Swaps Injures Foot in Loss to Nashua, out Indefinitely
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joining gfo SPORTS C WASHINGTON, D. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1955 * .'Tkr-• y- .v'jfite* Swaps Injures Foot in Loss BPS To Nashua, Out Indefinitely R i HHBf/ Ellsworth Plans HERB SCORE KEEPS TRIBE CLOSE Nashua May Run 85SS5a55SS!l5SSS^l^^^^t^M^as^^aags> j?a ;:«ds ; a «p*^wwMK»aaßa3ggaaß^ag~ , %s&s&*n±. j Complete In Rich <ie^ii^i«B»^i Rest Keegan Regains Laurel Mr- For Beaten Colt Place International CHICAGO. Sept. 1 W.—Swaps By CHARLES M. EGAN mKm right in; mm injured his front foot Among Sox' Old Folks Sports Editor of The Star ' losing SIOO,OOO against: W his race By the Aucclated Sept. :Jf Nashua and will be given a com-, Preot i with five hits off BUI Wight be- CHICAGO. X.—Nashua - today -sHn plete rest for an indefinite period, Chicago’s old folks pitching fore Bkinny came on the scene, rulesi the racing roost today. staff reclaimed Bob Keegan to- Jim Hegan and Hoot Evers each i after squaring accounts with •- his said owner Swaps, Woodward, ¦BjMpBBB *£? xf tm&wS:' Blar JHP jttfjjk The announcement was made, day and the "White Sox shoved drove in two Tribe runs. 1 and William IlSfljr * jr., of horsedom’a S*¦¦; *i '*“ffflSdffvHHii* iSH joss for Cleveland put their' Score amiable owner IpF jBMEBtiMK T by Rex C. Ellsworth, who to now has 209 strikeouts ffe;'' jjM big half-game lead in the American j : for the first major 1 most-likely-to-succecd Midas ¦ watched his California horse season—the willing bHBBHHHK League to a test leaguer • has indicated he is to J, ,J V I WmJ nlnTl finish 6Vi lengths behind Nashua showdown to reach 200 since team- ¦ ; against the Indians. mate Bobby Feller fanned a have his big bay champion rep- yesterday in the match race at : Washington Manager Marty s 1 resent the United States in Park. Marion been Washington. (getting mileage Laurel’s D. C., In- injury apparently a lot more than I AT A GLANCE Day. The was' expected RACE :j ternational on Veterans suffered by Swaps his first lanyone from his mound in veterans, riding on top L. November 11. few strides from the starting with the W. Pet. G.B. T.P.! First, youth- , |Hr ' likes of Virgil Trubks, 36: Sandy! iChicago 79 51 I of course, as the gate. The exact nature of the .608 24 ful Woodward pointed out smil- injury Consuegra, 35; Millard Howell,! !Cleveland 79 52 .608 ’/* 23! was not ascertained and. 35; Martin, :|New ingly. there is the matter of an Ellsworth said, it may not be Morrie 33: Connie I York 79 52 .603 Vi 23' Schapiro’s Johnson, 32, Harry Byrd,' , 56 i invitation to John |<* @^pP^s known for several days. and Boston 74 .569 5 24! $65,000 grass Keegan, 34, is back :! (League Standings, Page C-4) classic. And since 30. And now is more Rematch Unlikely In good standing. the International than record 348 In 1946. away, The The south- two months the Belair announcement indicated The big righthander, a 16-9 -1 paw rookie is away behind Fel- Stud’s happy proprietor was that racing fans may not be able winner for the White Sox last ' pace, quick emphasize fu- renew ler’s record however. to that all Chicago. Jubilant crop, cap; (left) to see Swaps and Nashua season but a bust thus far in Brown struck out 10 in his ; ture plans for Nashua depend CONQUEROR’S SALUTE at right, with his at bottom he is their running at '55, an eight-: 1 rides Nashua back to the turning Owner feud Eastern came back with ' stint, making for 23 strikeoffts : on the great colt’s retaining his Eddie Arcaro winner’s Nashua as William Woodward, jr., tracks later this hitter yesterday season. to beat the Red in the game. That tie<j a record present brilliant form. circle at Washington Park after his triumph yester- reaches the colt’s side, and at bottom (right) he Sox, It was victory J I “It is no secret that this horse 4-2. his first ’ set by Boston and Cincinnati in After Nashua’s -length tri- day over Swaps in their SIOO,OOO winner-take-all receives congratulations from Mrs. Woodward.— and first complete game i 6Vi first injured his right front foot since previously equaled I umph in one of racing’s all-time match race. At top left he is saluting with his riding AP Wirephoto. early 3-year-old September 12, 1901. It was in his career 1954. by Washington ! great match races yesterday be- Jim Rivera carried Keegan New York and prior to any of his major races !, Brooklyn and Cin- , fore 35,262 onlookers at Wash- year,” and the White Sox home, giving; in 1914 and this Mashach Tenney, last Saturday. ington Park, the Laurel invita- trainer of Swaps, said. them “lots of wood.” as Marion'cinnati tion from the committee of Selep Injured put it, with a pair of two-run Byrne, 35, was breezing along Senators Face “He has been sound in every on a four-hitter, behind home newspapermen that handles homers off Tom Brewer. WIN, LOSE OR race in which he started in 1855. runs by Irv Noren, Gil Mac- such things looks like a mere formality. In First Drill including his race yesterday with Rivals Keep Pace Dougald and Mickey Mantle, and Nashua.” With a sweep of the two-game : had retired 13 in order when Rest Helps Nashua By FRANCIS STANN Contenders in Ellsworth, in reviewing the Boston series, Chicago stayed I the A’s went to work in the As for Nashua's condition, DRAW At Maryland yesterday race late with news- five percentage points ahead of ’ ninth. Don Larsen finally called there is little doubt that he By MERRELL WHITTLESEY men, noted that Swaps had New York and Cleveland, dead- ¦ the rally to a halt. Arnie Porto- profited greatly by his recent swerved out slightly just : carrero was as rest sojourn Saratoga. Maryland University's 67-man after locked in second. The Indians the loser the and at ; the start, and commented the kept pace as Barring accidents, the power- football squad got down to work Next 3 Series the Rookie Herb i Yanks belted 17 hits. horse never had a Today’s day in AL, 3-year-old Before and After at 7:15 this morning and one done that be- Score won three-hitter over an off the ful Belair could be CHICAGO, SEPT. I.—Shortly after the horses paraded hour later bad l NEW YORK, Sept. 1 (Special), fore. Indications were that the the Orioles, 5-1, and fanned 13, . with the four-game Chicago-at- well over the million-dollar received its first injury may have overcoming eight ’ opening earnings by for the sixth race at Washington Park, two figures emerged break when Tom Selep, expected j —While on their last Western occurred then. hitless relief Cleveland series tomor- mark in the time the swing, innings by Baltimore’s Skinny ' row night New begins i rolls around. from the jockeys’ room and began an almost unprecedented to be the No. 1 fullback, injured j the Senators disturbed Didn't Run Usual Race while York International pennant contenders in Chicago Brown. The Yankees made it; a home stand against Wash- Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons, stroll the cobbled walk to the and, thence, his knee. Ellsworth said then that he over clubhouse . and particularly in Cleveland. past Kansas City. 11-6. but ; ington in the afternoon. Nashua’s 81-year-old trainer, The big senior from California, felt Swaps run to the winner’s circle and the official scale. they didn’t his usual Tommy Byrne needed help » the AL game yester- really had his horse primed for Pa., was taken to University Now come to three succes- race, to In other wore 'white-with-red-dots silks of Y but he had no idea as to gain victory when day. Earl Torgeson pinch-hit a , long-awaited Eddie Arcaro the Hospital at Baltimore, where an -3 sive Eastern stands against teams his 13th the : the duel with the Stud, head, . bidding championship, the reason at the time. A's scored five in the ninth. homer in the seventh California-bred Swaps, Belair a scarlet cap perched on his and Willie examination indicated he prob- for the Tenney three-run con- has taken especial games ; as whipped Washington, in Ellsworth ably miss only a days' i’ After idling today, the Sen-. The Red Sox fell five Detroit conqueror of the Belair ace Shoemaker was attired in the Rex colors, a red will few of Swaps’ right foreleg ever: Lary May’s Kentucky Derby, with black triangle fore and aft, plus a red-and-black work. He is regarded as a brit- . ators will open a three-game | jeare behind again while proving easy r 7-4, and Rookie Frank won last blouse 'since the injury occurred early marks for Keegan 13th. The canny Mr. Fitz had Jockey cap. They were flanked by police, but although the match tle player and the injury wor- . series with the Yankees tomor-i this year. and Rivera. .ihis i coaches, row. They a Day! I Ut was the Red Sox whom Braves Paste Dodgers iEddie Arcaro all keyed up, too, era was ried the nonetheless. have Labor The present plan Kee- race of the coming up and these were two of the Terrapins’ in of Ellsworth gan whipped. a , and the combination proved in- The second work- - double-header Boston before; Tenney to give Swaps last He has 8-3 1 In the National.