Itat MarineServing MCAS Kaneohe Bay, 1st MEB, Vol. 22 No. 32 Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks. August 19, 1993 Marine risks life to save Chaplain from grenade during training Chaplain of 3d Battalion, 12th By Cpl. Wanda D.G. Schaner Marines, had ventured onto the slag Writer line and had not sought protection "Pit one prepare to throw! ... behind the wall. THROW!" The grenade sails "I didn't have time to think, I through the air... and falls short. just reacted to the situation. The It is only 15 meters away. As Chaplain was over at Pit 3, which you duck down behind the wall was about 10 meters away. As you notice something out of the I ran at him, I yelled for him to corner of your eye. Someone is get down. When he didn't react still standing on the line! How I tackled him. As I yanked him do you react? down I felt something like hard "On instinct," replies SSgt. Juan rock hit me, a very hard rock. In D. Rivera. fact, that is what I thought it On Friday, LtCol. Lee W. was, just a rock from the blast," Freund, the commander of Rivera stated. Weapons Company, 3d Battalion, The Chaplain was saved from 3d Marines, was proud to present being seriously injured or possibly the Navy and Marine Corps Medal killed, but Rivera suffered a to Rivera for his heroic actions fragmentation wound below his and selfless dedication to duty. left eye. "By his courageous and prompt "I had one hand over my eye actions in the face of great and was wrapping a pressure personal risk, he saved the dressing around my head. Chaplain from being seriously Everyone on the line was freaking thereby out. I yelled at them to stay in Valerie M Glosco injured or possible death, Cpl. reflecting great credit upon himself the pits and to relax, I was O.K., LCpl. Eric Haataja was recognized by the mayor of for sating the life of a Korean visitor July 21. Pictured are (left to right) LtGen. and upholding the highest so just calm down. I was hurt, H.C. Stockpole ill, commander, Marine Forces Pacific, BGen. R.F. Vercauteren, commanding general, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Haataja, traditions of the Marine Corps but since I was in charge of the and Mayor Frank Fasi. and the United States Naval line, it was still my responsibility Service," said his citation from to calm everyone down so no one the Commandant of the Marine else got hurt," Rivera explained . Corps, Gen. C.E. Mundy, Jr. "I didn't think it was serious. The incident happened Oct. 27, I was ready to get back to work, Marine recognized by Mayor for me to go to 1992. Rivera was serving as staff but they ordered noncommissioned officer-in-charge medical. There they probed around of the hand grenade range in for about 45 minutes to an hour saving Korean visitor Okinawa during Exercise Eastern and eventually found the fragment Thunder. He was responsible for below my left eye. They had a fast as he could. the elderly gentleman, no one acted collar during a promotion visually ensuring that all grenades hard time finding it because it By Sgt. Paul Schneider "I was embarrassed because except Haataja. ceremony at the BGen. were thrown into the designated had glanced off hone a couple of sal Weer people were clapping and I just In a, few short weeks the Vercauteren's office. impact area. times," Rivera said. wanted to get out of there," the Marine's actions were known by "This whole experience was "I was in Okinawa for a year "I have a lot of experience with 21-year-old said. some of the top military and really motivating. It's a good with Battery L, 3d Battalion, 12th weapons. I was an instructor at Lance Cpl. Eric Haataja was. If Haataja would have had his political leaders in Hawaii. thing not just for me, but for the Marines. While there, I was in the School of Infantry for three enjoying an evening at the way, only the people at the hotel "Every day it was getting bigger Marine Corps" he explained. "I charge of all weapons and years. This is only the second Outrigger Reef Hotel in Waikiki that night would have known and bigger," explained the will probably never go through explosives training," Rivera said time I have been in a situation July 21 when he heard a faint cry about his actions, but before he Milwaukee native. "I was really anything like this again while I'm Upon observing a thrown where someone could have been from the pool area. left, a hotel security guard took surprised because I didn't think I in the Marine Corps." grenade, he ducked behind the seriously injured. I am just glad At first he didn't think much down his name and address in would get all the publicity I was With all the attention he has protective wall, but from the comer I was there to prevent it," Rivera of it, but then he heard it again. case anyone needed to ask him getting." received, many people have asked of his eye he noticed that the concluded. He left the lobby and started any questions. During a ceremony at Honolulu him why he did it. His reply to heading for the pool. As he got There weren't any more mayor's office at Honolulu Hale, those who ask is he doesn't know. closer and the cries grew louder, questions for him, but about a Mayor Frank Fasi presented He said he just did it. he was able to see what was week after the incident the military Haataja with an Award of Merit "I just went through WS1 (water going on. liaison for the hotel, Mildred from the City and County of survival training) in May or June. "There was a guy in the middle Courtney, called him and said the Honolulu. In addition, LtGen. All I was 'thinking about was of the pool and he was drowning," hotel was very impressed with his Stackpole and BGen. R.F. where to grab him," Haataja said. Haataja explained. "I jumped in heroic act and wanted to recognize Vercauteren, commanding general, When Haataja told one staff and pulled him to the side of the him in some way. 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade, sergeant it was only a matter of pool:' She wrote Honolulu Mayor were at the ceremony to being in the right place at the To him, that was the end of the Frank Fasi and LtGen. H.C. congratulate him. right time, he said the staff story. It was no big deal, in fact Stackpole III, commander, Marine Later that same day, BGen. sergeant replied, "No you weren't. the artilleryman from Forces Pacific, and explained Vercauteren and LtCol. Thomas There were one hundred people in Headquarters Battery, 1st although there were about 100 Kelly, commanding officer, 1st the right place at the right time Battalion, 12th Marines said, he people around the pool that Battalion, 12th Marines, pinned and they didn't do anything. You just wanted to leave the hotel as witnessed the pleas for help from corporal chevrons on Haataja's d id. " Accident doesn't dampen Marine's spirit

Sgt. Paul Schneider Byjg KIM Buckner above the knee. lying next to me giving me blood refusal to lie in bed to be promoted. AC PAO The optimistic, 9%ft-spoken and telling me to stay motivated." "He absolutely refused to be LtCol. Lee W. Freund congratulates SSgt. Juan D. Rivera after receMng Bonner now faces life armed with And he has. Throughout the his Navy and Marine Corps Medal. A routine training day at a his faith in God and the steadfast ordeal his main concern was not awarded while lying in a hospital Camp Fuji firing range forced a support of his fiancee, Laureene for himself, but for his friend who bed. He had a starched set of young Marine to face an Claus. The two Colorado Springs, shot him. "As soon as I could, utilities on and used crutches," unparalleled challenge when an Colo., natives spoke easily about I started calling Japan to check LtGen. Stackpole said. M-16A2 round penetrated his thigh. the accident from his room at the on him. I was worried about him His fiancee, who had been On the morning of July 21, PFC Tripler Army Medical Center at and how he felt emotionally about staying at the medical center for Nicki A. Bonner Jr. stood in a Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 11. the accident," Bonner said. some time, said she was impressed four-foot deep trench alongside "All I could remember was a His positive appreciates Inside attitude and concern with the ceremony and fellow members of Yokosuka's sharp pain and then I saw blood for others prompted SSgt. Jack D. what the Marines in Japan and Marine detachment who had been rushing everywhere," Bonner said. Baxter, who accompanied Bonner in Hawaii have done. training at Kamiseya, Japan. A From that moment Marines and here from Japan, to add Bonner's "The people in Japan were great hot brass casing hit the neck of sailors began doing their best to name to a meritorious corporal to my family, calling and giving a Marine to his left, causing the take care of him. board being held at his unit in us updates," Claus said. "They Marine to jerk and shoot Bonner "My blood type is 0 negative, Japan. Bonner, who had just even raised money to help pay for at close range in the leg. which isn't very common, so two been promoted to lance corporal my plane ticket over here." The accident left Bonner fighting loads of Marines followed me Aug. 1, came in second, just for his life and facing several from hospital to hospital donating missing the promotion. 'Though a situation like this surgeries that ended in amputation blood. I remember seeing a gunny Soon afterward, LtGen. H.C. would .be hard for anyone to Stackpole III, commander, Marine handle, 18-year-old Claus said she Forces Pacific, and SgtMaj. W.C. was just glad he was alive. "I Crouch, Sergeant Major, Marine was mad that it happened, but Forces Pacific, visited Bonner and the only time I cried was when meritoriously promoted him to they said they were going to corporal. amputate, because he had already "He is real gutsy... showing pride been through so many surgeries in the uniform and his country," and I didn't want him going Swim qual LtGen. Stackpole said. "His through anymore." primary concern was not that he This was the lowest point for NJROTC cadets spend a week at Marine Barracks Hawaii get- lost his leg, but that his friend, Bonner, who up to then had been ting a taste of military Iffe...A-8 who unfortunately shot him, did told they would be able to save B-4 not bear the burden of guilt." his leg, but Claus' arrival helped Ads Sergeant Maj. Crouch agreed. keep him from getting really Molter A-2 "All Marines should have the depressed, he said. Briefs A-11 attitude he has, especially after Bonner and Claus are looking Education Corner B4 what he's been through. forward to an active future. His From the Cheap Seats B-1 "His meritorious promotion was long-term plans include returning super," the sergeant major Movies to school to become a youth Mess Hall Menu continued. "It wasn't just given minister, specializing in deaf to the Marine. He was in the children. Both Bonner and Claus Religion 11.4 running for meritorious corporal said they believe God has his Softball Schedule B-2 already and we made quite a few Army Copt. Angela SrnIth plans for them. Spice Of Life 1-2 phone calls to determine his past performance" "He'll be able to do just as much Sports Briefs 11-2 Cpl. Nicki A. Bonner Jr. presents his fiancee, Laureene Claus with a as he did before," Claus said. Tickets B-4 lel In his room at Trlpler Army Medical Center. What seems to have impressed these two men most was Bonner's "He'll just have an artificial limb." A-2 Hawaii Marine August 19, 1993

refused all testing. A traffic accident occurred The evidence custodian has in adjacent to Branch Medical Clinic his possession the following items: Commandant Blotter Branch Medical Clinic reported involving a bicycle and a POV. Keys, personal items, I.D. and a medical emergency at Pyramid The bicyclist was cutting between bank cards, watches, sports Three Marines were Rock Beach. Military Police made two parked when he struck equipment, military/civilian stresses retirees apprehended for DUI. After failing contact with medical personnel the vehicle and was thrown into clothing, wallets, purees, bicycles, the field sobriety testing, one who stated that while boogie the windshield. The bicyclist toys, jewelry, glasses, rims, tires, Marine elected to submit to the boarding, a Marine struck his head sustained lacerations from the a mixer, bowls, and much more! to Intoxilyzer test which resulted in on the ocean floor. The Marine broken glass. The driver of the If you think any of these items importance a blood alcohol content of .115 was transported to Branch Medical belong to you, vehicle was wearing her seatbelt contact Sgt. Fink Corps' Total percent. The two other Marines Clinic for treatment. and sustained no injuries. at 257-3425. Force New military ID saves card money Retirees are an important part of our Marine Corps team. As the Marine Corps downsizes, many retirees urge that we not the plastic-coated ID paper. are the Coast Guard and immediately, said DoD personnel decrease the level of support to their growing population. The By MSgt. Undo Lee, USA Currently, the photograph is glued commissioned officers in the Public officials, because the new ID cards Secretary of the Navy's Advisory Committee on Retired Personnel ARS to the card and can be replaced Health Service and the National take less time to process and don't emphasized this point during their annual meeting last March. with another person's photo, said Oceanic and Atmospheric require controlled card stock, Many members of the retiree community feel their value to DoD wants to make forged and personnel officials. The laminate Administration. Card colors application forms or photographic the Marine Corps and our commitment to them erodes rapidly faked cards things of the past. To now used can be peeled away remain the same, with active duty film. Another benefit is once they take off their uniform. Through faithful service, retirees do this, the services will issue new easily from the card, allowing cards, green; reserve components, elimination of duplicate forms and have earned certain rights, benefits, and privileges-including machine-readable, tamper-resistant tampering. red; retirees, blue; and dependents, photos, and name boards. the same respect and courtesy we show our active duty Marines. ID cards to almost 15 million Printed on the back of the new tan. Estimated savings total several Whenever they visit or call the exchange, commissary, special people, starting in 1994. card are two bar codes. One Field testing of the new card hundred million dollars over the services, personnel offices, finance offices, legal offices, or other The credit-card-sized ID looks contains all the ID information begins in October for the Army life cycle, added officials. facilities and organizations, we need to address them by their much like those and the digitized at Fort Belvoir, Va.; Air Force at Since the forms are not retired grade and provide level currently in use, photo on the them and their families the same said DoD personnel officials. A card. The second bar code allows Kelly Air Force Base, Texas; preprinted and the computer of consideration and customer service given their active duty computer system prints the one for access to local or central data Marine Corps at Quantico, Va.; software contains all of the service- counterparts. Regrettably, retirees hear more about congressional piece card using a central data bases. Personnel officials said the and Navy at Little Creek, Va. specific seals, an individual can budget cutting than they do about what the Marine Corps and base in which digitized black-and- codes will save time because Implementation starts at the same receive a new card at any service's Congress are doing to protect those benefits. white photographs and personal organizations can scan them to time for the Coast Guard at its ID card facility once the capability Retired Marines continue to be an integral part of our Total information are stored. determine the cardholder's Washington headquarters, and is in place, they said. Force and play a vital role in our mobilization and contingency eligibility for access and benefits. Public Health Service and National Personnel officials are exploring plans. Their experience and skills are too valuable to ignore. A security feature on the new the possibility of a DoD wide The new bar-coded card could Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- All parte of our Total Force-Regular, Reserve, and Retired- ID card makes counterfeiting ministration,both in Rockville,M d. civilian employee Id card. must continue to work together to provide the essential cohesion almost impossible, DoD personnel be used by dining facility Forerunners of today's ID cards and combat readiness of our Corps. officials explained. The computer managers to determine usage. It DoD personnel officials said were first issued in September 1950, generates a four-character security could also replace membership installations and agencies will be said DoD personnel officials. The code linked to the individual's cards that require much of the brought on line one at a time. last major changes to the active Social Security number, places it same information, such as officer Full implementation begins in duty card were made in 1974, when on the card and enters it into the and NCO club cards, officials January 1994 and is expected to fingerprints were removed and the central data base. If the individual noted. take about four years. Once the Geneva conventions statement was uses a card and the number isn't The services will issue the cards capability is in place at an added. In 1979, fingerprints were in the data base, the card is fake, to members of the active and installation, the new cards will be taken off of the retired and reserve Help us save electricity, water said officials. reserve components, retirees and issued as individuals need component ID cards; a medical and other utilities. Call and Security measures also include all eligible dependents. Also replacements. care statement was placed on leave a message, at any time, a laminate that bonds directly to participating in the changeover Savings begin almost retiree cards. describing wasteful practices: 257-SAVE(7283). Because irrigation is one of the biggest wastes of water, note on my windshield. I am a single mother. Aside from rent, there is a new schedule when Single mother wants utilities, a car payment, insurance and food expenses, I am Utilities lawns are to be watered. working very hard to pay my way through college. Your For housing areas: odd digit inconsideration is leaving me with the very difficult task of buildings water Wednesday and person that hit her raising $500, which is the deductible I have to pay to repair Sunday from 7-10 p.m. Even my car. I would really be grateful if you could bring yourself Hotline numbered buildings may water to call me and confess to the accident so that your insurance Tuesday and Saturday from 7- car to please come can pay for the damage and my 3-year-old son and I won't 10 p.m. have to suffer the loss. I would also like to ask if there is-anyone For station facilities, lawns that witnessed what is believed to be a truck, back into a white may be watered from 7-10 p.m. forward Accord Aug. 8 in the parking area at Pyramid Beach Monday and Thursday. I would like to address the individual who rear-ended my car to please call me, Patty, at 247-9029 (home) or 235-0041 (work), There is no watering of lawns at Pyramid Beach on Sunday (Aug. 8) and forgot to leave a or PMO with information. Thank you for your concern. allowed on base on Fridays.

customers who are satisfied with the delivery service. A Items advertised in the Hawaii Marine must be made available voluntary contribution of $1.30 *,month may be solicited by for purchase, use or patronage to everyone without regard to these HAWAII carriers. Housing residents may contact the publisher race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age or sex of directly if they wish to stop hornetdelivery. Questions concerning purchasers, user or patron. The appearance of all advertisements circulation policies and service can be answered by calling the in the Hawaii Marine, to include, inserts and/or flyers does The Hawaii Marine is an unofficial newspaper published publisher. not constitute endorsement of the firms' products or services every Thursday by RFD Publications, Inc., 45-525 Luluku Road, The Hawaii Marine welcomes stories and photo submissions by the Department of the Navy or the United States Marine Kaneohe, HI 96744, by a private firm not connected with the from its readers, but submission is no guarantee of publication. Corps. Department of the Navy or the United States Marine Corps. Please call the MCAS/Ist MEB Joint Public Affairs Office All advertising is provided by RFD Publications, Inc., 235-5881. at 257-2178 for Windward activities, FAX 257.5743, or the The Hawaii Marine is a free publication delivered each week FMFPac Public Affairs Office at 4774053 for Leeward activities. to all family housing units aboard Marine Corps Air Station, Opinions expressed by the publisher and journalists are their Commanding Officer Col. RR. Crawford Kaneohe Bay and to all Hawaii-based Marine Corps commands. own are not to be considered an official expression of the Joint Public Affairs Officer .Maj. P. A. Sivigny Housing carriers are paid only by voluntary contributions from Department of the Navy or the United States Marine Corps. Editor Cpl. Barry Baker

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August 19,1993 Hawaii Marine A-3 This week around the world The effect of the trade embargo 26th MEU battles will be slight for both sides since there is little trade between the fire in Tunisia two countries now. The United Marines and sailors from the States, however, will continue to 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit give humanitarian aid to the (Special Operations Capable) victims of Sudan's civil war. responded to a call for help while The decision was made because storming ashore during an Aug. United States intelligence agencies 4 amphibious assault as part of concluded Sudan, which has an an exercise in Tunisia, Africa. Islamic fundamentalist Early in the landing, a fire was government, was continuing to reported deep in the amphibious support military training and area. Due to the intensity and providing sanctuaries for terrorists. scope of the blaze, the Tunisian Army commander asked for a halt of the landing so the 26th° B-52s destroyed MEU(SOC) could aid his soldiers' efforts in fighting the fire. The under arms treaty Marines and sailors of the MEU El The first of 350 B-52 bombers quickly showed their flexibility by are being destroyed in the Arizona turning from an amphibious desert as a part of the Strategic assault force to a fire brigade. Arms Reduction Treaty the United Within an hour, the MEU's States signed with the former assault transformed into a mighty Soviet Union. humanitarian effort. Men and equipment sped to the fight as the Although the treaty is flames raced across the Tunisian technically not in force since countryside. The men used their Ukraine refused to sign the E-tools, shovels, picks, and agreement following the breakup anything else they could get their of the Soviet Union, the United hands on to battle the raging States is going through with the inferno. agreement anyway. The fire, fanned by the hot north The bombers are being destroyed African winds and aided by in the open so the former Soviet months of drought, spread quickly Union's spy satellites can confirm and soon covered a 3,000-square- the destruction of the planes. acre area. Each bomber is being chopped Using heavy equipment from into five pieces using a large steel MEU Service Support Group-26, blade dropped from a crane. The the Marines were able to make pieces will be sold for scrap. fire breaks, which stopped the spread of the fire. Marine water trucks then finished off the fire. North Korea Forward deployed Marines are famous for their ability to respond suspects for trial or new sanctions the country's assets central Bosnia. nukes pact quickly to any mission assigned. frozen for breakthrough in negotiations since El North Korea has stifled This raging African fire gave the would be imposed. The new supporting international terrorism. Earlier in the week, it appeared each of the factions had their own sanctions on the north African The United the threat of allied air strikes had inspections of its nuclear facilities men of the 26th MEU(SOC) the Nations Security plans for the city. The plan would after it allowed International chance to come from the sea, nation would likely consist of an Council decided to maintain worked to help end the siege of exclude any armed forces from embargo on oil equipment and existing Sarajevo. Serb forces withdrew Atomic Energy Agency inspectors engage in a "fire fight" and return sanctions it imposed more the city except United Nations' into the country. to the sea for their next mission. freezing foreign assets. than a year ago. from two strategic mountains forces. New sanctions could have a around the capitol city. It's unclear at this point what During the first week of August critical affect on Libya. Even with the movement of Serb the effect of the new fighting will the inspectors visited North Korea Libya ignores The two suspects are believed to Hopes for peace in forces, the allies were not ready be on the peace talks or if it will to inspect the Nyonbyon nuclear be Libyan intelligence agents. to let the pressure off the Serbs. move the allies closer to carrying plant. The inspectors were not ultimatum They are being sought to respond Bosnia fade again The allies warned the Serbs that out the planned air strikes on allowed enough access to determine El Libya has refused to hand over to charges they planted a bomb El After a few days of optimism the movement was a first step, Serb positions. the extent of the country's nucleai two men suspected in the 1988 which killed all 259 people on the in Bosnia-Herzegovina, new but it was not enough. program or if it is trying to build bombing of the Pan Am flight 103 Pan Am flight and 11 people on fighting has broken out in The threat of air strikes also nuclear weapons. over Lockerbie, Scotland. The the ground. Sarajevo. helped at the bargaining table as U.S. blasts Sudan The country has been ignoring action could lead to new sanctions Libya and the United States At least 12 people were wounded the warring factions in Bosnia El The United States has added a United Nations nuclear pact against Lybia. have not been on friendly terms during a surprise shelling of agreed, in principle, to place post- Sudan to its list of countries which which requires the inspection of The United States, France and for many years. The United States Sarajevo. In addition, Muslim war Sarajevo under United support terrorism. nuclear facilities to determine if Britain have set a deadline of Oct. has had a trade embargo against troops are accused of killing 43 Nations control. Adding Sudan to the list will nuclear weapons are being, 1 for Libya to turn over the Libya since January 1986 and has Croat civilians in Kiseljak in The agreement was a major cut off all trade with the country. developed.


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Never leave a child unattended in To help prevent a fire: Check By Cpl. Wanda D.G. Schaner a bath. They can easily slip and that storage areas are free of *ass. hurt themselves or even drown. flammable liquids, paper, rags and The month of August is Make sure all medicines are other combustibles. Have fire designated as Home Safety clearly labeled and stored in locked extinguishers inspected and year, cabinets or where children can't recharged when necessary. Make Awareness Month. Each sure family members know when some accidents permanently or reach them. Any medications that are their expiration date and how to use them. Check temporarily disable millions of past smoke people and have even claimed should be flushed down the toilet. detectors every month and Jives. Most of those accidents Rinse the container before replace the batteries every year. throwing it away. In case a fire does occur, make ,could have been prevented. Here sure your family has an escape ,are some general safety tips that Unplug all electrical appliances plan and meeting point. Practice ,could help prevent accidents in when not using them, and do not the drill. your home. place them in or near water. Store ., In the kitchen:Be sure you breakable bottles and jars where On the outside: Check that have plenty of light, especially they can't be shattered. any outdoor play equipment, such where you cut and chop food. If The stairways and halls: as slides and swings, are in good there are small children in your They should be clearly lighted and repair and are securely anchored. home, install child-resistant safety free of any obstructions. If you Game equipment and garden tools latches on all cabinets. All have small rugs, make sure they should be put back in place after ' cleaning fluids, drain openers, have a slip-resistant backing. You each use. They can cause a fall ammonia, bleach and other can put cut-to-fit rubber matting if they're left laying around. Keep hazardous substances should be or two-sided tape on rugs that children and pets a safe distance locked up or placed out of a child's don't have their own backing. away when operating a mower or reach. In the bedroom: Make sure other power tools. While cooking, keep in mind to there is a lamp or a light switch Last but not least, keep Cpl. W D.G Schoner .turn pot handles away from the within reach to prevent falls and ,stove front. Don't. position them emergency phone numbers (police, serious injuries that can happen fire, doctor, poison control center A present from Kuwait over another burner, either. They in a dark room. If you're a smoker, catch fire or burn someone and local utilities) next to each The cost of freedom can be expensive. No group of people realize this better Kuwaiti might only smoke when wide awake, and phone. than the Government. who touches the handle. never smoke in bed. This 120mm Russian mortar was graciously presented to Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463 for their by , Never throw water on a grease Do you have plenty of wall Accidents will occur, but supporting role In Operation Desert Shield/Storm. After traveling many miles, this Kuwaiti token of .fire. Water can spread flames. outlets for lamps and appliances? taking a few safety precautions appreciation was reconditioned to original specs by members of HMH-463 and MALS-24, to be displayed ,.Try to keep a pot lid or damp rag "Octopus" outlets can overload and regularly checking for hazards as a continual reminder of lust why there Is a need for the Marine Corps. HMH-463 presented this gift .,pear the stove to smother the circuits and cause fires. If you in your home, you can prevent to Marine Corps Properly for transit point to the Marine Corps War Museum at Camp Pendleton, Calif. flames. have small children make sure them from being life threatening. Preparing the Russian weapon for transport are (top row from left) SSgt. James P. Scroggins, Cpl. William In the bathroom: Check that electrical outlets have a receptacle For more information on home M. Manzanares, Cpl. Troy C. Shelton and Sgt. Maurice D. Carter. Front row from left are Cpl. Clarence your tub or shower has a slip- cover. Keep a flashlight handy safety, call the Joint Safety Office M. Conner and Capt. Patrick S. McClone. resistant surface to stand on. for emergencies. at 257-1830/1.

PteesisiHall Peas & Carrots Pot Roast Gravy Turkey Gravy Club Spinach Thursday, Aug. 26 Southern Style Greens Corn on the Cob Steamed Succotash Hot Dinner Rolls Lunch Tomato Gravy Steamed Waxed Beans Steamed Carrots Beef Noodle Soup Mu Salisbury Steak Wednesday, Aug. 25 Baked Ham Friday, Aug. 20 Saturday, Aug. 21 Monday, Aug. 23 Tuesday, Aug. 24 Lunch Pineapple Sauce Lunch Dinner/Bnuich Lunch Lunch Navy Bean Soup Lyonnaised Potatoes Minestrone Soup Cream of Mushroom Soup Chicken Noodle Soup Vegetable Soup Hamburger Parmesan Candied Sweet Potatoes Baked Fish Fillets Oven Roast Beef Roast Pork Ham Beef Stew Chicken Vega Brown Gravy Pork Chops BBQ Chicken Baked Meatloaf Baked Lasagna Mashed Potatoes Peas and Carrots Baked Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Egg Noodles Mushroom Brown Gravy Simmered White Beans Macaroni & Cheese Brown Gravy Brown Gravy Brussel Sprouts Asparagus Dinner Brown Gravy Bto ccoli Broccoli ' Corn Peas Beef Noodle Soup Succotash Cauliflower Au Gratin Wax Beans Toasted Garlic Bread Dinner Roast Beef Glazed Carrots Dinner Dinner Navy Bean Soup Savory Baked Chicken Dinner Sunday, Aug. 22 Chicken Noodle Soup Vegetable Soup . Grilled Pork Chops Mashed Potatoes Minestrone Soup Dinner/Brunch Roast Turkey Swiss Steak Veal Steaks Brown Gravy Veal Parmesan Tomato Vegetable Chili Conquistador Cornish Game Hens Home Fried Potatoes Vegetable Combo Baked Ham Stuffed Green Peppers Mashed Potatoes O'Brien Potatoes Brown Gravy Brussel Sprouts Mashed Potatoes Yankee Pot Roast Spanish Rice Brown Gravy Carrots Chicken Gravy Candied Sweet Potatoes Oven Browned Potatoes Bread Dressing Mixed Vegetables Green Beans Hot Dinner Rolls BANKRUPTCY Immediate Relief from Debt Stop Collections, Garnishments, ...CLUB PEARL o Law Suits & Harassment. LOW, fixed fees. Presents: Easy payment plan. ... Military welcome. ELLEN LUIOI FERA Attorney At Law CALL NOW 261-4788 "CLUB NIGHT" Featuring: We Treat Your Pet Like Family" ALWAYS AVAILABLEAV A tape delayed concert from Camp Lejeune, NC - _ ------iv sip Featured Performers will be: ,t yjINS KANEOHE PET Mail Health Center AVM. , SKY1111111ti 0 410 Rod L.Pearson, D.V.M. Robert C. Braun, D,V.M., M.S. DAMN YANKEES 41. Sabina M. Wenner, D.V.M. Iris Y. Kubo, D.V.M. Nip Robert A. Kennis, D.V.M. MIR WALSH re, 236-2414 Ali, 0 NIIIP 1RIVINall4RYIN 7AM -9PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK HOUR EMERGENCY w. 24 SERVICE There will be prizes to be given away during the show (Shirts, Caps, CD Holders, etc.) LABOR DAY WEEKEND BOARDING Grand Prize Winner will receive a "Pea Vey Predator" electric guitar personally Enjoy your vacation with peace of mind. Let us care for your fie pets. We feature cat condominiums, family style dog hoarding autographed by Gary Rossington of Lynyrd Skynyrd. and mixed boarding for families with multiple pets.

Attention! -Sewers Quitters Stitchers and Crafters!


sylo flw .04,17N, fol.10,,v trio, it,L11,el 111 ll. C AUGUST 20 - 21 22, 1993 NEAL BLAISDELL CONVENTION CENTER III Ward Ave., Honolulu, Ill 808/!,2I ',400


Free Classes And Workshops On-going Demonstrations Supplies for Beginners & Experts Products Not Available in Stores

Items To Finish Started Projects I Exhibitors From All Over The U.S. SHOW SPECIALS SPECIAL EXHIBITS "PARADISE LOUNGE" MAKE IT-TAKEIT'S DOORPRIZES Hours IDAM 5PM Daily Admission 56.00 - 12 And Under FREE 1:00 PM SAT. AUG. 18 BRING THIS AD AND SAVE 51 .00 OFF ONE ADMISSION August 19, 1993 Hawaii Marine 145 Equal opportunity: a right and responsibility -.- Corps' latest military equal percent are minority Marines; more Board in early 1992 to examine physical fitness test scores have officer for promotion to mar. Marine Corps News opportunity assessment: "The than 21 percent are African how the Marine Corps recruits a greater chance of completing There are obviously other factors Marine Corps is committed to American. and trains its officers. After an OCS. White officer candidates at work, the study concludes, ensuring all Marines The Marine Corps is also proud which should be the subject of Equal opportunity is the are treated extensive 18-month analysis, the have marginally higher PT scores with dignity and respect," of the progress that minorities board concluded that OCS has no than minority officer candidates. further study. responsibility of every member of according to the MEOA have made in the officer corps; institutional the Marine Corps team, according report, bias or discrimination. - Finally, the study indicated That process is already "and that all Marines have an - In the last decade, the number This finding was based on a series that officer candidates with prior underway with the recent to the Commandant, who says of minority field grade officers that any perception of bias or equal opportunity to succeed of confidential surveys given to enlisted experience have the lowest establishment of a second Quality without hindrance of has increased by 100 percent, with successful and unsuccessful officer attrition rates at OCS, regardless Management Board which will prejudice undermines the core discrimination or Every the number of African American candidates who were if they a military service which bias. of race, ethnicity or gender. address the following issues: , values of member of the Marine Corps is field grade officers increasing from had experienced or seen any form relies on teamwork to carry out tasked with practicing equal 95 to 200. of discrimination while at OCS. - Education and awareness its mission as "America's 911 opportunity." - In 1982, there were two Not one candidate responded that Career patterns programs relating to cultural force." African American colonels. Today he or she had. diversity. Recent news reports allege that there are 15 African American The question of higher attrition and growth - Commissioning programs, to the Marine Corps is institutionally The expanding colonels, with four more selected rates for minorities still remains, include the Marine enlisted biased against minorities. The for promotion. This ten-fold however, and the QMB potential commissioning and education be role of minorities increase occurred even though the recommended that a follow-up In addition to studying minority program and the enlisted percentage of minorities to commissioning promoted to captain and major is The Marine Corps has enjoyed size of the officer corps today is study be conducted to examine candidate performance at OCS, program. less than that of white officers in steady success in recruiting, the same as it was in 1983. specific areas of recruitment, the Marine Corps commissioned - Officer assignment and MOS retaining and promoting minority professional development and the Center for Naval Analysis to patterns. the Marine Corps. Questions have And also been raised concerning the enlisted Marines. By the end of cultural diversity, noting that, "the explore why a disproportionate - the Marine Corps Officer Candidates School at fiscal year 1992, more than 30 Areas of concern first very simple but very critical number of minorities finish in the performance evaluation systeni. Quantico, Va., where the attrition percent of enlisted Marines were Despite these strides in step is an institutional awareness, lower third of their TBS class All of these studies will result rate for minority candidates is minorities, 19 percent of the Marine increasing minority representation recognition, and demonstrated The study concluded that some of in the republishing of the Marine disproportionately high when Corps was African American. within the Marine Corps, there sensitivity to the fact that the difference is due to the large Corps affirmative action plan compared to non-military African Americans and other are causes for concern: minorities do indeed face certain percentage of minority officers who when the Quality Management candidates. minority Marines are consistently - Minority candidates, special challenges that need to be have scholastic waivers. Clearly, Board completes its work in recommended and eligible for particularly African Americans, addressed." however, it does not account for October 1994. Both of these situations have reenlistment at rate consistent with experience a higher attrition rate In making that recommendation, remaining questions as to whether prompted the Marine Corps to take that of white Marines. at Officer Candidates School than the board identified several factors or not there is any correlation Brigadier Gen. Leslie Palm, an in-depth look at its equal The minority representation in white officer candidates. that may influence a candidate's between TBS performance and assistant deputy chief of staff for opportunity programs and have the enlisted ranks is reflected at Class standings at The Basic chances for promotion, manpower and reserve affairs, said - performance at OCS: that "while the Marine Corps is resulted in a series of initiatives all grades. Thirty-three percent of School show a large percentage of - First, is the greater percentage augmentation and assignments: that will reinforce the Corps' gunnery sergeants are minorities; African Americans who finish in of minority candidates who are Another area of prime concern very proud of the strides it has commitment to having a high 22 percent are African American. the bottom third of their class. recruited with a scholastic waiver. to the Marine Corps is the made in the area of equal quality, well-trained force that At the grade of first sergeant/ - Promotion rates to the grade - Young candidates, to include promotion rate of minority officers opportunity, we know there are represents the society from which master sergeant, 30 percent are of major are not representative of minorities, may experience culture to the grade of major. The study areas where we have challenges it recruits. minority; more than 21 percent the total minority officer shock when they first encounter conducted by the Center for Naval and concerns. We will address The Marine Corps' firm stance are African American. And in population. the Marine Corps lifestyle if they Analysis determined that the race these areas as we look to the on equal opportunity is reflected the Corps' most senior enlisted Concern over these issues have not been properly prepared and ethnicity of an officer is not future. Our goal is to ensure that both in the Commandant's equal ranks - sergeant major and prompted the Marine Corps to in advance. statistically significant in everybody has equal opportunity opportunity statement and the master gunnery sergeant - 27 convene a Quality Management - Candidates with higher determining the chance of that in the Marine Corps." ROLLING TOWER luaus \fl1 E1 WIN! STONES GET A FABULOUS TRIP TO Th /-n TOWER MEXICO! sUP lot 5 hips for two to Puerto Vallarla, Mexico 8 days and 7 nights at Marriott Casa Magna Resort 0 Roundtrip transportation on Delta Air Lines ,6° US Don't be a bonehead! Get smart now with savings on every CD, pop cassette and music video from STUDENT TRA L. Warner Bros., Elektra, Atlantic, eastwest, Reprise, Hollywood, Giant, Sire, Rhino, Del American, DELTA Interscope, Mesa/Bluemoon & Gramavision plus savings on all classical CD's from Nonesuch, %,,,,v6.` AIR LINES Teldec & Erato and great savings on movies on video and laserdisc from MGM/UA! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. ENTRY DEADLINE 911493 COMPLETE DETAILS AT TOWER. OVER 7,000 POP, ROCK, CLASSICAL, JAZZ, RAP, R&B TITLES AND MOVIES ARE ON SALE NOW! FRAM) IN IIVIAX.

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She's called Resitscila I ion Annie. Shes a leaching, mannequin created to train millions of Americans in lighting hear! attacks. LastYear, She lisps( our of I hP many critical ional progroms Yee started Iq help you control AlnericJ., nombrr mu. killer. Anil it's all helping. Since 1977. death rale, from heart attack have dropped by :10.9"E.. Had So kern tin the good xvork (.4101 smoking,. Winch poor diPp. Monitor 2.8 Million your blood pressure. And xve.11 keep on workInt; to support silent ific 1)reakt lirouglis and medical tnnnya ions Ilia( help make hearts American Heart healthier. Association Heart Attacks. lb learn about reducitiL your risk. s'ollt Elul tour 10Cal AnitriCan !Wart Ass/Hi:111ml And hello to AH111,11 vot sec her. %bur 1,i1c Is III lino I kir A-6 Hawaii Marine August 19, 1993 Customs pamphlets make coming home cheaper, easier for alcoholic beverages. By MSgt. Linda Lee, USA exemption Ara Know Before You Go provides in-depth customs information for Take a few minutes to check out returning residents on numerous the customs laws before traveling topics. These include exemptions, overseas or moving back to the duties on gifts mailed to friends United States, U.S. Customs or relatives, prohibited and Service officials advised. restricted articles, duty rates and The time spent should make your pointers on making your trip trip home much quicker and, in easier. For example, pack your some cases, a lot cheaper. luggage so that customs inspection What looks like a bargain in a will be easier. Customs officials shop overseas-including a so- suggest packing goods bought called duty-free shop-can be more overseas separately. ,expensive if you have to pay U.S. Also, merchandise purchased customs duties or federal excise outside the country and shipped taxes when you return. Or, to your home in the United States customs officials added, the item cannot be claimed as part of your may be restricted, like ivory or exemption and are subject to duty counterfeits of U.S. copyrighted upon arrival. material, and it's confiscated upon Importing a Car provides entry. information on bringing a vehicle Also, the United States generally into the United States. It prohibits imports from several discusses required documentation, countries. The Customs Service duties and taxes, emission 'confiscates items made in these standards and who can ship a countries even if they were vehicle back to the United States purchased legally in a third duty-free. Customs officials nation-for instance, Cuban cigars recommend contacting the bought in Europe. The prohibition Environmental Protection Agency affects the Republic of Yugoslavia, and Department of Transportation Cuba, Libya, Iraq, Iran and North for their requirements. Korea, and the list is subject to Highlights for Government change. Personnel talks about military The U.S. Customs Service and civilian personnel stationed publishes free pamphlets to help overseas who receive orders with the ins and outs of customs returning them to the United travel, which include personal States. Under special provisions, exemptions, duty-free imports, personal and household effects are gifts, prohibited items and duty- and tax-free. shipping hints. Customs officials Subjects addressed in the said several that make travel and pamphlet include accompanied and moving easier, especially for DoD unaccompanied baggage, personnel, are U.S. Customs automobiles, customs declaration, Pocket Hints, Know Before You and prohibited and restricted Go, Importing a Car and U.S. imports. Firearms, pets, foods, Customs Highlights for medicines and trademarked items are also discussed. Government Personnel-Civilian Cpl. W.D.G. khans( and Military. Customs rules may change after Pocket Hints offers a quick pamphlet publication, said Reading: A lesson well learned rundown on restricted and Customs Service officials. If you have specific questions or would, prohibited items, personal Megan R. and brother Justin L. Fernando were awarded certificates for being the top readers In this summer's Reading Program. Four-year- like to know if there are changes, exemptions and customs old Megan read 310 books this summer. "My favorite book was 'Danny and the Dinosaur.' I love books with dinosaurs and whales," Megan call the nearest U.S. declarations. The pamphlet offers district said. Two-year-old Justin, with the help of his sister and mother, Sharon K. Fernando, read 270 books. "I love helicopters!" Justin declared. tips such as registering foreign- Customs Service office. If customs questions The Summer Reading Program started June 16 and went to Aug. 4. The certificates were presented by librarian Kathleen O'Conner at the made items and their serial develop while traveling Station Library Aug. 18. When told that she and Justin would receive certificates, Megan declared, "Readers are winners," numbers with the Customs Service abroad, check with the local U.S. before leaving the United States. embassy or consulate for Families traveling together can assistance. prepare a joint customs If you'd like a copy of any or declaration, with children having all of these pamphlets, send your the same exemptions as adults. name and address, along with the The only difference, according to pamphlet title, on a postcard to: PLAY PAINTBALL the pamphlet, is that children U.S. Customs Service, P.O. Box cannot declare or use the 7407, Washington, DC 20044. COLAVUIZY cri2EASH AT KUALOA RANCH! "1:...mittii's little country oili store' Military & Civilian Welcome!: U.S.A. Crafted Call For Moro Info A ItosorvaHons 525.1854/ fax 732.4279 clecorfAtiJe accessories 05 & UPCOMING TOURNAMENTS AUGUST 28TH 0,141 6, exc. - tt ()lc:5 7 Man Open Class Speedball 5 Man 12 Gram Srockgun PAMPER YOURSELF TODAY! I Open 7 Days "Lose 4 to 14 permanent inches in 1 hour!" rr Hawaii's Leader In Action Pursuit Games! c aiS LAIRIORA StRatlina Snuare.V.Juluit European Cellulite & Contour Creme was Body wrap scientifically formulated in 1961. The 20;1-4344 ISLAND PAINTBALL SPORTS, INC. Thermogenetic cream stimulates W/FREE $65. ->,qp 44 - 225 QUEEN STREET, SUITE 171-I, HONOLUU-/ HAWAII 96813 circulation in fat cells, increases metabolism, (#. ioo Deep Pore Facial 4. which aids in cellulite & fat reduction, toning Op flabby skin, eliminating excess body fluids, IHOME CARE N lifting and reshaping problem CONTOUR areas. Waste LOTION B oz. (FAT) is burned up and or eliminated $26N through your natural elimination organs. Coupon expires 9/3/93 8 FAT BURNER AVAILABLE (5 Week Supply) $39.95 1 Life Styles Beauty Health Center 2364400 American Sayings Bank Bldg. 45-955 Kam Hwy., e3o6 mo.-sn ay Appt. Play With The Best... KOOLAU GOLF COURSE


Minerni Group (USA), Inc. 00 5550 Kionaole Road Kaneohe Todiye's Ctiirovicltet A S cialist At LAW OFFICES OF ment, Whether you're the type who your athletic regimen or fitness pro- works out everyday or sunplyjumps basketball franchises have it Doctor of Chiropractic is widely gram beyond your limits from time JOSEPH P.H. AHUNA, JR. into an occasional weekend scrim- Chiropractor on the team. Golf and recognized as the expert at helping to time, take your aches, pains and mage, it may he only a matter of time tennis professionals now use the body's muscular, skeletal and strains to today's Chiropractor. before you get injured. chiropractic care to boost peak 'tenons systems work together Nobody knows the field better.

And, it's only a matter of time before performance. And virtually every I . harmoniously 1 he approach relics on you'll see a Doctor of Chiropractic. Olympic team utilizes thimpractic tht body's own self-healing powers. Chiropractic. Health Care CALL IF YOU ARE: You'll he in very good company cam No drug.. No needles. No surgery For Every Body. injured In an Auto Accident lust ask the pros. Most football and Surprised? You shouldni he. You tin it you have a tendency to push Injured at Work Suffering from Personal Injury Dr. Jamie Phillips and Dr. Rex Weigel Covered Insurance bdZ'ie FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Enchanted Lake Chiropractic NO FEE FOR REPRESENTATION UNLESS YOUR CASE IS DECIDED (808) 262-5555 IN YOUR FAVOR 235-4000 Joseph P.H. Ahuna, Jr. Attorney At Law America's young military and their families Services YMCA, 5215, 6225 Brandon Avenue, There are a Million desperately need our support-and yours! Springfield, Virginia 22150-2510. The Castle Professional Center For 130 years the Armed Services Y has served those who serve America, but the If you'd like to do more, call Dick Director, at 46-001 Kamehameha Hwy., Suite 101 need has never been greater than now. Stotz, National Executive Reasons to Give 703-866-1260 KANEOHE HAWAII Mall your donation today to: The Armed August 19, 1993 Hawaii Marine 14 Commissary chief looks to protect benefit benefits, it allows us to capture I'm not prepared to do that right will run the test at the installation. By Jim Garamone those sales and keep the now," Beale said. First, Ans trust the agency The base, on the 1988 base closure fund robust," Beale said. "The wants to field its interim business he commissary benefit list, will close, leaving retirees and "Protecting the benefit" is the trust fund, of course, pays for a system, which Beale estimates will reservists in the Dallas-Fort Worth phrase Army MGen. Richard Beale fairly significant part of our save $18 million. The agency is certainly under the greatest area without a commissary or uses to describe his moves to operations." inherited 27 different types of exchange. "The intent of the business improve customer service at the Keeping the fund "robust" means systems from the services. scrutiny in my 29 years Carswell test ... will provide an Defense Commissary Agency. Congress could appropriate less "Frankly, it costs us quite a bit alternative to zero in communities money to fund commissary of money to splice them all of service. 9 9 Army MGen. Richard Beale faced with a base closure," Beale Beale, 50, is agency director, operations. together," he said. Defense Commissary Agency Director and protecting the benefit is his The new system said. lodestar. Beale sees a spin-off benefit. should be in place by the end of "There is a direct correlation fiscal. year 1994. Like the pilot program in "The commissary benefit is between shoppers in the Beale is also looking at the affected will understand what we servicemembers would have to Germany, AAFES will charge cost, certainly under the greatest commissary and shoppers in the possibility of closing some low- are doing in the long run is saving drive across town to Patch plus 5 percent for edibles. scrutiny in my 29 years of service," exchange system," he said. Profits sales, high-cost stores. The agency the benefit for the majority." Barracks. Nonedible items currently sold in he said during an interview. realized in the exchanges go to will do this only in areas where Troop reductions in Europe are Beale said the agency is looking the commissary will revert to To protect the benefit, Beale the morale, welfare and recreation larger stores are still convenient an ongoing challenge. The agency at whether it must reduce AAFES prices. "It doesn't give advocates expanding commissary coffers of the services. for shoppers. and the Army and Air Force operations in smaller outlying the beneficiary quite the same privileges for the reserves. He Taxpayers paid $1.129 billion "I cite three specific stores: Pope Exchange Service have a pilot communities in Europe. "Again, benefit as pre-closure," Beale said. will also scrub the commissary for the agency this year. Beale Air Force Base, N.C.; Edgewood program at Robinson Barracks in it will depend on where those "On the other hand, it's still a system looking for savings. Beale said this amount has to come Arsenal, Md.; and Yorktown Naval Stuttgart, Germany. "We've communities are in relation to the substantial savings on edibles, and said that as a last resort, he may down if the benefit is to survive. Weapons Station, Va.," he said. combined the commissary and larger communities. We'd be more AAFES will be able to beat the have to close some stores. Beale He said the merge of the service Closing these stores would have exchange operation into what we reluctant to close facilities overseas commercial market." also spoke about a test of a commissary systems has already little impact on patrons, he said, call a 'Comex,"' Beale said. "Most than in the continental United Beale warned not to expect combined commissary and yielded savings, but more needs but would realize significant items that were sold in the States because folks overseas have more from the test than intended. exchange at Carswell Air Force to be done. The DoD inspector savings to the taxpayer. Pope commissary will still be sold under no alternative." "If, in fact, it's successful, does Base, Texas. general recommended combining patrons, for example, would drive commissary pricing guidance. There are stateside communities that mean the commissaries will Currently, reserve component commissary regions and reducing five minutes to the Fort Bragg Other items will increase to where commissaries are closing be rolled into the exchange services members are limited to 12 the number from seven to four. commissary. variable AAFES pricing - such along with the installation. entirely?" he asked. "No. We commissary shopping trips in a Officials estimate this will save $5 "I hope it doesn't come to that," as cigarettes, health and beauty Providing an "alternative to zero" have a perfectly good system now. calendar year. "If you take the million. he said. "If it does, I hope the aids and some household goods." is the aim of a test at Carswell This is only for communities where strings off and give them full "That's probably realistic, but patrons and local commanders Without the combined facility, Air Force Base, Texas. AAFES bases are closing."

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There were 16 females and 14 Timothy Wolfe, a senior at Radford By Sgt. Paul Schneider males in grades 10-12 who High School. participated in the program. As total, the Radford "I'm planning on going into the part of that Wolfe said. "I'm trying to Marine Barracks Hawaii looked NJROTC invited three kids from Army," and sounded a little like boot camp and two get into ROTC, but if I can't I Leilehua High School will just enlist." Aug. 9-13, but the men and women from Campbell High School to running around like recruits join the course. Wolfe liked the school, but he weren't Marines. In fact, they was a little disappointed that the weren't even in the military - The students participated in Marines didn't give them full they were high school students. classes like drill, first aid, PT, Marine training. The students from the Naval leadership, counselling, swim training, public speaking, and During the week, the Barracks Junior Reserve Officer Training Marines really noticed Corps at Radford High School were inspections. changes in visiting the Marine Barracks for the way the students acted and Besides the personnel from what they could do. a one-week leadership school. Marine Barracks, Marines and Barracks personnel supported sailors from MCAS Kaneohe Bay, "Several students wanted to go the leadership school by providing NAS Barbers Point and Pearl home after the first day, but they the facilities and assigning three Harbor helped with the instruction. were glad they stayed," Ray explained. "Out of 16 women, Marines to act as "drill instructors" Many of the students had mixed for the 30 students. none could do a pull up. Now they feelings about the training, since can do three or four. They really "The support from Marine high school kids on summer gained a lot of confidence in Barracks has been outstanding," vacation don't tend to move well themselves." explained retired SgtMaj. John Ah at 5 a.m. By the end of the Chick, an instructor, for the training, many were glad they The training the students NJROTC program at the school. participated. received in the leadership school "We couldn't have done this and through the NJROTC without them." "It was fun, but it's a little hard program at Radford High School Although supporting the because you have to get up early, has impressed a lot of people. program meant a little extra work have a lot of discipline and do a The school's vice principal visited for some people, they seemed to lot of PT [physical training]. But the students one day to see what like it. I think it's worth it," explained type of classes they were going "This was a learning experience Phebea Byrom, a senior from through. He said he was very for me," said Sgt. James C. Ray, Leilehua High School. She is in impressed with what he saw. Marine Barracks Hawaii, who was the Army JROTC program at the echo ol "These kids are the foundation acting as the senior drill instructor. of everything we like at school. "I liad to show a different type Byrom said the experience will JROTC really lends a lot of good of leadership with these kids." help her since she is trying to get things to our school," explained The other two "drill instructors" a scholarship to become an Army Dr. Charles Hess, vice principal, were Cpl. Jessica Misch and Sgt. doctor. Radford High School. "If all kids Edwayne Dela -Cruz, who are both Another person with hopes of were like this, we wouldn't have with Marine Barracks. pursuing a military career was any problems in America."

Sgt. Pool Schneider Students enjoy water survival training. After a class on the survival equipment an aviator has, the students plunged Into the training to practice skills and techniques they would need to survive In the water.

S John Beltran, a senior at Radford High School, suits up for avia- tion water sur- vival training In Brooks Pool at Marine Barracks Pool Schneider Hawaii. The train- ing was part of a HM2 James Grumling, from the physiology training unit at Barbers Point, gives NJROTC students Instruction week-long lead- In water survival. Grumiing was one of four Navy personnel which helped wtth the Instruction for the aviation ership school for water survival training. Other Instructors not pictured were, Navy Lt. Ken Green, air medical safety officer, MAG- the Radford High 24, who put the training together; HMI Donald Bergeron, MAG-24 Safety Office; and HM3 Drew Garcia, SOMS. School NJROTC program. t.'" "' 0 O a 0 00 0 0 a° IQs for2 ::o a 7)Fearn cSZ/cds Mental illness has warning signs, too. tirANNIVIERS/Alf SIPIttlAIE For a free booklet about mental Illness, call : We're Celebrating l-800-969-NMHA. For You! Learn to see the warning signs. 0 National Mental Health Association El For a limited time only, take advantage .4 of the lowest sitting fee ..,

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Koolau Baptist Church International terrorism 45-633 Keneke St. Kaneohe, III 96744 threat continues to grow 247.5442 SERVICES .jicar,w,-,71F. A' and increased international Sunday By MSgt. Linda Lee, USA cooperation. "International Sunday School 9,45ain ARS terrorism requires an international Morning Worship 10:45am response, as well as the concerted Evening S,-nce 6,30pia Just a few years ago, terrorism efforts of individual nations," said Wednesday seemed on the way out as money, Locher. "Working through, and Prayer Meeting 7:00011 weapons, training and sanctuaries within, our established alliances Mowry Available For All Si.mii.tvi disappeared, said James Locher. and international relationships, the was a time of optimism, as United States can step up the Koolau Baptist Church Academy It deter and thwart Cold War ended efforts required to Grades K-12 the and future terrorist activities." communist support of terrorism Military Welcome! dried up, said Locher, former assistant secretary of defense for The United States and other operations and low democratic nations must be special prepared to take unilateral action intensity conflict. He recently in in spoke the fifth annual DoD response to serious terrorist at threats, but only after cooperative worldwide combating terrorism actions have failed, Locher conference in Norfolk, Va. stressed. AIRFAREPLE. Peaceful elections replaced decades of strife throughout the Terrorism's challenges include world, civil wars ended and peace the spread of sophisticated civAouvi.8394039 talks were beginning in the Middle technology for the manufacture of East. hThroughout the world, weapons of mass destruction. White Knights shine in '92 causes that had bred violence for Locher also cited the ease of years were, it seemed, on their making chemical and biological Los Angeles Although 'Friday the 13th' is considered by many to be a dreadful day, it turned out to be a good way to resolution," said Locher. weapons, vulnerability of today's day for the White Knights of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron-165. In a recent awards ceremony, urban society, and the uncertain FROM LtCol. Gary Giso lo, HMM-165's commanding officer was pleased to accept the Chief on Naval Operations But the peaceful resolutions control over the nuclear and Aviation Safely Award on behalf of the White Knights. Col. Robert Flanagan, Marine Aircraft Group-24's never happened. Civil wars broke chemical weapons that belonged $2490 commanding officer, presented the well-deserved award to HMM-165 for significant events that occurred out, governments and political to the Soviet Union. in 1992. On top of having Marines deployed to several different sites, simultaneously, the White Knights groups reverted to type, peace talks flew through 1992 without a single mishap. barely survived from day to day, Also worrisome, he said, is the he said. New conflicts, such as continuing spread of ethnic, San Francisco ethnic strife and open warfare in religious and nationalist violence many parts of the former Soviet throughout the world. "There are FROM FROM Union and its satellite countries, at least 44 ethnic and regional have quickly spread. For the first conflicts of varying intensity in Benefits of quitting time in years, the United States progress around the world," he $2490/W V95 R T experienced a major terrorist said, "many of which are Edtor's note: The information Within 12 hours after you have heart attack, the risk of subsequent attack, with the bombing of the generating terrorist activities of source for this article was The your last cigarette, your body will heart attacks is halved by stopping World Trade Center in New York varying degrees of intensity." Travis Smoking Cessation Pro- begin to heal itself. The levels smoking. There also is a decreased City. Numerous new terrorist groups are San Diego gram and the National Institues of carbon monoxide and nicotine risk of blood clots, a decrease in getting their start in these of Health Publication No. 92-1647. in your system will decline rapidly, blood pressure and fall in pulse It is obvious, said Locher, that conflicts. and your heart and lungs will rate. low-intensity conflict in all of its FROM $379 R begin to repair the damage caused Lungs: Immediate benefit of forms will be with the world for Another challenge is getting the BUMED WASHINGTON by cigarette smoke. breathing easier. Some may cough a long time to come. Terrorists actual proof that a country (NSMN) - Quitting smoking isn't Within a few days, you'll more at first because of have changed over the years, going sponsors terrorism. Plus, if proof easy, but it's not impossible either. probably begin to notice some rejuvenation of the cells lining the from dangerous amateurs to even is actually found, there are few Seattle More than three million Americans additional changes in your body. lungs and the associated cilia, more deadly professionals. options that can be taken against year. Be aware that some specific which clean the lungs. This is quit every The following are the guilty party, short of a military FROM R T withdrawal symptoms are changes you might expect: a sign of recovery and is "In their need to shock, to horrify attack. Trade sanctions are $395 temporary, usually lasting only Eyes: Increased color vision with temporary. Decreased risk of and to capture headlines, they possible, but as evidenced by those one to two weeks. The first week brighter color perception. pneumonia and bronchitis. have grown more lethal with the in place against Iraq and Serbia, after quitting is the hardest time, Improved night vision. Steadily decreased risk of lung passing of time," he said. "They they don't work very well. when withdrawal symptoms are Nose: Improved sense of smell cancer that will reach nonsmokers' have adapted their tactics to meet Portland the strongest. Smoking is a habit, and taste, since taste comes mostly level after 10 years of abstinence. whatever countermeasures we have Locher said it is sometimes but a habit you can break. Realize from smell. Fewer colds and Decreased risk of chronic been able to devise." tempting to turn the terrorists' FROM$4 pulmonary disease. them. In that most successful ex-smokers allergy problems. Some may obstructive there have been victories own methods against quit for good only after several experience a few weeks of For people with emphysema or Yet doing that, however, he believes may be one of bronchitis, some smoking against terrorists. Airplane it is giving the terrorist a moral attempts. You increased nasal drainage, as chronic hijackings have been abandoned, those who can quit your first try. sinuses start cleaning themselves damage will be permanent, but victory that cannot be won by Minneapolis give up. be damage for the most part, because of force. No matter how tempting it If you're not, don't Try with refunctioning cilia. there will less ongoing FROM again. Mouth: Reawakened taste buds. than if one continued smoking. increased security. Individual may be to use fire against fire, i FROM Immediately after quitting, many Sharpened appetite. Decreased Carbon monoxide level drops form terrorists have been captured, tried he said, counterterrorism must be ex-smokers experience "symptoms 7-9 to 1-2 percent within and convicted as common on moral 0 w T chance of mouth, tongue and voice percent A international based civilization's $367 $567 of recovery" such as temporary box (larynx) cancer. Cleaner teeth eight hours. criminals. joint heritage. retention, irregularity and of senility effort against terrorism, stressing fluid with less gum disease. Fresher Brain: Decreased risk information dry, sore gums or tongue. You breath. or alzheimer's disease. Increased common policy and A key to understanding how may feel edgy, hungry, more tired Skin: Wrinkles and "crow's feel" blood and oxygen flow to the brain; sharing, continues to develop. terrorism works and why it is Detroit and more short tempered than become less pronounced. Skin less risk of stroke. Current U.S. policy allows no successful is to remember that "the FROM FROM usual, have trouble sleeping and ages slower after quitting. Fertility: Increased male and concessions to terrorists. Plus, he infliction of terror on innocent notice that you're coughing a lot. Heart: Within one year of female fertility. people is still often the weapon of said, "whenever evidence is clear $3670w $567 R I These symptoms are the result of quitting smoking, the risk of Vascular: Increased circulation enough to allow us to act, we choice for those who cannot accept your body clearing itself of coronary heart disease decreases and warmth to extremities. identify and punish states that the risk, or the cost, of open war," nicotine, a powerful addictive 60 percent. It continues to decrease GI Tract: Decreased risk of sponsor terrorist acts against us." said Locher. "What makes chemical. Most nicotine is gone for the next 10 years, until the ulcers; faster ulcer healing time. Time, diplomacy and the long arm terrorism qualitatively different from the body in two to three is the same Pregnancy: Decreased risk of today is the greater ease with New York risk of a heart attack of the law will usually succeed in FROM FROM days. It's important to understand as for someone who has never spontaneous abortion; increased bringing terrorists to justice, he which modern technology enables that the unpleasant after-effects smoked. For premenopausal chance of a healthy baby. added. a terrorist organization or state to of quitting are only temporary and women, the risk decreases to that Mortality: Decreased risk of wreak havoc on the lives of $379 0 w $599R T signal the beginning of a healthier ofthe nonsmoking population after premature death. Better chance However, changing terrorist millions and instill fear among life. just one year. Even after one of surviving major surgery. challenges require innovate efforts many more." Boston FROM FROM

WEALTH WITHOUT RISK 0/0' P Tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck? Washington, D.C. There is an alternative. You owe it to yourself and FROM FROM your family to take control of your financial future. AN DAMME 0 DO IT NOW!!! $379 $599R Take this opportunity and call 623-5280 (Military/Student discount available) Don't hunt Chicago J. Givens COCharlesShare the Wealth what you $367 0 $5678 T Independent -Representative can't kill. Dallas FROM tROM

0 W S FRP11104,fjpi :Flit! Dm $367 $5998/T . AJEMI1RM Atlanta O FROM FROM Compleee I 95 T $379 0/W $599R M Dinners from Cheese from 1 hr -1, FAIT, Friihu I- I 0:301,m !I Orlando FROM FROM E LUNCHES i 495 I I am- i pm 111 $379 0/W $5199 R T P WEDNESW 4 Malta' Miami FROM FROM


FrfL MOSOEOIANIANI SAM OAINO EilIBERI 'APR CNOCN PEAREIER JAAIESJAM RUM A PCOVCNTI442AL 1/2 PRICE! lento 4,9, Mauls RI rifirillif JONI° ONNEOSAREEASJ.--i7A, ArAP6 PUPU OUT AT SOMEPLACE ELSE! TpAvEL C oncontlit tonally gottratIt ea our fond & sarttiet." 3229 503paka St HMI 141 %RN iBe!tinct Plaza Hotel Off Ninial 33 AtaiPl) e St: OFFICE HOURS E (Next to izza Hut) Monday then Ericlay 9 am ro som Militia Opens August 20th At A Theatre Near You. saturnav 9,1m to tom 263-8833 E L S PHONE 839-0039 FAX 833 9942 A10 Hawaii Marine August 19, 1993 MWSS-174 reaches 450 accident-free hours

people think anybody can drive, operating that truck, but it also By Sgt. Lou Ramirez but it's completely different when increases the readiness of the 5I %RINK you get behind the seat of a truck equipment. Marine Wing Support Squadron- or an LVS (logistics vehicle Our equipment is up 95 percent 174 Motor Transport proudly system). What makes it even of the time. This not only allows displayed its 450th incident/ harder is that these 21., 23-year us to support our units, but we accident free day on their safety old Marines are responsible for also provide support for others board. transporting million dollar such as Brigade Service Support, This is a difficult task to engines," Daily said. Group-1,1/12 Marines, 3d Marines accomplish. For the Marines of The responsibility for training and let Radio Battalion," Daily MWSS-174 the achievement came rests with good noncommisioned- said with their hard work and officer leadership, explained Daily. Daily explained that the support dedication. Motor transport Marines do not received from the maintenance During these 450 days, more stop learning once they complete department is a direct reflection than 155,500 miles were traveled their formal schooling. Training on their operation readiness. and more than 3,258,800 pounds continues to be part of their "Without maintenance and us of cargo were transported. everyday routine. working together, our readiness ..nelteninee "One thing that has helped out, percentages would be considerably Motivation, dedication and lower," attention to detail by the '174 has been our daily safety brief. he said. "It just wouldn't Marines made this possible, At each brief we give different work." according to SSgt. Melvin Daily, information on how to continue to Daily explained that although operate safely," Daily said. their main concern is to keep motor transport chief. operation readiness, the Marines "All we are doing is our job," Another thing that Daily from MWSS-174 are Marines first. Daily said. attributes to the safety awareness "My Marines come to work "One of the main reasons I think of the motor transport Marines is squared away everyday, even it has been possible to atay the fact that each Marine is totally though they know their hands accident free for such a long period dedicated to his own truck. will get greasy. It is important to is because my Marines are This not only provides for a them to look sharp all the time," constantly taught how to be safer environment, because the Daily said. "I think, right now our operators, not just drivers. Many Marines know they will be shop is the best it's ever been."

Sgt. Lou RornIlia PFC Troy Frazier is raising the hood on a M923 5 ton truck to check the radiator fan.

PFC Tonya McCollum is per- forming an opertions check on a M998'HMMWV.

5g1. Lou Romirex PFC Denny Bagby and PFC Troy Frazier are checking the system on a 5 ton truck.

SHIRLEY DEVARIS Attorney at Law JR, ROB SCHNEIDER LIE DIVORCE ERNIE REYES, * MILITARY * Low fees for uncontested Support Custody Visitation GENERAL BUSINESS LAW CAR RENTALS International Transactions ESTATES SERVING ALL ARMED FORCES Trusts 'Wills Probate SURF'S UPI LOW, LOW MILITARY RATES FREE /N/ /, CONS/ /HA T/ONS TIME TO SAVE Evening & Weekend Hours OM Kalaheo Ave., RC-210, Kalil 24 HOUR DROP OFF THE WORLD. With FREE Transportation To Airport Member Al3A & ASII, 254-3345 "The Company with a Difference" RESUMES and SF171's WE COST LESS Guaranteed "lowest Rates" All Island Reservations Military Specialist - so you don't have to keep explaining Cash Rentals All Major Credit cards Accepted all your terminology Lowest Rates Trucks Unlimited Free Mileage Jeeps, Award Winning Writer - to put you in the best possible light Vans, Convertibles Free Airport Area Pick-up & Laser Set Availability - to set you out in a crowd. Delivery Military Rotes MasterCard & Visa Accepted 'WE EXTEND MILITARY DISCOUNTS TO FAMILY MEMBERS & HOUSE GUESTS COMPLETE SUBCOMPACTS FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY BUSINESS FAST ALL-ISLAND RESERVATIONS AIEA SERVICES 488-2800 gm+ (808)834-8888 7:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m., Monday-Saturday a 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday We'll Beat Any Quoted Rate For Car of Some Year & Type

Pick-up points at: KO Honolulu Airport, Hickam A.F.B., Pearl Harbor, Tripler A.M.C., and Fort Shaper All MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CASH RENTALS WI Prices subject to change without notice. Subject to Age Requirement. Unlimited FREE Milea e Many Locker Sizes 'Ar MILITARY TRAVEL CENTER NEW ODYSSEY TRAVEL Available TODAY! LOCKERS WE HANDLE: 7 NSTANI RESERVATIONS MAINIAND LOWEST FARES AVAILABLE INIER-ISLAND WE SELL IN LARGE VOLUME AND High -Tech Security MIUTARY FARES PASS THE SAVINGS ON TO YOU. NOW!! WITENATIONAL Insiont Reservations II Ouirli Airport Se. se Low Rates ilintionill1143E1111 lasifiesh dint W. understand Discount Porkos to All Mops, Military need, Nest Coo" Cities indavasiellInauminkitudriland11111111011 and will sow, Stii Pocking Specials LPLANNING Sonlot CiNcso Discount Travel REE TRAV yen moony! Rigmettmfall1110111140119,..,,.irciApiiii Fully Coretecterlasd Mailbox Rentals Mailing Services Korricueno Discounted Fore, Rusiness Dowd Service No 1 our, FAX Service Cardboard Box Sales Vol s KAHALA 8-PLEX All Major Ctadit Cords 11100 Pols romorrow PEARLRIDGE WEST No Amses OPEN 7 LOWEST FAIRS DUALITY DAYS A WEEK vat. AIKAHI TWINS NoPosses wancsou 924-8888 LIPHAUL loin How,ow MILILANI 3-PLEX No Paws .ono 836-0000 AIRPORT 833-2111 CENTER NOW OPEN! 262-6573 NANAKULI THEATRE No'n Featuring. U HAUL trucks and a complete line of packing and moving supplies. KAILUA MINI STORAGE Until there's a cure, there's the American Diabetes Association.A tiTIblitanons 150 Hamakua Drive, Kailua 261-4805 or 261-1137 August 19, 1993 Hawaii Marine A-11

learning experiences prior to health care, craft and hobby kindergarten. Children learn Vehicle Sale classes, business opportunities, fundamentals such as letter and The U.S. General Services volunteer organizations, and Haircut prices to Briefs number recognition, colors, shapes, Administration (GSA) will conduct facilities available aboard the base. songs and stories. There is also a public spot bid sale of 50 used There will be free pupus and Red Cross structured indoor and outdoor play. government vehicles Friday, Aug. coffee, with door prizes given away Classes are held Mondays and 20, beginning at 10 a.m. at the every 15 minutes. Aloha Books increase at K-Bay Remember Andrew, Omar and Wednesdays. Fees are reasonable. GSA, Fleet Management Center, will be given to anyone who joins Iniki? The flood of '93? The The child must be 3 years and 3 vacant lot, Loop Road, Shafter the club. American Red Cross does! Join months old. Flats, Fort Shafter. For more information, contact By Sgt. Lou Ramirez Sol 901100 the MCAS Kaneohe Disaster 254- Vehicles being sold include classes For more information, call Marty Crawford at 254-2994. Team. There will be three 4719. sedans, station wagons, pickup held in September. Open to trucks, passenger vans, 4X4 Blazer, Station will military, retired and civilians. Haircut prices on Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Air 4X4 Jeep Cherokees and 4X4 Parents w/o Paitners increase from $4.25 to $4.75 Sept. 1. The American Red Cross will be At the Movies crewcab pickup trucks. A Parents without Partners will still Aid Even though the price will increase by 50 cents, it holding a Standard First Every Monday night, through Interested buyers may inspect dance will be held Saturday from the surrounding military installations, Sept. 4. remain lower than those in August, at 7 p.m. the Chaplain's the vehicles today from 9 a.m.-3 8 p.m.-1 a.m. at the Fort Shafter where their prices range from a quarter to 75 cents more. For more information, call 257- office of 3d Marines is offering a p.m. NCO Club. There will be DJ music, the prices into parity 3150. "We raised the prices in order to bring free movie at the KMCAS Chapel. For more information, call 541- door prizes, free pupus and a no with other services and make us compatible. We want to be The movies are open to all 1972. host bar for $15. able to pay our barbers more so that we can attract more ASYMCA interested Marines, sailors and For more information, call 262- qualified barbers," explained Tim Hudson, Moral Welfare and special 6442/7441. Waiting Wivesand time for dependents, with a Marine Recreation deputy director. invitation to the Marines and Band "We noticed a barber shortage, but because of the current me-Is your spouse deployed? You living in the barracks. The Wildest Show in Town at and your family will meet special sailors pricing structure, we were not competitive," he said. For more information, call 257- the Honolulu Zoo continues Volunteers needed "The price increase is really not that bad," said Capt. Tim challenges during these months. 2686. Wednesday with the MARFOR- The Aviation/Aerospace station I Learn skills and share ideas with Cravens, a barber shop customer. "At my last duty PAC Band performing. The Show Museum is looking for responsible had to pay $5.25 for a haircut." others to make this a happier, begins at 6 p.m., with free individuals to volunteer their time time. Meetings The price increase may mean Marines will have to pay a few healthier productive admission to the zoo after 5:05 and talents with the museum. mean a change for begin Tuesday from 10 a.m.-noon FSC programs cents more for a haircut, but it may also p.m. Positions are available in the the better. Kids and parents can feed the The Family Service Center offers business office, archives and tour mean more barbers, ducks and fish during a visit to support program every Making MWR more competitive may a parent desk decreasing the haircut waiting time. the Japanese gardens and Tuesday from 8-8 p.m. A children's OWC For more information, contact ponds surrounding the historic group meets at the same time The Kaneohe Officer Wives Club Chris Turco at 830-0777. Byodo-In Temple scheduled apart from the parents. invites all officer wives to their for Aug. 27. The admission The Family Service Center also annual Aloha Sign-up Coffee. The and Japan. to host a high school student. price is $1 for adults and 75 offers a Women's Self- event will be held Sept. 9, from Host families For more information, call 521- There are two more students, both cents for children. Trans- Empowerment Program e v e ry 7-9 p.m. at the MCAS Kaneohe The International Hospitality 3554. boys, that need a family for the portation will be provided. Thursday from 3-5 p.m. The Officers' Club on the lower lanai. Center is seeking volunteer Host academic school year. They will Sign up now for the Sept. 14- program focuses on safety, Numerous exhibitors from the Families for two days to two weeks attend the high school in the host Oct. 18 class for 34, 45 assertiveness, self esteem, anger MWR department, nearby during August and September. The Student exchange family's district. Playschool Enrichment and stress management. Call businesses, and private sources will families will be hosting high school The Academic Year in America Program. Designed to provide Diane at 257.3655 for more be available. and college students from France, Foreign Student Exchange For more information, call Sasha your child with meaningful information. Information will be offered about Germany, Switzerland, Venezuela Program needs two more families Emlyn-Airesse at 734.7376/7422.

LCpl. M.W. Ruebel Cpl. K. Auger HMS Cpl. D.G. Warren Sgt. M.J. Kosanovich LCpI. R.J. Sauceda Cpl. K. Joffrion Welcome Aboard Cpl. M.H. Cha Sgt. L.L. Sweet Salutes LCpI. T.G. Voorhees LCpl. S. Broome Cpl. W.D.G. Schaner Cpl. T.F. Winward 1st Radio Bn. PFC V. Torres Jr. ' LCpl. B. Chmielewsky Cpl. D.B. Person Navy Achievement Medal Compiled by PFC Timothy Lacey Good Conduct Medal LCpl. N. Clark Cpl. F.F. Cruz GySgt. M.S. Ano Sgt. T.F. Retallick LCpl. M. Davis 2nd Bn., 3rd Marines Cpl. M.M. McLellan Promotions H&S Co., 1st MEB Sgt. J.B. Larson LCpl. N. Freier Graduated NCO Basic Course Cpl. J.D. Brookshire GySgt. E. Cabanvazques LCpl. J. Lewis Cpl. M.R. Vigilant Cpl. A.M. Olter . Certificate of Commendation Navy Achievement Medals Cpl. A.H. Dominguez SSgt. C.L. Hall 1st Bn., 12th Marines LCpI. M. Ortiz Jr. Cpl. S.L. Druekhammer Sgt. A.E. Hazlett Promotions LCpI. P. Phillips Cpl. S.L. Slawson Cpl. M.J. Merchant Week's high shooters, SSgt. Bertreum Cpl. Sgt. J. Armstead Jr. Cpl. L. Brewer LCpI. D. Ramirez J.H. Geffert Cpl. B.D. Smith July 27-Aug. 1 '93 Promotions Cpl. K. Joffrion LCpl. I. Rodriguess Cpl. E.C. Sepelak Cpl. E.E. Butler Rifle, KD Course - 236scored GySgt. M.A. Torres LCpl. F. Coffey LCpl. R. Wasuk Cpl. B.J. Graham by Sgt. G.L. Johnson of H&S Co., K. Sgt. D.W. Dvenow LCpI. D. Denault PFC Linch Cpl. E.E. Overfelt 3/3 Certificate of Commendation LCpl. S. Ensminger PFC B. Tejada Cpl. K.E. Mear 9mm Pistol Course - 371 LCpl. M.J. Selke LCpI. J. Ford Cpl. M.L. Byrd HMH-483 scored by Maj. D. Grisier of H&S LCpI. L. Kern 2nd En., 12th Marines Cpl. T.R. Worden Navy Achievement Medal Co. 3/3 Welcome Aboards Wojcik 2ridLt. S.L. Fisher LCpl. C. Tylenda Meritorious Mast Cpl. R.O. McGuire GySgt. D.A. .45 Caliber Pistol - 332 scored Sgt. J.H. Parham LCpl. S. Weeks LCpl.T.P. Omalley Cpl. D.P. Crawley Promotions by SSgt. D.A. Richards of H&HS LCpl. L.J. Crist Cpl. J.J. Haccou GySgt. D.A. Wojcik Week's high shooters, B Co., 7th Comm. LCpl. M.D. Davis Cpl. J.E. Langston Sgt. K.C. Cullen Aug. 4-8 '93 Promotions LCpl. J.B. Edwards HMM-185 Cpl. S.T. Pfeiffer Cpl. C.L. Walls Rifle, KD Course - 235scored Cpl. M. Perez LCpl. C.L. Monson Promotions Cpl. P. Diazmorales Meritorious Mast by GySgt. K.L. Jordan of H&HS LCpI. B.J. Blythe LCpl. D.J. LittleOwl Capt. B.E. Fagan Cpl. D.C. Thorpe Cpl. C.L. Walls 9mm Pistol Course - 371 LCpl. H. Escobedo LCpI. V.G. Varra Capt. R.C. Martinez Cpl. C.G. Pagano Cpl. D.W. Jordan scored by Capt. W.C. Grammer of LCpl. D.A. Lamcaster PFC C. Pepe Capt. R.L. Stephenson Cpl. R.G. Stricklett Cpl. M.T. Ware MWSS174 LCpl. M.E. Larose PFC B.P. Hass Sgt. A.G. Lintzeris Cpl. E.L. Townes Cpl. K.G. Cleveland .45 Caliber Pistol - 354 scored LCpI. R.J. Rodriqoessayas Meritorious Masts Cpl. J.J. Coria Cpl. L. Arambula LCpI. S.M. Rice by LCpI. K.D. Cook of H&HS, Cpl. A. Agular LCpl. L.D. Schneider Cpl. G.F. Hernandez Good Conduct Medal PM°


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Mental illness has Withdrawal from social activities. Excessive anger. In fact, 2 out of 3 people who get help, get better. 1-8 00-989-NMHA. These could be the first warning signs of a mental illness. For a free booklet about mental illness, call the warning signs, too. Unfortunately, most of us don't recognize the signs. National Mental Health Association: Learn to see the warning signs. KMw Which is tragic. Because mental illness con be treated. 11.48 Mental Health Association in Hawat'i A-12 Hawaii Marine August 19, 1993 PAID ADVERTISEMENT 1993 CONSUMER BUSI VASS REVIEW Sake This Section. These A r A 131_1_ii 1-1L.'SSCS to 11 LISL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlhllllllllIIIII I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 ri,,ffilummounino,....inimmonum,,,,.,,,,,,..insioniiiimoo,,,llimmui IRA B. KEISMAN, Ph.D., INC. EAST WEST HEALTH CENTER Psychotherapy For Families, Couples, Byung Bae Yoo, M.D., Ph.D. (Korea), O.M.D. (Japan & Hong Individuals & Children Kong) General Surgeon-Korea Hours By Appointment Sterile Disposable Needles Phone 531-1521 Hours: Mon - Sat 10 AM to 4 PM Emergency Appointments Available The choice of a therapist can have life long consequences. Don't leave such an important - decision to chance. Phone 942 -0244 * For Emergencies & Nights 521-8434 DR. IRA B. KEISMAN features comprehensive professional psychotherapy services, Occasionally we come across profession that provides medical services relatively new to Western philosophy upholding the highest ethical standards. DR. KEISMAN's goals for his patients are to provide but, has been in practice for centuries, such as traditional Korean and Japanese medicine. One such profession is a positive approach with a variety of services; Marriage, Family, Adolescent and Child ACUPUNCTURE. therapy. Hypnotherapy is available for chronic pain and guided imagery. The theory of ACUPUNCTURE rests in the thesis that illness is always accompanied or caused by DR. KEISMAN provides quality and caring treatment for diverse ailments such as disturbances or imbalances of the body's energy flow. ACUPUNCTURE seeks to restore the normal flows of energy in the energy pathways, called meridians. depression, anxiety, addiction to alcohol, substance abuse, stress, eating disorders, chronic ACUPUNCTURE is proven method of anesthesia, and has been studied seriously by Western doctors. pain, life-threatening illnesses and conflict within yourself or the family unit. DR. KEISMAN Many people do not realize that there have been numerous instances of illnesses which have not responded to endeavors to help you improve your communication, enhance relationships and resolve Western medicine that have been treated successfully with ACUPUNCTURE. DR. YO0 has found a combination conflicts in your life. You can be assured of receiving prompt attention and complete of natural herbs that has been successful in treating cancer patients. confidentiality. EAST WEST HEALTH CENTER is at 1481 S. King St., Suite 210, in the Kaheka Professional Center Bldg., In Honolulu. DR. YO0 is dedicated to providing qualified treatment for diverse ailments such as; various forms of Call 531-1521 for further information. Whatever the problems are, he is supportive as cancer, pain control, hair loss, hemorrhoids, Hodgkin's disease, Lymphoma, bad breath, addictions of smoking, well as and therapeutic features one-on-one therapy. alcoholism and drugs, stress control and many over acute or chronic problems. Insurance assignments are honored. DR. YO0 will discuss with you any of the above related problems. He's been instrumental in the growth and The editors of this 1993 CONSUMER BUSINESS REVIEW highly recommend DR. IRA B. acceptance of ACUPUNCTURE as an acceptable alternative for acute or chronic disease. KEISMAN to all of our readers. The editors of this 1993 CONSUMER BUSINESS REVIEW recommend EAST WEST HEALTH CENTER and DR. BYUNG BAE YO0 to our readers.

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II Hawaii Marine August 19,1993 Spoilts Lei ur HQ MAG-24 'Wen island Marines vie for spot from Marine Corps Air Station against the other Armed Forces In the Senior Men's Division By Joint Public Moils Office Kaneohe Bay are Lonnie R. at Maxwell Air Force Base from all three Marine Commands on Dillard and Miguel A. Ortiz. Aug. 5.10. The results were not the island were represented. intramural The competition was held Aug. From MARFORPAC is C. available at press time. Marines have been selected 8.16 at Maxwell Air Force Base, Berger. From Marine Barracks for participation in the Men's Montgomery, Ala. Results were Vying for a spot on the All- Pearl Harbor is K.B. Bullock. Armed Forces Softball not received by press time. Marine Golf Team, six Hawaii Representing KMCAS is G.E. golf champs Championships, Women's All- The composition of the Marines will participate in the Busfield. Marine slow-pitch Softball Team Women's All-Marine Slow-pitch All-Marine Golf Championships In the Open Division, 1st and the AIarine Golf Softball team included two 1st Sept. 5-11 at MCAS El Toro, MEB's J.M. McCleary will be By Sgt. Lou Ramirez Championshipt MEB Marines, Cindy R. Calif. In the Women's Division vying for a chance to play in VanYdler Selected to participate on the Hasenbalg and Mary E. MCAS Marine C.P. Fermin- the Armed Forces All-Marine Men's Softball team Richards. They too, competed Knuth will be trying for a spot. Championships. The HQ MAG-24 Golf team brought home the Intramural Golf Championship trophy Aug. 9, after beating SOMS by seven strokes at the Klipper Golf Course. William Burge, Brian Elliott and Joe Anderson brought in net K-Bay's Riano knocking 'em down scores of 72, 67 and 77 respectively. Their 216 was no match for SOMS' threesome of Jerry Bunn (83), Darrel Harrison (69) and women amateur bowlers who week of training at the United 93 champion; the 1993 Interservice and Gabe Mitch (71), for a net total of 223. U.S. Tenpin Bowling Federation competed in the U.S. National States Olympic Training Center, Champion; the Hawaii Armed MAG had an unsettling start, losing three of their first six Amateur Bowling Championships the U.S. Olympic Festival-'94 in Services Over All events, team matches while trying to find the "perfect team." After they had Aug. 7-14, at Stonehedge Place, St. Louis; the FIQ World Team winners, Interservice Team the right duffers, they won their remaining six matches, ending GREENDALE, Wis. - From a Akron, Ohio. Results were not Cup; the Tournament of Americas champions. the regular season' at 9-3, and second to SOMS' 10-2 record, field of nearly 10,000 athletes, available at press time. The top in Miami; and of course, next in the regular season standings. Freddy "Buzz" Riano of Kaneohe six men and six women from this year's U.S. National Amateur Bay Air Station, has qualified for tournament will become members Bowling Champions. The U.S. National Amateur "Once we got the perfect formula, it clicked and from then the final step of competition of the 1994 TEAM USA, and will Bowling Championships are on we didn't lose a match," said William Burge, team captain. leading to membership on TEAM represent their country in both Riano holds a 200 league conducted by USA Bowling, the The team had originally started playing with five players. By USA, the U.S. National Bowling international and domestic average, and has been active in national governing body for the the championship match, they were only playing with three; Team. competition. the sport of bowling for 12 years. sport of bowling in the United which was the minimum players allowed. Some of the local titles won by States, as recognized by the United Riano was one of 175 men The 1994 schedule includes: A Riano are the Hawaii Marine 1992- States Olympic Committee. At the end of match play, the lowest three scores from the golfers were taken, (the highest scores were discarded), and added up to get the final score. This, added to the fact that the team members are split up during match play, makes the tension increase because they can only hope and pray that the others Camp Smith kicks are playing well. "The tough thing about it, is that you don't know whether you are winning or losing," Burge said. off football season Both teams went into the championship match number one and two in league play, making it a heated battle from the By Capt. Phillip Thompson will also be a special start Deputy PAO "elimination award" for teams MARFORPAC which are eliminated. "We were head to head with SOMS the whole time," Burge All military intramural flag said. "Having only three players made it more difficult because The Camp H.M. Smith football teams are eligible. The you knew you couldn't rely on anybody else, it was your score Intramural Flag Football entry fee is $175. The that counted." League opened its 1993 season tournament will be conducted Burge explains the teams kicked off the championship match Aug. 3, at Bordelon Field. This under the Ninth Edition with a few bogies. year's league consists of four Football Rules. teams: The PMO Raiders, the For more information, The first few holes only served as a warm up, because by FMFPAC Vikings, the Supply contact John Collier, athletic the seventh tee, the birdies began to come much easier for the Steelers and the CINCPAC director, Camp H.M. Smith duffers. Cowboys. MWR, at 477-0510. The birdies didn't stop there. MAG team member Elliott, who Games are scheduled for shot an 80, a 67 after his handicap, continued golfing well, Tuesday and Friday nights at shooting a birdie on the ninth and having an impressive finish 6 and 9 p.m. Each team will with birdies on 16, 17, and 18. play 12 games, all on Bordelon Field. The season concludes Camp H.M. "We didn't start off too well, but later on we got our stuff Sept. 17. together," Elliott said. Camp Smith will also host Smith the Camp H.M. Smith Flag For Burge, who also shot a birdie at the ninth, things didn't Football Classic, a double- Intramural look so bright for the next few holes. He shot a double bogie elimination tournament to be on holes 10 and 12. held Aug. 26-29. The deadline Flag Football for entering the tournament "After that, I was thinking, 'oh no, is this is great. Here I am, Monday, or when 16 teams the team captain, and I'm going to loose the championship for Standings the team," Burge said. are registered. Cpl. ApronMalin Awards will be presented to members of the 1st and PMO Raiders 2-1 But things did change around for Burge and he also finished STREND Supply Stealers off with a birdie at 18. 2nd place teams. The 3rd and 4th place teams will each FMFPAC Vikings 2-1 "Bottomline is that we played well. It really was a great STREND testing Is becoming more popular on the Island, thanks receive team trophies. There CINCPAC Cowboys 0-3 match," Elliott said. to Ed Bugarlan's coordination of the program. From the cheap seats: A sports commentary Editor's note:Cpl. Martin is on assignment with the wrong hand, challenging for the starting broken up, the Broncos might get down to playing be home to a division champ. The signing of His commentary will resume in three weeks. position. Head coach Bruce Coelet may be one football. They won't play it too well this season, Reggie White and good draft is enough to say John Magnus is the Station Athletic Director. of the first coaches fired this year. but it sure beats lovers' quarrels.. the "Pack is Back" in the "Black and Blue" division. 5. Even a new logo, new uniforms, new head 4. With quarterbacks Jay Schroeder, Todd "I By John Magnus coach and a new quarterback won't pull the was raised to be a quarterback" Marinovich and 2. The Vikings should be playing on frozen INCAS Alherlo Oliedor Patriots from the depths of the AFC East. the off-season acquisition of Jeff Hostetler, the tundra as well, but the climate controlled dome Raiders have a surplus of guys who can 't win is their home. Coach Dennis Green did a great Ah yes, the pigskin is once again airborne and the division for them. Art Shell better watch out job in his first year, but with a knee injury to everyone has their opinion as to who will AFC Central or owner Al Davis will make another bone-head leading rusher Terry Allen and the injury-prone take it all this year. Will the alleged move and fire him. Jim McMahon at quarterback, the Vikes won't 1. Buddy's back and you're gonna be in trouble... playoffs. new/old dynasty Dallas Cowboys repeat? Will The Houston Oilers' hiring of Buddy Ryan as 5. I thought the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" make the Buffalo be able to loosen the noose from around their defensive coordinator is just what Houston was about coach Tom Flores trying to think of 3. The Buccaneers are moving up but not at its neck? Does the best quarterback of all times needs to make it to the Super Bowl. Houston ways for the Seahawks to win more than half a meteoric pace. They have capable youngsters still have what it takes to lead his new team, has a potent offense and capable defensive their games. Can Joe Montana II (A.K.A. Rick on "D", but the forever young Steve DeBerg at the Chiefs, to Super Bowl Glory? Or can the best personnel and Ryan's motivation techniques will Mirer) be the beginning of the winning in Seattle? quarterback. Coach Sam Wyche is in for another quarterback of all time's former team win without either make 'em or break 'em. Not for a few more seasons. long season. him? 4. Barry Sanders is to today's Detroit Lions 2. If Pittsburgh had a real quarterback, they what Walter Payton was to the '70's Chicago would probably go to the big show: Excellent National Football Bears. A one man show! Sanders is an exceptional coaching and several overachievers make the talent, but the Lions don't have much else. American Football Steelers very competitive, but quarterback Neil Conference O'Donnell hasn't proved he can win consistently NFC East 5. Speaking of not having much else, the Bears Conference Yet. defense is slow, the offense unimaginative, and 1. Until Joe Gibbs announced his retirement,. the heart and soul of Bear's football, Mike Ditka AFC East 3. Another leading contender in the "first coach I had the Washington Redskins going to the and Mike Singletary are gone. Chicago's hoping to get fired" sweepstakes is Cleveland's Bill Super Bowl in Atlanta. Gibbs was a genius, but for a top draft pick in '94. 1. With quarterback Dan Marino and a Belichick. These "Brownies" just don't have hey, new coach Richie Petibon learned from the gradually improving defense, the Miami Dolphins weapons, and the quarterbacks are quick as genius for years. I still think the Skins will go are determined to get back to the Super Bowl. molasses. to the Super Bowl and win! NFC West The offense has a dangerous receiving corps to 2. I have never liked the Dallas Cowboys and The '49ers will win this division' because no 4. two go with one of the game'smost dangerous passers. Cincinnati has promising eters in I still don't. Their youth and arrogance will one else can. This is not to say the Niners aren't quarterback David Klingler and receiver Carl create a volatile mixture that will eventually a good team; they'll probably play Washington Pickeen, but not much beyond that. At least we 2. Destined to finish second in the division for prevent them from repeating. But, their talent in the NFC Championship, but they aren't what can all be thankful that there isn't an "Ickey will get them to the second round of the playoffs. the second year in a row, (the Minnesota Vikings Shuffle" anymore. they used to be and the Super Bowl is still out of the AFC), of reach. is Buffalo. How the Bills got to 3. Age will keep the year's Super Bowl, I can't explain. Yes, they Giants down while the last experience comes 2. They do have solid personnel on both sides of the line that with that age will keep haven't been called the "Alas" for AFC West them from the cellar. New coach Dan. Reeves awhile, and for good reason. The New Orleans' of scrimmage, but I still can't figure out how has in playoffs. much rebuilding to do. defense is still outstanding. However, Wade Wilson they got past Houston the has proven he couldn't run the show in Minnesota 1. Joe Montana may not be the player he used 4. With the mass exodus of players, coach Rich and Atlanta, and won't in New Orleans either. 3. The India-no-place Colts have been trying to be, but he'll still help Kansas City win the Kotite should take the hint and get out before to rebuild ever since they snuck out of Baltimore. division. The Chiefs' defense is one of the league's he's fired. Randall Cunningham will be a lonely 3. Booby Herbert jumped from New Orleans Just when it seems that they have made the beet, but the team has been hampered by poor man soon. The Eagle's soar of a few years ago to Atlanta and from playoff contention to non- correct trades and draft picks, something brings judgement from the signal caller the past few is now a feeble perch. contention. Duh, Bobby. But at least he'll have them down. This year will be no different. seasons. Mr. Montana will change that. more fun with the Falcons' offense. The Falcons' Quarterback Jeff George doesn't want to play 5. Another coach on the hot seat is the defense must prove it can hold opponents to there any longer. This leaves Jack Trudeau as 2. After an 0-4 start, and losing their starting Cardinals' Joe Bagel. However, he can hardly fewer points than the Falcons' offense can score. the starter. I'm sorry, but I was at the University quarterback to injury, the whole league ignored be at fault because the Cardinals have never had Someone had better tell Jerry Glanville that that of Illinois when Trudeau played there, and folks, the San Diego Chargers. Maybe that's how they the talent needed to win. is a simple formula for winning. you just can't win a division with Jack Trudeau got into the playoffs, or perhaps it was their as your starter. defense. But, with the loss of defensive back Gil 4. The L.A. Rams will be battling Phoenix and Byrd, the Chargers defense will have a gaping NFC Central Chicago for the worst record in the conference. 4. Two years ago the Jets seemed to be on hole. The Rams are still rebuilding and that statement the verge of making a break to the top. Now 1. After two decades of mediocrity at best, the will probably be made five years flora now. they have an over-the-hill quarterback who throws 3. Now that Danny and Johnny have finally frozen tundra of Green Bay's Lambeau Field will Enough said. B-2 Hawaii Marine August 19, 1993

civilian employees aboard the Youth football station are eligible to play. Registration for the KMCAS Team registration deadline is 1993 Intramural Softball Briefs Youth flag and tackle football has Friday. There will be a coaches been extended. Openings are still meeting Monday at 6 p.m. in the Aerobics available in the 5/6,- 7/8-year-old Athletic Office. League Playoffs Schedule Semper Fit Aerobics classes are divisions and 10/12,- 13/14-year- For registration or more offered everyday at the Main Gym old tackle division. Season is information contact the Athletic STEP program. scheduled to start Sept. 18. For Ray Rivera TIME FIELD TEAM TEAM including the Office at 254-2516, at GAME Classes are $2 for dependents and more information call youth 254-1300 or Angie Denham at 254- A 8 a.m. A H&S BSSG-1 vs. C 1/12 50 cents for active duty, or monthly activities at 254-2963. 1265. 8 R HMH-463 vs. SOMS CF&R B a.m. passes are $20 for dependents and 1 Supply BSSG-1 9:10 a.m. A 2/3 vs. $10 for active duty personnel. For 2 9:10 8.M. R PMO vs. MALS-24 Sup. Klipper Classic Baseball coach HQ 3rd Mar further information contact the 3 9:10 a.m. P Maint. Co., vs. Athletic Office at 254-2516. The Legends of Golf in the 4 10:20 a.m. A 1st Radio Bn. vs. MAG-24 HQ Klipper Classic is just around the and players 5 10:20 a.m. R 1/12 SNCO vs. Motor T corner. The tournament is Baseball players and coaches 6 10:20 a.m. P SOMS vs. H&S 1st MEB V-Ball Tournament scheduled for Oct. 25-26. Entries are needed for the upcoming A 7 11:30 a.m. A 7th Comm vs. Winner The 1993 Summer Volleyball are now being accepted. For more Armed Forces Baseball Exhibition Winner B 8 11:30 a.m. R MALS-24 vs. tournament will be held Aug. 28- information, call the Klipper Golf Tournament at Rainbow Stadium. 9 11:30 a.m. P Loser 1 vs. Loser 2 29 at the Main Gym. Teams will Course at 254-3220. The exhibition will be played Nov. 10 12:40 p.m. A Loser 3 vs. Loser 4 be required to use Intramural Unit 7 and 11, prior to the Honolulu 11 12:40 p.m. R Loser 5 vs. Loser 6 integrity. The organizational Sharks baseball games. 12 12:40 p.m. P Loser 7 vs Loser 8 meeting will be held at 6 p.m., Co-Ed Softball Tryouts for the team will be 1 Winner 2 13 1:50 p.m. A Winner vs. Monday at the Main Gym. Entry K-Bay's Co-Ed Softball League held as soon as a capable coach 14 1:50 p.m. R Winner 3 vs Winner 4 fee to be determined. For more will be starting up Sept. 2. All is found. 15 3 p.m. A Winner 5 vs. Winner 6 information or registration contact active duty, dependents and To try out, call 264-2616. 16 3 p.m. R Winner 7 vs. Winner 8 the Athletic Office at 254.2516. 17 4:10 p.m. A Loser 13 vs. Loser 12 18 4:10 p.m. R Loser 14 vs. Winner 11 19 5:20 p.m. A Loser 15 vs. Winner 10 Table Tennis 20 5:20 p.m. R Loser 16 vs. Winner 9 A table tennis tournament will 21 1 p.m. R Winner 13 vs. Winner 14 be held at the Main Gym starting SPICE of life! 22 1 p.m. A Winner 20 vs. Winner 19 -*" at 10 a.m., Sept. 11. The double 23 2:10 p.m. R Winner 21 vs. Winner 23 elimination tournament is open to By Maggie Wham 24 2:10 p.m. A Winner 18 vs. Winner 17 all active duty personnel only. For 25 3:20 p.m. R Loser 21 vs. Winner 23 more information or registration Note: Spice of Life is a column for military spice 26 3:20 p.m. A Loser 22 vs. Winner 24 Athletic Office 254- Editor's contact the at (plural of spouse). You are invited to write to Maggie with any 27 4:30 p.m. A Winner 21 vs. Winner 22 2516. R Winner 26 vs. Winner 25 questions you have concerning military life. Please address your 28 4:30 p.m. Marine, 29 5:40 p.m. A Loser 27 vs. Winner 28 letters to: Joint Public Affairs Office, MCAS (Hawaii 96863-3003. 30 6:50 p.m. A Winner 27 vs. Winner 29 Karate Spice of Life), Box 63003, MCAS Kaneohe Bay, HI 3l 8 p.m. A Winner 30 vs. Loser 30 (If 1st loss) Karate courses teaching self- defense, self-confidence, weapons Dear Maggie, Aug. 21. Every week I look forward to reading the Hawaii Marine Game numbers 1 through 20 will be played Saturday, and sport karate are offered throughout the air station MWR with classes for newspaper. Copies are available free 31 played Sunday, Aug. 22. through delivered directly to residents by enterprising young Games 21 through will be adult and children (4 years or and are also boys and girls. older). The classes take place to the hardworking Monday through Friday evenings. I enjoy making the voluntary contribution carriers, but I'm curious why these young entrepreneurs don't The cost is $30 for one person or for their work. Why isn't $40 for two people. For further receive additional financial support the employer responsible for compensating the carriers? HPU Dean's information contact MWR their job an names probably make Recreation Services at 254-2963. Getting a steady paycheck will even more rewarding and enjoyable experience! Sincerely, Ann McDuffie List for first sememster Cross country Dear Ann, Active duty Marines or sailors I, too, enjoy having those little business people drop by once Hawaii Pacific University has Carter, SOMS Weather; Karen Sgt. Denis K. McGuinness, H&S attached to a Marine unit are a month for my contribution. Some of them have spent hours 'released the Marine Corps Dean's ChaseSgt. Meighan K. Chisholm, Co., KMCAS; SSgt. Jesus needed for Hawaii Armed Services memorizing their lines: "Would you like to make a voluntary ;list for the period covering MALS-24 Avionics; Cpl. Sean M. Mendoza, SOMS ATC; GySgt. Athletic Council Cross Country contribution of $1.30... ?" It seems such a tiny amount of money. :January-June 1993. The following Coffey, Brigade School Lloyd Miller, BSSG-1 Supply Co., Championship to be held Sept. 17. Why don't they get more? It all goes back to Uncle Sam. 'Marines and civilians in Hawaii Maintenance; MSgt. Robert Sgt. James G. Morgan, SOMS The Marines, who are the You see, the Hawaii Marine gets no government funds. Every ;completed at least 12 semester Conkwright, 1st MEB G-4; Rose (ACM); SSgt. Terry J. Ober, H&S defending champions of the penny that it costs is raised through the advertising and goes hours and earned a grade point E. Conkwright; SSgt. Kirk E. Co., 1st MEB; Conine K. °reborn; competition, need male 10K to the publisher-Sun Press (RFD Publications). There is no ;average of 3.50 or above on a 4.0 Copeland, Joint Education Center; Sgt. Scott E. °reborn, H&S Bn., runners with a sub 38 minutes provision made for newspaper delivery. All the carrier gets is scale. Sgt. Allen W. Cramer, MATS-24, Camp Smith; Sgt. Timothy W. time for two divisions (Master's 35 what the customer gives him. years or older and the open) and On the other hand, because the paper is FREE, the carrier 4 These students enrolled in the MAG-24; LCp1./ Michelle D. Perry II, 4th Force Recon; LCpl. Nester of Business Administration DeSantis, MWSS-174; SSgt. Paul M. Phillips, BSSG-1, H&S female runners with sub 45 gets to keep everything he collects. He doesn't have to pay the degree program, Master of Science Michael A. Didonato, HQ, MAG- Co.; GySgt. Joseph Poniatowski, minutes time. For more newspaper for his stock, the way carriers for daily newspapers .in Information Systems degree 24; Sgt. David Doyle, H&HS MALS-24, MAG-24 Supply; Ashley information contact the Athletic do. If he delivers to 30 people once a week, he collects $39 every Office 254-2516. ;program, Master of Arts in Human (FDM); LCpI. Jeff Eldridge, HMH- M. Puleo; SSgt. Linda C. Ragland, at month and gets to keep every penny. Not a bad deal. 'Resource Management degree 463; Sgt. Kadell Felton, 1st Radio HQ, MAG-24; GySgt. Guy E. The Hawaii Marine carriers are proof that the work ethic is :program, Bachelor of Science Bn.; Lt. Caroline P. Fermin-Knuth, Ransom, 1st Radio Bn.; Cpl. Mark not entirely dead in America. Thanks, kids! in MAG-24; Maggie :degree program Business H&HS, 1st MEB; GySgt. James D. Robbins, HMH-463, The accelerated terms are 10 .Administration, Bachelor of Frank, MATCS-18, Det. B; Cpl. Kimberly A. Rodrick; Sgt. George weeks in length, allowing the Dear Maggie, pcience degree program in Shawn T. Freeman, H&S Bn., B. Sadler, 1st Radio Bn.; SSgt. active duty military student an omputer Science, Associate of FMFPAC; Sgt. Luis Garza, MAL Kevin A. Scharfenkamp SOMS On June 29, there were at least five women in the new opportunity to complete 60 units commissary between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. who had on short tops/ Arts degree program in 24, CRYO; Cpl. Gordon Gerber, EOD; Cpl. Matthew Schlesinger, of required and elective subjects !Mathematics, Associate of Science HQ, 3rd MAR CONAD; Capt. BSSG-12 Maintenance Co., SSgt. bare midriffs. Who's suppose to catch these things? I've also in two years and 124 semester seen women with a one-shoulder-the-other-bare top ala Fred degree program in Economics, David Gibson H&S Co.; Maj. James Scroggins, HMH-463; SSgt. units in four years. The Master's, Associate of Science program in C. H&S Co., Flinetone. Christopher P. Gieser, Russell Sharpmack, Bachelor's and Associate degree Disgruntled ;Marketing, Associate of Science MARFORPAC G-5, Camp Smith; 1st MEB; GySgt. Delmus D. programs are approved for 'degree program in Management, SSgt. Heriberto Gomez, H&S 3/ Singletary, H&HS I&L Refuel; Department of Veterans Associate of Science degree 3 E. Dear Disgruntled, Marines; Sgt. Ronald A. Hedges, Susan L. Sliger; Sgt. Timothy Administartion Benefits and supposed to be program in Data Processing H&S H&HS MISSO; Lisa D. The short answer is that dress codes are Bn., Camp Smith; Cpl. Stanley, Tuition Assistance. desk. It changed. Men are not :Technology, and Associate of B. Hocker, MWSS-174 Stillwell; Sgt. Patrick S. Sweeney, enforced at the check-in hasn't Joseph allowed to wear tank tops, running/athletic clothes, or fishnet cience degree program in COMM; Sgt. Mark A. Howard, H&HS; Patricia Taeza-Michaelson; gear (spandex), Leadership at A. MWSS- tops. Women are not allowed short-shorts, athletic upervisory MALS-24; SSgt. Ronnie D. Ingram, Cpl. Jonathon Toney, is allowed bare feet or all-rubber shower Schofield Barracks, Tripler Army 174 S-4; Cpl. Daniel J. Turner, A or bare midriffs. Nobody MALS-24, MAG-24; Sgt. Eugene kind). There anything about Fred Flinstone Medical Center, Pearl Harbor, Jackson, MWSS-174; Sgt. Scott A. Co., 3rd CEB, 3rd Marines; Cpl. shoes (the skinny isn't Barbers Point Naval Air Station, Eric Turner, MALS-24 (P/P);Maiy Your call could clothes, as long as nothing important shows. Jefferys, CEO, H&HS; Sgt. Jane the folks the check-in desk shouldn't Hickam Air Force Base, Camp R. Jenne, H&HS; SSgt. John E. Walsh; Rhonda R. Wesley: Sgt. The long answer is that at Smith, and Kaneohe Bay Marine Peter N. White, 1st Radio Bn; HAVE to be dress policemen. Adults should have enough common Johnston, H&S Co., 1st MEB; make history. public. the idea of 'Corps Air Station: SSgt. Raymond Jusino, H&HS LCpl. Christopher Witherell, 119SG- sense to dress appropriately in Frankly, Right now, if you call someone coming in directly from exercise and sweating their Cpl. Donald A. Adams, MACS- 1 Co.; Chong 0. Yucker. MWR; CWO-2 Scott T. Kaupas, G- Supply the meat makes me :2, MAG-24; SSgt. Robert J. Bandy, 2, FMFPAC, Camp Smith; MSgt. Names in itallic are civilains. us, you'll be helping us find way through the vegetables and fingering H&S Co., G-1, 1st MEB; CWO-3 William D. Key, H&S Co., KMCAS; Hawaii Pacific University is parts of our history lose my appetite. we're The argument about shower shoes is another annoyance. Sure, effrey C. Barnes, MALS-24 Cpl. Timothy T. Kim, FMFPAC accredited by the Accrediting missing. It's all part of our LCpI. Jason A. Bavol, Sgt. Michael Commission for Senior Colleges of this is Hawaii. Sure, nobody wears shoes. Sure, thongs are Supply; Safety, Camp Smith; person walk through a pile of broken II &HS/CEO MARS; Cpl. Finny J. Kosanovich, HMH-463, MAG- the Western Association of Schools 75th Anniversary popular. But let just one ;Benny, BSSG-1 Supply; CWO-3 Colleges. HPU offers day and celebration. glass or break a thong and cut his foot and see whose fault 24; LCpl. Scott K. Lambert, SOMS, and kid in solid shoe won't be ripping Brad Bergman, SOMS; LtCol. MTU; PFC W. Long, H&HS evening courses held at Schofield the lawyers claim it is. A a Travis Give us a ring. or get hurt when his foot gets Stephen D. Booren, H&S Co.; Tina (LSO); GySgt. James R. Marrs, Barracks, Pearl Harbor, Barbers his toes on sharp metal shelves 'Bostic; Sgt. Ann M. Buckley, 1st Station, Hickam It could be a caught in a shopping cart wheel. Again, it's common sense. FMFPAC, G-2/SCI), Camp Smith; Point Naval Air Cruise wants to walk through the WEB G-4; LCpI. Christopher J. GySgt. Donald B. Marsh, H&HS Air Force Base, Fort Shafter, historic moment On the other hand, if Tom ,Butler, Radio Bn.; Brenda L. commissary in nothing but a bearskin, I'm all for it! lst DISBO; Kelly D. Martin; SSgt. Tripler Army Medical Center, for all of us. commissary say that they'll try a bit harder Campbell; CWO-2 Leo E. Ricky B. Martin, H&HS; LCpI. Camp Smith and Marine Corps The folks at the The Easter Seal dress-code offenders, but it would sure be easier on them Campbell, MAG-24; GySgt. Brenda David W. Masse, 1st Radio Bn.; Air Station, Kaneohe Bay. Story Search to catch 1-800-STORIES if folks would just adhere to it. If you see someone who slipped (voice or.TDU) by, tell the commissary personnel and they'll be happy to escort the offender out. (Unless, of course, it's Tom Cruise). Hope that helps! Bunn & Bunn Maggie PALI PALMS DENTAL CENTER A A Attorneys at Eaul A Eau, 0:Corporation DENTAL SERVICES Low Uncontested Divorce Bankruptcy General Dentistry Preventative and Restorative Dentistry Low Uncontested Adoption TELT TINTING Car Accidents & Deaths Cosmetic and Esthetic Procedures Vv.- SPECIALISTS Mtn - Cont. LIc.# C17113 INSURANCE ACCEPTED: HDS, HMSA, Delta Dental Services (Military), Greg T. Dunn Dental Health Plan Hawaii 84 Bre2:4629treet,11450 98.1247 Lialimm9.,212 Former Military JAG Attorney OPEN 7 Ph. 4574464 11r, Derek Ichimura, DMD Dr. Alan M. Yugawa, DMD Office: 254-6694 Office: 254-6477 DAYS A WEEK! 9711N. Kalaheo Ave., A-108 970 N. Kalaheo Ave., A-108 .... MMMMM ...... ,.....,..../...... , Kailna, Hawaii 90734 Knilua, Hawaii 96734 01- AUTO TINT SPECIAL ' RESIDENTIAL Sli IAD I C I I 418900 MOST CARS. 0,0 i C 2 11 . TAX TITANIUM g OR HIM... OFF a BLOOD PRESSURE OR YOURSELF :$8900 ?%0141)" : Residenti I +TAX PICKUPS Tinting II FREE Free WORK 111 PILLS ONLY ,Ill, NATIO LIFEHME WARRANTY II 10'in'Ine Estim at" any ill wit an tit,anium tint job II Not good with other offer . lam coupon 1 with this coupon , IF YOU TAKE THEM. 9/19/83 COUPON Expires 9/19/93 ,..., OVER 50,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS

Unpile eggs. 00,1 CALL I _ Abet FOR 247-8468 APPOINTMENT KANEOHE .4:0 American Heart a a 46-158 B MALINA PL. Mr Association VI `HIND WINDWARD - NEXT TO KEN'S AUTO DETAILING -4 August 19, 1993 Hawaii Marine B-3 r* First 1.500 to sign up at the Running Room receive a Nike commemorative T-shirt. Next 3.500 to sign up at the Running Room receive a free Nike gift. 1993 HONOLULU MARATHON OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Print Clearly Use black Ink only FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MWR offerings You may make copies of this entry form for other interested runners - but please 0 not re uce slit) of form. AGE DATE OF BIRTH MALI. FEMALE Is This Your First Marathon? i YES 7 NO .__1_ I AS (,F 12:12/93 MONTH DAY YEAR By Julie Mall LAST NAMETIFaimily Flag MI MWR Nese 1 771 IL .L11 _[111_1111i Give me an "M", give me a "W", give me an "R"... sound ADDRESS Use one block for each number and letter, ski a block between word like a familiar cheer? Youth football season is just around the would a football game be without cheerleaders? corner and what CITY STATE ZIP CODE MWR is offering cheerleading for K-Bay Youth Football, for ages 5-14 (on or before Dec. 31, 1993). Registration is only 111111 1111111111111M illili111.11117777-1 $55, including uniform, team pictures and trophies. Registrations PLACE P I TH are being accepted during the month of August at the Youth Activities Building #6082. Photo identification and a birth 111111111 MIME certificate are required at the time of registration. For more information, contact the Youth Activities at 254-2963. GO TEAM! MILITARY: j Army Air Force Navy E Marines Coast Guard FINISHER'S CREW NECK T-SHIRT" And it's a line drive straight to left-center field... HOME RUN!!! To pay with credit card, please complete this section; (If paying with credit card you may fax or mad in entry form) T-Shirt Size Yes, sports fans, it's softball season again and MWR is recruiting CREDIT CARD: LI American Expresso MasterCard Visas JCB SMALL MEDIUM for the 1993 Intramural Co-Ed Softball League . The season CARD ACCOUNT NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE starts Sept. 2, and games will be played Thursday and Sunday LARGE X-LARGE evenings (game time to be determined). Team or individual I I I I I I I I I I11.1 registration deadline is Friday, and the entry fee will be determined For Finishers only upon the number of participants. So, oil up your glove, practice 6 No baby carriages, roller blades, roller skates, skate boards, AIMS your swing and head on out to the ball field. For more information, I r bicycles, etc. will be allowed on the course on race day. call MSgt. Rivera at 264-6600. :171= HAWAII WAIVER AND RELEASE STATEMENT: RESIDENTS MILITARY ENTRY Can you run a 10K in 38-45 minutes or less? If you can, the I AGREE to comply with, the rules, regulations, and event instructions of the HONOLULU MARATHON DUE Hawaii Armed Services Athletic Council needs you for the Cross I KNOW that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I am aware of and assume all risks $2.00 Per Person AMOUNT associated with running in this event, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the Country Championships Sept.17. The Marines are the defending effects of weather, including high heat and humidity, traffic, and the conditions of the road. event and need male and female runners to champions of this IN CONSIDERATION of your accepting this entry, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, help maintain the championship. For more information, contact waive and release from any and all claims for injuries and damages I may have against the Honolulu Marathon U.S. Dollars the Athletic Office at 264-2616. Association,the City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii, the United States of America, the Sponsors, USA/Track & Field, their agents and representatives caused by the negligence of any of them arising out of my participation in this event, including pre and post race activities. "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you... " The 1993 Return to: I I and have sufficiently trained for completion of the HONOLULU Corps Birthday 10K Run is coming up soon and MWR ATTEST that am physically fit Honolulu Marathon Association Marine MARATHON. is holding a T-shirt design contest for the event. The winner 3435 Waialae Ave., Room 208 I CONSENT to receive medical treatment which may be advisable in the event of illness or injuries suffered Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 (USA) of the T-shirt design contest will win an evening at the by me during this event. (808) 734 -7200 Hale Koa Luau. All active duty Marines stationed in Hawaii I GIVE PERMISSION for the free use of my name, voice or picture in any broadcast, telecast, advertising Fax (808)732-7057 and navy personnel stationed at Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps promotion or other account of this event. Air Station are eligible to enter the contest. The design submitted W AN ENTRY HAS ALREADY BEEN FAXED, I must signify the Marine Corps in Hawaii; be hand drawn in DO NOT MAIL IN ORIGINAL. color; no larger than 13 X 10 inches; and must contain the Signature Date If paying with CREDIT CARD you may I following information: Reference to the 218th Marine Corps fax or send in entry form. MCAS Kaneohe Bay Hawaii 1993. Submit entries Or you may send a check or money order I Birthday and 1. Signature of parent if entrant is under 18 years of age payable to: to the MWR Athletics Department, building 3037, by Sept. 23. Honolulu Marathon Association AREA CODE/HOME PHONE AREA CODE/BUSINESS PHONE Cancelled check is your receipt. En try fee is non-refundable. U.S.S only. 1.6-3

PERMANENT' COSMETIC CLINIC WANTED SPECIALIZING ONLY IN COSMETICTATTOOS 5aec ia, MEN WOMEN CHILDREN -11"141-kspng Beate.01. HAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY FOR TV COMMERCIAL TRAINING BROWS $199 ot4Nk- Reg. $250 Plus Tax *Its OW 0.0 Gt0 -0 '11 Lip Liner E7e Liner Scars is Open for Classes Designed Custom Mixed Colors Lasts an Ave age 3 to 5 years. CASTING DIRECTOR DAVID KAPLAN Custom NOW AUDITIONING 8 REGISTERING 1ecolor & Reshape Old Cosmetic Tattoos EXP 8-31-93 Evenings and Saturdays FOR SUMMER WORKSHOPS Approved I Evelyn Gibo Deemed 11**ii 5150 'Regulated by Dept. of Health tic Physician CALL NOW Your Artist makes a Difference 528-6783 ==1 Many years of Experience FOR FREE ON- CAMERA SCREEN TESTI! FREE Video Demonstration HAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 1481S King St 11438 Koheka Professional Center 943-7076 oven Mon.-Set. by Appt. offers conveniently scheduled classes on Saturdays as well as evening classes on weekdays. PRESTIGE TRAVEL UNLIMITED, INC. TRINITY Cif*. the perfect - 1 . 1513 YOUNG S7 ?MITE if102 It's time to advance your career! TA1416 . PH 945-7400 PRESBYTERIAN OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FALL COURSES CHURCH INTERISLAND * Book of w * LAS VEGAS PACKAGE SEPTEMBER 7 through DECEMBER 19, 1993 COUPONS : $535 * From 334033 ,F1/TT Aldriontrel PER Where People Care . . ACCTG 200 Principles of Accounting I 5:15- 8:10 p.m. $2760, : --arg..- : $365 PERSON/DAL LT...:22.1..m. and Where the Bible Makes Sp**I-Limito*Offer * ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, * Fres LAX SP* Bud. SINEes Show ACCTG 201 Principles of Accounting II 5:15- 8:10 p.m. Sense for Daily Living. 0/W R/T 0/W R/T 0/W R/T BIOL 101 Introduction to Biological Sciences 8:00- 10:55 am. LAx $159 $258 SFO $149 $263 SEATTLE $229 $330 COM 100 Career Skills 5:15- 8:10 p.m. 9:30 A.M. Bible School (for all ages) DENVER R/T OMAHA R/T MIAMI R/T CSCI 100 Introduction to Computer-Based Systems S 8:00- 10:55 a.m. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship MOBILE from DETROIT now CHICAGO . $549- CSCI 338 Computer Applications to Management 8:00- 10:55 a.m. $513 $528 HOUSTON NEW YORK ATLANTA $573 ECON 210 Principles of Microeconomics BILLINGS MINNEAPOLIS HARTFORD 5:15- 8:10 p.m. KNOXVILLE ENG 110 Introduction to Literature 5:15- 8:10 p.m. LITTLE ROCK OM ST. LOUIS 0/W 13/W KANSAS CITY CHARLOTTE NEW ORLEANS $334l'...... 35 ENG 310 Career Communications 8:00- 10:55 a.m. INDIANAPOLIS $349 FAYETTVILLE $4 262-8587 OKLAHOMA CITY FIN 430 Investments 5:15- 8:10 p.m. 875 Auloa Road CALL FOR SPECIAL ONE WAY OR CHILD AND SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS FARES' FIN 640 Corporate Finance 5:15- 8:10 p.m. Kailua CALL FOR OTHER DESTINATIONS rces1=0"c= GEOG 200 Cultural Geography 5:15- 8:10 p.m. HIST 221 World Civilizations I 11:00- 2:00 p.m. HIST 222 World Civilizations II TH 5:15- 8:10 p.m. HUM 301 Alternative Futures 8:00-10:55 a.m. WIFE WANTED HUM 450 The World Problematique 2:10- 5:00 p.m. ISM 627 Computer Center Management 8:00- 10:55 a.m. Due to a massive overstock situation New Home Sewing Center is LAW 430 . International Law offering for sale to the public a limited number of new special 19931 11:05- 2:00 p.m. HEAVY DUTY New Home Zig Zag Sewing Machines (MODEL 535) that MATH 130 Pre-Calculus I 5:15- 8:10 p.m. are made of METAL and new on all fabrics, Levi's. canvas, upholstery, MATH 322 Statistical Techniques II 5:15- 8:10 p.m. nylon stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER! No attachments MGMT 100 Organization & Management 2:10- 5:00 p.m. needed for button holes (any size). monograms, sews on buttons, satin stitches, darns, MGMT 335 Small Business Management 5:15- 8:10 p.m. appliques and more Just set dials and one magic ' happen without old fashioned cams or programmers. These HEAVY MGMT 637 Organizational Behavior 5:15- 8:10 p.m. DUTY New Home Sewing Machines are suitable for home, professional MKTG 300 Principles of Marketing 8:00- 10:55 a.m. Singles Wanted or school room sewing. 25 year warranty. Head only. Your price with POLSCI 200 Introduction to Politics TTH 3:30- 6:45 p.m. Male, I elm& ad $99, without this ad $399. Check, cash, VISA/MasterCard accepted. PSYCH 200 Principles of Psychology TH New Publictition .4 Days Only Aug 19 23 5:15- 8:10 p.m. SCI 102 Distributed Both USA/Twig!) Physical Science 5:15- 8:10 p.m. SOC 380 Cross-Cultural Relations 5:15- 8:10 p.m. for Info Coll N H 860 ME TIM 330 Travel Industry Management TI I 5:15- 8:10 p.m. Executive Introductions 762 Kapiolani Blvd. TIM 450 Passenger Transportation Management MW 5:15- 8:10 p.m. (808) 529-5788 SEWING CENTER 524-6700 Free store front parking (Mauka between Ward & Cooke SL) Over 500 courses are offered. The above list is only a sample. Please call for a complete schedule with dates and times. HOW TO REGISTER: NON DEGREE-SEEKING STUDENTS: Register in the Registrar's Office, 1164 Bishop Street, 2nd BE OUR floor. Monday through Friday between 8:00 am. and 5:00 p.m., or call 544-0239 to obtain registration forms.

NEW DEGREE-SEEKING STUDENTS: Stop by our Admissions Office, 1 164 Bishop Street, 2nd GUEST floor, or call 544-0238 for information. Open Monday through Friday between 8:00 am. and 5:00 As a member of the the military, we want p.m. you to jOin the fun at the Hale Koa Hotel! CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS: Register in the Registrar's Office, 1164 Bishop Street, Your family and friends are welcome too. 2nd floor. Open Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Come for an evening of cool cocktails and fine dining. Feast at our lavish weekly luau! HAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Take in a dazzling dinner show featuring 1164 BISHOP STREET spectacular entertainment! Dance nightly to the hottest music in town! HONOLULU, HAWAII 96813 Or stretch out on the Telephone 544-0238 FAX 544-1168 best stretch of beach in

Waikiki. There's I also LI, III III:, di I I., I. iliq .1 1 4. tennis, watersports, a 110 i 11,. 1\ I.11, sauna, and more! .1.111.....1 No matter where you live, you're always welcome here. Because at the Hale , CALL NOW Koa, you don't have to Ire a guest, to he our guest. FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION 5+1-0238 (11' 5T1-0200 HALE KOA HOTEL A Resort for the Milting, 2055 Koko Roods Phone 955-0555 14 Hawaii Marine August 19, 1993

information and reservations. The tickets. Adult tickets are $8.50, special through Sept. 6. Entertainment and dining is Tickets office is open Monday-Friday, 9 juniors $5.75 and children (4-5) Admission/Show Special for available at a big discount. Books a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. - $2.50. residents is $12.06, children $10.10. and cards are only $10 and are Religion The MWR Ticket Office offers 2 p.m. This week's offerings For non-residents the cost is $14, good until December. tickets and information on how to include: Danzig-Will be in concert Aug. children $11. The Admission/ get them at special military rates. Consolidated Movie Theater- 28 and 29 at 7 p.m. Tickets are Show/Buffet Special for residents In the station chapel: The office also takes reservations Pickets cost $4.25 and are good $18.50. is $24.56, children $17.39. For Hale Koa Luau- Monday and Catholic Mass is held Monday for events and attractions around until December. non-residents the cost is $26.50, Thursday starting at 5:30 p.m. - Friday, beginning at 11:45 the island. Call the Entertainment The Polynesian Cultural children $18.30. Early reservations are a.m.; Saturday, starting at 6 Hotline at 254-3304 or stop by the Sea Life Park/Waimea Falls Center-The Polynesian Cultural recommended. Adult tickets are p.m.; and Sunday, beginning at Marine Corps Exchange for Park-ITT now has discount Center has extended its military Aloha Diners Club- $27.95, children $17.95. 7:30 a.m. and again at 9:30 a.m. CCD classes begin Sept. 28 at the following times: quad. exhaust, only 9,800 mi., new 1982 S/W- Runs great, w/bedding, quilt & sham, $295 seats, $30 for both, 254-6251. Preschool/kindergarten from rear tire, looks new, must sag, new muffler, rear brakes, needs OBO, full-size wall mirror, must 3:45-4:30 p.m. at the station Ads $3,000, 254-6620. front brakes & tires, $300 OBO, be removed, free, 261-7121. Wanted chapel; grades 1-12 from 6-7:15 254-2719 leave message. 1985 RX7 GSL- Loaded, 5-spd., Panasonic Video Responsible Female-W/cart p.m. at Mokapu Elementary Camera- to care for my 6-year-old son Autos w/cruise, new tires & breaks, great VHS(C) adapter, battery, carrying in School. Protestant Communion Miscellaneous my home 6.8 nights a month, K- takes place Sunday, beginning 1987 Honda V45 MAGNA car, aqua blue, $5,000 OBO, 254- King-size Bed-Sealy case, all equipment, $350, 254-6251. M ot orcy cle- Excellent cond., 2887 leave message. Posterpedic, top of the line Bay, back gate 254-2828 leave at 8:30 a.m. and Protestant Bar Stools- Two, black vinyl message. Worship begins at 11 a.m. Hispanic Protestant Worship takes place Sunday at 6:30 p.m. A Real Killer. SELECTED FOR THE A Gospel Protestant Joy Night Lady DIRECTORS FORTNIGHT Movies 115110S1" Service takes place Friday at 1993 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 7:30 p.m. Gospel Protestant Morning Worship will be held Education All movies shown at the theater, Building 219, begin at 7:15 p.m. This is Sunday at 1 p.m. Sunday School is held from 9:30-10:30 unless otherwise noted. For more a.m. in building 1391 for Lanikai Elementary information, call 254-2113. the truth. preschoolers through high school students and in the A back-to- school party will be held Aug. 27, from 6-9 p.m. "Guilty as Sin" (Murder This is at Lanikai Park (at the corner of Aalpapa & Kaiolena). Bring Mystery) R: 108 minutes, plays Family Service Center for a picnic adults. For more information basket. tonight and Friday. Starring what's about the station's religious For more information, call 263-0206. Rebecca Demornay and Don services, call 257-3552. Johnson. A criminal defense De Mornay. Johnson attorney discovers that her client real. Joint Education Center may well be a killer. The 1st MEB will hold MeNACe Catholic Mass, Monday and Anyone interested in law enforcement should stop by the Joint "Menace II Society" (Violent Thursday at 11:30 a.m. and Education Center and talk to Cpl. Johnson. There are a number GUILT Shocker) R: 98 minutes, plays Protestant Bible Study, Tuesday of options available that will allow people to work toward and Saturday, Sunday and Monday. at 11:30 a.m. in the Brigade obtain their degrees through distance Learning Programs. Starring Tyrin Turner and Samuel Chapel. Everyone is encouraged to stop by JEC to participate in a needs Jackson. A young man from south assessment survey. This survey only takes a minute to complete central L.A. is born into a violent world (he sees his Dad murder a At Camp H.M. Smith: and will help us meet your educational needs and desires in the most timely and efficient manner. man, and his Mom dies from an SOCiEtY Catholic Mass is held Sunday, D overdose. beginning at 8 a.m. Protestant Every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. JEC holds a DD-296 brief that Worship is at 9:30 a.m. and explains how to turn military experience and schools into college Protestant Sunday School credit. begins at 8:30 a.m. There is Anyone with questions about education can stop by JEC or THE ANSWER a Gospel Choir and service at call 257-2158/1232. Comfortable shopping 11 a.m. For more information TO LOVE & ROMANCE about religious services, call 477- for you and your 6098. Windward Community College IS HAWAII'S wife and friends Jewish services are held at Writers and would-be writers are invited to meet at.Windward COMPUDATE DIFFERENT °Peri h the Aloha Jewish Chapel Community College for the fall semester of writing retreats. The 8 4.,12.. aboard Naval Base Pearl sessions will be held Saturdays starting Aug. 28, Sept. 26, Oct. ADULT STORE Harbor. Shabbat services take 23 and Nov. 20, from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. All categories of adult items place Friday, beginning at 7:30 A seven-session program to help women take charge of their p.m. For more information, Video Sales & Rental finances is being offered Saturdays from Sept. 11 to Oct. 23, Mags, Books, Leather, Lingerie, Kama Sutra, etc. call 471-3971. from 8:30-11 a.m.

Alea Shopping Center Second Level Meet Quality People Find Honest Romance DATING ETIQUETTE OF THE '90s Phone 1188 Bishop St., Ste 611 536-3804 486-3103 'iMNCLASSIFIEDEM ONX Telephone Service Counter Service Deadlines: Import.' Intorrnall. 235-5856 45-525 Luluku Line Ads due by 12 Noon - Tuesday Please check your ad on the first day and bang any error to the attention of Classified immediately APO Publications assumes responsibility for errors in copy for the first insertion only. and eny adjustments or Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Kaneohe Class Display Ads due by 4:00 p.m. Friday credit will nor exceed the value of Ilse ad, The publisher assumes no further liability and the advertiser expressly waives any end all claims of consequential damages due to errors. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS due by 12 Noon-Mon. RFD Publications cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of advertisers.

TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Koko Head direction from a point SO' Ewa gation of Alapai St." "Diamond Head Rd., makai aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from a point 31' Ewa gation of Ala Melia P1." of the Ewa property line of 3198 Anuhea St." "Carlos Long St., mokai side, distance 122' 150' Koko Head direction from a point 35' of the Ewa curb prolongation of 735 Traffic Schedule No. 93-8 "Ala Ilima St., makai side, distance of 150' "Auloa Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Ewa of the Ewa property line of 3165 Dillingham Blvd." IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF Koko Head direction from the Koko Head monks direction from a point 141' mauka gation of Orchid St." Diamond Head Rd." "Dillingham Blvd., makai aide, distance ORDINANCE NO. 91-87 AMENDING ARTICLE III, property line of 2907 Ala (lima Sr" of the mauka curb prolongation of Kola- "Citron St., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa "Diamond Head Rd. makai aide, distance 160' Koko Head direction from a point 161' THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SER- "Ala Ilima St., mauka side, distance 150' nianaole Hwy." direction from a point 41' Ewa of the Ewa 150' Ewa direction from a point 18' Koko Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon-, VICES, CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU, Ewa direction from a point 164' Ewa of "Aumoku St., mauka aide, distance 150' curb prolongation of Isenberg St." Head of the Koko Head property line gation of Puuhale St." HEREBYESTABLISHES TRAFFIC SCHEDULENO. the Ewa curb prolongation of Ala Napo- Makapuu direction from a point 125' "Citron St., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa prolongation of 3701 Diamond Head Rd." "Dillingham Blvd., makai side, distance 93-8 TO AMEND SCHEDULE XXV OF SECTION 15- nani St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- direction from a point 77' Ewa of the Ewa "Diamond Head Rd., makai side, distance 160' Ewa direction from a point 19' Ewa 15.3(d) ESTABLISHING OFFICIAL BUS STOPS "Ala Ilima St., monk, aide, distance 134' tion of Kaneohe Bay Dr." each prolongation of Paani St." 176' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb of the Ewa curb prolongation of of 1190 Ewa direction from the Koko Head curb St., Koko Head side, distance prolongation of Coconut SECTION I. Chapter 15 (1990 Traffic Code), City and "Auwaiolimu "Date St., makai side, distance 150' Etna Ave." Dillingham Blvd.' County of Honolulu, is hereby further amended in the prolongation of Ala Nioi Pl." 145' makai direction from the makai curb direction from a point 114' Ewa of the Eiva "Diamond Head Rd., makai side, distance "Dillingham Blvd., makai aide, distance following item, "Ala Ilima St., mauka aide, distance 126' prolongation of Kapahu St." curb prolongation of Kapahulu Ave." 105' Koko Head direction from the Koko 150' Koko Head direction from a point 39' a. By amending Schedule XXV of Sec. 15-15.3(d) Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Auwaiolimi St. Koko Head side, distance "Date St., makai side, distance 131' Ewa Head curb prolongation of the private Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- establishing official bus stops in the following curb prolongation of Ala Lilikoi St." 150' mauka dirction from a a point 328' direction from the Ewa curb prolongation driveway of 3631-3643 Diamond Head Rd." gation of Mokauea St." particulars: "Ala !lima St., mauka aide, distance 150' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of of Laau St. (Koko Head end)." "Diamond Head Rd., masks side, distance "Dillingham Blvd., makai aide, distance Ewa direction from a point 32' Ewa the Hahne 150' Koko Head direction from a point 49' 150' Ewa direction from a point 131' Ewa 1. By adding thereto the following items: of St." "Date St., makai side, distance 150' Ewa property line of 3707 "Aalapapa Dr., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa curb prolongation of Ala Nanala St." "Auwaiolimu St., Koko Head aide, distance direction from a point 11' Koko Head of Ewa of the Ewa of the Ewa curb prolongation of Waiaka- a Kahuku direction from a point 37' Kahuku "Ala Ilima St., mauka side, distance 150' 113' mauka direction from the mauka curb the Ewa curb prolongation of Palani Ave." Diamond Head Rd." milo Rd." of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Kock- Ewa direction from a point 58' Ewa of the prolongation of Anianiku St." "Date St., mokai side, distance 150' Ewa "Diamond Head Rd., mauka side, distance "Dillingham Blvd., mauka aide, distance pub, Dr." Ewa curb prolongation of Ala Nana St." "Bertram St., Ewa side, distance 160' direction from a point 23' Ewa of the Ewa 150' Ewa direction from a point 42' Ewa 143' Koko Head direction from the Koko the Ewa curb prolorigation of Poka St." "Aalapapa Dr., mauka aide, distance 150' "Ala (lima St., mauka side, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 31' makai curb prolongation of Laau St. (Ewa end)." of Head curb prolongation of McNeil St." Koko Head a 50' Ewa "Diamond Head Rd., mauka side, distance aide, distance Kahuku direction from a point 106' direction from point of the makai property line of 1716 Bertram "Date St., mokai side, distance 143' Koko "Dillingham Blvd., mauka 130' Ewa Kabuki] of the Kahuku curb prolongation of the Koko Head property line of 2962 Ala St." Head direction from the Koko Head curb 150' Ewa direction from a point 160' Ewa direction from a point 56' Ewa of Onekea Dr. Ilima St." 'Bertram St., Ewa side, distance 150' prolongation of Ekela Ave." of the Ewa curb prolongation of Diamond of the Ewa curb prolongation of 1190 Head Rd." "Aalapapa Dr., mauka side, distance 150' "Ala Moona Blvd., makai side, distance makai direction from a point 95' masks "Date St., mokai side, distance 150' Ewa Crater Dillingham Blvd." "Diamond Head Rd., mauka side, distance "Dillingham Makapuu direction from a point 398' 150' Ewa direction from a point 54' Ewe of the makai property line of 1840 Bertram direction from a point 28' Ewa of the Ewa Blvd., mauka side, distance Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- of the Koko Head curb prolongation of St' curb prolongation of Olokele St." 126' Ewa direction from the Koko Head 117' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb tion of Poop. Pl." Punchbowl St." "Bertram St., Ewa side, distance 150' "Date St., makai side, distance 160' Ewa curb prolongation of Coconut Ave." prolongation of Puuhale St." Head Rd., mauka side, distance "Aalapapa Dr., mauka side, distance 150' "Alokea St., Koko Head side, distance 206' mauka direction from a point 37' makai direction from a point 88' Koko Head of "Diamond "Dillingham Blvd., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa direction a 87' Ewa 150' Koko Makapuu direction from a point 468' mauka direction from the mauka curb of the makai property line df 1652 Bertram the Koko Head curb prolongation of from point Head direction from a point 3' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- prolongation of South King St." St." Lukepane St." of the Ewa curb prolongation of the Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- tion of Aalapapa Pl," "Alakea St., Koko Head side, distance 171' "Bertram St., Ewa side, distance 160' "Date St., mauka side, distance 97' Ewa Kapiolani Community College roadway gation of Kalihi St." "Aalapapa Dr., mauka aide, distance 122' mauka direction from the mauka curb mauka direction from a point 43' makai direction from the Ewa curb prolongation entrance." "Dillingham Blvd., mauka aide, distance Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb prolongation of South Nimitz Hwy." of the makai property line of 1604 Bertram of Mahiai St." "Diamond Head Rd., mauka aide, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 120' prolongation of Aalapapa Pl." "Alokea St., Koko Head aide, distance 192' St." "Date St., mauka side, distance 127' Koko 150' Ewa direction from a point 4' Koko Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Aalapapa Dr., mauka aide, distance 107' mauka direction from the mauka curb "Bethel St., Koko Head side, distance 120' Head direction from the Koko Head curb Head of the Koko Head fence line prolon- gation of hilikauea St." Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb prolongation of of South lintel St." mauka direction from the mauka curb prolongation of Palani Ave." gation of of 3399 Diamond Head Rd. "Dillingham Blvd., mauka side, distance prolongation of Lanipo Dr." "Maio Rd., Makapuu aide, distance 150' prolongation of South King St." "Date St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko (Diamond Head Lighthouse)." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 3' "Aalapapa Dr., mauka side, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 108' mauka "Bethel St., Koko Head side, distance 152' Head direction from a point 176' Koko "Diamond Head lid., mauka side, distance Ewa of the Ewa curb prolongation of 736 150' Koko Head direction from a 57' makapuu direction from a point 5' Mak. of the mauka curb prolongation of monks direction from a point 50' makai Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation point Dillingham Blvd. puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of Kaneapu Pl." of the mauka curb prolongation of Chap. of Kapiolani Blvd." Koko Head of the Ewa property line of 3263 "Dillingham Blvd., mauka aide, distance Mokolea Dr." "Alala Rd., mauka side, distance 150' lain Lai." "Date St., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewa Diamond Head Rd." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 29' "Aalapapa Dr., mouton aide, distance 150' Makapuu direction from a point 395' "Bethel St., Koko Head aide, distance 121' direction from a point 36' Ewa of the Ewa "Diamond Head Rd., mauka side, distance Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- 150' Head a 55' Kahuku direction from o point 15' Kahuku Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- mauka direction from the mauka curb curb prolongation of of Hamden St." Koko direction from point gation of Kokea St." of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Koo- tion of Kaneapu Pl." prolongation of South Hotel St." "Date St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Ewa of the Ewa curb prolongation of 3647 "Dillingham Blvd., mauka aide, distance hoo Pl." "Atonal St., Koko Head aide, distance 173' "Bishop St., Ewa side, distance 100' makai Head direction from a point 112' Koko Diamond Head Rd." 126' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb Head Rd., mortice side, "Ahua St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' makai direction from the makai curb direction from the makai curb prolonga- Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation "Diamond distance prolongation of Ala Kawa St." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 5' makai direction from a point 26' makai of prolongation of South Hotel St." tion of Queen St." of Laau St. (Koko Head end)." "Dillingham Blvd., masks aide, distance the makai curb prolongation of Kikowaena "Aloha Oe Dr., Kahuku side, distance 115' "Bishop St., Ewa aide, distance 150' makai "Date St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Koko Head ofthe Ewa property line of 3165 143' Koko Head direction from the Koko makai direction from the makai curb direction from a point 28' makai of the Head direction from a point 88' Koko Head Diamond Head Rd." Head curb prolongation of Waiakamilo Blvd., Ewa side, distance 150' "Ainakoa Ave., Ewa aide, distance 155' prolongation of Mei Pl." makai curb prolongation of South King of the Koko Head curb prolongation of "Dillingham mauka direction from the mortice curb "Aloha Oe Dr., Kahuku aide, diatance 150' St." Kamuela St." mauka direction from a point 86' mauka "Eighteenth Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' prolongation of Aliikoa St." mauka direction from a point 68' mauka "Bishop St., Ewa aide,distance 155' mauka "Date St., mauka side, distance 129' Koko of the mauka curb prolongation of Kaaahi makai direction from a point 413' makai "Ala Aloalo St., Ewa aide, distance 150' of the mauka curb prolongation of Lopaka direction from point 130' mauka of the Head direction from the Koko Head curb St." of the makai curb prolongation of Kilauea "Dillingham Blvd., Head side, mortice direction from a point 15' mauka Pl." mauka curb prolongation of South Hotel prolongation of Olokele Ave." Koko Ave." of the monks curb prolongation of Puuku "Aloha Oe Dr., Kahuku side, diatnce 150' "Date St., masks side, distance 150' Koko distance 150' mauka direction from a point "Eighteenth Ave., Ewa side, distance 124' Mauka Dr." mauka direction from n point 85 masks "Campbell Ave., makai side, distance 131" Head direction from a point 8' Koko Head 92' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation mauka direction from the mauka curb of Kaaahi St." "Ala Aloalo St., mauka side, distance 150' of the monks curb prolongation of Prm- Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- of the Koko Head curb prolongation of prolongation of Kilauea Ave." "Dillingham Blvd., makai side, distance Koko Head direction from a point 58' Koko loha St." gation of Esther St." Ekela Ave." "Eighteenth Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' ISO' Koko Head direction from a 20' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation "Aloha Oe Dr., Kahuku side, distance 150' "Campbell Ave., makai aide, distance 119' "Diamond Head Rd., makai side, distance point mauka direction from a point 170' mauka of Likini St." makai direction from a point 56' makai of Ewa direction from the Ewa curb proton. 150' Ewa direction fromro a point 10' Koko Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- of the mauka curb prolongation of Dia- "Ala 'lima St., makai aide, distance 150' the makai curb prolongation of Hepaki Pl." nation of Hinano St." Head of the Koko Head fence line prolon- gation of of Kalihi St." mond Head Rd." Ewa direction from a point 8' Ewa of the "Aloha Oe Dr., mauka side, distance 112' "Campbell Ave., makai side, distance 168' gation of 3399 Diamond Head Rd. (Dia. "Dillingham Blvd., makai side, distance "Eighteenth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 113' Ewa curb prolongation of Ala Nano St." Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb Koko Head direction from the Koko Head mond Head Lighthouse)." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 23' mauka direction from the mauka curb Head "Ala 'lima St., makai aide, distance 150' prolongation of Maleko St." curb prolongation of Brokaw St." "Diamond Head Rd., makai aide, distance Koko of the Koko Head curb prolon- prolongation of Kaimuki Ave." Koko Head direction from a point 47' Koko "Aloha Oe Dr., Makapuu aide, distance "Campbell Ave., makai side, distance 124' 95' Ewa direction from a point 56' Ewa of gation of of Kokea St." "Eighteenth Ave., Ewa side, distance 123' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation 149' mauka direction from the mauka curb Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- the Koko Head curb prolongation of Beach "Dillingham Blvd., makai side, distance mauka direction from the mauka curb of Ala Napo. Pl." prolongation of Maunawili Rd." gation of Castle St." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 18' prolongation of Maunaloa Ave." "Ala Ilima St., makai side, distance 139' "Alokea Ave., mauka side, distance 150' "Campbell Ave., makai aide, distance 125' "Diamond Head ltd., makai aide, distance Koko Head of the Koko Head each prolon- "Eighteenth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 160' Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Koko Head direction from a point 37' Koko Ewa direction from the Ewa curb proton- 150' Koko Head direction from a point 52' gation of of Laumaka St." makai direction from a point 36' makai of gation of Ala Nioi Pl." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation gation of George St." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Dillingham Blvd., makai side, distance the makai curb prolongation of lwalani "Ala liana St., makai aide, distance 150' of Pokole St." "Campbell Ave., makai side, distance 198' gation of the Kapiolani Community Col- 134' Ewa direction from the Ewe curb Ewa direction from from a point 23' Ewa "Anuhea St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from the Koko Head lege roadway entrance." prolongation of McNeil St." "Eighteenth Ave., Koko Head side, dis- of the Ewa curb prolongation of Ala Meile Koko Head direction from a point 57' Ewa curb prolongation of Kaunaoa St." "Diamond Head Rd., makai aide, distance "Dillingham Blvd., makai side, distance tance 150' makai direction from a point 21' Pl." of the Koko Head property line of 3734 "Captain Cook Ave., mauka side, distance 122' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb 141' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb makai of the makai curb prolongation of "Ala Ilima St., makai aide, distance 143' Anuhea St." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 180' prolongation of Diamond Head Crater prolongation of Ala Kawa St." Pahoa Ave." "Anuhea St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Rd." "Dillingham Blvd., makai aide, distance "Eighteenth Ave., Koko Head side, di. ugust 19-25, 1993 Classified 11 lance 150' mauka direction from a point of the Ewa property line of 4302 Kahala at Kapiolani Bandstand/Tennis Courta." Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation 'Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' ',make direction from the mauka curb 156' mauka of the mauka curb prolonga- Ave." "Kalakaua Ave., makai aide, diatance 284' of Mikiola Dr." Koko Head direction from a point 80' Koko prolongation of Akamai St." tion of Diamond Head Rd." "Kahala Ave., mauka side, distance 160' Koko Head direction from a point 251' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance Head of the Koko Head property line of "Keolu Dr., Makapuu side, distance 150' "Eighteenth Ave., Koko Head aide, die Koko Head direction from a point 42' Koko Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- 150' Kahuku direction from a point 55' 975 Kapiolani Blvd." mauka direction from a point 85' mauka tance 112' makai direction from the makai Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation gation of Kapahulu Ave." Makapuu of the Kahuku property line of "Kapiolani Blvd., makai aide, distance 291' of the mauka curb prolongation of Punana curb prolongation of Kaimuki Ave." of Kale St." "Kalakaua Ave., makai side, distance 201' 44-420 Kaneohe Bay Dr." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Lp" "Eighteenth Ave., Koko Head aide, dis- "Kahala Ave., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 134' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance curb prolongation of McCully St." "Keolu Dr., Makapuu aide, distance 160" tance 113' in the makai direction from the Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Koko Head of the Koko Head property line 150' Makapuu direction from a point 3' "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 274' makai makai curb prolongation of Mauna loa curb prolongation of Koloa St." of 2895 Kalakaua Ave." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Ewa direction from a point 81' Ewa of the of the makai curb prolongation of Akaa. Ave. "Kabala Ave., mauka side, distance 110' "Kalanianaole Hwy., Kahuku side, dis tion of Namoku St." Ewa curb prolongation of Kamoku St." kaawa St." "Eighteenth Ave., Koko Head side, dis- Koko Head direction from the Koko Head tance 150' mauka direction from a point "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka aide, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' "Keolu Dr., Makapuu aide, distance 137' tance 150' makai direction from a point curb prolongation of Hunakai St." 5' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation 150' Makapuu direction from a point 344' Koko Head direction from a point 388' mauka direction from the mauka curb 199' makai of the makai curb prolongation "Kahala Ave., mauka side, distance 106' of Ulukahiki St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- prolongation of Nanialii St." of Kilauea Ave." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kalanianaole Hwy., Makapuu side, dis- tion of Miha St." gation of Keeaumoku St." "Keolu Dr., Makapuu side, distance 143' "Eighteenth Ave., Koko Head aide, dis- curb prolongation of Elepaio St." tance 150' makai direction from a point 32' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' mauka direction from the mauka curb tance 150' makai direction from a point 85' "Kahala Ave., mauka side, distance 150' makai of the makai curb prolongation of 147' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu Ewa direction from a point 20' Ewa of the prolongation of Hele St." makai of the makai curb prolongation of Koko Head direction from a point 57' Ewa Uluhala St." curb prolongation of Halm St." Ewa curb prolongation of Kona.lki St." "Keolu Dr., Makapuu aide, distance 145' Iwalani Pl." of the Koko Head property line of 4642 "Kalanianaole Hwy., Makapuu side, dis- "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' makai direction from the makai curb "Gardenia St., Koko Head aide, distance Kahala Ave." tance 150' makai direction from a point 64' 150' Makapuu direction from a point 105' Ewa direction from a point 161' Ewa of prolongation of Akalani Lp." 142' makai direction from the makai curb "Kahala Ave., mauka side, distance 150' makai of the makai curb prolongation of Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- the Ewa curb prolongation of Atkinson "Keolu Dr., mauka side, distance 160' prolongation of Jasmine St." ' Koko Head direction from a point 23' Ewa Auloa Rd." tion of Kokokahi PI.' Dr." Makapuu direction from a point 319' "Gardenia St., Koko Head side, distance of the Ewa property line of 4442 Kahala "Katie Rd., makai side, distance 150' Koko "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance 'Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- 150' mauka direction from a point 59' Ave." Head direction from a point 300' Koko 150' Kahuku direction from a point 205' Ewa direction from a point 152' Ewa of tion of Akanahe Pl." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of "Kahala Ave. mauka aide, distance 113' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation the Ewa curb prolongation of Keeaumoku "Keolu Dr., mauka side, distance 135' Ginger St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head of Maluhia St." of Mokapu Blvd." St." Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb "Gardenia St., Koko Head aide, distance curb prolongation of Ulili St." "Katie Rd. makai aide, distance 150' Ewa "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' prolongation of Akipohe St." 150' makai direction from a point 26' makai "Kahuhipa St., Makapuu side, distance direction from a point 167' Ewa of the Ewa 150' Makapuu direction from a point 83' Koko Head direction from a point 29' Koko "Keolu Dr., mauka side, distance 150' of the makai curb prolongation of Carlos 155' makai direction from a point 50' makai curb prolongation of Saratoga Rd." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Kahuku direction from a point 53' Kahuku Long St." of the makai property line of 46.260 "Kafiri Rd., makai side, distance 95' Koko tion of Kuau St." of South St." of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Aki. "Ginger St., mauka aide, distance 150' Kahuhipa St." Head direction from the Koko Head curb "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' ahala St." Koko Head direction from a point 29' Koko "Kahuhipa St., Makapuu side, distance prolongation of the Hawaiian Village 150' Makapuu direction from a point 142' Ewa direction from a point 77' Ewa of the "Keolu Dr., mauka side, distance 150' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation 150' mauka direction from a point 105' roadway entrance." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Ewa each prolongation of Kaheka St." Kahuku direction from a point 195' of Jasmine St." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of "Katie Rd., mauka aide, distance 150' Koko tion of Halia St." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation "Green St., makai aide, diatance 192' Koko Kamehameha Hwy." Head direcion from a point 513' Koko Head "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 4' of Akea Pl." Head direction from the Koko Head curb "Kahuhipa St., Makapuu side, distance of the Koko Head curb prolongation of Ala 129' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Keolu Dr., mauka aide, distance 150' prolongation of Ward Ave." 150' makai direction from a point 90' makai Moana Blvd." curb prolongation of Late St." gation of Ward Ave." Makapuu direction from a point 33' Maka- "Hamakua Dr., makai aide, distance 160' of the makai curb prolongation of Kahekili "Katie Rd., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewa "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of Kahuku direction from a point 255' Hwy." direction from a point 470' Ewa of the Ewa 150' Makapuu direction from a point 287' 150' Ewa direction from a point 314' Ewa Akiohala St." Kahuku of the Kahan curb prolongation "Kahuhipa St., Makapuu aide, distance curb prolongation of Saratoga Rd." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- of the Ewa curb prolongation of Kaheka "Keolu Dr., mauka aide, distance 150' of Aoloa St." 150' mauka direction from a point 338' "Katie Rd., mauka side, distance 160' Ewa tion of Paku Pl." St" Makapuu direction from us point 587' "Hamakua Dr., makai aide, distance 150' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of direction from a point 140' Ewa of the Ewa "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka aide, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolongs. Kahuku direction from a point 65' Kahuku Alaloa St." curb prolongation of Maluhia St." 160' Kahuku direction from a point 27' 139' Koko Head direction from the Koko tion of Akipohe St." of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Akoa- "Kahuhipa St., Makapuu aide, distance "Kamehameha Hwy., makai side, distance Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation Head curb prolongation of McCully St." "Keolu Dr., mauka side, distance 150' boa St." 150' mauka direction from a point 25' 160' Makapuu direction from a point 308' of Ilihau St." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Kahuku direction from a point 33' Kahuku "Hamakua Dr., makai aide, diatance 150' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance 160' Ewa direction from a point 22' Ewa of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Aka. Makapuu direction from a point 149' Malina Pl." tion of Waikalua Rd." 150' Kahuku direction from a point 323' of the Ewa curb prolongation of Pensacola nahe Pl." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- "Kailua Rd., Kahuku side, distance 160' 'Kamehameha Hwy., makai side, distance Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation St." "Kikowaena St., mauka side, distance 126' tion of Hekili St." makai direction from a point 135' makai 150' Kahuku direction from a point 95' of Molo St." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Hamakua Dr., mauka aide, distance 150' of the makai curb prolongation of Aumoe Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance 137' Koko Head direction from the Koko curb prolongation of Ahua St." Kahuku direction from a point 77' Kahuku Rd." of Koa Kahiko St." 120' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku Head curb prolongation of Wiliwili St." "Kilauea Ave., Koko Head side, distance of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Ao loa "Kailua Rd., Kahuku side, distance 160' "Kamehameha Hwy., makai aide, distance curb prolongation of Miha St." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 93' makai direction from a point 240' makai 150' Makapuu direction from a point 295' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 41' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of "Hamakua Dr., mauka side, distance 150' of the makai curb prolongation of Ulu- Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- 150' Kahuku direction from a point 144' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Waialae Ave." Kahuku direction from a point 33' Kahuku menu Dr." tion of Kaneohe Bay Dr." Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation gation of Sheridan St." "Kilauea Ave., makai side, distance 160' of the Kahuku property line of 288 Hama- "Kailua Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 150' "Kamehameha Hwy., mauka side, dis- of Aina Moi Pl." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Ewa direction from a point 16' Ewa of the kua Dr." mauka direction from a point 111' mauka tance 150' Kahuku direction from a point "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance 136' Koko Head direction from the Koko Ewa curb prolongation of 11th Ave." "Hamakua Dr., mauka side, distance 160' of the mauka curb prolongation of Kainalu 57' Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolonga- 90' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu Head curb prolongation of Hoawa St." "Kilauea Ave., makai aide, distance 116' Makapuu direction from a point 99' Make- Dr" tion of Pahia Rd." curb prolongation of Ikeanani Dr." "Kapiolani Blvd. mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from the Koko Head puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation "Kailua Rd., Kahuku side, distance 150' "Kamehameha Hwy., mauka aide, dis- "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka aide, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 49' curb prolongation of Pokole St." Hekili St." makai direction from a point 1,411' makai tance 160' Kahuku direction from a point 113' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu Koko Head of the Koko Head curb proton. "Kilauea Ave., makai side, distance 150' "Hawaii St., mauka aide, distance 122' of the makai curb prolongation of Ulu- 220' Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolon- curb prolongation of Moakaka Pl." gation of South St." Ewa direction from a point 16' Ewa of the Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- menu Dr." gation of Paleka Rd." "Kaonohi St., Koko Head side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka aide, distance 95' Ewa curb prolongation of 12th Ave." gation Puunui St." "Kailua Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 150' "Kamehameha Hwy., mauka side, dis- 150' mauka direction from a point 119' Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kilauea Ave., makai aide, distance 150' "Hale St., mauka side, distance 122' mauka direction from a point 225' mauka tance 150' Kahuku direction from a point mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of curb prolongation of the Neil Blaisdell Ewa direction from a point 10' Ewa of the Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb of the mauka curb prolongation of Kainehe 170' Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolon- Moanalua Lp." Center parking lot entrance." Ewa curb prolongation of 10th Ave." prolongation of Mowai St." St." gation of Keaahala Rd." "Kaonohi St., Koko Head aide, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance "Kilauea Ave., makai aide, distance 160' "Hale St., mauka aide, distance 160' "Kailua Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 160' "Kamehameha Hwy., makai side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 320' 150' Koko Head direction from a point 15' Ewa direction from a point 25' Ewa of the Kahuku direction from a point 1' Kahuku mauka direction from a point 55' mauka 150' Ewa direction from a point 120' Ewa makai of the makai curb prolongation of Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Ewa curb prolongation of Makapuu Ave." of the Kahuku curb prolongation of of the mauka curb prolongation of Uluoa of the Ewa property line of 2277 Kameham- Moanalua Rd." gation of Kona-lki St." "Kilauea Ave., mauka side, distance 117' Humuula St." eha Hwy." "Kaonohi St., Koko Head side, distance 98' "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Hale St., mauka side, distance 150' "Kailua Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 160' "Kamehameha Hwy., mauka side, dis- makai direction from the mauka property 134' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb curb prolongation of 11th Ave." Kahuku direction from a point 24' Kahuku makai direction from a point 23' makai of tance 140' Koko Head direction from the line of 98-150 Kaonohi St." prolongation of Kamakee St." "Kilauea Ave. mauka side, distance 138' of the Kahuku curb prolongation of the makai curb prolongation of Hoolai St." Koko Head curb prolongation of Lamaka "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Lekeona St." "Kailua Rd., makai aide, distance 150' St." makai direction from a point 61' of the 150' Koko Head direction from a point 15' curb prolongation of 12th Ave." "He le St., mauka aide, distance 150' Makapuu direction from a point 513' "Kamehameha Hwy., mauka side, dis- makai curb prolongation of Kanaina Ave." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Kilauea Ave., mauka aide, distance 129' Makapuu direction from a point 25' Make- Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- tance 150' Koko Head direction from a "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa side, distance 170' gation of Isenberg St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of tion of Hahani St." point 12' Koko Head of the Koko Head mauka direction from the mauka curb "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance curb prolongation of 10th Ave." Mapuana St." "Kailua Rd. makai side, distance 129' property line of 2312 to 2340 Kamehameha prolongation of Kuhio Ave." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 6' "Kilauea Ave., mauka side, distance 160' "Hookui St., makai aide, distance 150' Ewa Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb Hwy." "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Ewa direction from a point 65' Koko Head direction from a point 146' Ewa of the Ewa prolongation of Aoloa St." "Kamehameha IV Rd., Koko Head side, makai direction from a point 68' makai of gation of Kaheka St." of the Koko Head property line of 4244 curb prolongation of Puowaina Dr." "Kailua Rd. makai aide, distance 150' distance 109' makai direction from the the makai curb prolongation of Mokihana "Kapiolani Blvd. mauka aide, distance Kilauea Ave." "Hunakai St., Ewa aide, distance 160' Kahuku direction from a point 94' Kahuku mauka property line of 1461 Kamehameha St." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 183' "Kilauea Ave., mauka side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 46' makai of of the Kahuku Curb prolongation of IV Rd." "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Koko Head direction from a point 65' Koko the makai curb prolongation of Pahoa Hahani St." "Kamehameha IV Rd., Koko Head side, makai direction from a point 15' mauka gation of Kaimuki Ave." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Ave." "Kailua Rd., Makapuu side, distance 132' distance 154' makai direction from the ofthe mauka propertyline of 910 Kapahulu "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance of 9th Ave." "Hunakai St., Koko Head aide, distance makai direction from the makai curb makai curb prolongation of North School Ave." 150' Ewa direction from a point 127' Ewa "Kina St., Kahuku side, distance 115' 150' makai direction from a point 26' makai prolongation of Aumoe Rd." St" "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' of the Ewa curb prolongation of Pumehana makai direction from the makai curb - of the makai curb prolongation of Pahoa "Kailua Rd., Makapuu aide, distance 150' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance makai direction from a point 158' makai St." prolongation of Hele St." Ave." makai direction from a point 64' makai of 150' Kahuku direction from a point 203' of the makai curb prolongation of Lemon "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka aide, distance "Kinau St., makai side, distance 240' Koko "Hunakai St., Koko Head side, distance the mauka property line of 251 Kailua Rd." Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation 150' Koko Head direction from a point 101' Head direction from the Koko Head curb 150' makai direction from a point 84' "Kailua Rd., Makapuu side, distance 150' of Mokapu Rd." "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- prolongation of Alapai St." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of mauka direction from a point 48' mauka "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance makai direction from a point 77' mauka gation of Keeaumoku St." "Koa Kahiko St., Kahuku side, distance Kilauea Ave." of the mauka curb prolongation of Kailua 160' Makapuu direction from a point 55' of the mauka curb prolongation of Leahi "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 145' "Hunanui St., makai aide, distance 149' Rd." Kahuku of the Makapuu property line of Ave." 150' Ewa direction from a point 188' Ewa makai of the makai curb prolongation of Ewa direction from the Ewa curb proton. "Kailua Rd., mauka aide, distance 160' 44-375 Kaneohe Bay Dr." 'Kapahulu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 166' of the Ewa curb prolongation of Chapin Kamehameha Hwy." gation of Puu Panini St." Kahuku direction from a point 72' Kahuku "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance mauka direction from the mauka curb St" "Kos Kahiko St., makai side, diatance 150' "Hunanui St., makai aide, distance 160' of the Kahuku curb prolongation of 123' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu prolongation of Winam Ave." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Makapuu direction from a point 63' Make. Koko Head direction from a point 90' Ewa Hahani St." curb prolongation of Aumoana Pl." 'Kapahulu Ave., Ewa side, distance 137' 150' Ewa direction from a point 181' Ewa puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of of the Ewa curb prolongation of Hone lewa "Kailua Rd., mauka aide, distance 126' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance makai direction from the makai curb of the Ewa curb prolongation of Kaaha St." Meakaua St." St." Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb 150' Makapuu direction from a point 820' prolongationof Cartwright Rd." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance "Koa Kahiko St., mauka aide, distance 121' "Hunanui St., mauka side, distance 125' prolongation of Aoloa St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa side, distance 385' 126' Koko Head direction from the Koko Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kailua Rd., Waimanalo aide, distance tion of Kuono P1." makai direction from the makai curb Head curb prolongation of Cooke St." prolongation of Mealele St." curb prolongation of Hunalewa St." 130' makai direction from the makai curb "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance prolongation of Paki Ave." "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance "Koa Kahiko St., mauka aide, distance 150' "Hunanui St., mauka aide, distance 117' prolongation of Hamakua Dr." 121' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu 'Kapahulu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' 142' Koko Head direction from the Koko Kahuku direction from a point 30' Maka- Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kailua Rd., Waimanalo side, distance curb prolongation of Hako St." mauka direction from a point 67' mauka Head curb prolongation of Paani St." puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of curb prolongation of 22nd Ave." 150' makai direction from a point 322' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance of the mauka curb prolongation of Date "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Namoku St." "Maine St., Kahuku side, distance 116' makai of the makai curb prolongation of 150' Kahuku direction from a point 25' St" 180' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb "Koko Dr., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa makai direction from the makai curb Ulumanu Dr." Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation "Kapahulu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' prolongation of Waiaka St." direction from a point 68' Ewa of the Koko prolongation of Ilipi lo St.' "Kailua Rd., Waimanalo side, distance of the driveway to 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Dr. mauka direction from a point 23' makai "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance Head property line of 3922 Koko Dr." "Iwilei Rd., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka 150' makai direction from a point 75' makai (YWCA Camp Kokokahi)." of the makai property line of 548 Kapahulu 150' Ewa direction from a point 113' Ewa "Koko Head Ave., Koko Head side, dis- direction from a point 155' mauka of the of the makai curb prolongation of private "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance Ave." of the Ewa curb prolongation of Atkinson tance 150' makai direction from a point 65' mauka curb prolongation of Pacific St." road." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 55' "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head side, distance Dr." makai of the makai curb prolongation of "Iwilei Rd., Ewa aide, distance 160' mauka "Kailua Rd., Waimanalo aide, distance Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation 150' mauka direction from a point 46' "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka aide, distance Waialae Ave." direction from a point 61' mauka of the 150' makai direction from a point 161' of Moto St." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of 198' Koko Head direction from the Koko "Kona St., makai side, distance 187' Ewa mauka curb prolongation of Kuwili St." makai of the makai curb prolongation of "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance Mooheau Ave." Head curb prolongation of University direction from the Ewa curb prolongation " Iwilei Rd., Ewa aide, distance 150' makai Uluoa St." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 55' "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head side, distance Ave." of Keeaumoku St." direction from a point 56' makai of the "Kailua Rd., Waimanalo aide, distance Kahuku of the Makapuu curb prolongation 139' makai direction from the makai curb "Kapiolani Blvd., mauka side, distance 65' "Kona St., makai side, distance 181' Koko r, makai curb prolongation of Sumner St." 160' makai direction from a point 367' of Kuau St." prolongation of Kanaina Ave." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Head direction from the Koko Head curb " Iwilei Rd., Koko Head aide, distance 150' makai of the makai curb prolongation of "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head aide, distance gation of Kalakaua Ave." prolongation of Keeaumoku St." mauka direction from a point 62' mauka Kalanianaole Hwy." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 6' 158' makai direction from the makai curb "Kane St., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa "Kona St., makai aide, distance 150' Ewa of the mauka curb prolongation of Sumner "Kaimuki Ave., makai side, distance 150' Makapuu of the Makapuu property line of prolongation of Paliuli St." direction from a point 6' Ewa of the Ewa direction from a point 50' Koko Head of St." Koko Head direction from a point 292' 44-5065 Kaneohe Bay Dr." "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head side, distance curb prolongation of the Patton Gate the Ewa curb prolongation of Kona Iki St." "Iwilei Rd., Koko Head side, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon. "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance 136' mauka direction from the mauka curb driveway entrance." "Kuakini St., mauka aide, distance 170' mauka direction from a point 397' mauka gation of Kapiolani Blvd." 150' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku prolongation of Olu St." "Kawailoa Rd., makai side, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- of the mauka curb prolongation of Pacific "Kaimuki Ave., makai side, distance 185' curb prolongation of Mikiola Dr." "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head side, distance Kahuku direction from a point 705' gation of Pali Hwy." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 81' Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation "Kuhio Ave., makai aide, distance 233' "Iwilei Rd., Koko Head aide, distance 160' gation of Kapahulu Ave." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 30' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of of Alala Rd." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head mauka direction from a point 11' mauka "Kaimuki Ave., mauka aide, distance 150' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Hunter St." "Kawailoa Rd., mauka side, distance 160' curb prolongation of Seaside Ave." of the mauka curb prolongation of Kuwili Koko Head direction from a point 248' tion of Halia St." "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head side, distance Kahuku direction from a point 311' "Kuhio Ave., makai aide, distance 165' St." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb proton. "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai aide, distance 406' makai direction from the makai curb Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation Ewa direction from a point 120' Ewa of "Iwilei Rd., Koko Head aide, distance 150' gation of Kapiolani Blvd." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 39' prolongation of Paki Ave." of Aisle Rd." the Ewa curb prolongation of Olohana St." makai direction from a point 42' makai of "Kalaimoku St., Koko Head aide, distance Kahuku of the Makapuu property line of "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head aide, diatance "Kawailoa Rd., mauka side, distance 150' "Kuhio Ave., makai side, distance 115' the makai curb prolongation of King St." 160' makai direction from a point 103' 44-413 Kaneohe Bay Dr." 264' mauka direction from the mauka curb Kahuku direction from a point 65' Kahuku Ewa direction from the Ewa curb proton "Jasmine St., Ewa side, distance 164' makai of the makai curb prolongation of "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance prolongation of Leahi Ave." of the Kahuku property line of 445 Kawai- gation of Kalaimoku St." mauka direction from the mauka curb Kuhio Ave." 110' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku "Kapahulu Ave., Koko Head aide, distance loa Rd." "Kuhio Ave., makai side, distance 125' prolongation of Carlos Long St." "Kalakaua Ave., Ewa side, distance 288' curb prolongation of Namoku St." 184' makai direction from the makai curb "Keaahala Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 160' between the Ewa curb prolongation of Dr., aide, "Kahala Ave., makai aide, distance 160' makai direction from the makai curb "Kaneohe Bay makai distance prolongation of Campbell Ave." makai direction from a point 61' mauka Kaiulani Ave. and the Koko Head curb S Ewa direction from a point 37' Koko Head prolongation of South King St." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 289' "Kapiolani Blvd., Koko Head side, dis- of the mauka curb prolongation of the prolongation of Kanekapolei St." of the Koko Head property line of 4653- "Kalakaua Ave., Ewa aide, distance 155' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- tance 150' mauka direction from a point State access road to Castle Hills Subdivi- "Kuhio Ave., makai side, distance 121' B Kahala Ave." mauka direction from the makai curb tion of Moakaka Pl." 109' mauka of the mauka curb prolonga- sion." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Kahala Ave., makai side, distance 150' prolongation of Philip St." "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance tion of Harding Ave." "Keaahala Rd., Kahuku side, distance 150' gation of Liliuokalani Ave." Koko Head direction from a point 14' Koko "Kalakaua Ave., Ewa side, distance 169' 150' Makapuu direction from a point 312' "Kapiolani Blvd., Koko Head aide, dia. makai direction from a point 117' makai "Kuhio Ave., makai aide, distance 135' Head of the Ewa property line of 4757 mauka direction from the mauka curb Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Lance 160' Ewa direction from a point 101' of the makai curb prolongation of Banyan Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Kahala Ave." prolongation of Makaloa St." tion of Mokulele Dr." Ewa of the Koko Head property line of 2537 Dr." gation of Lowers St." "Kahala Ave., makai aide, distance 150' "Kalakaua Ave., Ewa side, distance 129' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance Kapiolani Blvd." "Keaahala Rd., Kahuku side, distance 132' "Kuhio Ave., makai aide, distance 118' Ewa direction from a point 26' Koko Head mauka direction from the mauka curb 117' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' makai direction from the makai curb Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- of the Ewa curb prolongation of Pueo St." prolongation of Ena Rd." curb prolongation of Kaimalu Pl." Ewa direction from a point 464' Ewa of prolongation of Paaila Pl." gation of Paoakalani Ave." "Kahala Ave., makai aide, distance 150' "Kalakaua Ave., Ewa side, distance 142' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance the Ewa curb prolongation of Ward Ave." "Keaahala Rd., Kahuku side, distance 150' "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa direction from a point 37' Koko Head mauka direction from the mauka curb 150' Kahuku direction from a point 135' "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 388' mauka Ewa direction from a point 29' Ewa of the of the Koko Head property line of 4721 prolongation of Kapiolani Blvd." Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation Ewa direction from a point 170' Ewa of of the mauka curb prolongation of Kerne- Ewa curb prolongation of Namahana St." Kahala Ave." "Kalakaua Ave., Ewa side, distance 143' of Miha St." the Ewa curb prolongation of McCully St." hameh a Hwy." "Kuhio Ave.Ave., mauka side, distance 122' "Kabala Ave., makai side, distance 150' makai direction from the makai curb "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 173' "Keaahala Rd., Kahuku side, distance 160' Koko Head from the Koko Head Ewa direction from a point 35' Koko Head prolongation of Ala Wai Blvd." 129' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- mauka direction from a point 93' mauka curb prolongation of Lewera St." of the Ewa curb prolongation of Ulili St." "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance curb prolongation of 'Rhea St." gation of Maunawai St." of the mauka curb prolongation of Kame- "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 168' "Kabala Ave., makai side, distance 150' 145' makai direction from the makai curb "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai aide, distance 160' hameha Hwy." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Koko Head direction from a point 39' Ewa prolongation of Philip St." 118' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu Koko Head direction from a point 65' Koko "Keaahala Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 150' gation of Nahua St." of the Koko Head curb prolongation of 'Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance curb prolongation of Likeke Pl." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation makai direction from a point 195' makai "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 163' Hunakai St." 158' mauka direction from the mauka curb "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance of Kalakaua Ave." of the makai curb prolongation of Kahekili Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Kahala Ave., makai aide, distance 122' prolongation of McCully St." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 26' "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 137' Hwy." gation of Liliuokalani Ave." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Ewa direction from the Ewa curb proton. "Keaahala Rd., Kahului side, distance 150' "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 132' curb prolongation of Royal Pl." 147' mauka direction from a point 205' tion of Late St." gation of Kamakee St." makai direction from a point 36' makai of Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kahala Ave., makai side, distance 140' mauka of the mauka curb. prolongation of "Kaneohe Bey Dr., makai aide, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai aide, distance 150' the makai curb prolongation of Pahuwai curb prolongation of Paoakalani Ave." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Kapiolani Blvd." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 41' Koko Head direction from a point 46' Koko "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 160' curb prolongation of Kulamanu St. "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation "Keaahala Rd., Makapuu side, distance Koko Head direction from a point 180' "Kabala Ave., makai aide, distance 150' 129' makai direction from the makai curb tion of Paku Pl." of Piikoi St." 150' mauka direction from a point 374' Koko Head of the the Koko Head curb Ewa direction from a point 50' Koko Head prolongation of Pau St." "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of prolongation of Kaiulani Ave." of the Ewa curb prolongation of Paikau "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance 150' Makapuu direction from a point 79' Koko Head direction from a point 104' Ewa "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 152' Makapuu Kahekili Hwy." St" 181' makai direction from the makai curb of the Makapuu curb prolonga- of the Ewa curb prolongation of Paani St." "Keaahala Rd., Makapuu aide, distance Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Kahala Ave., makai side, distance 150' prolongation of South King St." tion of Malukai Pl." "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 144' 150' mauka direction from a point 7' mauka gation of Seaside Ave." Koko Head direction from a point 44' Ewa "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Kaneohe Bay Dr., makai side, distance Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- of the mauka curb prolongation of the "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 120' of the Koko Head curb prolongation of 184' makai direction from a point 126' 137' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu gation of Pensacola St." State access road to Castle Hills Subdivi- Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Kola Pl." makai of the makai curb prolongation of curb prolongation of Aina Moi Pl." "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' sion." curb prolongation of Ohua Ave." Dr., aide, "Kahala Ave., makai side, distance 160' Kapiolan Blvd." "Kaneohe Bay Makapuu distance Koko Head direction from a point 223' "Keplu Dr., makai side, distance 145' "Kuhio Ave., monks side, distance 163' Koko Head direction from a point 84' Ewa "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 32' makai Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb Koko Head direction from the Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation of 150' makai direction from a point 44' makai of the makai curb prolongation of Aumoku gation of Malnikona St." prolongation of Hamakua Dr." curb prolongation of Walina St." Elepaio St." of the makai curb prolongation of Ala Wai "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 160' "Keolu Dr., makai side, distance 120' "Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 143' "Kahala Ave., makai side, distance 141' Blvd." "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance Ewa direction from a point 48' Ewa of the Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon "Kalakaua Ave., Koko Head aide, distance 150' Kahuku direction from a point 65' Ewa curb prolongation of University Ave." prolongation of Papalani St." curb prolongation of Launiu St." Ration of Black Point Rd." 184' mauka direction from the mauka curb Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' "Keolu Dr. makai side, distance 145' "Kupau St., makai side, distance 150' "Kabala Ave., mauka side, distance 150' prolongation of Makaloa St." of Bayview Haven Pl." Koko Head direction from a point 20' Koko Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb Makapuu direction from a point 202' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from a point 24' Ewa "Kalakaua Ave., makai side, distance 137' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation prolongation of Pauku St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolongs. ' of the Ewa property line of 4758 Kahala Ewa directon from the Ewa curb proton. 120' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku of Cooke St." "Keolu Dr., makai side, distance 150' lion of Kupau Pl." Ave." gation of the Natatorium access road." curb prolongation of Keane Rd." "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 160' Makapuu direction from a point 55' Maka- "Kupau St., makai side, distance 131' "Kahala Ave., mauka side, distance 160' "Kalakaua Ave., makai side, distance 227' "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from a point 42' Koko puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb Koko Head direction from a point 92' Koko Ewa direction from the Koko Head curb 150' Makapuu direction from a point 123' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Pahumele Pl." prolongation of Apokula St." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation prolongation of Poni Moi St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- of Ward Ave." "Keolu Dr., makai side, distance 129' "Kupau St., makai side, distance 146' of Aukai St." "Kalakaua Ave., makai side, distance 132' tion of Labs St." "Kapiolani Blvd., makai aide, distance 176' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb "Kabala Ave., mauka aide, diatance 150' Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance Koko Head direction from the Koko Head prolongation of Kamahele St." prolongation of Kina St." Koko Head direction from a point 41' Koko curb prolongation of the Queen Surf 150' Kahuku direction from a point 3' curb prolongation of Kaimuki Ave." "Keolu Dr., makai side, distance 150' "Kupau St., makai side, distance 160' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Pavilion driveway." Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolongation "Kapiolani Blvd., makai side, distance 150' Kahuku direction from a point 10' Kahuku Kahuku direction from a point 89' Kahuku of Diamond Head Rd." "Kalakaua Ave., makai side, distance 213' of the Kaneohe Yacht Club access road." Koko Head direction from a point 127' Ewa of the Kahuluu curb prolongation of lass of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Hele "Kaha la Ave., mauka side, distance 150' Ewa direction from a point 72' Ewa of the "Kaneohe Bay Dr., mauka side, distance of the Ewa curb prolongation of Isenberg St." St." 150' a 116' Koko Head direction from a point 8' Ewa Ewa curb prolongation of the medial break Kahuku direction from point "Keolu Dr., Makapuu side, distance 123' "Kuulei Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 120' Classified III August 19-25, 1993

makai direction from the makai curb of the makai property line of 3851 Lurline "Mokapu Blvd., Makapuu side, distance "Ninth Ave., Ewe side, distance 121' "North King St., mauka side, distance 147' the makai curb prolongation of Elmo Dr." prolongation of Me Italie Ave." Dr." 150' mauka direction from a point 55' mauka direction from the mauka curb Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Nuuanu Pali Dr., Ewe side, distance 160' "Kuulef Rd., Makapuu aide, distance 150' 'Lurline Dr., makai aide, distance 150' makai of the makai property line of 1150 prolongation of Hinahina St." gation of Houghtailing St." makai direction from a point 5' mauka of mauka direction from a point 155' mauka Ewe direction from a point 52' Koko Head Mokepu Blvd." "Ninth Ave., Ewe side, distance 123' "North King St., masks aide, distance 150' the mauka curb prolongation of 3509 of the mauka curb prolongation of Kainalu of the Koko Head property line of 3936 "Mokapu Rd., Kahuku side, distance 160' mauka direction from the mauka curb Koko Head direction from a point 82' Koko Nuuenu Pali Dr." Lurline Dr." makai direction from a point 309' makai prolongation of Katie St." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation "Nuuanu Pali Dr., Koko Head side, die. "Kuulei Rd., Makapuu aide, distance 15' "Magellan St., meuke side, distance 150' of the makai curb prolongation of Kaneohe "Ninth Ave., Ewe side, distance 123' of Kokea St." lance 155' makai direction from the mauka makai direction from a point 63' makai of Ewa direction from a point 69' Koko Head Bay Dr." mauka direction from the mauka curb "North King St., mauka aide, distance 150' curb prolongation of Kimo Dr." the makai curb prolongation of Kailua line of 250 Magellan 150' Rd., of the Ewa property "Mokapu Rd., Kahuku side, distance prolongation of Pakui St." Koko Heed direction from a point 121' "Nuuanu Pali Dr., Koko Head aide, dis- SL" makai direction from a point 35' makai of "Ninth Ave., Ewe aide, distance 122' Koko Head of the Koko Heed curb proton. tance 150' mauka direction from a point "Leahi Ave., mauka aide, entire length "Magellan St., mauka aide, distance 150' the makai property line of 703 Mokapu mauka direction from the mauka curb gation of Kalihi St." 44' mekai of the makai curb prolongation between Monaarrat Ave. and Kaunaoa St." Koko Head direction from a point 36' Ewe prolongation of Paalea St." "North King St., mauka side, distance 150' of 3509 Nuuanu Pali Dr." "Leahi Ave., mauka side, distance 150' of the Koko Head curb prolongation of Pale "Mokapu Rd., Makapuu side, distance 150' "Ninth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from a point 39' Ewe of the "Old Pali Rd., Ewa side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 162' St" makai direction from a point 29' makai of meuke direction from a point 27' mauka Ewa curb prolongation of Hake Dr." makai direction from a point 63' makai of Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Magellan St., mauka aide, distance 159' the makai curb prolongation of Old of the mauka curb prolongation of Maluhia "North School St., Ewe side, distance 150' the makai curb prolongation of Niniko Pl." gation of Hollinger St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Mokapu Rd." St" mauka direction from a point 75' mauka "Old Pali Rd., Ewa side, distance 171' "Leahi Ave., mauka aide, distance 135' curb prolongation of Freer St." "Mokepu Rd., Makapuu aide, distance 150' "Ninth Ave., Ewe side, distance 136' of the mauka curb prolongation of Nutely makai direction from the makai curb Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Mahukona St., makai side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 431' mekai mauka direction from the mauka curb St." prolongation of Mamalahoe Pb." curb prolongation of Lekimeu St." Ewe direction from a point 94' Ewa of the of the makai curb prolongation of North prolongation of Waialee Ave." "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Ewe side, distance 150' "Leahi Ave., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewe curb prolongation of Atkinson Dr." Kalaheo Ave." "North Beretania St., makai side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from the Koko mauka direction from a point 46' makai Ewe direction from a point 23' Ewe of the "Makapuu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' "Mokulele Dr., Kahuku side, distance 160' 151' Koko Head direction from the Koko Head curb prolongation of Leilani St" of the mauka property line of Old Pali Pl." Ewa curb prolongation of Mekini St." mauka direction from a point 6' mauka of mauka direction from a point 50' mauka Heed curb prolongation of Attie St." "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Ewe side, distance 134' "Likini St., Ewe aide, distance 150' meuke the mauka curb prolongation of Maunalei of the masks curb prolongation of "North Beretania St., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewe curb mekai direction from the makai curb direction from a point 50' makai of the Ave." Kaneohe Bay Dr." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 10' prolongation of Martin St" prolongation of Perin Pl." mauka property line of 4825 Likini St." "Makapuu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 144' "Mokulele Dr., Kahuku aide, distance 150' Koko Heed of the Koko Heed curb prolon "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Ewa side, distance 115' " Likini St., Ewe side, distance 126' mauka mauka direction from the mauka curb mauka direction from a point 259' mauka gation of River St." 150' Ewe direction from the Ewa curb mauka direction from the mauka curb direction from the mauka curb prolonga- prolongation of Alohee Ave." of the mauka curb prolongation of Pueae "North Beretania St., mauka aide, distance prolongation of Aupuni St." prolongation of Palimalu PI." tion of Ala Aloelo St." "Makiki Hgta. Dr., Ewe aide, distance 150' 150' Ewe direction from a point 27' Ewa "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Koko Heed aide, distance "Likini St., Ewa side, distance 124' meuke mauka direction from a point 3' mauka of "Mokulele Dr., Kahuku side, distance 123' of the Ewe curb prolongation of Nuuanu 150'Koko Heed direction from a point 114' 150' makai direction from a point 85' direction from the mauka curb prolonga- the mekai property line of 2439 Makiki makai direction from the makai curb Ave." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of tion of Ala Awapuhi St." Heights Dr." prolongation of Pahikaua St." "North Beretania St., mauka side, distance gation of Pohaku St." Godley Pl." "Likini St., Koko Head side, distance 150' "Makiki Hgta. Dr., makai side, distance "Mokulele Dr., Makapuu aide, distance 130' Koko Head direction from the apex "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Koko Head aide, distance makai direction from a point 16' mauka 150' Ewe direction from a point 30' Ewe 150' makai direction from a point 418' prolongation of North Beretania and 133' Ewe direction from a point 258' Ewe 150' makai direction from a point 71' of the makai curb prolongation of Ale of the Ewe curb prolongation of Mott- makai of the makai curb prolongation of North King Ste." of the Ewe curb prolongation of Palema mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Awapuhi St." Smith Dr." Mikihilina St." "North Hotel St., makai side, distance 112' St" Palimalu Pl." "Likini St., Koko Heed aide, distance 150' "Makiki Hgte. Dr., makai side, distance "Mokulele Dr., Makapuu side, distance Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Koko Head aide, distance makai direction from a point 50' mauka 150' Ewe direction from a point 26' Ewe 160' makai direction from a point 20' makai gation of Smith St." 150' Ewa direction from a point 28' Koko 150' makai direction from a point 16' makai of the mauka property line of 4557 Likini of the Koko Head property line of 2526 of the makai curb prolongation of Mikihil- "North Hotel St., makai side, distance 150' Head of the Ewe curb prolongation of Kino of the makai curb prolongation of Paris St" Makiki Heights Dr." ina St," Koko Heed direction from a point 164' St" P1" "Likini St., Koko Heed side, distance 150' "Meleko St., Makapuu aide, distance 150' "Mokulele Dr., Makapuu aide, distance Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "North School St., makai side, distance "Old Pali Rd., Koko Head aide, distance makai direction from the meuke property mauka direction from a point 540' meuke 150' mauka direction from a point 6' mauka gation of River St." 150' Ewe direction from a point 94' Ewe 160' makai from a point 86' mauka of the line of 4826 Likini St." of the mauka curb prolongation of Puce- of the mauka curb prolongation of "North Hotel St., mauka side, distance 111' of the Ewe curb prolongation of Hought- mauka curb prolongation of Niniko Pl." "Likini St., mauka side, distance 160' Koko lobe St." Kaneohe Bay Dr." Koko Head direction from the Koko Heed ailing St." "Old Waialae Rd., meuke side, diatnce 150' Head direction from a point 71' Ewe of the "Meleko St., Makapuu side, distance 150' "Mokulua Dr., makai side, distance 150' curb prolongation of Smith St." "North School St., makai side, distance Ewa direction from a point 88' Ewa of the Koko Head curb prolongation of Ala makai direction from a point 6' makai of Makapuu direction from a point 168' "North Hotel St., meuke side, distance 150' 150' Ewa direction from a point 31' Ewa Ewe abutment of the H-1 overpass." Kapue St." the makai property line of 1314 Meleko St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- Ewe direction from a point 84' Ewa of the of the Ewe curb prolongation of Lanakila "Old Waialee Rd., mauka side, distance "Likini St., mauka side, distance 135' Koko "Mafia St., makai aide, distance 150' Ewe tion of Pokole Wy." Ewe curb prolongation of Meunekee St. Ave. 179' Koko Heed direction from a point 25' Heed direction from the Koko Heed curb direction from a point 6' Ewa of the Ewe "Mokulua Dr., makai aide, distance 150' "North Kalaheo Ave., makai aide, distance "North School St., makai aide, distance Koko Head of the Koko Head property line prolongation of Ale Lehua St." curb prolongation of Makaikoa St." Makapuu direction from a point 55' 105' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku 150' Koko Head direction from a point 339' of 2868 Old Waielee Rd." "Likini St., meuke aide, distance 150' Koko "Melia St., makai side, distance 150' Koko Kahuku of the Makapuu curb prolongation curb prolongation of Mehiloa PI." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Olohana St., Ewa aide, distance 142' Heed direction from a point 50' Ewe of the Head direction from a point 133' Koko of Aele Dr." "North Kalaheo Ave., makai aide, distance gation of Kokea St." masks direction from the mauka curb Koko Head curb prolongation of Ale Heed of the Koko Head curb prolongation "Mokulua Dr., makai side, distance 150' 108' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku "North School St., makai side, distance prolongation of Kalakaua Ave." Kulikuli St." of Kilauea Ave." Kahuku direction from a point 7' Kehuku curb prolongation of Pueohala Pl." 144' Ewe direction from the Ewe curb "Oneawe St., makai aide, distance 128' "Likini St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko "Mafia St., makai side, distance 146' Ewa of the Makapuu curb prolongation of "North Kalaheo Ave., mekai side, distance prolongation of Kapalama Ave." Kaneohe direction from the Kaneohe curb Head direction from a point 16' Ewe of the direction from the Ewe curb prolongation Haokee Dr." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 32' "North School St., makai side, distance prolongation of Kelm St." Ewa property line of 4613 Likini St." of Ain akoa Ave." "Mokulua Dr., makai side, distance 150' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- 150' Ewa direction from a point 19' Ewe "Oneawa St., makai aide, distance 193' "Likini St., makai aide, distance 133' Koko "Maunalani Cir., makai aide, distance 106' Kahuku direction from a point 26' Kahuku tion of Makawao St." of the Ewe curb prolongation of Makua- Kaneohe direction from the Kaneohe curb Head direction from the Koko Head curb Ewe direction from the Ewe curb prolon- of the Kahuku curb prolongation of One. "North Kalaheo Ave., makai side, distance hine St." prolongation of Keaniani St." prolongation of Ale Laulani St." gation of Lurline Dr." Irea Dr." 150' Makapuu direction from a point 135' "North School St., makai side, distance "Oneawe St., makai side, distance 150' "Litiha St., Ewa aide, distance 126' mauka "Maunaloe Ave., makai side, distance 150' "Mokulua Dr., makai side, distance 150' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- 155' Koko Heed direction from the Koko Makapuu direction from a point 143' direction from the mauka curb prolongs. Ewe direction from a point 5' Ewa of the Makapuu direction from a point 43' Maka- tion of Dune Cir." Heed property line of Momolio I.n." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- lion of Ekekela St." Ewe curb prolongation of 7th Ave." puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of "North Kaleheo Ave., makai side, distance "North School St., mauka aide, distance tion of Manono St." "Lilihe St., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka "Maunaloa Ave., makai side, distance 150' Kaelepulu Dr." 150' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu 152' Koko Head direction from the Koko "Oneawa St., makai side, distance 329' direction from a point 73' mauka of the Ewa direction from a point 18' Ewe of the "Mokulua Dr., makai side, distance 150' curb prolongation of Kailuana Pl." Head curb prolongation of Gulick Ave." Kaneohe direction from the Kaneohe curb mauka curb prolongation of Kuakini St." Ewa curb prolongation of 9th Ave." Makapuu direction from a point 10' Make.- "North }Satoh. Ave., makai aide, distance "North School St., mauka aide, distance prolongation of Kuulei Rd." "Liliha St., Ewe aide, distance 104' makai "Maunaloa Ave., makai side, distance 120' pun of the Makapuu property line of 808 139' Kahuku direction from the Kahuku 154' Ewa direction from the Ewe curb "Oneewe St., makai side, distance 141' direction from a point 77' mauka of the Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- Mokulua Dr." curb prolongation of Laiki Pl." prolongation of Kapaleme Ave." Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb mauka curb prolongation of Bates St." gation of 8th Ave." "Monsarrat Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' "North Kalaheo Ave., mauka side, die. "North School St., mauka side, distance prolongation of Oneawa Ln." "Lilihe St., Ewe aide, distance 150' mauka "Maunaloa Ave., meuke aide, distance 129' mekai direction from a point 74' makai of tance 160' Makapuu direction from a point 155' Ewe direction from the Ewe curb "Oneawa St., makai aide, distance 137' direction from a point 46' mauka of the Ewe direction from the Ewa curb proton. the mekai curb prolongation of Kanaine 4' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolon- prolongation of Pohaku St." Kaneohe direction from the Kaneohe curb mauka curb prolongation of Liliha Pl." gation of Peehana St." Ave." gation of Om. St." "North School St., mauka aide, distance prolongation of Kalolina St." "Lilihe St., Ewa aide, distance 133' mauka "Maunaloa Ave., meuke side, distance 114' "Monsarrat Ave., Koko Head aide, die. "North Kalaheo Ave., mauka side, dis- 158' Ewa direction from the Ewe curb "Oneawe St., makai aide, distance 173' direction from a point 84' mauka of the Koko Heed direction from the Koko Heed tence 815' mauka direction from the tance 150' Makapuu direction from a point prolongation of Liliha St." Kaneohe direction from the Kaneohe curb mekai property line of Saint Francis curb prolongation of 7th Ave." mauka curb prolongation of Kelakaue 10' Mekapuu of the Makapuu curb prolon- "North School St., mauka side, distance prolongation of Kawainui St." Hospital." "Maunawili Rd., Makapuu side, distance Ave." gation of Kaluamoo St." 150' Koko head direction from a point 48' "Oneawa St., makai side, distance 121' "Liliha St., Ewe aide, distance 150' makai 130' monks direction from the mauka curb "Monserrat Ave., Koko Heed side, dis- "North Kalaheo Ave., mocha aide, die. Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Kaneohe direction from the Kaneohe curb direction from a point 128' makai of the prolongation of Maunawili Lp." tance 294' makai direction from the makai lance 160' Makapuu direction from a point gation of Kino St." prolongation of Kuaaina Wy." makai curb prolongation of Wyllie St." "Maunawili Rd., Makapuu side, distance curb prolongation of Paki Ave." 45' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolon- "North School St., mauka aide, distance "Oneawa St., makai side, distance 150' "Liliha St., Ewe side, distance 150' makai 150' mauka direction from a point 99' "Monterey Dr., Ewa side, distance 160' gation of Makawao St." 160' Ewa direction from a point 27' Ewa Makapuu direction from a point 260' direction from a point 214' makai of the mauka of the mekai property line of 908 mauka direction from a point 40' makai "North Kalaheo Ave., mauka side, dis- of the Ewa curb prolongation of Ahonui Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- makai curb prolongation of Kuakini St." Maunawili Rd." of the makai curb prolongation of Lanipili tance 160' Kahuku direction from a point St." tion of of Olomana St." "Liliha St, Ewe side, distance 131' mauka " Maunawili Rd., Makapuu side, distance 215' Kahuku of the Kahuku curb prolon- "North School St, wanks aide, distance "Oneawa St., makai aide, distance 129' direction from a point 39' mauka of the 150' mocha direction from a point' 12' "Monterey Dr., Ewa side, distance 168' gation of Kainui Dr." 150' Koko Heed direction from a point 167' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb meuke curb prolongation of Kunawai Ln." mauka of the makai property line of 1040 makai direction from the metal curb "North Kalaheo Ave., mauka aide, dis- Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- prolongation of Mokapu Blvd." "Lilihe St., Ewe aide, distance 131' mauka Maunawili Rd." prolongation of Iwi Wy." tance 150' Makapuu direction from a point gation of Likelike Hwy." "Oneawa St., mauka side, distance 120' direction from the mauka curb prolonga- "Maunawili Rd., Makapuu aide, distance "Monterey Dr., Ewe side, distance 150' 10' Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolon- "North School St., mauka aide, distance Kahuku Direction from the Kahuku curb tion of Hiram Ln." 150' mauka direction from a point 17' mauka direction from a point 69' metal gation of Laiki Pl." 150' Koko Heed direction from a point 100' prolongation of Hooulu St." "Lilihe St., Ewe aide, distance 150' mauka mauka of the makai property line of 1082 of the mauka property line of 3816 Lurline "North King St., makai side, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb proton. "Oneawa St., mauka side, distance 150' direction from a point 43' mauka of the Maunawili Rd." Dr." Koko Head direction from a point 263' gation of Lanakile Ave." Kahuku direction from a point 53' Kahuku mauka curb prolongation of Vineyard "McCully St., Ewe side, distance 233' "Mooheau Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "North School St., mauka aide, distance of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Auwei Blvd." mauka direction from the mauka curb mauka direction from a point 90' mauka gation of Austin Ln." 150' Ewe direction from a point 75' Koko St." "Lilihe St., Ewa aide, distance 150' makai prolongation of Kepioleni Blvd." of the mauka curb prolongation of Rape- "North King St., makai aide, distance 153' Head of the makai/Koko Head curb "Oneawe St., mauka side, distance 142' direction from a point 34' makai of the "McCully St., Ewa side, distance 119' hulu Ave." Ewe direction from the Ewe curb proton. prolongation of Kokea St." Kehuku direction from the Kahuku curb makai curb prolongation of Kukui St." mauka direction from the mauka curb "Mooheau Ave., Ewa side, distance 120' gation of Owen St." "North School St., masks side, distance prolongation of Kalolina St." "Lilihe St., Ewe side, distance 129' mauka prolongation of Date St." mauka direction from the mauka curb "North King St., makai side, distance 150' 165' Koko Head direction from the Koko "Oneawa St., mauka side, distance 160' direction from the mauka curb prolonga- "McCully St., Ewe side, distance 150' prolongation of Peliuli St" Koko Head direction from a point 29' Ewa Head curb prolongation of Leilani St." Makapuu direction frame point I' Make- tion of Holokahane Ln." makai direction from a point 223' makai "Mooheau Ave., Koko Head side, distance of the makai curb prolongation of North "North School St., mauka side, distance puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of "Liliha St., Ewa side, distance 107' makai of the mauka curb prolongation of Kepi. 160' metal direction from a point 30' makai Beretania St." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 149' Kawainui St." direction from the makai curb prolonga- olani Blvd." of the makai curb prolongation of 6th "North King St., makai aide, distance 127' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Oneewe St., mauka aide, distance 150' tion of Hanana P1." "McCully St., Koko Head side, distance Ave." Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head gation of Alan. St." Kahuku direction from a point 25' Kehuku "Lilihe St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' 242' mauka direction from the mauka curb "Mooheau Ave., Koko Head aide, distance curb prolongation of Mokauea St." "North School St., mauls side, distance of the Kehuku curb prolongation of makai direction from a point 41' makai of prolongation of Ala Wei Blvd." 123' makai direction from the makai curb "North King St., makai side, distance 150' 150' Ewe direction from a point 231' Ewe Oneawa Pl." the mekai curb prolongation of Halepia "Mealele St., Kehuku side, distance 149' prolongation of Winam Ave." Ewe direction from a point 65' Ewe of the of the Ewe curb prolongation of Lanakila "Oneawe St., macho side, distance 150' Pl." mauka direction from the mauka curb "Mott-Smith Dr., Ewe side, distance 150' Ewe curb prolongation of Weiakamilo St." Ave." Kahuku direction from a point 13' Kehuku "Liliha St., Koko Head side, distance 169' prolongation of Namoku St." makai direction from a point 17' makai of "North King St., makai side, distance 150' "North School St., mauka side, distance of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Kaha mauka direction from the mauka curb "Mealele St., Kahuku side, distance 150' the mauka property line of 2040 Mott- Ewe direction from a point 17' Ewe of the 150' Koko Head direction from a point 74' St," prolongation of Bates St." makai direction from a point 294' makai Smith Dr." Ewa curb prolongation of Dillingham Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- "Oneawa St., mauka side, distance 160' "Lilihe St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' of the makai curb prolongation of Koa "Mott-Smith Dr., Ewe side, distance 150' Blvd." gation of of Houghtailing St." Kahuku direction from a point 23' Kahuku makai direction from a point 50' makai of Kahiko St." makai direction from a point 35' makai of "North King St, mauka side, distance 150' "North School St., mauka side, distance of the Kahuku curb prolongation of the makai curb prolongation of Dayton "Meslele St., Kahuku aide, distance 114' the mauka property line of 1896 Mott Koko Head direction from a point 35' Koko 150' Ewe direction from a point 52' Koko Kuaaina Wy." makai direction from the makai curb Smith Dr." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Heed of the Koko Head property line of "Oneawe St., mauka side, distance 150' "Lilihe St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' prolongation of Kos Kahiko St." "Mott-Smith Dr., Ewa aide, distance 116' of Iwilei Rd." 2464 North School St." Makepuu direction from a point 26' Make- makai direction from a point 62' makai of "Meelele St., Makapuu aide, distance 149' makai direction from the makai curb "North King St., makai side, distance 127' "Nuuanu Ave., Ewe side, distance 145' puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of the makai curb prolongation of Wyllie St." mauka direction from the mauka curb prolongation of Kalawahine Pl." Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- makai direction from the makai curb Halela St." "Lilihe St., Koko Heed side, distance 150' prolongation of Namoku St." "Mott-Smith Dr., Ewa side, distance 150' gation of Smith St." prolongation of North Kukui St." "Oneawa St., mauka side, distance 150' side, distance 160' Nuuanu Ave., Ewa side, distance 148' mauka direction from a point 20' makai "Mealele St., Makapuu mauka direction from a point 35' mauka "North King St. , makai aide, distance 150' Makapuu direction from a point 168' of the mauka property line of 1649 Liliha makai direction from a point 255' makai of the makai property line of 1919 Mott Koko Heed direction from a point 152' masks direction from the mauka/Koko Makapuu of the makapuu curb prolonga- St." of the .makai curb prolongation of Roe Smith Dr." Koko Heed of the Koko Head curb prolon- Head curb prolongation of Judd St." tion of Olomene St." "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 160' Kahiko St." "Mott-Smith Dr., mauka aide, distance 160' gation of Xalihi St." "Nuuanu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 160' "Oneawa St., mauka side, distance 147' mauka direction from a point 33' mauka "Metcalf St., makai side, distance 150' Koko Heed direction from a point 5' Koko "North King St., makai aide, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 114' mauka Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb of the mauka curb prolongation of Keu- Koko Heed direction from a point 117' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Ewa direction from a point 24' Ewa of the of the mauka curb prolongation of North prolongation of Kihapai St." luwela Pl." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- of Pililani Pl." Ewe curb prolongation of Hake Dr." School St." "Orchid St., Koko Head side, distance 160' "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 150' gation of Hoonenee St." "Namoku St., Kahuku aide, distance 135' "North King St., makai aide, distance 150' "Marano Ave., Ewa aide, distance 165' mauka direction from a point 84' meuke mauka direction from a point 75' mauka "Metcalf St., meuke side, distance 150' makai direction from the makai curb Koko Head direction from a point 22' Koko makai direction from the makai curb of the mauka curb prolongation of Palolo of the mauka curb prolongation of Kuakini Koko Head direction from a point 73' Ewa prolongation of Lupo St." Heed of the Koko Head curb prolongation prolongation of Kawananakoa Pl." Ave." St" of the Ewa curb prolongation of Hoonenea "Namoku St., makai side, distance 150' of Kokea St." "Nuuanu Ave., Ewe side, distance 160' "Pacific St., makai aide, distance 150' Koko "Lilihe St., Koko Heed side, distance 160' St" Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb "North King St., makai aide, distance 150' makai direction from a point 61' makai of Heed direction from a point 120' Koko mauka direction from a point 40' makai "Metcalf St., masks side, distance 176' prolongation of Nakuluai St." Ewe direction from a point 62' Ewa of the the makai curb prolongation of Vineyard Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation of the makai curb prolongation of Hawaii Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Namoku St., makai aide, distance 130' Ewa curb prolongation of Kohou St." Blvd." of Iwilei Rd." St." gation of University Ave." Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb "North King St., makai aide, distance 127' "Nuuanu Ave., Ewe aide, distance 125' "Pacific St., masks side, distance 160' "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 163' "Middle St., Ewa side, distance 160' mauka prolongation of Lehuuila St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head mauka direction from the masks property Koko Head direction from a point 171' make direction from a point 16' makai direction from a point U' mauka of the "Namoku St, makai side, distance 150' curb prolongation of Kamehameha IV line of Robinson Ln." Koko Heed of the Koko Head curb prolon- of the mauka curb prolongation of Ekekele makai property line of 1408 Middle St." Makapuu direction from a point 97' Maka- Rd." "Nuuanu Ave., Ewe side, distance 126' gation of Iwilei Rd." PL" "Middle St., Koko Head side, distance 150' puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of "North King St., makai aide, distance 150' makai direction from the makai curb "Pahoa Ave mekai side, distance 124' "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 150' makai direction from a point 301' mekai Mokulele Dr." Koko Head direction from a point 64' Koko prolongation of North Beretania St." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- makai direction from a point 11' mauka of the mauka property line of 811 Middle "Namoku St., Makapuu side, distance 160' Head of the Koko Heed curb prolongation "Nuuanu Ave., Ewa side, distance 188' gation of 15th Ave." of the mauka property line of 2639 Liliha St." mocha direction from a point 47' makai of River St." mauka direction from the mauka curb "Pahoe Ave., mekai aide, distance 160' "Mikihilina St., makai side, distance 150' of the mauka curb prolongation of Lupo "North King St., makai side, distance 117' prolongation of Kuakini St." Koko Head direction from a point 16' Koko "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 163' Makapuu direction from a point 27' Make. St." Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Nuuanu Ave., Ewa side, distance 120' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation makai direction from a point 67' makai of puu of the Makapuu curb prolongation of "Namoku St., Makapuu aide, distance 150' gation of Akepo Ln." meuke direction from the makai curb of Ocean View Dr." the makai curb prolongation of Eheko Pl." Uhlman St." mauka direction from a point 4' masks of "North King St., makai aide, distance 149' prolongation of Peuehi St." "Pahoe Ave., makai side, distance 113' "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 143' "Mikihilina St., mauka side, distance 124' the mauka curb prolongation of Mikihilina Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Nimenu Ave., Ewa side, distance 169' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb proton. meuke direction from the mauka curb Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb St." gation of Kopke St." makai direction from the makai curb gation of 16th Ave." prolongation of North School St." prolongation of Namoku St." "Namoku St., mauka side, distance 150' "North King St., makai side, distance 150' prolongation of Wyllie St." "Pahoe Ave., makai side, distance 165' "Lilihe St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' "Mikihilina St., mauka side, distance 138' Makepuu direction from a point 192' Ewe direction from a point 67' Ewe of the "Nuuent Ave., Ewe side, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- mauka direction from a point 48' mauka Makapuu direction from the Makepuu curb Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolongs . Ewe curb prolongation of Hikina St." masks direction from a point 66' mauka gation of Kilauea Ave." of the mauka curb prolongation of Kauai prolongation of Lehuuila St." tion of Nakuluei St." "North King St., makai side, distance 150' of the makai property line of 1708 Nuuanu "Pahoe Ave., makai aide, distance 113' St." "Moanalua Rd., makai side, distance 150' "Namoku St., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from a point 4' Ewe of the Ave." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Lilihe St., Koko Head side, distance 150' Ewa direction from a point 37' Ewe of the Makapuu direction from a point 108' Ewe curb prolongation of Wolter Ln." "Nuuanu Ave., Ewa aide, distance 160' gation of 19th Ave." makai direction from a point 76' makai of Ewa property line of 98-1071 Moanalue Makepuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- "North King St., makai aide, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 246' mauka "Pahoe Ave., makai side, distance 121' the makai curb prolongation of North Rd." tion of Lipelu St." Ewe direction from a point 16' Koko Head of the mauka curb prolongation of Pauoa Ewa direction from the Ewe curb proton- Vineyard Blvd." "Moanalua Rd., makai side, distance 160' "Namoku St., mauka side, distance 150' of the Ewe abutment of Kalihi Stream Rd" gation of 18th Ave." "Lilihe St., Koko Heed aide, distance 115' Koko Head direction from a point 24' Koko Makapuu direction from a point 7' Make. Bridge." "Nuuanu Ave., Ewe side, distance 150' "Pahoe Ave., makai side, distance 123' mauka direction from the makai property Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation pus of the Makapuu curb prolongation of "North King St., makai Bide, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 74' mauka Ewe direction from the Ewe curb prolon- line of 2103 Lilihe St." of Cato St." Mokulele Dr." Ewe direction from a point 49' Ewa of the of the mauka curb prolongation of Vine- gation of 20th Ave." "Liliha St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' "Mokapu Blvd., Kahuku side, distance 160' "Nehoa St., makai aide, distance 150' Ewe Ewa curb prolongation of Umi St." yard Blvd." "Pahoe Ave., makai aide, distance 176' mauka direction from a point 71' mauka makai direction from a point 55' mauka direction from a point 46' Ewa of the Ewe "North King St., mauka aide, distance ISO' "Nuuanu Ave., Koko Head side, distance Ewe direction from the Ewe curb prolon- of the mauka curb prolongation of Maui of the makai property line of 1135 Mokapu curb prolongation of Pensacola St." Ewe direction from a point 42' Ewe of the 214' mauka direction from the mauka curb gation of 21st Ave." St" Blvd." "Nehoa St., mauka aide, distance 160' Ewa Ewe curb prolongation of Lilihe St." prolongation of Vineyard Blvd." "Pahoa Ave., mauka side, distance 164' "Luneei St., Kahuku side, distance 120' "Mokapu Blvd., Kahuku side, distance 138' direction from a point 153' Ewe of the Ewa "North King St., mauka side, distance 160' "Nuuanu Ave., Koko Heed side, distance Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head makai direction from the makai curb makai direction from the makai curb curb prolongation of Mott-Smith Dr." Ewe direction from a point 72' Ewa of the 150' makai direction from a point 47' makai curb prolongation of 20th Ave." prolongation of Lunahelu St." prolongation of Ilitani St." "Nehoa St., moire aide, distance 150' Ewa Ewe curb prolongation of Kaili St." of the makai property line of Bates St." "Pahoa Ave., mauka side, distance 127' "Luneei St., Kahuku side, distance 160' "Mokapu Blvd., Kehuku side, distance 142' direction from a point 181' Ewa of the Ewe "North King St., mauka side, distance 168' "Nuuanu Ave., Koko Head side, distance Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head makai direction from a point 8' makai of mekai direction from the makai curb curb prolongation of Auwaiolimu St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head 141' mauka direction from the mauka curb curb prolongation of 17th Ave." the makai property line of 1039 Luneei St." prolongation of Iliwahi Lp." "Ninth Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' curb prolongation of Gulick Ave." prolongation of Judd St." "Pahoe Ave., masks aide, distance 160' "Luneei St., Kahuku side, distance 150' "Mokapu Blvd., Kahuku side, distance 134' mauka direction from a point 26' mekai "North King St., mauka side, distance 169' "Nuuanu Ave., Koko Heed side, distance Ewa direction from a point 51' Ewa of the mekai direction from a point 55' mauka makai direction from the makai curb of the makai property line of 20109th Ave." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head 148' mauka direction from the makai curb Ewe curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." of the makai property line of 1067 Luneei prolongation of Ilikupono St." "Ninth Ave., Ewe aide, distance 121' curb prolongation of Austin Ln." prolongation of Kukui St." "Pahoa Ave., mauka side, distance 121' "Mokapu Blvd., Kahuku side, distance 150' mauka direction from the mauka curb "North King St., mauka side, distance 160' "Nuuanu Ave., Koko Head aide, distance Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head "Luneei St., Kehuku aide, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 170' mauka prolongation of Pehu St." Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- 150' makai direction from a point 72' makai curb prolongation of 16th Ave." mauka direction from a point 61' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of "Ninth Ave., Ewe aide, distance 160' gation of Richard Ln." of the masks property line of 2345 Nuuanu "Pahoa Ave., mauka side, distance 114' of the mauka curb prolongation of Auloa Kaneohe Bay Dr." mauka direction from point 68' makai King St., mauka side, distance 150' Ave. Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "North Head nide, distance "Mokepu Blvd., Kehuku side, distance 150' of the mauka property line 1950 9th Ave." direction from a point 81' Koko "Nuuanu Ave., Koko curb prolongation of 18th Ave. Koko Head the mauka curb "Lunahelu St., mauka side, distance 131' makai direction from a point 55' mauka "Ninth Ave., Ewe side, distance 150' Koko Head curb prolongation 176' meuke direction from "Pahoa Ave., meuke aide, distance 122' Head of the St." Kahuku direction from the Rebuke curb of the makai property line of 1229 Mokapu mauka direction from a point 32' masks of Peterson Ln." prolongation of School Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Head aide, distance prolongation of Maunawili Rd." Blvd." of the meuke curb prolongation of Kabuli "North King St., meuke side, distance 162' "Nuuanu Ave., Koko curb prolongation of 19th Ave." 160' mauka from the makai "Lunehelu St., mauka aide, distance 150' "Mokapu Blvd., Kahuku side, distance 160' St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head direction "Pahoe Ave., mauka side, distance 120' line Nuuanu Memorial Came Kahuku direction from a point 23' Rebuke mekai direction from a point 261' makai "Ninth Ave., Ewe side, distance 132' curb prolongation of Kamehameha IV property of Koko Head direction from the Koko Head of the Kahuku curb prolongation of of the makai curb prolongation of Ilipilo mauka direction from the mauka curb Rd." curb prolongation of 14th Ave." Koko Head side, distance Lunahelu Pl." St." prolongation of Kilauea Ave." "North King St., mauka side, distance 104' "Nuuanu Ave., "Pahoe Ave., mauka side, distance 125' "Lunalilo St., mauka side, distance 132' "Mokapu Blvd., Makapuu side, distance "Ninth Ave., Ewe aide, distance 150' the Ewa curb prolon- 173' makai direction from the makai curb Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head Ewe direction from St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Heed 160' makai direction from a point 160' mauka direction from a point 51' mauka gation of Kama Ln." prolongation of Kunlun' curb prolongation of 13th Ave." Koko Head side, distance curb prolongation of Victoria St." makai of the makai curb prolongation of of the mauka curb prolongation of Har- "North King St., mauka side, distance 150' "Nuunnu Ave., "Pahoa Ave., masks side, distance 163' 150' mauka direction from a point 22' "Lunalilo St., mauka side, distance 212' Ilimelie Lp." desty St." direction from a point 37' Ewe of the Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head Ewa of Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- "Mokapu Blvd., Makapuu side, distance "Ninth Ave., Koko Head side, distance 150' Ewa curb prolongation of Pea Ln." makai of the mauka curb prolongation curb prolongation of 18th Ave." gation of Ward Ave." 160' makai direction from a point 163' makai direction from a point 123' makai "North King St., mauka side, distance 150' Iliahi St." "Paki Ave., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewe Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Lunalilo St., masks side, distance 150' makai of the makai curb prolongation of of the makai curb prolongation of Mauna- Koko Head direction from a point 76' Koko "Nuuanu direction from a point 280' Ewa of the Ewe Koko Heed direction from a point 84' Koko Ilikala Pl." loa Ave." of the makai curb prolongation of 150' makai direction from a point 92' curb prolongation of Monsarrat Ave." Head of Heed of the Ewa curb prolongation of "Mokapu Blvd., Makapuu side, distance "Ninth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' North Beretania St." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation "Paki Ave., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewe Ernest St." 150' mauka direction from a point 34' masks direction from a point 88' makai "North King St., mauka aide, distance 119' Kawananakoa Pl." direction from a point 165' Ewe of the Ewe "Lurline Dr., Ewa side, distance 150' meeke of the mauka cuab prolongation of of the mauka property line of 1638 9th Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head "Nuuanu Pali Dr., Ewe aide, distance 150' curb prolongation of Diamond Head 37' makai mauka direction from a point 52' makai Ilimalia 1.p." Ave." curb prolongation of Men I.n." makai direction from a point of Tennis Court driveway." August 19-25, 1993 Classified IV

"Paki Ave., mauka side, distance 207' Ewa "Pensacola St., Ewa aide, distance ISO' "Rooke Ave., Ewa aide, distance 108' Koko Head of the Koko Heed curb prolon- "Tantalus Dr., Koko Head side, distance Koko Head direction from a point 63' Koko direction from point 164' Ewa of the Ewa mauka direction from a point 82' makai mauka direction from the mauka curb gation of Punahou St." 150' mauka direction from a point 385' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation curb prolongation of Poni Moi St." of the makai curb prolongation of Hassin- prolongation of Wyllie St." "South Beretania St., mauka aide, distance mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of of Palolo Ave." "Paki Ave., make side, distance 160' Koko ger St." "Rooke Ave., Ewa aide, distance 113' 150' Koko Head direction from a point 54' Krause St." "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 118' Head direction from a point 3I7' Koko "Peter St., Ewe side, distance 127' make mauka direction from the mauka curb Koko Heed of the Ewe property line of 1290 "Tantalus Dr., Koko Head side, distance Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation direction from the mauka curb prolonga- prolongation of Kauai St." South Beretania St. (Tim. Supermarket)." 150' mauka direction from a point 1,459' curb prolongation of 17th Ave." of Kapahulu Ave." tion of Bertram St." "Rooke Ave Ewe aide, distance 150' "South Beretanie St., mauka side, distance mauka of the mauke curb prolongation of "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 129' "Paki Ave., mauka side, distance 160' Ewe "Peter St., Ewe side, distance 150' makai makai direction from a point 165' makai 168' Koko Head direction from the Koko Krause St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Heed direction from a point 321' Ewe of the Ewe direction from a point 94' mauka of the of the makai curb prolongation of Hawaii Heed curb prolongation of Isenberg St." "Tantalus Dr., makai side, distance 150' curb prolongation of 8th Ave." curb prolongation of Noels St." mauka property line of 2632 Peter St." St." "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance Ewa direction from a point 57' Ewe of the "Waialae Ave., masks side, distance 150' "Paki Ave., mauka side, distance 187' Koko "Peter St., Ewe side, distance 160' make "Rose St., makai side, distance 161' Koko 166' Koko Head direction from the Koko Ewa property line of 2527 Tantalus Dr." Koko Head direction from a point 125' Head direction from a point 206' Koko direction from the mauka curb prolonga- Head direction from a point 50' Koko Head Head curb prolongation of Ward Ave." "Tantalus Dr., makai side, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation tion of Quincy Pl." of the Ewe property line of 2319 Rose St." "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance Ewa direction from a point 17' Ewe of the gation of Saint Louie Dr." of Monserret Ave." "Peter St., Koko Head side, distance 150' "Saint Louis Dr., Ewa side, distance 150' 169' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb Ewa curb prolongation of Makiki Hgta. "Waialae Ave., mauka aide, distance 152' "Pali Hwy., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka makai direction from a point 18' mauke makai direction from a point 92' masks prolongation of Kaialiu St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Heed direction from a point 56' mauka of the of the mauka property line of 2559 Peter of the mauke property line of 1412 Saint "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance "Tenth Ave., Ewa side, distance 160' curb prolongation of Sierra Dr." mauka curb prolongation of Vineyard St" Louis Dr." 177' Koko Head direction from the Koko mauka direction from a point 18' makai "Waialae Ave., mauka aide, distance 150' Ave." "Peter St., Koko Heed aide, distance 160' "Saint Louis Dr., Ewa aide, distance 150' Head curb prolongatiOn of Alapai St." of the mauka property line of 2526 10th Koko Head direction from a point 29' Ewa "Pali Hwy., Ewe side, distance 179' makai mauka direction from a point 97' makai makai direction from a point 48' masks "South Beretanie St., mauka side, distance Ave." of the Koko Head curb prolongation of 4th direction from the' makei curb prolonga- of the mauka property line of 2641 Peter of the mauka property line of 1552 Saint 150' Koko Head direction from a point 41' "Tenth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' Ave." tion of Pulelehua St" LOUll, Dr." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- mauke direction from a point 48' mauka "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 139' "Pali Hwy., Ewa aide, distance 236' mauka "Peter St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' "Saint Louis Dr., Ewa aide, distance 150' gation of McCully St." of the mauka curb prolongation of Ahe St." Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head direction from a point 129' metal of the masks direction from a point 96' makai masks direction from a point 48' makai "South Beretania St., mauka aide, distance "Tenth Ave., Ewe side, distance 150' curb prolongation of 14th Ave." makai curb prolongation of Wood St." of the mauka property line of 2695 Peter of the makai property line of 1828 Saint 150' Koko Heed direction from a point 63' mauka direction from a point 48' makai "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 124' "Pali Hwy., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka Louie Dr." Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- of the mauka property line of 2138 10th Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- direction from a point 90' mauka of the "Peter St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' "Saint Louie Dr., Ewa aide, distance 150' gation of Alexander St." Ave." gation of Ekaha St." make curb prolongation of South Bere- mauka direction from a point 95' makai mauka direction from a point 62' makai "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance "Tenth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 150' "Waialae Ave., masks side, distance 121' tanie St." of the mauka property line of 2765 Peter of the makai property line of 1684 Saint 150' Ewe direction from a point 78' Ewa makai direction from a point 85' mauka Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Pali Hwy., Ewa side, distance 142' makai St." Louis Dr." of the Ewa curb prolongation of Queen of the mauka property line of 2505 10th curb prolongation of 10th Ave." direction from the makai curb prolonga- "Piikoi St., Koko Head side, distance 150' "Saint Louie Dr., Ewe aide, distance 130' Emma St." Ave." "Waialae Ave., mauka aide, distance 150' tion of Naiolopa Pl." mauka direction from a point 184' mauka mauka direction from the mauka curb "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance "Tenth Ave., Ewa aide, distance 204' Ewa direction from a point 66' Ewe of the "Pali Hwy., Ewe aide, distance 196' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Ala prolongation of Bertram St." 150' Ewe direction from a point 111' Ewe mauka direction from the mauka curb Ewa curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." direction from a point 83' makai of the Moans Blvd." "Saint Louis Dr., Ewa side, distance 150' of the Ewa curb prolongation of Kalakaua prolongation of Kiwila St." "Waialae Ave., masks side, distance 115' makai curb prolongation of Dowsett Ave." "Pokole St., Koko Head aide, distance 145' mauka direction from a point 31'makai of Ave." "Tenth Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Pali Hwy., Ewa side, distance 150' makai makai direction from the makai curb the makai property line of 1474 Saint Louis "South Beretania St., mauke side, distance mauka direction from a point 81' mauka curb prolongation of 13th Ave." direction from a point 13' mauka of the prolongation of Kilauea Ave." Dr." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 33' of the mauka curb prolongation of Make- "Waialae Ave., mauka aide, distance 156' mauka property line of 2938 Pali Hwy." "Pokole St., Koko Head side, distance 109' "Saint Louis Dr., Ewa aide, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- nui Pl." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Pali Hwy., Ewa aide, distance 150' makai makai direction from the makai curb makai direction from a point 95' mauka gation of Keeaumoku St." "Thurston Ave., Koko Heed aide, distance curb prolongation of Koko Head Ave." direction from a point 41' makai of the prolongation of Maunalei Ave." of the makai property line of 1336 Saint "South Hotel St., makai aide, distance 150' 145' mauka direction from the mauka curb "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 179' makai curb prolongation of Ahipuu St." "Prospect St., makai aide, distance 160' Louis Dr." Ewa direction from a point 18' Ewa of the prolongation of Green St." Ewa direction from a point 68' Ewa of the "Pali Hwy., Ewa side, distance 132' makai Koko Head direction from a point 302' "Saint Louis Dr., Ewe aide, distance 150' Ewa curb prolongation of Richards St." "Thurston Ave., Koko Head aide, distance Ewa curb prolongation of 7th Ave." direction from the makai curb prolonga- Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- mauka direction from a point 56' mauka "South Hotel St., makai side, distance 150' 150' mauka direction from a point 12' "Waialae Ave.Ave., mauka side, distance 150' tion of Ain Pl." gation of Maunaihi Pl." of the mauka curb prolongation of Waialae Ewa direction from a point 22' Ewa of the makai of the makai property line of 1571 Ewa direction a point 66' Ewa of the "Pali Hwy., Ewe aide, dietance 150' makai "Prospect St., makai side, distance 150' Ave." Ewa curb prolongation of Bethel St." Thurston Ave." Ewa curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." direction from a point 18' makai of the Koko Head direction from a point 6' Koko "Saint Louie Dr., Koko Head side, distance "South Hotel St., makai side, distance 112' "Thurston Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Waialae Frontage Rd., mauka side, Head of Koko mauka property line of 2718 Pali Hwy." the Head curb prolongation 160' mauka direciton from a point 95' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- 150' mauka direction from a point 63' distance 150' Ewa direction from a point "Pali Hwy., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka of Prospect PI." makai of the mauka property line of 1234 gation of Alakea St." makai of the makai property line of 1519 55' Ewa of the Ewa abutment of Kapakahi "Prospect St., mekai aide, distance 150' direction from a point 44' mauka of the Saint Louis Dr." "South Hotel St., makai side, distance 113' Thurston Ave." Stream Bridge." Ewa direction from a point 3' Ewe mauka curb prolongation of Jack Ln." of the "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head aide, distance Ewe direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Twenty Second Ave., Ewe side, distance "Wanaao Rd., Kahuku aide, distance 150' Koko Head property line of 1115 Prospect "Pali Hwy., Koko Head aide, distance 150' St" 150' mauka direction from a point 95' gation of Bishop St." 150' mauka direction from a point 77' makai direction from a point 29' makai of mauka direction from a point 105' mauka "Prospect St., makai aide, distance 141' makai of the mauka property line of 1483 "South Hotel St., mauka side, distance 150' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of the makai curb prolongation of Auwinala of the mauka curb prolongation of Nuuanu Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Saint Louie Dr." Ewa direction from a point 60' Ewa of the Kilauea Ave." Rd" Pali Dr." gation of Magazine St." "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head side, distance Ewe curb prolongation of Bishop St." "Twenty Second Ave., Ewa aide, distance "Wanaao Rd., Kahuku side, distance 150' "Pali Hwy., Koko Heed side, distance 150' "Prospect St., makai side, distance 150' 150' masks direction from a point 96' "South Hotel St., mauka side, distance 150' 150' mauka direction from a point 49' mdkai direction from a point 60' makai of mauka direction from a point 216' mauka Koko Head direction from a point 253' makai of the mauka property line of 1663 Koko Head direction from a point 57' Koko mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of the makai curb prolongation of Papalani of the mauka curb prolongation of Vine- Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Saint Louis Dr." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation Hunanui St." St" yard Blvd." gation of Ward Ave." "Saint Louie Dr., Koko Head aide, dietance of Alakea St." "Twenty Second Ave., Ewe side, distance "Wanaao Rd., Kahuku side, distance 150' "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, distance 175' "Prospect St., mauka side, distance 150' 150' mauka direction from a point 67' "South Hotel St., mauka side, dietance 115' 160' makai direction from a point 35' mauka direction from a point 217' mauka mauka direction from the mauka curb Koko Head direction from a point 8' Koko makai of the makai property line of 1430 Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of of the mauka curb prolongation of Papa- prolongation of Puiwa Rd." Head of the Ewe curb prolongation of Saint Louis Dr." curb prolongation of Bethel St." Pahoa Ave." lani St." "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, distance 126' Magazine St." "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head side, distance "South Kalaheo Ave., makei side, distance "Twenty Second Ave., Ewa side, distance "Wanaao Rd., Kahuku side, distance 136' mauka direction from the mauka curb "Prospect St., mauka aide, distance 150' 150' makai direction from a point 67' makai 150' Makapuu direction from a point 10' 150' makai direction from a point 26' makai direction from the makai curb prolongation of Kepola Pl." Koko Head direction from a point 362' of the makai curb prolongation of Maigret Makapuu of the Makapuu property line of mauka of the mauka property line of 621 prolongation of Palawiki St." "Pali Hwy., Koko Head aide, distance 150' Koko Head of the Koko Heed curb prolon- St." 340 South Kalaheo Ave." 22nd Ave." "Wanaao Rd., makai aide, distance 150' makai direction from a point 117' makai gation of Maunaihi Pl." "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head side, distance "South Kalaheo Ave., mauka side, dis- "Twenty Second Ave., Ewe aide, distance Makapuu direction from a point 75' Make- of the makai curb prolongation of Akamu "Prospect St., mauka aide, distance 150' 150' mauka direction from a point 94' tance 150' Makapuu direction from a point 118' mauke direction from the mauka curb pun of the Makapuu curb prolongation of PI." Ewa direciton from a point 26' Ewa of the makai of the makai property line of 2371 368' Makapuu of pro- prolongation of Pahoa Ave." Pouli Rd." Koko the Makapuu curb "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, distance 150' Head property line of 1127 Prospect Saint Louie Dr." longation of Kailua Rd." "Twenty Second Ave., Ewa aide, distance "Wanaao Rd., makai aide, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 78' mauka "Saint Louie Dr., Koko Head aide, distance "South King St., makai Bide, distance 150' 150' mauka direction from a point 67' Kahuku direction from a point 47' Kahuku of the mauka curb prolongation of Akamu 'Prospect St., mauka side, distance 160' 124' makai direction from the makai curb Ewa direction from a point 50' Ewe of the masks of the mauka curb prolongation of of the Kahuku curb prolongation of Awa- Pl." Ewe direciton from a point 38' Ewa of the prolongation of Libert St." Era curb prolongation of Punchbowl St." Maunaloa Ave." bee Rd." "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, dietance 150' Ewa property line of 968 Prospect St." "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head side, distance "South King St., makai aide, distance 150' "Twenty Second Ave., Koko Heed side, "Wanaao Rd., Makapuu aide, distance 150' St., side, 125' mauka direction from a point 19' makai "Poe Inia makai distance 150' mauka direction from a point 77' Ewe direction from a point 219' Ewa of distance 120' makai direction from the makai direction from a point 1' makai of of the makai curb prolongation of Moana- Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb makai of the makai property line of 1916 the Koko Head property line of 839 South makai curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." the makai curb prolongation of Auwinala wai Pl." prolongation of Puu Alowalo St." Saint Louis Dr." King St. (cemetery)." "Twenty Second Ave., Koko Head aide, Rd." "Pali Hwy., Koko Head aide, distance 164' "Pim Inia St., makai side, distance 115' "Saint Louie Dr., Koko Heed side, distance "South King St., makai side, distance 150' distance 150' mauka direction from a point "Wanaao Rd., Makapuu side, distance 150' from mauka direction from the mauka curb Makapuu direction the Makapuu curb 160' masks direction from a point 99' Ewa direction from a point 219' Ewa of 64' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation mauka direction from a point 67' mauka prolongation of Leimi Rd." prolongation of Kamehameha Hwy." makai of the mauka property line of 1823 the Koko Head property line of 2826 South of Ulupua Pl." of the mauka curb prolongation of Auwin a "Pua Inia St., makai side, distance 128' "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, distance 160' Saint Louis Dr." King St." "Twenty Second Ave., Koko Head side, St." mauka direction from the mauka curb Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb "Saint Louie Dr., Koko Head side, distance "South King St., makai aide, distance 150' distance 144' makai direction from the prolongation of Lanipola Pl." "Wanaao Rd., Makapuu side, distance 150' prolongation of Wood St." 150' mauka direction from a point 96' Ewa direction from a point 64' Ewa of the makai curb prolongation of Kaimuki Ave." mauka direction from a point 20' mauka "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, distance 133' "Pus Inia St., mauka aide, distance 150' makai of the masks property line of 2323 Ewa curb prolongation of Pensacola St." "Twenty Second Ave., Koko Head aide, Makapuu direction from a point 162' of the mauka curb prolongation of Paopua mauke direction from the mauka curb Saint Louis Dr." South King St., makai aide, distance 144' distance 124' makai direction from the Lp" prolongation of Dowsett Ave. (makai)." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Heed side, distance curb prolon- makai curb prolongation of Pahoa Ave." tion of Kamehameha Hwy." Ewa direction from the Ewe "Wanaao Rd., Makapuu side, distance 150' "Pali Hwy., Koko Heed side, distance 112' 150' masks direction from a point 98' gation of Richards St." "Twenty Second Ave Koko Head side, mauka direction from a point 88' mauka makai direction from the makai curb "Pua Inia St., mauka side, distance 110' makai of the mauka property line of 2019 "South King St., makai side, distance 131' distance 120' metal direction from the Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb of the mauka curb prolongation of Paopua prolongation of Dowsed Ave. (makai)." Saint Louis Dr." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- makai curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." Lp." "Pali Hwy., Koko Head side, distance 190' prolongation of Puohala St." "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head side, distance "University Ave., Ewa side, distance 154' "Pueo gation of Piikoi St." "Wanaao Rd., mauka side, distance 121' mauka direction from a point 136' makai St., Ewe side, distance 160' mauka 119' makai direction from the makai curb "South King St., makai side, 150' makai direction from the makai curb 51' distance Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb of the makai curb prolongation of Ahipuu direction from a point makai of the prolongation of Guleton St." Koko Head direction from a point 150' prolongation of Dole St." Rd." mauka curb prolongation of Makaiwa St." prolongation of Awakes Rd." "Saint Loots Dr., Koko Head side, distance Koko Head of the Koko Heed curb prolon- "University Ave., Ewa side, distance 201' "Wanaao Rd., mauka side, distance 160' "Pali Hwy., Makapuu side, distance 160' "Pueo St., Ewa aide, distance 172' mauka 150' makai direction from a point 41' gation of Wilivrili makai direction from the makai curb direction from the mauka curb prolonga- St." Makapuu direction from a point 125' mauka direction from a point 35' mauka mauka of the mauka property line of 1318 "South King St., makai side, distance 150' prolongation of South King St." Makapuu of the Makapuu curb prolonga- of the mauka curb prolongation of Auloa tion of Kahala Ave." Saint Louie Dr." Koko Head direction from a point 109' "University Ave., Ewa side, dietance 158' Rd." "Pueo St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' tion of Pooh Rd." "Saint Louie Dr., Koko Head aide, distance Koko Head of the Kato Head curb prolon- makai direction from the makai curb "Wanaka St., Ewa side, distance 150' 'Pali Momi St., Ewa aide, distance 128' makai direction from a point 53' mauka 150' mauka direction from a point 30' gation of Makahiki Wy." prolongation of Metcalf St." of the makai 841 Pueo mauka direction from a point 50' metal ,mauka direction from a point 36' mauka property line of St." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of "South King St., side, 143' "University Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' St., Koko Head side, 142' makai distance of the mauka property line of 1248 Wanaka of the mauka curb prolongation of Pearl- "Pueo distance Noah St." Koko Heed direction from a point 313' mauka direction from a point 132' mauka ridge Shopping Center Entrance (Pearl- Koko Head direction fronithe Koko Head "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head side, distance Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- of the mauka curb prolongation of Kaaha "Wanaka St., Ewa aide, distance 150' ridge McDonald's)." curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." 150' masks direction from a point 96' St." "Pueo St., Koko Head aide, distance 150' gation of Haueten St." mauka direction from a point 33' mauka "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance makai of the mauka property line of 2249 "South King St., makai aide, distance 137' "University Ave., Ewa side, distance 238' 150' makai direction from a point 96' makai makai direction from a point 67' mekai of of the mauka curb prolongation of Maluna Saint Louie Dr." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- masks direction from the mauka curb St." of the makai curb prolongation of Kau- the makai curb prolongation of Farmers "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Heed side, distance gation of Pumehana St." prolongation of Coyne St." hone St. (makai end)." St." "Wanaka St., Era side, distance 129' 150' mauka direction from a point 97' "South King St., makai side, distance 136' "University Ave., Koko Heed aide, dis- masks direction from the mauka curb "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Puce St., makai aide, distance 146' Koko makai of the mauka property line of 2063 Head direction from the Koko Head curb Koko Head direction from the Koko Head tance 194' mauka direction from the prolongation of Miko St." 160' makai direction from a point 55' Saint Louis Dr." curb prolongation of Keeaumoku St." mauke curb prolongation of Dole St." mauka property line of 2277 prolongation of Farmers St." "Wanaka St., Ewa side, distance 150' mauka of the 'Saint Louie Dr., Koko Head aide, distance "South King St., makai side, distance 142' "University Ave, Koko Head side, dis- mauka direction from a point 50' makai Palolo Ave." "Pueo St., makai aide, distance 150' Ewa 160' mauke direction from a point 96' 188' direction from a point 56' Koko Head of Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- tance mauka direction from the of the mauka property line of 1348 Wanaka "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance makai of the masks property line of 2433 gation of Cedar St." mauka curb prolongation of South King 235' mauka direction from the mauka curb the Koko Head property line of 1134 Pueo Saint Louis Dr." "South King St., makai side, distance 128' St" "Ward Ave., Ewe side, distance 160' prolongation of Kahn. St." "Saint Louis Dr., Koko Head aide, diatence Ave., Koko "Pukoloa St., makai aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "University Heed side, dis- mauka direction from a point 105' mauka "Paolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance 150' mauka direction from a point 53' gation of Bethel St." tance 185' mekai direction from the makai 160' makai direction from a point 18' Koko Head direction from a point 121' of the masks curb prolongation of South makai of the makai property line of 1641 "South King St., makai aide, distance 150' curb prolongation of Date St." Beretania St." mauka of the makai property line of 1846 Koko Heed of the Koko Head curb prolon- Saint Louis Dr." gation of Mapunapuna St." Koko Head direction from a point 38' Koko "University Ave., Koko Head side, dis- "Ward Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' makai Palolo Ave." "Saratoga Rd., Ewa side, distance 150' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation tance 150' mauka direction from a point "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Pukoloa St., mauka side, distance 150' direction from a point 73' makai of the makai direction from a point 150' makai of Isenberg St." 101' mauka of the masks curb prolonga- makai curb prolongation of South King 160' mauka direction from a point 85' Ewa direction from a point 56' Ewe of the of the makai curb prolongation of Kale- tion St." Ewe curb prolongation of Ahua St." "South King St., makai side, distance 150' of Kasha St." makai of the makai property line of 1623 Saila Ave." "Vineyear Blvd., makai aide, 150' "Pukoloa St., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 255' distance "Ward Ave., Ewa side, distance 128' Palolo Ave." "Sierra Dr., Ewa side, distance 150' masks Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- Koko Heed direction from a point 184' "Palolo Ave., Koko Head aide, distance Koko Head direction from a point 19' Koko mauka direction from the mauka curb direction from a point 76' mauka of the gation of Victoria St." Koko Heed of the Koko Heed curb prolon- prolongation of Spencer St." 150' makai direction from a point 148' Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation mauka curb prolongation of Waialae Ave." of Queen of Mapunapuna St." "South King St., makai side, distance 147' gation Emma St." "Ward Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' makai of the makai curb prolongation of "Sierra Dr., Koko Head side, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- "Waialae Ave., makai aide, distance 150' Kiwila St." "Punchbowl St., Ewe side, distance 236' mauka direction from a point 51' mauka makai direction from a point 47' mauka gation of Punahou St." Ewa direction from a point 40' Ewa of the of the mauka curb prolongation of Kapi- "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance makai direction from the makai curb of the makei property line of 3773 Sierra prolongation of South King St." "South King St., makai side, dietance 150' Ewa curb prolongation of 9th Ave." olani Blvd." 272' mauka direction from the mauka curb Dr." Ewa direction from Ave., side, 150' "Punchbowl St., Ewa side, distance 186' a point 112' Ewe of "Waialae makai distance "Ward Ave., Ewa side, distance 122' prolongation of Waialae Ave." "Sierra Dr., Koko Head aide, distance 108' the Ewa curb prolongation of Victoria St." Koko Heed direction from a point 113' "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance makai direction from the makai curb mauka direction from the mauka curb makai direction from the makai curb "South King St., makai side, distance 145' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- prolongation of Lunalilo St." 150' makai direction from a point 44' prolongation of Miller St." prolongation of Mariposa St." Ewa direction from gation of 6th Ave." "Punchbowl St., Ewe aide, distance 153' the Ewe curb prolon- "Ward Ave., Koko Head side, distance 112' mauka of the mauka property line of 1541 "Sierra Dr., Koko Head aide, distance 103' gation of Hauoli St." "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 160' Palolo Ave." makai direction from the makai curb makai direction from the makai curb mauka direction from the mauka curb "South King St., makai side, dietance 150' Ewa direction from a point 107' Ewe of Ave., Koko Head side, distance prolongation of the State Capitol driveway prolongationof Spencer St." "Pablo prolongation of Manini St." Ewa direction from a point 16' Ewe of the the Ewa curb prolongation of Kilauea 225' mauka direction from the mauka curb to the parking garage." "Ward Ave., Koko Head aide, distance 159' "Sierra Dr., Koko Head aide, distance 150' Ewa curb prolongation of Kaheka St." Ave." makai direction from curb prolongation of the makai driveway to "Punchbowl St., Ewa side, distance 192' makai direction from a point 55' mauka the makai direction from the mauka curb "South King St., makai side, distance 119' "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 150' prolongation of Lunalilo St." Palolo Gym." masks of the makai property line of 1763 lei St." Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Koko Head direction from a point 80' Koko Ave., Koko aide, prolongation of South Beretania St." "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 150' "Palolo Head distance "Sierra Dr., Koko Head side, distance 160' gation of South St." Heed of Koko Head curb prolongation from a point 62' "Punchbowl St., Ewa side, dietance 150' the Era direction from the Ewa curb prolon- 150' mauka direction makai direction from a point 37' mauka "South King St., makai side, distance 143' of 4th Ave." line of 1661 mauka direction from a point 47' mauka gation of Halekula Wy." makai of the makai property of the mauka property line of 4533 Sierra Koko Head direction from Ave., aide, Palolo Ave." of the mauka curb prolongation of Hale- a point 220' "Waialae makai distance 146' "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 156' Koko Head of the Koko Heed curb proton- Ewa direction from curb prolon- "Palolo Ave., Koko Head aide, distance kauwila St." the Ewa Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- "Sierra Dr., Koko Head aide, distance 150' gallon of University Ave." gation of 17th Ave." gation of Kewalo St." 150' makai direction from a point 165' "Puohala St., makai aide, distance 121' makai direction from a point 55' moults "South King St., makai side, distance 153' "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 160' "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 160' makai of the makai curb prolongation of Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb of the makai property line of 4463 Sierra end)." prolongation of Makalani St." Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Ewe direction from a point 48' Ewe of the Koko Head direction from a point 44' Ewa Kauhana St. (mauka curb prolongation of McCully Ewa curb prolongation of 16th Ave." "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Puohala St., mauka aide, distance 150' St." of the Era property line of 1913 Wilder "Sierra Dr., Koko Head side, distance 150' "South King St., makai aide, 150' "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 130' direction from a 55' Kahuku direction from a point 5, Kahuku distance Ave." 150' makai point makai direction from a point 30' make Koko Head Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- 1445 of the Kahuku curb of direction from a point 260' "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 138' .mauka of the mauka property line of prolongation of the mauka property line of 4837 Sierra Koko Head gation of Koko Head Ave." Palolo Ave." Kaneohe Bay Dr." of the Koko Heed curb prolon- Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- gation of Punahou St." "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 150' gation of Punahou St." "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Puohala St., mauka aide, distance 125' "Sierra Dr., makai aide, distance 117' Ewa curb Kahuku direction from the Kahuku curb "South King St., makai side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 75' Koko "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 150' 195' makai direction from the makai direction from the Ewa curb prolongation Ewa direction from Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation prolongation of Paelea St." prolongation of Makalani St." a point 19' Koko Head Ewa direction from a point 74' Ewa of the of Wilhelmina Rise, opposite Halehoola of the Koko Head property line of 2717 of Hunakai St." "Palolo Ave., Koko Head side, distance "Puu Panini Ave., Ewa side, distance 150' Ewa curb prolongation of Metcalf St." Pl." South King St." "Waialae Ave. makai side, distance 138' "Wilder Ave., I 1 l' makai direction from the makai curb makai direction from a point 96' makai of makai side, distance 139' "Sierra Dr., makai side, distance 139' Koko Ewa ' prolongation of Keanu St." the makai curb prolongation of Kilauea "South King St., makai side, distance 150' direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- Heed direction from the Koko Head curb Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- gation of 10th Ave." of Piikoi "Palolo Ave., Koko Head aide, distance Ave." prolongation of Mikahala St." gation St." gation of Cooke St." "Waialae Ave., makai aide, distance 143' "Wilder Ave., aide, 152' 143' makai direction from the makai curb "Puu Panini Ave., Ewa aide, distance 143' "Sierra Dr., makai side, distance 124' Ewa makai distance "South King St., makai side, distance 166' Ewa direction from the Ewa curb prolon- Koko Koko Head prolongation of Keen St." mauke direction from the mauka curb direction from the Ewa curb prolongation Head direction from the side, distance prolongation of Hunanui St." Ewa direction from the Ewe each prolon- gation of 8th Ave." curb prolongation of Keeaumoku St." "Palolo Ave., Koko Head of Wilhelmina Rise (3671 Sierra Dr.)" gation of Alakea St." "Waialae Ave., 110' "Puu Panini Ave., Koko Head aide, dis- makai side, distance 133' "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 132' 150' mauka direction from a point "Sierra Dr., mauka side, distance 150' "South King St., makai aide, Ewa direction from of tance 123' makai direction from the makai distance 125' the Ewa curb prolon- Ewa direction from the Era curb prolon- mauka of the mauka curb prolongation Koko Head direction from a point 76' Ewe Ewa direction from the Ewa gation of 11th Ave." Keuhana St. (makai end)." curb prolongation of Kilauea Ave." curb prolon- gation of Alexander St." of the Koko Head property line of 3863 gation of Bishop St." "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 150' "Palolo Ave., makai side, distance 160' "Puualoha St., makai side, distance 129' Sierra Dr." "Wilder Ave., makai aide, distance 177' Makapuu direction from the Makapuu curb "South King St., mauka aide, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 69' Koko Ewe direction from the Ewa property line Koko Head direction from a point 17' Ewe "Sierra Dr., mauka aide, distance 150' Ewe direction from Head of the Koko Heed curb prolongation of prolongation of Aloha Oe Dr." a point 7' Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation of 1619 Pensacola St." Koko Heed direction from a point 53' Ewa of the Koko Head property of 3rd Ave." Carlos Long St." "Puuku Mauka Dr., makai aide, distance line of 2734 "Wilder Ave., makai side, distance 141' of the Ewa curb prolongation of Nihipau South King St." "Waialae Ave., makai aide, distance 133' "Pau St., Koko Head aide, distance 145' 140' Koko Head direction from the Koko St" Koko Head direction from the Koko Heed direction from the makai curb Head curb prolongation of Wanaka St." "South King St., masks aide, distance 150' Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- curb prolongation of Makiki St." makai "Sierra Dr., mauka side, distance 112' Koko Head gation of 14th Ave." prolongation of Ala Wai Blvd." "Queen Emma St., Ewe side, distance 150' direction from a point 151' "Wilder Ave., mauka side, distance 150' Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head Koko Head Koko Heed Ave., "Paula Dr., Ewe side, distance 150' mauka masks direction from a point 249' mauka of the curb prolon- "Waialae makai side, distance 150' Koko Head direction from a point 178' curb prolongation of Wilhelmina Rise gation of University Koko Head direction direction from a point 81' makai of mauka of the masks curb prolongation of Vine Ave." from a point 65' Koko Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolon- (3916 Sierra Dr)" "South Nimitx Hwy., makai side, Head of the Koko Heed property line of 1616 Paula Dr." yard Blvd." distance each prolongation gation of Halekula Wy." "Sierra Dr., mauka side, distance 132' 120' Koko Head direction from the Koko of 5th Ave." "Paula Dr., Ewe side, distance 160' mauka "Queen St., masks side, distance 135' Koko Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Wilder Ave., mauka aide, distance 128' curb Head curb prolongation of Alakea St." "Waialae Ave., makai side, distance 150' Koko Heed direction from the Koko Head dir,ction from a point 57' makai of the Heed direction from the Koko Head curb prolongation of Wilhelmina Rise Ewa mauka property line of 1548 Paula Dr." prolongation of Mililani St." "Tantalus Dr., Koko Head side, distance direction from a point 43' Ewa of the curb prolongation of Kewalo St." (4257 Sierra Dr.)" 150' mauka direction from n point 737' Ewa curb prolongation of 21st Ave." "Paula Dr., Ewe aide, distance 138' mauka "Queen St., masks side, distance 164' Ewa "Sierra Dr., mauka side, distance 109' "Wilder Ave., mauka side, distance 114' curb prolonga- mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of "Waialae Ave., makai aide, distance 128' Koko Head direction from the Koko Head direction from the mauka direction from the Ewa curb prolongation Koko Head direction from the Koko Head Krause tion of Maunahitu Pl." of Punchbowl St." St." Ewa direction from the Era curb prolon- curb prolongation of Keeaumoku St." curb prolongation of Anuhea St." "Tantalus Dr., Koko Heed side, distance gation of 16th Ave." "Paula Dr., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka "Queen St., masks side, distance 170' Ewe aide, "Wilder Ave., macho side, distance 160' "Sixteenth Ave Ewa distance 157' 160' mauka direction from a point 1,163' "Waialae Ave., makai aide, distance 150' direction from a point 79" makai of the direction from the Ewa curb prolongation mauka direction from the masks curb Koko Head direction from a point 64' Ewa mauka property line of 1660 Paula Dr." of Richards St." mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Ewa direction from a point 109' Ewa of of the Ewa curb prolongation of Spreckels prolongation of Claudine St." Krauss St." the Ewa curb prolongation of 2nd Ave." "Paula Dr., Ewa aide, distance 150' mauka "Queen St., mauka side, distance 174' Koko "South Beretania St., masks side, distance St" direction from a point 81' makai of the Head direction from the Koko Head curb "Tantalus Dr., Koko Head side, distance "Waialae Ave., masks aide, distance 113' "Wilder Ave., masks side, distance 160' 140' Koko Head direction from the Koko 110' from Koko Heed direction from mauke property line of 1622 Paula Dr." prolongation of Bishop St." mauka direction the masks curb the Koko Head Koko Head direction from a point 29' Ewe Head curb prolongation of Victoria St." prolongation of Kauhane St." curb prolongation of 15th Ave." "Paula Dr., Ewa side, distance 150' mauka "Queen St., mauka aide, distance 193' Koko "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance of the Koko Head curb prolongation of direction from a point 59' makai of the Head direction from the Koko Head curb "Tantalus Dr., Koko Head side, distance "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 150' Alexander St."' 123' Koko Head direction from the Koko 135' makai direction from Koko Head direction from a point makai property line of 1734 Paula Dr." prolongation of Fort St. Mall." the makai curb 9' Koko "Wilder Ave., mauka side, distance 150' Head curb prolongation of Farrington St." prolongation of Krauss St." Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation "Paula Dr., mauka side, distance 163' Ewa "River St., Ewa aide, distance 173' makai "South Beretania St., mauka aide, distance Ewe direction from a point 7' Ewe of the "Tantalus Dr., Koko Heed side, distance of 3rd Ave." Ewa property line of 1922 Wilder Ave." direction from the Ewa curb prolongation direction from the makai curb prolonga- 160' Ewa direction from a point 139' Ewa of Pili Pl." 150' mauke direction from a point 1,919' "Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 131' "Wilder Ave., masks -side, distance 225' tion of Beretania St." of the Ewa curb prolongation of Punch- masks of the mauka Ewa direction "Pensacola St., Ewe side, distance 262' 106' each prolongation of from the Ewa curb prolon- Ewa direction from the Ewe curb prolon- "River St., Ewe side, distance mauka bowl St." Krauss St." gation of 9th Ave." mauka direction from the mauka curb direction from the masks curb prolonga- "South Beretanie St., mauka side, distance gation of Metcalf St." prolongation of Lunalilo St." tion of King St." "Tantalus Dr., Koko Head side, distance "Waialae Ave., masks aide, distance 117' "Wilde,' Ave., maks aide, fliatance 125' 130' Koko Head direction from the Koko 150' mekai direction from a point Koko "Pensacola St., Ewa side, distance 192' side, distance 108' 65' make' Head direction from the Koko Head Koko Head direction from the Koko Head "Rooke Ave., Ewa Head curb prolongation of Pensacola St." of the makai curb prolongation of !oaken curb prolongation of 16th Ave." makai direction from the makai curb mauka direction from the mauka curb curb prolongation of Piikoi St." "South Beretania St., mauka side, distance St." " Waialae Ave., mauka side, distance 150' prolongation of Wilder Ave." prolongation of Maui St." 150' Koko Head direction from a point 171' "Wilder Ave., mauka Bide, distance 160' Classified V August 19-25, 1993

Ewe direction from a point 95' Ewa of the "Coyne St." "Keolu Dr." of the mauka "Ninth Ave." curb prolongation of Vine- mauka direction Ewa curb prolongation of Piikoi St." "Date St." "Kilauea Ave." "Nuuanu Ave." yard Blvd." from a point 75' mauka "Wyllie St., makai aide, distance 150' Koko "Dillingham Blvd." "King St., North and South" of the mauka curb prolongation of Kepi- "Oneawa St" "Richard, St." olani Blvd." Head direction from a point 79' Ewe of the "Eighteenth Ave." "Koko Head Ave." "Palma Ave." "River St." "Ward Ave., Ewa aide, distance 130' makai Ewa curb prolongation of Huene St." "Green St." "Kuhio Ave." "Paki Ave." "Saint Louis Dr." direction from a point 86' makai "Wyllie St., makai side, distance 168' Ewa "Hotel St., North and South" "Kuulei Rd." "Pali Hwy." "Saratoga Rd." of the direction from the Ewa curb prolongation "Ivrilei Rd." "Leahi Ave." makai curb prolongation of King St." "Pablo Ave." "School St., North" "Wilder Ave." of Liliha St." "Kabala Ave." "Liliha St." "Pensacola St., Ewa aide, distance 130' "Tenth Ave." SECTION 2. This Schedule is hereby attached 2.By deleting therefrom the bus stops on the "Kahuhipa St." "Lunalilo St." makai direction from a point 'Thurston Ave." 35' makai of to and made a part of Article VI hereof and shall following streets: "Kailua Rd." "Magellan St." the makai curb prolongation of Wilder "University Ave., Ewe aide, distance 130' "Asia St." "Kaimuki Ave." "Makapuu 'Ave." Ave." take effect ten (10) working days after its publics. makai direction from the makai curb lion. "Ainakoa Ave." "Kalakaua Ave." "Makiki St." "Pensacola St., Ewa side, distance 75' prolongation of Dole St." "Ala !lima St." "Kalanianaole Hwy." "Melia St." makai direction from the mauka boundary "University Ave., Koko Head side, dis- JOSEPH M. MAGALDI, JR., Director "Ala Wai Blvd." "Kahn Rd." "Metcalf St." of 1438 Pensacola St. (Hawaiian Mission tance 130' mauka direction from a point Department of Tranaportation Services "Alakea St." "Kamehameha Hwy. (Kaneohe area)" "Middle St." Academy)." 42' mauka of the mauka curb prolongation City and County of Honolulu "Alois Rd." "Kanekapolei St." "Moanalua Rd., makai aide, distance "Pokole St." of King St." "Alapai St." "Kaneohe Bay Dr." approximately 100' Pearl City direction "Pueo St." "University Ave., Koko Head aide, die Dated: August 6,1993 "Seretania St., North and South" "Kaohoni St." commencing from a point approximately ' "Pukoloa St." tance 80' makai direction from a point 44' Copies of the Schedule are on file in the City Clerk's "Bethel St." "Kapahulu Ave." 510' of the Pearl City curb prolongation "Punchbowl St." makai of the makai curb prolongation of Office for use "Bishop Si." "Kapiolani Blvd." of Pali Mood St." "Puuku Mauka Dr." Date St." and examination by the public. "Campbell Ave." "Kawailoa Rd." "Mokapu Rd." "Queen Emma St., Ewa side, distance 130' "Waialae Ave." "Captain Cook Ave." "Keaahala Rd." "Monsarrat Ave." mauka direction from a point 285' mauka "Ward Ave.. Ewe aide, distance 130' (Sun Press: 8/19/93)

Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Classified Sun Press 1VEdW3e1t YOU WANT TALENT COMBO A JOB? CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT SEARCH POHAI NANI CARE CENTER 1 wk $2.58 per line 1 wk per line 1 We'll Run $4.56 wk $5.68 per Ilne YOU ARE Casting Director This challenging opportunity exists to work with 2-4 wks $2.48 per line 2-4 wks .$4.24 per line 2-4 wks $5.40 per line HIRED! David Kaplan is now aging and disabled persons In a highly (per week) (per week) (per week) conducting audi- professional setting. Sales Position tions for Summer, The essential functions and requirements of this It VI You 5-8 wks $2.35 per line 5-8 wks. $4.02 per line 5-8 wks. $5.29 per line position include, but are not limited to: (per week) (per week) (per week) in Your Area on camera, film & commercial acting . Current certification with the state agency, or be eligible for certification. 9 wks $2.24 per line 9 wks+ . $3.83 per line 9 wks+ $4.87 per line Call workshops. Call Sell . It! (per week) (per week) (per week) now for interview/ Ability to relate to and communicate with (504)847-9297 residents, staff, visitors, and supervisors. screen teat & find (504)847-9290 . ASK ADOUT OUR 3 IMO FOR 2 CONDO SPECIAL your hidden talents. Ability to hear with proficiency. That's right! For . Ability to complete assigned work tasks. Commercial advertising, rentals, employment, buiness sales or servlces are NOT eligible for the (504)847-9298 /Jo experience nec. additional job Information or necessary 3 Weeks for 2 Special For $44.99 you can Ask for ALL AGES assistance to disabled applicants In the Name Sales Department 528-8783 application process, please contact the Director advertise your car Address of Nursing Services or Unit Coordinator at 247-1670 or 247-6211. or truck in the ARE YOU Home Ph: Bus Ph. MEDICAL (If not certified, qualified applicants may be RECEPTIONIST MidWeek/Sun Press VISA MasterCard No. Exp MAKING WHAT considered for certification program. YOU'RE WORTH? Central and The Pohal Nani Care Center is an EEO employer. classifieds. PLACE YOUR AD HERE North Shore Residents International health end People person with Two weeks or Allow for each letter, punctuation or space. Please do not abbreviate. nutrition company excellent phone skills 60 Help Wanted Please run this ad In your next Issue of Sun Press Newspapers. expanding In Hawaii. needed as recep- Male/Female 80 Help Wanted two months, Written up In Business tionist In busy family Male/Female Week & L.A. Times. practice. Must be no gimmicks, we'll MINIMUM 3 LINES PER AD Need 5 managers Part dependable, energetic ACTORS/ACTRESS IMMEDIATE OPENING & Full lime. Earn and have medical needed for an upcoming Newspaper routes in the run it 'til you sell it. $500-$1500 part time. exp. Salary dep. on TV program. No exp. Kaneohe Community. FIRST UNE $2000-$6000 fun lime. exp. nec. We train. 845-4494. Haiku Plantation area w/ Includes MidWeek, Sun Press 1111111111111111=1111111111 Full training. extra bonus, Kalaii area 2 Contacts needed Call 637-5087 or AVON near King Intermediate. and Military papers. Private IIIIIMMU111111111111111111111=111 Korea, a Taiwan. apply at 66-125 Kam. Buy or sell. Call Asst. Boys and Girls 10 years. For Interview call Hwy. Hlalw 96712. Mgr. Mary, 455-8397 old and up. Delivery party only. Call for details. 3 DoadIlmi: Sept. 10th. once a week. Good busi- 11111111111111MMIIIIIIIMMINII AFTER SCHOOL, Ele- ness exp. High monthly mentary aid and Water 4 539-8074 profits. For more Informa- 1111111111111111111111111M11111111111111 Safety Instructor/After tion call: Rich 247-5425 58 Schools school needed for small or the Sun Press News- 5 m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UNEMPLOYED/NEED & Instruction christlan school In papers at 235-5081, refer EXTRA INCOME? Kailua. Please phone to Route 200. 6 HORSEBACK 262-8501. 1111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111 Looking for self RIDING LESSONS INTERESTED Professional Teachers ASSEMBLY, crafts, typ- in up to motivated, 810 K or more in 3 mos. 7 enthusiastic people Private group lessons ing & more. Up to $500 11111111111111=1=M111111111=1 Closslficalkin Beginners or advanced a wk. For info. write: P/T or F/T reps. to Exec. to help in new busi- sales position. Will train. No. of lines x Cost per Una_ x No. of Weeks TOTAL COST Phone 259-8463 SOURCE, 1080 Kam. e...... rocsovaawravoo ness. Career Hwy. #3802 B Dept.7101 Call Linda 821 -6201 eves. opportunity Salary PIANO LESSONS Exp. Pearl City, HI 96782. MEDICAL OFFICE established teacher has a Windward. 45-525 LUUL RD. up to 51 600/m0.+ few openings In Kaneohe AWESOME JOBIll Computer Positions in sales, Christmas around the knowledge & insurance Sun Press Mid%ek 235.5656 studio. John Schouten, claims. Some medical KANEOHE, HI 9KU6744 warehouse & 247-6010. world is hiring nowIll Set own hrs. no invest. asst. 281 -6133. service. Training PIANO LESSONS Weekly pay, fun people. avail. F/T, P/T Kaneohe area only. Call now 624-0205. MODELS ST. JUDE Military & 235-4432. WANTED MILK CAP MARKET DIVORCE 6h Holy St. Jud At/Oldie end Students welcome. PIANO LESSONS at 3 CARPET CLEANERS Martyr. greet In Virtue and rich 262-0944 locations. MARIA TAN Earn $250-$450 per Open call In miracle., neer kinsmen or week. Bring abstract to Serving Oahu Jebull OMNI, MIMI Inlerquor M.M., 263-2503. All types, All ages of ell who Invoke your ap.C1111 96-1197 Walhona St. f/E1, Since 1977 patronage In time of need, to STAINED GLASS Peed City Industrial Park 955-2271 Classes and Supplies. or call 453-3333. Yd:'11! of 50 Business SUSAN PAGE ti to, %shorn God has Cs:, Phone now, 488-9538. 1994 some Opportunities CARRIERS NEEDED MODELING $125°° auletinZMIrpmt In my pre: SUMMER SEWING I Boys and girls 10 and tont urgent peon. In return, 42 MONEY MAKING Classes. Ages 10 thru 18. NEED TEACHERS ASST, HAWAIIAN up. Want to earn some 595.2533 ;I'Oeragl %%1. you to be Secrets to financial free- 262-6387 or 262-4455. cash 69 credits & Aids. Work Involved. dom. Send 812.95 for extra delivering in a clean, well equipped Sey three Our Father. three Had TRAVEL TRAINING papers? Wahiawa area MILKCAP Staff Attorney booklet to: Washington only. Call Suzanne at facility. 50-100% MidWeeK / Sun Press Ptgilcallon' multi be promised. info Services, 94-038 Airlines, Travel Agency childcare discount. Gene Bridges St Jude, prey for us all who 624-2240, or Sun Press Opportunity advance- Woke your ald.Amen. Keahilele St., 0130. Cruises, Tours at 247-8755. for CALENDAR Thls Novena has never been Milliani, H1.96789. Hotels, Computer ment. Call location A Public Service known to felt Tills Novena must Nuuanu 523-6495 be mid for 0 consecutive days KOTTNER TRAVEL Classifieds Punahou 951-5833 Project CHRISTMAS AROUND INSTITUTE H I A set of twelve monthly milkcaps the World hiring now. C L D R E N S' Kallua 282 -2331 New $500 kit. No invest- 282-7749 SUPERVISOR Pearl City 488-9377 Get ready to sell! on a background of Hibiscui. In ment. Also booking Kaneohe 233-1155 6:30 - 7:30 am, M-F parties. Call 422-4073. Licensed by DOE and/or noon recess duty PIANO/VOCAL music rich color. Great for the office, 4 Health & Fitness 20 Lost & Found person, $8 50/hr. education instructor DISCOVERY TOYS LeJardin Academy, needed. Milllani/Wahlawa home, as a NUTIQUE Nutritional FOUND L SR & EOS 59 Employment 235-5656 or gift. Moms, teachers, others, 261-0707. area. Call 949-7674. Skin care. Look 10 years cameras. Kalaheo H.S. turn your knowledge & Opportunities SEND CHECK, MONEY ORDER: younger. Free sample. Mrs. Resty, 254-3551. CHOIR DIRECTOR POSTAL JOBS. Call 488-5667. exper. w/ children Into FROM YOUR OWN 8/or $19,392-$67,125/yr. H.S.A. ENTERPRISE $8 Call Kim 889-3742. HOME answer Bed & Organist, 5 hrs. week, Thurs. eve./Sunday am. Now Hiring. Call (1) P.O. BOX 4289 WEIGHT LOSS 25 Personals IN NEED OF EXTRA Breakfast agency tele- 805-962-8000 Ext. P-4031 Omnitrition works! phone Mg. Ideal for han- MIllianl Presbyterian MILILANI, HI 96789 CASH?? Come to free Church. Call 623-8663. Diana, 254-4525. seminar. This is your dicapped, enjoy working RESTAURANT 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted PSYCHIC opportunity to get ahead with people. Computer Concession workers, Male/Female Male/Female helpful. 487-1228. COMMISSION MAILERS cocktail NAME and possible financial wanted $200 per 100 servers, & cooks. 15 Announcements BEVERLY LYONS freedom. For more info. Full/part time. Volume GROUND LEVEL envelopes. Free supplies. Services at Sea WANTED: SECRETARY/ TUPPERWARE TO BUY Call 625-6563 or Iv. msg. OPPORTUNITY!!! Are Send SASE to: Midwest Life & ADDRESS Spiritual Park. 259-9911. Receptionist w/phone or sell. F/T or P/T. Call ADVERTISING MAKE MONEY SIMPLE you interested in the Distributors, Box 648, typing skills for an excit- Robyn at 838-1577. STANDARDS possibility of retiring Kirksville, MO 63501. Is & EASY. MIKE/SPARKY. ing company that mak- Counseling within 2 to 6 yrs. and be RUN YOUR OWN BUSI- ing a difference In The TUPPERWARE CITY, STATE, ZIP Advertising published in 942-8949. NESS Be a Sun Press. TO BUY OR SELL the Sun Press and FINANCIALLY FREE? DOMINO'S PIZZA Earn State S The Nation. Call 531-2508, 591-1747 Call 528-0100. $7.00-10.00 per hour Carrier. You are needed from 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. CALL AVA, 423-7634. MidWeek papers is MEN/WOMEN P/T Sales NOW! Areas avail. on _QUANTITY @ $6 00 $ TOTAL) accepted on the premise 30% profit. 4 Ways to get (includes mileage, tips, 594-4111. PSYCHIC MARY VINE and wages) Full or part Waikalua Rd. 8 in the that the merchandise help solve problems, paid. Varied product line. 80 Help Puohaia area. Cell Pua 82 Domestic and/or services offered For info. call 677-5100. Wanted time, days or nights. SPORT FISHING CREW love, marriage, business, Male/Female Flexible schedules. 235-0955. Walanae. F/T, 8 P/T. Help Wanted WOULD LIKE TO DO YOU HAVE MILK are accurately described reunite/separated, reveals p rchase a variety of CAPS FOR SALE? and willingly sold to WANT YOUR OWN BUSI- Island wide, immediate SECRETARY 30-35/HRS. Rel. military welcome. milk caps on wholesale. future. 2 free ques. by openings. Medical bene- per wk., office skills req. 488-4854. Sell them in the customers at the phone. 1-800-556-4555. NESS? Run at your own "AVON" LICENSED CARE giver P ease send samples Classified advertised price. pace? 24 hr. Free fits. Company mopeds at Call or send resume to: in Kailua. After school a ong with price BE YOUR OWN BOSS some locations. Need Interfaith Ministries of Oat to: MILK CAP MARKET Advertisers are aware of recorded message: TEACHER-PRESCHOOL: care avail. 263-0310. Deccowear Inc., 95-808 235-5868. these 948-1005. For the best earnings good abstract, own car Hawaii, 1660 So. conditions. WEDDING Ceremonies. possible Needed for Fall Program Makalmolmo St., Mimi, Advertising that does not Anywhere, meas. fee. Rev. with insurance, friendly Beretanla St., Honolulu, Hi. 96789 conform to these stan- $2 CALL $5 attitude, and hard work- HI. 96826. 943-8309. Phone 622-2463. PART TIME CHILDCARE Gall Silve, 488-5887. WORK AT HOME! THIS AD ONLY ing Also Pick up from Pre-School, dards or that is deceptive Assembly, crafts, typing spirit. hiring 4 Health & Fitness Jo 395-6970 phone people and pizza SECRETARY TELEMARKETERS occasional eves. & or misleading Is never WEDDINGS Beautiful & more. Up to $500 .1- a -1- nights, Widen' area. 0 Free Bees knowingly. accepted.. If wk. possible. Or makers starting at $5.25 Employment on the 9 needed. Salary EXCL WEIGHT LOSS Music to add elegance to For info. 235-7641 per hour and manage- beautiful Windward side commissions. Benefits 676-7310. any reader encounters your write: SOURCE, 1341 Kandy FREE Dog, Labrador Program. Herbal pro- noncompliance with ceremony or recep- ment In training posi- with no traffic or parking flex. hrs. Call 735-6452. mix, 2 yrs. old, all shots, ducts, max nutrition & tion. Viola & guitar. Ocean Ave. Suite 283 "BACK TO SCHOOL" tions at $17,800 per year. woes. Challenging posi- PROFESSIONAL FAMILY these standards, we ask Steve, 235-5505. Santa Monica, Ca 90401 neutered. 254-2558, chemical free. 395-7203. that you Inform... Mom's Earn Extra $8 Call 528-5599 for more tion for self starter, with CHILDCARE ASSOCIA- info. secretarial exper. and WELCOME BABY TION (PFCCA) An orga- FREE Potters Wheel, EXCLUSIVE Multi- CLASSIFIED WEDDINGS, ALWAYS Flex. daytime hours Need own car/hm. phone ability to handle variety PROGRAM nization to support fam- Kick wheel, U-Haul, vitamin formula. Shark ADVERTISING YOURS. Short Notice CLASSIFIED with Cartilage. 671-6196. Up to 59 an hour HANDYMAN/YARDMAN of responsibilities COORDINATOR for the ily childcare. For refer- HEAVY, 281-7130. 235-5656 OK. Nondenominational. ads get the job done. Wanted. Long term job. attention to detail. Type rals for childcare in your Spectacular Seaside or Call 732-9490 Home Visitor Program in LOBE WEIGHT I lost 6 Call today 235 -5856 P/T, $5/hour. 262-8344. 45 words per min. exper Island- area. Call: FREE TWO Lab/Terriers, BETTER Anywhere Oahu. Budget Dana's housekeeping military setting. neutered, 1 yr. need sizes. No dieting, No w/IBM PC, nonsmoker. wide supervision of Honolulu-Helen 732-5912 drugs, lose weight-make BUSINESS BUREAU to Luxury. No Counsel- Personnel Service we Mail resume with salary perm home together. ing. 293-8038 anytime. HOUSEKEEPERS maternal/child health. Winward-Barbara 868 -7222. money. Jeannie 239-2747 942-2355 58 Schools Since 1976 train, up to $7 hr. after requirements to: Requires nursing degree. 235-7608 training, weekdays only, Oceanic institute Pearl City -Marlene & Instruction HOME VISITOR for work- GET MORE MILEAGE ETC., ETC., LONG DISTANCE?? Call 30 Income Tax "TELEMARKETING Full or part time, Makepuu Point 871 -5328 FOR YOUR DOLLAR IN anywhere anytime for "PIANO LESSONS" SALESPEOPLE" bonuses, mileage, Walmanslo HI ,9879S ing with expectant Leeward -Lola 872 -3888 THE CLASSIFIEDS! If all ETC. in your home. Jullilard Full or part-time. Pro- medical, paid vacation 8 EOE military families, must (Makakilo) those odds & ends are Care, Homes, Jobes, INCOME TAX/BKPG. M. Music. 528-4427. fessionals welcome - no morel Manager Trainee. have dependable trans- For more Info on joining Island wide, in-home svc. Will train. driving you crazy, Sell Merchandise, Pro- MAIL BOX RENTALS exp. nec. We train. Exp. pref. Familiar with YOU'LL BE AMAZED at portation. PFCCA: Call Stacy 'em fessional Services. YOu Back yrs., all states. Full CHILDRENS THEATER Straight commission. Island. Need car and the amount of money ASYMCA 836-3203. 488-0121 for extra cash Free month special. Call charge Bkpg. Call Stan acting, singing, dancing. EEO/AA through the Classifieds. name It. Whatever for details. 737-1788. Write your own checks - phone. Join our friendly you can make on things (Clip for future ref.) Call today and place you're looking for to the Tax Men.... 949-5501. ACT ONE. Call 261-0457. payday every Fri. Mon. supportive team system you no longer need. or They're someone else's your ad. Buyers and add to, update BACKYARD PARTY Tent LATE TAXES PAST YRS. DRUM LESSONS Fri. phone for Interview/ loin the best. Military JUST STARTING OUT? IF A LITTLE extra cash sellers agree, the improve your appt. 9am-8 pm. You can & house wives welcome. treasure, 8 the Check the Real Estate 20 x 20 or 30x30 rental In your home en. Steve 422-5811 Classifieds bring you would light up your life, Classifieds are a bargain.'ll find in the & sale. Call 737-9002. White, M.B.A. 395 -7141. BEG., INTER., ADV. make a difference - CALL: MRS. CLEAN Section of the Classifieds turn on to the Classifieds 235-5656. Classifieds, 235 -8656. 594-4111. 486-4622. together. Phone 235-5656 CLASSIFIED INDEX

171 HOME Domestic & Scooters & HEADING CLASS Mopeds APARTMENT Help Wanted 82 GUIDE__ Moving & Storage ...123 EQUAL HOUSING Announcements 15 Domestic Instruments 144 Musical 73 Apts. Furnished 74 Apts. Pertly 78 Antiques-Art 130 Jobs Wanted' 84 25 OPPORTUNITY Rentals To Share 88 Rooms For Rent 93 Vacation Rentals 114 Real Estate Personals Furnished Apts. Furnished 73 Employment ....151 All real estate advertising KAILUA 1 DORM Apt. w/ For Sale MAKAKILO Master A ROOM FOR RENT Apts. Partly Opportunities 59 Photography 140 in this newspaper is sub- ba./priv. ant. Walk to bedroom 40 LARGE STUDIO APT. 1 with private .1. KAILUA nr. beach., T.V. ACRES Southern Furnished 74 0 ject to the Federal Fair beach. Call 281 -1237. Utile. incl.. W/D, $400 Free Bee Pickups, Trucks 1813 block from Ka ilua beach. bath, washer & dryer, $100 dep. Avail. 9/1/93. 1/1, $350 per wk. Studio, Colorado, $1 2,5 0 01 75 Housing Act which Apts. Unfurnished Garage/Lanel Property KAILUA Furn. upgraded Full kitchen, W/D, cable, parking, patio, $485 235 -3950. $250 per wk. 262-0721. Foreclosure -pickup. 8150 Auto Sate- Moving' 124 makes It illegal to studio on bus line, deposit & utilities payments on 8% loan. Management 112 advertise "any pre- $576 storage, utile. Incl., 2 car email studio/ Announcements 173 Health & Fitness Incl. utile. 235-1250, or prkg., $795. Avail. 8/1. 672-3070 available now. HAWAII KAI 2 rms., non- KAILUA Invest now-enjoy forever! ference limitation or dis- smoker, share ba., cottage from $40, near Auto Leasing 172 Heavy Machinery Real Estate 281 -8700. 261-4023 kit., Call owner, crimination based on $325-$400. 395-3335. beach. Call 262-9545. 506-376-8690. Automobiles & Equipment 174 Announcements 115 race, color, religion, se., ST. LOUIS HTS. Cool, 81 Houses Furnished 74 Apts. Partly Furn. priv. KAILUA small apt. near for Sale 176 Help Wanted Rear Estate for Sale 114 national origin, handi- quiet, 1 a I. KAILUA room, BIG ISLAND 3 BDRM., 2 bdrm w/ beach, very clean, quiet, Auto Service/Paris 156 Male/Female 60 Reel Estate Loons 119 cap, familial status, or Furnished $625 incl. util. 737-915-eP be., pool, W/D, prkg,, bath home on 3 acres, ' KAILUA 3 bdrm., 11/2 ba. linens, $550 mo., 'h utile., nice, $50/day. 261-5 . Adios Warded 131 Home Appliances ...125 Real Estate for Trade 117 national origin, or an huge deck, country intention, KAILUA 2/2, clean STUDIO Kellum, 1 coy- Parking, w/d, carpet & & dep. 262-0011. setting, $79,500. Aviation 3 Home Furnishings 120 to make any KAILUA, nr. beach, 1 Real Estate Wanted 118 such preference, limita- covered parking, pool, ered prkg., $700, incl. terrace. 282-6843. Clark 8 Assoc. (H) Bicycle Sales & Houses Furnished 81 Rentals to Share 78 washer/dryer, $1 250. water. 254-5441. KAILUA room & bath, bdrm., cot., tropical set- tion or discrimination." KAILUA Beach side. ting, $50 day. 281-2834. 943-6037 (111) 737-7969 Service 131 HousesillIng 84 Rentals Wanted 98 261-4934. large home, pool, amen., Familial statue includes WAIALUA 2 bdrm., 1 be., Quiet neighborhood, 2/1. Boat., Supplies & near bus & shopping, BUYERS OPPORTUNITY Houses Unfurnished 82 Restaurants, Bars ...118 children under the age of KAILUA Lg. & Sml. Prkg., across beach, 81550,261-8428. -9888. 148 18 8450,262 5 Acres- $2,795.00 Seller Service Income Property . 113 Rooms for Rant 86 living with parents or studio nonsmoker. $800. No pets. 621-5676. 98 Rentals Wanted quiet, KULIOUOU studio cot. must sacrifice prime Business Houses Schools & instruction 58 legal custodians: preg- perikch, yard,rd, steps to 2 KANEOHE, bdrm. & sit- mountain nant women and people WAIPIO VALLEY security, remodeled, $825 ling rm., priv. bath in love- SINGLE Parent w/1 child property. Fis- Opportunities 50 Part. Furnished 83 Short Term Rentals 94 b w /d, 1 car pr g. hing 8 hunting paradise. securing custody 2 bdrm./1 be., 1 prkg. Incl. utile. 395-9802. ly spacious home, closed & bird seeks roes. studio Prof. Services/ of chil- $875, - $650.. P63-4602. 1-(800)-891-8111. income Tax 30 Sporting Goods ....147 dren under 18 87/mo. Incl. water. Grego gate, p t . 37 security Cleaning' Jewelry & Clothing 133 Stereo, Video KAILUA Poinciana Avail .imed., 681-3249/ WAIKIKI Large one P, share kitchen, $850 wl Windward area. To $700/ This newspaper avail. CONDO AT TURTLE Card of Thanks 8 Jobs Wanted' 63 Television 129 will not Manor, 3/2, pool, 2 prkg.. 672-4793 evenings. bdrm., parking ails. Call 238 -4005. mo. 235-5881 ext. 311. SAY Club. 3/2. knowingly accept any $1000/mo. 842-16-22. Country Cemetery P1015 10 Legal Notices .... I Stores & Offices no pets, $1400/mo. Avail. Overlooking golf course. Conduct advertising for real estate OM. Bonnie, 262-1943. Livestock & Horses ISO for Rent 103 which Is in violation of 103 & Fully remodeled. Just 76 Rentals To Share 93 Vacation Rentals Stores Offices reduced to 8225,000. Call Townhouses Furn 88 Lost & Found 20 Swaps &Exchnges 128 the law. Our readers are KANEOHE 3 bdrm 2 84 House Sitting For Rent Condos/Townhouses Office Equipment ...153 Travel 122 hereby informed that all be., major app)., pool, Susan at 833-1323 SHARE 3 bdrm. KAILUA/LANIKAI" near for Sale 109 Miscellaneous Vacation Rental, 93 dwellings advertised In sauna, cable, avail. 8/23. KAILUA KAILUA PALI PALMS, $1100. Call 262-8298. twnhse. w/professional, PROFESSIONAL beach, Lovely 1-2 bdrm.' PROBLEM: Got an over Condos/Townhouses Miscellaneous Vane, Campers, thle newspaper are avail- ocean view exec. office, able clean, $500/mo., W/D, COUPLE for short/Ion? 2 ba. rentals. 202-5445. crowded closet? Try the Part. Furn 85 Wanted 127 Jeeps, 4W13 175 on an equal oppor- KANEOHE LGE. STUDIO pool, 637 sq. ft., $1045.50 par hot tub, tennis cis., term . Classified@ tunity basis. To complain housesitting, exc K Al L U A II E A C H month. CunnIn ham & solution! Condos/Townhouses Investment Water Sports Deck, ocean view, kitch- dishwasher. 261-1935 ref. avail. 262-4238. Advertise those of discrimination, call gorgeous 1 bdrm., pool. Associates. . Unfurnished 87 Opportunities 55 Equipment 149 ensue, $750 incl. utile. & eves. or 626-2186 days. unwanted unused Items HUD toll free at: cable, 247-8723, eves. ape, $75/night. 261 21141111 Computers 132 Motorcycles, 'COD 1-800-669-9777. RELIABLE FEMALE will NO MATTER what you're "For Sale" and then The free number KANEOHE Pool, priv., KAILUA luxurious, close houseslt/care for pets/ KAILUA Vacation Rent- or selling, the pocket the cash you toll for to beach, all amen., $525 buying the hearing $940/mo. 228-1675, or plants. Avail. Oct. 1 No els. Near Classifieds give you fast make! Call today, Classified impaired is Incl. util. 263-4082. Beach. Classified Classified Classified Classified 1-800-927-9275. 848-6367(pgr.), 247-6643. charge. Refs. 235-2283. Call 261-5174. results. 235-56561 235-56561 August 19-25, 1993 Classified VI Immediate Openings 111111 KAPIO LAN I NEWSPAPER EMPLOYEES KFC .154 MEDICAL ( ENTEk WANTED Whether tomorrow means college, at Pali Momi KITCHEN/COUNTER career or Just earning extra cash, Progressive company offering excellent wages and benefits has KFC can help you start on your the followin ositions oen: HELP future today. SHARE IN OUR VISION FULL-TIME POSITIONS Loconon. We need highly motivated KANEOHE ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE 45-630 Kamehameha Highway Team Members CAREER Opportunity for an energetic, self motivated individual with 2 years Sales experience to have a challenging career in the, publishing industry Print, lay- KAILUA Full time and flexible part time OPPORTUNITIES out, and copy writing experience preferred. Salary plus commission and car 6 Nadal Street allowance positions available from BILLING CLERK AIKAHI 8am through 12-midnight CARDIOPULMONARY DEPARTMENT OPENING Position in our accounting department avalaMe immediately. Previous account- 25 Kaneohe Bay ing experience or business educaum necessary, I 0-key by touch required. Good HAWAII KAI KFC offers Secretary - Full-time position. Schedule math and Communication skills a PlUnl 333 Keaho le St. Medical & Drug insurance procedures, process appointment, test results, Pay Increases and Promotion post charges, etc. Minimum education - H/S CAMERA OPERATOR/STRIPPER PAYING UP TO $6.00/HOUR Program diploma or equivalent. Two years medical Position available for a flexible individual with ability to quickly adapt to new procedures and skills Capable of distinguishing colors is a must as well as Free Meals & Uniforms secretarial experience required. Working Full and part time. flexible hours available. good hand-eye coordination. Technical experience is also helpful Must be Vacation After 1 Year knowledge of WordPerfect 5.1 and basic office able 10 work any days/hours . - Wiliam provided. No experience required. Paid Training procedures. Knowledge of medical terminol- Apply directly to restaurant CHESHIRE OPERATOR ogy and medical transcription required. Typing Established mailing operation needs skilled Cheshire operator's. Full and part- EEO/AA Employer. M/F WWI* emouropecl to Apply. Interview at: Call or stop by for your speed 70 w.p.m. Good communication skills. time hour are available. Must be able to work weekends. Top wages paid for KFC-Moanalua Contact: David Fox - 486-6000 x 1379 experienced individuals. Moanalua Shopping Center MEDICAL INSERTING CREW PERSON ASSISTANT/LPN 422-1312 RN A reliable individual is needed to fill an entry level position at our Kahuhipa Central Oahu and Or St Must be able to Work any day Of the week. Hours between North Shore Residents Apply at the Human Resources Dept. warehouse. & LPN 6 6 Energetic, depend- KFC-Niu Valley C/0 KFC-Hawaii Kai 98-1079 Moanalua Rd., Aiea, HI 96701 p m and a.m. Full/Part-time able person needed 7192 Kalanianaole Highway to fill key clinic posi- Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. PRESSROOM TRAINEE Excellent benefits tion in busy, interest- 395-4664 Entry level positions in the printing trade for mechanically minded individu- Windward area ing, family practice Of the location nearest you. als. Physical work in machinery environment. Must be capable of heavy lilt- on North Shore. Equal Opportunity Employer ing and working 12 hour shills Full-time only S7.43/hr to start. Up to Excellent benefits Pearl $9.49/hr alter one year. Apply in person - no phone calls. Ann salary dep. on exp. Facility Nursing Call the Haleiwe Family Health NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Leeward Oahu, PART-TIME POSITIONS Call 247-8558 Center, 637-5087 Deadline: Sept. 10th. Word Processors Secretaries'n' on your side. CIRCULATION REPRESENTATIVE General Clerical Receptionists An energetic and cordial individual is needed to deliver newspapers to busi- 64 Domestic nesses each Thursday in designated areas of Kailua. Must haVe own vehi- Jobs Wanted GARAGE SALE Data Entry/Acct'g Clerks cle. Good salary plus gas allowance CHILDCARE IN MY IBARGAIN BLOCK SALE SUMMER Kaneohe home. M-F, . Aug. 20, & 21, 8-2p.m. DISTRICT MANAGERS P/T, F/T. Call 235-0718. 1388 TEMPORARY & FUU.TIME POSITIONS WAREHOUSE Aupula Pl., Kailua. EXPERIENCED Must be able to communicate and work well with pm-teens and teens. CHILDCARE very clean 1543 ULUPII ST. Kallua Work from your own horne, must have own vehicle Have fun and make & sate environment. Pre- 8/21, 8-4. Furn., hshld. TELEMARKETER money on your own schedule by recruiting, training and supervising boys fer 1 SALE newborn up to yr. items. & others Items. 5334889 Excl. ref. 821-0041. ADM ISLAND HERITAGE and girls who deliver newspapers. Good salary and bonuses. Gas allow- 241 KAHA ST. Kailua. *Work from your home! ance. Districts available in KANEOHE. HAWAII KAI, 71-0 WAHIAWA. EDWINA'S CHILDCARE 08/21, 8-4. Furn., qn. The Employment Ft,ople NEVER A FEE Svc. PATCH trained, bed, hdbrd., oriental DUALITY GIFTS at Start at $8.00 hr guaranteed! state lic. Avail. now. items, mens clothes, lug- DRIVER/DELIVERY PERSON 261-3054 leave message. gage, & more. Work approximately 2 hrs. FABULOUS PRICES! Need dependable, energetic person to deliver newspaper bulk drops to EXP. MOM Will babyslt GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE 432 AULIMA LP., per evening military facilities. Must be available Thursday and Friday, day Shift. Driver's In my home. M-F, F/T, KAILUA Office turn., Fine Art Prints 487-8621. baby swing, basketball GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. TOOLS, FURNITURE, * a abstract required. S7.00 per hour start. antiques, & household Children's Books Representing nonprofit MATURE PERSON Baby- hoop, kids & maternity 21, 8:30-2. 45-922 Anoi Rd., Kaneohe. goods. 1080 Uluopihi Framed Artwork military association sit your home. Weekends clothes, toys, books, & Lp Kailua Sat. 8-2. For further information contact Ginny more, Sat. & Sun., 8-2. Coffee Table Books only, & housesitting any- GARAGE SALE Sat., 8-3. * Ideal time. 823-1742,1v. msg. 162 Kailua Rd., Kailua. TOY SALE 8/21. 9-3. Gift Mugs for military spouse 45-288 PAHIKAUA ST. Brand new name brands, MONTESSORI Daycare. 8/21, 8-12. Appliances, Lots of goodies. Children's Gifts hshld. Items, clothes, Super Nintendo games, Exp. & Licensed. M-F. com- GARAGE SALE Sat. & CALL BOB 524-1825 Sun and misc. garage sale Press puter accessories. Greeting Cards 8-4. Call 281 -8205. Sun., 8-4. Spoerta cards, items. 420 Olomana St. Leave Message 45 -525 Luluku Road, Kaneohe 60 FAMILY SALE school clothes, hshld., Calendars Sunshine School Benefit. good stuff. 46-310 YARD SALE Sat. 8/21, Phone 235-58131 120 7-12. Furn., bikes., '84 Home Aug. 21, & 22, 8:30 -3:00 Hoaune Pl., Kaneohe. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20: Monday-Friday 8 a.m-S p.m. p.m. at 175A Kihapei St., Cutlass Clara. 1178 Furnishings GARAGE SALE Sat. & Honokahua St., Kalama Kailua. 10AM -7 PM COMPUTER DESK, Irg Sun., 8-12. 926 Kalpli St. Valley. TELLER Kailua. Clothing, hshld. dresser w/mirror, end 803 KALINA PL. Kalama SATURDAY, AUGUST 21: (KAILUA BRANCH) tables, Irg. couch, king Valley. Hawaii Kal. Sal/ goods, turn. 125 Home headboard, rototiller, Sun. 8/21 & 8/22, 7,-3. GIANT SALE! Craft 9AM 4 PM F/T position available for someone with 6 month PROGRAM Fury., hshld items, chil- Appliances cashiering experience; INSTRUCTOR mowers, etc. 239-7405. supplies, wicker & rattan All at 99-880 lwaena St. typing 20 wpm; 10-key by dren & adult clothing, turn., RANGE 4 burner, touch, good communication Bachelors in education DINETTE SET Oak, 6 fabric, books, In Halawa Central Park and weight set, national pillow. Everything! Sat., excellent condition, $200. & customer relation skills. or its equivalent, 2 wicker chairs, $125. years in gegraphics, baseball Aug. 21. 8am, 519 -B 281-0025. (street parking available) Please apply between exp. working 239-7581. cards. Monday - Thursday with adults with devel- Keolu Dr., Kallua. RICCAR MICROWAVE For Information Cell: 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Wpmental disabilities. FINISHED KOA rockers 95-380 HOKUKEA CT. Oven w/ turntable. 1.4 by Chairmaster. GIGANTIC BAZAAR ill consider 2 year 8238 Milani. 8/21, 9-2. Kallua Assembly God cu. ft., 750 watts, $85 or 487-7299 PIONEER FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK degree exp. Corn- 293-8392. Baby of if PUPPIES KITTENS furs., clothes, Church on 8/20, & 21, best offer. 833-4314 or Personnel Department pet i t ve salary, app!., books, caps, etc. 622-0073. DOGS CATS ',MOVING SALE 8 pc. 7-6. 669 Maine St.(Next TUPPERWARE SALE! 900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1900 excellent benefits, F/T hunk bed set $350, 18 to Kalaheo High School). at B AZAAR Plants & Food. TOP of the line Shop Christmas In Aug. Honolulu, HI 98813 position our PUREBREEDS cu. ft. refrig. $175., tread electronic Tappan stove. 10-30% Off catalog price. Diamond Head :mill $200, sofa $75, Aug. 21, 8-1. Parker HAIKU VILLAGE Sat. An EOE/AAP Employer Campus. Send resume Methodist Church, 08/14. 7-2. 46-472 Kuneki Steel burners, Self clean- Call Nowl 254-2606. NEW PETS ARRIVING DAILY! chairs $10/ea. 395-8438. Monica. to: SECOH 708 45-211 Waikalua Rd. Wy. Low, Low, prices!!! ing, nearly new. Asking Need Sales Reps Come in TODAY and see our fabulous selection of cute 8. /PAT'S Furniture and $550.281-3548. Palekaua St., Honolulu B IKES, printers, art, KAILUA 427 Akoakoa Pl. VACUUM Cleaners, like HI 98816. cuddly pets. Don't wait_ ADOPT NOW! Thrift Shop. Hookete St., new $24.95 & up 129 Stereo 868-2006. Mon., Tues., kimono, golf, speakers, Sat. 8/21, 8:00a.m.- with & Video 132 Computers Stealth cover, bazooka 1:00p.m. 128 Miscellaneous guarantee. Ph 735-6452. PROGRAM FREE ADOPTION BONUS!! Thurs., & Sat. 10-5pm., 30" TOSHIBA Color, MAC COLOR CLASSIC, ASSISTANT Wed. & Fri. 12:30-5pm. bass, & much more. 1527 BABY wood crib, play VERTICAL Blinds - 50% $950, Laserwriter II NT, Akaakoa Pl. Sat., 9-2. MOVING SALE 8/14, & stereo, external speaker High school diploma Starter Kit Neutering pen, highchair. All for Off! Fabric 76 x 84, $124. $1800, fax, $175, & more. 8/21. 9-4. Everything switch, 13/0. 537-5555. and exp. much mom! QUEEN BED Mahogany No early birds. $350, 261-3434. Iv. msg. Ken Hatch Int., 254-2080. Serious only, 239-2014. in devel- Pre-Adopt Shots Vet Exam-8 w/8 Irg built in drwrs., goes. 46-415A Kahuhipa opmentally disabled BOARDS; Surf & boogie, St., Kaneohe. WE BUY OR REPAIR I:Woollens: Exit 1+1 Freeway 250. Corner of King and Waiillae. .$400.395-4961. CLIFF'S Economy Furn. VIDEO GAMES Sega/ COMPUTERS & MORE population. Duties incl. wave skis, windsurfer, & Thrift Shop. 1716 N. SNES/Nintendo, $5/up. non-working VCR's & implementing programs RATTAN sofa, love W/O, dshwshr, kiln, MOVING SALE Sat., 8-3 Nintendo We carry a large selec- Hawaiian Humane Society seat, fit- King St. Ph. 841-4443. Buy/sell/trade games/ systems. Call for clients. F/T posi- Open: Mon-Sun 10AM-6PM 's coffee table, end tables. ness machine, furs. only. 46-219 Ahul Nani Econ Photo 239-4295. tion of CD software, CD Pl. Misc., yarn, kids systems. M:k3.V Video drives at $209. tion. Send Resume to: Admission Day 10AM-3PM Good cond. 262-9814. & . FILTER Queen Vacuum starting tools, more. 91-201 1249 NO MATTER SECOH 708 Palekaua Ewa Beach Rd. 689-7724. clothes, material, 8721. Cost, $850. Must sell what you're 245MB hard drives for 2700 Waialae.Aye., Honolu u 946-2187 SOFA 71/2', blue/brown, buying or St., Honolulu HI 96816, selling, the. $299. Give us a call at Norffi Anrnol 1 Infernalon., loc Sat. & Sun., 10-4. MOVING $250. 735-4651, 926-7292. WASHER $200 Dryer, Lt1 Ariv 1 g I depby Snore a-a,. good condition, 8300/ SALE Sat. 8/21 Classifieds give you fast 834-6446. & Sun. 8/22, 8-3. All $200. Fridge w/ice OB0.254-4858. CERAMIC CLASSES. KIMBLE UPRIGHT maker, $300. 499-1356. results. 235-56561 Also specializes must gol Furn clothing, PIANO, $800/0E10. TWO TWIN bed in center hshld. sets com- pieces. 262-8862. goods, books. 516 WICKER BASKETS, 133 Jewelry plete $45/ea. or $80 for Hooulu St., Kailua. 144 Musical 148 $3 as (new). Moving, 127 Miscellaneous 130 Antiques & Art & Clothing Water Sports 151 Pets/Everything both. 261-5895. FRI./SAT./SUN. 8-5. must sell. 595-3471. Instruments Equipment Misc items. 615 Pauku MOVING! Sat. 8/21, 8-5. Wanted NEW SHOP Furn., 4 St. Enchanted Lakes. plants, cars, etc. KING SIZE WATERBED JUST OPENED. AVOID THE TV & SAVE DRUMS & hardware, new ADULT SHAR-PEIS, All must go. 47-005A Hui females, 3 males. Free to 123 Moving/Storage w/8 drawer pedestal, SUPER 8 CAMERA Korean, Chinese Antique Discount Jewelry Hotline & used. Buy & Sell. SURFBOARD 6'4" GARAGE SALE 8721. Iwo Pl., Kaneohe. good home. No papers. bookcase headboard, Equipment WANTED. chests, Step Dansus, etc. 528-6565. Wkly. specials. Drum lessons. Fred's Pro Squash Tai l Thruster. No 9-3. Girls bunk beds, 239-2810 leave message. MULTI-FAMILY Sat. liner & heater, $300. 262-6281, Jeff. Noble House, 1 North Drums. Call 533-7550. dings, $250. 263-2533. AMERICAN INT. clothes, etc. 949 Kahili Beige sofa, $125. Call Hotel Street, CARGO. St., Kailua. 8/21, 8-3. 552 Paulele St., WANTED Corner of AKC COCKERSPANIELS FLY CAR TO 247-3457. Little Tyke Hotel & Nuuanu Avenue. 141 Video Taping LAX, 81075. FASTER Kailua. Lots of misc. Jungle Gym Set. Phone, PUPS. Red/white. 2 Items, lots of bargains! Call 545-1128. 146 Boat Sales males $450/ea., 5 THAN BOAT AND ETC., ETC., MIMO/XEROGRAPHIC 281-5174. FILMS 151 Pets/Everything Color paper $2.75/ream. TRANSFERRED & Service females $550/ea. Avail. SAFER. FOR MORE ETC. SAT., 8/21, 9 to 2, din. WOODEN VANITY Good to video. Many locations 08/15.254-0354. INFO. COME TO Cars, Homes, set, sports cards, Nin- Brass doorknobs. cond., swivel mirror, 4 Econ Photo, 239-4295. AKC GERMAN Jobes, 281-5049 111 KEEHI PL. AT Merchandise, Pro- tendo, clothing, 94-344 WANTED drawers, ma 261-2981. 19-20 FT RIENEL BOAT SHEPHERD Puppies. 2 HONOLULU AIRPORT. & TRAILER. No motor. fessional Services. You Leleaka St., Milliard. PIANO TUNING "$38 HAWAIIAN Items, males. Blk./Tan, champ. B RITTANY Spaniel 1 yr. 808-838-0658 OR anywhere." Expert Books, Papers, Jewelry 144 Musical $1500 or trade for 70. out- lines. Large (sire 130 Chihuahua/Terrier 5 mo. 1-800-642-5121. name it. Whatever SPORTS CLOTHES repair- 131 Bicycle Sales board. Jay, 261-7639. you're looking for to EQUIP.. Bikes, Doris ing. Free est. 20 yrs. exp. Collectables, Antiques Instruments lbs.), $600 ea. 834-6465. by Terrier F/M 668-7222 Mr. Mayers, 395-0304. DON'T get swamped by add to, update or Rugs, Hi F1, turn., small Anything of Value. RACE BIKES FOE SALE LET'S GO FISHING 30' IN need of quality VIOLINS Children's. 3/4 boat. lic. Capt. Military/ inflation. Let the improve your appl., & books. Sat, & SOFA BED, $250 Tread- TEAM FUJI, $250. AKC Golden Retreiver affordable vet care? Dr. HUNTER 262-4868 1/2 Classifieds keep you'll find in the Sun., 8-4. 1212 Mokulua, $300. Oak RALEIGH, $300. size, Glaesel, $225, Kamaaina rates. You Pups. Great w/kids. Eric Pearson's Home Pet mill, Desk Ask size, 0125, 261-2644. keep the fish. 486-4854. , afloat, phone 235-56561 Classifieds, 235-5856. Lanikai. Chair, $25. 261-2798. 784 Kallua Rd., MMus for Mike, 261-6420. Military special 247-5893. Svc. 235-8457 islandwide. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting & PROFESSIONAL Carpentry Contracting & Fencing Sewing & Alterations SERVICES: Bookkeeping Cleaning Construction Handyman Painting Professional G STAR PACIFIC Build- Services PROFESSIONAL sewing/ - Accounting/Bkpg COMPUTERIZED 18 YEARS EXP. remodel- HOUSECLEANING Wkly, - Appliances ing "TRS QUALITY" Build, ing & repairing fences CHEEP CHEEP FATHER alter. for all occasions. Bookkeeping & payroll & repairs. Free est. excl. work, responsible, renovate, for satisfied 8 SONS PAINT- PROPERTY - Cabinetry To $1000. 622-1251 msg. kitch. & baths. customers. Handymech. Carpentry, ING islandwide, MAINT. Free p/u &del. 239-5601. services. Word pro- reasonable, thorough. Plans, To $1000. Free est. guar. Neat & Commercial/residential - Carpentry Large or painting, fix-up, kit., Fast. To $1000. 254-1329. cessing. Call 395-1903. Windward side 262-4007. small.ia 17: work. Call 262-6103. - Carpets PROFESSIONAL Car- baths, etc. You name it I carpentry & fix up. 235-1714, Telephone - Cleaning. FINANCIAL Statements, pentry. Home repairs, 15 HOUSEPROUD Clean- BC-17112. do it! Call Marcel, HTU SEALANTS Janitorial, & yard. Call yrs. exper, Service - Clerical/Typing Computer Bookkeeping, work guar. To ing. Res./Cornmi. Rees., 261-8301. To $1000. Coating for masonary, con- Gary Higa, 947-6431. $1000. Michael, 595-3857. Financial Services crete & wood to control - Contracting/Constr. Tax Returns, System Guaranteed. 623-8185. Drafting J. L. HANDYMAN Home WE INSTALL PHONES, - Drafting setup. Call 396-7752 or CREDIT mildew. Herb 235-4447. 50% JAANA CLEANING SVC. REPAIR! Repairs & RnovatIon Jacks etc. Approx. - Electrical 531-0352. ARCHITECT W help bad Rain Gutters off. Call Mike, 486-8584. Cleaning Residential & Corn- DRAFTING improve Carpentry, Water Rot, INCREASE VALUE of - Entertainment avail. Call Service. From sketch to credit!e Orirdieorrciyour FREE Termite, Drywall & your home. Fed. & State GUTTER KING - Equipment Rentals mercIel. Refs. "CLEAN WINDOWS" appt. -6368. permit. Kam 254-2577. brochure Ceramic Tiles. To $1000. supv.To moo. 293-4449 Seamless alum. gutters Tree Trimming - Fencing Appliances Prof. Service since 1968. for 281 DESIGN, DRAFTING. time ofierPeredailt Call 236-0052. Bob, 737 -7246. BC16771 - Financial Services Call Ron Albert 599 -8779 PERSONALIZED HOUSE- Express 1 800-234 7902 MILILANI ALL Paradise Tree Svc. - Flooring/Tiles AIR CONDITIONER CLEANING by Kathleen. New, renovations, addi- PAINTING COMPANY Lrg. removal to orna- - TUNE UP "NOOK a CRANNY" tions. Dan 262-8819. mental trimming. 15 Graphic/Printing Personalized, reliable, Detailed & dependable. Hauling Remodeling yrs. - Handyman $45 Rees. rates. 262-2625. DESIGN/DRAFTING/ Floors & The Interior & Exterior exp., licensed & insured - Healing Beat the heat this sum- meticulous. Kailua Small Company, PATIO new eel 4433. Free estimates. 262-8767, or 525-9381. PERMIT -Residential/ A. HAULING a Moving, additions, - Landscaping mer by having your air TIDY CLEANERS Commercial. Affordable 51 OUALITY JOB the Small Price. repair, remodel, Clifford 898-LEAF (5323) conditioner Big or small. All areas. appls., car. 737-9682, dig. - Legal Services professions!. AFFORDABLE House Prof. Quality. 737-4180. tys. 288-9227, 7 days, 24 hrs. Licensed & Insured. (wane PC-4477 677-4695. - Masonry ly serviced nowt Our ser- cleaning. Fast/honest/ Call G.A. 262-8434. tale, 3p9r5'-'5,145' PROFESSIONAL C-17108 Yard Service - Massage Therapist vice includes chemically reliable. Windward only. DRAFT- HURRICANE LIGHT HAULING washing ING SVC. to renovate, TILE SERV. - Painting the coils, clean- $15/hr. 237-7272. Contracting & Licensed & insured. FREE ESTIMATE Cell David 623-0306 Repair ALATIN1 Yard Serv. Trim- extend or build a new - Plastering ing out the drain, oiling Construction Ceramic, marble, slate. TIM, 281-4048. ming, hauling rubbish, - Plumbing the fen motor, and a ALL WINDOW Cleaning home. Please call Alan at BATHTUBS REPAIRED C-17715. 254-6123. and clean lot. Ref,. Free Est. - Professional Services performance check. Comml./Res. Lowest 533-2941 or 754-5396. Professional regiazed on location. Call Joshua, 672-6461. Summer Rates. 845-0754. Sinks, tiles, fiberglass. - Remodeling GUARANTEED TO RESTY'S DRAFTING MARBLE & Ceramic Tile Massage Therapist Services - Repair MAKE YOUR AIR CON- Specialist. Also complete Guaranteed! 261-6430 CHEAP Yard Services. BUDGET CLEANING Hawaii law. Chapter 444, SERVICES New Const./ Exp., mowing, trimming/ - Resumes DITIONER PERFORM HRS. prohibits any person, bathroom & kitchen PROF. ESALEN EXTRA Word Process & CANE Low summer rates. Refs. Renovate, Permit. renovations. CHAIR REPAIR weeding. Ric, 293-2387. - Roofing LIKE NEW. Call us today 14 yrs. exp. 237-8887, or corporation or entity from 677-9590 or 539-6915. To $1000. Massage. Call Lola Edit Svcs., Editing, Xtra. Also rush weave. Guar - Screens & Jalousies for the best prices on 237-8882. offering or performing con- Guar. Free Est. 942-3939. MAT2674 Ph 735-9785 Typing, Responsibility, antead Call 734-6492 DESIGN SCAPES Top - Sewing & Alterations sales, service, and struction work without a con- Accuracy. Enchanted quality full sere. - Telephone Service installations! CLEANING ETC. tractor's license Issued by Electrical Lake, 262-5707, 226-8503 landscape maint. co. - Termite/Pest Control 286-5423 Residential/Commercial the Contractor's License Handyman Painting Roofing Experts in weed control, - Tree Trimming Move In/out. Free Board. Appearance in this LIVING TRUST fertilization, TINO ELECTRIC BOB A HANDYMAN yard service - Wallpaper LOUIE'S AIR estimates. Call 247-5478. classification does not TO m RHINO ROOFING & mean the license issued to "An eleclician company KNOW Inside, outside "BILL AH NEE Painting" renovations. Com- - Yard Service CONDITIONING WILL? REPAIRS& PATCHING mercial & Res. For FREE CLEANING Residential, the listed contractor may to remember." home repair. We do It 20 yrs. expel*. Very neat Gel all the facts. Leeks Are For as little as 839.31/ Quality sales, repairs, Our Business est. please call. 235-2095. and installations of all commercial & move outs. still be current and valid. If Low prices right the first time Lic. & reasonable. To 51000. Free Consultation, no FREE ESTIMATES mo. you can place a 3 Ref. upon req. 671-1330. you have any questions con- Free est. Ph. 262-5973. brands of split type and Residential PC17860. 735-2196. pressure. Your personal NO JOB TOO SMALL JACOBSEN 8 SON 1 Pro- a Iln MIdWk window air cerning contractor's ' Commercial trust will be thoroughly Call Us lime clean-up, hauling, leaslonI SrvIc ad. conditioners!! EUROPEAN WOMEN license, please contact the BOB HANDYMAN Mr. Fix- BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME and Save Cell today for details, Call 288-5423. Looking for houseclean- Department of Commerce NO JOB TOO SMALLI!! it. Carpentry, floors, We offer a painting reviewed and approved 25 YrsRS EXPERIENCE gen. labor svc. 262-0184. ing, reasonable. Call and Consumer Affairs 11C-171149 termite warranty. Competitive by one of Hawaii's most 235-sess. repair to $1000. respected attorneys. No To $1000 JENICOURT YARD SVC after 5:00 p.m. 239-7737. Licensing Board at 458-7452 OR 841-8322 833-9584. price. 239-6924. C13567. Mow, edge, trim, clean Carpentry 586-3000. To file a current Trust too blip or small. 888-8878 NO MATTER what you're HELPING HAND MAIDS RING UP THE PROFITS HAWAIIAN PAINTING VERY AFFORDABLE up. Free est 239-6081. buying or selling, the *1 QUALITY JOB the complaint, call 587-3222. WINDWARD FIX IT We do what YOU need a when you those quality work, reasonable Cell Mid-America Living Classifieds give you fast best price. All types. To check on contractor's sell Island Wide Service WHEN IT'S TIME FOR YARD MAINTENANCE done. Insured, reliable. complaint history, call odds and ends in the Reliable and Affordable rates. To $1000. Free est Trust Company RESULTS... Free Estimates. "Cheap." results 235-5656! Mike, 395-5445 to $1000. 947-7395. call the 586-2877. Classifieds, 235-5656 $150 PH.239-2097 622-2917. 2814983 Classifieds, 235-58561 247 -1695 - Howard Classified VII August 19-25. 1993 FAMILY MOTORS iiiiiS901 MI p:, y E A 12 CLEARAI NO DOWN PAYMENT!* US11$ e Kt "WE TURN PRICES vii 1 , 0 owlovs loyotas UPSIDE DOWN!" ,Extendediii2 Hoye You Base Turned Down Elsewhere? Military Financing Available also on NO CREDIT? E2-E317 DIVORCE? , August 31st WELFARE? BANKRUPTCY? DISABILITY? WE HAVE A FINANCE PROGRAM sale! FOR INFO BRING IN THIS COUPON I FOR EVERYONE! CALL 1 .._ MAO TRANOFER FEE CAC -I I% APR SALES TAX 1 1 & GET ONE MONTH'S* and have been 1 All our Chevy, Toyota, prices drastically Ebbs vwlxvw 1 GAS ALLOWANCE WITH reduced to make room for our new Wahiawa Toyota Showroom! /86%531 1 0M661 S VXV 113/10001 nznsi GB. ' EACH VEHICLE PURCHASE** I 11,4 .4.1191.), 1 A1111113133 AA3H3 LB. 1 "681s - 1993 CHEVY TRUCK 1993 CHEVY ASTRO 1 ...,,,. G6Ves X113 VONOM 1 a 0.4 v i 5.0 Liter V8 VAN EXTENDED G6t,Zs °Mali 011111NOd 1 Expires13/25/93 I 1 "Bused on 1000 Miles Average per month X 23 MPG 011111-1 VB. Coupon musl itpresenied pr,or 10 dorno ride 1 56 tZs Emma se. '79 LINCOLN '85 NISSAN '82 PLYMOUTH "69s U311VAV3 AA3H3 qa. VERSAILLES SENTRA CHAMP Runs Good Mechanic Special Runs Great G6L Is NVA NO1 P/C 39000. V11, #U4009/E5T768 #U4004 /CBSO4S #1_140 15/EWA 1 17 '888 "988 '988 561, es NVA INOONIM NO1 118000 BO. SUBJECT TO &EMT OK '85 FORD '85 TOYOTA '87 DODGE PRICES PLUI TAX & LIC. FEU TEMPO TERCEL COLT E FAMILY MOTORS GreatTransportanon Car 4dr, Great Buy 4dr,Auto Auto, A/C, AM/FM Stereo, #U4000/CEF 120 #U3990/EGS2B I ttU3968/CGY43 1 V6, Auto, Drivers Side Air- 94-287 Farrington Hwy. '1,788 '1,788 '2,588 Rear Anti-lock Braking Sys- Waipahu, Call for Directions tem, Heavy Duty ,Radiator bag, 4-Wheel Anti-lock Power Brakes, 676-1600 '86 TOYOTA '83 CHEVY '88 DODGE and Shocks, Power Steer- A/C, Power HOURS 9-9 SAT -BUN 9-4 TERCEL CAMARO ARIES LE ing, Gravel Anti-Chip Pro- Door Locks, AM/FM Cas- Must See! Very Sharp! 4dr,Auto,A/C I. sette, Tilt Wheel, Deep #U4002/DGT978 #U397 I /ENN 170 #U394011 433 12 tection, No Deductible Tinted Glass and Much, '2,688 '2,888 "3,988 3 year/36,000 Miles Bumper 171 Motorcycles to Bumper Warranty, Self Much More! & Scooters '88 DODGE '87 NISSAN '84TOYOTAVAN '85 YAMAHA 1000 Virgo '88 IROC Z TPI, excel. Steering Wheel 92500/080. H 621-7144, cond., 33K mi. Must sell, 600 SENTRA SE Aligning or 544-7454 pgr 87500/0130. 531-1672. Auto,P/S,P/B,L ow MI. AT,AC,Nice Car Auto,Loaded,Very Clean and Much, Much More! '87 HONDA 450 REBEL '69 CAVALIER 224 Fully #U3927/CTA481 #U40 10/CND744 I #U40 2/BWX685 $1500 or trade for 70+ out- loaded, 1 owner, WOO/ board motor. Call Jay, 080. 247-7622. '3,988 '3,988 '3,988 261-7639. '91 CORVETTE Low ml., '69 KAWASAKI 2X-10 am/fm CD cess., alarm., '84 FORD CLUB '90 NISSAN '91 DODGE Awesome, must see, $27,500.236-2212. extras, $3400. 282-0629. WAGON SENTRA SHADOW '92 CAVALIER Z -24, con- 8 Pass,Mint Condition! Auto,A/C 4 DoonTurquoise Blue, Nice! v't. 3.1 eng., loaded, w/ Machinery extras, white, 9.5K ml. 1 174 Heavy #U4007/BTV059 #U39 6/HSP796 #U3844/EFE727 817,000/080. 422-5172. Equipment '5,988 '5,995 '6,488 '92 CORVETTE Standard, METAL racks/plywood fully loaded, offer. Pgr., 15,795. 578-4101. shelves/shrink tunnel/L- '91 FORD '91 PLYMOUTH '87 DODGE (300133) (300193) sealere/silk screen eqpt./ '92 228, black/5.7L/auto/ ESCORT GT COLT CARAVAN sewing machines/cutting loaded/19K mi./Immac. tables. Dave 235-0035. $15,500. 625-2125. Super Clean, Extra Sharp! Auto,A/C, P15, Cassette! AT, AC, 7 Passenger #U3992/EBR377 #U3853/JADENE PL14026/CGE845 175 Vans & Campers Chrysler '6,488 '6,588 '6,988 /iforcitArde4 e Cokyv to 4 Wheel Drive '89 NEW YORKER V8, '90 '90 FORD Choao- '76 F250 VAN Whole or excl. cond., new tires, DODGE '90 GEO parts, $750/offer. Must battery, $8500/offer, DAKOTA TRACKER 4X4 AEROSTAR sell. 281-4048. warranty. Ph. 235-3747. 4X2-V-6,AUTO,A/C V6,Auto,A/C, P/S, 7 '78 ECONOLINE, phone, #U4022/ECY603 #U3942JEBJ335 Passenger #39061DFV084 alarm, new V8 engine, 84000/050. 282-8198. Classic Cars '7,988 '8,988 '9,488 '85 TOYOTA LE Fully '41 DODGE KINGSWAY loaded, excl. cond., 2 dr. "original", 6 cyl. 95500/000. 624-2681, First $4850.247-3345. 1EVROLET cm TOYOTA SUZUKI A Division ol '87 DODGE CARAVAN Set um Pacific '55 CADILLAC 4 Dr., all runs great, excel. cond. original. Mainland car, UTTER CJR9 5 5, was 5,9 9 5) $99001000. 622-6914. NOW $4,495. 105 S. KAM HWY WAHIAWA, HAWAII '57 LONDON TAXI Runs MIKE McKENNA'S good, diesel, must sell, WINDWARD FORD $5000.949 -7674. MITSUBISHI-DODGE 722414;116a D. (OM I LONE YS STArt BUYERS & sellers agree that the classifieds are a wAipmitr 11,) I\ )I_I FAidliNGToN Hwy 87 NISSAN GXE All real bargain. 235-5656. sunroof, great REPO & OWNER TRANSFER * REPOSSESSED VEHICLES * shape, $5500.698-2003. 671-2626 * -ON SALE DAILY- *'88 CHEVY ASTRO Dodge *CARGO VAN. V-6, auto, "A PUBLIC NOTICE" *841( mi. $5500 or $4900 '73 DART $495, BPP403 * OVER150WHTS11011111LY Cutter Ford, Ales - pun s..1, luIllidu I i. pl,le s Ilu1.1 * as is. Jay, 281-7639. * 1REPIENDOUS SAYINOSIII 487-3811. '85 DODGE '86 NISSAN 200SX '91 FORD TEMPO *'88 DODGE GRAND 15 PASS, AIR, STEREO AIR, STEREO LOW MILES, AUTO, AIR, STEREO LOW MILES! *CARAVAN loaded w/ '84 DAYTONA TURBO Alt NAM AND MOORS 005595 extra, 54K mi. ECN906, Excl., new cond., in/out, AWAKE $10,995) NOW leather, no rust, clean, rx- SIZZLING SIMMER *(was $3000. 696-7249. $911.11 3266.21 $4989.79 BANK REPOS * MIKE $89.McKENNA'S '87 COLT 8.2,4 9 5, LEASE RETURNS WINDWARD FORD CND3 41. Cutter Ford, CLASSIC MUSCLE CARS * Aloe -487-3811. '85 DODGE '87 HONDA CRX '89 VW GOLF * 725 KAILUA RD. . , COLT TRIK WHEELS, STEREO, EXCELLENT AIR. TRIK WHEELS, EXCELLENT '90 COLT $3,495, VISTA WAGON D0044 3. Cutter Ford, AUTO, AIR EFER1 CRN753 * CALLIIC*-0Nnlf,el*F ; !6688-F7-4"150 CUSTOM axe, Ales - 487-3811. * stereo, 300 Cl., 59K, xt. $8250/0B0. 681-3491 , A 4%-s; Check Out These $98921 $3969.29 $4999.11 CURRENT INVENTORY Flat TESTORIVEAPPOIN TMENTS 91 DODGE GRAND ,:. TO SUBMIT A CARAV AN SE 6-cyl., '82 SPYDER 2000. Needs CHEV 3/4 TON BID A- oil) Great Prices '85 GL '78 mom% * INFOON EASY FINANCING *A/T, A/C, AM/FM. new top & pass. front , ' . kV., 4 DR, AUTO STEPSIDE, RARE VEHICLE, MUST SEE 14/1AC,0811 win. * * .EJR798, $12,999. fender. Runs excel. EX250 Ninja $3099 CCU767 EGW369 AUTO, ARIDICELLENT OGB337 extra motor, $1000/0130. OR VISIT OUR .* Jay 261-7639. , \ WINDWIRD AIRPORT LOCATION * 00116.11TOAWOWNI 47 ,s EX500 $3695 $1479.21 $3987.62 $5929.21 590 PAIEA ST. * CLASSIFIEDS are money * CORNER OF NIMITZ * 235-8744 /, Vukon 500 $3895 makers! Call today and IMPULSE '87 OLDSMOBILE 8 place your ad where it'll 4 '88 CHEVROLET '88 '91 GMC Safari. pass., AIR, STEREO. SUNROOF, WIC CUTLASS SUPREME dual air, AM/FM, excl. get fast results, 235-5656. , Vukan 1500 $6795 CORSICA cond., $14,300. 235-0381. AUTO, AIR, STEREO CSX606 V-8, FULL POWER EXCELLENT CJG736 * 834-0808 ZR1100 * * '93 JEEP Cherokee 4X4 Ford ,`\ \I if $6795 Country, fully loaded, 4 $1929.11 $3987.66 $5997.21 ************ dr., auto., brand new , Ati Ninja ZX1100.. $8295 818,500/0B°. 672-4270. '75 LTD Mint cond. 4 dr., '88 TOYOTA FORD white w/ tan int., $1000/ '86 FORD RANGER '89 AEROSTAR 156 Auto Service OBO. 235-0733, 8-5pm. -',...,,.1. -147. Ninja ZX6 $5695 11-8, TRW WHEELS, EXCELLENT TERCEL COUPE AUTO, AIR, POWER PACKAGE & Parts 176 Autos For Sale CFD885 MC674 AUTO. AIR, STEREO EFD785 '79 MUSTANG 39.5K mi., '86 VW SCIRROCO 16 TRANSPORTATION Vehi- 9850/0130. Must Sell. / 41% .. 1993 KX Specials valve motor, '85 Honda cles for sale. 263-6323 Maurlcio 449-4359. Kailua. $2461.21 $3987.66 $7877.21 Prelude motor, '80 22 Kainehe St., '87 MUSTANG Conv't. KX8OR $2079 Toyota camper shell, LX, Mint cond., 42K ml., good cond., 247-3640. '86 MITSUBISHI P/U '90 FORD MUSTANG LX '8_8 TOYOTA Buick loaded, $6490. 941-1031. $3329 F t-7--...., CYCLE CITY, LTD KX-125 EXCELLENT UTILITY VFloCi AUTO. AIR. FULL POWER 20k MILES . CAMAY WAGON CUSTOM-MADE RACKS 89 XLT CLUB WAGON CNN478 '82 REGAL S/W, good 530008 AUTO, AIR, STEREO CRW528 * bumpers for trucks auto, A/C, 10 pass., _. ??2965 N. Nimilz Hwy. KX-250 $3887 Info., Wayne, 235-7841. cond., rebuilt eng.., A/C, excel cond. 836873, $1650/0130. 395-9901. (was $1$0,8,999955) now Prices plus D & H,DOC fees, tax PORSCHE Auto Parts. - 831.2800 $2469.29 $4922.21 $8871.71 New & used. Call for low '87 REGAL T Type, 6 cyl. and license Financing Available prices. 734-5335. turbo, $6000. 621-5676, MIKE McKENNA'S '73 MERCEDES BENZ FORD BRONCO Iv. msg. WINDWARD FORD Hawaii's Oldest Harley-Davidson, Kawasaki and Moto Guzzi Dealer '86 '89 MASERATI SUPERB, SHOWROOM CONDITION. 161 Auto Wanted 725 KAILUA RD. (tiZtO, 280 SE EDDIE BAUER BALANCE DWF341 CLASSIC. MUST SEE! BEV640 FULL POWER. MEETS EXCELLENT C1/301 Cadillac 266-7000 .. - A Division of Wholesale Motors, Inc Established in 1961 DONATE Cars, Vans, RVs, Boats, Trucks to '89 DE VILLE, Showroom '90 MUSTANG 5 SPEED Charity Serving The condition, extended war- 22K, loaded, excel., $2919.16 $4929.21 $17,989.11 Blind, I.R.S. Tax Deduct- ranty, very low mileage, $5000 OBO. 533-1232. Above prices include all rebates. ible. FREE TOWING. fully loaded, Bose sound system. Satin white with Dealers Welcome cats stored al. Need not run. All CALL NOW & SAVE 1-800-995-8889. beautiful white interior. Geo Simply Immaculate. PEARLRIDGE CARS Sacrifice first $12,900 '90 PRISM 5 spd., A/C, 98 -147 KAM f IVVY 483-4400 WHOLESALLMHERS, Inc. 188 Pickup Trucks takes It. Call Chris, AM/FM pull out stereo 831-2721 235-5881 ext. 307 days doss., sunroof, 5000/ '84 RANGER 15 TON, 4 or 281-7198 eves & wk. OBO 395-2755. '85 '83 '92 '86 '91 cyl., auto., good runner. ends. dlr. $1095. 239-7873. '91 STORM clean, good DODGE BMW CHEVY FORD IN transportation! EDV221, COLT 3201 '88 FORD TRACKER 3/4 TON EXPLORER HOUSE RANGER Chevrolet $9,988 w/ windsurf racks & C ,037 EDE 191 h 7 3 FINANCING 151 Pets/Everything bedllner, $3,500. la NOVA Call 537-2178 'CUTTER WHO ARE THOSE GUYS?* 282-6281. to make eppt. & glue me CHEVROLET your best offer. GEO - PONTIAC AKC Rottweiler pups. '66 ISUZU P/U Excl. $1695 $3450 $7500 '4500 14995 OFA parents, Champ '70 CHEVELLE 350 cond., AM/FM case., 737-0500 DISCOUNT BRITISH CAR PARTS line, excel. pad. & temp , equalizer, tint windows, engine, column shift, NO CREDIT APPROVAL LOW DOWN great family pet. With or 84500/0130, 263.6099. $500/obo, 623-13818. JAGUAR MG TRIUMPH without AKC papers, '79 CORVETTE Needs Honda '88 '86 '83 '84 8450 -8750.682 -3936. '89 CHEVY 1500 P/U sate, A/C. DDW738, new engine, negotiable EASY PONTIAC FORD LARGE FORD LTD MAZ DA 2 3 8-1 1 9 4 '80 CIVIC 5 SPD., clean. JENSEN HEALEY AUSTIN-HEALEY PRIVATE OBEDIENCE $5,999. alter 8.00, & weekends all day. no rust, rune great, dlr., IIRMS 6000 TAURUS SELECTION WAGON 82200 Training, Puppies NO 7111 Adulls, Results Guar. $1490.230.7873. ABUSE! $90, 896 -4357. '85 MONTI CARLO auto, "%VAN QUALITY PARTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES '86 ACCORD 3 dr. H/B A/C. came. $2,999. SHADED SILVER Persian spd., A/C, BYC744 '2995 53995 '1995 FOR kittens CFA. Ch. lines was $4 998) NOW '2595 52,95 262-4439. '89 FORD 950 XLT, Nal.1111.11011W410, ALL YOUR BRITISH CAR NEEDS extended cab, 5 spd., MIKE MoKINNA1 306-6449. 238.8744 FORD YOU ALWAYS HIT THI MARK WITH 188 Auto Service 510,860/otr. WINDWARD KAILUA NO. & Parts 9$ CAVALIER Z24 Fully rte. CHIVY 1/1 TON 404 loedsd plus, greet cond., 2-1000611 BRITISH MOTORING '78 VOLVO SEDAN Parte Lonobsd. Only 5000 ml. $4196/44r. Lyle, 499-2630. only, needs work, good 567228 (was 616,996) '90 CR% 2 dr, Sun Press 'we're the other guys 4-41. std. A/C, AM/FM. engine, but offer. Now 112,908, NOVA 281-0025 oed oordillen., BMW, $7,999. MIKE MeKINNA'S ii3030/olo. 2$14172. CLASSIFIEDS PHONE: 263-6833 VW QUANTUM Well WINDWARD FORD maintained working eng. POON411.4,1111044p. IIIIKAILUANO. rilla5willINIrlieTAIIbirpeokweesr, Car was I n sooldent. 2164000 235-5856 623.1853 ,14600/050. 516-5371 235-8744 it 19-25. 1993 Classified VIII UTTITTIFIrprillniT"." OR TOW! you'll still get a MIMI% Will

Power Skering/ 5461ing Rear Window/Chrome GOLF 111 51ep Bumper/ 3.0, V6, 11109e $189 two 7011 A/C Mar, Tack. AO

*93782 nu' ,V.,DUAL ayssigis JETTA 111 Itioree 1!! . $199 mo TI1X 51000 0011, . 11, .. 1. lo Don't

A 10 yr./I 00,000 tollo Powooroin ...nary far original oar Kiss web no dociodado. Sin yr., unknOord ndbonpo no, and oorroOlon probodion. Solorofoleol Melo...non. of no charge for two pa., a 24,000 roil.. Out! 1toodoido ANWIN106 F../WOd by tho u.S.Avto Club. THE BEST USED CAR DEALS ANYWHERE '85 HONDA '87 DODGE '87 SUBARU 01.10 '86 PONIIAC ACCORD CARAVAN TURBO 4 DR GR) 3 Dr Hnclsbosk, 5 wood Runs gnat, exam. cessation, was Power Windom & Locks, Air, Cass 2 Dr. , Ana,MD AMSHAM '93 GRAND CHEROKEE '2995 Save Up To '91 CACSONOMA OlUR MINIUM!. EVENT PICKUP LONGBED SIXTH 5 Spd , Ar, Cough, V6 IS RIGGER THAN EVER!! $2000Off Factor* ffkker '6995 51 19 FORD ILT 0 il 12 .1 '89 FORD AEFASEAR AC MERE 0 I 1 t CLUB WAGON )0 CARGOVAN Auto A/C, 10 Pols , Exnitent 7 Pass., Auto, Dual A/C, Stereo Air, Clean V6,Aub,Alc h1 Paw, CD Plaser, lilebatestPio oncifti W 1 5 6:70 '8995 *11995 _ '90 HONDA '91 CHEVY 1/2 TON '88 GMC FULL VW VANAGON 00 414 '88 ACCORD LX 474 IANGBED SIZE PICKUP 7 Posse gar, 5 Sod ,Groot on lieteded 4 Door Sedan, Only 37K Mani Onty5K Mato V8, Auto, A/C, AWN Canon. people mow. MUST SEE! 03581 ; Was$16 995 61225 Was 9995 .272 Was 510,99516X0-246 not 193 Models -c____-=2------,...... --.4, ACCLAIM PL1MCAMA *11995 12995 88995 SUCH AS *92 CHEVY CAVALIER '92 MAXIMA CONVERTIBLE toasted with bons, Only 26K Milos Auto, A/C, boded with extras, 13K W=5199951E-GA2321 1993 -AN lithtttill to WE SPECIALIZE IN MILITARY FINANCING Hyundai Mel Cols In Ad. All Cors Subiect To Prior Sole. Pricer Tox, Lic. & DOC Fee, OAC Earl. . Does Not Apply To *Metollic Point Extra Every MIKE MCKENNA'S WINDWARD Car Is

13524 Marked

Lincoln Nissan

4 dr. With '84 MARK VII L8C, is NISSAN Sentra. LIKE NEW fully loaded. Must sedan, auto., A/C, new sacrifice because of paint/tires/brakes. Very health, $4500 or best ienntatloag shape,ape , offer. 239-8511 eves. or Rock pager 288-5688 anytime. Oldsmobile Mazda '91 BUICK SKYLARK CUSTOM '92 NISSAN STANZA GXE '84 CUTLASS CIERRA 4 Do, auto, V6, at power, white/blue Auto, all power, like new, 3600 mi. Bottom '83 RX-7, good condi- $750. 90K ml., good tion, red, 54,000 miles, cond. 395-8457. interior, low miss. (ECW066) Factory war. (EST276) second owner, $2000. Call Ken 247-3201, '64 CUTLASS SUPREME 396-1821 or 235-5881. Brougham, black, 2 door, auto tinted. 247-1168. $8895 512,350 Prices! '85 OLC new brakes, battery 8 tires. Just '85 CUTLASS 4 dr., 8 tuned, runs great, $800. cyl., well malnt., $2500. '92 FORD RANGER TRUCK '92 NISSAN MAXIMA GXE or 488-9688 282-0554, Pat 838 -3203 Custom p/up, auto, V6, p/s, a/c, mugs, Exec. car, loaded, bat of factory warranty. '88 MAZDA 626 afforda- 91 CUTLASS Supreme loaded w/extras, low mi. (326TGX) Special! (EGR213) ble transportation. SL. Mint/loaded/low mil Beach fiearliiih MXH447. ext. warranty. New 196 *. $3,488. $13,500 or $3500/take CUTTER over payment. 537-5555. 11,250 94,650 Every (ar Sold! - PONTIAC GEO Pontiac '92 EUROSPORT '93 NISSAN ALTIMA SE Pukes V6, ABS,4 Dr., ful power, beige, must see Auto, , ABSNLSD, Spoiler, Alloys, ARMY, 737-0500 '86 SUNBIRD CONV'T. IIMBREllAiVIIODI $3,495, CDA553. Cutter & drivel (MYR894) Fully Equipped Factory Warranty (EVB830) '89 923 Sedan. 4 dr., auto. 52,000 mi., Ford -AM9 467-3811. $3900/080. 671-7887, '91 SUNBIRD like new, BEAM BASH Slashed' '89 MAZDA 3234dr fun to drive. EBW344, $11,990 95,450 EBX980, $7,988. $5.999 '92 FORD AEROSTAR XL CGCUTTER '92 FORD TAURUS GL (0011111 Extended van, airbag, auto, fully equipped, MOM ' CHEVROLET Airbag, Ml power, loaded (MYP295) 4,, EO - PONTIAC On Every excellent condition, 7 pass (EZZ122) 235-8744 737-0500 AND MOM '91 PROTOGE LX 5 spd., '92 GRAND AM clean, 511,995 p/s, sunroof, 26K mi., wrn- great family car 95,650 a93 ty, $116/080. 254-4916. ERW999, $10,488. 92 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE '90 INFINITI' M30 Mercedes UTTER 4 dr., auto, 1/6, all power, white, Auto, a/c, leather, base, chrome wheels, (7HECHEVROLET immaculate (KKR425) only 26k H., Wan. (DD1731) GEO - PONTIAC '72 280 SE 4.5 liter. 98, Modell wood dash, sunroof. Fan- 737-0500 tastic classic, $8000. 511,995 95,895 486-3849 after 680 p.m. Subaru '90 300CE 40,000 mi., 2845 Klihau St. Hon. HI 96819 FRIDAY; excl. cond. $42,150/Or '86 OL 8/W 4 wheel Mon-Fri 9am-7pm Sat 9am-5pm best offer. 922-1503. drive, 70K ml., well (On the corner of Nimitz Pu)uloa 836 -0848 j-W maInt., $2500. 281-4648.. Nimitz Mercury JARIRDAT Suzuki Infiniti Motor Sales '87 CAPRI 2 dr., excel . '90 SWIFT 4 dr., clean, C running cond. New tires/ clutch,$1375. 499-1965. A/C, 286 ml., $4800 /ofr. 1451 396-5014, or 923-4971. AND '67 TOPAZ affordable transportation. DBJ893, HONDA WINDWARD $3,988. Toyota In Kcmeohe Only 20 Minutes From Almost Anywhere I A 0CUTTER '80 TERCEL Cyl. head CHEVROLET recondition, mechanic No Dealer Mark Up! MDR CE0 - PONTIAC specie!, $600. 261-2981. FREE: Loan Cars! Mainland Prices! FREE BUTTONS, 737-0500 '81 TERCEL $ 2 9 5 , #1 in Customer Satisfaction! B0A599. Cutter Ford - BALLOONSLSOFT DRINKS, '68 TRACER Fun, 2 dr ANIL 447-3811. USED CAR SPECIALS A1161111 rand., AM/FM, a/c, clean '82 TERCEL 4 DR., int. 52000/0130 487-1328 clean, runs greet, 846, '81 SUBARUGL 88R71'OTACCRCIIA - OT DOGS AND poosea '91 CAPRI clean, Hoke dlr., $1550. 239-7873. $1,995 rn9"1 $3,995 15 MAZDA 626 '89 HONDAHO CRX /01 new. EVR877, &I $8,988. 9 it '83 STARLET $2 5, $1,995 imp $5,995 MORE!! EWJ920. Cutter Ford - 88 FQRD AEROSTAR (CUTTER Ales, 4974811, '87 FORD ESCORT GT $2,495 $5,995 CHEVROLET rom 130, GEO - PONTIAC '66 TERCEL A/C, stereo, '8804E91101E1 CORSICA $2,995 '89 HONDA CMC clean, no rust, 82K, awv26.1 iouss4r4 $6,395 737-0500 $2695. DIr, 239-7873. '91 GEO STORM AIRPORT '87w5 HONDA CMC $6,995 '90 CELICA GT. Sleek 8 ygoor $2,995 mori HYUr10111 CORNER OF NIMITZ IA LAGOON DRIVE MG sporty, 5spd., A/C, $2Kri '87 HONDA ACCORD $6,995 SOUTH SEAS assume paymt. 262-8042. '87 BUICK SKYHAWK $3,395 10011 1CNE. 3041 '74 MOB Good hobby 836-0515 '86 hISSAN 200Sll '89 JEEP CHEROKEE car. New Interior parts. Volkswagen Pw4srl $7,295 top, etc. Best otter fo.,93) $3,795 261-2744, Brian. '66 BUG 181/2, 87 trans., 94-245 FARRINGTON HWY dual port heeds, runs CHRYSLER WAIPAHU excl., needs paint. Call Nissan 833-1323 OAH U 4.. JEEP 676-5454 '71 2402 CLEAN, 45K '74 SUPER BEETLE New orig. ml.. $3400 or offer. atco,roiezi1foir:p0. 8800/. Must seal Cell 281-4578. 48-004 KAWA STREET '83 SENTRA, eta. wgn., '74 SUPER BUG Good' "NEMO auto , A/C, runs greet, trans.. $600. 488-9888 SOUTFI SEAS MOTORS dlr., $1550. 239-7873. after 5 or Iv. meg. 247-CARS Classified IX August 19-25, 1993








04, ISM'S BEST SELLING 9/1811) $15,488 2 AT THIS PRICE 410781, 04320126 $6,988 BEST FINANCING '93 STEALTH ES ectL_1-4k-j-N., '93 S-10 BLAZER 24 STOCKM STKM 130674 4.3,5 SPO P/L P/W 6.9% APR OR UP TO $200 REBATE 3.0, 24 VALVE, V-6, 4 SPEED, AUTO, A/C, P/L, e. NO DOWN PAYMENT! OAC AM/FM SPEAKER CASS., SPEED CONTROL, REAR SPOILER, P/W, REAR WINDOW WIPER. $14 988 STARTING AT '93 E350 1-TON d10587 (EXECUTIVE DEMO) *USED CARS & TRUCKS* 988 737-0500 5.8 L V4, AUTO, '86 CHEVY CALAVIER '89 PONTIAC GMAT GTE 4. sfelro Aleape 5).595 V6, Cassell* Au, SLIDE DOOR, HEAVY DUTY SERVICE PACKAGE OHM. 4180558 s1588 $7588 16 TOYOTA TERCEL $1888 17 NISSAN PASSENGER VAR $8488 AND MUCH MOREL (430174) $15,988 mam /15141/ '71 FORD MUSTANG GEO STORM 4,4n PS PR IS/ levland V oItu $2988 5'Dl Speed. Ca, I, V . /, '72 MERCEDES BENZ 11 NISSAN aa, ottoma nr, 7.533,077733 5 7988 $1988 EMU $8488 10081971 FEMUR 116 DODGE CARAVAN LE , '90 NISSAN KING CAB AM 141 Auto k r 1,5 P,11 Hoot '90 CHEVROLET LUMINA .2988 .55 X000 18 FORD TEMPO $1988 $8888 SUPER CAB' IV loll Cruse !610,10111527 ' ''"' $7988 15/0171/ MR=

'87 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Iff ftTA,Ipp r,,, VOYAGER SE $7988 '85 BUICK ELECTRA '89 CHEY CAVALIER CONY L' P,8 much more' $2988 $3488 1058171) IKHAR131 $6988 F150 1/2-TON, 2 TONE. 04, '91 DODGE SHADOW CONY. 848 ISUZU P/UP AMIIM 5 p A,1 I It nzellEll CELEBRITY WON $2988 0'9.xlmirEVROLET CORSICA $8988 AUTO. A/C. AM/FM 8 MUCH MOREL 130549) $15,988 tilbrOMUI979 $3988 I.168 Al DV IA $8588 89 DODGE SHADOW $3988 '90 CHEVY LUMINA 17 $3988 '92 DODGE DAKOTA $7388 $8988 (ECR7428 (EVE347) 88 CRYSLER LEBARON CADILLAC De VIE LE '89 GRAND AM :0/3.115TRD MOSTAR $7988 CONVERTIBLE I WO 511048010061, $9988 napOtillAC $3988 '93 F250 4X4 rN 0000 7591/W448W . $4988 '89 FORD F250 XL 6 Soeua Aff Crutse. 440.144 90 FORD ESCORT 10 ISUZU P/UP '88 BUICK CENTURY Mal alaat9,378 $9988 (05118/ $3988 warm $7988 1,8, FULL SIZE, 3/4 TON HMV mr 1h L, .I Nr';. $5488 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY '92 MAZDA WV '90 $3988 712 n988 BEST SELLING TRUCKS! (81248) AMERICA'S $18,988 '86 FORD BRONCO II ')7,91. 027i.5"4"X4i'A r` $9988 (DEW915) AM/1 M Cas, P,S. NB much mow. A1,079614 $5988 '90 PONTIAC TRANSPORT '87 MERCURY MARQUIS $4988 :09 PONTIAC GRAND AM $7988 10, '88 CHEVY IROC 940 I 11a611, . $9988 I lop Ain!, t added AY,,CWA470 $6588 '90 CHEVROLET CAVAUER '88 TOYOTA CAMRY '93 EDDIE BAUER '90 LS $4988 '88 MAZDA 929 ap2a, 8988 Autu P/W Much Mu; e 51100800//, $11,988 $6988 '19 G EO METRO m988 '90 CHEVROLET LUMINA APV 8988 '92 000GE DAKOTA LE WON '89 PONTIAC STE TOP OF THE LINE, ALL POWER Aura I oaded A4A0W111949 $6988 !';',1-:'"adZillc' $12,988 '91 DODGE MM 50 P/UP $9888 '91 GEO STORM IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! (.) (EDV221) $19,988 '90 BUICK CENTURY (WS474) 1 0,488 '92 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SF $6988 $ 1 5, 98 8 10 PONTIAC 11000 'cr.31p111111U LEGACY $10,488 '91 FORD TEMPO FL 10511391 9988 QUALITY USED CARS Auto Au '92 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT $15,988 748,4KS85 $6988 '90 GEO STORM $9988 1.2.4PONILAC GRAND AM s 11,288 (NEIDA11) A/C, LOW MILES $1795 0/4 ' ' IV= WE DO CREDIT MAGIC! '89 MAZDA MEG '91 MERCURY CAPRI CONY 1111POIMAC GRAND AM v29.5 NAME aviCOR $6388 MAR SAVE 6075/176tMCO LOW MILES, NICE ainittigtari) $7805 ADDRESS CITY ZIP III $3205 PHONE WORK PHONE 65771/oFxam GREAT BUY larrearfilair° 59495 SOCIAL SECURITY NO TYPE OF 118 OUMMINNIE CUTLASS 4595 CAA /WRESTED IN AUTO, AIR, 4 OR EimalieNsraoitsulA $9965 6693/CWA0016 APT YOU WORKING, HOW LONGIN PRESENT 40110 YE CUTTER FORTIAJTRRESIND $485 Cl NOD 6 fro El I r, Firs CI 61141/00749 BM AUTO, AM SICNATURE COMPLETE & MAIL IN TO CUTTER CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH OODLIE JEEP /EAGLE it RAI FISTRA 735 DILLINGHAM BLVD . HONOLULU. HI WWI 7 PH 8428300 I A 8428398 asamooa EGOIOAICAL. CUM 14905 alaast. HAWN We mowvalw I mamma no Wan Tom ur lox wma r wall ay How wam met maw. CHEVROLET 17 RAO 111ASTAN 6413/FA00611 LOW AUTO, CLEAN $5595 CUTTER CUTTER DODGE 10 NISSAN STOMA CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODGE GEO-PONTIAC atal/DOGOSP LOW tan HOPI $6795 JEEP/EAGLE PEARL CITY Be LSI 455-1071 1391 KAPIOLANI BLVD. PH. 946-8311 lEANATM1,1316MEAT SHAPE .., - /000 842-6300 735 DIN INI;HAIV1 131 VD. ¶1?? KIIIV1 HUVY VAIIIPPS 114. CLEM $7805 3080 KAPIOLANI BLVD. PH. 737 -0600 eawNimammomm& Mass InakaN .n Nato, Nowillaw m *Wm Can HAWN N PRIM .ale PIN lam. Ho 1 SIN Doe tmst 040 IINN tan Natal al WI Ka. Hwy Caw Dodgy Awl Oily Pam aka* all applkablo Now., roam la Woo tayorm Mama. 1 financing m melealvd Not comblnabkalth Nodal Mascara,. Prices include all factory rebates 8 Incentives. Plus tax, lit 8 $148 doc lee Vehicles sub act to prior sea. nkaNN only. tor T 21 months Rom car, not omocay am illusirood Ask Near ler WHIN 'Vaasa, 3 M4/3000 1.1115 Palm Iran *wanly Mama A macaws on Wade! mods Sub*, to prlor sale OA Iu. lk 8 $14 doc No All walkable robot. WHS. buyer Sale ends August 26. 1903 'Young buyers program. must be under age 30 wll* on vIS7 mob. Hat Nora loan atm man WO COD maw CSI rmono ems. on Omn 110.14f1 only SaN oral W ILO WNW Not NI cow walled. In all Bows ovala Aspel IOW