Thomas Bauer◆ Jörg Lauterbach

The late Gothic vaults of the council session room Dippoldiswalde and St.Nikolai Altenberg/Sa. around 1500

– sling ribbed figures of the working group around Jacob Haylmann -

ISBN 978 - 3 - 00 - 054963 - 2 gedruckt mit freundlicher Unterstützung der bauer lauterbach GmbH Übersetzung: Johannes Schneider

Unser besonderer Dank gilt der großartigen Unterstützung der Stadt Dippoldiswalde.

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© 2016 by Thomas Bauer, Jörg Lauterbach, Dresden im Eigenverlag Die spätgotischen Gewölbe des Ratssaales Dippoldiswalde und St. Nikolai Altenberg/ 1500 – Schlingrippenfiguren des Werkkreises um Jacob Haylmann -

1. „Berggeschrey“ and the late Gothic sling ribbed vault around 1500 in the Erzgebirge Saxony

When in 1168 the first rich findings of in the area around Freiberg resulted in fast-spreading tidings of these rich finds, the erste Berggeschrey triggered a true frenzy, which entailed in an influx of pitmen, merchants, charburners, carpenters, but also all kinds of craftsmen, that are necessary for an urban life, into the montane region Erzgebirge. The margrave of Meissen granted the non-native pitmen an exploitation right, by exclaiming „… Wo eyn man ercz suchten will, das meg her thun mit rechte…“. The surviving “Meißnische Bergchronik” of 1589 still provides very detailed information about the montane region of the Erz- gebirge Saxony in the late Middle Ages.

The große Berggeschrey in the crest zones of the Erzgebirge fol- lowed on the high-yielding silver discoveries in Schneeberg 1470 and near the Schreckenberg in Annaberg-Buchholz 1491. This resulted in several city foundations like Schneeberg, Annaberg (founding on the 21.09.1496 at behest of the Elector Moritz of Saxony) and Marienberg (silver discoveries 1519), as well as an even higher immigration, which to the montane region of the towns being the most densely populated region in Saxony during the 15th and 16th century. Schneeberg for examp- le had almost twice as much inhabitants as Dresden during its boom in the 15th and 16th century. Electoral Saxony, which in 1356 -originally as Saxony-Wittenberg- was bestowed with the honour of an electorate by emperor Karl IV, owes its prosperity and economical-political ascent in the 15th and 16th century to the mining from high-yielding silver deposits, as well as , cop- per, and several other .

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 1 Inseparably connected to the development of mining and the city foundations in the late Middle Ages are the countless newly con- structed churches and chapels. Especially in the mining towns Schneeberg (St. Wolfgang 1516-1540), Freiberg (late Gothic con- version of the hall church as cathedral 1491-1502), Marienberg (St. Marien 1564) and Annaberg (St. Annen 1499-1525) big hall churches with a late Gothic design were created. A particular master stroke of craftsmanship during the construction of these churches are the net and sling ribbed vaults, which distributed a special unfolding in the Saxon-Bohemian area. Most notably the sling ribbed vault of St. Annen in Annaberg, which artistically trails the Vladislav Hall in Prague with its ribbon-stars, today is still to be experienced as one of the loveliest late Gothic vaults ever built. The huge mastery of the workmen surely had its origin – apart from the typical peregrination of masons back then – in the transfer of knowledge between mining and the art of masonry too. Both of them cut the stone, both of them edit the stone (often work pieces were processed after stencils in the quarry in advan- ce) and above all: both of them work with geometrical tools and rules, i.e. in the mathematic-physical parlor of the “Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Zwinger)” where you can look at a tackle used for mining from 1590 – with this device you could measure angles horizontally and vertically at the same time while working underground.

2 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Digression sling ribbed vault

Sling ribs of late Gothic vaults are twofold bent ribs, meaning that the ribs pursue a circular bending in the layout, as well as in the eleva- tion during the arch-staging. Directly above these ribs, as a three-di- mensional form guideline and load ablation during the construction process, the actual stonework vault was implemented. Th is vault tech- nology, which was commonly spread from the middle of the 15th cen- tury until the second half of the 16th century in the saxon-bohemian and bavarian-austrian area, has been historically established using only two dimensions and therefore can’t be explained with our present three-dimensional comprehension of defi ning a solid. Th e derivati- on of solids and space models using only two dimensions is thoroug- hly stated and consigned i.a. in Albrecht Dürer‘s „Unterweysung der Messung mit dem Zirkel und Richtscheit“, Nürnberg 1525, as well as Charles de Bouelles‘ „Geometrie practique“ , Paris 1555, which even today enables a comprehension of the mathematical geometrical de- rivation of sling ribbed vaults.

2. montane region Dippoldiswalde – Altenberg – Glasshütte

Subsequent to the terminology regarding signifi cant ore disco- veries from the „Meissnischen Bergchronika“ , which contains the major and signifi cant ore discoveries by Albinus 1589, it is to be registered, that aft er 1170 and 1245 in Freybergk and 1345 in Ebersdorf (nowadays Ehrenfriedersdorf near Annaberg) initially the eastern mines of the Erzgebrige arose. Th e same happened in Dippoldiswalda1 in 1370 and 1445 in Altenberg, before Schnee- berg and Annaberg followed their example in 1470 and 1495 re- spectively. Obviously there’s a diff erence between silver and tin mines regarding their intrinsic value, but Altenberg is described as the most yielding mine –next to Erbersdorf- by Albinus during the second half of the 15th century.

1 Wobei bereits Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts für Dippoldiswalde Bergbau überliefert ist und in dieser Zeit beide Kirchen im romanischen Stil errichtet wurden; siehe website Stadt Dippoldiswalde, Abgriff 28.08.2016

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 3 This montane region of the Saxon Erzgebirge with the mining towns Dippoldiswalde and Altenberg has hardly been researched up to date regarding sling ribbed vaults. Although recorded and described in the „Meißnischen Bergchronik“ of 1589 with their increasingly occurring ore findings and output of tin and silver since the 14th century, these mining towns receive less attention regarding vault studies and the coherent structural development of these cities around 1500. Didn’t these mining towns Dippol- diswalde and Altenberg possess any late gothic buildings or have they just vanished out of our perception, because they’re no lon- ger existent due to structural transformation and destruction? There are two vaults, which are hardly mentioned in any studies: the sling ribbed vault of the council session room in the townhall of Dippoldiswalde and the sling ribbed vault of Saint Nikolai in Altenberg, which are the subject of this study and this small exhi- bition.

The progress of prosperity in the montane region around Al- tenberg and Glashütte is captured by Petrum Albinum (Petrus Albinus) in the „Meißnischen Land- und Berg Chronica“ of 1589/1590:

“... In dieser gegent am Wald ist das glücke wider etwas hinüber argen Freyberg und Dresden gerathen. Denn nach diesem ißo (?) erzelten Bergwercken auffkommen sein / Aldenberg und Glashütte. Der Aldenberg / so wie gesagt / ober Freyberg und Dresden gegen Behmen gelegen / Item Glashütte (so sonsten auch Silber gibt) wel- ches drey Meylen von Dresden / sind neben Erbersdorff / dessen wir allbereit etwas gedacht / vorzeiten als die besten Zinbergwerck be- ruffen gewesen / unter welchen Erbersdorf das eltiste / wie aus dem / so zuvorgesagt / zusehen / und so vor dem Aldenbergischen Berg- werck mit reichem Schutten die andern alle obertroffen. Es haben daselbst ( denn wir sonst wenig von diesem Bergwerck gefunden) wie auch zum Schlackenwald die aller schönsten Ziengraupen 2 ge- brochen / welche von den Gelerten der massen gerühmet / das man ihres gelichen anderswo nicht gefunden habe.

2 Zinngraupen, bei der Aufbereitung gewonnene größere Körner von Zinnerz

4 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Aber der Aldenberg / ist ohn gefehr im Jahr 1458 auffkommen / un- ter dem hochlöblichen Fürsten Friderich dem andern / Herzogen zu Sachsen / Churfürsten / etc. davon sagt man diese Historien oder Decasion der erfindung / das ein Köler des orts / da ißo (?) ein Zech die alte Fundgrub genant einen Meiler gebrant / und wie er die Ko- len ausgestossen / Zien darinnen funden / welches der Zwitter 3 / so die grosse Hitze gezwungen / von sich geben / dem nach man den als bald eingeschlagen / und einen gewaltigen Zwitter angetroffen / welches folgents dem Bergwerck und Stadt seinen anfang gegeben. Es hat aber dieselbe newe Stadt / Waltzig von Bernstein 4 / des Ge- schlechts der Edelleut / so nochin Meyssen / zuerst auffbawn las- sen / besessen und belehnet / derer belehung dieselben auch noch heute zu Tag sich gebrauchen sollen. Eben dieser Waltzig hat auch der Kirchen zum Bernstein den zehnten vom Flutzien zugeeignet. Dieses ist ein mangel anderer gedenkwirdigen Historien / von den Gelerten / von dem Altenbergischen Bergwerck auffgemercket wor- den / das daselbs ein solcher gifftiger schwarzer Zechenrauch (wie auch Agricola schreibt) sol gebrochen haben / das er die Wunden und Geschwür / bis auff die Beyn oder Knochen hienein abgefresset / und sich die Arbeiter der halben an den Henden wol haben ver- wahren müssen. Es sol darumb auch allda der brauch gewesen sein / das man Hülzerne nagel / an die Lauffkern / Hunde und andere gezeuge machen müssen/ denn das Eisen vom Zechen rauch als- bald gefressen worden. Item / ist auch von etlichen annotires, das ungefehr für ein Jar oder dreyssig / eine grosse ausgehawene Weite / daselbst nieder gesuncken / darinnen sechs arbeiter verfallen / und ein Kaw sampt einen Weib und ihren Sohn auch damit eingegan- gen und vertorben 5 .

3 Zwitter, in der Bergmannsprache eine Gesteinsbildung von Zinnlagerstätten, größere stockartige Vorkommen sind sogenannte Zwitterstöcke und enthalten oft bedeutende Erzvorräte 4 Waltzig von Bernstein, auch bekannt als Stifter für die Stadtkirche von Bärenstein; auf seiner in der Stadtkirche befindlichem Grabplatte von 1492 steht „...und hat den Gottes- havs erblichen gegeben den zenden vom flvt...“; die Stadtkirche Bärenstein zeigt im Chor noch heute frühe Formen von Böhmischen Gewölbefigurationen mit durchsteckten Rippenkreuzungen, deren Rippen danach abbrechen 5 die hier beschriebene „ausgehawene Weite“ ist die sogenannte Altenberger Pinge, ein Einbruch des durch Bergbau durchörterten Gesteinsstockes/Zwitters. Insbesondere durch das sogenannte Feuersetzen/Abbrennen von Holz an der Abbauwand zum Mürbe- brennen des Gesteines mit dem Ziel des leichteren Abbaues kam es 1545, 1578 und in weit größerem Maße 1620 zu den Brüchen. Weitere folgten dann im 19. und 20. Jh. © 2016 bauer lauterbach 5 Aus diesen Bergwerck ist sonderlich reich worden der Müntzer von Freyberg / dessen zuvorn gedacht / welcher stattliche Schlösser und Lehen Gütter an sich gekauffe. Eben unter diesem Churfürst Fridrichen den II. sol auch das Berg- werck zur Glashütten seinen anfang genommen haben / welches hernach im 1492. Eben mi dem anfang des annabergischen Berg- wercks / wie der also angangen / das daselbst dazumal gediegen Sil- ber unter dem Rasen gebrochen / wiewol es etliche auff den ersten anfang referiren. ...“

During the progression of mining in the montane region Erzge- birge around 1500, Dippoldiswalde inherits another outstanding position, due to Sigmund (Sigismund) 6 von Maltitz inventing the first drenched stamp mill in 1507. The Elector of Saxony Friedrich der Weiße (ernestine line), aswell as the Duke of Saxony Georg der Bärtige (albertine line) granted a lifelong property right for this invention in 1512, which makes it one of the oldest surviving patents. So far, ores were handled and grinded through dry stamp mills, which obviously was not the most productive method to detach the ore from the matte. In 1835 7 the Saxon church gallery reports, that „…Sigmund of Maltitz, Rath and Amtmann at the Schellenberge, who simultaniously received every mullock heap of the Margravate of Meissen as a present. In order to utilise them more efficiently, he invented the so-called drenched stamp mills, with whom one could save the ores, which were previously used less …“. In 1512 Sigmund von Maltitz`s invention was first used in Altenberg in the old laundry; a drenched stamp mill which still exists today. However Sigmund von Maltitz did not reach his wealth through said „patent“ and charges that were paid for it – although this can be doubted.

6 Quellenkundig belegbar ist aus den eigenhändig unterschriebenen Briefen, dass er mit Sigmund von Maltitz unterschrieb, siehe Bild 1 7 Sachsens Kirchen-Galerie, Lief. 8, Inspektion Dresden, December 1835, Seite 29, „Dippoldiswalda (Beschluß)“

6 © 2016 bauer lauterbach A revenue resulting from the „gifted“ mullock heaps he received for inventing the drenched stamp mills is much more likely, al- though this would have happened after 1507/1512. As early as 1503, Sigmund of Matitz purchased the city of Dippoldiswalde for 6000 guilders from Duke Georg, which lets one assume an earlier financial position of Maltitz. The one of Maltitz as old Meissen noble family was closely linked to the Saxon aristocracy and proprietor of all kinds of goods. Likewise they had been ad- vocated in higher administrative bodies of the ducal aulic and clerical duties.

Sigmunds ancestors of the stemma from Maltitz held office of important administrative bodies in the Wettin country (i.e. Bis- hop of Meissen, Hofmarschall, etc.) and were connected to the Saxon aristocracy through marriage (i.a. duchess of Saxony). Lat- ter especially applies to Barbara of Maltitz, who went on to being a builder after her marriage with Caspar of Schönberg senior in the mid 1460s 8, for example during the construction of the com- pleted Sachsenburg, which is proven by a crest and inscription on the breastwork of the castle chapel. Also mentioned in the inscription is the foreman Hans Reynhart – an alleged adept un- der the foreman Arnold of Westphalia, who later was involved in the construction of the Dresden palace. Dietrich of Schönberg – a family member and companion of the Saxon duke Wilhelm the Third during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land – married a Maltitz as well. Barbara of Maltitz, presumably departed in 1499, gave birth to 2 daughters and 3 sons, who married into the fami- lies Schleinitz and Haugwitz 9, giving them access to the highest Meissen nobility. This shows the familistic connections of Maltitz ahead of 1500 and his entitlement to sway and representation in connection with a probable wealth.

8 Uwe Schirmer: Caspar von Schönberg der Ältere zu Sachsenburg, in Schlossbau der Spätgotik in Mitteldeutschland-Tagungsband, Seite 75-81, Dresden 2007; sowie Wolfgang Schwabenicky: Das spätgotische Schloss Sachsenburg, in wie vor, Seite 82 - 91 9 siehe Anm. 8

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 7 And that Maltitz through Sigmund even aft er the Leipzig partiti- on of the Wettins in 1485 (both elector Ernst and duke Albrecht) functioned in Wettins subterritories, proves both the attendance of Sigmund of Maltitz at the pilgrimage of elector Friedrich the Th ird from the 19th of March until September 1493 to the Holy Land and his appointment at the Schellenberg (Ernestine) apart from his continuing occupation as counsellor at the Albertine au- lic of the Wettins.

It is proven through the court regulations from 1488/1489 by Duke Albrecht 10, that he was permanently appointed by duchess Zedena (Sidonias) and her three sons Georg, Heinrich and Fried- rich and evidently was involved in the education of Georg the Bearded, posterior Duke of Saxony, as well as developing an ami- cable relationship with Georg.

In a handed down fi le of a posterior lawsuit concerning a mill in Dippoldiswalde, the following is to be read: “... Sigmund von Maltitz, unsers Amtmann auf dem Schellenberge und lieben Ge- treuen…“ (s.Bild 2).

Bild 1 Brief mit Unterschrift Sigmund Bild 2 Brief Kanzlei Herzog Georgs an 11 12 von Maltitz Sigmund von Maltitz

10 siehe Anm. 13, hier Kapitel III , Seite 7 11 Brief Sigmund von Maltitz von 1511 an Herzog Georg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Sachsen, Ge- heimer Rat (Geheimes Archiv) Loc. 9834/5 „Im Kaufb rief Georg Herzog zu Sachsen mit Sigismundo von Maltitz über Schloß und Stadt Dippoldiswalde 12 Brief der Kanzlei Herzog Georgs an Sigmund von Maltitz, Hauptstaatsarchiv Sachsen, Geheimer Rat (Geheimes Archiv) Loc.9910/40 „Acta Simon Kol zu Seifersdorf und seine Consorten an einern Siegmunden von Maltitz, Hauptmann auf dem Schellenberge am andern Teil belangend, wegen einer Brettmühle unter der Dippoldiswalder Heiden und

8 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Especially in letters from Zedena (Sidonia) of Saxony, consort of Duke Albrecht of Saxony, to her son Duke Georg the Bearded 13 it is recorded, which high standing and close status he had with the Duke’s family and that at least (according to the letters) from 1493 to 1506 he worked as a counsel at the Dresden aulic under Georg the Bearded. Thus Zedena writes i.a.:

• 18th of January 1493: „…Und ker dych wider an Maltycz nach an dysen nach genen und las mir meyn wachs yn deyner ge- genwertickeyt abwegen, eyn rechten woll gewegen czentner, und brych den heyligen niczts ab…“

• 6th of December 1494: „…Auch hab ich zcuerczeyt Mal- ticz dy legend sancti Francisci gelichen. Ich bitt dych, du wolltest ym sagen, das er mir sy eher ye besser widder schickt…“

• 11th /17th of August 1500: „…Auch hat mich swester Cor- dula von Aldendresden gebethen vor eyn meydeleyn, so yndert eyn stat ym spital ledig wurd, du wollest ire yn das spital helffen und weldest nür Malticz beffellen, so yn schwester Cordula irynnern würd, das der forder pey den bürgern von deynen wegen ankeren sol…“

• 1st of December 1506: „…Und wu es dir geffelig und (du) es leiden woldest, das man nachmals von den amptgebrechen und dem tittel czwuschen dir und deinem bruder handelte, woldt ich mich auff nachsten donerstag kein Freybergk in eigner person der sachen zcu guth fugen und pey herczog Heinrich soviel mir moglich erlangen, das auff dy nächste woche, welichen tag es dir geffelt, ein tag zcu Meyssen gehalden wurd, zcu vorsuchen, ap Got nach gnade geben weld, das ir vor fremden lewten nicht handeln dorffet, so wold ich auch in eygner persone dohin kummen und ern Heinrich vonn Eynsidel, ern Hans von Minqwicz, Sygmünt von Malticz und doctor Heynicz pey mich als hendler czihen…“

13 Mitteilungen der Residenzenkommision der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttin- gen, Sonderheft 11, „Briefe der Herzogin Sidonia von Sachsen (1449-1510) an Ihren Sohn Georg (1471-1539), bearbeitet von Sven Rabeler, Alexandra Kursawe und Claudia Ulrich, Kiel 2009

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 9 Sigmund of Maltitz – district magistrate of Schellenberg 14, ow- ner of the city Dippoldiswalde and counsel of the Saxon Duke Georg the Bearded- was one of the most influential and wealthy civil servant and landowner in the eastern Saxon dominion of the Wettins.

In 1503 Sigmund of Maltitz bought the city of Dippoldiswalde from Duke Georg for 6000 guilders; from 1526 the property of the city of Dippoldiswalde is confirmed by documents for his sons Sigmund and Heinrich of Maltitz 15 ; only in 1569 Dippol- diswalde was sold back to Elector August 16. The renaissance buil- dings 17,which are still to be experienced today, don’t originate from his tenure as Bergmeister of Schellenberg, but from the tenure of his Sons Heinrich of Maltitz and Johann the Eighth of Maltitz. The portal of the former mining office at the marketplace 7 counts – next to the Dresden palace with its renaissance por- tals at the palace chapel and the Georgenportal – to the loveliest and richest ornamental sculpted portals in Saxony. Especially the busts, which are situated under the crest of Maltitz, of Elector Jo- hann Friedrich and Duke Heinrich the Pious 18 / Elector Friedrich the Wise and Duke Georg the Bearded 19 demonstrate the out- standing rank of Maltitz.

14 Schellenberg wurde in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jh. durch Kurfürst August in Augus- tusburg umbenannt 15 siehe Anm. 11, hier Privilegien der Stadt Dippoldiswalde, 1578; hier 4. Privileg von 1501 bis 6. Privileg 1526 16 Haupstaatsarchiv Sachsen, Loc. 37278, Rep.22 , Nr. 0041, Jagden von Hans von Maltitz auf Dippoldiswalde und anschließende Kaufverhandlungen über Amt und Gut Dippol- diswalde / Heinrich von Maltitz auf Dippoldiswalde Jagdhandlung und darauf erfolgter Kauf über das Amt Dippoldiswalde; 1569-1589 17 Bergamt am Markt 7 von 1543; Rathaus baulich überformt 1534 mit Maltitzschen Wap- pen über dem spätgotischen Hauptportal und der Innschrift „...HEINRICH VON MAL- TITZ UFF DIPPELSWALT.MDXXXIIII...“ 18 Kurfürst Johann Friedrich und Herzog Heinrich der Fromme sind die veröffentlichte Meinung, wobei schon Dr. Steche in „Beschreibende Darstellung der älteren Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler des Königreichs Sachsens“ des Sächsischen Alterthumvereines, Heft 2, Amtshauptmannschaft Dippoldiswalde, 1883, Seite 24 hinter Kurfürst Johann Friedrich ein Fragezeichen setzte; und im Gutachten der Autoren zum Portal im Auftrag Stadt Dip- poldiswalde vom 21.02.2015 darauf hingeweisen wurde, das Herzog Heinrich der From- me bereits am 18. August 1541 in Dresden starb und das Portal mit 1543 datiert ist. Auch sein nachfolger Moritz von Sachsen, der 1543 22 Jahre alt war kommt nicht in Betracht

10 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Bild 3 Herzog Georg Bild 4 Portal Maltitzsches Bild 5 Kurfürst der Bärtige Bergamt Dippoldiswalde Friedrich der Weisse

3. Sling ribbed vaults of the council session room in the town hall of Dippoldiswalde

The town hall of Dippoldiswalde certainly received several structural transformations after the town fires, especially after 1540. Therefore the late Gothic main portal and the window jamb statues are still testimonies of several building eras. The eastern portal wears the year 1543 next to the foreman token P+K and thus shows, that considerable parts of the town hall were constructed in the 1540s. Even the crest of Maltitz above the main portal epigraphically dates the year 1543. The late Gothic sling ribbed vault of the – today so-called – council session room receives little to no attention in the evaluation of the bulding history. To what extent this sling ribbed vault states a debris of former building eras, which survived the city fires of especially 1540 and was included in the structural transformati- on of 1543/1534, has to be speculated.

19 nach Auffassung der Autoren handelt es sich um Kurfürst Friedrich der Weise und Herzog Georg der Bärtige als Bestätigende Kurfürsten/Herzöge des Patentes 1512, aber auch enger persönlicher Beziehungen. Mit Kurfürst Friedrich dem Weißen war Sigmund von Maltitz 1493 auf Pilgerfahrt im Heiligen Land und bei Herzog Georg war er seit Kin- dertagen an Diener und Rath; das Portal ist u.E. früher zu datieren als es auf der nicht zur Reliefplatte passenden Gesimsabdeckung steht, hier ist ganz offenkundig eine Abdeckung von anderem Gebäude aufgesetzt wurden

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 11 This vault was measured tacheometrically, recreated and compa- red to the late Gothic sling ribbed figures of the Erzgebirge-re- gion around 1500 – as discussed in the following – to receive a potential convergence to the constructive approach of the then-foreman based on stylistic comparisons.

The sling ribbed vault in the council session room in the town hall of Dippoldiswalde shows a petal figuration, which consists of 4 petals in the vertex area that are aligned to the corners of the room and a diagonal rib, which is attached to the impost area, but dismantles itself further on. The beginning of the petals overlap each other in one point towards the impost area – the intersection with the attaching diagonal rib – and proceed slightly over the intersection before being chopped off and ending in clear space. Respectively mirror-symmetric opposing a single curved diago- nal rib proceeds from the room-sided central axis. This rib splits itself after a short distance and subsequently carries on as a mir- ror-symmetric double curved sling rib- which intersects the la- teral petals before being chopped off and ending in clear space as well. The apex is adorned by a capstone with flowering blossoms.

Bild 6 Schlingrippenfiguration Bild 7 Ratssitzungszimmer Dippoldis- Ratssitzungszimmer Dippoldiswalde walde - Gemälde um 1900

12 © 2016 bauer lauterbach In general, the sling ribbed figuration of the council hall shows very noticeable resemblances with the prototype by the foreman Jacob Haylmann ( from 1515 foreman for St. Annen in Annaberg, proven by documents) and the sling ribbed figure constantly used in his works and especially their derivation during the construc- tion of the ribbed figures over a quartering of the different room sides.

Bild 8 Ratssaal Rathaus Dippoldiswalde Bild 9 St. Annen Annaberg - Alte Sakristei

Bild 10 St. Annen Annaberg-Mittelschiff Bild 11 Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx-Mittelschiff

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 13 Bild 12a St.Annen Annaberg-Seitenschiff Bild 12b Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx-Empore ü.Sakristei

The derivation of the figures shown in pictures 8 through 12 were created during the research project „Deconstructive architectural concepts around 1500 – subproject The sling ribbed vaults of the Erzgebirge“ by Norbert Nußbaum, Thomaus Bauer and Jörg Lau- terbach using tachyometric measurements and reconstruction through 3D-models.

Sling ribbed figurations of Jacob Haylmann – or rather his working group – can be studied relatively ascertained and re- constructed in their derivation through the following works 20: a.) Seitenschiffgewölbe St. Annen in Annaberg 1515 - 1525 b.) Alte Sakristei St. Annen in Annaberg around 1518/1519 c.) Wappensaal Albrechtsburg Meißen around 1521 d.) Emporenwölbungen Nordwest (I – IV) Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx 1524/30 (Haylmann 1525/26 gest.) e.) Mittelschiffwölbung Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx (Entwurf Wöl- bung wohl zwischen 1518 – 1525)

Recurring stylistic elements of vault figurations used by Jacob Haylmann are the following: 1. Quartering of every room side without usage of modular mea- suring units like ell or feet; for rectangles or irregular squares the quartering of the longer side is applied to the shorter as well – as

20 die Wölbungen der Seitenschiffe und des Querhauses der 1514 begonnenen Schloss- kirche Chemnitz zeigen ebenfalls identische Figurationen wie Seitenschiff St.Annen Ann- aberg und Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx / Empore über Sakristei und sind mutmaßlich eben- falls dem Werkkreis Haylmanns zuzuordnen (Gegenstand laufendem Forschungsprojekt)

14 © 2016 bauer lauterbach vice versa – and outwardly set through the medial axis (i.e. Sak- ristei Annaberg, Mittelschiffe Brüx und Annaberg) 2. the single curved diagonal ribs, that often commence out of the corners, which are only chopped off at the first node with the vertex figuration (Brüx Empore über Sakristei, Annaberg Seiten- schiff, Annaberg Sakristei) 3. the 4 petals that are aligned after the room corners in the vertex area and stilted onto diagonal ribs (Mittelschiff Brüx) 4. the arch ribs, which proceed out of the respective central axis of the roomand split after a short distance into two mirror-sym- metric double curved sling ribs, that exceed the intersection with the vertex figuration before being chopped off and ending in clear space (Seiten- und Mittelschiffe Brüx und Annaberg, Wappensaal Meissen, Sakristei Annaberg) 5. internal figure with base-contour, which derives from the length of the narrow yoke central axis out of 4 corner points (Sei- ten und Mittelschiffe Brüx und Annaberg, Sakristei Annaberg)

These five stylistic elements all apply to the sling ribbed vault of the council session room in Dippoldiswalde. Although this may be just an indication or an initial suspicion, the affiliation bet- ween these shall be examined in this study.

Due to the comparisons of style regarding vault figurations being indications at most, which doesn’t exclude imitation either tem- poral or local, the question of the building contractor and his mo- tives is of utmost importance.

Next to the aspiration to represent aristocratic presentation using architectonic artefacts, it mostly mattered that contact to leading foremen and artists of the empire was established and to examine their works, in order to develop terms of reference for a personal representation following the impression of seen works.

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 15 A source of the Böhmischen Chronick by Frantisek Palacky pro- vides evidence of this topic (Palacky, BII, S.176/177).

In 1509 Ludwig, son of Wladislaw the Second, was crowned King of Bohemia and Hungary in the Prague fortress. Due to the ongoing plague in Budapest, Wladislaw the Second re- mained in Hradčany for about 1 year and tackled some of the postponed agreements with neighbouring princes; first of all Count Palatine Phillip on the 5th of December 1509 and after that Duke Georg of Saxony on the 28th of January 1510. The Duke of Saxony arrived with 700 followers, including a multitude of counts, cavaliers and sirs. Palacky took the message out of the original certificate (k.k. Archiv Wien), that during the festivities and negotiations the feuds i.a. of „…Dippoldiswalde, Bernstein, Pirna…” were renewed by Wladislaw the Second 21.

Who, if not Sigmund of Maltitz as the owner of Dippoldiswal- de, as well as counsil of Duke Georg, participated in Prague as ambassador of Saxony and especially Dipoldiswalde.

How impressive the Prague fortress was drawn to attention by Wladislaw the Second, is described through the festivities for the visit of Count Palatine Phillip; with consideration that the same was organised for Duke Georg. After the welcome by Wladislaw the Second, he welcomed his guests with a meal in the courtroom. Only his children Ludwig and Anna had to dine in their rooms, although this can only concern the first floor of the Ludwigtrakt in the contemporary Bohemian chancery with the crest of Ludwig above the door ( It was named Bohemian chancery only under Ferdinand the First after 1526 – up to 1526 the Bohemian chancery was to be found in Vienna).

21 Im Vertrag von Eger 1459 , der Grenze und Besitztümer zwischen Böhmen und Sachsen regelte, wurden einige sächsische Städte und Burgen als Güter übertragen und für jeden Regenten auf Lebenszeit übertragen, aber so mussten sie als Lehen nach jeder Machtüber- gabe vom Nachfolger erneuert werden

16 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Following the meal, Wladislaw invited the court society to dance in the Wladislaw hall. The fact that the courtroom was chosen as location for the solemn meal is a strong point for the – un- fortunately not surviving – vault of (around) 1503 of this huge hall-like room.

Although the authorship for the Wladislaw hall is assured th- rough the letter by Bonifaz Wohlmuth to King Ferdinand from the 5th of November 1563, the courtroom is only mentioned in one source form the weekly registry of the Kuttenberger Münze 1477-1526, which says „…1503 : Meister Jacob wird für Arbeiten in der Gerichtsstube entlohnt…“.

Without being able to definitely resolve this, it is to be assu- med, that the festivites in Hradčany lead to a profound effect regarding the fascinating architecture of the Wladislaw hall, the Bohemian chancery, the Reitertreppe and the oratory in the St.Veit chatedral on the Saxon embassy, as the presentation of new architecture does not miss the competence of the building contractor. 22

22 Thomas Bauer/Jörg Lauterbach/Norbert Nußbaum: Das Gewölbe der Böhmischen Kanzlei auf dem Prager Hradschin. Zum Verständnis gotischer Entwurfs- und Konstruk- tionsstrategien um 1500. In: InSitu 6, 2014, S. 65-80. - Thomas Bauer/Jörg Lauterbach/ Norbert Nußbaum: Benedikt Rieds Schlingrippengewölbe auf der Prager Burg. Entwurf – Steintechnik – Kontext. In: InSitu 7, 2015, S. 59-76..

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 17 The connection to a contributor of this magnificent Prague art and herefafter its dissemination over the Bohemian area up to the territory of the Wettins, Sigmund of Maltitz at the latest received support of the Saxon aulic through the „Annaberger Hüttenstreit“ in 1518 23, where Jacob Haylmann was placed on the „Schelmentafel“ by the master builder of the cathedral in Magdeburg Bastian Binder and put up a fight against the master of the „Haupthütte Straßburg“ Hans Wimmer.

In Cornelius Gurlitt: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Steinmetzhütten; S.276 it is written, that – after Jacob Haylmann already addressed a letter on the 25th of April 1519 to Duke Georg’s chancellor 24, as well as his counsel Sigmund of Maltitz, concerning an offer to gift 12 silver Bohemian spoons next to other things – on the 26th of April 1519 he personally met with Franz (probably Franz Maidburg) in Dippoldiswalde, to discuss the further steps of the Hüttenstreit, due to the Magdeburg and Strasburg hostility not cooling down, if anything further increa- sing.

The fact that Jacob Haylmann and Franz Maidburg intentionally travelled to Dippoldiswalde and therefore Sigmund of Malti- tz, to discuss an approach of Duke Georg beyond the Wettin territory, proves the high degree of Sigmund of Maltitz at the Wettin-Saxon aulic, as well as his amicable relationship to Duke Georg in an impressive way.

23 Stefan Bürger: Figurierte Gewölbe zwischen Saale und Neisse, Weimar 2007, Seite 273-275; Hans Burkhardt: Jacob Haylmann.Leben und Werk des Jacob Schweinfurt, Ba- den-Baden 2004, S.51-71; Götz Fehr: Benedikt Ried.Ein deutscher Baumeister zwischen Gotik und Renaissance in Böhmen, München 1961, Seite 73-75 24 Hans Burkhardt: Jacob Haylmann. Leben und Werk des fränkischen Baumeisters Jacob von Schweinfurt, Baden-Baden 2004, Seite 97 - 100 (…) Es ist nun die fleißige Bitte von meiner eigenen Person, Eure Exzellenz wolle meine Gabe, nämlich ein Dutzend böhmi- sche Löffel, jetzt gutwillig annehmen. Und wenn unsere Sache zu einem guten Abschluss kommt, wollen wir alle williglich beflissen sein, Eurer Exzellenz mit einer noch besseren Gabe für alle Mühen zu danken (…). Übersetzung in die heutige deutsche Sprache hier übernommen von Hans Burkhardt.

18 © 2016 bauer lauterbach After the letter by Jacob Haylmann to Duke Georg’s chancellor 24 on the 25th of April 1519 – in which he presented the prospect of further gifts next to the 12 Bohemian silver spoons in case of support for his own support – many things suggest, that Sigmund of Maltitz, during this meeting and the subsequent support through Duke Georg and his letter to the classes of Strasbourg and Magdeburg ,received a small return service in the form of a vault blueprint for his town hall in Dippoldiswalde from Haylmann.

The execution can surely be executed by the Dippoldiswalder Bauhütte, which operated at the Stadtkirche – according to the dating on the portal of the late Gothic transformation of 1506. That a “Valtinn von Dippolswald” is proven as an invited fore- man during the Annaberger Hüttenstreit on the 27th of July 1528 militates for the skills of this masons’ guild.

The approach, that Jacob Haylmann during his visit in Dippol- diswalde consigned a vault blueprint of most recent architectural language for his town hall construction/ transformation as quid pro quo for the support of Duke Georg to Sigmund of Maltitz, is surely to be classified as a presumption, since it can not be proven by known sources. However, both the stylistics, the con- structive approach to the vault and the circumstances concer- ning the relationship between Jacob Haylmann and Sigmund of Maltitz indicate the probability of this conjecture.

25 Deutsche Bauzeitung – Organ des Verbandes Deutscher Architekten- und Ingeni- eur-Vereine, Zwölfter Jahrgang, Heft 1, Seite 38, Berlin 1878: „Ein merkwürdiges Kirchen- gebäude in der Stadt Altenberg – H.Altendorff 20.Dez.1877“

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 19 4. Vault of the church St. Nickolaus in Altenberg/Sa.

The medieval church St.Nikolaus in Altenberg/Sa. was destroy- ed by many city fires – i.a. in the years 1576,1675 and ultimately 1876- which lead to the Leipzig architect Hugo Altendorff ini- tiating an extensive constructive transformation in the manner of Gothic Revival in 1877/78. Thanks to a publication by Hugo Altendorf in the Deutsche Bauzeitung in 1878 25, we possess both a layout plan with benchmark of the surviving late Gothic vault in the eastern chapel and the important information, that the ex- terior wall as well as the vault of these rooms survived the fire in 1876.

This published layout by Hugo Altendorf of the late Gothic vault found its way in to the „Beschreibende Darstellung der älteren Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler des Königreichs Sachsen“26 in 1883.

Regarding the dating of the late Gothic sling ribbed vault on the one hand one can use a hint to the description of a crest of Duke Georg with the year 1525, which originially was situated on the

26 K.Sächsischer Althertumsverein , Dr.R.Steche (Hrsg.): Beschreibende Darstellung der älteren Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler des Königreichs Sachsen; Zweites Heft: Amtshaupt- mannschaft Dippoldiswalde; Seite 4; Dresden 1883 27 befindet sich heute im restaurierten Zustand unter dem Eingang zur neuen Altenberger Kirche 28 Protokoll als Annaberger Memorandum vom 27.Juli 1518 wiedergegeben in : Götz Fehr „Benedikt Ried Ein deutscher Baumeister zwischen Gotik und Renaissance in Böhmen“ München 1961, Seiten 73-75 sowie neuerlich gedruckt und wiedergegeben mit kleinsten Differenzen: „Hans Burkhardt, Jacob Haylmann Leben und Wer des fränkischen Bau- meisters Jacob von Schweinfurt“ in Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, Band 362, Baden-Baden 2004, Seiten 60 - 67 29 Des Durchlauchtigsten Hochgebornen Fürsten unnd Herrn/Herrn Augusten/Her- zogen zu Sachssen/des heiligen Römischen Reichs Erzmarschalhn und Churfürsten/ Landgrauen inn Duringen/Marggrauen zu Meissen/und Burggrauen zu Magdeburgk – Zynberckwergs Ordnung auff dem Altenberge/und desselben zugehörigen Bergkrefier, Anno M.D.LXVIII (1568), Quelle: Hauptstaatsarchiv Sachsen / Dresden, Finanzarchiv, Loc.36081, Rep.09, Sect.1, Nr. 0710

20 © 2016 bauer lauterbach church building, on the other hand in the protocol of the Ann- aberg Hüttenstreit on the 25th of July 1518 the foreman “Linhertt von Altennberg” is proven by documents. Th erefore a consider- able masons‘ guild was established before 1518 in Altenberg, since only infl uential foremen from the reach of Duke Georg were invi- tied to the Annaberg Hüttenstreit.

Th e oldest known depiction of the church St.Nikolaus is to be found on the cover of the Altenberger Bergordnung of 1568. Even though only being schematic, this depiction shows that the nave does not involve a seperately built chancel, southward the stair turret already stood and the belfry was in the background.

Bild 13 Pinge mit Kirche 1937 Bild 14 Wappenstein Georgs datiert 1525 von St. Nickolaus Altenberg

Bild 15 Wappenstein Georgs Bild 16 Grundriss St. Nikolaus Altenbeg datiert 1525 von St. Nickolaus Altenberg vor 1876 von Hugo Altendorff aus Deutsche Bauzeitung 1878

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 21 Bild 17 Titelblatt Altenbergische Bergordnung mit ältester Darstellung von Stadtpfarrkirche St. Nikolaus von 1569

In a – for that time – very detailed city plan of 1676 30 with dis- play of the mining operation parts and Pochwäsche, the church St.Nikolaus is displayed in the southern lateral view. It reflects the posterior layout from the antiquity association with a nave with 3 Gothic windows eastern of the stair turret and a smooth nave conclusion in the east.

Bild 18 St. Nikolaus mit detaillierter Darstellung in Bild 19 St. Nikolaus im Gemälde „Die Pinge bei einem Plan der Pochwäschen auf dem Altenberg“ 1848 von Heinrich Eduard Müller Mühlberg von 1676 (Schüler von Ernst Ludwig Richter)

30 Kopie des Planes ausgestellt im Bergwerksmuseum des Besucherbergwerkes in Alten- berg/Sa. 31 Original dieses Ölbildes von Heinrich Eduard Müller „Die Pinge bei Altenberg“ von 1848 ist ebenfalls im Bergwerksmuseum des Besucherbergwerkes in Altenberg/Sa. aus- gestellt

22 © 2016 bauer lauterbach An oil painting by Heinrich Eduard Müller from 1848 31 shows his perspective over the Altenberg Pinge and likewise featu- res the eastern nave conclusion without chancel, as well as the asymmetrically arranged dormers, which are comparable to the asymmetric room arrangement in the eastern church/ chancel rooms. This very detailled oil painting has a high documentary content regarding the appearance of the church, since it was painted before the great city fire in 1876. In the Saxon church gallery of 1840 one can find, next to lyrical description, several depictions in the attached prints regarding the church building of St.Nikolaus in Altenberg in its constructional version before the destructive fire of 1876.

These show the evident original late Gothic building in the area of the eastern chancel and chapel rooms with the lower tracery windows and the smaller buttresses. However the western nave with higher buttresses and ogival-shaped windows – which aren’t segmented through tracery, but rather through fleams – shows constructional transformations after previous city fires in the 16th and 17th century.

Bild 20 St.Nikolaus um 1840/Stich aus Bild 21 St. Nikolaus Altenberg um 1840 / Stich Sachsens Kirchen Galerie aus Sachsens Kirchen Galerie

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 23 All of the depictions of the parish church St. Nikolaus, after the constructional transformation in 1876 / 1878 with its fundamen- tal redesign in the manner of the Gothic Revival, show a nave through photographs delivered through sources, which consists of an attached chancel porch in the East.

This overtly loaded the two small window axes with the late me- dieval archetype, since between the steeple and the new chancel porch only one window axis is in place.

This distinctly indicates, that in the course of the conversion in 1878 by Hugo Altendorff the late Gothic chancel with its vault was demolished.

22 23 Postkarte von Altenberg, 1909 Originaldruck Lichtbild unter Glasplatte 80 * 60 mm, Reinicke & Rubin Magdeburg, Abgriff gemeinfreier „86/17 Altenberg und Quellbach der Müglitz, Veröffentlichung am 03.09.16 unter sachsen (730) – Th. Benzinger, Lichtbild- verlag, Stuttgart“, Quelle: Archiv bauer lauter bach

Following the conducting of the architect of the Gothic Revival in 1877/1878, Hugo Altendorff, it is to be learned from the Deutsche Bauzeitung, that during the fire in 1876 the walls and the vault of the eastern chancel and the north-eastern chapel did not collapse and – before his massive intrusion – could therefore be measured and captured.

24 © 2016 bauer lauterbach That the vault still was demolished by Altendorff, which on the one hand suggests more in-depth fire damage at the vault, on the other hand and more likely indicates building practical / const- ructive reasons for an expansion of the church with a Gothic Re- vival chancel.

The interesting thing is, that the sling ribbed figuration of the south-eastern chancel room of the posterior late Gothic vault from St. Nikolaus Altenberg is fully identical to the sling ribbed figuration of the Sakristei in the city church St. Marien in Pirna from 1516.

The vestry in Pirna was assigned to the foreman time 32 of the Dresden mason Markus Ribbisch in previous research. That he became the successor after Peter Ulrichs death in 1513 as fore- man is not a compelling conclusion for the foreman Ribbisch also delivering the arch design for the vestry. The temporal allocati- on of the foreman time Ribbisch’s followed through the hint by Albrecht Sturm, that the vault figuration of the verstry followed the examples by Benedikt Ried in Prag and Jakob Haylman in Annaberg 33. Prof. Stefan Bürger 34 dedicated the authorship of the vault design to the vestry of Georg von Maulbronn in Pirna, who was site engineer during the construction of the deanery church Mariä Himmelfahrt in Brüx 35.

32 Albrecht Sturm, Baugeschichte und Baumeister, Seite 44 in: Die Stadtkirche St. Marien zu Pirna , Pirna 2005; sowie Albrecht Sturm, Raum und Gewölbe – die Marienkirche und die obersächsischen Hallenkirchen, Seite 98 in: Die Stadtkirche St. Marien zu Pir- na, 2005; beide Aufsätze basieren erklärtermaßen wesentlich auf den Forschungen von Oskar Speck: Meister Peter von Pirna in Neues Archiv für Sächsische Geschichte 1900 und Oskar Speck: Die Parochie Pirna. In: Neue Sächsische Kirchengalerie, Ephorie Pirna. Leipzig 1904 33 Die Bestallung Jacob Haylmanns für St. Annen in Annaberg erfolgte im April 1515, die Säulen waren bereits teilweise gebaut, so dass schon anzunehmen ist, dass Haylmann spätestens 1515 mit Entwürfen für die Gewölbe in Annaberg beschäftigt war 34 Stefan Bürger: Figurierte Gewölbe zwischen Saale und Neisse, Spätgotische Wölbkunst von 1400 bis 1600 Weimar 2007, Seiten 217, 223,224 sowie Katalog zu St. Marien Sakristei 35 Georg von Maulbronn ist quellenkundig ab 1518 in den Baurechnungen von 1517-1519 als leitender Mitarbeiter Haylmanns nachgewiesen; Heide Mannlova-Rakova: Kulturni Pamatka Most Dekansky Kostel a jeho Stavitele, Most 1989, Seite 121

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 25 Tradition has it, that Ribbisch after his inauguration travelled to Aus- sig and Leitmeritz 36 at the expense of the Pirna council, in order to recruit journeymen for the expansion.

It is unclear, if this already happened in 1514 or not until 1515, when Jacob Haylmann functioned as foreman in Annaberg or 1518, when Haylmann delivered his vault layout in Brüx.

The sling ribbed figuration in the vestry St.Marien in Pirna is assu- red by three dates, which were chiselled into stone near the external windows and all read “1516” 37. However, it is not the chronological first sling ribbed figuration of late Gothic vaults in Upper Saxony, as variousy assumed by researc 38.

Bild 24 Figuration Sakristei St. Marien Pirna Bild 25 Schlingrippenfiguration Sakristei St. Marien Pirna von 1516 1:1 identisch mit St. Nikolaus Altenberg von ca. 1518

36 siehe Anm. 26 37 siehe Anm.26, Albrecht Sturm, hier Seite 98 38 u.a. Stefan Bürger, Anm.28, Seite 217: ...Im Jahre 1516 erhielt Obersachsen erstmals mit der doppeljochigen Sakristei der Pirnaer Marienkirche ein „böhmisches“ Schleifens- terngewölbe...

26 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Bild 26 Schlingrippenfiguration Sakristei St. Marien Pirna von 1516 1:1 identisch mit St. Nikolaus Altenberg von ca. 1518

Bild 27 Figuration Annenkapelle Freiberg - Jochtei- Bild 28 Annenkapelle Freiberg- Scheitelfiguratio- lungen sind über gekehlte Rautenfiguren hergeleitet nen sind über gekehlte Rautenfiguren hergeleitet.

As early as 1514 the Annen-chapel at the cloister of the Freiberg cathedral 39 was vaulted with a sling ribbed figuration. This figura- tion on the other hand shows noticeable resemblances concerning the figuration – insofar one pulls up the yoke partition designating rhombi as central character – with the northeastern figuration of the chancel vault of St.Nikolaus in Altenberg, called “Betstube”.

39 zur Datierung Heinrich Magirius: Der Dom zu Freiberg, München-Regensburg 1993, Seite 20 „...1509 wurde die päpstliche Indulgenz für den Ausbau eines oder zweier Türme erneuert. Man hat dann aber doch diese Baumaßnahme zugunsten des Baues eines Kreuz- ganges und der damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Annenkapelle zurückgestellt. Der Kreuzgang war bereits 1507 wohl von Ost nach West im Bau, ein Portal trug die Jahreszahl 1509. 1514 wurden in der Annenkapelle zwei Altäre geweiht...“

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 27 This northeastern chancel vault of St.Nikolaus shows a resemblance at the vault beginnings with the nave vault in Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx and the session room in Dippoldiswalde. In all of these 3 vault figurations, single curved/straight vault beginnings from the yoke corners are stalked at the transition to the vertex figuration with petal figures, similar to a popsicle.

Viewed in this light the vault figurations of the late Gothic chancel rooms of St.Nikolaus in Altenberg are to be viewed in a tight tem- poral and construction-historical context, as well as the vaults of the Annen-chapel Freiberg 1514, the vestry St.Marien in Pirna 1516 and Haylmanns vault layout for the Mariä Himmelfahrt Brüx, which he delivered the counsil on record in 1518.

28 © 2016 bauer lauterbach Ré­su­mé

The late Gothic vault of the council session Room in Dippoldiswalde and the city church St.Nikolaus in Altenberg/Sa. mirror the advanced artisanal and artistic standard of the estates in the Eastern Erzgebirge around 1500. They are to be viewed in a close temporal and construc- tion-historical coherence with the vault layouts by Jacob Haylmann for St.Annen in Annaberg, Mariä Himmelfahrt in Brüx, as well as the Annenchapel in Freiberg. The local proximity to the „Jagdrevier“ of Haylmann, but also his personal relations to Sigmund of Maltitz – who supported Duke Georg of Saxony during the Annaberger Hüt- tenstreits in 1518-, may have contributed their part to the develop- ment of the latest vault figurations in the Eastern Erzgebirge.

The development of sling ribbed vaults in the Eastern Erzgebirge pro- ceeded similarily to the one in the Western Erzgebirge. The artisanal quality and constructive approach of the vaults is hardly distinguis- hable. Only the impressive size of the Western Erzgebirge hall chur- ches exceeded the ones in the East.

The visit by Duke George at the Bohemian and Hungarian King Wla- dislaw II. with 700 followers of Saxon princes, aristocrats and court in 1510 surely was the initial spark for the defrayal of the innovative Bohameian sling ribbed vaults by Benedikt Ried into the construc- tions near the Erzgebirge area in subsequent years. As Wladislaw II., according to sources, drew attention to his castle during the festivi- ties, he also drew attention to how the deconstruvtive architecture of Benedikt Ried in the Vladislavhall, the Reiterstiege, the Bohemian chancel and the oratory in the cathedral St.Veit was presented ,which must have had a huge impact on the Saxon followers.

The appointment of Jacob Haylmann as foreman to Annaberg in 1515 was a consequence of this development, rather than its begin- ning. Although over the course of this development Jacob Haylmann achieved a remarkable sucession development of sling ribbed figu- rations of late Gothic vaults in the Saxon and Bohemian Erzgebirge area and did it with his own personal signature, as well as a legible constructive derivation.

© 2016 bauer lauterbach 29 The vault figurations of Annaberg and Brüx, which are proven by source, bespeak (during the derivation), that the working group around Jacob Haylmann is responsible for the vestry in St.Marien Pirna, the vault of the council session room in Dippoldiswalde, as well as the chancel rooms of the city church St.Nikolaus in Altenberg/ Sa.

A continuation of this study within the scope of the research project „Dekonstruktive Architekturkonzepte um 1500 – Teilprojekt Schlin- grippengewölbe des Erzgebirges“ by Norbert Nußbaum, Thomas Bauer and Jörg Lauterbach will be devoted to the constructive inves- tigation of the vault on the basis of fully modelled 3D constructions.

ISBN 978 - 3 - 00 - 054963 - 2