Houghton Conquest Parish Council

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Houghton Conquest Parish Council HOUGHTON CONQUEST PARISH COUNCIL A Meeting was held on Thursday 12th March 2020 in Houghton Conquest Village Hall at 7.30pm Present: PCllr L Lovell, PCllr P Bullock, PCllr S Beaumont, PCllr T Fry, PCllr M Dobson, PCllr J Lay, PCllr/UCllr Hares, PCllr H Quinn, Mrs G Wiggs (Clerk) 1 member of the public. 1. To receive apologies for absence PCllr B Whittaker 2. To receive declarations from members in relation to any new Pecuniary Interests PCllr Beaumont declared an interest in the Planning application for 9 Albert Place. 3. Co-option of new member Mr Pickersgill had decided against being co-opted. The vacancy is now being advertised. 4. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting These were approved. 5. Clerks report and reports upon matters from the last meeting Noticeboard repairs – PCllr Lovell is still chasing the company to drill the holes – cfwd 6. Correspondence Police – Priority Setting Meeting 8/4/20 (emailed 13/1/20) CBC – Planning Enforcement investigation opened CB/EN/20/0011 Footpath and raised highway tables not provided contrary to 17/00943 - Sunny Cottage, 2 Mill Lane, Houghton Conquest (emailed 15/1/20 & 17/1/20) BBC – Wixams Joint Development Control meeting minutes (emailed 15/1/20) CBC – Consultation on CCTV in taxis (emailed 17/1/20) CBC – Review of cultural services (emailed 23/1/20) Resident – concern about heavy traffic (emailed 27/1/20) PCC – Information about Beds Youth Council (emailed 28/1/20) CBC – Consultation on Adult Social Care (emailed 31/1/20) BATPC – East West Rail preferred route (emailed 3/2/20) CBC – Leisure strategy update - indoor sports & leisure facilities (emailed 6/3/20) All Saints Church – request for release of funds for roof project (emailed 6/3/20). It was RESOLVED to agree to this request – Action The Clerk HC Lower School – query about Ridge View boundary fence (emailed 6/3/20) Police – crime stats (emailed 6/3/20) BATPC – update on business rate levy on public toilets (emailed 6/3/20) BATPC – BUGLE & training programme (emailed 6/3/20) OPCC – invitation to annual review 19/3/20 (emailed 6/3/20) CBC – Revised bus timetable for 188/190 & 74 (emailed 6/3/20) Resident – request for litter pick (emailed 9/3/20). The areas that need picking are outside of the 30mph which volunteers cannot pick litter on for safety reasons. Any litter outside of the 30mph zone needs to be reported to CBC Environmental Services. The Clerk will advise the resident – Action The Clerk CPRE – Invitation to AGM 22/4/20 (emailed 10/3/20) OPCC – newsletter (emailed 10/3/20) CBC – Adoption of street lighting (emailed 11/3/20) BATPC – Corona virus (emailed 12/3/20). This email explained that COBRA has a direct link to NALC (National Association of Local Councils). It is likely that Parish Councils will have a role to play, & a communication will come out shortly. The emphasis is likely to be around supporting people who have the virus and/or are self- isolating. The Parish Council considered how it could potentially help. The Care Group has the systems in place, & are probably aware of the most vulnerable residents. The Parish Council may need to liaise with the Care Group & give support. We await the expected communication. CPRE – update (emailed 12/3/20) 7. Public questions and comments A resident had submitted some questions via a Councillor about the new bus shelters New bus shelter on Bedford Rd, why is it located on the opposite side of the road to where people usually wait for the bus. P/UCllr Hares explained that a site visit had taken place, & despite best efforts there was no suitable location wide enough on the opposite side of the road. 1 The bus shelters do not keep the rain out, unless there is no breeze & you are standing directly underneath the roof. The seats remain wet for several days after rain. Parish Councillors agreed the weather proofing design appears weak in this regard. It was also noted that rusting has already started. These issues will be reported – Action P/UCllr Hares 8. Planning Matters Planning Applications received for comment: CB/20/00448/VOC – Variation to condition 7 planning permission CB/16/02971/OUT – width of new footway to be amended from 2m to 1.4m – Land at Chapel End Rd, London Lane - no objections CB/20/00750/RM – Reserved Matters (CB/16/02971/OUT) seeking approval of vehicular & pedestrian access only, with all other matters reserved, amendment sought for plot 10 - Land at Chapel End Rd, London Lane - no objections CB/20/00750/RM – Reserved Matters (CB/16/02971/OUT) seeking approval of vehicular & pedestrian access only, with all other matters reserved, amendment sought for plot 8 - Land at Chapel End Rd, London Lane - no objections CB/20/00520/FULL – erection of dwelling, resubmission of planning application CB/19/03570/FULL – Land at 9 Albert Place (PCllr Beaumont left the room for this item having declared an interest). There were no objections however the second storey windows & dormers appear too large. 20/00403/M73- Major S73 variation of condition application. Discharge of conditions 7,8,24,33,34,35,41. Part discharge of 46 (noise survey only). Variation of conditions 29 & 1 (play space layout). – 285 dwellings east & west of Broadmead Rd Stewartby – no objections. Planning Decisions received: CB/19/02723/RM – Permission granted for Plot 3 reserved matters – land at Chapel End Rd CB/19/03957/FULL – Permission granted for single storey rear extension, alterations to existing dormers to form gable roof dormers - 14 How End Rd CB/19/03304/FULL –Permission refused for four new build bungalows following demolition of existing barn – Road Farm, How End Rd Planning application withdrawn: CB/20/00384/FULL – conversion & extension of redundant agricultural barn to form ancillary accommodation - 14 How End Rd 9. Highways report None. 10. New Highways Matters Grass cutting – The price from the current contractor will be increasing by 2.4% this year. The grass cutting contract from 2021/22 onwards will be put out to tender - Action PCllr Dobson/The Clerk 11. Little People signs PCllr Lovell has been invited to attend the next Governors meeting to discuss this – Action PCllr Lovell 12. Speed Watch/Speed Indicator Devices The Speed Indicator Device has been delivered. P/UCllr Hares will liaise with Paul Salmon to seek appropriate permissions to erect on lamp posts – Action P/UCllr Hares The data from the box on Bedford Rd has been collected. It showed that 93% of drivers were complying with the speed limit. In view of that Bedfordshire Police do not consider it a priority location for speed enforcement, both in light of the data collected, & the fact that the following features are already in place: • 40 mph buffer zone as you enter from the B530 leading to a road narrowing at the commencement of the 30 mph limit, with gate way feature. • Speed humps situated along the road at regular intervals • Parked cars at most times of the day leading to natural traffic calming. • 20 mph limit at the approach to the High Street junction. • No injury collisions recorded since December 2015. • Houghton Conquest have already an active speed watch group in place. 2 13. Facilities & Services Sports Field – PCllr Lay reported thar the hedges have been cut by Rob Lane to a very high standard. Quotes had been received & approved for Pavilion works at a cost of £3,521. The budget we have is £2.5k, so any excess can be taken out of the contingency fund if needed. It was RESOLVED to ratify the decision to proceed with these works on this basis. The first part of the refurbishment to the pavilion has been completed, roof tiles repaired and replace, complete new guttering, soffits repaired, 4 new doors (new handles, locks) replaced and security metal sheeting in place. We are now waiting for the painting contractors to confirm a date. The flag pole is broken and PCllr Lay has contacted several contractors to no avail. He could possibly do the work himself by borrowing a JCB from Richard Lane. We are awaiting a quote for skate park repairs. MUGA – Kiers have contacted the Parish Council to start the installation arrangements. P/UCllr Hares explained that CBC Environmental Noise Officer was in support of locating it on the Play Area, providing that: a) A redesign of the MUGA to remove the high-level mesh panels, which he believes could lead to noise disturbance. Removing these panels may potentially lead to balls going out in the road, so this also needs to be considered, if the high panels are removed. PCllr Bullock has suggested netting as an alternative. b) The MUGA needs to be positioned as close to Chapel End Rd as possible, to get it as far away as possible from residents. c) A public consultation is carried out, that does not generate "justified major objections". P/UCllr Hares will therefore discuss this option with Kiers in the first instance, before carrying out a public consultation. If locating it on the Play Area proves not to be possible, it is likely the next step would be to consider asking CBC to renegotiate the S106 Agreement with Kiers, to replace the MUGA with other suitable play/sport provision of equal value, on the basis that there would seem to be no suitable location for a MUGA within the Parish. This would again be subject to a public consultation. Village Hall - nothing reported Play Area – nothing reported Allotments – nothing reported. 14. Financial matters and accounts approved for payment Bank Account Reconciled Balance as 23/1/20 £19,006.57 The following payments were authorised: Beds Pension Fund £234.63 G Maxted – Litter picker £106.00 G Wiggs – clerks account net of tax & pension £664.40 Kalkwik – newsletter £759.00 D Arnell – Pavilion repairs £2,421.00 15.
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