CLASSED ~ WITH THE IM. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL wITNESSTHE MOST IMPORTANT CITIES surprisED oN liOIH , F Falling D ELECTED OFFICERS I OUTLINEOF P. T. A, M. B. Auten, president of the Ro- Officers elected at the Methodist !IHAItT[R PR[SENTAIIONtary Club. has received the following WEDDINGANNIvErsArYI Sunday school for the coming year PLANSFOe TH[ Y[AR coinmunication from Eile~a Swanson, D.i't5 : : a pupil of the Washington .Consoli- Superintenden~Fred A. Bigelow. dated School, of Washington, Corm: Relatives and Friends Honored Assistant supt.--Walter Schell. One Hundred Attended Second Rotary Clubs of 23rd District Secretary-Harold McGrath. Well Represented Here Chamber of Commerce, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeger at, Assistant sec'y. Miss Marion Monthly Meeting Held Cass City. Tuesday Night. Their Home Tuesday, Leishman. Monday Evening. Dear Sir: Treasurer--Carl Schell. We are studying about the Home Dept.--Mrs. R. S. states of the United States and Supt. of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Seeger, well Proctor. Approximately one hundred per- They came in pairs, quartets and the most important cities. We known residents of the Cass City Supt. of Primary Dept. Mrs. John sons attended the second monthly larger groups, from Alpena on the would like any available litera- north, Mr. Pleasant on,the west, community for 44 years, celebrated McGrath. meeting of the current year of the ture you have on your city and Dearborn on the south, and Ridge- their golden wedding anniversary on Supt. of Cradle Roll Mrs. A. H. Parent-Teacher Association Monday town, Ont., on the east--in fact, the state. Tuesday, Oct. 7. They passed the day Higgins. evening in the high school auditori- 23rd Rotarian district was well rep- Sincerely yours, quietly at their home here, but in the um. Miss Hults, supervisor of music resented at the Rotary charter ELLEN SWANSON. evening about 50 of their relatives, and art, led in community singing presentation ceremonies at Cass City Please send it in care of Miss ~neighbors and friends surprised them and Rev. T. S. Bottretl, pastor of the Tuesday night: Devitt. and spent the evening at the Seeger MISSINOHEIR OETs M. E. church, offered prayer• The banquet was served in the home. A pot luck supper, planned by During the business session, Mrs. high school buihting by the ladies of the children of the bride and groom, Stephen Dodge, chairman of the the Presbyterian and M. E. churches was served. membership committee, reported 271 and the auditorium proved an ideal In a short program, Rev. Win./Cur- HECK FOR $2,364 a6 members on the society's roll and place for accommodating so targe a tis gave a brief talk. in which he Mrs. A. A. Ricker, program chair- man, gave the following outline of number. One hundred fifty were ex- spoke gracious words of comfort and Mrs. Mary Bernia Receives Por- pected at first, and the night before cheer, and music by B. A. Elliott and the year's plans: the banquet the ladies were request- BROWN G son was greatly enjoyed. Allen tion of Escheat Fund Be- November--Prof. H. Clusky of ed to prepare for 200. Two hundred Barnes, a former neighbor of the longing to Zumbach Est. Ann Arbor is expected, "Adolescent twenty-five came to enjoy the ban- Seeger family, gave an interesting Youth" being the subject of his ad- ]League Opens lumbia branch, and Section 5, the Today with talk on early days in which he dress. quet and program. Kemp branch, are about half done A bevy of attractive high school praised Mr. and.Mrs. Seeger as "dear Mrs. Mary Bernia of Onaway, who December Lester C. Doerr, prin- " Strong Vassar Team Play- and it is unlikely the construction old neighbors." The bride and groom REP[jR M/ [jE ON claims she is an adopted daughter of cipal of Palmer School in Grand Rap- girls served the following tempting work on these two branches will be menu: fruit cocktail and saltines, ing Here. of fifty years ago were the recipients the late Benj. Zumbach of Reese, has ids. Subject, "Influence of Love in completed until next spring. of baskets and boquets of flowers. received the sum of $1,542.62, the Early Training of Child." roast ham and dressing, mashed po- Three boards of determination tatoes and brown gravy, jelly, beet Mr. and Mrs. Seeger were married TIj [ OLA CO!jNTYdAl[ amount in the'escheat fund of Tusco- January--Thos. A. Rowe, county that met this week decided that the pickles, rolls, candied carrots, vege- Flashing a bit of power unpredict- in Lancaster, New York, on Oct• 7, la county, to the credit of this es- executive of Y. M. C. A. laying out of drainage districts were table salad, apple pie a la mode and ed by those who are supposed to 1880. Forty-four years ago, they tate. In addition to the above, she al= I February Miss Roxanna Steele of coffee. know, Cass City buried Brown City moved to a farm in Greenleaf town- Inspectors of Jails Make Re- necessary m the Tallmafi Drain, so received $822.24 interest, the Wes tern State Teachers' College° Deerlick and Branches Drain, and H. P. Orr of Caro presided as Friday by a score of 33 to 6. On de- ship, four miles east and two miles port on Condition for Half money of the estate having been in Subject, " Chllc" ] Control." toastmaster and community singing fense the local line was absolutely north of Cass City, where they re- the Banker Extension Drain. The the county treasury since Nov. 22, ] March "Books and Magazines of Year Ending Sept. 30. was efficiently led by H. Whorlow bullet proof. The only score Brown sided until 13 years ago when they first drain is located in Kingston 1917. The total amount of the check the Home" under leadership of Miss Bull of the Windsor Rotary Club, City was able to make came by way built their fine residence on North township and the last two are in No- written by County Treasurer McDur- Hale, Mrs. Walter Scbell and Mrso "The Star-Spangled Banner" and of the aerial route and was a long vesta township. mort for Mrs. Bernia was $2,364.86. S. V¢. Blades. Seeger St., Cass City, where they A total of 206 prisoners have been "O Canada!" opening the program. heave over the goal line for a touch- S. W. Morrison, Frank Macomber The Zumbaeh Estate was one of 16 April--"Reciproeity Night" with now reside. A son, John, lives on the confined in the Tuscola county jail Arthur S. Fitzgerald of Windsor, down. and Nell Burns were members of the estates having money in the escheat school work and program. Mrs. Nor- old homestead. Other ehildren are at Caro during" the half-year period Ont., governor of the 23rd district, in The offensive work of the locals Board of determination in the Tall- fund. The total amount in the fund man Gillies and Mrs. Theo Hendriek. George, Albert and Andrew Seeger, that ended Wednesday, September welcoming the Cass City Club into was carried on by Kelly, Hunter, Pin- man Drain. Bert Perry, Arthur previous to the payment to Mrs. Ber- May--Mrs. H. D. Thompson of Mrs. Charles A. MeCaslin and Mrs. 30, according to the report of the In- the Rotary ranks, said that Rotary hey, Ruhl and Simmons. Shagena, Sam Popham, all of Cass City, and Whittenburg and Ed. Dillon were the nia was $4,402.56. This money has Muskegon. Subject, "Fait~hful Citi- playing" his first game at quarter- spectors of Jails, who are Probate was organized to accomplish the bet- Mrs. Blake Saehett of Detroit. One board members in the Deerlick and accumulated from esii~tes in which zenship." back, dashed off some long gainers. Judge Guy G. Hill, County Agent M. Branches project, and John Benkel- terment of the individuM member, son, William, passed away 16 years no heirs are known or where the The music at each meeting will be On the line the work of Evans, the H. Stephen, W. J. Kirk, Charles man, James Osborn and James Dietz and to create a better understanding ago and a son, Arthur, gave his life whereabouts of heirs cannot be under the supervision of Miss Hults diminutive guard, was an outstand- Frenzel and Robert Brown, Superin- were members of the board of de- and good will between individuals in France during the World War. aseertained by the probate court. In and Rev. W. R. Curtis will have ing feature. The new combination on tendents the termination in the Banker Extension and nations. The human touch r~eans Both Mr. and Mrs. Seeger are 72 of Poor. these instances, the portion of the charge of all recreation. the line with Oz Doerr at left tackle Of the 206 prisoners confined in drain. more than shelter and bread. years of age. Mrs. Seeger enjoys inheritance which cannot be placed The principal feature of Monday and McBride at center, gave evidence the jail only 13 were women, three M. R. Keyworth, superintendent of good health but Mr. Seeger has been in the hands of its rightful owners evening's program was an interesting of becoming a real defensive line. of them being charged @~ith vagran- schools at Hamtramek, said he was ill for over a year and is confined to is put into the county fund known as l address on "The Aims and Objeets of Cass City has been death on op- cy, three held on suspicion, two fort the Parent-Teacher Association," by delighted to come here to. present the his home all of the time. the escheat fund. posing punters all season, having violation of the 18th ameadment, l charter to the Cass City Club as he I Mrs. Bernia entered her claim for the president, Rev. P. J. Allured. He two for delinquency and one each t THREEOIVEN PRISON was born on the banks of the Cass blocked no less than some eight or the Benj. Z~mbach Estate fund said in. part: "Forty-three countries for insanity, robbery armed, and River and in his boyhood days drove nine punts this year, and Brown City shortly after an article giving of the world have Parent-Teacher prostitution. a team to Cass City, hauling grain to was no more fortunate than the oth- amounts belonging to the several es- Associations and America has one Vagrancy was the charge placed market here from his home 11 miles ers, having four punts blocked by the NEW MAIL SERVICE SENTENGESWE[INESBAY tates was published in Tuseola coun- and one-half million members of that fast charging Cass City line. While against the largest number of of- ty newspapers in August. society. One of the chief aims of the away. fenders with 41 prisoners being held I Mr. Keyworth called attention to the punting of Ruhl has beeh an out- organization is to develop a cordial on that count. 33 people were held R. L. Burton Sent to Jackson the long" distances Rotarians had standing feature all season for the $1ARTSHERE 0CT. 16 relation between parents and teach- driven to attend the charter night boys from off the hill, h% has been on suspicion, 24 for larceny, 23 for and Two Perkins G~ to SCHWADERER-MOORE. ers. Fathers and mothers must be in program and said that never before l c°nsistently booting the oval down drunk and disorderly conduct, 15 for touch with the teachers and know violation of the 18th amendment, 10 Ionia Reformatory. in Cass City's history had so many!the field some forty yards. • Bus from Bay City to Port ~]¢Irs. Helen G. Set~waderer and their aims and methods and teachers representatives of different profes-l The season is on in earnest, be- for breaking and entering, 14 for as- Simeon J. Moore, both of Cass City, Turn to page 8. ~,~ sions and businesses been represent-i ginning with today when Vassar will Huron Makes Four Stops sault and battery, four each on the] Three men were sentenced to were united in marriage Friday eve- ed from so many places. Mr. Key- be met. The Vassar aggregation are Daily Here for MaiM. following counts, reckless driving, i prison terms by Judge Henry H. ning at 6:15 p.m. at the bride's worth spoke of the objects of Rotary" b°asting a strong lineup, having de- desertion, driving while drunk. Smith in Tuscola county circuit home on Main street, by Rev. P. J. IN JUSTICE COURT. which were contained in a chart, a !teated the Saginaw reserves, and Five people were jailed for insani- court on Wednesday. Robt. L. Bur- Allured, pastor of the local Presby- copy of which he presented to each. Flushing high school. This is the ty, two for disorderly conduct, three ton of Caro was sentenced to the terian church. They were attended by A new mail route has been estab- Oley Chislco, Munger/farmer, is ir~ for selling mortgaged property, three state prison at Jackson for a term of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knapp. The wed- of the 17 members of the new club at l~ first league game to be played here lished by which Cass City, Gagetown the Tuscola county jail awaiting trial Cass City. These read as follows: this year and Coach Kelly- is sparing for non-payment of alimony, two for 18 months to 10 years. Lawrence ding march was played by Mrs. Ma- and Unionville in Tuscol/~ county and in the circuit court on a charge of no one to make victory possible. Due passing bad checks, two for investi- Perkin s and Denton Perkins each re- ry Gekeler, who also sang "When Objects of Rotary Hemans, Decker, Snover, Sandusky stealing 1,140 pounds of beans from ,to the strong showing of the visiting and Peck in Sanilac county will re- gation, three for non,support, three lceived a sentence of one to 15 years Love Shines In," a favorite song of are to encourage and foster: the Shafler farm in Tuscola township. ~team, coupled with the inexperience ceive and disperse mail two times for delinquency and one each for in the reformatory at Ionia. In each the bride. 1. The ideal of Service as the having concealed weapons, held for He was arrested by Deputy Win. At- of the hill-toppers, gives every prom- daily to the west and two times daily instance, Judge Smith recommended Covers were laid for twelve guests basis of all worthy enterprise. kins and was bound over to the cir- ise of a real battle for it cannot be to the east by bus running between officers, bastardy, contempt, arson the minimum sentence. and a three course luncheon was 2. High ethical standards in cuit by the justice. denied that the local lads will fight, Bay City and Port Huron. Blaine and violation of the game law. Burton was found guilty by a jury served. Out of town guests were business and professions. The Board of Inspectors recom- Win. McCann of Juniata townshiF 'after the stubborn resistance they and Yale are also served on the Monday of obtaining money under Mrs. Henry Eley of Suffolk, Virginia, 3. The application of the ideal mended that a new bath tub be pur- received a sentence of 30 days in the put up against Brown City. This will route. The contract has been award- false pretense in a real estate trans- and Miss Mary Randall of Kingston. of Service by every Rotarian to county jail on a larceny charge. He ~be one of "toughest home games this ed to Ben C.-Richards and will start chased for the jail. action. On Oct. 7, the jury rendered Mr. and Mrs. Moore left that night his personal, business: and com- is accused of stealing oil and gasoline 1year. on Oct. 16. a verdict of guilt in the case of to visit Mr. Moore's mother, Mrs. munity ,life. from the McNalley gravel pit in The bus leaves Cass City for Port Laurence and Denton Perkins, who Emma E. Moore, at Charlotte. They 4. The development of acquain- Juniata. 1 Huron at' 8:46 a• m. and" 4::33 p. m., were arrested last month on a charge returned Sunday evening. tance as an opportunity for ser- L. D. RANDALL HEADS Walter Harmon, Jr., of Cass City and leaves here for Bay City at 10:09 of breaking and entering the Ran- Mrs• Moore is a graduate of the vice. POTATOSBOW AT was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 COMMUNITY CLUB a. m. and 5:50 p. m., Eastern Stan- dolt Ducoln store in Fremont town- University of Michigan and taught 5. The recognition of the ship. Elmer Phelps, arrested with in the Cass City High School for and costs of $15.50 or spend 35 days worthiness of all useful occupa- dard time. in the county jail by Justice St. Ma- In a letter of instructions to Post- the two" Perkins young men, was seven years. At the present time she tions and the dignifying by each At a meeting of the directors of ry. He was charged with reckless master Hunter here, the P. O. Dept. lYlAYVILL[NOV, 5-T placed on probation by the judge be- teaches the Town Line school. They Rotarian of his occupation as an the Cass City Community Club held driving when he ran into a car on Monday evening at the school build- says: "It is required that the carrier cause of his youth, he having 9nly will make their home in Cass City. opportunity to gerve society. reached his 18th birthday since the West Main St. on Sept. 15. The car ing, L. D. Randall was elected presi- shall exchange mails at your office belonged to Frank Kirkpatrick of 6. The advancement of under- Officers Are Making Big Plans I crime was committed. dent; Frank Reid, vice president; on all trips, both going and return- THELMA WARNER Caro which was damaged by Har- standing, good-will and inter- for Sixth Annual Tuber A ease which claimed eonsiderable Stanley A. Striffler, secretary; and ing over the route. Your office is not mon's car as Kirkpatrick was driving national peace through a world attention Wednesday was that of The GRADUATES AS NURSE fellowship of business and pro- Audley Rawson, 'treasurer. a schedule point, and no specific time • Crop Show. into Cass City from Caro. Mr. Randall expects to appoint his is fixed for the carrier's arrival People vs. Thos. Miginka, charged fessional men united in the ideal The Saginaw General Hospital John Rancich of Caro was arrested committees in the near future and there, but upon his arrival mail must i with attempted rape. The jury ren- by Deputy Brady on an assaul~ of Service. ~dered a "not guilty" verdict in this School of Nursing will graduate a announcement will be made soon re- be taken care of as expeditiously as I The officers in charge of the charge, his wife entering the com- In accepting the charter in behalf case. class of 21-student nurses at its garding the first meeting of the club. possible. Ten minutes are allowed in Thumb of Michigan Potato Show plaint. Justice St. Mary told Rancish of his society, M. B. Auten, president A~default judgment for $1,275.75 thirty-eighth annual graduation ex- which to exchange the mails at an which includes the counties of Bay, it would be either 40 days or $50.00 of the Cass City Rotary Club, said Sanilac, Tuscola, Huron, Genesee, was given in favor of the plaintiff in ercises to take place at 8:15 o'clock Turn to page 5. Advertise it in the Chronicle. intermediate office." fine and $5.70 costs. While no instructions have been re- Saginaw, Lapeer and Oakland, are the case of the Estate of Frank H. this evening (Friday) at the First ceived regarding the character of the making big plans for. our sixth an- Mohr vs. Edward W. Neal on Oct. 4. Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. mail to be handled on this route, it is nual potato show. In spite of dry A default judgment for $1,151.00 Harry M. Crooks, president of Alma FOUNDER OF ROTAR Y SEES HIS expected that it will include first weather, growers are showing great favoring the plaintiff was rendered in college, will be the commencement class and newspaper mail. interest and there will be exhibits of the case of John Barthel vs. Carl speaker. Miss Thelma Warner, certified seed, table stock and from Downing etal. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley IDEA GR O W AROUND WORLD A foreclosure decree was granted ~ Warner of Cass City, is a member of e boys and girls clubs, and from Paul P. Harris, founder of Rotary, YOUNG PEOPLE'S Smith-Hughes agricultural schools. in the case of Henry Ahrens et al the class. The program for the exer- cises promises to-be an enjoyable• was born April 19, 1868, at Racine, CONFERENCE AT CARO The leading varieties shown wilt vs. Robt. Ahrens et al. Wisconsin. He was educated in the be Russet Rurals, White Rurals, Rus- In the divorce case of Preston L. one, featuring besides the address by public schools and acad@tnies in Vet- set Burbanks in the late potatoes Black vs. Sarah Black, a decree was Dr. Crooks, a musical program in charge of Mrs. Hugh C. Landrum, mont, the University of Vermont and The second annual young people's and Irish Cobblers, and Early Ohios granted. organist of the First M. E. church. Princeton University. He took his conference of the Tuscola County in the earl.y varieties. The other law course at the University of Council of Religious Education will varieties of late potatoes and of early Miss Martha L. Riedet, superinten- dent %f nurses, will present the class Iowa, graduated in 1891 and was ad- be held on Saturday afternoon and potatoes will be put in one class and BROTHERS, 86 AND 82, for graduation and Dr. Windham and mitted to the practice of law in Iowa evening Oct. 18, at the M. E. church judged against each other. DIE WITHIN 4 DAYS the same year. He received his Illi- in Caro. All young people of the Seven choirs have already indicat- Dr. Toschaeh will award the diplomas. After the program the trustees of nois license as an Attorney and Coun- county are invited to attend. Fee of ed their intentions of entering the Frank McGregory, brother of P: S. the hospital will entertain the class a~ selor at Law in 1896 and since then 50c covers all costs. @ singing contest. Each group will be he has been engaged continuously in The first young people's conference required to sing two selections one McGregory of this place, passed a reception in the parlors of the the practice of his profession in Chi- was held in the Presbyterian church of which must be "The Radiant away Saturday, Oct. 4, at his home church. A dinner was given on Thurs- cago. On July 2, 1910, he married in Fairgrove last year under the Morn Hath Passed Away." The other in Yale at the age of 86 years. An- day night at 7:30 o'clock at the Sag- Miss Jean Thompson, a native of efficient leadership of Mrs. Elizabeth Turn to page 4. other brother, Cyrus McGregory, 82, inaw Country Club by Dr. and Mrs. Windham and Dr. and Mrs. Toschach. Edinburgh, Scotland. Fischer of Gagetown and was a de- died Wednesday, October 1, 1930, at After completing his law course in cided success. Mrs. Fischer is chair- the home of his son in Saginaw and man of the young people's division funeral services were held Friday. 1891, he spent the following five RAPID PROGRESS MADE TUSCoLA NORMAL Rev. H. H. Savage years in seeing the World and learn- •of the county council and has charge Funeral sezMces for Frank Mc- ing to know his fellows by actual of the conference again this year. ON SEBEwAING DRAIN Gregory were held Tuesday after- ELECTS OFFICERS well-known radio pastor of First contact with them under all sorts of noon at two o'clock from the Cole Baptist Church of Pontiac will open conditions. He worked as a reporter Rapid progress has been made in church near Yale. Rev. Richards of- Members of the Class of 1931 at fifth annual convention of the Poling on daily papers in San Francisco and MARRIAGE LICENSES. the construction work on the Sebe- ficiated and burial was in Elmwood the Tuscota County Normal have Eleventh District Union of Christian Denver, rode the range in the ~ cow waing Drain and Branches by con- cemetery at Yale., elected the following officers: Presi- Endeavor here this (Friday) evening. country, picked oranges in southern Kenneth ~ K. Pike, 24, Fairgrpv~; tractors. Section one which included He is survived by his widow and dent, Kenneth Clement, Cass City; Sessions will be held at the Presby- Louisiana, sold marble and granite, Iva G. Darbee, 20, Ellington. the work of the Village of Sebewaing o~e daughter, Mrs. Robert Eller 'of vice president, Oletta Shaw, Caro; terian church this evening and Satur- crossed the Atlantic twice on cattle Reuben Klinesmith, 35, Caro; Nora and out into Saginaw Bay has been Yale. Mr. and Mrs. P• S. McGregory, secretary-treasurer, Leola Wall, May- day morning and afternoon. The an- ships, and made a third tril~ to Paul~P. Harris, Founder and Pre~- Williamson, 49, Caro. completed, and the construction work Mrs. I. D. McCoy and Mrs. S. D. Me- ville. Miss Sarah Ludden is principal nual banquet will be served Saturday Europe on business. :~' ident Emeritus, Rotary lnter~- Herman Rupprecht, 26, Richville; in Sections 1, 4 and 6 will be finished Intyre attended the funeral from and Miss Ruby Stay, critic. There evening by ladies of the Evangelical Turn to page 8. t;onal. Martha Keinath, 28, FrankenmutlL within six weeks. Section 3, the Co- Cass City. are 30 students attending the normal. church. PAGE TWO, CAgg ~ITY,, CHRONICLE ..... ,, . Cass City, Michigan, Friday, October 10, 1930.

spent Saturday afternoon and Sun- SLATS' DIARY. NNNNNNNINNNNINNN ~NINNINNNNNNIN N; DEFORD "i day in Detroit. N @; Mrs. John Clark will entertain the BY ROSS FARQUHAR Happy Hour Club on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Moshier of Friday--well I am emproveing in Quality, Service, Price. We Deliver. next week. N Brown City were Sunday visitors at my wirk at skool becuz I oney mist the Lloyd Warner home. Mrs. Delbert Martin of Colling and 1 queschin today and Mrs. Isaac Tedford of Novesta and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin were in that was a hard 1 at N Mrs. Max Agar of Care helped their that. the teecher ast N Croswell Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Camp- mother, Mrs. John Clark, on Monday. field, Mrs. Martin's mother, who has me to diffine Vindicate. oo°°!ndependent N been visiting at the Martin home, re- Mr. and Mrs. Smith and son, Don- and I sed it was when turned to her home in Croswell with a]d Wolven, of Pontiac spent Satur- you spray carbolick as- N them. day night and Sunday with their sid around to keep N sister and aunt, Mrs. Chas. Kilgore. people frum ketching At the W. C. T. U. meeting held N deseases and uther with Mrs. Eldon Bruce last week, Mrs. Burton Morrison and Mrs. o° Grocer N! iV[vs. A. i~. iSruce was elected reDori~- was rong. bu~ i had it N ing delegate to attend the District Saturday in Detroit. N M.D. HARTT Telephone 149 W. C. T. U. convention at Lapeer Win. Randall and granddaughter spelt rite. N Oct. 23-24. Other members of the and little son spent Sunday with Mr. Saterday I per- N N union plan to attend also. and Mrs. James Spencer near Care. swaded ma to lern me to make coffy and pan N Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sole enter- cakes and ect. today N' tained during the past week, Mr. ELMWOOD. becuzz I have dissided N~ and Mrs. Win. Montgomery and Mr. BUFFALO MATCHES 1 on whut I am going to and Mrs. Daul of Pontiac, Win. Elli- Mrs. Wm. O'Dell entertained the make my lifes career. fi BOXES FOR ...... N ott, Jr., .of Fayetteville, N. Y., Mr. lZ)Aen lw2"~e~.~q co2des c~bJact~_~s !Ze~v C young people's class of the Cass (profeshun.) I am going to fern to and Mrs: Earl Mayena, Mr. and Mrs. N City Baptist Sunday school Friday ~nd &:z~d o2~ blo~ boF.2x ~ L~e role •cook & then I can all ways get a Dunn and children of Royal Oak, good job in a drug Store when I am N N Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eve and Wayne night of last week. 7"~Z ~u.mmez ~ drit~ by. ' a DEAN'S QUALITY MILK []~i Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Turner and groan up. of Wahjamega -and Jake Hilder- Sunday pa and ma includeing me TALL CANS, 3 for ...... 25C brandt of Yale. sons spent Sunday in Cass City at 7~en ove~ t~ ~oml~ of flaP [email protected]~f~,-9~ the D. E. Turner home. spent most of the day looking over Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelley called at lZ)}~ffe 5~ ~ou~:r; zvlndmi~l are new nabors witch moved in the Mrs. Lena Rushlo spent a few days u79 i~ ~he old c~,oo;nec6 GRAPE NUTS PER PxG, oR Harbor Beach Sunday. last of the wk. They havent got no at East Dayton with her friend, Mrs. ¢ 2 PACKAGES 31e Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Mrs. "f~en do~n hi] ~ ~Z~ in ~.e c~d corral. car nor no radio nor a lectrick ...... N .Kenneth Kelley spent Monday with Clarence Owen, who is in poor health. Conte~Zed, ~he ca~2e:]a~_ warshing masheen and he dent play N Mrs. Myers in Saginaw. Mrs. Elsie Seeley, who spent two Ond dTeweog ~'2ei2" cv~ rome ~ c~on-~cdN golf nor her play bridge, so we have APPRowD COCOA 35e Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Funk and Roy weeks here and at Bay City, has re- dissided mebby they got a lot of ~)J] Per 16 oz. jar, 18c 2 jars for Courliss, spent Sunday afternoon turned to her work at Dearborn. munny perhaps. N ...... N Edwin Burse, who fell and broke ~e bullfrogs avare sHll in ~he s~a~? c~ )as~, Munday ma's cuzzen and pa's nef- with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cooper in • MOTHER'S CHINA OATS Marlette and Sunday evening enter- his shoulder some time ago, is much oF ~ric]ce~ omd 2zz~-dic~ " few had a dubble wedding annaver- improved. Although his shoulder is c]~o~us sity selabrashon yesterday, ma's cuz- tained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Osburn Plazged a m/z~r ~P~'n. ,.,.. _ still in the cast, he is able to walk on/n zen had ben maryed five years and N ~ N and family of Marlette and Mr. and ~nd C~l] uX2S ~le eZ~_~ or t~.e ~ ~ Ja~Ted Mrs. Frisby and children of Care. about. pa's cuzzen had ben marryed five 76 catch in ~e ~uo21~gh& ~Aeze, times so they chipped ~n and had a Mrs. Maud Ross of Plymouth vis- Raymond and Clifford Seeley had ~e wondevAd naes~ge c~ ..~c~e t.~ac N ...... 21e tonsils and adenoid operations Satur- 7Ao z/)ff~2ggof" ~ihe ozzg;u/7)./2 OAr. big party. ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Teusday--I gess I got in bad with N N Bentley, on Thursday. day. the teecher this a. m. becuz she thot The Elmwood Missionary Society Mr. and Mrs. E. Bittle of Lapeer I was being sourcastickle when she N PER PACKAGE ...... N. called at the Win. Bentley home Sun- met today Friday with Mrs. W. C. ast me a kwestion, she sed to me. Morse for dinner. day. what do we call them people witch N N ELLINGTON AND NOVESTA. Anc{en[ lBelIg MONARCH COFFEE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rondo and fam- There are 22 bells in Lancashire, are all ways pointing out uther peo- ily spent Sunday at the Lloyd Rondo Mr. and Mrs. David Nutt of Care Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gotts and England, that can, with certainty, be ples faults and telling them whut home in Care. N N spent Sunday afternoon and evening two children spent Sunday with Mr. assigned to a date earlier than 1550. they shud ought to do. and I sed a with the former's sister, Mrs. H. R. The Farmers' Club met Thursday and Mrs. Fred Stine. The oldest bell exists at Claughton, skeet teecher, and I cud see it did- N N with Mr. and Mrs. S. Dean. (tent go over so very big. not with Silverthorn. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Tuckey and and dates to 129(i. Five or six bells N N her but the other kids seamed plezed. Mrs. John Clark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burrows, Mr. and ~wo children, Dorothy and J. D., were can be assigned to the Fom'teenth cen- N All Fruits and Vegetables in Season at N Wensday This was my lucky day. her daughter, Mrs. Max Agar, of Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Campbell, all entertained at the Ed. Golding home tury, and a like nmnber to the Fif- teenth century. Six dated bells be I woke up this morning with a offie N N Care. of Detroit, ate Sunday dinner with on Sunday. Chas. Tedford and Elisha Randall Mr. and Mrs. John Sehaas. long to the period 1550-1600. tooth ake and ma telefoned to the N1 Special Prices. Lucille and Alfred Goodall spent dentist for a ingagement for me. and Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. he was layed up with the Grip. J. H. Goodall. Understanding of Art Thirsday when I went to set Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gillies and The learned understand the reason down today at skool Pug Stevens NNN@NNNNNNNNN ZN~NNNNNNNNNZ son, Robert, and Mrs. Mary Gillies of art, the unlearned feel the pleasure. jirked away the chair and I hit the called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ~Qnintillan. flore, when I got up the teecher just Charleton at Deford on Sunday af- kinda smiled and ast if my dignity ternoon. Unhonored and Unsung was hirt. I sed well not so mutch but Anker Holth Mr. and Mrs. Mack Little and son, I wood just as leaf not set down en- And you never see a bronze statue Keith, spent Sunday with the latter's of a man who wondered why some- ny more than I half to for the rest parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Turner. body didn't do something abodt condi- of the day. Cream Separator Day-! Chrisp Russell of Detroit is visit- tions.~San Fra.~cisco Chronicle. Better lieatln ing his brother, Ross Russell. -o. Because I Love You. , ~t Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hyke, Miss REGISTRATION NOTICE A woman in the suburbs was Bernice Neitz and Carl MeConnell, FOR GENERAL ELECTION chatting over the back fence with With eut spending a cent all of Royal Oak, spent the week-end her next-door neighbor: "We're go- Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1930. at the Charles MeConnell home. ing to be living in a better neighbor- for new heatin~ To the Qualified Electors of the hood soon," she said. On October 16th Harvey and Henry Willis of Pon- Township of Elktand, County of Tus- are we," volunteered Mrs. tiac ealle°d on the former's brother- "So cola, State of Michigan: Nextdoor, confidently. equipment when we have arranged to have a man from the in-law, Maynard Delong, Sunday. Notice is hereby given that in con- formity with the "Michigan Election "What ? Are you moving too ?" Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goodell and "No, we're staying here."--0ur you burn our Mr. and Mrs. Ross Russell were Law," I, the undersigned Township "factory at our store to service Anker- Clerk, will, upon any day, except Paper. business callers in Care Thursday. Sunday and a legal holiday, the day ...... 2 ...... Readin~ Holth Cream Separators. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wanner called of any regular or special election or at the John Mark home Sunday af- primary election, receive for regis- Anthracite. ternoon. tration the name of any legal voter in said Township not already regis- Mr. and Mrs. Rinerd Knoblet en- KOHJOLgENDED tered who may apply to me personal- Order today Bring in Your Old Cream Separators tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knoblet ly for such registration. Provided, at dinner Sunday in honor of Ed. however, that I can receive no names and have them put in first class condition and Knoblet's birthday. It was also Mr. for registration during the time inter- IT YEARSIEGE and Mrs. Rinerd Knoblet's 12th wed- vening between the second Saturday The ding anniversary. before any regular, special, or official as good as new again. primary election and the day of such Mrs. Vernon MeConnell and two election. OF RHEUMATISM Farm Produce children, Donald and Norma, are vis- Notice is hereby given that I wilt Be sure to ~e.nember the date, Oct. 16 iting relatives in Royal Oak this be at my store in Cass City on Company week. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1930. Lady Thought She Was Hope- Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mercer the twentieth day preceding said less Invalid before Master and daughters, Gatha and Gerneth, election from 8 o'clock a. m. until 8 Cass City, Mich. spent Sunday with Mrs. Mercer's o'clock p. m., for the purpose of re- Medicine Gave New Health. sister, Mrs. Ralph Partridge, who is viewing the registration and register- ing such of the qualified electors in Phone 54 Corpron Hardware at the Woman's Hospital in Flint. "I suffered from rheumatism for The visit was made in honor of twin said township as shall properly ap- ply therefor. 17 years," said Mrs. Almina Atten- Cass City, Michigan. boys born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saturday, Oct. 25th, 1930~Last berger, Route No. 4, Birmingham, ... Partridge on October 1. Day For General Registration by per- Michigan. "The pains in my limbs I I' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wanner and sonal application for said election. were terrible. My right limb was al' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones spent. Fri- The name of no person but an actu- most paralyzed and it became impos- day afternoon at Lure with Mr. al resident of the precinct at the sible for me to walk. My liver, also, Wanner's sister, Mrs. George Vin- time of said registration, and entitled ' I' '11 was in bad condition. In fact, it had cent. under the constitution, if remaining bothered me since I was young. I had Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Goodell such resident, to vote at the next frequent dizzy spells and was unable election, shall be entered in the regis- TIME and daughter, Leilah Opal, have re- to stoop, which hindered me greatly SAVE tration book. October Is Coat Month turned, to Grand Blanc after spend- Dated Oct. 4, 1930. Q ing the past five weeks with Mr. C. E. PATTERSON, Township Clerk. Goodell's sister, Mrs. George Mer- I0-I0-2 ~ ~ -,--- at Berman's, Kingston cer. TROUI)LG Tremendous Preparations Have Been Made for October .... G~Namm~ COAL (the and We Are Now Ready with a Collection of New Coats at Prices GREENLEAF. that Should Prompt Every Woman and Miss to Shop at BERMAN'S. original Consolidation Mrs. Duncan Rofston is suffering In the Selection of a New Winter Coat. Millers Creek) saves aND ~O~EY with a felon on her hand and is un- time, trouble and money Luxuriously Furred Coats of Ultra-Chic der a doctor's care. Arch Livingston was a visitor at ~the only true test of Fashion--S16.75, $19.75, $25.00 and $35.00 Nelson Robertson's Sunday. iNiiiiiiiii.i!ii}iiiiiii;ii', NiNki;}iiii!;!ii;iiiii::: a completely salisfactory ~|T~ ~/~|~ Coats that show the Smartest New Paris Fashion Details-- Win. Wilkinson is ill at present coal. It materially cuts Trico Broadcloth in Black, Brown and Greens, Gorgeously Furred with Manchurian Wolf, Marmink, Opossum, Muskrat, Kit Fox and with neuritis. coal consumption and, Other Fine Furs. Patrick Bros. a're still threshing at the same time, reduces time and ~O~ and pressing hay and straw. DRESSES . ~. ~ :.: : 5:::::: ::: 5:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; :!] "~. trouble by the fewer trips to the Ray Rolston is sowing wheat for :::::::::::::::::::::: ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... :~ Smart New Colors in Canton Crepe .... Brown, Green ar(d CHEERS ,,y.~ .~..~ ======.~. ~.~.. furnace it necessitates. GRENADIER Red Shades are among other new colors (as well as black of course). Nelson Robinson. You will find new fashion details like tunics, boleros, color contrast, Three cheers for the plunging full- by A.tho zed BURN|NG back who drags the game out of fur fabric trimmings. Trees Glow, Warn Autolsts Dealers, an assurance of service in the fire. To prevent accidents, such as have Mrs. Almina Attenberger See these new dresses now, priced at $5.95, Eight cheers for Automobile In- thorough keeping with the quality of caused injuries to many autoists along in my hdusework. surance that covers every driving $6.90, $10.00 and $12.5(}. All sizes 14 to 54. tree-lined roads of the Rhine region, "Konjola gave me the first relief I thecoalCOaI,co., The Consolidation (OAL German officials paint the trees with a hazard. Here it is:~ Also plenty of half sizes 14 V2 to 26 V2. have experienced in years. In a few \ band of phosphorescent paint. At night 1. Fire .... week's ¢ime my rheumatism was en- the trunks glow so that drivers may 2. Theft tirely banished. I have no more dizzy MILLINERY see them far enough away to avoid 3. Tornado 50 New Felt Hats in all leading Fall shades, including black, spells or specks before my e~es, be- swerving into them. 4. Public Liability specially priced at $1.95. Other new Felt Hats combined with Vel- 5. Property Damage cause my kidneys are now in a fine vet or Metallic trim, priced at $2.95 and $3.95. 6. Defense of Suits condition. Konjola gave me this won- In the North Sea 7. Collision derful health." SHOE DEPARTMENT The North sea was once dry land. 8. Emergency Service Many express amazement at the A complete stock of the famous "Enna Jettick" shoes in all Prehistoric bones of land animals, es- For insurance service, call on--. speed with which Konjola works. It widths from AAA to EE, priced at $5.00 and $6.00. timated to be a million years old, does, but a course of from six to Other styles from $2.95 to $5.00. have been dredged up- eight bottles is strongly recommend- EARL HARRIS ed. Konjola is both a medicine and a tonic, rich in up:building powers. Gagetown Elevator Co., Gagetown, Mich, Berman's Department Store Few East Indian Cities Cass City Phone' 130 - F 32 Konjola is sold in Cass City, Michi- Formerly sold as Consolidation Miller8 Creek India is essentially rural; there are gan, at Burke's Drug Store, and by Store open evenings~Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only three cities with a population of Decker, Michigan all the best druggists in all towns "/ • KINGSTON, MICHIGAN more than half a million, Calcutta, .throughout this entire section.~Ad- ~Atithor@ed Dealer Grenadier Coal~ Bombay and Madras. vertigement 10-10 i jl Jr, ¢Cass city, Michigan, Friday, October 10, :~930. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE THREE National Parks I Legal Phrase John Benkelman, jr., of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bailey were Yellowstone is the largest of the Mrs. Lyle Bardwell is spending a Howard Guyet~e was a caller in The word "novation" is from the spent the week-end at his parental callers in Saginaw Thursday. few weeks with relatives in Toledo. mational parks. It has an area of 3,- home here. Pontiac Monday. Latin word meaning "new," and its Miss Mildred Karr, who is attend- 348 square miles, while Glacier is sec- Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Law of John Race of Pontiac spent Satur- use in legal phraseology means a sub- Clare Bailey of Midland spent Sat- ing teachers' college at Mt. Pleasant, .end (in continental United States) stlt~tion of a new obligation, indebt- Pontiac spent a few days this week day with relatives here. with 1,534 square miles, and Yosemite urday night and Sunday at his paren- spent the week-end at her home with Mr. Law's parents, Mr. and edness, creditor, etc., for an existing tal home here. third, with 1,125. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Striffler visited here. Mrs. Ward Law. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Corkins were o~e. friends in Detroit Saturday and Sun- Garrison Moore of Detroit visited callers in Bay City Thursday. im, i i, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bigham and Mrs. A. Best of Kingston and Mr. day. his mother, Mrs. Mary M. Moore, ov- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ware were week- son, Basil, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kunze of Port Huron were , llr er the week-end. end guests of relatives at Lapeer. Mrs. Mary Land of Pontiac visited and Mrs. Wilbur Hyde at Decker entertained Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Corkins were her brother, Harry Cooper, over the ~ Glen McCullough and Edward Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ~. A. Elliott. guests at the g. C. Corkins home week-end. Schwegler spent Sunday with friends Mr. and Mrs. Mose Karr of Gage- and relatives in Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milligan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cervenka and town and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Law daughter, Miss Alison, and son, Mrs. Sarah Clark of Sandusky children spent Sunday with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edgerton spent the week-end with relatives in James, visited at the home of Robert have purchased a farm near Avoca ca'me Sunday to spend some time in Owoss0. Lansing. and Agnes Cowan at Care Sunday. with her daugb~er:~ Mr~ ~r~ W~!tc mr.,~,~ .... ~mu ~ mrs.,~ E. W. Douglas were Mrs. George C. Hooper and Mrs." week-end guests of relatives in ! cialS Stockbridge. Zuleika Stafford spent from Thurs- day until Sunday in Detroit. I Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cameron of Bad Mrs. "Frank Dillman, son, George, Axe spent Wednesday with Mr. and and Miss Ina Otis of Detroit visited Mrs. Samuel Champion. relatives here over the week-end. • CLEARANCE Mrs. Stanley~ Warner and daugh- Mrs. Catherine Yakes entertained ter, M~ss Thelma Warner, were cal- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vickers and lers in Saginaw Tuesday. Roberta Manley of Sandusky Sunday. Miss Irma Wentworth was the Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wheeler were t DAYS guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Fergu- guests at the home of Mrs. Wheeler's son at Gagetown Sunday. brother, Dan Preston, at Snorer Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Peterson day. ONLY were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Darrell Luther, son of Mr. and J!L "i • Rench in Lansing Sunday. Mrs. Smith Luther, left last week to kI, E Mrs. George Bailey and chil~tren of spend the winter at Santa Barbara, Care spent Sunday with Mrs. Bai- California. Tire- uyin leY's mother, Mrs. Kate Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Champion, The young people oJ~ the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Champion and ~.~'ENTED church attended the Saginaw zone son, Jimmie, spent the week-end at FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS we are going tO glee tire DOU~ rally held at Colling Saturday. Rush Lake. buyers greater values than ever offered before. To balance our ~D 1 LB. DEL MONTE stocks we have reduced our prices~We have taken away the ...... COFFEE 39e Mrs. Charles Kleinschmidt spent Mr. and Mrs. John Tewksbury of last excuse for not putting safe new Firestone Tires on your Saturday and Sunday with her sis- Lapeer are spending a two weeks' car or truck at once. Now is the time to replace your old tires ter, Mrs. Walter Marken, in Detroit. vacation at their farm residence, and ha~/e Firestone Sure-Footed traction during wet, slippery 1BOX IODIZED 8e weather. SALT ...... Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lowe of De- south of town. troit visited at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cross and POST BRAN Mrs. Fred White over the week-end. children, Donald and Lena May, of PER PACKAGE 11e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranick enter- Detroit spent from Tuesday until tained Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner Thursday in Cass City. and son, Kenneth, of Caro on Sun- Mrs. Beulah Calley and daughters, This grea~ sale includes every tire we have in stoek~ LARGE FLAKES ...... 10c day. Misses Ione and Wilma, and George Firestone Supreme Balloons---Firestone Anchor Heavy Duty~ Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Freeman of Bohnsack, all of Mt. Pleasant, were Firestone Oldfie!d--Firestone Ceurier~Firestone Heavy Duty LARGE LA CHOY Gagetown and Carl Kinde of Caro week-end guests at the J. H. Bohn- Truck Tires. Drive in today~See what we van save you.~ BEAN SPROUTS ...... 19 e were g:uests at the F. A. Bliss home sack home. This is a Department Store for motorists. We sell and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rich and service the complete line of Firestone Tires, Tubes, Batteries, LARGE LA CHOY Brake Lining, Rims, Accessories--also Gas, Oil and Lubrication. Mrs. Duane Geister and two chil- daughter, Belva, of Deekervitle vis- ...... 19e dren of Decker spent a few days last ited Mrs. Hugh McColl, mother of week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rich, at the G. W. Landon Why not make it a habit of relying upon us for your John Whale. home Sunday. groceries. Come in and look over our fregh, re-- No e Comparison tven Below Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kirton and .= crisp selection. Courteous service always. daughter, Elaine, spent Sunday with 4L~O-2~ @ur Tire ~aii Ordor Tire Mrs. Kirton's sister, Mrs. Frank Kunze, at Minden City. Rubber Volume__ ~ cu. in. ~50 cu, in. Good line of Fruit Specials for Saturday Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Young and Mrs. Weight ...... ~.~@ Ibs, 115.~ lbs. Mary Holcomb and daughter, Doro- Width ...... 4.T~ in. 4,T~ in. thy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Da- Plies a~ Tread ...... plies plies vidson at St. Clair Sunday. Cords per Inch .... 2~.~ cords ~4 cords Henry's Grocery Mrs. G. L. Hitchcock returned Price ...... Thursday from Detroit where she had spent a few days with her PATENTED daughter, Mrs. N. Merion. DOUBL~ The Nazarene Missionary Society CORD met Friday afternoon with Mrs. John .... Wentworth. The program was in charge of Miss Mina Anderson. @!L~FIIELD ~CHOR Our Tire -k?~IailOrde~ Super Rea~/Du~/ WARM Rev, and Mrs. R. J. Striffler and (Cash Price) Tire sons, Philip and David, of Dearborn 4o4Oo2~_ $5.55 $5.55 Oar Tire -kMall Order (Cash Price) Super Tire spent Tuesday with Mr. Striffler's 4.$o-21__ 6.35 6.35 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striff- 4.50-21_$9.20 $9.7~" Priced lee0rding 4.75G9__ 7.55 7.55 in a hut ler. 4.75.19__~10.20 10.25 5.00-20___ 8.][5 8.15 @ Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Taylor enter- 5.0049_10.95 11.75 tained from Saturday until Tuesday 10 5.25-~8___ 8.98 8.98 on w nte= Mr. and Mrs. Frank Feess of Grand 5.25-21___ 9.75 9.75 5.25-20_12.35 13.65 Ledge. Mrs. Feess is an aunt of Mr. Men's Shoes, half soled .... 75e 6.00-20_ 12.55 12.90 5.50-20__13.90 15.15 @ 6-p!y Taylor. Boys' Shoes, half soled .... 75e Other Sizes Proportionately Low 6.00-20_14.70 17.10 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MeArthur He D. 2?]I~UCK TIItL]RS 6.50-19_17.40 18.95 mornln had as guests Thursday Mrs. McAr- Women's Shoes, half thur's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. soled ...... 60e 30W ...... 19.45 19.45 7.00-20__19.05 23.Z~ The +rue ÷e~ of ~h, Other Sizes ]Proportionately Low Squires, of Flint and Mr. and Mrs. Men's Rubber Heels ...... 30e 32x6 ...... 34.10 34.10 ciency you get A. D. Squires of Traverse City. Women's Rubber Heels .... 25e ,o Willis Campbell and daughter, Ma- ry Jane, spent Saturday and Sunday ~hen your efforts in Flint. Mrs. Campbell, who has Good Material Used CO~IE~ Our Tire -~Mail Order srnece ~re instantly V spent several weeks in Flint caring (Cash Pricey Tire for her mother, returned to Cass 30x3~__$4.20 $4.20 ia÷ed in ÷he most re- City with them Sunday evening. P. W. Reddon Cass City 4.40-21___ 4.79 4.79 parrs of the house. Nielo Hitchcoek and two sons of 4.50-21__ 5.35 5.35 ,VALIER is sold in your Kalamazoo visited Mr. Hitcheoek's., parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hitch- ,, , L_ ommunih/ by Au+horized cock, Saturday. Mrs. N. Hitehcoek is G; 99 GG 99 .~A Mail Order or Special Brand tire is made by some Dealers whose judgmen~rs ore spending the week with her father, ~ unknown manufacturer and sold under a name "that Come in an l examine the R. J. Putman, at Care, who is ill. backed by a repu~ra'rion for does not identify him to the public, usually because ,he Tl e See ons-,,the Facts Mrs. Sophia Striffier and daughter, builds his "~rst grade" tires under his own name. S~ak ~O~ ~~elVe~ service and efficlency~The Mrs. A. A. Ricker, visited their ¢" THE NEWEST Consol;da~'bn Coal Com- daughter and sister, Mrs. A. W. Weaver, in Flint Sunday. Douglas ¢. We Have YOUR SIZE Tires Ready-- pany, In¢ Weaver, who had spent the week Enna Je tick with his aunt, Mrs. Ricker, returned Drive |n TODAY! to his home in Flint with them Sun- ":" Shoes are Herel day. Mrs. Z. Cleaver entertained on ol. Cass .City Oil and Gas Company CAVA LI l Thursday Mrs. Archie Zander and Mrs. T. P. Zander, both of Saginaw, Stanley Asher, 1~Igr. Elkland Roller Mills Mrs. Myrtle Gollwitzer of Paducah, Roy M. Taylor, Prop. 'Kentucky, Mrs. Lottie Campbell of o ,_--- I '1 Phone 15. Cass City, Mick Care and Mrs. Allen of Clayton, New ¢. O York. ¢. Authorized Dealer Cavalier Coal of* O Dr. and Mrs. William Sturm and Miss Mary Striffler of Detroit spent o Sunday with the ladies' parents, Mr. ¢. o o and Mrs. W. D. Striffter. Mr. and o Baker Business Training Mrs. R. H. err and children of O ¢~ O "x Pigeon were also visitors Sunday at ¢. o the Striffler home. Will Help You Up the Ladder of Success ! The Music Study Club ~vill meet ¢. o ¢. We have trained hundreds of young men and Pastime Theatre Wednesday evening, October 15, with ¢. o ¢. E. Fitzgerald, Manager ~ CASS CITY Miss Veda Bixby as hostess. The pro- young women in Business Science and placed gram is, "What Does a College Grad- ¢. o them in uate Know About Music," Mrs. Hun- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 AND 11. ¢. o ter. "The Place of Fine Arts in Edu- .Io o MARY NOLAN IN cation," Miss Lammers. College .*i: Positions of Profit and Trust "YOUNG'S DESIRE" songs. ¢. Mrs. Amy Holtz, who has been :~ Dialogue that is masterful in its realism--a star whose beauty SHOES FOR WOMEN with bright prospects for rapid advancement in employed for more than a year in the O the business world. and tempestuous characterizations are known the world over. E. J. and Gee. Black home near Ca- O Comedy~"Footlight'Follies." Short Nutty Notes. 15 and 35c re, has resigned to take effect Oct. ~!~ 10. After spending a few weeks with ~**. Both the Faculty and the Management of Baker SUNDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 AND 13. her children, Mrs. Holtz will join her ¢- Business University of Flint, Michigan, are made O sister in Sandusky and the two la- ,... up of the most capable men and women in the WITH BYRD AT THE SOUTH POLE dies will leave for Pale Alto, Cali- i~ FIRST AND EXCLUSIVE SHOWING fornia, the first week in November. ~ Pu~A~ E Business field. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd speaking on the screen. Scenes They• expect to be in California four ¢o¢~ of Byrd's ships leaving New York. A storm at sea. Battle with months. .:. Your Size in Stock WrRe for Further Information icepack, whales, seals--Fight between seals. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warner had ¢.,~'*~ ~ TUNE IN ELL)ON E. BAKER, President Comedy~"Resolutions." News reel. 15 and 35 cents. as guests over the week-end Mr. and ***~* EN'NA JETTICKMELODIES every Sunday We Have Classes Starting Every Monday ~* evenin~l over WJ Z and 35 Associated Mrs. John Jackson of Rochester, **** Stations TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14-15. cousins of Mr. Warner. On Sunday, ¢. they entertained at a chicken dinner "LIGHT OF THE WESTERN STARS" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warner and Baker Business University (ZANE GREY'S) daughter, Charlotte, Mrs. Harrlett Accredited by the National Association of Accredited Schools and Approved by the State Board of Education WITH RICHARD ARLEN AND MARY BRIAN Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailey and .•"¢. Uhlman's two daughters, Mr. and MYs. ~Andrew ¢. CARO, MICH. Comedy~"College Hounds." 10 and 25c. ELDON E. BAKER, President FLINT, MICHIGAN Bigelow and two daughters of Cass L City and Clare Bailey of Midland. / PAGE FOUR CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, Friday, October 10, 1930.

C~'CITY-- CHRONICLE ithere mill be millions of people on ] Patrick L. KMley spent the week- POTAT0 SnOW AT by experts will be given. Growers end in Detroit. Published Weekly. !Nov. 4th who have an opinion about I MAYVILLE NOV. 5"- 7 should select their samples at dig- HAPPENIN68iN THE ging time. They should be dug by The Tri-County Chronicle and Cass this election and would like to ex-l Jos. Gast of Fostern was a week- City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, press it, but who will be unable to do I end guest at the Fred White home. Concluded from first page. hand, and wrapped in the field before t906. so because they neglected to register l John H. Kercher is doing some number to be sung is left to the op- they are taken to the house. They NFIHBORIN6 TOWNS shouid be selected for trueness to before the time limit fixed by law. [ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henry were Cal- carpenter work in Pigeon this week. tion of the singers. Prizes totaling All Subscriptions Are Payable in The failure of many millions of[ $560 proVided by the R. O. Olds Com- type, uniformity in size, shape and lers in Saginaw Sunday. Rev. R. V. Starr of Lansiffg was a our people to take' part in the gov-' munity Singing Fund will be awarded color, freedom from disease, freedom Advance. Mrs. John May is spending two caller at the home of Mrs. Lydia ernment of the COUntry by voting is Carefully Selected from Inter- the winning groups at four shows in from hollow centers and should be In Michigan--One year, $1.75; six weeks with relatives in Stoekbridge. Starr Monday, months, $1.00. one of the most serious difficulties in esting Exchanges for Chroni- the state. The contests will be physically sound, clean, firm, bright, Albert Dunham and two daughters Mrs. ~Roy Vance attended the fu' judged by members of Michigan ripe, free from growth cracks, or Outside Michigan ~ In United the way of political progress. cle Readers. States, one year, $2.00. In Canada, The laws of manz states~ requiring of Royal Oak spent the week-end neral of her aunt, Mrs. Ruth Brown, I State College music department. checks. Exhibitors are advised to ~ne year, $2.50. voters to register for each election with ~ass City relatives. at Otisville Sunday. ' Judging and grading contest for place potatoes~ in a dark cooi place add very largely to the number who Miss Gladys Jackson of Detroit Miss Ila White left 'Sunday to Joe Myers has sold the Carsonville the growers and students will also for a week or so before wrapping and packing for shipping and are Advertising rates made known on fail to vote because their names are spent Saturday and Sunday with her spend the week with her cousin, Miss hotel to Judson Bratt, of St. Clair. be held. At the time of the show, application. noton the list-. It seems strange that brother, Harold Jackson. Ruth Stone, at Sandusky. ~Mr. Myers has been in'the hotel the final selection of the master PO" asked not to wash potatoes to re- mc,.~e dh'[. Ciea~i wi[],, a .-,o~t b~:uM~ w Entered as second class matter any pa'crio~dc American would io~e Mr. am~ Mrso ~o A. T~n(iate a~senci- iVir, and Mrs. Arthur SurDrenant in Carson:.d!!e ~nce !9!7~ ~a~o grower of dm Thumb ~ecdon will ibusiness soft woolen cloth. Apr. 27, 1906, at the post office at the right of suffrage, which should ed the Wheeler-Burns wedding in De- and children of Bad Axe spent Sun- and previous to that date/ran a hotel be made, this selection to be based Cass City, Michigan, under the Act be one of his most cherished privi- troit Saturday evening. day with Mr. and Mrs. Orris Reid: in Port Sanilae and Minden City. Mr. on growing, grading, judging and ~f Congress~of March 3, 1879. leges, because he is too busy or too showing of potatoes. The winner of Mrs. Wm. Rondo and children of /Mrs. Addle Marshall and Mrs. Myers and his wife are well known A Pleasure' H. F. Lenzner, Publisher. indolent to take the brief time neces- Marlette were callers at the Grant Clara Hedden spent Sunday with Mr/ to the traveling public and have this entry will compete with,the sary to see that his name is placed Van Winkle home Sunday. and Mrs. James Jackson" at Wick- grown up from youth in the hotel winners of the other district shows, Londoner~I suppose it was no at the Crop Show at Michigan State trouble at all for you to drop into on the voting list. Mrs. S; D. MeIntyre of Detroit is ware. business. It takes patience and persistence College for the state honors. our tea-drinking habit. spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rohrbaeh and Rumors are floating• around that for party workers to round up un- The State Department of Agricul- Bostonian~Oh, no trouble at all-- Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McGregory. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitehin visited Huron county will have severM "stick- registered voters. Calling people by ture and the state College will have after tastirtg your coffee.--New at the' home of Rev.-Norman Karr at er" candidates at the coming Novem- telephone and spending evenings Mrs. Elizabeth Pinney entertained exhibits at the show and potato talks Bedford Standard. her sister, Mrs. H. E. Hanes, of For- Lapeer Sunday. ber election. Whether these rumors ringing doorbells, to rouse ..... the lag- Mr. and Mrs. James Wise and son, will materialize will be known in the gards from their apathy, is good est Hill, Long Island, over the week- COLUMBUS DAY...... n- Indiana next few days. hard work. The people who carry on end. nowara, oz ~or~ way e, ' ...... ai -~ b-- th- sta ~°nt...... i~ho wee.=~k~nd.. with Mr. and l anmqua~ea sale s u y e - this activity as a matter of public Mrs. Lydia Start has received word ztn It is a very marvelous thing that Mrs Jacob wise tion attendant to be so heavy that it spirit, can feel that they are render- of the serious illness of her step- • .... ~ I would require seven men to lift, was the discovery of America, celebrated son, Clinton Starr, in the Ann Arbor Grist Screenings ing an important service. • Mr. and Mrs" M : E. ....Kenney ana. i sl;oten...... irom ~. 1. g 1-1. Oil s~auon a~ now by most of the states on Colum- hospital. ~wo sons were guests a~ ~ne none o~ • • ELKLAND ROLLER MILLS TOLD BY ROY bus day, and which is possibly the ~, ...... t Umonvflle Oct. 2. The safe contamed Mr. and Mrs. John~ C. McCoy of tmr. ~enney s oro~ner, ueo ~enney, [$170. The robbers gained entrance greatest scientific feat Of atl the The people who fight all public im- You Must Be Satisfied. -:- Published Every Friday. Emlenton, Pa., came Monday to ages, was accomplished by a man provements, are not to be the same fat Lapeer Sunday. . ]to the station by breaking a window Vol. 6 Oct. 10, 1930. No. 15. spend some time with Dr. and Mrs.. I. .who had little education. ones who knock their home towns for t Mr ....and Mrs W R Wiley and ,and open"m g the loor from the in- D. McCoy. Christopher Columbus did not not going ahead. children of Detroit spent the week- Imde.• A cash r eg~ster" contamm" " Published, in the in- Don't feed your "How old are you, come from any family of navigators, Mrs. William Mitchell returned end with Mrs. Wiley's parents, Mr. labour $10 in cash was not molested. terest of the People oI herd. Feed the individ- Mary ?" but his father was a ~eaver, and all Sunday from Samaritan hospital at !and Mrs. David Tyo. ' H R Martini, general field super- Cass City and vicinity ual cow. DMry authori- "Fifteen." BOBBY JONES. ties his family were workers at various Bay City where she had undergone a Mrs. Ida Watson of Pontiac and intendent of the Michigan Sugar by the agree that that is "A girl of ffteen / the way to get the should tell her mother trades. There were no sailors in the goiter operation. Miss Helen Steinmann of Peck were Company, R. J. Baird, treasurer, and Elkland Roller Mills maximum milk produc- everything'." .4 family to give him a start on his Bobby Jones, having captured in Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daugh- week-end guests at the home of Mr. L. R. Stewart, manager at Caro made one year the four leading prizes of a brief visit at the Croswell branch Edited by Roy tion at the lowest "I know it. But adventures in unknown places. When ter and Miss Adeline Gallagher of and Mrs. John Lorentzen. cost. If you feed mother is so innocent, the English and American golfing of the company on Thursday and left 21 years of age, he was~still a weav- Detroit were week-end guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Decker and "An undertaker got Wayne you are getting really I haven't the er. He did not apparently venture world is in the position of old and Mrs.. Albert Gatlagher. two children, Howard an£t Frances, of at about noon to visit the beet fields all the milk possible. heart." Alexander the Great, who sighed be- in Ontario. While here it was an- run over by an auto out on the seas until some years la- . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robbins and Peek spent Sunday with Mrs. Deck- and died." cause there were no more worlds to nounced that the vacancy in the of- ter. It seems probable that he was at son, Kenneth~ of Port Huron were er's sister, Mrs. H. O. Greenleaf. "He didn't make This Morning's Mail The moulting period conquer. Bobby will excel old fice of field manager occasioned by first only a common sailor. He went Sunday guests of Mrs. Clara Folkert ;'Lloyd Ball has left his home in much. on the funeral, Brought This ! is a tremendous strain Alexander in this respect, in that he the death of Mr. Harvey would be did he?" on the hen's vitality on voyage after voyage, but at the and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Folkert. N ovesta townshi p for Newaygo Mother: "Oh, dear, never sighs. No matter in what im- filled by M. Keeney, for a number of "No, he went in the she needs a lot of pro- age of 39 years he was in dire pover- where he wilt have charge of the you're letting the saw- possible place his long drives are Miss Sarah McArthur, who has years connected with the company. hole." Poultry and live tein to make new ty, and managed to earn a living by clothing" store of his father, H. R. dust run out of your landed, no one ever detected him in spent some time with her sister in It is reported, though unofficially, stock will keep you out new doll." feathers. Unless she selling books and maps. And that Johnson. that the offices of the company locat- of the hole if you feed Mary: "Oh, it's all gets it, the moulting was only two years before he per- anythingAll athletes but a cansmile, learn from him. day)I Huds°n' to remainis expected indefinitely here today with (Fri-an- Miss Gertrude Murphy and them Wayne. Money- process is slowed down, formed the deed that turned the ed here will be moved to Caro and making feeders are its right, mummy. I'm the body weakened, He wins by his perfect self mastery, other sister, Mrs. Mary Holcomb. nephew, Dean Murphy, returned world upside down, when he found a the business of this branch conducted best boosters. helping" her to reduce and the egg production never allowing his skill to be shaken Mr. and Mrs. Claud Karr had as home Sunday from Detroit where from there. If this is a fact it will so she'll be fashiona- is s~opped until new new continent, which eventually was ble." for a second by any lack of confi- guests Sunday William Duncan and they had been visiting relatives for mean the complete closing of the feathers are supplied. to develop the world's most powerful several days. Household Hint. nation. dence. Fred Greenleaf of Detroit, Mr. and sugar factory buildings here as soon Do you come out of Wayne Egg Mash Mrs. Hector McIntyre and Mrs. An easy way ,to makes new feathers How came it that this great man, Mrs. Alex MeArthur of Wilmot as the 1930 crop is harvested.--Cros- the furnace room look- Charles Walker of Argyle. and Mrs. Nellie Justin of Detroit cheek up on yourself. quickly. Feed it and without scientific study or prepara- well Jeffersonian. How would you like ing like a chimney A NEW GIRLISH IDEAL. were called here last week because your hens will snap tion, was able to form a conception Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hagadorn and the world if everybody weep ? Lots of people into productive laying children of Pontiac were Sunday of the ~serious illness of their sister, o. Furnace tending about our world that was hidden at Mrs. Hoover, wife of the president, KEISTER PASSED UP ONLY else acted just as you early in the fall. guests of Cass City- relatives. Mrs. ~Mrs. Eliza Sehwaderer. do? is not such dirty busi- that time from the world's most felt that the annual convention of ness B. F. Gemmill, who had spent two i The Woman's Home Missionary So- CHANCE FOR RECOUNT when you use a learned wise men and philosophers? the girl scouts of America was of 1 ,~.ood clean coal like We can save you One can account for it only on the call in her ciety of the Methodist church wilI Dairymen are begin- money if you will sufficient importance to on her to l weeks Pontiac, returned to Cavalier. theory that he was one of the closest journey from Washington to In- Ihome here with them. 'meet Friday afternoon, October 17, (Fred D. Keister in the Ionia News) ning to realize that it bring your wheat and is not the first cost of This ad appeared re- exchange it for flour observers and most originating dianapolis where the meeting" was Mr. and Mrs. Bower Connell and at the home of MrS. John Bearss. t We never had but one opportunity thinkers that the race ever produced. The leader is Mrs. Harriet Dodge. to ask for a recount and we passed feed that counts, but cently in a Michigan and you will have the held. As honorary president of the Wallace Zinffecker of Pontiac spent the cost of putting paper: satisfaction of using He saw the things that other people I Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~Champion ~ and it by. That was b'ack in the old days organization, she appeared in the of- Saturday afternoon and Sunday with milk in the pail. FOR SALE Big fat the best. did not see, and he reasoned with ficial uniform of the society, i relatives here. Mrs. Wallace Zin- children of St. Louis spent Saturday ' when an aroused populace was get- Wayne Dairy Feeds hog. Come out and see amazing accuracy as to what these The purposes of this organization ~ necker, who had spent several days night with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton tiny ready to close up the town tav- are making records for me. Jim Larkin. observations meant. Champion. On Sunday, both families erns, empty the jails and prisons and Cream of. Wheat are said to be to develop initiative, I at the William Zinneeker home, re- low cost of production flour is th6. cheapest-it His example shows what people self control, self reliance, and service ~turned to Pontiac with them. I spent the day with friends and rela. 'prepare to !ive happily ever after- as well as for high Cavalier coal is high has been in 25 years. can do, when they have had no ad- to others, and provide for education- Mrs. John Cole, son, George, and tires at Argyle. i ward. milk production. Let quality coal. When we We will have another us supply you. say that we mean ev- vantages, no education, no influential al and recreational needs. This is nephew, Donald Skinner, of Pontiac, ! S. F. Bigelow, G: A. Tindale and At that time we were editor, pro- car in about 10 days ery wont of it. All families to push them ahead. The quite a change from the older left early Sunday morning to attend Harold Jackson are serving as jurors prietor, janitor and foreign news cor- and will give everyone exercise reduces we're asking is a world today furnishes just as many feminine ideals, when it was consid- the funeral of Mrs. Cole's mother, in the federal court in Bay City. respondent for the old Pewamo If a special on this ex- flesh, why do women chai~ce to prove it. opportunities for people to achieve ered a girl's function to win her way Mrs. Malcolm Johnson, who passed Messrs. Tindale and Bigelow are on News. One morning a stranger cellen~ fIour at $5.76 great results and raise themselves to away Saturday at the age of 76 at the grand jury and Mr. Jackson on dropped into the sanctum and wanted have double chins? per bbl. DoWt buy un- in the world, not by doing things We never appreciate til this car arrives. distinction by their own efforts as it successfully, but by charming people Durban, Manitoba. Funeral services the traverse jury" to know how we'd like a job at fifty the Cass City Chroni- did in Columbus' day. by fascinating and coquettish man- were held Monday afternoon at Dur-] Mrs. B. F. Benkelman, jr., Mrs. dollars a week, with alI expenses We have some good cle until it fails to ar~ pullets for sale. ners. ban. i Herman Doerr, Mrs. James MeMahon paid. rive one day. Isn't that a fact ? Elkland Roller THE RADIO INDUSTRY. A number of neighbors and rela- and Miss Joanna MeRae attended We asked him how many men he tires surprised Derotd Luther at his the State Synodical Missionary So- wanted murdered every day to earn October's" weather's If you are a good ~riend of your Bright and blue Henry Hulburt has Mills The radioAndustry is celebrating home south of town last Tuesday eiety of the Presbyterian church at that much money. After running a home town, you should be the friend evening'. Games were played and re- Flint Wednesday. newspaper in Pewamo for ten years And lots of folks some good Rock pul- its tenth anniversary. It seems a Are that way, too. lets for sale. Phone 15 Cass Cit~ and patron of its home business pla- freshments were served. A number of The state convention of the Wom- we never even suspected there was very. short time since our people first ces. began to be conscious of this new relatives from Unionville were among" an's Christian Temperance Union that much gold in the world. marvel. People were exceedingly the guests. Mr. Luther left Wednes- will be held in Grand Rapids October Nope! All he wanted us to do was skeptical at first. They heard some day morning to spend some time in 14 to 17. Mrs. G. A. Martin will at- to raise a company of shock troops AIM TO STAMP OUT Santa Barbara," Calif. tend as a Tuscola delegate. Mrs. and lead them into the wet and dry story telling how people in some towns had heard through some mys- DIPHTHERIA IN HURON Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin is president of the county so- battle that was going to be waged terious new means, the music of con- John Zinnecker Sunday were Mr. and ciety, that year. We took the job. In fact, certs in distant cities. The whole Miss Charlotte Ludington, R. N., Mrs. Fred Cooper and family and Because of itlness of one of its we thought the man was cheating Miss Mabel MaeKiehan of Kingston, members the Past Noble Grands himself if he had only known all the Say Friends.. o. thing seemed incredible to many of of the State Department of Health, l is working in Huron county promot- Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Gulliver of Club will not meet in October. The things we'd have been willing to do uS~vvithin a few ~years radios were be- ing a diphtheria immunization pro- Saginaw, Mr. and Mrs. WilIiam Gul- November meeting wiI1 be held ag to earn that kind of salary cheek. It's about time you were giving some ing sold everywhere. The first ones gram for the benefit of the children ier and niece, Althier, and Miss Isa- the home of Mrs. B. F. Benkelman It was a great campaign. Even thought to your future wants. Cold were imperfect, judged by present of the county. Huron county was se- bel Gulliver of Reese, Miss Ada with Mrs. Benkelman and Mrs. Ber- now, after many years it comes back standards. But they so fascinated the lected fQr this campaign because of Stokes of Mayville, Mr. and Mrs. tha Brown as hostesses, to us in our d~eeams. We can never weather is not far away, be prepared. people, that these new instruments its hfgh mortality rate from diph- Wm. Zinnecker and Harley Kelley. Fourteen hundred fifty-two notices forget the fellow we hired to put Mrs. George MeArthur, Mrs. Clara were sent out by County Treasurer posters on all the billboards in a probably sold more rapidly than any l theria. During"the five years ending WE HAVE TRIED TO MAKE SOME PROVISION ether scientific novelty previously in- December 31, 1929, only seven other Folkert, Mrs. John May, Mrs. Earle McDurmon to dog owners who have neighboring village. The old boy troduced. counties in the state had higher mor- Douglas and Mrs. S. B. Young left neglected to "come across" with their wanted the job and we thought we FOR YOUR WANTS, tality rates from diphtheria, a most Tuesday to attend the 64th annual dog taxes. Thus far, enough of these were doing him a favor. Radio instruments are relatively and you know around a home they are many. You unenviable record. Diphtheria is a session of the grand chapter of the owners have settled with the county He did his work well, but late inexpensive, compared with many of want to sleep Warm at night. No use ke6ping o~le up all the modern improvements. The preventable disease, and deaths from Order of Eastern Star of Michigan taltreasuruer$450.00.t° make the amounts to- femalesthatnight0f hiSthewifehamletandwentSeveralout otherand night keeping the fires going when you can be kept :amount of money which people diphtheria are unnecessary deaths. held at Lansing. Mrs. McArthur Mrs. "Folkert are delegates fromand Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Patterson tore them all down. Then his lady very comfortable in Blankets from here, and priced from "should invest in one depends a good The disease can be prevented in ~ the majority of eases by the use of three Echo Chapter. The meetings opened entertained a "number of relatives love hustled home and broke up most $1.75 to $8.50 per pair,-And they have the size as well- deal on whether they have a sensitive Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. of the furniture over his head for doses of toxin-antitoxin given one , in both cotton, wool mixed wool. If you have musical taste• If people are not so Tuesday and continued until Thurs-tand Mrs. Andrew McDermott, who selling his soul to mammon. The and all week apart. At the October meeting, a comforter that needs a new top, why not try the new well educated musically, and simply day evening. left Thursday for their home in A1- woman acted as if she was peeved want bright and cheerful strains the Board of Supervisors will be patterns, yard wide, and at 20c yard. If you need abatt asked for an appropriation to finance A. pot luck dinner was held Sunday hambra, California. Those present over something. playing in their homes, an extremely at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Strittler, The first we heard of the painful for filling, we have them from 20c to $1.00. moderate expense will buy a set that a diphtheri~ immunization campaign throughout the county. Toxin-anti- Smith. Those present were Jerdan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helwig and incident was when he came limping The little folks need good warm outing for sleepers will give them many pleasant hours, Piekell of Brantford, Ontario, John son, Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon C. into headquarters the next day and reproduce the words of a public toxin witl be furnished free of charge or gowns. Just see ours. We can promise you two by the Michigan Depai~tment of Hartsell, Mrs. Frank Dillman, Geo. Striffier and two sons, Delvin and threatening to sue us for damages. speaker with perfect clearness. Dillman and Miss Ina Otis of De- Russell, and Mrs. Claude Wood° and He actually claimed it was a eon- years' heavy wear and one year for spring and falI. If however they are sensitive mu- Health, and the treatments will be Yard wide and price, 25c. given by local physicijans if the ap- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leach of daughter, Betty. Delicious refresh- spiraey on our part to have him as- :sically, an additional sum devoted to Saginaw; Mrs. I. K. Reid, Mr. and ments were served, sassinated. the purchase of a high grade instru- propriation is granted by the super- Mrs. Roy Allen" and son, Mr. and The campaign finally came to an UNDERWEAR ment, will give them a wonderful visors. Mrs. John Dillman, Frank Dillman, end, as all" campaigns must come to amount of satisfaction. It will still Mrs. Harriet Boyes and two daugh- CASS CITY MARKETS. an end. Late that night, supported on of course you need some. It may not be Florida be one of the cheapest forms of HOSPITAL NOTES. ters, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reid. October 9, I930. either side by an able lieutenant, we weather here this winter, but look out a little. pleasure that ever came into their ascended the stairs leading to the hall We want the room for other goods and are closing out The Woman's Study" Club met Mon- Buying Price-- where the returns were being re- homes. We have in Cass City a group Mrs. George Stadter of Argyle is our men's and boys'. We will give you prices in keeping of very enterprising radio dealers, still a patient at the hospital. day afternoon, Oct. 6, in the high Mixed wheat, bu ...... 69 ceived and demanded to know the re- school auditorium for its regular Oats, bu ...... 31 sults. with quality. Come in and see if there are not some that who will do their utmost to provide Mrs. George Copeland of Ubly un- you need. each family with the type of instru- derwent an operation Wednesday meeting. During the business meet-~Peas ' bu ...... 1.35 The chairman of the opposition ment best adapted to its needs. morning.~ ing, Mrs. Jno. Cathcart and Mrs. Jno. Rye, bu .... ~..... :...... *-..... 54 gladly told us the good news. The Mrs. Adam Kaplaniak of Deford McLarty were elected delegates to the Beans, per cwt ...... 5.25 boys of the press, pencils poised in HOW ABOUT LINENS ? entered Tuesday and was operated 0~n county convention to be held in the Dark red kidney beans, cwt ...... 9.50 midair, askedif We had any state- We can't impress upon you strongly enough, on REGISTRATION FOR VOTING. Wednesday morning. Presbyterian church in Cass City, Oct. I Light red kidney beans, cwt ...... 9.00 ment to make? We had. account of the new tariff, they will be higher. Why not 30. In the program which followed, Barley, cwt ...... 1.10 Summing all the dignity possible Mrs. Lydia Bossert of Elkton en- two exceptionally good papers were take advantage of some gc~od buys and right now is the One reason for the failure of many tered the hospital Sunday for treat- given by Mrs. E. Douglas" and Mrs. Buckwheat, cwt ...... 1.75 we turned to the assembled multitude people to vote at elections, is always time. merit. Butter, pound ...... 38 and with a voice trembling with emo- that it is not until election day or a Miss Helen McKenney of Kingston E. Seed. Mrs. Eley, past president of!Eggs, per dozen ...... 28 tion--or something--we said: Good all Linen for $1.00 yard and up to $1.75. the state of Virginia, was a guest of lHogs, • , lh" 9½~ "B few days previous, that the~" wake entered Sunday and underwent an hve we g t ...... oys, there's ain't going to be any the club and gave a few remarks. A, Cattle ...... :...... : .... recount. All linen patterns from $1.00, $1.25,- $1.50, $1.75. up to the fact that they want to vote. operation Monday morning. • ~ "4 6 ,, " a very entertaining feature~ of the pro- Sizes from 54x54 to 54x80. They had scarcely known that cam- Raymond and Clifford Seeley, sons paign was going on. But as the con- gram was the presentation of the ~Calves ...... 10 of Mr. and Mrs. George Seeley, were play "Wurzel Flummery" by the Hill- Hens ~ 13 20 And That's Final Proof. Hemstitched alt Linen, 54x68, at as low as $2.25 testants slam each other, and tell operated on for removal of tonsils top Players, the high school dramatic Broilers ...... , ...... 15 20 "Anybody would think I was noth- and up to $10.00. what terrible things are going to Saturday. 20 happen if their candidates are not club. The characters were very well Springers ...... :...... 7; ...... 15 ing but a.cook in this household." portrayed by Richard VanWinkle, 5-1b. white ducks, m ...... 15 Jump on this hard time stuff and buy now and you chosen to save the country, these Geese ...... 12 "Not after a meai here, my pet."~ will soon have the other fellow working. Then he can There Is No Putting There. Horace Pinney, Clark Dunn, Loma Passing Show. previously indifferent folks begin to buy what you have to sell and the time to do it is right emerge from their state of political "I tell you golf is going to be the Reagh, and Blanche Stafford. The play was coached by Deloris Sandham Watch Closely. The Weapon and the Aim. now. coma. salvation of the nation, and lengthen But it is apt to happen that at the our days by decades." and was under the supervision ~of the Dr. Slicem Are you going to op- Male Straphanger~Madame, you time these folks make this discovery, "But our ancestors didn't go in for dramatic instructor of the high crate on that broker right away? are standing on my foot. they find that it is too late for. them golf." school, Virgil Logan. The next meet- Dr. Gouger~No, I'm going to hold Female Ditto--I b~g your pardom to get their names on the voting lists. "And where are they now? Dead." ing of the Woman's Study Club will him till the market rises again.~ I though/t it belonged to the man sit- Cathcart's In the country as a whole this year --Exchange. be held Oct. 21. Pathfinder. tiny dow~n.-Exchange.

P ~Cass City, Michigan, Friday,•October 10, 1930. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE FIVE

225" WITNESS THE Mrs. A.-Price, who has been visit- EVERGREEN. NEW ROAD PROJECTS Huron county, Oak Beach park south- CHARTER PRESENTATION ing with her daughter, Mrs. Russell APPROVED BY BOARD east. Sills of Detroit, for a week, returned Threshing beans seems to be the order of the day. Conclulded from first page. home Saturday night. The highway committee of the 'FARM' A good game of ball was played that Rotary objectives were accepted George Jackson of Ubly is doing state administrative board on Friday COMING AUCTIONS. as ideals and the local club members SHABBONA. the electrical wiring in the Nelson Sunday, the Wagoner team winning awarded $1,248,547 in 14 construe- would endeavor to live up to them. Simkins home. Mrs. McWilliam of this time. lion projects throughout the state. It Jas. W. Heller, having decided to He pointed to the striking resem- Earl°Phetteplace's are quarantined BadAxe is installing a Holland fur- G. W. Robinson has a good cow to also authorized the construction of quit farming, will have an auction POULTRY nace in their home. blance of Christ's teachings and the with scarlet fever. replace the one that died. 200 miles in new projects, excluding sale of live stock and farm imple- objects of Rotary: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adams and lit- A singing class is being sought and Robert Craig had the bad luck to bridges. Among the construction ments 7 miles east and 1 mile south FEEDING PULLETS of Cass City on Tuesday, Oct. 14. a. Christ said, "He that is faithful tle son, Charles, of Decker Visited at Mr. Hemer of Lang is try'ing to get lose three head of sheep. They were projects authorized were two in Tus- FOR WINTER EGGS in little things." Rotary seeks to T. W. Stitt's Thursday. the class organized. Eleven have killed by two dogs. Mr. Craig killed cola county and one in Huron coun- iT. B. Tyrel! is the auctioneer and the serve. joined and more are expected. This one dog and wounded the other. ty as follows: Cass City State Bank is clerk. Miss Marion McGregory spen.t from Because of poor health, Frank Kile b. "Love thy neighbor as thyself." class includes all from 6 to 100 years Glenn A. Petre returned ~tb Sagi- Paving 5.5 miles on trunk line 29, Thursday to Sunday with her aunt, will sell at auction his horse's, cattle, "To Be Good Producers Fowls A Rotarian should acquaint himself old. We're never too old to learn to naw after two weeks' stay at the G. Tuscola county, west county line east Mrs. Adolph Gertsenberger, near Mar- farm tools, etc., at the John McPhaiI with those around him as an oppor- sing. Class meets at the church e~ch W. Robinson~home. (Quanicassee road); also bridge over ghnuld Ba Wo.ll Developed. lette. ~*:L. _ /% .... * ...... Mr. and Mrs. Vincent We!!~ o +" Fen- ciiff.~rd Robir:~o~. we~t to S~&inav: c. "Whatsoever ye yould that men Prayer hour was held at the home -Two relies of pavement on trunk loss in tiae visited relatives and friends from on business this week. ney State Bank is the clerk. The profit or winter egg pro- should do unto you, even so do ye al- of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simkins on $ line 29 west of Unionville, Tuscola Thursday to Tuesday. .duction of pullets depends upon the so unto them." A Rotarian uses high Tuesday night. Lou Crocker ~s wrecking a barn county. Full particulars regarding both ,care and feeding they receive. For •ethical standards in his business and Mrs. Peter Kritzman attended an this week. Four miles of pavement on M29 in auctions are printed on page 8. ;pullets to be good producers during profession. all-day holiness convention at Mar- RESCUE. the winter months the~ should be uni- d. "Love thine enemy." Rotary ad- lette Friday. BEAULEY. i formly developed, have good frames, vances understanding:, gbod will and Vern and Harvey McGregory re- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ras- -and be in good flesh before they begin international peace. ceived word last week of the death of Next Sunday is Rally Day. musseu on Sept. 29, a son. He will WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? to lay. It is therefore necessary that Mr. Auten expressed gratitude to their uncle, Cyrus MeGregory. The Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hartsell were answer to the name of Elgin Junior. they receive a good ration which will Fred Striffier and H. P. Orr of Carp, funeral was held in Bay City on Fri- callers at the A. H. Moore and G. B. fill them out and also store up an M. R. Keyworth of Hamtramck and day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mellendorf and Wallace homes Sunday afternoon. abundance of fat, according to H. M. Paul King of Detroit in their efforts daughter, Dorothea, and sons, Norris J. Richter, John Davis and E. A. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader re- Wells of the Colorado Agricultural col- to found a Rotary club at Cass City and Perry, visited at the home of Mr. Hurlburt enjoyed a trip to Onaway turned Tuesday evening" after spend- and thanke@ the 200 outsiders for and Mrs. Myron Carr at Jeddo Sun- lege. the first of the week. ing a few days at Marine City, Port Feed a good growing mash or a lay- their time and energy in the demon- day. Mrs. A. L. Sharrard is sick with a Huron and Roseburg. :fng mash that is supplemented with stration of friendship and good fen Miss Lydia Parker and Arthur Tay- cold. At Epworth League Sunday eve- a grain mixture of two parts by weight lowship toward the Cass City club. lor were entertained for dinner at the ning Stanley Endersbe is leader. of corn and one part of Wheat, ad- In accepting the charter, the club, he ?cir. and Mrs. S. Hamilton and the William Parker home in Bad Axe. Misses Aletha and Alice Chapman Stanley Mellendorf will talk on the vises Wells. A laying pullet during said, expressed this wish to Rotary: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellicott vis- attended the holiness convention topic next Sunday evening. the winter months will draw upon her "In the years to come, may we be- ited Saturday and Sunday at the Gem reserve supply of fat and the feed come imbued with the ideals ~of Ro- which was held in the Mennonite H. F. Martin spent Sunday at the t Halleck home at Metamora. she eats will go toward the develop- tary to the full extent of action. church at Maiqette Friday evening. John Doerr home. Mr. and Mrs. RalPh Britt and :ment Of eggs; otherwise if she does May we not betray the faith and con- Mrs. James Burns and daughter, daughter, Lucille, transacted busi- not have this fat reserve she will fidence reposed in us. May there be Lucile, visited relatives in Detroit (Delayed Letter). no untempered steel nor irremediable ness in Cass City last Thursday. utilize the feed she consumes to sup- Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Thompson spent flaws in the Cass City cogs that go to I Leslie Proudfoot was a caller in ply her body wants and keep her warm, Elmer Donaghy, Jasgn Kitchin and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Her- and only the surplus will go toward make up that great wheel of Rotary Carp Sunday evening. Clara Willerton are taking an exten- on. the production of eggs. International." Mr. and Mrs. James Kreener of lion course at Mr. Pleasant on Satur- Quite a number from here attend- It would be profitable, if one has the Rev. Fr. Moran, president of the North Branch visited at the Gilbert days. ed the funeral of Adam Batie of room, to grade the pullets according Ridgetown, Ont,, club, presented the Tebeau home Sunday. Fred Brown is putting in wheat on~ Sheridan Monday. "to size. Make two or three grades of local club with a Canadian flag. Up William Tebeau returned to Pon- the T. W. Stitt farm. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprangle and pullets, namely, those that are coming to the organization of the Cass City tiac Sunday after visiting relatives Friends of Mrs. Wm. Mitchell were son of Detroit are spending" some Into bloom (comb becoming red) and club, the Ridgetown society was the here a few days. are laying well developed, would be "baby" club of the 23rd district and pleased to hear that she was able to time at the Frank Reader home. Stanley Meltendorf and Miss Erma Dut in the laying house and fed a lay- the Ridgetown president extended the return home Sunday from a two! A number of our neighbors have Hartwiek were entertained for supper ing mash with the grain ration recom- kindliest felicitations to the new in- weeks' stay in the Bay City hospital threshed their beans bu~ the yield is Sunday evening at the Ulysses mended above. The next smaller fant. where she underwent an operation for not very good this year. Parker home. grade of pullets should be given all Musical numbers during the eve- goiter. Mrs. Harold Martin and children A nice crowd attended the .class the growing mash they will consume~ ning were vocal solos by Donald Mc- Mr, and Mrs. Homer Silvernail and are spending a few days here this meeting a~ the Luther Souden home and this should be supplemented with Gregor of Blenheim, Ont., and Dr. I. family of Cass City visited at the H. week. Friday evening. :a moist mash at noon. This moist mash D. McCoy of Cass City which were McGregory home Sunday. A nice crowd gathered at the t Mrs. Gilbert Tebeau and daughter, consists of the growing mash moist- enthusiastically received, while Gun- church Monday evening to bid fare- Mr. arid Mrs. Vern McGregory and Marie, and Mrs. Elizabeth Tebeau ened with milk to a crumbly consist- sell's Orchestra of Carp were liberal well to Rev. O. Trask, who is leaving daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. were visitors in Port Huron and ,ency. By following this method, the with their offerings of orchestral Harvey McGregory attended the fu- for Carsonville, and to welcome Rev. North Branch Friday and Saturday. Hill, who is coming" to us. ~.We were •more backward pullets will be brought numbers. Members of the Cass City neral of their uncvle, Frank McGreg- William Parker of Bad Axe was a disappointed that Rev. Hill was very :into production before extreme cold club demonstrated thei~ ability as pry, at Yale Tuesday. singers, by request, with the rendi- caller in this vicinity Tuesday. ill and could not be present. A pleas- weaSaer sets in. Mr. and Mrs. Mernie Conley are the To secure the maximum results in tion of "Grandfather's Clock" and ant evening was spe~t with singing, happy parents of a baby girl. ~production from pullets, it is advis- Songmaster Bull and a dozen of his EVERGREEN. readings and social chat and refresh- .a~le to keeI) them housed separately Canadian cousins delighted the com- ments were served, from the hens. pany with the French-Canadian song, Mrs. Amie McAulley and son, John, Mrs. Will Mitchell who has been in "Alluetta." GAGETOWN, Those present included 10 from of Port Huron came Tuesday to spend the Bay City hospital the last two Air Outlets Prevent a few days at the former's home here. ~weeks returned home last Sunday. She FzP,E ARI~ i0 NiST'/t~ES ~N I'FIIS Pi(~TIJRE ""2~)~!i+~'%~":~':~"~'- Windsor, Ont., 4 from Ridgetown, Patrick Phelan passed away at his Ont., 8 from Blenheim, Ont., 5 from Mrs. Arthur Hoagg left Sunday to is doing fficely. Colds and Diseases fa~ home 1~ miles west of Gage- Now good ave you at ~inding mistakes? The artist has intentionally made Alpena, 7 from Bad Axe, ~24 from spend this week in Detroit. l Elder and Mrs. E. Krake and son, All poultry houses should have an town on Tuesday night. The funeral several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them are easily Bay City, 27 from Carp, 13 from Clio, Mrs. Rex Nichol returned home Russell, and daughters, Ruth and Mrs. air outle% fl~m the highest point in service will be held today (Friday) at discovered, others may be hard. See how long it will take YOU to find them. 9 from Croswell, ~3 from Dearborn, from Pleasant Home Hospital Sunday Harry Severance, Miss Helen Sever- Che house, for without this air-vent 9:00 a. m. The obituary will appear 12 from Ferndale, 10 from Ham- much improved in health, ance, Mr..and Mrs. T. Auslander, Mr. Answers may be found on page 8. .moisture collects. The fresh air that in the~ Chronicle next week. tramck, 14 from Harbor Beach, 10 and Mrs. J. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. enters the house becomes warm and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Travis of Dry- A. W. Kitchen attended the all-day - ~ ..... ~ , ...... ,, • r, ...... from Lapeer, 4 from Mr. Pleasant, 4 rises, and as warm air holds more den were entertained at the home of holiness meeting at Marlette Friday. from Owosso, 5 from Royal Oak, 16 moisture than cold air can hold, it ~rom Utica, 2 from Wayne, 17 from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Travis Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Kitchen entertained the will cause~dampfless in the poultry Cass City, 1 from Plymouth, 1 from Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ehlers and fam- first of the week her aunts, Mrs Etta house unless it has a chance to go out. Romeo and 17 who failed to give ily visited at the H. Martindale home McIntyre of California and Mrs. Anna Otherwise it condenses under the roof -,~.~.%~%•: i~:.~ their addresses. in Birmingham Sunday. I Humphry of Yale. and dropg to make the li~ter •moist Norman Kritzman of Detroit spent Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kitchen visited and to cause a damp hen-house, which the week-end with relatives here. I the former's uncle, Rev. Norman leads to colds and other troubles for ELKLAND. the &irds and a gradual loss of vigor The Evergreen Township Commun- Karr, of Lapeer recently. on their part and loss of money ,on ity Club will have their meeting Tues-1 A number from here attended the Friends of Mrs. ~udley Rawson are day night, Oct. 21, i~n the community Sunday school convention at Brown the part of their owners. much pleased to know that she is now 7 - ~ hall here. - ICily Tuesday evening and Wednes- These facts, and many others, on recovering from her recent operation. ways to house poultry at low cost are Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neville visited day. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Profit and fam- given in a Cornell bulletin, written by the latter's father, Andrew Lorentzen, ily and Mrs. Cerlestia Withey were FI. E. P, otsford and s6nt free to poul- at Flint Sunday. a Sunday "guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. trymen of New York., It tells how to Chas. Hoagg of Detroit visited his i NOVESTA. Profit at their home in Yale. remodel old buildings~even large dis- mother, Mrs. Thus. Hoagg, and other I Farmers are closing in on bean used barns and how to.construct new The Bethel Nutrition Club met on relatives here Sunday. .. : '." Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Frank threshing, shredding corn and potato house,s. Mrs. Carrie Walden returned to "her McCauley to make plans for this planting. home in Pontiac Wednesday night af- year's work. Mrs. A. J. Herron and l ter spending ten days with her daugh- I Miss Madeline Burse was a visitor Plan Poultry Houses Mrs. Delbert Profi~ are the new lead- ~ter, Mrs. Nelson Hyatt. on Sunday in Birmingham and De- •With Eye to Future ers. troit. Save dissatisfaction, regrets, many Mr. and Mrs. A. Sprankle and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Wooltey and J. useless miles 6~ walking and finally Delbert, are spending a few weeks HOLBROOK. A. Woolley attended the funeral of a the sale of an unhandy place, by with relatives here. relative at Pigeon on Thursday, Oct. planning o~er and over the proposed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwegler and The Holbrook Community Club will 2. t- placing of the buildings. Mr. and Mrs. B. Connell of Pontiac meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zollner and Try to plan out the ranch as It were ~ callers at the J. E. Crawford Robert Spencer. On Monday evening, family spent Sunday visiting friends will be at the end of five to ten years' home Sunday. Oct. 20.-Mrs. Jay Britton and Ray- in Detroit. development, and put the first build- The Bethel Ladies' Aid met at the round Spencer, and children of Port The young people of the Church of ing where i'~ should be at the end home of Mrs, Claude Root on Oct. 2. Huron expect to attend this meeting. Christ spent Saturday cleaning and • . . . of that time. . ,.:~ .>: . , . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Maharg and Miss Florence Britton and John ' painting the church. ::,~ . Every buflding that must be moved son, Kenneth, spent Sunday with Leardo of Detroit were week-end I Stuart Henderson spent from Sat- is a dead load of effort, time and friends in Millington. visitors at the Robert Spencer home. ',urday until Tuesday visiting friends temper. Mr. and Mrs. lqarry Hoole of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson of and relatives in Pontiac and Detroit. "Credit is like the blood circulating in Figure to save steps by having tasks Port Huron are living on the George] that can be done going and coming, Gagetown were Sunday guests of Mr. driveways that save using carts and Mrs. Wm. P~cofit. Jackson farm. I ARGYLE. your veins. Anything which retards the wheelbarrows and man power~and Miss Gertrffde Murphy and nephew, A farewell party was held at the locate feed room centrally. Dean A., spent a few days last week Richard Ramage home on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Vern Myers of Alma If water must be carried, £ry to with friends in Detroit~ Richard evening. The attendance as to the spent the weekend with the former's flow of credit harms the business body. cut down the distance and plan on Hoshal and Miss Mary~ Graham of older people was small. The young- mother and brother here. sters showed a good turn out. running water as a part of the pro- Detroit accompanied them home on i Mrs. Carrie McNaughton had a spe- Sunday visitors at the Nelson Sim- gression of plant. Sunday and spent the day. cial meeting of the Argyle M. E. Aid Hence when you owe money all of y ur Geo. Dumaw and son of Elkton kins home were Mr. and Mrs. John Wednesday. Use Lice Powder were callers at the David Murphy ~ackson and Mr. and Mrs. J. McWil- home on Tuesday. liam and son of Bad Axe. Mrs. Mina Manigold returned from city suffers thereby. Body lice on hens are best treated Grand Rapids, where she has spent by some good louse powder such as some time, to her home in Argyle. sodium fluoride, Persian insect pow- FLINT PASTOR TO GIVE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oleson of San- der, and a dozen more or less, good TRAVELOGUE LECTURE dusky were dinner guests at the Mc- commercial powders. The main point HERE SATURDAY NIGHT Intyre home Monday. "Debts cause death both to men and is to get the powder clear to the skin. The many friends of Clinton Start To do this. hold the hen in the left Rev. G. M. Vercoe, pastor of the were indeed sorry to hear that he is hand, head downwar,L Force a small still very ill at a hospital in Ann Ar- communities. If you really are anxious to handful of powder, about the equiv- North Baptist church of Flint, who ha~ lately returned from a trip bor. alent of a level teaspoonful in meas- The farm sale of Marshall Stevens ure, through the long, soft feathers through the Orient, will present improve business in your city pay up all 100 views of the Holy Land at the was largely attended Tuesday. They that cover the abdomen and clear expect to move to Port Huron shortly. down to the skin. Saturday evening session of the fifth annual convention of the Pol- Cha~. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. J. your current bills immediately so that ing Eastern Eleven District Union H. McIntyre were Cass City visitors Needed Minerals of Christian Endeavor which is to Sunday. The Ohio e~periment station has be held at the Presbyterian church others can pay you." been doing some work of late years here Oct. 10-11. The accompany- Gold Braid and All. with minerals for poultry, with a very ing halftone is a likeness of the A military drama in aid of the Red simple mineral mixture composed of speaker. Cross Fund was being produced. One raw bone meal finely ground, 60 parts, On Saturday afternoon, Rev. P. man did not seem to understand the ground limestone 20 parts containing J. Allured, ,pastor of the entertain- scheme of the drama. "Look here," 95 per cent calcium carbonate, sodium ing church and a former mission- said the stage manager, at length, chloride or salt 20 parts. ary, will give an address on con- "unless you improve we shall have to The above named expe'r~ment sta- ditions in China. do without you! I thought you said tion concludes that these are the min- you'd been a soldier? .... So I 'ave!" I eral elements that are most needed for returned the super. "But I was only pay Your Bills Promptly and Aid in U the most profitable production of eggs a private. Did you expect a field and health of the hen. marshal for a shilling a night ?'- % Your City's Progress and Development! Montreal Star. PAGE SIX k CASS CITY CHRONI~ Cass City, Michigan, Friday, October 10 1930, m death has been a shock to the com- On Friday , David Butler was driv- Works and will continue the business Still, We'd Like To Be Rich. I GAGETOWN munity. She was known to her ing to Deford with a load of grain and at the old stand. friends as a young lady of cheerful Turning BacR £ell from the load. One of the wheels At ~r. Rockefeller's Tarrytown • o J ~ ~+'}I~':' disposition. Mrs. Brown was a mem- Miss Mabel Reagh left Tuesday estate there are employed 789 per- First Meeting of W. S. C.~ of the vehicle passed over his shoul- morning for Frederic, having secured ber of the M. P. church and her age The Pages q* der and chest, inflicting serious in- sons, and we'll bet that it takes The first meeting of the Woman's a position~ as teacher in one of the was 17 years, 8 months and 18 days. juries. twenty minutes to boil him a one- Study Club for the year 1930-1931 schools near there. Funeral services were held in the A terrible sensation was created at minute egg, regardless. And we'll al- was held at the country home of the Items from the files of Cass City M. P. church, Rev. Grinnell officiat- Newspapers of 1895 and 1905. a farm residence near Deford on Tues- E. McKim's new residence on his so bet that every morning at six president, Mrs. Harry Russell. Mrs. /, ing, and interment was made in the day evening when a son of the family farm one mile west of town is being o'clock at least five men start mow- Russell, in her usual able manner, ad- Gagetown cemetery. The many beau- came in to. give the alarm and the rapidly completed. ing the lawn right below the guest- dressed the club members, express- room windows.--F. P. A., in the tiful floral offerings gave evidence of Thirty-five Years Ago family went rushing out to witness a Ma{ried at the M. E. parsonage bY ing the importance of co-operation. World. PLEASANT RIVER LIFE a large number of friends. Besides mad runaway. A few minutes re- Rev. R. N. Mulholland, on Oct. 4, The new secretary, Miss Carolyn Oct. 11,1895 her husband, L. W. Brown, she leaVe, vealed the fact that an auto had Clarence Heth of Birmingham and Purdy, read the constitution and by- A. C. Hayes rides a new wheel. If You Really Want To. David wandered up the Lebanon her father, Geo. Williams, and two passed at' a pretty fair "speed and the Miss Ella Gibbons of Wickware; on laws. Response to roll call being A few of Caro's wheelmen were "Mummy, is it correct to call a mountains and a Map person told him brothers, Bruce and Lester Williams: boy recovered from the shock. Oct. 5, Frank Lefler and Miss Maggie "Summer Reminiscences,', many in- here on Sunday. man born in Poland a Pole ?" that the word meant white. Martfn Parent has purchased the Lee of Lomotte. terest'~ indd~nt~ ,,ver~ rdated~ n,~+~ M+ M. Wiekware i~ .,nur~!~ b~ ...... , my dear." ']?l~is he coutd understand because ~erest of his ~artner. Nati~an Hiii; 1 next meeting will be held at the Mr. aud Mrs+ Cbm Lenhard of second year of studies at the Detroit ~-~n I suppose a man born in the walls of rock looked like white in the Cass City MarMe and Granite home of Mrs. R. J. Wills at which Saginaw spent Sunday with Mr. and Medical College. Advertise it in the Chronicle. Holland is a Hole?"~Montreal Star. chalk, and :the high peaks were cov- Mrs. John Weiler ~nd family. Mrs. H. C. Edwards is engaged in ered with snow. time the Owendale ladies have been invited to attend. Mrs. C. P. Hunter entertained as the study of medicine at the Michigan He met the Jordan river, rising on 'College oL.M:edieine and Surgery at Pretty Autumn Wedding~ Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. ¢ ~. k'--.~- ~ " . the foot of Mount Hermon who was Martin Freeman and family, and Detroit. wearing a cap of snow. The prettiest of autumn weddings Mrs. Thressa Wald and family. Robt. Warner of Novesta brought How very, very far he had wan- was that of Saturday ~morning in St. Richard Burdon, John Crowell and a eareas of a black bear to town yes- dered in his trip through the Map that Agatha's church when Miss Eva Mrs. Geo. Thomas were home from terday. It was shot on the MePhee had come to life! Tallman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I farm, some three miles from town. Adam Tallman of this place, became Mount Pleasant to spend the week- ¢n ,I wouldn't be considered much of end. C. W. MePhail has been carrying a a river in your country of wide, huge, the b.ride of John Meininger of f disfigured optic and a pair of sore Mrs. Ralph Clara and Mrs. Bert mighty rivers," Jordan said, "but I Owendale, Mich. The nuptial cere- ~, thumbs, the result of a "header" from clara are spending a few days in rtN4n~ have a pleasant life in my own way. mony was performed at nine o'clock this. bicycle while returning from Caro Lansing at a Grand Chapter session "Then I go down cascades, and my by Fr. Jno. McCullough in the pres- i Mrs. Andrew Campbell departed of the Eastern Star. current is swift. I wind and I wind ence of a large gathering of friends. I this life Oct. 6, at the age of 73 years. and as I take my journey of nearly The bride was gowned in ivory satin Miss Maxine Teller and her broth- The funeral services were held at the two hundred and fifty miles I make a and lace, wearing a veil of tulle with er, Lloyd Teller, spent a week in De- Pre'sbyterian church Wednesday. huge drop as I go to the Dead Sea. train. The maid of honor, Anna troit visiting friends and relatives. The following pupils of Dist. 4, Elk- "I wouldn't advise you to stop Meininger, sister of the groom, also Mrs. Brown of Bell Plains, Iowa, land, have not been absent during the there." wore white satin with long tulle veil was called here by the serious ill- month: Dora, Mffita, and Effie Wal- and white shoes. The bridesmaids, Nz<" ..... )'- "Why not?" David asked. ness of her son's wife, Mrs. L. W. lace, Ethel and &lice Charlton, Flossie "There is a thick, terrible hot mist Miss Mary Meininger and Elizabeth Brown; Wright, Ethel Cole and Lizzie BIades. Kleitch, were gowned in lavender always over it, and there are so many Miss Florence Smith of Detroit The following have been present every satin dresses with hats and shoes to ~Ja+ u+ insects. I doubt if you'd like it." was a pleasant caller in town Satur- day in the month in Dist. No. 2, Elk- Voom ~1+~ match. Two little flower girls, dressed "Thank you for telling me," day evening. land: Laverne Armstrong, Ethel and t~ PHAMTS in blue crepe dresses with white hats Vernon Young'. "I'm not always so pleasant myself," Mrs. Josephine McDonald and son, t~To SlLVS~ and shoes, each carrying a basket At Gagetown, the G. A. R. boys continped Jordan. Lawrence, visited in Imlay City Sun- EAGL~=S 6. ~ .$ of roses followed the bride, who surprised the Ladies' Circle Saturday "Sometimes I widen and sometimes day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall. I narrow, sometimes I'm a swift, walked in on the arm of her father. night, by inviting them into their post The wedding breakfast was served at Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Karr are room where they held a sumptuous U~ T~ the groom's taome; also the dinner spending 'four weeks at Saulsbury, supper spread--and the "girls" en- ads! which was served to about 200 Tenn., where Mrs. Karr formerly joyed it too. guests at 5:00 p. m. A -wedding re- lived. Mrs. H. Spi~tler and son, Vir- ception followed. The bride received gil, are taking care of the farm in Twenty-five Years Ago a wonderful supply of wedding gifts. the absence of Mr. Karr. Oct. 13, 1905 The happy couple will live on the Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdy were Sun- groom's farm near Owendale. The weather was glorious through- day afternoon guests of Mr. Purdy's out the fair week and Thursday was a Death 0f Mrs. L. W. Brown,-- mother, Mrs. P. C. Purdy, of Caro. record breaker for attendance. Cach Mrs. L: W. Brown passed away Miss Irene Dupree entertained two receipts at the fair totaled $2,643.40. Monday morning at the Morris hos- tables of bridge at the High home The larger items in the receipts were: (~'). 1929. Western Newspaper Union.) pital at Cuss City, four days after Saturday evening in honor of her ground privileges, $540.15; grand the death of her baby daughter born guests, Miss Peggy Dupree of Ma- stand, $2003.75; single admission on Oct. 2. Mrs. Brown, whose maiden ry's Grove College, Detroit, and Miss tickets, $709.50; membership tickets, name was Leona Williams, has al- Emily Murphy of Detroit. Miss Caro- $751.00; fifty-cent tickets, $181.50; ways lived here and her untimely lyn Purdy was also a dinner guest. railroad coupons, $99.75.

He Met the Jordan River, black, surly stream and have ugly mud banks and then 1[ have willow trees and birds in some parts. "Down by the Dead Sea my waters • 0 look like milk and are salty~the Dead Sea is terribly salty." "More so than the Great Salt lakeT' eeau David asked. "Much more so," Jordan answered. "I'm below sea level there. "It's enough to make one's spirits drop and one's self too when one goes there. "It's six times as salty as the ocean, and the water burns and is very bit- ter." 23c jug of , David wandered down with Jordan Syrup and he saw the Sea of Galilee. It was a large lake and beautiful but it was ~s are awak- stormy and David did not stop. for for wheat tong. pping with Then he went off, quite by himself: er with this toward the west, where he saw a sign satisfy ~" t which said "Cana in Galilee," and tely qua. +y kept on a little further south until s such for he came to Nazareth. It was such a ,tiny distance. s'msus.ED/.¢ The sun was setting as he came to Nazareth, setting over the" old yellow limestone houses and then the stars Special Prices at A P came out, one by one, and David stretched out upon the ground to sleep, All This Week. Buy Now/ while the stars shining over Nazareth pure Ve;-mont N~ple --Sy-rup~. 23 c regular 39c can, both for 39c. shone over him too. "~--~'-'~--"~" "~r,~+~+'---~~ "~r,+ ,~++ ,,~--~$r-~v~-~r---,,~-~--~ YANKEE DOODLE'S PRESIDENTS COFFEE SA LE Del Monte Asparagus

Adapted and Revised by Clara Virginia Townsend. Del Monte Asparagus +++ , George Washington, the choice of all, J Macarom; Spaghettt; by Adams was succeeded, ,[ French And then came Thomas Jefferson, who bought the land we needed. ~,The choice of all coffee-lovers. Fresh Noodles, Shel-Rom, James l~{adison helped win a war, our ~,ground to suit your needs. Pound pkg., Del Monte Apricots ++ 2+o.+35+cans country's strength revealing. --Elbo - Roni -- And James Monroe then ushered in the Era o£ Good Feeling. Del Monte Apricots 2 cans 29* (CHORUS) Yankee Doodle, keep it Up' Yankee Doodle Dandy' 2 N°.l c We choose the best from all the rest Knox Gelatine 20c Del HenCe Fruit Salad cans For Yankee Doodle Dandy. CWBrand ...... 33c Package John Quincy Adams was the next, and Climaline 23c BUFFET SIZE SmaK 9c. Large Del Monte Corn 2 ~o. 2 25c then came Andrew Jackson. Packed, Lb cans + And after them Van Buren came, with Del l onte 39c panics mad distractjon. Breakfast Food 15c Del Monte Peaches m~oe~ 2 No.cans 1 25c Del Monte Apricots 3 cans 25C Country Club. Then Harrison for one month ruled, Beechnut Packed.Vcu m Lb 39C and Tyler came in order. Del Monte Pineapple S,tced 2 No.cans 1 25C Del Monte Blackberries 3 cans 25C Next Polk and war with Mexico about Rice 3 lbs. 19c our country's border. In Bulk Del Monte Spinach Picnic 2 cans 15c Del Monte Peaches S:~ced 3 cans 25C 50 % Whole Wheat Bread 9c Next Taylor ruled for one short year, Del Monte Raisins S~edSeedless o~ 3 ~-o~pkgs 29c Del Monte Pineapple Ttdmts 2 ca.~ 25C and then his work was ended. +mmCPy Club l-lb. Loaf Death called the hero, and his work to 100 % Whole Wheat Bread 15c Del Monte Prunes .~-lb pk~ 25C Del Monte Cherries ~oy~Anne 2 cans 25c Fillmore then descended. Quality Supreme. Pound tin , IZ~-Ib. Loaf Then Pierce and James Buchanan Del Monte Red Salmon tall~o. can ~ 29c Del Monte Pears 2 cans 25c came, while war clouds thickly Prunes l 0c lower, In Bulk--Pound Del Monte Sardines TomatoOval 3 can~ 35C Del Monte Fruit Salad 2 cans 25C And Lincoln was the chosen one, the statesman of the hour. Barbara Ann 4 cans 25c ...... , - I Tomato Soup Next after Lincoln's martyrdom, A. Sliced2o~ No. 21~ ~9 c Johnson then we see; sir. Del Monte Peaches Then Grant, the war-time hero, came, Halves cans a silent man was he, sir. Then It. B. Hayes was counted in, then Garfield, second martyr, .~~ IVORY ENAMEL Whose term was ended peaceably by Del Monte Pears :2 cans245+ Chester Adams Arthur. Next Cleveland came and Harrison, then Cleveland came once more, +ram .... SauceSau e _ Dei Monte Peas 2 C&nS+_2@+ sir. Then Roosevelt came to serve the state, The people called him Teddy, Then William .Vloward Taft came on, I Del Monte Pineapple 55 for duty ever ready. Then Woodrow Wilson came to fill the loftiest of stations. He steered the Ship of State through- Del Monte Tomatoes 2 Tatler" igan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., Cass pumpkins, squash and apples are very City, Mich. to be a more fitting title than "The OF N I ED "C N plentiful according to our board. Spirit of the Freshman" under which KNAPP & DOUGLAS The Nature study class has a splen- title it formerly appeared. The edi- Funeral Directors and Licensed Em- did indoor farm. We have a bumper tors are Georgene Van Winkle, Nile balmers, Mrs. Knapp, Lady Assistant crop of wheat, beans, peas and buck- Stafford and Evelyn Milligan. with license. Night and day calls re- wheat. "The Ghost Walks". The school ceive prompt attention. City phone. We are very grateful to the P. T. A. spirit has been wandering around the for the books they have loaned us. At school of late whispering sport E THYL GASO NE A. McPHAIL present one hundred and sixteen peo- propaganda. The result was the pep FUNERAL DIRECTOR ple have used the books. meeting in general assembly Thurs- Lady Assistant. Our reading table has been made a i day, activity period• Miss Holtz lead Phone No. 182. Cass City. joy to many in our room. The boys the singing and the entire group and girls have brought some very fine seemed to be enthusiastic about our a E. W; KEATING books and magazines from home to new song that Miss Holtz wrote. Mr. BRI. NGS Real Estate and Fire and Automobile share with the other boys and girls in • Niergarth acting as Master of Cere- OUR C-USTOI I Insurance. our room. ~monies introduced the speakers, the CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Fifth Grade ~)first being Pat Kelly, full-back and We have had good daily atten-leap rain of the football team, who R. N. McCULLOUGH dance but Marjory Doerr had the mis- i spoke on school spirit. Coach Kelly AUCTIONEER fortune to become ill. We will be glad i talked about football and sportsman- AND REAL ESTATE DEALER when she is able to come back. We ship. Horace Pinney then lead the E:RS B AC.K AGAIN CASS CITY. hope to have fewer tardy marks this assembly in some school yells, after which we went back to our classes. Farm sales a specialty. Dates may month. be arranged with Cass City Chronicle. We are continuing the work of the Office at I. Schonmuller's Store, Cass reading club• Next week we decide City. who is the winner for this month. Russell Ragan and Phyllis Koepfgen TURNBULL BROS. seem to be in the lead. AND AGAI N Jim Auctioneers Bill We are making collections of leaves Age, experience -- Youth, ability of the neighboring trees. We are go- We sell anything anywhere. If you 1ng to make leaf booklets. Wedding don't employ us, we both lose money. Ivan O'Connor gave us this poem; Write for dates and instructions to Deckerville, Mich. Phone 56-15. we hope he will write more. "The stars are coming over, Way up above our heads, Gifts The moon is just arriving, The sun has gone to bed." Sixth Grade of unusual We have made some very interest- ing Egyptian and Babylonian book~: merit / These books are very different from ours• The Egyptian book was a scroll• In ancient times it was made of papy- THE amazing acceptance of New Red Crown rus. The papyrus was made from a A. H. HIGGINS [ reed which grew in the Nile River. We Jeweler and Optometrist. Ethyl is quickly explained. It rides into mo- did some real. Egyptian writing in our torists' favor because it starts : easier, rides E~ F0uo~ books. We drew pictures of what we Cass City Kalamo~o, Mtc~ wished to say just as the ancient steadier, speedier, smoother than any other ,4 Egyptians used to do. fuel they've ever tried. It has soared into "S--OUA Our Babylonian book was made of clay• Babylonia has often been called leadership, and stays there because of the ALL the "Land of Bricks" for she has no / zip, the pep and power it delivers to any forests, but the clay found there George W. Snyder, M. D., makes excellent bricks. Their build- • of Chicago, Said This motor-- new or old. PRESENT! ings were made of these• Many of their books were also• We used a "It is more important to use an an- Every day--waery mon~--th~ ~ta~ ][. FIRE 2. THEFT sharp stick for a stylus and wrote on tiseptic for the stomach, bowels and ,'KNOCKLESS'fuel gai~s more em-toemers. St. I.ou~ Miah, 3. TORNADO 4. PUB LIC LIABILITY our bricks of clay. kidneys than an antiseptic for the 5. PROPERTY DAMAGE High School News mouth and teeth for the reason that 6. DEFENSE OF SUITS 7. COLLISION High school chorus has now over 90 95% of all diseases arise from intes- STANDARD OIL COMPANY 8. EMERGENCY SERVICE tinal disorders. I have prescribed Dr. 5211 [ENDIANA] members. At present they are work- Burnham's SAN YAK as a laxative F. O. Bates Don't let any of them go A. W.O.L. ing on familiar songs to be used in and kidney diuretic for swelling of Detroih Mich. on your car. Check up with us. assembly. The new school song "Cass the limbs, high blood pressure with City" is being sung with much "gus- rheumatism, dizziness and diabetes of Standard Oil ta." md found it the one and only (l~u~) A FEW MICHIGAN product I would be willing to tie to. Spomored W N C. S. CHAMPION Cass City down the field Foot-~ll Broadcasts C)ver S~tio. G O~¢at Johnson MEN WHO SELL Never yield, raise high your shield, San Yak is the only laxative I ever Travcr6¢ C/ty, Mtch~ Exclusive agent. Octobe~ 4--T~ ~ Norzhw~ November Z'-Prlnceton at Chlcago NEW RED CROWN March on to victory, for Cass City prescribed that does not irritate and flush away the mucus membrane of Octob~ 11--Navy a~ Notre Dame November 8--Purdue ,~ Chicle ETHYL Phone III. Cass City. And Maroon and Gray. the lower bowel. Hence its use in O~obe~ 18--No~:hweste~wtIIllnois November 15--'~'~cc~dn~Nordrw~ Cass City, we're for you, moderation is highly commendable to 25~P"m aS ~ne November 22--No~e Dame~ NoL~~ Here for you, to cheer for you. |o~. Hdl©r health." Sold at Burke's Drug Store. Gee. W. Lute~ We have no fear for you, Be sure and get Dr. Burnham's San ~h~flin& Mbrd~ Oh, Cass City. Yak~Advertisement. Cass City, Michigan, Friday, October 10, 1930o PAGE EIGH~I CASS CITY CHRONICLE

Decker M. E. Circuit'Shabbona Fellowship Commission. Clara of dairy herd improvement. Church--Sunday school at 10:30 a. Hutchinson; director of that commN- Michigan's dairy judging team t Church Calendar ! members will be Seal Anderson, St. m. Morning service at 11:30 a. m. sion. 0 @ Prayer selwice on Thursday at 8:00 Program at 7:30, with special mu; Johns; Lowell Spike, Ypsilanti; Earl 0 St. Pancratius Church~Services at p.m. sic by the choir, and remarks by the Haas, Ravenna; and WiIson Kirk, 10:30 m m. every Sunday except the Decker Church~Sunday school at pastor• ", Fairgrove. The dairy demonstration first Sunday of each month which is 10:30 a. m. Evening service at 8:00 Prayer'meeting Thursday evening team who will uphold the honor of at 8:30 a. m. Sunday school immedi- p. m. Prayer service on Tuesday at at 7:30. Michigan is made up of Bernard 0 0 ately after services. 8:00 p.m. The total proceeds of the Choir rehearsal ThUrsday evening Rollston and Ray Holben, both from Rev. William X. Fitzpatrick, Pastor. Harvest Home Supper amounted to at 8:30. Kent City. 0 $131. The Ladies' Aid Society ex- Boy Scouts Monday evening at Complimentary trips offered by ill.) ° Jill i; ¸¸ [i) ¸ O 7:30. companies interested in the dairy in- First ~Iethodist Episcopal Church-- press their thanks to all who con- ,preaching at the Church of Christ dustry were won by Frank Stevens, Rev. T. S. Bottrell, Minister. tributed to the above result. ,i÷ at 12:00. Greenville; Wallace Keskitelo, Re- 10:00 a. m., class • meeting. Elmer Church--Morning service at 0 Preaching at the Austin church at public; ~nd Gogtfried Graft, Stock- I 9:09, "~"~*'1..... n~'~b~n gnhjoet. 10:00 a.m. Sunday school at 11:00 a. 0 Because of ooor health. I will sell the following 0ro0erty at ira. Prayer service on Wednesday at. Z :SU, ~Adae. i~ ~ Forty other boys who won local l.:. ÷I* 11:45, Sunday School. 8:00 p. m. 7 known as the John J. H. James, Pastor. honors in their counties will be sen~l *~* auction, on the farm miles east of Cass City, 6:30 p .m., Young people's meeting. to the show by fmr boards, breeders lm .~t÷ 7:30, evening worship. Subject, assocmtlons, or other local McPhail place, on x "Learning To Be a Christian." Presbyterian Church--Paul Johnson • • ~¢ Club leaders, county agncultura~l ..~ C ¢÷ Prayer ~eeting on Thursday eve- Allured, Minister. Sunday, Oct, 12: Morning worship, 10:30. :Com- agents, and dairymen from the state/i~ ning, 7:30. ,wlI1 accompany the boys. O A cordial invitation is extended to munion service. Meditation on ex- all people to come and worship. periencing the glory of the Lord. W. H. Dawson. Church school at noon. Adult les- Wade H. Dawson, well known OUTLINE OF P. T. A. ] *~. , son: "Mary, the Mother of Jesus." Saginaw business man and for more PLANS FOR THE YEAR t .~ Th ursday, Oct. 16 Salem. Evaagelical Church~Servi- i Christian Endeavor, 6:30. than 20 years operator of a whole- / cos for week beginning Sunday, Sept. I Evening• service," 7:30. " W h y Was sale produce house, died Friday at Commencing at one o'clock Conclulded first page. 7: • 1Jesus Killed ?" his home, 621 North Sixth avenue. from O must know parents and home en- Church school, Edward Helwig, t Baptist Churc--~JWilliam R. Cur- He was 57 years old. Supt., 10:00 a. m. Born September 28, 1~73, in Ma- vironments to obtain best results. A Ray horse 7 years old, weight 1300 lbs. Set spik e tooth harrows Morning worship, 11:00. Sermon tis, Pastor. comb county, Mr. Dawson came to child must make a tremendous ad- O O. As Sunday is Observed as Rally justment when he enters school. He Bay horse 8 years old, weight 1300 lbs. Little Willie riding cultivator subject, "A Scarlet Line•" Saginaw with his parents when 14 O E. L. C. E. devotionals at 6:30 p. Day in this church, each service will years old. At an ea~:ly age he became has many types of experiences and Bay horse I0 years old, weight II00 Ibs. One-horse cultivator 4* m. Leader, Clark Helwig. Topic: be of that character. identified with the wholesale produce different life situations not duplicat- "Ma~ks of a Good Christian." Morning service at 10:30. Sermon business and for a number of years ed in the home• The P. T. A. brings O Roan Durham cow 6 years old, due Dec. 1 Narrow tire wagon theme, "A Great Suggestion with parents and teachers together as I Evening worship at 7:30. was associated with the Stone-Pur- Jersey and Holstein cow 7 years old, due Wide tire wagon and rack O. Church Night--Bible study, led by Wondrous Results." Special music. ser Fruit company, serving" ""in members and co-workers which pro- I Sunday school program at 11:45. duces a sense of fellowship, corn- 1 Mrs. C. W. Lyman, Thursday evening the capacity of manager/ Twenty O Mar. 1 Bean puller Grindstone ¢, Class exercises, readings and special radeship and inspiration to all. Come at 8:00. Please bring Bibles. years ago he engaged in business Holstein cow 4 years old, due Mar. 13 Hay rope, ropes and pulleys Choir rehearsal, Friday evening at music. for himself, operating that business to the P. T. A. to obtain knowledge." 8:00. B.Y.P.U. at 6:30 in charge of with marked success. His first estab- Among others the speaker made Durham cow 6 years old, due Apr. 15 Some bean and corn fodder the following practical suggestions ~_ ...... lishment was on Janes avenue and 10 which the local organization might Jersey cow, 4 years old, due Apr. 25 Set work harness ,Is• years ago he opened a wholesale ,Is. carry out: 4 horse collars Set single harness house on Water street. Holstein cow 7 years old, bred ~. Mr. Dawson was married August I. Es{ablish a student loan fund. o° Chronicle Liners *.,. 2. More books for school library. Yearling heifer 2 heifer calves Great Western cream separator ~. ~ • 6, 1919, to Miss isabelle Schell of Cass City who survives him. He also 3. Equipment for manual training 30 Brown Leghorn hens Third horse harness leaves his mother, Mrs. Permelia Daw- department. ,¢s. 4. Moving picture machine• 25 Rhode Island Red hens Detroit 150-egg incubator RATES-Liner of 25 words or FOR SALE or exchange fdr cattle or t son, Saginaw, and one brother and l~ess, 25 cents each insertion. Over sheep, Fordson tractor and Vulcan one sister, Wirt and Miss Wilma 5. More playground equipment. 30 Rock hens 12 Rock pullets Mankato 130-egg incubator plow. Mike Halleck, 2 north and 6. Offer prizes for stimulating 25 words, one cent a word for Dawson of Detroit. He attended the 4* eac~h insertiono 2½ east of Cass City. 10-10-1p Jefferson Avenue M. E. church. scholarship. Osborn mowing machine Brooder stove and 500-chick Hover The special music of the evening O The funeral will take place at two Hay loader Walking plow 4 milk cans 4* LOST OCT. 3, nearly new buggy FOR SALEf0 head of feeders, 40 o'clock Monday afternoon at his werepiano solos by Miss Ruth whip. Finder please return to Rock pullets. Wm. Powell, 1 mile home, Rev. Frank L. Fitch will of- Schenck and vocal solos by Miss Ione Syracuse riding plow About 300 bu. oats Chronicle office. M. Parker, Cass east, ½ mile north of New Green, ficiate and burial will be in Forest Hults. Ruth played "Berceuse" by 4* O Rock Island riding plow, new About 15 tons of hay City. 10-10,1p leaf. 10-3-2p Lawn.~Saginaw News. Tarenghi and responded with "The Butterflies" by Concone as an encore. Set spring tooth harrows, new, 2-section Eureka range Kitchen cupboard FARM WA!qTED Owner will ex- CHESTER White boar for service. Miss Hults sang "Bird Songs at 4* change well located, modern home Fee, $2. Samuel Blades, R1, Cass FOUNDER OF ROTARY Eventide" by Coates and her encore O Set spring tooth harrows, 2-section Forks, hoes and some household furniture in Pontiac for farm with or with- City. Phone 131-F31. 10-10-3 SEES HIS IDEA GROW was "Love's in My Heart" by Wood- out •equipment. Phone 21528. A. E. man. All numbers were greatly en- WO~RK GUARANTEED--can do all AROUND THE WORLD Sinclair, 30 Liberty St., Pontiac. joyed. TERMS All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 12 9-26-4p kinds of mason work, work; After the program, games were Concluded from first page. months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. 4*g* making chimneys a specialty. Call played under the direction of Rev. WALNUT BED complete with 1 36-F4. J. T. Wilkinson, Cass City. In 1896 he felt he had gained suf- Curtis and the hospitality committee O springs and mattress for $16.00 i 10=3-2p ficient practical knowledge to be of served refreshments. The next meet- cash if taken at once. Enquire of service to his clients and opened a ing will be held Monday evening, g* Fred Smith, Cass City. 1040-1 CHICKEN SUPPER will be served law offiee in Chicago. He had neither by the ladies of the Evangelical Nov. 3. friends nor relatives in Chicago. His The following committees have CHICKEN SUPPER~Argyle Ladies' church in their dining room on first years as a lawyer were marked been named to direct the activities of KILE, Prop. Aid will serve a chicken supper at Wednesday, Oct. 29. 10-10-2 FRANK by the discouragements and strug- the Parent Teachers' Association for o Win. Krause residence in Argyle 4* gles which are typical of beginners the eoming year: on Thursday, Oct. 16, commencing RUMMAGE sale will be conducted in his profession. He had much time Program~Mrs. A. A. Rieker, L. D. T. B. Tyrel|, Auctioneer. Pinney State Bank, Clerk at 5:00 p. m. until all are served. Nov. I by the Presbyterian Ladies' ¢* for reflection and pondered much on Randall, Miss Hults, Rev. W. R. Cur- Price, 50c and 25c. 10-10-1p Aid. 10-10-3 conditions of life and business in a tis, and Mrs. Norman Gillies. large city. In 1905, as a result of his WANTED--Farms exchanged for Membershipu~Mrs. Stephen Dodge, CANDY SALE.~Saturday at the Post study and reflections, Mr. Harris city property. All business trans- Robt. Warner, Mrs. Nelson Simkins, Office, sponsored by Girl Scouts. had formulated a definite philosophy acted confidential. Charles Tupper, Mrs. Lyle Koepfgen, Mrs. Benj. I0-I0-I of business relations. Calling to- go .I~ dealer in real estate, Croswell, Sehwegler. gether three of his friends, each of O Mich. References--Croswell, Peck Hospitality--Mrs. E. A. Corpron, FOUR-ROW McCormick Deering whom was engaged in a different corn husker, good as new, for sale. or Sandusky Bank. 10-11-tf Mrs. Robt. Milligan, Mrs. Alex Hen- line of business, he expounded his ry, Mrs. C. L. Graham, Mrs. A. J. G. Sieweke, Romeo, Mich. 9-12-tf theory to them. This group was the DELICATESSEN sale at May & •Knapp. nucleus of the Rotary Club of Chi- ORCHARDS 'WANTED~Am in the Douglas store Saturday afternoon, Child Welfare Mrs. Z. Stafford, cago. Through the propaganda of O *:* market for all apples in several Oct. 11, conducted by Division No. Mrs. I. W. Hall, Mrs. F. E. Hutchin- Paul Harris, this novel organization O"O ae °oo":* orchards. Will pick apples and take 4, M. E. church. 10-10-1 son, Mrs. E. W. Kercher, Mrs. IIC soon had counterparts in other cities wind-falls as well. John A. Seeger, Clement Tyo. O .,u in the United States. In this exten- R1, Cass City. 10-10-2 20 BUSHELS of grapes for sale; al- so 200 bu. apples; 1,000 to 2,000 sion work the acquaintanees Paul NOTICE Harris had made in the five years LIVE POULTRY bought every day. bu. potatoes. John A. Seeger, R1, FOR GENERALELECTION O o that he knocked around the country C. W. Heller, opposite Elkland Rol- CaNs City, on 1VI-53. 10-3-3 Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1930. ler Mills. Phone 178-F2. 10-10-tf were of material assistanee to him uu GOOD EATING potatoes for sale. in the establishment of new dubs. To the Qualified Electors of the O FOR SALE~35 cords of seasoned Phone C. W. Law, 112-Fll. Seven After a few years the necessity for Township of Elmwood, County of hard wood. Phone 132-F2. D.C. miles east and one mile north of some Organization to bind these dif- Tuscola, State of Michigan: Having decided to quit farming, I will sell the following perso- Notice is hereby given that in con- O Elliott. 10-3-2 Cass City• 10-3-2 ferent clubs together became appar- O @ ent. ThereupOn, Paul Harris, Ches- formity with the "Michigan Election O nal property at auction, 7 miles east and 1 mile south of Cass City FOR SALE~Two year old steer, 2 F~-" Pocket-knife, keys ani ley R. Perry and others organized Law," I, the undersigned Township Clerk, will, upon any day, except O yearling steers and two cows. sum of money found 4 miles wes~ the National Association of Rotary Sunday and a legal holiday, the day on Haven't room for them. Mrs. Emi- of Cass City. Owner may have Clubs in America in 1910. Later of ~ any regular or special election or ly Mills, near New Greenleaf. 10- same by calling at Chronicle of- through the extension of the move- primary election, receive for regis- O 10-1 flee, proving property and paying ment into Canada and Great Britain, tration the name of any legal voter for this notice. 9-26- the International Assoeifftion of Ro: in said Township not already regis- O FOR SALE--Bay mare weight about tary Clubs was formed. This latter tered~who may apply to me personal- O 0 1100. Will sell or trade for live RUMMAGE SALE at the Angus Mc- was renamed Rotary International. ly for such registration. Provided, o stock. Call at Jacob Hurley's, 2~/; Phail Bldg. on Saturday, Oct. 18, Harris was third President of the Ro- however, that I can receive no names Tuesday, October 14 for registration during the time in- miles north and ½ mile east of conducted by M. E. Ladies' Aid. O tary Club of Chicago, the first Presi- tervening between the second Satur- Cass City. 10-10-1p 10-10-2 dent of the National Association and day before any regular, special, or O Commencing at one o dock: the first President of the Internation- official primary election and the day "NO HUNTING, No Trespassing" RUMMAGE SALE at the Angus Mc- al Association of Rotary Clubs and is of such election. O signs at Chronicle office, 10 cents Phail Bldg. on Saturday, Oct. 18, President-Emeritus of Rotary Inter- Notice is hereby given that I will uu each. O conducted by M. E. •Ladies' Aid. national. be at my store in Gagetown on Gray mare 12 years old 2 water tanks 10-10-2 Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1930. O LIVE POULTRY bought every day. 110 ft. of rope and hay fork C. W. Heller, opposite Elkland ANSWERS TO WHAT'S the twentieth day preceding said O Black mare 14 years old FOR SALE Cabbage, carrots and election from 8 o'clock a. m. until 6 rutabagas. Mrs. Jesse Bullock, Roller Mills. Phone 178-F2. 7-11-tf WRONG AND WHERE Bean picker Grain drill o:clock p. m•, for the purpose of re- O Brindle cow, fresh, 10 years old 0 Phone 154-F34. 10-10-1 PICTURE ON PAGE 5. O YOUNG COWS for sale--Several viewing the registration and regis- O Holstein cow, fresh, 10 years old Wide tire wagon good ones, due to freshen in Nov. tering such of the qualified electors THE CIDER MILL at Cass City will SOLUTION NO. 3. in said township as shall properly Hay rack and box and. Dec. Frank Hutchinson, 75 White Leghorn hens run Wednesdays and Saturdays apply therefor. phone 131-Rll. 10-10-1 iZebras are not found in this O Roller Disc Pair of bobsleighs until further notice. Krug & Pat- country outside of zoos Saturday, Oct. 25th, 1930--Last Day terson. 9-12- 2~The zebra has a horse's tail For General Registration by perso- 10 A. of bean straw DESIRE to thank friends and Spring tooth harrows 3--Wasp nest is wrong side up nal application for said election. O neighbors for the many expres- The name of no person but an ac- 12 tons of No. 1 mixed hay FOR SALE Good eating potatoes. 4 Spider web is not anchored on O Spike tooth harrows Frank Kile, 7 miles east of Cass sions of kindness and sympathy tual resident of the precinct at the O 6 A. oat straw in barn during the illness and at the death lower side time of said registration, and entitled 2 walking cultivators City. Phone ~12-F13. • 10-10,1 5 Easel. has only two legs of my wife and daughter. L.W. under the constitution, if remaining 2 riding cultivators 3 A. of corn in shock GOOD work horse for sale. Levi Brown. 6--=Easel leg on right does not rest such resident, to vote at the next O Bardwell, Cass City. 10-3-2 on ground election, shall be entered in the reg- Syracuse plow 25}? bus. oats 7 Girl is holding wrong kind of istration book• ELLIoTT MOTOR Lines Schedule-- 10-ft. dump rake 40 bags COATS Dandy assortment ladies' Bus leaves Cass City for Pon- brush Dated Oct. 4, 1930. O winter coats, $4.50-$9.75. ~ Also tiac daily at 8:20 a. m. and 5:00 p. 8 Crown of girl's hat is missing M. P. FI~EEMAN, Township Clerk• O Champion binder Wire stretchers hats, wool berets, dresses, smocks, 9Letter "S" in fishing is wrong m., fast time. Bus leaves ~Cass City I0-i0-I O 2 milk cans bloomers, ladies' and children's for Bad Axe at 11:40 a. m. and 10~Sign should read, "No fishing in O Deering mowing machine stream" ..o~o..e..o.*o..~..o.o~.e..o,.o..oo.O..o..o..o..o..o..o..o..o..o.*o..o,~ ~. O hose. Mrs. Vance above Hartt's 4:45~p. m. On Sunday (one bus the ~ Bean puller Grain cradle Grocery. 10-10-1 each way), leaves Cass City for o Pontiac 4:05 p. m. and leaves CLUB MEMBERS GIVEN International cream separator Hard coal heating stove in good condition I WILL BUY poultry every day at Cass City for Bad Axe at !0:45 i Aa uctie,eer O Corn sheller Jewelry wagon feed store at Cass City (Phone 27) TRIPS TO ST. LOUIS O p.m.* who is heard by thousands of O and at Greenleaf on Tuesdays. Joe O people 20 to 30 miles apart[ ~O Molnar. %25- BASE BALL-- Championship balr County, state and national orgam- O game at Sebewaing, Sunday, Oct. zations have combined to honor a } His name is MR. LINER COL- o TERMS All sums of $10.00 and Under, cash; over that amount, 12 RADIO ACCESSORIES--All kinds 12th between Sebewaing, pennant group of Michigan 4-H calf club i UMN; his address is CASS radio accessories at the May & winners Huron County League and members who will be guests of these months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. of CITY CHRONICLE; his rates Douglas furniture store, Cass City. Indiantown, pennant winners of organizations at the National Dairy are one cent a word (in ad- 1-17-tf Saginaw Valley League. Indian- show, St. Louis, Oct. 11-19, according g o town won the first game of a three to an announcement by the boys and i. vance) for liner ads in ~~... O THE CIDER MILL Cass City will at game series at Indiantown last girls club department at Mi@igan a weekly paper that run Wednesdays and Saturdays Sunday 8-3 and Sebewaing will be State College. O ; covers the Cass City O JAS. W Proprietor until further notice. Krug & Pat- HELLER, in there fighting to keep the Two teams of club members will terson. 9-12- championship in the Thumb• If Se- represent Michigan in contests held .~ Community. He is bewaing wins, the last game will at the show to determine which of ready every week to T. B. TYRELL, Auctioneer Cass City State Bank, Clerk • . EXPERT RADIATOR repairing at be played the following Sunday. the nation's youngsters are the best cry your sales, small or large. Jack's Radiator Shop, 109 Third St. Neigenfind, star left bander, will judges of cattle and which can give 0 Bay City. Jack Dells. 5-164f pitch this game. 10-10-1 the best demonstration of some phase