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Welcome to the latest issue of the Equalities Participation Network (EPN) bulletin. The focus of the bulletin is to share and exchange information amongst our members and anyone interested in equalities issues. Thank you all for your continued support of the EPN.

Issue: 17 October 2013 9

EHRC Procurement Guidance for Scottish Public Authorities

The Equality and Human Rights Commission produces guides that give advice on how to meet the public sector equality duty. They help public authorities to comply with their legal duties under: The Equality Act 2010, Section 149, and The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) () Regulations 2012

To support Scottish public authorities in meeting their equality duties, the Commission has produced non-statutory guidance which provides an overview of the public sector equality duty, including the general equality duty, the specific equality duties and who they apply to:

Essential guide to the public sector equality duty Equality outcomes and the public sector equality duty Evidence and the public sector equality duty Involvement and the public sector equality duty Assessing impact and the public sector equality duty Mainstreaming the equality duty Employee information and the public sector equality duty

This new guide aims to help public authorities subject to the public sector equality duty to implement the duty as it relates to procurement. It is aimed at budget holders, procurement officers, contract managers, commissioners, equalities officers and others involved in the procurement process. The guide will also assist those who have an interest in the work of public authorities such as service users, service providers, unions, and equality organisations.

Click here to read the Commission's Procurement Guidance.



Ctrl + click on the heading to take you directly to the page:

Disability What's YOUR Reality? - Be Part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival Party Celebrates a Decade of Help Helping Pupils with Their Writing Skills MS Walk on Saturday Jeeta Ready for Forth Road Bridge Wheelchair Challenge Deaf Man ‗Humiliated‘ by Treatment in Fife Restaurant Fife Society for the Blind IncludeMe Dementia Scotland 2013: a national priority Planning Ahead with Confidence

Race Cyber Bullies Targeted by Fife Campaign Conversation Cafes 2013 Bangladeshi Headteacher Visits Glenrothes High School

Sexual orientation /Gender re-assignment LGBT Youth Scotland Celebrates Young People's Achievements Connected LGBT

Marriage & civil partnership Just One Chance Violence Against Women Partnership Reports of Rape Double Across Fife Same-sex Marriage Rights ‗will reduce discrimination‘

General EHRC Procurement Guidance for Scottish Public Authorities Share Your Views on Cupar Scheme to Improve Conservation Area

Welfare Reform Council Pledges More Money for Fifers Struggling with Rent Kirkcaldy Bedroom Tax Tribunal First of its Kind


Contents continued...

Featured Newsletters P.4 The Fife Community Learning and Development (CLD) Partnership Fife Life Editions Poverty in Scotland Summary Briefing Interfaith Scotland Fife People‘s Panel Final Cultural Prescriptions Report Fife Adult Protection SL First Survivor Scotland Newsletter Mental Health Improvement Fife Voluntary Action News in Focus P.5-7 Council pledges more money for Fifers struggling with rent What's your reality? - Be part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival Just one chance LGBT Youth Scotland celebrates young people's achievements Glasgow violence against women partnership good practice guidance Interpreting for women who have experienced gender based violence Cyber bullies targeted by Fife campaign Bangladeshi Headteacher Visits Glenrothes High School In the Paper P.8-10 Party celebrates a decade of help Helping pupils with their writing skills MS walk on Saturday Kirkcaldy bedroom tax tribunal first of its kind Reports of rape double across Fife Jeeta ready for Forth Road Bridge wheelchair challenge Same-sex marriage rights ‗will reduce discrimination‘ Deaf man ‗humiliated‘ by treatment in Fife restaurant, & Assistance dogs - a guide for all businesses Equalities Organisation P.11 Connected LGBT includeME Fife Society for the blind Events/Conferences/Consultations P.12-15 Planning ahead with confidence Now I Know Fundraising Appeal - NSPCC Scotland Share your views on Cupar scheme to improve conservation area Conversation Cafes 2013 Three excellent fund raising events for Crossroad Age Concern Glenrothes Fife Domestic & Sexual Abuse Partnership Events Funding P.16 ScotRail foundation grants The law society charity grants Greenspace grant on offer Job Vacancies &Volunteering P.17-18 Female support practitioner - The Richmond Fellowship Scotland New members needed by Fife people's panel Fife society for the blind seeks fundraising volunteers… 3

Featured Newsletters and Reports

The Fife Community Learning and Fife Voluntary Action Development (CLD) Partnership

Click here for the News Click here for the Annual report

Fife Life Editions Mental Health Improvement

Click here for the latest Fife Life edition Click here to view the e-bulletin

Poverty in Scotland Survivor Scotland

Summary Briefing Newsletter

Click here to view the summary Click here to view the summary

Interfaith Scotland SL First

Click here for the summer Click here for a deaf friendly

newsletter lifestyle and culture magazine.

Fife People’s Panel Fife Adult Protection

Click here for latest newsletter Click here for the summer newsletter

Cultural Prescriptions Fife Alcohol & Drug

Report Partnership

Click here for the report Click here for the summer newsletter

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News in Focus Council Pledges More Money for Fifers Struggling with Rent

Fife Council is leading the way and pledging extra cash for those struggling with their rent as information shows claims to a housing fund have risen seven fold since the introduction of changes to welfare benefits by the UK Government.

Members of the council‘s Executive Committee agreed to top up the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) fund by £808,515, the maximum cash injection allowed, at their meeting held this week.

The move, along with the adoption of a new DHP policy, will extend the help for the growing number of people in local communities fighting to make ends meet and is one of the most generous funds of this type in the country. The new DHP policy also means more support for priority cases in the Kingdom.

DHP is available for people who have had their Housing Benefit reduced because of the UK Government‘s welfare reform changes. The fund is designed to give Fifers breathing space until they adjust to changes. For more information contact Cllr. David Ross, Depute Leader Tel: 08451 55 55 55 + Ext 44 24 03 Contact David Ross online . Click here to read the full article.

What's YOUR Reality? - Be Part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival 1-24 October 2013

Fife's 2013 brochure is here at last and we've got a fantastic range of events throughout October all across Fife! Have a look through, and get some dates in your diary. You can also visit the festival‘s Facbook page here. We look forward to welcoming you. For more information, please contact: Shona McEwan, Communications Officer, Adult Support & Protection Team

Tel: 08451 55 55 55 ext 442134

Bangladeshi Headteacher Visits Glenrothes High School

Staff and pupils begin the process of forging a strong partnership with high school in Sylhet.

The staff and pupils at Glenrothes High School were privileged enough to receive a visit from a headteacher all the way from Syhlet in eastern Bangladesh from 17 September 2-13 to 21 September 2013. Mr Rezual Amin, the headteacher of Dhakadakshin High School, came over to Scotland as part of the British Council funded Connecting Classrooms venture. Mr Amin spent the week in school observing a range of lessons and visiting a number of local attractions, as the first step in the development of close cultural and educational ties between the two schools. Click here to find out more about this project.

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Just One Chance

A multi-agency partnership including Police Scotland, Fife Council, NHS Fife, Fife Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership plus Child and Adult Protection Committees is working to raise awareness of forced marriage.

Arranged marriages are a part of everyday life in Scotland for many communities. But being forced to marry is wrong. People with disabilities can also find themselves in a forced marriage and others can be threatened with marriage because of their sexual orientation.

Dougie Dunlop, Head of Service, Children & Families and Criminal Justice, Social Work and Lead on Forced Marriages explained: "Anybody worried that they or a friend are at risk of being forced into marriage should seek advice before it‘s too late. There may be only one chance to save yourself or someone else from a life they did not choose. If the threat or the reality of forced marriage is causing you or somebody you know either emotional or physical distress, help is at hand. This is a big step but please don't be afraid. It's your first step to making your own choices about your life. For advice, support and protection call the free confidential Forced Marriage helpline on: 0800 027 1234 or visit: yourrightscotland.org

Support and help is also available from: Shakti Women‘s Aid 0131 475 2399 / 01383 431243 or Police 101. For further information contact Fife Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership on 01592 583690 or Fife Direct at: fifedirect.org.uk/domesticabuse

Forced Marriage information has been produced in an Easy Read format using Photosymbols and is available here.

LGBT Youth Scotland Celebrates Young People's Achievements

LGBT Youth Scotland celebrated the achievement of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people at the National LGBT Youth Awards, held in Ayr in August. 120 young people attended the ceremony with Awards being presented to young people, youth groups and organisations committed to improving services for LGBT the University of St.Andrew was awarded the "Most LGBT friendly organisation (education) in Scotland" young people. A full story is available here!

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Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership Good Practice Guidance on Interpreting for women who have experienced gender based violence

The Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership (GVAWP or the Partnership) is a multi-agency partnership which has worked together since 2000 to promote an integrated, strategic response to male violence against women.

The Partnership has produced a guidance which focuses on interpreting services provided to women who have experienced violence and abuse. The need for the document was identified by the multi-agency WAIR Working Group of the Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership. Members of the group reported concerns about the quality of interpreting provided to their client group. These ranged from instances where interpreters were found to have mis-interpreted certain words or phrases; to cases where women reported inappropriate discussion of their situations with communities outside of the interpreting sessions. Please click here to view the full guidance.

Cyber Bullies Targeted by Fife Campaign

Internet bullies who hound Fifers are being targeted during Suicide Prevention Week. In August, the rising problem hit the headlines as police were called in to investigate claims that a 17-year-old west Fife teenager had killed himself because he was being blackmailed on the internet. It is believed he had become involved in a scam where victims are befriended and tricked into making explicit webcam recordings. Now Fife‘s adult protection committee is putting its support behind the Choose Life campaign and is using the annual event to raise awareness and understanding of the serious issue.

Click here to read the full article.

Information is available at the council website on the keeping safe pages, or on the community safety partnership SafetyNet pages at fifedirect.org.uk. Anyone with concerns about someone they fear is at risk of harm or is being neglected can call the adult protection phone line on 01383 602200. Help is also available from Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87, or the Samaritans can be contacted by calling 03457 90 90 90.

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In the paper

Party Celebrates a Decade of Help

Ten years of helping young people in and around Kirkcaldy cope with a wide range of mental health issues were celebrated in August.

Penumbra, the young people‘s charity, held a big party to say thank you to everyone who has played a part in its success in the decade since it started up in the town.

Health and social workers and other organisations, as well as many young people who have passed through its doors, were invited along to Styx in Victoria Road to join the celebrations which included live music and a buffet. Click here to view the full article.

Helping Pupils with Their Writing Skills

Pupils from Balwearie High School took part in a special activity day aimed at improving their writing skills recently.

The day involved over 230 youngsters who spent the morning taking part in two note taking sessions, some delivered by teachers, others by people from various organisations around Fife and Dundee.

Pupils had the opportunity to try to improve their golf swing with the help of Mr. Anthony Caira, the golf professional from Kirkcaldy Golf Club to wear glasses which showed what it would be like to be visually impaired, and to meet a trainee guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind in Dundee. Click here to read the full story

MS Walk

The Fife branch of the MS (multiple sclerosis) Society organised ‗FeetDreams‘, an annual sponsored walk to raise funds for the branch.

This year, the 60th anniversary year of the MS Society, the Fife MSers have decided the money raised from the walk will be donated to the research team in SCRM, one of the world‘s leading facilities in finding new treatments for this debilitating and difficult illness.

Two young local girls contacted the FeetDreams organisers – Abi (4) and Jane (5) Bain, from Colinsburgh, wanted to take part in the walk in support of their dad Andrew, who has the condition.

For more information about MS Society, visit http://www.mssociety.org.uk/ or click here to find out more about the MS Society Branch in Fife.

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Kirkcaldy Bedroom Tax Tribunal First of its Kind

A blind Kirkcaldy woman was one of the first in Scotland to appeal against the controversial bedroom tax in a tribunal held on Monday.

Louise McLeary, spokesman for the Fife Anti-Bedroom Tax Campaign, had her housing benefit cut by Fife Council following the introduction of new legislation by the UK Government.

Under the new law, social tenants with an extra room which they are ruled not to need will have their benefit cut by 14 per cent - and those with two or more will face a cut of 25 per cent.

Miss McLeary‘s case against Fife Council was one of eight before an appeal hearing at Pathhead Parish Church, Kirkcaldy by independent tribunal chairman Simon Collins QC.

To view the full article, please click here and click here to read the appeal hearing result: Historic appeal judged on its own merits

Click the title below to read other Bedroom tax news: Size matters — Fife rulings could have national implications for future of ‗bedroom tax‘ Fife Council decides not to fight landmark ‗bedroom tax‘ ruling

Reports of Rape Double Across Fife

The high-profile coverage of Jimmy Savile‘s catalogue of sex crimes has encouraged 35 victims in Fife to come forward to report historical rape.

The increase, which is being handled by Fife‘s new rape investigation team, has been attributed to the fact that victims feel more confident they will see justice in the wake of Operation Yewtree.

Addressing the police transition committee last week, Detective Inspector Michelle Johnson said: ―People are getting the message that if they go to the police now, they will be believed.

Last year, Fife police dealt with 49 cases of rape and serious sexual assault – this year that figure has risen to 97. Click here to read the article.

Jeeta Ready for Forth Road Bridge Wheelchair Challenge

A wheelchair-bound East Wemyss woman is set to tackle the Forth Road Bridge for charity in September. Jeeta Ouston, 55, suffers from one of the world‘s most common inherited neurological conditions, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), and is raising money for the charity CMT UK. The charity supports people who have been diagnosed with the condition and also funds research. Currently incurable and steadily progressive, CMT affects around 23,000 people in the United Kingdom, causing muscle weakness in the lower legs and hands. It is named after the scientists who discovered it. Click here to read the full story. Click here to return to main page 9

Same-sex Marriage Rights ‘will reduce discrimination’

Gay couples in civil partnerships still face discrimination, campaigners for same-sex marriage have told MSPs. Tim Hopkins, director of the Equality Network, said its research found that more than half of gay couples who enter a civil partnership complain that they are not treated the same as mixed-sex married couples. For that reason, legalising same-sex marriage would "genuinely reduce stigma and discrimination", he told MSPs on Holyrood's Equal Opportunities Committee. The committee is scrutinising Scottish Government proposals to give gay couples the right to marry. Ministers published the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill in June while at the same time launching a review of whether civil partnerships, only available to gay couples, should be open to mixed-sex couples. Mr Hopkins told MSPs that marriage is the "last big area in which the law still discriminates against LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people". Click here for the full article.

Click links below for More Related Stories:

Gay marriage bill comes before MSPs Commons votes to back gay marriage Scots gay marriage bill published MSPs hear from two sides of same-sex marriage debate

A Man who has Hearing Impairment ‘Humiliated’ by Treatment in Fife Restaurant

Kenneth, who has hearing impairment says he was left feeling ―humiliated‖ after a member of staff told him he could not have a meal with his assistance dog in the lounge of a Fife restaurant. Kenneth Scott and his partner Sandra Donaldson had decided to go out for an evening meal at the Lomond Tavern in Falkland. However, after settling down in the restaurant, Mr Scott, from Auchtermuchty, was told that he would have to move to the public bar with his hearing dog Spike for environmental health reasons. Click here to read the full article.

Assistance dogs - a guide for all businesses (new for June 2013)

EHRC has produced a guide for all businesses to help them understand what they can do to comply with their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and encourage businesses to welcome registered Assistance dogs accompanied by their disabled owner onto their premises. Please click here to view the Guide.

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Equalities Organisation A Connected LGBT

The Connected LGBT Group is a group of young people who meet in Tower House Youth Centre in Dunfermline. The group is made up of young people aged 14-18 who associate with being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The young people meet and socialise together weekly to discuss topical and relevant information relating to LGBT issues and have participated recently in several national LGBT Events. The group attended the Love Equally (equal marriage) March on Valentines day where over 1000 people attended to show their support for equal marriage, the group took part in the march and listened to the speeches made by MSPs and other young people.

On the 30th of June 2012 the group attended the celebration in Edinburgh, where they participated in the street procession, this was a continuation of the Love Equally rally earlier in the year and the young people made placards to show their support for the cause. Click here the read their full story inside The Fife Community Learning and Development (CLD) Partnership annual report.


With the support of a Development Worker employed by Fife Council, a group of people from across North-East Fife formed the Citizen Advocacy Development Project following an information evening held in Cupar in July 2007. includeME aims to enhance personal choice and community participation for people who have a learning difficulty through citizen advocacy. includeME‘s objective is to focus our resources on individuals who may be vulnerable because they lack a support network or who may have difficulty accessing appropriate services.

Click here to find out more about includeME

Fife Society for the Blind

Fife Society for the Blind is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Charity. They offer specialised services to help visually impaired people achieve and maintain their independence.

They supply some services on behalf of large organisations such as Fife Council or NHS Fife, but also help support local social groups and offer many other services themselves through their Volunteer Service and directly from their charitable income. (Including legacies, street and event collections, collecting bottles and cans, and their 200 Club Lottery)

Anyone who supports the objectives of the Society is free to become a member which will entitle you to attend and vote at general meetings of the organisation. Click here for more information about the Fife Society for the Blind.

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Events /Conferences/ Consultations

Event: Planning Ahead with Confidence Date: Monday 18th November 2013 9.30am to 3.00pm Venue: Rothes Halls (Hall B) Glenrothes

A free full-day conference for carers of young people with learning disabilities and ASD who are in the process of transition from child to adult services.

As a carer you want to do the best you possibly can for your family member. Although the transition from child to adult services can be an exciting time for young people with disabilities and their carers it can also be particularly challenging and stressful. This conference will help you plan ahead for the future with more confidence.

There will be guest speakers, information stalls as well as workshops on the following topics: Power of Attorney/Guardianship Circles of Support Self-Directed Support Day Services Opportunities Transitions and the future.

To register or for further details contact: Frances Morgan • Tel: 01382 385 154 Email: [email protected]

Now I Know Fundraising Appeal - NSPCC Scotland

NSPCC Scotland has launched a major £2.5m fundraising appeal to prevent local primary schoolchildren from experiencing abuse. Money raised will help to fund training for 200 volunteers to go into schools to help children spot the signs of abuse

For more information visit http://www.nowiknow.org.uk/scotland

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Share Your Views on Cupar Scheme to Improve

Conservation Area

Following a successful Fife Council drop-in event at County Buildings on Tuesday 3 September, questionnaires are now available on-line to encourage Cupar residents to give their input to key elements of the Cupar CARS and THI.

Key projects in Cupar will include the Burgh Chambers, grants for repairs to privately-owned historic buildings, improvements to selected closes and an extensive training scheme in traditional skills.

The Burgh Chambers questionnaire is available online here until end of October. Cupar Property owners can give their views online here and contractors online here.

The feedback from the three questionnaires will help finalise the scheme and shape the grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Visit Fife Direct here for more information.

Conversation Cafes 2013

Roshni would like to invite you to participate in a conversation cafe that will explore a number of topics that affect the health and happiness of minority ethnic communities in Scotland.

Following a successful series of conversation cafes held in 2012, Roshni are pleased to be holding a further four conversation cafes across Scotland in November 2013.

Monday 18th November in Perth Wednesday 20th November in Aberdeen Tuesday 26th November in Edinburgh. Wednesday 27th November in Glasgow

The conversation cafes will provide baseline data for a research report exploring: perceptions of the discussion topics; how service providers can improve access for minority ethnic communities; and how communities and service providers can move forward together on these issues.

You will be invited to contribute to discussion around these topics within groups, sharing your knowledge, ideas and experience.

To register your attendance at one of the conversation cafes, click here.

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Three Excellent Fund Raising Events- All Raising Funds for Crossroads (Dunfermline) and Other Good Causes

30 October (Wednesday) Hallowe'en Quiz at East End Park (7-7.30 pm)

Run by the Rotary Club of Dunfermline Carnegie, this promises to be a night full of fun, testing questions and a few prizes on the way.

Wrapped up in the ticket (£10) is a quiz, lots of humour and a wee supper of stovies. Hallowe'en dress is optional but very much encouraged. Funds raised will go to local charities in and around Dunfermline.

23 November (Saturday) Christmas Craft Fair at Rosyth Parish Church (2-4 pm)

Santa, Tea/coffee, home baking, prizes and lots of craft gift ideas for Christmas should make this an awesome event for all ages. Entry is FREE!

Why not book a table if you have some hand made goods to sell or come along for some Christmas cheer and the opportunity to find some excellent and unique Christmas gifts - do something special this year. Funds raised will be for Crossroads (Dunfermline).

29 November (Friday) Annual Wine Tasting at the CR Smith Bistro (7.30 pm) A very popular event that brings a range of quality affordable wines to taste, a gentle narrative around each wine, delivered with humour and passion. Tickets are just £10 for an entertaining evening, fine wines and some quality cheeses. Funds raised will be for Crossroads (Dunfermline). Tickets for these events and table bookings (half tables available too) can be got by emailing [email protected]

Age Concern Glenrothes

Event: 16th AGM - Age Concern Glenrothes Date and time: Tuesday 29th Oct 2013, 5:00pm Venue: Age Concern Glenrothes, 100 Scott Road Glenrothes Contact: Fiona Kennedy Tel: 01592 756316 email: [email protected] Or visit www.ageconcernglenrothes.org

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Calendar of Events : 16 days of Action to End Gender Based Violence (25th Nov - 10th Dec)

Monday 25th November 2013, Rothes Halls: Noon (for 12.30) to 2pm

Never Commit, Condone or Remain Silent about Violence Against Women - You are invited to join Fife Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership on the first day of the internationally recognised 16 days of Action to launch:

 the White Ribbon Fife Campaign, and

 a new Fife resource ―Preventing Gender-Based Violence‖ for working with children and young people

Thursday 28th November 12-1 Rothes Hall, Poetry Reading & Exhibition : Safe Space

Monday 2nd Dec, Rothes Hall 5 – 8 Trust film Screening and panel discussion

Thursday 5th Dec, Rothes Hall, 12 – 1.30 Lunchtime Network Seminar Human Trafficking : Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance (TARA)

For more information contact Karen Macmillan - Learning & Development on 01592-583690

Domestic Abuse: Legal Responses- Lunchtime Seminar

Date: Wednesday 30 Oct 13 Time: 12pm-1.30pm Venue: Room 11 Rothes Hall, Glenrothes Description: Please come along and join us to find out more about the work of Fife Law Centre - how the centre can assist with Domestic Abuse Cases (including emergency advice, property rights, legal protection). Presentation by Graham Sutherland, Fife Law Centre. Tea and Coffee will be provided. Please feel free to bring your lunch. To book a place contact: Mary MacIntyre, 01592-583690, [email protected]

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ScotRail Foundation Grants The ScotRail Foundation has announced that for the period 2013/14 it has committed £100,000 to be distributed to community groups and good causes. Groups and organisations in Scotland can apply for funding through the ScotRail Foundation for community development projects. Specifically for projects that provide support for children and young people, improve the local environment and improve local communities general health and wellbeing.

ScotRail has two categories of award: £250 - £1,000 and £1,001 - £5,000. The next closing date for applications is the 17th January 2014. Visit here to find out more.

The Law Society Charity Grants

The Law Society Charity has announced that the next application closing date for its grant making programme is the 8th November 2013. The Law Society Charity was set up in 1974 by the Law Society as a charitable fund. The Charity provides grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 to voluntary sector organisations for projects that: Promote Human Rights, access to Justice and legal Education. Click here to visit their website to find out how to apply.

Greenspace Grants on offer

The Central Scotland Green Networks‘ Community Projects Fund, supported by Forestry Commission Scotland is offering one-off grants of up to £3000 to support small-scale work at grass-roots level. The focus is on ventures which will benefit children and young people. For further information contact Alison Chisholm at Lothians & Fife Green Network Partnership on 0131 445 4025 or e-mail [email protected]

Deadline for funding applications is midnight on 28th October 2013

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Job Vacancies & Volunteering

Fife Society for the Blind Seeks Fundraising Volunteers

We are seeking outgoing, active people with a bit of time on their hands who would be willing to help out with their fundraising strategy.

FSB organises many events throughout the year from the traditional street and store collections to hosting golf events, quizzes and even curry evenings! We also have our own stall in the form of a gazebo which can be taken to local community fayres throughout Fife raising awareness of our services and help bring in some welcome funds through a tombola or a fun game with the young folks. Past volunteers have dressed up in fancy dress and had a whale of a time.

If you have the time to spare, enjoy meeting up with like-minded people and other volunteers as well, as supporting a great cause – any money raised in Fife stays in Fife for the benefit of blind and partially sighted people throughout the Kingdom – then please get in touch. Training and support is always available. Contact Liz Reid, Volunteer Coordinator for Fife Society for the Blind on 01592 644 979.

New Members Needed by Fife People's Panel Fife People‘s Panel is looking for new volunteers to provide opinions and observations from the people in Fife to help to improve life in Fife. The panel is supported by Fife Council, NHS, the Fire Service and the voluntary sector. It is made up of people from across Fife, from diverse backgrounds, age and ethnicity. They offer their opinions on a variety of public issues that feed back to influence or confirm how services are delivered. ―This information is essential to ensure we are providing customers with the right services and needs, in a way that is easy to access and understand. This is especially important in the current climate of change and budget cuts‖. Due to the current range or people on the panel, we are looking specifically for more members aged 16 – 40 although we would welcome anyone who wishes to join. If you would like to find out more information about Fife People‘s Panel you can follow us on Facebook or visit www.FifeDirect.org.uk/peoplespanel where you can also register online to become a member. If you prefer not to use the internet, call 01592 583138 to request a registration pack by post.

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Part-time Secretary-SWRI Fife Federation

Scottish Women's Rural Institutes, Fife Federation, require a part time, paid secretary-12 hours a week, hours negotiable. Apply in writing to SWRI Fife Federation Office, Lumsden Memorial Hall Freuchie KY15 7X

Closing date: Monday 4th November Contact: Mrs Valerie Garland Email: [email protected]

Forum Manager -Forth Estuary Forum

The Forth Estuary Forum, a charity and company limited by guarantee, is looking for an enthusiastic and motivated person to take up the post of Forum Manager. This is an exciting time to be involved in marine and coastal matters in Scotland. Finding for the post of Forum Manager is in place until March 2015. Salary is around £26,000 p.a. depending on experience. Location is Rosyth in Fife and a car and driving licence is required. Closing date is 5 November 2013.

More details and job description available at www.forthestuaryforum.co.uk or Contact: Sam Roger, Exmouth Building, Port of Rosyth, Rosyth, KY11 2XP Phone: 01383 420104 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.forthestuaryforum.co.uk

Self-Advocacy Workers/Sessional Self Advocacy Support Assistants ENABLE Scotland is a dynamic and vibrant organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with learning disabilities across Scotland. They are looking to recruit two Self Advocacy Workers and sessional Self Advocacy Support Assistants to work in Fife. For further information please click the links below: Self Advocacy Workers (121KB) PDF Sessional Self Advocacy Support Assistants (66KB) PDF

New members being sought for Fife's Third Sector Strategy Group Expressions of interest are being sought from staff, volunteers or committee members operating within the third sector here in Fife to join the Third Sector Strategy Group. The closing date for submitting an expression of interest is Friday 08 November. Click into TSSG Member Refresh October 2013 (207Kb) PDF file to find out more information.

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To join our mailing list and get the e-Bulletin sent directly to your inbox, just click here

Next issue of the bulletin Issue 18 is due out in December 2013.

Please send us any items you wish to share by November 2013. [email protected]

The bulletin is produced by the Equalities Unit of Fife Council on behalf of the EPN.

While we do everything possible to ensure the transmission of accurate and appropriate material, we do not take responsibility for its content. The forwarding of information to you should not be seen as an endorsement of any of the views expressed, furthermore, we are not responsible for the contents of any external links.


EPN members Lead Officer Equalities Group Senior Equalities Group Equality Leads Equalities Practitioners Group Fife Interfaith Group Health Partnership Elected Members