Lte ' ic _11 February 14, 2000 Celebrate Valentine's Day by read- ing about the history of the holiday for lovers, and some of the legends News 1-5 and myths that surround it. BLCKHSTRYMNTH Campus Notes 4 Classifieds 5 Opinions 6-7 Sports 8-9 Lifestyles 11-12 The iFaflri Call 599-3159 or an visit us at Tucker Hall Rm. 309 1uJ.91 T V cOF i Check us out online at /5 No. 11 *j(i%04I

TALLAHASSEE, FL Meetings aside, students still waiting FAMU BY MERLIN JnBAPTISTE employees Contributing Editor While the 19th century Goodwar Plantation sitting east of the Tallahasse find FSU Memorial Hospital undergoes restoratie for the April opening of the main house black student leaders continue to expre' concerns about Gov. Jeb Bush's One ~hy Initiative and Equity in Education Plan. The initiative, signed as an executive ::V1::i .JNDE and order last November, ends racial prefer ;M1ERLIN JnBAPTISTE ences and set-asides in state contractin, correspondent and and university admissions. However, last week, when hundreds o; .ontributing Editor students filled the Capitol rotunda, govern- BIBai It was Hattie ing themselves accordingly after marching Paul's fate to be in a classroom to the Capitol, FAMU student representa- on the second floor of the Gore Education tives Corey Alston, Aziza Bowzer. Complex (GEC) two consecutive Andrew Gillum and Melanie Roussell were able to submit a list of amendment. nights. for the governor to consider. "i first noticed the bag on The Famuan RaSHANI BOYNTON Thursday." said the senior custo- Left to right. FSU student Sen. Christopher M. Chestnut. BOR Chancellor Adam Herbert, FAMU stu- Please see MEETING! 3 dial worker. Paul said she com- Sdent Sen. Andrew Gil/urn and BOR member Steven Uhlfelder discuss the Equity in Education plan. pleted her duties, but didn't both- er the abandoned bag because she thought a student left it behind. However, when Paul returned Citizens air concerns for One Florida the following evening, with co- worker Freddie Johnson, the bag BY ANGELA GUMBS admission . The plan, expected to take was exactly where she saw it the Contributing Editor effect in the fall of 2000, has previous night. "This time, Freddie opened the Last Thursday's third been the topic of debate that lead public bag to see what was inside." she hearing to discuss 'o three public hearings including Gov Jeb said. Bush's One Florida Initiative had .ne joint legislative session in The workers still had no idea a turnout of more than 1000 peo- [allahassee last week. Mark Casteel, assistant to the that they had uncovered a trea- pie. sure until they saw a picture of The initiative passed senate president Toni Jennings as an the missing object in Monday's executive order last November, said 60 speakers spoke in each of . "ends racial preferences and set- he two rooms of the Knotts "I was excited to find out this asides in state contracting and 'i1ilding, the site of the hearing was something valuable," said university admissions." It con- .oncerning One Florida. Paul. tains equity plans for contracting It's not our order it's the gov- Florida State officials said the hiring and also in education. The ernor's," said Sen. Jack Latvala valued Jefferson-Eppes trophy, a equity in education portion R-Palm Harbor, who presided silver pitcher-shaped keepsake, includes a Talented 20 program over a portion of the hearing on dissappeared from the president's which guarantees Florida the fourth floor. high box of Doak Campbell Stadium school seniors graduating in the Students protested against the One Flonida Intiatve. Gov Jeb Bush's exec- late January without a trace. top 20 percent state university Please utiye order eliminating affirmative action, at the Knott Building on Thursday. see HEARING! 3 The trophy is a combined namesake of former :esident Thomas Jefferson and igrandson Francis Eppes VII, Once a year is not enough for love t. fee-time Tallahassee mayor. I have spent the past week abbreviated. I have abridged my other wsomen's interest maga- Though the Jefferson-Eppes thinking and talking about what I thoughts and my writing. I have zines feature the perfect wedding: trophy was given to FSUJ as a was going to write in this col- taken the most personal of my From the dresses to the lingerie to permanent loan from the El umn. It is impossible to write pleasures and pains, shoved them the reception. Those pastel-col- [allahassee Historical Society, when you have no inspiration and to the side, and written-no mat- ored candy hearts tell your secret aind inaugurated for the FSU and when writer's block has hindered ter how much it hurts or how~ bad love to "Be Mine." University of Virginia football your progress. But how do you it feels. Throughout the days leading to came in 1995, the winning team write when you have too much I am writing about love. Feb. 14. my ears fill with the takes it home every year. inspiration, too many words on It's hard not to think of love in incessant winging and laments of However, sometime between one subject? the season of romantic bliss. those wanting to be held and Jan. 22 and 26, the relic, once NATALIE T.J. TINDALL That was my dilemma. Everywhere you go, the Martha cherished and touched during supported by a wooden base So I have condensed. I have Stewart Living, Glamour and Please see TiNDALL! 6 Please see TROPHY! 3 News The Famuan/February 14, 2000 Divisions get 1-year accreditation BIEFS dieted. In an article last Monday the dean faculty offices. BY KARA PALMER said the school xwould fall short of ACE- "All in all, this could have been worse." LOCl'AL Contributing Editor JMC standard in tour criteria: governance. said James Haw kins, associate dean. budget, facilities and equipment, and fac- The team did point out a few strengths House Speaker's analogy offends somie The div isions of jour nalisim and media ulty. within the program. Members we rc TALL - House speaker of the School of Journalism. Media and AHA\SSFE John "We've got some problems." Ruggles impressed by teacher dedication to stu- Thrashet stood before the Tallahassee Graphic Arts has received a temporary said. "We can fix them in a year or less." dents, and the national reputation students Tiger B'y Club. a political and used accreditation status. The three-day process group, He said that provisional accreditation is have earned through internships at some of a basketball analogy to describe black law'- wxas completed last Wednesday wxith a pro- still accreditation, but only for one year. the largest media organizations in the maker Kendrick Meek's. D-Miami. opposi- visional accreditation recommendation by When the ACEJMC site team x a hbetre nation. The team also point'ed out that the tion to Gos_ Jeb Bush's One Florida a tour-member team. in 1994, the school alsr' students are focused and com- Initiativ e wxhich ends affirmative action. The div isions met 10 of the 12 criteria lacked governance. nuitted, and able to create "I truly hav e believed that wshite men requtired for full accreditation of the A faculty' representati, Opportunities for themselves. can't jump. I believed that until I started Accreditation Council on Education in said a school cannot lack t; Students said the team wxorking around Kendrick said the Journalism and Mass Communication. Meek" same criteria two consec.. o 'members treated them with a Jacksonville Republican. ACEJMC said the school lacks gover- tive visits, because that lot of respect and was vers Thrashei released a statement that blast- nance, along xwith adequate equipment and automatic grounds for pros co>ncerned with their well ed the St. Petersburg Times, for news coy- facilities for faculty and laboratory equip- sional accreditation or I(, ' being. er age of the speech. The speaker also said ment for media students. of accreditation. "The member for the PR he regrets offending any one, though he Lacking governance means the faculty. the division chair, the dean, the proxost One faculty member sail punblic relations) sequence desciribed the opposition to Bush's plan a~s he was not surprised at the a "whine-fest." and president are not on the same page. s as generally sincere, she provisional accreditation Standard one of ACEJMC standards sta- RUGCIGALES asked us questions that would tus. benefit us __ the students," Black national anthem has 100th birthday say s "the chief administratixe oflficer of the unit and the administrative associates "It's obvious that we need a ness facili- said Aaron Paxton Arnold, a public rela- MII AMI - Last we ekend. Flirida ty, a new space." said Phillip Jeter. associ- tions senior. Memorial College celebrated the 100th must proxvide intellectual, academic, and professional leadership to advance the ate professor. "Hopefully' in a year we will The Chicago native said, "I'm not sur- anniversairy of "Lift Es 'rxy Voice and be able to show progress to a new facility. prised that we got the provisional rating. James W\eldon Johnson. cause of the unit - both within the univer- Sing~xxwritten by Throughout the week the team met wxith we took a low blow when two of the PR in Jacksonv ille. with music composed by' J. sity and to outside constituencies." "We are working on a new tenure poli- students from the four journalism professors left." Rosamond Johnson, his brother. The song sequences: broadcast, public relations, Ruggles said he has been trying to was created on the front porch of the cy." said Dean Robert Ruggles. "Once that's complete governance will no longer newspaper and magazine. arrange a meeting with the president and Florida Baptist Academy. present day In the report the team said the school provost about the accreditation status. Florida Memorial College. The college be a issue." Right now the school does not have a has a few weaknesses, which include low The Graphic Arts department will haxe now considers itself the birthplace of the faculty moral, service to the community its accreditation visit at a later date. anthemi tenure policy for incoming faculty. The school did better than Ruggles pre- and deficient facilities for classroomis and NATION AL

Students boycott qtyrile Beach. go to V a. VIRGINIA BEACH. Va.- The ongoing Convocation offers hope, change controxversy about South Carolina's Confederate flag flying oxer the state capi- Oxercome." Members of the audience need to xxork mightily in order to ovei- tol. has sparked a boycott of MIyrtle Beach BY LISA RUSSELLa applauded and a couple of people even come any' obstacles in our way. of more than 1,000 Duke U nivecrsity stu- Correspondentq quivered with anticipation for this new. In 1967, Hall taught Black History to dents. The university's NAACP chapter liee and fair America. black inmates at Massachusetts Gaither Gymnasium held moie than 250() and the national chapter claim a minor sic- Shangha Irvin, a 20-year-old student Correctional Institution at Norfolk. The students. faculty and friends eager to cele-f tory now that students are heading to the speaker also interviewed Roxbury' school brate Black History Month at Thursday"'s from Seville, Fla., said. "Dr. Jackson's Virginia Beach strip for spring break. very children for an Afro-American curriculum all-university convocation, where the occasion was really good. He was to want evaluation project of the Educational audience received hope of an American motivating and gave me the push INTERNATIONAL Development Center. with justice, liberty and freedom for all. tto make a difference in this world." After Jackson's dynamic speech, the Hall told the audience that he is "deeply The convocation kicked of with a for assassination plot band took the audience on a journey to moved by' the setting. the music and the Four arrested cheery "good morning" from R. Jaih FREETPOW N. Sierra Leone- West company I'm keeping," and said his Howard. the sec'retary of Africa xwith their mus ical selection. African have arr'ested four former soldiers state for the Studentspehws"di who plotted to kill Sierr'a Leone's ex-junta Government Association. IF WE "DON'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR OUR- cated to my ances- leader to undermine the country's fragile Folloxxing "Let Us Break NOON E S tors. friends and peace accord. Bread Together." by SELVES,NO NE LS WILL DO IT FOR US. loved ones." The soldiers wecre arrested Thursday at FAMU's symphonic band, -David Jackson Hall said the Freetowxn tesidence ot e\-junta leader which paved the way for FAMU helped him Johnny Paul Koroma. said Li. Col. Chris David Jackson. to find himself. He Olukolade. spokesman for the Nigerian-led Jackson addressed the audience wxith a "atson Negro Spirituals."as some also spoke o1 the ongoing importance of West African intervention force knowxn as x'onoiceta mpida sie utn audience members' eyes were filled xith xealth and power. In closing. Hall chal- ECONIOG. troaung ctat implied si eputting tears. Songs like "Swing Low' Sweet lenged the students to join him in his lion was to motixvate blacks to make life Chariot" and "Nobody Knows The search for African Cultural Legacies. pow~er over refusal to disarm Cabinet loses better for other blacks through x'oting and Trouble I've Seen", made the audience After Hall's speech. he w'as presented BELF'A-ST. Northern Ireland - The senior supporting black businesses, couldn't help but to snap their fingers and with an award by Humphries. Protestant in Northern Ireland's adminis- Jackson reminded the audience that if sway at each solemn beat. The program ended with the audience tration said Saturday that the Irish we "don't make a difference for ourselves. The speaker of the hour. Dr. Robert La along with platform guests. standing and Republican .Army must promise to disarm nobody else will do it for us. His speech Bret Hall., was introduced by President singing "W'e hall Ov'ercome." Sentiments is to have its powsers if the goxverment was laden with delight andbeiftath Frederick Humphries. who said he "was of newfound strength seemed to fill the restored. Neero National Anthem xwill be changed x'er proud of the way students did things room as the crow'd dispersed to join the Britain stripped the Cabinet's authority around FANII..'" HumphriesL also said wxe fight against and batrrd Friday and resunied direc.t control from ir oni)x"%\c'Shall us ..\\cfHa c London. The Cabinet xxas formed in November under a comlpromisie plan me di- CORRECTIONS ated by American diplomat Georgee In the Feb. 10 issue of The Farnuan, we rectly' reported that Humphries "agreed to The Famuan strixes to be a'. accurate and Mitchell. But it fell apart this month over incorrectly identified Darryl C. Smith in amrend his tenure policy' and accepted a professional as possible. Sometimes we the IRA's continued refusal to tart scrap- the story' titled. "FA\IU's 'Flax a Station' Knight Foundation Grant last month." The do make errors. We encourage readers to ping its secret weapons dumps. as the Lets new' managei." Smith's correct title is sentence should have read that the Knight write letters or call the newsroom xxhen accoid envisioned. general manager. Foundation changed the wording ot the mistakes occur in the newspaper. It is our grant and then Humphries signed to accept policy to run corrections and amend errors -Con'piied By Vie rlimJnBapri.ste In the same issue in the story titled the grant. when at all possible as soon as possible. "Journalism school falls short," we incor- News The Famuan/February 14, 2000 MEETING: Meeting with Chancellor Herbert made progress, but FROM PAGE 1 students want changes in race and diversity portions

Bush agreed to siof or;heii sugges- Lion secar. Gillum .uo.d. T he gos cinor -. .t oa. th 'ern e .' tions and said he was impressed by their playing haidball." he said and added that thoroughness. south and innocence aire the bigge'st The 'loop made :leanithat ihe' pre 1I appreciate y ou coming to me after weapons in the battle. :":ait sin eCClent dtalog>ue -Otti .ccieie rpiulsa not itor'Pc i sidce it 1 reading and researching the plan.' said Though Bush accer'ted most of the pro- hiiidax s Bilk at ihe IflS l Bush. who added that most people haven- posals, student !eaters agreed that the Dui~n 1s ii x t'o'eo'''.. said nen.o I lt ida n i ) iaindo. taken the time to read and undersand the t.niks wxould go no futhier until the portions 010111 a '.I T l ii iC iroin kli,in~Aiitt .i H-ei bert said he considered a pcitiuoil I plan. o1 race and dix Cisity s ere changed hi the lothi agree that the excfl aueevilli lead he rule dealting \c ith the gr aduate pro- The dialogue did not end in one sitting. Board of Regents. to sonic undei standine of theise ci am. s heduje to he put into efcdt 2)00 Student leaders met with the governor tor Last Friday . they had closed-door talks Conicerrns iC' TIed around the clinina- which elimina:es.:are.'1"lie element iwill a follow -up meeting last Wednesday. and which lasted for more than three hours lion of irace ano ethnicity factor in uni5' c- be pulled and given back to the 130k. lie said there were no encouragi ng develop- .s ith Board of Regent Chancellor Adam sity admissions and the plaii's inclusion of said. ments. Herbert in his lath floor office of the admittance based on "artistic and athletic "Theie is a host of issius to addiess." "We don't intend to be pawns in any- Turlington Education Building. abilits Herbert said He promised the three stu- one's political game." FSU Sen. Christopher Chestnut. FAMU Chest nut said this ri rtion creamtes dent leaders a e'oonsc 1o theii iecce't h,

Studetnts ate axiaic stat this is at. .c'- 'cn Gillumn. aloneg'.'ith .\s.o,iatL Chidi

HEARING: Talented 20' portion TROPHY: 'ml:egrity' rewarded FROM PAGE 11ai ;es student conern FROM PAGE 1 witlth $1000 from FSU

One central issue revolving around the The issue of whether Bush can be inade from the remnants of a McGuffey While FSUPD s till investigating the Talented 20 Program, which the governor entrusted with the future of Floridians, Ash tree which towered over the theft and developing a better security sys- said in a Nov. 9 press release will "guaran- was also another dominant theme. University of Virginia's campus until a Stem. Handley commended the two FAMU tee state university admission to the top 20 Natalie Tindall, a senior print manage- decade ago, and once a part of Thomas workers. "Thanks to the honesty and percent of students in every Florida high ment student at Florida A&M said. "We Jefferson's plantation. vanished from its integrity (if these citizens, we base the tro- school senior class," involves the "elimi- should not trust someone who can not domain on the seventh floor of the phy back." nation of race and ethnicity as a factor in even grace us with his presence." University Center. but FSUJ officials kept [ Because of their efforts, the two will admissions." Tindall said the governor expects it under wraps. split a $ 1.000 privately funded rew ard Speakers discussed concerns on poor Florida to work on trust policy, but citi- I didn't know that any trophy was from FSU. school structures and magnet programs. zens aren't buying it. She reflected on a issing ... It's good that someone returned I Paul and Johnson said they vwere told Lt. Coy. Brogan said that students in these statement Bush made about minorities it though." said FSU student Erica Sthat FSU will not present the rew ard until programs would be counted in a separate during his last campaign. Stewart, 20. trom Orlando. contact is made with President Frederick percentile, which will exclude the students She said the governor should not expect Major Jack Handley, FSUPD. said the S. Humphries. who are in the top 20 percent of their another term in office. "Bush said he university decided to go public when I We have a lot of negative things being class. would not do anything to help minorities." investigation leads dead-ended. said about FAM." said said Adler Etienne. Margaret Hyde of the American Tindall alluded to the governor's previous Once the information was made public, 18, an SBI student from Coral Springs, Association of University Women took the campaign before he got into office last Paul and Johnson called FAMUJ police. "and it is good that these (workers proved) discussion to another level when she January. "We will not do anything to get and FSUJ was contacted to report the find. we're not all had over here. spoke on the disadvantages of women and him re-elected for another term." how the One Florida Initiative will hinder Minority state contracting was another those rights. concern of the One Florida Initiative. Kate Hale of The National Women's Many residents fear that minority contract- American Political Caucus said that the ing within the state will decrease without One Florida Plan ignores women altogeth- specific contracting goals. Read The Fanilan to keep up er. Female business owners and women in "If the government does not protect us the job market, who currently make "76 from returning to the good-ole-boy sys- cents for every dollar that a man earns," tem, then who does'?" said Brenda A. Holt, on the latest campus, state will also see a further decrease in their a Greensboro high school math teacher wages if the plan is implemented. from Qincv. and national news.

%liiani Jourinalism Fellowships

iiaditine-.*~)1iC eno'iem, are inv ited to apply for the 27th annual Pulliam Journalism F-eilowships. We wsill grant 10-week summer internships to 20 jin-r nalism or liberal arts majors in the August 1999-June 200 graduating classes Previous internship or part-time experience at a new spaper is desired, or other detmonstration of writing and reporting ability. Winners will receive a $5.50X) stipend and will work at either The IndianapolisStar or The Arizona Republic. The application postmark deadline is March 1, 2000. Successful applicants f4400 W. Tennessee t will be notified on or before April 1, 2000. and will be asked to respond immediately with a letter of intent, at which time one-third of the cash Tallahassee, FL 32;304 grant will be mailed to the Fellow. . eb site, e-mail us or write: Russell B. Pulliam Pulliam Fellow ships Director E-maiCl:' pula .tapni. \ .Col Indianapolis Newspapers P.O. Box 145 Indianapolis. IN 46206-0145 Campus NVotes The Famuan/February 14, 2000

1 13 Tucker Hall. The meeting wsill address Senior Class Cabinet. This is to keep you tions concerning Sexual Responsibility orimNational actisitics .ind upcoming minfornmd of the ctinvitie s fon the remrainder Week. please feel free to call Anaka Mx ne I I psiloit iii ~he.\lpha ('haptci of SI ci cctiii i Sthe sc ilk tc r .all a Rho l)i i\ Ilkc. i.)( lnl Blanket Drise foi the elderly the wseek it r- S Feb.0. It you hav e any old blankets t( spare. please donate. Collections "ill becin on the Set on Monday. Wednesday Fraternity Inc. is sponsoring the Revt lDctnI the wsinning I-shiut log' or hiel The .Stae it Ierilt\y Ss'i..iniliorida anid Friday iof that swcek hctss i.-2 celuII a Moses Gener al li les Book Schola.rship. class of 2000 in a contest sponsored by Libraries is sponsoring the Name That See any mciitbcifor an application. Student Activities. The contest is open to System contest. Using an entry form, con- all seniors. To enter, seniors must submit testants must create a news name for the the logo and a copy of their class schedule SUS Library System. The winner wxill toverifyIcissitmeation. rhe deadline is receive a laptop computer. All registered students. faculty and stall of the state uni- Gamma Rho Sor ority Inc. is sponsor ing a owsn student-run theatrical production ci sitv sy stem of Florida are eligible. To Bone Miarross Drive on Friday. Feb. 25. organ izat ion presents. '"The IT: IHows Does enter, go online to WebLuis homepage. The eveniit kill take place on the Set from It Feel?" This is a live arts experience that aind click on the nesw features link. Entries Il) a n 2 pim. Your support is appreciat- includes live jazz and R&B. theatre and must be received by Feb. 21 by midnight. - oetry. The shoss is directed by Tara Lake. The Honiidi A~\l L noelrtto huptet iot For more information, call A.J. Hinson at ome enjoy some of FAMU's most excit- Student National Medical Association 599-8674 or 599-3330. i'n talent. "The IT' arrives Wednesday. (SNMA sswill be sponsoring "Sexual Feb. 16. in Perry Paige A\uditorium, and is Responsinbilty Week" Feb. 14-18. Their coal is to heighten student awsareness about Situdents, "ho voteiniithis 5 car' Stuiden STDs and AIDS and to piovide a forum Goverinment Association elections wsill tor any questions that students may bave. receive a voucher ton the Get Out and V'ote Sexual Responsibilty Week will include Comedy jam.'IThe voucher must be The Oirlaiido Club Mleeting is held everi the followsing activities: Monday -Rap office, 309 Tcker Hal redeemed for an actual ticket at the ticket W edn e sday at 6W-1 p in in 200 T ucker Session at Walker-Ford Community booth. Tlhe comedy jam wsill be held on Hall. The meetinoes are to inform news and Center from 3: 30-5:30 p.m.: Tuesday- Thursday. Feb. at iii 24 '{ p in Gaither old iii'iner 5 oft 111k inib' \ ''n Pregnancy' Seminar in 300 Tucker Hall at De) "Lre for Cai§ us (s innasi urn 51 5 p.m.: Wednesday-Healthy' SEIRCLS*114F Relationships and Sexual Responsibility HATCETT RE-LW SO IET uco '?ngMonday Seminoar in 109 Jones Hall at 9 p.m.: 5e~ A\ttentiion all seniors.lPleaise uhilt.(phote Friday-pamplet distribution on the Set Tin+ray fopa . liatchet l'i e [ass Sociciys sill host a en- numbers and e-mail addiesses to the fronm II a in-3 p in. If you have any ques- ci ,i hodsileictiiie on Feb. 16 at 6 p.m in

------1 Log on to The Famuan web site:I

! I

c- I

EducationCenter for Participant presents ± tThe


Thursday, February 17 @7:3Opm Dodd Hall Auditorium, FSU

,-' V Speaker Medea Benjamin will address why people went to the November 30, Seattle demonstration against the World Trade Organization. She will also discuss what happened there, and national ef- forts to keep up the energy generated in Seattle- including a Massive Rally at the IMIF & World Bank meeting in Washington, DC this coming April. For more information, call the CPE office at 644-8577. NewsI FMa The Famuan/February 14, 2000 5 Condom Day gives loving protection

that persons with or at risk of HIV/AIDS AIDS/STD organizations, high school, BY RENASIA SCOTT estimates 120,000. family planning clinics and pharmacies Contributing Editor "I think the one thing I would like [stu- across the United States and Canada. As the health educator for the FAMU dents] to be aware of is how to protect Light refreshments will be provided, Health Clinic, Chiugo Okeke's primary themselves from sexual diseases and and prizes will be given away at the end of job objective is to educate students about HIV," said Paul Mazzotta, the scheduled the day. The Jazz it Up combo, a five- safe sex, pregnancy and preventive sexual speaker who is also the HIV/early inter- instrument band, will offer musical enter- health issues. vention consultant for the health depart- tainment. Okeke will get to Other events for Condom Day spread her message to National planned on possibly hundreds of have been students today in campus. Beginning observance of today, the Student National Condom ...-. :.::..: ...... N ational M edical Health Beat Day, which is a part Association (SNMA) of National Condom is sponsoring "Sexual Week. This year's Responsibility Week." theme is "Love: SNMA is an organiza- Handle With Care." S7: i tion for students in science and health- The health clinic, in collaboration with related fields. Ananka Myrie, jazzyPHAT produc- . vice-president of tions, is co-sponsor- tfirst SNMA, said this is the ing an information first time the organi- session on the Set tia-:.,:if . iF ....:...} 2 :' '7f. ? YC today from 11 a.m. zation has sponsored to 2 p.m. There will the event. It was be a display table planned to heighten with free information students' awareness of about sexual transmit- STDs and AIDS. ted diseases, abstinence The Famuan / SHAUN WATSON SNMA, with the help of organiza- safer sex practices and various campus other sexual topics. ment. "They need to be avvare of how to tions, has planned a week of seminars, rap s good With a display table filled with free stay healthy; that include sexual sessions and information distribution. pamphlets, condoms and lubricants, health." "We decided to have this week because Okeke is armed to give the students that Mazzotta and Okeke will answer any this something that is hitting African- message. questions students may have. American students hard," said Myrie, a "The main purpose is to educate indi- Since 1990, Mazzotta has hosted health 20-year-old junior biology/pre-med stu- viduals on the importance of safer sex classes and spoken at seve ral programs at dent from Ft. Lauderdale. "We're trying to methods. We also want to look at pregnan- FAMU. He holds a bachel or of science in make students understand what's true and cy prevention," Okeke said. health education from the University of what's not- do away with all the mis- The Florida Department of Health esti- South Florida. conceptions [about sex]." mates that 590,000 women are at risk of The 22-year history of National Myrie said students, for their own good unplanned pregnancy. The report also Condom Week started at the University of health, should be aware of and practice states that 125,000 persons are at high risk California, Berkley in 1978. The obser- safe sex methods. or have already contracted sexually trans- vance is celebrated every year during the "STDs and AIDS are nothing to play mitted diseases. week of Valentine's Day. The observance with," she said. "The key is just being sex- Florida public health services report now involves over 350 universities, ually responsible." 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Must pay diploma or G.E.D., safe driving record, local law and background check required. -.. $425.00, which includes rent, lights, home *OWgoo WOpm security, and cable. Computer access and per- Experience helpful. Drug-free workplace. sonal telephone line also available. If interested EOE. Apply in person, 10-12 a.m. weekdays at please call 656-4714 or 224-5915 ext. 145. No Pyramid, McKeithen Plaza, 2645 W. pets and must have reference. Tennessee St., or call 574-4978 for appoint-

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- The Famuan/February 14, 2000 7 TINDALL: Pie?ase, no more THE FAMUAN EDITORIAL BOARD DeanPhills extends Opinions Editor Asst. Opinions Editor Editor in Chief Managing Editor Asst. Copy Desk Chief Student Member FROM PAGE 1 Val entine's Day lies. Regina T. Stone Antione Davis Cassie Smith Renasia Scott Ebony Filer Meyla Hooker those special 24 hours known as We are looiking Ion somnietwxhoi thanks to university Valenttines' Day. reads-Ifictiolnrtonfictioin, journals, some- Four years hax'e passed with the same thing besides the flyers handed out on The commtnents mtadle, with the sante peuiple flirt- Set. Arm yourself with information, condoms hearts laughtei in the giggles of his chil ing xxith the dating disasters ton this day. We are looking foir a mart xxith a sense of drecn and teel the warmth ot his spirit wxithin Four years of hearing the same trite convxen- humnor, whose laughter us. Many of those who w e love are xwith the makes his presence Condoms. a study in December 1998 that found there the Condom Resources Center. 'xxhose pur- infor matron sessions planned for students LEII'RS satiuons haxve come and cone. know n. Lord, wxho has promrised to be with us and We ali haxe heard of them and xxe all are an estimated 15.3 million new cases of pose is to provide organization. ideas, and on campus. It's up to students to get the Arid I ant sick tof it. Somreone xwho respects tmt' mind. who to lead tos "through the v al ley of the shadowx knoxx the slogans that constantly encourage STDs that plague people in the United resources xxhich encourage and support cre- information. I do rnot haxve timie fur the loxvesick oin xvalues my juidgement and (views). of death."' Since they are witoh Him and He us to use them. Stories continue to run States. Young adults between_ ative community-based pro- As the saying goes. "When in doubt. ltixe hunrgry xwho push intto meaningless and Somteone who likes rme is xwith us. we wxili never truiy be tar from and whose like through our heads that xhenever we engage the ages of 20-24 make up 42 ,'~.rams." check it out." trixvial relationships just tto beat the Lonely' comnplemrents his loxe. each other. Like is the muscle in any sexual encounter xweshould use one. percent of those new cases 'A With the many risks cir- There is nothing holding us back from Hearts dleadline oif February 13th. that can hold the two of us together. Ftour loxvefor Bobby wxas telt so strongly Today is the beginning of National twenty-five percent of thos . ulating xxe should not be the arming ourselves with infotrmation that is I shy awxay from the frirends pining for We are looking for someone TO THE EITOR by us as each otfxyoi offered your exprCs- who will Condom Week. According to the Texas cases xwere experienced by teern. Last bit shy about asking ques- xital to our well-being. We all should take exeis on the premise that being alone on V- miassage the xxorry lines fromn our forehead sions of sy mpathy and kindness in this our AIDS Network Web site, it was first insti- between the ages of 15-19. Lions pertaining to sex. We are the necessary precautions that will only D~ay is a sini punishable by an afterlife in and will kiss the day's regrets awxay. time of hereax ement. Thr ough your wxarmi tuted in the 1970s to encourage more men The study also found that., ung scholars xxho should not help us tn our walk through life. To Our Family. Frientds, and Wieli-Wisiters., purgatorny. We are looking Ion a mart that enjoys the and caring deed and wxords ot cotmtort, wxe to become inxolxed in birth control. human papillomavirus. uii . mul~sh exery time someone men- We can use these sexven dass dedicated to As parertts. we recougnize that it is a priv- I avoid the Valentines latecomers who simtple pleasures of life' good music, good wxere remninded that the tine beauty of peo) Now, with a still-fresh year 2000 upon chomoniasis and chlam di -, tron, the wxord "sex." National Condom Week to be our stepping ilege to listen to our children, to wxatch spot rie or another ainony mous xxoliman itt dancing, the quiet hours of the miorning. pie is too often not appreciated until tinmes us. there is a greater emphasis on this occa- were among the most \\.Ve should ask a trained stone to better living. them urncover the special blueprint that is the stone and tell me their stories tif loxve Someone xxho is registered to voite, xxho ate dark and joy is diminished. In this, our sion. prexalent STDs today'. e'.ounselor or health educa- Armed with the facts about infection each of them and to urse it to bild ther lust, lose regainred, anid love ti be diiurig a actually xvotes, who loves his people. wxho hour ot darkness, the beauty of the people The reason? This being said. b1"1L. fl4or about any questions rates, information about condom effectixe- lixes. We haxe only now come to really 7:45 dinner. Then' they smile and ask wxhat works for social change and does what he of this community,. nation and bey ond has We are young adults in the new millenni- National Condom Week that xxe may haxe. There ness, and a good sense of humor. you can appreciate the wonderful blueprint that I thintk a ixx tiuld xxanut tor this special can for others. come lotrth as a rose in the snow. We thank um and not only face the risks of pregnan- especially focuses on the additional con- are faciities right here on our beloxed cam- help decrease the cause of STDs on the fashioned our sort. Bobby Ray Phtilis II. dax. Someone who you for haxing feit the pain that xxas in our can be trusted. cy. but disease and exen death. Students can cerns of STD and HIV prevention now pus to point us in the right direction. One campus of FAMU. WVe watched as our sxxeet boy and ltoxing I nexver tell themi xwlat I xxant or xxhat I Someone xxho hearts and f or all that you have done. indi- thinks black arid brown be exposed to so many sexually transmitted more than ever, such place is the FAMU Health Clinic. There are no more excuses. brother becamie a wontderlmn-nchild xxhit kntoxx my f riends xwill wxant. I think I xxw(uldl xxomrien are the most xwo(nderfuli creatures of diseases in our society'. that it is imperatixe The observance always begins on which has a trained health educator in its loxed people and xxorked positively impact xiduall and collectixeiyx to help ease it. hurt too marty teel ingis and crush too arty substance, faith, loxvearid light. For the expressions of y our loxve or our to reach for a condom each and every time Valentine's Day, proxiding air cxcellcnt facility. -Antione Dav'is his xxorld. As parentts. xxe always hoped that egos xxithi miy response. We arc looking tor a tian who, through son, our brother and us.,xwe xxiii be eternally they engage in a sexual actixvity. opportunity to discuss the need to engage in And in observance of National Condom For te Editorial Board through out commtitmtent to our sorts that When trapped in the aisle this year trinis- his loxe anud commititment, can miake rie The Kaiser Famirly Foundation perftotrmed "safe sex." The event was coordinated by Wxeek, there xiii be sexeral seminars and their lixes xxouldl reflect tiur spitriturality ando gratefli. We are literally incapable ot teni it to soimeoine else's problemis, I w ill extraordinary. our comitmtent to each other. In the xxake expressing out ox etx helining gratitude to i haxeeo rimvxe my spin on this xxhole relation- My definition is still in the works. It is a I oif the unitmragi na ble tragedy that toiok his ail ot your. Somehoxx a simiple ''thank y ou. ship thiing. udetinitron continuing toi be scratched onto libe. wxe are ctinsoled by being able tto dis- seems insultficient. At this juncture. xxe VWtimrenitare ig foron iie riotloo1km day fil led itotebook paper when inspiration hits. And cover our efuirts are noit in vain. has elirttle else to otter, other than to remind xxithlthte pi rises oif romnrce.,Itige. antd xon that yxon are the wxriter of this defiritiont is conning into It's our right to be Be responsible and polite, We have fondi miemrirres of xxhoi Bobby 'tiue treasures'' and that forexer :after. xxhen tire (ther 365 (ot 364, lienoxwn. I am not halt the xxomntt I should was, and our hearts will alwxay's be tilled xwe xxilaixway's hold y oi in great esteenm. depentinrrg on the leap y ear). are filed xxith be. I antyriot the pert I need to be to coin wxith the thoughts of his gentleness. sinceri Again, thank you. atlackadaisical arid spiritless relationship. ntrt to my space. energy and time to a rela- ty. comipassionr. gener osity' anid utself ish- We are noit lookinrg fotr somieonie xxho tionship. I amntrot a lilt ob the thingcs that I late for classes get to classes on time ness. We will. oitcourse, alw ass hear his With our deepest gratitude. says '"I love your as a method oif getting menttioned. But one day. I hope to be. That Bohhx . Mary and l)w sxaxuc hills sote. otie day. I hope to reciprocate all xxhat is To tel- thought? We are ltiokin'g for a miani xwho doesnt xxiitten. Let's be honest. xxhen it As I said. betore. I don't ciime to ev eryx class on w wear bits sexual conquests as atmerit badce 1 o If so. then there is definitely' a conmes to attending class on time. If those teachers were harsher ott me as a stu- Rattlers problem. time I am not the most punc- dent foir not being on time (i.e. not being able to Do you have a comment about an issue on pinned to his crotch. Nattie'T..Tindall, 2.xl, eir'Ii Jprinit I understand that some students Stienee w hu's intter esting, who can mtanagemen(tt uden t froin St. Petersburg. f tual person in the world. I sign the role, locking the door, not able to hand in working in come in late just because they can. campus? Do you have a comment about bring contxersational skills to dinner and Sh/e ran be I'eachredi at am not proud of this, but it homework) I would definitely be there on time. I Regardless of the outrageous oiffer stimulating view's and opinions. nitin dali (@-Irotimail.coinO think we all would. excuses, you cannot put We are looking for soimteonie xwho can lirs- everyone Some people revel in Unfortunately, I hang my head in shamte as I Theil IilliIGl? ten. xwho can understand. xxhti can teach. l ~~~I in that category. their tardiness, making no mumble that 1. too, take adxvantage of the system. cain.I College is a stage of life where attenmpt to be on time. Sorry But I at least know that I ant in the wrong. Sonic Write a Letter to the Editor. 1ANTIONE commend we can learn to do things for our- DANIELLE folks but "class is just too people are still in doubt. DAVISthem, and selves. We are supposed to be able WIGR HT early"' is no longer an excuse Imagine this, you're giving a presentation that We'd love to hear from you. The Fanmnua Staff DAI this col- to decide whether we are making WRIGHT after midterms. Actually it's y'ou've worked hard on. At a key point somteone umn goes right and wrong decisions. no longer an excuse after the walks in late, allows the door to shut loudly behind ( 'a',..i&' Smiith l1 'trr&)r in C'tief out to them. A student pays hundreds or third xxeek of school. them, drags their feet wxt:iking to the furthest empty Rcttet RuScott Many' students are paying for thousands of dollars otn classes I remember in elementary school, no one BEING LATE FOR CLASS-- BEING LATE FOR CLASS-- Xlarragrrn_ I dirt /\'rirdI', was seat from therm as they stop and say "Hi" to friends. their college education. There are and a professor has the nerve to cxver late because xxe nev er had to sxxitch rooms. They' then "plunk" dowxn in a seat and proceed to THE PROS: =,;e' T HE CONS: t~eptitv ('ohy De'.k Ct'ief those xxho haxe hectic schedules tell them when to eome and go'? In middle school, we had a 5-minute warning bell take out homnexxork for their next class. j'.j(,nlY Fil'r that occupy almost all of their We are both here to do a job - and a class bell. Most middle schools just aren't big That examrple xxas an extreme situation: this stu- Angeta (.utgrrb" As.'..rCop\ tDe'sk Chisef time. the professor is here to teach, and enough to haxe a "good" reason to be late lioi class. dent pulled out all the stops. But you can't tell mn -od morning, Miss OUi Tsang 5o X lertin . .nIt apti'.te x-~.iNes'-tDutk hii nexer realize what kind of the student is here to learn. Let's My high school had a large enough break that it's unheard of. glad yc~uf .Si trdra Lte ituati ons a person goes through just start playing our parts and betxxeen classes that you could use the restroom. get Noxx replace that student xwith a teacher. xwho hLt coald Moir .s today. Ie is~\I." 'ditr~, until sou spend a wxeek or ex en a stoip focusing on minor -\, I itEdts e itit~ details. at drink of wxater. arnd xxalk- not stroll to class to endure that exerxydaxy, in exveryx class at least iinr Krirtarsui I . in \'As't. L icv ' Itu/Iditrh day in thenr shoes. I do not nmean to step on any xxitthout bireaking a sxxeat. Hoxxev er. peoiple still Noit onlyxdo they lose their locus and becorir In the midst ot their oxxn per- professors toes, but students K~araIzalnii* - managed to be late. How. I don't knoxx. annoy ed. but the studientrs lose theirtlocus and done sonal problems. students should should be able to take responsibil- Noxx in ctillege exversyonc decides thexyxxant to be alxxass regain it immiediately. A's".t. OtvhnsI I sht,r not havse to deal wxirth protitessors its for their actions. groxxn. "I paid for this class. I can be late it I xwant Such is life" No -be on timte! ' ( );iti Edt'rs naggtng them about xxhx thex are We haxe all heard that speech to." Thex should sxxitch that to ''I paid tot this class. Yeah. yeah, yeah -yomu pay tot the class. Ye ah. ".April I .~ 1 ast.Str \r 1-it late for a class or xxhy thcy leaxvc a fromt our parents wxhen they tell us I cant disrupt it if I xxant to." Reg.tina T.,.lone J. y eaht. yeah -y)on' c crowxn and cant make your lass car l. Students should be to respcct other people's property In their defeinse. some teachers take more time ow n decisions. A Sc'uis~l "sC i'..(i"r pcritted to come to class alter Since students do pay for their mraking artextttrple out of stu~dents xxho are late We ll. start makine goo d ones, and be ont time. 13 thc scheduled time it it is neces- classes, then it is their rig ht to do than it takes to refocus and gather your thoughts- Karejl. I- (::den- sary and especially if they, are the as they please. rposlleast stop adpltanstpitrptnbeing proud 1.' Uci ris But folks please. if you xxant to consider yourselfI of it. lrAt on's xxho paid lorthtie course. Wx\hich rings me to my final groxwn then understand that college is merelx a I wotuldit't date xxwalk into theatre rehearsal xxith- Picture this: yon are sitting in polint. xxe caime to college to learn pr eparation for the real xxorld. This is not the teal out a broken leg or some other mnedical excuse cla'ss listening to one tit your pro- responsibilitx for our actions and xxorld. If it xxas you xxouldn't be xxalkini nto class Miost iif yoi don't sauntter into job intervi ews lt ressor'stamous. stimulating lee- to do things for ourseixves. And late xxith your head held high like "Y eah. I'm late. Pay the same respect to sour teachers. i, tures. And about lixve or 10 min- xxe should be granted that rig-ht. And'?" Adeipt the F.A\1 t Essential -I heatt cmto - r ,e c r're iirihtI ' ec,I .1al1rrr narr carflt) ,iiri,'r LUhlrlirrr''j' .ii(i icIter'. 'to Ihe Firlir 0 1,9"p m. utes into thec lass, a student xxalks Aside from entrepreneur ships. there arc some be ear ly is to be otttimie: to be (li tune is to be I Ir'. i, TIat'4 orrc A . J ill,,: to srihlir,. i,,1. 5 i m t r al, ,t il e FLIIRI. Foir ia ,\ . 1 r rill in and takes a seat. .I ortn' Davi. N,s8. ix c v mIni -obs that al lowx xou to comne in xxhe nexer x on Iaa c Ft F hi.,m u,,rr ,Ire Latiltnr~creill Il[\ tei',I1I c5?)1h-5 ''./ ,i,.1ia i L ' Is this such a nmajot distur- please. For unstantce. urn...xeli taxybe -rnot that it, at s r,599- 159) tero' Ier Jou.rattlismi dltr Irhe t , n ~iis 'prrtil.I unxi oi,.Le ,andpr Ih r ,.,r i, .,,r ice too- I:111r aIlN I Irr ,i, andI, ,liiIP hanicc Is onte persons entrance so either. Biut - sxell. nevex ci nd. It really shouldn't D ou l i'Ii 'ilt IU I' i \ 00'tlL'Lie t a.ri '. C " 1 l srod& hr',, 'h tr SriJ. (,,'\cunr .rrr \,. r 'ttii' The 1 , rrr' rra, rmed ithe hestr n li PIN . - j ar i diisiracting that it disruipts the pi o uplri i ' , ~ r/7i TeFatran. be that much or an inconv enience to c. rt,-h Rertn,- ''5.r~Ci\ orPr'1rU I urn'.. r_sots and the studentstrin ot on time.

'SI-UN /ATSO Sports The Famuan/February 14, 2000 Thomas' life filled with tough times, triumphs

this faint feeling that ---7 the man he became. after quarterbacks relentlessly, he knocked BY JOE POSNANSKI Robert Thomas would SHe played football and footballs free, he turned around so many TMS Campus just burst through the v ed fiercely. He partied football games with just one bold play. People wander in and out of Jackson door suddenly. Even after M17ard and read books to No matter what anyone thinks, you can't Memorial Hospital now. some crying, Derrick had given up hildren in the library on play football like that just for money or some laughing, some trying hard to look real hope, even when h ,turday mornings. He fame or ego or the cheers. There has to be brave. Newcomers drift through the halls felt all this wildness run ished the quarterback something more. aimlessly. Regulars walk with purpose, ning through him and h, ith terrible and wonderful "My father," Derrick Thomas said softly like police officers on the beat. A few just had to let it out on thL engeance, and he carried in those rare moments when you could get - hours have pushed by since Derrick Miami streets, even when L4r -tebiggest presents to the him to talk softly. Thomas died so suddenly. Night falls. everything in his entire eckest little kids at The sadness always strikes a little hard- Rain drizzles. The hospital goes on. The body told him that Robert hristmas time. er when an athlete dies young. It's hard to hospital always goes on. Thomas would never He was like a big kid say exactly why. Maybe it's because Derrick Thomas was just one man in come home. that faint imself so much of the Derrick Thomas made so many people in this gigantic assembly of hospital build- feeling would never quite time, smiling hugely, Kansas City feel a breath more alive, he ings. Just one story. In the Jackson go away. Derrick Thoma, mocking everybody around made folks jump out of their chairs and Memorial children's ward - the kind of stared at doors. him. He was party coordi- scream at the television, he made Sundays wing that Derrick so often visited during Air Force Capt. Rober :ator at the Pro Bowl in a bit brighter. When he was at his best, his his life - little kids deal with the most ter- Thomas had been some Hawaii, the guy who yelled very best, Derrick Thomas always seemed rible kinds of pain, cancerleukemia. paral- kind of man. He had been loudest at his teammates at to move just an instant before anybody a Courtesy ofTMS Campus halftime, the it was thrilling. It's ysis. a brilliant student, man who else on the field. And Across a half dozen halls, across park- teacher for a short while, and. at last. a c'ery year predicted he would set the NFL hard to imagine Derrick Thomas is gone. ing lots, old people cling to their last days. hero. He was the last man to eject from a sack record. It's hard to understand. coughing, aching breathing hard. Babies burning plane as it fell over North He always played his best games closest The hospital goes on. An ambulance softly are born. People die young. They all have Vietnam. Derrick Thomas last saw his to Veterans Day, after the jets roared over siren wails. A worried mother sobs stories. father when he was 5. When Derrick was Arrowhead Stadium. in a waiting room. A doctor promises to do Derrick Thomas grew up in this city, 13, his father's body was flown back from No, Robert Thomas was never too far the best he can. even for Miami, an angry kid who never understood Vietnam. away. You always wonder what drives a This is plain life and death, even for remarkable exactly why his father did not come home. Derrick Thomas held his father's spirit football player to bare his whole soul on remarkable athletes, and the only comfort left is that He would wait for his father all of his close after that. the field, to fearlessly throw his body into men. Thomas sits in heaven and waits childhood. And surely it was his father's spirit that the blur, to play with that kind of fury. For Robert the door. Every single day, he used to say, he had helped push Derrick Thomas to become all those years, Derrick Thomas chased for his oldest son to burst through Griffey trade is richest deal in baseball 72 hours to work out a contraact extension to one - his true hometow n. Along the BY DANA PENNETT record, on the banks of the Ohio River. As with Griffey to finalize th e trade. As way, he blocked a trade to the New York word spread Junior was coming home TMS Campus recently as February 8. the Reds feared Mets. Hey. home is home. Cincinnati is again, ticket salespeople couldn't keep up they wouldn't be able to affford Griffey the city where Junior signed up for Little Silly us. When Ken Griffey Jr. talked with the ringing telephones at Cinergy beyond this season, the final1 year of his League and starred for Moeller High about being traded from Seattle because he Field. Even before the trade was finalized, contract. School, where he set records of 11 home wanted to be closer to home, everyone one sporting-goods store, Koch's, dis- Seattle cleared the way by allowing runs in a season and 20 in a career. assumed he meant nearer to his exclusive played a Reds Griffey jersey in its win- Griffey's agent, Brian Goldbberg, to talk And, of course, Cincinnati also is the enclave outside of Orlando. dow. Once the deal was official, fans directly to Cincinnati. a mov e that might place where his father. Ken Sr.. starred and Turns out he meant home. Really and plunked hastily made "Welcome Home" have violated baseball's tam pering rule. Junior frolicked in the clubhouse with truly home. The place where he grew up signs in their front lawns and honked their Through Goldberg, other famous name- and played high school ball and watched horns in joy. Griffey assured the sakes, including Pops help fuel the Big Red Machine. "His name comes up like Pete Rose's Reds he woul Pete Rose Jr. And so Thursday, Griffey put to bed the name as far as Cincinnati," said Ron accept a less-that Now Dad rumors and speculation that filled the win- Oester, a Cincy native who played second market value de. rves as a bench ter months to return to the place where base for the Reds. "That's the magnitude to come home, an 'ach and chances baseball started for him. he's at for Cincinnati fans." the two tean S.during his He was dealt to the Cincinnati Reds for Of course, warm fuzzies aside, baseball agreed to the fin .- n's tenure. he'll four players and agreed to a nine-year. is about wins and losses, and certainly the player exchange. S calling the shots. Sl12.5 million contract. It's the richest Reds have set themselves up well in that Griffey and the SIany consider Ken deal in baseball, topping the Los Angeles department by bringing Griffey on board. Reds worked out . a likely candi- Dodgers' six-ear. 5105 million whopper With Junior back in town, the Reds are the gargantuan "te to replace for Kevin Brown. suddenly much more than the sweet. little. deal fitting for th mnanager Jack The extension, which covers 2000 to $33 million-payroll paupers who lost to man many consid- LMcKeon. who has a 2008 and includes an option for 2009. the mighty Mets in a one-game playoff for er the best all- Courtesy of TMS Campus one-year contract. comes just before the deadline set by the final wild-card spot last year. around player in "The last time I Griffey and Seattle management. Both Griffey brings his 398 career home runs. the game. Roughly S57.5 million of the put on this uniform. I think I was 8. for a sides wanted everything completed before .299 average and 1.152 RBI to a team that contract's total will be paid over a 16-year father-son game." Junior said. "This is spring training began. In exchange for its already added considerable firepower period after the contract ends. something I dreamed about as a little kid, 10-time All-Star. Seattle gets righthander when it acquired Dante Bichette from The 30-year-old Griffey is just entering being back in my hometown, where I Brett Tomko and centerfielder Mike Colorado last October. Best of all for the his prime, his sweet lefthanded swing still watched so many great players." Cameron. along with a pair of minor lea- Reds. they were able to get Griffey without hitting its stride. It was not a swing the He couldn't have picked a better time to guers. infielder Antonio Perez and sacrificing future stars Pokey Reese and Manriners wanted to lose, but they had little head home. righthander Jake Meyer. Sean Casey. hope of keeping it. That became obvious Cincinnati. always serious about base- "It doesn't matter how much money you His arrival also turns the NL Central when Griffey turned down a reported ball. finally has an organization that feels make. It's where you're the happiest." said into baseball's world of home-run derby. eight-year. 5148 million contract extension the same way again. Gone are the circus Griffey, wearing the jersey and cap of his with Griffey. the Chicago Cubs' Sammy from Seattle last year. days of Marge Schott. In her place is new team after flying from Florida on Sosa and the St. Louis Cardinals' Mark "February 10. 2000, will go down in Lindner, a banana magnate. who proved by owner Carl Lindner's private plane for a McGwire all swinging for the fences from Reds' history major league history. as the simply going after Griffey that Cincinnati news conference. "I thought Cincinnati is , the same division. day the Michael Jordan of baseball came no longer intends to be grouped among the the place I would be happiest. Hopefully I The trade doesn't, however, do anything home to Cincinnati," Reds general manag- poor-sister, small-market teams. can have the same luck my father had here to help Cincinnati's already-suspect rota- er Jim Bowden said. The city is already in the midst of build- and win some championships." tion. Tomko. 26. went just 5-foot-7-inch in Griffey originally implied that he want- ing a new stadium and Griffey's presence The trade ended a furious 24 hours for 26 starts last season with a 4.92 earned run ed to be nearer to his offseason digs in will only fan the flames of baseball fever, the Reds, who agreed to a tentative deal average, but was the best young starter on Florida, but ultimately whittled his choices as he chases Hank Aaron's home-run with Seattle February 9 and were granted the Reds' staff. Sports The Famuan/February 14, 2000 Former Dallas Cowboys coach dies at 75

13 isbon hilt hei went 01 oti ',t_.15heL(I 1)L' itt tIl BY BARRY HORN self grew into America's football coach by Landix 's Cowx box .xvson dix national acclamation in the 1970s. when titles. Cowxboys and he was biringing in Jimmy TMS Campus his Cowboys played in five Super Bowls. Knowxn for years as "the only coach the Johnson to be his head coach." Landiy xinning two. Cow hox haxve ever know n." Landry actu- said at the time. ''I don't remembei any DALLAS- Tom Landhy.xxwhose bril- And as professional lix signed on to work for ihinc he said after that. A jumble oflfeel liant football mind calculated behind a football gained in popu-J~' )altlas' expansion icam in ings cirowxded my' mind. A\ngeir. Sadness. stone face and beneath a trademark fedora larity throughout theW ic National Football F-rust rat ion. PDisappoi ntmr ent. Res en at i tn throughout 29 seasons as Dallas Cowboys decade. capturing .acne befoie the franchise Landi x' slIegendars icoaching careei coach, died Saturday night at Baylor America's sports hearti ended wxith 270) victories. wxhich placed Unixversity Miedical Center, his son said. and its television sets ini 'While I was in New hin third on the NFL's all-time list behind He was 75 years old. record numbers. thc York. I got to be a Newx only, Geoircc Halas and [)on Shula. He At 7:45 p.m.. the hospital issued a unflappable Landry -o k Giants fan." general was elected to the Pro Football Hall of release on behalf of Landry 's family: became the new, fres.h >ianager Te\ Schraim Fame in his f iist year of eligibility. I I "Coach Tom Landry passed awxay face of a city that h iJ aid. "I went to their cames months after the tiring. (Saturday) ... at 6 p.m. He went peacefully been stigmatized in I1)(1, end was surprised by what I A deeply' religious man. Landirv told surrounded by his loving family. He wxill by the assassination ot . SM.x Here was an assistant inteirviewers alter his fifth and final Suiper also be missed by his many friends and U.S. president. coch- a defensive coach Row I appeaiance in 1979 thamt he heliexved fans. and he will never be forgotten by' all "I have never been xho was looked upon by his destiny alxways had been controlled by of us whose lives he has touched so around a person who was players as almost a god. a power greater than the Cow boy's' ability deeply." so popular," said Gil TOM LANDRY They were the best defen- to win football games. In May. it xxas determined that Landry Brandt. the Cowboys' per- sixve club in the league for "'As a Christian. I know m'y life is in had acute mylogenous leukemia, a cancer sonnel director throughout Landry' s several years. and Tom Landry wxas the God's hands." Landiry said at the time. that produces abnormal growth and dev'el- coaching tenure. reason. He had a diffeient philosophy of "He has a plan for me. 1Therefore. I nexver opment of blood cells, and he had under- Landry's tenure began with a winless defense, and it worked." xwoiry' about tomorrow or nevxer wor01ri gone chemotherapy treatments. He wxas 1960 season and ended with a 3-13 season Landry remained the Cowboys' coach about xwinning or losing Ifootball gaimes. released from the hospital Nov. 21. but in 1988. They were his two worst seasons until he xwas fired on Feb. 25. 1989. the That knoxwledgeegixves me a lot of com~po- wxas readmitted last month. in teims of wins and losses. In between. day Jerry Jon~es bought the Cowsboys 1rmm sune in tough situations ' If Landry's Cowxboys were the self-pro- Landry led the team to an unprecedented HR. "Bums" Bright and anointed Jimmy Landry is surivxed by his wxife. Alicia: claimed "America's Team." Landry him- 20 consecutive winning seasons from Johnson the new head coach. ,son. Tom Jr .. 50: and daughter. Kitty 1966 to 1985. "1 don't recall his ( Jones') exact xwords. Phillips. 47.

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The Famuan/February 14, 2000 'Vn the /Meantime'

5.DOre-10.L.-CtrWi1S Contest Winner

__-The In the society'. As a young, black wxoman wsho is One morning I wxoke up and turned on 1IatueContest faced with the daily challenge of trying to the radio and wxhat I heard brought tears to as an essay con- make it in a white-male dominant society. my exves. "The Storm is Ov er Nosw" xxas CLAWP 10 hSW 2l S ~t open to female I knows that black wxomen may' seem filled playing, and for the first time in my life, I ...0:,,~ii"hu i '6I"61 AtiL udents. In 300 with strength, attitude and enough love to felt like I could relate to the wxords in the lfl rds or less. sin- make the wsorld go around, but the truth is song. It wxas as if a door to my heart wxas I1ra5 C- am'a-c-L"/ 'a &r-J9 L; ' lainedomen that wxe too get discouraged and experi- opened that had been closed for a veiy vplanedwhat ence heartache. long time. I tell on my knees and prayed. icy are digin As a freshman, I was a bit ov er enthusias- and I cried tears of sorrows until the,, tic about starting college last fall. I wanted became tears of joy. I pray ed that God BERRINA 'te"meantime, CHAMBERSi until they find that to try everything: That's when I got my' wxould send a miracle to take the stress out special one. wake-up call. If I had a college credit for of my life. I am still wxaiting for my mira- B e r r i ni a every club I joined and quit. I wxould be c, but in the meantime, I wxill celebrate Chambers, our graduating wxith the seniors in April. I was the life that God has given me, and recog- contest owinner, receives a ''Singletine" miserable. At the beginning of the spring nize it for the gift it really is. Besides,.xvie basket filled with indulgences, copies of semester. I wxas so tired from classes and can all stand to go through a little some- ~fcja. , - l,2 jg7e Ivan Ia Van ant's books In the Meantime fighting for food in the cafeteria, that all I thing every now and then- it might be 2 "'7 (i 'W_ _o i and Value in the Valley. The contest was could do at the end of the day was home- God's way of letting us knows whos really 3~1e/r9'~;P ht sponsored, in part, by Borders Bookstore. work, showser. say a prayer for my lather's in control! tiic illness and go to bed. I began to feel very' .'-1~ i9t jiaThri1fc< Atol-rh"hi/ It has become very difficult to define the stressed out and unhappy' with myself as Be rinna Chambers. 18, is f reshmtuan role that African-American wxomen play in well as the wxorld around mec Spanish studenit from Tallahassee.

5. 'Sooctk-s. Santana b at. lf Tklomvcf'- Valentine 's Day The beginning 6.,ll 6i'II -5 tall 77.inq.-, 3link-l82 7 'Hotfut 'v.," M~ Legend says St. Vialentine was decapitated, but left a notefor his love. 'VI ,kenn' EJ1ktt Feat Nv1S PEVE Lupercus, young amen wxould participate in From this. Valentine's Diy has evolved 3. 'Maria Mario, Santanateat. BY KHRISTAL GOODING a lottery' in which they' would drasw the into a day filled with hard candy and hl;( prco u 9(~cb Contributing Editor names of teenage girls from a box. The hearts and teddy hears and balloons. 9_ °firing It 4/I 'To }Me."' laqi-re Aaaaah,.vees girl chosen would then be his sexual part- Americans jumped onl the bandwagon foi ner for the remainder of the year. The infamous date. Feb. 14. has come this tradition during the 18th century with 1. /0 d Tkcrl ALE'arr"y Q rye ig However, during the fifth century. Pope elaborate around once again. cards and tokens of affection. LosV'lL ?Ma:: tr'{r'!ttzc (Ho, r epl1a ce d of how you feel and you show it on this Christmas cards in Lupercus particular day. swith I99-'. a suitable saint f5Hc ('an'tLOve lt'°7aaqo~ge cf- It seems as though these rituals have One can even of nanied defined the special day tor as long as any- love probably irecallI the 6. >7 ' e;^iof yp.Y'w. 'l St. Valentine. one can remember. But wxhere did those times, of exchanging In 270 AD. those perforated hard candies and cheesy savings come US. (hiGIOW Vla ' _Sq '7 St. Valentine Snoop) cards back from? 7j,1C1~ollo-p J;e Valentine's Day has been associated had been been in elementary beheaded fmo OarAi?'Serd" Iknct with all those in love since what seems to school or receiv ing 9 secretly main be the beginning of time. This observance hat red rose from rying L 5 'i- '- day for romance originated long ago wxith young the one xyou lov e. In men after an many speculations of howx it began. an% case, the 14th of order from it Numerous legends circulate as to the February wxill had xwas Courtesy TMAS Campus origin of Valentine's Day. According to of alwsays be synony- banned by Mystical World Wide Web page. one leg- mous with love. Emperor Claudius. end contends that the commemoration of a A legend also con- Although the men can no longer pick a tends that before his beheading. Valentine day for lovers came from ancient Greek guaranteed date out of a box, it is still a wxas imprisoned and fell in love with a and Roman times and was known as the day that everyone xxill enjoy at one time 01 "Eve of Roman Lupercalia," swhich wxas a young girl soon after. Before his execu- another. tion. he signed a farewell message to her. celebration of youthful love. During the "From your Valentine," and the phrase has 0 0 festival, named after the pagan god Source: http://o ~mx xhial all been passed on through time ever since. java/index.htn Love Messages 12 The Famuan/February 14, 2000