Plan for development of the EAZA Ciconiiformes Husbandry Guidelines

Taxa to include: Ciconiidae Scopidae Ardeidae

Scope of guidelines: Generalized information per family, specific information on taxa included in the EAZA collection plan.

Style: The information should be provided in as abbreviated a style as is possible without losing clarity, for example: “nests: in wild in 20-60 cm high shrubs and trees <40 m high”, rather than “In the wild this nests in shrubs that are 40-60 cm high and in trees that are less than 40 m tall.

Resources: * HIHAG manual (1994) * Conservation and captive management of SIG Publication (1989) * Articles and unpublished reports * Questionnaire surveys done on various species EAZA: Black storks, Marabou storks, Saddlebill storks Personal experiences

Cathy King will coordinate/ compile taxon accounts for Ciconiidae and Threskiornithidae and John Ray will coordinate/ compile taxon accounts for Ardeidae and Scopidae. The coordinator(s) would be responsible for collecting taxon accounts for taxa that are in EAZA collection plan and compiling these.

The studbook keeper/coordinator/monitor for each taxon would be requested to compile relevant information and produce the taxon account. Volunteers to contribute information for taxa monitored by the TAG would be greatly appreciated.

Please, please please start the new year guilt-free!

Submit your information before 1 January 2003! Information to be included in taxon accounts (standardize terminiology and descriptions as much as possible)

* description of species * size (height): Very Large: $ 110 cm, Large: 80-109 cm, Medium: 50-79 cm, Small: <50 cm * sexual dimorphisms * status in wild * foraging habitats: e.g. in fields, streams, shallow lakes etc. * foraging social structure: solitary, pairs and young, small flocks, large flocks * diet (wild and suitable captive) * loafing habitats: e.g. banks of lakes and streams, open water, fields, open woodlands, forests * loafing social structure: solitary, pairs and young, small flocks, large flocks * roosting habitats: e.g. in open water, in water in dense vegetation, in trees in open woodlands in trees in dense forests roosting social structure: solitary, pairs and young, small flocks, large flocks *breeding habitat: e.g. ground, reeds/grass, shrubs, trees in open woodlands, trees in dense forests, other e.g. man-made structures in towns, in small villages, in agricultural areas * typical height of the nest from the ground * breeding social structure: solitary, loose aggregates, colonial, solitary to colonial (nests in all situations) * clutch size, inter- laying interval, * incubation period, inter-hatch interval (synchronous/asynchronous) * climate: extremes and averages humidity and temperature. * compatability with other species * compatability with conspecifics * group size composition(s) * recommended enclosure size per recommended group size * recommended enclosure structures * special furnishing/housing requirements * age sexual maturity (specify if in captivity or wild) * courtship behavior *nests in captivity size suggested type approriate setting spacial arrangements for multiple nests (colonial species) * winter housing needs * recommended literature

Taxa included in the EAZA Ciconiiformes Collection Plan includes:

ARDEIDAE EAZA Person(s) Grey heron Mon. EAZA: Ardea cinera TAG Goliath heron ESB EAZA: Ardea goliath Purple heron Spec. EAZA: John Ray Ardea purpurea Mon. Great white egret Mon. EAZA: Egretta alba TAG White-faced heron Mon. EAZA: Egretta novaehollandiae TAG Little egret Mon. EAZA: Egretta garzetta TAG Cattle egret Mon. EAZA: Bubulcus TAG Indian pond heron Mon. EAZA: Ardeola grayii TAG Black-crowned night heron Mon. EAZA: Nycticorax nycticorax TAG Boat-billed heron Cochlearius Spec. EAZA: Marleen Hughye/Pierre de Wit cochlearius Mon.

CICONIIDAE EAZA Person(s) Yellow-billed ESB EAZA: Anthony Tropiano leucocephala P/ EAZA: Mycteria leucocephala ESB Black stork ESB EAZA: Ryszard Topola nigra Abdim’s stork ESB EAZA: John Ellis Ciconia abdimii Mon EAZA: Cathy King Ciconia c. ciconia Oriental white stork EEP EAZA: Radsalw Ratajzcak. Ciconia boyciana Saddlebill stork ESB EAZA: John Ray Ep. Senegalensis Marabou ESB EAZA: Pierre de Wit, Jessica Ostler, Leptopt. crumeniferus Cathy King

Scopidae EAZA Person(s) ESB EAZA: Antohony Tropianao Scopus umbretta Threskiornithidae EAZA Person(s) Sacred ibis Spec. EAZA: a.aethiopicus mon. Oriental white ibis Threskior. Spec. EAZA: Cathy King melanocephalus Mon Strawnecked ibis Threskiornis Spec. EAZA: Steven Vansteenkiste spinicollis Mon. EEP EAZA: Christiane Bohm eremita Geronticus with APP guidelines available? calvus APP Spec. EAZA: Kamil Cihak hagedash Mon. Black-faced ibis Spec. EAZA: John Ellis Thersticus melanopsis Mon. Spec. EAZA: Nick Lindsay ruber Mon. Spec. EAZA: Tomislav Krizmanic f. falcinellus Mon. Spec. EAZA: Chris Gough Plegadis ridgewayi Mon. Eurasian Spec. EAZA: Mariano Cuarado. Platalea l. leucorodia Mon. Spec. EAZA: Kamil Cihak Platalea alba Mon. Roseate spoonbill Spec. EAZA: Joost Lammers Platalea ajaja Mon.