Altered Biodistribution of : Role of Radiochemical/Pharmaceutical Purity, Physiological, and Pharmacologic Factors

Shankar Vallabhajosula, PhD, Ronan P. Killeen, MD, and Joseph R. Osborne, MD, PhD

One of the most common problems associated with radiopharmaceuticals is an unanticipated or altered biodistribution, which can have a significant clinical impact on safety, scan interpre- tation, and diagnostic imaging accuracy. In their most extreme manifestations, unanticipated imaging results may even compromise the utility and or accuracy of studies. We present here an overall summary of altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals with a special emphasis on the molecular mechanisms involved. Important factors affecting the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals can be described in 5 major categories and include (1) preparation and formulation problems; (2) problems caused by radiophar- maceutical administration techniques and procedures; (3) by changes in biochemical and pathophysiology; (4) previous medical procedures, such as surgery, and dialysis; and finally (5) by drug interactions. The altered biodistribution of 99mTc radiopharma- ceuticals are generally associated with increased amounts of 99mTc radiochemical impurities, 99m ؊ 99m 99m such as free TcO4 and particulate impurities, such as Tc colloids or Tc-reduced hydrolyzed species. Faulty injection, such as dose infiltration or with antiseptics and aluminum during dose administration, may cause significant artifacts. The patient’s own medical problems, such as abnormalities in the regulation of hormone levels; failure in the function of excretory organs and systems, such as hepatobiliary and genitourinary systems; and even simple conditions, such as excessive talking may contribute to altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Previous medical procedures (chemotherapy, , dial- ysis) and drug interaction are the some of the nontechnical factors responsible for unantici- pated biodistribution of radiotracers. This review provides a comprehensive summary of various factors and specific examples to illustrate the significance of altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Semin Nucl Med 40:220-241 © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

uclear determined on the basis of radiophar- problems associated with the clinical use of traditional and mo- Nmaceuticals has been practiced for more than 50 years. In lecular imaging radiopharmaceuticals. The etiology of most of recent years, designer radiopharmaceuticals or molecular imag- these problems can be classified into 4 major categories1 as ing probes have been developed to image in vivo biochemical, shown in Table 1. One common result creates an unanticipated physiological, and pathologic processes by the use of or unusual imaging finding. Other common results go undetec- emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and ted, particularly if they mimic pathology or mask underlying single-photo emission computed tomography/computed to- disease. Not surprisingly, these cases can have a significant clin- mography (SPECT/CT) scanners. There are, however, several ical impact in safety, scan interpretation, and diagnostic imaging accuracy. In their most extreme manifestations, unanticipated imaging results may even compromise the utility and or accu- Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell Univer- racy of nuclear medicine studies. There are many factors both sity, Nuclear Medicine, STARR-221, New York, NY. extraneous and in vivo that can alter the normal biodistribution Address reprint requests to Shankar Vallabhajosula, Professor of Radio- of radiopharmaceuticals. It is important to recognize these fac- chemistry and Radiopharmacy, Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell tors and to understand the specific mechanisms involved in the Medical College of Cornell University, 525 East 68th Street, Nuclear Medicine, STARR-221, New York, NY 10065. E-mail: svallabh@med. altered biodistribution to avoid both false-positive and false- negative interpretation of scans. Over the years, several au-

220 0001-2998/10/$-see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1053/j.semnuclmed.2010.02.004 Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 221

Table 1 Classification of Problems Associated With Clinical Use of Radiopharmaceuticals1 Unanticipated/unusual Altered Biodistribution Radiopharmaceutical formulation problems imaging results Pathophysiologic interference Concomitant drug therapy Latrogenic trauma Radiation therapy Blood transfusion Renal/peritoneal dialysis Inappropriate route of dose administration Imaging artifacts Sequencing artifacts Operator error Instrumentation failure Patient-induced error Other imaging artifacts Normal anatomic variants Considerations for special Considerations Radiation safety patient populations Patient preparation Special populations Pregnancy Breastfeeding Pediatric Geriatric Dialysis Incontinent/catheterized Miscellaneous Adverse reaction/untoward effects Patient care, quality errors assurance failures Misadministration/recordable events Blood handling/reinfusion errors Improper preparation or execution of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures Other problems resulting in inferior patient outcomes

thors2-9 have reviewed extensively the various factors contribut- nal environment by means of positive and negative feed- ing to the altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals. back of information. We present here an overall summary of altered biodistri- A radiotracer can be defined as a specific radiolabeled mole- bution of radiopharmaceuticals with a special emphasis on cule (or probe) that resembles or traces the in vivo behavior of a the molecular mechanisms involved. Several other articles in natural molecule and can be used to provide information about the current and previous issues of the journal address the a specific biological process.16 The degree of similarity between factors involved in the altered biodistribution of [18F]flu- radiotracer and the natural substance, however, may vary de- orodeoxyglucose (FDG), radioiodide, and 99mTc radio- pending on the particular radiotracer. For example, [11C]glu- pharmaceuticals.10-15 To understand the various factors cose and [14C] are “true” tracers of glucose because they contributing to the altered biodistribution of radiophar- are chemically identical to natural glucose, whereas [18F]FDG is maceuticals, it is first important to understand the “tracer an analog of glucose that does not behave identically as it is principle,” the specific mechanism(s) involved in the “nor- chemically a different molecule. One of the most important mal” biodistribution of a radiopharmaceutical. characteristics of a true radiotracer, however, is the ability to study the components of a homeostatic system without disturb- The “Tracer Principle” ing their function. Occasionally, the term is also used In the 1920s George de Hevesy coined the term radioindi- in the context of imaging studies. Radioligand can be defined as cator or radiotracer, which introduced the tracer principle any radiolabeled molecule that can bind with another molecule in biomedical sciences.16 One of the most important char- or substance (binder) in a predictable way under controlled acteristics of a tracer is the ability to study the components conditions. For example, [11C] is a radioligand that of a homeostatic system without disturbing their function. binds specifically to D2 receptors, whereas fluorine- The term homeostasis is used by physiologists to mean 18-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine ([18F]FDOPA) is a radiotracer to maintenance of static, or constant, conditions in the inter- image dopamine metabolism. 222 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

Radiopharmaceutical mechanisms involved in the altered biodistribution, it is first The terms, radiotracer, radioligand, and radiolabeled molec- important to appreciate the quality control criteria and mech- ular imaging probe each have specific meaning depending on anism(s) of radiopharmaceutical localization. their clinical context. From a regulatory point of view, the term radiopharmaceutical represents any radiolabeled mole- Radiopharmaceuticals: cule intended for human use. All radiolabeled compounds or Quality Control Criteria substances used for diagnosis or therapy have been defined as Although alterations in the biodistribution of radiopharma- radioactive drugs or radiopharmaceuticals by the US Food and ceuticals may be related to several factors unrelated to the Drug Administration (FDA). From a regulatory point of view, quality of radiopharmaceutical preparation, the purity and however, a radiopharmaceutical must also be sterile, pyrogen quality of a radiopharmaceutical preparation has a pro- free, safe for human use, and efficacious for a specific indica- nounced effect on the in vivo behavior of radiopharmaceuti- tion. In contrast, radiochemical is not an FDA-approved cal, the subsequent scan interpretation, and the diagnostic agent for routine human use. It is important to remember that accuracy of the imaging procedure.3,4 diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, however, are administered Before the administration of a radiopharmaceutical into a Ͻ ␮ in trace amounts ( 100 g), and typically, do not induce any human subject, several quality control tests need to be per- physiological response or pharmacologic effect in patients. formed. These tests generally fall into 2 different categories; the physicochemical tests are essential to determine the, Factors Affecting chemistry, purity, and the integrity of a formulation, whereas the Biodistribution of the biological tests establish the sterility and apyrogenicity of the radiopharmaceutical. Because the defects in radiophar- Radiopharmaceuticals maceutical formulation are usually observed in the patient as Although several problems are associated with the clinical an altered biodistribution, following quality control tests use of radiopharmaceuticals (Table 1), important factors af- need to be performed: fecting the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals can be Radionuclidic Purity (RP) described in the following 5 major categories: It is defined as the fraction of total radioactivity present in the ● factors associated with radiopharmaceutical preparation form of desired radiopharmaceutical. RP depends on the and formulation; quantities of desired and other radionuclide ● factors caused by radiopharmaceutical administration contaminants, the relative half-lives of all the , techniques and procedures; and changes in the quantities of radionuclides with time. The ● factors caused by pathophysiological and biochemical most common examples are 99Mo contaminant in 99mTc ra- changes; diopharmaceuticals and 125Ior124I contaminants in 123Ila- ● factors caused by medical procedures; and beled radiopharmaceuticals. ● factors associated with drug therapy or drug interaction Radiochemical Purity The physicochemical factors and molecular mechanisms in- It is the fraction of the total radioactivity in the desired chem- volved in the altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals ical form of a radiopharmaceutical. Several radiochemical caused by the aforementioned factors will be described here impurities in a radiopharmaceutical formulation may form briefly with specific examples. To understand the basis and during radiolabeling process (Table 2) or may arise because

Table 2 Expected Biodistribution of Radiochemical Impurities in Radiopharmaceuticals Radiopharmaceutical Factors Impurity Biodistribution 99m 99m ؊ Tc agents Radiochemical (RC) Free TcO4 Uptake in stomach, gastrointestinal impurities tract, , salivary glands 99mTc-RH colloid, Phagocytized by the cells of RES 99m Tc-Sn(OH)n colloid located in , spleen and bone marrow 99mTc (>10 ␮) Physically lodged in pulmonary capillaries Hydrophilic impurities Uptake in and bladder Lipophilic impurities Uptake in liver and GI tract Chemical impurity (Al3؉ ) 99mTc colloids and particles Uptake in the lung and RES 111In agents RC impurities Free 111In (111In-DTPA) Urinary excretion, bladder activity Free 111In (as 111In-transferrin Increased blood pool and or 111In-RBCs background activity 123I/131I agents RC impurities Free iodide (I؊) Uptake in stomach, , thyroid, salivary glands Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 223 of decomposition as the result of unwanted chemical reac- Various mechanisms involved in the localization of clini- tions or even because of radiolysis. Unacceptable amounts of cally useful and FDA-approved radiopharmaceuticals are radiochemical impurities in a radiopharmaceutical preparation summarized in Table 3. The localization of a radiopharma- would result in altered biodistribution and poor image quality. ceutical in a specific target organ or tissue of interest may, The presence of free 99mTc pertechnetate (Ͼ5%-10%) in 99mTc however, depend on 3 important phenomena: radiopharmaceuticals and free radio iodide (Ͼ5%) in radioiodi- ● Plasma protein binding, metabolism in blood, blood nated radiopharmaceuticals are the most common examples of clearance, and transport of radiopharmaceutical to the radiochemical impurities. target organ or tissue of interest; pH and Ionic Strength ● Transport of radiopharmaceutical from capillaries into The pH of a radiopharmaceutical intended for intravenous the extracellular fluid and subsequent transport into the administration ideally should be very close to the pH of blood cells through cell membrane (transport processes, such (ϳ7.4). Significant change in pH, ionic strength, and osmo- as simple , facilitated diffusion, active transport lality of a radiopharmaceutical formulation may degrade the and receptor mediated endocytosis, do all play very im- in vitro stability and alter the subsequent in vivo behavior or portant role in the localization of the radiotracer at the biodistribution. target site); and ● Localization at the target site and intracellular trapping, Size which may be caused by any one of these following Certain radiopharmaceutical preparations may consist of ra- biochemical processes: diolabeled particles in the form of particulate suspension. X specific binding to receptors or on the cell membrane Radiolabeled colloidal or macroaggregate particles should or within the cell; have a proper size range for a specific organ uptake or bio- X specific binding to extracellular or intracellular anti- distribution. For example, 99mTc-MAA particles (10-100 ␮) gens; block the capillaries in lungs, whereas 99mTc-sulfur colloid X specific interaction with intracellular enzymes in- (SC) particles (0.1-1.0 ␮) are taken up by Kupfer cells in volved in the intracellular metabolism; of radiophar- reticuloendothelial system (RES) of liver, spleen, and bone maceuticals and the subsequent trapping of metabo- marrow. lites; or X incorporation into the biochemical synthesis of intra- Specific Activity cellular proteins or DNA. It is defined as the amount of radioactivity per unit mass of a radionuclide or radiolabeled molecule. Specific activity is Knowledge of transport and intracellular localization mech- generally expressed as mCi/mg or mCi/␮mol. Carrier is de- anisms of a given radiopharmaceutical is essential to under- fined as the nonradioactive of an element or a mole- stand various factors responsible for the altered biodistribu- cule. For example, with 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals, the tion of a radiopharmaceutical. presence of 99Tc (2.111 ϫ 105 year) can be considered as a carrier, while in the case of 111In-pentetrotide (Octreoscan), Factors Associated the free diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-oct- With Radiopharmaceutical reotide precursor or the drug octreotide (Sandostatin) is re- garded as the carrier. Preparation and Formulation On the basis of chemistry, various radiopharmaceuticals used Mechanisms of in nuclear medicine/molecular imaging can be grouped into Radiopharmaceutical Localization 4 major categories. Radiopharmaceuticals can generally be classified on the basis ● 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals; of their unique mechanism of localization in a specific organ/ ● Radiopharmaceuticals based on group III metals; tissue of interest or based on their ability to image a specific ● Radioiodinated radiopharmaceuticals; and physiological and/or biochemical process. For example, ● PET radiopharmaceuticals 99mTc-MAA uptake in lungs is due to the blockade of capil- laries in lungs by MAA particles Ͼ 10 ␮. However, the lung A brief description of chemistry, radiolabeling methods, and scan obtained after intravenous administration of 99mTc-MAA the purity of radiopharmaceutical preparations are described can be used to assess pulmonary indirectly. In con- in the section to follow with special emphasis on the factors trast, FDG is a specific substrate for the enzyme hexokinase contributing to the altered biodistribution. necessary for glucose metabolism in vivo. The transport of 99m FDG into cells is dependent on the number of glucose trans- Tc Radiopharmaceuticals porters (GLUT) and their subtypes on the cell membrane. The altered biodistribution of 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals The FDG-PET scan reflects altered glucose metabolism in are generally associated with increased amounts of 99mTc ra- 99m Ϫ different cell types and may, however, provide useful diag- diochemical impurities (Table 3), such as free TcO4 and nostic information to detect malignant tissue or simply even particulate impurities, such as 99mTc colloids or 99mTc-re- cell viability. duced hydrolyzed species (99mTc-RH).9,17 In addition, to 224 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

Table 3 Mechanism(s) of Localization of Radiopharmaceuticals Mechanism Radiopharmaceutical Isotope dilution 99mTc-red blood cells (RBC) Capillary blockade 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin (MAA) Phagocytosis 99mTc-SC Cell migration 111In-oxine-white blood cells (WBC), 99mTc-HMPAO-WBCs Cell sequestration 99mTc-RBCs (heat damaged) Simple diffusion 133Xe gas, 99mTc-pertechnegas [15O] Diffusion and mitochondrial binding 99mTc-sestamibi (Cardiolite®) 99mTc-tetrofosmin (Myoview®) Diffusion and intracellular binding 99mTc-exametazine (HMPAO) (Ceretec®) 99mTc-bicisate (ECD) (Neurolite®) 99mTc-(DMSA) Diffusion and increased capillary permeability 67Ga-citrate Facilitated diffusion [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Active transport (Na؉/I؊ symporter (NIS) 123I and 131I sodium iodide (I؊ (Na؉/K؉ ATPase pump 201Tl-thallous chloride (Tl؉ (82Rb-chloride (RB؉ ؉ 13 [ N] as ammonium ion (NH4 ) Ion exchange with hydroxyapatite (Exchange with OH؊ ion [18F]fluoride (F؊ (Exchange with Ca2؉ or phosphate 99mTc-medronate (MDP 99mTc-oxidronate (HDP) Glomerular filtration 99mTc-pentetate (DTPA) Tubular secretion 99mTc-merteatide (MAG3) Metabolic trapping Glucose metabolism [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Tissue hypoxia and acidic pH 67Ga-citrate Specific receptor binding Hepatocyte anionic receptor 99mTc-disofenin, DISIDA (Hepatolite®) 99mTc-mebrofenin (Choletec®) (SSTR2) receptor 111In-pentetreotide (octreotide) (OctreoScan®) 123I-ioflupane (DaTSCAN) and serotonin transporters and 123I and 131I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (mIBG) energy-dependent type I amine uptake mechanism Antigen-antibody binding Carcino embryonic antigen 99mTc-arcitumomab (CEA-SCAN®) PSMA 111In-capromab pendetide (ProstaScint®) CD20 antigen on B lymphocytes 111In- (111In-Zevalin®) 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan (90Y-Zevalin®) CD20 antigen on B lymphocytes 131I- (Bexxar®) these common 99mTc impurities, certain radiopharmaceuti- (13%) of 99mTc . Because 99Tc competes with 99mTc in cal preparations, such as 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamine labeling reactions, the total amount of 99Tc atoms affects oxime (99mTc-HMPAO) and 99mTc-MAG3 may also contain the labeling efficiency of 99mTc radiopharma-ceuticals, such hydrophilic or lipophilic impurities of the active ingredient, as 99mTc-labeled red blood cells (99mTc-RBCs), 99mTc-HMPAO, resulting in altered biodistribution. 99mTc-DTPA, 99mTc-sulfur colloid (SC), 99mTc-MAG3, and 99mTc-sestamibi. As a result, unacceptable levels of 99mTc per- Factors Associated With 99mTc Generators technetate impurity may be present in the final injected dose. Carrier 99Tc. The decay of 99mTc results in rapid buildup of carrier 99Tc and decrease in specific activity of 99mTc pertech- Factors Associated With 99mTc Ϫ netate (TcO4 ) eluted from the generator. The amount of Labeling When Using Cold Kits 99Tc present in 99mTc pertechnetate eluate from a generator, The 99mTcO4Ϫ ion with an oxidation state of 7ϩ is chemically therefore, depends on the time elapsed from the previous stable, unreactive, and does not label any molecule directly. elution (Fig. 1). The 99mTc content in the eluate is generally In most 99mTc kits, previous reduction of 99mTc from 7ϩ expressed as a mole fraction (f) of 99mTc.9 For example, a oxidation state to lower a lower oxidation state (such as 5ϩ or generator eluted only 3 hours after previous elution will con- 1ϩ) is achieved by the use of stannous (Sn2ϩ) chloride as a tain mostly 99mTc atoms (73%). In contrast, a Monday morn- reducing agent. The reduced 99mTc species are chemically ing elution (after 48 hours) will contain only a small fraction very reactive and form complexes with a wide variety of che- Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 225

Incubation. Although most 99mTc-chelates, such as 99mTc- MDP and 99mTc-DTPA, are formed very rapidly, some com- plexation reactions, such as 99mTc-MAG3 and 99mTc-sesta- mibi, require a substantial incubation time. Incubation times of approximately 10 to 30 minutes may be required to achieve maximal labeling. Also, excessive incubation times or excessive time delays between preparation steps can produce undesirable effects. For example, inferior labeling of 99mTc- MAG3 occurs if there is an excessive time delay (Ͼ5 min) before air is added or if there is an excessive time delay (Ͼ3 min) between the addition of air and boiling.18 Heating. Many 99mTc radiopharmaceutical preparations do require heating to accelerate the kinetics of chemical reac- tion. Insufficient or over heating may to poor radiolabel- ing or formation of radiochemical impurities. Several factors, such as temperature and duration of heating mixture, may affect the quality of the final product. In addition, heating of Figure 1 Mole fraction of 99mTc in 99mTc generator eluant at different small volumes is more uniform and efficient than heating of times after elution. large volumes. The preparation of 99mTc-SC, 99mTc-MAG3, and 99mTc-sestamibi, heating under optimal conditions as lating agents, such as methylene diphosphate (MDP), DTPA, described in the package insert are essential to avoid forma- MAG3, and sestamibi. tion of radiochemical impurities. For example, in the prepa- Ϫ 99m Because the amount of 99mTc mass is very small (ϳ10 9 M), ration of Tc-SC, the reaction of HCl with sodium thiosul- ϩ only a small amount of Sn2 ion (Ͻ1.0 ␮g) are needed. fate (Na2S2O3) is optimal at 95 to 100°C for 5 minutes. If the However, most 99mTc reagent kits contain large excess of mixture is heated for an insufficient period, poor liver and stannous chloride. The reducing capacity of Sn2ϩ, however, splenic uptake can result; if it is heated for an extended pe- is drastically reduced by a variety of factors, such as oxidation riod, lung uptake of large “colloidal” particles may result.19 during storage and kit preparation. Therefore, optimal Sn2ϩ The chemical form and/or nature of a radiopharmaceutical levels in the reagent kits are essential to minimize 99mTc im- may change during the incubation period, with resultant al- purities. Hydrolysis of excess stannous ion may result in the teration in biodistribution. For example, bone-to-soft tissue formation of 99mTc-stannous colloids, which subsequently ratios for 99mTc-MDP are reportedly greater after a 30- to are taken up by the RES. 60-minute incubation period than after shorter incubation times, although the percentage labeling efficiency remains Reagent Concentration. Most 99mTc kits are prepared by the unchanged.20 Similarly, when 99mTc-DTPA is used to deter- useof1to8mLof99mTc-pertechnetate solution. At greater mine glomerular filtration rate (GFR), it is recommended that volumes, the reagent concentration decreases, and as a result, the preparation is used within 1 hour of preparation; how- the labeling efficiency may decrease resulting in higher levels ever, it has been observed that protein binding of 99mTc- of radiochemical impurities. It has been documented that in DTPA to human serum albumin actually decreases over time, the preparation of 99mTc-DMSA, 99mTc-iminodiacetic acid suggesting a radiochemical impurity that is minimized after (IDA) derivatives, and 99mTc-MAA, radiochemical impurities 60 to 90 minutes of incubation.21 increase with decreased reagent concentration. Factors Associated With In Vitro Stability Factors Associated With Preparation Procedures 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals are generally stable for several Mixing and Mixing Order. Optimal radiolabeling yields are hours (up to 8 h). Following radiolabeling, the stability of achieved when the different components of the reaction mix- 99mTc radiopharmaceutical, may be affected by several fac- ture in the vial are adequately mixed; sometimes even the tors.22,23 For example, even large volume of 99mTc-DTPA and order in which different components are added or mixed may 99mTc bone agents may deteriorate due to generation of free have a significant effect on the quality of the final formula- 99mTc pertechnetate. tion. In general, the chelating agent and the reducing agent (stannous chloride) must be mixed before 99mTc-pertechne- Oxidation/Reduction Reactions and Radiolysis. Also, oxi- 99m 2ϩ tate is added to the reagent vial. If Tc interacts with Sn in dation caused by soluble , peroxide (H2O2), 99m ϫ the absence of a chelating agent very high levels of Tc- or hydroperoxy free radicals ( HO2) and even radiolytic stannous colloid impurity will be formed. The radiopharma- decomposition, may all lead to increased levels of 99mTc- ceutical preparations most affected by the mixing order are pertechnetate and/or 99mTc-colloid impurities. The radiolytic 99mTc-sulfur colloid and 99mTc-RBCs (using Ultra Tag RBC production of oxidizing agents in 99mTc-pertechnetate solu- kit). Therefore, the procedure for the preparation of these tions is a contributing factor in the poor labeling efficiency agents must be carefully followed as described in the package and stability of 99mTc-HMPAO prepared with aged eluates.24 insert. In contrast, purposeful addition of oxidizing agents may be 226 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

Figure 2 Altered biodistribution of 99mTc-MDP bone scan caused by radiochemical impurities. (A) Thyroid uptake caused by free 99mTc pertechnetate. (B) Diffuse liver uptake caused by 99mTc colloids. (Color version of figure is available online.) required to produce a high labeling yield. For example, at syringe needles depends on pH and other factors. Even at least 2 mL of air must be added during the preparation of very low concentrations (1.0 ␮g/mL), Al3ϩ reacts with phos- 99mTc-MAG3 to prevent the progressive formation of radio- phate buffer and forms insoluble aluminum phosphate.27 chemical impurities.18 Similarly, oxygen bubbling will con- 99mTc-SC coprecipitates with aluminum phosphate and the vert 99mTc-DMSA (trivalent complex), the traditional renal flocculated particles are trapped in the lung capillaries.3 At cortex agent, into 99mTc-DMSA (pentavalent) complex, a tu- higher concentrations (Ͼ10 ␮g/mL), Al3ϩ may react with mor-imaging agent.25 Some radiopharmaceuticals are also 99mTc-MDP forming insoluble particles, which are taken up vulnerable to chemical decomposition; for instance, hydro- by the cells of RES in liver (Fig. 2) and spleen.28 Altered lysis of 99mTc-ECD after radiolabeling can lead to formation of biodistribution in the presence of excess Al3ϩ was also ob- its monoacid monoester product, which does not cross the served with 99mTc pertechnetate and 99mTc-DTPA.3 blood– barrier.26 pH Radiopharmaceuticals Hydrogen ion concentrations have a dramatic impact on Determined on the Basis of Group IIIa Metals ionic equilibria, solubility, and oxidation/reduction reac- The 3 important metals (M) in group IIIa (or group 13) are tions. Therefore, it is not surprising that pH affects the sta- (Ga), indium (In), and (Tl). These 3 metals bility and purity of many radiopharmaceuticals. Significant are posttransition metals and have 3 in the outer alterations in pH of the labeling media can have marked most shell. In contrast, yttrium (y), a transition metal has an effects on the radiochemical purity and/or stability of many incomplete d shell with 1 and 2 electrons in the 99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceuticals. Sn2ϩ solutions become outermost shell. insoluble and form colloidal precipitates at neutral and alka- The aqueous chemistry of these metals is dominated by line pH. With 99mTc bone agents, acidic pH formulations are their ability to form strong complexes (both soluble and in- ideal, but at neutral and alkaline formulations, poor bone soluble) with the hydroxyl ion. At neutral pH, Tl predomi- affinity and kidney localization have been observed. Different ϩ nantly exists as a mono cation, Tl(OH) , and as a result, radiolabeled complexes with significant differences in biodis- 2 201Tl (as thallous chloride) is considered to behave similarly tribution have also been reported with 99mTc-DMSA and 99m 3 to with respect to biochemistry and physiology. Tc-IDA formulations. The stability of some radiopharma- ϩ In contrast, with Ga, in and Y, the fully hydrated M3 ceuticals is affected by pH. For example, 99mTc-sulfur colloid, are only stable under acidic conditions. Their coordination 99mTc-HMPAO and 99mTc-MAG3 may decompose at pH val- chemistry is somewhat similar and the most important oxi- ues Ͼ 7.0 and form radiochemical impurities.3 dation state is MIII. As the pH is raised above 3, these metals 3؉ Role of Aluminum Ion (Al ) Contamination form insoluble hydroxides (M(OH)3) and the total solubility The interaction of Al3ϩ with several 99mTc radiopharmaceu- at physiological pH is very limited. Very high SA of radiom- ticals is known to alter their biodistribution. The source of etals is needed to keep them soluble in water. However, it is Al3ϩ is either breakthrough from the alumina column used in a common practice to add weak chelating agents (such as the 99mTc generator or because of leaching from aluminum- citrate, or tartrate ion) to complex the metal and pre- hub needles. The Al3ϩ from the generators may not be a vent precipitation at neutral pH. For example, 67Ga is used in problem with the current generators, but the leakage from the clinic as 67Ga-citrate. These 3 metals also share chemical Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 227 characteristics with the ferric ion (Fe3ϩ). This similarity with buffer results in inadequate yields and radiochemical impu- ferric ion is important in the development of radiopharma- rities, such as colloids (Table 2). ceuticals because iron is an essential element in the human Most reactions involving chelating agents require an opti- body and many iron binding proteins, such as transferrin in mal incubation time (20-60 min) and temperature (25- blood, do exist to transport and store iron in vivo. As a result, 45°C). For example, labeling of WBCs with 111In or 99mTc the atoms of iron always compete with these radiometals in requires an incubation time of at least 20 to 30 minutes. vivo for specific binding with proteins, such as transferrin, However, prolonged incubation and/or delay in reinjection lactoferrin, and ferritin.29 For example, following intrave- (Ͼ3 hours) to significantly decreased viability of nous administration of 67Ga-citrate, 67Ga, binds to transferrin leukocytes. in plasma and transported to tumor and infectious foci as “Ga-transferrin complex.”30 Several important radiopharma- Ingredients of the Incubating Medium. The presence of ceutical, preparation/formulation pitfalls, and artifacts asso- plasma transferrin reduces labeling yields for WBCs because 111 34 ciated with radiometals do generate radiochemical impurities it complexes In much more avidly than does oxine. With 111 responsible for the altered biodistribution. In, the presence of transferrin or increased RBC contami- nation in the incubation mixture will cause binding to trans- Factors Associated With the Radionuclide ferrin and RBCs and shows very high blood pool activity and Specific Activity and Carrier. For the produced increased uptake in spleen. It has been documented that if 111 radiometals (67Ga,111 In, 201 Tl), the SA is very high and gen- saline is used to rinse out the In vial when DTPA-oct- erally available as no-carrier-added (n.c.a) form, which reotide is labeled, radiochemical purity decreases due to trace 111 means that the radiometal is produced without any addition metal ions in the saline. For In-oxine-labeled WBCs, ACD of stable of the same element (specific carrier) in the solution is preferred as an anticoagulant because it decreases system. The presence of excessive carrier in the 67Ga citrate the adherence of neutrophils to the walls of the vessel and 35 leads to a dramatic change in biodistribution, and 67Ga be- pipettes. 31,32 comes a bone-seeking agent. Stability. Radiolytic generation of free radicals is a major In labeling reactions, the presence of carrier decreases the factor responsible for degradation of radiolabeled prepara- incorporation rate of the radionuclide and therefore the SA of tion. Radiolytic decomposition, especially of disulfide bonds the radiopharmaceutical. The same effect arises by the pres- in the peptide molecule, decreases the stability and purity of ence of unspecific carriers, namely other metallic cations in Octreoscan. Similarly, the stability of 111In and, especially the system. They can be either stable decay products of the 90Y-labeled antibodies decreases with time and with increas- radionuclide or external chemical impurities. Thus, di- and ing temperature. One of the potential problems with mono- trivalent metals, such as Cu, Zn, Fe, and Ln, even at micro- clonal antibody preparations is the precipitation of dena- gram levels were found to be strong competitors in the radio- tured protein particles, which will localize in the lung, liver, 33 labeling reactions. and/or spleen depending on their size. Similarly clumping Commercial Source. There may be significant differences in and/or cellular damage of radiolabeled WBCs results in lung, the purity and formulation of radiometals supplied as radio- liver, and/or spleen uptake. Radiolabeled proteins must be 111 pharmaceuticals or as radiochemicals for labeling reactions. kept frozen to minimize the radiolysis effects. With In- In 1970s, different sources of 67Ga-citrate were implicated in WBCs, if the handling and storage are done in saline instead different localization characteristics in cerebral infarcts. of plasma, viability of labeled leukocytes decreases. A lower 111 sensitivity for abscess detection was reported when the la- The InC13 supplied with the octreotide kit and the 3 111 beled cells were stored in saline for more than 1 hour. InC13 specified for antibody labeling are not inter- changeable. They differ in many ways, including buffer, Aluminum Ions. Al3ϩ ions from aluminum hub needles may pH, and trace metal ion concentrations, all of which can also have a significant effect on 111In labeling reactions. For affect labeling yields and radiochemical purity. example, decreased labeling yields and purity with 111In- pentetreotide (Octreotide®) have been observed. That is Factors Associated With Preparation Procedures why a stainless- needle is supplied with the kit. 111In- Mixing Order and Incubation. In the preparation radiola- oxine may from a cloudy precipitate by reaction with Al3ϩ ion 111 90 beled peptides and antibodies with In and Y, the order of leached from the glass vials and tubes of some suppliers’ vials. 111 mixing is very important. As described previously, In chlo- As a result, 111In-WBC preparation may have unacceptable 90 ride and Y chloride hydrolyze at neutral pH and therefore levels of radiochemical impurities, such as colloids and cell are supplied in dilute hydrochloric acid. In the absence of a precipitates. solubilizing , such as citrate, the metal hydroxide will precipitate. The kits for the preparation of Octreoscan, Pros- pH. As discussed earlier, pH has a dramatic impact on ionic 111 taScint, and Zevalin® include 3 components: InCl3, ace- equilibria and solubility of radiometals. The oxidation state tate buffer, and the peptide or antibody. It is imperative that of 201Tl ions is strongly influenced by pH. An alkaline pH 111 ϩ the directed amount of buffer be mixed with the InCl3 favors the formation of the desired thallous ions (Tl(OH)2 ), before it is mixed with the peptide or antibody. Failure to whereas a low acidic pH favors the formation of thallic ions follow this order of mixing and use the correct volume of (Tl3ϩ), which may form complex ions that give thyroid and 228 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

RBCs uptake and/or hydrated colloids that are phagocyti- Carrier. The dietary iodide, 127I (carrier), and -con- zed by the RES.36 In the preparation of OctreoScan® and taining drugs alter the normal biodistribution and depress ProstaScint®, the reagent kits contain citrate and acetate the uptake, especially by the thyroid gland. As little as 1.0 mg buffers, respectively, which help raise and maintain the pH at of stable iodide decreases the 24-hour uptake, and Ͼ10 mg the optimum levels (pH 5-6) for improved labeling and sta- virtually blocks the thyroid uptake of radio iodide.38 The bility of the carrier molecule, but also prevent hydrolysis of volatility of 131I from therapeutic sodium iodide solutions 111In ions. increases at higher total iodide (radioactive ϩ stable iodide) concentrations.39 Specific Activity. SA is an important quality control param- eter for target specific radiopharmaceuticals and the effects of Radionuclidic Impurities. The contamination of other radio- 123 decreased SA on biodistribution are most pronounced when isopes of iodine in I sodium iodide capsules or liquis for- the mechanism for localization of the agent shows saturation mulation depends on the nuclear reaction used for the pro- 123 124 ␤ϩ ϭ . Whenever a limited number of receptor duction of I in a cyclotron. I( emitter, T½ 100.8 125 ϭ sites, carriers, enzymes, or antigens are responsible for the hours) and I(T½ 60 days) are the major radionuclidic localization, the carrier (the unlabeled molecule) will com- impurities. Significant image degradation may be caused by Compton scatter and septal penetration from high-energy pete with the specific radiopharmaceutical for these limited emitted by 124I. sites; if saturation occurs, target-to-background radioactivity ratios will decrease. Commercial Source. Differences have been reported for the dissolution and of radioiodine capsules.40 131I- Radioiodinated Radiopharmaceuticals sodium iodide capsules from different sources have shown differences in thyroid uptake when compared with uptake Iodine belongs to Group 7-A elements (halogens) and is char- measurements performed with liquid 131I preparation.41 acterized by the presence of 2 s electrons and 5 p electrons in the outer most valence shell (5s2 5p5). Among the radioiso- Radiolysis and Stability. Radiolytic generation of free radi- topes of iodine, 123I, 124I, and 131I have suitable physical char- cals is a problem with 131I because it emits high-linear energy acteristics for developing radiopharmaceuticals. Besides 131I transfer radiation. High specific concentrations and the high as sodium iodide, 2 other important radiopharmaceuticals linear energy transfer of the particulate result in used for therapy are 131I-Bexxar® and 131I-mIBG. 123Iasso- a high level of free radical production and radiolysis. In dium iodide and several 123I labeled investigational radio- radiopharmaceutical formulations of 131I-mIBG and 131I- pharmaceuticals are used for imaging studies. Bexxar®, radiolysis generates radiochemical impurities, such A total of 15 to 20 mg of iodine is concentrated in thyroid as free 131I iodide.42 In case of 131I-Bexaar®, radiolysis may tissue and hormones, but 70% of the body’s iodine is distrib- decrease the immunoreactivity of labeled monoclonal anti- 131 uted in other tissues, including mammary glands, eyes, gas- bodies. To prevent the effects of radiolysis, I-Bexxar® is tric mucosa, the cervix, and salivary glands. In the cells of supplied frozen and is safe for use when it is kept frozen (at Ϫ these tissues, iodide enters directly by Naϩ/IϪ symporter.37 20°C) for several days. ␮ The thyroid gland needs no more than 70 g/d to synthesize Volatility. The production of volatile airborne iodine occurs the requisite daily amounts of T4 and T3, but the average as the result of the oxidation of iodide by dissolved oxygen in ␮ daily dose is 150 to 300 g. The US Food and Nutrition slightly acidic solution. The use of buffers to increase the pH Board and Institute of Medicine recommended daily allow- to alkaline levels or addition of reducing agents (sodium ance of iodine ranges from 150 ␮g/d for adult humans to 290 bisulfite or thiosulfate) will significantly lower the rate of ␮g/d for lactating mothers. volatility. Inhalation of gaseous iodine is a potential radiation ϩϪ Ϫ The free molecular iodine (I2) has the structure of I I in safety problem and there may be significant radiation expo- ϩ aqueous solution. However, the electrophilic species (I ) sures to the thyroid glands of occupational workers. does not exist as a free species but forms complexes with nucleophilic entities, such as water or pyridine. The hydrated ϩ Radiopharmaceuticals for PET iodonium ion, H2OI and the hypoiodous acid, HOI, are believed to be the highly reactive electrophilic species. In an The 4 radiopharmaceuticals approved by FDA for routine 43 18 13 iodination reaction, iodination occurs by (1) electrophilic clinical studies are FDG, [ F]fluoride, [ N]Ammonia ϩ 82 ϩ substitution of hydrogen ion by an iodonium ion in a mole- (NH4 ion), and Rb-chloride (RB ). Because FDG is the only PET radiopharmaceutical widely used, some of the im- cule of interest or (2) nucleophilic substitution (isotope ex- portant factors responsible for the altered biodistribution are change) where a radioactive iodine is exchanges with a discussed in the sections to follow. stable iodine atom that is already present in the molecule.9 Several important factors that affect the altered biodistri- bution of radio iodide and radioiodinated radiopharmaceu- FDG and Fluoride ticals are briefly discussed here. Anatomic and physiological Among the halogens, fluoride ion (FϪ) is more stable than variants in radioiodine studies are discussed in greater detail iodide because fluorine is the most electronegative element 14 Ϫ 18 in this issue. and has only 1 oxidation state ( 1). When a water (H2 O) Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 229 target is used, 18F is generally produced in a cyclotron as [18F]fluoride ion with a very high SA (Ͼ1 Ci/␮mol). For bone imaging studies, [18F]fluoride (n.c.a) injection is provided in physiological saline or phosphate-buffered saline with a very high radiochemical purity (Ͼ99%). The synthesis of [18F]FDG is based on a nucleophilic fluorination reaction, using [18F]fluoride and mannose triflate (precursor). The ra- diochemical purity must be Ͼ90%. The only major radio- chemical impurity is [18F]fluoride (Ͻ10%).

Factors Cause by Radiopharmaceutical Administration Techniques and Procedures Faulty Injection Technique Infiltrated Injection. Most defects related to radiopharma- ceutical administration are the result of extravascular or in- filtrated activity at the injection site (Fig. 3).3 When signifi- cant subcutaneous extravasation occurs in the antecubital region, regional lymph nodes can be visualized as the infil- Figure 4 Lung scan showing blood clots. During intravenous admin- istration of 99mTc-MAA, blood was first withdrawn into the syringe trated radiopharmaceutical is partially cleared through the and labeled clots were subsequently reinjected. lymph vessels.5 These defects, however, should not be mis- taken for loci of abnormal uptake. For example, infiltration of 99m Tc-MDP showed focal axillary uptake ipsilateral to the radiation dose to the local tissue.46 Specific corrective actions 44 injection site. (such as local heat, massage, and steroid application) for A potential harmful effect of extravascular injection is the infiltrated radiopharmaceuticals are recommended.3 radiation “burn” caused by the significant amount of local absorbed radiation dose from the infiltrated radionuclide,3 Formation of Blood Clots in the Syringe. While radiophar- especially if decays by pure ␤Ϫ emission (eg, 131Ior90Y) or maceuticals are being injected intravenously, during back (eg, 201Tl, 111In or 67Ga). Maximum radiation withdrawal of unanticoagulated blood into the syringe, blood dose to the tissue, however, depends on the , activity clots may form.3 The radiopharmaceutical could then bind to and volume of infiltrated dose.45 For example, infiltration of clots and localize in the lung.47 Such focal “hot spots” in lungs 74 MBq of 201Tl may deliver up to 200 Gy (20,000 rads) (Fig. 4) have been observed following administration of 99mTc-MAA and 99mTc-albumin colloid. Hang Up of Activity in Administration Lines. If the patient has difficult veins to access, central line or porta catheter injection of radiopharmaceuticals usually is required. Fol- lowing administration of the radiopharmaceutical, if the line is not entirely flushed with physiological saline to remove any residual activity in the line, imaging artifacts may show up as focal or tubular activity because of the hang-up of activity at the tip or in the tubing. The administration of 99mTc radio- pharmaceuticals via heparinized catheters may also produce artifacts. 99mTc may bind to heparin and the 99mTc-heparin complex may localize avidly in the kidneys.3 Patient Position During Radiopharmaceutical Administra- tion. Decreased activity in the upper lobes of the lung per- fusion scan (Fig. 5) with the use of either 99mTc-MAA or 99mTc-DTPA radioaerosol has been observed when the pa- tient was sitting at the time of dose administration.48

Figure 3 Bilateral lymphoscintigrapy with 99mTc-SC: One of the in- Contamination of RP With Swab Antiseptic or Components jections infiltrated the venous system causing reticuloendothelial of a Syringe. If an antiseptic used to swab the vial is not uptake generally seen in a liver-spleen scan. (Color version of figure allowed to dry completely on the septum, the antiseptic may is available online.) enter the vial when the syringe needle punctures the septum. 230 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

Figure 5 Lung perfusion scan with 99mTc-MAA. (A) Hypoperfusion of upper lobes when the patient was sitting at the time of injection. (B) Repeat scan on the next day shows normal perfusion while the patient was supine during the injection.

The antiseptic may interact with the radiopharmaceutical and produce radiochemical impurities (Fig. 6). The antisep- tic proviodine has been reported to inhibit the 99mTc-SC la- beling reaction and cause increase of free pertechnetate for- mation.49 Chlohexidine was reported to have produced 99mTc colloid complex during 99mTc-DMSA preparation, and may also have caused aggregates in 99mTc-SC preparation.3 Also, isopropyl alcohol was known to cause the breakdown of Figure 7 Altered biodistribution in 99mTc-MDP bone scans. (A) As the 99m Tc-hydroxymethylene diphosphonate (HDP) into free result of chronic renal failure, a peritoneal dialysis catheter and poor 99mTc pertechnetate.50 bony localization is seen. (B) As the result of acute renal insufficiency from chemotherapy-induced acute tubular necrosis, intense renal up- Factors Caused by take is seen. (Color version of figure is available online.) Pathophysiological and Biochemical Changes pertinent to specific radiopharmaceuticals are discussed in the sections to follow. Altered biodistribution of a radiopharmaceutical may some- times be the result of unanticipated or atypical pathophysio- Bone Scan logic and biochemical mechanisms often beyond those for The main mechanism of bone uptake of 99mTc agents and which the study was originally indicated. A patient’s own [18F]fluoride is by ion exchange or chemisorption onto bone medical problems, such as abnormalities in the regulation of surface. The bone crystal, hydroxyapatite, Ca (PO ) (OH) , hormone levels; failure in the function of excretory organs 10 4 6 2 has a surface composed of many different ions, including and systems, such as hepatobiliary and genitourinary sys- monovalent, divalent, and trivalent species of both positive tems; and even simple conditions, such as excessive talking, and negative charge. 99mTc agents (MDP and HDP) appear to exercise, and restlessness, may all contribute to the unex- localize by cationic substitution for calcium ions. In contrast, pected alterations in the biodistribution of radiopharmaceu- [18F]fluoride ions localize by anionic substitution for the hy- ticals. As discussed previously, an understanding of the Ϫ droxyl ions (OH ) forming fluoroapatite. The favorable normal pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, and mecha- properties of bone agents include their rapid clearance from nisms of radiopharmaceutical localization is very impor- plasma and high urinary excretion, which contribute to the tant to determine the pathophysiological basis for the al- high contrast between bone and soft tissue. Plasma protein tered biodistribution. Some of these factors as they are binding may be significant (25%-55%) with 99mTc agents, whereas plasma protein binding of fluoride is negligibly small, and fluoride ions are freely filtered by the glomerulus. In general, uptake of [18F] fluoride and 99mTc agents in bone, depend on local blood flow, osteoblastic activity and extrac- tion efficiency. The bone uptake of fluoride was reported in both sclerotic and lytic lesions, while the uptake of 99mTc- MDP in lytic lesions is relatively insignificant. Extraosseous uptake of 99mTc agents has been observed in several soft tissues, such as breasts, lungs, muscle, liver, cal- cified arteries and kidney.11,51-53 In general the mechanisms Figure 6 Kidney scan with 99mTc-DMSA contaminated with a bacte- of uptake in soft tissue are reported to be similar to those for ricide. The images show abnormal uptake in liver and spleen. bones.11,51 Urinary contamination is a common problem, Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 231

whereas myocardial uptake is intense in patients who have not fasted but highly variable in patients who have fasted, adipose tissue typically shows minimal FDG uptake. How- ever, certain adipose deposits (so-called “brown fat”) can be dramatically activated in a cold or nervous patient.12 Although many tissues and cells accumulate FDG to a predictable extent, for example, the brain typically shows intense uptake of FDG, whereas myocardial uptake is intense in patients who have not fasted but highly variable in patients who have fasted, the glycolytic activity of a given tumor is generally assumed to be characteristic of its state of differen- tiation. The extent of FDG uptake in tumors, especially un- treated tumors, appears to relate directly to the number of viable cells. Inflammatory cells, especially macrophages, can sometimes accumulate FDG to a considerable extent, so in- flammatory or infectious sites are sometimes visualized on PET. Adipose tissue typically shows minimal FDG uptake, but certain adipose deposits (so-called “brown fat”) can be dramatically activated in a cold or nervous patient.54 One of the important factors making FDG-PET scan diffi- cult to interpret is variable physiological uptake of FDG by normal tissues.13,54-58 Altered biodistribution of FDG related is mainly because of hyperglycemia or hyperinsulinemia and bone marrow activation commonly encountered in cancer Figure 8 99mTc-MDP “superscan” caused by hypercalcemia. Intense patients. Unlike glucose, FDG is not well reabsorbed by the skull uptake with a paucity of excretory activity, posterior rib frac- proximal tubules of the kidney. Thus, it can be predicted that tures and subperiostial resorbtion at the symphesis pubis are all intense activity will be seen in the kidneys and bladder. How- clues. (Color version of figure is available online.) which may simulate focal lesions, especially if close to or overlying the bone. Increased muscle uptake and poor con- trast as the result of renal failure (Fig. 7) may degrade image quality significantly. “Super scan” appearance on bone scan (Fig. 8) as the result of hypercalcemia shows intense skull uptake with a paucity of excretory activity, posterior rib frac- tures and subperiostial resorbtion at the synphesis pubis, all indicating altered biodistribution. Glucose Metabolism The transport of glucose into cells is mainly through facili- tated diffusion, also called carrier-mediated diffusion, because the carrier facilitates the transport of glucose into the cell. Insulin can increase the rate of facilitated diffusion 10- to 20-fold. Six isoforms of GLUT have been identified, which differ in kinetic properties, tissue location, etc. It has been shown that the overexpression of GLUT-1, GLUT-3, and GLUT-5 play a major role in increased transport of glucose by tumor cells. Glucose may also be transported into the cell by active transport, which mostly occurs in renal tubules and gastrointestinal membrane. As a glucose analogue, [18F]FDG Figure 9 Effect of sudden increase in insulin levels on FDG-PET. In enters the cell membrane by using the same transporters as a patient undergoing staging of lymphoma, the FDG-PET scan (A) was performed after the patient had eaten a candy bar 30 minutes glucose. It is then phosphorylated into [18F]FDG-6-phos- before FDG injection. Note the extensive myocardial and muscle phate. This metabolite is not a substrate for further enzymes uptake caused by high insulin levels. Diminished activity is seen in and thus is trapped and accumulates inside the cell in pro- the brain and in tumor sites in the neck and chest (arrows). A repeat portion to the metabolism of glucose.16 Although many tis- study (B) after the patient complied with routine fasting shows more sues and cells accumulate FDG to a predictable extent, for normal biodistribution of tracer and better visualization of tumor example, the brain typically shows intense uptake of FDG, foci (arrows). 232 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne ever, focal pooling of excreted activity in a ureter could be Radio Iodide Scan confused with a hypermetabolic iliac lymph node . Sodium iodide (123I and 131I) is readily absorbed from the Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are very important gastrointestinal tract. After absorption, the iodide is distrib- considerations when preparing a patient for a PET study with uted primarily within the extracellular fluid of the body. It is FDG. Acute hyperglycemia is a well-documented factor that concentrated and organified by the thyroid and trapped but reduces FDG uptake by the tumor tissue and augments mus- not organified by the stomach and salivary glands. It is also cular uptake but this effect has mostly been demonstrated promptly excreted by the kidneys. Stimulation of radioiodide 59 with glucose-loading studies. High levels of insulin will uptake by the thyroid may be achieved by the administration push FDG, along with glucose, into skeletal muscle and myo- of thyrotropin. Radioiodide will not be taken up by giant cell cardium, increasing the image background and decreasing and spindle cell carcinoma of the thyroid nor by the amyloid 60 the availability of the tracer for uptake by the tumor. Fast- solid carcinomas. The uptake of radio iodide will be affected ing is essential for the quality of the FDG-PET scan: altered by recent intake of stable iodine in any form, or by the use of tracer biodistribution caused by ingestion of even a small thyroid, antithyroid, and certain other drugs. Accordingly, meal (Fig. 9) shortly before a FDG injection can impair the the patient should be questioned carefully regarding previ- visualization of malignant lesions. In premenopausal women, ous medication and procedures involving radiographic con- increased ovarian or endometrial FDG uptake can be func- trast media. A phenomenon known as thyroid stunning has tional or malignant. Benign functional uptake of ovaries or been described in which a diagnostic dose (2-10 mCi) of 131I 61 uterus is related to the menstrual cycle. sodium iodide decreases uptake of a subsequent therapeutic dose by remnant thyroid tissue or functioning metastases. Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Whether stunning is a temporary phenomenon whereby Several SPECT and PET radiopharmaceuticals are available stunned tissue eventually rejuvenates, or whether observed for imaging the relative myocardial perfusion or blood flow. stunning actually constitutes “partial ablation,” is yet to be The ideal flow tracer accumulates in or clears from myocar- delineated.65 Radioiodine is excreted in human milk during dium proportionally linear to myocardial blood flow (MBF). lactation. The relationship between uptake and clearance of the radio- Several potentially misleading artifacts can arise from con- tracer and MBF should be constant and independent of MBF, tamination by physiological or pathologic secretions derived of physiological and pathologic changes of myocardial tissue from those organs that are capable of uptake and excretion of state, and myocardial metabolism. Most radiotracers used for radioiodine (Table 3). These include urine, saliva, nasal secre- imaging myocardial perfusion/blood flow, however, do not tions, other respiratory tract secretions, sweat, vomit, and breast fully meet these requirements.62 milk (Fig. 10). False-positive radioiodine scans in 13 82 ϩ ϩ The PET tracers, [ N]Ammonia (NH3) and Rb (asaK attributable to anatomic and physiological variants, such as analog) are actively transported into myocardial cells via (1) contamination by physiological secretions, (2) abnormalities Naϩ/Kϩ pump. The lipid soluble ammonia may also be trans- of gastrointestinal uptake, (3) urinary tract abnormalities, ported into the myocardial cells by passive diffusion. Inside (4) mammary uptake, (5) uptake in serous cavities and cysts the cell, ammonia is quickly converted to ammonium ion (pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial effusions), (6) sites of infec- which is rapidly converted and trapped as glutamine by the tion/inflammation, and (7) nonthyroidal have been enzyme glutamine synthase.62 extensively reviewed previously.66,67 201Tl (thallous chloride) at pH 4-7 predominantly exists as ϩ ϩ a mono cation, Tl(OH)2 , and like K ion, it relies on cell membrane integrity and active metabolic transport using Naϩ/Kϩ pump for its uptake into myocardial cells. After ini- tial localization, however, there is rapid redistribution of 201Tl activity in the myocardium. In contrast, the 99mTc agent (car- diolite® or Myoview®) as a cationic complex, is transported into the myocardium by passive diffusion.63,64 The subse- quent myocardial retention is mainly due to mitochondial binding. Because tumor cells have a greater mitochondrial density than the surrounding epithelial cells, 99mTc-sestamibi also accumulates more avidly in tumor cells.64 The uptake and clearance kinetics of myocardial perfusion radiotracers, especially from liver and kidney, establish the tracer levels in the circulating blood, which in turn affects the myocardial tracer kinetics. Tracer activity in lungs and liver Figure 10 Diagnostic scan with of 131I sodium iodide, 37 MBq, in complicates imaging of the heart. The biodistribution of these patients after thyroidectomy. (A) normal biodistribution showing tracers may also be affected by the level of exercise or the type stomach and GI activity. (B) Abnormal breast uptake in a patient 1 of pharmacologic stress.63 week after weaning after 18 months of lactation. Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 233

of these agents. The major factors include (1) blood clear- ance, (2) specific activity, (3) affinity of the tracer, (4) in vivo stability, (5) nonspecific binding, and (6) blood flow and perfusion of tissue or organ of interest. The pathophysiolog- ical mechanisms involved with some of the receptor binding radiopharmaceuticals are discussed below: Hepatobiliary System 99mTc-labeled IDA derivatives (disofenin [Hepatolite®] and mebrofenin [Choletec®]) are negatively charged lipophilic complexes, extracted by liver via the anionic receptors on hepatocytes, and excreted into the bile duct, the gall bladder, and ultimately into the intestine. In fasting individuals, the maxim microliter amount of liver uptake occurs approxi- Figure 11 111 In-Octreoscan (A) and axial CT lung window images mately by 10 minutes and peak gall bladder activity by 30 to (B). Unusual lung uptake of 111In activity due to diffuse inflamma- 60 minutes after injection. The mechanism for the clearance tory processes (pulmonary interstitial fibrosis). (Color version of 99m figure is available online.) of Tc-hepatobiliary agents involves hepatic extraction, he- patocyte binding, storage, and excretion into biliary canalic- uli by an active transport process.9 Because bilirubin com- /Inflammation petes more avidly with the anionic receptor sites on the 99m Inflammation is a complex tissue reaction to injury, specifi- hepatocytes, the liver uptake of Tc disofenin and mebro- cally caused by or involves living microbes. Acute inflamma- fenin is compromised at high bilirubin levels. In acute cho- tion is the early or an immediate response to injury and is lecystitis, prolonged fasting, acute pancreatitis, and severe associated with many regional and systemic changes, such as liver disease can lead to nonvisualization of gall bladder. vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. Several in- Cholecystokinin (CCK), synthetic CCK (Kinevac), and even flammatory cells, particularly polymorphonuclear leuko- fatty meal will cause the gall bladder to contract and the cytes accumulate and aggregate at the site of inflammation. sphincter of Oddi to relax, and increases the secretion of bile. When the inflammation progresses to a chronic stage, the Neuroendocrine Tumors inflammatory cells are predominantly lymphocytes, plasma Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are a heterogeneous group cells and fibroblasts. The two important radiopharmaceuti- of neoplasms originating from endocrine cells, which are cals routinely used for imaging infection/inflammation are characterized by the presence of secretory granules as well as leukocytes (WBCs) labeled with 111In-xine or 99mTc-HMPAO the ability to produce biogenic amines and polypeptide hor- (Ceretec®) and 67Ga-citrate.68 The radiolabeled cell prepara- mones, such as somatostatin (SST). The diverse biological tions are the only target specific radiopharmaceutical localiz- effects of SST are mediated through a family of G protein ing at the site of acute inflammation caused by cellular mi- coupled receptors of which 5 subtypes (SSTR1-5) have been gration. identified by molecular cloning.47 Because most NETs ex- 67Ga-citrate is a nonspecific agent and the localization at press SSTR-2 subtype, they can be successfully targeted with the sites of inflammation is mostly due to the leakage of high SA, 111In-DTPA-pentetreotide or OctreoScan®.69 Nor- 67Ga-transferrin complex from blood into the extracellular fluid space of the inflamed tissue. The acidic pH at the site of infection, favors dissociation of 67 Ga from transferrin with subsequent 67Ga binding to other iron-binding proteins, such as lactoferrin in the extracellular fluid or within the inflammatory cells. Because tracer amounts of 67Ga adminis- tered dose (Ͻ50 ng) is bound to transferrin, any physiolog- ical and pathologic conditions decreasing the iron binding capacity of transferrin (such as iron-overload), would signif- icantly alter the biodistribution of 67Ga-citrate. Receptor Imaging The term receptor is generally used to denote a specific cel- lular binding site for a small ligand, such as peptide hor- mones and neurotransmitters. Because the mechanism of localization of receptor binding radiopharmaceuticals is spe- cific and depends on receptor expression on target cells, mul- Figure 12 131I-MIBG scan: Planar cardiac early (A) and delayed (B) tiple factors representing many characteristics of the radio- images in a normal subject. In contrast, the early (C) and delayed pharmaceutical will influence the uptake of radiotracer in the (D) images in a patient with Parkinson’s disease show minimal or target tissue, image quality, and ultimately the clinical utility absent myocardial uptake of MIBG. 234 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne mal scintigraphic pattern includes visualization of organs, 131Ior123I labeled meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is used which express SST receptors, including the thyroid, spleen, specifically to depict and localize catecholamine-secreting tu- liver, kidneys and, in some patients, the pituitary. Other or- mors.42 MIBG structurally resembles norepinephrine and, to gans are depicted at different times because of tracer excre- some extent, shares its biological behavior in that it is taken tion, including the renal collecting system and urinary blad- up by an active, sodium- and energy-dependent amine up- der, gallbladder, and bowel. Any uptake in nonphysiological take mechanism (uptake 1) in the cell membrane of sympa- areas reflects the presence of lesions with increased density of thomedullary tissues and is stored into the intracellular cat- SST receptors, which can be related to malignant but some- echolamine storing granules by another specific, active times also to benign lesions. Altered distribution of Oc- uptake mechanism.69 The normal distribution usually shows treoscan images (Fig. 11) show aberrant lung uptake in a uptake in the salivary glands, spleen, liver, and urinary blad- patient with diffuse inflammatory processes, such as pulmo- der. Heart, lungs, colon, and kidneys were less frequently nary interstitial fibrosis. visualized. Thyroid and stomach uptake are primarily due to free radio iodide species due to in vivo dehalogenation.42 Adrenergic Presynaptic Bilateral symmetric activity is sometimes evident in the neck Receptors and Storage and shoulders of children, and it seems to be related to up- Tumors arising from the neural crest share the characteristic take in brown adipose tissue. MIBG imaging is characterized of amine precursor uptake and decraboxylation and contain by high specificity with very few (1%-5%) false-positive find- large amounts of , dopamine and serotonin within ings, ie, because of retention of radioactivity in the urinary the secretary granules in cytoplasm. Tumors of the adrenergic tract, or the presence of adrenal hyperplasia following con- system include pheochromocytoma (arise in adrenal medulla) tralateral adrenalectomy or very rarely to non-NET or benign or paragangliomas (extraadrenal tissue) and . lesions.69

Figure 13 Biodistribution of 111In-Zevalin®: (A) Normal distribution at 4 and 86 hours and patient eligible for therapy with 90Y-Zevalin®. (B) Abnormal biodistribution at 3 and 24 hours showing increased bone marrow uptake. Patients is not eligible for therapy. Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 235

ProstaScint PSMA is more highly expressed in malignant prostate cells compared with nonmalignant cells. A murine IgG1 mAb (mAb 7E11-C5.3) Conjugated to the 111In chelator GYK- DTPA to form the immunoconjugate, 111In capromab pen- detide (ProstaScint). There is a high degree of tumor binding to all prostate cancers tested in vitro and a very high degree of specificity. ProstaScint uptake by tumor cells in vivo is de- pendent on the degree of PSMA expression. PMSA may be expressed by a small number of nonprostatic malignant tu- mors (renal cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma of the lung), and these can result in false-positive examinations. ProstaScint imaging has been advocated in patients with newly diagnosed , who are at risk for ad- vanced disease, and for patients treated with definitive local therapy (prostatectomy or radiation therapy) who present with increasing prostate-specific antigen levels.73 The inter- pretation of ProstaScint SPECT images is challenging because of the low spatial resolution of SPECT, and the nonspecific antibody localizations in normal blood pool. Some nonanti- gen-dependent localization occurs, probably secondary to catabolism, in normal liver, spleen, and bone marrow. In

Figure 14 99mTc-MDP bone scan demonstrating decreased thoracic spine uptake due to prior radiation therapy.

Because MIBG uptake is dependent on the expression of NET on the presynaptic adrenergic neurons of the heart, MIBG imaging has a diagnostic role in the assessment of patients with cardiomyopathy and heart failure.70 MIBG car- diac uptake was shown to be significantly decreased (Fig. 12) in patients with dementia and movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.71,72 Antibody Imaging Most cancer cells and synthesize many proteins or glycopro- teins that are antigenic in nature. These antigens may be intracellular, or expressed on the cell surface or shed or se- creted from the cell into extracellular fluid or circulation. Tumor-associated antigens and receptors present on the tu- mor cell surface include prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) and CD20 antigen on lymphoma cells. The 3 impor- tant FDA approved radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are ProstaScint® for diagnostic imaging and Zeva- lin® and Bexxar® for .73-76 Imaging studies with 111In-Zevalin are essential to determine eligibil- ity for radioimmunotherapy with 90Y-Zevalin. In contrast, patients receiving 131I-Bexxar therapeutic regimen involves obtaining 3 whole-body scans during the week after a small Figure 15 Axial FDG-PET/CT images at the level of the aortic root in 131 dose (185 MBq) of I-Bexxar administered only for pur- a patient with Takayasu’s arteritis. (A) A postpartum disease flair poses of determining the residence time, which is necessary demonstrates transmural uptake at the aortic root and descending to determine the therapeutic dose. Imaging studies, however, thoracic aorta. Bilateral breast activity is seen secondary to breast- are not performed to determine targeting or to assess biodis- feeding. (B) After methotrexate therapy and cessation of lactation, tribution. both abnormalities recede. 236 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne certain subjects uptake in bowel, kidneys, and genitalia has lar non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.74,75 The therapeutic regimen been observed. Human antimurine antibody caused by pre- consists of an imaging study first with 111In-Zevalin (and vious exposure to murine-antibody products may alter the rituximab 250 mg mϪ2) on the day of injection, and again on clearance and biodistribution of ProstaScint. Also, other med- days 2 to 3 to confirm appropriate biodistribution. Tumor ical problems or conditions, such as aneurysms, abdominal or uptake may be visualized; however, tumor visualization on bowel adhesions, postoperative and colostomy or Inflammatory the 111In-Zevalin scan is not required for 90Y-Zevalin therapy. lesions may show unexpected uptake of radioactivity. The expected normal biodistribution includes (1) blood pool Zevalin® activity in heart, abdomen, neck, and extremities, (2) mod-

The mAb moiety of Zevalin is ibritumomab, a murine IgG1 erately high to high uptake in normal liver and spleen, and kappa directed against the CD20 anti- (3) moderately low or very low uptake in normal kidneys, gen on lymphocytes (B cells). Radioimmunotherapy with urinary bladder, and normal (uninvolved) bowel. The criteria 90Y-Zevalin is indicated for the treatment of relapsed or re- for altered biodistribution (Fig. 13) are (1) an intense uptake fractory, low-grade follicular or B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lym- of the radiotracer in RES (liver and spleen and bone marrow), phoma, including patients with rituximab-refractory follicu- (2) diffuse uptake in normal lung more intense than the liver,

Table 4 Pharmacologic and Toxic Effects of Drugs Group of Drugs Drugs Pharmacologic and Toxic Effect Narcotic analgesics Morphine, codeine, oxycodone, Percodan, constrict the Sphinctor of Oddi, Roxicodone, Demerol, which may cause nonvisualization of the intestine in hepatobiliary imaging Xanthine (theophilline and ) Aerolate, Slo-Phyllin, Theolair, Anacin, Block the vasodilatory effects of containing Excedrin, Midol, Cafegot, coffee, Tea, adenosine and soft drinks Beta blockers Acebutalol, atenolol, pindolol, propranolol, Prevent patients from reaching their Tenerotec, Inderide target heart rate during treadmill stress test ACE inhibitors Losartan, valsartan, Ailskiren Reduce GFR by blocking angiotensin II receptors or directly inhibiting the action of renin MIBG interactions Adrenergic neuron and NET blockers Prevent MIBG uptake by inhibition of reuptake of norepinephrine or deplete storage vesicle contents Calcium channel blockers , nifedipine, diltiazem, Lotrel, Interfere with stress testing and MIBG Lexxel imaging studies Cytotoxic drugs Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, Decrease membrane transport and bleomycin,cis-platin, Nitrosoureas intracellular retention of major ogans (liver, kidney) Drugs altering hormonal status Stilboestrol, gonadotrophins, oral Increase the production of estrogen. contraceptives induce gynecomastia and hyperprolactinemia Inhibitors of Na؉/I؊ symporter Lugol’s iodine, iodides, perchlorate, Competitive inhibition of NIS by anions (NIS) antithyroid drugs, contrast media and prevent trapping of iodide by (Hypaque, Dionosil, Diodrast) thyroid Drugs that can cause iatrogenic Paracetamol, aspirin, tetracycline Cause liver toxicity and cause necrosis disease of liver cells Long-term use of contraceptive pill Cause the formation of hepatic tumors Aminoglycoside antibiotics, penicillins, Cause renal failure and decrease sulfonamides, frusemide, cyclosporin glomerular filtration rate Bleomycin, aminodarone, busulphan, Causes lung disease and pulmonary nitrofurantoin interstitial fibrosis Doxorubicin Cardiotoxic and impairs left ventricular function Adriamycin Cariotoxic and induces changes in cell membrane permeability Drugs interfering with labeling Hydralazine, methyldopa Oxidation of stannous ion in the kt cells prevents labeling RBCs with Tc99m Digoxin Inhibits Na؉/K؉-ATPase pump and affects membrane transport of RBCs Antibiotics, corticosteroids Reduce chemotaxis of labeled leukocyes Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 237

Table 5 Altered Biodistribution of Radiopharmaceuticals Attributable to Drug Interactions Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Effects on the Imaging Study 99mTc-MDP and 99mTc-HDP Aluminum containing drugs Reduced uptake in bone, increased hepatic and renal uptake Iron salts High blood pool and renal activity diffuse liver uptake Amphotericin, cyclophosphamide, gentamicin, Increased renal retention due to vincristine, doxorubicin nephrotoxicity Drugs causing gynecomastia, eg, stilboestrol, Increased uptake in breast spironolactone, phenothiazines, cimetidine, oral contraceptives Methotrexate Diffuse uptake in liver due to nephrotoxicity Nifedipine Reduced bone uptake Diphosphonates (etidronate, pamidronate) vitamin Reduce bone uptake D supplements 99mTc-DISIDA (Hepatolite®) Narcotic analgesics (morphine, methadone) Delay in hepatic clearance 99mTc-Bida (Choletec®) Barbiturates, cholecystokinin and analogs Enhanced biliary excretion Nicotinic acid (chronic high doses) Abnormal or absence of tracer in gallbladder Total parental nutrition Reduced uptake into gallbladder Erythromycin Increased liver uptake due to hepatotoxicity 99mTc-sulfur colloid Aluminum compounds, magnesium salts Flocculation of colloids, deposition in lung Anesthetic agents (halothane) Shift of activity from liver to spleen Estrogens and androgens Abnormal uptake due to drug toxicity Methotrexate, cytosine arabinoside and Irregular liver uptake, shift of activity to nitrosoureas bone marrow and spleen 99mTc-DTPA Al containing drugs Abnormal GFR Nephrotoxic drugs (sulfonamides, cyclosporine) Reduced GFR Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, Reduced GFR such as furosemide Dipyridamole infusion Reduced GFR 99mTc-DMSA Ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate Reduced renal uptake, increased liver uptake Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Reduced renal uptake in renal artery stenosis 99mTc-RBC (in vivo labeling) Heparin, dextran, penicillin, hydralazine, Poor labeling, increased uptake in doxorubicin, iodinated contrast media thyroid, and stomach 123I/131I sodium iodide Iodine-containing compounds (SSKI, Lugol’s Reduced uptake in thyroid 99mTc pertechnetate solution) Antithyroid drugs (propylthiouracil, Topazol) Reduced uptake in thyroid Thyroid supplements (Cytomel, Synthroid) Reduced uptake in thyroid Meprobamate, phenylbutazone, sulfonamides, Reduced uptake in thyroid corticosteroids, ACTH, sulfonylureas, perchlorate, 131I-mIBG Antihypertensives (Lebatolol, , adrenergic Inhibition of tumor and myocardial neuron blockers) uptake Sympathomimetics (, Decrease in cardiac uptake ) Nifedipine Increased tumor uptake and delay in washout Antidepressants (tricyclics, , ) Reduced tumor uptake (phenothiazens, thioxanthines) Educed tumor uptake 67Ga citrate Cytotoxic drugs (cisplatin, methotrexate, Reduced tumor/abscess and hepatic cyclophosphamide, vincristine) uptake increased blood pool, skeletal and renal activity Bleomycin, busulphan, , nitrofurantoin, Abnormal uptake in lung (drug-induced methotrexate, cyclophosmamide pulmonary interstitial pneumonitis and/ or fibrosis) 238 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

Table 5 Continued Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Effects on the Imaging Study Corticosteroids Absence or reduced tumor size Drugs causing hyperprolactinemia (phenothiazines, Increased uptake in breast stilboestrol, methyldopa, metoclopramide, cimetidine, gonadotropins) Frusemide, phenylbutazone, ibuprofen, Delayed and increased renal uptake due sulfonamides, penicillins, cephalosporins to drug-induced interstitial nephritis 111In-pentetreotide Somatostatin analogues (octreotide or Sandostatin) Reduced tumor, splenic, hepatic and (Ocreoscan®) renal uptake enhanced detection of hepatic metastases 111In and 99mTc-leukocytes Antibiotics and steroids May cause reduced uptake of leukocytes (WBCs) 201Tl-thallous chloride ␤-blockers and nitrate Decreased Number and size of exercise- induced perfusion defects Vasopressin Perfusion defects in the absence of CAD Doxorubicin Reduced myocardial uptake caused by cardiotoxicity Inhibitors of Na–K ATPase pump (ouabain, Decrease the uptake of tumor and furosemide) myocardial cells [18F]FDG Insulin in patients with hyperglycemia Increased uptake in tumor and skeletal muscle Benzodiazepines Decrease paraspinal and posterior cervical muscle uptake in tense patients Growth factors (hepatocyte growth factor, Increased diffuse intense uptake in bone granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating marrow, and spleen factor) and erythropoietin and (3) kidney uptake is greater than the liver on the poste- has been reported during post therapy (chemotherapy and/or rior view.76 radiation therapy) follow-up period.56,79,80 The increased FDG uptake may confound estimation of treatment response Factors Caused or may also indicate recurrent disease. Recent surgery commonly results in the accumulation of by Medical Procedures radiopharmaceuticals in scars and tissues around the opera- 67 99m The biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals may also be al- tion site probably due to local edema. Ga citrate and Tc- tered significantly because of medical procedures, such as MDP show increased localization in operative sites and tissue radiation therapy surgery, and hemodialysis.2,77 The effects of adjacent to prostheses. Also, FDG and radiolabeled cells may radiotherapy on the biodistribution of several radiopharma- also show uptake at surgical sites. Defibrillation has been ceuticals have been well documented, and depending upon found to result in increased uptake of 99mTc-MDP in the chest the radiation dose level, the effects may be transient or per- wall tissues. manent in nature.77 In the early phase of radiation therapy, an Chronic renal failure and dialysis (both hemo- and perito- inflammatory response may be predominant with increased neal dialysis) are fairly well known causes of altered clearance vascular permeability and leukocyte migration. In bone and biodistribution of several radiopharmaceuticals. Elimi- scans, 99mTc-MDP activity in soft-tissue areas within a radia- nation of most radiopharmaceuticals is disrupted in patients tion field may increase.78 The long-term effect of radiation with compromised renal function, resulting in prolonged therapy is reduced blood flow as the result of fibrosis, and as blood pool activity, and possibly increased clearance through a result, the bone uptake of 99mTc-MDP may be significantly the liver. In hemodialysis, small solute molecules, such as reduced (Fig. 14). The local effects of radiation-causing os- 99mTc-chelating agents and radioiodide, move from the area teoblastic suppression and hepatitis with defective uptake, of high concentration in blood to the area of lower concen- respectively, of bone-seeking radiotracers and colloids are tration in the dialyzate. Renal dialysis substitutes for kidney widely recognized. Also, following radiation therapy, iron- elimination. Often, dialysis will not adversely affect the im- overload may lead to decrease in iron-binding capacity of aging results as long as the administered radiopharmaceutical iron.32 As a result, the biodistribution of 67Ga-citrate is sig- has been given time to localize in its organ of interest before nificantly altered showing increased bone uptake and de- beginning dialysis. However, the components of the dialyzate creased soft tissue uptake in the irradiated areas.77 Flare phe- fluid that enter the patient’s bloodstream may cause very nomenon in FDG-PET (Fig. 15) showing an increase in noticeable alterations in how a radiopharmaceutical is han- standard uptake values in the tumor or soft-tissue disease, dled by the patient’s body. In contrast, peritoneal dialysis Altered biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals 239

Figure 16 Drug interference with MIBG uptake in a patient with metastatic paraganglioma. (A) 131I-MIBG scan following therapeutic dose shows uptake in the metastatic lesions. (B) Post MIBG therapy, the scan failed to detect the vast majority of metastatic lesions identified by FDG-PET. The most likely cause of this “false scan” is probably attributable to recreational drugs (such as , ) taken just before the recent MIBG therapy.81 removes metabolic waste from blood by use of the patient’s PET, however, showed metastases with a similar distribution own semipermiable membrane—the peritoneal membrane. to the initial mIBG scan. The most likely cause of this “false Dialyzate is placed into the patient’s peritoneal cavity where it scan” is the rapid interference of recreational drugs (such as accumulates radioactivity that passes through the peritoneal cocaine, ephedrine) with the mIBG uptake, which probably membrane along concentration and osmotic pressure gradi- were taken just before the recent mIBG therapy.81 ents. References Factors Cause 1. Hladik WB, Norenberg JP: Problems associated with the clinical use of by Pharmacologic radiopharma-ceuticals: A proposed classification system and trouble shooting guide. Eur J Nucl Med 23:997-1002, 1996 Factors and Drug Interactions 2. Lentle BC, Scott JR, Noujaim AA, et al: latrogenic alterations in radio- nuclide biodistributions. Semin Nucl Med 9:131-143, 1979 There is considerable evidence that the biodistribution or 3. Hung JC, Pronto JA, Hammers RJ: Radiopharmaceutical-related pitfalls pharmacokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals may be altered by and artifacts. Semi. Nucl Med 26:208-255, 1996 patient medication.2,5-7,77 Many reports on drug/radiophar- 4. Hojelse C, Kristensen K, Sampson CB: Factors which affect the integrity maceutical interactions are anecdotal, and in some instances of radiopharmaceuticals, in Sampson CB (ed): Textbook of Radiophar- macy, Theory and Practice (ed 2). Amsterdam, Gordon and Breach a direct cause and effect relationship has not been unequiv- Science Publishers, 1994, pp 145-152 ocally established. The drug and radiopharmaceutical inter- 5. Hladik WB, Nigg NK, Rhodes BA: Drug induced changes in the biologic actions may arise because of the pharmacologic action of the distribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Semin Nucl Med 12:184-218, drug or due to physicochemical interactions between the 1982 drug and radiophamaceutical. Even contamination with an- 6. Hesselewood S, Leung E: Drug interactions with radiopharmaceuticals. Eur J Nucl Med 21:348-356, 1994 tiseptics during dispensing or administration can also lead to 7. Sampson CB: Adverse reactions and drug interactions with radiophar- alterations in the biodistribution of the tracer. Many drugs in maceuticals. Drug Saf 8:280-294, 1993 everyday use may cause or aggravate disease, and that the 8. Leung E, Hesslewood S: Use of non-radioactive drugs in nuclear med- iatrogenic (drug induced) disease itself may then produce an icine. Pharm J 249:HS32-HS36, 1992 unexpected biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical. 9. Saha GB: Adverse reactions to and altered biodistribution of radio- pharmaceuticals, in Saha GB (ed): Fundamentals of Nuclear Phar- Drug/radiopharmaceutical effects may be classified by organ macy (ed 4). New York, Springer, 2004, pp 351-353 of interest, radiopharmaceutical used, chemical class of the 10. Chamarthy M, Travin MI: Altered biodistribution and incidental find- drug, or the type of drug interaction. ings on myocardial perfusion imaging. Semin Nucl Med 40:257-270, Drugs that alter the functional status of an organ will have 2010 significant effect on the biodistribution of radiopharmaceu- 11. Zuckier LS, Freeman LM: Nonosseous, nonurologic uptake on bone ticals. Some of the important groups of drugs and their phar- scintigraphy: atlas and analysis. Semin Nucl Med 40:242-256, 2010 12. Cohade C: Altered biodistribution on FDG-PET with emphasis on macologic effect are summarized in Table 4. Drug interac- brown fat and insulin effect. Semin Nucl Med 40:283-293, 2010 tions with radiopharmaceuticals and the corresponding 13. Liu Y, Ghesani NV, Zuckier LS: Physiology and pathophysiology of effects on imaging studies are summarized in Table 5. Drug incidental findings detected on FDG-PET scintigraphy. Semin Nucl interference with mIBG uptake in a patient with metastatic Med 40:294-315, 2010 paraganglioma is shown in Fig. 16. During earlier , 14. Shapiro B, Rufini V, Janwan A, et al: Artifacts, anatomic and physiolog- 131 ical variants, and unrelated diseases that might cause false-positive I-mIBG uptake in the metastatic lesions was very high. A whole-body 131-I Scans in patients with thyroid cancer. Semin Nucl posttherapeutic whole-body scan after recent mIBG therapy Med 30:115-132, 2000 failed to detect the vast majority of metastatic lesions. FDG- 15. Love C, Palestro CJ: Altered biodistribution and incidental findings on 240 S. Vallabhajosula, R.P. Killeen, and J.R. Osborne

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