Hawaii Compendium
The Hawaii Compendium A Compilation of Guidebook References and Cruising Reports . Rev B.1 – June 30, 2014 We welcome updates to this guide! (especially for places we have no cruiser information on) Email Soggy Paws at sherry –at- svsoggypaws –dot- com. You can also contact us on Sailmail at WDD5182 The current home of the official copy of this document is http://svsoggypaws.com/files/ If you found it posted elsewhere, there might be an updated copy there. Page 1 Revision Log Many thanks to all who have contributed over the years!! Rev Date Notes A October 2010 Initial ‘compendium’—from inputs by Mita Kuuluu, Nakia, Our Country Home, Dazzler, Windy City, Soggy Paws, and Infini. More to follow! A.1 October 30, 2010 Updates on Hilo and Honolulu Things to Do and Restaurants A.2 January 6, 2011 Updates from Soggy Paws on finding boat project things in Honolulu. Updates from s/v Nakia on Molokai and Maui A.3 March 17, 2011 Updates from Soggy Paws on finding boat project things in Honolulu. And some ‘Things to do’ A.4 April 4, 2011 More minor updates A.5 April 14, 2011 Updates from Reflections A.6 April 19, 2011 Updates from Infini – Provisioning, Sea Flyer on Rigger in Hawaii A.7 April 28, 2011 Soggy Paws & Reflections – Outbound Customs Clearance B.1 June 30, 2014 Updates on Hilo and Honolulu from Active Transport, and Hilo from Footprint Page 2 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 HAWAII OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 WEATHER .............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 SOURCES OF INFO ..................................................................................................................................
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