Selecting Lawn Grasses, from Bahia to Zoysia

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Selecting Lawn Grasses, from Bahia to Zoysia ommended. Ordinary mercury and These are unsightly, and interfere with high-pressure sodium lamps are satis- plant growth. Syringing with water factory, but require special installation. sometimes is sufficient. But you may A lighting engineer can help you with have to resort to soapy water, heated your garden lighting plans. to a little above air temperature. Other than selecting annuals that are Use only a very mild soap (not a resistant to air pollution damage, there laundry powder or liquids). Apply the is little that can be done to protect solution to the foliage with a laundry them from this menace. It does pay, sprinkler, avoiding excessive runoff or however, to reduce the amount of nitro- drip. In 5 or 10 minutes, flush off the gen fertilizer applied and the frequency grime with a fine nozzle on the hose. of watering. High soil moisture and Many a gardener becomes discour- nitrogen levels cause soft, succulent aged when summer heat, wind, drought, growth which is particularly suscepti- pollution, and other hazards take their ble to air pollutants. Moderate applica- toll. But growing annuals can be fun. tions will retard growth and make the Avoid overextending yourself—^plant plants better able to survive. what you can take care of properly. Although no practical antipollutant Above all, don't be a "scratch and chemical treatments are available, anti- plant" gardener. transpirant sprays may be of some Good gardening practices improve benefit. These are latex, wax, or plastic your chances of success, and help you waterproofing materials that are sprayed reap the rewards and satisfactions of on the foliage and stems in spring beautifying the environment—at least and summer when growth is rapid. your little corner of the world—with Antitranspirant products are sold by flowering annuals. garden supply dealers. Apply according to directions on the container. For further reading: Dust, soot, fly ash, and other solid U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grow- residues—another form of pollution— ing Flowering Annuals. Home and Garden also settle on plants in the garden. Bulletin 91, Wash., D.C. 20250, 1970. selecting lawn grasses, from bahia to zoysia GRASSES constitute one of the most ap- large part on climatic conditions. Cool- pealing parts of our outdoor environ- season grasses grow best in the North ment. They provide recreational and and warm-season grasses in the South. beautification areas for children and The growth cycle of grasses varies grownups in the form of lawns, athletic with temperature. fields, golf links, parks, and roadsides. Seedbed preparations are similar for Most people may fail to realize that establishing nearly all grasses. First you grasses are important in pollution con- should plow, disk, or rototill to loosen trol. They prevent wind and water the subsoil. erosion and they supply vital organic Lime is generally required for soils matter to the soil. They also absorb east of the Mississippi River. Apply 50 carbon dioxide and enrich the atmos- to 80 pounds of ground limestone per phere with oxygen through plant photo- 1,000 square feet every 5 to 6 years. synthesis. When there is uncertainty about the Selection of turfgrasses depends in need for lime, the soil should be tested. Ill RELATION OF TEMPERATURE TO GROWTH RATE IN COOL AND WARM SEASON GRASSES ■M« *ft ^'1 * M 1\ \ m 110° 120" TEMPERATURE If lime is needed, it should be incor- evenly over the seedbed with a spreader porated into the soil, along with 30 to or by hand. If the seed is applied by 40 pounds of phosphorus 0-20-0 per hand, mix it with sand or soil to pro- 1,000 square feet. On established vide bulk. Half of the seed should be lawns, apply lime on the surface. sown in one direction and the other Before planting seed, sprigs, or sod half at a right angle to the first seeding. pieces, apply a complete fertilizer con- Lightly rake the seed into the soil to a taining nitrogen, phosphorus, and pot- depth of a quarter of an inch. ash. The analyses on the bag are always Scatter weed-free straw, hay, pine listed in the order mentioned. For needles, or other mulch material over example, a 10-6-4 fertilizer contains the seeded area. Mulch reduces erosion 10 percent nitrogen, 6 percent phos- and provides shade and favorable phorus, and 4 percent potash. moisture conditions for the emerging Apply 10 pounds of a fertilizer con- seedlings. One 60- to 80-pound bale of taining 10 percent nitrogen per 1,000 mulch is about enough per 1,000 square feet and rake into the soil. square feet. About half of the soil Apply with a 20-10-10 fertilizer, 5 should be visible after the mulch is pounds per 1,000 square feet. laid. Water the area lightly two or three Fertilizer is seldom required on times daily until the seedlings become western soils where blue grama and established. Mulching materials need bufïalograsses are used for turf. not be removed if you use them in Plant the seed adapted to your region moderate amounts and distribute them well. Author FELIX V. JUSKA is a Turf-Re- Most southern grasses such as ber- search Agronomist in the Forage and mudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, and Range Research Branch, Plant Science Re- zoysia are established from sprigs (in- search Division, Agricultural Research Service. dividual plants or runners) or pieces of Coauthor KERMIT W. KREITLOW was sod. The sod or sprigs can be planted Assistant Chief of the Forage and Range at 1-foot intervals. However, the closer Research Branch. He died in 1971. together the sprigs, plugs (round cores 112 of grass and soil), or sod pieces are Late August and September are the planted, the more rapidly your lawn best times for renovating cool-season will become established. lawns, although seeding bare areas in If your lawn has thinned out so only early spring is frequently successful. half of the perennial grasses remain, Southern grasses that spread by you can still restore it without plowing runners (stolons) may be sprigged or and reseeding the entire area. sodded into dead areas without much For cool-season grasses (Kentucky soil preparation. Make a slit in the soil bluegrass, red fescue, bentgrass, etc.) with a spade, insert the sprig, and firm rake dead areas to remove the thatch the soil with your foot. Soil can be and loosen up the soil. The seed must stripped with a spade and sod pieces come in contact with the soil in order laid and firmed into the soil the same to germinate. way as with sprigs. Water the replanted After seeding, raking, and mulch- areas and apply fertilizer over the en- ing, spread fertilizer over the lawn at tire lawn. Continue to mow as usual. recommended rates. Water the newly Cool-season grasses make their best seeded areas two or three times daily. growth in the fall and spring—Ken- Continue to mow the lawn at the rec- tucky bluegrass, red fescue. Colonial ommended height for the species. bentgrass, crested wheatgrass, ryegrass. CLIMATIC REGIONS, IN WHICH THE FOLLOWING GRASSES ARE SUITABLE FOR LAWNS: 1. Kentucky bluegrass, red fescue, and 4. Noninigated areas: Crested wheat, Colonial bentgrass. Tall fescue, bermuda, buffalo, and blue gramagrasses. Irrigated and zoysiagrasses in the southern part. areas: Kentucky bluegrass and red fescue. 2. Bermuda and zoysiagrasses. Centi- 5. Noninigated areas: Crested wheat- pede, carpet, and St. Augustinegrasses in grass. Irrigated areas: Kentucky bluegrass the southern part; tall fescue and Kentucky and red fescue. bluegrass in some northern areas. 6. Colonial bent, Kentucky bluegrass. 3. St. Augustine, bermuda, zoysia, car- and red fescue. pet, and bahiagrasses. 113 Lawn Grasses: Planting Time, Propagation, Fertilization, and Mowing Height Fertilizer Seed (lbs. of (lbs. per nitrogen Height of Best planting 1,000 Sod 1,000 mowing Grass time sq. ft.) (sq. ft.}' sq. ft.) (in.) Bahia Spring 2-3 4 2 Bentgrass, Colonial Fall 1-2 4-6 1/2-1 Bermuda (hulled) Spring 1-lVi 5-10 5-10 3^-1 Blue grama " 1-lVi 1-2 Buffalo (treated) " Vi-V/i 25-30 1-2 Carpet " 3-4 8-10 2-3 2-21/2 Centipede " í4-i/i 8-10 2-3 1-11/2 Crested wheat Fall 1-2 0-1 2 Ky. bluegrass " ... 11/2-2 3-6 11/2-2 Red fescue " ... , 3-4 2-3 11/2-2 Rough bluegrass " ... , 11/2-2 2-4 11/2-2 Ryegrass '' ... , 3-4 3-4 11/2-2 St. Augustine Spring None 8-10 4-5 2-21/2 Tall fescue Fall . 5-6 3-5 2 Zoysia Spring None 8-10 4-6 3^-11/2 ' Needed to sprig 1,000 sq. ft. ^ Seldom required on most soils. rough bluegrass, and tall fescue. Warm- tatum), a seeded perennial bunchgrass, season grasses are planted in the spring will thrive in most of the soils of the and make their best growth during the northern Great Plains and intermoun- summer months—bermuda, bahia, blue tain areas (regions 4 and 5). It is rec- grama, buffalo, carpet, St. Augustine, ommended for dry, cool areas where zoysia, and centipede grasses. Cli- irrigation water is not available. matic regions of lawn grass adaptation Crested wheatgrass withstands long, are shown in the map with this chapter. dry periods and heavy wear if not For planting times, propagation, fer- mowed too closely. It grows mostly in tilization, and mowing height, see the the fall and spring and becomes dor- table on this page. mant during hot summer months. Colonial bentgrass {Agrostis tennis) Kentucky bluegrass {Poa pratensis) is a fine-textured grass with a few is a hardy, long-lived, perennial, sod- creeping stems and underground root- forming grass that spreads by under- stocks (rhizomes).
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