Therapy Strategy Distribution List
THERAPY STRATEGY DISTRIBUTION LIST NAME CONTACT ADDRESS ORGANISATION DEPARTMENT/ROLE Health and Social Services Jane Westlake, Health and Social Committees Clerk, Committees Clerk - Welsh Health and Social Services Jane Westlake WAG, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Assembly Government Committes Clerk Claire Morris, HSSC Deputy Committee Clerk, WAG, Claire Morris Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government HSSC Deputy Committee Clerk Catherine Lewis, HSSC Support, WAG, Cathays Park, Catherine Lewis Cardiff CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government HSSC Service Support Ann Lloyd, Head of Health and Social Care, WAG, Head of Health and Social AnnLloyd Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government care Dr David Salter, Chief Medical Officer, WAG, Cathays Dr David Salter Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government Chief Medical Officer Rosemary Kennedy, Chief Nursing Officer, WAG, Rosemary Kennedy Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government Chief Nursing Officer Mike Shanahan, Director of Older People and Long Director of Older People and Term Care Policy, WAG, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 Long term care Policy Mike Shanahan 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government directorate John Hill-Tout, Joint Director Performance and Operations Directorate, WAG, Cathays Park, Cardiff Joint Director Performance John Hill-Tout CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly Government and Operations Directorate Chris Tudor-Smith, Head of Health Promotion Head of Health promotion Chris Tudor-Smith Diviosn, WAG, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Welsh Assembly
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