Annual Account City of Bloomington, Illinois Year Ending- April 30, 2010
A# • Pantagraph • Wednesday, October 27, 2010 Annual Account City of Bloomington, Illinois Year Ending- April 30, 2010 Prepared by: Timothy Ervin, Finance Director (Annual Account as Required by 65 ILCS 5/3-10-5.1) Fiduciary Governmental Funds Proprietary Funds Funds Special Debt Capital Internal General Revenue Service Projects Permanent Enterprise Service Trust REVENUES Taxes $61,371,350 $5,993,495 $3,117,233 $1,238,798 $ - $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental 530,972 4,965,463 - 2,424 - - - - Licenses and permits 1,096,428 - - - - - - - Charges for services 16,710,776 969,456 - - - 24,158,115 12,014,961 - Fines and forfeitures 1,075,699 73,969 - - - - - - Investment income 68,894 17,082 5,188 2,066 1,625,834 10,522 507,500 11,863,322 Other 702,411 1,110,009 - 49,935 101,995 810,375 - 7,071,479 Total revenues 81,556,530 13,129,474 3,122,421 1,293,223 1,727,829 24,979,012 12,522,461 1 8,934,801 EXPENDITURES Current: General government 17,143,965 403,695 - - - - - - Public safety 31,361,184 99,476 - 6,585 - - - - Highways and streets 3,171,219 3,152,187 - - - - - - Sanitation 9,045,286 - - - - - - - Health and welfare - - - - 219,711 - - 7,105,716 Culture and recreation 8,403,297 7,827,650 - 33,103 - - - - Community development - 1,434,656 - 1,607,517 - - - - Debt service: Principal - 10,785 3,655,000 - - - - - Interest and fiscal agent fees - 5,990 3,050,075 - - 918,664 - - Bond issuance costs - - 59,573 - - 1,490 - - Capital outlay 626,930 225,965 - 3,091,071 - - - - Proprietary fund operating expenses - - - - - 20,718,088
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