Tuesday, 16 May

19:00-21:30 Cocktail at Sofitel Tour Blanche

Welcome address:  Hiba Zahoui, Director of Banking Supervision – Bank Al-Maghrib  Jean-Luc Quémard, Head, International Banking and Finance Institute, Banque de

Wednesday, 17 May

8:30 Registration & Welcome coffee at Novotel Hotel

8:45 Welcome address:  Abderrahim Bouazza, Director General – Bank Al-Maghrib  Frederic Visnovsky, Deputy General Secretary, Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority  Philippe de Meneval, Program Leader, Equitable Growth, Finance, and Institutions,

9:00 First session The digital transformation of the financial sector: overview of policy issues

Chair: Philippe de Meneval, Program Leader, Equitable Growth, Finance, and Institutions, World Bank Group

Frederic Visnovsky, Deputy General Secretary, Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (France)

Margaret Miller, Global Lead, Responsible Financial Access, World Bank Group

Roundtable & Debate

10: 00 Second session The digital transformation of the financial sector: opportunities and challenges

Chair: Margaret Miller, Global Lead, Responsible Financial Access, World Bank Group

Hiba Zahoui, Director of Banking Supervision, Bank Al-Maghrib

Helmut Wacket, Head of Market Integration Division, European

Roundtable & Debate

11:00 Break

11:30 Third Session The digital transformation of the financial sector: opportunities and challenges

Chair: Badr Nabil, Deputy Head of Banking Supervision, Bank Al-Maghrib

Giovanni Rumolo, Statistical and IT Support Division of the Coordination and External Relations Directorate, Banca d ’Italia

Carlos Moura, Deputy Head of the Information Systems and Technology Department, Banco do Portugal

Matej Krumberger, Director of the Banking Supervision Department, Bank of Slovenia

Roundtable & Debate

13:00 Lunch

14:45 Fourth Session The digital transformation of the financial sector: opportunities and challenges

Chair: Peter McConaghy, Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank Group

Jessica Mosher, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Chefa Zouhir, Department of Payment Systems, Central Bank of Tunisia

Nadine Chehade, MENA Regional Representative, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor

Roundtable & Debate

16:15 Break

16:45 Fifth session The digital transformation of the financial sector: opportunities and challenges

Chair: Hedi Jeddi, Head of Sector, International Banking and Finance Institute, Banque de France

Khaled Bohsali, Executive Director, Foreign Affairs Department, Banque of

Peter McConaghy, Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank Group

Representative from Moroccan Authorities

Roundtable & Debate

18:15 End of session

19:30 Shuttle gathering (at the entrance of the Sofitel)

20:00-23:00 Dinner at the Restaurant Sens, Kenzi Tower Hotel

Thursday, 18 May

8:45 Registration & Welcome coffee at Novotel Hotel

9: 00 Sixth Session The digital transformation of the financial sector: policies to foster inclusion and access

Chair: Nadine Chehade, MENA Regional Representative, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor

Aboubacar Keita, Inspector, Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea

Asmaa Bennani, Director of Payment Systems and Instruments Oversight and Financial Inclusion, Bank Al-Maghrib

Najib Choucair, Director of Banking Supervision, Bank of Lebanon

Roundtable & Debate

10: 30 Break

11: 00 Seventh Session The digital transformation of the financial sector: policies to address risks to financial stability

Chair: Khaled Bohsali, Executive Director, Foreign Affairs Department,

Nathalie Beaudemoulin, Head of the FinTech Innovation Pole, Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (France) [20 min]

Laurent Clerc, Director of the Financial Stability Directorate, Banque de France

Roundtable & Debate

12:30 Wrap-up & Agreeing press and website release

13:00 Lunch
