written by Jerry Robbins

[email protected] FADE IN:


A two-lane, tree-lined highway. A box truck approaches. On the truck, is printed: HO! HO! HO! DECORATIONS FOR EVERY HOLIDAY.

Behind the wheel is CHRIS (70), a jolly, happy man with a white beard, and white hair under a red and white stocking cap. Slightly overweight, he is easily identified as Santa by any child who sees him.

Chris notices a road sign ahead: EXIT 24. A small illustration indicates Food and Gasoline.

The right blinker on the Box Truck blinks, and it takes the off-ramp of Exit 24.


A large, square built silver and red diner with a tower and sign that reads: LOUIE'S

There are three semi-rig trucks parked in the big lot.

Cheap-looking Christmas decorations are being taped onto the diner windows... a Christmas tree, a bulb ornament...


Taping these flimsy pieces of holiday art to the windows is ERNESTINE ROSEMONT (45), the head waitress. Down-to- earth and a tower of wisdom in the eyes of her co- workers, she radiates authority and kindness.

The diner has a classic lunch counter with stools, a row of booths, and tables in the center. Spacious, clean, welcoming.

There is a long, open window to the kitchen where the waitstaff can pick up the orders, and the kitchen staff can see out.

Ernestine plasters a paper Santa to the window.

ERNESTINE There you go, Saint Nick! Same window as last year. 2.

JULIE REID (30), enters with one last paper decoration. Gentle and calm, she’s funky with blue and red hair and a nose ring.

JULIE And here’s the guy with the shiny nose.

ERNESTINE Rudy! I’ve been waiting for him!

Julie hands the cutout to Ernestine, who furrows her brow as she studies it.


Ernestine points.

ERNESTINE He’s torn up here... see? A big white blotch where his ear should be.

JULIE Must have come off with last year’s tape.

Ernestine plasters the cutout to the window with a healthy amount of tape.

ERNESTINE Rudy, you lost your glow.

Julie makes her way behind the counter where TRUCKER 1 (40s), burly, baseball cap, jacket, tough, reads a menu. TRUCKER 2 (50s), slicked back hair, dressed casual, sunglasses, eats a sandwich.

Julie, order pad in hand, waits with her pencil ready to write.

TRUCKER 1 Do you still have those meatballs that looked like Jack-o'-lanterns?

JULIE That was just for .

TRUCKER 1 The meatballs with the edible Pilgrim hats? 3.

JULIE Thanksgiving.

TRUCKER 1 What ya got for Christmas?

JULIE Just a torn reindeer cutout in the window.

TRUCKER 1 I meant to eat.

JULIE For Christmas? Our annual “Louie's Christmas Eve All-Day Turkey Diner Dinner.”

TRUCKER 1 What about for now?

Julie writes up the order.

JULIE Hamburger?

TRUCKER 1 Sold. Well done, please.

She tears the paper from her book, places it on the kitchen window counter, and yells into the kitchen.

JULIE A hockey puck with lettuce!

LOUIE (65), appears in the kitchen window. African- American with greying hair, a care-worn face lined with stress, and weary eyes. There’s an aura of sadness about him that he does his best to conceal.

LOUIE Window decorations up?

JULIE Last one just now.

LOUIE Good. I want Mia to see them. Kids love that stuff.

TRUCKER 3 (20s), fit and handsome, puts his menu down and turns to Julie. 4.

TRUCKER 3 Can I get the Rigatoni con la Pajata?

Julie turns on a subtle charm.

JULIE Of course. Excellent choice.

She writes it up.

TRUCKER 3 How’s the Italian here?

JULIE Best Italian food on the Woodbine Pike.

TRUCKER 3 Yeah? Cook must be from the old country.

Julie shoots him a pleasant smile.

JULIE Oh... his country’s pretty old, no question about it.


Louie takes the slip, gives it a glance.

LOUIE Rigatoni con la Pajata to go, Wu!

WU ZHOU (50), is the top chef in the kitchen, and like most top chefs, his white uniform doesn’t have a stain on it. Professional and immaculate, he belongs in a five star hotel, not a diner.

WU Rigatoni con la Pajata. Grazie, ci sto lavorando.


Julie joins Ernestine at the far end of the restaurant where she decorates a fake tree that has seen better days. 5.

JULIE Oh, this tree. You know, Louie had this tree in here when I was in second grade?

ERNESTINE I got news for ya. Louie had this tree before he built the diner!

LOUIE (O.S.) I heard that!

Ernestine calls out to him.

ERNESTINE You were meant to! I said it with love!

Louie laughs.

JULIE At least Chris will bring in some nice ones so customer’s won’t look at these.

The phone RINGS behind the counter. Ernestine heads towards it.


ERNESTINE Yeah, yeah...

She picks up the phone and puts her polite voice on.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Louie's Diner on Exit 24, best Italian food on the pike, this is Ernestine, can I help you... Yes, Ma’am, we have a fantastic Italian chef... Anything you like... we’ll be expecting you. Good-bye!

Ernestine hangs up and turns to Louie in the kitchen window.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Family of five, twenty miles.

LOUIE Hear that, Wu?

WU I got it. 6.

Louie gestures to Ernestine.

LOUIE Ernestine...

She goes to the kitchen door. Louie joins her and speaks quietly.

LOUIE (CONT’D) How is Holly doing? Any better?

ERNESTINE She seems to be getting her act together. Slow but sure. Takes more than a couple of months.

LOUIE Christmas. It’s gonna be a tough time for her.

ERNESTINE I know. She’s tough, though.

She gently caresses his arm.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Gonna be a tough time for you, too, Louie.

He manages a smile.

LOUIE Hey. I’m tough, too.

ERNESTINE I know you are. And you have all of us to keep you company.

The front door opens as Holly and Mia enter. They shiver from the cold.

HOLLY DOUGLAS (33), very attractive, she’s intelligent, disciplined, a workaholic, and no longer very social. She’s done that. Her long hair is in a pony tail that makes her look younger than her years.

Her daughter, MIA DOUGLAS (10), is rather on the sarcastic side as she’s been through a tough year. She’s pretty, plainly dressed, wears a barrette in her long black hair, and is never without colored pencils and a sketchbook. 7.

HOLLY It’s freezing out there! I wouldn’t be surprised if we get snow!

Holly takes Mia’s coat and heads for the kitchen.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Sorry I’m a little late, Ernestine.

ERNESTINE Quite all right, Holly.

Holly exits. Mia sits on a stool at the counter.

MIA I hope we get snow for Christmas.

ERNESTINE Oh, that would be nice.

MIA You like snow, too?

ERNESTINE No. But if we got a storm, my brother, his annoying wife, and five bratty kids will have to stay home instead of invading my humble abode. Apple pie?

MIA Yes, please!

Holly joins them as Ernestine gets Mia a slice of pie and a glass of milk.

ERNESTINE I think seat three is ready to cash out. Can you take care of that for me, Holly?

HOLLY Of course!

Holly goes to the register and rings up the check.


Chris’ Box Truck pulls into the lot, and into a space. 8.


Chris is just about to open the door when it opens for him, and Trucker 1 exits as Chris steps aside.

CHRIS Oh! Thank you. Merry Christmas!

TRUCKER 1 Hey, same to you, buddy!

Chris smiles and enters.


Chris lights up the room as he throws his arms out wide!

CHRIS Merry Christmas, everyone!

Mia spins on the stool to face him.

MIA Chris! I was hoping you would be here today!

He goes to her.

CHRIS I must say this place is looking mighty Christmassy.

MIA It is?

ERNESTINE Sure, honey. Don’t you see the pictures in the window?

Mia turns to the windows. All she sees are the plain cardboard backs of the decorations.

MIA Those?

ERNESTINE Well... um, yes. The pictures face the outside!

MIA I was too cold to notice, I guess.

Louie looks through the kitchen window. 9.

CHRIS Maybe I brought you something better!

This gets Louie's attention at the window.

LOUIE Hey... Chris?

Chris looks up at Louie, who motions for him to come around the side.

Chris goes to the door in a small hallway that leads to another kitchen entrance, and another door that leads to the basement.

Louie waits for him.

CHRIS What is it, Louie?

LOUIE About those decorations. I can’t take them. I’m sorry, ‘cause I know you loaded them and hauled them out here... but... well... I just can’t afford it this year.

Chris stares at him with sympathetic eyes.

LOUIE (CONT’D) I’m in a hole that just gets deeper and deeper. My wife’s medical bills before she died...

CHRIS I understand.

Louie tries to smile, but can’t.

LOUIE I’m mortgaged to the hilt. My house, the diner... I can’t get another loan.

CHRIS Louie. Those decorations go up.

LOUIE I can’t pay you! 10.

CHRIS They’re either going to sit in my truck in the dark, or bring some Christmas Spirit to this diner!

LOUIE I can’t-

CHRIS I’ll take them all back after New Years! We’ll just be giving them a place to stay for the time being.

Louie gives an affirmative nod.

LOUIE All right, Chris. All right.

CHRIS Can I have a tuna on wheat with a dill and chips?

LOUIE Comin’ right up!


Holly is cleaning up after Mia, who heads for a booth with her pencils and sketchbook.

Chris emerges from the small hallway. Mia calls out.

MIA Chris! Can you come here for a minute?

CHRIS Why, of course I can.

He joins Mia at the booth. The sketchbook is open to her drawing of a farmhouse, a barn, and endless hills and grass - of which she is still coloring.

CHRIS (CONT’D) My, my. You’ve been busy.

MIA The grass is taking a long time. It was green with a lot of brown mixed in.

CHRIS Ah. Of course. Nebraska, correct? 11.

This surprises her.

MIA How did you know?

CHRIS Well... look at those hills! Those are Montana hills if I ever saw them!

MIA This is our old house. We had to move when my Grandmother died.


MIA The bank took it.

CHRIS Very sad. She was a fine lady, your Grandmother.

MIA How did you know that?

CHRIS Well, if you and your mother are any example.

Mia studies his face for several moments.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Something wrong?

MIA Are you Santa Claus?

CHRIS Now, why would you think that? Lots of men have white beards.

MIA It’s not the beard. It’s just that... you know everything.

CHRIS Well, I drive a truck! See lots of things! Meet lots of people!

She continues to stare. Unconvinced. 12.

Through the front door enters DEREK BRUCE (30), right out of GQ. An expensive suit and haircut, a constant smile on his face. Classy and handsome, he heads for the counter.

Holly turns her head down to her order book as she mumbles...

HOLLY Oh, no... no, not today. Why me?

Derek notices her as he flashes his killer smile.

CHRIS You don’t like him, I gather?

HOLLY He’s been coming in every day for a month. Comes on a bit strong.

He takes the seat at the far end, next to the wall.

Holly turns to Ernestine and Julie, busy at the other end of the diner.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Wonderful.

Holly, order pad in hand, goes to him.

LOUIE (O.S.) Order up! Radio sandwich!

HOLLY Yes, Derek. What will it be today?

DEREK Don’t you look bright and chipper.

HOLLY Liver and onions on special.

DEREK Just coffee today.

Holly spins on her heels, grabs the coffee pot, fills it up.

LOUIE Order up! Table five!

DEREK You know... I was thinking... 13.

Holly grabs the sandwich from the window, leaves Derek mid-sentence.


As Holly puts the plate down, she notices the drawing.

HOLLY That’s beautiful, Mia!

MIA Maybe someday we’ll have a real house again.

Chris can see the hurt in Holly’s eyes. He also notices that something has caught her attention outside.

Chris turns to the window to see KEN CHAMBERS (35), climbing out of a rust pick-up truck. His movie star good looks don’t match his torn jeans, paint-splattered shirt and work boots. A hard worker, he’s also quite humble.

Ken enters the diner and takes a seat at the counter. Ernestine notices Holly watching him, and ushers her away from Mia’s table.

She speaks quietly.

ERNESTINE Be careful.

HOLLY About what?

ERNESTINE I can see it in your eyes. Blue collar, pick-up truck on it’s last legs... reminds me of my ex.

HOLLY Every man who drives a pick-up is not the same as your ex.

At the counter with order book in hand, Julie approaches Ken.

ERNESTINE Don’t matter. The kid beat ya to it.

Holly laughs. Ernestine calls out. 14.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Julie, Darlin’!?


ERNESTINE Holly’s gonna grab that. I need you to help me with this tree back here.

Julie doesn’t like it, but doesn’t argue either.

HOLLY Why did you do that!?

ERNESTINE Just take that lumberjack’s order.


Ken has taken a seat and grabs a menu from the counter.

HOLLY Welcome to Louie's , Sir. Can I start you off with a drink?

KEN Coffee, please... and a BLT.

HOLLY You got it! Coffee and a BLT.

She turns to the kitchen window as she hands her order slip to Louie.


LOUIE Comin’ right up!

Holly pours the coffee.

KEN Holly.


KEN It’s just a nice name, that’s all. 15.

She smiles at him, and several stools down, Derek takes notice.

HOLLY I haven’t seen you in here before. You from around here?

KEN Used to be. Just moved back.

HOLLY Not a lot of work in this town, unfortunately.

Derek invites himself into the conversation.

DEREK Not here in town, but this is on my route. I’m a salesman. Jewelry.

KEN Good business?

DEREK I’ve got some major accounts in Boston. Not so much in these smaller towns... but people get married everywhere, so here I am.

Ken smiles and nods.

Mia runs up to the counter.

MIA Mom, can I help Chris unload the decorations?

HOLLY From the truck!?

Chris calls to Holly from the front doors.

CHRIS She’s going to open the doors here for me.

HOLLY Oh! Well, yes, dear, that’s fine.

Chris exits. Mia smiles at Ken.

MIA You’re new here. 16.

KEN That’s what people are noticing!

MIA Are ya just passin’ through?

HOLLY Mia! What a question!

Ken laughs.

KEN That’s all right, Mia. I’m fixing up a house out on Chambers Road.

Ernestine shouts from the far end of the room as she and Julie finish the tree.

ERNESTINE The Chambers mansion?

KEN I wouldn’t call it a mansion...

ERNESTINE I would, honey! Kinda run-down, isn’t it?

KEN Not too bad. I’ll get it back up to speed.

ERNESTINE No one’s lived there for decades.

MIA It’s not haunted, is it?

KEN No, it’s not haunted. No ghosts.

MIA You gonna flip it!?

Ken laughs.


KEN No, I’m not going to flip it. 17.

HOLLY Mia, that’s not the kind of question you ask someone!

MIA Sorry, Mom.

Mia shoots a look out the windows, and sees Chris, boxes in his arms, headed toward the diner.

She darts off to open the door for him. He puts the boxes on the floor and studies the room... and the tree.

CHRIS Louie? How attached are you to that tree?


A two-story colonial that has seen better days. Drab and sad.



Two bedrooms, a living room with old furniture, and a tiny kitchen with a tiny stove, is what Holly and Mia call home.

On the living room couch, Mia is busy with her drawing. Holly has changed into jeans and a sweater, and crashes into the easy chair.

HOLLY What a day. I’m beat.

MIA I wish we could have stayed until Chris was finished.

HOLLY Chris left before we did.

MIA I know, but he was going to come back later. 18.

HOLLY We couldn’t wait, sweetie. How is your picture coming along? Can I see it?

Mia hands her the sketchbook, and Holly is surprised to see a sketch of Ken’s rusty pick-up truck.

MIA I haven’t started on Ken yet.

HOLLY Sweetie... why are you drawing Ken’s truck?

MIA He’s a nice man.

Holly flips the page back to see and landscape sketch.

HOLLY That looks just like our old farmhouse. You’re getting good at this, you know?

MIA Thanks, Mom.

HOLLY You miss Grandma.

MIA Yeah. I thought that drawing the house and the farm... might bring her back... a little.

Holly pulls Mia in close and kisses her.

MIA (CONT’D) Will we ever be able to move back?

HOLLY No, sweetie.

MIA Do you think Chris is Santa? The real Santa?

HOLLY What? Now, where did that come from? 19.

MIA Every time I talk to him I get more and more convinced.

HOLLY Do you think the real Santa would be driving a truck up and down the Woodbine Turnpike all day?

MIA I don’t know. He’s pretty tricky. He knew we lived in Nebraska, and I didn’t even tell him!

HOLLY Maybe it was a lucky guess.

MIA And he said Grandma was a fine lady.

Holly is subtly surprised.


Louie sits on the outside steps as Holly, Ernestine, and Julie drive up only moments apart.

Holly is the first to exit her car with Mia. She doesn’t know what to make of this.

HOLLY Louie?

MIA Why is he sitting out here in the cold?

The waitresses approach Louie is suspenseful silence. Something is wrong. It’s all over Louie's face.

ERNESTINE Louie, did you forget your key?

No response.

JULIE Are you not feeling well? Should we call someone?

No response. 20.

Wu emerges from around the corner of the diner in his own daze, just like Louie.

ERNESTINE Wu? What is it?

WU I checked the back.

He turns to Louie.

WU (CONT’D) All the doors are locked. Just as they should be.

HOLLY Was there a break in!?

Louie looks up at them.

LOUIE Last night. I was waiting for Chris to return. He only brought in a couple of boxes before he got called away.

ERNESTINE When did he get back?

LOUIE We closed at midnight. He never came back.

MIA I hope he’s all right!

LOUIE I got here at five-thirty, just as I do every day. The lights were on.

ERNESTINE They’re off now.

WU Because I turned them off.

Louie turns to Wu.

LOUIE Show them.

Wu walks to the front door, opens it, disappears inside. 21.

JULIE The door wasn’t locked?

LOUIE It was when I left last night.

The lights turn on... inside the diner, and outside. Decorated to the hilt. Outside are colored Christmas lights that line the entire building.

A large, bright star shines from the top of the roof. Nothing is tacky. It’s beautiful and artistic.

A warm, glow shines through the windows. Louie leads the way, and the ladies follow.


As soon as they cross into the diner, their eyes open wide in stunned amazement. Boughs of holly pocked with white lights are draped on the ceiling as if they were wooden beams.

Silver garland frames the front door and the counter. In the far corner is a huge, beautiful Christmas tree shining with tinsel, glass ornaments, hundreds of lights.

Around the tree are wrapped presents. The entire room overwhelms in its magnificence.

HOLLY I don’t believe it...

MIA Mom, look!

Everyone is speechless.

LOUIE How could he have done this in five hours?

MIA I happen to believe he’s Santa Claus. The real Santa.

ERNESTINE I’m starting to think you’re right.

LOUIE How did he get in!? I mean, I’m grateful for all the work... 22. LOUIE (CONT'D) but... this is my business... and the thought that someone got in here somehow, in the middle of the night...

HOLLY Chris got in. Not some stranger.

JULIE We assume.

HOLLY Why would we only assume?

JULIE No hard evidence. Just a guess.

LOUIE Whoever it was, it still stands. How did they get in?

HOLLY I think it was Chris, and I think it was a wonderful surprise.

LOUIE Well... we need to get started on the prep work. First truck will be pullin’ in soon.


The parking lot is busy with several big rigs parked.

A silver BMW pulls into a handicap parking space. Derek climbs out and heads for the door.


Derek saunters into the restaurant without a care in the world. He barely notices the decorations as he scans the room for Holly. He spots her behind the lunch counter.

Mia is at the counter with her sketchbook.

He manages to get a stool directly in front of her, next to Mia... who he also doesn’t notice.

DEREK Holly! My girl! My babe! 23.

HOLLY One out of three’s not bad.

He doesn’t understand. She clarifies.

HOLLY (CONT’D) I’m not your girl, or your babe.

DEREK Just making nice on this... very special day.

HOLLY What’s so special about today?

Derek is about to answer when he sees Ken seated at the far end of the counter.

They both exchange polite smiles.

DEREK I have something for you. Can we go over to a booth?

HOLLY No, this my station. I have customers. I can’t just leave.

DEREK All right. But this is less than ideal.

He reaches into his coat pocket.


They are spellbound at what they are watching.


Louie watches with wide eyes.


Derek takes a small box from his pocket.

HOLLY Derek.

DEREK Holly... 24.

HOLLY Derek...

DEREK Holly?

HOLLY Derek!


HOLLY You’re not going to say what I think you might be about to say, because if you are, I’d rather you didn’t say it.

He puts the box on the counter.

DEREK Open it. Please.

HOLLY Opening it is not an accepted acknowledgement.

DEREK Just open it.

MIA Are you sure, Mom?

DEREK Of course she’s sure. Go on.

Holly opens the box to reveal a magnificent Christmas wreath brooch made of white diamonds, and the ribbon is of red emeralds.

ERNESTINE Holy cow. IAre those diamonds?

JULIE Are those rubies?

MIA (not impressed) Is that real?

DEREK Of course it’s real. 25.

HOLLY I don’t understand...

DEREK It belonged to my grandmother, may she rest in peace.

HOLLY Derek, it should stay in your family. I can’t accept this.

DEREK I want you to have it. No strings attached. There’s no one in my family who could take it. I’m the last one. Alive.

MIA Mom, remember what you tell me... “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”


She gestures for Holly to join her a few feet away. She whispers in Holly’s ear.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Holly. You’re an attractive woman. He’s an attractive man on the prowl. What’s not to understand here?


ERNESTINE He’s not proposin’ to ya, he’s givin’ ya a brooch his grandmother wore. See where it goes.

Holly returns to the counter.

MIA Is it real?

DEREK Get it appraised.


A small store on Main Street. 26.

JEWELER (V.O.) What you have here is an 1893 Tiffany brooch.


A JEWELER (60s), jeweler’s loupe in his eye, hands the brooch back to Holly.

HOLLY So... it’s real?

JEWELER Very much so.

ERNESTINE How much is it worth?

JEWELER Thirty-two, thereabout’s.

HOLLY Dollars?

JEWELER Yes, Ma’am. Thirty-two thousand dollars.

HOLLY Thousand? Did you say thousand!?

JEWELER Yes, Ma’am. And at auction - it might bring as much as one hundred thousand. It’s quite a rare piece.

Holly and Ernestine stare at each other in disbelief.

ERNESTINE Marry him.


Ken, seated at the counter eats his lunch. Ernestine is whispering her to him.

Customers fill several booths.

ERNESTINE Thirty-two thousand. I heard it with my own ears. 27.

Ken isn’t impressed.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) You ain’t never seen thirty-two thousand in your life.

KEN And how do you know that?

ERNESTINE Just one look.

Ken laughs.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Babe, I heard you talkin’ ‘bout livin’ in a mobile home. In the woods.

KEN What’s wrong with that?

ERNESTINE It means you’re anti-social.

KEN Or, it just means I live in a mobile home in the woods.

ERNESTINE They make movies about things like that. Scary movies.

KEN Ernestine, I’m fixing up my old family home. That’s all.

ERNESTINE I ain’t never seen the house back there.

KEN No wonder. The driveway is a mile and a half through the woods.

Derek enters smiling like he’s king of the world.

DEREK Merry Christmas, everyone!

He stops in his tracks as he notices the decorations. 28.

DEREK (CONT’D) Hello-hello!? Look at this place! It’s incredible.

As she waits on a booth, Julie answers without turning.

JULIE It’s the same as when you were here yesterday.

DEREK Oh? How did I miss it!?

Holly comes out of the kitchen.

DEREK (CONT’D) I was blinded by the beauty of the stunning Holly.

HOLLY Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you, Derek?

He sits at the counter and drops the act.

DEREK Yeah, I am. But the place looks great. No kidding about that.

HOLLY And it looked just like this yesterday. No kidding about that. Derek...

DEREK Coffee and a chicken sandwich.


DEREK Weren’t you going to ask me what I wanted for lunch?

HOLLY No. I wanted to tell you...

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the tiny box, places it on the counter. 29.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Derek, I’m truly flattered and honored that you would want me to have this... but I can’t accept it.

DEREK Why not, Holly?

HOLLY Because no matter how I look at it, or try not to look at... it still signifies a commitment.

DEREK It doesn’t.

HOLLY In my mind it does. And I have to live in my mind. You don’t.

With hesitation, Derek takes the small case in hand as Ken watches.

Derek heads for the door.

ERNESTINE What about your order?

DEREK Some other time.


Derek unlocks his BMW just as Chris ambles towards the entrance. He is in a handicapped space.

Chris stops and shakes his head.

CHRIS Tsk-tsk-tsk.

DEREK Something wrong?

CHRIS Handicapped space, Derek?


CHRIS Are you handicapped? 30.

DEREK Look, pal. Not today.

CHRIS Not today? So, on other days you’re handicapped?

DEREK What are you getting at?

CHRIS You’re parked in a space for people who have a disability.

DEREK Whatever.

Derek hops in, slams the door, and pulls away as Chris watches with a furrowed brow.


Chris comes through the door full of Christmas cheer!

CHRIS Merry Christmas, one and all!

Some of the customers smile, wave... others pay no attention to him as he goes to the counter.

Louie appears in the kitchen window.


Chris relaxes on a stool.

Louie hurries out of the kitchen as Chris turns to Ernestine.

CHRIS Egg salad on pumpernickel, please. And a glass of milk.

LOUIE Chris!

CHRIS Louie! What do you think?

LOUIE You never came back last night. 31.

Chris looks the room over.

CHRIS Ah... yes, I did.

LOUIE But not when I was here.

CHRIS Oh, I didn’t want to bother you.

LOUIE How did you get in!?

CHRIS The front door.

LOUIE It was locked.

CHRIS No, it wasn’t.

LOUIE It was!

CHRIS It wasn’t. Louie, how else could I have gotten in?

Louie starts to doubt himself.

LOUIE Well... I... I thought I locked it. I remember...

CHRIS You might be remembering the other times you locked it... every night. But last night it was open. You work very hard, Louie.

Louie is very confused.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Last night just got away from you. That’s all. Nothing to worry about. Doesn’t it look wonderful!?

LOUIE Yeah... yeah... wonderful... 32.

CHRIS Makes you want to take a sleigh ride, doesn’t it?

Now full of self-doubt, Louie stares at Chris, and with a feeble smile he turns away as if in a trance and takes slow steps towards the kitchen.

LOUIE Egg salad on rye, comin’ right up.

CHRIS Pumpernickel.

LOUIE Pumpernickel.

Holly walks up to Chris.

HOLLY The place looks incredible, Chris.

CHRIS Thank you, Holly.

HOLLY How did you do it all by yourself in such a short time?

CHRIS Christmas magic.

HOLLY No, I’m serious.

CHRIS So am I!

She smiles, and plays along.

HOLLY You have my daughter convinced you’re Santa Claus.

CHRIS She came up with that on her own.

HOLLY Maybe you should tell her you’re not.

CHRIS If she believes, I’m not going to tell her otherwise. 33. CHRIS (CONT'D) It’s very difficult to get people to believe.

HOLLY Well, at some point she’s going to wonder why Santa drives a truck.

CHRIS We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Chris smiles as Ernestine delivers his milk and sandwich.

ERNESTINE Egg and milk.

CHRIS Ah! Thank you, Ernestine!


Wu is running water at the sink. Louie is at the grill.

WU Louie, there’s no hot water.

LOUIE Don’t say that. Let it run a while longer.

WU It’s been running two minutes. Cold as ice.

LOUIE Take over the grill for me. Cheeseburger, medium well.


Louie makes his way down the stairs and to the boiler. It’s old and rusty. He checks the gauges and mutters to himself.

LOUIE Oh, that’s not good.

He lifts a screwdriver and a wrench from the top of the boiler, kneels down and works on the control panel and mutters as he works. 34.

LOUIE (CONT’D) Don’t leak... hold on through the holidays for me... just a little more...

He continues to work.


Wu tries the hot water again.

WU There we go!


Louie takes the last step up and closes the door as Wu calls out.

WU (O.S.) It’s working, Louie!

LOUIE For now.


Louie emerges from the hallway where he finds Ernestine behind the counter. Ken is putting down on his check.

LOUIE You might want to heat the coffee up. Should be fine now.

ERNESTINE Thanks, Louie.

KEN Maybe it’s time for a new boiler, Louie.

LOUIE It’s all right. Just needs a kick every so often.

ERNESTINE What about Christmas Eve dinner? The drivers look forward it. What if the boiler were to go out for that? 35.

LOUIE Don’t worry, Ernestine. That’s my department.


Holly and Mia arrive at the front door. Holly reaches for the handle, but the door opens first as Ken steps outside and avoids a collision.

KEN HOLLY Excuse me! OH! KEN Holly!? I’m sorry!

Holly laughs.

HOLLY Don’t be silly!

KEN Hi, Mia.

MIA Hi, Ken!

KEN I was ah... just popping out...

HOLLY Just going in.

KEN How about lunch!?

HOLLY Oh, I don’t know...

Mia turns on the charm and sympathy.

MIA I’m awfully hungry, Mom.

Holly smiles.

HOLLY All right. But not the diner!

KEN I’ll wait here for you.

Holly continues to smile as she enters the bank. 36.


Small with a contemporary design. The person in line before her finishes and steps out of the way with a receipt in her hand. Holly steps up to the teller.

She hands him her check and deposit slip. The TELLER (20s), punches some numbers and looks at her screen for a few moments.

TELLER Just a moment.

She walks away.

HOLLY Is something wrong!?

The teller returns with a MANAGER (30s), who looks at the screen. She turns to Holly.

MANAGER I’m sorry, Mrs. Douglas. There are insufficient funds to cover this check.

Holly is stunned.


Holly and Mia exit the bank and join Ken, waiting where they left him. Holly is somber.

KEN Shall we?

HOLLY I’ve... changed my mind. Can I take a rain check?

MIA Is a rain check the same as the kind that bounces?

Ken’s eyes dart to Mia, innocently looking at her mother for an answer. He’s figured this out.

KEN I’ve been waiting out here for five minutes in the freezing cold. The least you can do is have lunch with me. 37.

Holly manages a feeble smile.


A small, intimate room with cloth-covered tables. The lunch crowd has thinned out. Only a few other tables are taken.

A waiter is removing the plates from Ken and Holly’s table, leaving them with just coffee and Mia taking a sip from a large mug.

KEN How’s the hot chocolate?

MIA I hate to say it, but it’s better than Louie's.

HOLLY So, you really do live in a trailer in the woods?

KEN I live in a trailer on my driveway in the woods.

HOLLY While you fix your family home.

KEN Right.

HOLLY But if the house is there, why stay in the trailer?

KEN It’s a big house. No heat yet. Trailer is more comfortable for the time being. What about you? What’s your story?

HOLLY Well, Mia and I lived in Iowa, but when my mother took ill we moved to be with her on her farm in Nebraska. She had cancer. Two years. The insurance finally gave out and we had to sell her farm after she passed to pay off the debts. 38.

KEN Where was your husband through all this?

HOLLY Long gone. High school quarterback, the catch of the school. I caught him. The catch of the school turned into a loser with no income. Divorced four years ago.

MIA He lives in Vegas. On the strip.

KEN What made you come to Woodbine?

HOLLY I filled the car up with gas, packed what we needed, and drove.

KEN Where to?

HOLLY We decided that whereever it was we ran out of gas, it would be our new home.

MIA Mom likes spontaneous.

HOLLY We ended up here. In no time at all Louie hired me at the diner.

She glances at her watch.

HOLLY (CONT’D) My shift starts at three today. I should get going.

Ken stands, as does Holly and Mia.

KEN All right. Thank you for joining me... it was nice.

Their eyes meet in a moment of subliminal revelation.

HOLLY It was. 39.

Holly leads Mia towards the doors.

MIA Bye for now!


Only a couple of customers at the counter, which is staffed by Julie.

Louie and Ernestine are at a booth. Ernestine is writing in a yellow pad.

ERNESTINE So I should order thirty turkeys this year?

LOUIE Based on our numbers last year, that should do it.

ERNESTINE And mashed potatoes, squash, green beans, stuffing, gravy...

LOUIE Cranberry sauce.

ERNESTINE Right. Wu making the pies?


A loud THUMP and RATTLE comes from the basement.

ERNESTINE What was that!?

Louie is already on his way to the basement door.


Holly drives up and parks as she sees Ernestine out front wearing her coat, and a coffee cup in hand.

Holly joins her.

HOLLY Why are you out here in the cold? 40.

ERNESTINE Only one customer inside, Julie has him, and I had to get away from the grumbles and mumbles.


ERNESTINE Louie. He’s been trying to fix the freezer for the past hour.

HOLLY The kitchen freezer?

ERNESTINE Worse. The basement freezer. All the big ticket items. Where’s Mia?

HOLLY She’s at a friend’s house till my shift is over.

ERNESTINE That’s good.

HOLLY Ernestine...

ERNESTINE That’s a face of worry if I ever saw one.

HOLLY I tried to cash my paycheck at the bank.

ERNESTINE And it bounced.

HOLLY Third time it’s happened. I love Louie... he’s done so much for me. He even helped me get the apartment we’re in... but I’ve got bills.

ERNESTINE I haven’t tried to cash mine yet.

HOLLY I’ve got to buy Christmas presents for Mia... just don’t know what I’m gonna do. 41.

They turn towards the door where they see Louie, holding it open for them.

His face says it all. He’s heard them.

LOUIE Got the freezer workin’. For the time bein’ anyway.


Louie makes his way slowly to the kitchen. Holly and Ernestine enter and wait at the front doors as they watch him.

Wu appears in the kitchen window.

WU Boss. The boiler just went out again.

Louie stops at the counter. He sits on a stool, and buries his face in his hands.

They hear a truck pull into the lot. Holly and Ernestine turn to the window.

WU (CONT’D) Truck coming in. Come on, Boss. I’ll help you with it.

Louie looks up at Wu, manages a smile, and heads for the basement door.

Holly and Ernestine take their coats off.

ERNESTINE Holly, it’s none of my business, but you did confide in me.


ERNESTINE Derek is nuts about you.

Holly scoffs.

HOLLY Derek. 42.

ERNESTINE You’re worried about making ends meet... Christmas presents... the rent! This man gave you a diamond brooch worth thirty two grand, he drives a BMW that set him back at least seventy... snappy dresser...

HOLLY Ernestine. I had lunch with Ken today. And he’s....


HOLLY I was going to say “nice.”

ERNESTINE Diamond brooch, BMW, expensive clothes... or a house trailer, rusty pick-up, and flannel. I think the choice is obvious.

HOLLY I wouldn’t marry for money.

ERNESTINE Yeah. Well. That’s where you and me differ.

HOLLY You wouldn’t either.

ERNESTINE I got three feller’s right now on the hook. None of ‘em are rich, though, but they keep me in practice for Mister Right.

HOLLY Three!? You do not.

ERNESTINE Eddie on Monday, Charlie on Wednesday, Ray on Thursday, Charlie again on Friday. Weekends are off ‘cause I work doubles.

HOLLY What about Tuesday?

ERNESTINE I get my hair done. 43.

They share a quiet laugh as the door opens and Trucker 1 enters.

TRUCKER 1 Ladies. What’s good today?

ERNESTINE Special of the day - cold chicken sandwich on rye with pickles and chips!

TRUCKER 1 Bring it on! Extra Mayo.

CLANGS and BANGS! From the basement.

LOUIE (O.S.) No! Your other left!

WU (O.S.) Sorry!

Ernestine whispers to Holly.

ERNESTINE I’ll make the sandwich.


The parking lot is deserted as a light snow falls. The diner’s Christmas decorations make it warm and cozy - like a picture postcard.


Most of the lights are out except for those over the counter and a small section of booths.

Louie, Wu, Ernestine, Holly, and Julie are seated at a large booth.

LOUIE I’m sorry about the checks. I thought they would be covered. There was a check outstanding that I sent two months ago... when the grill needed fixing. A thousand dollars. Money was there for them two months ago... but not this week. Pretty much the same kinda thing happened the other two times. 44.

LOUIE (CONT’D) (CONT’D) My wife had always done the books. I’m afraid I ain’t that good at it.

ERNESTINE That’s because you’re doing everything else, Louie. Wu can order the food - he know’s what to get and how much.

HOLLY Louie, we can help.

Louie tries to hold back his tears.

LOUIE I can’t even pay you for what you’re supposed to do.

They are all taken aback at seeing their pillar of strength crumble.

LOUIE (CONT’D) I try and try... but I just can’t get ahead of the game.

JULIE But the diner does good business.

LOUIE It’s not enough. I’m worried about the boiler and the main freezer...

ERNESTINE We’ll get by, don’t you worry.

LOUIE I have to worry. This is all I got.

ERNESTINE The turkeys for the Christmas Eve dinner are paid for - so no need to worry about that.

WU When do they get here?

ERNESTINE Tomorrow. Chris is delivering them. 45.

LOUIE I thought he delivered decorations.

JULIE Chris has his hands in many things, but delivering turkeys?

WU He’s picking them up at the train depot. Not very far.

HOLLY And he arranged to have a very special helper.

All are intrigued.



Chris’ truck ambles along as a light snow falls. Chris SINGS:



Mia is in the passenger seat having a great time! She takes over the song and SINGS:




Mia laughs.

CHRIS That was a good one! Have you ever had a ride in a sleigh, Mia?

MIA No. Have you?

CHRIS Oh, yes, indeed.

MIA Not driven by one horse though, right?


Mia switches into her detective mode.

MIA Your’s is driven by eight tiny reindeer. Isn’t that correct?

CHRIS That’s just a rumor.

MIA It’s in the poem.

CHRIS What poem?

MIA “The Night Before Christmas.”

CHRIS Oh, that.

MIA Don’t you like it?

CHRIS You remember the poem, but you forget the words to “Jingle Bells?” 47.

MIA It’s not my favorite Christmas song and you’re avoiding the question.

CHRIS I am not avoiding it. That poem was written by someone who never actually saw the reindeer. How would he know if they’re tiny or full size?

MIA Are they full size?

CHRIS Who ever heard of tiny reindeer? Ridiculous.

MIA Why did you pick up the turkeys?

CHRIS Because I have a truck and I was available.

MIA Okay. Let’s come to an agreement. I believe you’re Santa.

CHRIS I know you do. It’s good to believe in Santa.

MIA I not only believe in Santa, I believe you’re Santa.

CHRIS Right.

MIA Well, the part that bothers me is... what’s with the truck?


MIA Santa doesn’t drive a truck.

CHRIS Ah! There you go. Just like Clement Clarke Moore. 48.

MIA Who?

CHRIS The man who wrote “The Night Before Christmas,” and assumed the reindeer were tiny. Now here you are, assuming Santa doesn’t drive a truck.

MIA That’s because there’s no record of it anywhere!

CHRIS Well, how could there be? No one down here actually knows Santa, and those that actually do, don’t even know it!

He “Ho Ho Ho” laughs.

CHRIS (CONT’D) That was a good one.

MIA Why would he drive a truck!?

CHRIS What better place to hide than in plain sight?

MIA Hm. That makes sense.

CHRIS Of course it does.

MIA But why would he want to?

CHRIS It might be a nice way of keeping an eye on things from ground level.

MIA What do you mean? 49.

CHRIS In this age of computers and instant communication, people have found ways to get around that naughty or nice list. This way, one can see first-hand.

MIA You’re not coming right out and admitting it.

CHRIS Admitting what?

MIA That you’re Santa!

CHRIS I never admit anything. I’m not the one who has to believe.

MIA But you delivered Halloween decorations this year. And Thanksgiving!

CHRIS I did. Those are fun holidays, don’t you think?

MIA Well, if Santa is down here driving a truck, who’s minding the North Pole?

CHRIS Don’t you imagine that after all these many, many years, that the place runs like clockwork?

MIA The elves?

CHRIS And Mrs. Claus.

MIA Mrs. Claus! Why would you leave her for so long!? 50.

CHRIS I would imagine that any marriage that has lasted longer than the oldest person on this planet has been alive, is best served with some time away from each other.

MIA You got an answer for everything without actually admitting anything!

Chris shrugs.


Mia watches him with a puzzled face.


Chris’ truck pulls into the lot. Ken’s pick-up is parked as well.


The basement door is open as Wu and Ken emerge, a bit tired after moving all the turkeys to the freezer.

Louie exits last as he closes the door.

WU That was a workout.

KEN Sure was.

LOUIE Thanks for helping, Ken. I’ll be sending a big slice of apple pie out to you.

KEN Happy to help, Louie.


Holly is behind the counter and Mia is on the end stool with her sketchbook. 51.

Ken steps out of the small hallway and takes his seat at the counter.

Louie speaks out of the kitchen window.

LOUIE Holly? Cut Ken a nice big slice of apple pie for his help. Side of ice cream, piece of cheese, Ken?

KEN Yes! Please.

HOLLY Coming right up.

LOUIE Mia? Would you mind seeing if there is any mail?

MIA Okay!

Happy to have something to do, Mia jumps off the stool and bolts for the door.

Ernestine and Julie are seated at a booth as they go over their orders. They see Holly, and speak in gossipy whispers.

ERNESTINE Look at her. She’s glowing!

JULIE She’s falling for him.

ERNESTINE He’s flat broke.

JULIE How do you know?

ERNESTINE He lives in a trailer in a driveway.

JULIE He’s fixing up his family home.

ERNESTINE Because he can only get a job working for his parents! Survey says... Loser. 52.

With a smile, Holly serves Ken his piece of pie.

KEN Thank you!

Ernestine heads towards the counter when the door opens and Mia darts in with the mail.

MIA Mom! There’s a package for you!

Mia runs to the counter and gives Holly an overnight delivery box, and hands the rest of the mail to Louie through the kitchen window.

LOUIE Thank you, Mia.

MIA You’re welcome.

Ernestine and Julie have joined Holly at the end of the counter, observed by Ken, working on his pie.

JULIE Who’s it from?

ERNESTINE No return address. Hmm.

HOLLY What do you mean?

ERNESTINE Suspicious, don’t you think?

HOLLY I don’t think it’s going to explode, Ernestine.

JULIE Open it!

MIA Hurry, Mom!

Holly has just noticed that everyone is staring at her.

HOLLY Maybe a little privacy?

They back up a few steps, eyes glued to the package. 53.

Holly opens the package. Inside, is the small box that the brooch was in.

Ernestine and Julie let out a quiet gasp.

A pensive Holly stares at the box.

ERNESTINE Open it up! Maybe it’s a ring this time!

There is a note in the package. Holly opens the envelope and reads it in silence.

After a moment -

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) You can’t keep this to yourself!

HOLLY I beg your pardon?

ERNESTINE We’re all involved here. What’s it say?

Holly hands the letter to Ernestine, who reads aloud.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) “Dear Holly, I just can’t take this brooch back. You and it seemed to be as one...”

MIA Oh, brother.

ERNESTINE I know my dear, departed Grandmother would have been happy with my choice as to who should take custody for the upcoming decades...” Isn’t that romantic?

JULIE Are you serious?

ERNESTINE “Please, please do me the honor of having dinner with me at La Belle Amour in town... don’t consider it a date if that’s easier for you. Just a friendly chat over scampi and meat sauce. Ever yours, Derek Bruce.” 54.

She sighs.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) The man is a poet.

Wu appears in the kitchen window.

WU Did you say scampi and meat sauce!? That’s not right.

Holly returns to her work behind the counter.

ERNESTINE You’re gonna go, aren’t ya?

HOLLY Do I look like I want to go?

ERNESTINE What harm is there?

HOLLY Why are you so keen on me going out to dinner with Derek Bruce?

Ernestine responds in a loud whisper.

ERNESTINE Because he gave you a brooch worth thirty thousand dollars - maybe a hundred thousand at auction, that’s why!

Holly tidies up.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) So, are you going?



Many of the windows have candles in them, others show Christmas trees in the rooms.

ERNESTINE (V.O.) Now don’t be nervous.

HOLLY (V.O.) I’m not. 55.

ERNESTINE (V.O.) Good! Bein’ nervous accomplishes nothin’. Total waste of time.


Holly is in her best dress, brooch pinned into place, and applies some last minute make-up as Ernestine is at the table fanning through a magazine. Mia, also at the table, watches.

HOLLY This is a bad idea. There’s no attraction with Derek.

MIA He’s a creep.

ERNESTINE He’s rich. You can overlook a lot of things if they’re rich.

MIA Did you ever date a rich man, Ernestine?

ERNESTINE I once dated a man who told me he had two hundred million dollars. And he did.

HOLLY What!? Two hundred million!? So why didn’t you marry him after all the preaching you’re giving me!?

ERNESTINE Because. He was a liar.

HOLLY Well, according to your logic, that can be overlooked if he’s rich.

ERNESTINE Two hundred million in Confederate dollars.

HOLLY Mia, despite what you are hearing here from Ernestine, I want you to remember that love is not based on money. 56.

A car horn HONKS from outside. Holly grabs her purse.

HOLLY (CONT’D) That’s him.

She kisses Mia.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Good-night, Sweetie. I’ll see you when I get back.

ERNESTINE What time is bedtime in case... dinner runs late?

HOLLY It won’t.

She rushes out the door. Ernestine continues with her magazine.

ERNESTINE Your Mom’s right. Love is not based on money - but money makes ya forget the idiot you’re married to.

Mia shrugs and opens her sketchbook. Ernestine perks up.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) You wanna draw me, Sugar!?


Derek stands at the passenger door of his car as Holly steps out of the building. He holds the door for her, she gets in, he walks to the driver’s side, climbs in, and they’re off.


Chris’ truck passes by, headlights shining into blackness. A bouncy Christmas carol plays over his radio.


As the song continues on his radio, Chris sways his head to the music. He shifts his eyes and sees his GPS map.

The GPS sounds like an Elf with its high, squeaky voice. 57.

ELF GPS (V.O.) Okay! In one mile, grab the reins and take exit twenty-four, then turn right!

He continues to enjoy the music with a smile on his face.


A small, intimate Italian restaurant. Derek and Holly are seated next to the large bay window that overlooks Main Street. Derek pours wine into Holly’s glass.

DEREK I thought we got off on the wrong foot and tonight would be a good chance to start over.

HOLLY By starting over the same way you started before?

DEREK How do you mean?

HOLLY The brooch?

DEREK I don’t know how to explain it to you, Holly. I have no ulterior motive. My great grandmother said that my great grandfather gave it to her when they barely knew each other. He said she made the diamonds shine brighter. He said whether they ever saw each other again... the brooch needed to be with her. Double the radiance. That’s how I felt... when I saw you. I don’t expect anything. If I never see you after tonight, I’ll never ask for it back. I can’t explain it.

HOLLY How can you give away a thirty-two thousand dollar brooch to someone who’s practically a stranger?

DEREK I don’t see money. I only see my grandmother. 58. DEREK (CONT'D) Knowing it’s being worn, means that a little part of her is still here. Can we change the subject?

HOLLY All right.

DEREK What are your dreams for the future?

HOLLY I never dream. I have goals. I plan and I work towards them.

DEREK So, your goals are really your dreams.

HOLLY No. Dreams are fantasy. Goals are reality.

DEREK What are your goals?

HOLLY Safety. Love. Belonging, security. A nice home for Mia. Pretty much what anyone would want. Not the moon. Just a little bit of happiness.

Their conversation grows quieter and more intimate.

DEREK Do you have to reach those goals by yourself... or would someone be able to help?

HOLLY Help. As in you?

DEREK I could.

HOLLY With money.

DEREK Money makes it easier... but I’d be willing to lend a hand without money, if that’s what it takes. 59.

HOLLY What what takes?

DEREK Proving my sincerity to you... the love I’m feeling for you.

Holly is lost in his eyes. They lean closer together... and closer... they close their eyes and inch closer...


With the BEEP of a cell phone, the moment is over.

HOLLY Sorry.

She fishes in her purse, pulls out her cell.


ERNESTINE (V.O.) How’s it going!? Did you kiss yet!?


Holly hangs up.

DEREK Trouble?

HOLLY Wrong number. Where were we?

They lean close and close their eyes.


Chris’ truck pulls up to a dirt road which leads into the dense woods.

He climbs out of the cab and takes a few steps to where the long dirt driveway begins. Nothing ahead but dark.

Chris turns his flashlight on, and without fear, advances down the driveway as he hums “Jingle Bells.” 60.


The wine in the bottle is a bit lower, and Derek and Holly are more relaxed in their conversation.

HOLLY ...and once the proof came in that he was unfaithful, I divorced him. No argument, no discussion.

DEREK No three strikes you’re out?

HOLLY Not with me.

DEREK The diner. You obviously like working there.

HOLLY I do. I mean, it won’t be for life, but it’s good for now. What about you?

DEREK What do you want to know?

HOLLY Have you ever been married?

DEREK No. I’ve been waiting for that special... someone.

HOLLY How special?

He gently caresses her cheek.

DEREK Someone who sparkles more than diamonds.


The trailer is new and stands out in the darkness that surrounds it. Lights are on inside.

A campfire roars a short distance from the front door. A chair is next to . From the darkness beyond, a flashlight beam shines on the ground. 61.

CHRIS Hello!? Hello!?

He arrives at the trailer.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Ken? Are you in there?

The door opens.

KEN Chris? What are you doing out here?

Ken jumps down and shakes Chris’ hand.

CHRIS Well, I broke down and low and behold, it was at the foot of your driveway!

KEN That’s a long walk.

CHRIS Yes. My body is currently telling me so!

Ken escorts him to the fire and the chair.

KEN Here! Sit down. It’s actually warmer by the fire than it is inside the trailer.

Ken grabs another chair for himself.

KEN (CONT’D) Where were you headed?

CHRIS Bleechton. I called, but it seems I can’t get a tow until morning. It’s lucky I broke down where I did. Could you drop me in town?

KEN Of course!

CHRIS Why are you living out here again?

KEN Fixing up my old family home. 62.

CHRIS Why not stay in a hotel?

KEN No, no. I’m not leaving this place ever again. I was away long enough.

CHRIS And how is the old place?

KEN Filled with ghosts.

Chris raises his eyebrows.

KEN (CONT’D) Not the “boo!” kinda ghosts... the ghosts of memories. It’s a sad place right now. I aim to turn that around.

CHRIS The house was very isolated as I recall.

KEN Still is. I think the hope at the time they built it was that more develop... what did you say?

CHRIS Oh, I remember this house.

KEN You remember it?

CHRIS Mm-hm.

KEN When were you here?

CHRIS Oh... long, long time ago. Before your parents were born. At that time it was called “The Christmas House,” because it had the most beautiful decorations of any home in the state.

KEN I never heard that. 63.

CHRIS No, I don’t expect you would have.

KEN So, you lived here in Woodbine all these years?

CHRIS No. I never lived in Woodbine.

KEN How did you know about my house?

CHRIS I know about a lot of houses.

KEN Were you... well, sorry for asking this, Chris... but were you a burglar?

CHRIS No! Don’t get that rumor started! I got into them legitimately.

KEN The owners would let you in?

CHRIS Yes and no.

KEN You’re saying you were here when my great grandparents lived here?

Chris nods “yes.”

KEN (CONT’D) How old are you?

CHRIS Older than my whiskers.

KEN All due respect, Chris. That sounds like a crock.

Chris taps his nose.

CHRIS A crock filled with truth. 64.

KEN You... want people to think you’re Santa Claus. Is that it?

CHRIS No, I just want people to believe.

KEN Believe you’re Santa Claus.

CHRIS Believe in Santa Claus.

KEN I believe you, Chris.

Chris stares at him for a moment.

CHRIS No, you don’t.

KEN I do!

Chris stares into his eyes again.

CHRIS Nope! Don’t believe you! Is there any chance we could head into town?

KEN Yeah. Sure.

Ken heads for the trailer.

KEN (CONT’D) Just let me get my keys.

CHRIS Take your time.


The table has been cleared as a WAITER pours coffee for Derek and Holly. The waiter smiles, and exits.

HOLLY Derek. I think you and I were brought up differently.

DEREK How do you mean? 65.

HOLLY Well... for example... this brooch.

DEREK I thought we settled the brooch?

HOLLY But it’s the perfect example.

Derek flashes his killer smile again.

DEREK Example? It’s not a science experiment.

- which throws her a little off-guard again.

HOLLY Yes. I know. But, what I mean is, this brooch is worth more than a car! It’s something that should stay in your family.

DEREK I was hoping it would.


He leans in close, and whispers in her ear.

DEREK Why couldn’t it?

Holly whispers back.

HOLLY Oh, my.


Ken’s truck travels through the night. The radio plays a jaunty Christmas carol, then STATIC as the channel is switched and plays a different carol. STATIC, switched again, and another carol is playing.

KEN (V.O.) I don’t understand it. Every station is playing Christmas music. 66.

CHRIS (V.O.) I know. Isn’t it nice?


Ken gives up on the radio as Chris enjoys the music.

KEN I don’t understand it!

CHRIS What don’t you understand, Ken?

KEN This station is Talk Radio! “All talk, all of the time!” That’s what they say every day!


KEN So why are they playing Christmas music!?

CHRIS Maybe they ran out of things to say.

KEN Must be a glitch somewhere.

CHRIS Let it play. I like it.

KEN Yeah. It’s nice, it’s just a surprise.

CHRIS When is your house going to be finished?

KEN With luck, Christmas Eve.

CHRIS Planning a celebration?

KEN No. Just a self-imposed deadline. I’m pushing it as it is with the snow. 67. KEN (CONT'D) I got the roof replaced and re- shingled. That took me a month and a half.

CHRIS A team could have done it in a day.

KEN I know, but I wanted to do it for myself. Seems like all my life I’ve had people doing things for me.


KEN This was a project where I could be my own man.

CHRIS How did you learn all the skills to repair an old house?

KEN Youtube!

CHRIS Really?

KEN You can get videos on how to replace a garage door opener, to replacing a faucet, installing an overhead lamp... or replacing a roof.

CHRIS Isn’t that wonderful. Saves money, too.

KEN That’s not why I’m doing it. I just had to prove it to myself that I could do it.

CHRIS Are you going to decorate it for Christmas? 68.

KEN Decorate? Chris, I’ll be lucky to finish the house on time, let alone put up decorations.

CHRIS Oh. That’s too bad.

KEN Hey, having it finished will be the best Christmas decoration I can think of.

CHRIS What will you do when it’s done? Sell it?

KEN Live in it!

CHRIS Alone?

KEN Well... for now, yeah.

CHRIS In that big house?

KEN It’s not like I have much of a choice for the time being.

CHRIS Oh, I think you do.

Ken turns to him, puzzled.


Ken smiles.

KEN She sure is special.

CHRIS Oh, I know.

KEN We had lunch together.

CHRIS Did you? 69.

KEN Yeah. I was actually planning on asking her to dinner... but having it at the house so she could see it... maybe fall in love with it.

CHRIS She needs to fall in love with you.

KEN I know, and I hope she would. I just thought the dinner... the house... you know, things happening in stages.

Chris exhales with a weary sigh.

KEN (CONT’D) What?

CHRIS You better step on the gas.

Ken looks at the speedometer.

KEN I’m going sixty-seven.

CHRIS I wasn’t talking about the truck.


Ken’s truck, Christmas music on the radio, fades into the night... two red lights grow smaller and smaller, the music quieter and quieter.


Derek is spellbound by Holly, who returns his affection with a warm smile. The waiter appears at the table with the pot of coffee.

WAITER More coffee?

HOLLY Actually, is the bar still open?

WAITER It is. 70.

HOLLY Shot of whiskey, please.


Derek shakes his head “no.” The waiter leaves. Derek is obviously surprised.

HOLLY It helps me calm my nerves.

He looks concerned.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Don’t worry! They don’t need calming that often... just when someone... whispers a proposal in my ear.

Derek smiles.


Ken’s truck is the only moving vehicle as it rattles down the street.

CHRIS (V.O.) Ah! Pull over here, please!


Ken’s truck pulls up in front of the restaurant.


Ken sees Holly and Derek through the window.

CHRIS Thank you very much for the lift. It would have been a long...

Chris turns to see what has Ken’s attention.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Oh, look! It’s Holly! And who is that... Derek?

A gasp. 71.

CHRIS (CONT’D) My, my. Doesn’t he work fast?

KEN I never thought Holly was the kind who would fall for money.

CHRIS It might be that money has nothing to do with it. Maybe she likes slimy greaseballs who park in handicapped spaces.

Ken glances at Chris.

CHRIS (CONT’D) He does. Caught him myself.

Ken looks back at the window where he sees Derek kiss Holly.

CHRIS (CONT’D) I best be going.

He opens the door, steps out, and smiles at Ken.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Better hurry.

Chris closes the door.

Ken is confused. He opens his door and is out in a flash.

KEN What did you mean by... Chris?

Chris is gone. In only a second of time he is nowhere to be seen... on the sidewalk, across the street... nothing.

A glance at the window and he sees Holly and Derek leaving their table.

Ken rushes back to his truck, throws it into reverse, and backs up further down the sidewalk.

He parks and watches as Holly and Derek come out of the restaurant, and stop at the sidewalk. They kiss again.


She gently pulls away from the kiss, making it plain she has had enough. 72.

DEREK Something wrong?

HOLLY This is happening very fast. I don’t like... fast.

DEREK All right. I understand. I’m good with that.

HOLLY Maybe it’s time you drive me home.

DEREK I thought we could go to my place.

HOLLY I just said I don’t move fast!

DEREK Not my house! I live over a hundred miles away. I’m in sales, remember? I was talking about my hotel.

HOLLY No, Derek.

DEREK All right. What about my proposal?

HOLLY I need a day or two to think about it.

DEREK That’s why I thought... you know... back at the hotel...

Holly has her “polite” smile on.

HOLLY Are you taking me home or do I call a cab?


Ken watches as Derek and Holly head for his BMW, and in a few moments, they drive away. 73.

Ken waits a moment, then shifts into gear, does a U-turn on the deserted Main Street, and heads in the opposite direction.


Early morning and just two trucks parked outside.

ERNESTINE (V.O.) He kissed you? He really kissed you?

HOLLY (V.O.) As I said the last three times you asked me. Yes. He really did.


TWO CUSTOMERS eat breakfast at the counter as Julie makes a new pot of coffee.

Ernestine and Holly are at a booth off to the side.


HOLLY And I went home.

ERNESTINE Home!? He kissed and just took you home? Was he not feeling well?

HOLLY He was feeling just fine.

ERNESTINE Well, that’s just terrible!

HOLLY He wanted me to go to his hotel. Sorry, not on the first date.

ERNESTINE So what did happen?

HOLLY He indicated marriage... in a roundabout way.

ERNESTINE Well, flip my flapjacks! He did? 74.

HOLLY Indicated.

ERNESTINE What are you going to do?

HOLLY When we kissed I realized something.


HOLLY I don’t love him.

ERNESTINE Oh, come now!

HOLLY I don’t! Ernestine, you know as well as I do that he didn’t drive that fancy car and leave us huge tips... we’d think he was a jerk.

ERNESTINE Of course we would! And he is! But money takes some of the sting off.

HOLLY Maybe in your book. I’m not making that same mistake twice.

ERNESTINE How do you know it would be a mistake?

HOLLY Derek has this aura around him that screams out “Run the other way! Get out while you can!”

A loud, muffled BANG followed by a constant HISS comes from below.

Louie bolts from the kitchen, flings the basement door open and runs downstairs. Holly is right on his heels.


Louie opens the drain on the boiler. Water drips out from the bottom. 75.

HOLLY What do you think?

LOUIE This is it, Holly. It’s shot. Not even responding to my quick fix.

HOLLY Can’t we patch it?

LOUIE Not this time. There’s too much rust and it’s leaking from more than one place.

A loud SHUDDER and escaping air fills the basement.

LOUIE (CONT’D) Oh, no! No!

Louie and Holly rush to the freezer. Louie reads the gauge.

The needle is at zero.

LOUIE (CONT’D) Of all the days of the year.

He leans against the freezer. The picture of despair.

Louie sits on a crate.

LOUIE (CONT’D) I can’t do it anymore, Holly. I gave it my best fight. I’m gonna have to go upstairs... and close.

HOLLY But the day after tomorrow is Christmas eve. The all day Christmas Dinner! The truckers are counting on it.

LOUIE I can’t cook without the boiler, and I can’t use the food when the freezer gets to room temperature in just a few more hours.

Holly’s face lights up.

LOUIE (CONT’D) What? I know that face! You have an idea. 76.

HOLLY I have an idea!


With Christmas music on the radio, Chris’ truck takes an off-ramp and passes a SIGN: EXIT 2 - BOB’S TRUCK STOP.


Chris is seated at the booth reading a menu. DIANE - WAITRESS 1 (30s) approaches him.


He looks up at her.

CHRIS Hello, Diane! I...

Chris is stunned. Diane is wearing a diamond and ruby wreath brooch. Identical to Holly’s.

DIANE - WAITRESS 1 Everything all right?

CHRIS Where did you... where did you get that lovely... brooch?

DIANE - WAITRESS 1 From Charles. My fiance.

CHRIS By any chance, does Charles drive a BMW?

DIANE - WAITRESS 1 Yes. How did you know?

CHRIS Lucky guess.


... Chris’s truck passes the EXIT 2 sign.

... Chris at a counter with WAITRESS 2, wearing the diamond brooch. 77.

... EXIT 4 sign AL’S EATS!

... Chris at a booth with WAITRESS 3 wearing the diamond brooch as she talks a mile a minute in excitement.


... Chris, in shock, listens as WAITRESS 4 shows off her diamond brooch.

... EXIT 15 - TRUCK STOP 15!

... Chris is at a checkout register. The HOSTESS wears the same brooch.

SUPER: Chris in a daze! Eyes crossed, then closed as hundreds of wreath brooches fly all around his head.


In what sounds like air draining down a funnel with a loud WHOOSH - Chris finds himself in a quiet booth facing CONNIE - WAITRESS 5 (30), wearing the brooch on her uniform.

CONNIE - WAITRESS 5 And he just gave it to me. Like that! And he’s a great kisser.

CHRIS Does he... drive a BMW?

CONNIE - WAITRESS 5 Yeah! He does!

CHRIS Did he happen to mention his name?

CONNIE - WAITRESS 5 Of course! Even his name is like a dream. A dream you just want to fly away with...

CHRIS What is his name?

She responds with a romantic sigh.

CONNIE - WAITRESS 5 Cary Grant. 78.


Chris’s truck pulls into the parking lot as another truck is leaving.


A sign on the door reads: CLOSED. GAS STATION OPEN.

Chris peers through the door and sees Ernestine at the counter with Julie. He discretely TAPS on the glass, raises his arm, and wiggles his fingers in a feeble “hello.”

Ernestine leaves the counter and unlocks the door.

ERNESTINE Hi, Chris. I can get you a coffee, but the boiler’s dead and the freezer died.

CHRIS Coffee is fine.

He steps inside. Ernestine locks the door.

There is a change in Chris. He’s not jolly and full of Christmas spirit. Instead, it’s as if he doesn’t want to be seen at all.

ERNESTINE Sit anywhere! As you can see, we’re not swamped.

He motions for her to follow him as he sits in a booth.

Order book in hand, she joins him.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Why all the hand signals? Lose your voice?

CHRIS No, no... I only want to speak with you.

ERNESTINE Well, I’m flattered. What can I get ya? 79.

CHRIS Nothing. I just had a little something at every single truck stop from exit two on up!

ERNESTINE Oh, Chris. If you wanted to know if we had the best grits on the pike, I coulda’ told ya that outright.

CHRIS I don’t want Holly to hear what I have to say.

ERNESTINE Holly’s not here. She’s picking up Mia from school.

CHRIS Oh. Good.

ERNESTINE What is it? What’s wrong?

CHRIS There’s no easy way to say this.

Chris stands up and gestures to the seat.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Perhaps you better sit down.

ERNESTINE Now you’re scaring me...

Ernestine sits in the booth.

CHRIS Can I get you a glass of water?

ERNESTINE No... thank you. Just tell me.

Chris takes a seat.

CHRIS The Woodbine Pike has a trail of diamond and ruby wreath brooches.

Ernestine has a blank expression.


CHRIS The brooch that Derek Bruce gave Holly.


CHRIS Waitresses from exits two to twenty are wearing them.

Ernestine is puzzled.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Identical pins. Down to the last detail.


CHRIS I believe this Derek is... oh, what do you call it... a duck.



ERNESTINE What do you mean by a “duck?”

CHRIS Isn’t that what you call a person who claims to be something they are not?

ERNESTINE Oh! You mean a “quack!”

CHRIS Yes, that’s it! A quack!

ERNESTINE But, I was with her when the jeweler appraised it. He said it was worth thirty-two thousand dollars.

CHRIS This was an independent appraiser? Derek didn’t send you to him? 81.

ERNESTINE Not at all.

Julie crosses to the front door.

JULIE Holly’s back.

CHRIS Oh, I was hoping to avoid this. I hate delivering bad news. It’s not my bag.

HOLLY (O.S.) Thank you, Julie.

MIA (O.S.) Hi, Julie!

ERNESTINE I don’t think it’s anybody’s bag, Chris.

CHRIS Right, but it’s really not mine! My bag is full of dreams and wishes wrapped in colorful paper for everyone in the world.

ERNESTINE You sure you ain’t been takin’ a nip at the stops on the pike?

CHRIS I don’t understand what you mean.

ERNESTINE Never mind.

Holly and Mia join them.

HOLLY Hi Chris.

CHRIS Holly.

ERNESTINE I thought you had another errand to run after you got Mia.

HOLLY I went there first, actually, but they’re closed on Mondays. 82.

MIA Who closes a store on a Monday?

HOLLY Small businesses that are open Saturdays and Sundays.


Holly notices Ernestine’s expression of “hurt.”

HOLLY Ernestine. What’s wrong?


Chris pats her on the shoulder for encouragement.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Chris has something to tell you.

A look of shock comes over Chris.



CHRIS Um... ah... Mia, how would you like to go with Julie to the counter and get me a cup of coffee?

MIA You’re trying to get rid of me, huh?

CHRIS No... well, yes... I just think your mother should hear this first.

Mia takes her sketchbook and heads for the counter.

MIA All right.

JULIE I don’t want to miss this. 83.


An exhausted Ken returns to his small campsite with a tool belt around his waist, toolbox in one hand, and his cell to his ear.

KEN I know I wanted to get it here by the twenty-fourth... but I need to cancel the order... right, the turkey, all the sides... guaranteed delivery on the twenty- fourth, yeah that’s my order. I need to cancel it... I know you can get it here on time... Listen, my plans fell through! I can’t eat a complete Christmas dinner for four people by myself! Ken Chambers, Chambers Road, Woodbine, Mass... that’s me, yes. Now cancel it, please!

He hangs up, sinks into his outside chair, and stares into the cold fire pit.


A fuming Holly, lost in thought, paces near the booth as Chris and Ernestine watch with concern.

Julie has retreated back to the counter with Mia. Their eyes are glued to the action.

Ernestine, full of sympathy, goes up to Holly and puts her arm around her shoulder.

ERNESTINE Holly. I always knew that man was no good.

Holly stops pacing.

HOLLY You always knew!? Are you kidding me!? You were pushing me to marry him after the first time he met me!

ERNESTINE Well, that is a major exaggeration if I ever heard one! 84.

HOLLY Ernestine!

ERNESTINE What does it matter!? The guy’s a snake!


The door to the basement opens, and out comes Louie and Wu. They head into the main restaurant as they hear Holly speaking.

HOLLY (O.S.) I know he’s a snake and I’m going to stop him from slithering.


Louie and Wu join Holly and the others.

ERNESTINE How’s the freezer situation?

WU Everything is still frozen, but starting to defrost.

LOUIE Last night you said you had an idea?

HOLLY I do, but I can’t act on it till tomorrow. It was closed today. Tomorrow first thing.

LOUIE Tomorrow's the twenty-third. We’ll be out of time. We need to get the word out that we’re canceling the dinner.

HOLLY Find a service that can fix the freezer and see what it will take to get a new boiler installed tomorrow.

CHRIS What’s your plan, Holly? 85.

HOLLY I can’t say.

Chris slides out of the booth.

CHRIS I need to get back on the road.

He puts his hand on Holly’s shoulder.

CHRIS (CONT’D) Whatever it is... I wish you the very best of luck.

HOLLY Thank you, Chris.


Chris is just about to open the door to his truck.

MIA (O.S.) Chris! Wait a minute!

He turns to see Mia run towards him.

CHRIS Yes, Mia?

MIA Isn’t there anything you can do?

CHRIS I don’t think so.

MIA But you’re Santa!

CHRIS The twenty-fourth is a very busy day for me, and I’ll be leaving tomorrow.

MIA When will you be back?

CHRIS Not until after the New Year.

MIA Why so long? 86.

CHRIS It’s my vacation week.

MIA Oh. Well... Merry Christmas.

She turns and heads back towards the diner.

Chris watches her. His brow furrows.


As a slow CHRISTMAS SONG plays, images from the town appear... MAIN STREET with bundled-up shoppers on the sidewalks, going in and out of stores, arms filled with bags of gifts... A MAN ties a tree to the roof of his car... LOUIE locking the front doors of the diner. Tears in his eyes as he turns to face the empty parking lot... KIDS making a snowman on a front lawn... HOLLY, curled up on her sofa with a glass of wine on the coffee table. In her hand, the diamond wreath brooch, still in the box... KEN, slumped in a chair next to a roaring fire outside his trailer... The TOWN COMMON of Woodbine, the trees shine bright with colored lights.


Holly drives a small compact car that is hardly new. Ernestine is in the passenger seat.

ERNESTINE Hon, there are a ton of those wreath brooches.

HOLLY You were with me at the jewelers. He said it was worth thirty-two thousand dollars. Maybe I have the original.

ERNESTINE So where are we going?

HOLLY The pawn shop. It will get us the money for a new boiler and freezer. 87.


A small store, crowded with all sorts of items, large and small. The DEALER (70s), a man who seems as dusty a relic as many of the items, examines the brooch with a jeweler’s loupe.

DEALER Hmmm... hmmm... yes.... yes... I see... hmmm...

Ernestine and Holly are on edge. The Dealer looks up at them.

DEALER (CONT’D) I’ll give you ten dollars for it.

There is a stunned silence.

HOLLY Say that again?

DEALER Ten. Ten dollars.

ERNESTINE You little cheat!

HOLLY Ernestine! Please! Mister, I recently had this appraised for thirty-two thousand dollars.

DEALER By who? The man in the moon? This is nothing more than costume jewelry. A very good example, mind you, but costume nevertheless.

HOLLY I don’t understand. Are you sure?

ERNESTINE Maybe you should have another look!

DEALER I am positive.

ERNESTINE Only ten? 88.

DEALER Eleven then. My final offer. The most I could sell it for would be twenty dollars. I have to make a profit.

Ernestine and Holly look at each other in disbelief.

ERNESTINE He has to make a profit.

Holly takes the brooch from the Dealer, puts it into the box, and they head for the door.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Where are we going?


The same Jeweler as before re-examines the brooch as Holly and Ernestine watch closely.

He takes the loupe from his eye and places the brooch back into the box.

JEWELER Twenty dollars. Perhaps twenty- five. Maximum.

HOLLY But I was just in here and you said it was worth thirty-two thousand!

JEWELER The brooch you had the other day was indeed worth that amount. This, however, is a replica. Glass.

ERNESTINE Are you sure?

JEWELER Quite. It’s a very good copy of the original Tiffany you brought in the other day.

Holly turns to Ernestine.

HOLLY I gave the brooch back to him. He sent it back in the mail. 89. HOLLY (CONT'D) That’s where he swapped the original with the fake.

ERNESTINE I told ya he was no good!


As Holly and Ernestine walk out of the Jewelers, they bump into Chris, who carries a paper bag.

CHRIS Oh! Hello!

HOLLY Chris.

ERNESTINE Didn’t Mia say you were headed out of town?

CHRIS I am. Till after New Years.

HOLLY When do you leave?

CHRIS Right now. I just got my lunch “to- go” from that little cafe over there. I’d go to the diner of course but... well.

Chris can tell something is wrong. He notices the sign that says “Jewelers.”

CHRIS (CONT’D) Did you sell your brooch?

ERNESTINE It’s worthless.

HOLLY Derek switched them.

CHRIS The little crook.

HOLLY There’s nothing to do now, but to go back and tell Louie. Take care, Chris. 90.

CHRIS And the same to you. Merry Christmas.

Holly smiles at him as she and Ernestine take a few steps. They stop as Holly turns to Chris.

HOLLY Where are you off to, anyway?

CHRIS The North Pole.

ERNESTINE North Pole where?

CHRIS Up north.

ERNESTINE With all that snow??

CHRIS Lots of snow.

ERNESTINE You live in one of them igloos?

CHRIS Oh, no. A much bigger place.

HOLLY Well... um... Have a nice time.

The ladies resume their walk, but stop suddenly.

They turn around... and Chris is gone. Ernestine rushes to the Jewelry store window and looks inside.

ERNESTINE He’s not in there!

HOLLY That’s impossible! Where did he go!?

They look all around. After a moment, Holly checks her watch.

HOLLY (CONT’D) I have to pick up Mia. 91.


Chris is on his cell phone.

CHRIS Hello? Hello!? Mamma? Yes! Hello! How are you, dear? ...Wonderful! Yes, I’m leaving soon, but I have a slight delay... put Jingles on for me, would you?... Hello? Jingles? Yes, this is the boss. Listen, I have an emergency... no, no, I’m all right... I need to make a delivery... Yes, I know that’s tomorrow night! I need to go out tonight... a special stop, a special delivery... I don’t want to tire the team, so bring the Turbo-Sled instead. Today! Now, this is what you and the boys need to load up for me...


The “CLOSED” sign remains posted and most of the interior lights are off.

KEN (V.O.) Thanks for letting me in, Wu.


Ken drinks coffee at the counter. Wu sits on a stool next to him.

WU Well, you’re a regular. You may as well suffer with the rest of us.

KEN What are you going to do if this place closes?

WU I haven’t given it any thought. I suppose I should. But, the boss is hoping Holly comes through.

KEN Holly? 92.

WU She’s going to pawn the brooch.


Ken takes a sip.


The basement door opens as a despondent Louie steps out and closes it behind him. He leans against it to regain composure.


Louie joins Ken and Wu.

WU Any luck?

LOUIE The freezer is just about at room temperature. Pretty soon we’ll need to start throwing food out.

Holly and Ernestine come through the front door. Louie lights up when he sees them as he waits for the good news.

The ladies join them, and it’s immediately clear that the news isn’t good.

WU Well?

Holly gathers her strength.

HOLLY I’m sorry, Louie.

Louie braves a faint smile and gentle nod of acceptance.

ERNESTINE That slimeball Derek did a swap. The brooch was a fake, like all the others. I told ya he was no good.

KEN How much would a new boiler and freezer cost? 93.

LOUIE The boiler, with rushed Christmas Eve installation service, ten thousand.

WU Freezer replacement is about twelve thousand. Probably more for holiday rates.

KEN Anything you can liquidate for cash?

LOUIE Just my house... but they’ll be taking that anyway.

KEN You know -

There is a tremendous THUD on the roof.

Everyone freezes! Louie cautiously looks at the ceiling.

LOUIE What was that!?

KEN Didn’t sound good.

LOUIE I hope the roof ain’t gonna cave in.

Everyone jumps as a loud BANG erupts in the basement. CLANG! BOOM! SLLIIIIIIIDE on the floor.

LOUIE (CONT’D) What’s goin’ on!

He rushes to the small hallway, followed by everyone.


Loud “work” sounds boom below... STEAM BLASTS, WHIRLS!

Louie opens the basement door. A bright, red and gold light shines through - and a blast of sparkles!

THUMP! BOOM! On the roof again. Everyone rushes for the front door. 94.

They’re outside in a moment! All look at the sky. Whatever is there, is flying towards the sun and cannot be seen.

SILVER SPARKLES fall over them as they hear a familiar voice echo a great distance away.

CHRIS (V.O.) Ho! Ho! Ho! Gotta go! Merry Christmas!

They remain staring at the sky. Louie turns towards the front doors.


Julie pours coffee, and hands cups to Holly and Ernestine. Mia watches the open basement door.

ERNESTINE Is it my imagination, or is it getting warmer in here?

HOLLY It is... how?

FOOTSTEPS are heard on the stairs.

MIA Here they come!

Louie, Ken, and Wu join the others in the diner. They are dazed, as if they have just seen a ghost.

HOLLY What is it?

ERNESTINE Is the heat really on? It seems warmer!

LOUIE Th... the...

ERNESTINE Spit it out, Louie.

LOUIE There’s a brand new boiler in the basement... and a brand new freezer... 95.

WU And the food has been transferred to the new freezer...

JULIE How is that possible!?

MIA It was Chris.

LOUIE He really is Santa Claus.

ERNESTINE But how could he do all that so fast?

MIA He delivers billions of gifts in a single night over the entire world. What’s a boiler and freezer in Woodbine?

Everyone is stunned as they try to take it all in.

ERNESTINE But... I don’t believe in Santa...

Louie turns to her.

LOUIE You better start.

Ernestine gives a slow nod of agreement.

WU Hey! We’ve got a ton of prep work to do for tomorrow! Christmas Eve Dinner starts at eleven tomorrow morning, and we’ve already lost a lot of time!

Louie and Wu spring into action and head for the kitchen.

ERNESTINE Julie, you wrap the utensils. Mia, fill the salt and pepper shakers!

MIA Right!

ERNESTINE Holly - make a date with Ken! 96.

Ernestine disappears into the kitchen as Holly has an awkward moment face to face with Ken.

KEN Make a date? What about Derek?

HOLLY There is no Derek.

KEN Holly, I was wondering... tomorrow night...

HOLLY I’m working tomorrow night.

KEN Right.

HOLLY Excuse me, Ken. I need to help Mia.

Holly steps away. Ken smiles, heads for the front doors, and exits.

Ernestine watches from the window, and bolts out of the kitchen to find Holly, who is showing Mia where the salt and pepper is.

ERNESTINE Holly Douglas!


ERNESTINE You just shut him down like the police do to a money laundering ring!

HOLLY No, I didn’t. I’m working tomorrow and that’s a fact.

ERNESTINE He was thinkin’ tomorrow night and you know it.

HOLLY We’re serving till eleven-thirty tomorrow night. 97.

ERNESTINE And it slows down after eight. The staff does most of the eatin’ after that!

HOLLY Ernestine, I know you’re trying to help, but please don’t.

Holly smiles to soften her command.


The lot is filled with semi-rigs and box trucks

SUPER: December 24th

Derek’s BMW pulls into the lot.


The place is packed! Every table and every counter space is filled. Truckers are eating their Christmas Eve dinners as Holly, Ernestine, and Julie dart from table to table.

Holly wears her wreath brooch.

Mia, with a Santa hat on her head, is helping at the soda station, filling glasses with ice and soda.

Louie places four turkey dinner plates on the window counter.

LOUIE Four orders up!

Julie hurries to the window, puts the four dinners onto a large, round serving tray, lifts it to her shoulder, and makes her way deep into the crowd.

She stops dead in her tracks as Derek arrives at the front door. Julie meets eyes with Ernestine, who has also seen him.

Holly is the last to notice. She calmly walks up to him.

DEREK Hi, Babe!

She answers with a polite smile. 98.

HOLLY Derek. How nice to see you.

DEREK I see you’ve got the brooch on. Does that mean good news?

HOLLY Oh, I think so.

DEREK Great!

HOLLY Come in. I have a special table for you.

She takes his hand and guides him.

DEREK Special table? How did you know I would even be here today?

HOLLY Just a guess.

They arrive at a table near the center of the room. Just as he’s sitting down, a MAN IN THE DINER (40), wearing a business suit, passes them.

MAN IN THE DINER Benny! Good to see you!

Derek stumbles.

DEREK Hi... uh... me? You must mean someone else...

MAN IN THE DINER What are you talking about!? We played golf last Saturday. Hey, say hello to the Missus, will ya? She’s a great gal.

...and the Man In The Diner heads for the doors.

DEREK Funny how I always get confused with Benny...

HOLLY Who’s Benny? 99.


They arrive at a table in the center of the diner. She gestures for him to take a seat, and he does.

DEREK (CONT’D) I’m happy to see you wearing the brooch. You don’t know how much that means to me.

WAITRESS 2 (O.S.) What about mine, Ricky?

Derek turns around to see Waitress 2, wearing the same brooch.

WAITRESS 4 (O.S.) And mine, Robert?

He turns and sees Waitress 4 with her brooch.

HOSTESS (O.S.) Was this your lil’ ’ol grandmother’s, Chester?

He turns in the other direction and see’s the Hostess, and her wreath brooch. He stands, surrounded by twenty women, all wearing the fake diamond brooch pins.

CONNIE - WAITRESS 5 Cary, where have you been!?

DEREK What!? What is this!? I can explain!

All the waitresses hide an arm behind their backs.

HOLLY And now, a little holiday payback, Derek - or whatever your name is.

Holly, blueberry pie in hand, shoves it onto the top of his head.

All the waitresses have blueberry pies. They slam the pies into their two-timing Romeo until he is a mass of dripping blueberries and pie crust.

HOLLY (CONT’D) I was hoping you would wear an expensive suit, and you are. Blueberry never comes out. 100.

Derek YELLS out in anger as he storms to the door. He slips and falls on the way, as everyone in the diner laughs.


The pie-covered Derek storms out the front door and goes to his BMW, parked in the handicapped space.

He opens the door and an avalanche of black coal spills out onto the parking lot. His car is full to the roof with coal.

Derek YELLS out again - leans against his car, slips, and falls into the mound of coal. He finds a big card in the rubble: TO DEREK - FROM SANTA.


The parking lot is empty. Derek and his coal-laden car have gone. The diner is lit in all it’s Christmas glory.


Louie and Wu are relaxing at a table, as are Ernestine and Julie. Holly and Mia are at the counter, with Ken.

LOUIE I didn’t think we would pull it off this year. I just didn’t think we could.

ERNESTINE We almost didn’t.

She stands and gets her coat from the coat rack.

ERNESTINE (CONT’D) Now I’m gonna go home and hope Chris brings me something.

Everyone gets ready to leave. Louie and Wu head into the kitchen and begin to close things down.

Ken turns to Holly.

KEN Can I give you a lift home?

Holly thinks a moment. 101.

HOLLY Yes. Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.

KEN I’ll get our coats.

He steps away.

MIA Mom, we have our car here.

HOLLY Be quiet, dear.

Ken returns and hands them their coats. They walk towards the doors.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Merry Christmas, everyone!

ALL Merry Christmas!


Ken, Holly, and Mia in the cab.

KEN Downtown, and then what street do I turn on?

HOLLY What were you trying to say to me yesterday? You asked about “tomorrow night.”

KEN Right.

HOLLY I didn’t have to be as curt as I was. I was upset because of Derek and what he did.

KEN You never really fell for those shenanigans. I could tell.

HOLLY He wasn’t my type... in spite of the diamond brooch. 102.

KEN Quite a con he had going.

MIA A girl in every port.

Ken laughs.

HOLLY Where did you hear that!?

MIA A movie on TV.

HOLLY You still didn’t tell me why you asked about my plans for tonight?

KEN I was going to invite you and Mia to see my new house.

HOLLY You finished it?

KEN Yeah. I didn’t have time to decorate it or anything... but I really feel like I accomplished something. Thought you might like to see-

HOLLY We’d love to.

Ken bursts out into a big smile.

KEN Great!


Ken’s rusty pick-up truck turns around, and continues in the other direction.


The truck pulls up to the trailer. Holly and Mia climb out. Ken jumps out with a flashlight.

KEN Okay, ignore this place! 103.

HOLLY This is where you live?

KEN “Lived.” No more now that the house is done. Just a short ways more!

He turns on the flashlight, and they head into the dark.

KEN (CONT’D) Unfortunately I can’t get the truck around the trailer.

They continue on the driveway.


Ken leads the way along the dirt road.

KEN It’s creepy in the dark, I know. But I’ll get the driveway paved and install lights.

HOLLY That will cost a fortune.

KEN Probably.

Holly laughs as she jokes-

HOLLY You would have to be mighty rich.

KEN I am, kinda. Trade market commodities.

HOLLY But that truck...

KEN I’m not taking a Bentley down this road.

MIA Chris told me about your old house. He said they called it “The Christmas House” because it was so beautiful. 104.

KEN Yes, a long time ago. I’m sorry, Mia, but I didn’t have time to put any decorations up... we’re just about...

They emerge from the tree-lined driveway and face a huge Victorian mansion, beautifully decorated for Christmas. Lights in each window, wreaths, and the rooms inside lit in a cozy, orange glow.

Snow begins to fall. Ken is dumbfounded.

HOLLY I thought you said you didn’t decorate it?


Ken unlocks the door. They step inside and face a long stairway - the bannister covered in pine boughs, red bows.

Ken notices a large black and white photograph in a gold frame. It’s the mansion - decorated for Christmas in the early nineteen hundreds.

MIA (O.S.) Mom! Look!


Mia is joined by Holly and Ken at the entrance to the dining room. The table is set for three. A roast turkey on a silver platter is the centerpiece, and the rest of the table is filled with magnificent bounty of food. The fireplace contains a roaring blaze.

HOLLY When did you do all this!?

Ken is speechless. Mia takes off for another room.

HOLLY (CONT’D) Oh, this is wonderful! You know, I didn’t get a chance to eat a bite all day long!

MIA (O.S.) Look at the tree! 105.

KEN The tree?


Ken and Molly enter to find a large tree, fully decorated in the bay window, under which are lots of wrapped gifts. On a small table, Mia discovers an envelope marked “Ken.”

She hands it to him. Puzzled, he opens it.

KEN “Dear Ken, you did a great job renovating! Just like you remember it. I thought I would take the liberty and “Christmas-up” the place - the way your great- grandfather did. Oh, those were great Christmases. And here’s to many more of them ahead. But for now - ho-ho-ho. Gotta go! Chris.”

Holly glances at the fireplace.


An orange glow fades from the fireplace as silver sparkles fall down.

KEN Outside!

They rush from the room.


Ken, Holly and Mia hurry outside and look up at the sky in time to see what looks like a comet sail across the moon as it leaves a trail of silver sparkles behind.

Ken and Holly embrace, and kiss. Holly smiles at him.

Ken picks up Mia and they all embrace each other as the sparkles cascade over the Christmas House.

The image morphs into a drawing by Mia.

Written at the bottom of the page in colored pencil is: MERRY CHRISTMAS!