-. 1\1\ forms 01 . 1963 VAUXH~LL Insurance . i , . VICTORS THE On Display Water st. ST.JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY FEBRUARY 5 1963 . 1 Elizabeth Ave. 9-4171 I r I .. SEVEN CENTS wra Nova Motors ltd. 16 PAGES

. i


I: I' ;\ reaks With' Government :. ! ,

I n Nuclear Arms Policy I.' By DAVE MciNTOSH OTTAWA (CP) - Hon. Douglas Harkness, soldier and politician, announced resignation RTON his defence portfolio Monday because of "irreconcilable" differences with Prime Minister He said he believes the government can't be re-elected on its present defence

The 59.year.old MP for North said in the Commons that he believes Canada D have obtained nuclear warheads for its nuclear carri ers at home and abroad as soon the latler were ready. "I resigned as a matter of principle," he said before a packed Commons from a newly seat outside the cabinet benches. "The point was finally reached when I considered that my honor and integrity required I take this step." In his letter of resignation to Mr. Diefenbaker, dated-Sunday and made public Monday , the former minister said his views and those of the prime minister "are not capable

reconciliation, /I In his letter of acceptance, Mr, Diefenbaker said Mr. Harkness had supported his Janu- 25 defence policy speech in the Commons and "1 ain at a loss to understand your sugges- noW that your views and mine are not in agreement."

Mr, Diefenbaker added: liMy views have not changed. Between then (Thursday night) 1 . Sunday you must have changed yours," i, Hon. Douglas Harkness (left) who resigned Monday as Minister_of National Defence, because of 'irreconcil- ",',"' .,,,,',,' " • ''I'm ."h' I ",'I I.U '""' AI ..",Ih" ""', b. ,,'d; "I A C.. md. • u,n., ''''" \able dillecen",' with Pdme Minisl" Diefenbak" (righ t) on nude" a'ms poli,y I: .~~;h:':d h,::, ::: ::~:~i~:I:,::h~~ ,:::~::~i ~~:~~:'::' ~:r?~,:: I~~ ~:!.~~::~L~~;'r:~:,,:;: I I ern me nt's nee n L-, fe !tatement that had given l\1r. Harkness a com· party." U.S. and other NATO countrIes G . U r·:ta ,- statin~ OV . i. IOlel~ment had a "dcfinite mitment IIlat nudeal' warheads He added that he hopes to run would not infringe on Canadian , (or acquisition of nu- would be supplied the RCA~' in the next general election "but SOl'ereignty. . ~~d;h':::'P:: ~ff;'~::JF";:,.;~: ;~F:'I:~"I~~~~:';';~:£ ::~';£~:~:::~~!,;:; C he s~ke in the Commons about this late last week,' In CalgarY, Dr. John J. POl'- the prIme mmlster opposed to Enters Most r-It-Ical Stage night. Mr. Harkness said in the tel', president of the Calgary nuclear weapons? . 115Fridav asked orwhat Saturday harl hap. to Commons:believe now "On1 made renection, a mistake 1 Northservalive federal Association, progressive 5 aid:con· DiefenbakerMr. Harkness had repliedsairl histhat prime Mr. OTTAWA (CP)- Tbe . uncer- reach a roll· call vote today at not ready to make a clear de· i siuns. But in this case )ir. him (eel the ~nrcrninent in agreeing to what would "There is no doubt whatsoel'er ministerial statement on de· tain life of prime Minister Die!· B: L5 p.m., Liheral Opposition! cision for one purty. i Harkness was known to have accepted his position. I amount to a rour.month delay about him being our candidatc. fence policy Jan. 25 "stands as cnbaker's minority Conserl'a' Leader Pearson seized on thc ~Iinulcs later, in thc corridor I the sympathy and s~pporl of a in obtaining nuclear warheads . . . The only question, in Ollr a whole and there YOll are." tive gOl'ernment ]I1onday en· festering nuclear-weapons dis· outside, he told a rcporter he: number of Conservahve IIIPs. for our forces in Enrope. I did opinion, and we're natural!)' op- Mr_ Diefenbaker had ~aid tercd its most critical stage pute that led to the Harkness was "stallinl(" until his party i XUl\IBER UNK!IIOW!II Iso agree in the hope of getting timistic, is how large a major' Canada was negotiating "quite since the election seven months i resignation and attacked the coutd caucus nnd decide how to! The size of this group woutt! the nuclear arms . question de[.! ity hc will hnl'e." forcibly" with the U.S_ on pro. ago. : government for: ,vote. . (lilly he g:llIgcd accurately ;f initely seltled." \' At his press conference ~Ir. (Continuer! on Page 5) Hit first by the resignation of "... Lack of ~ead~rshjp·1 A major ~]llit-csperially of. they voted in a hloe: And thal APPOINTS SEVIGNY Harknc5s rcjected "absolutely" Lt.-Col. Douglas Harkness as the. breakdown IIf l~mty In tbe! the sizc that wuulrl be n~cdcd: wOllld onty ha\Jpen-lf at all- Mr. Die[enbaker announctd \ the position o[Liberal Leader defence minister. it was con-. cab~n.et, ~lId con~uslOn .and tn-, to offset Social Crcdit support: if ,11'. IIarkness fclt hc could n appointment of Associate De. Pearson on nuclear arms "Utat Decl:,les """0 I fronted ncxt by a Liberal non- ': d.cclslO III .deallng. WIth nn-; -is practically unheard nf in: not ~lIpport lhe ~u\'crnll1enl un fence Minister Sel'lgny itS act- anomalous position is that Can- It .1 I I. confidence motion in the I!o~se lllonal" and mternallonal prob· i Canadian parliamcntary did- I (Continued on Page 5) i ing defence mlnisler. ada should evade her responsi- i of Commons and thus the rISk Icms. . _ 1(1') - The 1 At a half·hour press con[cr· hility by accepting nnclear wen- Be Squeezed 01 bcin~ defeated and forced to "Therc is no con[usion," ~II". ~iltlng C T H I Parllament·s 71st I ence. ~Ir. Harkness was asked pons .now and then immediately go to the countr' again. Dicfenhakcr testily intcrjec·tcd S S· . 0 e P eaded ~Iond~y night br· I whether the gOl'ernment can he negohate out of them." In motion ~ scheduled to: at onc poinl 'in the House !IIon-. tIm gal1erlc~ anrl amid : re.elected on Its present de. SEBS NO INFRI!IIGEMEJIIT Rv JlAVE Mc1N'fOSH I a !luY_ lie Iwd nllt yet entered the ladlrations thai R dernt ! fcnce pnlicy, Othel' major points made by, o'l"r~\WA (CP) _ lion. DOllg· I debate itself, which came as the KOIernmcnt· in Ihe I "My own view is thaI i~ could 1111'. Harkness at his press con- las Harkness, the man in the! SAYS DEFENCE the government presented esli- I not." Mr. Harkness replied. fel'ence: middle has declined to bc matcs for debate and thus T 1 G t ? noft'l'onrldcncr Illotions I P M ~C]ueez~d any more: POLICY Will ! ~~I?;e~ri~~~nc~iS~~:~~ed~~~~iamen- Opp e 0V. · sponsored bl' the So· InnSOcoenml~:it:t~rc IiI: d~~~~~e. 1;~~: GALLERIESThe Commolls PACKED. gallenes. even Credit part)" and Ihe I Oves by the Uberals-wcre earson lIrlerp'orlt1earrktnheaStS Ithl,:I.IO·tlelldd" °b'elt }fOoOI~ DEFEAT GOVT thematic row corps, reserl'ed were for packed the diplo-anrl ernmentO1'I''\\\'1\ was lepihit by- theThe second gOI" I tIlen!night. inappeared its tcst o[to strengthreopen theto- ~Ionday and will _ 0 n lence ish" fot' Canadian forces not to • humming with anticipation as non-confidence motion within a possibility his party will now act to a I'ote at 8: 15 10· fi.d have nuclear weapons. these two riddles arose: few hours Jrlonday when Social to topple the Diefenbaker ad- Either rOllld topple the MO n C f)T'l'AWA (CP) - Former de· 1. Would the 30-man Social Credit Leader Robert Thomp- ministration. Consel'\'aUl'e gO\'· Ever since then-up to lIIon-, fence minister Harkness said Credit group I'ote to keep the son movcd one citing failure to Social Credit voting support OTTAWA (CP) - Opposition and 40 minutes in which he day when he made public his Monday he beUel'es the govern- government in office? "give a clear statement of pol- has saved the gOl'ernment from Leader Pearson Monday moved charged the gOl'ernment with resignation from the cablnct- ment cannot' be re-elected on 2. Would the Conservative icy on national defence." defeat several times in the past 01 the OIJposltion I, a motion o[ non·confidence III gross mismanagement of pub· Mr. Harkness had been caught its present defence policy. ranks remain united? The motion also charged the few months. that Ihe So­ Ihe government based on "lack Iic affairs. between military and political He was asked' at a press con· The first was the most con- government witb failure to or- IN EXPLANATION I motion. alleging The government had 50 mls· forces not of his making. ference whetber the government fused conundl'llm. ganize the business of the Com- Mr. Thompson said therE! has ~ I I 01 leadership, the breakdown of can be re-elected on its present mons in such a way as to per- been "no explanation whatever" 1 tn "gh'e a clear managed the business of the , , 01 policy on na· unity within the cabinet, con[I1' country that It was even run' defence policy. First Social Credit Leader mit introduction of the 1963'64 from Prime ll1:inister Diefen· dd!nte," is likely 10 sion and Indecision In handling ning out of moncy to pay Its Long before Mr. Harkness "My own view is that it could Robert Thompson said outside spending estimatcs. baker of government de[ence look over the de[enee porl[olio IUpport from both Lib. national and international af· bills. not." Mr. Harkness said. the chamber-before the vote It further accused it of fail- policy in the .light. o[ Douglas and New Ileumcrats­ fairs." Prime Minister Diefenbnker the government annqunced aC­ He also said he will continue began-that his party would ing to lake effective action on Harknes~' _ reslgnahon as de- made the motion at the quisition of two nuclear wea· to omthrow the He interjected that the government to put forward his view that support the government if it legislation already passed by fence mm~ster. . 1.\ ;~ : end 01 a speech lasting one hour will be returned to office when· pons carriers-the Bomarc anti­ weapons now_ met a series of conditions. First the HOllse in the economic field. T~e Socl.al C~edlt leader. ~ho .,.,' I I.' •• '- ever it goes to 'the people for aircraft missile and the CF·I04 He said the proposed Canada- of these called for a clear-cut Earlier, the Liberals had earlier sal? ~ federal elect!on :;. I P a new mandate. low.level jet bomber-and said U.S. agreement for provision o[ statement of defence policy. moved a motion of' non·confi- held at thiS hme and carrymg "There's a new definition of it was negotiating with the U.s. nuclear weapons would not in' A few hours later, from the dence alleging indecision and anti-American ~vertones w~uld an optimist," retorted tbe op­ to acquire the nuclear warheads fringe on Canadian sovel·eignty. floor of the Commons. Mr. lack of leadersbip on the part of be a tragedy, saId Monday mght position leader. [or them. At another point, he said Can- Thompson said an election at the government it would be worse not to go to Mr. Pearson endcd his speech ada was weakened militarily this time would solve nothing- . . \ the people_ by I'oicing the words spoken by Mr. Harkness, now 59. had no during the recent Cuban crisis that it would carry "anti-Amer- Mr. Thompson, who earlier The uncertain life o[ Mr. Diel- need to force the nuclear pace ext Of Letter Cromwell at the time he because it did not have' nuclear i ican overtones" and be dam had gil'en what many observ- enbaker's minority government crushed the Long Parliament: as long as the weapons carriers arms. aging. He said the people are I ers interpreted. as a definite in- has entered its most critical weren't In service, !lication that Social Credit will stage since the electiDn .even o Diefenbaker "In' the name of God, go." support the minority gOI'ern- months ago. OTTAWA ICP) - Texl of let· ter to Prime i\linister Die[en· NUCLEf1R -ARMS baker from Douglas Harkness, resigning as Canada's minister of national defence: lily Dcar pJ'ime Minister: PMs Views Ne·ed I~~nny periods. High For over two years you have , I , . he en aWare that I believed • i' nuclear warheads should be I lem~eratures ! I supplied to the four weapons Clarification systems we have acquired issued by lhe state department which are adapted to their use, By HAROLD MORRISON WASIIINGTON (CP) - Sena· tast Wednesday contradicting Throughout tbis period I be· tor George Aikcn said Monday Diefenbaker's version o[ Can· Iieved that they would be au­ that subcommittee investigation ada·U .S. nuclear negotiations.· thorized at the appropriate shows that nuclear weapons are time. THE' COUNTRY PARSON During the past two weeks required for the defence of Can­ ada and the United States and particularly. 1 have made ab· that tbe views of Prime Min­ solutely clear what I consid· ered the minimum position I ister· Diefenbaker on this point 'fUESDAY, FEB, 5 could accept. and several require clarification. today .... 5:07 p.m. times have offered to resign Ending a 90·minute closed unless It was agreed to. closed hearing, the Vermont Re­ It has become quite obvious publican said it was the feeling 11 ...... 7.22 a.m. of the '(;.S. government as well OOn, riding high to­ during the last few days that your views and mine as to the as Americans generally that ~ th~ constellation, course we should pursue for continental defence requires the sets tomDrrow the a~qulsltion of nuclear wea­ use of nuclear weapons if this tio ···.. ·· .. · 6:04 a.m. pons for ol1r armed. forces are defence is to be effective. MINENT STAR not capable of reconelliation, Weapons used in Canada with­ rises 10'08 thus it is wilh a great deal of out nnclear warheads arc "not VISIBLE PLANET:·m• regret that I now find 1 must very effective," he told a press low in tender my resignation as mIn· conference following the inves­ ister of national defence, 'tigation by his Senate foreign . · .. ·· .... ·..... 7:11 p.m. relations subcommittee i n t 0 dn the Until the last few' weeks I enjoyed my five, and a half OTTAWA, ·Ont.-Photographed together for first time, (in Dec. 1962) leaders of Ca'nada's four political par~ Canada-U .S. nuclear issues. . "I hope folks don'.t thi~~ of He said that State SecretarY the church as protecllOn-IRSur· . :····..7:32 p.m. year~ 8S a member or YOIII' , rIses 5 ies appear to be in un~'lonlithey applaud Sen. Ross MacDonald, during unveiling of portrait of former Spea~­ Dean Rusk in testimony I)eforc ance never prevcnted a fire. 4:39 a·.... · :01 a.m. 'government and trust I have made some conlribution to it er of the I-kluse, Roland Michener. Lef~ to right: Prime .Minister ; Libe.ral Leader Lester 'the suhco~mittee took full rc In fact, it's been the reason 11:22 .m., 5:34 p.m. Pearson; Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson; and New Democratic Party Leader T, C. Douglas, I spon.sibility for p~blic criticism: for some starting." '. I.In., 11:41 p.m. and to Canada. . . (UPI TELEPHOTO) . Yours regretfully, DOUGLAS S. HARKNESS. '\ "

/ ...... ,~~< . ~HE~~AILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY 5, 1963 :%~t .;-. " . t.j.,~.: ....' . . .


LOII't. 19. of. Ih' Oscar Amyotte, Blind Home Teacher at the Canadian Institute for th was convlcte SPOT,' \ \ " exammes." a woo den carvmg . 0 fht e map of Newfoundland made ~'pe:Clall"e of breaking. el them. Mr. Amyotte is on loan from while other students are of goods in Co' I Ihome teachers. ~oulh pkaded n . charge and at the trial'S enc it. . charged wil entering the Gowns Sal road, Dec. 6. and

of Memo students are 'i to the railwa: ,I ., morning to , Dawe

I ' Miss Canadiai Queen of " Ont.. Satur' ,I brown·haired, representative Ir( :t. is scheduled to b the city in a ~ motorcade. first·year arts of Mr. al A view of the conveyor system at ~fews ... ' Dawe, WaterIor, ~ ... Dry Cleaning, where fast effident ~ervicc won the title ,r.~ I':r. ' is given at all times. candidates rep I universitie; John Stroud of Windsor, Nfld., put the finishing touches to a laundry to coast. John is a young man and has been blind all his life. He works a( the Dawe was sch! hele Sunday ni Military Road. weather Ie , . to land at " The ConlIDonwealth . • A Look Forward ;~ .. . • ' .. Britain's negotiations for imaginative concept was subject the Queen and the membership of the European to certain safeguards for North inburgh to .\ustrilia Economic Community made Borneo and Sarawal<. Towards Zealand, 1962 a memorable year in the the end of the year, a cloud put In the con,IIlI.lllOr,,,"'" history of the Commonwealth. a shadow over the inter·govern. focus will bl arcb That meeting of the Prime mental discussions on the con· Ministers was undoubtedly the stitutional details, when a rc· The future ,talUS higr.light of the CommonweaJlh volt against the project took I cration of lthodesl! M~ year in Britain. and it demon· place in Brunei whose SuJlan Iland and its mcm?er strated once again one of the had been told that his country's For Nyasa!;;nd. ' underlying strengths of this as. membership in the proposed governing e,)a,tltUtion Cove, ...... sodation of nations-ils ability Federation would be welcomed. introduced In stagll miles south c to discuss differences of policy RHODESIA AND 1963. Grace, will 1 . ;, . BIG DATE AHEAD ? frankly and to respect indivi· NYASALAND 'A ")lItilulion I,dual viewpoints. I.. nell ".' • . of several I ' The Bl'lllsh Government took government In Ken)~ Bring in that suit or dress to us today sfte) 1 h Towards th~ .cnr of th~ ~ea~ thc initiative in grappling with the . politll·;.l pa~1 first thing in the morning wc'lI I owever,. a ev~ opmen 00 the critical problem of the fut· agreement ,,·n an , from his ,have it beautifully cleaned and I place which seriously affected ure of the Federation of Rho· constitution a; poliCY, on.e Commonwenl~h country: desia and Nyasaland and its sidered un)i::d)' thaI SUllday niE ready for you by 5 ! thiS, was when Cluna attacked, member territories, Just before I could be he:" before said fe~ I~dla al,on~ ,her northern fron· Christmas. it announced that dIe of 1903 Con5eqU/!'~ expressed 1 tier. Bfltam s own response .to Nyasaland would be allowed to difficult to ;peculate Mews Dry Cleaning -Limited an Indian. reque~ts for ass IS, secede from the Federation and indepcndcnc. date, since the tance was ~mmedlatc. She des. that the First Secretary of cliffs i: ELIZABETH AVENUE PHONE 9·1115 patched ur"ently needed small State, iiiI'. R. A. Butler, who is Federation in arms. Shortly afterwards, Mr. also the Minister responsible not expectc': tha~ , Duncan Sandys. the Secretary for Central African Affairs, bellion in Erunel of State for Commonwealth Rc· . , . . . establi5hlllrn~ of the tl h' If"t d D 11' would VISIt the territories m Ia ons, Imse ~ISI .e e II January to consult all Govern· by the agr'c,d date and also Raw~lpl~dl. ments on the question of can· 31, 1963. Tape It Easy with c C t In the constitutIOnal sphere, tinued association between IndepcntiPllce for there were notable features: th m be discussc,! at a Uganda, . Jamaica and Trinidad ~h~ Ministers of the Feder· conference. became mdependent and memo ation of South Arabia and bers of the Comm~nwealth. Aden. a colony, agreed on a TAPECORDERS In July, th.e Brltls~ Govern· merger next yeat. ment. agreed 10 prinCiple to the Malta became self.governing SONY creatIOn In 1963. of a Fed.er. again after a lapse of four pot aUon of ~alaysla, embracl~g years. Nine constitutional can· OSHAWA the Federalion of Malaya, Sm· ferences were held in London minister of Canada gapore, North Borneo, Sarawak ad took most of the territories much powe)' and ilIe and Brunei, proposed by t~e concerned (Jamaica, Trinidad Commons not enOU!\ Malayan Prime Mlnlst.e~, Tun u and Tobago, Kenya, Uganda. Fisner. New DemQ(~ Abdul Rahman. ~rltam s agree· Aden and Nyasaland) through member of the . ment to this umque, bold and further or final stages of politi· Port Arthur. s aI cal progress. Only two of them night. ~Ir. Fisher (British Guiana and Zanzibar) AONN Reuters - achieved no advance for inter· banquet held by nal political reasons. The con· ers or the west Democratic ference of eight Governments l'hancCllor . nine BOYS' in the Eastern Caribbean dis· ners in . . . coalition am'(!rno""": lOjuries. SONY MODEL lOS SONY MODEL 262, SONY MODEL 101 cussed the possibility of their Compact proportions ••• High performance Full Fidelity Tapecorder . federating. day new talk.s Coinpact tapecorder with bullt·ln tuner SONY 262 is a hi-fI tapecorder" ~at em· SONY 101 Is a wonderfully compact unit make it posslb!e ACCIDENT~ Outstanding features of SONY' 103: 'Built' What of 19631 It is likely to bodies the most exacting features for that packs a full·slze share of quaUty into CORDUROY the ScandinaVian C~OSS In transistor, for Instantaneous radio reo quality operation •. .' ideal for those who Its "lightweight frame. Records up to two repeat in more intensive form join the European . cording. Translstorbed pre·amplifler stage the pattcrn of 1962. . .. stnall ., want a unit to double In' use at home and hours using a big 'I" reell Market. . ,. glr to permit noise free sound record and at the office. Feature: Single selector knob for Instan· Britain's negotiations with ,,'; Slight' inju playback. Single control function selector Features:' Large 'I" reel capacity,·, ~Tape taneous selection of stop.record·play·back· the European Economic Com· for simple and dependable operation. Lever timer to locate exact spot on.any record· rewlnd·fast forward. Dual speed 7't.& ips, PANTS munity will be prosecuted vig· f meter to ascertain optimum recording Ing. Single control knob for all operations. 30/, Ipu. Hlgbapeed Exhaust keeps motors orously. ! values. ,Front speaker for better listening S"perb SONY hl·fI record·playback for cool. ,Dynamically balanced flywbeel for ,.<. two I , quaUty. Dual·track and dual speeds at 7'h Up to size .16. The question of solving multi. wide frequency response. Magic' Eye rec· flutter·free operation. Front Speaker sya­ racial problems in Kenya, and Ips, 3V, ips. Printed circuit and beltless ord level Indicator. Dynamic Microphone tem for easy operation. Vu meter for exact Southern Rhodesia will be mechanism tD ensure trouble·free opera· for super·sensltive recording. Earphone recording range.' Transistorized 'printed monitoring for grealer convenlence~ C.S.A. circuit ensures no failure. C.S.A, ap· much to the fore. tion. C:S.A.· approved. 2·yr. guarantee. apprvd.2.yr. guarantee. , proved, 2·year guarantee .. The spotlight Is .also Ilkely to turn Increasingly on the future ONLY $249.95 ONLY ~ 179.95 of the remaining small British dependencies scattered over the world. For some at least, of the

.. ," Islands In the Pacific, Atlantic ARCADE and Indian Oceans; a form of federation may have to be con· . CAMERA", ' CRAFT sldered. ." I .' STORES ?.9, Rowan St~, CburchiIlSq. Area Ph(lue 9·3821 AUSTRALIAN ROYAL TOUR A Commonwealth highlight will'be the visit of Her Majesty

J ! .

I!, The Daily News !: ' '. i ' , : \ . ~ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1963 ST. JOHN'S,. NEWFOUNDLAND ,.

I':" ' ,,, ! , u ermar e s Iii I' . :~ • • • I aln lance I

GETTING THEIR HEADS INTO IT-Thirty young Here, 'ford crosses feed from outdoor ray racks at Lakeview * * * * Farm in the Holyrood·North Arm area. This '·commun· Ayre* '8 * May* Link* With Domin'ion outll Convicted ity feeding", relatively new in Newfoundland. cuts down Taylor is president, holds considerably on labor. Joseph E. iIIoore, who bought the Ayre's Supermarkets Employees of Ayre's 1,900,000 shares of Dom­ whlte.face beef caltle on the mainland in October, said the Limited, New found­ supermarkets were in­ n $1,300 Theft covered racks are filled with hay and the cattle feed at land's largest chain or formed of the possible inion Stores as an in­ , li,wr. 19. of the Middle: goods I'ailled at over $1,300. their will. Only an hour a day is needed to feed the 30 grocery stores, is in­ alliance at a meeting vestment. El., lias conl'icted on a· ,Lowe handled his own de· head. In the old barn·feeding method, it would be a full· called by the manage­ [ . , of brcakin~. cnlry and I fence whlle the prosecution vestigating the possib­ I 'oods in COllrt here was handled by Crown Prosecu· time job for one man, Mr. l\Ioore said. ility of an "alliance" ment her e Monday max iIIercer Photo) . o • 'tor H. P. Carler. with Dominion Stores night. .: ':011:11 pJradcd not ~1Ii1\)' Al the trial's end Monday, Rumors had been cir- \Sam , I i Limited, general Illan­ I. Ih;; ~~:ri;ial'~Il~Il/I~~m~;~ ~~~I ;~r~~,rll'i~:dt~~ttt i~r~~k:~!; 'G ....nen 1":um bs··--,- i ager Hartley Ayre con culating in St. John's for do il. increase here and he suggest· I t:/ It firmed here today. several months that was charged with br~ak. that the Court take a serious Dominion Stores was ;Tries cnterin~ the prenllscs view of the matter. Mr. Ayre said that Ayre's are "investiga­ negotiating to purchase Gowns Salon. :llili· "Apparently he has been Socz·ety Roll eng the supermarkets here, road, Dec. 6, and stealing given all the chances to go I' I· ting what appear to be iA · straight," ~Ir. Carter said. and the Daily News Lowe has a Court record Late last fall a group got to- I their own small garden plot, very worthwhile ad­ : gaIn dating back to 1956. I gcUler to form a garden club where they can plant their own vantages for customers, Monday connected these Mr. Carter referred to a for st. John's. seeds and shrubs and grow employees and suppli­ with the calling of Mon­ Sam Drover, a New~ Supremc Court trial where a ,Several months and three small vegetables, an official day night's meeting. , man was sentenced five ycars meetings later the Newfound·' or the society said. ers, through some form foundland pol i tic iail on a charge of breaking and land Horticultural So.eiety was He said an official program of alliance between" Hartley Ayre T. G. McCormack is who has represented -no management change ueen entry alll\ theft of goods. forme.d and a growmg memo has heen drafted and broken the two companies. president of Dominion three political parties in ~ershlp of 80 has been estab· I down into seasons. Stores Limited and it When asked by the Magis· hshcd. Ayre's operates five with a progressive coast the House of Assemblv V "liar the winter the. program operates as subsidiaries oda i trate if he had anything to say Two of the general meet. will consist of moving pic· large supermarkets in to-coast enterprise". since 1949, will conte~t ,. Lowe replied: "Yes your ings, which were ltlrgely at· tures nnd coiurcd slides of Thrift Stores Limited, a Trinity North as an in­ of )Iemorial uni·' Honor, anything under two St. John's -located on 1 • tended, were addressed by gardens. and lectures on be· If an a g l' e e ment d chain of retail food stor- dependent in the Feb. !tudents are cspectc I ~'ears won't ilo." I Parade Street. Hamil­ R, Chancey, a directol' of Ilinning ami advanced gar. should be reached, a es in Quebec and On­ flock 10 the. railll'a)' station I· Magistrate O'Neil) remanded the government experimentai dening, lawns and their care. ton Avenue, Churchill 18 provincial byeclcc­ , Ihis morning to greet 18- him until Thursday for sen· I farlll, and Bernard Jackson, kinds and care of shrubs, fer· Square, Summerside. full statement would be tario: Town and Coun­ tiOll, he said Monday. Dawe who. was tencing. ' ~axine provincial parks natura\lsl. ! tllIzers ami their usc, rock issued promptly, Mr. try Food Centre Limit , : ~!iss Canadmn UnJl'er. "Can't you throw it at me and TOl'bay Road. ~Jr. Dro\'er said he is run· gardens, hedlles, trees and Ayre said. ed, a chain of three large Snow Queen of 1963, at now'!" the defendant asked. The object a! the society is: landscaping," h~ added, Dominion operates :155 ning because he had been Onl .• Saturday. -He is set to appear Thursday to encourage people to become I self - service grocery retail foodmarkets in askd by a number DC fisher· brown·~alred. grey· afternoon. garden conscious, by having The spokeslllan said that at , and Acadia men and loggers. At various representa\ll'e from Mem· ______present contracts are being stores across Canada, times in his career. he has il scheduled to be driven made to acquire a society gar· with warehouses at Tor­ Perform Autopsy Stores Limited. a chain been a Liberal backbencher, the city in a giant stu· den, which will start from of 11 stores in Nova i a Progressive Conscrvath·e Theft Charge scratch and be cared for by a onto and Montreal. and a CCFer in the assembly. motorcade. Face I firsl.year arts student, voluntary eHort of members. Mr. Ayre said if such i On Boy's Body Scotia. of ~!r. and ~Irs. He said it is hoped this gar· Authorized and out­ I Other candidates are Liberal an alliance should be The result of a post·mortem I Welfare Minister C. Max Lane Dawe, Waterford Bridge den will prove to be a show· I standing capital includ­ won the title over 13 Are Remanded place in time. formed, there woule. be 'I which was to have been ,per· I and Whitfield Bannister, repre· Two formed on the body of a three· es 20 million shares of senting the PCs. The New candidates representing Two ,S!. John's youths charg He pleaded not guilty to the "This together with a demon· no change in manage­ i univcrsitic! from year·old Bell Island boy was Democratic Party will not con· ed with breaking. entry and charge and stated he was driv· stration plot where members ment. I per common and more to coast. Ing only about 30 m.p.h. when can learn by practical demon· ,not disclosed Monday night. test the district. theft of goods from a water· than 8 million no' par , Standings in the 42·seat Oawe was scheduled to he was arrested. stration how to grow their "The Dominion Stores The lxldy of Charles William, , here SUnd3)' night, but front warehouse here were reo value shares. I house are Liberals 33. PCs manded unti! Feb. 8, on bail of The arresting officer testi· [al'orite plants~ shruhs, Bnd connection would serve son of Mr. and Mrs. James · wealhcr forced the fied the defendant was driving \ trees under the professional : seven, one independent and to iand at Stephen· $500 with twn sureties of $250 to enhance the job sec­ Purcell, :\iercer street, Bell Is· A l' g U is Corporation i one I'acant. eaeh in Magistrate's Court 60 m.p.h. wilen he was arrest· eye should prove to be a big ed. ,step in interesting members in urity and future oppor- i land, was discovered in his Limited, o[ which E. P. I ytarS ago ~he was I Monday. "This was in a 20 m.p.h. Ithis society," the spokesman tunity of all employees, I bed early Monday morning, Rolin Skating Queen The two were not asked to zone", the officer said said. Ir,d she is now in the run. plead as public prosecutor In· 'Conduct Parking I: for Ihe ~li5S ~Iemorial spector Allan Dwyer requested Jhich will be chosen Feb. \ that the case be postponed. He . objected to bail but Magistrate Survey Downtown ,\1 "11 the first time New. Hugh O'Neill ruled that there rd was rcprc!enled in was not sufficient evidence pro· If you're driving downtown nllional beaut)' eontcst. duced to grant the request. today and are suddenly hail· They were charged with ed by a man-chances are I' breaking and entering the pl'em· he isn't a plainclothes police· 'i ises of a Furness Withy Com· man or a hitch· hiker. pany Limited warehouse on the City Council'! engineering waterfront and stealing an elee­ 5taff is carrying out a down· l. ·tric heater and food articles. town parking survey and I . cm Constable Ind non men will be sta tioned at 12 Ilandell suggested that the locations along Water and Edlllund Peddle, ' 59, defendants ufied a boat te Duckworth streels. Bishop's Core, about sal! under the warehouse City engineer Sharpe said I' the survey will begin It 8 I. miles south of Har­ and then forced their w8 Y 11)1 through the floor. o'clock this morning and will .1' Grace, \l'ill be the He based his reasoning on . continue until 5.30 p.m. I: of se\'eral search the fact that the enly sillns All r.ars will be counted; I, 1 and everY third fourth .1 · today after being of a break·ln were 50m~ or i boards missing from the one will be stopped. I from his home rlonr, there 15 water Ilnder The drivers will be asked Sunday night the buUdlnl( and that the where they are going and" 1 stolen goods were located how long they will be there. RCMP said fears are I, under a flat bolt om boat near Mr. Sharpe said the pur· 1 expressed for his tbe scene of the break. pose of the survey is to de- I:, since there are termine how much parking . r, I Further evidence showed tbe space is require ddowntowD ":.,.,, , , cliffs in the youths were arrested when they and other faeton. I.: ." ': I, returned to the boat. I I . . '" Parking reports have beell Six persons were fined S10 made to counell previously.' .! ; II. , , I ',' Or 30 days In jail and one :: ]! oUrer was fined $2 or one week . , in jail when they were con· 1 ':"1 victed on a charge of being Officers for 1963 of Rose.of .. bridge, Grand Master, Grand W. Moore, Committeeman; H. ; ::;! drunk In a .pu~lic. place. Sharon Royal Black Preceptory : Black Chapter of Newfound· I Percy, 1st Lecturer. Third row ! i I News 216, St. John's, of the Loyal i land; H. Carter, Deputy, Pre· (\~ft to right) A. L~Grow, Com· I .' .. i\ );.1: lIIa!!istrate O'Neill set hall Orange Association were elect. cepl'or; W. Thompson, 1.reas· nutteeman; B. QUlntor., Com· , 'Ii i at $200 with a surety of $200 ed and Installed recently at urcr; R. Dowden, Recording mil'teeman; R. Kean, COIII.mil· SEE OUR 49c COUNTER I for three men charged with Victoria Hall during their·last Registrar. Second row (ldt to teeman; A. Johnson, Auditor; '.i !i ,'.11t I I impaired driving. mceting. They are, front row right) W. Spurrell, 'l'yler; W. G. Sellars, Committeeman; W. i I Neither of the men pleaded (left to right) H. French, Fin. Richards, pursuivant; A. King, LeGrow, 2nu Lecturer; J. Way. MEN'S DIAMOND GIRLS' KUMFY STRETCH Spots I I . as they asked their case be ancial Registrar; J. Moore, Dcputy Financial Registrar; A. 2nd Standard Bearer; C. Sim· 100% NYLON Ilos poned t~~nable them to Chaplain; A. R. Clark, Wor· Strickland, 1st St;lIIdard Bear· monds, Committeeman. MONDAY'S FIRES t SOCKS WHITE SOCKS 1:1 get the ser~ce! o! a lawyer. I shipful Preceptor; A. Lelh· er; C. Anthony, 1st cens~r; (Max llercer Photo). I York street ... 11.55 SALE 49c, Size 6 to 9l/~ · ... chimney fil'e ;'11 da ... SALE mage. •• Maypark fin~/'$~ge:~. ~neSt~~~~~'~v~:~· Open Ga' mho R1e ver BrIe dge 49c, he was conVicted on a charge , MEN'S Ih SLEEVE " • 6.54 p.m ..... of______reckless driving. I The new $250,000 bridge I cuntinued. throughout the oVer grate .. slight across the Gambo River was! winter with ·R view to hring. " opened to motor traffic Monday, illg it Into lise before floDlI· VESTS GIRLS' ELASTIC-TOP Total fires for highways minister Dr. F. W. ing waters and rafting Icc . nine. . •. no Interest High In Rowe announced. once more threatened the SALE 49c, KNEE SOCKS injuries. Dr. Rowe said the bridge, wooden structure," Dr. Rowe which replaces the six·year·old said •. Colors Red, Green, ACCIDENTS Project wooden structure over the river, He said this has been ac: BOYS' SPORT-STYLE 'Citizen has been completed to the point compllshed, but warned the Brown, Navy. Cross .••. 1 The St, John's Junior Cham· va~5 have so. far been good," where it can be used 'by the travelling public that the all" CAPS .' .. s~all girl hit by ber of Commerce says that If a spokesman for the Jaycees trave\1lng public. proaches to the bridge "cannot With ear-flaps. Sizes 6-8*. .. shght injuries. present progress continues, It here said, "but we urge any The new bridge consists of be fully completed until the Wlll be able to annouce Its organization who has a nom· three span!, with a total winter is over, and motorists SALE SALE l:ccidents for Feb­ Citizen .of the Year for 1962 inatlon form in their posses· length of 225 feet. Of slecl are requested to pay !ttention 49c, 49c . . . , two personal Feb. 25. sion to please have It return· and reinforced concrete, it was to the signs whieh request. caul­ Kevin O'Regan, chairman for ed 10 the Chaniber prior to built by MacNamara Cons'r'uc· ion in approaching and lea\Cin~ this year's' project, said the the close off date." tion Company of Newfound· the structure." .' Jaycees are pleased with the In submitting nominations, land. With the completion of the PoLICE BEAT The minister said the old Gamba River bridge, the total arrests interest shown by organizations concentration was on private assault . , • two men invited to participate In their citizens, rather than p.eople In bridge was built, along with a value of bridges built or reo , one for having selection of the CItizen of the public offices. which is likely number of others, as a tempor· built in Newfoundland dliring gOOd • Year. more In keeping with the in· ~ry measure in complflting a the present financial year reach· tw f S In his posses- tent oC the program, the spokes· transinsular highway from St. ed a total of $3.500,OOO-the o or drunkenness. Nominations this year will man said. ' John's to Port aux Basques. largest amount ever Ilpent in close Feb. 15 when a panel of He said the winner'wi11 be "Because the wooden struc· one year on bridges in the 11IE HARBOUR ' five judges. three of whom special guest and'the recipienc ture over the Gambo Ulver province, and "relatively the have been selected from out· of a plaque at a dinner and was considered a mnjor haz· largest amount spent by any Fauvette en­ side the Jaycees organization '.,Imp '1 dancc planned Cor 'Feb. 25. ard during the spring" bl'enk. province in Canada", Or. Rowe ' erla Sarnia will choose the winner. Mrs. Vera Perlin was Citizen up, work on the bridge which stated. was started las't sum'mer WRS (Continued On page 5) "The results· of the can· of tile' Year for" 1961, " .I-THE DAILY NE.WS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY 5, 1953 ~ I r- I 1\ " .' , Goin' for the Big One WASHINGTON' ,:1 , , I' THE DAILY NEWS •. , 1;,1 'I'[ Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper $ .1 EPAS " ,'. !! :-! The DAILY NEWS Is a ml'l'ninR paper Fur Will Fly If Revision 1 I: \ ,~ cstablished In 1894 and published at j , By ERII i Ihe News Building 355-359 Duckworth ; Street, St. John's, Newfoundland. by / Of Labor Laws Comes I: Robinson & Company, Limited. i! By PETER EDSON session. " I I'" MEl\IBER OF WASHINGTON, (NEAl-Though it is \'5 MEAT !' I! ORGAN lED LABOR LEADER! retllrn .to ts°n scarcely mentioned in President Ken· ~e b Ii: TIlII CANADIAN PRESS back Kennedy's broad program su lec • ! nedy's first three major messages to r eral principles, but they differ I it is to repo~ II! ' The Chnadlan Press Is exclusively Congress, a lot of labor legislation m:ght on details and execution. Union fish sales have J~ I" be stirred up in this session of Con­ cnt because oC i entitled 10 the USc for republication of are as dissatisfied with the .. c . all ncws despalchcs in this paper credit· gress. meat prlcrs. .. I'll' State of the Union, budget and urrent .p.dl\lor III . ed to it or to the Associated Press or AFL·CIO president George Meany has mcssages as are the organiu\i 1 .i • C Canada" says: Reuters and also the local news publi~!I· in the past opposed opening up existing rescntmg. bib'g ustness-though o~f In oC a prlrl n:ARU' SllBSCRIPTION RATES labor laws. He fears this would ioofc a !I \,III ed therein. pletely different reasons. Or hetween meat i : I Pandora's box of amendments which ! ,,! Iii Canad...... $12.00 per annum All Press Services and feature articles Business spokesmen think Ihe has improved \ 11 II: In this paper are copyrighted and theIr would only make a bad situation wor.e. dent goes 100 far. Labor during the 'Ii: I Ulllted Kingdom and all ending with more troubles fOr unIOns. Ci5h prol , , ' ! reproduction Is prohibited . think he doesn't go far enough r..nadllin e:cpandin , .I I'; . foreign countries S14no per annum The big organization's Icgis\Jtivc , '" enough. product 'i , 1I1emlw.r Audit Burea. counsel, former Wisconsin Congressman AFL·CIO is for a $9 billion t I' , ,; I:, ' Aull:omcd as se~(\nd class mail by the • ..nrijlng to lhe Dor I ~ • or Circulation Andrew J. Biemiller, points out, how I : in the lowest income bratke~U statistics: t~e ':1 ',. I Post Office Depar~ment. Ottawa and ~ ~ . . ever, that labor favors repcal of Land­ , i .\. for ;>ayment of postagc in cash. year. The $3 billion CUI offered price of SIrlOIn ! \ ~; : rum.Griffin Act restrictions on plrket· President is considered 100 lmall Crom 98.6 crnt! '; ',: :. : ing and Taft-Hartley Scction H·B "'~,ich any good in reducing lInemplovm. october 1!1~1 to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1963 1962, an mere ! / I'~ : permits the states to enact t~l)ir own W. P. Gullander. presiden" ~ . . right·to·work laws. National Association of . ~ , than 16%. In the i' 1101 the price of fro?l Union Icgislatil'c programs also favor opposes the President's proposal ~ . i r' rose from 37 eel , I~: : TIle Prospect Of The Third Mill expansion of minimum wage law cover­ 1,1, the lowcst income tax bratkell'A per pou~d. . " I,' . I,' . age to more workers. And Biclllil1cr he· for a go-slow policy on tax ' In a recent statement on the OCCUlTed in Newfoundland in­ meat bemg IInc' , I,; , Iieves first efforts may bc made this the interests of sounder reach of some I" prospcl!ts of thc further utiliza­ "olved starting from scratch with year to ohtain the 35-hour work week by growth. budgets, lh.ey al I ,1 : I:: ' tion of Newfoundland's pulpwood capital needed fOI' everything law. as well as by collective bargaining. tllrning to fIsh as " U.S. CHMllmll OF substitute. . As a ; :1 l'esolll'CCS, Premiel' Smallwood from the clearing of the wilder­ ',' 07'lE OF THE THINGS LABOn may President Ladd Pltlmlc~' has frozen fish inc .1 ., ness to the construction of a new 10% in the fil I: I' I has indicated that a mill for the have most to fear in this scssion of a 10 point labor Icgislalion prOl1l!.' :: ' production of sulphite pulp may town. And since these were Congress is that the major strikes of his organization. of 1962. With !, \'


, '. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY 5, 1963-5 I ' , Will' .'Do it ,Now' at Penitentiary The NEWS PASSING SCENE The st. Jonn's Penitentiary, imported from England for the Hill the following year. In\CnpaCi(y and there are prison· . which for 97 years has stood new wing was finally sold for 1874 they wenl back' to Signai ers in othcr jails throughout the E on a high slope overlooking building a school. Hill while the penitentiary province awaiting accommoda· Quidi Vidi Lake, is to get a The penitentiary was com· was being fumigated to halt tion here. But the government By ERIC A. SEYMOUR complete renovation. pleted in 1865 and prisoners I an outbreak of fever. says it isn't contemplating Spotlights The provincial public works were moved there from Signal The prison now is filled to building a new wing now. department has plans drawn ested in this Important Indus· up calling for morc cells, run· I." , 'IS, MEAT try. ning water and toilets in each i '~ : . we return .to one, o( A friendly neighbour who cell and a new laundry in the * * Banned* * 'Ir

/ ;,

1 i &-:-THE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY II, 1963 , \'. I rlOl1l 1111 III 111111"" 1111111111'"11111111l1li"1111 11."'"' ".1111 11"111'"1111" 1111" 1'"111"1"'" 1111 """'"11111'"~ 1',, "\'. i , r . , Keep Canned . .I I Spring Handbags Have' Casual Air Rd. ··1 1 ' I ' '\ !:Social-PersonalI .! ~ \ Goods Cool I . ~ BY GAYNOR MADDOX S Q-Is it necessary to store t ! eanned goods in a cool place? Column ,~~_~",mll . the nt ley Gordon of Brady's Path Who A-Yes. As explained in . . a groUP held AB1 perlOna wlshlna to celebrates her birthday today, January issue of Today's their .. efforts ,lace soclll notes In the· Greetings come from all her Health. "Storage at relatively friends, high temperatures does cause Newfoundland 'Sed.. Column may do 10 a slow deterioration of certain .. II)' cailina 8·2177·8·9, or FROM BOTWOOD vitamins," The Department . bjec of the SOCii :; "rltIq tile DAILY t to Mr. A, Langdon of Bot· of Agriculture reports that can· o people to be :: NEWS Offlte, Duckworth J. .- Smet. wood, is spending a few days in ned vegetables storcd at 65 de· . conscious,. by h the city and Is a guest at the grees lose up to 15 per cent ",n smal) garden ______..! ·Nfld. Hotel. of their thiaminc in a year. °IM), can plant thell When storcCl at 80 degrees. and shrubs and DINNER AND DANCE TODAY'S BIRTHDAY the loss is even greater. about vegetables. If land . The Allied Printers' Union Birthday greetings are ex­ 25 per cent, Vitamin Closs one can alwa~ ,No. 441 held their annual din· tended to Beverley Clarke of in canned fruits and vegetables box. : ner and dance on Saturday, 255 Hamillon Avenue, who cele_ approximates that of thiamine Feb, 3 at Bidgoods, About 100 brates her birthday today, at the two lempcratures-IO society although ~ people were present and Presl­ Greetings come from all her per cent 101'5 aftcr a year at 6~ old has held ,dent Stel'e Garland welcomed friends, (Icgrees and up to 25 per cent meetings, all of : all and expressed the wish that aftcr a ycar at 80 dcgrces. well attended. Th, : the)' would have an enjoyable ~OW,\N ~USSION membership. h~s , evening. ASSOCIATION The net loss of nulrients dc­ eightv which IS I Brolher Joe Shapler proposed The 69th Annual l[cclin~ of pends upon the lood and the ~uraJ(lng. 'I1k R. C~ Ihe toast 10 the employers, the Cowan Mission Assoeialion vitamin: some vitamins are GoVernment Expel which was responded by 'D, C, was held on January 29, 1963. morc stahle than others. Cal'O' Farm and 11k Bel · Hood, After a delicious dinner, Following the reading of the tenc (provitamin AI is quite a professional n; dancing was cnjoyed to Ihe Annual Report o( the Secretary ~tahlc in canned fruits and John's very klnl music of the "Bcachcombers" and of the Treasurer, ~Irs, T, \'egetabl~s'./lt is v~ry st~ble in two meetings all( · Orchestra. B, Goodl'idge conducted the lomato JUice. Rlhoflavtn is interesting talks. Special guests at the dinner elcction of the officers for the not lIf[ccted by ordinary slor­ were Mr. and lIIrs, R. F,Martin, year 1963 the result being: Casual simplicity is cvldent in the de~lgn of handbags for spr in~ and summer. The sofl a:!e tempcratures. The thia· leather bag (terll Is trimmed in brass. 1\ can be carried pl'BC efully through the ol'al opening, program ~a and ~Ir. and Mrs, D. C, Hood. Han, President, Mrs, F, L, mine in canncd meats mal' be 'o.,'Olt'.P. Designed for the girl on the go, Ihe lent'ler ~ntchel bag (right) is created in a compact reduccd by as much as 30 per­ broken down III Paterson; Hon, President, Mr. For the winte SUNSHINE CAMP size with roomy outside pocket. Cclors include hlack, navy red and hone. cent in only six months when W. H, Peters; President, Mrs. .. __.... _._ ..... _.._------.-.... ---. program will CO[ The following is a list of pat· Raymond Bennett, elected; 1st. stored at. 70 degrees. All can­ ned (oods should he stored in pictures and ( ients at the Sunshin~ Camp Viee·President, Miss Hilda Popular Crewel a cool plnce. MISS Efi!GINEERING, 1963: June lvlartin, a : who are reported wel! and White, elected; Secretary, Mrs THE DOCTOR SAYS, " 1 ; happy. This list Is submitted W. J. Fitzgerald, re·eleeted; year student at Memorial University was Dietieian~ and nntritionists : through the coiurtesy of the Treasurer, lIIrs, W. H, Crane, Engineering of 1963 on Saturday, Februarv t ' Junior Rcd Cross, re·eleeted; Committec: 1I1rs, T. advise eating two or more ser· ving~ every day from the meat Martin is the daughter of Mr ,and 1'lrs. R~x .. : Annie Pope, Botwood; Melvin B. Goodridge, IIlrs, T. Colling· : Fitzgerald Trepassey; Joy Ben­ Medicine Fights Heart Ills /:roup, What foods are includ­ 12 Bannerman Street, St. J ohn's.-(Max wood, Mrs, H. Herder, lIIiss W. ed in the meat group? : lIett, Springdale; Yvonne Drov· Caldwell, Mrs, W. R, Atwill, Photo). · er, Badger; David Semigak, lIIrs, E, McDonald, Mrs. H, V, Successfully On Many Fronts .II-Foods included in the who cnnnut [orgil'e Hopedale; Jean Walsh, Happy Randell, the bridge over · Valley; Ivany Lomond, Chan· meat group are: beef, veal, A short business discussion lamh, pork: variety meats such pass himself. lIcl; Judy Strang, Lawn; Berle took place following which a ON MA:'oIY FRONTS thc usu(11 warning signs occur, as li\'er, heart, kidney. Poultry, George H( ,Foss, Norris Point; Yvonne yearly programme was worked PROTEIN rUOOIIi;·~·t'1t such as a pain in the region eggs, fish and shellfish. A~ CREAMY COFFEE AND Welton, Frederlckton; Debbie out with regard to the care and BY WAYNE G. BRANDSTADT, [)[ the hcart, attacks of faint· alternates: dry beans, dry START THE DAY OFF RIGHT ,Mugford, DunvUle; Brian Os­ extra comfort of the Ladies of ncss, shortness o[ brcath with peas, lentils, nuts, peanuts, . J ,mond, Botwood; Verina Gosse, the Cowan Mission Association Take heart. Much can ~e minor exertion or unexplaincd peanut butter. · Gander; James Bishop, Dun­ who are now residing at the done both to prevent and '0 attacks o[ nausea, you should ,rille; Benita Chislett, Heart's Agnes Pratt Home and the SI. treat heal·t disease. Dr. Irl'ine see )'our doctor. 'Delight; Wayne Cantwell, Avon· Patrick's Mercy Home. At the H. Page. who has made a life transfer 2·inch round: i '.' x 12 i dale; Fergus Brown, SI. conclusion of the meeting morn­ studv of heart disease, has The~e signs do not neces­ ohlong: directions. , Joseph's, Placentia We 5 t; ing coffee was served by Mrs, pOinied out that the heart dis· sarily mean that you hn \'e : Dianne Picco, Bell Island; Raymond Bennett. ease associated with high heart trouble but they do mean THIHTY·FIVE CENTS (coins) ,Madonna Farrell, Marystown; blood pressure -is aggl'aV

" Society Ding the month of January I.: .. the MacDonald Fellowship ( • wing the need of a Garden Club for St, Club, resumed their activities, Kno 'roUP held a meeting in the late fall, and beginning January 10, when , s, efforts organized, what is now known Dorothy Thomas chaired the P: at~eir 'I meeting. Special speaker was i " \'fotlndland Horticultural Society, Dorothy Gwilllan, with the I;' the l,el I topic "Types of Music," Chair­ , I! b'eet of the Society Is slides of gardens, and leclures man for the meeting January Ii o J people to becomc on the following. Beginning and 17, was Millie Ginn, When Bob I , conscious, by having advanced gardening, lawns and . LeMessurier was special speak· . ,small garden. plot, theIr care, kinds and care of er by Blanche Rose, at the /2-Je • o~1' can plan! their oll'n shrubs, fertilizers and their January 24 meeting, Miss Manv a bonk account has· d shrubs and grow usc, rock·gardens, hedges, Decker's topic was Junior Red been killed by people who are an lables, If land Is not trces, and landscaping. Cross and their aid to refu· too quick on the draw. ,: Ic,e onc caU alll'a~'s fall box, At present contacts are be· ing made to acquire a Soclely garden, which will start from Memorial University Theatre a\lho\l~h only a scrntch, and be carcd for by a old ha, held th~'ce \'oluntary effort, of members. Tickets available now. Telephone 8·7724 , 1 mceting" all or which It Is hopcd that this gardcn 'II altcnded, The pre· will prove to bc a show place POWERFUL-EXCITING-DRAMA ~~cmbmhip h~s noll' in time. This together with a "hll' II llil'h IS \'er~' demonstration plot, where . CI, '~\r_ H, Chancey mcmbers can learn by practic· "FIVE FINGER EXERCISE" . ~ GOl'ernmcnt I-:X\lcrimen· al demonstration how to grow "The Best Foreign Play of 1960" C./prill ' alll I \\r' ' Ilerndard their favorite plants, shrubs . "a profc>iit'nal natural· and trees under the profession. -New York lohn's 1"1'1")' kindly at· al eye, should prove to be a big FEBRUARY 7,8,9 & 11 AT 8.30 ;11:0 m~ctin~, and ga\'e step in intercsting membcrs in fcb4,5,6,7,8,9,l1 , ir,lcrcstinS talk" this Soclet~·.

For information about the 1 I t'ntalilc I'r,,~ral1l l~as been .', 4:,'.,-> -" . ,~ '"~... ;l. ... I • _ . ~..,.

II' I' • I 1"1 "'III'!

Day ~ Parent NEWFOUNDLAND'S FRIENDLY THEATRE , ,,;0 C;iI1l'l'\ I"I'~II C tlth~I'5 the br:dcl' 1'1 CI' winch BOItEIlO~1 OR LOW I.Q,T :;::;! ras; him,t'l!. NOW PLAYING lIl'tllW Ill'l'bcl'l IIY MilS. l\1UIUEL LAWRENCE

Dcar ~Irs. Lawrence: In kindergarten our girl was cal­ led n "slow leamer." Now 8, shc still puts up a mental batTicr against learning. We've . BilLY tried pressure and the "hands oil" IIOllcy but nothing we do secms to stimulatc her. She w/fJJfR8 is always slipping back in IJEWCOM£DY/ scholll. Now her, brother, 5, He gave you is showing the same slowness "The Apartment" and and inattention, We are so nfl'uid that they will be placcd ':Some Like It Hot" in a class for the retarded- ... Now, he gives the war/d. .. At\SWER: You're afraid that the children al'e mentally reo Audio analgesia as a method of reducing pain and tension during childbirth has been studied at Lion's Gate "Horse-y" tm'ded, al'cn'l you? Then have Hospital, Vancouver. The first report was given'to the annual scientific meeting of the Royal College of them examined by a reliable Set psychologist who can tell you Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Edmonton by Dr. Leslie Glass, who conducted the studies, Audio whether your fear is real. analgesia provides music or white sound (the latter is a sound similar to Niagara Falls) to the patient t~rough earphones. Music can be taken from a tape recorder, phonograph or radio. The patient can If it is, you wiII be able to even bring favorite stereo records from home. Equipment for the research was provided by Philips Elec­ do something aboul your pro· blem. If it isn't real, you'll tronic Equipment Ltd., Toronto, In the picture, nurse Mrs. N. Herman shows the patient Mrs. G. Longstaff, know the children's resistance of North Vancouver, how to operate the control panel. to learning is due to some other cause-and can do somc· thing about that. But if you don't test your Music Helps At Childbirth fcar against the truth, you are ALSO - UP TO THE ~IINUTE NEWS condemning yourself to tor· mcnt. Your untested fcar will Many mothers of newborns at Lion's Gate Hospital, North Vancouver, have found music and white TIMES Of SHOWS ~!t" diffuse itself, infecting all sound "wonderful" or "fabulous" in their own words. Dr, Leslie S. Glass, obstetrician who headed a pro­ :-111 CJ~' ur,d'ii~!d your responses to the children. EVENING SHOWS-6.45-9.00, ~"Jt~d r.;:l ject to study the effect of sound in reducing the pain and anxiety of childbirth, told the Royal College of ':::"\ 131t Physicians and Surgeons of Canada that most patients appreciated the help they got from audio analgesia. MATINEE: 2 P).1. ::::0 peP;l!l' If your Utile hoy shows rest· lessness when you're reading The patient seach had earphones and a control panel which was close to her hand. She listened to to him, apprehension will take stereo music and then, when contractions brought pain, turned on the white sound. This is simply a special : :"71t~, C(\(\~ over 1('11 - ;, ingredients; nil you by the throat, inslstlng that mixture of all audible frequencies similar to the so und of a rushing waterfall. his inattention is mental reo NEXT ATTRACTION c, ,r Iilw he.t, stirr'~1 tardation. If your daughter's The Royal Collcge, which were received by most of the from a central station through "switchboard" which relays GLYNIS JOHNS - DAN O'lIERLIHY IN , eyes wander when you're show­ pain sensations to the brain is ing her how to fold her bed becn meeting in Edmonton, was patients who had used the ap· closc·fitting, comfortable car· "THE CABINET OF CALICARI-ACTION­ Ii told that the project, which paratus, said Dr. Glass. Audio phones worn by the patient. occupied by multiplicity of fr~· I: blankct, it won't let you see quencies imposed on it by whitc THRILLS-SUSPENSE-ALSO "HAND OF 1 her boredom as normal but tcstf!d the reactions of severol paratus does not replace pain· The earphones also eliminated ,I sound. And 50 the po in sen· DEATH" WITH JOHN ACAH - PAULA force yoU to ascribe It to a hundred women over a period killing drugs or anesthetics, noiscs in the patient's surround· ings, so that she heard only sation receives a "busy" sign~1 retarded child's inability to of eight months, was carried nor are these wlthheld from RAYMOND - THRILLS - ACTION-SUS­ I I, out with machines provided by patients needing them, he said, the program of her choice, un­ and cannot easily gct through II, sustain interest. troubled by sounds of the hos· to the brain, PENSE. [ Philips Electronic Equipment However, the use of audio an· ,I I The lens of your frightening Ltd., of Toronto. The same algesia is a valuable addition pital. , ! sllspicion will be destructive to company played a part in th~ to the facilities at the service This system of reducing pain It is gcncrally conceded, said produced no adversc after ef­ all of you, development of dental audio . of the obstetrician, he said. ."jr analgcsla equipment. Dr. Glass, that the effect ~If fects, said Dr. Glass, and made The method followcd at white sound is to reduce the possible, in most cases, some A parent who faces the fact I reduction in the uSe of anal· 1 that his child is mentally re­ From a medical standpoint, I,ion's Gate Hospital was to patient's ability to feci pain, A gesie drugs. I:! ,.' tarded suffers agony. But varying degrees of benefit supply stereophonic m u sic simple cxplanation is that the -,- when he has moved through !,' ~lllilll!llllllll1lllllllllll1ll1ll.'III'III:IIIIIIII;1111111111'';;: of the country and some fairlY the agony to acceptance of the - = fact, he is no longer helpless. ~ ~ large cities where people treat He finds people who under­ ~ ~ people like people-but the sland his special problems and We The manners of many cities stand ~ ~ a lot of improvement. slippers with horse are eagcr to help him. HEREDITY - THE NORMAL • , lxlys love 'em! ~ Women · It's hard to understand why piece plus cuff. Pat­ But that kind of agony we ~ • rudeness takes over in so many il63: chartl: directions invite when we fear to test the TO MIND ·TlIEIR MANNERS cities. When a smile is usually Ito 12 ~ncluded. ' possibility that our child may , DETERMINANT OF STAl'URE BY RUTII MILLETT mct with a smile, why do so TO-DAY be mentally handicapped is un· many people sneer or snarl? ending anguish. It is to shrink New York City recently spon· ------,. in shame from any evidence sored a courtesy campaign, BY WAYNE G, BRANDSTADT, medicine for this? I can't en· When "thank you" is so easy that seems to support our sus­ M.D. joy swimming and I can never drivers to subway riders being picion. It is to hate ourselves get a decent tan because I am urged to start using such words to say, why do 50 many people for the shrinking -and to Q-Is tbere any special food so ashamed of my legs. as Hplease," "sorry," and who take your money or ac· a very intimate secretly resent the child who or vitamin that can be given "thank you," cept courtesies fail to say it? story about a makes us feel so ashamed. to a 15·year-old boy who is A-E][erclses are fine, but unusually short? He is in good in addition you should try to If New York-where pushing very beautiful health, but is gettlng an in· put on a few more pounds. and shoving is a way of life When a day goes by so So I'm not talking here about feriority complex over being -can start minding its mimfll!rs the child's right to a respon­ ThlR can be done by drinking much more happily and peace· the shortest one In his class. half - and - half (milk and ners, any other city oughl to fully when you treat those you sible diagnosis of their mental be able to do the same. capacities. I'm talking to you cream), eating more margar­ don't know as courteously as A-Shortness is sometimes ine or butter, and eating two you treat your friends, why about responsibility to your· due to a glandular disorder, The truth is that rudcness lADI[S' selves and your, own mental eggs every day. I would not do so many regard strangers as malnutrition, or some dlscase has bee a getting worse and not worth a pleasant look? w~oleness. Hlive the chlldren advise drugs to accomplish of the internal organs. If your your purpDse. worse in most hig cities during examined by a psychologist. son is in good health none of the past few years. these causes would apply, and It's hard to figure any ac· "A VERY PRIVATE AfFAIR" As I see i, your real prol .. --~--~ flAT H[EL his height was· dctermlncd by There are still some secl ions ceptable answer to these ques­ frlmed ,nE"STM"N COLOR ,,,_. ,,'., ",'; hereditary faclors, No food or lem Is that you arc/overly self· tions. But a "mind our man· vitamin will help him in this conscious. This is both com­ ners" campaign in any city mon and understandable, but are of real low pitch, Does Also - NOVELTY regard. A person's adult height a girl's voice change at this ought to make thousands of is very close 10 two times the I have found 'that when a girl those who have fallen into the ~~O[S hcight on the second birthday. like you gets Into a group, age? habit· of rudeness see them­ TIMES OF SHOWS shows herself ready and will­ selves as they appear to others. .. ing to be helpful to others, and A-Your daughter is per­ .-.." SizlS 4 - 10. This book of Ihe law shall not Hormones have been used fectly normal. All babies of EVENING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK - 9.00 -,'-, depart out of thy mouth: but experimentally to increase or above all to be cheerful all MATINEE·2 P.M. decrease stature, but -such the time (well, almost nil both sexes are sopranos. How Cities make impressions .'~~ thou shalt meditate there·1n do you suppose the Metropoli­ just as Individuals do, and a day and night, that thou may­ treatment is safe only In the the time), she is IIccpeted for hands of an expert. In any her merits and forgets her tan, Opera gets its contraltos? city where a stranger is treat· ------~------'--~.:,' est observe to do according to Individual physical differences. , ed rudely by even a few of all that Is ,written therein. case, the problem must be Q-My 16.ycar-old daughter anticipated and the treatment (Be glad we're not a\l exllctly those he rubs elbows with be· 1.49 (Joshua 1:8). ' alike.) She can then enjoy her­ has not started to menstruate comes, in his mind, a rude NEXT AnRACTION started before the onset of yet. Our doctor says to give puberty . self on or off the bathing cIty. . PRAYER: 0 Father, we thank beach, and will find that no her time, but I am worried. Thee that Thou are wltb us to one is staring at her after all. guide, Grant us understanding Q-l am a YDung woman and A-Your daugllter Is right. Why don't we all get busy very self·conscious of my legs, minds and obedient hearts. Q-In .the last few months· Some girls start lo menstrunte trying to make our own cities that, in the pages of Scripture, They are much too thin. I have rate high for courtesy, whether done exercises to improve my my 14·year-o!d daughter's earlier than others. This has we may find a c~ar vision of voice seems to be . changing. , no bearing· on their future po· we have any high • powered Thy will and way; For Jesus' calves and ankles, but that tentlal as wives and mothers. courtesy· campaign or not? . sake and in His name. Amen. hasn't helped. Is there any When- she talks, some words ·;t-THEDAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND,. FEBRUARY 3, 1963 · , I. . . I'· ~.i·" :1' ip New Twist To Royal Tour I ;: ;1 I!) j' ::1 , By JOliN RICH Igivcn a new twist to this royal 'J'hat mcans visits ranging SELDO~1 ASIIORE I •. During thcir 38·day visit. the ',! CANBERRA (Reuters) - A tour. If such a tour can ever from huge, noisy, development :! night at a constrllction. camp Ibe informal and unofficial, this projects to the silcnee of the Queen and the Dukc will spend • on the mountain sitc 01 a hy· i one will be. cattle country and the color only nine nights ashol'c Thrce idro.eleetric project; a day in I Pomp andpagealltry has its and frcshness of the pearling o( thesc will be spcnt at cot· · the central desert of Australia; : part In thc pl·ogram. But that industry in thc sparkling watcrs tngcs in thc Snowy ",Iountains eWl · a cruise dowlI thc almost cnd· part will bc short. of the Indian Ocean. arca. : . less coastline of the creat During the visit, the Queen Cat'e has heen taken to give While visiting the Snowy 1 Mountains, the royal coup'le will ,,!, ' .. northwest . . . . will visit many strange and the royal couple adequate rest I · These are some of the high· stark places up and down Aus· periods. Throughout the visit, watch tunnelling operations, .lIghts of the visit to Austr.alia lralia. . the royal yacht Britannia, fol· lunch in Australian picnic style I : ·Feb. lB to March 27 by Quecn Instead of countless official lowing them around Australia, high up in the mountains and oElizab:th and the Duke of rcceptions and endless hand· .will afford them the privacy of ncarly a mile underground. :Edinburch. shnking, the Queen will have a a home at the cnd of long, This pattern for her tour was • . Features like these have I chmlce to see Australia at work. arduous days. the Queen's own idea. From the '-- first, she stipulated that lavish functions and exhausting offi· eial engagements should be cut .Favourite Names Hobby to a minimum. , Probably the most strenuous By ALAN WALKEJt and Sarah. odte dcspite the shocking ex· few days o( thc visit will come (CPl-The during a three·day stay starting · LONDON (CP) - A retired Leavcr, 53, started his count· ample of the one king we've Museum will b · l'ailll'ayman's hobby each year ing when he was confincd to had to bcar the name:' Marchberra for11 incelebrations the capital marking,of Can· TI 1e All'.le d P I'm. t ers U·mon, No. 441 ,eh Id th elr. annua I d'mner an ddtance a B'd1 goo d' s on Sa t unI ay. valuable I :pl'ol'ides readers of Thc Timc3 bcd for two months. I Leaver disagrees with the na· excavations i, the 50th anniversary of the 1 2. Shown above is President Steve Garland with special guests. (1-1') Mrs. F. Martin, F. :with a guide to thc most popu· "The usual mcthods of rnter· ,tion's choice in female namcs. R. R. .IpMlsalent, says lar Christian names in Britdn. 'I tainmcnl secmcd to weary," hc ":'tly wife laughs at me for naming of the city. This will, Mrs. Do C. Hood, Steve Garland, Mrs. Steve Garland and D. C. Hood. of thE · EVC1'Y January since 1947, said ill an intcrview, "so 1 tried this," he said, "but I like thc probably bc the most formal art and archeololO' .Joltn Leaver has compilcda I.counting to pass thc time. namc Hannah. I haeI an aunt part of the tour . c1lllrt showing names gi\'~n to "I h1'. , I ! : . , 2.45-Atlantlc •• chool Broad· 12.45-Flshermen's Forecai!l\ 1 12 "O--N' I' IN'nouemcnL . .' : : .,.' cast I I .il • a lona I eli's I The Bard"l of I' HEART·STOPPIN I I .. 315-Jolm Drainie Tells A 12.55-News 12.33-Paul Hcrshon's Mnsic in. famou, bechilc hair.do'· deaths in 1960, I ,'." : , I , St 11.00-Blue Star Ncws -the N;"ht i I" ·ct . \. (acute coronary f , ; ory ; 1.15-Wor)d of Sport I' •• " , nll~c I III CII. c~~(r In". ,. { '. I ing to "Patterns .. 3.3U-~BC News. and Trans I 1.25-Tlte Russ Clarke Show I ! PTlI'atc Affau·. Bul' ... . ! ' " , , Canada l'rJ.atmee I 1.30-News Headlines CJON TV i mth her 1l1ll~lIr stam~, 3.33-Trans Canada ~!atlnee 1.31-The Rus! Clarke Show ':sua I appeal. Ihcre I; 13 , 4.3U-CBC ~eglonal News 2.UO-News Headlines TUESO,\ Y, February ;,th. I Bard~t who I'emle~ hi.: 4.33-Canad,an Roundup 20l-Pr'le and Problema standIng dra,,"IIc ta.e:.I: , 'I: 440-The Geor"c L. Fleche . IS. lO.45-Pastor's Study Vcrte" ,'The Truth"!. ,.. • b 2.3a-News Headlines . . Sltow . 2.31-Prizes and Problema lO.50-Wonten's News , The plcturc. • I YOU 5.0[}-.1Ituslc In tlte Air 255-N H.OO-Cartoons Co·produelioll (or 5.3U-I"islterics Broadcast 3'00_'r,el wsB b C I Sb w ll.l5-Romper Room , wide·screen i nil color. · - 45-'1 . I.' 'rh Alb . leo 0 eo,. I' I · a. " tlS,1C • ront e ums 3,30-Ncws Headlines. l:l.l5-News and Weathcr I ¥J\'cn a a\'l:' I , 6.00-C.BC Newl 331-Th B b C I Sb 12.30-Sign Off ; Its .scenes filmed · (i.')5-Intermczz(l . e 0 0 e ow 2.:lO-Chez Helene Ia~alDst bcautlful 6.4O-Program Previelv 3.55-News :Z.45-Nursery School Time of Lake (;CIICI a. HI 6.45-0n Parliamcnt Hill 4.00-Bob Cole Show 3.00-National School Time ISUburban Romr. It U.50-~[lIsic in the Evcning :·~tNNews H~ad~ne. h 3.30-At Home with Edna cd bv Louis ~laIle. 7.00-CBC News and Weather . ew. an eat er Baird ' many intcrn~lIonal [Jim 7.l5-Ligltt ~!w:ic 5.?O-BOb Cole S~ow UO-Take Thirty and produced by 7.30-Tops Today 5.30-News Hea~hnel 4.30-Scarlett Hill Gouze·Renal Idth .., ' 7.45-Doyle Bulletin 5.4b-Flsherman s Forecalt 5.00-Captain Jack executive producer. .. 8.15-Assignment 5.55-Ncws 5.30-Razzle Dazzle Playing important B.45-Public Libraries 6.00-bulletin BOira 6.00-CJON Jamboree IsUPPol1 of t he stars Program S.lO-Movle Gulde 6.30-11Ie World of Sport I Simone, as )Ii'l 8.55-Weather for Mariners 6.l5-Sports Report 6.40~Cavalcade Icovcrer Dirk 9.0a-Invitation to Worship 6.25-Travel Guide '.OO-To Tell The Truth IVon R~zzori and Sari 9.30-Business Barometer 6.3a-Early Evening Newl 7.30-Phil Sliver's Show .. lO.OO-New Talent Parade Roundup 800 RI I ' B I'] MARK ." s to.30-CBC National News 7.00-Fleichmann's Riddle . -OrPNeo)t' e leve t I, TORO".'TO., ,(PI _ THER'E'S SOMETHING FOR 'EVERYONE Roundup and Speaking 7.l5-Shillelagh Showtime 8.lS-National News '~Irs. Charles .\. \'Oil Pcrsonalh.' 7.30-News HeadlinetT 830-N k d Cit onto. par e III s of 1l.OO-Soun·ll·ngs 7.31-Back to the Bible 930. Cara e54 y Hacke.'• J.ea~tle.' 1l.30-Radiou Intl!rnational 7.55-News IO.DO-Perry. - J\lason Carl \'oss. cdchrilted 12.00-CBC Sports Scoreboard 8.00-Cre,m of the (rop 11.30-Front Page Challenge wedding annil'mar), 12.D5-Sign OIf-O Canada _ B.lID-News Headline. 1l.30-lnqulry Mr. Voss. 89. i! a The Queen 8.3l-Cream of the Crop 12.00-Lively Arts grapher. IO.Oa-Nlght Sbow ------FOR DAD there's up-to-the-minute world, national and local news - 10.3a-News Headlines 12.30-News and Weather . PLA!IIES RECALUI\ t.O.3l-Night Show 12.40-Pastor's Study .1 WINNIPEG ,CP'-se!rtl V0 CM mal 590 10.45-World of S-port 12.45-Sign Off pilot Stcwart Wilson. views (!nd on-the-spot reports ot maiOI sporting events - business 'lI Ii'/' . TUESDAY, February 5th. 10.55-News , .. stricted for Ihe til"h and financial stories - hints on home repairs, etc,l 1l.O[l-Torbay Weather Reporl r:::~::T:·:.~::.:::Y:'::::::::::::L',~·:: .: ...' day when 10 planes .,r,r 1i.28-S1gn Or ~~:~~~~~;~ea~~i~1!\ ~api t 0 I ~~~~t t~ . ~:i~~iP'~ii~'t~\ 'i.3~-Bil: Allen Show 1l.31-Night Show' of storm warnings. The FOR MOM there are reports of local social activities - club news - 6.4a-Morning Meditation 12.00-N ews. old Tl'ansAir pilot hal coronary 6.3a-News and Weather l2.3l-N,ght Show TODAY objcct o( an inten5i.e of diseaSl ideas on food, homemaking and child care - and, of course, there e ;rag uP. with ti 12.55-~:;~s~~dm~~~~::~~ •. ,... ' ·:ii,.. ,,,., '.. 1 : •• ",,' •• :' " : ••• :: •• : •• : ' •• J ~~;p ;2 ~;~~e rc:~rt~ . e gr~up. D are dozens of advertisements to help her I'hop better for less I Report and Tim. "ONE, TWO, THREE" mail run ill thc . f' With James Cagney area of' . ahout 1.05-Slgn 0 f northeast o[ Winnipe~. ONE LOT "One, Two, 'Threc," Billy FOR YOUNGSTERS there's a wealth of information on ourrent event! CJON Wilder's whacky comedy about Iron Curtain (nOll' A blows up in his fare ACTIVITY A~ ()ti TUESOAY, February 5tb. an Amcrican heiress and an - school ne\v~ - the popular cartoon strip~ - entertainment guides I East Berlin beatnik, will open boss' beautiful MEN'S tomorrow at thc Capitol Thea· Tiffin-becomes Sl.Et'It~G ~ 6.3().-Tbe Bob Lewi& Show, tre, through United Artists a shaggy East por14 release. Starring James Cag· holz. The prett)' Where else can. you find so much enterta~nment and education 9.05-Music for MiIlioD- ney, Horst BUchholz, Pamela fin has until nOW f .. 9.30-Austin Willis Tiffin and Arlene Francis, mostly on the cOl'e.rs 0 t~HG -= for such a small price to please every member of the family suns 9.35-Weather Forecast. "One, Two, Three" \Vas filmed, al magazines and JD 9.4().-Win 57. in Panavision, in Berlin. Co· filw' now "One, SPECIAL 9.45-Docto'rs 1I0us. Call; starred in t!le comedy .are pro~ides an imporbnt 9.5().-Nfld. Klatler Howard SI. John and Lilo Pul· for Iter talcnt as LO.OO-News in a Minute. vel'. I. A. L. Diamond, whose beautr. Miss ~ulvert lO.!!> -Jerry Wiggins Hou,. prel'ious collaborations with vealed in a Mferen wives ChOice Billy Wilder include "Some role tban that ',THE .DAILY ,NEWS lO.30-Nati\lnal News Like It Hot" and the Academy usually portrays 3S $9.98 1O.33-Jerry Wiggins fluu!, Award winning "The Apart· ope's ontstanding ., wives choice ment," has again teamed with and Arlene Franrls , I PHONE 8... 2177 [l.OO-News Highlights Billy to write an even Wilder will be delighted . ,f-. • I FOR HOM~ DELIVERY 11.15-Llfe can be BeautJlu story-in another 'Oscar' try. portrayal of Cag~e)' s . , t .~, ; • f ~, t ARCADE 1l.35-Town and Country In the film, James Cagney has rering, slolV burnmg• 11.45-Town and Country one of his most frantic roles boils over when h. STORES t2.00-Who's That Singing playing an American 50ft drink cook up 5C1lnethi~g '2.05-News ,Highli,.sts and execulive whose campaign to saurbraten with t.1! Weather. sell his product behind the tary.


I, Remarkable For Color I' Newfoundland Speech Said ., (cr) _ Scholars Igrowing number of linguists Isubject "that has too long been has had a permanent effect on " do!e look at, thel e.ond.ucting research studies clouded by speculation and Newfoundland speech. lIe esti· r ~re I' of Cana(hans.1 In thIS fIeld. wishful thinking," says the mated that emnplete survey of ,,' is nolrd b)' tl~e! b The" ~tudies'l eh.arat~ft~rized bUclletin; d 'd Newfoundland dialects would I which sa)'s m I y a rIgorous Y sClen I Ie ap· ana da oes not provl clhe reveal perhaps five or six dis· bulletin thai a, proach," will help illuminate a startlirig variety of accent or tinct speech areas, I· __ , ___ ._ idiom found in some English· Evidence of the Newfound· "II- cs F or speaking countries, it states, land~I"s "linguistic. inventive· Nevertheless, distinctive and ness," says the bulletin, Is af· (1 Re colorful dialects have survived forded by such terms as bunt I in older parts of the country, part of a fish nct, barbel" oil· I especially the Atlantic provo skin apron, covel tub, crozen 1 Museum inces. I tangle in a fishline. I Newfoundland, because of its I (Cr)-Th~ Ro)'~ll B~; Irugged terrain, the isolation of NEED MORE EXPERTS I, liuSfum 11'111 bc~eflt \ In ot~er wor~s,. A~raham many of its fishing villages The largest single body of I ! , \'alllal1k lllCCfS could ha~ e seen It In hIS trav· and Its long history "has a : !l1,:n!l;t'.xcal'ations i.l and els. TI,I.is ,I,vas 'the wall that fell speech that is rema;kable for dialect records ever compiled in , < \ D t D d Canada was gathered in the 1I Jerusalel11, sa)'s ,,' 0 a\ I " , Its color and variety," lIIaritimes by Henry Alexander, heatl of the mu, lIe saId the remams of two .. ' d arrheolo~) dil'i· tower~ and a ramp ncar the TRACED TO U.K. former professor of English at 1ft an crest of Zion prel'iously were Prof. G. N. Story, with stud· Queen's University, ~i' wifr ,pcnt l1art bcliered to be part of the old ied the language of Newfound· An associate professor ,of ''',I " 't ' II b t bIn I C I C 'I f English at Royal Military Col· "n a thrfC'l'tllmll'l' cx' Cl ~ 11'3, U now were e· n r on a anar a ouncl gran , l'I'l'h 1l11'ncd up new licved to have been constructed in 1958, found it still exhibits lege, H, Rex Wilson, has car· , I,,' 't I' tl th d t f E I' h d I ' h ried on Prof. Alexander'S re- , about tht' al1('t~n no ~ar ler Ian c secon cen· races 0 'ng IS an flS as "I tllr), nco spoken by the early settlers. search. , 'P;:,i.'

t nftltt'r~' -The of Sodct leader Khrushchev gration process in Eastern Iaim in 195B, Europe. I Integration entails the rcvcr; Steamship ~!o:', lop ('t,mmunisl, anll his counterparts from the But it left over for the top' sal of the previous economic " arr fXI'N'trd hel'l' \II sevcn othcr active members of HOME 15$108 CLOSER leaders the more delicate lind trend in Eastern Europe. Its I 1:t,1 ";ummit" mcclin~ Comccon Council for Mutual fundamental tasks of forming a progress until now has been Movements , ;0 dj,clI;s major ,tcps 10' Economics Assistance - Bul· supra.national central planning slow, largely, Western obser· Int~~r3Iin~ Iheir co un, I garia. Czechoslovakia, East authority lor the bloc as an vers here believe, because of CT.ARKE TRAFFIC SERVICES Germany, Hungary, Poland, ~cnomir;, whole and making concrete rul· the economic and political dil· S, S. "NOVAPORT" leavmg it's the wonderful "famity" time to see •• • repnrt; from Homania and )longolia. yU~(lsla\' ings about which countries ficulties involved. Halifax, Jan. 31; arriving 5t. I,;)o~drnl; in )11l;r()I\' sa), The "summit" is seen here John's, February 3, leaving . lor a nell' session as a direct follow·up to an im· should specialize in different These includc conflicting na· products under an "inter· tional and central interests St. John's, February 5. _ Ih,' Communisl ,portant seven - day session of "Novaport leaving Halifax [o:nmon )Iarket hcld in Bucharest Romania, In national division of labor." among member countries who or~an· i These would be the most im· were developing similar indus· February 9; arriving St. John's Britain or Europe undcr way, It is I Comecon at vice·premler level portant moves yet toward a trial structures, in various February 12; leaving 51. John's , Ihat Cammllnhi parl~" December. single bloc·wide economy, cen· stages of growth, in producing February 13. mretalirs and prime min·' This meeting made a series trally planned and eo·ordinated, largely the same, or similar, ·Refrigeration. ttill allend, ,of major decisions aimed at again by TCA! : uould mran a ~nthcrin~ : speeding up the economic inte- since Comecon proclaimed this goods. FURNESS, WITlIY &. COllIPANY, LUIITED "Cairndhu"-Leaving Bos, country in Europe via connecting ARTERIOSCLEROTIC HEART DISEASE, KILLS 'NEARLY 3 IN 1'0 ton Jan. 25 for Saint John, N.B, \:::a Jet TCA home to Britain ,Halifax & St, John's, Nfld. At airline. Or choose BOAC 707 iet (DEATHS FROM ARTERIOSCLEROTIC HEAU DISEASE AS ,PER CENT OF DEATHS ~ROM ALL CAUSES IN EACH AGE GROUP) or Europe for two weeks of holidav YEARS Saint John, N.B. Jan. 26. Leav· on a 17-day Jet Economy Excursion or low cost turbo-prop Britannia ing Halifax Feb. 2, due SI. Hetllrn Fare and "oll'n save up to services to Britain (in association John's, Nfld. Feb. 4.. Sailing with TCA). Pavjust 10% down for Liverpool Feb. II. .' $108.00 over regular slImmertime . ~ t~· hefore you leave on TCA's -Flv "Cairnforth"-Leaving 'Llv· jet economy farcs. Jet ill DC-8 erpool Jan. 25, due St. John's comfort to England, Scotland, l'\ow - Pa\' Later Plall. I-lollle is Feb. 1. Leavinf( for Halifax & France, German", Switzerland, SlOB.OO closer - see YOUI' trarcl Boston Feb. 2, due Halifax Feb. a

ARCADE For reservations and tickets see ... al'\eriosl M.YTH-:-Wo.rk s,eems not to be the villain in heart deaths. In survey based on '500 deaths HAHVEY'S TRAVEL ,\GENCY· fest or-t~hch~art dIsease, more thal1 three quarters of the fatal attacks ,occurred in relation to STORES Confederation Building-Dial 9·7150 , in l11atg t ac;hvit~, Largest proportidn of deaths ,was. among skilled workers, although, persons Newfoundland Hotel-Dial g·3062 IIlt8~! ny occupations were represented. In 55 per cent of cases,attacks 'occurred at home-3l I r cent. Data in these chads as presellted in "Patterns of Disease" publication. ' . -- , • f· ,' ••

" \ .':' :lO-:-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S,NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY ~, 1963 IN THE DUGOUT .... No 2 EVERYBOD ndeff Pee Wee Oliver Is Dodgers' Newest Phenom . BOWLING Regisl . . " d n "Lions Lon rn the "A" Skowron Puts Fairly Patrician Averag Hockey stopped ROY~ lI1IXED J,.EAGUE \ arr 27th. lU6~. tJ.1er the only aeW IP Back In L. A. Outfield Section "A" Jack Byrne .... ". for the LoOP· The following is the 1:5t of \ Don Dooley.... '. Butler and ~Ul averages up to Sunday. Janu· Ed K~arEc)' hit (or a pair I , ary 27th, 1963. . Bill jlcLoughlan while Don Mu .., (l\lcn) . John Con:;t.nUnc i Ed Kearsey .... .". .... 250': Dob Redmcnd .. 1"1 ! !. Don Dooley ...... · .. · 237 \ Martin . •'1 :: ~Iike I': , "j. . '. . '(Second of 20 dispatches by Major League Managers) . Alec English ...... 227 O'Keefe . , ! Andy Joy...... 226 I Andy Samtldwil "'-. '.I .. ",',' John Constantine ...... 222 i Vic Sparkcs ...... ".:."-. l .• -:.By WALTER ALSTON long ball hitting in Skowron. . "'d , h"" Mike Spearns ...... 219 I ~. .0 Dson ... . t! Los Augeles Dodgers' but still thave pitching depth. -f'l S "'-.., · . Manager Sandy Woufax might have Vic Sparkes ...... 219 \ ... ht~ p~lrns ... . ; . 'As told to Harry Grayson duplicated Don Drsdale's 25-. .Tohn Powcr ...... '...... 218 Dng G:l!agilcr ... . ,'. Through the years the Dod· game season Ii it hadn·t been Gerry O')lara .. ' ...... 206 T. Crr.Toll gel's have become famous for ior the blood circulation all· Waltcr Brennan ...... " ... 2J~ D. Hollett nC\'er having been without at ment which sidelined the strik· Kevin Dobbin ...... ,...... 200 Joe ~1\l1'J;:IY '>least one phenomenon. out and earned.run champion Ray Bursey ...... 193 1\ nd~' JOY :.:' If 1 had to predict that one in July. We'll all be pulling Bill Whiffcn ...... ]e3 1 E. C15~:' would show up at the Vero hard when' Sandy again starts R. Comerford ...... In] Vi!'!:~ With~rs ':']leach training base this spring firing at Dodgertown. If Kou· C. ulallard ...... 191 G. Tobin JUMPING THE GUN-Dodger pitchers take advantage of a sunny day In Los Aurleles to get In a workout at Dodger stadium. On "1'd . have to designate Nate fax turns ou't to be OK, we' II Bill Lee ...... 1m! w. Fc~hall the mound are ROll Perrillloski, left, and Larry. Sherry. Left to right in the bacl{grounll arc Bill Singer, Ed Roebuck, Bob i'liller. I D \''''t .~ OIi\;er, a second baseman up have an outstanding top three. . Bob Furlong...... Ie3 1 • • Jll e · from Spokane. Ollver's nick· the othcr being Johnny Pod· Phil Ortega and Coach Lefty Phlllips. Nothing like ha~lng the arm in condition for a running start, Angus Fleming ...... 18~ ~1":·t:n \\" 2b!J :'~amc is Pec Wee and my ferv· res. P. Walsh ...... · 1UO T. While ...... " .. '·:ent wish is that he turn out as J. Barron ." ...... 17!l Wall~r J.Lnir1! .. -- capable as another phenom the Bill Noseworthy ...... 17<1: G. Coi,h : 'Dodgcrs once had with the T. Thomas ...., ...... lin \W. llrcl::l'::1 "'!i3111C tag. his last name Reese. Harder T. lIarvcv ...... 161 P. Dillon , :. The war things look. the Los Was Hockey J B'd war'd s ...... ~".1 '-I nay ellr;:" . · A.nseles c1ub's infield plans . (Ladies) F. fiiah('l' .'. may be dccided by the show· Joycc Hurlcy ~Og I G. ~[arlin lng of Olivel" If our infield Hc I en N oscwor th Y ...... ~~O" u F • E\"n'~, of Bill Skowron. Olivcr. ;llaury Helen Constantine ...... 197 Reg Dill011 'lI'ise. but we could stand plenty of excitement still to such placcs as Fort William. ~r' cO·Bmreiernord·· ...... ·...... ·.. ~44:tl Joe WhIte ... big Jea!!ue of I .• , ~~rc power. Perhaps Bill It's up 10 the spring camp come that season. Ont.. Kentville. N.S.. and <1t •. 0 r ...... ID ~I I hockey. He scorE ',; '.' Sko'wron will gh'e it to us. to develop number four. It "A couple or f~llows Irom Bish?p's College School in. Len· Nona D~oley ...... 136 P~t ~~~~v .... : .... ~ Sunday night ::... .; 3. Defensil'e ability is there could be Joe Moeller, Phil 01" Cobalt came down to Montrcal noxvllle. Que .• beforc settllng 10 N. Sparkes ...... ' 123 1 Section "B" . New York R " . but we made mistakes. That's tega. Larry Sherry or Bob ·MilI· and offered Art Ross and me Montreal in the mid·1920s. SECTION "B" .' than iJ SCOI He says the greatest differ. I (~Ien) CeCIl G.ossc ...... ':. i: i l'xpccted of a young club. er. the latter acquired from the $1.000 each to come up and players ha ence between hockey then and Walter Dalton ...... 202 JOht ...... 'i' : I' _ .. ' 4. Experience. We have more New York Mets. 'With Jack help them out in the Silvcr Dl~O;1 Canadian - now is the result of a change Ray Manning ...... }96 'R~a terD la Ion Among them :. ~: 'ot . it this season. Smith available in the bull pen Country playoff with Hailey· . I . g 'ng N '1 C . 1n 2 oss ,. ,C ...... - In ru es governm pass1 . el url1s ...... " IJ Q . i Frank Brimse~ , .. j':' ,\rlding Skowron at first base Irom the outset, in addition to bury." UID n : :;!" !lil'cs me a chance to movc Ron Ed Roebuck and Ron Perra· Rigid rules governing a club's "We couldn·t pass the puck Jack Walsh ...... 191 C R / Johnny Mar Faif back to the outfield. noski Sherry can start. jurisdiction over its players ahead of us. That meant you T. Price ...... 188 J: Bee IS .. .. Karakas. All I .:!. lv couldn't shoot the puck into Ihe Ed B 'd" ISH 1m yme ...... ,,- ! 11 We'li nolV have thl'ec fine arms Behind the plate it will be didn·t exist in those days. So the Minnesota .'!.. other end-you had to stickhan· B' OIL' I ~Ing ...... 1 '. Pat lIIarshall will be mUI ,. 'lout there. the others belonging Johnny Roseboro or Doug Ca· Smaill and Ross (his defence • h J B I' flan a\\ or ...... 8~ 'B 01' dIe Th at 5 w yean e Iveau R N b 1 4!' n'el' ...... for Americ :: : i . 1 tQ.~ Willie Dal'is and Frank milli with a left·hand batting partner who was lnler to be· wo~ld be the best player now in ay or crg ...... 8 B. ~Iackcv " "1 Holyard. youngster. Mike Brumley, bat· come coach and general man· our game. He's .such a wonder· K. Brennan ...... ~B3 J. Willian;, ...... - 1 .. , I'm not ~oing 10 attempt to tling both. Lee Walls, our cx· nger of Boston Bruins) went up ful stickhandler." T. ~yan ...... 82 JUke Go>se : ":'. hide thc fa~t that the Dodgers cellcnt utility man. cai catch. to 'Cobalt, Ont., to help out. . KHevbm HRokwe ...... I}SOl E. Bune ...... ".... ,,"-- : : 1 " : were mighty disappointed with There are a hal~ dozen youn.g.. The Northern Ontario mining er us ...... S St an . Breen...... - aug P t CI I '1 I •• : 1 the way the 1962 season ended. Isters from the mm?rs wh~dwlll country was In its high·flying Eda L eary ...... 77 D. CI ancc" ...... "... _ ~: . I :' : Yet ~tran~e as it may seem. get a good look 10 Fiori a- pioneer days. Smaill recalls. ong ...... 176 C K 'ght : . ': I tl\e~e wereo some gratifying as· three pitcher~. two first base· and thousands of dollars had Buchans H. Whitten ...... 176 Harr~1 Crimp ...... _ ,pccts to the campaign. We men and third bascman.. been bet on the game. .' , a Clyd: Spurrell ...... 17; B. \\:i1liams ...... "...... ,,_. · . pla)'ed a young tcam and have It seems st~ange. to write a BLOODY CLASH Mar!m Adey ...... 17_ J l\lartin ...... ,,_ erfec I;~ I el'ery right to believe that all piece llke thiS WIthout eve~ "That·s why we were paid so Lead In . KeVIn Knox ...... 170 R·. Whclan .. ·i .. I . ,'of the boys gained a lot. Go· mentioning Wally Jl[o~n ahn t much. And that·s why it was Tom Angel ...... 170 D' 'k ~lalonc\· :: " ing into September we had Duke Snider, but that IS w a so hard·fought. It was the blood· Phil Wall ...... 170 Hie K 'a]'\' • , : I fil'c .300 hitters. The club hit the kids did last .year-benched iest game I cver saw." Playdowns C. •T. Dobbin ...... 168 \\;. ;I~cG·l'ath a D~eneral slump. a pretty fair pall'. It look more than Jour hours (ur to complete the two 30·minule Tom :lIelee ...... 16B C. Williams I b , We traded our num ~r. 0 NEXT' Bill Rigney on the periods. CORNER BROOK, (Spec. J .. Cas~y ...... 167 B. Lall'lor 1 i: .starting pitcher, Stan \~Illlams, Los Angeles Angcls. "I lVas knocked oul once when lan-The' Buchans Miners BIll SImmons ...... 1~ R. O'Xcill " " .to the Yankees to obtam more somebody clipped me with a pulled into first place in the G. Clarke ...... 16;) Kevin Bishop ...... - stick on the back of the head. senior NAil A playdolVns on W. Osborne .... :...... 159 Ron Donovan . (Ladles) A. English '.' I;::. I" NOTES Ross was knocked out twice. Saturday night as they de· CU. RLIN G We played sel'cn men to a feated the Corner Brook Norcen Leonard ...... 204 J. Smith . I: . • UB 1111'S French 9; E. Butler 4. team. with no substitution. ancl Royals 6·4 at the Humber A. Dunne ...... 172 H. Whitten ...... _. i : 1.,1 . .S.T. JOHN'S .CURLING CL Duty' Officer: Baxtcr Bower· whcn somebody was knocked Gardens here. On FrIday Dorothy Angel ...... 167 F. Pi'ttman ... . : ; I! : i . Hi\ICS Buc\ungham Trophy . out they waited until he came night they won 10·5. Agnes IIlelee ...... 164 Ted Knopp ...... - '1; 1 i ! I' Tuesday, Feb. Stll. mg. _ to and then went on playing." With all centers except st. A. MacDonald ...... 163 Ron Smith ...... - 'ps nly») UB Smail! recalls winning the Maureen Peach ...... , .. 161 C. Kcarsc" ....." ...... ~ 1. 'il 1 (Sk'1 0 ST. JOllN'S'L,\DIES CL John's having played six • . 1 7 00-8 30 th playoff but says he and ROS5 games the Miners own eight Rose Spurrell ...... lGO B ;,Iartin'" ...... - .::: . i I I .' F. Kielly: R.· J. Ross. T. Bonsplel '~e:;esda~' Feb. 6 • had to resort to an unusual bit DEAN PRENTISS points while Grand Falls bave Helen Reardigan ...... 153 J: Conwa,· . : 'I .:: I: '.'S tentaiord,' IIlrs. GiannOlt. C. . p.m. of strategy. They were pretty seven. Corner Brook and Nora Cleary ...... 158 J. Cas~)'· ...... · .. 'I . The following teams will play NEW YORK (APl-New york 1"I ill' ~Howse, R. French. K. O'Regan, I L d' sure their goalie had been Conception Bay have six Barbara Hendry ...... 157 John Browne .' I,., .!\. ," F h R against the Ballv Ha y a les bought out by the opposition, he Rangers and Boston Bruins. in points while St. John's owns Shirley Walsh ...... 155 Andv Saml:ri,on Jr ... . : I '!'. t V. 'Clouston, Mrs, rene., . Curling Club: says. so they took turns playing a bold move between clubs one. The Caps have played Isabel Lacey ...... 154 S K'anc .. .. I,' "1-1 I .l'el)lpleton. Mrs. Rockwell, Mrs. Carter, b 'd h' t t t th I going nowhere in the National __ . .~ 8.30-10.00 eSI e 1m 0 pro ec e goa. four times. Kay Wall ...... 153 Spcarns I • 1 ~.. . A F Mrs. Wills. Mrs. Roche. NolV 70 but still a robust 210· Hockey League race, swapped AI[ 1.. : I ,. W. Winsor. H. Wyl1e. . '05- Mrs. Lester, Mrs. M. Mat· _";;:;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=--'"1 SrI via Long ...... 152 Gerrv Hall ,. " . ii' tel' C. Doyle. G. Knight. V. pounder. Smnill puts in a regu· star players Monday. Don Mc· ,. 1 1 ,:) I Reid; L. Goldstein, W. Piercey, shall, Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Hal· lar day's work as a car sales· Kenney, Bruins' captain. moved K. Dobbin ...... 149 G. O'Reilly Carol lIIaddigan ...... 148 B. Johnson .. :: : i:! i A. Hallett. F. Colbourne. ley. man and is a season ticket to New York and Dean Pren­ • ~.' .ii; j Mrs. Howse. Mrs. L, Thistle, holder at the Montreal Forum. tice went to Boston. oa YImes P. Norberg ...... 147 Stel'e Angl': I ,. .~:. 10.00-11.30 1111'S. Templeton, ?orrs. Shears. G I • .I, :', " G C ' "1 think we were the first I111. Corcoran ...... 145 J. Wither:; .. '11 li " H: Carter, G. iannOll. . Mrs. Giannou. Mrs D. Claus· The trade broke up the Rang· Yvonne Snow ...... 144 R. Tizzard ...... - 1) ! .:",,.;1-, Pratt. C. Burnell. T. Wood· M O'B I team to be paid outright for ' I' I J ton, 1IIrs. Harvey. rs. r cn. playing." Smalll says of his erst No. 1 line of Prentice. high· Helen Kn~x ...... :.. 144 B. Simmon, ...... - ':,.l' ':': r,'j ... !"f;' '" .' ford. D. Davis. C. Rockwe I. . lIIrs. Stenta i or.rI MElt1'5. on, career with Wanderers. "We scoring Andy Bathgate and Earl The goal times of the six Geraldine Martin ...... 137 F. lIIiskell ... ' .• ' ..,'\ Stoneman. E. Butler. C. Byrne. Mrs. May. Mrs. Herrick. d Ingarfield. scored in Saturday nlght'~ ; . I,:'" : ' ~ Results of Monday's Games were paid $500 one season an L. Ryan ...... 137 D. Olil'er .. Spares: Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. Cox, $1.000 the nex'!." NUL . televised game: B. Martin ...... 121 D. Ryan .. .. McKenney, 28·year·old centre, 1. 13.06 Ii :: I .. ~. H: Wylie 9; 1. Bartlett 12. Mrs. Whalen, Ml's. Doyle. Mrs. WENT WEST has scored 20 or more goals in 1. Williams ...... ;...... 105 Ed Wabh :i :1 :1 . i '.' C. Doylc 5; J. Josephson 9. Parsons. Mrs. Reid, Mr~. F. ff f 2. 1.22 MEN'S LEAGUE V. ~lacDor.,ld 11 I,! .••• G. Knight 9; F. Hue 8. k fl 'd!~ In 1912 an 0 er 0 $3.506- each of the last six years. He 3. 14.47 Section "A" F. Dillon 1; ; I j .. \ '. ;T. S. Cllft 4.' W. Piercey B. Moore. Mrs. Bra e e.. oore. then a tremendous salary - in· had 14 goals and 19 assists (or 4. 17.08 · Members Please Note: duced him to join the newly the last·place Bruins this sea· The following is the list of B. Bennett...... "..... ' .: . . 'A Hallett 6; W. )icNamara 5 Special social evening this 5. 2.00 ~. son. averages up to Sunday. Janu· C. )Iartin h 'i!:I; Jl: Levitz 4; A. Cox 10. coming Saturday at 9.00 p.m. 6. 9.43 1 I.· .. '. . T Dunne 6. H. Kelly 11. Members may bring guests. Jeffrey The l,ndy Byng trophy winner :;: :'.1,'1 ' .. ; J: Herrick 6; S. A'/re R. for sportsmanship in 1959·60. McKenney has spent only two : i..'" 'I'" !I,'Herder 1; A. LusthfO' d 3 BALLY HALY CURLING DON McKENNEY d' '1 " .' .: q. Bearns 6; J. Sten a or. Tuesday, Feb. 5th. R 11 d minutes in the penalty box this 9 yenr. In nine seasons in the : 1 ::.: .;. '1' ~',F. Klelly 7; H. ccartper tt'10 7.30 p.m. eca e .,.. ' ":.I· .• ,." ·~· .. 1 ,' .•• T~. 'Stentaford 9;," . If ra d 4 Duty officer: Mr. A. Hen 1ey. NHL. he has scored 195 goals 'j" :'1 ' '.: .' '\,;. Howse 9; T. "Oaf or . A. Henley, D. Bell. S. Dwyer with a career high of 32 in 1 5000 ':i"I; -:. '.;j: ; ~ K~ O'Regan 4; C. R~ckwel1 8. M. Power, vs. E. Hickman, G. DETROIT (AP) - Detroit 1950·59. M'atthews "1. ::l." '1; • . Smith .. N. Goodridge. A. Butt. Red Wings brought Larry Jef· VETERAN LEAGUER frey back up from their Pitts· wa., .:!; l;j: ..: ,~.·~S' t Kev·,o's R. Godden, A. Haynes, A. burgh farm Monday and reo Prentice, 30 - year • old left Stars For jC •. turned veteran Vic Stasiuk to winger. has been a 2D-goal man :'i: li;~~ '!;~~~':;. ;:~ss.e·R~· G~~ra~~~r,vsD. JBr~:~: the American Hockey League for the last three years. He has will club. been in the NHL for 11 years, ~:: !(~; \{;j' Nip' Br •. Rice R.c~O~~~~oy, E. McMahon, G. scoring 186 goals. His high was St. Mary's senger an · "1 'I' I." .... ,' Winter, D. O'Driscoll, VE. J. Jeffrey. sent down two weeks 32 in 1959·60. Prentice bad 13 HALIFAX, (Special to the '; ii!Q'lf1." 'VELL' ISLAND. (Staff) _ Burgess, F. Lambert, J. Grclve ago, s~ored nine goals In seven goals and 25 assists for fifth· NEWS)-Bob Matthews, a • BIRCH .OAIC tires; '. games with Pittsburgh. Stasiuk place Rangers during the cur· talented na'tlve of Grand , .! j" twice In the third per· J. Stentaford, J. Barr, ',':I}': 'SIr~rrng s~~~::\'. had r e j 0 I ned the National Falls, had qllite a night for • WESmlN HEMLOCK • I.e. fIR .'. 'l~: .·."lfol file St. Kevin's·H1gh School I rent campaign. C~ec~ yo, ".1, Yi:: I; ~eilged the Brother Rice Junior J. Laws, P. D. Lew s. Hockey League Wings ·for four himself on Saturday. He got games In an emergency· role. The move was the Rangers' five of his team's six goals CONSlIUcnON " Sl'IUCTUIAI. OIlAl)ES BrrngyoU I '1\\' .. :.,\ ~1!I:1!oOi team from St. ,Tohn's 2·1 He'd been sqnt to Pittsburgh latest in an effort 10 acquire as they were edged '7-6 by the .' tt'T' r'iil exblbltion game ot the Select SIructural Grades from 1he "iii earlier in the season. more strength at the centre posi· Acadia "Axemen." finest Mill. In 8ritllh Columbl •• Ii: \! l: ': . B,artlett Memorial Stadium Sun· Leads tion. Last week, they got Bryan Matthews Is the leadinlC In another move, Detroit sent t:! I" .:!' . ':!6ay af.ternoon. The contest drew HextaU Jr.• a centre. and Leon point getter for the st, ~Iary" 1IMIW,- up 10 liS" 1l16- mOUSl ' i;<, ··the biggest crowd of the sea· TORONTO CCP) - Pit Mar· goalie Dennis Riggin to its Ed· Rochefort; a right winger. from "Huskies" so far tbls season 18119111$ to 040' .' tl:.;·: ',:. son with close to 1000 on hand. tin of !iamil~on Red Wings has monton .club In the Western Baltimore and demoted centres with five Iloals and ten as· . "l.l:I ' ,;, Cliff Hong got the lone goal increased hiS edge by three Hockey League.· I'I.ANKo- up to 16" wide Jean Ratelle and Ted Hampson sists in Beven games. lenglhs to AO' . iIS::::' o~:t\I~ first period to. give the points in the9nt~rio H?ckey to the Clippers of the American •':. \f-;,; ~, '~Isltors a lead that stood up Association Provmclal JUnior A League. OUR RUSH SHIPMENTS ARE WmlOUT PAWLEl . ..,':;.' \" :'Untll. ·the .Iast sta~za. Kevin scoring race. He· has 31 goals Bruins also have made nu· t.c.t. - ~RLOADS - TRUCKLOA!)S a>MPLETE RESAWING AND DRESStNG ' . .' .1: r; :;J!ut~tt got st. KeVin's even in and 41 assists (or 72 points. .Practice· .' Corner I:.:.' i! ,:the third wtih .Pbil Craig notch· Wayne Moxner of Hallfnx. merous e han g e s since Milt Civil Service· . .. biagljbe winner In the last three playing for Niagara Falls Fly· Schmidt replaced Phl! watson . ~t&btutes. . ers, is second with 69 points on 1I0LY CROSS as coach in November. Among Civil Service "Alt hockey ac­ ':. Referees Stan Connors and 23 goals. and 46 assists. . Boston's other recent acquisl· tio nat the Arena tonight w1l1 "n~ The Crusaders junior hockey tions are Forbes Kennedy .!. Denis Dwyer called 11 penal· The scoring. race has been a of have Cabot going against RCMP squad will hold an important Charlottetown. obtained (rom IIIlIllblAl1 Hiiiiiis ;.\!es;inthe game with nine going .two·man struggle for some time. in the first game at 7 o'clock 1&' ·St. Kevin's. Losing goalie Three. weeks ago the rivals were practice tonight at the Slfdium' Detroit,. and Bob Leiter, from and the nightcap will see Men· ASPHALT'~ ANI) • • CLAJENYILLE Joe, Walsh faced 30 shots while tied for first, Martin I~d by a starting at 6.30 Rharp. All Kingston of the Eastern Profes· tal Hospital going against the 8050JE DIVISION .... .e..~- NEWroIlNDLAN' st. Kevin's netmloder Ed single j>oint two weeks ago and players are asked to make a siDnal League. Fisheries . .Norcott was tested 25 times.' they were tied agoin last week. special effort to attend. . . . , ", ~- : L ~":.:


, ' ; I Guards,': , ' : i DY' n ...... eated London Legion Defeat ~ : . ' NG Registers Victory Continue Winning Ways n "Lions" remained I cd their other marker. Barry Thl !.~nd~ the "A" section of Maunder was the whole story InHocke)' yesterday for Royal Grocery as he bang· .d ROI'al Grocery ed home all three of their tallies Donovan Paces Victory P t,hl r• !tOP nil', action. . 0 f th e b'deSI es t urnmg'. i n I t op de- io Ihe 0 • fcnsive game. by DEE MURPHY fIr IheIIrr LoOP·and Rupert Dawp Maunder opene d the scoring The Legion junior hockey squad contiriued their winning ways at the Stadium last night with a 5·1 ...... "~u for a pair of London from Norm Simpson but Mur­ victory over Guards. Mike Donovan, the Loop's top point getter, paced the win and increased his hold ":'hilr Don ~turphy add· phy hit from Fred Wells for a ...... " London goals (fld a 1-1 fir~t on the top spot in the scoring parade with three tallies . period tie. . Hubert Hbtton banged home a pair of Legion goals while Bill Sheppard got the lonc marker for .1 I In the middle stanza it was I Guards, But while the Legion were getting the most goals it was the Guards' netminder who got most I I 11 ~Iaunder unassisted for Royal I of the applause from the small crowd. Dick Yabsley donned the pads for the Guards team that had studies Grocery with Dawe hitting on a solo effort and from Wells : and illness force out two cage cops and he came up with a fine performance. anr! Ron Butler scoring unas· The second game orginally scheduled [or last night was postponed as Feildians, who were to have sisted for the London to give I played Holy Cross, were unable to muster enough players [or a squad. Studies, sickncss and injuries the Lions a 4-2 lead going into I have sidelined most of their performcrs. 't';' the third. beating Yabsley from a bad I I. The final frame ~{aunder got Tested 34 times over the !iO minute game Yabsley turned in angle after Orv ~Iatthe\\'s fed: his third on a solo effort whIle him a pass. . . Butler hit from Shapter for the a real good netminding display " with great saves in every per· Donovan was Ihe big man for' 5·3 finish. the winning Legion club who. Referees Bern Bennett and iod. Two goals came on clean , breaks and another was kicked also got a good performance 1 Dec Murphy called five penalt· from Sean Squires. Jack' ies in the game with three go· I in by one of his own men. While his style was unusual it Crane was the best attacker for ing to the London. Guard, with Ray Piccott also! TONIGHT'S GAlIIE '1 REBOUNDER-Bill Cunningham of North Carolina leaps bigb wasDonovan effective. got the seorm". un· playing well. . Tonight a "B" encounter is between Marylaml's Jerry Greenspan, 25, and PII I I Car I son. 4~, I . 'tl I . b · Guards were without the 'I scheduled for 10.30 p.m. at the '1 e er way WI 1 a c ose·tn dfive to grab a rebound In an Atlantic Coast Conference game at Co that went on·the·ice and into services of Ian Campbell, ~ho i I .• Stadium with News-Tely . and 'j l I lege Park, JIId. Charley. Shaffer, 42, and JlIike Cooke, 22, of the the right corner at 3.38 of the missed his first game of the' Chalkers clashing. Jim Barrett scason, and lost Don Warr in and Ron Butler will referee. Tar lIeels move Into tbe action. first frame. lIe stole the puck to hit unassis\eti. the first minute and Eric Mou.! In the second period he up· land in the third with injur-: ped the Legion lead 10 2·0 when ies. he took a Mike )Iurphy pass Referee Field called seven' and had his shot dcflected be­ penalties in the game with five, lliiams Proves u.s. minute fighting majors going to hind Yabsley hy a Guards' de· fender at 5.49. Dal'e Butler of Guards and, Bill ~Ialone sent Hubert Hut· Scan Squires of Legion after a ton away on a clean break­ second period mixup. layers Can Make NHL awav for the first 01 three DICK YAnSLEY HUBERT lIUTTON Uncups mnke il to the NHL in Ihe im· thir'd period Legion goal5. Hut· ton ,hifled around Yabsley Ior LEGIO:'l: Go~l: Eric Grca·' 1":;\ yom; 1.lr' - Tummy midiate future," Williams said. TEAM STANDINGS ' cry; dcfencl!: Bill Malonr. D.on· · li3\ a 3·0 game at 4.11. ':,~, morr Ih~n the us· "There are more rinks in the GP W L T (iF GA Pis. Crane Scan Squires, fO~'ard~: ':'rr~tll( ,~ real'll he ~O· Donovan had it 4·0 a~ 15.20 ' \ ! fllid.wc~t and Nell' En/!Iand and ~O 2i . Mik~ . [)onoran, ~!ike MUrphy, · ""r~\I in Ihe :\atlOllal with Hutton ami ~ltll'ph)' ex.: Legiolt 16 1:J 2 1 76 I'~ , I'I'e seen quite a few good I 13 ! Hilbert Hutton, OI'V Matthews,l 1.1'3(111'. changing passes 10 set him free Guards 16 6 9 1 :-;1 :;0 players around." 12 Ron Lush. Terry Haire, W~llYi I';;~I 10 ~rl ~n c\~l\\plr fM ami he drilled Ihe puck home i FciJdians 15 6 9 0 :-;2 ,52 .. , EXl'EC'rnD Dt:MOTION I 10 Power. ,Tohn Govcr. Ce~ Pier·: ,,';~:;Irr~ "' 'hi~ roulltry Williams. whn ~col'r(l ~i,. , Irom tcn Ieet out. 1II I C 15 5 10 0 53 90 l;uard~ were ~hol'thantkri I, 0 Y ros~ c('~· ..John Kennerly. " II,'" lilnl1 Ih~t ~n .'mrr· ~o~l~ in 2r, !lRlnl'~ [01' Ro~Ion . GUARDS: Gila!; Dick Yab·, 0' 11'::Ikr thr :;:I'ilrl~ in thr inst senson. said he I'xpeclrrl to when ShePPRrri got Ihe 110al : Ihat ~p()i1er! Lf"gion goalie Eric: slep; rldence: ,Tohn ~laj'J1" Ra:;' · 'Ihr no,'''" ri~111 I\'ill~rr be senl In Kingston of the Easl· Pierott, Dare Kendall. ·.Tonn. . . Grc~ury's bir! for hislhird ,t will start at Starkes. Gordon Folle,t. Norn I. Rod and Gun Cluh ske~t treated to a spectacular exhibi- against average Eric Gregory of lineups last night with Feild. 1eight o'clock. Simpson, Ray Kellol\'3Y anc , Len Mackey as the defence i on Kclsey's Farm. lion by Doug Kelsey which more Of Legion has a 20 g1als lead on Vikings The forwards will I\c Ron Butl with Petel' Wincbor, tban compensated them. Year Neil Winsor of Guards. leI'. Jim Barrett. :"li Sha~ter I BELL ISLAND, (Slaff)­ !. h:s first 25 straight yes. The future of the skeet club GOADS RECORDS Rupert Dawe, Bob cutchingsl:, , KIlle)' also posled a 25. and plans for the forthcoming GP GA ,\\'g. Cubs ~cored four goals late in I the third period to take a 7-4 Seal Cove And Barry Maunder, Bill Neville' I I h lIas slIrprised since seasoi will be discussed I A litlle laler than millal E. Gregory, J, ... 15 27 1.80 at \'ictory over Vikings in senior Reg Jones and Jack King. , "1 l' ad;hot 25 straight on at spccial meeting of . the Skeet but the "Athlete of The R. Burry, I, ... , .. 1 3 3.00 hockey action here last night. AnI' member of the team un:.: lot er occasions. Club's membership on Tuesday Year" for 1962 will be an· Legion Totals ,,,.16 30 1.87 The winners held a 3·1 lead able to make the trip is askec.1 1 picked up when Doug night, February 5th, at the club· nounced on Tuesday, Febrll· N. Winsor, G ... .14 39 2.78 after the first period and 3·2 to contact coach Hayward to. another perfect score for house at Kelsey's Farm. A full ary 12. The announcement C. Pollock, G " .. 1 6 6.00 after the second. Vikings moved Long Pond Win day. I· flftr but even this he turnout is expected to be on will be made at the Stadium D. Yabsley, G .... 1 5 5.00 out front with two quick goals ----- once before. The real hand to congratulate Doug on between the first and second Guards Totals ... .16 50 3.13 early in the third but Cubs Seal Cove and Long Pond \ period and it was Warford -J.' I I- . ".,' I started when Kelsey his fea!. periods of a senior NAIIA came to life again lor four un- were the victors of a double- breaking the ice. : ~, I .. , another 25 to enter game between St. John's and answered tallies. header in Conceptioll Bay South Norm Simpson led the Long Pee Wee t· " • I ,5 club." Errrytiling was An all·around gun addict Kel- Corner Brook, Gerry Taylor and Jim Kelly hockey at the Arena last nig~t.1 Pond win with a hat trick. ,..' "hen he tried for 100 sey is also one oC the top pistol Tbe committee making the Ca!ribou Open paced the winners with a bl'ace Seal Cove edged Upper Gulhes Other Long Pond marksmen H k only Ihe bark of his Brown- ancl rifle shots In the province selection Ilns been at work each with singles coming from 2·1 und the nighlcap saw Long were L111~'d Smilh. Bert Green· OC ey Atlto~atil' ~hRlI~reti the -shooting both large and small fur the past. week anll their t~lf' 51,ieliS of Gmham .!ane~, ~ I'~III: hantUe TlIllsail wilh a 7.~! slullc .. and bl'tllhf'rs Bpl'l and .!) , sll~nct. Lore guns In both categories. A choice Cor the tOIl awarll of' Darts League Ken (,eorge and .Tohn FltJlIut· I Sl ore. . IlIlHt EaStin. i The (i)'st game of Pee WeI or"~lk .son· f1'om the pound. Irue sportsman his chief df'llllht SI, Joll1l\~ for the I'list yenr I'ie'k. FOIll' players ~hal·l.tI the I l~ltllpl' and Mor~an II'lth .lIlI· 1,Pl'oy ~Iel'rl·r. G~orge Net· tlul'ke' adiun al the Stadiun 1 . Jubilant fI'lIl1w CC'II1CS from belplng the begin' wl1\ be known In 7 days. ViI.ings scorillg. Bob Ilasha,l a~slstl'd markers III the flr~t ralfe allti Jal'k Whltt!'n polled v~sler~lav saw Hob Ammillsln ~hollters Dick Carroll paced Hillview Cyril Rees, Bob Bartlett anti I' ,,('rioll gave Seal Cove.• ,1 they lhe lo,;el'.~ lI1ar~el·s. Whillen also ~core tl;e lone goal to givl . I:'h'l II 10111t t ~r hl'uisl'd fl'ol11 nN IIntl novice to learn his fa· i No. J to a 2·1 win over Can· Hell Rees were th~il' marks, needed as Opper Gnlhes eould Iset up th~ fll'st Iwo by 'fop· Troopers a 1·0 I'ietol'l' OI'CI "ks [rom his 11Il\\' hllt.ual·' 10llrite spot. Depend on it - adian Marconi in Carihou Open un men. I not hit the mark ulltil the third sail. Signallers. . ,I sholg . lluug 'd~eided 10 when better score~ are shot - MUN Wins Darts League action last night. Hood and Nelson battied til :t on to try and establish Kf'lsey will shoot them. Carro\) stud died double four a 3·3 tie in the second Galllr and double two for the finishes Harder For Rand\' Williams continucd 1(1 Second while also posting a 122. Aiden Williams Sets Pace, pace' Hood with two goals a: Hindroff got douhle one for Women dirl Greg Driscoll foi' ~elso)l Marconi. Gerry Cook notched the thirr, Memorial Int{!rmediale bas· Sam Tnlk wilh doublc one. VANCOUVER (CP) - JI'; : Harbor Grace Win 7-4 Hood marker and Roger Cartel harder for women 10 give liP I ketball squad took their second Frank Skiffington with double WE PAY CASH ~moking than it is for men- HARIlOUR GRACE (Slaff)­ Bud Char~, Frank Kenncdy. finishc"d it fO.r Nclson: 3,'- victory over RCAF in an ex· two and Percy Kelloway with I Loroc Qumn, Eric Pynn and' Vanbuard mppcrl Brtto~ . I hibition game at TorI>a)1 gym double four had Ayre's blank I hut. Ihat doesn't mean women ! First place Harbour Grace open· k . . in the final game. Edgar IItllter Lounge 3·0. Wally Brennan arc weak·willed. : eel the best of three quarter fin· ~Iar Murphy. ~!ax :'tlercer ".((t. Geoff Decker and Dave ::powel, 5000 Retreadable Tires : last night. The Varsity squad "It's just that theil' workillg ! cilme out on top or a 68·34 with 120 plus a tun trailed Car. conditions are different," says als here last night in Ihe Con· ched a brace for thc.loscrs With hit .for Vanguard while :Rober', roll in the high three darts 'y~s ~oose and ~r1C seymour Penny notched both goals fOI wanted immediately 1 score. . Robert L u d wig, secretary. ception Bay senior league with I Memorial held a 30·8 lead scores with tuns being scored treasurer of the NOII.Smokers' a 9·4 victory over Shearstown. fmlshmg the scormg. th e Iose rs . :-:... after the first half and added by Wally Tizzard and Tom Association of Canada. Kevin Williams carried the TODAY'S GA:\IES '. '.. W ' Harbour' Grace was in the • will pay up to $3.00 for pas- 38 more In the second' while Gallagher. "Men's occupational envir. g~lden stick for the winners 4.30-Liberators vs. 'NorU RCAF came up with just 26. (Schedule) onment makes it easier for WIth a four goal effort with lead all the way with a 2·0 lead Star . after the first and 5·3 going in ~nger and up to for truck Healey was tops for MUN Wednesday: them to give up the habi!." ,single markers coming from 5.1O-Infantry vs. Gunners. $16.00 with. 15 points while Russell 7.30-UNF vs Beavers Mr. Ludwig said he arrived . the finale. The winners got All players who played ~~n ttres. nabbed with three minor penalt· swished 10. Walsh was tops for 9.00-Hillview No.2 vs at this conclusion after read· tam hockey last season Inc . I the losers with 13 and Reddy Lounge. Ing surveys, receiving letters ies and Shearstown two. eligible again this year : a,n :,. had 8. This afternoon the surg. Intermediate asked to be at the Stadill,ll' . i I· I' ~~,ck your garages and basements. and listening to phone calls. Second place Victoria meets ing Memorial's will play Holy He said this is the usual with' either their birth ~erijfi I; I !. ring your Bay Roberts in the second quar· tires to _ Cross high school squad in an POSTlIlAN FINED pattern: cates or player's. cJrd. t~iI ~,' :. , exhibition game at the Univer· TORONTO (CP)-A 23·year­ "Both parents decide they .Basketball ter·final game tonight at the afternoon a~ 4.a~ if they W!s\: I: I :', ·the 'Iosers with 13 and Reid)' old postman whD got rid of a are going to quit. Pop stays H. W. Moores Memorial Stad· to play ag3m thIS seasolt·,;.· ," ' . ium at 8.30 and Thursday night _____~_....;;...... ~:I"; ,: . slty gym at 5.30. ban·the·bomb pamphlet by plac­ with il, but Mom's good inten· • II :;: '; J INDUSTRIAL .TIRE SERVICE The Feildians·St. Pat's game at the same time third place ing it on the windshield of a tions go up in smoke .. AVAILABLE TO NATO,' J" ,I ,i pollee van during a pacifist "She ends up with one cig· which was scheduled for last Brigus meets sixth place Holy· Minister Pet e r Thomeycroll , . "d • night at ~ishops gym has been rood. LAUNCH COURSE demonstration lit front of city I lrette smoldering in the bath· said Thursday !light Britain:1 I: • re·scheduled for Wednesday i': . i MONTREAL (CP)-The Que­ hall Dec. 22, was fined $35 ·.·oom and another in the Vulcan jet bomber force! .. IJII! ' ij. I LIMITED bec provincial federation of Wednesday for obstructing po· 'cltchen. night at 7 o'clock. A' victory available to NATO and. talk! . ;'. is a must for the Double Blues school principals hase launched lice. Police said John Coutler "Mind you, smoking is quite EDUCATION COSTLY could slart now y;ith NATO !and, 1\:"" . KENMOUNT ROAD , a French.language course on had three times demanded the 1 sexless thing. It's due ~0 as it is their last game and WASHINGTON (AP) -There the supreme AllIed 'conunander; :' i i name of a sergeant who had !ircumstances and not physi· St. Pat's lead them by two Our sho '11 b .~ school supervision In Montreal are more than 40,000,000 pupils in Europe on the targeting-' andi , .. 1, ,,:; to 8 P,WI • • ope~ fr~m 8.30 a.m. for prlnclpals, it was announced taken down bis name and ad· '~al makeup. points for t/le third and final enrolled in United States pub­ planning. of the force. ThomeY'l: I. j.;' 4th p.m. dally, beginning February Friday. The announcement said dress, each time pulling at the "It's just that a man 15 playoff position. lie sehools and it,is costing $19· croll said any V·bombers..<·as·:~ :.1' " similar courses will be started officer's sieve, once when thc ! ~robably working in a job 100.000.000 to educate them. the signed to strengthen :NA'ro,1 .li. ::', , 10 accommodC!l. you. officer was leading a prisoner where he is continually ae· A mccting of the league will forces should. be kept. .. , soon in such centres as Hull, I live or where regulations pre· be held immediately following National Education Association und{'I!'II~ 1 Q.uebec City, Trols·Riviercs and to the wagon. CouUer plcaded reported Wednesday British control. i t q( not, guilty. vent him from smoking. the game. Sherbrooke. . ':', Ih\:·:·' r ·1.' " ," I . i · . I': . 1I-'!'H! DAILY NEW~, ST, JOHN'S, NZWFOUNDLANIl, FEBRUARY ~, 100' ,,,~. Ip , OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoople OUT OUR WAY :! II 11, : '.! The Daily News SEI , , PARDON ME,SIIC, 6UT'l: AM SARNSTA8Le 1<. Bi<:IDGE ~ WATf=~.O" 6RIOGeWA'TSR .', I~ IfooNENT(Qt'olS. INC.! ARE I ': I YOU 8'1 ANY CHANCE:: il :; CQL.ONe:L K, WIL.MII'lGiON TH!':UMP, ft1E: """_<:'1'11<"" II i: 2646 249 240 248 +3 Lexlndln 7000 51i 4\1 m 1II0dal ~ILR'OA'O Lorado 5000 121 117 no Mldcon 11:0 241> 211'.! 141'.! - I. Louvlel 500 9 9 9 Murphy 200 13l m 235 Lyndbll moo !Iii 17 17\1- \1 Nat Pole 3&0 m 221 221 Toronto' III...... 1120 370 310 310 +15 :'i Dovl .. 6500 12 \I 11 -IV" i'li' .':. 103 350 350 350 -10 1II.0don )00 18 IB II Norcan MacL.od 1450 100 100 100 Northcll 17900 17 15\1 16 -I 200 136 136 136 +I TOROSTO CLOSING STOCKS Mad ••n 7733 228 224 W -\ NC all. II, Th, Canadla. Prul lIIa,nol 6000 41> 411 41. NCO pr 025 530v.. 30'.. 301'.! 'j I Northld 4000 \I 171> 171'.!-1I1 Torl.l. SI ••k £U""I_F.b. 4 MllarUc 2000 n 92 92 Moral,o 9750 9 BI> 9 + I> Pac P.lo 5120 $1212 12\10 1m - v. .! Complete labulaU.n 01 Mondar Irans· 23650 4A H , 0<110... QuolaUo.. In ..nls unle•• Marboy 12~ 13 121'.! 13 -I Pam." so so I , ' Marcon 2000 6l'a 8'" 81> .ermo 1100 30 30 30 I marked $. ,-Odd 1.1, .d-Ex·dlvldond, 3100 61 61 61 , ", H-E•• rl,bt.. .w - E.·worranl.. Nel lIIarillme 3333 47 16 46 'tlrol 15000 60 19 60 +2 ,I chlD.e I, lrom preyl.uI b.ard·lol dOl' Martin 4300 52 51 52 Plact : lIIalalch ~ 9 9 B Provo Gu 2083 181 160 1M + 2 In, 1.11. Quonto 3000 22 21 21 4~·t Mallgml 600 91l ''0 9U +5 Maybrun 2500 9 8'", + Ii Ranrer 51)0 115 m m 51 ..k Sal.. Hllh L." CI ... Ck'," 21110 130 \2S. 12.1 -5 MINES Molnly,o 1123 $m, 47 47\, - % Sareer.: I' IIIrl\en DOOO 31\; 30 31 -I SlOur Free 500 670 665 670 + 10 .\blcu, ::00 19 \9 -I 22300 m; ]2\. 13 .\cld lIrl. 1000 6\, 6 6 M.Wal 1000 24 2S1, 231. S.ulb U YOUR L Menlor moo 37 31 3!'" +I'.! Sp.o.er 3000 11 1010 10',. - 11 1 ' ,\tCrl 36~5 3.\ 3: 34 lIIerrUi 1100 60 10 80 ~llnw.1I 1950 31 33 33 .\d,·.elle 600 i50 64~ &13 Tn,ns CAn 38300 58 55 56 -4 I I, ",nlco 16000 fi3 fin 6S + I Mlrlrlm 2000 35 31 ~~ -I WING AN Min C.rp m $15 \3 15 - '. Triad 011 IPIO 17n 166 m -3 .'m Lord.r IMlO 20 20 20 -I Uolo. 011 IBO II', \ ! Amal !lIre 1000 I~!' IW, 151. M In· Ore 26000 9 • 8 - Ii SII', III. 1111 Wrlghl 9123 43 40 II + I U.lsphcr 6431 101;:11 4n-l ~ .\.ac01\ 10000)0 30 30 -m 32108 II! \13 147 H NING 1 .\nl Ronyn jooo 12 11 11 -I Multl.~1 llOO :0\. m. 20\1 + I lin all. Murray M 4500 U7 116 117 -I U. Rod r 1000 221,~ 2!~~ 221': @BVIOUSL'I-- .\n.1\ 4000 11 10\, 11 I 3000 10\; 10\., 10'" - ,'rra 1623 OJ 02 92 -2 Nama Cr 36200 16'" \I 16 - 11 W"pa. I. A NATU~AL lENT Wlburn, 3500 !5 14 II -1 Arjon :000' 9 9 Nal Expl Inoo 51~ 5\~ 51. +2 11265 101 10~ ln7 +! ., Meadla 6. 62 SI -I " ..10. moo 15 13 14 -I W Deoalla MISTAKE:. ,He moo IMlO 11 U U -2 .\ Arcld Sw 2lOO :!JI,; 23 23'~ -2VI; "ew Alh 15110 31 301> 301> WlndfaU l' New Bid' 1300 5 8 • Y'll Cln 4000 , « 8 + I• .\11 C C.p 7900 103 102 101 +2 IIANII8 ~ , AlIIn.Rul 2500 6 Nt",eone. 400 470 165 470 +5 6 6 }lo.t 390 &7''; fm-I\ Aumoq. 2100 51. W. Neo'e' wto 700 m 115 111 sm. I M. N Gold,·uo 1~ 5 5 NS 516 S75~ 73\< 11~' + I'> Aun.r 500 310 380 300 + 10 S Am Tob 3011 3011 30\1 Penn RB 3500 13'. 13'i 1m C Imp Ilk 1375 .651i 63 .. - II IMO 1I.1I Royal Bnk 961 om; 761. 771. + ~i mOO + 3 U S D II N Harrl 4030 81. 8 I 65'.. Canadian Innshnenl I, 3 nankflrld 65500 30 27 28 1I0yai III $77\2 17', 77l'a + II. 4.62 5,0; SlL Cent A !OO SIM. 15~4 l~' + ~, Amsed 700 3: :sn, 32 I'ellil Cola 1000 49 • '9''ot 49 , rOar lIar.al 8900 120 110 120 +10 New Hose. 18300 m 1%1 133 +I Canadian Trusteed Anenda 14800 41 4711 + \0 Pliol 2700 49V. 4BI. 19\\ 0 0 Tor Dom m $63~ 531, 8m -I'. 13,29 4S.4~ Salada F 330 ~IOII It»i 101. +I, m, ! 11 ..0 Mel. 2000 6\, 6\1 6\. + 2 N Koloro 9)00 II II II Canafund Armco S d Sooo 5m ml 52V. - 1. Ph.ips D 2600 56', sm + '\ INDUSTRIALS 5,~2 6.51 Scotl La. 2011 IS\. 1!1 811 ~m I MONTREAL Buka 2000 7 7 7 - I; Newlund 9050 It 11 18 - I., Champion Mulual Arm,lg Ck IWO 76 7,\1 Phlleo 600 33 IN 3m - iii. . Alumlnl 1505 111% 24 24"0-% US 9.70 Shawln 367% 1291, 29 29 7511. B.Duq \600 17 16 16 -I N Mflama 6600 11l'a 11 18 -I Commonwealth Inter. Babc.ck 2400 41 47 4711- '\ Pbllip Mor 1200 76 14'. 7_6 .,.1 mil bid on the U.S, doll: OGI C Brtw 61\1 ,10li 101> 1M, - Ii 7.48 6.20 Shaw 4 Pr 125 lH'4 411, l4'" Bclhlm 3000 260 255 :!l~ -5 No"n.r ilOIlO 14 131'> 13l'a - 1,1 Comm.nwealth Inl Lev" New R.ul'll 732.10 15 13 14\1 + 11,1 D MI'.. ' ISO "I> 8Ii 8\. + '.. Corporate Invutors 10,32 11.23 Shill all 1200 $H\\ 1m I4H terms of Canadian fUlel 1. B., ccn 612 8 8 8-1 Sicard 120 $7~~ 7V,a 71,': + ;4 ~:I~ O~::el 26!~ ;~~ ~~ ;~~! I~ ~~~ ~:~ ~: ;~:~ ~~: ~I'h N Sonalor 2000 • Til 8 D.... 1M $!% m. 12 + II Dlve"ln.d Ine A ~l.OO Booln, 13600 1M. 3911 39l> _ I. Pullman 1300 27" 26 2&% -" $1.07 27·32. asked Blbls l:mO 18 16 18 + II'> I.v By. 10 ,61 II 81 4.29 4.72 Sln'psonl 7.i ~31\~ l2JA 32"~ - \~ the Bide.:' 2~OO 10v" 101> 101'. SI.kol illS 4124 331> 33'h 33l'a + 'h DI.orsUled Inc B In. Sl'II A 310 $57 181\ ~61\ -Iv. IUD 19.22 Soulbam m 131\1 31'" 34h-1 Bord.n 1300 6W. 611\ 61'. + '\ RCA 3300 63' i 62.,. 62" - '. Fridav the clo'in" b" Nick RIm 37600 25 17 18\1-711 Dominion Eqully Borg War 1900 431. -431h Ii Rabton 1400 lSI, 38 311'. - Id ...... , I\: Black Bay 36800 101. 18 18 - '" Pembl•• 50 $7''; 7'h '1\1. 11.97 17.35 55 Sloel 40 SIO 9', 10 + I'.! 43~ + lI.uan 10700 15 41 4S + I NI.I. MlO 5 5 5 +\1 DreyfUi Ine. Boo Edl,on 1400 38.,. 3m j8~' + '.' Repub Sti l700 17' 3&1. 361. - " $1.07 25,32. the a,ked 11 m r , :"1: N.rlarl\. 3000 \9 18 " I Slm' •••• 83 1321', 3211 321i - \I Europ •• n Growth 6.71 7.35 Ste.1 Can 1566 $20 19'!1 20 ,I\' !ralorne 770 630 62S 6JO + Brun.wk \2400 1m 19 Rey Tob 14400 1\ 40'. 41 '.11' Walk.rI 1560 SS.\1 591'. 59V" rederaled Growlb 4.74 1.16 Stotnb, A ISO 120 20 20 + '. 191. +" Pound sterlin" bid Xormelal 200 281 215 295 -5 Bucy Erie 1900 I, Royal Dul 15100 olTlii 471.., _ 1,. 0 \'t Broul Rtcl ~OO:!9 29 :9 We.lon B 2m 2011. •• 70 5.14 Texaco Can 160 5-\7 46~~ 46~' - ~~ 15~. 1~~-1 15~~ + n~s I, '1 , llrun.wk 2m 330 325 325 -10 Norpa. 9MlO 12 11\1 11\; S211'. 201, ':'" " First Oil and Gu Budd Co 2400 13'. So." R 4200 77'. 77 77 - H, I I' 6.28 6,B3 Tor Pom 170 $64 G3~. t31~' + ~. 13l. 13'~ +', 3-16. the a.ked S3,Ol H! NorthRol. 2700 550 510 515 -I Fond. C.II,cllI A 1 ,I ' Bull Ank 400 220 220 220 Tol,1 Sol." 3.1%1.000. 5.47 5,82 T Fin A 680 $143 i 141.~ 14\, - li Burl Ind 10500 28h 28% U% -~. Shell Oil 11401) 36 '. 36 36~& - 1"'1 Cable 833 10". 10', 10'. - I'.! :'i Gol~erl 3166 20 " 19 - 1-1 Fond. Colltelll B I N Rank 5)00 40 33 M -21-1 Fond. C.Ucelll C 6.17 6.71 Tr C Corp 3700 SIOI, 10 101. Cadomel 4000 9 9 9 3.61 3,9, Tr Can PL 1640 sm. 241', 24\1 - 'rI ~~f~~:t ~: i~~: i~~: i~i:::: ~~cl~ll';' ~: ~;i,~ 1;~K ~~:: =:: I Canad,'a Norop A w 100 50 50 .10 Group Inc. 1 1 Camp Chlb 40~ 410 4]; 43) -55 Call Dry 200 13 22~4 211. -~, Sinclair .700 39ti 39 .. 39 " - I. 3 North Can 700 226 225 221 -5 Growlh all .nd Gas 9.46 992 Tr MI I'L 950 $Im W.~ Ill, + 11 n Camp RL 500 $:~:\4 13 1 l~a. - " Triad 700 170 170 170 -I Cdn Brew 3900 10 9!' 10 ..L 1 ~ Socony 11000 G1l4, 611.:t E'I., - :11 I O'Leary tooo 12 12 I~ Invelflou Growtb 679 738 C Tun~ 000 134 m 131 -I CPR 3200 243• :WiI 2~3, + II South Pac 15400 29~ :W$k 2in~ - '3 NE\V YORK Opemtokl litO 730 720 710 -5 In ...lo" lnll 434 m li - l\6~ l,6. 116.$ m hiD ~Io.\\ e AII.rla 16300 12 "'. 12 . Montreal 1212 1361 Webb Knp 1000 200 200 200 Ca.. JI 2900 71. ,7~. 7'. Sperry R moo 11'. t3" IJIo -" dollar un i-64 at 9' l'n Orchan 3S00 112 216 222 +I Investors :\[utuat 1 e Dyno 1300!JO 90 !IO \It Cater 'r 4600 3~ 37 J'j=-J't - 1, ShJ Brand 1100 69 , 6j'>~ Ga -1:1,41 " . '. ELE~ 366 102 Wc,,"t 100 .U\~ J('~ Ulh - % C M.I.rl 17100 41 42 44 + 11'. Orenada 37.100 121'.! 1\\. 12 - \1 Mutlln) Accumulating Cel.n... 9900 40 3m 39'" _ I, SId Cal 6700 m. b5 6,'" '. U.S. funds. Week ago 9' Ormsby \1100 2.11> 23 251> Malu.1 Income 529 :;711 We. I Pac 4000 S170/. IHI 1m 1 e :'i I.ca 2000 B 8 B ~ \1 ~IONT.EAL CLOSING STOCKS Wlston A 300 SUt, 18~, Ch .. Ohio 1~600 56''\ 5m 55 -Il' Sid l.d.d &100 .5~, ?2h -" Pound steLling dOlI N Amerlean of Canada 1085 1\86 un. - u m. n j, Cdn XI\' 3500 m 7', l' \ O.I,ko moo 111'. 40 40 -2 111 The Canldl.n Pre's ChTy.lor ;9000 8m 85'" 35i. \, SId NJ 27400 C5'lI! ,0 02 G!l 1- 3" ,I PORTABL Poramaq :2300 17 16 16 -1 One William Slroel L139 1462 W.. loB B 100 S2I n 21 - 'A ~ ,0.. C SilIca ;00 100 100 100 Abillbi IIr\i D.m Tar 18% CANADIAN CiUes svc 3100 Gtt-1.j, 60;. SOb + 3, j Stud I'ack 11000 li'4 li"!R ij~ - I~ ... , a· ,,", p.Uno 1636 665 630 650 -20 Provld.nl 406 441 l C.n·Erl. 18700 11 10 10 Ablt pr 25 Foundallon m Alax 500 13 13 13 -I Cle\'Ue 1700 J~:;. 391,8 391" - ~~ Sun 011 2100 n'~ 4i .. 47~s'" ~... ----_ CONSOLI Palo' 100 353 3ll 315 -20 Putnam Gr.",lh B3! 907 3 Captain 5.100 8 7\~ 8 + ~3 A,bestos 29t~ Fraser 26 Cctca Cola 2400 91;1, 9W. !J!:!~ +~, Texaco 14000 GP-I 60 .j, 61 Radl ••o. 465 511 Alpha A 100 sm m iii H! , 1 CarlboD 500 18 88 88 -2 Pax Inl 2250 Ifl 18 18 Bnque C Nat 72 3, Gt Lakes 16~. 7000 48', 41 1f.! 4tP.s Tex G Sui SIXlO 1S!. 1:; 15 , . Re ..nl 584 63! Alocope 1000 24 24 24 -3 cns +::1 4 Cusiar 385 Sllt.. IHi 11'. - ~. Paym ••1 3000 14 121> 12\1 Blnk Monl 67V" Hud BIY Min 55'\ Coml Solv 3100 26'" 2m T.xlron 16'00 33V. 321. 331'.! + ~. Move p •• rl... !lOOO 11 15 18 +1 llell!!arch Invelltlnt 102~ 1!:!D AI ••I \8900 75 69 73 2m Stocks CI)'or 500 30 30 30 -3 lIank NS Imp Oil 4311 CDn Edls 1600 863;4 W,il}J 86:;. Thtokol :!~oo 2C1. 28 !B - 1,~ PI.k Crow 1625 61 60 61 m. SavinKs ]m'cstmtnt 611 667 An, A Moly 2400 210 205 210 +\0 Crnl Pat 1100 110 m 127 -3 +2 Bnque PC SOil Inl Nlok 71 Container 5700 2514, 24~8 24~. - Tldewl 4300 2n. 21'h: :U'h - ~ .. Pllch.Oro 25.100 9 R ! 1962 Exec Fund Cd. I.ld 534 559 AUI, Tol :1850 3In 290 305 H I.. Chul" 62000 161m 16 - 'h Balhurst A 52 ~1."·F.r 121. Can Can 3500 m. m. 45" - I, Tlmkon IftOO m. 561. 56\1 - I. Placer m $30 2910 291i - 1. TV Ele.lronlc. na T91 Augu.lu. 5700 35 31 3S +1 Lower Chlb,l\ay 1200 13 12 13 + 21. Bill sm Noron·a 33 Aut Fab B 2300 170 165 J7Q COil Oil UOO 5~~. 5jJ,.. S51~ Twent C 7700 26".-i 2$~. 2D~.- Pre.l.n 1400 ~.S 830 53l + 10 Timed Invo.lmonl 63S 697 2·YEAR Chlmo . 1900 46 18 48 -2 Copw 511 700 3jlg 3jl, Un Carb 1700 11%3., lUV. 112 ..j. :lIO:,\TIlE.\L 'CP' _ Bran 3~5 Prlc. 38 U.ltod Aceum.lalll·e 613 li70 • BIUey S A 4011 ,eo 980 '10 -" 3~'i I,: Chr.m 100 HO 170 170 -I Pro. Air 1\800 UO JJ2 132 -5 C Comenl 3:\1 Quo PO,y 331'> Corn Prod 2600 52;1 51~1 !U!I. -;,. Uld Alrc 2000 50V, .~~ 49h + 1.-2 Purd., 1100 \1'h 101; 101. Band are 2lOO B 8 I + I> mOl'ed lo\\'er 011 the Coch 1\',11 1100 m 43S 43S -10 e Sleam,hlp 64', Royal Bank lH. , Balem.. 25~) 4l'a 41> 4'1> Crane Co 700 45\\ 4m ISll + \, Uld Corp 5100 81'.! B~. 3','. + '. Coit, take 2500 26 2:~ 2:6 Quo '\'eot 2500 10 91'> 10 + l'a C Bnk Com Shawin 29 Cr WID ~I 17 47 -I', US GyP' 1600 7SI, 15~. 7l\~-1 and Can a t! ian f'. cnO:::I'1,; PICTURE TL Que Chlb 1)00 19 17 I~ 1 651." Bellechao 301M 24 211~ 23 zen Con\aras 3500 7l 72 7! -:I + 1 1 1 QUe I.ab 12)00 6 , 6 Cdn Brew 1~ SI.el 20 lIIar~ Blv 100 12 12 12 CUrtls3 Wr 13900 :20~e 19 ., 19 .".1: - I~.l US llubb 1900 '4~" 44 • 4~~. - ~'" moderate It'arting ~IO~D,\Y C lIel' G 1000 fl 8 8 +1 Cdn Brew pr 52 Tr Ca. PL 211i1 Bluo Bo. 5520 117',; 17 17 - Doero lTOI) ~I 57'h 57'. _ ~i US SI •• I 17100 4611 IMI 46 + \1 Q Metal 1200 B.I 85 .., -I I. :\icke1 C Callinan 1000 I R B Cd. Colan 4m Walker 5m Montreal Blu. II w 650 721 723 T25 Disl Soar 1900 46 45'., lS',\ -I Vonad Cp 100 131, 1m 1m International r~ GUARANTI C Pl.c.y MOO R.1 as 8S + I QunSlon 900 13 13 \] , R.dlore 500 42 42 42 C Inl Power 131. CANADIAN Bornite 6000 16 15 15 +1 Dome M 1000 27'. 27 271;.: + 1, Walkers 1)00 55\~ ~j J~\'''''' 1'3 prominent loser. dronp:n! . C }'.n :000 15 1l IS CPR :!6\, Coni Pap .39:l' Doulln - W Un Ttl 4600 32 JH. - na~t.n 1.100 49 49 49 -2 MONTREAL CLOSING STOCK! Brun.au 1000 23 23 t1 4e~ 28~1 :m·, 27~' ,1' 3n. ~e CG .'rrow 1000 Sij 16 ~ -1 Seagram. IDII A M.lyb 110 1, 1, I , il Central-Del £lio fcUli A., T.. Canadla. Pro.. Cal Ed 121 S::M. :ZG~' 10'. + 1"; Dow C)lem :1000 50~., 59 :;91~ ... Weith' Et 10900 3SYJ 33 3S e HIIII :503 30 m, 30 Roalm MIllO 12 \II'> IH' - '" D Bridie 201> II, Calumel 30M 3V. 3 31. + 11 du Pont 1500 245 243 2H - 1~ Woolwth \900 65'" '4~, 6n.-1 to $3,65. Bank of ~lon:r!1 c "tucus :!tiOO ~2 90 ,~ +2 !lee,'.. 100 1.10 150 1.10 Toront. Stock Eschln.e-Feb .. Boupar 5110 191,'. 191> 19'" I Quolallon, In cenll unl... marked $ CFI •• r B 30 Sl61> 161" 1&''; Eosl K.d "00 1\1 1\3 1:3 -', C M.~ul 2200 lit! 101 101 -I + ---- CS Pol. 1100 310 )75 )!O -20 Ealon MI, 2100 36', 36 "61, - " T.lal ule" 3.670000. 3. to ~7L. in hcalY Iraf!J BI. AI,om \1667 $\3\, 12~i 121. - -Odd 101 .d-Ex·dlvldend Xl-E.· . , e ~I.rrl,on 4000 46\, 46 4S 1. C I\oolak 20110 40 311 1D -1 F.I AulD L 200 52 ;'1'. SI~, - '\ Quebec Xalural Gas permits C )lo.her )00 21, 210 211 nix hlhab 2·1000 32 29 29 + l'a rights 1w-E.·warranl. N.I chan,. 1.1 Roche 10500 1 6,. 7 + \1 lrom pr."lou. hoard·lol elo.ln, ,al. C.nalask I~O' 4 4 4 £1 Paso 9300 19 1 ~ 167• 19\ • .,.. 1/~ lost three poinls to sa, '. Con Xccu. S7l 10', 101. 10\. - \, Canorama 3100 17 17 11 Firesln 1&00 35~1 34~. 351'4 e ".rlhld 2111 2B 28 28 Rockwl. 1500 14 13 13 -1 New York Net checking 'i nowon Co, 3000 8 8 8 Slork Sal.. Hlrb L." CI ... Ch'go C..,I.nd 255(· 215 200 215 +S Ford 47900 43\. 431. Abitibi lost ~. to WI '. C Pe"h 1000 9', 0'" 91.'. -II. Carbo. 200'1 7¥.J 7 7 -2 Frueh Tra 11400 2!V. 2m 2mm. - 1\'. 41 Ryanor 14000 15 B 14 -I Abillbi 620 S411l !O~' 4~ - " papers and Bell . , Cons Qu. 7500 41 4S -1 Calem A 61 $29 21 29 - \I Gcn Drn 24800 2a~. 21P,; ~IW. , . C Rambl« 900 m 113 125 + S' San AnI 1000 35 33 33 -1 Ablt pr 2.1 $25 25 25 + I> AMERICA,N NEW 1'0liK CLOSING STOCKS Chemalloy 4300 BO 85 85 +l Gen Elec 12500 7a~¥ ''7l!1 7j~1- dropped I. to ;4', Sand Rlv 17000 61'.! 4''; 51,1 +11 Al,oma ~O S4j~~ tn. "'AI + ~. 3. AMERICAN CLOSING STOCKS Ii' C R.d rop 2500 8". m m II,. fbe AIIe~I.tf. Pun e Paper 1032 530;\ 3D\\ 39~i - Ii Go. Yd. 1600 84h 8m +HI : I' C Sann.rm :5500 7\1 6 7 - 1'. 5.101111. 1000 151> 151'.! 15111 Alumlni lUI S2m 241, 211'. + \I 85'" ar The ""orlll.. PUll ties. Intlustrial Acc,!n:","" , , Shorrlll 1285 305 300 305 Both Sleel 30% Ken.ocotl Alum 2 pr 165 SIal> 4SI'> 48l'a + !. C.pllrm 2~ 19 16 19 -I Gon Mill. 32011 331. 3m 32'" I Con Shaw 3000 51 49 49 Borl War.er .43,. Monly W Della 1300 ISO 180 180 GMC 3R!00 6m 63 631, + 'i Amulnn Slodt E,eh,.rr-Feb, 4 ~. to 26. ,Ii I I CDnwo.1 4160 19S IB5 400 + 10 SlIvmoq 40902 27 2.1 21 -I Ang T 2iOp 255 S53 53 53 + II .d-E.,dlvld.nd, .,-Ex.rllht.. xw­ taste is E I . SII IIImor 26)00 34 311> 3.1 -I e an4 a 55 NV C.nl Asbe,to. 1175 1291i :9~, + II D Expl.rer 2StIO :Ie 21 211 -I G.. Tire 11011 23 %21', 221i1 - '; Sel'eral issues .ho~ed '1' I e.p Corp SOOO 17V" 16 \6 - \1 eo.s EdlJon 81!, Radio Corp 21 336(0 54 52 53 Ex.warrants. Net chln,e I. from preY I ') ~I ...o 6015 100 185 116 -2 All SUI 200 $17 17 17 DL.... GUdd.. 500 4011 40 40 +1. I C"urun 3750 20 20 20 EI Aulo EI 5m Soulh Pac D Ollclolh 100 124'h 21'•• - Goodrich T600 17% 47', - loul diY" close. gains. howel'er. Canadill ('D",loh 50 78 78 78 -I Slanrck III 110 110 110 + 7 AUa. 511 2073 $)7 36V. 57 - It 2'''' I. m, I, Nol 'I " GoD Elo. 77\1 SId 01\ NJ Drum Weld 200 S91, 9 9 Goodyear 7800 ~41, 33~~ 33~'. + I, CralGmt 1030 $19 .. " 19 - I, Slarrall 9500 8 7 7 nank 1II0nt 5173 ssm 67111 57" - ~. ~tack . SlIps HI,,, Low Cle", Ch'" nesc added 1', to 15 in II " Sleep H 5300 525 SIS Go.dy... 331. UI4 Alrcralt Bank NS lOB S751, 751\ 751, - \1 Dumagml 25[0 58 511 SI + I Grand lI' 1700 1711 1m IT\i'" " Crolnor 51300 21 1911 20 m GI Nor Hy 43 Vanadium Dumonl 2000 19 131, 19 + I Bell Phone 2:00 50';1 50', 50.:0 8 - Ii trading, Stelco I'o.'e I, to ,11 ,; Slura•• n 10100 28 2il'a 28 +1; Banq CN 180 $73 72 72'1 + I, GI A P 1100 43'.', 42', 43 +' i 1 CUstO 3000 41, 4'h W.-I Inl T T .7% We.tnllt East Sull 1200 205 201 204 -I Brail 9600 3 ';; 31" 3~~ t Gt Nor 1\ 46011 111. 441:, 44'h - ~\ t at 29' I and ' n Ara.Eon 2000 26 2S 25 - Va Sud C.nl GOOO 9 9 9 + I'.! Banq PC 310 mit so SOl, + '10 BA Oil 1000 :j', 2H. 27· .. - 1 i .\sbestos :\ I, Sullivan 10011 177 I7l 175 nanq CN rI 1m 510 530 53.1 +5 E.qulty E. 3500 II 10 11 Gulf Oil 1~900 43~' 42;, 43~' + VJ II !' D. CDur 195% SI> 6'h 6',0\ - h Fab 7500 13 12 12 -1 Bunk Hill LOO 10~ 10~, 1I>=:-:' ~ ~. at 241'1 each rose I,. Sunbursl 3)00 121> 12\1 Balh P A 100 S52 12 52 Hornltk 2500 49~i 4BV, 49~' + ~. 1 1 I ,.' Dror Hor. 265MlO 5l 49 51 +5 m. Fl Reliance 1009 20 20 20 + 1 CS Pete 1200 3 "J 3,-: 3 ~ .1 Taureln 3700 36 36 36 D.ll Phon. 2101 $35 54\. 1m - ". Hud B M 000 nl'. ml 51.. +1\ 1 ' On index. tbe compoI,t! I D·F.ld... 28000 91i1 H W. + I FOE Lako 500 20 20 20 -1 Inlerlako 1000 2m 2411 2m C Javclln :900 10 8 In 1n - 1,4 : \ Deihl rac 3525 25 23 23 -I Teck·H 531 IS5 161 161 + I Brazil 2929 363 315 355 Cdn Marc 900 4th. 4~ 43" riropped 0,6 to 1206, The : ,I. Tomar 9.10 75 75 75 B A au 3605 130 2911 30 Fundy 2500 7 Ill: 1 Int Bu. !I11O 4241, 4191. 410\l -3\1 D.lnllo SOl 57 57 ~7 G Aulolron 400 370 365 370 + $ Int HITV 53_. 52;. 5] Con ~[S 100 2~3~ 21;j 21~"" - 14 ~ I ' , Territory ~ 14 14 14 Toronto De Pow 1380 UOIl! 201< 20% + I, (aoo trial inrlex fell 0,7 10 D.nlso. 6596 51J1., 10;, II -~. Glo. Lake >100 185 180 IBS Inl Nick 9000 66\. 651\ 65;\ -I'.. Creole IBOO 3i~a 37": 37':: ': :' i :. Donalda moo 11 8 10 +2 Thorn L 3500 71 57 67 -G Drockvl pr 100 19 9 9 + I> Cro\\.n CP 500 H 13~. 11 T I. ties drollpcd 0.; 10 Ill; TombUl 3300 75 74 75 -I Bruck A 100 119 19 19 GrllSol 200 110 170 170 Int PIP 9900 :!g~ 2a!~ 29 - J.'. '1 ' • , ~ I E Amphl 4000 7 7 7 HullnU 1000 99 9; 0' +I Dev Pal :;00 IJoI6 13·16 \3.16 Tormonl 1700 25 25 :!5 -I MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCK8 Bruck B 300 S51> 51> Sill + ". Inl Tel moo 4m 4W. 471, - " 3 were off 0,2 to lZig ad ~1 I,I! .:.. 1 ~I.I 100 253 253 253 B7 '1h. C••• dlan In'plraln leO 230 :10 230 +15 Dome Pet 2900 12~. 12 12 , T ~i: Towag 1000 10 In I. Pn,. Bulolo 200 IT5 175 175 Johns M 5000 U\'6 44', o4n. + J~ 1 I :., Easl Sull 725 209 203 205 -l Tlr.alo 81.et Ex.baD,.-Feb. 4 Inl Ceram 15(0 58 68 5A + I KennecDt 5900 7H4 74\. HI. +1,., Ford Can :l10 161 159 t60 :.:-2 lost 0.5 to 103,6, , f:ldor 1500 103 101 101 -I Tran, He. 10100 11\, 111> 11l'a + 11 Call''''' 290 S22I, 221. 22V. - 'I Gldlld !!.tOO 1:5~ ~L2 1&i ... l4 Trlba, 700 Nt! Can etm 150 S12~, 32th 32th - \. Inl H.llum 37tO 190 115 19D Korvette 14900 lM~ 2M. 29~ - % I' : 'I: F.ldrlcb 51MlO 20 17\1 20 +2 to to 90 Jubnee 1![0,\ 300 290 300 lIollm::u 100 21 t • wI'. 2LI4 - I" U Mini., \000 18l'a' 1811 _ ~ SI.ct lal.. HI,b Lo. CI ... Ch·,. CI Fftdrr 300 $211l1 21li m. + ~i Kro.Go 1800 241'.! 21'. 2m + 'I It' ~ I~urtk. 21000 22 I! 17 + 1 18.. INDUSTRI.u.S Ketley F liD(O 109 108 10' +T Imp Oil 700 10·, 3910 391. - "I ,. l'arad'f 300 160 160 160 -2 U Asb ..lo. 201 391 3Sl an -5 CSL 2110 '5\\1 311'> 511'> Lib McNI 2500 1m 1211 12'. - '. Imp Toh 100 l4', \41., JII.. - 'I R e All.. lOtS! 37 37 - Yo Klena 1700 470 450 4~0 -$ LIII.. 1\600 6611 6m 6;\> + I> ese rv s F·~·.'I T 3000 1% 12 12 U. Bullad 3000 61 10 60 _I un. CAE 1200 $9',. I 9 In. :'i A 1100 .8'1 97RcoSH - 11 ~ [' : 'I QN Ga, 10840 17\1 7V. 71, - " L.brador 900 S281., 26 26 - I'> LOlw, 1500 2&;\ 1911 20;0 Fotlml 1000 16 \6 Ii Un Kono 153 8lO 8lO 830 -23 Cdn Bre" 9810 $1011 10% 1011- II L Shore 100 2\0; 2'~ 211 , I'. I Un Fort moo 12 12 12 COR Bid, .700 HI~ BI< 8n - ,I. Cdn Brew pr SO $32 52 52 I.aduboro 3500 60 60 60 Mad S Glr 400 2~~ ~~. 21 i& I Frncoeur 23000 14 121'.! Il L Dufault 600 610 630 640 Marath au 251)0 4m 451/, - 'i Massey Y :000 II'. 11\, II', - 'i ""'(r~~Se , l·rob.. 117I!6 82 86 +6 Upp Can 100 160 110 180 + 1 e Rulk7 1460 Int 61. II> - \1 C BrAlum 225 U , 9-H 43'. I ' Leland 7525 $111, + I, MaJlr.n. 42500 U \I 11-1 M.roh F1d 2100 363m 38 Moad John 9SW l!ITrlo 19 - W I, t·. al~ Vlue 2700 84 II 83 -.1 m. m. Cdn Ctla :1390 11m 43\1 +11\ +', Galtwin 3!OOO 9 111.1 OIL8 tn. M.larUo H 500 63 6J 6! +4 lIartin 11000 2m 21-, 21'; - " Mo))b C 2400 " J.6 7·16 LONDO:-.r (Reuters' , , ,!, G.eo Mine. SOD $27'. 2711 27'. + VOlpa. 2000 IS 15 IS C Cel m pr 25 $37 31 37 Nal Pot 1200 21·16 2 2\,16 . • OGI I,. 3!10D 148 III 117 H Marchant 2400 80 77 79 -I McKee 200 15 t4~i 1.1 ~ ~7. Id I ) Geno. 2700 13'; 13 131> + I, \'Iolan! 18150 192 177 18' +3 Un all. C Chom 225 191i IV, 91, + '.1 Nal RUb 600 .)3 12 <12'1. + I am s go all( I, 1 I Pamoll 23650 so 18 50 +1 MaSSl'al 2500 811 B 8'.i Merck 500 871.. 86 86 - ~i Gnl M• .,I 1100 72 TO 72 Wasamac 550 DI 91 91 +I C Chlm" 100 375 m 375 -8 1 Nat Rub 600 53 52 ';2 1",:-1 Soulh U 22~ 131> \21. 13 McIntyre ~oo $47l,l 47!' 41 ,. - I, Mpl Hon 1300 52 92 +m rcncy resel'l'cs I GIanI ,"K 300 $1211 12', 12'1 Werner \SOOO 15 \1\01 14~ +\1 C lIusky 100 561. 6', 6'; - I/o 89'. Pac Petf' 1&00 ti'l. lI~i 1I~, - 'i Am Leduc 303110 7 6 '-I Mldop.a 1200 160 150 160 +15 Mlnn M~[ 1600 60~~ 593• 59~" - s. " Glenn Urln 500 5 5 5 + \. W Malar 130011 8'.. 7'.~ ! C Imp Bt 490 $651. 6SV" 6SV" - '" Pi\C Pete w :>00 6t. 6 6 - I,;" £21,000.000 1$16, Norlhcal 11000 17 151'>" -I CI Pow $131, 13';, + 'i M.r Chip 5(0 17 17 17 Mlnn Ont 1400 "~I 201)J 20!~.! I :.' Goldroy SIlO, 30 30 30 -1 We.1 Mine. 12;0 ~S 280 zan -5 300 13h Pantepcc r.00 I... I ~ ': MINES Mid Chlb 110M 1m 16 II M.b."o 1300 101. 101, - '. uary to stand at .,: Cirandro), 5000 1& 15 13 W Mine ria &800 IS 131,1 14 -% C Marconi 900 475 4iO 175 +1 10\, Prall 1. 100 31', lII' 31'" Deer Rfft 265500 ~ 19 51 +5 Monpre 25501 33 29 30 +! Monsanto Z.OO j2~i 52;~ 5~t'.t - 1, L~2.840.000.000 '. Jan " Granduc 5100 393 3l!3 381 W Surf I 1000 14 14 U CPR 1126 S26" 26 26'. - " Preston !OO 7~i 7~8 7t" ... I, Mt PI ...I 110:,0 m 11 i \18 l3~iI I ~ E JacobU. 144500 %.1 221> 2.\ + I Mont Ward 2!OO 34 3311..j· .: I Gulf Lead 500 9 9 9 + \i WllIr.y 3100 168 I6l 165 -3 Cdn Pol pr 900 11m 11\. 11\. - " Shcr Wm~ :000 'HI nla '11 • t:!~, Treasury announced Blbll 121300 18 16 18 + 111 ConI Dol 2075 B80 860 865 -25 Mit Dolrlr. 5M 17\1 71.1 71i + Ii Nal Avlat 300 2611 26\, 26', - , I : Gunnar 4U 92S 91.\ 925 WIII.oy 52850 2Q 19 \9\; I. So Pon a 300 34'.• 3m 31'.. Ke.l.y 639SO 110 103 106 -2 Chryster 25 $12 t2 92 + 1m Nil Au Ven \CoO 175 m lT5 Nat Cash 900 7j~" 74~4 743,. -1~~ The December I I Gwlllim 2lOO 4 4 4 V.llor.. . 65011 m 7 7 Techncir 9~OO)0 9'. + Iii Co~hilft 100 S8 6 6 :'iIUve M 1500 \I \I 14 Nat Dbt 1800 231. Z:W.I 1j~' + I" !1'. : I: I. nard Rork 2000 12 12 - \, Vk Boar \125 \IS II! 115 Trns Lux SOO 1.1 1~ 13 a fal! of £28.000,000 12\. 1111 OFFCL CXNS Ton CLOS !fOX Col Cell 350 551,. 5 513 - I. Mlsl.nR. 2~)0'1 5S 5S 56 -I Nat GyPS 300 4~~., 43:'i 4~1 7 ~ 17, ,"Dun, SG 4500 12l'a 12 12\, Tr Cont \\t 100 3:;~'Z 33 1,. :lJI.-.l __ I. '\" I" H.r'~lin 37\00 II 171ft :'icedc. 110) 275 261 26S -5 NY Cenl 1300 151'",2 1J~" til,..:. ~-iI after the paymellt 01 • 1I ••au 4000 IS IS 15 ,"ukena 41000 71. S\1 6\1-1 "~olllal. '.Il."ln, a." U... : C.n MS 1630 $23\0 23'h 23\1 + \\ Wr Hars 3101) 15-16 II 1:;·16,.. t-11i INDUHTRIALS C Glao, 210 $15 II 41 N Forma 351)0 4 4 4 Nor Pae 2700 401,. 4()14 40'''.:_1 4 , !. Hasll.u 1000 95 OS 93 -4 Zenm.. 2200 25\, 25l'a 2lI.i )leKlnnor 12(0 302ft 21 -21> £67.000.000 to Ihe Vniteol Zulapa 550 17 17 17 BC Phone 100 Il3\1 31 531; + Ii Coronation 230 S7'" 7'h 7'h - Ii Outh l\br 1600 Il;. 15t.~ ljl • .:. " TER I ii, II 01 LaKes 5)00 12\1 11'.. 11'. + I; Nlld LI'hl .0 lSI 34 84 Parke DI CSOO 28\. 27!f.: Tolal Sale., 1,070,000. and Canada fol' p05l,~ar , ,,, IIfldway 8800 23 231. 211.> OILS CPH 31n $211<:1 2! - '4 credit F 10 'liB 141 !4B + 2 21·'~..:.;, e Brew pr lIS $.12 Bili 12 Crush Inl 100 114 14 14 + V. NIY Amull 11.100 121'> 12 12 , II!,' Hulh 2MlO 8 SI. 51> -1 Acme Gu 1000 12 U It NA Rar. 3500 35 33 35 , , IIllh·Bell 2500 260 250 230 -10 Alml... 5SO 225 221 22.1 Cda PII ,. 3.0 1111, 11\~ 11\. - I, Cru.h pr 30 $133 133 133 +2 08 Warn 250b ml+!4 Disl So., 9%0 sml 491~ 491, - l> Op.m E.p 201O II I8Il1 161,1-1 ':1 'I " Hollln,or 100 S221. 221, +11 Am Leduc 20~ 7 8 «-I Op.ml.ka 1600 730 7".5 723 'I I H.wcy 600 300 300 300m. An, II Dev 12011 37 35 37 ~.ar 11$140 110 110 -m D Brld,e 4610 ':01> 201'> 20\1 in GL rap,," 1125 $1611 161> 1611 + % Pal Sliver 12200 42 40 40''; -1\'0 I" ,\. r Hud 531 '5511 ~" 351, + " Asam... 2500 110 110 110 D Fndry 27. 561V. 631'> 611> + II II., BaUey 5 A 12.1 m 975 975 -IS Laura Se. 755 $I81'.! 18 161'.! + III D Glan 535 m 1m 82 +11i Peace River 10) 190 190 19n +211 Sholl I.pr 11183 5271', 27 27 D Gla .. pr 100 ,18 11 II Placo G. 1~1I1 5B 58 58 -1 reproduc' i~' , . I rJ::aco~' 2g:o ~~ ~t i# BaUey 5 pr 50 t23 23 23 Porcuptne 3l'l11 Iv.. 4\1 4'h I , : 1:1: Iron 1101 roo III 112 III + I nail n. pr 40 $25 25 2.1 Sholl In " 1437 m Sl5 550 D Lime 300 $61, I" ~I + ". Bala 1000 5 ' 5 5 _ 1,1 ShlU l!80 S1m J4\,i 1m D SI.r.. \200 III 14 B Pow CP I pr 00 $48 48 48 +\, :11 '110 2500 75 74 7t -I QUI Chlb 1000 18 18 \8 Majestic , 'II I\! J Walle 2000 211., 21 21l'a - 11 Calolla lMlO 121> 13 13 BIL Cp Apr 78 1I0W. 102~ 1021'.! Dom Tar 2240 $Im 18\. 1811- I. TGwer wta 1800 29 22 29 +7 Dom Tet 1510 UBI. IIV. \8% + I. Que C.b.1t JOO 305 300 305 +Il :,,! : ,I'! JaoObUR 141MlO 25 211. 2.1 + I Cal Ed III $20" 2011 20'\4 - 'rI Rod Crst 1000 21> 2\1 2'h Camerlna 200 203 205 205 -5 MINES Donohuo 5011 '221,1 22\01 221'.! + I, II ' \ I: \' t. Jlye Expl !21 11 11 \I - III D ..rln, 14MlO 16 17\2 IB +11 Du ront 141 40'" 401> - III 1'I.bel'Val 2000 12 lOll 12 +2 High Fid J.III.oo MlO S 5 S C 011 W' 2011 12.1 \17 12.1 +2 m StL Col 395 460 mIss -5 I' I Joburk. 1000 9 9 9 CS Pele 7700 395 375 395 +15 Hoadway 8100 21 221'0 221'a Eddy M lOOO S321l1 321'.! 32\1 H 'I +I. West Mines 1%50 283 210 180 -5 Fllc.. 1D05 !561'.! 551, I6Vo - SIL Dlv L 1000 110 Ins 110 I ..-i : Joliet 1000 21l'a 21\1 211.-1 e Deihl 2701 315 3" m -IS I, Sllv.r 8 137900 72 6J 71 +7 too many I.' ll Jon,inllb 11000 17 18 17 +I Cdn Do. 2200 360 355 m -5 II Mlndam )00 17 17 17 + 11 FteolwoO'l 165 5241'.1 m. 2112 - " lIpp Can 1110 160 ItO 180 +1 Fndln \10 'D% 911 ~. - ~I Sa.oon Dov 3000 21 20 !O -! I' ,. \1' I .r.uld 6100 143 132 132 -13 e E, Gno 1200 1\0 108 lOB -2 Shop Save 390 561i 6% ,% , I ,:':1 Kcoley J1' 83930 110 161 166 -2 C.nl Del 7060 885 860 871 -10 Froler 100 $26 26 26 feafl ----- Fr Pol. pr 3150 375 360 370 +20 S Duflult 20t10 71,1 71'.! 7'h- \1 quality I. . I I' Kem'Ule ;000 ~ 5 5 Charier on 200 105 100 IDS -5 Spartan 3000 75 72 75 +3 1>' I K.rr Add %971 600 600 690 +5 C MI. Mac 1300 370 365 380 Gltlneau ~o SH 33'" 3' +;, 'I " GL Paper 13011 SIM. 1D" 1m Spartan "I 1700 23 15 I~ -R , , 'I.', I Kirk Min 2000 37 37 37 -;;. C Wosl r 700 m 220 2" +5 Sullivan 2;00 17l m 175 +5 us even to I j' III . Kirk Town 3500:0 m. 191>-2 Dom. Pele 725 $131i Illi 131'. Hawker,S 1175.m 5\1 51. + \'< Mutual Fun s HoUlnger 13S $221, 2211 22li + It Supl ..t Ord 1011 sm, 17\. m. I' I"". Kopla 10000 II'., \I 11 Duvi. 2700 9 1\1 Il'a - 11 Tach. 11000 11 10'.i 11 + l'a II I ,)I ~ .• ::: . Lob ~II. 515 5261, 26',. 26'.1 Dy.amlc 1000 13 21 23 + \1 Hom. A 750 ~lm 121, 12~, them hel Homo Il 200 1211 12% Talisman 9100 71 75 77 -3 ': ,;t~."., I. Duflull 10326 640 6J0 630 -20 Fa"o 300 265 260 260 -J MUTUAL FUNDS sm. Tlb Exp 33500 9 8 9 +1> l' " :1<1'".1 • L Sh.r. ,10 260 260 260 m.el.r 161100 181> IS IS ., Ike C•• ldl •• fre.1 H.rn. 1'1 5011 100 190 190 -21 Hud BIY 385 S53\, 5S ~jt/~ + I,'. Un Obalsk moo 75 73 71 '1. t'1'1'1,,(' 1.0 Lu. 1110 330 330 330 +5 Gr Plain. IlIO 112% 1m 121i Bid "ot U Prl. 1000 48 Il 43 -I b HBC 77t Smi 12\1 12~' - ',I • ""I', I.amaqui 1110 383 383 38S + 10 Home A 1601 '1m 12\1 In, All Cdn Com U5 D.92 Vanderht 2S5~ 310 290 310 10 Nortlt American Life Reports /0 Policyholders All Cd. Dlv 1.39 7.00 Imp all • 1372 .tlI' 1m 43". + '" + I'· .. • 'I" Lancl. 10000 3m 35 361.-1 Hlme B 2311 m-I 121'> 121'< + I, Vanguard 41M 7 7 - '" . :, • ,Lolin Am 11800 29 28 29 +I H B 011 G 576 SIll'. 15~ IWo Am.rlc•• Growth 8.19 U3 Imp Tob 21O S15~i l~iI 15~i + ~i 7\. Ind Accop 881 12m 26 2! - ~i W.lburne 2000 85 85 85 ; I I: L.llrh 2400 131 131 135 1.0., Polnl 3500 17\1 171m +11,1 Btlubran 33.21 36.07 We,lern Hel 2~10 60 SO 611 " I " .. Lon.ourt 12000 17 \3 \I - Ii Maltran, 30700 121'.! 11 lilli-I Calida Growlh 1.11 5,31 I Ac 4SOp 50 n8 II 98 +2 't.1 .. , lnl Nlck.1 79S .72 70\; 71 -2Vo westvut. !OO 4 , 4 appreciate( Inl Utll pr 50 149'1 191, 1911 Another year of significant 226.900; Inler PI.. 120 180'" !Ol', !OI'. Clollnr 111111: Industrials .1 j l· mIn.. and .11.. 6ot,900. ,; I i Jamllca PS \40 $~h 9V" 9'" 'I . l.ab.1I 175 SI5I. 1m 15\. - Ii Lau Fin A 1005 SI7 16V, 16Vo PROGRESS :1 ; Lau F 12.1 pr 6;0 $20;\ 20% 201. - % 'jl Ma.laron A 2700 523 23 23 + '" I • MB rR 2050 $22 211. 21V. - ',1 f'l: Morlllmo T 359 S21I', 21'" 2m - '4 New York The record of growth of North American Life was further enbanced in Ma",F ::zao 512~ 12l> l2'h - ',I t':::' ! NEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS I I.' ff'.. ' J M... F ria 27626 2~ 24 24 1962. The protection and savings represented by more than $2.7 billion Miron 6 pr 2090 112\4 12'.0 \2\4 + 11 By TIll Alloellttd. Pru • It· '! JI.' I Mltrh H B 100 300 300 300 -3 New York Slock Euhaafe-Felt. , 1 I f. " ~~~ of assurances and annuities in force reflects the continued confidence ',t. M.I... n A 235 m 28l'a 2!\'I - v.. xd-Ex dividend, ,,-EX·r\lhls, xw­ .• I . Monl I.... 100 113\1 me, \3\1 - '4 Ex-wlrrlntll. Net chinle b from prey· lou. day" .1.... of the holders of more than 243,000 Ordinary policies and 155,(0) ; :1 1' ': Monl Tn.. 1 M 1!It 91 91 + I Mooro Corp 165 sm 5m + '4 Nt! • II . You're only ssm Noranda 43D $33 32;. 33 + '4 91 •• ~ 8,1.. Rllb L... CI .... Ck'" Group certificates in the services which the Company bas to offer, :.1" O,Uvl. l» Sill< 13\', 13l'a - \I ACF Ind 400 8011 80 'Ill. - ',' l f. Pac Pele 3060 11m 12% 12'h Add".. 1400 53\1 51 531'.! - I~ Anefuy lS00 IIV, Ill, 1m , " 2hrs, 10 min. from Deer Lake PI,e Hers 245 $1m 21;1 2m - Ii HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 82ND ANNUAL REPORT , " (CORNER'ROOK) Pow Clrp IISs tal. Iv.. a!l AIIJ. Ch 1100 171', 17 17 'rle. B m 1381'o~' 31 + Amerada 4900 1m. 1201> 1201'.! - '4 '1',I I,. 1'1 fir r... rv.1I1111 Cllh 9·4111 QN Ga" 2823 m. 7\, 7\i - I, Am' Can 4000 m; 18\. 461, - '. 57,173,686 - 'j! I QN Ga. pr 490 sn l1li 88 -3 Am Cy,n 13100 54ll 53 53'" - 'I Benefit Payments and Provisions ...... $ ., HARVIY'S TIIAVn AGENCY Qui 1'... 50 13511 311> 3511 + ',i Am Mn -222100 201, 201, 2&\1 + '. ~: d, Quo Ph.ne 25 • ., 47 47 - I'< Am Smol 1900 ,m. 63!'. &I'. + lO Increase $5,080,170 .• ~ I '~3062 Reltman 126 m~. II~ m. Am Sd ::400 1( 13',. 13~4 - 1,1 RoUa.d A TfS SlO tli 10 Am SU,ar 1000 47 41111 47 +" New Assurances and Annuities ...... $ 350,031,721 Increase $9,362,039 INSURE TODAY AsslIfances and Annuities in force ...... $2, 120,425,853 For PI WITH R.C.A. Increase $245,967,048 Fur~~ss, All TYIM's of InllJrance . DIAL Withy &Company, Ltd. Total Assets ...... _...... $ 397,1131966 • ROUe,ES • SHOPS Increase $30,874,089 ..Iyore l II. Jo""'. 'HIea Te II .llIt.. ". J.Ioa'1 • AUTOS • SHIPS T. Hilltil 'olal Jou, N•• "lnt Job~. T. To A copy of the complete Annual Report for Ihe year J962 is available on req,Udl II. Ina', II.... te. N.B. st. J.b·, LI ..rpool • CARGOJi;S .,11/11.. J.IIII'. I.' lt • LI/\BILITIES "C.lrn,owln . lin. 17 "C.lmdbu" , Jan. 17 Jan. 25 Jan. 28 Feb 2 Feb, :I 0' LIFE Feb,21 NORTH AMERICAN, LIFE "Ca!rnfortb". Jan. 211 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. II Feb, 18 Insurance only Is our "Calrn.ow.n" Feb. 13 Feb. 21 Mar. 1 ~Ir. 2 Mar, II Mar. 12 business. That is why PUIOIII contemplatinll passage lo lbe U.K. Ibou14 make bOllkinp well ill .dvance., we offllr Specialized "SSURANCE COMPANY Service. AIR PASSAGES ALSO ARRIoNG11;D, J. H. Foley, Mal1lger, 95 J.eMarehlltt ...... R. c. ANTHONY lV. D. MI.lI1IlI, JURNESS, WITHY· COMPANY, LIMITED Insurance Limited aeglonll Group Supervl1or. & Imperial 011 Bid." Ellzabelb Ave., st. John'. WATER STREET EAST, DIAL 5'18~'7 •. IT. JOHN'S, NFLD, . DIAL 1·2073. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY 5, 1963-1 , SWF.ETTE PTE Bv NADTNE SEL TZElf PHrSCII .LA·S POP Bv AL VERivlEEH SEE ••••• HEAR • • • • JACOBY ON :1 I ; t:i' ~~W 8R1DGE ,!. I· .. ,.. " [~f[RI[NCE BIDDING NICE .. I': IF CONTRACT IS ·1 By OSWALD JACOBY ~mlDS 1 North's elub opening was I' one of those third hand bids designed to show partner what , II to lead against an anticipated I cnemy contract. I I' South's one heart response was normal and when the bid· '\ ~HnR I ding got back to North he de· cided to make another bid, Not rOil rOl'n that North expected to get to \'IF\\'I:\G :\~D game, but he was afraid of the I: spade suit and felt certain that ·1 G if he passeci East would be able I LlsrE:\lS to back into the bidding. --- :: E\IO\'~IE~T South couid not tell that his partner was defending against • 1'IoS).1 tllJ.. IH. the East and West passes and, T.M, .1,. U ~ h., 011. ;~t1"1drlk't"'f' '1 {-lere's everything you've , with 10 points including two "Fra'1kly I'm scared! i've never paid a cent out of my' been looking for to give you aces, South jumped to game, , There is a moral to this allowance for income tax!'~.. ' _. : -; GE RS ~~~'~i~;·.eception amI dependable story. The moral is that noth· , O ing succeeds like success. West CAPTAIN EASY . -, '1 opened a trump although he I could have opened any card .. ) ';' in his hand for all it wouid I have mattered. South picked ~r up East's· king of trumps, drew 1 ESTIC the rest of the trumps and led the jack of clubs. West played low and South finessed. An· LEVISION other club lead to the ten es' NORTn: 4 CONSOLETTES .54 PORTABLES 'Q 10 93 COMBINATIONS ••T 9 CONSOLES oIoAK.1082 WEST EAST .AQIO .t\KJ73 • 65 'K84 ~Iany, many more • KB62 • Q 10 7 5 2·YEAR features that you can check +Q763 SOUTJI "'U(D) Oil when choosing your new PICTURE TUBE .9862 Rogers T.V. .AJ72 GUARANTEE. +A43 East and "'J5West vulnerable ! : Soulh Wed North East Air·cooled Pass Pass 1 '" Pass 1 • Pass 2 'I Pass .i permits CIISY 4 " Pass Pass Pass Opening lead-' 6 checking lind

tube life. tabUshed dummy's last tbree clubs. South discarded two dia· taste is evident monds and a spade on them and conceded two spade tricks the furniture crafted to make five odd. MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CA VALL! ~~::9~:==nr==~.,-r=:=:::===~. "Pretty nice bidding wasn't --_._._._.-- and excellent S;Z40~IN1HI~ It?" remarked North. KEEP 'lOWN AND He HA.D 10 is guar- "It sure was, this time," reo 66 8O

.. A doctor saYI walking Is good Ir the health-but not on iey sidewalks. • • • . There are an awful lot of 1'1•• business wom~1\ if you include 1 those who are Interested In G. E. OIL everybody else's. GREATEST CITY EI Karnak, Luxor and Qurna, three modern Ellyptiall towns, share the site of what once was the w!lrld's greatest city, The· ( WE HANDLE OUR OWN FINANCING bes. Ruined tomples and dusty avenues of tombs here make up the world's greatest lingle col· lection of the remains of an For prompt and efficient furnace and stove oil delivery ancient civilization. DlA . . L ...... 8-3001 to,8·3005



.. : \ I !' 1. ' . , , I'· ,_' 1 • ' :II-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY lI, 1961

1 .' " 1l' I 'f" . '; t'~ ! 11,', , '1 \ ,I I; · ',I, '.' · Ii Ii · \1" 1 ROOSEVELT AVENUE PENNYWELL ROAD SMITH AVE. EXT'N ISTAMP'S LANE· IPENNYWELL ROAD 25 BLACI(M A detached two storey dwel· A new modern seven ·""Ir. A fine two apartmcnt pro. AR~u Glendale - We offer two A modern two apartment b I II' t . I Situate ncar th ~ brand new modern bunga· ling house in excellent locali· bungalow-main apartment ~nga ow se 109 a a oal gam perty-lst. apartment has 4 B e :'.' ,.. ,'Ii I I!"~ low. each offering imme­ .ty containing 6' splendid has 6 rooms and bathroom With good terms arrangl'd rooms and bathroom and the prescntscnnett Avenuan 'd c, . 2nd. has 3 rooms and bath· . d I eal ,I diate occupancy. Both are rooms and bathroom. All and the 2nd apartment has I;; built on full size concrete modern conveniences. Priced 5 rooms and bathroom-an SOAUTHdSIDE RD. WEST room. Low Down Payment. ~~rty ~~~;; ~':\'e' at just $14,400:00. Low Down I ; basements and lIave auto­ excellent buy in this fine mo ernly equipped two O'R'EILLEY STREET ,I for. A modern matic 011 furnaces with Cen· Payment. location. Good terms arrang· storey. 6 room home, selling galow 1 KI~ Ii':· tral Heating. Each bunga!ow ed on thisl!! for $9000.00. We would like A new modern bungalow: bedrooms . 'i ,I! !, contains II rooms and bath· LOGY BAY ROAD to have you see this one!! with all the latest attrac1lons I' chen and' ,1i I) . room. $2500.00 down pay· BOND STREET CORNWALL AVENUE Bungalow contains b oIt1rac· nacc, drh'cwav BO~ I .' 1'1 Here is R beautiful new live rooms and bathroolll one month_X , ,i ment and move in. modern bungalow equipped i i' '.1 A solid furnace heated, ten A modern·to·the·minute two with drivcin garage PRICE, GAIN AT I i! , with every latest modern I Iii room home that would make apartment property - The GREATLY REDUCED-.LOW: NEAREST 1 ' .. ;. facility and containing 6 eWSP~ I 'I ,! LEMARCHANT ROAD an ideal Boarding house or Main Apartment contains 6 DOWN PAYMENT! PA YMEXT OF '!:I 'I ! well appointed rooms and could be rented in apart· llil 'i I A two storey home with all rooms and bathroom and the ' CONSIDE bathroom. lawn, driveway ments. Greatly Reduced in 2nd. Apartment contains 4 SUVLA STREET 1· RED!! SEI I ::1; ,1:: conveniences containing 7 and garden _ REDUCED 7 ST. DAVID'S AVE., GLENDALE ; .'1 1, . rooms and bathrooms besides Price. rooms and bathroom-excel· Here is an attractiv(' mnde, I! I EMPIRE AVENUt GREATLY IN PRICE-LOW lent terms ar:anged. A' 1:;1:, h an apartment which contains bungalow contaiDln~ 7 rooms modern detach~ DOWN PAYMENT. OFF CORNWALL AVE. Here is an ideal detached bungalow that may be /! ' ,l· ,-.- 3 rooms and bathroom. just what you are looking for. Erected on a con· and Bathroom with all mod, low with full "I ' '. I • GRENFELL AVENUE I h -j,'- .. ·.$5000.00 down. O'DEA'S S·UB.DIVISION on FITZGIBBON PLACE crete basement it contains 5 large rooms and bath· ern convcniences liilrgain at ment in which ther /1: ,I ...... room in excellent condition. Furnace heated. Drive· We can now offer you a $14,500.00. Best possible extra rooms. Low! f'I' - ~" A new ultra modern bun· modern 8 room bungalow in 'il JI" Situate in ideal Higher way. Gyprock interior finish. Low down payment Terms Arranged. ment. EI'ery modelll ,.:, _ J : GILBERT STREET galow - VACANT - ex· Levels location, this beauti· can he arranged. this popular Higher Levels ence. Early 19 \'li' . 0[' cellent workmanship - sec locality. Give us a call to \ tl I 'I"':' ~; Three storey newly renovat· ful new modern bungalow FURNITURE INCLUDED IN SALE PRICE. CORNWALL AVENUE 30 • , ,'! , :,; 1 ed home-gyp rock intericr. fers immediate occupancy this one if you want a better see this one nowl! • "'I 1 A modern two store V 6 room 7 ST. DAVID'S 22 '. ' i 'j I,i i : A real nice buy at $5800.00. and contains 6 rooms and than average home. 1 ;:". ,e: bathroom with basement FOREST ROAD home. Perfect conditIOn GLENDALE 16 I ! "" 'I \ TOPSAIL ROAD throughout. Priced to sell A d 1 apartment. Phone us to see PINE BUD AVENUE CHAPEL STREET Look into this splendid buy with excellent terms. mo ern furnace 18 1. I ,;'.', . 'I',' " , ~OREST POND, this home now!. room bungalow bUilt' ,:' 1 I: A beautiful new modern A beautiful modern two A splendid moderni/ed eight in a modern 7 room. two 27 storey home with baseboard hold land on a j' ~' \' GOULDS bungalow having 6 rooms storey home containing six room home-Would have te LESLIE STREET . '. radiation heat. It represents ~ent. Excellent ter~ 28 1 , ',:.': Ii.: Mo~rn bungalow containing GOWER SREET-Vacant and bathroom with every be seen. MAKE AN OFFl!:R! " , '~ I ' spacious rooms and bath· A thoroughlv modern detach· ! ; I:" l' a first class buy at the ask· DIshed. Excellent It!:: 25 ,: ~. 5 rooms-Furnace Heated - We have the keys to this latest modern facility-land. room, driveway-front and ing price and can be sold on ed. freehold. furnace heated I nished. ..! Fully Furnished - also H splendid 8 room home that scaped etc. Popular Section rear gardens-Low DOWD 20 ;, , ': I; 'Iii SECOND STREET, a low down payment. home set amongst beautiful i .' , Shop and Two Bedrooms in could wcll offcr a good -Excellent Terms arranged. Paymcnt. Radiation Heat - \", GLENDALE grounds-and ~onsisting of· EXMOU·fH STR~El "I : adjoining building which is monthly income besides Iiv· two up·to·the·mlOute· modern A modern tw i included in sale. Price 01 ing there yourself. $8900.00 PRESCOTT STREET HAMEL STREET A modern 7 room bungalow PORTUGAL COVE RD. • apartments- dwelling alto· bungalow. ~Iai~ , . ~, , with easy terms-Give us a -freehold land-Best avail. A fine two storey familY ill' $9000,00. A bCliutiful modern 7 room gether has 11 rooms and has 6 rnoms and \ call to look it over!! We can now offer you an able. Terms arranged. home with every latest ideal 10 room home that bungalow with all the latcst modern facility-has 8 spac· bathrooms. This property 1 and basemcnt , \ ' '~ ,ii, . , convenicnccs installed. A i 1 , SIMMS PLACE could give you a good month· ious rooms and bathroom could not be replaced for the! 4 rooms and " NEWTOWN ROAD I real nice buy at $14,700.0U GEAR STREET liS 'I' .1 : f I ··N·ear Confederation Bldg in ly income-in good shape all and represents an exception· present asking price. Let cellent finandn' An excellent locality and we on best available terms. show it to you! 1 ' ;'1 i I :: new sub·division-a brand over and the price has been A fine family home contain al buy at the asking price. offer you a modern 6 room greatly reduced down to ing 7 rooms and bathroom, Extra good terms arranged. I SUDBURY STREEI new modern bungalow hav· WEXFORD STREET I ii : !, ing 6 rooms and bathroom bungalow here with attrac· $8500,00 with easy terms ar· low down payment. CALVER STREET , A tll'o apal'tl\1Cn' " ' . ,'I ' tive terms to sllit. A new vacant monern bun I witll all the latest faciliti~s ranged. HATCHER STREET Here is a modern 6 room! ~rcctcd nn. ',' . ~ .: I : II galow having 6 nums and bungalow fully equipped and i ment. ~tain i , " ! , I I ' :.Lol\' Down Payment. McKAY STREET Here is a new modern bun· " ,I PENMORE DRIVE, FRESHWATER ROAD bnthroom-up·t",thc· minute galow having 6 rooms and selling at a hargain price: tain<.'I rOOIn\ and design. Low Down Payment. I :1 Situate in line Wcst End hathroom. selling on a low with Low Down Payment. I' apartment "olliain; 1 BAIRD PLACE MT. PEARL Situate in ideal and con· Locality, this modern 7 room down payment. l'urn.cr hcolrrl. 20 Console " venlent locality this furnace , , A modern :! room hungalow TORBAY ROAD home may be just what you HAMILTON AVENUE cililir~, etc. \.01\ D,1' 'h~.-.A modern two apartment heated home has been reno· equipped with all latest facl· are looking for in the $10. OFF PENNYWELL RD. Two Apartments-live In one I m~nt. ' . claim Bing' :1R!~"bungalow-main floor has 6 vated and 15 in 1st. class con· Here is an attractive Ii room lities-Bargain at Ihe price 500.00 bracket. Good telmg liS YOII " ::-. "room~ and bathroom and the hungalow selling at 8 real I,~t show this attrac· and rent the other. 11AKE i SPRINGD l on t . ~ of $10,500.00 with good terms dition-main section hlls 8 arranged. Call liS to view it ',.' .:;., basement apartment con· rooms and bathroom and bargain for $7800.00. tive two storey home with US AN OFFER! , AE arranged. when convenient for you! : Sitllat~ nr.1' thr , 5~~1ains 5 rooms and bathroom basement apartment can he basement apartment. selling ~';l'':'Excellent Terms Arranged. CENTRAL STREET at II bargain price. Low FRESHWATER ROAD ~treet Ihi; ",."",1"" •. , .: , , BLATCH AVENUE rented for added income. A compact two storey family FOREST ROAD Down Payment can be n· A fine family home contain· ':: GREATLY REDUCED IN ranged. , '. An excellent family home­ 7 " PRICE, DOWN TO $8600.00. home having 5 nice rooms A vpry attractive detached ing rooms and bathroom. ,-.t' :J~9~EN POND ROAD newly renovated and In per· and bathroom. selling at a Priced to sell. Best Terms A new modern two apart. modern hungalow with gar· " feet condition - Dwelling bargain for $5300.00. PLEASANT STREET Available. , . .,.. !: i ment bungalow having 6 contains 7 rooms and bath· ROSTELLAN age and furnace heat­ " A modernized 7 room family ~ . '. I Finest ferms arranged. Low , : I ' - , rooms and bathroom on the room and is selling for home in ideal section of , Two Ruperior type bunga· CAIRO STREET Down Pal'ment. FOREST ROAD ,j!. I main !loor and the basement $13,500.00 on goo~ terms. lows-immediate occupancy Pleasant Street-Low Down ., , This is a convenient lucality We can now offer you a fine · IIpartment contains 4 rooms -excellent terms arranged. Payment can be arranged. 6 ,'i , and we offer you a n~w 6 WICKHAM PLACE room home here for : and bathroom. Low Down EMPIRE AVENUE Keys available for inspec· $10,500.00. This is well PENNYWELL room bungalow with all mod· A semi·detached t~o I. .' i Pal·ment. VACANT. We offer you a very attrac· tion. A hetter·than·average mod· BLACKMARSH ROAD worth looking into.!! r ern facilities. Low Dow~ home containing 6 , ,i ; 1 tive 5 room detached bun· ern new bungalow-having 4 A modern two slorey, 6 room I I; -. I Payment. ,'I ,..' galow sitllate on Empire bedrooms. VACANT - Low home, attractively priced. SHEA STREET bathroom. Blinds. II I:, DUNDAS STREET LEMARCHANT ROAD " 'I , : " Avcnue West, for the sum of Down Payment. Excellent Terms Arranged. See this beautiful new mod· cabinet heaters , ,:, I 'Here is a braud new modern $6500.00 with terms arrang· Always a popular locality 32 MULlOCK STREET ern bungalow v·ith two sale price. , , '1.' , two apartment bungaiow of. ed. and we can offer you It mod· We would like to 3how you CRAIGMILLAR AVE. apartments situate in finest ", .;' fering instant occupancy 1st BAIRD PLACE ," ',.I, I ern well looked after furnace this excellent el~h t room residential area. Main apart· . We can now offer you im· A newly renovated two 'I I: 'i :,' apartment has 6 rooms and CALVER AVENUE heated home here, contailllng home that would give yuu an apartment home. having 6 ment has 6 rooms and bath· A ten room. thre! ,: -'" I'~I I , bathroom and 2nd apartment mediate occupancy 10 FOUR ",,' j. incomc besides living there rooms and bathroom on the room and the 2nd. apartment home. pla;tcred I I _" This Is a very convenient ~~~~n~a;~~n~~throom. Low i (4) BE AUT I F U L NEW I '" 'has 4 rooms and bathroom. yourself. Down payment of main floor and 4 rooms in has 5 rooms and bathroom. I 110 and 220 rolt .. :~,'" !. ' ;' ;. ,; I Low Down Payment. locall Iy near Schools etc. and MODERN BUNGALOWS IN I • ,'. t just $2500.00 buys it! CAJ,L the 2nd. apartment. Low Down Payment arrang­ REAL BARGAI=' . . . I. " t stands detached and is in ex· TOR BAY ROAD US TO VIEW IT! THIS POPULAR SUB·DIVI· ed. menl of 52000.00 SERVIC '>, 'I f ' ~'I cellent condition. Bungalow ~~". , SION. VERY FINEST FIN'· , ", DORSET STREET 1 •r :'. 1 , SECOND STREET, has 6 rooms and bathroom. Top of Kenna's Hill ANCINGWILL BE ARRAN· '" , BEAUMONT STREET PENET ANuulJrum AVALOI :', ;". , CASHIN AVENUE GED. A new modcrn, 6 room bun· ;' .. ;, 1 1.1 GLENDALE A beautiful new modern de· galow - VACANT - Excel· A newly renovated modern i WATER A "","• t', ,l IiI WHITEWAY STREET PICK YOUR CHOICE OUT BRAND NEW BUNGALOW two storey home containing 'I :,'-; , ., ; I Here is a really line two tached two apartment bun OF THREE EXCELLENT ALBAN' Y PLACE lent terms with Low Down :: -. I !: _ VACANT - $1500.00 galow with every modern fa·, FAMILY DWELLING Payment Arranged. 6 splendid rooms and bath·, , , DOWNI FULL CONCRETE apartment bungalow that bas room. A real good buy at , been reduced in price and ciUty installed-·main apart HOUSES THAT WE CAN An ideal West End Location ::~;:BASEMENT- AUTOMATIC S75oo.oo. :, '01: now represents a better than ment has 6 rooms ann bath, OFFER YOU ON THIS in which we have a modern KING'S ROAD ~~~:'OIL FURNACE :... EXCEL average buy. Main apart· room nnd the 2nd apartment FINE HIGHER LEVELS two apartment bungalow Vacant. Three storey. selling '" :; " ~ : ··'LENT DESIGN-6 ROOMS has 4 rooms and bathroom. LOCATION - V A RIO U Shaving altugether 10 rooms fully furnished. contains 7 186 PARK AVENUE . , , I ment has 6 rooms and bath· : . : ,:,1 AND BATHROOM. Sl<:E room and 2nd. apartment Very Best Terms Arrang~d PRICES AND TERMS TO and bathrooms - ,LOW rooms and bathroom. $2000.00 Modern Bungalow. Price CAMPBELL THIS ONE! has 3 rooms and bathroom. On This One. SUIT! DOWN PAYMENT. down. $7800.00. $1500.00 down. A semi·detached I~O The ) 'I' . : I, ; home containing 5 . 'I' . bathroom. Another C.L.B. Old i : i, ,I· DORSET STREET ,. I I ~ at just $i500.oo TWO NEW LISTINGS­ Lodge No. ~; ! I! i! ; I HOME BUYERS - COMPARE OUR LISTINGS AND OUR PRICES - OUR TERMS AND OUR LOCATIONS - WE OFFER OVER THREE MILLION Brand new modern hunga· Rooms, Hal 'I, ' .",',I: I BONAVENTURE ~ows-VACANT- approved DOLLARS WORTH OF CITY PROPERTY FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE - OV,ER 1 SO (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY) CITY HOMES - BUNGA· I " !I I Modern detached February 6' 1" 'j ,I for basement apartments - '1-',1' LOWS.- TWO STORIES - THREE STORIES - STORIES AND HALF - SPlIT·LEVELS - TRI.LEVELS- BOARDING HOUSES AND BUSINESS STANDS home containing 6 I, 'I' $3800.00 DOWN PAY· rooms and tion of Off 1 : I' , MENT. -NORTH, SOUTH, eAST AND WEST CHOICE LOCATIONS - NOT TO COUNT SUBURBAN LISTINGS. DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS III '1'lq; lent desi~n. Ail will take p " ' eilities. 4\, ~ intcWI I'> ~ iI ! $3500.00 ON PROPERTY PRICED AT $20,000.00 CAN BE ARRANGED - DOWN PAYMENTS OF $1000.00 ON PROPERTY PRICED AT $7000.- I I ' ::1; ~ EXMOUTH STREET one. A full 1 00 CAN BE ARRANGED AND MANY OTHER VARIED FINANCIAL ARI~ANGEMENTS CAN BE SUGGESTED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS - EXPERT Enquire now::! 1,'''1, , 1 . Near Confederation Bldg. A I ,'.: 'I GUIDANCE CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS IN THE SELECTION OF YOUR HOME - SALESMEN AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DAY AND NIGHT modern two apartment bun· PENNYWELL ROAD By or i:" '.11 I galow in Dew building. sub· WITH RELEVANT INFORMATION AND TRANSPORTATION IN CONNECTION WITH ALL LISTINGS. THERE IS NO FINER SELECTION OF 1 I " I , . division, A detached tll'O i: . '1-11 HOMES AVAILABLE IN THE· ISLAND .FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. DURING AND AFTER BUSINESS HOURS PHONE THE FOLLOWING dwelling hOUSE 'i ,II" , mr four bedrooms. Iilitl, . r' di i.' : ",FIRST STREET, ~, NUMBERS-87395 • 87941 • 80236 • 860192. den. large kitchen a:i, room. Front an~ . !j 1 :%t" GLENDALE , I', ·.·.1<1 .. ,., • . dens. Freehold t,Il!. .! ,I, i·lip .. j" A D:lodern two apartmp.nt ';,.... :"j , ,bungalow-Central Heating OFF GOWER ST, ,,:' ." , with automatic oil-perfect Two Storr)' contaic:tl , i!,. :, l J: 1 condition-Bargain at $ll1,. rooms. Price $3iliJ (iJ, ;.1 .: " 1100.00. ,,'II :'1 ' 'I • 1'. ,', 1 '., 13 McKAY STREET PHONE Modern Drt;lclil'!i W~, . I;!: :;I~: . :,BARTER'S HILL· Cont3inli 6 room! 8.. • ':1 !",; .. ' An eIght room' dWelling room. Radiation heat i;, Iii " i· : '. house. Easy terms arranged. i ';; it, 1 .. 1 hold land. II i' 'I"~ . 87395-87941 GRA)

Ii"'.', :.:1"':1)::1' f', ;. ''I' ~1'_" .'::-, 1" " r·-' -,. I ' I 'I :'1':;; ~J t" " . • : • I' \~! I ; ; I ~._. ': :~~ , Gel "I.,,'. I, '11 ,Ii"': ", .. - .' , : I' \I);i' : ·,:,~ Registerec ,1.1:,": ',; . f?r general , , 'i l! j i I~;; -:, ~ 1'~ , ." 'I ':';,' tionand ort , ",./, !I;~I' 'r I ': I, 1;[';: i;' 'I ' :' ~".- ,': ' , Ii' :",_, ,I . Carpenter time '. " 1" I') Copper Pipe :,preferal ~ ~: I:!' I :; "; 1: 1: Ij'U, : Shop and " !" i" i: , '1' 'i,' :'Il i, '; 'Interested ,! It,\'; ~:- I,' Specialties t. Copper . Tubing , .'. l'l.t1;1' ... ,,,.:.,' '.' 'j .Prompt DeUvery On I : DIRI · , ,Iii':;:' J • WINDOWS· 11 the :,' , I"" i "j TIRES .' ~nel t ,. ~I' ,11 -'; #! •.~-. • STOVE OIL • DOORS 3/16 to 4" " "\' r ", . For complete $1.00 WEEKLY '~:",'Tr(.:',. -'FURNACE OIL • WINDOW BOXES INS1rOCK ALSO ONE BRIGHT 1 i .... '. ' , COVERAGE' Up to 30 months i ~ (';! .";, .' DOOR FRAMES FITTINGS in and , Finest Workmanship Free Insurance / J;:J~;)' 1 Prompt· Adjuitment Call SPOT I;' ", 'rl'f,lf; -!:., 1 of Claim. and Prices. All sizes ;'j'l":::":;: II CALL CAR BATTERIES JAMES G. ELECTRICITY • .'"r Y~" H· ..•.. · \ , ... ~,,rr:tl",, REG T. MORGAN t.;'I.,i I W. M. Chisholm· $1.00 WEEKL'( CRAWFORD INSURANCE LIMITED ~ft~:=­ ,.::I·.·.··;:·I! lt . LIMITED LIMITED " . 'j , ~1~!!,~~8 . . \ MANUELS, C;B • .,A :. 11 __~ _____ H,ildlJ ,,4 .. DIAL 8-5141-42 Cbeap Reliable Elt.etrielty I In and Around St. John', (, I : Elephants blaze and follow , Dia I 7·2072 FLOWER BILL 8·4033~34 ','. I ttht best routes through moun. jan16,1mth (daily) PHONE 8·6 J 27 Arkansas joined the Confed· . 'It'lns and forests. . Temple Bldg.,. Duckworth st. i eracy . on May 18, 1861. DIAL· 8·0370, 8·7556 First glass ornaments for A total oC 46.4 million per·, . ---"'-'...:.,'--'--- : Elephants originallV.laid out janI9,lmth,dly. The coyoUe is much smaller Christmas trees were made by ~On5 were . Injured in acc~dents I .The prairie: dog. is . the :many of the highways, in pres· '------1 than, the true wolf .and more Cones of a fir stand erect; ,glass' blowers oC· central Ger'lm the Umted States durmg' a, clpa!' fOodOfthebla,'Ck'footl!dT~iIiI_"_~ "':day. Africa. .. ',' closely. resembles a jackal. "conea· of I spruce·· hand. down. ' many. / recent year. ferret.··. .. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOliN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FEBRUARY 5,1963-15.

",. , i i , :; . I· i!' I . " , I; / i' WANTED - By experienced I; , Hamilton Hotel stenographer (4 years ex· ST. THO'MA,S' C'HURCH FOR SALE perience), part·time work Old Mill Night Club i~ ~ ) 23 • 125 Hamilton Avc. I or will do work at house. OPEN I KINSMEN 1 1963 BEL AIR CHEV • 'Phone 8-47304. NIGHTLY- I, Parishioners are reminded of the Caterin~ to Permanent ------_._--- NEVER DRIVEN. FOR SALE-l Clothes Dryer. DlNING AND , BOYS' CLUB and Transients. For reo Price $80.00. Phone 9-44922. DANCING Reception to be held in Canon Wood servations Please dial Top Entertain· PRICE $2500.00 REQUEST INFORMATION ment I I on schooners for sale. Floor Showa ! Newspaper BINGO Hall TONIGHT at 8 p.m. to welcome 8·5636 Apply to D. Sadler. 20 .. Phone 6332, Newton Avc .• Halifax, N.S. Movies; ; J augl5,lmth HR. GRACE feb4,6i For Infurmation SERIES NO. 72 the new Rector and Mrs. Cooper. Call 8·7~)SI or S-OU:I feb2,3i REPAlHS-Rangettes, scwmg Brookfield Road DO-IT-NOW and washing machines, pol· BUY IT NOW ishers, steam irons toasters, I N G 0 Statutory Notice food mixers, electric razors, kettles, radios, etc., expertly REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY RETREAD In the matter of the Last Will repaired. RON CHAFE, 116 19 37 57 69 and Testament of Frank Pen· Bond Telephone 849073 For expanding business covering Newfoundland, ilRES ney Pike, late of Carbonear, st. Free pickup and delivery. s.l,AurUM.~. 30 41 55 65 Labrador, the following: In the Province of Newfound· . .J.J 60 70 Available­ ~- 39 for land, Canada, deceased, Lum· 'fU~ CENTRAL BAnBER 2 TYPISTS RECEPTIONISTS '1 CEo. breeds compare with the best WATER AT ,\\lELAIDE, PHONE 8·7829 .lR~~ DEAL!1t DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005 on the market. Prices on leg· feb2,2mths. :;. horns reduced on order of 1000 Drug Stores or more. Pullets of these stocks, in NEWfOUNDLAND J. J. HUSSEY M. CONNORS Ltd. production can be seen at Hill· ~.ll OlD COMRADES ASSOC. Prescriptions PlckTlp and top Poultry Farm, Seal Cove, SERVICES J deli very serviCe. C.B., Nfid. PHONE 8·2206 The Annual Meeting of the LTD. MACDONALD & VRIENDS­ PASSENGER NOTICES 1 COVEIIEAD ROAD, I CU. Old Comrades' Association, 177 New Gower St, Rentals P.E.!, CONNECTION BAY RUN, PHONE 8-5795 PLACENTIA BAY .. lodge No.1, will be held at the Club Floor Sanders, Belt Sanders, LOCAL AGENT: Train "The Caribou" leaving Rooms, Harvey Road, on Wednesday, Power Saws, Electrical Drills PHONE 8.4334. SI. John's 12.01 p.m. tomor· t;J('hed tll'~ F.ebruary 6th, at 8 p.m. sharp. Elec­ etc. Reasonable Rates. Call jan29 31 feb2 5 7 9 12 row, Feb. 6th. will make con· aining 6 8-5(,16, 8·7352. " ",. nection via Placentia Junction I bathroom. hon of Officers for the ensuing year and Argentia with M.V. Hope- I I, U-RENT WANTED dale for Bay Run, Placentia I, All modern will take place. 16! Water Street, St. John'. I \, o~ interrst on Bay. .1 I Div. Hanis & Hiscock Ltd. FLOOR]ACK I A full attendance is requested New West End Location FREIGHT NOTICES ' : Wanted to buy, 1 hy~ Insurance '!I By order of the President, draulic Floor Jack. Mil­ Freight is accepted dailY at arhed two . J. J. LACEY waukee or similar brand. the Railway Freight Shed for I . As a convenience to the motoring public, the General porfs on South Coast Service :I •• house I Capacity 2 tons. C. W. DOMINY, INSURANCE Ud. to Port aux Basques, but in or· I.! .~ •. '; 'rooms. H\'ing Hon. Secretary. Motors Products sold by Terra Nova Motors Ltd ••••• Dependable Fire Insurance, der to guarantee movement .by ,.: '...' i kitchen and Prompt Claim Settlemenll. Ask for A, Downton and rur this trip of :'II.V. ~obia t~>' , 1 title. DIAL 8·7035 freight must be at the Railway I ! i l' Phone 9·0141 Freight Shed .by 1 p.m. to· ,. . I' I CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. Feb2.5 day, February 5th. '.' " PONTIAC - BUICK - ACADIAN - VAUXHALl Agp.nta for UNDERWRITERS AT RESTRICTED CARGO r : ;:'i: LLOYDS. Shippers please note: Restrict. I =:' Ii GREAT EASTERN ed cargoes such as gasbline, ~:I.: CARS-GMC TRUCKS LOW RATES ;' DIAL 8·5031 OIL & IMPORT oils, etc., for South Coast porU to Port aux Basques for .. fpr· ", i 1 CO., LTD. warding via Argentia and M.V. , : -I . are now on display at Whelan's Garage Ltd., Cornwall Ave. JOB BROTHERS Ii' " ! & COMPANY, Ltd. Radio. TeleVision. Washers. Burin·' accepted at Railway I Refrigerators, Deep Freezers Freight Shed Wednesday, 'Feb ';:·1 '!'II Purchase and Service of these cars and trucks can be made Water StreE~ Electric Ranges. . 'I ;. ruary 6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I . ; GRADUATE NURSES DIAL 8-2658 - 84123 Floor Polishers. ! , I, Thursday, February 7th, 9 a.m. i I' through Whelan's Garage Ltd. Gramophones ! REG. T. MURGAN Public Address Systems to noon. I General Hospital, lNSURANCE Ltd. Tape Recorders II You are invited to view the 1963 Models today. The' con­ . Temple Bldg., P. O. Box 168, REPAlHS AND SERVICE f Registered Nurses are urgently required 341 Duckworth St. 5 LINES !. DIAL 80370 or 8·1758 DIAL 8·300l to 8·3005 t?r general duty on all shifts in the isola­ venience of location and Services of Whelan's Garage L~d., Ion and orthopaedic units. Beauty Parlours WATER STREET are available to any car owners. Your patronage will be Jan2B,ly M·3 ed Partt';me employment will be consider- GLADY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Pre welcomed. cor. Bond and Prescott Sts. shilts, erably on the evening and night Phone 8-4951-8-7898. Speci· alizing in cold waving, bair Wm. L. CHAFE Interested persons should apply to: styling, cutting and tinting, TAILOR '. manicuring, facials etc~ 14 DIRECTOR OF NURSING operators. no waiting. i HOLDSWORTH ST. ST. JOHN'S' T Terra Nova Motors CLOTHES MAKE . THE MAN : General Hospital, St. John';, Elect. Applicances . . IF CHAFE MAKES THE CLOTHES.,,! LEONARD MILLER.· M.D., HEAP & PARTNERS , , Deputy Minister of Health. , (1962) Limited (NFLD.) Ltd. Wiring Materials, Wire .nd Cables. Mot01'l, Starters. Fort William St. John's Lamps, Swltcbe.'!l, LilbUnl Fixtures. ,te. WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S 8T. DIAL 8-5088 SPECIALISTS IN:- Cast B!onze Memorial Plaques; Brass Name Plates, NATIONAL BOY SCOUT' WEEK Wrought Iron Railing, FEBRUARY.17th to 24t_h, 1963. Chain Link Fencing, Sheet Metal Fabrication, e~c. ".; '!', , . .. . • I • " . . ' i' ·.ll-~E DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND,FEBRUARY 5, 1963 I· 1\' I.

!!., "1' i I J' ... 1963' I' ,'I I ,;. SPECIALS , ~i ; V I'! TROPICAL OFFER 01 S·T·R·E·T·C .. H·Y ,,'FISH J SPECIAL , . and .~ SUPPLIES,) :. A Handsome Styrene "',I '," " !'>-k1 TerraN( ~~~ ~~ ITHE SHA~IE AND THE GLORY FRAME plus a AQUARIUM I Terence Hobcl'tson ...... $ 6.50 'I , , SUPPLIES HENOIR, ~IY CUSTOM 5X 7 BLACK &. WHITE ENlARG[M[~1 MARBLE FINISH FATHER , AQUARIUMS Jean Renoir ...... 11.00 1 i ,of your favourite P,AIR 3%-5 /2-7V2- THE EDEN 101/2 GALS, WITH i ~1E~vIOIRS I REFLECTORS . Anthony Eden... 9.50 II GREENLAND PUMPS .. ,.. $4.00 Up JOUHNAL I Hockwell Kent..., 9.50 •25 AIH RELEASE Negative WILDLIFE SKETCHES ORNAMENTS. NEAH AND FAR I Bruce S. Wright 5.95. NEW SIDPMENT ASK HENRY TROPICAL FISH Henry Makow 3,50 ONLY 79c eac~ SICILY PAIRS FOR SEE THIS! Bligh Pond ...... 6.50· .1 LB. BAG WILD BEHIND THE for only S BIRD SEED WITH CHEEHING 2 1.~~ PLASTIC FEEDER. , 'Frank J. Selke 4.95. From same ncgati\'c. SPECIAL ,,.,.,. $1.39 I HAR~IS WAY , Stands vertically or horizontally. ALL AT ITI~~ll~~~~i~t.... 7,50

1 WHERE THE I HEART LIES i Ludwig Bemelmans ,...... 4.95' TOOTON'S LIMITED THE HIDDEN accused the MOUNTAIN DISTRIBUTOR FOR KODAK IN NEWFOUNDLAND 10 defeat the MILLEY LTD. a hud~et s. Gabrielle Roy.... 4.95 of what it ~ THE BLACK JOKE The Award Winning Camera Dealer of The Year Dielenbaker'! WHOLESALE and RETAIL SEED CO., LTD. Farlev Mowat... 3.95. both were lis \ 30·member : m WATER STREET THE ROTHSCHILDS 1 as among I Frederic Morton 7.25 rcquire befo! DIAL 8-4328 i -======. FLYING BOAT I I GEORGETOIIX Brm.~ government. a Mr, Raymond llillier, former , ~ C . e B N I ana (CPI-Prenner out of ~el'cr e resident of Point aux Gaul, was LC_cb_2,5_th_o_ld)____ ...: Kenneth Poolman 6.00 onC'eptlon ay ews 'gan suggested at a prel prcl'iously ." .' N - THE FOOTPRINTS ference Saturday thl! Ihere was I L al :~c~:~~~~/~~:~ ;:0 l\~fsn~g~a~ SUcial Credit am Ine ews TRAWLER SINKS OF ELEPHANT ' Unit~d King.nom init~) its dccisio~ ,:, ,',: :. Congratulations are exleU!l~d They were married by Rev, I lather, Mr. Llewellyn Hillier, · h S hi: C b genume poll C V of BILOXI, iltiss. IAPI-A fish· ,BILL 0 0 C 00 I' wealth dC\'elup~cnt." I!! night. t~ 'i .1 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Renme Father Alfred J. Maher, P.P., In I his sisters, Nora, ,Joyce, Nina, U C HIg ar onear . 0 0 '5 defeal ': ,... rin the occasion o[ their forty. SI. Joseph's Church, Allan's Is· and brother Albert·, deepcst ing trawler sank in heary seas Sllsall \~Tl·lll·alll.- ~ 50 • f Britain is having Iroub:, Sunday and three crew memo .\, U., P I W n Newsy Brie s . d three oppos :: ::;' fourth wedding anniversary. land. Greetings come from their sympathy is extended. bel's tlrowned as a U,S. coast THE ~IAN WHO Up. 5 I Its goo s to "dcrelQpicf 'I tries bec~l~se thes! a combined '; , : i .: four sons, fOil l' daughters, thirty .! Gunrd cutter helplesslv rode out PLAYED GOD Scholarships CARBONEAR _ The manv' are recell'lng, less compared 'If ': I: _ Statutory Notice grandchildren and a host of. ~liss M. Haley motored from 25·foot wavcs nearby: Six other h 1 ,; ,. ' friends, i St. Lawrence over the week·end fishermen were pluckcd {rom Robert st. John. 6.95 i friends of Mr. Cyril Bishop, ~~~:: :~~ ~r~~~ ~t~;..l 1I'1TI1 VOTE 1 ' , In the matter of the l.a5t Will ! to visit her sister, Mrs, Ches thc swirling Gulf o{ Mexico, THAT SU~l~lER CARBONEAR - At ~he re·1 well known. photographer of imported (rom "adl'ar.I" two.

:,· ,, . , .... , ~ . ·.., _ .J,, · , ...... , ., ·-11 • . ....'''' ~ • . !