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THE MORNINGSIDER Vol. 2 SEPTEMBER, 1943 No. 1 A MESSAGE Dr. George W. Dunn, from '21, In Summer School THE ALUMNI Commencement ASSOCIATION S ummer School Commencement was held Wednesday, August 25, in Grace Church, PRESIDENT with 12 graduates receiving diplomas. Dr. George W. Dunn's subject was "Eyes that Parnell H. Mahoney See the Invisible." This fiftieth year for Morningside Col Theodore Walensky had left for service lege should be the best, the finest, in her in the Marines two clays prior to the com histor y. mencement elate. His father, Mr. Grant Wal It is true, of course, that the war effort ensk y, received his diploma for him. Ensign has materially reduced the number of r eg Clark Watkins, a boyhood friend of Stan ularly enrolled undergraduate men. The ley Munger, received Stanley's diploma. United States Army's cadets made up that Ensign Watkins was on brief leave after reduction, however. We are fortunate having assisted in the Sicilian invasion that these boys are a fine group - landing. His ship had been employed in re clean-cut, hard working, well disciplined. turning prisoners to the United States, We have approximately two hundred fifty which made possible his leave. undergraduate women. The teaching staff Five of the graduates will teach. They is at full strength; the courses offered are are Bette Buell, Kingsley; Helen Eyres, more complete, more balanced than ever . Sioux City; Harriett Kirby, George; Trula Your alumni association, in co-operation Gearas, Marengo; Miles Tommer.aasen, with the faculty, the Fiftieth Year Commit Canton, S. Dak. tee, the Board of Trustees, and the under Francis Brockman will enter Boston The graduates, plans a full prograin as part of ological School and Murphy Duncan will the fiftieth year celebration. Your alumni contmue at his pastorate in Arthur, Iowa. bulletin will fully outline these plans as Ann Holliday, of Sioux City, will engage they develop. Homecoming Week-end is in social work. Ruth W.alker expects to be scheduled October 15, 16, and 17th. We are Dr. T. C. Stephens called into active duty in the WAVES soon. particularly anxious that everyone be pres- Three boys have entered the armed ent who can possibly do so. P.reliminary services. Stanley P. Manger, and Sibley B. surveys show us that we will have one of Thomas Calderwood Stephens, A. B., 1'.ewman are in Officers' Training at the the finest groups of returning alumni we M. D., Professor of Biology, came to Morn Midshipmen's School in Chicago; Theodore have had, and a full program of entertain ingside in 1906. Since that time he has in Walensk y is stationed with the Marines at ment is planned. Make your plans now to troduced countless students to the fascinat Farris Island, South Carolina. be with us. ing life histories of the plants and animals . .. M . This is MORNINGSIDE'S YEAR! among which we live. He has taught them, along with the facts, keenness of observa $250,000 Campaign Fund ... M ... tion, attention to detail, exactness - in Blue Network Program short, the essentials demanded by any Approved for Morningside science. Honors Morningside Regularly, from Biology, the embryo A $250,000 campaign fund for Morning scientists have eagerly enrolled in his other side College was approved Thursday by the "Every Morningsider at his Radio" at a courses- embryology, histology, cryptoga Northwest Iowa conference at Fort Dodge, time corresponding to 12 noon, Central War mic botany, ornithology. Whichever course $100,000 to be spent for a new science Time, is the slogan for Homecoming this they take they leave Dr. Stephens' labora building, $23,539.92 "for much needed im year. By this means each one may return tory with so thorough a basic training that provements" and the remainder of the fund in spirit to campus scenes and activities successive steps in their professional to retire indebtedness of $126,461.08. The and have a part in the Homecoming festivi courses come easily to them. Indeed, the greater part of the indebtedness is $93, ties. list of scientists whom Dr. Stephens has 855.08 on the Women's residence hall. "Wake Up America," a Blue Network started on their careers might be taken broadcast, will originate from the Morning from "Who's Who." these thirty-odd years of service, to notable side Campus Sunday noon, October 17, from Whenever any one of the students who achievements in his field. No man can do 12 to 12:45, Central War Time. The "Wake has penetrated the secrets of the "advanced more. Up America" program will climax the lab," comes back to visit Morningside his Doctor Stephens has spent most of his Homecoming event. The subject to be dis first objective is to climb the south stairs, summers at the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory cussed is "Can the Liberal Arts College turn right, go round the book stacks, and on Okoboji. Those of us fortunate enough be Revitalized?" The national educational meet Doctor Stephens' welcoming smile. to have worked there with him have an leaders for this program will be Dr. Howard the smile and the interest are as warm for endless number of happy memories of the L. Bevis, President of Ohio State University, the student who has turned h er scientific association. Thr ough his interest in birds Columbus, Ohio; Dr. Carter Davidson, training to child care and canning as for the founding of the Sioux City Bird Club, President of Knox College, Galesburg, Ill the one who has attained high honor in a contributions to scientific magazines, offices inois; Dr. William Peirce, Chairman of the profession. he has held in state and national scientific Board of Trustees of the radio forum, The Doctor is a quiet man, unassuming. societies- he has made many friends, not "Wak e Up America." The students see him striding along, brief only in this community but over Iowa and case in hand, looking a bit absent-minded, the whole United States. All these people A short statement r egarding the progress have had their interest and enjoyment of of Morningside and g.reetings to Morning perhaps, and unless they enroll in Biology, they have no conception of the power and nature increased many fold. Yet with all siders everywhere will be given by Dr. this to his credit, I think the Doctor is Roadman. All Morningside radios will cry persistence there is in the man. He has de voted his life to science, and has inspired proud only of the achievement s of his stu out to be privileged to carry this college dents. program to Mornnigside friends. an amazing number of men and women, in Published monthly from September to June, inclusive, by Morningside College. Application for entry as second class matter is pending at Sioux City, Iowa. Page 2 S e p t e m b e r , 1 9 4 3 Accept Positions John V. Madison to Sioux Falls Many graduates of the class of '43, and the two-year Elementary School Teachers' Announcement of the appointment of Course have accepted teaching positions fo1 Rev. John V. Madison to the pastorate of the coming year. Included on the list also the First Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, are some former teachers who have new South Dakota, at the close of the South positions. Dakota Conference on October 10 has been J ames Adams-Hartley made by Bishop Magee. Jean Lindsay-Cleghorn Rev. Madison began his career in the Marjorie Niemier-Sanborn ministry while a student in Morningside. Clarice Lane-Hornick He and Mrs. Madison (Anna Beard) grad- Mary Patterson-Graettinger uated in 1916. Dorothy DeVries-West Bend In 1922 he received his bachelor of divin Mariellen Rifenbark-Linn Grove ity degree from the Garrett Biblical Insti Dorothy Laird-Otho tute at Evanston, Illinois, and the follow Carol Hedeen-Linn Grove ing year his master's degree from North Carol W western University. In 1924 he studied at Vernice Christiansen-Wakefield, Nebr. the divinity school at the University of Doris Coe-Norfolk, Nebr. Chicago. Margaret Davies-Oto Rev. and Mrs. Madison are the parents Margaret Dieter-Marathon of five children, three girls and two boys. Dorothy B.rown-Orange City The two older girls, Kathryn and Louise, Maurine Smith-Larrabee both graduates of Morningside, are married. Esther Santee-Correctionville John, Jr., is serving with the Seabees, Harriett Kirby-George while the two younger children are still Mary Louise F airchild-Coon Rapids at home. Mary Lee McClusky-Ashton While his leaving will be a distinct loss Florence Coss-Cushing to the community and to the Northwest Edith Merrill-Ayrshire Dr. Scarborough Succeeds Iowa Conference, he will be in a position Stella Miller-Glidden to do even greater work, as the Sioux Falls Vera Smith Goodenow-Blencoe Dean Hill charge is one of the largest in the Dakotas. Cathryn Eyer-Varina .. M ... Bette Buell-Kingsley FRESHMEN ENROLL Glennys Eick-Orange City Dr. William J. Scarborough, former dean Veda Rasmussen-George of chapel of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Ia., has been named acting dean of Morn The opening of college this fall found Helen Pearson-Cherokee Morningside ready to welcome a fine, en Letha Howes-Sloan ingside College t o succeed Dr. George E. Hill who went to Macalester College at St. thusiastic group of freshmen. This class, Edythe Albert-Odebolt numbering around one hundred, about Barbara Barry Reese-West Bend Paul as professor of psychology and direc tor of student personnel services. 25 percent of which are boys, makes up in Olin C. Bissell-Superior, Wyoming quality what it lacks in quantity.