Helix: Algorithm/Architecture Co-design for Accelerating Nanopore Genome Base-calling Qian Lou Sarath Janga Lei Jiang
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University - Purdue Indiana University Bloomington University Indianapolis ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Nanopore genome sequencing is the key to enabling personalized nanopore sequencing; base-calling; processing-in-memory medicine, global food security, and virus surveillance. The state-of- ACM Reference Format: the-art base-callers adopt deep neural networks (DNNs) to trans- Qian Lou, Sarath Janga, and Lei Jiang. 2020. Helix: Algorithm/Architecture late electrical signals generated by nanopore sequencers to digital Co-design for Accelerating Nanopore Genome Base-calling. In Proceedings DNA symbols. A DNN-based base-caller consumes 44:5% of to- of the 2020 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation tal execution time of a nanopore sequencing pipeline. However, Techniques (PACT ’20), October 3–7, 2020, Virtual Event, GA, USA. ACM, New it is difficult to quantize a base-caller and build a power-efficient York, NY, USA, 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3410463.3414626 processing-in-memory (PIM) to run the quantized base-caller. Al- though conventional network quantization techniques reduce the 1 INTRODUCTION computing overhead of a base-caller by replacing floating-point Genome sequencing [8, 21, 34, 35, 37] is a cornerstone for enabling multiply-accumulations by cheaper fixed-point operations, it sig- personalized medicine, global food security, and virus surveillance. nificantly increases the number of systematic errors that cannot The emerging nanopore genome sequencing technology [15] is be corrected by read votes. The power density of prior nonvolatile revolutionizing the genome research, industry and market due to memory (NVM)-based PIMs has already exceeded memory thermal its ability to generate ultra-long DNA fragments, aka long reads, tolerance even with active heat sinks, because their power efficiency as well as provide portability.