September 2018 2 Introduction

Hi, my name is Jain 108 and I hail from the Land of Oz. In between overseas travels I teach hundreds of children in the Byron Bay area of Australia, a highly visual content of lessons called Mathemagics. I am the author of 30 sacred geometry and vedic mathematics books some beautifully hand- written in calligraphy and the creator of 10 dvds. My purpose is to make Maths Fun. I have always been drawn to the spiritual and the mystical... always fascinated by numbers and shapes, the of the Soul. The main theme of my life's work is "The Translation Of Numbers Into Atomic Art". As an international lecturer, I have taught 3 times in the USA, 2 times in France, 2 times India, Amsterdam, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Torres Straits and all around Australia.


• Part 1˝ Overview - PENTA-HEXA. The Shift from Hexa (6) to Penta (5).˝ • Part 2˝ SEED OF LIFE, Hexagons and Snowflakes • Part 3˝ FRUIT OF LIFE, 13 Circles and Metatron’s Cube˝ • Part 4˝ FLOWER OF LIFE, The Blueprint of Creation˝ • Part 5˝ VESICA PISCIS, The Mother of All Creation, + PHI VESICA˝ • Part 6˝ EGG OF LIFE and COSMO-GENESIS - Our 8 Original Cells, The Geometry of our Human Creation - The Cuboctahedron formed from The 12 Around The 1˝ • Part 7˝ The PHI HARMONICS of the CIRCLE. “Is 3.141… A Lie?” JainPi, True Value of Pi = 3.144… (Jain’s Day Workshop)˝ 4 5 Part 1˝ OVERVIEW THE SHIFT FROM HEXA TO PENTA

We begin now with a 45 minute powerpoint lecture that explores the 6 Around The 1 or the Seed of Life, and the Flower Of Life pattern, and all things Hex or Hexagonal or 6-sided or Cubic. The Cube of Space is the sacred platform that accesses the Higher Geometries based on the Living Mathematics of Nature. The Hexagon and the related Flower of Life geometries are merely a shadow of Anointed Harmonics Of the Circle that are based on or Phi Harmonics 1:1.618…

We conclude with a Day Seminar entitled “Is Pi A Lie?” that explores the Harmonics of the Pentacle, the Giseh and the Living Mathematics of Nature that reveals the True Value of Pi as 3.144… versus the traditional and deficient value of 3.141… 6 taught that the Universe is a Living Being and that all of Creation is imbued with the Living Mathematics of the Golden Phi Ratio (1:1;.618…) symbolised by the Pentagram or Pentagon.

Pythagoras lived around the time of Buddha, Lao Tsu and Confucius, circa 500BC. Both men and women were accepted into this order.

Their symbol was the Blue Pentacle. 2 years of silence and fasting was essential before 7 the ancient knowledge was revealed to them. The winged Angel of Geometry seated contemplatively, cloaked in a veil of divine sadness, almost depressed, melancholic, is surrounded by powerful, mathematical almost-masonic and curious symbols of creation, of measurement, of weights, of construction, of time. The whole engraving appears to be a metaphor for that intense questing for Higher Truth, for half-clues or semi-signs of Self-Realization, a command to make the Invisible worlds Visible, a desperation for that state of All-Knowingness: the I Am within and without. Of prominence in this depiction of “Melancholia” by Albrecht Durer, completed in 1514 is the Magic Square of 4x4, seen in the top right hand corner. It is one of 880 possible permutations of the Magic Square of 4x4, By definition, it must have it’s 4 columns and 4 rows and 2 diagonals all summing to 34 which is known as The Constant or Magic Sum or Harmonic Sum. This square though has other surprising features, like the 4 centre numbers also sum to 34, the 4 quadrants and the 4 corner numbers... very special. It symbolizes Order Amidst Apparent Chaos, a hint that we are ok, that although we are fumbling in the dark, there is purpose and a design for this maze that we are trapped in. Of interest in this Durer Square, as it is now famously known, is the information seen in the bottom row, whose 4 numbers are: 4 – 15 – 14 – 1 Let us inspect the two central numbers of this line, which are “15” and “14” and joined together it reads as “1514”which is the precise year that Durer designed this. This famous number 1514 has thus become Durer’s most clever, chronological signature, And today in this year of 2014, it is celebrated because 500 years have passed since this engraving appeared, the 500th Anniversary of a most haunting piece of art.

Durer’s “Melancholia” 8 Durer’s Penta Hexa Construction, showing the critical angle shift from Penta to Hexa

Observe that the geometry of both the Hexagon and Pentagon is

derived from 2 intersecting Circles (Vesica Pisces) 9 Visualize you are walking up a spiral staircase. Stop on one step and imagine you could make a transverse cut through this staircase. What shape would this Cross-Section look like?

10 DNA molecule The sliced pattern or cross-section of this top-down view would be Golden Rectangles in the centre (4ness), adjoining Hexagons (6ness) followed by adjoining Pentagons (5ness).

Excerpt from The Book Of Phi, Volume 3, “In The Next Dimension” self-published by Jain 108 in 2003 11 How Are the Twin Helices Formed? DNA From the natural yellow brick roads or spirals formed from the wratcheting of Dodecahedra! That is why a transverse cut or slice of DNA appears as 10- sided or decagonal pattern.

We need the Hex or Cube of Space to be the Vessel for Higher Geometries. Why, because 5 Cubes, tilted at 72° (ie 360° ÷ by 5 = 72) form the Dodecahedron or 4th-Dimensional Cube, a potent symbol for the Divine Phi � Proportion 1.618… 12 HARMONIC 360: Harmonic 360 of The Circle

The ancients selected the division of 360 degrees for a specific reason. (Observe the outer ring of this complex Ying-Yang Chart having specifically 360 divisions). The factors of the number 36 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 indicating that it has an unusually large range of divisors and therefore more friends with other numbers. All these numbers divide neatly into 36 and compared to other numbers upon examination, it is high on the scale of divisibility. Another important geometric fact regarding circles, harmonics and Triangles, is the relationship of the 360 to an important triangle that has links to the Divine Proportion. There exists an ancient pre-Babylonian, pre-Egyptian right-angled triangle called the Pythagorean 3-4-5 (where 3x3 + 4x4 = 5x5). If you multiply each side of this triangle by 36, you get a larger triangle with sides of 3x36 / 4x36 / 5x36 = 108 / 144 / 180 units revealing harmonics of Phi (108) and Speed of Light (144) and Half Circle (180 degrees). Then, by doubling these numbers again, if you multiply each side of this 3-4-5 triangle by 72, you get a larger triangle with sides of 3x72 / 4x72 / 5x72 = 216 / 288 / 360 units giving the celebrated harmonics of the Circle, which is the key to ancient time travel and implosive physics, the art of how to bend time and space non-destructively, using the timeless Harmonics of the Infinite Circle.

Jain 108 ’s “The Most Beautiful Triangle”, or STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN is a Pythagorean Right-Angled Triangle with Cosmic Proportions 13 that unifies the 360 Circle Harmonics with the Mystery of Phi. Adding Up All The DEGREES Of The Cuboctahedron’s External Faces The Sum Of the Angles of the 6 Squares is 6 x (4 x 90°) = 2,160° The Sum Of the Angles of the 8 Triangles is 8 x (3 x 60°) = 1,440° The Total Sum or Sigma (∑) is therefore 2,160° + 1,440° = 3,600° This number 3,600 has a Harmonic Relationship to 360° which is the Harmonics Of The Circle and connects the Cuboctahedron to the Science of Curvature and Infinity. Also, When you calculate all the total sums of the Degrees for all the 5 Platonic Solids, the one common factor or number that divides all of them is the Anointed Number 72. Here, 3,600° is 72 x 50.

14 (Ancient Chinese Compass, used in the Qin Dynasty before 200BCE, not only was used for navigation, but for aligning buildings correctly to the north, south, east and west).

Curiously, on Facebook, this image that was posted had around 10,000 likes and shares, unlike any other post that we had done. It suggests to me that the audience was responsive to highly encoded geometries, that as a collective or mass consciousness, we are striving to go the Next Level, even though we may not understand the meaning of the cryptic rings of data, we do grok it at a higher or intuitive level of understanding. To test this phenomena, everytime we have posted this same image, we get an amazing result of “likes” and “shares”.

15 Site managed by Reenah Sun Part 2 SEED OF LIFE, Hexagons and Snowflakes

16 CARBON NANOTUBES. CARBON 7, one atom thick, forms the The Seed Of Life Pattern, bonds strongly, in the form of adjoining hexagons, (like chicken-wire) will replace metals in the future due to its extreme lightness and strength.



19 Essentially, the Seed of Life or The 6 Around The One, divides the Circle into 6 equal parts, and has a hexagonal structure. This is efficient for packing and storage, like the hexagonal cells of the beehive, and

20 This 6-ness is also the obvious snow-flake geometry, When water crystallises, it chooses the favourable 1/6th of a circle or 60 degrees to shape-shift alchemically from liquid to solid and form stability, where no 2 snowflakes are the same! These are the hexagonal Fingerprints of God. That is why in Astrology, at the time of your birth, when you have 2 planets positioned at 60 degrees apart from one another, called a Sextile, it is considered to be a highly favourable aspect! 21 and the marvellous structures of water crystals, all hexagonal, yet not one crystal is the same!

22 23 24 SEED OF LIFE (DECAL by Jain, Set 2 of 12 Designs, available in Nov 2018)

25 SEED OF LIFE (STICKER by Jain, Set 2 of 12 Designs, available in Nov 2018)

(Observe how it forms both the Star of David and the Star Tetrahedron / Merkabah) 26 SEED OF LIFE (STICKER VARIOUS VERSIONS)


28 Connecting all the Centres of the 13 Circles, like a unified grid generated the Star Of David within ItSelf, a self-similar nesting, akin to the concept of Fractality .

29 Creation of the 5 Platonic Solids, all generated from the Fruit Of Life

30 Thus with the 6 Around the One it naturally follows to add another Ring of 6 around the first ring, giving a Matrix of 13 circles or Spheres, which becomes the Blueprint of Creation, the Mother of All Form, for out of this Geometry all the 5 Platonic Solids can be nested or embedded or born from the 13 Centres. When we see the Star of David, 2 inter-penetrating Triangles, the Unification of Male and Female Energies, we are really perceiving the MerKaBah, our Spiritual Light Vehicle or navigational device. The Star of David Within The Star Of David

31 generates Metatron’s Cube or Fractality. Cube Within The Cube A 4th-Dimensional Cube aka Tesseract or HyperCube

32 METATRON’S CUBE (DECAL by Jain, Set 2 of 12 Designs, available Nov 2018)

Fractal Cube, Cube within the Cube - 4th-Dim Cube!

33 METATRON’S CUBE (STICKER by Jain, Set 2 of 12 Designs, available Nov 2018)

Highlighting 3 Star of Davids, a visual suggestion for 6-6-6

34 Part 4 FLOWER OF LIFE The Blueprint Of Creation

As drawn in the memoirs of , in “Codex Atlanticus” 35 More Flower of Life sketches by Leonardo da Vinci 36 The Flower Of Life has 90 petals, 19 nodes or centrepoints with 6 petals, and 18 nodes with 4 petals on the outer rim. The outer circle typically has double lines, suggesting that this ancient symbol has a cellular membrane akin to living tissue.

37 Fruit of Life in the Flower of Life

38 Flower Of Life Pattern etched in stone in the high ceiling of the Osirian in Abydos, Egypt, assumed to be carved by laser beams, an advanced technology used over 2,000 years ago!

39 Credit goes to Drunvalo Melchizedek who helped bring some important parts of Sacred Geometry to the world, like the Fibonacci Sequence and the Mystical Squaring Of The Circle, but his good efforts have been smeared by his campaign to introduce the spinning Merkabah meditations where many people ended up in psychiatric wards. This was ancient Atlantean knowledge, copying the sunflower 21-34 codes of counter-rotating spins to harmonize the mental and emotional bodies using etheric Tetrahedra spun in this fashion, but students ended up literally “lost in space”. Before this started, in 1984, after a severe accident, I had been teaching a meditation based on breathing into the heart, called “EarthHeart”, which he now uses, and has instructed his students around the world to abandon the Flower of Life Merkabah meditations and adopt a practice focussed on the Heart.


Merkabah Meditation showing the 2 counter-rotating etheric Tetrahedra, one goes anti-clockwise or to the Left, representing the feminine or Emotional Body, and the other Tetra goes clockwise or to the Right, representing the male or Mental Body. The danger is when the sunflower 21-34 code is used incorrectly or in reverse and when students ask to travel at the Speed Of Light! which amplifies unresolved or existing issues that cause mental disturbance. The advice is, Do Not Spin Your Merkabah. We are already Spinning at fantastic speeds around the Earth. Just Breathe into your Heart, and give daily GRATITUDE to all that you already have.


• Another danger is the use of any forms of drugs or Entheogens while embarking on a spiritual Journey. Although drugs or “medicine” like marijuana and ayahuasca may open a door initially to help the seeker view a bigger picture, perhaps due to a restrictive or boxed-in or painful upbringing, that they do indeed “Open A Door”. The caution is not to use them frequently as they amplify consciousness and can cause distortion when takers of drugs or Plant Medicines have unresolved or painful issues not dealt with. • eg- if you have Love in your Heart, it will amplify more Love, though, if you have hate and control and jealousy in your heart it will amplify those qualities. You may end up in a psyche-ward! • Over-use of drugs is a sign that you are giving your power to something that is outside of you, which makes you Not (because Fractal is when the Inside is the Same as the Outside) and although it is understood that everyone is seeking some form of bliss to achieve happiness, the true bliss is within and strictly not from any substance. • A final negative psychological example would be like this. A drug user in their peak experience witnesses Buddha or a similar Divine Energy, but rather than seeing that part of their interior landscape is Buddha-like, they get possessed by this Energy and begin to think that they are The Buddha! or Jesus! which we know is Distortion.

42 Theraphi We need a new word for a “Therapist” as it can be misconstrued as “The Rapist” by one mere spacing between 2 of the letters. The replacement word is “Theraphi”, a new healing modality developed by both Dan Winter and Paul Harris, an apparent healing machine using (Superman’s) Kryptonite and Golden Phi ratios. (For the local healer, John Hardgrave of Lismore, see Kryponite is an Inert or Noble Gas, meaning its outer valency is full, meaning that it can effectively create all the 5 Platonic Solids. It is very special in this regard. At a conference I attended in the South of France, 2017, I met around 30 people around the world who are using this Theraphi unit, in their own particular vocation to help others heal psychological or physical or spiritual ailments. One practitioner from the USA claimed that when she zapped or treated Ayahuasca users she detected a burning smell accompanied by a sound of burning, as if “Attached Entities” were being zapped or annihilated! Conclusion - No need for Drugs!

The THERAPHI is an Electronic Deivce that produces a powerful bio-active Plasma field helping to restore order to the body's cellular regenerative system.

43 The original Version had the 2 hand-blown glass tubes modelled to the form of a 3-dimensional Golden Phi Triangle!

44 Advanced Egyptian Healing Technology did employ Counter-Rotating Plasma Fields, but it must be based on the Golden Phi Ratios which is heart of the Circle Harmonics, but without PURE INTENT it was dangerous!

45 The Tree of Life from the Qabballah teachings (ancient Israel) is often portrayed with 10 Sephiroth or Spheres of Consciousness that show a pathway from Earth (Malkuth, Number 10) to Heaven (Kether, Number 1). This is misinformation, as the true Tree of Life has 12 Spheres! Base 12 is Galactic Maths, whereas Base 10, the decimal system, although special, it is Earth-based Maths. Some Mystics declare that it is really the 12 Around The One, therefore a Cosmic Grid making sacred the Holy Number 13.

46 Star Tetra, is essentially Cubic or Hexagonal. Our goal is to attain the Pentagonal Consciousness based on Phi or the Living Mathematics of Nature and Curvology, the Critical Angle Shift from from 6-ness to 5- ness. This will be realised when we change our Cubic Mathematics from old or deficient Pi 3.141… to the true Value of Pi 3.144… or JainPi based on Phi 1.618033… and the Dodecahedral awareness.

47 Flower Of Life / Animation

48 49 Atomic Structure of BERYL CRYSTAL: X-Ray diffraction Pattern

Sacred Geometry teaches us that this hexagonal shadow is really a cubic form.

This is the Hex View of the Cube. Cubic Packing of Crystals is Nature’s most efficient form occupying Space. It is SHAPE that STORES MEMORY.

50 The 3-Dimensional Flower Of Life

51 Any discussion regarding the Geometry of the Circle is really an invitation to comprehend the mystique of the Sphere.

52 53 So, what is the 3-Dimensional Version of the Flower of Life Pattern?

54 Foo-Dogs protecting sacred knowledge, Beijing Temple, China In fact, the Hexagon can not map the sphere, though when it joins with the Pentagon, it perfectly hugs the Sphere, where every vertex of corners touches the Sphere. It forms 1 of the 13 Archimedean Solids called the Truncated Icosahedron, adored by Buckminster Fuller, and also known as the common Soccer Ball.

Garrett, 4th-dim Physicist 55 Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing Front of stockcard for decal Back of stockcard for decal

56 Front of stockcard for Sticker Back of stockcard for Sticker

57 Part 5˝ Egg Of Life - Cosmo-Genesis

58 The 8 Original Cells Derived From The Flower Of Life

59 COSMO-GENESIS Remembering Where We Came From ? Are You ENGRAILED Presented by JAIN 108

Artwork by Jean Luc Bozzoli 60 In the Beginning, You were One Original Cell or Sphere of Genetic Information:˛ 23 chromosomes contributed from your Father and 23 from your Mother.

61 IN THE BEGINNING 12 Sperms surround the Ovum in the ˛ “12 Around the One” or CubOctahedron Grid to allow the 13th Sperm to Fertilize. Forms the Zygote.

Only the “13” creates Life. This is why the Number 13 has had bad press, to create an aura of fear around this sacred geoemtry so that you dont go there. A plant geneticist Derald Langham spent most of his life studying the cells of plants. When he later turned his attention to the micro-biology and the reproductive aspect of animals and humans, he noticed an important discovery, that the common shape that is witnessed by all plants, animals and humans is the 12 Around The One, aka, Cuboctahedron Grid comprised of 6 62 squares and 8 triangles. DERALD LANGHAM (May 27, 1913 – May 10, 1991)


Derald George Langham was an American agricultural geneticist, sesame researcher, and founder of the Genesa Foundation. He is known as the "father of sesame" in the Western Hemisphere for his basic research on the genetics of sesame. Most of the sesame lines grown in the Americas came from his breeding work. Sesame plants are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and Langham focused on cross-breeding the plant into more fruitful versions. He also attempted to look for other uses of sesame beyond a mere food source. Derald Langham is less known for his genetic work in corn and beans. The Rockefeller Institute in Mexico incorporated his varieties into their materials and his genes are carried on in almost every corn hybrid used in the world.

63 PUZZLE ? To understand the following 3-dimensional puzzle, we need to understand it essentially as a 2-dimensional puzzle. Given a fixed sized circle, like a coin, and only using similarly-sized coins, how many coins can be placed around the central coin? These are tangential, in the sense that each circle must both touch the centre circle and its neighbouring circles. There can be only 1 answer.

64 The Gift of 6 is Perfected Order

The 6 Around The One (which is really the Holy 7 or biblical Days of Creation, the 7 Chakras etc), in the flat plane, naturally has its resolution in the Next Dimension

65 The 12 Around the One˝

66 The 12 Centres of the 12 feminine Circumscribing Spheres are joined internally to form the stark straight-lined male geometry of COH.


COSMO-GENESIS and the 12 Around The 1


"Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force and is directly related to the living energy moving in spirals in all forms of growth, development and change". Derald G. Langham, Ph.D. The shape of this pendant is called The Genesa Crystal and it is actually a spherical cube octahedron. The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. He found that the crystal reflects the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism.

Circle Gardening His 1978 book “Circle Gardening” discusses his use of Genesa principles in the shaping and contouring of garden beds to enhance plant growth. While in Venezuela in the mid-1950s, Langham searched for a solution to the problem of keeping his valuable genetic strains of sesame from mixing together during heavy rains. During this search, he discovered that his sesame plants grew much better when planted in a circle, rather than in straight lines in usual growing patterns.

69 This CUBOCTAHEDRAL shape or Frequency is your first primal Memory. In ancient Hebrew, MEM = Water, ORY = Light,˛ it therefore has the association of Liquid Light, ˛ or that feeling of when you are staring into the pool of your own consciousness.

70 Cubocta Is Fractal in its Edge Lengths and 12 Internal Radials !

The 12 Spheres Around the One is considered Female Geometry, ie: anything that is curved. When Magic Spider weaves its golden thread to join the 12 centers of the 12 outer spheres, the strict straight-lined geometry that is formed is considered to be Male Geometry: The creation of the Cuboctahedron, the only shape that is fractal, because its 12 inside radials (from centre to vertex, like a matchstick length), are equal to the outer edges, also a matchstick length, therefore the INSIDE IS THE SAME AS THE OUTSIDE! There is no other shape in the Universe that behaves like this. It is highly balanced.

71 The Shadow of the Archimedean Solid, 1 of 13, is the Cuboctahedron, the most fractal shape in the universe, because its 12 inside radials are the same as its 24 outside edges. It is derived from 12 Around The 1.˛ Its shadow produces the Hex or 6-sided pattern and within that pattern is the VW symbol, thus creating a connection with an anointed polyhedral form and the Mathematics of Growth (Doubling Sequence).˛ Thus if you were someone like Hitler, and you wanted to rule the world, why not adopt, adore and empower your vision with the Frequency of Growth and Doubling and Power to help focus your Journey, but alas, if your Heart is Not of Pure Intent, you only magnify the inherent disease and energy of lack.˛

72 Then the One Became Two At a critical moment, as the Original Zygote is separating, the Vesica Pisces is formed.

The zygote then divides many times by mitosis to form an embryo. The first division of the zygote forms two cells, the next four, the next eight, and so on. Up to the eight-cell stage, all of the cells are identical. They are called embryonic stem cells.

73 THEN THE 2 BECAME 4˝ Here is a Puzzle? How would 4 Oranges Pack in the most efficient form of Sphere Packing or Sphere Kissing? Clue, think of how the Green-Grocer packs his oranges pyramidally.

We were the Tetrahedron! In essence, we were a shape. Shape Stores Memory!

74 Tetrahedral Geometries

The Tetrahedron’s Dual or Joining of the 4 Face Centres forms itself inverted. That is, it is SELF SIMILAR, or can Turn Itself Inside Out. It is the basic building block of all Atomic Structure. Later we will marry this masculine shape with the ultimate female Phi Spiral and generate the Language of Light or Angle of the Angels. 75 THEN THE 4 BECAME 8˝ Puzzle? How would 8 Oranges Pack in the most efficient form of Sphere Packing? These are our 8 Original Cells. The Star TetraHedron, therefore is really the 3-Dimensional form ˛ of the common Star of David

76 Mer-Ka-Bah Utilizing a Law of the Universe, is the action of Counter-Rotating Fields, but maximized by spin of the Phi Ratio Fibonacci Sequence


WARNING. Do Not Spin Your Merkabah Flower-Of-Life Vehicle. Instead, Breathe into Your Heart. Over the last 3 years I have written daily posts on my Facebook Business Page, and gathered over 144,000 followers, I realized from the responses that what people want more than anything else is a simple understanding of Sacred Geometry terms, ie: definitions of meanings of new words in the mass consciousness like: fractal, torus, fibonacci, scale invariant, dodecahedron, self-similarity etc...˛ This image shows that when you think you are seeing a hexagonal outline in 2-dim you are really witnessing the shadow of the 3-dim Cube.˛ From this encyclopedic collection of information, I have 11 Dictionaries available, this one on Sacred Geometry Terms, has 8 books and the other is the Dictionary of Anointed Numbers, aka Harmonic Stairway, has 3 books, constituting over 3,000 pages of rare information on Fixed Eternal Design. ˛

My facebook site is managed by Reenah Sun who sources all the exotic images. (image by Joe Dubs) 78 At 16 Cell Division you became Metatron’s Cube Metatron’s psychic emblem is the fractal Cube within the Cube, aka Metatron’s Cube. Often referred to as “Lord of the Electron”.

How does this Computer store billions of bits of data? Cubic or Star-Tetrahedral Lattice. This is also the atomic structure of Silicon Chip Molecule, which suggests that we have to make an integration or a reconciliation with the Technological World versus the Biological World.

79 Definition of FRACTAL: When the Inside is the Same as the Outside. METATRON’S CUBE (Metatron = Lord of the Electron) “The Cube within the Cube”, turning itself inside out! (This is the masculine straight-lined form of the feminine curved torus) taken from

This animation shows how the infinitely large is connected to the infinitely small. Perfect, non-destructive embedding. Scale Invariance means that Size does not matter, and that which is important is Proportion. The ultimate proportion is the Phi Ratio. 80 81 Then the 16 Cells became 32, 64, 128, 256 and then you became a blob of 512 Cells! that began to Implode.

82 FRACTAL BABY So we started our Journey from the 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 cells. Soon, the stark male geometry breaks down and forms a female blob known in biology as the Morula of 512 Cells. Binary Sequence: 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512 (8 Cubed or 8x8x8 = 83 = 512) ORIGIN of the TOROIDAL DOMAIN. Notice the 2 wormholes, one imploding, one exploding. Biologically, we formed out of these 2 holes, one becomes the receptive inward, intaking Mouth and the other the outgoing radiating Anus. (Torus = Latin word for Ring)

The best and most simplest definition of “Fractal” that we have, is “TO HAVE A BABY”. How the Macro Mother or Big Picture can non-destructively make a Self-Similar Copy of HerSelf into a Micro Baby or Small Picture, how the Phi-Ratioed Wratcheting Dodecahedral D.N.A can successfully survive by compression and take its Genepool into the Next Dimension or Level of Existence. 83 Toroidal Field˛

So ˝ our most primal memory ˝ is that once we were a ˝ Doughnut shape.˛

The torus ˝ is the only known “female”shape ˝ that can turn itself ˝ “Inside Out”.

The “male” shape ˛ that can Reverse ˝ or Turn Itself Inside Out ˝ is the Tetrahedron˝

84 Artwork by Alex Gray Earth-Heart Meditation will allow us to Breathe again correctly and to REMEMBER who we really are. Awareness of our own Toroidal Domain. A One Breath experience based on the HEART and the Fibonacci Sequence. Learning how to embed this Sacred Geometry into our Heart. EarthHeart Meditation, is remembering how to breathe simultaneously from the Celestial (Heavenly above) and the Terrestrial (Earthly below) simulating the Mathematics of the Sunflower). This is a One-Breath Heart-based Meditation to Reconnect and Remember the Energy Field that surrounds us. The Heart Math Institute have verified that the electro-magnetic field around the Heart is Toroidal.

85 Cross-Section or Transverse Cut of the Torus which forms the well-known Healer’s symbol of the reclining figure 8 or Infinity sign.


Computer Graphic by Dan Winter 86 Torus Blueprint

87 12:13 Code In summary, before the Sphere of Consciousness Implodes to become the Tube Torus Doughnut at 512 cell division, our ETHERIC TEMPLATE or blueprint geometry that surrounded the Original Sphere is the TWELVE AROUND THE ONE. Let us define this as a female form, all curved lines being feminine. The centres of the 12 surrounding Spheres, when connected, form a male shape of straight lines called the CUBOCTAHEDRON having 6 squares and 8 Triangles. It can also be formed from 4 Great Circles or 4 Hexagons around the Sphere. That is why 13 was demonized to create fear around the primal sanctity of how you were created!

I asked my 6 yo nephew Christian Harb what this doughnut torus picture looks like, and he said: “Its a !” The Torus Church or Church of the Torus (January 2015)

88 Part of us needs to remember what it is like to be in the centre ˛ of the Torus of our original form.

89 Ultimately, our goal is not to acquire more Knowledge, but rather to embed this Sacred Geometrical Universal Language of Shape and Pattern Recognition, into our Hearts, for improved Auric Hygiene!

Aimee Monique of New Zealand, a Facebook friend, tuning in to the rich geometries of the Vacuum. Space is not empty, it is not a vaccum, it is full of Sacred Geometry Phi Ratios and the .

90 We see that the 12 Around The One (Female/Curves) or Cuboctahedron (Male/Straight Lines Joining the 12 Centres of the 12 Spheres) has a Hex shadow, as it is understood that it is essentially a Cubic or Hex form. What the Cube of Space allows is the possibility for the Fractal Mathematics Of Infinity and this a secret that is hidden inside the Cuboctahedron, when it is Compressed. See next slide.

The Solid Form versus the see-through Wire-Form 91 If we glue a small bead at the midpoint of one of the 24 wooden edges of the Cuboctahedron aka Vector Flexor, aka Jitterbug, made of rubber connectors, and study the path of compression as it shape-shifts and becomes Icosahedron, at half compression, then octahedron at full compression, and further till it forms the Tetrahedron, we see that it follows the path of the Phi Spiral, best described as the Ram’s Horn.

92 Part 6˝ VESICA PISCIS˝ The Mother Of All Creation + PHI VESICA

Lid of the Glastonbury Well 93 Visualize the 3-dim of the 2 intersecting Spheres, which forms an Almond Shape aka Mandorla aka Rugby Ball.

Incidentally, the other sacred geometry shape that we have been kicking around for the past few centuries, is the one based on Pentagons and Hexagons, called the Truncated Icosahedron or Soccer Ball. 94 The Mathematical Analysis of the Vesica Piscis shows that it contains or gives birth to the 3 most important SQUARE ROOT HARMONIC values of ~ Root 2 (=1.414… the diagonal of the Unit Square), ~ Root 3 (=1.732… the height of an equilateral triangle and the vertical height of the Mandorla shown here) and ~ Root 5 (=2.236… the diagonal of the Double Unit Square)

95 The 2 inter-penetrating Circles of Vesica Piscis forms the first primal polygonal shapes of Triangle, Square, Pentagon and Hexagon, i.e. the 3, 4, 5, and 6

96 Fractal Vesica Piscis, i.e. the same shape within itself, is the key to generating the mathematics of the Pyramid of Giseh geometry.

97 The Origin of the Christian Symbol of the Fishes is derived from a segment of Flower of Life pattern called the Vesica Piscis, where 2 circles intersect through neighbouring centrepoints.

98 Christ Within The Vesica Symbol of the Yoni Chakra

The vesica pisces (piscis) is a symbol made from two circles of the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. The name literally means the “bladder of the fish” in Latin. In the Christian tradition, it is a reference to Christ, as in Ichthys.

99 Observe the Geometry of these 13 Aerial Towers dedicated to Harold Holt, Exmouth

100 13 Aerial Towers dedicated to Harold Holt, Exmouth. Star Of David within the Star Of David - Metatron's Cube


102 There are many discoveries depicting the ubiquitous Phi Ratio in the Vesica Piscis formation, so I have shown here 3 of the most popular ones. But they are superseded by the best one I know of, The PHI VESICA where the Phi Ratio includes the diameter of the smaller internal circle and the important Nodals Points of the 2 tips of the Mandorla.

Vesica Pisces Phi Construction

by John Molokach and John Arioni 103 Instead of Circles touching one another’s centres or midpoints (which is really the ratio of 1:2 or the musical Octave), there exists a similar and more potent geometry that incorporates the Golden Ratio, when we divide the diameter of the circle into Thirds, such that each circle goes through the .333… section of the diameter. Here both AB ÷ BC and BC ÷ AC = � The Divine Phi Proportion 1:1.618…


Credit for this Gem Of Geometry goes to Hans Walser, printed in The Glorious Golden Ratio by Posamentier and Lehmann And where in Society do we find this Phi Vesica? Who owns it or has claimed its magnificent Phi Properties?

105 106 I am releasing this potent Phi Vesica in my next Set 2 of Decals and Stickers as it is an important clue to remembering that the Harmonics Of The Circle are clearly based on Phi and this leads to the establishment of the True Value of Pi being 4 ÷ Square Root of Phi (1.272…) = 3.144…

Phi (�) or

(1 + √5) ÷ 2

The Golden Angle

107 This Phi Vesica Logo was created by Krystal Love (an online crystal portal at and also a Wellness Directory

108 The writing at the very bottom of the image says “Try Again” which means the Value for Pi is traditional value for Pi 3.14… as 3.141… is incorrect and that we have to “Try Again” to get it right, The background is to shift it to 3.144… the Sunflower Pattern by understanding the that has a numerical Phi Harmonics Of signature of 21:34 The Circle. in its floret of counter- At the very top of the rotating fields. image is a tiny icon of a padlock, this needs This image therefore to be opened, to give makes the connection “Service” to Humanity, between Phi and Pi nb- the writing at the top or PhiPi left says “No Service”. the subject of The Shift is happening tomorrows day Now. seminar. photography by Kylie Davidson 2018 (Mobile Phone 109 screen-saver) Part 7˝ PHI HARMONICS OF THE CIRCLE˝ JAINPI = The True Value Of Pi = 3.144…

= 4 ÷ √�

= 4 ÷ 1.272…

110 IS Pi A LIE? The TRUE VALUE OF Pi = 3.144605511029693144...

by Jain 108 2014

111 Front Cover

112 3.144605511029693144... this is the journey from the Macro to the Micro ...

113 The key to JainPi ˛ is Plato’s “Most Beautiful Triangle”˛ incorporating “Unity, Phi and its Square Root”

114 The Descent of the new Frequency or circuitry, over-riding the dysfunctional coding of traditional pi, a DNA upgrade, attuning you to hold more Light Intelligence. Connect daily with your Celestial Medicals (Galactic Healers or Angels of Transformation) to change or unlock the crystalline seals from the old carbon-based structures 6:6:6 ie: 6 Electrons: 6 Protons: 6 Neutrons as we collectively transition to silicon or crystal-based beings. Speak to your body to attune you to this Higher Energy.

115 True Pi ... is about breaking the Prime Directive...

This new Frequency JainPi will release the lock that keeps you tethered to the current degenerative time-coded perception... It will encourage your brain to function far more intelligently... JainPi will allow a morphoGenetic reboot or upgrade of our light frequencies... this new morphic resonance will allow the reception of greater knowledge... 116 The Fundamentally flawed Archimedean Polygonal Method of infinite limits (or Method Of Exhaustion) assumed that the Area Under The Curve just magically disappeared. This mistake, due to the lack of Fractal Mathematics, fooled all the greatest mathematicians for 2,200 years! We can conclude & declare that this Method of Exhaustion utilizing Old Pi is absolutely “EXHAUSTED”.

117 When the True Value of Pi is globally recognized, new advances in Time Travel will be developed as the mathematical harmonic for the Circle- SquareBilly relationship Meier willProphesy have been onrectified True correctly Value toof infinite Pi decimal places. At this moment, year 2014, traditional pi (aka Legacy Pi or Deficient Pi) is in error in the 3rd decimal place. This prediction has already been made! by Billy Meier (born in 1937) and is the most controversial case in the UFO community.

Billy Meier is a Swiss farmer in contact with Plearjen people (humans like you and me) since the age of 6. In Contact 251 ( Contact_Report_251) it is stated :

“In the process they will discover that the base for pi was miscalculated. By eliminating the error in pi, and correcting future computations based on pi, scientists and their amazing, highly developed technology will have the capability to make unimaginable energies accessible to the people of Earth 118”. 119 Only The GOLDEN ROOT and the TRINITY OF PHI can CRACK The TRUE VALUE OF Pi CODE

120 If the Height of the Cheops Pyramid is 1 unit, then the side length of the square base is half of JainPi = 1.572... (compared to 1.570... if you use traditional pi. Even though the error is in the 3rd decimal place, it is still a significant error.

121 To Square the Circle (aka The Mystical Quadrature of the Circle), to make the area of the square equal to the area of the circle, how much do I have to increase the diameter of the Unit Circle to make this magic happen? This enlarged diameter, that bridges Heaven (Circle) and (Earth) is the Key to JainPi as it happens to be the Square Root of Phi = 1.272... meaning, what number multiplied by itself will give 1.618033... or the Phi Ratio? This indicates that only Phi or the Harmonics of Phi can bridge the worlds, and is the Key to unlock the True Value of Pi.

122 “IS PI A LIE?” Calling an International Conference. Calling an International Conference. Pi does not = 3.1415926… True Value Pi = 3.144…

Introducing JAIN PI: a PHI-PI RELATIONSHIFT Revealing the Truth on Suppressed Mathematics Since Traditional Pi is disHarmonic, the ushering in of the True Value of Pi is 1): Breaking the Prime Directive (since all Earthly Engineering is based on Pi formulae), and 2): is the Vortex Mathematics that allows us to grasp the Physics of Time Bending / Time Travel and go thru the implosive and toroidal eye of the Sun and into the next Galaxy)

123 To achieve the True Value of Pi, we first must locate the value of BC = Root 5 (=2.236…) which is the critical part of the Phi Ratio Formula Phi = (1 + Root 5) / 2 This diagram shows the importance of THE TRINITY.

124 Phi and the TRINITY Observe the following important Triads that derive Phi or the Divine Proportion. Essentially, we need the THREEness to generate the FIVEness that leads to the Path of True Pi (derived from the Square Root of Phi and the Square Root of 5. True Pi cannot be calculated without the Root of PhiVe: the diagonal of the Double Square.

The 3 equal length lines or 3 sticks placed at Acknowledgement or source of graphics: 2 midpoints generates Phi, a by Jo Niemeyer in the Arithmeum ˝ The 3 equal sized circles all in one tangent 3 Binary Rings by Sam Kutler, (a mathematics museum owned by the generates Phi, by Erik Erlandsen sourced from˝ Forschungsinstitut für Diskrete Mathematik “Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics” at the University of Bonn).

125 THE SQUARE ROOT OF PHI 1.272… Is there a sacred relationship between the Square and the Circle? What is the ratio of the Square Area of the Circle that is inside the Square that surrounds it?

Answer. If the Circle has a square area of 1 square unit, then the area of the square is 1.272… which is the square root of Phi meaning, what number multiplied by itself gives 1.618… or 1.272… x 1.272… = 1.618…

Did You Know? that this amazing fact, has never been published before! that the relationship of the Circle to the Square is a Golden One. This therefore opens or reveals the True Harmonics of the Circle and the Sphere of Unity Consciousness. 126 Can we Find Phi 1.618… in the 3 - 4 - 5 i.e. the Triangle, the Square and the Pentagon…?

Phi in the Equilateral Triangle 127 AG / AB = Phi

128 The Polygons within the Circle Create Phi Relationships

Phi in the Square in the Circle.

Here, if A=1 i.e. the Unit Square inside a semi-circle then B=.618… or the Reciprocal of Phi aka Phee or “phi” with a lower-case “p”

The Circularized Double Unit Square allows us to determine The Square Root of 5 which is part of the formula for Phi (1+Root5)/2

Art by Joe Dubs 129 130 PENTAGRAM In The CIRCLE is Pure Phi Harmonics

131 132 133 134 135 Floor Plan for a House based on the 10 sides of the Decagon, allows the builder to create naturally in the Golden Ratio. The 10 isosceles triangles are called Golden Triangles, the small side is say 1 unit, and the longer 2 sides are 1.618…

136 137 138 How to become EMBEDDED THE JAIN 108 SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS˝ Using Arithmetica and Geometry to strengthen our Auric Hygiene

139 In the day seminar on JainPi to understand how we set the diameter of the circle at the Square Root of 5, to get the true value of 3.144… we need to understand the essential Root Harmonics of 2, 3 and 5. This means we need to understand THE PYTHAGOREAN 3-4-5 TRIANGLE

140 This GEOMETRIC PROOF will be part of an important WORKSHEET at the workshop tomorrow so that you fully comprehend that the secret embedded here is when we set the diameter of the Circle to the Square Root of 5 (=2.236…) which reveals all the Phi Harmonics.


This rare diagram is Jain’s masterpiece and shows the geometric formula for Phi. If the handle is 1 unit, add the distance of Root 5 (diagonal of the double square) then find the midpoint or half. It gives a point on the Red Circle seen inside the central square. If we were to repeat this action x1000 it will produce the Red Circle which is really Pi. Thus, Phi and Pi are intimately connected. The Formula for Phi (1 + Root 5) div by 2 produces Pi. This is the cosmic Phi-Pi 142 Connection. Front of stockcard for decal Back of stockcard for decal

143 Front of stockcard for Sticker Front of stockcard for Sticker

144 Jain’s Future Head of Tombstone

“Here Rests Jain 108 Pioneer 3.144605511029693144…”

Observe 1- Pi in “Pioneer” 2- The numerical repetition of the first 4 digits “3.144” how they repeat again at the 15th Decimal!



3 important Harmonic Numbers are hidden in this cosmic clock.

1 - 3.1446 is 3 hours 14 minutes and 46 seconds.

2 - 1.618 is 1 hour, 6 minutes and 18 seconds.

3 - 1.2720 is 1 hour, 27 minutes and 20 seconds.

146 Currently, there are many other Mathematicians who support and validate JainPi. Carl Thompson is an example.

147 Don’t tell anyone… unless they have PURE INTENT, but the password, to access the Vortex is 3.144…

148 149 Thus, the Translation of Number Into Art, or Join The Dots is the key to getting the young child engaged and loving numbers.

150 Yantra Versus Mandala “To truly understand the Universal Language of Light and Pattern Recognition, understand first that a triangle is the shadow of a Tetrahedron, the square is a shadow of the Cube, etc and recognize this multi-dimensional syllabus has higher components, that a circle is from the Sphere, and that what you call a flat, 2-dim mandala, is really the shadow from an exotic hyper- dimensional polyhedron. The spherical form is the true “Mandala” (means world) and the flat mandala image is not a mandala, it is technically called a “Yantra” or Power Art”. Jain 108, 2017, Mullumbimby Creek 151 The correctional code of 3.144… will allow humanity to go to the Next Level based on the Ecosophical use of Natural Energies that fuel the planet and open Time-Travelling pathways to our stellar neighbours.

152 The True Value of Pi will allow the Celestial to meet with the Terrestrial in all departments of earthly affairs, especially in the area of EDUCATION. Jain’s Mathematical Curriculum For The Global School is being prepared now to be available as Online Courses by 2019. This is the main Source Book:

The ART Of NUMBER Translating Number Into Sacred Art

Teaching the supreme and Universal by ˝ Language of Pattern Recognition Jain 108 153 There is a new breed of Children being born. They don’t belong in conventional schools. Their souls and awakened memory of who they are, need to be nourished. It is our duty as concerned parents and guardians to create a new and exciting curriculum based on the 7 Liberal Arts of ancient times: the Quadrivium, that includes Number and Geometry of the Living Mathematics of Nature, along with Yoga, Meditation and a Living Diet. 154 LEFT AND RIGHT BRAIN

Numbers are considered Left Brain, and Art is considered Right Brain. The translation of Number into Art, Jain Mathemagics, is Whole Brain Learning, is Complementary and Supplementary to the existing Maths Curriculum, as part of the evolving New Millennium School of Mathematics, a creatively-based extra-curricular university for children of all ages, a MiniVersity that talks to Higher Mind.

155 Yasmin Ong of Orchard, Singapore

Our Job as Educators is to make Mathematics Fun, and instill that sense of Beauty that it has always contained. 156 157 In the last 3 years, I have written daily posts on Sacred Geometry for beginners, on Facebook earning up to 144,000 followers (Sep 2018). ˛˛

This is a typical daily post:˛

“Embedding Sacred Geometry Into Our Heart"

The Heart is More Powerful than the Human Brain. Ultimately, our goal is not to have more intellectual knowledge, not to build up our libraries and computer files, but rather it is to knit the very fabric of Sacred Gaiaometry, into our Field, our Auric Domain, to embed it literally into our very own Heart. The pure definition of Sacred Geometry is to Remember Who We Are. Jain 108 158 CONCLUSION Perhaps this mathematical investigation is to guide us not to focus on the external geometries that have been derived from such Number Patternings, but rather to embed such potent cuboctahedral or 12-Around-The-One frequencies into our field, our aura, our consciousness, and into our Hearts.


Jain 108 leaning against the Cuboctahedron that has 12 internal radials. Photograph, courtesy of Olivier of Milk Photographie. More images of my Logo based on Magic Squares and Phi Ratios

A Magic Square of 3 leadlight that I built, My first coloured business card 1997 2006, now in my Office.

160 161 162 163 164 The next upcoming 12 Unique Designs of Set 2 VIBRATIONAL ESSENCES


thanks to Olivier Henry of Milk Photographic, Singapore for this bio photo

166 167 Thanks to Kylie Davidson for organising this Event here at the Drill Hall Theatre JAIN 108 VIBRATIONAL ESSENCES

Created by Kylie of Krystal Love 168 AVAILABLE NOW JAIN 108




1 - free dvd, an Introduction to Sacred Geometry, $45 or 2 - free magnetic toy, Magic Diamond, valued at $15 (a shape-shifting cuboctahedron based on the work of Buckminster Fuller)


BUY ANY 6 DECALS OR LARGE STICKERS, normally $15 each, and get the 7th one free.

171 Thanks to AYSHA SUN

Brandit Design Agency Professional, Creative Website Design

172 Bridal Bible Weddings

a one-stop online shop for all your wedding needs.

Winner of the 2018 Startup Superstar Awards for Business Excellence

by Aysha Sun and Jasmine Harvey

173 Thanks to Reenah Sun Social Media Manager on Facebook and Instagram for all her work promoting Jain 108 Mathemagics.

She is currently available to promote your business.

174 Thanks to TIMOTI BRAMLEY Master Maori Healer for his opening sonic ceremony and blessing. Worldwide Indigenous Science Network

175 The 178 slides of this Keynote Presentation are available in a .pdf format and can be forwarded to you as an email attachment in the form of an ebook or reduced file size. Purchase price is €25 or $33 aud, Enjoy this ancient knowledge. Regards Jain 108 © Sep 2018 ✠ ☆ .

176 Jain’s Workshop Monday 10th Sept 2018

177 C.I.A Cosmic Intelligence Agency ˝ 4 Day Retreat 11-14th October, 2018, Uki.˝ A 2 hour Lecture by Jain 108 on the 14th October.˝ THE INTERSECTION OF SACRED GEOMETRY AND ASTROLOGY

12:45- 2:00 Lunch (included for day visitors) 2:00 – 4:00 – Intersection of Sacred Geometry and Astrology. 2 x 1 hr sessions – JAIN 108 – 1 – The Divine Phi Proportion, the Venus Orbit, and the significance of the Golden Angle (137.5 degrees) 2 – The Zodiac and its relationship to the Dodecahedron 3 – Cosmo-Genesis and the Sacred Geometry of the shape-shifting Cuboctahedron, the 12 Around The One. 4 – Magic Squares and how they are attributed to the Planets 5 – The Hermetic origin of the 7 day week. Break 178