January 2019 • Tevet/Shevat 5779 Happy Birthday to our Trees! Tu BiShvat begins Sunday, January 20 and has become an ecological holiday that reminds Jews of our connection to the earth and to our role as caretakers of the environment. It is customary to donate money to plant trees in or locally.

Join us for Tu B’Shabbat on Friday, January 18 Our Shabbat service will include special music, an environmental speaker and more, all followed by a “Seven Species” themed Oneg Shabbat, hosted by LAF (Life After Fifty) and our Adamah Initiative groups. See pages 7 & 10 for details. JANUARY EVENTS SCHEDULE

Wednesday 2 Wednesday 16 6:30pm – IndyChai Board Meeting 6:30pm – Derech Torah Tuesday 8 Sunday 20 12:00pm – Jewish Book Club 8:00 IFTY Ski Trip 7:00pm – Needle Night at Morningside Monday 21 Wednesday 9 ECC Closed 6:30pm – Derech Torah Building Closed 6:30pm – Sisterhood Board Meeting Wednesday 23 Thursday 10 9:30am – Torah Talk 5:00pm – Adamah Meeting Wednesday 25 Friday 11 IFTY Winter Kallah 10:30am – LAF Tour of Scottish Rite Sunday 27 Cathedral IFTY Winter Kallah Saturday 12 9:30am – Stitch n’ Kvetch at Morningside 8:45am – Rishonim at Gleaners 10:30am – Derech Torah Sunday 13 Wednesday 30 9:00am – Chicken Noodle Lunch 6:30pm – Derech Torah WELCOME TO OUR NEW by Brotherhood DIRECTOR OF THE 65TH 9:30am – Stitch n’Kvetch 10:30am – Derech Torah STREET KLEZMORIM 11:00am – Small Chai Event Shawn Goodman, joins IHC as our new Director of our Klezmer Band. You may already know Shawn, she was part of our Shabbat instrumentalists while Cantor Roger was here and she played a beautiful Mozart piece during our Hanukkah on Shabbat service on December 7. Shawn is a master at clarinet and saxophone, she teaches music and music theory and we are lucky to have her. You can read more about her at shawngoodmanjazz.com. Please welcome Shawn, when you see her at IHC. JANUARY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Friday, January 4 Friday, January 18 5:30pm – Remembrance Service 5:30pm – Remembrance Service 6:15pm – Traditional Shabbat Service 6:15pm – Nefesh Shabbat Service ONEG SHABBAT HOSTS Shabbat – Va-eira: Ex. 6:2-9:35 Shabbat – B’shalach: Ex. 13:17-17:16 Saturday, January 5 Saturday, January 19 NEEDED FOR 2019 8:30am – Shabbat Morning Warmup 8:30am – Shabbat Morning Warmup Our weekly gathering allows us to nosh 9:00am – Tanakh Study 9:00am – Tanakh Study a little and schmooze a little to celebrate 10:30am – Shabbat Worship; Bat Mitzvah 10:30am – Shabbat Worship; Bat Mitzvah Shabbat and get to know one another. of Sarah Oancea of Ariel Covitz Sisterhood provides the grape juice, wine Friday, January 11 Friday, January 25 and challah each week, but it takes all of 5:30pm – Remembrance Service 5:30pm – Remembrance Service us to make a full spread possible. Hosting 6:15pm – Traditional Shabbat Service 5:30pm – Tot Shabbat an Oneg Shabbat is a great way to honor 6:15pm – Mispacha Means Family 6:15pm – Traditional Shabbat Service a celebration in your family or remember Shabbat – Bo: Ex. 10:1-13:16 Shabbat Yitro: Ex. 18:1-20:23 a loved one. Please do your part and sign Saturday, January 12 Saturday, January 26 up to host an Oneg Shabbat, there are 8:30am – Shabbat Morning Warmup 8:30am – Shabbat Morning Warmup plenty of 2019 dates available. Visit the 9:00am – Tanakh Study 9:00am – Tanakh Study SignUpGenius section at ihcindy.org or 10:30am – Shabbat Worship; Bat Mitzvah 10:30am – Shabbat Worship call Brandon Hale at IHC and he can get of Ella Glowacki you signed up.

2 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org MAZEL TOV! We announce with joy these Bar/Bat Mitzvot ...

Sarah Oancea will called to the Torah on January 5, 2019. She is the daughter of Damion and Marla Oancea. She is in the 7th grade at TELL & KVELL Clay Middle School. Sarah enjoys Tap and Jazz dance and Art and Congrats and Condolences likes to hang out with Family and Friends. We note with happiness the birth of: • Alexander Sawyer Glare, grandson of Wendy Anderson; parents Jennifer and Zachary Glare; sisters Sadie and Zoey Ella Glowacki is in 7th grade at Carmel Middle School. She will Glare be called to the Torah on January 12, 2019. She is the daughter of We note with sorrow Karen and Jeremy Glowacki, and sister to Talia Glowacki. Ella loves the deaths of: Disney, reading, acting and musical theatre. Ella is in her school’s • Charlotte Kline, wife of Jack competition Show Choir group, Class Act, and is a member of the Junior Thespian Society. Kline; mother of Jennifer Kline (Michael) Sontz and Adam Kline • William Campbell, father of Mary (Todd) Roth; grandfather of Lauren and Julia Roth • Stanley Heimansohn Ariel Covitz will be called to the Torah on January 19, 2019. She is the daughter of Mark and Stacy Covitz and has 3 older sisters: • Joseph Modiano, father Hannah, Tatum, and Emma. She is in 7th grade at Carmel Middle of Brian (Ellen) Modiano School. Ariel plays soccer and plays the flute in band. She loves • John Lewis, husband of Sue Rosie, her dog, and Pebbles, her guinea pig. Lewis. • Lois Ackerman, mother of John (Kathleen) Ackerman • Sally Kline Mazel Tov to: • Wald Family, on the naming Gabriel Vasquez-Jaffe was called to the Torah on December 28 at of Audrey the World Union for Progressive Judaism in Jerusalem. He is the son of Tracey Jaffe and Hector Vasquez and brother to Alexander (Jano). • Sisterhood, on receiving Gabriel is a 7th grade honor student at the Hasten Hebrew Academy WRJ awards for Innovative of Indianapolis. He is an accomplished pianist, plays traveling-team Program for Rosh Chodesh soccer, and loves travel and learning foreign languages. and Honorable Mentions for Hanukkah Sip & Shop and Women’s Seder • Amy Micon, receiving the Deborah Award from WRJ and IHC Sisterhood • Denis Kurmarov, on being named to the Union of Reform Judaism’s (URJ) JewV’Nation • Cynthia Yosha-Snyder, awarded 2018 Realtor of the Year, Hamilton County Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors

IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org 3 CLERGY CORNER

Rabbi Brett Krichiver; [email protected]

Many of you have asked me how to get involved in the unfolding situation outside of El Paso, Texas. Soon up to 4,000 children will be detained there indefinitely after crossing our border, seeking asylum. A few weeks ago I made the pilgrimage myself to see the Internment camp at Tornillo. Now I feel a desperate need not only to stay involved, but also to share with you what I experienced. In the words of one of the daily protestors in Tornillo, once you have seen (or heard), your heart will not let you turn away. The drive through the desert reminded each of the dozens of rabbis on our trip of driving through the Judean hills, headed out of Jerusalem towards the Dead Sea. We knew that in Texas the desolation was intentional. The camp is out of sight, and the administration hopes that it will remain out of mind. The only purpose for this camp is to deter other immigrants from attempting to seek asylum. Having faced unspeakable horrors in their home countries, the land of opportunity and refuge has provided neither to thousands of migrants. Hundreds of clergy from every denomination gathered not to protest as much as to bear witness. Rabbis Josh Whinston and Miriam Terlinchamp, who organized our rally, shared that local faith groups are involved in helping provide education, clothing, and every kind of donation to these children. But they highlighted that the healthy and legal process of absorbing immigrants in El Paso has effectively ended as our border has become increasingly militarized. And as our President promises to send thousands of troops to secure our border against an imagined flood of terrorists, Middle Easterners, and hardened criminals, faith-based resources on the ground showed us the truth. We were there to bear witness to them. We sang, “Let us gather all together in the cold and in the heat, and make a vow that history’s cruel lesson won’t repeat. We will not stand idly by and watch our values die when we heed the call for justice we are praying with our feet.” A Muslim who travelled from Michigan with our caravan shared: “[All our] scripture states clearly to love and serve the needy, the refugee, our neighbors near and far. I truly appreciate it is the mandate of every nation to secure its borders, but we must do so in a way that maintains our American values, while preserving the respect and dignity of those who turn to us in their time of need; without causing harm or suffering in particular to these poor children. As a parent,” she sobbed, “I am horrified and utterly heartbroken for these children.” And we chanted—Change begins with me. Change begins with me. Change begins with me. Peace. Peace will. Peace will come. Let it begin with me. A local Catholic girls’ school attended our rally, all in uniforms and somber faces. Nuns in t-shirts pronouncing their solidarity with those imprisoned at Tornillo. And after we sang songs and shared appreciation of one another’s presence, many of these girls broke into tears, and ran to hug us. Fresh in their hearts were immediate family members imprisoned in Tornillo’s camp. Over and over again, through tears and in broken English, they told us, “May God bless you,” “thank you for being here.” One schoolgirl held a sign which read: “Once I tried to write a history of immigrants in America, and then I realized that immigrants were American history.” Before the next speaker we paused for a moment of silence as we did every time a busload of children drove into the camp. The buses were heavily armored with gates and prison screens, windows blacked out so we could not see in. We could barely make out the waving arms of children, hopefully reading our signs in English and in Spanish quoting from Exodus 22—You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” A dozen or more buses entered the camp in the single hour of our rally. We understand that many more enter the camp under the cover of night. Tornillo is not an exception. This camp is a blueprint for what is to come as funding increases to ICE. We bear the responsibility of actions committed by our government in our name, and on our soil. These are not “illegals,” nor have they broken any laws. Narrowly avoiding devastation in their home countries, they have attempted to enter the United States, drawn by its promise of 200 years, to welcome the poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free. What is next? How can we stay involved? We are currently planning a collection of supplies to send to Tornillo, as well as continued engagement with our local officials so that they might act on our behalf. Please stay tuned in for updates on lobbying and fundraising efforts. Today we need to provide a voice for the voiceless. (Continued on page 5)

4 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org CLERGY CORNER (continued)

Our congregation will always dedicate itself to fighting injustice and poverty in Indianapolis. Our congregation will always dedicate itself to fighting injustice and poverty in Israel. And our congregation will always strive to be the light for justice, morality, humanity and A WELL-DESERVED compassion for all those who seek to make this great nation their home, wherever they SABBATICAL are. Tornillo is very far out of our way, no matter where you are trying to go. But now I Best wishes to Rabbi Krichiver who, can say I have walked over the bridge of the Americas, crossing the Rio Grande on foot as after eight years with us, is taking have thousands of migrants before me. I have seen the encampments where they slept, a well-deserved sabbatical, which the artwork they left on underpasses and cement canvases to tell their story and ask for will allow him to rest, study and witness. experience new facets of Jewish The line on that bridge is long, and will only get longer as more military are sent to replace spirituality and learning. Our senior compassionate border agents and social services with walls, obstacles, and weaponry. Rabbi has chosen to spend part Now that I have seen it, my heart will not let me leave. Our voice must be heard. And now of his sabbatical working with the that you have heard, you must raise your voice as well. “B’chol vador, chayav adam lirot Indiana Repertory Theater on their et atzmo kilu hu yatza mi’miztrayim—In every generation, every person must learn to feel as if production of the Diary of Anne they themselves had been transported out of Egypt.” This is our Hagaddah, the tale we tell to Frank. He will be working closely with our children each and every Passover. If we mean it, we cannot afford to turn away from the director, designers, and actors Tornillo. We are still in that desert. to create a play both historically accurate and emotionally relevant. Our competent and compassionate IHC’S MITZVAH STITCHERS ARE MORE THAN JUST PRETTY clergy team, Cantor Aviva Marer and Rabbi Scott Fox will be FACES CREATING PRETTY THINGS responding to all of the needs of The Mitzvah Stitchers not only help folks by making clothing and blankets to help our congregants. They will continue soothe people’s souls and provide physical comfort, we also go about doing it in an to make pastoral calls, arrange for environmentally conscious way! funerals, make hospital visits and • We use donated yarn and needles. Folks have been very generous in giving us respond to any pastoral requests. supplies that they can no longer use. Whenever we run low, donations just seem They will also continue to cover our to appear. religious services and work with our • If we need to buy supplies, we attempt to acquire them on the secondary market B’nai Mitzvah and religious school (garage sales, rummage sales) first. students and their families. Our • We pack our products for donation in the zippered plastic covers that protect talented educators, wonderful staff, new comforters and mattress covers for sale. We reuse these over and over. and committed lay leaders will all be • We communicate as much as possible through email—we print fewer than available to help out. 25 double-sided sheets of handouts per year. We no longer print patterns; we Rabbi Krichiver will return to our maintain a Pinterest board and email links. community at the beginning of • Our storage bins were donated by another temple department that no longer March. Please join us for Nefesh needed them. Shabbat services on March 15th. • We donate yarn and supplies that we can’t use for our projects to the IHC Early There, interspersed with the Childhood Center and the art therapy programs at the Julian Center. beautiful music of our own talented • We collect “small balls,” the ends of skeins of yarn that are too small to make a Nefesh Team, Rabbi Krichiver will project by themselves. We combine these to make colorful lap blankets and bring share reflections on his sabbatical. interest to other, plainer projects. Mark your calendar and plan to help • We save leftover bits of yarn that are smaller than small balls and give them to us welcome him back, refreshed and Teachers Treasures for students to use in art projects, so none of our supplies are renewed. wasted. • We try to send our donations with someone who is already making the same trip for work or to volunteer at the agency. • Some of our members save their takeout containers and bring them in for the Temple's Family Promise-IHN guests to use to take their lunches to work or the day center. We still have a long way to go. We do use acrylic yarn—unfortunately, natural fibers won’t withstand the industrial washing settings our recipients live in (assisted living facilities, homeless shelters). We are pursuing purchasing a pre-owned, reusable, sturdy-yet-carry-able set of dishes, silverware and cups (and possibly napkins) to use for our annual donation celebration that someone can take home to wash. If you would like to donate materials to the Mitzvah Stitchers or help them become more environmentally conscious, please contact Nicole Keller at [email protected].


Jed Filler, Director of Lifelong Learning; [email protected]

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL AND DERECH TORAH Dates to Remember JOIN OUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF Do you have a passion for a specific Sunday, January 6 No Religious School or Sunday Derech Torah Classes Judaic topic and feel you could share Winter Break that with an 8th or 9th grader? Then Sunday, January13 Religious School & Derech Torah Classes I am looking for you. Please join our Brotherhood Chicken & Noodle Lunch, Small Chai Derech Torah staff and enjoy our youth in the process. I am currently Sunday, January 20 No Religious School or Sunday Derech Torah Classes looking for new topics and teachers MLK Weekend for the 2019-2020 Derech Torah Sunday, January 27 Religious School & Derech Torah Classes Program. If you are interested, please Community Yom HaShoah for Youth Grades 5-7 email me at [email protected] and I DERECH TORAH will be in touch. Wednesday Derech Torah Classes January 9, 16, 23, 30 Sunday Derech Torah Classes January 13, 27 & February 3 Be sure to work on your expectation opportunities. Don't forget to sign up at least one time to be a Shabbat Greeter. Simply sign up on IHC’s website or call the Education office to volunteer.

SHALOM CHAVERIM! Even though you are reading this in our new secular year, I am writing it in between Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. There is a lot to report on from the Religious School. 1. JLP: our Jewish Learning Program is up and running! We have integrated Hebrew into our schedule, increased our time spent learning Jewishly, and introduced a brand new way of learning Hebrew—with our Hebrew through Movement program. 2. Hebrew Intensives: our flexible Hebrew program is running smoothly—our first expansion of a Carmel location is a success and our IHC location is running strongly. It is challenging to offer enough opportunities for all of our families to find a time that works, but it seems that we have come very close to accomplishing this goal as well. 3. Kehilla Community: a purposeful time period on Sunday within each grade to create, support, and enhance community building among our students. Run by our teens (under the supervision of Judi Hastings, madrichim coordinator), one program involved decorating cookies. At first glance—so what? They are decorating cookies. But a closer look revealed that 1) BEFORE they could decorate them they had to answer questions about themselves on a card, turn in that card, and 2) CHOOSE a card that wasn’t their own and decorate a cookie based on the card that they chose. Finally, 3) once they decorated the cookie according to the card they chose, they had to FIND the person it belonged to, and then talk about the way they decorated the cookie connected to the answers. Sometimes cookie decorating is more than it seems! Our new JLP has required many adjustments of parents, students, and teachers. We recognize that change is hard, and that our new program isn’t without its bumps and blemishes. In December, we sent out a quick survey to begin our review, and in January we will hold focus groups at IHC to gather direct feedback. Your responses are critically important! The entire program was created based on our families’ participation in our town hall meetings last year, and as we continue to smooth out the bumps, we need you to continue to provide honest and constructive feedback. If you can’t come to any of the focus groups (watch your email for time/date details) any of us would be happy to meet with you. The review process is being headed up by Sheila Yuckman (IHC parent), Ben Greenfield (IHC parent, former BJE and IHC board member), and Sara Weinberger (IHC parent). We are looking forward to the rest of the year as we try to get used to writing 2019 instead of 2018. L’shalom!

6 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org YOUTH GROUPS

Lea Coleman, Youth Director; [email protected] Happy New Year to all our congregants from all of our YOUth!! As you can see we have a busy month coming up and I can’t wait to be with everyone. If YOU and YOUr child would like to donate time to Gleaners and YOU are a part of Rishonim (Grades 3-5), please rsvp immediately to let me know YOU will be there. This has been a very successful program, not just for IHC, but for Gleaners as well. When the lightbulb goes off over a child’s head, it’s an amazing sight to see that they understand what they are doing. I’m so proud of these kids. It’s that time of year again. It’s the annual ski trip. This year it is open to all 7th-12th graders. We will leave IHC by bus on January 20 and return that evening. Please let me know if YOU would like to volunteer and come ski with the children, it can be fun for YOU too! Don’t forget to rsvp so I know how many lift tickets to purchase. IFTY is hosting the NFTY-OV Spring Kallah this coming April. We need your help in making this a successful weekend for our out- of-state friends. If you have a car, you can help. We need home hosts for this fabulous weekend. You do NOT have to have a child in IFTY to help; you just need a place for these lOVely kids to rest their heads, shower, feed them, and. most importantly, transport them from your home to and from IHC. Your help will be most appreciated and welcomed. Please think about this opportunity and contact Lea Coleman with any questions at [email protected] or you can call her at 317-255-6647 ext. 216. As always, I am available and would love to hear from YOU. Please rsvp to any event to my email, [email protected] or call me at 255-6647 ext. 216.

YOUth EVENTS January 12...... Rishonim goes to Gleaners January 13...... Small Chai Event January 13...... JIFTY Board Meeting January 20...... Ski Trip (7th-12th Grades) January 25-27...... IFTY Winter Kallah January 26...... JIFTY Event


Marcia Goldstein, LAF Coordinator, [email protected]

Welcome to LAF—Life After Fifty—IHC’s social program for the “more mature” members of the congregation, age 50+. Our goal is to provide you—whether single, married, divorced or widowed—an opportunity to connect with other congregants by building on existing friendships and encouraging new ones. For more information, contact Marcia Goldstein, LAF Coordinator: [email protected]. Upcoming LAF Events Sign up for these events by going to the IHC website (ihcindy.org) and clicking on the “signupgenius. com” logo on the cover page. You also can sign up by calling Barbara in the IHC office, 255-6647 x219. Shabbat Dinner with Indy Chai: Friday, January 4, services at 6:15pm; dinner & program after Join us for a warm, friendly Shabbat dinner and program following Shabbat services. We’ll meet those who are in their 20-40s and enjoy playing board games after dinner. Cost is only $7 per person! LAF Tu BiShvat Oneg Shabbat: Friday, January 18 LAFers are invited to help provide a lovely Oneg Shabbat to celebrate Tu Bishvat, the “birthday of the trees.” In addition to the “regular” goodies, we’ll have traditional fruits to enjoy. “Dine Around” Dinner, The Old Spaghetti Factory: Wednesday, February 13, 6:00pm Enjoy an Italian dinner with LAF at the new Rangeline Road, Carmel location of The Old Spaghetti Factory.

IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org 7 SISTERHOOD

Karen Rossen, IHC Sisterhood President; [email protected]

DEAR WOMEN OF IHC Sisterhood 4 All is now! Sisterhood has always required a dues payment to be listed among its membership. We are very excited to announce that in 2019, EVERY adult woman who is a member in good standing of IHC will be a member of Sisterhood. We opened the Sisterhood membership to promote participation and inclusiveness. Sisterhood has committed to provide the same level of financial support for IHC and the national group, Women of Reform Judaism, and another year of our award-winning programming. Most importantly, we want to enhance our connection to IHC by providing opportunity for spiritual and personal growth for ALL the women of IHC. In taking this step, we look forward to your feeling more a part of Sisterhood, helping to lead and form what Sisterhood does in the IHC community going forward. Even though all adult women of IHC will be members, you will have received a registration form and a request for contribution to support our ongoing program. You can also register online at ihcsisterhood.org. Completing the registration provides feedback on the programs that interest you and gives us a resource for volunteers when woman power is needed to assist Sisterhood or IHC. Our annual plans include seeking membership contributions, along with fundraising and Gift Shop contributions, to provide about $36,000 of support to IHC and Women of Reform Judaism, and to cover our minimal administrative costs. All of our Sisterhood programs, such as Women’s Seder, Sisters-in-the-Sukkah, and Spring and Fall General Membership Meetings, are self-funded with program fees. And we receive some major gifts that allow us fulfill our community projects and develop our sense of community. To start us on the road to our next 100 years of Sisterhood, we are looking forward to you being an active member of Sisterhood. Welcome, Karen Rossen IHC President, 2016 - 2019 GIFT SHOP HOURS SISTERHOOD…STILL AWARD WINNING Monday-Friday...... 10:00am-2:00pm Sunday*...... 9:00am-12:30pm In November, the Central District of Women of Reform Judaism awarded our Sisterhood Friday...... 5:15-6:15pm with several awards. The first goes to our long-time Gift Shop Director, Amy Micon, who won the coveted Deborah Award, This award recognizes one woman from each *When Religious School is in session Sisterhood who has demonstrated extraordinary service and commitment to both By appointment with Amy Micon: 317-339-9082 Sisterhood and Judaism. In the Innovative Programming category, our Sisterhood received the top award for UPCOMING our Rosh Chodesh program, created by VPs of Religious Living: Becky Ristow and Leslie Joseph Lybik. We received honorable mentions for last year’s Hanukkah Sip, Shop & SISTERHOOD EVENTS Schmooze, created by VPs of Membership: Victoria Hyatt Cahn and Patty Goodman Sisterhood Board Meeting...... Jan 9 and for our “Our Time is Now! Collective Voices: Stories from the Women Who Have Hamantashen Baking...... Jan 13, 20, 27 Persisted through Time” Women’s Seder, created by Patty Goodman, Elyse Chuvalas and Sonja Kantor, with great help from and Rabbi Brett Krichiver. Mazel Tov to us!

8 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org

Hamantashen Order Form

Return this completed form to IHC’s main office with payment (made payable to IHC Sisterhood) by March 3rd for pre-orders. PLEASE PRINT! For questions, contact Judy Levy at (317) 371-6870 or by email: [email protected]. Use the order form below for check or cash orders or go to https://ihcsisterhood.org/hamantashen to place a credit card order.

Name______IHC Sisterhood is once again selling our popular Homemade Hamentashen! Our Hamentashen Pre-Sale Phone______is available through March 3rd. Orders will not be taken Email______after Sunday, March 3rd. We should, however, have some bags for sale on March 17th, after the Megillah

# of BAGS reading and during the Purim Carnival. FLAVOR (1 doz/bag) Apricot Pre-Sale: $9/dozen Day of: $10/dozen Blueberry** limited qty – 1st come, 1st served Cherry Pick Up: 9am – 1pm Sunday March 17th Chocolate Chip Please call to make arrangements if you are not able to Poppy pick up your order on Sunday. Orders not picked up by Prune Sunday, March 31 will be donated or disposed of. Raspberry Mixed (no chocolate chip included Curbside Pick Up! Sunday, March 17th, for those who order but are not & no special mixed orders) attending the Megillah reading or Carnival. Please indicate ‘CURBSIDE’ on your order form if interested. Total # of bags When you pull up by the Northside door, your order will Total $ Due $ be brought to you.

IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org 9 BROTHERHOOD

Neal Ginsberg, Brotherhood President; [email protected] MEN OF IHC The stated mission/objective of the IHC Brotherhood is “to promote the fundamental and enduring principles of Judaism, to serve IHC, the Jewish community of Indianapolis and foster brotherhood among the men of the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation”. I hope you would agree, that this is something that all male congregants should support. We are currently in the midst of our 2019 membership drive, and we need you. Brotherhood supports those in the IHC community across all stages of life including: • Cooking and serving dinner for our youngest members at monthly Tot Shabbats • Providing thousands of dollars in religious school, summer camp, and youth event scholarships, as well as Bar/Bat Mitzvah and confirmation gifts • Helping to sponsor special concerts, ushering at High Holy Day services, maintaining the congregational Sukkah, and many other activities In addition to financial support, Brotherhood serves to foster community amongst the men of IHC, something that is increasingly important in this day and age. Through welcoming new male congregants to the community, scheduling social events such as outings to the Indianapolis Indians, tours of local breweries, and our annual Super Bowl Bash, Brotherhood helps to develop friendships amongst those who although may come from different backgrounds share this common bond. Why should I join Brotherhood? • Brotherhood is only able to continue our support of the IHC community due to the generous donations of time, talent and resources from our members • Time spent volunteering with Brotherhood directly benefits IHC, and also benefits you as a volunteer by providing you with a sense of accomplishment knowing that you have helped someone else • Set an example for the youth of our community by being an active participant, by donating time and / or money, helping to shape Jewish life at IHC and in the Indianapolis community All male congregants should have received either an eInvoice, or a membership letter for 2019 dues. For questions or additional information please see the Brotherhood page at https://ihcindy.org/ihcindy.org/who_we_are/brotherhood or email any questions to [email protected].


Dori Chandler, [email protected] Join us at Nefesh Shabbat services on Friday, January 18 for a special Tu B'Shabbat to celebrate the Jewish New Year for the Trees: Tu BiShvat. We will have a special music Did you know? program, a speaker about the relationship between public health, the environment, and our children. LAF and Adamah will co-sponsor a delicious seven species Tu BiShvat We can also honor our trees at home Oneg Shabbat. for Tu BiShvat since they save us money, clean our air and water, and Something else you won't want to miss is the accompanying multi-media art just look good all year round. Every exhibit featuring visual art and even some "poet-tree." If you and/or your children fall, they provide their own mulch! have environmental art of any sort—written, painted, sculpted, etc.—please So, instead of bagging those leaves, share it with us, we would like to display it for the event (email Nica Solomon spread them under your trees, and at [email protected]). they will insulate the roots and return nutrients to the soil. Who doesn't like free fertilizer?

10 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org TEMPLE LIBRARY

Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian; [email protected]

We have been asked about the annual reading incentive program. At present, it does not appear that the popular Religious School-Temple Library sponsored reading incentive program will be held this year. For 25 years this program has been scheduled HAVE YOU RETURNED during a 10-12 week period starting in January. If there are any changes, we will update YOUR GIFT FROM you by means of the weekly email messages. THE HEART PLEDGE Just a recurrent gentle reminder to return all Temple Library books promptly. It helps tremendously when you are able to bring adult, children’s and youth books back to the FORM YET? Library in a timely manner. We appreciate your cooperation. Always feel free to check Back in November, your 2019 Annual with the librarian to see if any books are due. Commitment packet was mailed to What's New you with an expectation that each At a recent Jewish Book Club meeting, we discussed Gateway to the Moon, a novel by and every household would return Mary Morris. The author narrates two parallel stories: one starting in Spain during the their Gift from the Heart pledge Inquisition in 1492; the other taking place 500 years later in New Mexico in 1992. The by December 15. At this time, a tales are fascinating as we learn about Luis de Torres, a true historical figure traveling substantial number of our members with Columbus to the New World. Luis de Torres spoke several languages, which have not yet returned their pledge Columbus thought would be helpful in talking with the natives when he planned to forms. It is vital that we hear back reach his goal of landing in the Orient. Morris then recounts incidents in the world of from you. As you recall, we adopted her characters, including other historical figures, during the years of the Inquisition this model so that our members feel in Spain, Portugal and in Mexico City until a group of Jews settled in remote areas of they have a stake in our financial what is now New Mexico in1579. One of the famous people Morris profiles is Doña success and so that that no one who Gracia Nasi, a Portuguese-born Marrano (her Christian name was Beatrice de Luna) desires to be part of the IHC Family, who was an exceptionally successful businesswoman in the sixteenth century. Nasi is turned away due to financial helped many Marranos escape persecution and tried to establish a Jewish homeland limitations. Please check your stack in Tiberias. of mail and send your form in today. The contemporary story that Morris relates focuses on Miguel Torres, a very believable 15-year-old New Mexican youth with an intense interest in astronomy, and how he slowly comes to recognize that he has Jewish roots. Miguel is a Crypto-Jew, his family lights candles on Friday nights, he does not eat pork and he does not know why. Those are among the customs practiced by all the residents of his small, impoverished, fictional town of Entrada de la Luna. Obviously, Mary Morris excels as a researcher and her writing style makes the reader feel as though he or she is living right along with all the characters. Morris also provides the reader with a Historical Note, a Chronology of the Jews and the Inquisition, and a list of the Principal Characters, all of which are exceedingly helpful in understanding who is related to whom. She includes people whose names are familiar and those who are a figment of her rich imagination. The result is a memorable picture of difficult times in Jewish history as well as insightful descriptions of family relationships and human Future Jewish Book Club selections are posted on the Library page of the IHC website, www.ihcindy.org and in the Kulanu. In addition, you always are welcome to come to the Temple Library. Read, browse, borrow.

JEWISH BOOK CLUB Tuesday, January 8, 2019 | MEMENTO PARK by Mark Sarvas

LOOKING AHEAD Tuesday, February 12, 2019 | TRAITOR by Jonathan de Shalit

Meetings are at 12 noon at IHC in Room 206. Read the book. Bring your lunch. Join the group for a lively discussion. Questions? Contact Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian 255-6647, x217, [email protected].

IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org 11 SOCIAL JUSTICE

Marilyn Smith, Chair, [email protected]

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR DAYSPRING DINNERS IN 2019 For almost twenty years, volunteers from IHC have been providing monthly dinners to homeless families with children at the Dayspring Homeless Shelter, operated by Dayspring Ministries in downtown Indianapolis. From about 5:30 to 7:15pm on the first Sunday of every month, four to five IHC volunteers bring food, serve it to the families at the shelter, and clean up. Dinner “leaders” are responsible for bringing the meat and dessert items. The other volunteers bring the rest of the dinner, such as side dishes and salads. We currently need volunteers for every month in 2019. The entire process takes less than two hours, but the rewards are great: the families are so grateful, and the volunteers have a meaningful opportunity to engage in a Mitzvah Project. It’s also a great family project—child volunteers who are over eight years old are welcome! To volunteer, please go to SignUpGenius on the IHC website or contact Jackie Suess at [email protected].

BE PART OF IHC’S CONSULTATION ON CONSCIENCE DELEGATION IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Please consider joining us for URJ’s 2019 Consultation on Conscience which takes place in Washington, D.C. on May 19-21, 2019. At this three day conference, the IHC delegation will receive specialized training and resources to help us strengthen our community and our social action work. To sign up as part of the IHC delegation go to: https://rac.org/consultation-conscience-2019 Questions? Contact Marilyn Smith at [email protected]. Registration Rates Discount Title Promotion Code Rate Rate begins Rate ends Delegation early DelegationEarly19 $329 Nov 23 Jan 30 Delegation Regular Delegation19 $479 Feb 1 April 8 Delegation Late DelegationLate19 $579 April 8 May 1

YOU HELPED COLLECT 1,500 BAGS OF CLOTHING WHICH PROVIDED $7500 IN GOODWILL VOUCHERS Remember when YOU helped Family Promise by bringing in bags of clothes so our families could get a voucher and shop for themselves? Our friends at Old Bethel United Methodist Church (OBUMC) came in first place, but unhesitatingly agreed to share the title of Fall Clothing Drive winner with IHC in a gesture of solidarity and here's why: “The recent tragedy in Pittsburgh reminded this amazing group about a conversation with Alex Slabosky why IHC always brings their clothing donations to us the week before the formal drop-off period. Why not wait a few more days and see if more donations come to the temple? Alex explained that IHC, like many Jewish temples, have policies in place that bags cannot be left at the congregation for long periods of time. This is due to bomb threats the congregations have received. It was appalling, and yet, sadly believable.” In recognition of the hard work by so many congregation and companies for this drive—including those who take risks just to donate clothes—we thank you all.

12 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org HANUKKAH HELLOS FUNDRAISER Through your help, the first year of Sisterhood's Hanukkah Hellos Fundraiser was a success. Together, we raised over $7500 that will go directly to pay for projects and programs that benefit us all at IHC! And we were able to send Hanukkah Hellos to every IHC family, clergy, staff, teachers and our Boards of Directors. If you did not get a chance to send your Hanukkah Hellos this first time, please plan on helping us out next Hanukkah! The more we raise, the more we can do. Thank you to our 2018 Hanukkah Hellos contributors:

Ruth Anderson Patty & Gary Goodman Susan & Jack Moss Susan Betito & Julien Vandewalle Mary & Jacob Gorden Marla & Damion Oancea Betsy & Jim Backe Melanie & Oren Gottlieb Eloise Paul & Bill Lee Jackie & David Barrett Valentina & Sasha Greenberg Ellen Pactor Ingrid & David Bellman Pauline & Peter Grossman Eve Perlstein Kim & Doug Berebitsky Caryn & Phil Guba Evelyn Pockrass Renee & Jerry Bergstein Judy & Harvey Himelstein Nina & Jeremy Price Carol Bogar Michelle & Scott Himelstein Sarah & Eric Ratner Liz & William Cannon Lori & David Hirsch Jamie & Jason Rich Elyse & Curt Chuvalas Amy & Dwayne Isaacs Becky & Mark Ristow Karen & Chuck Cohen Jan Jacobs Karen & Chuck Rossen Lea & Justin Coleman Tracey & Hector Jaffe Norman Sider Jane & Kevin Corn Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson Denise & Robert Silbert Sara & Brian Cox Phyllis & Kenneth Kaplan Rachel & Dan Silien Myrna & Brian Davis Debbi Kasper Mary & Eric Simons Judie & Tom Doehrman Dana & Marc Katz Marilyn Smith & Andrew McSheffery Patti & Roland Dorson Rebecca & Jeffrey Kosc Judy & Ted Sosin Linda & Andrew Falender Amanda & Alexander Kaufman Lisa & Mark Steingold Taryn & Steve Fartouh Andy Kleiman Megan & Norman Wain Rebecca & Richard Feldman Tami & Rabbi Brett Krichiver Bif Ward Stephanie Fleck Jenny & Howard Levitin Robin & Rick Weiss Bonnie & David Foster Louise & Jerry Litwack Sandy Werner Dori Chandler & Rabbi Scott Fox Nathali & Jethro Lloyd Sara & Jeffrey Weinberger Laurie & Eddie Freeman Diane Lutz Melissa & Steve Williams Enid Gangler Cantor Aviva & Jim Marer Barbara & Phil Wilson Marion Garmel Paula & David Magee Missy & Steve Wise Lynn & Frank Giles Amy & Larry Micon Sheila & Timothy Yuckman Marcia & Marvin Goldstein Cherie & Tom Morgan

IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org 13 YAHRZEIT These we remember…JANUARY 2019

1/1/1944...... Gertrude Krauthamer 1/6/1990...... Mack Henry 1/12/1972..... Selma Paul 1/16/1977..... Leonard Frankel 1/21/2016..... Francine Memberg 1/1/1950...... Harold Schuartz 1/6/1993...... Stanley Nickbarg 1/12/1982..... Nathan Marmelstein 1/16/1980..... Sidney Jacobs 1/22/1960..... Anna Binzer 1/1/1950...... Max Weil 1/6/1997...... Herman Chalfie 1/12/1990..... Isadore Litwack 1/16/1985..... Beatrice Zellers 1/22/1981..... Harold Leopold 1/1/1972...... Myron Harris 1/6/2015...... Matthew Chatterton 1/12/1991..... William Jacobson 1/16/1986..... Jerry Herman 1/22/1982..... Kelley Pearson 1/1/1979...... Agnes Klein 1/6/2015...... Arlene Goldhamer 1/12/1997..... Ira Markwood 1/16/1986..... Martin Leitz 1/22/1988..... Doris Richman 1/1/1980...... Bessie Kopelov 1/6/2017...... Seymour Kolten 1/12/1997..... Daniel Shander 1/16/1987..... Sylvia Lyon 1/22/1993..... Dione Tisius 1/1/1984...... Harry Sering 1/7/1954...... David Shaw 1/12/1998..... Shirley Baron 1/16/1991..... Florrie Sussman 1/22/1997..... Catherine Parker 1/1/1994...... David Lewis 1/7/1990...... Blanche Cohen 1/12/2002..... Ann Levine 1/16/1992..... Albert Lischin 1/22/2004...... Charles Efroymson, Jr. 2/1/1996...... Archie Aronstam 1/7/1992...... Gertrude Drexler 1/12/2012..... Ida Miller 1/16/1997..... Rose Bobinsky 1/22/2005..... David Hurwitz 1/1/1997...... Anna Platt 1/7/1999...... Diane Organ 1/12/2013..... William Byrd 1/16/1997..... Leo Michaels 1/22/2008..... Frieda Liebowicz 1/1/1999...... Leonard Roth 1/7/1999...... Sarah Salle 1/12/2013..... Susan Erickson 1/16/2004..... Bernice Kempler 1/22/2017..... Jerry Gould 1/1/2005...... Barbara Wilburn 1/7/2001...... Marilyn Spitzberg 1/12/2018..... Bernelle Few 1/16/2012..... Miriam Klasky 1/22/2018..... Lana Funkhouser 1/1/2008...... Louise Sirkus 1/7/2007...... Molly Mirkin 1/13/1926..... Etta Frankel 1/16/2015..... William Rosenthal 1/23/1952..... Morris Redish 1/1/2012...... Joseph Lauricella 1/7/2010...... Sara Reuben 1/13/1958..... Rebecca Greenburg 1/17/1954..... Lillian Steinberg 1/23/1959..... Mike Mustin 1/1/2015...... Marjorie Bradford 1/7/2012...... Judith Arenson 1/13/1979..... Irwin Rivlin 1/17/1964..... Milton Zwirn 1/23/1969..... Tully Stonehill 1/1/2017...... Carl Ambery 1/7/2016...... Myron Ball 1/13/1993..... Howard Lazar 1/17/1969..... Oscar Margolis 1/23/1974..... Frieda Paul 1/1/2018...... Jerry Shlensky 1/7/2018...... Bonnie Cohen 1/13/1996..... Marcie Linder 1/17/1983..... Jessie Finkel 1/23/1985..... Irma Wattam 1/2/1989...... Diane Cook 1/8/1956...... Samuel Cohen 1/13/2000..... Bernard Silver 1/17/1989..... Gilbert Salle 1/23/1991..... Nancy Chalfie 1/2/1996...... Robert Fischer 1/8/1965...... Hymen Drevno 1/13/2000..... Herbie Valinetz 1/17/1996..... Faye Skolnik 1/23/1991..... Sylvia Kaplan 1/2/2009...... Robert Schaefer 1/8/1980...... Morris Lichtman 1/13/2001..... Julius Cohen 1/17/2004..... Bessie Kaufman 1/23/1995..... Abe Friedman 1/2/2014...... Kenneth Goldman 1/8/1985...... Leon Levi 1/13/2001..... Hilda Fishbein 1/17/2012..... Maggie Harry 1/23/1996..... Freda Burstyn 1/3/1939...... Milton Simon 1/8/1992...... Mollye Dorfman 1/13/2006..... Miriam Fineberg 1/17/2013..... Stephen Bailie 1/23/1996..... Helen Logan 1/3/1966...... Louis Greenberg 1/8/1994...... Oscar Alpert 1/13/2010..... Gerald Rediger 1/17/2017..... Florence Leshnover 1/23/1996..... Joyce Shaw 1/3/1978...... Harry Osipowitz 1/8/2005...... Patsy Schwartz 1/13/2013..... Jeanne Kaufman 1/18/1913..... Leah Traugott 1/23/2000..... Marvin Rubin 1/3/1990...... Rose Schneider 1/9/1985...... Rechard Kopfstein 1/13/2016..... Sydney Zaban 1/18/1960..... Eva Peale 1/23/2010..... Bradley Goble 1/3/1993...... Helen Harris 1/9/1986...... Louis Harris 1/14/1962..... Ruby Hendleman 1/18/1986..... Samuel Kroot 1/23/2014..... Robert Sering 1/3/2002...... Selma Simon 1/9/1988...... Julia Bodner 1/14/1965..... Lolla Cohen 1/18/1989..... David Stiefler 1/23/2015..... Anna Roth 1/3/2002...... Nathan Stein 1/9/1991...... Stanley Henry 1/14/1974..... Irene Goldsmith 1/18/1995..... Virginia Doehrman 1/23/2017...... Gertrude Lowenstein 1/3/2004...... Isabelle Burman 1/9/2001...... Eva Heffron 1/14/1982..... Mary Mishelow 1/18/1997..... Pearl Lucas 1/24/1950..... Mortimer Furscott 1/3/2011...... Bobbi Wimberly 1/9/2003...... Barbara Abrams 1/14/1988..... Tony Auerhann 1/18/2005..... Bertha Newmark 1/24/1951..... Lena Pretzfelder 1/4/1952...... Harry Burack 1/9/2005...... Nathan Zoll 1/14/1988..... Elaine Lichtenfeld 1/18/2012..... Margie Silver 1/24/1964..... Jonah Greenfield 1/4/1968...... Louis Weiss 1/9/2008...... Jim Fleck 1/14/2003..... Betty Stewart 1/18/2018..... Shirley Backer 1/24/1969..... Fannie Hassan 1/4/1994...... Seymour Kaplan 1/9/2010...... Ruby Berridge 1/14/2007..... Betty Brook 1/19/1948..... Anna Reich 1/24/1979..... Liebert Mossler 1/4/2013...... Selma Shlensky 1/9/2011...... Ron Stevenson 1/14/2007..... Shirlee Yale 1/19/1972..... Gabe Wagman 1/24/1983..... Louis Stricker 1/4/2015...... Robert Smith, Jr 1/9/2013...... Fritz Goldbach 1/14/2011..... Louis Gutin 1/19/1982..... Sandra Feldman 1/24/1992..... Birdie Abrams 1/5/1945...... Max Gold 1/10/1916..... Dora Goldsmith 1/14/2017..... Morton Koor 1/19/1985..... Rose Cohen 1/24/2000..... Kisel Peysekhman 1/5/1963...... Morris Leve 1/10/1922..... Stanley Sanders 1/15/1931..... Joseph Kroot 1/20/1953..... Alex Levenstein 1/24/2007..... Virgil Pitzer 1/5/1974...... Ida Fishman 1/10/1993..... Osias Pauker 1/15/1951..... Rose Feuerlicht 1/20/1970..... Victor Eichler 1/24/2008..... Julian Kiser 1/5/1976...... J. Knight 1/10/1994..... Faye Pikelny 1/15/1980..... Herman Abrams 1/20/1977..... Syd Greenberg 1/24/2012..... Sylvia Rapoport 1/5/1988...... Kathryn Jackson 1/10/2003..... Sally Rubenstein 1/15/1980..... Naomi Levenstein 1/20/1990..... Ida Herman 1/25/1916..... Leopold Selig 1/5/1999...... Bruce Nelson 1/10/2009..... Stanley Herman 1/15/1981..... Burton Shapiro 1/20/1991..... Nate Winski 1/25/1969..... Sadie Glickman 1/5/2001...... Paul Hene 1/10/2011..... Constance Fenwick 1/15/1985..... Steve Becker 1/20/1994..... Katherine Cohen 1/25/1983..... Bertha Glazer 1/5/2002...... Robert Reiter 1/10/2017..... Linda Poper 1/15/1987..... Phillip Rappaport 1/20/2009..... Norman Cohen 1/25/1990..... Harry Jaffe 1/5/2009...... Milton Hellman 1/11/1979..... Alfred London 1/15/1987..... Lillian Simon 1/20/2015..... Ruth Lazarus 1/25/1991..... Sophie Wohlfeld 1/5/2009...... Ninfa Winkler 1/11/1984..... Albert Wishne 1/15/2002..... Richard Brindle 1/21/1960..... Sadie Rothbaum 1/25/1999..... Anna Arkin 1/5/2011...... Robert Hornstein 1/11/1985..... Frances Lazar 1/15/2006..... Richard Moss 1/21/1978..... Jeanette Doman 1/25/2000..... Dale Pryweller 1/5/2012...... Fryda Gurwitz 1/11/1994..... Henry Heimansohn 1/15/2013..... Jean Morris 1/21/1986..... Harold Cohen 1/25/2002..... Ethel Lencheck 1/5/2017...... Jack Halberstadt 1/11/2002..... Charlotte Sider 1/15/2018..... Leah Traugott 1/21/1990..... Iris Waxman 1/25/2009..... Bonnie Christensen 1/5/2017...... Thomas Richardson 1/11/2004..... Harvey Wilkoff 1/15/2018..... Agnes Vogel 1/21/1994..... Jack Leffel 1/25/2015..... Michael Nelson 1/6/1977...... Irene Romer 1/11/2009..... Harry Neumann 1/16/1963..... Grace Friedland 1/21/1997..... Anne Rosenblum 1/25/2016..... Phyllis Millikan 1/6/1978...... Isabelle Katz 1/11/2015..... Robert Netzorg 1/16/1964..... William Meyers 1/21/2009..... Bernard Cohen 1/26/1956..... Rose Schneider 1/6/1981...... Maurice Cooper 1/12/1932..... Agatha Dessau 1/16/1965..... Etta Platt 1/21/2009..... Eugene Zukerman (Continued on page 15) 1/6/1985...... Milton Fettner 1/12/1965..... Jennie Wolf 1/16/1969..... Rhea Schroeder 1/21/2011..... Marcia Wolf 14 IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org YAHRZEIT (continued) TEMPLE DONATIONS 1/26/1969..... Isador Cohen 1/26/1989..... David Holzman YOUTH PROJECTS FUNDS SOCIAL JUSTICE 1/26/1996..... Jeremy Bank MAX STRASHUN TEMPLE TOTS CHEVRAT CHESED – CARING 1/26/2001..... Abraham Lipman Margie and Dick Klapper COMMUNITY 1/26/2003..... Susan Klein Memory of Morris Bank 1/26/2007..... William Klein LIBRARY & ARCHIVES FUND Trina and Joseph Zych 1/26/2011..... Mae Jacobson BENJAMIN X. COHEN MEMORIAL GLEANERS FOOD BANK 1/27/1954..... Sarah Baerncopf LIBRARY COLLECTION Honor of Neil Brook 1/27/1977..... Genya Medalie Honor of New Grandson Carol and Elliott Segal 1/27/1985..... Rachel Litt Carol and Elliott Segal Memory of Morris Bank 1/27/1988..... Douglas Brown LIBRARY BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB Elliott Yolles Honor of Cole Bush INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK 1/27/1994..... Tina Lambert Nicole Keller and James Bush Memory of Joy Arnold 1/27/2000..... Esther Pianin Honor of Kayleigh Borek Lori Anderson 1/27/2008..... Evelyn Levine Rosemary Borek Just Because 1/27/2011..... Melvin Kosnoff Jason Stele 1/27/2013..... Yetta Feldman CLERGY FUNDS 1/27/2015..... Barbara Breskow SENIOR RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY TEMPLE GENERAL FUNDS 1/27/2016..... William Greenwald Shawn Goodman; TEMPLE GENERAL FUND 1/27/2018..... Harriett Liebman Mark Rosentraub Honor of Colten Schabler, 1/28/1991..... Sanford Goldshine Honor of Eli’s Baby Naming Jessica Barrett, Rachel Jacobson, 1/28/1997..... Sidney Lenke Jonathan and Jordan Tauber Benjamin Grant 1/28/1997..... Bernard Sands Memory of Loren Goodman Memory of Ruth Neuman 1/28/2012..... Pauline Bartfield Karla Yale Jeffrey Abrams and Lynn Memory of Inda Singer Jacobs Abrams 1/28/2014..... Dorothy Benjamin Wendy Larman Memory of Louis R. Sereinsky 1/29/1944..... David Eskenazi Memory of Flora Opie Roger W. Knoblock 1/29/1944..... Samuel Hahn Marilyn Peachin Memory of Beatrice Baker 1/29/1992..... Morris Nahmias Memory of Jimmy Glanzman Robert Baker 1/29/1993..... Bonnie Gerstell Fred Tishler Memory of Charlotte Margolis Kline 1/29/1995..... Helen Shady Memory of George Owens Anita S. Smith 1/29/2004..... Harold Rappaport Faye Owens THE CANTOR JANICE L. ROGER 1/29/2008..... Lester Pfeffer ASSOCIATE RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY MUSIC FUND 1/29/2008..... Jeanne Shaffer John and Janis Lewis Memory of Rose Goldberg 1/29/2008..... Bea Soifer Memory of Jack Hecht Marian Aronstam 1/29/2016..... Sidney Kallman Michael Sanders PRAYER BOOK & BIBLE 1/29/2017..... Salvatore Miceli Honor of Joseph’s Bar Mitzvah Elliott Yolles Debbi, Doug and Joseph 1/30/1972..... Joseph Nemirovsky Waldman IHC FOUNDATION FUNDS 1/30/1979..... Gertrude Podaloff CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY KOL HAMACHANEH “A CALL 1/30/1988..... Stanley Jacobs John and Kathleen Ackerman TO JEWISH CAMPING” 1/30/1991..... Stanley Larman Honor of Dorit Paul’s Birthday Honor of Rabbi Brett Krichiver 1/30/1994..... Morris Talesnick Roger and Fran Hurwitz The Cantor Family 1/30/1995..... Paul Piazza Honor of Joseph’s Bar Mitzvah 1/30/1997..... Sally Cannon Debbi, Doug and Joseph 1/30/2006..... Carolyn Cohen Waldman 1/30/2007..... Martha Speyer Memory of Loren Goodman 1/30/2010..... Philip Marder Norm Sider 1/31/1970..... Edward Sobel Memory of Charlotte Kline 1/31/1977..... Elvira Oppman Jack Kline

1/31/1978..... Ruth Rockmore 1/31/1984..... Clarine Webster 1/31/1993..... Rachael Valentine 1/31/2002..... Carolyn Steinberg 1/31/2004..... Alice Yalowitz 1/31/2017..... Michael Blonder IHC KULANU • JANUARY 2019 www.ihcindy.org 15 Phone...... 317.255.6647 Indianapolis Hebrew Con­gre­ga­tion Fax...... 317.254.2187 6501 N. Meridian Street Rabbi’s Study...... 317.255.5612 India­na­polis, IN 46260 Early Childhood...... 317.254.2186 Automated Line...... 317.254.2188 Website...... www.ihcindy.org

Brett Krichiver...... Senior Rabbi Scott Fox...... Associate Rabbi Aviva Marer...... Cantor Daniel Silien...... Executive Director Jed Filler...... Director of Lifelong Learning Taryn Fartouh...... Early Childhood Center Director Evelyn Pockrass...... Librarian Lea Coleman...... Youth Director Marc Katz...... IHC Board President Karen Rossen...... Sisterhood President Neal Ginsberg...... Brotherhood President Janice Roger...... Cantor Emerita

Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Kulanu is published 9 times per year by Indianapolis Hebrew Congre­ ­ga­tion at 6501 N. Meridian Street, India­na­polis, IN 46260.

Let’s have a conversation about how you can create your legacy to plant your seeds for our future at Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation. If you have included Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation in your after-life planning or would like more information about how easy it is to do, please contact Executive Director, Dan Silien at 317-255-6647 to set up a time to talk!