JavaScript Web Developer Giorgio Mazzei (MEAN / MERN)


Address Flat 8 - 8 Cambalt Road - London - SW15 6EW Mobile +44 7415882971 E-mail [email protected] LinkedIn GitHub Website

App examples -


Mar 2018 - May 2018 Flock LTD Development of a React Native + React Redux app deployed to IOS and Android through Microsoft App Center.

Development and deployment of an package used as language package for the React Native app.

Development and deployment of different Node.js microservices as backend of the React Native app and using PostgreSQL as database.

The services and the app have unit tests using Jest, Enzyme, Sinon.

The app has also E2E tests using Mocha.

The services have also integration tests using Mocha.

The app and the services are hosted in GitHub private repositories and when a feature branch is merged to master, CircleCI runs the planned tests.

Full Agile/Scrum working environment. Jan 2016 - Feb 2018 Globility LTD Web development of:

1) A dashboard written in Angular 5, Typescript, ES6, (2), Material Angular(2), D3JS(v.4), visualizing data ingested from an Elasticsearch database. The core algorithm uses iterators and generators for asynchronous operations. The backend of the app is written in NodeJS and ExpressJS and handles the queries to the DB.

2) A portal written in Angular 5, Typescript, ES6, Webpack(2), Material Angular(2). The UI of the app contains non orthogonal shapes rendered and animated by using the HTML5 canvas. The backend of the app is written in NodeJS and ExpressJS and is capable to send emails through EmailJS. The backend handles also a OAuth 2 Login authentication through the LinkedIn API.

3) A Skype-like client for a telecommunication API. The app is written in React 16, Flux, Flow, ES6, Webpack(2), Material-UI, Radium, React-Router and collects data from a different API using Fetch and The app has WebRTC capabilities and uses the JSSIP library.

4) A portal written in AngularJS 1, ES6, JQuery, Bootstrap3 and Highcharts.

The apps were developed in a Node environment and deployed on in-house Ubuntu servers with PM2 and NGINX and their sessions are synchronised through Redis.

I’ve also set and optimised a BELK stack (Beat, Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana) ingesting metrics and data from different VMs and secured by X-Pack. The task involved writing filters in Regex through Grok for Logstash.

Aug 2015 - Nov 2015 Dauntless Agency Development of different fully responsive dynamic websites using ES5 HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery Bootstrap, WordPress and PHP. Jun 2015 - Aug 2015 - Personal website Development of the second version of my website. Using Angular, ES5, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, TweenMax, Velocity.js, TouchSwipe.js, MouseWheel.js. The website shows content pulled from a MongoDB instance and is hosted in a VM in DigitalOcean.

Jan 2015 - Apr 2015 “Ruiyun Jiang” website Development of a fully responsive web portfolio for a London based designer using ES5, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, WordPress, PHP. Sep 2014 - Dec 2014 “Made by Italians” website

Development of a fully responsive static website for an Italian business promotion start-up using HTML5, CSS3, ES5, jQuery.

Mar 2014 - Aug 2014 – Personal website

A simple static website written in ES5, HTML5, CSS3.

Apr 2012 - May 2012 Renata Maida Architects

Architectural design using Photoshop, Illustrator, Autocad, 3DStudio.

Dec 2011 - Mar 2012 University of “Sapienza” – Rome

Database development of the Italian TEN - T (Trans-European Network - Transport) using Excel.

June 2009 - Jan 2010 CISAP Studio

Energy consumption evaluation and certification for different housing projects using Photoshop, Autocad, others.

Apr 2009 - Dec 2009 Engineers Board of Rome

Geolocation of natural and man-made areas in the region of Latium, Italy using GIS software.

Mar 2007 - Mar 2009 University of “Tor Vergata” - Rome

Design, construction, direction and overall project management of a microelectronics laboratory, using Photoshop, Illustrator, Autocad, 3DStudio.

IT Skills

Languages ES6 - TypeScript - HTML5 - CSS3 - SCSS - PHP - SQL FE frameworks Angular 1 - Angular2+ - ReactJS (Flux and Redux) - jQuery - TweenMax BE frameworks Node.js - Express.js Test frameworks Jest - Mocha - Enzyme - Sinon UI libraries Material UI - Angular Material - Bootstrap - D3JS - Highcharts Other libraries JSSIP - WebRTC DBs MongoDB - Elasticsearch - Redis - PostgreSQL Database Tools Robo 3T - Kibana CMSs Wordpress - Craft Source Code editors Version Control Git Git Clients SourceTree / command line Agile environment Scrum with Jira and Confluence Office Software Word – Excel – Power Point - Pages - Numbers - Keynote - Google office online software

Graphics Software Photoshop – Illustrator – InDesign – Premiere Pro – Affinity Designer – Affinity Photo – Gimp - Inkscape OSs OSX – Windows - Linux (Ubuntu) Languages

English Independent - Cambridge ESOL First Certificate in English Italian Mother tongue


2010 - 2011 Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, 1st - First Class Honours

University of “Sapienza” – Rome - Italy

Mathematical Models for Engineering, Autocad command script programming in Excel, VBE, Statistics

1999 - 2007 Master’s Degree in Architectural Engineering, 2:1 - Second Class, First Division Honours

University of “Tor Vergata” – Rome - Italy

2D/3D Computer Graphics, Architecture Composition, History of Art

1992 - 1997 BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT and Computing - Distinction (D)

St. Filippo Neri Institute – Rome - Italy

Software (Turbo Pascal - C++) design and development - Automatic Systems - Electronics

About me

I love watching films whenever I have a bit of time, running along the Thames and cooking spicy Italian food. :)