematics instructor cated city council position ... Donna (Dummler) on the Coon Rapids campus of Anoka-Ramsey Leonard M. Smith ’80 Dahl and Jeff Dahl (‘86) live in Chanhassen with Community College ... Christopher Wiechmann Detroit Lakes, MN their children, Blake, 9, Lauren, 6, and Bethany, and Amy Klicker (‘00) were married in Oahu, HI. Marilyn Stephenson ’63 6. Donna works as a school social worker in the The couple lives in Woodbury with their two Baxter, MN Minnetonka School District and Jeff teaches vo- sons. Amy is finishing her master’s in epidemi- cal music at Wayzata High School ... Dan Mc- ology at the University of Minnesota School of Roxanne Struthers ’89 Nulty is assistant principal at Lakeville North Public Health and Christopher is an active duty Coon Rapids, MN High School in Lakeville where he and his wife, master sergeant with the Minnesota Air National Earl William Synnes ’56 Deborah, live with their children, Bailey, 7, and Guard ... Darrin Davis has joined Peoples Bank Bemidji, MN Taylor, 5. Deborah is the manager of the Apple as vice president and commercial banking offi- Valley Wal-Mart. cer. He’s married and his wife’s name is Carrie ... Joyce C. Tollefson ’60 Bemidji, MN Rob Strand is a wrestling coach at Bemidji High 1990 Louise Mengelkoch served as co-editor School ... Mary Miklavcich was hired this fall Paul A Welter ’55 of a new collection of essays telling the stories to join the teaching team at Long Prairie-Grey Minneapolis, MN of BSU students and faculty members who have Eagle Schools. traveled near and far with the University travel/ Gertrude R. Zeller ’66 study programs. The book is entitled “The Jour- Blackduck, MN 1996 Wanda Hoyum is executive director of ney that Matters” ... David Downing is the new the Beltrami County Historical Society ... Tracy executive director of Kinship Partners, Brainerd. Jones and his wife, Fawn, were married October He and his wife, Karen, live in Baxter with their 7 in Brainerd. He is employed by Lake Country Mathew’s Inc., a hunting bow manu- three school-age children, Jackie, Johanna and Foods and also owns Jones Taxidermy of Emily. facturer ... JoAnn (Bjerke) Hovet Benjamin ... Greg Brickell and his wife, Connie She is a day-care provider. The couple lives in recently showed her art works in an (Solberg) (‘87) live in Conyers, GA, with their Emily ... Angela (Henke) Peck was recognized exhibit at the Bemidji Community children, Haley, 10, and Heath, 7. Greg has with a listing in the “Ninth Edition of Who’s Arts Center ... Joe Silko is the new been a middle school teacher in Newton County Who Among America’s Teachers.” She and her superintendent of School District Schools for the past 16 years and Connie has husband, Kevin, live in Puposky ... John Mathew 318, Grand Rapids. He and his wife, been an elementary teacher in Oxford, GA. and his wife, Maria, live in Houston, TX, where Teresa, have four children between he’s been employed with Merchants Metals for the ages of six and 18. 1989 Vivienne Morgan was a featured artist at eight years. the Bemidji Community Arts Center this winter, 1994 Krisann Berglund is teach- exhibiting her series entitled “The Land Between” 1995 Patrick Carriere, a BSU professor who ing science, chemistry and physics featuring digital and Holga photographs printed studied with the Royal Shakespeare Company classes at Tri-County Schools in on mixed media ... Roy Booth and his wife, Cyn- last summer in England, directed the University’s Karlstad this year ... Annette Ther- thia, of Hibbing recently had their play “Two production of “Macbeth.” He was hired this fall oux was awarded the Polaris Award Wives and a Dead Guy” produced in Dhaka, Ban- as an assistant theater professor ... Cary Parks for Mid-career GIS professionals at gladesh. Samuel French will be publishing Roy’s lives in Coon Rapids ... Tracy (Kininger) and her the annual conference of the Min- “Beanie and the Bamboozling Horror Machine” husband, Marty Baird (‘93) live in Sparta, WI, nesota Geographic Information Sys- and “Beanie and the Bamboozling Adventure and have three children, Xavier, 8, Quaden, 5, tems Consortium. Machine.” A short story by Roy entitled “The and Scotlyn, 1. Marty is director of finance for Origin of the Bat” was included in “The Talking

16 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 17 Class Notes

Stick, Volume Fourteen” which was recently re- 1984 Shirley (Kotta) Horien Smith raised three children who are now adults leased by the Jackpine Writers’ Bloc, and his 10- and her husband, Marc, live in ... Patricia (Herman) Johnson and her husband, minute play, “Grandpa Jim is Dead,” co-written Thief River Falls and have three Jeff, live in Ramsey and have two sons, Bill and with Michael Paslawski (‘99) of Maplewood, will children between the ages of 11 James ... Mary (Silewski) Reid lives in Pensacola be published later this year by Heuer Publishing, and 19 ... Mary (Mielimonka) Hu- Beach, FL, and is employed as a nursing home LLC of Cedar Rapids. “Shita Kiri Suzume,” Roy’s ber and her husband, Terry, live in administrator. She and her husband, Larry Petty, children’s play based on a Japanese folktale, will Dupont, WA, with their daughter, have three children, Sonny, 27, Ron, 25, and also be published by Heuer Publishing early this Audrey, 8. Erika, 15 ... Dawn (Hoppie) Wolter is the music year. The Booths own and manage Roy’s Comics coordinator at First Lutheran Church in Glen- & Games of Hibbing and Grand Rapids and have 1983 Charlie Powell and Deb- coe. She and her husband, Bob, live in Glencoe two sons, Riordan and Rex ... Todd Turner, and bee Julin were married October and have two children, John, 19, and Erin, 13 ... his wife, Laurie Turner (‘87), live in Cannon Falls 15 in Bemidji ... Dan Ninham Curt Lamon is associate producer of the Puppet and have two sons, Todd, 18, and Travis, 16. Lau- was named Class A Coach of the News Network children’s DVD series based out rie was hired this fall to teach third grade at Can- Year last season by the Minne- of Milwaukee, WI. The series is produced for six- non Falls public schools ... Larry Novotney and sota State High School Coaches to nine-year-olds and focuses on topics such as Betty (Fulton) Novotney (‘79) live in Seneca, IL, Association after he led the Cass safety, friendship and responsibility. and have three children, Debbie, 22, Kathy, 18, Lake-Bena High School boys bas- and Molly, 10. Betty teaches elementary physical ketball team to a third place win 1980 Dan Siems, a member of the biology education and is a basketball and track coach at in the State Class A Tournament ... faculty at BSU, presented an Honor’s Lecture on Seneca schools. Larry teaches math and coaches Robin Allebach and Erich Knapp campus entitled “Intelligent Design: Teaching the basketball at Lincolnway High School. (‘01) were married October 18 Controversy.” in Menahga. Erich is an interna- 1988 Jim Hoffman and his wife, Alanna, live tional organ recitalist and serves 1979 Betty (Fulton) Novotney and Larry No- in Brooklyn Center and have an 11-year-old son, as organist and artist-in-residence votney (‘89) live in Seneca, IL, and have three Matt ... Mike Laughlin lives in Des Plaines, IL. at St. John’s Lutheran Church in children, Debbie, 22, Kathy, 18, and Molly, 10. Park Rapids. The couple shares a Betty teaches elementary physical education and 1987 Connie (Solberg) and her husband, Victorian cottage in Menahga ... is a basketball and track coach at Seneca schools. Greg Brickell (‘90) live in Conyers, GA, with Kathy (Galli) Yanish and her hus- Larry teaches math and coaches basketball at their children, Haley, 10, and Heath, 7. Greg has band, Robert (‘66) are both retired Lincolnway High School ... Teresa Thomas and been a middle school teacher in Newton County and live in Mahnomen. They have her husband Gerald Manley (‘76) live in Bemidji Schools for the past 16 years and Connie has been three grown daughters and seven and have two children, Tom and Ellen ...Brian an elementary teacher in Oxford, GA ... Jeff Hall, grandchildren ... Lynn (Scully) Miller is studying music in Cork, Ireland, and has a social worker with the Twin Ports Veteran’s Reedy and her husband, Stan, live written a song poking gentle fun at northwoods Clinic, received a certificate of appreciation from in Clearwater, FL, and have three culture ... Ruth (Runyan) Hayden has been the Douglas County Wisconsin Board of Supervi- children, Matt, 16, Ryan, 14, and teaching at Ada-Borup schools since 1996. This sors for his contributions and efforts in the ser- Kyle, 12. fall she was entered into the Minnesota Coaches vice of veterans. He and his wife, Ellie, have two Volleyball Hall of Fame. She and her husband, children, Briana and Josh ... Laurie Turner was 1982 Glenda (Zacharda) For- Dan, live in Ada and have two children, Rebecca, hired this fall to teach third grade at Cannon Falls ster was hired this fall to join the 26, and Kenneth, 19. public schools. She and her husband, Todd (‘89), teaching team at Long Prairie- live in Cannon Falls and have two sons, Todd, 18, Grey Eagle Schools. She and her 1978 Mark Elliott of Bemidji recently pub- and Travis, 16 ... Debbie (Cote) Anderson and husband, Bruce, have one son, lished his first novel entitled “Northern Heat” her husband, Tom, live in Sauk Centre with their Ryan, 3 ... Jean (Bauman) Weinzi- ... Pamela (Fladeland) Rodriguez of Elk Grove daughter, Stephanie, 14. erl was hired this fall to join the Village, IL, is executive vice president of TASC, teaching team at Long Prairie- Inc., treasurer of the NTASC Board and serves on 1986 Cindy (Roskos) Chambers is the new sys- Grey Eagle Schools. She and her the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission. She has tem analyst for Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital, husband, Paul, have two children, two sons, Michael, 21, and Joseph, 14 ... Walter Grand Rapids ... Jeff Dahl and Donna (Dummler) Andrew, 15, and Bethany, 16 ... Gates and Jill (Roline) Gates (‘76) of Mankato Dahl (‘91)live in Chanhassen with their children, David Harrington was elected have two children, Erika, 21, and Tanner, 19. Blake, 9, Lauren, 6, and Bethany, 6. Donna works three years ago as a 9th Judicial Jill is a CPA and partner with Landgraff Gates & as a school social worker in the Minnetonka District Court judge. He and his Tomm, Ltd., in Mankato and Walter is currently School District and Jeff teaches vocal music at wife, Kristine Kolar, have a son, serving in the Army in Balad, Iraq. ... Sharon Wayzata High School ... Dean Henjum and his Max ... Lin (Krippner) Mysz- (Mastrorilli) Hanson and Steve Hanson (‘78) wife Ann (Triebenach) (‘85) live in Waseca and kowski of Brooklyn Center filed are both teachers. Sharon teaches first grade in have two sons, Andrew, 14, and Peter, 11. Dean this fall as a candidate to the the Okoboji School District in Milford, IA, and has worked in management at a Hy-Vee Grocery Osseo Area School District 279 Steve has been a middle school physical educa- Store for the past five years and Ann has been em- School Board. She is the music co- tion teacher in Spirit Lake, IA, for 23 years. ployed as a nurse in Owatonna for four years ... ordinator for the Prince of Peace Bernie Dallum is a radiologist at Altru in Grand Lutheran Church in Brooklyn 1977 Alan Johnson of Chaska is an engineer Forks, ND, and teaches at the UND School of Park. She and her husband, John at Data Metalcraft in Chaska. He and his wife, Medicine. He and his wife, Amy, live in Grand (‘82), have three children. Mary Scovill, have two grown daughters, Chris- Forks and have one child, Levi, 2 ... Guy S. Vena tina and Elizabeth ... Ron Bouchie was part of and his wife, Helena, live in Palatine, IL. 1981 Doug Lindgren, a former a seven-member team that Bemidji’s Evangelical Minnesota representative from Free Church sent to New Orleans, LA, to repair 1985 Craig Johnson was hired this fall as a high Bagley, announced in November damages left by Hurricane Katrina. school math teacher for the Watertown-Mayer that he would seek election to the School District ... Ann (Triebenach) Henjum and State House of Representatives. 1976 Gerald Manley and his wife, Teresa her husband Dean (‘86) live in Waseca and have His family has owned and oper- Thomas (‘79), live in Bemidji and have two chil- two sons, Andrew, 14, and Peter, 11. Dean has ated Harwood Oil in Bagley since dren, Tom and Ellen ...Geraldine (Jeri Johnson) worked in management at a Hy-Vee Grocery Store 1994. He and his wife Colleen Longfellow of Burnsville is deputy commander of for the past five years and Ann has been employed the 34th Sustainment Brigade headquartered in as a nurse in Owatonna for four years ... Ann (De- Please NOTE: Bloomington, dealing with mobilization, deploy- ters) Jandrt is employed with Roche Diagnostics, Towns are located in Minnesota ment and re-integration of support soldiers from selling point-of-care instrumentation to hospitals. the Minnesota National Guard ... Jill (Roline) She and her husband, Jim, live in Eau Claire, WI. unless otherwise noted. Gates and Walter Gates (‘78) of Mankato have

18 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 19 Class Notes

two children, Erika, 21, and Tanner, 19. Jill is a was a member of the U.S. Olympic 1966 Robert Yanish (‘66) and his wife, Kathy CPA and partner with Landgraff Gates & Tomm, Hockey Team that won silver med- (‘83) are both retired and live in Mahnomen. Ltd., in Mankato and Walter is currently serving als during the 1972 Olympic Win- They have three grown daughters and seven in the Army in Balad, Iraq. ter Games. The team is the topic of grandchildren ... Terry Burkman filed this fall as a recently published book, “Strik- a candidate to the Menahga School Board ... Ed- 1975 Rod Axtell ran unopposed this fall in his ing Silver: The Untold Story of mund Roskoski of Mountain Iron will complete bid for re-election to the four-year District II seat America’s Forgotten Hockey Team” 40 years of teaching and retire in May. He and his on the Bloomington City Council. He is a manag- ... Betty (Johnson) Ambers and wife, Nancy, have a son, John. ing partner with Strategic Partners and he and his David Ambers (‘72) live in North wife, Jonel, have two daughters ... Edward Coyle Branch and have two children, 1964 Ray Marsnik filed this fall as an incum- is in his 28th year of teaching at Kelliher but is Kelli, 26, and Casey, 23. David has bent candidate to the Ely Echo School Board. no longer coaching. He’s also in his 18th year taken a leave from teaching and is He and his wife, Pat, have two children and four of serving as the Knowledge Bowl advisor. He currently sports editor for the Chis- grandchildren ... Ed Schmidt and his wife, Rosa- has two children, Nolan, 21, and Kimberly, 20 ago County Press. Betty continues lie, have been married 41 years and have three ... Dwight Burman and Linda (Roebbeke) Bur- to work in North Branch Schools’ children and four grandchildren. His teaching man (‘74) live in St. James where Dwight teaches early childhood program ... Steven career spanned 35 years. He and his family cur- industrial technology. Linda teaches Kindergar- Atwater and his wife, Vicki, live rently own and operate Grandview Studio in ten in Comfrey and preschool classes at home. in Edina and recently celebrated Grand Rapids and Grandview Studio East in St. They have three grown sons, Michael, Douglas the birth of two granddaughters. Paul, a business that develops and produces edu- and Gregory ... Deb (Johnson) Pratt and her He has been an emergency room cational, promotional and event films. He serves husband, David (‘74), live in Detroit Lakes where doctor for 25 years. The couple on the BSU Foundation Board ... Carol (Paavola) David is director of video operations with Arvig has four grown children ... Pamela Willey teaches second grade in a school that was Communications Systems and Deb is a market- (Johnson) Kelsey and her husband, recently awarded the National Blue Ribbon for ing manager with Bremer Bank. They have two Michael (‘73) own Kelsey’s As You Excellence. She and her husband, Terry, live in children, Jon, 26, and Lacey, 23. Like It jewelry store in Bemidji. Plano, TX, and have two sons, David, 33, and The couple raised two children, Mike, 30. 1974 Linda (Roebbeke) Burman and Dwight Margot, 27, and Maxwell, 22. Burman (‘75) live in St. James where Dwight 1963 Kathryn Manlove moved in July from teaches industrial technology. Linda teaches 1970 Carter Pettersen is enjoy- Two Harbors to Park Rapids. Kindergarten in Comfrey and preschool classes ing retirement and living in Grand at home. They have three grown sons, Michael, Rapids with his wife, Doris ... Carol 1961 John Mitchell retired in 2002 and now Douglas and Gregory ... David Pratt and his wife, Alstrom of Tower has retired after does consulting work and volunteers to complete Deb (Johnson) (‘75), live in Detroit Lakes where 33 years of teaching and coaching tax returns for elderly individuals. He and his David is director of video operations with Arvig and keeps busy traveling. wife, Walli, live in Arlington Heights, IL. Communications Systems and Deb is a market- ing manager with Bremer Bank. They have two 1969 Ken Bracken of Winona 1960 Paul Gravel is retired and lives with his children, Jon, 26, and Lacey, 23. is an English tutor for international wife, Nina, in Fargo, ND. They have four chil- students at the Carlson School dren, Cassandra, Brenda, Thomas and Julia ... 1973 Betty (Van Middendorp) Kempe has of Management-University of Norman Hecimovich is retired from a career as a been retired for six years. She and her husband, Minnesota and also works at the school administrator and lives in Austin with his Bob, live in Verndale and have two sons, Brad UM’s medical school as a “simu- wife, Helen. They raised three sons ... Katherine and Rod ... Michael Kelsey and his wife, Pamela lated patient” ... Gail (Hecimov- (Johnson) Cariveau and Keith Cariveau (‘58) are (Johnson) (‘71) own Kelsey’s As You Like It jew- ich) Nucech, Hibbing’s volleyball retired from careers in school administration and elry store in Bemidji. The couple raised two chil- coach, has 35 seasons of coaching teaching and live in Livermore, CA. They have dren, Margot, 27, and Maxwell, 22. experience and recently competed three grown children and eight grandchildren against a Virginia team coached by ... Guy D. Vena was recently inducted into the 1972 Beryl (Paul) Wernberg, Beltrami County her own daughter, Crystal ... Kurt Hinsdale Central High School Foundation Hall emergency management director, was recently Kahlenbeck is the new senior high of Fame. He spent 38 years in teaching, coaching awarded the Outstanding State Director of the principal at Braham Area High. He and administration at Arlington Heights High Year Award by the Association of Minnesota was previously employed as prin- School and is now retired. He was recently elect- Emergency Managers. She’s worked for Beltrami cipal at Wheaton High School ... ed to the BSU Alumni Board. He and his wife, County for more than 31 years ... David Ambers Chris (Berger) Rasmussen lives in Marcia, have six children. and Betty (Johnson) Ambers (‘71) live in North Sauk Rapids and has a daughter, Branch and have two children, Kelli, 26, and Kate, 24. She was widowed when 1959 Kermit Anderson drove a 1931 Chevro- Casey, 23. David has taken a leave from teach- her husband, Bill Rasmussen (‘69), let that he bought 51 years ago recently during a ing and is currently sports editor for the Chisago died in June of pancreatic cancer ... re-enactment of a sociability run on a remnant of County Press. Betty continues to work in North Colleen (Weber) Blade of Nash- the Jefferson Highway. The scenic highway route Branch Schools’ early childhood program ... John wauk serves on many church and at one time stretched from Winnipeg, Canada, to Musson is a networks specialist with Allen-Brad- community boards. She has five New Orleans, LA. ley Co. He and his wife, Jan, live in Bolingbrook, children and is a conservator for IL. Itasca County. 1958 Marlon Davidson was a featured artist at the Bemidji Community Arts Center this win- 1971 Roger Twigg has retired after coach- 1968 Joleen (Strlekar) Peterka ter ... Keith Cariveau and Katherine (Johnson) ing 35 seasons as Crosby-Ironton’s cross country and her husband, Edward Peterka, Cariveau (‘60) are retired from careers in school coach. He plans to be an agent for pro runners, have been married for 45 years and administration and teaching and live in Liver- and also to be a starter at track meets next spring. have five children and six grand- more, CA. They have three grown children and He has two grown sons, Cley and Mace ... Glen- children ... Gerald Meyer is in his eight grandchildren ... Fred Cronkhite and his nis (Hovelson) Olson of Frazee has been teach- third year of retirement and lives wife, Georgeann live in Huntley, IL, and have ing at the Frazee Elementary for 31 years and has in Paynesville with his wife, Lois. three grown children, Lynda, Greg and Janet. four children, Jamie, 27, Tammy, 32, Amy, 23, and They have two sons, Jason, 29, Angie, 23 ... Susan (Strizic) Barden remarried in and Jeff, 26 ... Darry Pink is retired 1956 Dick Green of Bloomington teaches 2000 and is looking forward to retiring after 29 from a career with Kelliher schools painting classes at local art centers and partici- years of teaching special education in Denver, and lives in Kelliher with his wife, pates in national juried exhibits. He and his wife, CO, public schools. She and her husband, John Donna. They have two children, Janet, raised two children, Kent and Kris. Lukowski, live in Elizabeth, CO ... Jim McElmury Deana, 33, and Denny, 24, and two grandchildren.

18 Bemidji State University Horizons Horizons Bemidji State University 19 This listing includes annual contributors of gifts of $100 or more for the period between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005. While gifts of any amount are very much appreciated, this report contains only gifts of $100 or more, which make the donors Foundation members. If your name was omitted, misspelled or incorrectly listed, please contact the BSU Foundation office. An asterisk behind a name means “employee of BSU.” Donors including all active alums ($30 or more) are listed on the BSU Foundation website, www. As the 2005-2006 president of the Bemidji

State University Foundation, I am writing ve G i v ing C u m l ati ation More than $250,000 this letter with optimism and pride. I am Joe & Jan Lueken honored and thankful for the opportunity $100,000 to $249,999 Anthony S. Gramer, ‘70 given me to serve this great University that Margaret H. Johnson, ‘41 P. Sam, ‘69, & Margaret A. (Marvin) Johnson, ‘67 has become so important to me since moving $50,000 to $99,999 to Bemidji ten years ago. Although the past year has been a year of M. Fern (Ramsey) Birnstihl, ‘30 transition, we look forward to welcoming a new executive director to B S U F oun d The George W. Neilson Foundation lead the Foundation and its dedicated staff. $25,000 to $49,999 Otto Bremer Foundation Herbert A. & Lynn Doran We are thankful for the diligent service of the Foundation staff, working League of Women Voters - Bemidji Area day to day to keep the organization moving forward through times of McKinley Companies, Inc. $10,000 to $24,999 change. Due to the hard work of our budget and investment committee Winnifred Anderson and our investment counselors, we have had a substantial gain in our Anonymous M. James, ‘59, & Nancy R. (Berge) Bensen, ‘57 investments.The administrative staff of the University, led by President Jeffrey P. Busse, ‘88 First National Bank Bemidji Jon Quistgaard, is outstanding and we look forward to working in a John R., ‘64, & Delphine (Forte) Jacobsen, ‘63 Robin N. (Norgaard) Kelleher, ‘72 collaborative manner in the years to come. Lillie M. Kleven, ‘37 Northern Inn David G., ‘66, & Brenda (Brovold) Odegaard When the day is done, it is the generosity of our donors that makes Paul Bunyan Telephone Productivity, Inc. everything happen. With the goals and objectives that have been set Patrick R. Riley* & Natalie Roholt by the Foundation, we look forward to a very bright future for the The Jack & Marie St. Martin Family Foundation George M., ‘64, & Sandra A. Thelen University, its faculty, and students. Ruth Howe & Merril Thiel James R., ‘79, & Diane L. (Haiby) Tuorila Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your president, and White Earth Reservation Tribal Council $5,000 to $9,999 for your generosity to the Bemidji State University Foundation. American Family Insurance ARAMARK Bemidji Woolens, Inc. Bravo Beverage Ltd. Eagle Printing Graphic Communication Elfrida B. Glas Bernard M. Granum Evan & Elaine J. Hazard, ‘70 Joseph E. Dunn Kraus-Anderson Construction Company - North Division Lakeland Public Television MCH Technology, Inc. Marshall Supply Co. Marvin Lumber & Cedar Company MeritCare Clinic Bemidji James & Janice Naylor North Country Health Services NorthernLight FX Sound & Lighting Equipment Otter Tail Power Company Rod & De Pickett The Pioneer/Advertiser Shell Oil Company Foundation Lowell Stephen, ‘72, & Lois K. (Johnson) Sorenson, ‘72 20 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 21 Annual contributions of $100 or more - July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005.

State Farm Companies Foundation Rick* & Carol Goeb Richard R., ‘66, & Judith M. (Bengston) Werner Mark’s Frame House Irene K. Stewart Goldpine Bemidji Inc. Widseth Smith Nolting & Associates Allen E., ‘72, & Susan D. Mathieu Joanne Torfin Gopher Wrestling Club Lyndon* & Lise Wieseman* MedSave Lorelee Yourd, ‘71, & John Lembi Great Lakes Gas Transmission Ltd. Partnership Jerry F. Winans, ‘71* Mark E. Menard, ‘81 William J. Yourd & Cynthia G. Buttleman Paul H. & Julie P. Gulstrand Larry W., ‘72, & Ranae D. (Erickson) Womack, ‘79* MetLife Foundation Lisa Haberman World Reach, Inc. Kathleen J. Meyer* $2,500 to $4,999 Kurt F. & Linda S. Hanson Donald W. & Barbara L. Zierke James A. Molde H. Carl*, ‘71, & Terry L. Baer, ‘95 James F. & Jo Hanko Robb Naylor Thomas J. Beech Hardee’s Family Restaurant $500 to $999 Robert J. Nemgar & Penny Yon-Nemgar, ‘83 Coca-Cola Bottling Hartz Foundation American Ass’n. of University Women Gerald L., ‘47, & Fern A. (Englund) Nichols, ‘46 Donald H. & Petra J. (Hegstad) DeKrey, ‘89 Cathie C. Hatch, ‘80* American Family Insurance-Mike Berneck North Country Dental Digi-Key Corporation Richard R., ‘61, & Dorothy Haugo Richard D. & Carol Ames Northland Community Bank Gregory S. Droba, ‘92 Headwaters Shrine Club Boris & Caroline S. (Dahl) Andrican, ‘53 Northway Services of Bemidji, Inc. Joseph & Karen Dunn James R. & Marilyn J. Heltzer Anonymous Nymore Food Mart Gary S. & Nancy C. Erickson* John R. Heneman Ryan T. Baer Gary & Karen Oftelie Bruce D., ‘71, & Mary Jo Falk Hill’s Heating of Bemidji, Inc. David A. Bahr, ‘94* Bruce Olson* Federated Insurance Foundation Lynne K. Holt, ‘80 William J. & Maria Beitzel Olson-Schwartz Funeral Home GE Howard & Mary Hoody Beltrami Electric Cooperative, Inc. Douglas L. Onan, ‘70 Muriel B. Gilman* William M. Howe, ‘52 Bemidji Ambulance Service, Inc. Robert H. & Tiffany (Baer) Paine Dennis & Patricia (Kananen) Grimes, ‘63 Myrtie A. Hunt Bemidji Lions Club Greg & Kathleen A. Palm, ‘95 Terrance C., ‘67, & Cindy Holter Iverson Corner Drug Bemidji Medical Equipment Edward M., ‘92, & Marla (Huss) Patrias* Franklin A. & Diane Labadie John Carlson Agency, Inc. Jon B.*, ‘67, & Linda M. (Haugen) Blessing, ‘66 Piper Jaffray Companies Robin F. Mechelke, ‘80 Terrance Johnson, MD Bob Sandbo Agency Elmer J., ‘57, & Betty G. (Edmundson) Porter, ‘59 Miller, McDonald, Erickson & Moller Terrance L. & Susan J. Johnson Bradley R. Borkhuis, ‘01 Mary A. Reitter, ‘87 Minnesota Humanities Commission KB101-FM KBUN-AM KZY-FM Z99 Randy W., ‘73, & Marlene (Schuld) Bowen, ‘73 Alan H. Rice Norbord Minnesota Keckeisen’s Sporting Goods Sales William M.* & Carolyn Brauer, ‘99 Richard Rude Architectural Lee A. Norman, ‘74 Keith’s Pizza Jeffrey S. Bray, ‘82 Scott R. Robbins, ‘92 Robert H. & Mary Lou Peters Kentucky Fried Chicken William & Henrietta Britton Kay M. Robinson* Rohl C., ‘57, & Patricia Peterson KIKV-FM Radio James* & Cherry Brouwer* Patricia Rosenbrock* Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. David E.* & Charlotte Kingsbury Dennis & Nancy Brovold Kathryn E. (Stevens Hagen) Sanders, ‘83* Jon E.* & Trish W. Quistgaard Allen W., ‘76, & JoAnne Kuha Phillip Buhn Lowell, ‘67, & Diane Scearcy Jack & Mary Betty Quistgard R. Dale Ladig* Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation David A. Schnell, ‘83 Raphael’s Bakery Larson, Allen, Weishair & Co., LLP Robert C. Bush, ‘42 David & Barbara (Williams Lee) Schueppert, ‘75 James L.* & Carol A. Richards, ‘81* Douglas J.* & Renee Leif Chuck, ‘83, & Lori Ann (Jones) Carmichael, ‘86 Thomas P.*, ‘87, & Cynthia K. Serratore Russell & Herder Advertising Gordon E. & Alice L. Lindgren* Century 21 Dickinson Realtors Mark A. & Doreathea A. (Mohr) Shanfeld, ‘96 Walter J., ‘75, & Mardene (Eide) Schuiling P. Bradley* & Dawn Logan Wagner G. & Alice V. Collins Theodore A., ‘65, & Jackie Soular Security Bank, USA Kenneth R. & Mary Lundberg Mitchell G. Cooper, ‘04 Brian St. Martin, ‘92 Irwin, ‘54, & Patricia (Moore) St. John, ‘54 Delon G.* & Betsy Lyren Country Kitchen Willis A., ‘53, & Arla M. Stittsworth Jack & Marie St. Martin Keith Marek* William R. Crews, ‘90* T Juan’s Restaurante Marshall Salon Services Caroline M. Czarnecki, ‘50 Martin Tadlock* $1,000 to $2,499 Betsy J. McDowell Pamela DeLancey* Jeffery D.*, & Susan M. (Matzdorf) Tesch, ‘83 3M Edward F.*, ‘65, & Virginia McDunn Dondelinger Chevrolet-Buick Daryl J. & Arlette J. Tesch Robert J., ‘72, & Barbara Aalberts Michael McKinley, ‘65 E & G Franchise Systems, Inc. Theta Tau Epsilon Fraternity Ace on the Lake Nelmarie Melville, ‘94 Dave B., ‘84, & Jessica A. (Ward) Evenson, ‘96 Mary E. Thoreson Donald E. & Susan E. Addy Midwest Financial Marian E. Forsythe, ‘52 David M. & Peggy Tiffany Gerald S., ‘67, & Karen L. (Severson) Amble, ‘66 Thomas Miller, Orthopedic Surgeon, P.A. Fuller, Wallner, Cayko & Pederson, Ltd. Lyle E. & Gail E. Torgerson Anonymous The Minneapolis Foundation Gail Gantz & Associates, Inc. Jerome D., ‘88, & Cindy J. (Zaviska) Upton, ‘85 Anonymous Claude W. Morris, ‘49 Daniel J. Gartrell*, ‘72, & Julie Jochum Wal-Mart Foundation Anonymous Leo D. Morgan, ‘89* Marjorie A. Gildersleeve* Victor D. Weber Anonymous Nei Bottling Inc. Lowell R. & Ardis Gillett George A., ‘61, & Paula Welte Aquila North Central Door Company Bertrum L.*, ‘01, & Sheila Gilling Wes’ Plumbing & Heating Marjory C. Beck North Country Business Products Frank A. & Marilyn R. Goodell Bryan G., ‘76, & Judy M. (Olson) Westerman, ‘77 Richard & Josephine Beitzel Northern Liquor Offsale Robert J.* & Susan M. Griggs* Landon M. Wilson Bemidji Dental Clinic Northland Fishing Tackle, Inc. Gary R. & Denise Hedstrom Zetah Construction, Inc. Bemidji Rotary Club Northwestern Surveying & Engineering, Inc. Mary (Williams) Heffernan, ‘81 Bemidji Town & Country Club Otterstad Insurance Agency Grace Heitsch, ‘77 $250 to $499 Jody J. (Erickson) Bisson, ‘79 Pat Knoer State Farm Insurance Hilltop Animal Hospital Richard P. Albrecht, ‘86 Roy Blackwood* & Laurie Buehler Paulee, Inc. Hollingsworth & Vose Company American Family Insurance - Brovold Agency Bob Lowth Ford, Inc. Greg* & Jenna Peters Honeybelles, Inc. American Family Insurance-Mike Jasper Agency Paul A. & Mary Lou Brandvik William Petersen & Deborah A. Steinbar, ‘92 ING Foundation American Family - Nancy Kurtz Alan P.* & Linda (Butler) Brew, ‘77 Pinnacle Publishing Jim J. Ingman* AmeriPride Linen & Apparel Services The Carson Family Foundation, Inc. Michael J., ‘76, & Jackie Rasch Insurance Placement Service Karla J. Anderson Lorraine F. Cecil, ‘68 John* & Pat B. Reynolds, ‘88 Richard A.* & Sheri Jahner Suzanne M. (Warford) Anderson Chiropractic Sport & Spinal Rehab Tom H.*, ‘66, & Sandra (Geroy) Richard, ‘66 Jerry Downs Agency John J., ‘65*, & Pamela K. (Ruhnke) Arneson, ‘70 Kenneth L., ‘50, & Marion (Fenson) Stuart* & Susan M. (Hickey) Rosselet, ‘79* Todd & Karen Johnson Beverly A. Arnoldy, ‘74 Christianson, ‘50 Elizabeth Sauer, ‘63 Johnson Controls Mike & Susan Asche Citizens State Bank Midwest William J.* & Rochelle A. Scheela* Ronald R., ‘86, & Rosa L. (Bailey) Jones, ‘86 Gwen M. Bailey, ‘84* Cragun’s David & Nancy Schram Thomas H., ‘79, & Susan M. Kaplan, ‘80 Balsam Beach Resort B. Scott Curb & Mary L. Boranian, ‘85 John T. Schuiling, ‘32 William & Patricia M. Kelly, ‘69 Vance D.*, ‘73, & Susan Balstad, ‘74 Dave’s Pizza Karl & La Donna Schulz Ken K Thompson Jewelry Bar 209 Deerwood Bank Scripture Agency John M. Kirtland Oran D. Beaulieu, ‘77 Steven J., ‘75, & Veronica DeKrey Pete & Marilyn Simonson David & Sherry Kloha Rachel E. Becker Dick’s Northside, Inc. Kent A.* & Mary (Madeco) Smith, ‘84 Raymond & Beatrice Knodel Barbara (Stapleton) Belk, ‘53 Robert M., ‘71, & Bonnie R. (Klukken) Drake, ‘72 David L., ‘72, & Kathryn S. Sorensen Daryl & Kathryn (Knott) Knoer, ‘70 Bemidji Co-op Association Dwayne Young, Inc. Spaulding Motors, Inc. Paul M., ‘69, & Catherine M. (Pederson) Bemidji Veterinary Hospital Boarding Kennel Enbridge Energy Partners Michael J., ‘83, & Melinda A. Spry, ‘83 Koski, ‘75 Kermit E., ‘60, & Sandy Bensen Steven & Susan Engel State Farm Insurance Companies-Gary Belanus Curt & Suzanne M. (Aultman) Kringen, ‘73* Michael P., ‘93, & Brenda M. Beumer, ‘92 Gary S. Erickson, DDS Thomas L. & Bonnie J. Swanson David J.* & Alice M. Larkin, ‘93 Roger S. Beyer First Federal Bank Charles S. Thillman Arthur O. & Judy Lee Scott M. Biggar, ‘80 Herbert M. Fougner, ‘36 Dick & Chris Tolman Harvey K., ‘70, & Patricia L. (Smith) Lee, ‘70 Colleen (Weber) Blade, ‘69 Joann Fredrickson* Kenneth W. Traxler* Lehrer & Van Allen Harlene Blue, ‘98 Laura Gaines, ‘73 The United Parcel Service Foundation Robert D. Ley* Howard J. Borden, ‘74 Gregory & Naomi C. Garber United Way Northeastern Minnesota, Inc. Paul G.*, ‘77, & Teri L. (Nebosis) Lindseth, ‘81 Earl G. Bortz, ‘56 General Mills Foundation Valvoline Instant Oil Change Brad & Caryn Linn Chelcy Bowles Gerrells Sports Center Marilyn B. Vogel, ‘71 John E., ‘49, & Marie K. (Cahill) Luoma, ‘68 Bradley M., ‘81, & Ersilia Braun, ‘81 Clark D. Gilbertson, ‘72 Austin F., ‘70, & Paula J. Wallestad William D.* & Jodi Maki Boyd L. Bradbury, ‘88 Ordella M. Gilbertson, ‘73 Patrick G.* & Lori (Norden) Welle, ‘91 Robert & Vicky Mansson Donald* & Theresa R. Bradel Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program 20 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 21 Any errors or omissions are unintentional and deeply regreted.

Lori D. Tolonen, ‘82 Thomas J. Benson, ‘71 Terri (Beck) Traudt, ‘80 Dale A. Bergeron, ‘51 C ontinu e d Terry L. Troutner, ‘91 Mary M. (Sjoberg) Berger, ‘65 William H. Breeton, ‘72 Turtle Creek Saloon Harvey R., ‘78, & Candy J. Bergh John A. & Mary Brink Eldon G. Leino, ‘67 Tutto Bene, Inc. Georgia A. Bergin, ‘94 Marcus Bromenshenkel Genevieve (Carter) Lervik, ‘78 USX Foundation Inc Joel & Kathryn N. Berglund* John F. & Claire R. Buhn John K., ‘52, & Dottie Liapis Andra L. Vaughn, ‘82 Darren E. Bergstrom, ‘02 Randall Burg & Carol L. Nielsen* Brian P. & Rebecca E. Livermore Joseph I., ‘74, & Cathlene Vene Maryann A. Bernard, ‘93 Raymond P. & Margaret I. (Lindseth) Carlson, ‘49 Colleen G. Livingston Everal H. Vermilyea, ‘38 Philip R. Bernish, ‘83 David N.*, ‘78, & Margaret (Frisby) Carlson, ‘96* Lockheed Martin Corporation Richard J., ‘73, & Rose Vesely Dorothy D. (Aldrich) Berntson, ‘62 Susan K. (Warnke) Carlson, ‘89 Wayne A. Lockwood Wagner Plumbing & Heating Daryl G. Bessler, ‘74 Cease Family Funeral Home Deven Lord Robert Wahl Best Western Bemidji Chester Berg Toyota Dada M. Maglajlic* James, ‘75, & Diane Wahl Joshua L., ‘95, & Kimberly K. (Algoe) Bettcher, ‘96 Donald & Bernice Churchill, ‘68 Virginia (Dearholt) Magnuson, ‘77 Patricia (McCarvill) Walrath, ‘62 Patrick M. Biegert, ‘84 Jonathan Clark Mark Gazelka State Farm Insurance Companies Michael R. Wagner Dragoljub D. Bilanovic* & Visnja Remeta-Bilanovic* Cloud, Hammitt & Associates Valerie J. Mason* William W.* & Rosalie M. Weaver, ‘81* Gregory S., ‘88, & Candace K. (Gustafson) Biskup, ‘89 Cool Threads Mary A. Mastro Kenneth & Carol Weeks Steven C. Bjork, ‘86 Muriel P. Copp, ‘57 Greg & Tamera J. Mayer, ‘02* Joel T. Welinski, ‘81 James A., ‘60, & Gloria M. (Miller) Bjornerud, ‘59 Veita Lou Corbin, ‘51 James D. McElmury, ‘71 Patricia A. (Bjellos) Welte, ‘60 Kristian Bjornson, ‘95 Leah Cowhick Jon R., ‘83, & Debra J. McTaggart, ‘82 Randall Westhoff* John M., ‘69, & Elizabeth E. (Parks) Blachinsky, ‘69 Culligan Water Conditioning Robert F., ‘52, & Marian H. Mechelke James W., ‘72, & Joy (Kroeplin) Wheeler, ‘79 Stephen C. Boesch, ‘78 Annie M. Czarnecki, ‘57 Warren & Claudia Meissner Whitey’s Bobcat Elaine D. Bohanon Gary & Cynthia S. Dahl* Nancy C. Michael* Randy L. & Leanne Wolbeck Boise Cascade Corporation Dave Walters, Inc. Raymond S. & Carol A. (Porterfield) Milowski, ‘69* Wyeth Charles S. Bolf, ‘72 Jerry Dewhurst, ‘62 Tom Moehn Brenda Zachman Brent A. Bolte, ‘02* ve G i v ing C u m l ati ation William J. Dickson* David J. Moffett, ‘76 Shaun Zenner, ‘02 Lorene P. Boquist, ‘74 Barry G. Dillon, ‘70 Andrew S. Mondry Daniel Zielke Ronald L., ‘80, & Cassandra M. (Gravel) Bornetun, ‘83 Ronald, ‘77, & Linda L. (Bergsven) Bouchie, ‘71 Vernon Ditty, ‘97 Kevin Morel $100 to $249 Patrick Donnay* & Lori Forshee-Donnay Vicki Lynn (Roberts) Morey, ‘80 Wayne A., ‘97, & Amy L. (Loeks) Bowers, ‘97 Donald R. & Sylvia (Moe) Dyrhaug, ‘72 Paul D.*, ‘83, & Jamie B. (Bingham) Muller, ‘82 Bruce A., ‘86, & Margaret A. (Borchers) Dean & Linda R. (York) Bowman, ‘82 Marvin H. Edevold, ‘66 Ruth J. Nearing Adelsman, ‘89 Max, ‘68, & Beverley J. Boyer Andrew C. Egan Netzer Floral Affinity Plus Karen Branden* Vern & Mary D. Eide Scott R. Nichols, ‘02 AgriBank, FCB Jack P. Brandt, ‘64 John B. Emkovik, ‘49 Nicholas A. Noack Bruce A. Ahrendt, ‘75 Chris M., ‘89, & Ramona A. (Upens) Braun, ‘90 Janet M. Erickson* Noel’s Bottle Shop Keith D. Ahrendt, ‘82 Philip M., ‘85, & Jocyln Y. (Tiggs) Braun, ‘94 Kenneth P. Erickson, ‘58 Allen M.*, ‘70, & Margaret (Siegmund) Nohner, ‘72* Thomas A. Ajax, ‘83 Robert G. & Carol A. Bredahl B S U F oun d David N. Falde, ‘78 Northern Amusement Gary W., ‘78, & Patricia A. (Finn) Allman, ‘79 Bonnie L. (Stebleton) Bredenberg, ‘65 Gale R., ‘71, & Lois (Wicktor) Falk, ‘61 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Carol M. Alstrom, ‘70 Gurnee K. Bridgman, ‘98 David J., ‘83, & Tracie (Sjolinder) Fenske, ‘86 Northwoods Ice of Bemidji, Inc. Susan A. Alstrom, ‘76 Margaret M. Brochhagen, ‘41 Fergus Falls Medical Group, P.A. Donald A., ‘66, & Mary Anne Norum American Express Adam & Kate Brockie Fifth Third Bank Gordon J., & Joyce Oberg, ‘71 Alan G. Andersen, ‘67 Tim M. Brockman* James, ‘67, & Victoria O. Fink, ‘93 Heidi J. (Trihey) Ogden, ‘88 Carol K. (Tappero) Anderson, ‘62 Charles H. Broekemeier, ‘55 William J. & Margie Forseth Ronald L.* & Patricia Oldham Charles R. Anderson, ‘92, & Jennifer J. Suzanne M. (Nelson) Brokl, ‘70 Frostbite Falls Screening, Inc. Robert Orlofsky Wenberg-Anderson, ‘92 James T., ‘67, & Lonna L. (Boltz) Broman, ‘67 Robert S. Gallagher, ‘83 Charles G.*, & Jill E. (DeVries) Parson, ‘71 Mary E. (Bishop) Anderson, ‘77 Roland G., ‘55, & Ilene L. (Johnson) Bromberg, ‘55 George F.* & Joann M. Gardner, ‘93* Perkins Family Restaurant Richard E. Anderson, ‘63 Rosanna Bronczyk, ‘71 Marjorie T. Giauque* O. William Pettit, ‘73 Ronald K. & Lorraine B. (Diedrich) Anderson, ‘65 Gene G. Mammenga & Charlotte A. Brooker Bruce L. Gordon, ‘66 Pierskalla Family Fund Anthony M. Andrews, ‘90, & Evonne L. Andrew Brown Alan & Kathleen L. Gorick Potlatch Foundation McKinzie*, ‘90 David R. & Nadine Brown Randy & Lin Gregg Dennis L., ‘61, & Evelyn G. (Smith) Price, ‘61 Sara J. (Hendrickson) Andrican, ‘87 Tom & Meredith L. (Clementson) Brown, ‘83* Jerald A. Gripp, ‘68 Joanne M. Provo, ‘82 Wilfred D. Antell, ‘59 Milton S. Brumwell, ‘67 Hal L.* & Sharon Gritzmacher* Joel* & Sharon Pugh Erma (Raiche) Armit, ‘85 Shirley Buchberger D. Lee, ‘83, & Theresa L. (Jenson) Gualtieri, ‘83 Courtney Pulkrabek Terry L., ‘68, & Ardis Y. (Anderson) Armstrong, ‘66 Richard L. Bull, ‘74 Haack Engineering Gayle M. (Bever) Quistgard, ‘65 Bruce M. Atwater, ‘50 Scott R. Burlet, ‘92 Richard F. Haberer, ‘56 David W., ‘78, & Kim L. (Leier) Ramsey, ‘77 Joseph D.* & Lynn Aubert, ‘86 Brian J. Burmeister, ‘96 Dale G., ‘61, & Rochelle E. (Hazen) Hartje, ‘61 Glen W.* & Sharon Richgels John D., ‘00, & Bekki A. (Vodden) Babineau, ‘02* Stacy M. (Muckala) Bury, ‘86 Nathan A. Heim Gerald G., ‘60, & Maryann Riewer Mark A. Backlin, ‘79 Donald & Vivian Bye Gertrude Henry LaMae A. (Fisher) Ritchie, ‘88* Badgeland Nolan W. Byler, ‘75 Kenneth G. Henrikson, ‘59 Richard A. & Norma Roessler Norman & Linda L. Baer Lori A. (Thoma) Byrne, ‘99 Michael H. Herbert, ‘79 Diane K. Rose* Brett L., ‘89, & Marcia J.( Moline) Bahr, ‘87 Willis W. Cahill, ‘79 Herington’s Shoe Store Karl W.* & Dorothy Salscheider Patrick M., ‘86, & Colleen M. (Derynck) Bakker, ‘86 Eben & Kathryn Calder, ‘67 James A. & Mary Hernesman Martin R. & Dorothy Sathre Jerry Baldwin, ‘64 Laurence W., ‘66, & Judith L. (Morrow) Callahan, ‘66 Neal A., ‘82, & Maureen S. (Hennebry) Sathre Title & Abstract, Inc. Lois (Dunning) Ball, ‘86 Donald E. Campbell, ‘58 Holmstrom, ‘79 Curtis, ‘76, & Linda Saufferer Beth A. Balmer, ‘02 Harriet Campe, ‘65 Vicky Houg James H. Scearcy, ‘72 James P. Baratto, ‘77 Carol A. (Busser) Canivez, ‘95 Mary J. Hrenchir* Donald Schmeckpeper, ‘50 Stephanie L. Bard, ‘96* Daniel J., ‘86, & Sharon D. (Thorson) Capka, ‘85 IBM Karen A. (Johnson) Schmitz, ‘81 Susan (Strizic) Barden, ‘71 Cargill Louise H. Jackson* Edward E., ‘64, & Rosalie Schmidt Kathryn (Evans) Barks, ‘49 Bruce A. Caridi, ‘78 Mark R. Jensen, ‘78 Mark & Pam Schnoes Barnick Agency LLC Galen D. Cariveau, ‘74 Ivy (Hanson) Johnson, ‘56 Lee S. Schreck, ‘90 James A., ‘81, & Sharon (Kauppila) Baron, ‘89 Daniel S. Carlson, ‘03* Stevens F. Johnson* Dennis M. & Mary R. (Trihey) Schultz, ‘74* Richard A. Barsness, ‘77 James L. Carlson Johannas M. (Asmussen)* Jordan Robert S. & Joelyn A. Scriba* Janine K. Bastian Maria Carlson Gloria D. Joy* Susan J. Scrivner* Allan E., ‘81, & Jane L. (Whitney) Bates, ‘84 Steven R. Carlson, ‘76 Debra K. Kellerman, ‘72 Skeeter Stitch Embroidery & Design Kevin A. Baumgartner, ‘88 Joseph D. Carson, ‘72 B. Christina Kippenhan* Jauneth Skinner* Henry A. & Martha S. Beattie Donald H. & Georgine D. Casement Roxanne M. Kirk* Timothy F., ‘92, & Debbie L. Slough* Jeffrey W. Beattie, ‘77 Carol (Hall) Cech, ‘63 Shirley (Erholtz) Knutson-Nelson, ‘57 David F.* & Kim Smith Cheryl J. Becker, ‘81 Janet A. (Reichert) Champlin, ‘64 Kobilka’s North Country Sporting Goods, Inc. Sparky’s Construction Mark C. Beer, ‘87 Fu-Hsian Chang* Steven C.* & Alyssa K. (Bilben) Konecne, ‘96 Maurice O. & Lorna Sullivan, ‘69 Lisa K. Beitzel, ‘89 R. John Chaplin, ‘64 Krigbaum, Schnell, & Jones, Ltd. Bruce, ‘86, & Shari L. (Kofstad) Sutor, ‘84 James R. Belpedio, ‘64 Cheyenne A. (King) Chase, ‘98 Lakefront Care, Inc Anita C. Swanson, ‘95 Bemidji Floral Joseph A. Chmielewski, ‘71 Dewey & Julie E. Larson* DuWayne, ‘59, & Marcia H. (Wicktor)Syverson, ‘68 Bemidji Mercantile Inc. Richard F. Chopp, ‘70 Kirk Larson Bret D. & Janice A. Thomas Bemidji Regional Airport Christensen Legal Service, P.C. Elwood E. Largis, ‘65 Donald H., ‘65, & Joan L. (Johnson) Thompson, ‘65 Bemidji Rental & Sales Mark R. Christensen* Lesa Lawrence* Wayne & Lenay Tieman Grant M., ‘83, & Jill K. (Sannes) Bensen, ‘86 Christiansen Construction Company Todd’s Tents City Body Shop

22 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 23 *Employee of BSU Annual contributions of $100 or more - July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005.

Raymond E. Claassen, ‘82 Mark Fodness, ‘82 Willard J. Heppner Ardith A. Olson Kolstad, ‘71 Clarity Glass Steven M., ‘76, & Wendi Fogelson Wayne W., ‘85, & Elizabeth S. (Backes) Herberg, ‘85 Joseph G. Konicek, ‘61 Patricia J. Clark, ‘57 David P., ‘75, & Paula J. (Regnier) Foley, ‘81 Bill & Mary A. Herried* Stephen A. & Joan S. Kopish Clear Lake Lioness Kent H. Forsland, ‘78 Sarajean M. (Novacek) Herrmann, ‘85 Ron C., ‘73, & Mary B. (Keyes) Kostohryz, ‘71 George F. Clemens, ‘67 Terry J. Foskett Ethel A. Hesch, ‘92 James M., ‘62, & Patricia Kraby Kevin C. Clementson, ‘75 Lyndin L. & Marie D. Foss Thomas V., ‘81, & Lois E. (Bondeson) Hesselroth, ‘73 Karen A. Kraemer, ‘95 Curtis A. Cleveland Todd Frauenholtz* James E., ‘74, & Susan E. (Meline) Hetland, ‘76 Donald J. & Beverly Kraft Clim-A-Tech Industries, Inc. Robert E., ‘55, & Arlys (Schanthe) Frazey, ‘63 Kenneth J. Heyer, ‘68 Joan L. Kriegler, ‘57 Donald G. Cloutman* Michelle A. (Mohs) Frenzel, ‘98* Karl D. Hibler, ‘73 Gary & Bernadine Kuborn Gayle A. (Hendrickson) Colborn, ‘65 Bob Friedheim Higgins Heating of Bemidji L & M Fleet Supply Stephen C. Collins, ‘73 Jerry & Shirley (Thiel) Froseth, ‘59 Norman O., ‘74, & Karen D. (Murphy) Hilleren, ‘74 Richard H., ‘78, & Nancy B. (Davenport) Lafean, ‘78 John M. Colosimo, ‘64 Doug & Jeri L. (Hakala) Fuller, ‘95 David J. Hoaas, ‘82 Donald J., ‘64, & JoAnn C. (Olson) Langan, ‘71 Judith A. Comstock, ‘80 Marc T., ‘77, & Kristi D. (Knutson) Fuller, ‘78 Ronald W. Hobson, ‘49 Carl W., ‘91, & Nancy A. (Paulson) Langner, ‘91 Gary A. Cook, ‘93 Fulton D. & Nancy P. Gallagher, ‘80 Beverly J. Hodgson* Billy J.* & Marilyn K. Lanners* Lee* & Patricia K. Cook Ronald J. & Renee L. Gardas Lyle & Donna Hoff Ralph G. Larsen, ‘76 Robert & Lorena C. Cook, ‘76* The Garden Grill & Pub Elaine A. (Eggert) Hoffman, ‘73* Denis W. Larson Kenneth H., ‘68, & Margaret A. (Lynch) Corens, ‘70 Kathryn J. Gardner, ‘85 James H. Hoffman, ‘69 Joyce M. Larson, ‘78 Edward J. Coyle, ‘75 Robert S., ‘69, & Susan M. Garramone Thomas A., ‘93, & Amy E. (Wagner) Hofius, ‘93 Larson Environmental Consulting Kyle R. Crocker* Mark A. Garton, ‘79 Paul E., ‘75, & Sharon (Houger) Hokuf, ‘68 Nancy J. (Sooger) Lassow, ‘75 Donald O., ‘71, & Robin (Kittley) Crosby, ‘74 Ronald & Mildred Gearman Laura Holm* Vanessa Laurella Cruise Masters Richard J.* & Carol Gendreau The Home Place Bike & Ski Shop, Inc. Pierre H. Le Pere, ‘64 Harold J.* & Brenda Culbertson, ‘98 James G., ‘55, & Connie Ghostley Frank E., ‘86, & Lynnette M. (Senn) Homer, ‘84 Chris R., ‘98, & Jana D. (Cooper) LeClaire, ‘98 Caroline L. Cunningham, ‘03 Scott R. Gibson, ‘77 Honda-Yamaha Sports Centre Lloyd N., ‘56, & Shirley V. (Brekke) Lee, ‘57 David A. Dahlberg, ‘77 Garey A., ‘83, & Dianne J. (Zuelow) Giffen, ‘88 Cheryl T. (Bjella) Horton, ‘49 Russell Lee* & Mary Ann Reitmeir* Dairyland Healthcare Solutions Ralph E., ‘73, & Nancy R. Giffen Richard Houtkooper, ‘68 Lee & Al’s , Incorporated Fern J. (Nelson) Dalby, ‘67 Keith H. Gilbertson Tammy L. Hovland, ‘90 Gerald M., ‘75, & Marceil R. (Targeson) Lein, ‘76 Dan Ley’s Painting Vincent J. Gillen, ‘71 Bill M. Howe Kristine C. (Oveson) Lessard, ‘80 George W., ‘62, & Darlene (Jensen) Dann, ‘63 William H. Gilman, ‘68 Kenneth R., ‘87, & Kari L. Howe Gerald D., ‘63, & Carol (DeLeo) Levasseur, ‘66 James, ‘73, & Judith V. (Kolar) Dauwalter, ‘74 James B. & Eileen M. Gioia Gerald C., ‘89, & Wanda P. Hoyum, ‘96 Jerome S., ‘92, & Gail M. Leverson, ‘97 Dave’s Satellite & Spa Richard A., ‘70, & Sandy K. Glas Loren R., ‘66, & Edith L. Hoyum, ‘88 Richard A., ‘79, & Marcia (Baker) Liapis, ‘76 Eric E. Davidge, ‘90 Lawrence R. Glassmann, ‘67 Tim & Kathleen M. Hughes* Daniel M. Lillquist, ‘98 Daniel S., ‘85, & Jama (McDermott) Davidson, ‘87 Paul E., ‘70, & Kathy L. Godlewski Martha M. Hull, ‘73 Darrel Lillquist, ‘63 Jeremiah J., ‘99, & Heather F. DeBoer, ‘99 Donald R. Goode, ‘71 James O. & A. Jean Humeniuk Craig S. Lilyquist, ‘74 Thomas E. DeBruyckere, ‘83 Joseph P., ‘61, & Sylvia Graba Delores M. Husted, ‘64 Delores M. (Sannes) Lind, ‘54 Cecil N. Decker Joseph J., ‘80, & Patricia A. (Gillespie) Grabowski, ‘81 Richard J. Imbra, ‘77 Karen S. (McLeod) Lindberg, ‘63 William A. Dempster, ‘79 Deborah A. Grabrian, ‘84* Industrial Custom Products Scott K. Lindberg, ‘75 Ann M. Deters, ‘85 Julie T. Granlund, ‘84 Jon L. Isackson, ‘70 Belinda S. Lindell, ‘94* Pamela A. (Leighton) Dexter, ‘81 Gregory J. Grausnick, ‘93 Steven J. Isackson, ‘79 Lisa R. Lindeman, ‘78 LuAnn M. Dickinson-Hamilton, ‘85 Paul J., ‘60, & Nina R. Gravel Jean (Navickas) Isaksen, ‘74 Glen T., ‘83, & Theresa L. Lindseth, ‘93 Dick’s Plumbing & Heating of Bemidji, Inc. Raymond W. Green, ‘50 Roger A., ‘91, & Lynn M. Jackson Michael R. Linn, ‘86 Diversified Builders Mark R. Fulton* & Wendy Greenberg Susanna K. Jackson, ‘85 Gary & Mary Lippo Janet F. Dixon, ‘78 Greenwood Golf Course Truman H., ‘65, & Kathy (Fitzsimmons) Jackson, ‘92* Spencer & Rita D. Livingston Clarence J. Dobmeier, ‘74 Kirk P. Gregg, ‘81 Tony & Donna Jahner Douglas A. Loeffler, ‘86 Donald D. Dorn, ‘50 J. Roger Grier, ‘57 Robert J. Jamnick, ‘80 Carri L. Lohse-Hanson, ‘82 Mike Doty* Grimes Realty Lon A. & Becky A. (Kennard) Jasper, ‘79 Geraldine G. (Johnson) Longfellow, ‘76 Maureen C. Dragseth, ‘96 James L. & Susan L. (Koch) Grimm* Vera E. Jewett Looking Glass Salon Mary Ellen Drajna, ‘66 Lyle Grimmer, ‘71 Ted A., ‘75, & Joan M. (Goelzer) Johanson, ‘75 Thomas W. Lortie, ‘83 Joyce M. (Danielson) Drechsel, ‘54 John G., ‘90, & Anne M. (Overby) Gronski, ‘92 Richard & Nancy L. (Baughn) Johanneson, ‘74 Lucachick Architecture, Inc. Peter C. Duncan, ‘65 James P., ‘52, & Irene (Perkins) Groschupf, ‘52 Dale A. & Sharon K. Johnson Richard H. Lugeanbeal, ‘86 Jack Dunphy, ‘79 Donald D. Gross, ‘81 Edward L. Johnson Eric E.* & Danae J. Beattie Lund, ‘91 Brett J. Dutton, ‘81 Pamela L. (Johnson) Grossmann, ‘84 Jeffrey F. Johnson, ‘69 Arlene S. Lundmark, ‘43 James P. & Susan Duval William S. Grundy, ‘76 Lynn M. Johnson* MJ Architectural Studios, Inc. Jon J. & Lisa Eckhoff William V. Gryska, ‘65 Leon L. Johnson, ‘55 Maas Accounting & Computer Consulting Edlund Chiropractic Janet L. Guggenheimer* Mark Johnson* James H., ‘77, & Janet K. (Herdman) MacNeil, ‘78 Richard A., ‘49, & Hazel J. (Myren) Edlund, ‘49 Guidant Corporation Myra L. (Heieren) Johnson, ‘64 James L., ‘72, & Eileen E. Malone-Beach, ‘69 eFunds Benefits Department Arthur & Jeanne Gullette Robert D. Johnson, ‘52, & Alma Cater Anthony, ‘79, & Patricia J. (Erickson) Mann, ‘79 Paul D. & Diane Eggebraaten Paul J. Gustafson, ‘73 Robert N., ‘64, & Nancy A. (Peterson) Johnson, ‘64 Norman L. Manselle, ‘69 Candice J. Eggert Kyle E. Gylsen, ‘85 Roger L., ‘73, & Stephanie A. (Solheim) Johnson, ‘73 Steven A. Manske, ‘78 Elks Lodge 1052 Kathryn M. (Dahlager) Hagen, ‘90* Gary Johnsrud, ‘67 Kurt J. Marben, ‘74 Michael R. Engelhardt, ‘74, & Jill E. Swanson, ‘76 Dwight R. Hager, ‘90 L. Marshall Johnston, ‘76 Louis V., ‘48, & Mary Lou (Stark) Marchand, ‘66 Timothy S. & Rene L. Engh Chris Haley* Sally S. Jones, ‘73 Market Pharmacy Eleanore A. Erickson, ‘70 Frieda R. Hall, ‘77 Brad Jordahl, ‘83 William J. Marketon, ‘86 Lawrence E. Erie, ‘62 Robert Hambrecht Brandon D. Jorgensen Richard B. Marsolek, ‘77* Rick & Connie Erlandson Patrick K., ‘86, & Jane E. (Dostal) Hammann, ‘84 Jennifer J. Jorstad, ‘80 Dwaine J., ‘58, & Maureen M. Marten John R. Estall, ‘75 Donald A., ‘80, & Lovetta F. Hammer, ‘76 John* & Kathy Judkins Steven F. Martin, ‘69 Deborah S. (Bruflat) Fadness, ‘75 Hampton Inn & Suites Cory B. Kampf, ‘87 Douglas & Rhonda Martinka Dennis J. Fallon, ‘62 Greg A., ‘90, & Rebecca J. (Bol) Hansen, ‘90 Kandy Anderson, CPA Donald C. Matthews Fannie Mae Foundation Gregg Hanson, ‘70 David G. Kankel, ‘58 Robert J.*, ‘74, & Antoinette (Coburn) Mattson, ‘68 Thomas H.* & Sally K. Fauchald Herbert H., ‘63, & Ivanette M. (Callies) Hanson, ‘64 Lisa Kasney Larry J., ‘81, & Sandra E. (Voytas) Matzdorf, ‘81 Jeremy D. Fayette, ‘96, & Stacy A. Bender-Fayette Luther C. Hanson, ‘70 Carol K. Kavaney Diane M. (Cox) Maus, ‘71 Joseph Ferguson Walter J. & Kaloa Hanson Keenan’s Cabinets of Distinction, Inc. Mavo Systems, Inc. Rex E. Ferguson & Terri Dahms Barbara R. Hanus* Martin G. & Muriel W. Keeney Margaret S. Maxwell Ricky W. & Lynne M. Ferguson Timothy L.* & Barbara L. (Westlund) Harrison, ‘91 Barbara (Paulson) Keith, ‘80 Dawn Marie (Dempewolf) May, ‘81 Fiducia Benefits Group Scott T. Harstad, ‘78 Janis K. (Smith) Kelley, ‘77 Richard D.* & Charlotte Mayer Shirley Fiecke Jerome D. Hartmann, ‘80 Betty J. (Van Middendorp) Kempe, ‘73 Catherine McCartney* Michael & Diane P. Field, ‘81 James W. & Rebecca M. Haskell Allyn R. Kendall, ‘68 Aaron J., ‘98, & Michele M. McClellan, ‘98 James E. Finks, ‘77 James R. Hathaway, ‘79 Taylor J., ‘87, & Debra J. (Trihey) Kendall, ‘87 Paul D., & Vida F. McCollam Patrick G.*, ‘87, & Darla K. Finnegan* Doris A. (Souder) Hazelton, ‘74 Kenny’s BP & Goodyear Suzanne L. (Kettner) McConkey, ‘85 Stephanie A. Fischer, ‘81 Headwaters Orthopedics PLC Paul A. Kief James R.* & Karol E. (Hendricks) McCracken, ‘86 James R. Fisher, ‘78 Norman E. Hecimovich, ‘60 Dennis E. Kihlstadius Daniel G., ‘73, & Patricia M. McGrath, ‘73 Donald R., ‘60, & Janice (Johnson) Fiskum, ‘59 Thomas G., ‘87, & Barbara M. (Maroney) Hein, ‘87 Matthew G., ‘96, & Tresa M. (Aiple) King, ‘97 Gary L. McKeen, ‘76 Robert W. Fiskum, ‘58, & Yvonne E. Siats-Fiskum, ‘54 Ted L., ‘76, & Hollice D. (Plautz) Heisserer, ‘75 Lucy M. ( Vlajnich) Kirtland, ‘52 The Medtronic Foundation John & Brenda Flayton Duane S. Helmer, ‘61 John G. Kittleson, ‘87 Teresa L. (Page) Meierhofer, ‘85 Clarence M. Flemming, ‘84 John D., ‘87, & Joanne M. Henningsgaard* Clayton M.* & Ivy J. Knoshaug* Jeffrey D., ‘81, & Sharon M. (Fleming) Meister, ‘81 Floor To Ceiling Store Evelyn R. Henrickson, ‘79 Richard Koch* & Debbie Guelda* Harold Melby, ‘46 Roderick C. Henry* Paul A., ‘86, & Jill C. (Johnson) Meskan, ‘84

22 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 23 Annual contributions of $100 or more - July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005.

Patricia A. Scaletta T R Electric, Inc. Paul R., ‘96, & Michele Schaefer Allen B., ‘78, & Cheryl L. (Carlson) Tabbert, ‘78 C ontinu e d Scherling Studio Cheryl L. Teal, ‘92 Richard Schieck, ‘75 Melanie M. (Malterud) Teems, ‘62 Dennis C. & Nancy A. Miley Richard E., ‘75, & Jeanne E. (Paulsen) Palmer, ‘76 Ronald L. & Nancy C. Schleicher M. DeWayne Teig, ‘92 Joan G. Miller, ‘94* Sharray A. Palm, ‘90 Michael W. Schlemper, ‘90, & CarolAnn Ranae L. Tenold, ‘95 Jack W. Miller, ‘56 Roger Paskvan, ‘69* Russell-Schlemper* Nancy J. (Van Sickle) Thiessen, ‘83 Minnesota Business Finance Corp. Charles D. Patterson, ‘50 James D. Schlichting, ‘82 Dale & Susan Thompson James P., ‘73, & Patricia L. (Streiff) Mitchell, ‘75 Derrick J. Paul, ‘90 Darlene M. Schmit, ‘85 John H., ‘98, & Jennifer J. (Mellum) Thompson, ‘99 Annette (Maus) Mitteness, ‘85 Paul Bunyan Mini Storage Mark A. Schmitt* John K. Thompson, ‘63 Kenneth P. Mittelholtz, ‘67 Paul Bunyan Transit Barry K. Schonberger, ‘74 Robert P., ‘61, & Lois L. Thomson, ‘66 Steven J. Mittelholtz, ‘76 Mark O., ‘61, & Kathleen E. (Stevens) Paulson, ‘88 Michael P. & Teresa A. Schonhardt Scott A., ‘88, & Kirsten M. (Nelson) Thompson, ‘88 Thomas F., ‘64, & Mary C. Moberg Susan D. (Adamson) Paulson, ‘78 Dennis K., ‘71, & Nancy L. (Gordon) Schueller, ‘71 Steven P. Thompson, ‘78 Carolann M. (Colaizy) Modlin, ‘69 Steven R. Pauna, ‘90 John P., ‘61, & Charlotte E. (Rich) Schullo, ‘62 Thor S., ‘85, & Kimm A. (Larson) Thorson, ‘83 Richard A.* & Debi Moen Scott, ‘77, & Kathy L. (Uhrinak) Pearson, ‘78 John W. Schultz, ‘50 Doyle E. Tomhave Robert A. & Sally A. Montebello Thomas P., ‘82, & Anita S. (Bekeris) Pederstuen, ‘81 Rod R. & Christi L. Schwegel Brian A., ‘82, & Cynthia L. (Bullert) Toms, ‘83 Daniel J., ‘50, & Nadene E. (Booth) Moore, ‘48 Thomas P. Peffer, ‘75 Arlene G. (Bakker) Schwerzler, ‘85 John F. Tonko, ‘61 Dorothy L. Moore, ‘49 Brian Pelowski, ‘69 Thomas, ‘71, & Joan E. Sebenaler, ‘73 Hillard R. & Lois D. Torgerson Morell’s Chippewa Trading Post Steven R. Pelphrey, ‘91, & Ann M. Haugo, ‘89 Earl C. Seelye, ‘75 Leslie O., ‘64, & Carol (Brovold) Torgerson, ‘64 Michael C.* & Vivienne Morgan, ‘89* Bill & Barbara Pesta Daniel S., ‘82, & Jane K. (Franz) Sellberg, ‘81 Sheryll J. Torgerson, ‘88 Terri M. (Ziegler) Morganson, ‘83 Pet Zone Dustin J., ‘95, & Sarah L. (Burkhart) Sellon, ‘96 M. Carmen Totorica Paula L. (Haarstad) Mortenson, ‘93 Lori D. Petersen* Roberta Sellon, ‘69 Richard H., ‘76, & Sandra L. (Blue) Tracy, ‘70 Matthew A. Moyle, ‘98 Bonnie G. Peterson Susan L. (Thompson) Senecah, ‘72 Hai M. Tran, ‘99 Mudcats Baseball Debra F. Peterson, ‘83* Anna M. Senn, ‘51 Randy Triepke Dwight B., ‘70, & Rebecca M. Munns, ‘71 Frances Peterson Hans J. Serleth, ‘88 Bennett L., ‘55, & Joan (Whalen) Trochlil, ‘52 John Thomas Murphy* & Elizabeth E. Dunn* Mary E. (Ihrke) Peterson, ‘70 Servicemaster of Newton Dale S. Tucker, ‘71 ve G i v ing C u m l ati ation Vernon J. Mushel, ‘51 Stacy L. (Mills) Peterson, ‘00 Thomas J. Sexter, ‘83 Todd J., ‘89, & Laurie F. Turner, ‘87 Anthony J. Musich, ‘65 Sharon A. Peterson* Michael P., ‘70, & Carolinda (Fischer) Shay, ‘71 Roger M. Twigg, ‘71 Gregory J., ‘74, & Kathleen M. (Jenkins) Nadeau, ‘72 Peterson Sheet Metal Duane L.* & Michele L. Sheets, ‘95 Frank T. Udovich, Jr. Kay C. Nadel Wallace S. Pettersen, ‘76 Ken, ‘50, & Betti (Lagather) Sherman, ‘52 United Building Centers, Bemidji Miles T., ‘63, & Janice K. Nakamura, ‘66 John P. Pfau, ‘67 Truman H. Shoaff, ‘50 Wendy A. (Belanger) Urban, ‘73 Theodore J. & Christine L. Nastal Jim & Wendy Phillips Cory J. Shubert, ‘83 Jon R. Utley* Mark & Penny Natwick Sanjeev* & Hilary J. Phukan, ‘00 Mary E. (Dahlen) Simon, ‘61 Shaun A. Vandegrift, ‘94 Judy Negard* Robert C. & Marian J. Pickett Richard & Jean C. Slinkman, ‘77 Daniel L. & Anita L. Veatch Gordon & Edna Nei Pickett Agency Gerald R. & Donna Smith Shane A. Veenker, ‘93 Neil’s Quality Meats Darry E. Pink, ‘68 Robert K. Smith* Bradley D. Vergin, ‘87

B S U F oun d Corinne R. (Kellor) Nelson, ‘73 Angela M. Pinsonneault, ‘98 John E., ‘90, & Carolyn K. (Drewelow) Solheim, ‘88 Scott D., ‘73, & Karen S. (Hutchison) Vettleson, ‘73 Edward Nelson Play It Again Sports Dale C. Sorensen, ‘57 Daniel B. & Doris Voigt John S. Nelson, ‘72 Douglas E. & Janet B. Prall Diane C. (Hansen) Sorensen, ‘50 Arleen (Norby) Wagner Leon J.*, ‘72, & Deborah L. (Frank) Nelson, ‘85 Silvin & Joyce Pribyl Donald E. Sorensen, ‘64 Gary N., ‘73, & Nancy C. (Kliner) Wagner, ‘73 J. Thomas & Janet R. Nelson Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. Dan A. Sorsoleil* Thomas D. Waldhauser, ‘76 Jane E. Nelson Joseph J., ‘88, & Karol M. (Lundmark) Provost, ‘88 Karin A. (Boutain) Spann, ‘75 Gregg A., ‘83, & Karen (Brom) Waldon, ‘87 Stella M. (Gottwald) Nelson, ‘86 Dennis A. Ptacek, ‘75 Special Occasions Gerald F., ‘72, & Mary Jo Wambach* Thomas J., ‘68, & Patsy (Langord) Nendick Rebecca A Pung, ‘03 Jim Spitzer, ‘53 Dallas M., ‘68, & Joyce L. (Andresen) Way, ‘68* Robert R. Ness, ‘57 Norma D. (Ceded) Quaderer, ‘70 Mark R. Sponsel, ‘81 William R. Waytas, ‘80 Joseph M. Neumann, ‘87* R & D Tire & Auto Center Richard J., ‘83, & Kristine M. Sprouse, ‘83 We Care Chiropractic Michael W., ‘74, & Debra S. Newman Pamela A. (Miller) Raden, ‘86 The St. Paul Companies William W.* & Rosalie M. Weaver, ‘81* Joseph W. Nicholas, ‘84 Ernest A. & Patricia M. Rall Daniel P. & Phyllis M. St. Peter Wells Fargo Elmer A. & Eileen M. Nies Sandra L. (Smith) Rasmus, ‘72* Barbara A. Staehle, ‘76 Jan M. Welle Charles & Cheryl Nilson Dave & Linda K. Rasmussen* Marvin K. Stafford, ‘78 Justin P. Welle Dorothy J. (Burud) Njegovan, ‘40 Kathleen (Radway) Raykowski, ‘65 Danny Statton* Paul A. Welter, ‘55 Karen A. (Fowler) Noonan, ‘72 Robert C. Reeve, ‘49 Laurie J. (Ramstad) Stein, ‘80 Philip C. Wentzel, ‘83 Keith L. Nordby Christopher M. Reider Stellent, Inc. Allan L. Westerlund, ‘49 Pat A. Nordick, ‘85 Brian R. Remick, ‘98 Eva Stengel, ‘60 Harvey I., ‘57, & Loris Westrom Orielle Norland Renaissance Hearing Centers, Inc. Stennes’ & Buhn’s Moose Lake Resort Roger K. Westerberg, ‘73 Northern Safety & Security Gary B. & Nancy Revier Carson & Barbara Stensland Shannon Wettstein* Northern Surplus/Northern Outdoors Richard L. Rezanka, ‘93, & Andrea M. Johnson, ‘93 Marsha Stevenson Stephen G., ‘88, & Madalyn H. Wick* Northstar Materials Inc. Scott D. Richards, ‘93 Theodore T. & Laverne J. Stevenson Lonny J. Wild, ‘63 James R. Novak, ‘90 Barbara A. (Melby) Richter, ‘80 Margaret Stolpestad, ‘73 Daniel L. Wilde, ‘70 Virlie L. Nugent, ‘70 Cec & Judy Ringgenberg Daniel G. Stoltz Rodney Will & Anne Meredith-Will Nancy B. (Bren) Nuzzo, ‘77 Matthew B. Ritter James A. Stoltz Carol J. (Paavola) Willey, ‘64 Frederic & Colleen Nyland Kurt P. Haubrich, ‘76 & Geri J. Robbins, ‘73 James D. Stone* Douglas R. Williams, DDS Thomas C. Oberg, ‘79 Robert S. Johnson, Chiropractor Marilyn A. Stone, ‘72 Jeffery L. Wilson, ‘84 Kathleen J. O’Brien, ‘89* Thomas S. Roberts, ‘84 Stony Point Resort, Inc. Scott A. Wilson, ‘69 Steven F. O’Brien, ‘83 William J., ‘68, & Mary Ann Robertson, ‘74 Marlyn P. & Marlys B. Storm Brenda L. (Holmer) Windahl, ‘85 Thomas W., ‘71, & M. Stephanie (Araskog) O’Brien, ‘71 Faye Rochel George & Pamela Stowe Rodney L.* & Linda Witt Jean M. O’Brien-Kehoe, ‘80 Rockwell Collins Sharon Strum Adam A. Wojciehowski, ‘00 John Oetterer Mary L. (Anderson) Rodahl, ‘76 Roxanne Struthers, ‘84 Anne (Reitter) Wolf, ‘74 Mary Beth (Olsen) Okeson, ‘80 Pamela F. (Fladeland) Rodriguez, ‘78 Katherine A. (Miller) Sukalski, ‘76 Marty* & Linda L. Wolf Richard D. Olafson* Woodie R. Rogers, ‘96 Michael P. & Gail A. Sullivan Jay Wollum Peter M. Olofson, ‘69 Robert D. J. Rossborough, ‘83 Anthony E., ‘93, & Kristin L. (Mostad) Sundgaard, ‘91 Gretchen B. (Brown) Wright, ‘79 David L., ‘81, & Kelly Jean ( Arnold) Olsen, ‘82 Ross Lewis Sign Company Thomas & Yvonne Sunnarborg Thomas L. Wrolstad, ‘61 Donald C. & Priscilla Olson David S. Roth, ‘85 Janie Sunsdahl Richard K. Wyman, ‘70 Gary S., ‘50, & Carol K. Olson Irvin & Ardith Rotto, ‘72 Super 8 Motel Rae (Rossbach) Wynn, ‘49 Jonathan D. Olson, ‘98 Rae Funk Rowe, ‘78 Roland J. Surina Ervin Yff, ‘75 Marian I. & Linda B. Olson Shirley H. (Hall) Rowell, ‘58 Dana E. (Roline) Swanson, ‘96 Mark A. Yorek, ‘76 Stephen C., ‘73, & Helen A. (Westrum) Olson, ‘66 SBC Foundation David Swanson, ‘68 Larry & Sue Young Kerry L. Openshaw* Lewis M. Sacks, ‘67 Leon C. & Mary Swanson John C. Zak, ‘74 Michael R. Oquist, ‘83 Dale L.*, ‘73, & Debra K. Sakrison, ‘80 Ben Swarts Gregory A. Ziebarth, ‘79 Mark S. O’Rourke, ‘80 Bryant T. Salamone Allen P., ‘76, & Doris (Gonshorowski) Swedmark, ‘76 Charles F., ‘61, & Susan (McCollister) Zielin, ‘61 Ronald E., ‘65, & Nancy L. Ostman, ‘69 Tim Salm* Dale J. Swenson, ‘60 Teresa A. Znajewski, ‘02 Steven V. Osvold, ‘85 Robert A. Salo, ‘65 Dennis C. Swenson, ‘67 Lorraine R. Zuehlke Donald J. Otness, ‘57 Thomas M. Samson, ‘97 Michael T., ‘96, & Jennifer E. (Thoen) Swenson, ‘97 Duane E. Zug, ‘81 Otter Tail Power Company Daniel A. & Mary K. Sand Sylvan Learning Center Joseph J. Zych, ‘82 John D. Overland, ‘91 Jill A. Sandberg, ‘78 Gordon W. & Loretta Syverson Brett A., ‘91, & Lori R. (Fredrickson) Palesch, ‘91 Mary Grace Sass, ‘83 Norris Syverson *Employee of BSU Carol H. Sather

24 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT Any errors or omissions are unintentional and deeply regreted. Robin Mechelke Joe Dunn Becky Dawley Jim Bensen Julie Gronquist Kerry Openshaw Dave Ramsey John Davies Robert “Skip” Drake President Vice President, Beaver Secretary/Treasurer Legacy Society Student IFO Representative Alumni Representative Pride Representative Representative Senate Representative

Jim Hanko Linda Hanson Trish Jones Robin Kelleher Pat Kelly Allen Kuha Joe Lueken Mike McKinley

Lee Norman Natalie Roholt Brian St. Martin Ed Schmidt Dave Sorensen George Thelen Susan Van Allen Lehrer Guy Vena Jeff Wallin

Growth of Assets $12,000,000




$4,000,000 $5,185,090 $6,402,340 $7,724,608 $8,485,507 $8,292,598 $8,837,244 $8,789,337 $9,847,659 $10,912,494 $2,000,000 $4,469,682 BSU Foundation Bemidji State University #17

1500 Birchmont Drive NE Bemidji, MN 56601-2699

$0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

24 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 25 Any errors or omissions are unintentional and deeply regreted.

Andi & Mike Garrett Geographic Modern/Classical Language Scholarship Education Scholarship Dorothy L. Moore String Scholarship The following endowments & other Ronald A. Gearman Piano Scholarship Harry Moore Scholarship Jeanne Gillen Memorial Scholarship Cliff Morlan Memorial Scholarship Ted & Ardis Gillett Presidential Scholarship Music Department Endowment accounts have been established at the BIO Endowment Muriel B. Gilman Endowment Music Department Piano Endowment M. Fern Birnstihl Scholarship BSU Foundation to fund scholarships, John Glas Memorial Scholarship Galen Nagle Memorial Fund Marie Bishop Scholarship Beulah Gregoire Endowment Naylor Electric Scholarship endowed chairs and numerous Harold Borchers Scholarship James Grier Memorial Scholarship Wm & Dona Mae Naylor Scholarship Dr B - W.F. Bornschlegl Scholarship supportive activities for which state Harold Hagg History Scholarship Winston/Irene Naylor Scholarship John & Anne Brady Scholarship Fred & Mabel Hamm Scholarship George W. Neilson Chair in Wetlands Ecology Paul Brandvick Choral Scholarship funds cannot be used. Russell & Gudrun Harding Scholarship F.Miles & Margaret Nelson Scholarship Gurnee Bridgman Biology Scholarship Margaret Harlow Art Fund Ray Nelson Scholarship Fred Breen Scholarship Margaret Harlow Ceramics Scholarship Cardinal Newman Scholarship Award Ray F. Breen Scholarship Harlow Geography Scholarship Ed Nordheim Scholarship Endowed Funds William Britton Scholarship Oluf & Margaret Haugsrud Scholarship North Star Homes Scholarship Edwin J. Aalberts Memorial Scholarship Meredith Brown Music Scholarship Elaine J. Hazard Scholarship Nursing Scholarship Endowment Allan Adams Memorial Scholarship Jeffrey Busse Geography Scholarship Evan B. Hazard Scholarship Ottertail Co. Scholarship Fund Alpha Nu Scholarship Eben Calder Scholarship Clara & John Helley Sr Alumni Scholarship Abe Patterson Memorial Scholarship Alumni Association Quasi-Endowment Campus Honors Scholarship James & Marilyn Heltzer Scholarship Harold T. Peters Scholarship AAUW-Mabel Parks Scholarship Anita Carlson Memorial Scholarship Henderson, Patton, Jones Science Robert H. Peters Hockey Endowment American Indian Alumni Scholarship Bertha Christianson Scholarship Memorial Scholarship Philosophy Endowment Chet Anderson Athletic Scholarship Marion Christianson & Betsy McDowell Scholarship Annie B. Henry African American Scholarship Physics Emeriti Faculty-Andrew Brown Scholarship Anderson Family Scholarship AC Clark Library Endowment Henriques International Fund Ernest Plath Memorial Scholarship Marvin Anderson Family Scholarship Wag Collins Scholarship Lawrence H. ”Hollie” Higgins Scholarship Marjorie Beck P.E. Grad Student Scholarship Elsie Annis Honor Award Cowhick Scholarship Hoganson Graduate Assistant Scholarship Joe Plummer Jazz Scholarship John B. Arneson Scholarship Criminal Justice Scholarship Charles S. Holt Memorial Scholarship Jim Cecil Political Science Scholarship Boris & Caroline Andrican Scholarship Dr. Don W. Crompton Scholarship Bill/Bette Howe Scholarship Presidential Scholarship College of Arts & Letters - Retired & Emeriti Amelia Dalzatto Nursing Scholarship Ruth A. Howe Scholarship Fund Professional Education Department Fund Faculty Scholarship Robert & Jacqueline Decker Scholarship Myrtie Hunt Alumni Scholarship Red Lake Scholarship BSU Alumni Scholarship Endowment Ione DeKrey Memorial Scholarship Indian Studies Fund Residential Life/Dining Service Award BSU Capitol Internship Scholarship Delta Kappa Gamma Society International/ Esther & Alfred C. Instebo Scholarship Dale Ross Baseball Scholarship BSU Fishing for Fun Emeriti Scholarship Hazel Shimmin Scholarship Instrumental Music Scholarship Rosselet-Hickey Scholarship BSU Foundation Quasi-Endowment Leonard Dickinson Scholarship Jack & Delphine Jacobsen Scholarship Tom Rowlette Scholarship Norm & Linda Baer Scholarship Herb & Lynn Doran BSU Men’s Hockey Scholarship Westy James Scholarship Phillip Sauer Scholarship Ernest & Victoria Baker Science & G.S. Droba Engineering Physics Endowment Francis Johnson Scholarship Miriam Jaakola Savacheck Scholarship Music Scholarship Dyrhaug Scholarship Arnold Johnson Basketball Scholarship Joelyn Scriba Nursing Scholarship Harry F. Bangsberg Memorial Scholarship for Les Duly Scholarship Margaret H. Johnson Scholarship Walter J. Schuiling Scholarship Asian Studies Drs Dick & Eleanore Edwards Scholarship Sam & Peggy (Marvin) Johnson Scholarship Roberta Sellon Award Grant Bateman Scholarship Bill Elliott Memorial Scholarship Robin Norgaard Kelleher Scholarship William Sellon Scholarship Richard E. Beitzel Scholarship LeRoy Erickson Scholarship William F. Kirtland Memorial Scholarship Rick & Marcella Sherman Scholarship Bemidji Area Retention Scholarship Otto Erickson Memorial Fund Lillie Kleven Print Scholarship Constance Simenson-DeKrey Memorial Scholarship Bemidji Concert Series Endowment Bertha Evenson Memorial Fund Robert Kramer Scholarship Special Situation Scholarship BSU Foundation General Scholarship Football Endowment Dan Kraus Scholarship Skaar Distributing/Bemidji Athletic Club BSU Scholarship to Clearbrook/Gonvick Charles Fuchsman Scholarship l Scho a rs hip fun ds En d o wed F un ds / A nnua Kraus Anderson Scholarship Athletic Scholarship Bender Scholarship Full Tuition Scholarship Endowment KDAL-KDAH Fishing Fund Scholarship Sociology/Anthropology Emeriti Scholarship Jim Bensen Innovation Fund Fulton Gallagher Music Fund Ruth Lane Memorial Scholarship Stephen & Lois Sorenson Endowment for Visual Arts League of Women Voters Bemidji Area-M Parker/R Hypatia Spangler Music Endowment Brune Mangelsdorf Memorial Scholarship Dr. Marjory Beck Sports Sciences Endowment League of Women Voters Bemidji Area-Hazel Jack/Marie St Martin American Indian Scholarship Shimmin Memorial Scholarship Jack/Marie St Martin Hockey Scholarship Rhonda Syverson Levinski Scholarship Star Tribune Foundation Scholarship Roy & Eva Lind Scholarship Ruth Stenerson Scholarship P. Bradley Logan Choral Scholarship George H. Stewart Memorial Hockey Scholarship James & Janet Love Scholarship Willie Stittsworth Scholarship Joe & Jan Lueken American Indian Scholarship Sullivan International Student Scholarship Joe & Jan Lueken Scholarship Sustainable Campus Endowment 3 M Chair of Accounting Endowment Tom Swanson Brass Quintet Endowment 3M Accounting Department Endowment Mary Helen Tartar Scholarship McKee/Havumaki Scholarship Theta Tau Epsilon (Alumni Assoc Award & Gerald Michael McKinley Business Marketing Scholarship Michael Schnabel Award) McKnight Foundation Scholarship Carl Thompson Scholarship James & Cameron McMahon Memorial Scholarship Margaret Shepard-Thorbeck Scholarship Malmquist Art Purchase Award Endowment Ted Thorson Band Scholarship Ruth Brune Mangelsdorf Memorial Scholarship Patrick T. Trihey Science Teachers Scholarship Marshall China Studies Scholarship Tuorila/Haiby Scholarship Theola Marsh Smith Scholarship Dorothy Veranth Memorial Scholarship Ken Masse Memorial Scholarship Vets Club Scholarship ( L Olson) Mathematics Emeriti Faculty Scholarship Norm Wagner Memorial Scholarship Rick Maynard Scholarship Fund Ruth Warde Research Scholarship Harry Melby Science Scholarship John Warford Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Full Tuition Scholarships $188,000 Sidney Melby Memorial Scholarship Weber Scholarship Leonard D. Melville Memorial Scholarship N.A. Welle Memorial Scholarship. Dollars Endowed and Annual Named Scholarships $171,688 Memorial Scholarship Wes Westrum Memorial Scholarship Beaver Pride Scholarships $148,038 Men’s Athletic Endowment Wes Winter Scholarship Men’s Athletic Quasi-Endowment Women’s Athletic Scholarship Awarded Merit, Presidential and Campus Honor Scholarships $78,422 Roy P. Meyer Scholarship Fund Women’s Center Endowment Ben Miller Scholarship John & Dana Yourd Scholarship Athletic Grants $80,000 Raymond Milowski Scholarship Don Zuehlke Scholarship Alumni Relative Scholarships $36,000

26 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 27 Annual Scholarship Funds Alumni Relative Scholarship Aquila Scholarship Marjorie C. Beck Nursing Scholarship Muriel & Jack Beech Memorial Scholarship Bemidji Rotary Scholarship Nancy & Jim Bensen Scholarship Dear Alumni and Friends of Bemidji State University, BSU Distance Learning Scholarship Wow! 2004-2005 proved to be another great year for the Bemidji BSU Womens Soccer Scholarship Deloitte Touche Scholarship State University Legacy Society. Our roster increased by 40 members, Herb & Lynn Doran Fifth Year Scholarship which represents a 25% growth over last year. When we began working with the Legacy Society a little over three Elks Vocal Scholarship years ago, we began with 46 members. Today 140 BSU alums, faculty emeriti and friends have included Bemidji Thomas Erickson Memorial Scholarship State University in their estate plans and, as a result, are members of the Legacy Society. The Legacy Society is all Trustee Emeritus Erickson Part-time Student Scholarship about securing the future of Bemidji State University and its students. Carolyn H. Evanesky Scholarship We certainly need to thank and acknowledge the volunteer members of the Legacy Society advisory committee for Federated Insurance Information Services Scholarship their good work in moving this most dynamic and critical organization forward. Over the past year, in addition to Federated Insurance Business Scholarship coordinating the annual mailing of the Thanksgiving cards and gifts, the organization of the annual banquet in Frasco Memorial Scholarship Bemidji and securing the printing and distribution of The Legacy (The Legacy Society Newsletter), they introduced Ed Gersich Distance Education Scholarship a few new venues including a dinner for those members of the Legacy Society living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Anthony S. Gramer Football Scholarship Great Lakes Gas Tansmission Co. Scholarship metro area which was hosted by Dave and Brenda Odegaard. Another luncheon was introduced to alumni and Hartz Scholarship friends living in the greater Phoenix, Arizona, area. That event, coordinated by Pat and Irv St. John with Luvern Iverson Corner Drug Pre-Pharmacy Scholarship and Avis Eickhoff, was also very well attended. Tommy and Sandy Richard as well as Jack and Delphine Jacob- Johnson Controls Scholarship sen hosted informal and highly effective coffee parties in their homes where they shared the highlights and benefits of Enbridge Energy Scholarship Geraldine A. Lane Scholarship the Legacy Society with BSU retirees and faculty emeriti. LarsonAllen Accounting Scholarship One of the additional highlights of the year was the production of a DVD, which promotes the Legacy Society. Leah Scholarship Gordon/Lindgren/Marathon Oil Scholarship We worked with BSU students who wrote scripts, filmed, recorded, edited and produced the DVD. We are extremely MCH Technology CIS Scholarship proud of the end result and hope you might get the opportunity to see it and to reminisce with us as we “stroll down MCH Technology Hockey Scholarship memory lane.” Gladys McKinley Distance Learning Scholarship Michael McKinley Distance Learning Yes, it was truly a productive year for the Legacy Society. But, we also know there is still great opportunity for Scholarship growth and we invite all alumni and friends of Bemidji State University to consider membership. Please feel free to con- Morgan Family Technology Education Scholarship tact any member of the advisory committee or Sue Kringen, BSU’s director of planned giving, by calling her at 218- Ivan Musicant Memorial Fund 755-3991 or 888-234-5718 (toll free). We cannot begin to communicate the satisfaction one feels in giving back! Don Niskanen BSU Men’s Golf Scholarship Join the 140 members of the Society in continuing the proud tradition and legacy that is Bemidji State University. Northern MN CIS Scholarship Northern MN Distance Learning Professional Sincerely, Scholarship Palmer-Tarbell Scholarship Rod Pickett BSU Mens Hockey Scholarship Jim Bensen (’59), Co-Chair Nancy Bensen (’57), Co-Chair Presidential Honorarium Scholarship Jack Quistgaard Pre-Pharmacy Scholarship St Martin Men’s Hockey Scholarship Legacy Society Members Gerald M. Schnabel History Scholarship Sorensen Business Scholarship Don Anderson* Rebecca Eggers Vince Johnson Estate* Dave & Kim Ramsey Spry Environmental Science Scholarship Joan Campbell Anderson* Fritz & Robin Ehlers Anonymous Tom & Sandy Richard Theatre Faculty & Alumni Scholarship Ken Anderson Janet Erickson Johannas Jordan Anonymous Jerome D. Upton Scholarship Caroline & Boris Andrican* Ann Moore Flowers* Bill & Pat Kelly Willard & Lois Robertson Valvoline Instant Oil Scholarship Jessie Baer* Anonymous Richard & Sharon King* Anonymous H.C. Baer* Bill & Marge Forseth Margaret A. Kircher* Pat Rosenbrock Anonymous Jerry & Shirley Froseth Lillie M. Kleven* Carol Russell

y Soci e t M. James & Nancy Bensen* Gail Gantz-Bergsven Sue & Curt Kringen Anonymous Endowed M. Fern Birnstihl* Helen Gill Roy & Eva T. Lind Estate* Irv & Pat St. John Marie Bishop* Ted & Ardis Gillett* Neil McMurrin Jack & Marie St. Martin Chairs Elaine D. Bohanon* Beulah Gregoire Nelmarie Melville Ken & Betti Sherman John “Fred” Breen Estate* James D. Gribble* Margaret (Peggy) Miles Hazel Shimmin Estate An endowed chair is a faculty L e gac Raymond Breen Estate* Pat Grimes John Mitchell Duane & Celeste Sperl Al & Linda Brew Keith Gunderson Dorothy L. Moore* Ruth Stenerson position supported by income from Gurnee Bridgman Kathryn K. Hamm* Harry Moore Estate* Maurice & Lorna Sullivan* Virginia Bridgman Jim Hanko Claude W. Morris* Merril Thiel* an endowed fund established by a Bill & Henrietta Britton Linda & Kurt Hanson Betty Murray David & Margaret Tiffany* gift or gifts from private sources. Lynne E. Bunt Estate* Gudrun Harding George Murray Joanne Torfin Jeff Busse Russell Harding Albiona & Wilford Nelson Estate* Jeff & Christel Wallin Two endowed funds have been Dale & Joanne Carlson Margaret H. Harlow* Norm & Judy Nelson Vic Weber established at the Bemidji State Rose Chen* Oluf & Margaret Haugsrud Estate* Raymond Nelson Wesley Winter Samuel Chen* Beverly Henriques John O’Boyle Shirley Yliniemi University Foundation. Barry Yocom & Betty Christ Ruth Howe Charlie O’Connor Robert and Sherry Young Bertha Christianson Myrtie A. Hunt* David & Dianne Parnow Charles & Susan Zielin George W. Neilson Chair Al Clark Esther F. Instebo* Bob & Lou Peters in Wetlands Ecology Annie Czarnecki John & Delphine Jacobsen* David L. Peterson Estate* Deceased Caroline M. Czarnecki* Peggy & Sam Johnson* Rohl Peterson * = Charter Members 3M Chair of Accounting Lyle E. Dally* Margaret H. Johnson* Joanne Provo* Don DeKrey Jon & Trish Quistgaard

26 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 27 Roy Seki Senior Class Band founded by George Stewart Tom Seki Patricia L. Shelley Troy & Shawn Smith Betty Stewart Several individuals gave gifts to the Jack & Marie St. Martin Irene K. Stewart rs BSU Foundation in memory of or in James & Kay Stahlke John & Marsha Swain Gifts received in memory of Willie & Arla Stittsworth Tuesday Night Hockey Friends honor of another person. Coopen Johnson Tan-N-Style, Inc. Clarence & Shirley Wills Irv & Pat St. John M. Carmen Totorica Donna York ono Joseph & Cathlene Vene Gifts received in memory of John Vlajnich Gifts received in memory of gifts received in memory of Edward W. Johnson Dale & Jacqueline Walls Patrick Trihey Ed Aalberts Janet Champlin (Buckmaster) Richard Wong A.O. Smith Foundation Lee E. Ahlbrecht ls / H / ls H. William & Margaret Orsburn Gifts received in memory of Gifts received in memory of Marcy Amble Gifts received in memory of Mayo Johnson George Lillquist Anne & Bill Andersen ia Mary Ann Aalberts Bonnie Swanson Darrel Lillquist Julie J. Anderson r John D. Aalberts Larry & Jennifer Anderson o Gifts received in memory of Gifts received in memory of Dr. Ronald Anderson & Dr. Lorraine Anderson Beverly A. Arnoldy Gladys McKinley Dr. Richard & Josephine Beitzel William Kirtland Dr. Charles Austad & Dr. Ann Austad Alvin & Arlene Bomgaars Jerry & Sandra Abbott Orville Eide Scott & Lynn Baird em Capt Richard & Marilyn Evans Julian & Rosemarie Achabal Vern & Mary Eide Bob & Ruth Baker Bradley & Brenda Baumann M Howard & Sarah Jacobson Signe Antos Giuseppa Ball Gifts received in memory of Bruce & Mary Beisel Curt & Sue Kringen Nancy McKinley Dorothy Leppold Susan Banville Dr. Richard & Josephine Beitzel Delores Long Tammie Barnett Curt & Sue Kringen Bemidji Girls Swim Booster Paul & Pamela McFarland Janine Bastian Joe & Jan Lueken Elizabeth Berg Edwin & Betty Nordheim Henry & Martha Beattie MCH Technology, Inc Len & Marlene Bergstrom Frances Peterson Bob Sandbo Agency Dave & Brenda Odegaard Dorothy V. Boe Tom Reise & Kristi Larson-Reise Boise Dr. Elaine D. Bohanon Boise Cascade Corporation Gifts received in memory of Dr. Paul & Mary Lou Brandvik Maury & Lorna Sullivan Leonard Melville Claude & Betty Vander Zwaag Rodney G. Bray Rodney G. Bray Libby & Art White Donald & Vivian Bye Pat & Barb DeMarchi Gary & Margo Breitag Leila & Virgil Wurr The Carson Family Foundation, Inc. Jill Coyer Devita Dr. William & Henrietta Britton Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc. Ned & Marianna Goodwin Andrew Brown Gifts received in memory of Kenneth & Marion Christianson Edna M. Kroll Bryan Brown Paula Marie Anderson Jill & Terrence Christie A. Fred & Karin Landsberg Robin Brumbaugh Margaret & Joe Figliuzzi John & Shirley Davies Ken & Rosita Larsen Marv & Merrilyn Burmeister Yale & Connie Dick Keith Malmquist Harry J. Burns Gifts received in memory of Bene Donahue Nelmarie Melville Donald & Vivian Bye Elsie Aune Donald & Colleen Earley Virginia J. Milette Lorraine F. Cecil Ken & Marion Christianson Family of Elsie Aune Rosemary Ellis Verlette Nyland Quentin Fairbanks Cluny & Shirley Peddle Carol M. Churack Gifts received in memory of Gale & Lois Falk Patrick Riley & Natalie Roholt Wagner & Alice Collins Richard Brown Joann & George Gardner Shelly & Wamiq Sattar James & Marcia Cuzzo Dr. Richard & Ann Marie Day Harriet B. Roth Richard & Elizabeth Garoutte Joanne Torfin Dick & Vi Gislason Morris L. Webb Stan & Anita Dekowski Gifts received in memory of Alan Gummersall Carl & Rosalie Drahos Russell Campbell Mary Hagen Gifts received in memory of Adam & Laura Drahos Anne Mae Mattson Rajala James & Susan Duval Search Resources William & Elaine Harding Thomas Hardwig Janet R. Nelson Jon & Lisa Eckhoff Gifts received in memory of Dr. Richard & Dorothy Haugo Bob & Billie Edwards Herb Cowhick Lucille Hendricks Gifts received in memory of Donn & Jeanne Erickson Kenneth & Shirley Hill Joan Saccoman James A. Figliuzzi Leah Cowhick Muriel Howard Lorraine Cecil John & Brenda Flayton Lisa Kasney Bill Howe Tara Lyn Flayton Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kinninger Bo Iole Gifts received in memory of Donald & Gloria Flicek David & Sheryl Saunders Rod Kautz Greg Stevenson Joan & Joseph Forbes Ron & Robin Scarbro John Kirtland Dr. William & Margie Forseth Russell & Charlotte Woodruff Laverne & Theodore Stevenson Lucy M. Kirtland Marsha Stevenson Fosston Area Swim Club Marlyce & Douglas Kirtland Jerry & Shirley Froseth Gifts received in memory of Dr. Fulton & Nancy Gallagher Edwin Dobbie Rick Kirtland Gifts received in memory of Curt & Sue Kringen George H. Stewart Dr. James & Connie Ghostley Irv & Pat St. John Vanessa Laurella Robert & Carol Bredahl Dr. Lowell & Ardis Gillett Michael Leigh & Janet Darpel-Leigh Tim Bredahl Dr. Muriel B. Gilman Gifts received in memory of Jerome & Marilyn Goretzki LeRoy Erickson Sue Long Kate Brockie Jack & Marie Luoma Peter & Jeanette Granger Charlene Washburn John & Mary Davidson Mary Mandarich James & Eileen Gioia Leisha Gregg Mepa Manley Richard & Marjorie Gulliver Randy & Lin Gregg Gifts received in memory of Angela S. Gregg-Schmidt Gil Gallagher Chauncey & Berniece Martin Steven E. Hawkins Donna McRae Helen C. Kavanagh Donna Gregoire William & Susan Arth Connie Mercer Pat & Dennis Grimes Gary & Marjorie Danielson Martin & Muriel Keeney Catherine Milli Thomas & Debra Kervin Martin & Judith Gucinski Vince & Betty Freborg Keith & Harriet Mooney Stephen & Susan Hagen Walter & Barbara Hendl Joanne D. Kuhfeldt Jean Moren Dorothy Lee Langel Don & Faye Hammer John Lloyd Sue Morris Dr. Richard & Dorothy Haugo Lydia Stough Lee Lemon, O.D. Family Optometry Kay Nadel James Love Dr. Evan & Elaine Hazard Maury & Lorna Sullivan James & Patricia Paulford Molly L. Heisenfelt Joseph & Cathlene Vene Carolyn McManaman Richard & Christina Persons Murawski’s Tax Service, Inc Richard & Mary Lou Hoek Anthony & Stephanie Rael Mary L. Murphy Philip & Carole M. Hofstad gifts received in memory of Dan & Donna Holm Byron Graves Gary & Mary Rients Theodore & Christine Nastal Bunji & Marilyn Sakiyama Jim & Wendy Phillips Lynne K. Holt Charles & Ann Austad Mark & Dawn Salo Ross & Gioja Phillips Clyde A. Horlick Paul F. Schmit Mary Redman Karen Houseman Polly Scotland Ethan & Breanne Reynolds Dr. Myrtie A. Hunt Stella Scott Ruth L. Sablich Trust

28 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 29 Any errors or omissions are unintentional and deeply regreted.

David & Marilyn Hutchins Dr. Ruth A. Howe & Merril Thiel James Huttemier Marie Thunder Jon & Carol Huttemier Joanne Torfin Joann Johnson John Trihey Lloyd & Wanda Johnson Kathleen Trihey Statement of Position Stanley & Helen Johnsrud John Vegas Dorothy M. Jorgensen Joseph & Cathlene Vene ASSETS Marlin & Sandra Kaul Dave & Louise Waldon Cash & Cash Equivalents $17,477 Taylor & Debra Kendall Tim & Mary Wang Diane & Deane Kishel John & Vicki Wangberg Investments 9,716,437 Joyce Kleven Dallas & Joyce Way Contributions Receivable, Net of Allowance 626,096 Drs. Raymond & Beatrice Knodel Pat & Lori Welle Other Receivable 569 Paul & Catherine Koski Richard & Suzanne Williams Prepaid Insurance 2,144 Kenneth & Kathryn Kosobud Keith & Nancy Winger Prepaid Online Community License & Fee 18,432 Dr. Donald & Beverly Kraft Paul Wonser & Michele Altavilla Anthony H. Krulc Thomas L. Wrolstad Remainder Interest in Real Estate 36,393 Keith & Deborah Landin Cash Surrender Value Life Insurance 37,688 David & Alice Larkin Gifts received in honor of Property & Equipment 457,258 Dewey & Julie Larson Meredith Brown Loren & Mary Lou Larson Dr. Charles Austad & Dr. Ann Austad Total Assets $10,912,494 Bridget Larson-Lindner Keith & Diane Backer Lyle & Sally Lauber Dr. Richard & Josephine Beitzel Dr. Arthur & Judy Lee Julie L. Bengtson LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Joan Liimatta Kathy & Joel Berglund Drs. Gordon & Alice Lindgren Darlene I. Bitzer Liabilities Ken & Mary Lundberg William Peden & Chelcy Bowles Accounts Payable $96,295 Martha S. Lundin Dr. Paul & Mary Lou Brandvik Annuities Payable 153,535 Rosemary Madison Al & Linda Brew Note Payable 30,377 Louis & Mary Lou Marchand Linda & Gerald Brooks Susan Marston Ray & Margaret Carlson Total Liabilities $280,207 Thomas & Cheryl Martens Dr. Mark R. Christensen Virginia Mattson Roger & Pat Conely Net Assets Betsy McDowell Cynthia & Gary Dahl Unrestricted Esther McGinnis Dr. Patrick Donnay & Lori Forshee-Donnay University Fund $ 73,629 Dr. Robert & Mary Melchior Drs. Gary & Nancy Erickson Alumni House Acquisition -90,000 Ben & Miriam Miller Janet M. Erickson Plant Fund 457,258 $440,887 Minnesota Swim Officials Association Wendy J.W. Flinner Robert & Pamela Murray Dr. William & Margie Forseth Temporarily Restricted 1,837,091 Jeff & Kerry Nelson Dr. Fulton & Nancy Gallagher Permanently Restricted 8,354,309 Eileen Nistler Dr. Ronald & Mildred Gearman Total Net Assets $10,632,287 Edwin & Betty Nordheim Dr. Lowell & Ardis Gillett Dr. David & Joy Nordlie Elfrida B. Glas Total Liabilities & Net Assets $10,912,494 Heidi J. Ogden Deborah Grabrian Donald & Priscilla Olson Dr. Richard & Dorothy Haugo Mark Olson Janice Haworth Geraldine L. Pederson Laura Holm Pemstar Richard Houtkooper Dr. Harold & Phyllis Peters Dr. Ruth Howe & Merril Thiel Bob & Mary Lou Peters Tim Hughes Cash Contributions Received Frances Peterson Jack & Delphine Jacobsen Dr. Robert & Marian Pickett Robin Kelleher Sandy & Tim Rasmus Dr. Steven & Alyssa Konecne $3,000,000 Elizabeth & David Rave Chris & Jana LeClaire Tom & Sandy Richard Brad & Dawn Logan Patrick Riley & Natalie Roholt Tammy & Greg Mayer Richard & Diane Rose Dr. Raymond Milowski & Dr. Carol Milowski Dr. Frank M. Saccoman Dr. Gerald Morine $2,500,000 Betty Sauer Al & Peggy Nohner Larry & Sheri Scanlon Kathy O’Brien John & Lori Schmidt Sharon Olson Roger & Linda Schnaser Marla & Ed Patrias James & Patricia Schneider Dr. Harold & Phyllis Peters $2,000,000 Loren & Patricia Scholfield Bob & Mary Lou Peters Dennis M. & Mary R. Schultz Frances Peterson

Thomas & Jane Schultz Sharon & Ted Peterson Tom & Nancy Schwartz Sue & Pat Rankin John & Maggie Schwegman Dave & Linda Rasmussen $1,500,000 Robert Scriba Jim & Carol Richards Merton & Kay Scripture Patrick Riley & Natalie Roholt Jeffrey Nichols & Cheryl Severson Matthew B. Ritter Dann & Lenore Siems Dr. Patricia Rosenbrock Dennis & Sandra Siiter Robert Scriba $1,000,000 Neil & Celeste Skogerboe Maury & Lorna Sullivan

Rick Skumavc & Korirae Gersich-Skumavc Les & Carol Torgerson $1,409,772 $1,642,572 $1,913,988 $1,698,782 Dick & Jean Slinkman Dallas & Joyce Way Chad & Leah Smutzer Marty & Linda Wolf Alan Sorenson Melvin & Kathy Spies Gifts received in honor of $500,000 $2,472,379

Dr. Steven & Betty Spigarelli Lorna Sullivan Willie & Arla Stittsworth John & Elinor Rutherford Sharon Strum Maury & Lorna Sullivan Dr. Thomas & Yvonne Sunnarborg $0 Dr. Thomas & Bonnie Swanson 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 DuWayne & Marcia Syverson

28 Bemidji State University Foundation ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Bemidji State University Foundation 29 1500 Birchmont Drive NE Bemidji, MN 56601-2699

Bemidji State University April 12, 2006: Student Scholarship and Creative Achievement Conference May 12, 2006: Commencement May 20, 2006: Danny Kraus Memorial Golf Tournament, Monticello Country Club June 16, 2006: Wells Fargo / Gordy Skaar Memorial Golf Tournament, Bemidji Town and Country Club June 18-23, 2006: Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference June 23, 2006: MnSCU Alumni Night with the Twins, Twins vs. Cubs July 14, 2006: Galen Nagle Memorial Golf Tournament, Bemidji Town and Country Club August 4, 2006: First National Bank / BSU Women’s Golf Classic, Bemidji Town and Country Club Check for more information on the events listed.

Summer School Schedule available online at or by calling 1-800-852-7422 to request a printed copy. Campus Preview Day in Admissions April 21, 2006 (for Juniors Only)

2006 New Student Academic Advisement and Registration Campus April 6 | April 7 | May 15 | June 16 | July 14 | August 11

A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, Bemidji State University is an equal opportunity educator and employer. This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 1-800-475-2001 or 218-755-3883. 06-055