
Vol. 453: 79–94, 2012 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published May 7 doi: 10.3354/meps09602 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Distribution patterns and nutritional contributions of algal symbionts in the Anthopleura xanthogrammica

Michael R. Levine*, Gisèle Muller-Parker

Shannon Point Marine Center and Department of Biology, Western Washington University, Anacortes, Washington 98221, USA

ABSTRACT: The Pacific intertidal sea anemone Anthopleura xanthogrammica hosts 2 algal sym- bionts, zoochlorellae Elliptochloris marina and zooxanthellae Symbiodinium muscatinei, either alone or co-occurring. Previous studies have suggested that zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae repre- sent ‘cool’ and ‘warm’ symbionts with respect to their field distributions, and that these symbionts may differ in their nutritional contributions to their host. We examined the seasonal distribution, density, and growth of these symbionts in A. xanthogrammica tentacles from tidepools and surge channels on the Olympic in Washington State, USA, measured temperature variation be- tween these microhabitats, and estimated the contributions of zoochlorellae to A. xanthogrammica diet. Tentacles containing dense concentrations of zoochlorellae were found in both tidepools and surge channels at the lower intertidal limit of anemone occurrence. At the upper intertidal limit, tentacles containing primarily zoochlorellae were found in tidepools, and tentacles containing pri- marily zooxanthellae were found in surge channels. More extreme high temperatures in the upper surge may limit the distribution of zoochlorellae and favor a higher proportion of zooxan- thellae in this microhabitat. Despite pronounced seasonal fluctuations in temperature, symbiont composition, density, and dietary carbon sources remained remarkably consistent. Stable isotope analysis showed that A. xanthogrammica received a greater proportion of dietary carbon from zoochlorellae (62−70%) than from heterotrophic feeding on Mytilus californianus mussels (31−38%). This study shows that dense concentrations of zoochlorellae are found in A. xanthogram- mica tentacles in cooler microhabitats, and that this symbiont can contribute substantially to anemone nutrition.

KEY WORDS: Zoochlorellae · Zooxanthellae · Temperate symbiosis · Anthopleura xanthogrammica

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INTRODUCTION (LaJeunesse & Trench 2000), and zoochlorellae, viz. the green algal chlorophyte Elliptochloris marina The intertidal sea anemone Anthopleura xantho - (Letsch et al. 2009), co-occur in these anemones. The grammica and its congener A. elegantissima host 2 field distributions of zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae distinct algal symbionts, known as zooxanthellae and suggest that these represent ‘cool’ and ‘warm’ sym- zoochlorellae. These anemones have a broad latitu- bionts, respectively, with host anemones containing dinal distribution along the Pacific of North more zoochlorellae in cooler locations and more America, ranging from Baja California, Mexico zooxanthellae in warmer locations. Studies of A. xan- (~30° N) to southern Alaska, USA (57° N; Hand 1955). thogrammica on Vancouver , Canada (48° N; In the northern regions of this range, both zooxan- Bates 2000) and in Coos , Oregon, USA (44° N; thellae, viz. the dinophyte Symbiodinium muscatinei Kitaeff 2007), have shown that zooxanthellae pre-

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2012 · www.int-res.com 80 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

dominate at high heights, mixed zoochlorellae yielded a range of estimated contributions; studies and zooxanthellae populations are found at interme- have both estimated lower contributions for zoo- diate shore heights, and zoochlorellae occur primar- chlorellae (9%) than zooxanthellae (48%; Verde & ily at low shore heights (Bates 2000, Kitaeff 2007). McCloskey 1996) and up to 30 to 50% higher for This pattern for A. xanthogrammica is also evident zoochlorellae than zooxanthellae (Bergschneider & on a latitudinal scale, with zooxanthellate anemones Muller-Parker 2008). 14C carbon translocation exper- found at low latitudes, mixed anemones at intermedi- iments suggest that zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae ate latitudes, and zoochlorellate anemones at high each translocate about 30% of photosynthetically latitudes (Secord & Augustine 2000, Kitaeff 2007). fixed carbon to their host in summer and winter Field distributions of symbionts in Anthopleura ele- (Engebretson & Muller-Parker 1999, Bergschneider gantissima further support a ‘cool’ and ‘warm’ sym- & Muller-Parker 2008). However, stable 13C isotope biont distribution, with this anemone’s generally analysis of A. elegantissima suggests that heterotro- smaller, and therefore warmer (Bingham et al. 2011), phic food sources are more important to anemone body containing more zooxanthellae throughout its nutrition than the contributions of either symbiont range, with an exclusion of zoochlorellae seen at (Bergschneider & Muller-Parker 2008). lower latitudes and upper shore heights, than in A. The relative contributions of zooxanthellae and xantho grammica (Secord & Augustine 2000). In A. zoochlorellae to the diet of Anthopleura xanthogram- elegantissima, algal distributions remain stable sea- mica have not been assessed. Its large body size and sonally despite considerable variation in aerial tem- consumption of large prey suggest that this anemone perature and irradiance (Dimond et al. 2011). Field may rely on a heterotrophic diet to a greater extent distribution patterns of algal symbionts are also sup- than A. elegantissima. A. xanthogrammica consumes ported by experimental studies of A. xanthogram- Mytilus californianus mussels that are detached from mica and A. elegantissima, which have shown that the rocks by foraging Pisaster ochraceus and by densities of zoochlorellae increase at cool tempera- wave action (Sebens 1983), and M. californianus tures (13°C) and decline at warmer temperatures accounts for nearly 70% of the coelenteron contents (20°C; O’Brien & Wyttenbach 1980, Saunders & of A. xanthogrammica on the outer coast of Washing- Muller-Parker 1997). ton, USA (Dayton 1973). The distribution of symbionts in these anemone In the present study, we hypothesized that inter- hosts may also be influenced by ‘cool’ and ‘warm’ tidal microhabitats differ thermally, and that these microhabitats within the . Anthopleura differences will influence the symbionts contained xanthogrammica is abundant in tidepools and surge within Anthopleura xanthogrammica, with zooxan- channels (Sebens 1983). For tidepools on Vancouver thellae predominating in warmer habitats and zoo- Island, Bates (2000) observed zooxanthellate A. xan- chlorellae in cooler habitats. This pattern is hypo - thogrammica closer to the surface and zoochlorellate thesized to remain stable seasonally. Furthermore, anemones at lower depths. In that study, cracks and we hypo thesized that A. xanthogrammica has a pre- crevices at a given shore height contained more zoo - dominantly heterotrophic diet, regardless of its sym- chlorellate anemones than tidepools at the same biont complement. Multiple approaches were used to shore height (Bates 2000). Examining anemones in examine these hypotheses: measurement of temper- spatially close microhabitats (tidepools and surge ature variation between tidepool and surge channel channels) experiencing similar emersion times microhabitats using temperature data loggers, should yield different symbiont populations because assessment of the seasonal distribution, density, and of thermal differences in these microhabitats during growth of zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in A. xan- aerial exposure. If tidepools are the warmer micro- thogrammica tentacles located in these spatially habitat on an annual basis, zooxanthellae should pre- close microhabitats, and estimation of the relative dominate in anemones in tidepools and zoochlorellae contributions of zoochlorellae and heterotrophic in anemones in surge channels. feeding on mussels to A. xanthogrammica using sta- The distribution of zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae ble 13C and 15N analysis. This study is also of interest within anemones is of interest because the relative because we investigated the relatively understudied contributions of these 2 symbionts to host nutrition A. xanthogrammica. By examining the factors affect- may differ with symbiont type, and with microhabitat ing the prevalence of zoochlorellae in the field, as and season. For Anthopleura elegantissima, carbon well as the nutritional contributions of this alga, this budgets of the potential contribution of algal carbon study helps to explain the persistence and benefits of to anemone respiratory carbon consumption have zoochlorellae in temperate Anthopleura symbioses. Levine & Muller-Parker: Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 81

MATERIALS AND METHODS late the monthly average and the average daily max- imum and minimum temperatures. Daily average Field site description seawater temperatures were calculated from temper- atures obtained when data loggers were submerged Slip Point is a rocky outcrop in Clallam Bay on the by the high tide. These values were used as a refer- outer of Juan de Fuca, Washington (USA), with ence baseline for comparing temperatures recorded exposures ranging from northwest to northeast. in tidepools and surge channels, with the range Within Slip Point, a north facing outcrop known as above or below the daily seawater temperature indi- Submarine Rock (48° 15’ 50’’ N, 124° 14’ 143’’ W) was cating thermal change in each microhabitat during selected for sampling due to its relative inaccessibil- low tide exposures to air. ity, diversity of microhabitats, and abundance of Anthopleura xanthogrammica. The distribution of A. xanthogrammica at the site has an upper vertical Anemone selection, tentacle sampling, tidal limit in tidepools of +1.59 m in relation to Mean and mussel sampling Lower Low Water (MLLW; all subsequent tidal heights are reported in reference to MLLW). The Anthopleura xanthogrammica was clustered in anemones’ lower limit of distribution is subtidal. tidepools and on the floors of surge channels, in close Extensive beds of the mussel Mytilus californianus proximity to Mytilus californianus beds. To reflect and gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes polymerus are this distribution, we chose sampling sites consisting also present, indicative of considerable wave expo- of paired tidepool and surge channel microhabitats sure at the site. in close proximity and at similar shore height. Based on the observed vertical distribution of anemones, in- dividuals located at tidal heights above +1.07 m were Microhabitat temperature monitoring designated high intertidal, and those below +0.61 m were designated low intertidal. Anemones were se- HOBO temperature data loggers (±0.2°C accuracy; lected randomly (by using a random number table to Onset Computer Corporation U22 Water Temp Pro select positions along a transect tape spanning the model) were anchored in a tidepool (+1.59 m shore longest axis of the microhabitat) or haphazardly (by height, 2.75 m3 volume, 38 cm maximum depth) and selecting anemones that were positioned along this at the bottom of a surge channel (+1.19 m) to record axis by chance) from 4 tidepools and 2 surge chan- temperatures at 10 min intervals. The tidepool data nels. The high and low intertidal sites each contained logger recorded from 31 July 2008 to 10 April 2009. 2 tidepools and 1 surge channel. Tidepools had an Due to data logger damage, the surge channel logger average volume of 2.56 ± 1.02 m3 (all values are re- recorded from 30 August to 13 November 2008 and ported as mean ± SE), as determined by the average from 13 April to 19 June 2009. Because of the need to depth and maximum width of each pool. select suitable locations for anchoring the data log- Tentacle samples were taken from selected gers, resulting in tidal height differences, immersion anemones in summer (30 to 31 July 2008), fall (13 No- times of data loggers differed between these loca- vember 2008), and spring (10 to 11 April 2009) tions, with the surge channel data logger emersed for seasons (for sample sizes in each season and micro- less time than the tidepool (approximately 49% and habitat, see Fig. 3). After photographing the individ- 69% annually, as judged from Clallam Bay tide ual anemones, scissors were used to remove about datum July 2008 to July 2009). Tidal heights were 6 tentacles from each anemone. Tentacles were sam- measured using a stadia rod sighted with standard pled because tentacles contain the highest density of surveying transit. Heights measured on the stadia algae within Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Kitaeff rod were referenced to known tidal levels using a 2007), and their removal is non-lethal and repeatable. Clallam Bay tide chart with 15 min tide intervals Tentacles were stored on ice in the field and in transit (Nobeltec Tides and Currents software, 2006). Plastic (for approximately 3 to 6 h), quickly moved to a stan- zip-ties were used to attach data loggers to stainless dard freezer, and subsequently stored at −70°C prior steel eyebolts embedded in ZSPAR splash zone to analysis. After sampling tentacles, Vernier calipers epoxy (RPM). Temperature data obtained for each (±0.1 mm precision) were used to measure the body day were summarized by calculating the average column diameter at the base to the nearest mm. temperature and recording the daily maximum and We sampled 45 anemones in summer 2008 and minimum temperatures. These were used to calcu- spring 2009 (anemone body column diameter 82 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

110.78 ± 5.18 mm in summer; 110.16 ± 5.28 mm in kept on ice during homogenization. Each homo- spring). Due to anemone contraction behavior during genate sample was mixed by vortexing, dispensed low tides at night when air temperatures were very into two 1.5 ml microfuge tubes, and stored at −70°C low, only 20 anemones were sampled in fall 2008 prior to analysis. Prior to algal cell density and mitotic (anemone body column diameter 102.53 ± 8.98 mm), index enumeration, thawed homogenate samples resulting in limited power to interpret trends during were mixed by vortexing, and a hemocytometer slide this season (for sample sizes, see Fig. 3). (Brightline, Reichert Scientific Instruments) was used During the initial sampling in the summer of to count algae. 2008, reference marks consisting of ZSPAR splash zone epoxy or photographs, anemone locations along transect tapes, and numbered photographs of Algal cell density each sampled anemone were taken to aid in identi- fying anemones for later re-sampling. Anemones Both zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae were coun - that were re-identified were then confirmed using ted until at least 100 cells of the most abundant algal body column diameter measurements. New indi- type were enumerated, using a compound micro- viduals were selected for sampling if anemones scope at 400× magnification, or 100× in the case of were missing or if individuals could not be identi- especially dilute samples. Four replicate counts were fied with confidence. made for each sample, and average densities of zoo- Mytilus californianus was haphazardly collected xanthellae and zoochlorellae (cells ml−1) were calcu- for stable isotope analysis. Individuals were collected lated. in summer (31 July 2008) and spring (11 April 2009). To compare algal densities in tentacles, the num- Mussels were taken from the edges of each of 3 tide- bers of zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae per unit pools and from each of 2 surge channels (n = 8 sum- weight of homogenate protein were obtained for mer; n = 10 spring) (see Fig. 2, Table 2). Mussels were each sample. Protein concentration was measured placed in a bucket filled with approximately 5 l of using the method of Lowry et al. (1951) using bovine 5 µm filtered seawater for 24 h to evacuate their serum albumin as a protein standard (Pierce). Algal contents. Mussels were kept in a standard freezer densities were calculated by dividing the concentra- immediately following gut evacuation and kept on tion of each alga by the concentration of homogenate ice during transit (approximately 6 h) until they could protein. Although total homogenate samples (con- be stored at −70°C. taining both algae and anemone tissue) were used to measure anemone protein, intact algae do not con- tribute significantly to the protein values obtained Tentacle sample processing (Verde & McCloskey 2001, G. Muller-Parker pers. obs.), and homogenate protein concentrations are Tentacle samples from individual anemones col- considered representative of the anemone (= ) lected in summer 2008 and spring 2009 were divided component. into 2; half were analyzed for biomass parameters (algal cell density, algal mitotic index, and anemone protein content), and the other half were used for 13C Algal mitotic index and 15N stable isotopic analysis. To split samples, half of the tentacles were haphazardly selected and The mitotic index, an estimate of symbiont removed with a metal spatula immediately prior to growth defined as the number of algal cells divid- biomass parameter analysis, and the remainder were ing at the time of sampling, was calculated for the immediately re-frozen. Tentacle samples collected in most abundant symbiont in each sample, defined as fall 2008 were analyzed only for biomass parameters. the alga that comprised over half of the algal cells Thawed tentacles were placed on Parafilm® within a sample. Cells with a complete cleavage squares, visually inspected, and any debris removed furrow were scored as dividing, as judged using a using tweezers before processing. For biomass para- compound microscope at 400× magnification. One meters, tentacles were homogenized in a small vol- thousand zooxanthellae or zoochlorellae were ume of 5 µm filtered seawater using a 3 ml tapered counted, and mitotic index was expressed as the glass tissue homogenizer and Teflon pestle (Wheaton percent of dividing zooxanthellae or zoochlorellae. Science Products) attached to a motorized overhead In 2 very low algal density samples, only 500 algae stirrer (Wheaton Science Products). Samples were were counted. Levine & Muller-Parker: Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 83

Statistical analysis of algal composition, density, and 3 Nanopure® water rinses before use, and in and mitotic index between each sample. Thawed homogenates were centrifuged at 1118 × g One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were (4 min; Eppendorf microfuge) to separate algae and used to determine whether microhabitat affected anemone fractions. The anemone (= animal) super- algal density within anemone tentacles, the mitotic natant was decanted into a 20 ml glass scintillation index of zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae within ten- vial, and the algal pellet was resuspended in 1 ml of tacles, and the relative proportions of zoochlorellae water. Three centrifugation and resupension cycles and zooxanthellae in tentacles. Four levels of micro- were completed, resulting in 1 anemone fraction and habitat were examined: low tidepool, low surge 1 algal fraction from each homogenate. The final channel, high tidepool, and high surge channel. The algal suspension was filtered sequentially through low and high tidepool microhabitats each contain 63 µm and 30 µm Nitex mesh screens to remove data from 2 tidepools that were pooled a priori. Sig- clumps of anemone tissue. Ane mone and algal frac- nificant ANOVA tests were followed by pairwise tions were stored at −70°C prior to being freeze-dried comparisons between microhabitats using Tukey’s for 24 h using a VirTis Freezmobile freeze dryer. HSD tests (algal density and mitotic index) or simple Based on algal populations in the samples, anemone contrasts between the high surge channel and high tentacles were classified as zoochlorellate (contain- tidepool microhabitats (percent zoochlorellae in ten- ing ≥90% zoochlorellae prior to separation), mixed tacles within a microhabitat). To examine changes in zoochlorellate (containing 50−90% zoochlorellae), algal density and mitotic index of zooxanthellae and mixed zooxanthellate (containing 50−90% zooxan- zoochlorellae over the entire study period, the subset thellae), and zooxanthellate (containing ≥90% zoo - of anemones sampled both in summer 2008 and xanthellae); the same categories were applied to the spring 2009 were analyzed with repeated measures separated algal fractions. ANOVA. Mytilus californianus posterior adductor muscle, a All data were checked for homogeneity of vari- tissue that integrates the carbon and nitrogen iso- ances prior to analysis. Data were square-root topic signatures of mussel food sources over rela- transformed in cases where homogeneity of vari- tively long time scales (Gorokhova & Hansson 1999), ances was violated (judged with Levene’s test). All was thawed, cleaned of attached viscera, rinsed with percentage values were arcsine transformed prior Nanopure® water, placed in a 20 ml glass scintilla- to analysis (Sokal & Rohlf 1969). A significance cri- tion vial, and stored at −70 °C prior to freeze drying. terion of α = 0.05 was used for all comparisons All tools used in dissection (scalpel, scissors, forceps, meeting the assumption of homogeneity of vari- and dissecting pan) were cleaned using the protocol ances. In cases where this assumption could not be described above for tentacle homogenization. met through transformation of the data, significance After freeze drying, anemone and algal samples was adjusted to α = 0.025 (Underwood 1981). All were homogenized to a fine powder in microfuge statistical analyses were performed using SPSS tubes using pointed metal spatulas. Mussel tissue v.15.0. Significant ANOVA tests were followed by was ground in a methanol-rinsed mortar and pestle pairwise comparisons among microhabitats using to a fine powder. All samples were encapsulated in Tukey’s HSD tests. tin capsules (Costech Analytical Technologies) and shipped to the University of California Davis Stable Isotope Facility for flow-through mass spectrometric Preparation of tentacle and mussel samples for analysis. Values are reported using δ notation, which stable isotope analysis is the parts per thousand (‰) deviation of the sample 13C/12C or 15N/14N ratio from that of accepted stan- Because the salt content of seawater influences dards (Peterson & Fry 1987). sample weights (Pitt et al. 2009), tentacles for stable Prior to dietary analysis, algal isotopic samples isotope analysis were homogenized, as previously were checked for potential contamination with host described, in Nanopure® water. Homogenate sam- anemone tissue. During separation of symbionts from ples were mixed by vortexing, placed into two 1.5 ml host anemone tissue, the homogenized host tissue microfuge tubes and stored at −70°C prior to further forms a supernatant after centrifugation that is processing. All equipment in contact with samples unlikely to contain pelleted algal cells. However, the (homogenizer, pestle, and spatulas) was cleaned with algal pellet, despite filtration through the Nitex mesh 3 rinses of methanol followed by 3 tap water rinses screens to remove clumps, may contain remnant host 84 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

tissues in addition to symbionts. To assess potential a) contamination, any δ15N values for algae that were 26 24 Tidepool equal to or higher than mean host tissue values for 22 Surge channel δ15 N were excluded from the dietary analysis. These 20 samples could indicate anemone tissue contamina- 18 tion because the δ15N signature gets progressively 16 ‘heavier’ as it moves up trophic levels, increasing by 14 12 about 2.3‰ per level (McCutchan et al. 2003). In 10 addition, microscopic inspection of the isolated zoo- 8 chlorellae and mixed zoochlorellae algal assembla - 6 Average temperature (ºC) temperature Average ges revealed slight contamination with host tissue, 4 2 while zooxanthellae and mixed zooxanthellae were more heavily contaminated with animal particles. Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun To examine the relative contributions of symbiotic b) algae and Mytilus californianus to host anemone car- 12 bon composition, the partitioning of carbon isotopes 10 8 was examined using the Isoerror 2-source mixing 6 model (all equations and accompanying Excel 4 spreadsheet in Phillips & Gregg 2001). The model 2 was used to calculate the proportion of host carbon 0 de rived from each source (symbiotic algae and M. 13 –2 californianus) using the δ C values of each compo- (ºC) temperature –4 nent. Prior to addition to the model, dietary sources

Difference from seawater from Difference –6 were corrected for carbon fractionation of 0.4‰ per –8 trophic level, which is the average for aquatic sys- Sep Oct Nov tems provided in a recent review by McCutchan et Month al. (2003). Fig. 1. (a) Monthly temperatures (± SE) in a tidepool (+1.59 m Mean Lower Low Water, MLLW) and a surge chan- nel (+1.19 m MLLW) at Slip Point, Clallam Bay, Washington, RESULTS USA. Uppermost lines represent average monthly high, middle lines represent average, and low lines represent av- erage monthly low temperature within each microhabitat. Temperature monitoring Standard errors are an estimate of within-month variation. Arrows indicate anemone tentacle sampling dates. Note that In both microhabitats, the intertidal zone at Slip measurements were not always available at the same time due to data logger loss. (b) Difference above (positive val- Point experienced annual variation in temperatures ues) and below (negative values) daily seawater tempera- spanning over 25°C. During emersion, temperatures ture in the same tidepool and surge channel from 31 August recorded in the tidepool ranged from a low of −0.7°C to 12 November 2008 in December 2008 to a high of 24.4°C in August 2008, and temperatures recorded in the surge channel When both data loggers were recording at the ranged from a low of 3.5°C in November 2008 to a same time, the surge channel microhabitat yielded high of 30.6°C in May 2009. Average daily tempera- more extreme high and low temperatures (Fig. 1b). tures (comprising both immersion and emersion peri- On a relatively warm day (1 September 2008), the ods) were highest in the tidepool in August 2008 surge channel reached 10.5°C above the daily sea- (16.3 ± 0.54°C, n = 31) and lowest in December 2008 water temperature, while the tidepool temperature (4.8 ± 0.48°C, n = 31; Fig. 1a). Average daily temper- increased only by 3.7°C relative to seawater. On a atures in the surge channel were highest in June relatively cold day (11 October 2008), temperatures 2009 (23.6 ± 0.82°C, n = 18) and lowest in October in the surge channel dropped 6.5°C relative to sea- 2008 (6.5 ± 0.31°C, n = 31; Fig. 1). It is important to water, while tidepool temperatures only dropped note that tidepool and surge channel measurements 2.3°C (Fig. 1b). This is reflected in monthly average were not always recorded at the same time due to temperature excursions during emersion when both data logger loss, so while averages and extremes are data loggers were simultaneously recording. In Octo- indicative of each microhabitat, they are not directly ber 2008, low temperature excursions in the surge comparable. channel averaged 3.3 ± 0.36°C (n = 31) below seawa- Levine & Muller-Parker: Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 85

ter temperature, and were 1.6°C lower than the mean 63% of anemone tentacle samples containing ≥90% daily departure from seawater temperature in the zoochlorellae, and 7% containing ≥90% zooxanthel- tidepool (paired t-test, t = 8.00, df = 30, p < 0.001). In lae (n = 110). Mixed algal assemblages of between 10 September 2008, low temperature excursions in the and 90% of 1 alga were found in 29% of anemone surge channel (n = 30) averaged 1.0°C lower than in tentacles, with the majority (75%) of these mixed the tidepool with respect to ambient seawater tem- assemblages comprised of ≥50% zoochlorellae. perature (paired t-test, t = 6.97, df = 30, p < 0.001). The distribution of zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae The surge channel also experienced significantly in Anthopleura xanthogrammica tentacles at Slip higher excursions in temperature in September than Point corresponded with the temperature patterns the tidepool, averaging 1.1°C higher on a daily basis obtained in both microhabitats. High numbers of (paired t-test, t = −3.67, df = 30, p = 0.001). zoochlorellae were found in anemone tentacles in the cooler low tidepool and low surge channel habitats, mixed algal populations containing primarily zoo - Distribution, algal density, and mitotic chlorellae were found in tentacles from anemones in index of symbionts in tentacles of the moderately cooler high tidepool microhabitats, Anthopleura xanthogrammica and mixed algae containing primarily zooxanthellae were found in tentacles of anemones in the surge Irrespective of microhabitat or season, zoochlorel- channel experiencing more extreme high tempera- lae were the predominant symbionts within Antho- tures at high tidal heights (Fig. 2a−d). This distribu- pleura xanthogrammica tentacles at Slip Point, with tion pattern remained stable across all seasons.

a) High tidepool b) High surge channel 100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0 Summer (20, 12) Fall (3) Spring (20, 12) Summer (10, 6) Fall (3) Spring (10, 6) c) Low tidepool d) Low surge channel 100 100

80 Percent zoochlorellae Percent 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0 Summer (10, 6) Fall (10) Spring (10, 6) Summer (5, 1) Fall (4) Spring (5, 1) Season Fig. 2. Percentage of zoochlorellae in algal populations in Anthopleura xanthogrammica tentacles in (a) high tidepool, (b) high surge channel, (c) low tidepool, and (d) low surge channel microhabitats. Grey boxplots represent all anemones from each sea- sonal sampling; white boxplots in summer and spring represent the subset of anemones sampled repeatedly across seasons. The black line within a boxplot represents the median percent zoochlorellae for percentiles <99%, areas below and above the median represent the 25th percentile and 75th percentiles, and lines below and above boxes represent the 10th and 90th per- centiles, respectively. The 10th and 90th percentiles were calculated when n ≥ 9. Sample sizes are in parentheses; the first number represents anemones from each seasonal sampling, the second represents the anemones sampled across seasons 86 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

There was great variation in the distribution of summer, tentacles from high surge channel ane - algal symbionts in anemones in the high surge chan- mones (n = 10) contained 0.317 × 106 ± 0.132 × 106 nel microhabitat; tentacles of these anemones ranged zoochlorellae per mg tentacle protein, a significantly from nearly 100% zoochlorellae to nearly 100% zoo- lower density of zoochlorellae than obtained for xanthellae (Fig. 2b). Anemone tentacles from high anemone tentacles from the high tidepool (1.75 × surge channels (summer 2009, n = 10; spring 2010, 106 ± 0.422 × 106, p = 0.015, n = 20), low surge chan- n = 10) contained a significantly lower proportion of nel (3.00 × 106 ± 0.461 × 106, p = 0.001, n = 5), and low zoochlorellae than tentacles from anemones in the tidepool (3.63 × 106 ± 0.740 × 106, p < 0.001, n = 10) high tidepools in summer 2008 (n = 20) and spring microhabitats. Tentacles in the high tidepool micro- 2009 (n = 20) seasons (summer, p = 0.015; spring, p = habitat also contained a significantly lower density of 0.023; α adjusted to 0.025). zoochlorellae than those from the low tidepool (p = Algal density patterns in summer and spring sea- 0.015). In spring, anemone tentacles in the high sons support the algal distribution patterns among surge channel (0.276 × 106 ± 0.152 × 106 zoochlorel- microhabitats. In these seasons, anemone tentacles lae mg−1 tentacle protein, n = 10) contained a signifi- from the high surge channel microhabitat contained cantly lower density of zoochlorellae than anemone significantly lower densities of zoochlorellae than tentacles in the high tidepool (1.14 × 106 ± 0.203 tentacles from all other microhabitats (Fig. 3a−c). In ×106, p = 0.010, n = 20), low surge channel (2.47 × 106 ± 0.303 × 106, p = 0.013, n = 5), and Zooxanthellae low tidepool (1.55 × 106 ± 0.416 × 106, Zoochlorellae Summer p = 0.004, n = 10) microhabitats, which a) d) 5 10 0.5 did not differ significantly from each a NS 5 other in algal density (Tukey HSD 4 0.4 ab comparisons, all p > 0.05). 3 20 0.3 b 20 In contrast to the summer and spring 2 0.2 10 10 seasons, the proportion and density of 10 zoochlorellae in anemone tentacles 1 c 0.1 5 sampled in fall 2008 (Figs. 2a−d & 0 0.0 3b,e) did not differ significantly be - Fall 3 tween the high surge channel (n = 3) b) e) b 5 0.5 and high tidepool (n = 3; proportion of 4 4 0.4 3 zoochlorellae, p = 0.207; density of

tentacle protein) 10 3 a ab zoo chlorellae, p = 0.289). However, –1 a 0.3 3 low sample sizes in this season se ve - 2 ab 3 0.2 tentacle protein) mg –1 6 b 10 rely limited the ability to detect trends 1 0.1 a 4 between microhabitats, and patterns

a mg 0 0.0 6 appeared qualitatively similar to those Spring in summer and spring seasons. c) f) Seventeen of the anemones sampled 5 0.5 NS in fall were confirmed as re-samples 4 0.4 from the summer sampling. In spring

Zoochlorellae (x 10 2009, 25 anemones were confirmed as 3 10 0.3 5 re-samples from summer. In these a a 20 2 0.2 Zooxanthellae (x 10 a ane mones, there was a trend toward a 10 20 1 10 10 b 0.1 5 decreasing density of zoochlorellae 0 0.0 between summer 2008 and spring LTP LSC HTP HSC LTP LSC HTP HSC 2009 in low tidepool and low surge Location channel anemone tentacles, with zoo - Fig. 3. Average (± SE) seasonal densities of (a−c) zoochlorellae and (d−f) zoo - chlorellae in tentacles of anemones in xanthellae in Anthopleura xanthogrammica tentacles from low tidepool these microhabitats declining appro- (LTP), low surge channel (LSC), high tidepool (HTP), and high surge channel ximately 57 and 52%, respectively, (HSC) microhabitats. Numbers above bars indicate sample size; different letters within a season and symbiont type indicate significant difference over this time period (Fig. 3a−c). This between microhabitats at p < 0.05. NS: no significant difference in algal trend was not supported among ane - densities between any microhabitat within a season mones sampled both in summer 2008 Levine & Muller-Parker: Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 87

and spring 2009 (repeated measures ANOVA, p = The MI of zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 0.084, n = 25). remained below 1% in all seasons, with no sig - In contrast to the distinct patterns observed in the nificant patterns evident among microhabitats density of zoochlorellae among microhabitats and (Fig. 4d−f). Because sample sizes were low, this tidal heights, the density of zooxanthellae in ane - allowed for limited power to examine patterns in mone tentacles was consistently low in all micro ha bi - summer 2008 and spring 2009 (n = 8 in each season), tats, and was often an order of magnitude lower than and no comparisons were possible in fall 2008 (n = 1). that of zoochlorellae regardless of season (Fig. 3d−f). The density of zooxanthellae did not vary seasonally among microhabitats except during fall 2008 (1-way Stable isotope analysis ANOVA, p = 0.008, n = 20), when tentacles from anemones in the high tidepool (n = 3) contained sig- Symbiotic algae showed greater variation in δ13C nificantly higher numbers of zooxanthellae than values than mussel or anemone tentacle tissue, both those from anemones in the low tidepool (p = 0.032, between summer 2008 and spring 2009 and within a n = 10) and low surge channel (p = 0.014, n = 4). season (Fig. 5). The δ13C values of zoochlorellate and The mitotic index (MI) of zoochlorellae did not mixed zoochlorellate anemone tentacles were inter- differ in anemone tentacles collected from the high mediate between the δ13C values of their zoochlorel- surge channel and high tidepool micro- habitats (Fig. 4a−c). In summer 2008, Zoochlorellae Zooxanthellae Summer the MI of zoochlorellae in tentacles of a) d) 25 1.0 anemones in the high surge channel 10 NS 5 3 5 (n = 4) was 8.78 ± 1.77%, less than half 20 a a 0.8 16 that of zoochlorellae from anemones in 15 b 4 0.6 the low surge channel (16.82 ± 0.99%; b 10 0.4 p = 0.006, n = 5) and the low tidepool 5 0.2 (18.28 ± 0.87%; p < 0.001, n = 10) nd nd microhabitats. In fall 2008, zoochlorel- 0 0.0 lae in high tidepool anemone tentacles Fall (n = 2) had an MI of 9.72 ± 1.88%, sig- 4 b) b e) nificantly lower than the MI of zoo - 10 1.0 25 a chlorellae in tentacles from the low 0.8 20 tidepool (n = 10) and low surge channel 2 1 0.6 1 (n = 4; contrast of high tidepool versus 15 c 0.4 low tidepool and low surge channel, p = 10 0.001). The only high surge channel 5 0.2 nd nd nd anemone with zoochlorellate tentacles 0 0.0 sampled in fall 2008 had an MI of Percent zoochlorellae dividing

15.40%; this small sample did not allow Spring Percent zooxanthellae dividing trends in the high surge channel to be c) f) 25 NS 1.0 NS examined. There were no significant 20 0.8 differences in MI of zoochlorellae 4 among microhabitats in spring 2009 15 0.6 9 5 17 4 0.4 (1-way ANOVA, p = 0.175, n = 35). Sea- 10 1 3 sonally, the MI of zoochlorellae across 5 0.2 all microhabitats was highest in fall nd 0 0.0 2008 (19.74 ± 1.43%, n = 17), intermedi- LTP LSC HTP HSC LTP LSC HTP HSC ate in summer 2008 (14.12 ± 0.77%, n = Location 35), and lowest in spring 2009 (8.00 ± Fig. 4. Seasonal mitotic index (± SE) of (a−c) zoochlorellae and (d−f) zooxan- 0.52%, n = 35). Among repeatedly sam- thellae in Anthopleura xanthogrammica tentacles from low tidepool (LTP), pled anemones, there was a significant low surge channel (LSC), high tidepool (HTP), and high surge channel (HSC) microhabitats. Numbers above bars indicate sample size; different drop in the MI of zoochlorellae from letters within a season and symbiont type indicate significant difference be- summer to spring (repeated measures tween microhabitats at p < 0.05. nd: no data; NS: no significant difference ANOVA, p = 0.04, n = 17). between any microhabitat within a season 88 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

12 The Isoerror dietary mixing model (Phillips & Gregg 2001) showed that for both summer 2008 and 11 Mixed zoochlorellate anemones spring 2009, zoochlorellae and mixed zoochlorellae Zoochlorellate provided more carbon to the host anemone than 10 anemones Mixed zoochlorellae mussels. Zoochlorellae and mixed zoochlorellae each Mussels provided around 62 ± 5−7% of anemone carbon in 9 summer 2008, and nearly 70 ± 4−12% of anemone N (‰)

15 Zoochlorellae carbon in spring 2009 (Table 2). The isotopic values

δ 8 of zooxanthellate and mixed zooxanthellate ane- mone tissues (n = 18) were not distinguishable from 7 those of isolated algae (n = 8), as indicated by the considerable overlap between the δ15N of isolated 6 –26 –25 –24 –23 –22 –21 –20 –19 –18 –17 –16 symbionts and host tissues, and these values (Table 1) were excluded from dietary analysis. δ13C (‰)

Fig. 5. Mean (± SE) δ13C and δ15N isotopic values for zoochlorellate (≥90% zoochlorellae) and mixed zoochlorel- DISCUSSION late (50−90% zoochlorellae) Anthopleura xanthogrammica tentacle tissue, isolated symbionts composed of zoochlorel- lae (≥90% zoochlorellae), and mixed zoochlorellae (50−90% Overall, anemones host high densities of zoo - zoochlorellae) assemblages, and tissue from Mytilus califor- chlorellae in the relatively cool climate of Slip Point, nianus mussels. Dashed lines connect summer values (dark and these symbionts are energetically important con- symbols) to spring values (open symbols). Sample sizes are tributors to the association. We found that zoochlorel- listed in Table 1 lae were the dominant symbionts in upper intertidal tidepools and in the lower intertidal zone, and that lae and mixed zoochlorellae populations and those of relatively high temperatures likely limit the density mussels (Fig. 5). Zoochlorellae had the most negative of zoochlorellae in upper intertidal surge channels. δ13C values, averaging −25.02 ± 0.55‰ in summer Although we hypothesized that Anthopleura xan- and −23.61 ± 0.28‰ in spring (Table 1). Mixed thogrammica derives most of its nutrition from het- zoochlorellae samples had δ13C values of −22.74 ± erotrophic feeding, the contribution of zoochlorellae 0.38‰ in summer and −22.53 ± 0.96‰ in spring. was greater than that of heterotrophy. Mussel tissue δ13C was comparatively higher than The high surge channel microhabitat was a both of these algal populations, averaging −17.25 ± stressful environment for zoochlorellae, with compar- 0.32‰ in summer and −16.91 ± 0.10‰ in spring. atively extreme temperatures and increased irradi-

Table 1. Mean (± SE) δ13C and δ15N (‰) values for Anthopleura xanthogrammica tentacle tissues isolated from hosts of varying symbiont composition, grouped as zoochlorellate (≥90% zoochlorellae mg−1 anemone tentacle protein), mixed zoochlorellate (50−90% zoochlorellae), mixed zooxanthellate (10−50% zoochlorellae), and zooxanthellate (≤10% zoochlorellae), isolated symbionts, and tissue from Mytilus californianus mussels. Summer samples collected 30 to 31 July 2008; spring samples col- lected 10 to 11 April 2009. n = sample size

δ13C (‰) δ15N (‰) n Summer Spring Summer Spring Summer Spring

Anemone Zoochlorellate −21.70 ± 0.21 −21.04 ± 0.16 10.03 ± 0.22 10.84 ± 0.24 20 26 Mixed zoochlorellate −20.29 ± 0.25 −20.36 ± 0.22 11.02 ± 0.25 11.20 ± 0.23 7 7 Mixed zooxanthellate −19.14 ± 0.20 −18.99 ± 0.16 10.83 ± 0.27 11.18 ± 0.58 6 4 Zooxanthellate −18.85 ± 0.44 −19.12 ± 0.24 10.88 ± 0.16 10.95 ± 0.26 3 5 Algae Zoochlorellae −25.02 ± 0.55 −23.61 ± 0.28 6.74 ± 0.44 8.64 ± 0.29 13 14 Mixed zoochlorellae −22.74 ± 0.38 −22.53 ± 0.96 7.94 ± 0.25 9.50 ± 0.65 3 3 Mixed zooxanthellae −19.10 ± 0.09 −19.07 ± 0.13 10.67 ± 0.05 11.57 ± 0.31 2 3 Zooxanthellae −8.99 −19.51 ± 0.40 9.77 10.91 ± 0.16 1 2 Mussel −17.25 ± 0.32 −16.91 ± 0.10 8.58 ± 0.26 8.92 ± 0.10 8 10 Levine & Muller-Parker: Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 89

Table 2. Relative percent contribution (± SE) of symbiotic zoochlorellae or Differences in anemone physiology mixed zoochlorellae and Mytilus californianus to Anthopleura xanthogram- and behavior in different microhabi- mica diet. Carbon isotope fractionation is assumed to be 0.4‰ per trophic level tats may also influence the distribu- (McCutchan et al. 2003) tion and density of symbionts. During emersion, continuously submerged Anemone Summer Spring Symbiotic M. califor- Symbiotic M. califor- anemones tend to remain algae nianus algae nianus open and expanded (M. R. Levine pers. obs.), a behavior seen in moder- Zoochlorellate 62 ± 5 38 ± 5 68 ± 4 32 ± 4 ate (but not high) light with Antho- Mixed zoochlorellate 63 ± 7 37 ± 7 69 ± 12 31 ± 12 pleura elegantissima (Pearse 1974), while surge channel anemones con- ance likely leading to the observed lower density of tracted to varying degrees, with far fewer tentacles zoochlorellae in summer and spring. Although a simi- exposed to the environment. A contracted state low- lar trend was evident in fall, this pattern was not sta- ers anemone oxygen demand and metabolic rate as tistically supported, an outcome likely due to low compared to the expanded state of submerged indi- sampling (and statistical power) in this season. High viduals, and considerably reduces photosynthesis microhabitat temperatures could cause a reduction in due to shading of algal symbionts (Shick & Dykens zoochlorellae density in a number of ways, 2 of which 1984, Zamer & Shick 1987). Surge channel anemones are discussed. First, the growth rate of zoochlorellae also covered their body column with small rocks and may be reduced. In both Anthopleura xanthogram- shell fragments, a behavior that also effectively low- mica and A. elegantissima, MI of zoochlorellae de - ers the irradiance reaching the symbionts (Pearse & creases over time periods of 20 to 25 d when ane - Muscatine 1971, Pearse 1974, Dykens & Shick 1984, mones are maintained at 20°C (O’Brien & Wyttenbach Shick & Dykens 1984). 1980, Saunders & Muller-Parker 1997), and remains The observed distribution of zoochlorellae and unchanged in A. elegantissima over shorter time pe- zooxanthellae in Anthopleura xanthogrammica in riods of 1 to 4 d exposure to a broad range of experi- the low intertidal zone at Slip Point is consistent with mental temperatures up to 24°C (Verde & McCloskey that observed in other studies. Kitaeff (2007) found 2001, 2007). However, the MI of zoochlo rellae was that low intertidal A. xanthogrammica tentacles in not significantly lower in tentacles from anemones in Coos Bay, Oregon (44° N), contained a much higher the high surge channel than in tentacles from ane - proportion of zoochlorellae than zooxanthellae. Sim- mones in the high tidepool. If sustained exposure to ilarly, in Bamfield, British Columbia, Canada (48° N), elevated temperature is required to decrease the MI low tidepools and crevices hosted predominantly (as in O’Brien & Wyttenbach 1980 and Saunders & zoochlorellate A. xanthogrammica tentacles (Bates Muller-Parker 1997), the daily low-tide exposures ex- 2000). The prevalence of zoochlorellate A. xantho- perienced at Slip Point may not be sufficiently long to grammica tentacles in high shore tidepools at Slip initiate a differential decline in MI between the high Point is consistent with results obtained at Tatoosh surge channel and other microhabitats. Second, pref- Island (48° N, approximately 30 km NW of Slip Point), erential expulsion of dividing algae may result in a where high intertidal A. xanthogrammica tentacles greater loss of zoochlorellae than of zooxanthellae. A contained primarily zoochlorellae irrespective of greater loss of zoochlorellae is possible because the micro habitat (Secord & Augustine 2000). In contrast, MI of zoochlorellae was approximately 10 to 20 times Bates (2000) found an increasing proportion of zoo - greater than that of zooxanthellae, and McCloskey et xanthellae in tidepool A. xanthogrammica tentacles al. (1996) showed that the MI of expelled zoochlorel- as compared with crevice A. xanthogrammica tenta- lae and zooxanthellae from Antho pleura elegantis- cles at the same shore height. These differing upper sima was 3.5 and 4.2 times greater, respectively, than intertidal symbiont distribution patterns may be that of symbionts isolated from the host. In addition, explained by differences in thermal conditions dur- the rate of expulsion of dividing cells may increase ing exposure to air at these study sites. Just as rela- with temperature (Baghdasarian & Muscatine 2000). tively cool microhabitats at Slip Point support a Greater algal expulsion in the warmer high surge higher proportion of zoochlorellae in A. xanthogram- channel environment than in the high tidepool, com- mica, relatively cool study sites (including Tatoosh bined with preferential expulsion of dividing cells, Island; Helmuth et al. 2002) may support zoochlorel- could explain the reduced densities of zoochlorellae lae as symbionts of A. xanthogrammica to a greater observed in this micro habitat. extent than relatively warm sites. 90 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

Despite the greater than 25°C annual range in air It is important to note that temperature patterns in temperatures recorded during the study period, algal this study were measured in only 2 locations at Slip density varied seasonally in zoochlorellate anemone Point, and therefore the conclusion that the high tentacles in only a few instances. During the compar- surge channel is the more variable thermal micro- atively warm summer season, densities of zoochlorel- habitat annually is based on limited observations. lae were lower in the high tidepool than in the low Despite this limitation, the temperature record ob- tidepool, while during the cooler fall and spring sea- tained is likely a good approximation of microhabitat sons, no significant differences existed between high variability within the upper intertidal zone of Slip and low intertidal pools. It is likely that warmer sea- Point. The increased thermal variability recorded in sonal temperatures experienced during tidepool the surge channel was not likely due to differences in emersion caused this relative decline in zoochlorel- emersion time between microhabitats. The vertical lae density, as the high intertidal pool was emersed tidal height of the tidepool data logger was 0.4 m for approximately 45% more time annually (as greater than that of the surge channel, so a tempera- judged by the Clallam Bay tide datum). There was ture pattern driven purely by emersion time would also a trend towards lower densities of zoochlorellae instead favor more extreme tidepool temperatures. in low tidepool and low surge channel anemone ten- Although intertidal temperature differences may tacles, likely driven by the significantly reduced MI result from substratum angle (Helmuth & Hofmann of zoochlorellae in spring as compared to summer. 2001), this is also unlikely to be driving the observed Although zoochlorellae are comparatively better pattern, as both data loggers were placed on surfaces suited to low irradiance conditions than zooxanthel- that were nearly horizontal. In addition, the nearby lae (Saunders & Muller-Parker 1997, Verde & Mc - surge channel wall shaded the surge channel data Closkey 2001, 2002, 2007), wintertime ambient irra- logger. All of these factors would have contributed to diance levels in the low intertidal at Slip Point may a conservative estimate of air temperatures in this not be sufficient to maintain growth rates above microhabitat, minimizing observed differences. expulsion rates, hindering the ability of Anthopleura How ever, the tidepool selected for temperature mon- xanthogrammica to maintain seasonally stable densi- itoring may have provided more moderate tempera- ties. With these exceptions, little seasonal change tures than other nearby pools due to its compara- was evident in the relative proportions of zoochlorel- tively large size. Although of similar depth and width lae and zooxanthellae in A. xanthogrammica tenta- as many other tidepools located at the same shore cles, and the results of this study generally support height, it was of greater length. Because lower tide- the seasonal stability in algal symbionts observed for pools and surge channels are emersed for only A. elegantissima from Puget , Washington between 1 and 20% of time on an annual basis at Slip (Bergschneider & Muller-Parker 2008, Dimond et al. Point (as estimated by the Clallam Bay tide datum), 2011). temperature differences between lower intertidal Tidepool temperatures did not exceed 24.4°C and microhabitats are likely to be comparatively minor surge channel temperatures did not exceed 30.6°C at and short-lived. Slip Point, suggesting a generally cool microclimate The actual temperatures experienced by anemones at this site. In comparison, tidepool temperatures as living in these environments may not be represented high as 31°C were measured in the San Juan accurately by data loggers. Submerged ectothermic in the Puget Sound region (Jensen & Muller-Parker organisms have body temperatures that are very 1994) and as high as 26°C along the outer coast of close to the surrounding water temperature (Hel- Vancouver Island (Bates 2000), suggesting that there muth 1998), while in air these organisms have body are strong regional differences in microclimates that temperatures determined by environmental factors influence tidepools in the Pacific Northwest. Al - such as air temperature, wave splash, solar radiation, though other studies have not measured ambient and wind speed, among other factors (Porter & Gates temperatures in surge channels, temperature loggers 1969, Helmuth 1998, Gilman et al. 2006, Helmuth et mimicking exposed rocks on Tatoosh Island have al. 2006). Behavioral factors are also important; ane - recorded temperatures between 35 and 41.5°C dur- mones are able to evaporatively cool themselves by ing summer low tides (Harley & Helmuth 2003). Our releasing water from their gastrovascular cavity study suggests that surge channel temperatures will (Shick 1991). In Anthopleura elegantissima, larger be much higher than those in tidepools during ex- individuals can remain at temperatures well below treme heat events at Slip Point, further restricting the warm ambient temperatures, while smaller individu- abundance of zoochlorellae in this microhabitat. als heat quickly as they exhaust their gastrovascular Levine & Muller-Parker: Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae in anemone tentacles 91

+ water supply (Bingham et al. 2011). This cooling abil- recycling may result from ammonium (NH4 ) waste ity is likely to be even more pronounced in A. xan- from the host being incorporated into organic com- thogrammica due to its comparatively large body pounds by the symbionts, and then translocated back size. It is also possible that actual anemone tempera- to the host (Muscatine 1980). Although not measured tures do not differ greatly from recorded surge chan- for Anthopleura xanthogrammica, the large amounts + nel temperatures. Kitaeff (2007) found that A. xan- of NH4 released by A. elegantissima in tidepools thogrammica internal body temperatures generally suggest that nitrogen recycling is limited (Jensen & were within 3°C of the maximum recorded air tem- Muller-Parker 1994). Carbon conservation may also peratures during aerial exposure in summer in Sitka, occur, with symbionts receiving CO2 from host respi- Alaska. ration (Bergschneider & Muller-Parker 2008). In this δ13 Stable isotope signatures of anemone tentacles case, the C of the host-derived CO2 will resemble suggest that Anthopleura xanthogrammica contain- host δ13C (Muscatine et al. 1989), shifting the ob - ing primarily zoochlorellae derive most of their served symbiont δ13C values towards host values and dietary carbon (~62−70%) from zoochlorellae and overestimating the carbon contribution (= carbon iso- only a minor fraction from feeding on Mytilus califor- tope similarity) of symbionts to the host. nianus mussels (~31−38%). Although a number of The stable isotope results suggest that zoochlorel- uncertainties in the application of stable isotopes to lae contribute nutritionally to Anthopleura xantho - this symbiosis are discussed, the size of the estimated grammica to a greater extent than in A. elegantis- symbiotic contribution is sufficiently great to estab- sima (Engebretson & Muller-Parker 1999, Verde & lish zoochlorellae as an important nutritional source McCloskey 2001, 2002, 2007, Bergschneider & to their host anemones. Muller-Parker 2008). This result is surprising given The use of tentacles in the analysis may have con- the large body size of this species. Possibly, differ- tributed to the high contributions of zoochlorellae, ences in morphology may allow A. xanthogrammica because nutritional contributions were estimated for to provide zoochlorellae (versus zooxanthellae) with a body region where they are potentially greatest: more favorable temperature and light regimes. zoochlorellae are at least twice as dense in the crown A. xan thogrammica has considerably thicker body and tentacle regions as in the mid and base body tissues that attenuate approximately 57% more light regions of Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Kitaeff than those of A. elegantissima, resulting in a com - 2007). Future study with whole or partitioned A. xan- paratively favorable environment for zoochlorellae thogrammica anemones is needed to determine (Di mond et al. 2012). As compared to A. elegantis- whether tentacles overestimate the amount of algal sima, A. xanthogrammica may favor greater sym- carbon provided to the host, and whether symbiotic biont shading (via thicker body tissues) and cooler contributions vary with symbiont density. body temperatures (via greater gastrovascular water Although the heterotrophic diet of Anthopleura volume), creating a cooler, lower light microclimate xanthogrammica was only represented by 1 prey for the symbiotic algae. This is supported by micro- item (Mytilus californianus), this organism repre- zonation within A. xanthogrammica reported by sents 70% of this anemone’s diet (Dayton 1973, Kitaeff (2007), who found mixed A. xanthogrammica Sebens 1981). Even if anemones at Slip Point con- containing zooxanthellae in the tentacles and crown sume a greater proportion of other invertebrates, the region, and zoochlorellae (alone or mixed) in the mid estimated contribution of heterotrophy would not and base regions, mirroring the overall ‘low temper- change substantially. Dayton (1973) found that ature, low light’ intertidal distribution of zoochlorel- the barnacle Semibalanus cariosus accounted for lae (Bates 2000, Secord & Augustine 2000, Kitaeff approxi mately 18% of A. xanthogrammica prey 2007). (together, the contribution of M. californianus and Anthopleura xanthogrammica appears to be an S. cariosus was nearly 90%). A study on the Olympic intrinsically more suitable host for zoochlorellae Peninsula found little difference between the δ13C than A. elegantissima. Bates et al. (2010) compared values of M. californianus and S. cariosus (−15.67‰ A. xan thogrammica and A. elegantissima of similar and −15.79‰, respectively; Tallis 2009). sizes that co-occurred in tidepools and rock crevices Algal symbionts may also receive carbon and nitro- and found that more than 95% of A. elegantissima gen from their host, leading to host and symbiont sta- individuals contained primarily zooxanthellae, while ble isotope values becoming closer and resulting in 55% of A. xanthogrammica individuals contained overestimates of symbiont contributions in the Isoer- primarily zoochlorellae. It is possible that the rela- ror mixing model (Phillips & Gregg 2001). Nitrogen tively high nutritional contributions of zoochlorellae 92 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 79–94, 2012

observed in the present study are typical for the Acknowledgements. We thank B. Bingham for statistical A. xanthogrammica symbiosis. Future studies di - advice and D. Donovan for thoughtful comments on this research, which was completed in partial fulfillment of rectly comparing the algal productivity and carbon M.R.L.’s M.S. degree requirements at Western Washington translocation of zoochlorellate A. xanthogrammica University. The helpful comments of 2 anonymous reviewers and A. elegantissima are needed to resolve this ques- improved this manuscript. G. Headley, J. Dimond, J. Con- tion. Similarly, further research with populations of rad, I. Freytes, A. Fletcher, R. Allee, T. Ritchie, and M. Par - ker provided field assistance, and N. Schwarck, G. McKeen, A. xanthogrammica hosting a more balanced propor- J. Apple and the Western Washington University Biology tion of zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae, if these exist, stockroom staff provided technical assistance. Funding was is needed to test the relative contributions of each provided by grants from the National Science Foundation algal symbiont to host nutrition. (NSF IOS 0822179), Western Washington University Fund Hypothesized ecological responses to predicted for the Enhancement of Graduate Research, and a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research. Field samples were collected in global warming include poleward shifts in the latitu- accordance with Washington State Scientific Collection Per- dinal ranges of species (Barry et al. 1995, Southward mit no. 08-078A. This work took place while G.M.P. served et al. 1995, Sagarin et al. 1999, Parmesan et al. 2005) in a position at the National Science Foundation. Any opin- and localized extinction in ‘hotspots’ caused by the ion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations ex - pressed in this material are those of the authors and do not interaction of mid-day summer low tides and increas- necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foun- ingly extreme temperatures (Helmuth et al. 2002). It dation. is likely that many unexpected responses will also occur. For example, warm-water species of Por- tuguese macroalgae have expanded poleward as LITERATURE CITED expected during the previous 50 yr warming period, Baghdasarian G, Muscatine L (2000) Preferential expulsion but cold-water species have shifted equally north- of dividing algal cells as a mechanism for regulating ward and southward (Lima et al. 2007). Because dis- algal-cnidarian symbiosis. 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Editorial responsibility: Brian Helmuth, Submitted: September 1, 2010; Accepted: January 13, 2012 Columbia, South Carolina, USA Proofs received from author(s): April 24, 2012