To Students Is Revealed
r . - - MSC Choir Slates Candlelight Concert THE # APER . Vol.. 44 Millersville State College , Millersville , Pa.#. December 8 , 1971 No.. 15 -- Financial Aid Available . To Students Is Revealed - In the past few issues of cerned with each of these pro 499 ; 28 students $7,500$ , to $8-$ ,- ' - - students SNAPPERSNAPPER , several articles have grams may aid in gaining a bet 999, and 10 students $9,000$ , to tIIIV VIII students- . - g been printed about the various ter perspective about the types $10,000.$ , One hundred twenty- , I P II II' , ¬ . ' types of aid available to stustu-- of available aid. ifiveve students are receiving this ' l ! I' ; dents.. Types of aid discussed In the fall , 1971 semester , 1-,- type of aid this fall including ' ' ' II ill I ' i I'I , dV have included the PHEAA state 297 MSC students 38 . i received black students. scholarships , National De-¬ I the De- PHEAA scholarships.. These In the College Work Study fense Student Loan , the College scholarships amounted to $292-$ ,- program , the figures are as folfol--¬ Work Study Program and the 660 in aid.. In addition , 496 peo- lows : ( number of students rere--¬ Educational Opportunities Grant ple were denied scholarships for ceiving aid is listed followed by Program.. not meeting eligibility guide- family income ) , 14 students , - - Some facts and figures con lines set by the PHEAA.. $$0 to $2,999$ , ; 36 students $3,000$ , ll IiII - ¬ students The of , ; , Ipl number people receiv- to $5,999$ 30 students -$6,000$ III students ! ; tI ing aid and the family income to $7,499$ , 27 students $$7,500, II lll I - I I Operations Board students - ; Il of each are as follows : 54 stu to $8,999$ , 45 students $9,000$ , to l i students- dents-$0$ to 2,999, ; 166 students $11,999$ , , and 30 students-over Sponsors ; - Contest -$3,000$ , to $5,999$ , 153 students $12,000.$ , .
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