Id Surname Forename Initials Age Text Honours Date of Deathdate of Death2rank 117701 ABEL SIDNEY ARTHURS a 20 ######## Pioneer 2

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Id Surname Forename Initials Age Text Honours Date of Deathdate of Death2rank 117701 ABEL SIDNEY ARTHURS a 20 ######## Pioneer 2 id surname forename initials age_text honours date_of_deathdate_of_death2rank 117701 ABEL SIDNEY ARTHURS A 20 ######## Pioneer 2905552 ABEL FREDERICK CECILF C 19 ######## Private 105000 ADAMS FREDERICK F 28 ######## Second Lieutenant 444602 ADAMS J ######## Private 845666 ADAMS CHARLES ERNESTC E 30 ######## Gunner 924901 ADAMS JOHN J 28 ######## Private 303605 ADDISON CHARLES C 34 ######## Serjeant 2750953 ADKINS CHARLES C 38 ######## Private 282164 ADKINS C E 34 ######## Private 289505 ADKINS GEORGE HENRYG H 30 ######## Driver 772956 ALBROW HERBERT H 21 ######## Private 726430 ALDRIDGE CALEB C ######## Private 320307 ALGAR CHARLES C 34 ######## Private 168534 ALLEN R 27 ######## Private 108142 ALLETT ARTHUR A 32 ######## Private 925246 ALLIBONE BERTIE WALWYNB W 24 ######## Private 925519 ANSTEY WILLIAM W 34 ######## Private 925607 ARMITAGE RICHARD R 18 ######## Private 617055 ARNOLD HERBERT EDWARDH E 34 ######## Private 450114 ASH S 18 ######## Private 771100 ASHFIELD SAMUEL GEORGES G 20 ######## Private 1739607 ASHMALL ALFRED JOSIAHA J 21 ######## Private 429004 ASHTON H 25 ######## Private 491140 ASKEW WILFRED ROBERTW R 23 ######## Private 34907 ASQUITH ALBERT A 23 ######## Gunner 170332 ASTILL WILLIAM NATHANW N 21 ######## Private 102150 ASTON FRANK F 24 ######## Gunner 698256 ASTON WILLIAM T.W T ######## Private 852299 ATHERSUCHWALTER W 20 ######## Lance Corporal 587339 ATKIN JOHNSON J 37 ######## 2nd Corporal 2751050 ATKINS WALTER WILLIAMW W ######## Gunner 457351 ATKINS H S ######## Lance Corporal 507577 ATKINS ALICK A 33 ######## Private 75196653 ATKINS WILLIAM JOSEPHW J ######## Private 823535 ATKINS LEWIS WILLIAML W HHENRY 20 ######## Private 771471 ATTWOOD ALFRED GEORGEA G 28 ######## Private 515687 AVERNS N R 19 ######## Private 578051 AVERNS RAYMOND FREDERICKR F J JOHN 22 ######## Private 925941 AVES JOHN FREDERICKJ F T THOMAS 25 ######## Corporal 1655202 AYRES GEORGE WILLIAMG W 32 ######## Lance Corporal 320309 BACON G C ######## Private 2875519 BADGER WILLIAM JOSIAHW J 32 ######## Mechanician 725148 BAKER ALFRED CHARLESA C 20 ######## Private 926267 BALDOCK JOSEPH J 21 ######## Corporal 1644310 BALL ARTHUR A 22 ######## Private 68927 BALLARD THOMAS JOHNT J 32 ######## Private 926363 BANKES EDWARD NUGENTE N 39 ######## Captain 894948 BARBER JOSEPH NEWTONJ N 32 ######## Lance Corporal 739802 BARFORD KENNETH PURNELLK P 19 ######## Lieutenant 265464 BARKER THOMAS HENRYT H 25 ######## Private 2750956 BARKER L 41 ######## Pioneer 181028 BARNACLE A V 32 ######## Private 844021 BARNACLE CHARLES C 20 ######## Driver 283424 BARNES RICHARD R 28 ######## Gunner 698545 BARNES HARVEY H 45 ######## Serjeant 445404 BARNETT H ######## Private 727192 BARNETT STEPHEN S 36 ######## Private 926735 BARNETT WILLIAM JOSEPHW J 22 ######## Sapper 739958 BARNWELL JOHN J 27 ######## Private 2750958 BARR JOSEPH J 34 ######## Rifleman 641235 BARRETT F 32 ######## Private 769967 BARRY KENNETH K 20 ######## Private 335527 BARTLETT ALBERT A 23 ######## Private 536330 BARTLETT J ######## Private 638882 BARTLETT WILLIAM ARTHURW A 21 ######## Private 770009 BARTLETT JOHN CHARLESJ C 26 ######## Lance Corporal 530412 BARTON H J 19 ######## Lance Corporal 81059 BASELEY ARTHUR JAMESA J 21 ######## Private 178090 BATES T H 23 ######## Private 23452 BATES F ######## Private 451564 BATES WILLIAM HENRYW H 22 ######## Private 470830 BATES OLIVER O 25 ######## Serjeant 584879 BATES THOMAS HEALYT H 27 ######## Corporal 624295 BATES A T 34 ######## Shoeing Smith 727314 BATES HAROLD H 27 ######## Private 844282 BATES CHARLES ERNESTC E 40 ######## Private 1739949 BAUGHAN HENRY H 30 ######## Private 294232 BAUSOR NORMAN SAMUELN S 19 ######## Private 41943 BAXTER A 19 ######## Gunner 592351 BAYLISS A W 19 ######## Private 25638 BEACHAM W C 18 ######## Private 196631 BEAL ERNEST E 19 ######## Private 307716 BEALES ARCHIBALDA GEORGE G 38 ######## Gunner 582318 BEAUFOY R T 20 ######## Private 770588 BEAUFOY HORACE H 18 ######## Private 927178 BEAUFOY BENJAMIN B 25 ######## Private 102410 BEAUMONTWILLIAM W 29 ######## Private 1416970 BECK JOSEPH ARTHURJ A 41 ######## Private 770639 BECK FRANK F 34 ######## Lance Corporal 4024451 BECKETT ERNEST EDWARDE E 25 M M ######## 2nd Corporal 446208 BEECH ROWLAND AURIOLR A J JAMES 26 ######## Lieutenant 548799 BEECH WILLIAM HERBERTW H 18 ######## Rifleman 488738 BELL J 22 ######## Private 540948 BELL GEORGE G 32 ######## Private 472036 BELLIS WILLIAM FRANCISW F 21 ######## Armourer's Crew 584918 BENCH ERNEST WILLIAME W 26 ######## Serjeant 927531 BENSON WILLIAM ELIW E 33 ######## Lance Corporal 564965 BENTLEY ALFRED GARNETTA G 39 ######## Private 117713 BERESFORDWILLIAM W 22 ######## Lance Corporal 844809 BERRY ARTHUR A 23 ######## Private 874530 BETHELL THOMAS HENRYT H 31 ######## Captain 768612 BIDDLE GEORGE G 24 ######## Corporal 844910 BIDDLE ALBERT EDWARDA E 23 M M ######## Private 162681 BILLING FRANK F 23 ######## Sapper 768764 BIRCH HERBERT LESLIEH L 21 ######## Corporal 768928 BISHOP FREDERICK JOHNF J 20 ######## Private 257552 BLACKMOORJOSEPH J 22 ######## Private 877773 BLACKWELLGEORGE G 28 ######## Private 741161 BLAKEMOREJAMES J 33 ######## Private 769197 BLAKEMOREMARTIN M 22 ######## Private 23482 BLOWER ARTHUR A 28 ######## Private 507731 BLOXHAM VINCENT ARTHURV A 21 ######## Gunner 2865390 BLUNT HORACE H 16 ######## Boy 1st Class 85585 BLYTHE JACK J 26 ######## Corporal 33367 BOAK WILLIAM WALLACEW W 28 ######## Lance Corporal 499185 BODIN W ######## Lance Corporal 824263 BOLTON ERNEST JAMESE J 20 ######## Private 624357 BOND PATRICK P 22 ######## Gunner 3043203 BONHAM EDWARD E 29 ######## Leading Signalman 4019729 BONHAM HAROLD GEORGEH G 27 ######## Private 474016 BOOKER S T 39 ######## Private 2911593 BOOTH THOMAS WILKINSONT W 25 ######## Gunner 845490 BOSTOCK GEORGE G 22 ######## Private 62235 BOSWELL W 19 ######## Private 507754 BOTT WILLIAM HENRYW H 41 ######## Private 157135 BOULSTRIDGE H T 24 ######## Private 68809 BOWEN A S 18 ######## Private 1648886 BOWNS JOHN J 25 ######## Lance Corporal 928668 BOWNS HARRY H 22 ######## Private 824340 BOWRON ALFRED CHARLESA C 19 ######## Private 670410 BOYCOTT GEORGE G 20 ######## Private 643767 BOYES WILLIAM EDWINW E ######## Sapper 725392 BRADBURY ARTHUR ERNESTA E 30 ######## Private 2943433 BRADLEY T E ######## Gunner 439743 BRAIDLEY GEORGE G 23 ######## Corporal 2751039 BRAITHWAITEPERCY P 19 ######## Aircraftman 2nd Class 607014 BRASSE H 25 ######## Serjeant 257560 BRASSINGTON H ######## Private 320320 BREE H 36 ######## Private 512677 BRENNAN JOHN FRANCISJ F P P. 19 ######## Private 270377 BREWIN A ######## Private 250005 BRIDGE WALTER JOSEPHW J 39 ######## Private 2nd Class 410225 BRIND J 25 ######## Private 444641 BRISLIN JOHN J 22 ######## Private 269262 BRITTAIN HARRY AMOSH A 25 ######## Private 1640556 BROOKES ALFRED LEONARDA L 21 ######## Rifleman 444644 BROOKES EDWARD E 36 ######## Serjeant 620021 BROOKES HENRY OLIVERH O 23 ######## Sapper 243401 BROWN ALFRED JAMESA J 33 ######## Private 2750964 BROWN R 24 ######## Private 2750965 BROWN WILLIAM W 25 ######## Air Mechanic 2nd Class 321421 BROWN FRANK LLEWELLYNF L J JOHN 19 ######## Lance Corporal 516272 BROWN CHARLES DAVISC D 29 ######## Private 587463 BROWN WILLIAM EDWINW E 25 ######## Gunner 615286 BROWN J. AMBROSEJ A 19 ######## Private 85614 BROWN CHARLES C 26 ######## Pioneer 929381 BROWN BERTRAM B 29 ######## Private 257577 BUCKLAND HENRY H 42 ######## Private 627668 BUCKLEY JAMES FREDERICKJ F 22 ######## Private 468650 BULL ARTHUR LEWINA L M MARSHALL 19 ######## Private 581283 BULLOCK R M M ######## Corporal 620065 BULLOCK G 33 ######## Private 1740612 BUNKER RAYMOND ERNESTR E 34 ######## Lance Serjeant 530052 BUNKER H 20 ######## Private 337383 BUNNEY A G ######## Private 2749386 BUNSTER WILLIAM JOHNW J 37 ######## Pioneer 168905 BURDETT T 28 ######## Private 261526 BURDIN FRANK AMESBURYF A 27 ######## Lieutenant 743085 BURNETT SAMUEL S 26 ######## Private 762070 BURR LEONARD OLIVERL O 24 ######## Serjeant 257581 BURROWS A 35 ######## Private 2750966 BURROWS BASIL B 33 ######## Private 322244 BURTON J W 24 ######## Serjeant 255226 BUTCHER THOMAS T 27 ######## Private 1640565 BUTLER JOHN J 24 ######## Private 157767 BUTLIN ROLAND BERTIER B 21 ######## Rifleman 2911708 CADDEN H ######## Private 249135 CALDICOTTFREDERICK WALTERF W 25 ######## Gunner 762835 CALLOW LOUIS L 19 ######## Private 325369 CALLOWAY A J 19 ######## Private 265585 CANNING W J 24 ######## Private 3043274 CANTRILL JAMES HORACEJ H 19 ######## Wireman 2nd Class 462191 CARPENTER A H 27 ######## Private 71767 CARR FREDERICK WALTERF W 21 ######## Private 33420 CARTER R 33 ######## Sapper 743788 CARTER BERT B 21 ######## Corporal 743821 CARTER HERBERT HARRYH H 28 ######## Private 263880 CASH G E 21 ######## Lieutenant 1558855 CASHMOREERNEST E 21 ######## Private 1606175 CASWELL ARTHUR EDWARDA E 34 ######## Private 476027 CASWELL WILFRED W 32 ######## Private 548964 CATER EDGAR PERCIVALE P 20 ######## Private 1656127 CHADWICK THOMAS BRAITHWAITET B 26 ######## Serjeant 620188 CHARLWOODJAMES HELMEJ H 20 ######## Private 1606466 CHATLAND WILLIAM GEORGEW G 28 ######## Private 430260 CHATTAWAY H A 19 ######## Driver 744213 CHATTAWAYLOUIS L 21 ######## Private 729594 CHATWIN ALFRED A 20 ######## Lance Corporal 402953 CHECKLINGSIDNEY S 35 ######## Private 1628630 CHESHIRE RAYMOND RUSSELLR R 19 ######## Second Lieutenant 123636 CHINN F 22 ######## Private 170494 CHISHOLM J R 25 ######## Private 1417271 CHITTEM WILLIAM W 38 ######## Private 137980 CLARKE H 21 ######## Gunner 1559077 CLARKE FRANK F 23 ######## Private 1606808 CLARKE ALFRED
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