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[email protected] 613-798-2411 of tireless volunteerism> p. 12 Brokerage, Independently Owned And Operated Ottawa Jewish Bulletin APRIL 27, 2015 | 8 IYAR 5775 ESTABLISHED 1937 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | $2 Six million remembered at moving Yom HaShoah ceremony Pinchas Gutter told his inspiring story of surviving the Holocaust as a child, PHOTO: HOWARD SANDLER while Julien Klener (From left) Holocaust survivors Elly Bollegraaf, Gustav Hecht, Judith Kune, Vera Gara, Eva Gelbman and Vera Kovesi gather beside the Art Glass Memorial Light during the Yom HaShoah ceremony, April 15, after lighting candles in memory of the six million Jews warned of the murdered in the Holocaust. “ill wind” of f you didn’t have anyone to hold the trauma of the Holocaust affected in his wine cellar. It was due to the anti-Semitism onto, you were lost,” keynote children very differently than adults. kindness of the winery’s caretaker – who speaker Pinchas Gutter told the “We had no [previous] emotional carried Gutter’s father home on his back sweeping across ‘Ihushed audience of more than baggage,” he said, adding that, instead, – that he survived the beating. 450 gathered at the Soloway Jewish many children who survived the “My eyes were cameras,” documenting Europe 70 years later Community Centre, April 15, for Ottawa’s Holocaust were emotionally stunted and everything, he said as he described scenes Yom HaShoah ceremony.