The Pittsburgh Catholic in This Issus
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IN THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUS Mf. John Weitet »tir of Pittsfcergli Itrtmn k ¿J" ÜBT*«»" fimi hu 11 kfMdrui by Hal y V Eg Nntrr Hump. <ii»« rlearly as Im IiHu to Ilm H»»p«'»i- THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC tir* world. Founded in lê44 by Pt. Rev. Michail O'Connor. First Bishop of Pittsburgh Dior«*« f-EIGHTH YEAR PITTSBURGH. FEBRUARY 19. 1931 N«. • UMBEL Latin Text of Pope's Talk Now Available Presented To Archabbot ST. Millions Hear Holy Father | Prof. \ Ihm MclVrmott, a EX-HOTRE DAME research member of the faculty AT NEW CASTLE IS of Ih« Latin department of the I niversity of Pittsburgh. ban i 1 arranged for publication of the STAR. DIES HERE Latin tent of the Holy Father* In First World Broadcast radio address of I act Thursday. Y«« M.rcy Hospital Interne ( opies of thia text may be se- cured by applying to the l.atin Beautiful New Structure Now HI« Gained Football Fame department of the I'niversity. In Use By Italian Parish UNth Four Horsemen 1» It ia expected that high »chnol Following Dedication and college teacher* will arati 1 In The History Of Radio Appendicitis Victim themselves of this opportunity • » Jî eyafVA Rites Last Sunday of placing before their Latin pupils this example of the V f^MyJI HAYED AT LEFT GUARD matchless Latin pro*c of the FATHER SEIDEL OFFICIATES Profram, Lasting for Nearly Two Hows, Carried Bf Holy Father. T All Pittsburfh Stations—Firat Address, Ddhrflvtl ftotat break in the ranks of the New Castle, Pa . Keh. If;. I)edi L-jH Four Horsemen football cation of St. Lucy's church. North In Latin, Translated Into English and Fire Other tag* of Notre Dame University oc- Cedar street and Wabash avenue, aMfld at Merry Hospital on Tue.«- j Ifonsaous-of flTrirbeepobijjaiionto bim iorfa Qrnerou and afilr fandav morning at 11 o'clock, cli E Languages for Immediate Re-broadcasting—Pomtif Jjl imirr when Or. John Weibel. j IIST n»3i3fiinfrnü)if^fottritwlffl so nuirlj to tfr ggrtw affo " maxed the efforts of the pastor. Rev. Spoke Clearly and in Musical Tone, Voice Rn^^ 2f |7 years. regular left guard on ; •Sebastian Ippolito, and the members Bishop Among Those Present of his parish and proved an out- Strinrfnl national championship On "Inspection Day" At And Falling in Soft Cadences—Latin Address Lattai Sgaf 1924. died of complications SINGS EIRST MASS standing event in the life of the &2ng an operation for appendi- ' perish and the communitv of which Fifth Ave. Bureau For Twelve Minutes—Two-Way Conversations Via 3~a*rf<irmeu on Tuesday of la«t i| is an important part. Sfc At hi* bedside when death Father Ferdinand Officiates In 'With perfect weather conditions Radio Enjoyed by Listeners-ln. ^Mied were his mother, Mrs. G.! Castle Shannon Church aad every part of the ceremony car Sunday. February 15, was "In- H»d out in perfect order as sched- mZm Weihel of Krie; the Rev. P.' Last Sunday Morning spection I lay" at tha remodeled TnitCgerty. chaplain of Mercy uled, the use of the church was in- building of the Society of St. Vin- Tlir rnmplrtr Knfilwh ifji of thf Hnlv f'nthrr't nddreiM will he fsrnrf aagurated under the auspicious con- Page 10 t*s>'e. and a number of Sisters. cent de Paul, 2005 Fifth avenue. It on of this i ggrset reciting tee prayers forj ditions and augurs well for the fu- The Rev. Father Ferdinand ture of the parish. was graced by the presence of the dying. The stricken young man ! Brown, C.P., son of Mr. and Mrs. The voice of His Holiness. Pope Più» XI, speakmx from S Rt. Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, D.D.. Bish M IMtU«<< with the I .ant Sacra-' John Brown of near Library, cele- Proreasion Start« the new radio .station HVJ, in the Vatican City, was heard dis- apt* administered by Father Hag- j1 op of Pittsburgh, numerous priests hrated his First Solemn Mass last Promptly at 11 o'clock the Very tinctly last Thursday by millions of people in the United Statai •Uty. He had received Holy Com- Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in St R|v. Herman Seidel, pastor of St. of the city, members and benefac- gjj^l ^ 0:30 Tuesday morning, a and throughout the entire world in the firat world-wide hook« Ann's church. Castle Shannon, in the Mary's church of Beaver Falls, and tors and benefactresses of the So- than three hours before up in the history of radio. There were moments during the I presence of a congregation of his dean of the lj»wrence-Beaver coun- ciety. It was an informal affair i Tfc lemeins were taken to the j friends and relatives that taxed the ty district, and who »a> delegated two addresses of His Holiness when magnetic din turbane« with no ceremonies or speeches, the ^rn of bis parents. Dr. and Mrs.I capacity of the Wiurch. He was as by the Rt. Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, caused radio receivers to emit noises like thoee of a whistling sl, visitors simply greeting each other g^taer Weibel, 664 West Ninth ted at the Mass by :he Rev. Mark Bishop of Pittsburgh, to have charge winter wind, but. in the main, the entire program was recehrw, . --• kistner, O.S.B., of St. Vincent's of the ceremony, agisted by the pas- and looking around among the va- Brie, on Tuesday night, and without much interference. 'College, Latrobe, as archpriest; the tor, Father Ippolilo, viaiting priests rious departments. J|l toeral will be held on F'riday aad servers proceeded around the BHliag with Solemn Mass of Re- ; Rev. Conrad Eiben, C P., pastor of The greatest innovation and the * All three of Pittsburgh's "chafe* ¡St. Michael's church. South Side, as new parish church property, bless- one that attracted the most atten- stations received the entire progress • ' aiM in St. Peter's Cathedral. Bur- ing the walls and the property. U will take place in the family plot deacon; the Rev. Peter J. Bernard- tion was the large roomy store room ' Station WCAE gaining the huiiem ir,g of Nativity church. North Side When the procession had com- on the first floor, which is now used ] jl^rif. Besides his parents, Dr pletely encircled the church prop- ! of having the clearest reproduetieN i» survived by two brothers, as sub-deacon, and the Rev. A. C. principally for the clothing depart- PASSION PLAY CAST erty, it came to a stop in front of student at i Angel, pastor of St. Ann's, as mas- ment and display room. It is 34 by in the opinion of moat listenara. | Weibel. Jr.. the entrance on North Cedar street. Station KDKA's short wave bread ititn Dame University, and Gerald | ter of ceremonies. Little Miss Marian 70 feet with a 14-foot ceiling, giv- '-11 TH» pastor, Father Ippolito. then ing a spacious appearance. The sec cast met with considerable interfa** at home, and one sister, Miss Yaeger, aged eight years, acted as opened the church doors and the Weibel, a student at the Uni-! the spiritual bride, attended by her ond floor of the building extends I TO MAKE RETREAT i enee, causing moat listeners te Tfiii pmJLt cf procession proceeded into the new bark 166 feet and is used for furni- j of Chicago. Dr. Weibei's ; train bearers, church, the cross bearer and altar ia a well-known physician of Following the Mass, Father Fer- ture, storage, repair and assorting; St. Michael's Player1 s to Mold boys leading with the Very Rev. departments. ! the fact that the latter station hM fcfc | dinand was the guest of honor at Father Seidel and assisting priests. Spiritual Exercises In a dinner served in the home of his The greatest change is the en | I "blind spots" in Pittsburgh where Ma Stricken Suddenly Jw *» -Ïfftato» 0mmtn- Father Ippolito, the pastor; Rev. Their Parish Church parents and which was attended by Vincent Galliano, pastor of the larged clothing department on the j programs can not be heard—* aita» Dr. Weibel entered Mercy Hos- a large number of his friends and first floor where a new store front Church of the Purification of the a ti on. incidentally, which baffles the •|§ ptal to complete his term of in- relatives. The newly-ordained priest was put in and attractively painted. " there, following his gradu- Blaaaed Virgin Mary. Kllwood City; | The 200 young men and women i best technical minds ia the ip there, rollowing nis graau-; return„j to the Immaculate Conccp- Clothing is the greatest need as 981 the medical school of Rev. Fr. Anthony Donatelli, assiat- i ftwn the medical school of!tjon Monastery, Jamaica, Long per cent of the people, especially at who constitute the cast of players; field—Station WCAE had by far th# ant at St. Vitus; Rev. Nunxio Pirul- ; Twiitftiilt University, in June, 1930. Island, on Tuesday night of this this season of the year. Men and that annually produce "Veronica's bulk of Pittsburgh listeners to 100 la would have completed hia work li, pastor of St. I/awrence, Hillsville; week, where he will pursue his FREEPORT RETREAT Rev. V. V. Stancelewski, pastor of children's clothing is particularly in j Veil," the Passion play at St. Mi- Vatican City program, 'M «H»*ry Hospital this coming June. I Sainta Philip and James church; j demand. From 20 to 30 people are j chael's auditorium, Pius street and Most of the principal atatioaa fl4 k JTiu ,,tr° J"? ,M°"d*yu ni,rht: He was ordained on Sunday, Feb- waiting at the door daily, when it' fü Br.