Council Fifty-Third Ordinary Session Geneva, November 1, 2019 LIST

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Council Fifty-Third Ordinary Session Geneva, November 1, 2019 LIST E International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Council C/53/INF/6 Fifty-Third Ordinary Session Original: English Geneva, November 1, 2019 Date: October 25, 2019 LIST OF THE TAXA PROTECTED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE UNION Document prepared by the Office of the Union Disclaimer: this document does not represent UPOV policies or guidance TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 SYMBOLS USED IN THE MAIN TABLE ............................................................................................................................. 3 MAIN TABLE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 NOTES CLASSIFIED BY MEMBERS OF THE UNION..................................................................................................... 35 C/53/INF/6 page 2 INTRODUCTION 1. The 1978 Act of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants is applicable, according to its Article 4(1), to all botanical genera and species. Its Article 4(2) provides that “the member States of the Union undertake to adopt all measures necessary for the progressive application of the provisions of this Convention to the largest possible number of botanical genera and species.” The 1991 Act of the Convention provides in its Article 3 that “each Contracting Party which is bound by the Act of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978 shall apply the provisions of this Convention, (i) at the date on which it becomes bound by this Convention, to all plant genera and species to which it applies, on the said date, the provisions of the Act of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978 and, (ii) at the latest by the expiration of a period of five years after the said date, to all plant genera and species,” and that “each Contracting Party which is not bound by the Act of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978 shall apply the provisions of this Convention, (i) at the date on which it becomes bound by this Convention, to at least 15 plant genera or species and, (ii) at the latest by the expiration of a period of 10 years from the said date, to all plant genera and species.” 2. This document contains: - the main table; - notes classified by members of the Union. 3. The main table presents the list of taxa protected1 by the following members of the Union, which do not protect all plant genera and species: Brazil, China, North Macedonia, Oman, South Africa and Trinidad and Tobago (total: 6 members of the Union). 4. The main table does not contain the following members of the Union, which protect the whole or essentially the whole plant kingdom: African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, European Union, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam (total: 64 members of the Union). Details on the situation in those authorities are given in the notes classified by members of the Union. 5. The main table does not contain the following members of the Union, which have not notified the extension of protection to all genera and species in accordance with Article 3(2)(ii) and Article 36(2)(ii) of the 1991 Act of the Convention (see paragraph 1 above): Albania, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey (total: 5 members of the Union). 6. The taxa are listed in the alphabetical order of their respective UPOV Code. 7. The drawing up of the synoptical list of taxa has led to some departures from the relevant laws and regulations, in particular because nomenclatures used are not uniform. It is recommended to consult these laws and regulations when precise information is needed. 8. The notes classified by members of the Union follow the alphabetical order of the ISO codes applicable to countries and organizations (see the list on page 4). The following will be found therein, wherever it has appeared necessary: (a) general notes relating in particular to the way in which the list of protected taxa has been established; (b) special notes relating to a specific taxon. 1 The expression “protected taxon” and the similar expressions mean that titles of protection may be issued for varieties of the taxon concerned. C/53/INF/6 page 3 9. New developments reflected in this document include: - Extension of protection to additional plant genera and species: Brazil, China and South Africa. SYMBOLS USED IN THE MAIN TABLE X: Protected taxon +: Protected taxon as a result of the protection of a taxon of a higher rank to which it belongs (for example in the case of a species: the genus or family to which it belongs is protected). UPOV MEMBERS AND ISO CODES / MEMBRES DE L’UPOV ET CODES ISO / VERBANDSMITGLIEDER UND ISO-CODE / MIEMBROS DE LA UNIÓN Y CÓDIGOS ISO ISO English français deutsch Español AL Albania Albanie Albanien Albania AR Argentina Argentine Argentinien Argentina AT Austria Autriche Österreich Austria AU Australia Australie Australien Australia AZ Azerbaijan Azerbaïdjan Aserbaidschan Azerbaiyán BA Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosnien-Herzegowina Bosnia y Herzegovina BE Belgium Belgique Belgien Bélgica BG Bulgaria Bulgarie Bulgarien Bulgaria BO Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bolivie (État plurinational de) Bolivien (Plurinationaler Staat) Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) BR Brazil Brésil Brasilien Brasil BY Belarus Bélarus Belarus Belarús CA Canada Canada Kanada Canadá CH Switzerland Suisse Schweiz Suiza CL Chile Chili Chile Chile CN China Chine China China CO Colombia Colombie Kolumbien Colombia CR Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica CZ Czech Republic République tchèque Tschechische Republik República Checa DE Germany Allemagne Deutschland Alemania DK Denmark Danemark Dänemark Dinamarca DO Dominican Republic République dominicaine Dominikanische Republik República Dominicana EC Ecuador Équateur Ecuador Ecuador EE Estonia Estonie Estland Estonia ES Spain Espagne Spanien España FI Finland Finlande Finnland Finlandia FR France France Frankreich Francia GB United Kingdom Royaume-Uni Vereinigtes Königreich Reino Unido GE Georgia Géorgie Georgien Georgia HR Croatia Croatie Kroatien Croacia HU Hungary Hongrie Ungarn Hungría IE Ireland Irlande Irland Irlanda IL Israel Israël Israel Israel IS Iceland Islande Island Islandia IT Italy Italie Italien Italia JO Jordan Jordanie Jordanien Jordania JP Japan Japon Japan Japón KE Kenya Kenya Kenia Kenya KG Kyrgyzstan Kirghizistan Kirgistan Kirguistán KR Republic of Korea République de Corée Republik Korea República de Corea LT Lithuania Lituanie Litauen Lituania LV Latvia Lettonie Lettland Letonia C/53/INF/6 page 4 ISO English français deutsch Español MA Morocco Maroc Marokko Marruecos MD Republic of Moldova République de Moldova Republik Moldau República de Moldova ME Montenegro Monténégro Montenegro Montenegro MK North Macedonia Macédoine du Nord Nordmazedonien Macedonia del Norte MX México Mexique Mexiko México NI Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua NL Netherlands Pays-Bas Niederlande Países Bajos NO Norway Norvège Norwegen Noruega NZ New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande Neuseeland Nueva Zelandia OA African Intellectual Property Organisation Africaine de la Afrikanische Organisation für Organización Africana de la Organization (OAPI) Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) geistiges Eigentum (OAPI) Propiedad Intelectual (OAPI) OM Oman Oman Oman Omán PA Panama Panama Panama Panamá PE Peru Pérou Peru Perú PL Poland Pologne Polen Polonia PT Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal PY Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay QZ European Union Union européenne Europäische Union Unión Europea RO Romania Roumanie Rumänien Rumania RS Serbia Serbie Serbien Serbia RU Russian Federation Fédération de Russie Russische Föderation Federación de Rusia SE Sweden Suède Schweden Suecia SG Singapore Singapour Singapur Singapur SI Slovenia Slovénie Slowenien Eslovenia SK Slovakia Slovaquie Slowakei Eslovaquia TN Tunisia Tunisie Tunesien Túnez TR Turkey Turquie Türkei Turquía TT Trinidad and Tobago Trinité-et-Tobago Trinidad und Tobago Trinidad y Tabago TZ United Republic of Tanzania République-Unie de Tanzanie Vereinigte Republik Tansania República Unida de Tanzanía UA Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ucrania US United States of America États-Unis d'Amérique Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Estados Unidos de América UY Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan Ouzbékistan Usbekistan Uzbekistán VN Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam Vietnam ZA South Africa Afrique du Sud Südafrika Sudáfrica * * * * * C/53/INF/6 page 5 / Seite 5 / página 5 MAIN TABLE / TABLEAU PRINCIPAL / HAUPTTABELLE / CUADRO PRINCIPAL UPOV Code Botanical / botanique / botanisch / botánico English Français Deutsch Español BR CN MK OM TT ZA ABELI Abelia R. Br. Abelia Abelia Abelia Abelia . X . X ABELM Abelmoschus . X X ABELM_ESC Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench; Hibiscus esculentus
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