Scientific Report Part I. National Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugong in . Iongh, H.H. de; Hutomo, M.; Moraal, M.; Kiswara, W.

Citation Iongh, H. H. de, Hutomo, M., Moraal, M., & Kiswara, W. (2009). Scientific Report Part I. National Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugong in Indonesia. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden. Retrieved from

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Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). Pa r t I Scientific r e p o r t Ap r i l 2009

Prepared by the Dugong Strategy Steering Committee

Edited by:

Dr. Hans de Iongh - Dr. Malikusworo Hutomo Marloes Moraal MSc - Wawan Kiswara MSc

Na t i o n a l Co n s e r v a t i o n St r a t e g y and Ac t i o n Pl a n for the Du g o n g in In d o n e s i a Pa r t I Scientific r e p o r t Co l o p h o n Pa r t I Scientific Re p o r t

Published by: CML - Demas Derian Siahaan S. St. Pi. p r i l P. O. Box 9518 (Sea World Indonesia) A 2009 2300 RA Leiden - Riyanto Basuki MSc The Netherlands (Directorate of Marine Conservation) - Leela Ramajani MSc Edited by: Dr. Hans de Iongh (University Malaysia) Na t i o n a l Co n s e r v a t i o n St r a t e g y Dr. Malikusworo Hutomo and Marloes Moraal MSc Recommended citing: Wawan Kiswara MSc De Iongh, H.H., H. Malikusworo, Ac t i o n Pl a n for the Du g o n g in In d o n e s i a M. Moraal and W. Kiswara (2009) Steering Committee: National Conservation Strategy and - Prof. Dr. Suharsono (RCO-LIPI) Action Plan for the Dugong in Indonesia - Dr. Malikusworo Hutomo (RCO-LIPI) Part I. Scientific Report, Institute of Envi- - Dr. Augy Syahailatua (RCO-LIPI) ronmental Sciences Leiden and Research - Wawan Kiswara MSc (RCO-LIPI) Centre for Oceanography Jakarta. - Rahmat S. Kom (RCO-LIPI) Prepared by the Dugong Strategy Steering - Dr. Hans de Iongh (CML) Copyright: Institute of Environmental Sciences of Committee - Dr. Gerard Persoon (CML) Leiden University and Centre for - Marloes Moraal MSc (CML) Oceanographic Research Jakarta - Dr. Srisuda Jarayabhand (UNEP) ISBN / EAN: 978-90-9020439-0 Edited by: - Prof. Dr. Helene Marsh (James Cook University) Coordination: Henk Bezemer - Stephen Amber (Torres Strait) Photos by: Hans de Iongh, Gerard Persoon, Dr. Hans de Iongh - Dr. Malikusworo Hutomo - Ir. Agus Darmawan MSc (Ministry of Marloes Moraal, Wawan Kiswara, Marloes Moraal MSc - Wawan Kiswara MSc Marine Affairs and Fisheries) Malikusworo Hutomo - Pingkan Roeroe (Ministry of Marine Maps by: Maarten van ’t Zelfde Affairs and Fisheries) Layout by: Graphic design, Anja Haleber - Ir. Yaya Mulyana (Ministry of Marine Printed by: RSD The Netherlands Affairs and Fisheries) Published by: Research Centre for Oceanography - Ir. M. Eko Rudianto M. Bus (Ministry (RCO-LIPI), Jakarta, Indonesia &Insti- of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) tute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden - Ir. Rofi Alhanif (Ministry of Marine University (CML), The Netherlands Affairs and Fisheries) - Tommy Hermawan MA Available from: (National Plan of Development Board) Research Centre for Oceanography - Prof. Dr. Ir. Wawan Kustiawan (Mula- (RCO-LIPI) Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1 warman University Research Institute) Ancol Timur No. 1 Jakarta Utara, - Ir. Wahyu Indraningsih MSc Indonesia (Ministry of Environment) - Ir. Wahyuningsih Daradjati MSc And: Institute of Environmental Sciences (National Board of Development) P. O. Box 9518 - Dr. Tjeerd Bouma (NIOO) 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands - Silvianita Timotius (Yayasan TERANGI) Tel.: +31 (0)71 5273500 - Safran Jusri (Yayasan TERANGI) Fax: +31 (0)71 5277496 - Pak Herry Susilo (PHKA) Email: [email protected] - Drh. Megawati Iskandar Email: [email protected] (Sea World Indonesia) - Rika Sudranto MSc This document may be reproduced as long as the reference is (Sea World Indonesia) acknowledged. Co n t e n t s

Preface 6 VI.2 VI.2.1 Dugong distribution Acknowledgements 7 VI.2.2 Seagrass status and distribution VI.3 Summary 7 VI.3.1 Dugong distribution VI.3.2 Seagrass status and distribution I Introduction 8 VI.4 VI.4.1 Dugong distribution II Global and Regional Dugong VI.4.2 Seagrass status and distribution Conservation Status and Distribution 9 VI.5 Bali VI.5.1 Dugong distribution III Background Context 10 VI.5.2 Seagrass status and distribution III.1 Indonesian waters VI.6 Nusa Tenggara III.2 Existing conservation programs in the VI.6.1 Dugong distribution Indonesian waters VI.6.2 Seagrass status and distribution VI.7 Maluku IV Dugong Life History and Biology 11 VI.7.1 Dugong distribution IV.1 Taxonomy VI.7.2 Seagrass status and distribution IV.2 Physical characteristics VI.8 IV.3 Reproduction VI.8.1 Dugong distribution IV.4 Feeding behavior VI.8.2 Seagrass status and distribution IV.5 Movements IV.6 Indigenous use and myths of the dugong VII Conclusion 25 IV.6.1 Indigenous use IV.6.2 Myths VIII Suggestions for Future Research in Indonesia 26 IV.7 Threats IX References 28 V Seagrass 15 V.1 Seagrass ecology Annex I Composition of Steering Committee Core Group 34 V.2 Threats V.3 Seagrass distribution in Indonesia Annex II National Dugong Database and Questionnaire 36

VI Regional Synthesis 17 VI.1 VI.1.1 Dugong distribution VI.1.2 Seagrass status and distribution

4 5 Pr e f a c e Ac k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

It is a pleasure to present to you the publication of Part I (Scientific document) and Part II The development of the NCSAPDI for Indonesia has been financially supported by the UNEP Regional Seas (Strategy document) of the National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugong in Programme, the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Indonesia (NCSAPDI). This first publication is in English, a Bahasa Indonesia version is in prepa- Kong (OPCF), the IUCN Netherlands Committee Ecosystem Grants Programme (EGP) and the Regional ration. The process which has resulted in the completion of these two publications has taken two Network for Indigenous Peoples in South East Asia (RNIP), as an Indonesian-Dutch collaboration. The full years. During those two years three meetings of the Steering Committee took place and two Research Centre for Oceanography in Jakarta is the national focal point in Indonesia and the Institute of NGO consultations (in Bali and Manado). During the process a large number of stakeholders, Environmental Sciences Leiden, the Netherlands, is the Dutch coordinator. These institutes have also con- including government staff, scientists and NGO staff have participated in the preparation of both tributed by making available staff time and logistics. Many individuals have contributed to the completion of documents. the NCSAPDI and the editors want to thank all profoundly for their contributions.

The present document gives a follow up to the Global Status Report and Action Plans for Coun- tries and Territories prepared by Marsh et al. (2002), which resulted from a resolution of the Su m m a r y IUCN World Conservation Congress in Buenos Aires (1995). The present report also builds on the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Management of Seagrass Ecosystems in Indonesia (UNEP- This publication covers Part I (the scientific report) of the National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan GEF, 2003). for the Dugong in Indonesia (NCSAPDI) and includes the technical and scientific background information regarding the ecology, population size and distribution of the dugong in Indonesia. Part II covers the Na- The completion of the National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugong in Indo- tional Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugong in Indonesia (NCSAPDI) itself and this docu- nesia (NCSAPDI) would not have been possible without the active support of the main sponsors, ment is published separately. Part III is comprised of the National Dugong Database for Indonesia, which the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the Convention of Migratory Species will become a web based database including information on dugong population numbers and distribution, (CMS) in Bonn, the Ecosystem Grant programme (EGP) of the Netherlands Committee for IUCN regularly to be updated (a summary of the data base is presented in Annex II). The main goal of theNCSAPDI and the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Fund. is to develop a conservation strategy and action plan which will be a viable basis for the long term conserva- tion and management of dugong populations in Indonesia. The present publications include recommendations for dugong research, conservation and man- The present document gives a follow up to the Global Status Report and Action Plans for Countries and agement, the selection of pilot projects, a communication and awareness programme and other Territories prepared by Marsh et al. (2002), which resulted from a resolution of the IUCN World Conserva- actions. It is wished that these recommendations will result in improved management and conser- tion Congress in Buenos Aires (1995). The present report also builds on the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan vation of the remaining dugong populations in Indonesia. for Management of Seagrass Ecosystems in Indonesia (UNEP-GEF, 2003). The preparation of this document was based on consultations with a joint Steering Committee (SC) and with a large number of NGOs during 2007 and 2008. The present report includes an analysis of information on the occurrence and distribution of dugongs and their seagrass habitats in Indonesia. The report also covers information on the dugong life histo- ry and biology, local myths, indigenous use and the major threats to dugong populations in Indonesia. Important dugong populations and seagrass habitats are believed to occur from Arakan Wawontulap to M. Syamsul Maarif Lembeh Strait (between Lembeh and the mainland, Director General of Marine, Coastal and Small Island Affairs North Sulawesi), on the east coast of Biak Island, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) in western Cendrawasih Bay Marine National Park (Papua Barat), around the Lease and Aru Islands (Maluku), and around the Flores-Lembata Islands (East Nusa Tenggara), in Ujung Kulon National Park, Sunda Strait, Banten Bay, Bangka Belitung and Trikora Beach (Bintan). Dead dugong on the local market of Bangka Island

6 7 I II In t r o d u c t i o n Gl o b a l and Re g i o n a l Du g o n g Co n s e r v a t i o n St a t u s and Distribution

This publication covers the scientific report of the in South East Asia (RNIP), as an Indonesian-Dutch Dugongs only occur in tropical and sub-tropical et al., 1995). A western Indian Ocean Dugong Con- National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for collaboration. The Research Centre for Oceanogra- waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Their range is ex- servation Strategy covering the countries Kenya, the Dugong in Indonesia (NCSAPDI) and will focus phy in Jakarta is the national focal point in Indo- tensive, spanning 48 countries and territories from Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Seychelles, on the technical and scientific background informa- nesia and the Institute of Environmental Sciences the Arabian Gulf to Vanuatu (Marsh et al., 2002). Union of the Comoros, Mayotte and Réunion was tion regarding the ecology, population size, distribu- of Leiden University, the Netherlands, is the Dutch Approximately 85,000 of the world’s dugongs are published in 2004 (WWF, 2004). In Queensland tion, and legal, socio-cultural and socio economic coordinator. These institutes have also contributed found in the inshore waters of northern Australia. a Nature Conservation (Dugong Conservation) aspects of the dugong in Indonesia. The main goal of by making available staff time and logistics. This is likely to be at least three quarters of the Plan was developed in 1999 [Nature Conservation the NCSAPDI is to develop a conservation strategy The dugong (Dugong dugon), by local Indonesian peo- global population, possibly even more (Marsh et al., Dugong Conservation Plan, 1999]. Also local man- which will be a viable basis for the long term con- ple also referred to as sakoko ka kaot (pig of the sea), 2002). The second largest dugong population oc- agement plans were developed. A Dugong Manage- servation and management of dugong populations ikan duyung (dugong fish) orbabi laut (pig of the sea) curs in the Arabian Gulf where the population was ment and Conservation Project for the Moluccas in Indonesia. has been recorded in Indonesia since colonial times. estimated in 1987 at 7,310 dugongs (Preen, 1989; was implemented with EU support during 1989 This document forms Part I of a series of documents The first known record of a dugong was reported by Preen et al., 1989). Elsewhere, populations are small until 1993, resulting in recommendations for local and a database which were prepared based on con- the painter Samuel Fallours in 1712. This dugong was and fragmented and in some areas, such as Mauri- dugong sanctuaries and community based conser- sultations with a joint Steering Committee (SC) dur- kept in a bath tube in Ambon for four days and seven tius, the Maldives and parts of Cambodia and Laos, vation (De Iongh and Persoon, 1991). ing 2007 and 2008 (see Annex I). Part II forms the hours, before it died (Pietsch, 1991). Anecdotal evi- dugongs may already have become extinct (Marsh National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for dence suggests that they used to be common in the et al., 2002). the Dugong in Indonesia (NCSAPDI) itself. Part III entire Indonesian archipelago, but that the popula- In Indonesia no reliable and accurate dugong popu- covers the National Dugong Database for Indonesia, tions seem to be depleted in more recent times (Salm lation estimates are available. In the 1970s the dug- which will become a web based database including and Clark, 1984; Salm and Halim, 1984). Dugongs ong population in Indonesia was estimated around information on dugong population numbers and have been reported from Sumatra to Papua and from 10,000 and again in 1994 the population was esti- distribution, to be updated regularly (see Annex II). north Sulawesi to south Bali. There have been obser- mated at about 1,000 (Marsh et al., 2002). How- The present document gives a follow up to the vations of individual dugongs or dugongs in small ever, since both estimates are based on educated Global Status Report and Action Plans for Coun- groups, of 2-10 individuals (Salm and Halim, 1984; guesses, this should not be considered as evidence tries and Territories prepared by Marsh et al. (2002), Marsh et al., 1984; De Iongh and Persoon, 1991; De for a population decline. which was drafted as a result of a resolution of the Iongh et al., 2007). It has been suggested that dug- Dugongs are classified on the global Red List of IUCN World Conservation Congress in Buenos ong populations in some areas of Indonesia, like the IUCN as ‘Vulnerable to extinction’ (IUCN, 2006) Aires (1995). The present report also builds on the Aru Islands, have shown dramatic declines because of and are included (like all Sirenia) in Appendix I Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Management of loss and degradation of dugong habitat (seagrass pas- of the Convention on International Trade in En- Seagrass Ecosystems in Indonesia, which provided tures), fishing pressure, indigenous use and hunting dangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, recommendations for the conservation of seagrass and coastal pollution (De Iongh, 1996b; De Iongh, 2007). habitats in Indonesia (UNEP-GEF, 2003). 1997). There are also indications that dugongs in Based on resolutions during the World Conserva- The development of theNCSAPDI for Indonesia has other parts of Indonesia have declined, but there is no tion Congress in Buenos Aires (1995) a Global been financially supported by the UNEP Regional sound basis for this claim, since detailed information Dugong Status Report and Action Plan was devel- Seas Programme, the Convention on Migratory on dugong distribution in Indonesia from the past oped and published in 2002 (Marsh et al., 2002). Species (CMS), the Ocean Park Conservation Foun- and present is missing. Most of the available informa- Several countries and territories have already started dation, Hong Kong (OPCF), the IUCN Netherlands tion is anecdotal, outdated and/or based on inciden- working on national or regional dugong conserva- Committee ‘Ecosystem Grants Programme’ (EGP) tal records or claims by local people. tion strategies. A Dugong Conservation Strategy and the Regional Network for Indigenous Peoples was developed for the Philippines in 1995 (Kataoka Dugong in the Sea World Oceanarium, Jakarta, in 2008

8 9 III IV Ba c k g r o u n d Co n t e x t Du g o n g Li f e Hi s t o r y and Bi o l o g y

III.1 Indonesian waters many different species, such as dugongs and- tur IV.1 Taxonomy

Indonesia is one of the largest and most varied ar- tles. WestWe st IIndiannd ian manamanateetee chipelagic countries in the world. The country ex- Important dugong habitats are believed to occur (Trichechus(Tri chechus ma manatus)natu s) AfricanAfrican SSavannahavannah El Elephantep hant (Loxodonta africana) tends from 5,120 kilometres from east to west and from Arakan Wawontulap to Lembeh Strait be- AfricanAfrican mmanateeana tee (Lo x o d o n ta african a) (Trichechus(Tri chechus ssenegalensis)enega lensi s) Dugong StellersStelle rs Se Seaa C Cowow Dug ong 1,760 kilometres from north to south. It encom- tween Lembeh and the mainland (North Sulawesi); (Dugong(Dug ong dugon) dugon) (Hydrodamalis(Hy dro dama lis gigigas)ga s) AfricanAfrican ForForestest Ele Elephantp hant AmazonianAm azo nian manamanateetee (Loxodonta(Lo x o d o n ta cyclotis)cyclo tis). passes 17,508 islands, of which only 6,000 are in- on the east coast of Biak Island and in western Cen- (Trichechus(Tri chechus i inunguis)nungui s) habited (CIA, 2007). drawasih Bay Marine National Park (Papua Barat), There are five main islands (Sumatra, Java, Kali- around the Lease and Aru Islands (Maluku), and GenusGenu s - - Dugong D u g o n g GenusGenu -s Hydrodamalis- H y drodama lis GenusGenu s- -Trichechus Trichechu s GenusGenu s -- L Loxodontao x o do n ta mantan, Sulawesi, and Papua), two major archipela- around the Flores–Lembata Islands (East Nusa gos (Nusa Tenggara and the ), and Tenggara) (Marsh et al., 2002). FamilyFam ily - - DugongidaeD u g o n g id ae FamilyFam ily - TTrichechidaerichech ida e FamilyFam ily - - ElephantidaeEle phan tida e sixty smaller archipelagos. Indonesia’s generally rec- ognized territory (land and sea) is about 2 million square kilometres, with a land area of 1,826,440 III.2 Existing conservation programmes OrderOrder -- SireniaSire nia OrderOrde r- - Proboscidea Pro b o scid ea square kilometres and another 93,000 square kilo- in the Indonesian waters metres of inland seas (straits, bays, and other bodies Several conservation programmes in Indonesia are of water) (CIA, 2007). involved in marine protection, recently under the ClassC lass - MaMammaliammalia The warm waters support a rich and diverse vari- umbrella of the Coral Triangle Initiative according ety of marine flora and fauna. Indonesian waters to the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management PhylumPh y lum - -Chordata Ch ordata are considered as one of the most biodiverse waters Project (COREMAP). Some of these programmes worldwide (Bleakley and Wells, 1995). are supported and coordinated by the national or KingdomKin gdom - -Animalia A nima lia Characteristic marine habitats include beaches and regional and local government, some by local and coastal mud flats, extensive forests, coral international NGOs or in partnerships. Internation- The dugong is part of the order Sirenia. All sireni- IV.2 Physical characteristics reefs, seagrass fields and open waters. These habitats al NGOs like WWF, TNC, International, ans are herbivore marine mammals and quite well Like all sirenians the dugong is a herbivore marine provide important nesting and foraging grounds for WCS and IUCN are actively involved in coastal and adapted to their marine environment. The Sirenia mammal and well equipped to life in the water. The marine conservation programmes, in partnerships order consists of two families Trichechidae and Dug- dugong has close resemblance with the manatee. with local stakeholders. Several of these programmes ongidae. The dugong is one of the two members of They both appear quite fat and have a greyish wrin- cover dugong habitat. the family of the Dugongidae. The other member kled and tough skin, but are highly muscular and Other marine conservation programmes involve na- ‘Stellers sea cow’ was hunted to extinction in the hydrodynamically shaped. They use their tail for tional conservation strategies for marine ecosystems. 18th century, only 30 years after its discovery. The movement. The manatee has a paddle-shaped tail, At the moment conservation strategies for seagrass- Trichechidae family consists of the three manatee while the dugong’s tail is more similar to that of a es, and corals are being developed in In- species (Florida manatee, Amazon manatee and W. whale or dolphin. donesia. During 1989 until 1993 a Dugong Man- African manatee). Both the dugong and the mana- The head is heavy and blunt and well equipped for agement and Conservation Project for the Moluccas tee are often referred to as sea cow but the dugong taking breaths of air on the water surface. Both the was implemented with support of the EU, resulting feeds primarily on seagrasses and the manatee is dugong and the manatee are herbivore mammals. in recommendations for dugong management and more gregarious. The dugong’s closest non-sireni- The dugong is more specialized and almost exclu- conservation (De Iongh and Persoon, 1991). an relative is the elephant (Bertram and Bertram, sively feeds on seagrass while the manatee also feeds Figure 1. Distribution of the dugong (Marsh et al, 2001) Dark grey: 1973). on other aquatic vegetation. The dugong has coarse certain dugong distribution. Light grey: probable dugong distribution hairs around its rostrum (mouth), which serve

10 11 as sensors when it searches for edible sea grasses in the caecum (hind part of the large intestine). The pioneer species which are high in energy and low in They regularly returned to the same areas where (Nishiwaki and Marsh, 1985). Most male dugongs gut passage time is quite long. Lanyon and Marsh fibre. In Australia large herds of dugongs have been they stayed for a maximum of 42 days (De Iongh et and usually older female dugongs have large upper (1995) found a mouth-to-anus retention time of observed regularly recropping the seagrass beds. In al., 1998). These localized movements highlight the incisor tusks, which are often thought to play a role 146-166 hours, which is much longer than those of Indonesia only small numbers of dugongs have been importance of protected area networks in dugong in feeding on seagrass rhizomes. most other herbivorous mammals. They also found observed. But they have been observed returning to conservation. They have two limbs (flipper like) in the front of the dugong is an atypical hindgut fermenter, since the same areas regularly (De Iongh et al., 2007). their body which are used for balance and moving it has quite a low food intake of low-fiber material, along the ocean floor during grazing. Manatees and which is almost completely digested during the ex- IV.6 Indigenous use and myths of the dugongs have very small eyes and they can still pro- tensive period in the hindgut. IV.5 Movements dugong duce tears which are often harvested by fishermen The dugong normally consumes about 28 to 40 kg Dugongs have been observed from east Africa to and sold as “aphrodisiac”. wet weight of seagrass each day. Although the dug- north Australia. It is not known if they can cross IV.6.1 Indigenous use Adult dugongs can grow up to 3 meters and weigh ong feeds primarily on seagrasses, some researchers the Indian Ocean. However movements of up to Traditionally the bones of the dugong are believed around 400 kg. Their lifespan is estimated to be 70 have suggested that they can incidentally consume 600 km have been recorded (Marsh and Rathburn, to give protection and good luck. They can be kept years (Nishiwaki and Marsh, 1985). invertebrates (Preen, 1995c). Both leafs and rhi- 1990). Also dugongs travelling from north Australia in the houses or elsewhere in the village. In Indone- zomes and also parts of the roots of the seagrasses to Papua and Nusa Tenggara have been mentioned. sia (but also in Malaysia and the Philippines) several are eaten, producing distinctive feeding trails. A single dugong arrived in June 2002 in the Cocos parts of the dugong (hair, bones, teeth, tusks, liver, IV.3 Reproduction It is thought that although dugongs eat all seagrass (Keeling) Islands after travelling more than 1000 km gall bladder and penis) are believed to have medici- Dugongs become mature around the age of 10. species, they prefer seagrass species which are high across deep open ocean, originating most probably nal power. The teeth are also used to make cigarette The females have a gestation period of about 14 in nitrogen content (Lanyon, 1991), low on fibre from the west coast of Java (Hobbs et al., 2007). holders. months and give birth to a single calf every 2.5 to and high on energy (De Iongh, 1996a). When the In Australia movements are usually dictated by the The tears of the dugong are believed to have aphro- 5 years. The calf will stay with its mother for about stomach content of a female dugong from the Sper- seasonal changes. When the temperature gets colder disiac qualities. They are collected when the dugong 18 months during which it relies primarily on its monde Archipelago (S. Sulawesi) was investigated, the dugongs move to warmer waters (Anderson, is caught alive. When the eyes are exposed to air, the mother’s milk. Because of this slow reproductive cy- over 99% of the digesta consisted of seagrass. Main- 1986). Since in Indonesia temperatures are moder- lacrimal gland excretes tears. This is locally called cle it has been calculated that a dugong population ly species of the genera Halophila, Halodule and Cy- ate throughout the year no such movements have ‘air mata duyung’, ‘tear of the dugong’ and is sold in can only sustain a very low mortality rate of about modocea were found (Erftemeijer et al., 1993). been recorded. bottles and can be mixed with perfume. Nowadays 1 - 2% every year (Marsh et al., 1984). The species high on nitrogen and low on fibre are During 1990 to 1996 dugong movements have air mata duyung can still be found in the market, usually the fast growing pioneer species, which been tracked in a number of studies using VHF or but it often doesn’t contain the real tear of the dug- grow intertidally or subtidally on sand or mud, like satellite transmitters (Marsh and Rathburn, 1990; ong any more. IV.4 Feeding behaviour Halophila sp. and Halodule sp. These areas are often De Iongh et al., 1998). These studies provided a first In some areas the dugong is considered a sacred Dugongs are known to eat a wide variety of sea- found in sheltered bays and lagoons less than 5 m. insight in dugong movements and home ranges. animal and is therefore not actively hunted by lo- grasses. In the wild the dugong often feeds on sea- deep. The dugong has been observed in these areas Generally, dugongs tend to be fairly resident and cal people (e.g. Lease Islands), while in other areas grass species which are sparse and delicate, usually feeding during the day as well as during the night. most movements are within areas of seagrass beds there is evidence of dugongs being caught regularly species of the genus Halodule or Halophila. The With the increasing population density and water and are dictated by the tides. In the Maluku four (at least in the past). In Aru for instance there is dugong is well equipped to eat fibrous foods. The traffic in coastal areas it is thought that- thedug dugongs were caught and satellite tracked for up to evidence that when a dugong is caught, the meat is dugong is a hindgut fermenter, which means that ongs have shifted their feeding pattern from diurnal 9.5 months. The animals moved quite individualis- shared by the whole community. The meat is said to the anaerobic digestion of food by microbes occurs (day-time) to nocturnal (night-time) to avoid the tic and over large areas as far as 65 km in two days. be delicious and can be consumed fresh or dried to heavy boat traffic (Anderson, 1981). However it is also possible that dugongs feed during the night because of the tidal fluctuation. Dugongs can only access the intertidal seagrass fields when the tide is high. Preen (1995b) suggested that dugongs create their own favourable food by manipulating seagrass beds to encourage regeneration of the fast growing pio- neer seagrass species by so called “cultivation graz- ing”. Large groups of dugongs would regularly re- turn to the same seagrass beds and feed in the same Grazing tracks in Balikpapan Bay areas to maintain the regrowth of the fast growing Dugong teeth used as a cigarette holder Dugong products sold in a local shop in Dobo

12 13 keep for future consumption. (De Iongh and Per- - Coastal pollution by land based sources, but soon, 1991; Hendrokusumo et al., 1976). also by sea based sources (oil spills), which V may both have an impact on the dugongs and on their seagrass habitat. IV.6.2 Myths - Destructive fishing; impact of destructive fish- Se a g r a ss The word dugong originates from the Malay word ing methods such as sodium cyanide fishing duyung, which means ‘lady of the sea’. The mermaid and coral blasting. legend is believed to originate from early dugong - Accidental catches in shark nets, gillnets or sightings. Sailors, from a distance, could have mis- tidal traps (belat or sero). taken a dugong for a half-human/half-fish creature. - Indigenous hunting. The deliberate harpoon- In Indonesia still some mythological stories exist ing of dugongs is reported from the Aru Is- V.1 Seagrass ecology Phyllospadix and Halophila can also grow intertidally. about the origin of the dugongs. They usually con- lands, but since the eighties this practice has The ecological importance of seagrasses has al- Seagrasses, like most plants, use photosynthesis for sist of a woman transforming into a dugong. On the been abandoned in some areas. ready been highlighted in the Global Seagrass Atlas their growth and metabolic processes. They need island of Sumba the story is told of a mother trans- - Boat related impacts. Mortality of dugongs by (Green and Short, 2003) and in the Policy,�������������� Strat- sunlight as an energy source. The depth range de- forming into a dugong after she has disobeyed her the impact of outboard engines has been re- egy and Action Plan for Management of Seagrass pends on the available sunlight. husband (Forth, 1988). Similar stories are known ported both in Balikpapan Bay and in Ambon Ecosystems in Indonesia (ISC, 2003). Seagrasses are Tropical seagrasses are usually more dynamic than from Sulawesi and the Moluccas. (De Iongh, 1996a; De Iongh et al., 2007). angiosperms which grow in marine environments. seagrasses in other parts of the world. They tend to They usually form monospecific (one species) or grow faster and are better adapted to disturbances. The shallow, near-shore habitat requirements of multispecific (more species) beds or meadows. In The distribution and abundance of tropical seagrass IV.7 Threats dugongs and the slow rate of reproduction make Indonesia monospecific seagrass beds of Thalas- meadows can vary with seasons. Apart from the Aru Islands no data is available on the dugong very vulnerable to extinction. Proc- sia hemprichii are most widespread throughout It has been shown that this seasonal variation of a decrease of dugong populations in Indonesia. It esses that threaten the dugong vary to some degree the archipelago (Kuriandewa et al., 2003). There intertidal seagrass beds depends on tidal variation. is however safe to assume that such a decrease has across its range. Direct threats and indirect threats are around 60 species of seagrass recognized in the The seagrass leaves will burn or die off when they taken place. There is no clear indication on what the may cause a serious risk to the remaining dugong world. In Indonesia 12 species of seagrass can be are exposed to direct daylight, resulting in a de- main cause is of this decreasing population. Several populations. found (Kuriandewa et al., 2003). crease in above ground biomass. In some areas this threat factors have been identified to have a negative Direct threats to the dugong populations are mainly All seagrass species are rhizomatous, clonal plants. annual cycle will occur when the low water spring impact on the present dugong populations in Indo- formed by human activities such as the uninten- They spread through rhizome extension. Species like tide shifts from the night to the daytime (Erfte- nesia (Marsh et al., 2002; De Iongh, 1997): tional and intentional catch of dugongs. But also Cymodocea serrulata and Posidonia oceanica only re- meijer and Herman, 1994; De Iongh et al., 1995b; the oil spills or other forms of pollution can have produce through rhizome extension. However some Stapel et al., 1996). - Habitat destruction and degradation of sea- a direct effect on the health of the dugong (Preen, seagrass species such as Zostera marina and Enhalus When the low water spring tides shift back to the grass meadows caused by local industries, boat 1989; Preen et al., 1989). acoroides also reproduce sexually (Duarte, 2002). night-time, biomass will be restored by creating traffic, agricultural pollution. Most seagrass species grow subtidally on sand or mud, new shoots and leaves by mobilizing carbohydrates although species within some genera such as Zostera, from the rhizomes. It is thought that dugongs come

Dugong caught by fishermen in Tulehu Bay, Ambon ‘Air mata duyung’ sold in small bottles as an aphrodisiac Halodule uninervis pioneer seagrass with a large below ground fraction (left) and a low above ground fraction (right)

14 15 VI Re g i o n a l Sy n t h e s i s

This chapter presents a preliminary dugong assess- arium in Jakarta surveyed the islands Bangka and ment for Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Belitung (northeast of south Sumatra) during which Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. A literature re- two dugongs were caught in Tukak Bay, south view and field studies carried out in the past in East on Bangka Island (personal communication, Ibu Aru, Maluku Tenggara and East Kalimantan by staff Mega). In a small town on the shore of Klabat Bay and students from the Pattimura University in In- (Blinyu) the survey team found that dugong meat donesia and Leiden University in The Netherlands was being sold in the market (Hendrokusumo et al., Dugong skull hanging from the roof of a house in Siberut, West Sumatra were used to obtain the information. Since very lit- 1976). In 2006 a dead dugong was again found on tle information is available and often outdated this a local market on Bangka Island (Kiswara, Personal assessment may not give a complete overview of the communication). Anecdotal evidence also suggests to feed on the intertidal seagrass fields when the sea- Green and Short (2003) and Tomascik et al. (1997) present status and distribution of the dugong in In- that dugongs can be found in the Riau Archipelago grass biomass is restored and the carbohydrates are estimated that the total seagrass area in Indonesia donesia. It represents a first attempt. (Hendrokusumo et al., 1976) and West of Sumatra high and the fibre is low (De Ionghet al., 1995b). is about 30,000 km². Kuriandewa et al., (2003) on the Island of Siberut. published ‘The Seagrasses of Indonesia’, a chapter VI.1 Sumatra in ‘World Atlas of seagrasses’ edited by Green and V.2 Threats Short. But the seagrass coverage for Indonesia is not VI.1.1 Dugong distribution VI.1.2 Seagrass status and Seagrass ecosystems are important but fragile eco- comprehensive and there are still many gaps in in- Sumatra is the second largest island of Indonesia. distribution systems, which are mainly found in the coastal zone formation, in particular for the distribution of deep In 1976 a survey team from the Jaya Ancol Ocean- Seagrass fields around Sumatra range as far north (Green and Short, 2003; ISC, 2003). There is evi- water seagrass beds and intertidal Halodule mead-

dence that seagrass beds worldwide are declining, ows. Dugong observations in Indonesia due to human disturbances. Humans create damage (from database) Overview by construction, eutrophication, siltation, aquacul- ture, etc. (Marsh et al., 2002). One of the most direct threats to seagrass beds is physical human disturbance. About 40% of the hu- man population inhabits the coastal zone. Activi- ties such as dredging and landfill activities for land reclamation, result in a reduction of water clarity and are very damaging to the seagrass ecosystem. Also widespread eutrophication of coastal waters is resulting in the global deterioration of the coastal water quality (Duarte, 2002).

Location of Dugong observations Exact location V.3 Seagrass distribution in Indonesia Location near village In Indonesia seagrass beds have been found all over Location near island the archipelago, from Sumatra to Papua and from north Sulawesi to south of the Nusa Tenggara.

16 17 Dugong observations in Indonesia drokusumo et al., 1976). The research team from west and south Kalimantan (Hendrokusumo et al., dugong by his own hands and 4 people didn’t know (from database) SUMATRA the Jaya Ancol Oceanarium also found anecdotal 1976). how the dugong died. From the interviews, it be- evidence of dugong presence in West Java, Cilacap, Dugongs have been observed around the east coast came clear that 8 of the interviewed people had ever Macassar Strait, Banyuwangi/Blambangan. in the Berau delta and in Balikpapan Bay. In 2000 caught a dugong, 6 by accident in a tidal trap and a dugong was sighted during a field survey in Ba- 2 on purpose. It also became clear that in 2005 at likpapan Bay (Kreb and Budiono, 2005). During least two dugongs were accidentally caught in a tidal VI.2.2. Seagrass status and 2001 till 2007 several students from Leiden Uni- trap. One in April and one in June. In both cases it distribution versity in the Netherlands surveyed Balikpapan Bay seemed to be a juvenile dugong of about 100 kg. Seagrass fields can be found all around Java- (Ku and recorded a number of dugong sightings and a When the interviewers informed about the decline riandewa et al., 2003). Especially the fields on the vast number of dugong grazing tracks in the bay in dugong numbers in the Bay, 10 people noticed Location of Dugong observations east and west (see Sumatra) side are diverse (Kuri- (De Iongh et al., 2006a). During this study they a decline in dugong numbers, 2 people said the Location near village andewa et al., 2003). In Banten Bay a lot of seagrass also found anecdotal evidence for dugong presence dugong numbers stayed stable and 8 people didn’t research has been conducted. Species like Thalassia in Derawan Island. know. hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule uninervis Anecdotal evidence also exists of dugong presence as the Riau Archipelago. Seagrass species of Thalas- and Halophila ovalis can be found there. The dug- in Kotawaringin, Karimata Island Marine Reserve Dugong sightings from Balikpapan Bay interview survey sia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides are widespread ong kept in the Ancol Oceanarium is fed fresh sea- and Kumai Bay (Marsh et al., 2002). Where was dugong seen Number of people around Sumatra. North of Bangka Island, species of grass leaves, which are collected regularly in Banten Halophila ovalis, Halophila ovata, Enhalus acoroides Bay (Tas’an and Hendrokusumo, 1979). Balikpapan Bay Caught in tidal trap 17 and Thalassia hemprichii can be found. The Sunda The Seagrass Watch Organization monitored four Balikpapan Bay is located on the east coast of Ka- Swimming in sea 5 Strait between South Sumatra and Java contains the locations in Kepulauan Karimun Jawa Marine limantan, below Samarinda. During 2001 till 2007 After collision with boat 2 largest diversity of seagrass species around Suma- National Park and reported that the marine park studies on the distribution and ecology of dugong tra. Among the species present there are Halophila contains vast areas of seagrass meadows dominated and seagrass have been conducted in the area. In Dead on beach 0 ovalis, Halophila ovata, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia by Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii and 2002 during a period of 4 months dugongs were Never seen 3 hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halophila Enhalus acoroides and also present but in smaller observed 15 times during field surveys. The sight- spinulosa (Kuriandewa et al., 2003). amounts Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis ings were mainly around an intertidal seagrass field and Halophila ovalis (McKenzie et al., 2006). dominated by Halodule uninervis close to the village VI.3.2 Seagrass status and of Kariangau. In 2005 dugongs were sighted only distribution VI.2 Java three times during similar field surveys. According to the World Atlas of seagrasses, most VI.3 Kalimantan During the period August – December 2005 a to- seagrasses around Kalimantan can be found in the VI.2.1 Dugong distribution tal of 1414 dugong feeding tracks were found on Berau Area and on the south coast of Kalimantan, Java is the fifth largest Island of Indonesia and the VI.3.1. Dugong distribution Halodule uninervis seagrass beds (on average 63 close to Banjarmasin (Green and Short, 2003). Pos- most populated of Indonesia. Dugongs have been Kalimantan is together with Malaysia located on grazing tracks per day). The dugong population was sibly also in the Mahakam Delta seagrass is present observed in: Ujung Kulon National Park, Cil- Borneo, the second largest island in the world. An- estimated at 12 dugongs at most (De Iongh et al., (Kreb and Budiono, 2005). egon Coast, Labuhan Coast, south of Cilacap, Se- ecdotal evidence exists of dugong presence in east, 2007). In 2002, 22 seagrass beds were discovered along the gara Anakan, southeast of Blambangan, see Marsh et al., (2002) and De Iongh Dugong observations in Indonesia Questionnaire survey Dugong observations in Indonesia (1997). In October 1999 a dugong was (from database) JAVA In 2005 a small scale interview survey was carried (from database) Kalimantan accidentally caught by fishers in Cilegon out by students from Leiden University in three and transferred to the Jaya Ancol Ocean- villages (Jenebora, Kariangau and Pantai Lango) arium. Dugongs have also been reported around Balikpapan Bay. A total of 23 people, most- to occur at Banten Bay in the Banten Prov- ly fishermen, were interviewed. ince (Jakarta Kompas Daily 26/05/2000, When asked if they had ever seen a dugong, 20 of in Marsh et al., 2002). the 23 people replied they had ever seen a dugong, During a survey study of the Jaya Ancol 17 people saw a dead dugong and 3 people saw a Oceanarium in 1975, local people in the living dugong. Location of Dugong observations area of north Serang claimed they caught Location near village When the cause of death was asked, 10 people Location of Dugong observations several dugongs during 1974. As evidence mentioned a tidal trap as a cause, 2 people said by Exact location Location near village they were able to show dugong tusks (Hen- collision with a boat, 1 person claimed he killed a

18 19 coastal line of Balikpapan Bay by students Dugong observations in Indonesia spring tide. Dugongs are also reported to be present during 1977-1978. from Leiden University. A lot of these (from database) Sulawesi at other locations within and outside Bunaken Ma- fields were intertidal and dominated by rine National Park and near Mantehage Island (per- VI.5.2 Seagrass status and Halodule uninervis, but also Halophila ova- sonal communication, Angelique Batuna). distribution ta, Halophila ovalis and Enhalus acoroides Segrasses around Bali are very diverse. Species like were found (see map below). Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila The carrying capacity of the seagrass beds VI.4.2 Seagrass status and ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Halophila spinulosa and in the bay was calculated at 16 dugongs distribution Cymodocea rotundata can be found (Kuriandewa et (De Iongh et al., 2007). Seagrass research on Thalassia hemprichii has been al., 2003). The Seagrass Watch Organization (Mc- carried out in South Sulawesi (Stapel et al., 1996). Kenzie et al., 2006) monitored the fringing reef flat Off Mantehage and Nain Islands, seagrass beds at Sanur, Bali and found that the reef was covered

VI.4 Sulawesi Location of Dugong observations are present and in northern Sulawesi the seagrass by extensive intertidal and subtidal Enhalus acoroides Exact location Location near village species Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila ovalis and dominated seagrass meadows. The meadows extend VI.4.1 Dugong distribution Cymodocea sp. have been recorded (Marsh et al., from near shore to reef crest. Large meadows of Sulawesi is the most central island of In- wanese fishing company caught and disposed of 2002). The Seagrass Watch Organization moni- Thalassodendron ciliatum cover the reef crest on the donesia. Dugongs can be found in North Sulawesi, nine dugongs in the Lembeh Strait, and that in tored Blongko Marine Sanctuary, a small sanctuary edge of the surf zone and adjacent to channels. around the seagrass bed of Arakan Wawontulap Tumbak Village locals often catch dugongs for within Bunaken Manado Tua Marine National Park According to the Ecology of the Indonesian Seas (southern portion of Bunaken Marine National their meat. In Central Sulawesi around the Togian and found that the Blongko site consists of a mix (Tomascik et al., 1997) around the south coast of Park). The population in this region was -estimat Islands Marine Park individual dugongs can often of seagrass species including Cymodocea rotundata, Bali, around the south coast of Bukit Badung Pe- ed at approximately 1,000 dugongs (Marsh et al., be seen. In 1975 a survey team from the Jaya An- Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides. They ninsula, often monospecific meadows of Thalassia 2002). col Oceanarium caught five dugongs near Ujung also monitored a site called Airbanua (Terremel), hemprichii are found on the intertidal reef flats. Marsh et al., (2002) mentions that in 1997 a Tai- Pandang (Allen et al., 1976; Hendrokusumo et al., also within Bunaken Manado Tua Marine National Since the seagrasses there are subjected to harsh 1976). At that time, the area was thought to sup- Park and found seagrass species of Enhalus acoroides waves and high velocity tidal currents, the above port about 15 dugongs. In more recent times, local and Thalassia hemprichii (McKenzie et al., 2006). ground biomass is often low (blades 5-7 cm, but the fishers in the area have said that dugong sightings in According to the World Atlas of Seagrasses (Kuri- rhizomes are extensive 15-20 cm deep). this area are now very rare, whereas previously there andewa et al., 2003), seagrass fields exist in North had been many animals. Dugongs have also been Sulawesi around Arakan Wawontulap Marine Re- caught around Barang Lompo Island in the Sper- serve and Bunaken Marine Park, around the Togian VI.6 Nusa Tenggara monde Archipelago (Erftemeijer et al., 1993). Islands Marine Park, along the coast of southeast Sulawesi, in Wakatobi Marine Park, Take Bone Rate VI.6.1 Dugong distribution Bunaken Marine National Park Marine Park and around the south tip of west Su- The Nusa Tenggara, or , is a Bunaken Marine National Park is located north of lawesi. group of islands east of Java. The two largest islands Sulawesi, above Manado. In 1994 dugongs have of West Nusa Tenggara are Lombok and Sum- been observed in groups of between one and four bawa. East Nusa Tenggara consists of about 550 during a snorkelling survey in Arakan Wawontulap VI.5 Bali at the Bunaken Marine National Park. One hun- dred dugongs were supposed to be sighted at this VI.5.1 Dugong distribution seagrass bed over a period of one month. A local Bali is a popular tourist destination. Several scuba NGO, “KELOLA”, which has been studying dug- diving sites make notice of incidental dugong sight- ongs in northern Sulawesi, estimated approximately ings around Bali. According to Marsh et al. (2002) 1,000 dugongs in the region (Kelola, 1994 in Marsh individual dugongs have been sighted by surfers at et al., 2002). Uluwatu- and Padang-padang beach on the south- The Seagrass Watch Organization (McKenzie et al., west extremity of the Bukit Peninsular and locals 2006) also mentions that dugongs have been report- reported that an individual dugong visits the beach ed in northern Sulawesi, in Blongko Marine Sanc- almost every day. tuary. At full moon dugongs have been reported to The survey team from the Jaya Ancol Oceanarium Map of seagrass fields in Balikpapan Bay with the specific seagrass species come over from a nearby bay to feed on seagrass (Hendrokusumo et al., 1976) mentions that two Coastal fisheries depend on seagrass ecosystems; repair of traditional boat (De Bruijn, 2002) meadows, which are only accessible for them during dugongs were caught around the south coast of Bali on an intertidal seagrass bed, in East Aru

20 21 Dugong observations in Indonesia (from database) NUSA TENGGARA and BALI most southernmost island of Indonesia. In 1997 in The Moluccas archipelago consists of around 1000 in the Aru archipelago. Grazing swards were discov- front of the Island of Rote, during a diving trip and islands; the largest being Halmahera, Seram, Buru ered showing signs of intensive rotational grazing during a boat expedition near the Island of Sumba, and Ambon. The island group is located between by dugongs in intertidal inshore Halodule univervis an individual dugong was sighted in 2007 (Suhar- Sulawesi, The Philippines, Papua Barat and East meadows. During interviews, local villagers con- sono, personal communication). Timur. firmed this rotational grazing by dugongs and sug- In 2004 a series of interviews were conducted in In 1990 and 1992 research on the distribution, gested that dugongs show seasonal grazing patterns the Savu Sea (Mustika, 2005). From the interviews migration and feeding ecology of the dugong was in these intertidal meadows, synchronising with it could be concluded that dugongs in the area are carried out in East Aru and the Lease Islands by the monsoon periods. During a field survey several incidentally caught by small scale fisheries. Again staff and students from the Pattimura University observations were made of dugongs making typical during a visit to Rote Island in July 2004 the villag- in Indonesia and Leiden University in The Neth- grazing dives, or resting adjacent to the intertidal Location of Dugong observations Location near village ers revealed that the dugong populations there have erlands. Aerial surveys were conducted in 1990 and monospecific H. uninervis meadows. All intertidal decreased to insignificant numbers, compared to 1992 around the coastal waters of the Lease Islands meadows with high densities of dugong grazing the dugong numbers observed two or three decades (Ambon and the Islands of Haruku, Saparua, and tracks were located close to the mangrove edge, in ago. Dugongs did not seem to be deliberately hunt- Nusa Laut) in Maluku Province. The minimum riverine estuaries (De Iongh et al., 1995a). islands, but is dominated by the three main islands ed; however accidental catches by artisanal fisheries population of dugongs within the study area was of Flores, Sumba, and West Timor. Other islands (in addition to coastal ecosystem degradation) were estimated at between 22 and 37 animals (De Iongh Interview survey include Adonara, Alor, Ende, , Lembata, mentioned as a possible cause of the regional dug- et al., 1995a). During an interview survey in 14 vil- During a field survey a total number of 14 coastal Menipo, Rinca, Rote Island (the southernmost Is- ong population decline. lages of East Aru, the villagers mentioned a decline villages between Pulau Karawai and Pulau Workai land in Indonesia), Savu, Semau and Solor. in dugong numbers between 1989 and 1990. were visited. The village head, and a number of se- According to Marsh et al., (2002) dugongs are VI.6.2 Seagrass status and In 1994 four dugongs were caught and tagged with lected fishermen were interviewed with reference present in within Selat Lin- distribution Telonics satellite platform transmitters (De Iongh tah separating Flores and Sumbawa. Singleton and Seagrasses can be found all along the coast of the et al., 1998). The animals showed individualistic Sulaiman (2002), the Seagrass Watch Organization Nusa Tenggara. The Seagrass Watch Organization movement patterns and moved over large areas. (McKenzie et al., 2006) and De Iongh (1997) also (McKenzie et al., 2006) monitored four sites around One animal even travelled 65 km in two days. mention dugong presence in Komodo National Komodo National Park. Furthermore dugongs have been reported in the Park. Two sites on Seraya Kecil Island, just outside the Ko- Aru Tengara Marine Reserve, around Seram and During a dugong catch operation of the Jaya An- modo National Park boundary and two other sites south of Halmahera (Marsh et al., 2002; De Iongh, col Oceanarium team in 1978, two dugongs were on the Papagaran Island, inside the park boundaries 1996b; De Iongh, 1997). caught in Kupang Bay on West Timor (personal were surveyed. The Seagrass Watch Organization communication, Ibu Mega). Dugongs were also found that the Seraya Kecil sites are dominated by Ambon sighted around Rote Island. Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichiiwith var- During December 1990 and December 1992 sea- ying amounts of Halophila ovalis, Syringodium sp., grass distribution and seasonal changes were studied Rote Island Halodule sp. and Cymodocea sp. The sites at Papaga- in relation to dugong grazing in Nang Bay on the Dugong skull with tusks from east Aru Rote Island is located southwest of Timor and is the ran were dominated by Enhalus acoroides with some east coast of Ambon. A considerable number of feed- Thalassia hemprichii. On the central north coast ing tracks was found in intertidal seagrass meadows to their knowledge on the numbers of dugongs near Riung on Flores, the Seagrass Watch Organi- dominated by Halodule uninervis. Between August- that had been caught in the village over the past zation found that Bakau Island is also dominated December 1991 a total of 800 feeding tracks were years. Based on these interviews it was estimated by Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii with counted. The tracks were mainly found in seagrass that in 1989 around 59-90 dugongs were caught small amounts of Halophila ovalis and Halodule patches dominated by Halodule uninervis, but feed- and in 1990 around 29-36 dugongs were caught. uninervis and that Ontoloe Island is dominated by ing also occurred on patches of Thalassia hemprichii Before 1989 the villagers remembered the number Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotundata, also and Cymodocea rotundata. During August-Septem- of catches to be even higher. These results indicate a with a small amount of Halophila ovalis and Enhalus ber 1991 the feeding frequency was the highest. decline in dugong numbers (De Iongh, 1996b). acoroides. Most feeding occurred when tidal fluctuations were high (De Iongh et al., 1995b). Aerial survey During December 1990 and August 1992 two aeri- VI.7 Moluccas Aru al surveys were performed along the coastline of the During December 1990 and December 1992 a field Lease Islands. Dugongs were found in small (1-3 Dugongs are difficult to spot, only the nostrils reach the sea surface VI.7.1 Dugong distribution study on the ecology of the dugong was carried out animals) grazing assemblages. 5-11 dugongs per

22 23 hour were observed. A minimum population of 22- were found. Halodule uninervis was most common- 37 dugongs was estimated in the area of the Lease ly found on sandy sediments or sandy sediments VII Islands (De Iongh et al., 1995a). with stones. Cymodocea rotundata and Thalassia hemprichii were rare on sandy sediment, but oc- Satellite tagging curred more on the other categories of sediments Co n c l u s i o n During 1994 four dugongs were caught and tagged (De Iongh et al., 1995a). with satellite platform transmitters (De Iongh, According to Marsh et al. (2002) also in Kayeli Bay 1996a). Three adult females and one immature male (East Buru), Piru Bay (Buru), Seram and Fakfak were caught near Haruku Island and tracked for sev- seagrass beds are present. eral months (De Iongh, 1996a). The animals moved over large distances (maximum of 65 km) and showed It is clear that dugongs show wide spread and scattered distribution in very individualistic pattern of movement: they never VI.8 Papua Indonesian coastal waters. Scientific data on dugong observations is moved together (De Iongh et al., 1998). available from Papua, Kalimantan, Moluccas, Sulawesi and Java. An- VI.8.1 Dugong distribution ecdotal data is available from almost throughout the entire Indonesian Papua is the western half of the island . Archipelago. Dugong population estimates have been made locally. In VI.7.2 Seagrass status and Papua represents the eastern border of Indonesia. It North Sulawesi dugong population estimates have been made of around distribution has two provinces Papua and West Irian Jaya. 1,000 dugongs in Bunaken Marine National Park. In the Lease Islands, Seagrass meadows can be found on the coastal shelf Dugongs have been recorded in Biak Island-Padaido Maluku, the presence of a small population of at most 37 dugongs was around the Lease Islands. Many of the seagrass Islands, Sorong, Fakfak coasts, Cendrawasih Bay confirmed and in Balikpapan Bay a population of at most 12 dugongs meadows are dominated by Halodule uninervis but Marine National Park and Wasur National Park was calculated. In the 24 dugongs were counted. also mixed meadows with Halophila ovalis, Thalas- (Marsh et al., 2002; De Iongh, 1997). Also dugongs sia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata and Cymodocea are sometimes found in seagrass beds in Mioswaar This information is valuable although difficult to extrapolate to the total serrulata can be found (De Iongh et al., 1995a). Island (small island group near Biak), Anggrameos dugong population and distribution in Indonesia. In order to be able to During the study in Nang Bay seagrass meadows of Island and some mainland beaches in the southern protect and conserve the species more data, understanding and knowl- Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Enhalus part of the park. A small dugong population has edge need to be available on the dugongs in Indonesia. acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, and Halophila ovalis been observed around northern Papua Barat during scientific research cruises (Petocz, 1989). A first priority is population census by interviews, snorkelling surveys In 1981 a total of 14 dugongs were counted from and aerial surveys. Further scientific research is vital for the development the air along a stretch of the mainland and the near- of a sustainable dugong conservation program. by large islands of Roon and Mioswaar. Around the Auri reefs in Cendrawasih Bay two dugongs were The main threats of the dugong in Indonesia are habitat (seagrass) de- seen (WWF, 1981). struction, destructive fishing methods (cyanide fishing and blasting), -ac A more recent areal survey by the Wildlife Conser- cidental catches in shark nets and tidal traps, collisions with outboard vation Society in 2008 revealed a total number of engines of speed boats and deliberate hunting with harpoons and fishing 24 dugongs in the Raja Ampat Islands (personal nets. communication Wawan Kiswara).

VI.8.2 Seagrass status and distribution Seagrass beds are found around the north coast of West Papua, around Cendrawasih Marine Nation- al Park, south of Biak Island. Among the species present are Halodule uninervis, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii and Halophila ovalis (Kurian- dewa et al., 2003).

Catch of a satellite tagged dugong in Haruku, Moluccas Dugong tusks for sale in Siberut

24 25 Project 3) A mid term study of five years using they have developed a high capacity of cellulose VIII satellite telemetry on dugongs in the following digestion by combining physiological adapta- areas a) ; b) Ujung Kulon and Mis- tions in their intestinal track with a slow GPR kam Bay; c) East Kalimantan; d) North Sulawesi (Lomolino and Ewel, 1984). Secondly, they se- Su g g e s t i o n s for Fu t u r e Re s e a r c h a n d Mo n i t o r i n g and e) Papua. lect more digestible forage by dietary preference for highly digestible pioneer species like Halodule in In d o n e s i a To date, the only observations in Indonesia on uninervis and Halophila ovalis (Preen, 1993; De movements and home range of dugongs, using Iongh et al., 1995b; Marsh et al., 2002). Thirdly, conventional and satellite telemetry, are reported they regularly recrop swards of young seagrass in the Lease Islands, Maluku Province (De Iongh shoots (Preen, 1995b; De Iongh et al., 1995b). Marsh et al. (2002) defined the following- re According to Novaczek and Harkes (1998) the et al., 1998). Three adult females and one imma- Fourth, some studies are known, where dugongs search needs: institute of Sasi has survived over about 400 years ture male were tracked for several months. Simi- fed specifically on seagrass roots and rhizomes, in various parts of the Maluku Province. New re- lar to the findings of Preen (1995a), the animals thus optimising on energy uptake (De Iongh et - The distribution and abundance of dugongs search on the impact of community based con- showed a surprisingly individualistic pattern of al., 1995b; Anderson, 1998). and their habitats need to be determined at servation on dugong populations in Indonesia is movement, moving over large areas. The sub- In a study on dugongs in the Maluku Province, an appropriate-sized but affordable spatial important, because it seems to be the most ef- adult male moved 65 km in as little as two days East Indonesia mention was made of concen- scale by interviews with local communities; fective way to conserve dugong populations for and stayed in a core area in S. Seram for 42 days, trated grazing swards inside coastal seagrass - The results of these interviews should then future generations in Indonesia. until the PTT was released. The three adult fe- meadows, with a high density of dugong feed- be used to plan aerial and/or vessel surveys. males used 2-3 preferred areas 17-55 km apart, ing tracks surrounded by relatively undisturbed Project 2) Implement areal surveys and ground where they stayed a maximum of 42 days, each meadows in an intertidal Halodule dominated In addition to the recommendations prepared by surveys (based on interviews and snorkelling returning at least once to a preferred core area. meadow and in sub-tidal mono-specific Halo- Marsh et al. (2002), it is recommended to include surveys) nationwide in areas where dugongs are One adult female dugong made five roundtrips dule uninervis and Halophila ovalis meadows the following research and monitoring projects as known to occur, and later in areas where dug- between two core areas were she stayed a maxi- (De Iongh et al., 1995b, 1996). Dugongs in this priorities for dugong research and surveys in In- ongs are suspected to occur. mum of 8 days. The recorded mean home range study do not show cultivation grazing similar as donesia during the forthcoming decade: (50% isopleth) covering sea area in this study demonstrated by Preen (1995b), but they create Evidence gathered through aerial surveys in the was 4.1 km², in the same range as mean home grazing swards inside existing mono specific Ha- Project 1) Study the impact of community based study area of the Maluku, a small tropical island ranges (50% isopleth) of 9.7 km recorded by lodule seagrass beds. Although the importance of conservation of dugong core areas, during a mid ecosystem with a narrow coastal shelf, indicate Preen (1993) in sub-tropical Moreton Bay and intertidal meadows is understood, there is very term study of five years. a dispersed pattern of distribution of low num- 4.1 km² recorded by Marsh (1990) in tropical few research on the role of deep water seagrass bers of dugongs (De Iongh et al., 1995a). The North Queensland. In all reported studies dug- beds in Indonesia. New research should therefore The available scientific information suggests that number of dugongs per survey hour in the study ongs move along restricted core areas where feed- preferably focus on the balance between dugong the protection of certain core areas as dugong area was 5-11 dugongs/hour (De Iongh et al., ing takes place in larger (Preen, 1993) or smaller grazing on deeper water seagrass beds and sea- sanctuary is an important conservation measure. 1995a), which compares with the results of aerial (De Iongh et al., 1998) feeding assemblages. This sonal grazing on intertidal seagrass beds, to better The declaration of dugong sanctuaries should co- surveys in other tropical island ecosystems, resp. confirms the observed pattern of grazing by small understand the dynamics of dugong survival in incide with the enforcement and enhancement 5.4 and 7.5 dugongs/hour in Palau (Rathburn (facultative) herds of dugongs in restricted feed- coastal habitats. of traditional community based conservation et al., 1988), 9.2 dugongs/hour in the Torres ing swards. New research on dugong movements systems, like the local ‘sasi laut’ with inshore-pro- Strait (Marsh et al., 1984), and 1.9 dugongs/ and home ranges is important for their conserva- Project 5) Trans-boundary research on shared tected areas and restricted fishing practice. Marsh hour in the Philippines (Trono, 1995). New tion and management, because it may reveal core dugong populations between Indonesia and et al. (2002) have emphasized the importance of initiatives for dugong surveys are important, be- areas that need to be protected and interactions Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia, and Indo- traditional management systems (called Sasi in cause to date, apart from the Maluku province between different dugong populations. nesia and the Philippines, to be integrated in Indonesia) for the conservation of dugongs in and Raja Ampat (West Irian), no extensive aerial project 1, 2, 3 and 4. Indonesia, defined as the practice built around and ground surveys of dugong populations have Project 4) Initiate a mid term study of five years the principle of “prohibition of” or “abstaining been reported in Indonesia. Aerial surveys should to investigate the mechanism behind the crea- Research institutions which can be involved are from” catching specific resources for a certain pe- be complemented with ground surveys, includ- tion of grazing swards by dugongs in Indone- research centres (Research Centre for Oceano- riod of time. Local elders or custom leaders may ing interviews with villagers, snorkelling surveys sian coastal waters. graphy Jakarta) and Universities (IPB Bogor, Mu- determine the timing of such temporal closures and longer term education and awareness pro- lawarman Univ., Hasanudin Univ., etc). More or they may be “spirited from heaven” through grammes supported by local government and Dugongs seem to have developed three adapta- detailed research proposals will be prepared to seasonal changes or dictated by calendar years. (international) NGOs. tions to cope with their low quality diet. First, give a follow up to the recommendations.

26 27 CITES (2007). IX The CITES appendices I, II and III. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP). Re f e r e n c e s Internet:

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De Bruijn P. (2002). De Iongh, H.H., Langeveld, P., van der Wal, M. (1998). An ecological study of a recently discovered population of dugongs Movement and home ranges of dugongs around the Lease Islands, East (Dugong dugon Müller, 1776) and its interactions with seagrassbeds in Indonesia. Marine Ecology 19: 179–193. Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Final report at Institute of Environmental Sciences, student report. Leiden University. De Iongh, H.H., Moraal, M., Souffreau, C. (2006a). Dugong Survey of Derawan Island and Adang Bay, East Kalimantan, CIA (2007). Indonesia. Sirenews, no 46. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Internet: De Iongh, H.H., Kiswara, W., Kustiawan, W., Loth, P.E. (2007). A review of research on the interaction between Dugongs (Dugong dug- on, Müller 1776) and intertidal seagrass beds in Indonesia. Hydrobio- logia, 591 (1) : 73-83.

28 29 Duarte, C.M. (2002). Kuriandewa, T.E., Kiswara, W., Hutomo, M., Soemodihardjo, S. The future of seagrass meadows. Environ. Conserv. 29: 192–206. (2003). Erftemeijer, P.L.A., Djunarli, Moka, W. (1993). The Seagrasses of Indonesia. In: Green, E.P., Short, F.T. (eds.), World Stomach content analysis of a Dugong (Dugong dugon) from South Su- Atlas of Seagrasses, University of California Press, Berkeley USA, pp. 171- lawesi, Indonesia. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 44: 229–233. 182 (Prepared by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre).

Erftemeijer, P.L.A., Herman, P.M.J. (1994). Lanyon, J.M. (1991). Seasonal changes in environmental variables, biomass, production and The nutritional Ecology of the DugongDugong ( dugon) in tropical nutrient contents in two contrasting tropical intertidal seagrass beds in North Queensland. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, South Sulawesi (Indonesia). Oecologia 99: 45–59. Monash University, Australia. Dissertation, p. 325.

Forth, G. (1988). Lanyon, J.M., Marsh, H. (1995). Apes and Dugongs: Common Mythological themes in Diverse South- Digesta Passage Times in the Dugong. Australian Journal of Zoology 43 east Asian Communities. Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnogra- (2): 119-127. phy. Further studies of religions and world views: 189-229. Lomolino, M.V., Ewel, K.C. (1984). Green, E.P., Short, F.T. (eds.) (2003). Digestive efficiencies of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). The Seagrasses of Indonesia. World Atlas of Seagrasses. Berkeley, USA: Florida Scientist 47: 176–179. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge: 171-183. Marsh, H., Rathburn, G.B. (1990). Hendrokusumo, S., Sumitro, Tas’an (1976). Development and Application of Conventional and Sattellite tracking The distribution of the Dugong dugon in Indonesian waters and report Techniques for studying Dugong Movements and Habitat Use. Aust. regarding the care of these animals in the Jaya Ancol Oceanarium Ja- Wildl. Res. 17: 83-100. karta. Jakarta, Indonesia, Jaya Ancol Oceanarium, p. 24. Marsh, H., Heinsohn, G.E., Marsh, L.M. (1984). Hobbs, J.P.P.A., Frisch, A.J., Hender, J., Gillogan, J.J. ( 2007). Breeding cycle, life history and population dynamics of the dugong, Long-Distance Oceanic Movement of a Solitary Dugong (Dugong dugon) Dugong dugon (Sirenia: Dugongidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 32 to the Cocos (Keeling) islands. Aquatic Mammals 33 (12): 175-178. (6): 767-788.

ISC-Indonesian Seagrass Committee (2003). Marsh, H., Penrose, H., Eros, C., Hugues, J. (2002). Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Management of Seagrass Ecosystems Dugong Status Report and Action Plan for Countries and Territories. in Indonesia. UNEP-GEF, Project: revising environmental degradation in UNEP. Early Warning and Assessment Report series, p. 162. South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand, Jakarta. McKenzie, L.J., Yoshida, R.L., Mellors, J.E., Coles, R.G. (2006). IUCN (2006). Seagrass-watch monitoring report Indonesia, p. 228. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Gland, Switzerland,IUCN . Internet:

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30 31 Nishiwaki, M., Marsh, H. (1985). Dugong Dugon (Müller, 1776). Rathburn, G.B., Brownell, R.L., Ralls, K., Engbring, J. (1988). Handbook of Marine Mammals. London, p. 23. Status of dugongs in waters around Palau. Mar. Mammal Sci. 4: 265– 270. Novaczek, I., Harkes, I. (1998). An Institutional Analysis of Sasi Laut in Maluku, Indonesia. WP No. 39, Salm, R.V., Clark, J.R. (1984). ICLARM, Manila, Philippines. Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A guide for Planners and Manag- ers. IUCN Wortkshop, World Congress on National Parks, Bali, Indo- Petocz, R.G. (1989). nesia, p. 301. Conservation and development in Irian Jaya. A Strategy for Rational Resource Utilization. E. J. Brill, Leiden, xxii, p. 218. Salm, R.V., Halim, M. (1984). Conservation Data Atlas. Planning for the Survival of Indonesia’s seas Pietsch, T.W. (1991). and coasts, p. 41. Samuel Fallours and his “Sirenne” from the province of Ambon. Ar- chives of Natural History 18 (1): 1-25. Singleton, J., Sulaiman, R. (2002). Environmental Assessment Study - Komodo National Park Indonesia. Preen, A. (1989). Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy SE Asia Centre for Marine- Pro Technical Report Dugongs Volume 1: The status and conservation of tected Areas Staff, p. 29. dugongs in the Arabian Region. Meteorological & Environmental Pro- tection Administration (MEPA), Ministry of Defence & Aviation, King- Stapel, J., Aarts, T.L., van Duynhoven, B.H.M., de Groot, J.D., van dom of Saudi Arabia. MEPA Coastal and Marine Management Series, den Hoogen, P.H.W., Hemminga, M.A. (1996). p. 200. Nutrient uptake by leaves and roots of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in the Spermonde Archipelago Indonesia. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 134: Preen, A., Marsh, H., Heinsohn, G.E. (1989). 195–206. Technical Report Dugongs, Volume 2: Recommendations for the con- servation of dugongs in the Arabian Region. Meteorological & Envi- Tas’an, Sumitro, Hendrokusumo, S. (1979). ronmental Protection Administration (MEPA), Ministry of Defence & Some biological notes of two male dugongs in captivity at the Jaya Ancol Aviation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MEPA Coastal and Marine Man- Oceanarium, Jakarta. Jakarta, Jaya Ancol Oceanarium, p. 29. agement series, p. 43. Tomascik, T., Mah, A.J., Nontji, A., Moosa, M.K., (eds.) (1997). Preen, A., (1993). The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas. Part II. The Ecology of Indonesia Series, Interactions between dugongs and seagrasses in a subtropical environ- Volume VIII. ment. PhD Thesis, Department of Zoology, James Cook University of N. Queensland, Australia, p. 392. Trono, R.B., (1995). Results of a dugong (Dugong dugon) survey in the Philippines. Proceed- Preen, A., (1995a). ings Mermaid Symposium, 15–17 November, Toba, Japan, p. 36. Satellite tracking of dugongs in northern Australia. Sirenews 22: 3–4. WWF (1981). Preen, A. (1995b). Conservation Indonesia, Newsletter of the World Wildlife Fund Indo- Impacts of dugong foraging on seagrass habitats: observational and ex- nesia Program. WWF Indonesia, p. 24. perimental evidence for cultivational grazing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 124: 201-213. WWF (2004). WWF Eastern African Marine Ecoregion. Towards a Western Indian Preen, A. (1995c). Ocean Dugong Conservation Strategy: The Status of Dugongs in the Diet of dugongs: are they omnivores? Journal of Mammalogy 76 (1): western Indian Ocean Region and Priority Conservation Actions. Muir, 163-171. C., Ngusaru, A., Mwakanema, L. Dares Salaam, Tanzania, WWF, p. 68.

32 33 An n e x I Name: Ir. Wahyu Indraningsih (Ministry of Environment) Address: DI Panjaitan Kav. 2 A, Kebun Nanas Jakarta- Co m p o s i t i o n St e e r i n g Co m m i t t e e Co r e Gr o u p Timur, Indonesia

Name: Ir. Wahyuningsih Daradjati MSc (National Board of Development Bappenas) Address: Jl. Taman Suropati No. 2 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Name: Prof. Dr. Suharsono (Director RCO-LIPI) Name: Prof. Dr. Ir. Wawan Kustiawan (UNMUL) Address: Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Address: Research Institute Mulawarman University, Name: Silvianita Timotius (Yayasan TERANGI) Institute of Sciences, Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1 Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia Address: Yayasan TERANGI, Komplek Ligamas Indah Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia Blok E-2 No. 11, Pancoran Jakarta 12760, Name: Prof. Dr. Helene Marsh (JCU) Indonesia Name: Dr. Malikusworo Hutomo (RCO-LIPI) Address: James Cook University Address: Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Townsville 4811, Australia Name: Dr. Srisuda Jarayabhand (UNEP) Institute of Sciences, Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1 Address: UNEP, Ratchdamnern-Nok Avenue, Bangkok Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia Name: Leela Ramajani MSc (UM) 10200, Thailand Address: University of Malaysia Name: Dr. Augy Syahailatua (RCO-LIPI) Laked Bag 2073 Name: Pak Herry Susilo (PHKA) Address: Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian 8899 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Address: Direktorat Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Institute of Sciences, Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1 DitJen PHKA Departemen Kehutanan Gedung Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia Name: Dr. Tjeerd Bouma (CEME-NIOO) Manggala Wana Bhakti Blok 7 Lt. 7 Jl. Gatot Address: Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology Subroto, Jakarta, Indonesia Name: Wawan Kiswara MSc (RCO-LIPI) Netherlands Institute of Ecology Address: Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian (CEME-NIOO), Korringaweg 7 Name: Drh. Megawati Iskandar Institute of Sciences, Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1 4400 EC Yerseke, The Netherlands (Sea World Indonesia) Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia Address: Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Name: Ir. Yaya Mulyana MSc Ancol, Jalan Lodan Timur 7, Jakarta, Name: Rahmat S. Com. (RCO-LIPI) (Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) Indonesia Address: Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Address: Dit. Konservasi dan Taman Laut Nasional; Jl. Institute of Sciences Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1 Merdeka Timur 16 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Name: Rika Sudranto MSc Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia (Sea World Indonesia) Name: Ir. Rofi Alhanif Address: Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Name: Dr. Hans de Iongh (CML) (Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) Ancol, Jalan Lodan Timur 7, Jakarta, Address: CML Leiden University P. O. Box 9518 Address: Jl. Merdeka, Timur 16, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands Indonesia Name: Tommy Hermawan (National Planning Name: Dr. Gerard Persoon (CML) Name: Ir. Agus Darmawan Development Board, Bappenas) Address: CML Leiden University P. O. Box 9518 (Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) Address: Jalan Taman Suropati 2, Jakarta Pusat, 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands Jl. Merdeka, Timur 16, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia Indonesia Name: Marloes Moraal MSc (CML) Address: CML Leiden University, P. O. Box 9518 Name: Riyanto Basuki MSc 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands (Directorate of Marine Conservation) Jl. Merdeka, Timur 16, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

34 35 Database is defined as: Data can originate from literature reference An n e x II 1) National and international NGO’s involved in (tblLITERATURE_REFERENCE) or from per- coastal conservation in Indonesia. sonal communication (tblPERSONAL_COM- MUNICATION) Na t i o n a l Du g o n g Da t a b a s e and Qu e s t i o n n a i r e 2) Other relevant stakeholders who contribute to management and conservation of dugong 2) Location population. This is where all the information involving the location of the observation is stored. Rough lo- cation description (tblLOCATION_DESCRIP- Design of the database TION) and detailed location description with Introduction and actively used by stakeholders as an infor- The database stores information on dugong obser- coordinates (tblLOCATION) and information During 2007 and 2008 a draft National Dugong mation source on dugong status and distribu- vations in Indonesia. about the presence in ArcGIS (ZL_FEATURE_ Database was developed within the framework of tion. A dugong observation is defined as: an observation GIS_KNOWN) are represented in this area. the NCSAPDI. The aim was to create an adaptable in a specific location in a certain period of time, and accessible National Database of dugong sight- 2) To provide a tool which can serve as input for during at most one month. For instance: 3 dugongs 3) Date ings. This Database would give more insight into graphic representation of dugong distribution observed in a certain area during one month can be This is where all the information involving the status, distribution and trends of dugong popu- and trends in Indonesia. recorded as one observation. the date of the observation is stored. A rough lations in Indonesia. Based on this, the main gaps in The literature research carried out for theNCSAPDI date description (tblDATE_DESCRIPTION) the present information can be identified. was used as a basis for the available information on and the detailed date (tblDATE) can be stored User profile dugong distribution. here. Sub-objectives of the database are: The information which can be gathered from the 1) To provide a tool in which information on database will be useful for many people and orga- Four main types of information are 4) Animal description dugong sightings in Indonesia can be stored nizations. The user profile of the National Dugong distinguished for each dugong obser- This is where all the information on the char- vation: acteristics of the observed dugongs can be 1) The origin of the information (literature, per- stored. A rough description of the information sonal communication). (tblANIMALS_ROUGH) and a detailed de- 2) The location of the observation. scription of the characteristics of the dugongs 3) The date of the observation. (tblANIMALS_FINE) can be stored here. 4) Characteristics of the observed dugongs (num- ber of dugongs, age, gender, dead/alive).

Since so little information is available on dugong distribution in Indonesia, the goal is to store as much information as possible in the database. This implies that also ill described dugong characteristics and ill described date and location specifications should be taken into consideration. To keep the data ‘clean’ (don’t leave out valuable information or make information more detailed than it actually is), different data quality classes were created to distin- guish between detailed and ‘rough’ information.

TblmainOBSERVATION_RECORD is the main table to which all the other tables are linked. There are four main groups linked to the main table.

1) References Overview of the database structure, with tables and relations. This is where the origin of the data is stored. Dugong in the Sea World Oceanarium, Jakarta in 2008

36 37 Questionnaire 1b. What were the circumstances during which the 3. Date as one observation. This in order to prevent every A questionnaire was developed with the objective dugong(s) were observed (e.g. in the framework of 3a. When were the dugong(s) sighted (give ex- dugong sighting from becoming a separate dugong to feed the database with additional information on research, vacation, during fishing activities, on the act date or period)? observation which will give an inaccurate picture of dugong sightings in Indonesia. The questionnaire market, etc.) the whole dugong population. below presents questions that correspond to the dif- 4. Dugong characteristics ferent fields in the database (location, date, dugong 1c. Which method was used for the observation? 4a. How many dugongs were sighted? description, etc.). The results can therefore be easily (Chose from the list below) transported to the database. 4b. Please fill in the table below as detailed as Also other questionnaires, similar to this one but  Accidental catch possible for each dugong that was observed. with different objectives (e.g. monitoring dugongs  Deliberate catch at local level for research purposes) can be devel-  Aerial survey Age (juvenile / Gender (male /fe- Dead / No. oped. However caution is needed when using ques-  Field survey adult / unknown) male / unknown) alive tions similar to the ones presented in the question-  Satellite tracking 1 naire below. These questions may be too difficult to  Incidental sighting use in the field or could be misinterpreted easily.  Unknown 2  Other 3 Dugong questionnaire 1d. In what sort of habitat were the dugong(s) seen? 4 This dugong questionnaire is meant for individuals (Choose from the list below) 5 who have sighted dugong(s) in Indonesia or have other information involving dugong presence in In-  Seagrass 6 donesia. Per questionnaire one dugong observation  Coral reef 7 can be filled in. It is requested to try to fill in the  Open water answers as detailed as possible.  Unknown 8  Other Contact Information Name: 4c. Do you have any other relevant informa- Nationality: 2. Location tion? Occupation: 2a. Where were the dugong(s) sighted (Give Organization: a detailed location description, exact coordi- Thank you for your cooperation Address: nates or close to a village, bay, island, etc.) Date: ------Phone: Place: ------Email: 2b. If the dugong(s) were seen in the vicinity of a village, bay or island, etc., what was the estimated distance of the observation in rela- *What is one dugong observation? 1. General Information tion to the described location? (Chose from One dugong observation is an observation in a 1a. How often have you seen a dugong/dugongs? the list below) specific location in a certain period of time (no (Choose from the list below) longer than one month). For instance if you have  <1km seen a group of dugongs in a certain area during  Regularly, every:  year,  month,  1-5km one month, this can be filled in as one observation.  week,  day  5-10km But, if you have seen dugongs in a certain area dur-  Several times: fill out a questionnaire for each  10-15km ing two months, this are two separate observations. dugong observation*  15-20km Please fill in the questionnaire again for the second  Only one time  >20km observation.  Never: go to 4c  Unknown When a lot of dugongs are observed in a certain area  Other over a long period of time (for instance, 3 observa- 2c. Do you have any extra information about tions per day or data from tracking research), then the location? the observations from one month can be regarded

38 39 Pa r t I Scientific r e p o r t


Supported by: Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP) - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Jakarta), Convention of Migratory Species (CMS), UNEP Regional Seas Programme, IUCN Ecosystem Grants Programme, the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong (OPCF), and the Regional Network for Indigenous People in South East Asia (RNIP).

Prepared by: the Research Centre for Oceano- graphy (Jakarta, Indonesia) and The Institute of Environmental Sciences (Leiden, The Nether- lands), with support by the Mulawarman Uni- versity (Samarinda, Indonesia).