Works Cited in Alex Ross's the Rest Is Noise
Works Cited in Alex Ross’s The Rest Is Noise Collections: Berlin Document Center, microfilm copies at National Archives II, College Park, MD. Leonard Bernstein Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress. Aaron Copland Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress. Records of the Federal Music Project, RG 69, National Archives II, College Park, MD. Morton Feldman Papers, Music Library, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. George Gershwin Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress. Serge Koussevitzky Archive, Music Division, Library of Congress. Alma Mahler-Werfel Collection, University of Pennsylvania. Records of the Office of Military Government, United States, RG 260, National Archives II, College Park, MD. Princeton Radio Research Project, Paul Lazarsfeld Papers, Columbia University. Britten-Pears Library, Aldeburgh, England. Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna. Third Reich Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections, Library of Congress. Bernd Alois Zimmermann Collection, Archives of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Interviews: John Adams, Thomas Adès, Björk, Russell Campitelli, Alexander Dunkel, Osvaldo Golijov, György Ligeti, Donald Mitchell, Carlos Moseley, Kent Nagano, David Raksin, Steve Reich, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Alfred Schnittke, Ronald Schoenberg, Christian Strauss, Michael Tilson Thomas, Milton Weiss. Published sources: Adorno, Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory, ed. Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann, trans. C. Lenhardt (Routledge, 1984). ______. Alban Berg: Master of the Smallest Link, trans. Juliane Brand and Christopher Hailey (Cambridge University Press, 1991). ______. Essays on Music, ed. Richard Leppert, trans. Susan H. Gillespie (University of California Press, 2002). ______. “Kritik des Musikanten,” in Gesammelte Schriften (Suhrkamp, 1973), vol. 14, pp. 67–107. ______. Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life, trans. E.F.N.
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