Family History For You February 2016 FH4U 010 Hello Everyone, Welcome to this the first newsletter of 2016, Happy New year and the very best wishes for a successful year of research. Writing this in December the year is already looking very busy, starting on March 10th with the U3A Network Family History Study Day, WDYTYA Live in Birmingham at the NEC April 7-9, although I will be there on Wednesday 6th April helping with the setting up. Do come and say hello, I will be mostly be on the S&N Genealogy Supplies stand. After that I am talking at a U3A workshop for family history group leaders and potential group leaders in Crawley. Very, very sadly, I had very few emails with feedback regarding the newsletter, I guess it is time to really consider the point of this newsletter. One of these emails was from Ian which you can read later in this newsletter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ******************- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I am starting with a request, it would be wonderful if we could help this family to get back together again. Were you born in the Mar Q 1951 as Josef Krystof, and later adopted? A family member is hoping to find you, she only found out of your existence recently. It is said that a Polish family may have adopted you and you/they could have travelled from England to Venezuela. Maybe you know someone who might have been born Josef, in which case, sensitively, could you make them aware of this request. Zofia would love to heard from you her email address
[email protected] or if you prefer I am happy to be an intermediary in which case my email address is
[email protected] If you have a request then I am happy to consider it, maybe you are struggling to find records to resolve a problem, or you have heard or know of something of interest, remember this newsletter is for you and needs you and your input.