Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems ISSN 2288-5404 (Print) / ISSN 2288-6818 (Online) Vol. 26 No. 1 (MARCH 2016), 80-108

Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective

Maura Atapattua,*, Darshana Sederab, T. Ravichandranc, Varun Groverd a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia b Associate Professor, Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia c Professor of Information Systems, Dean, Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA d William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Distinguished Professor of Information Systems, Department of Management, Clemson University, USA


Contemporary organizations strive for customer agility through the deployment of digital technologies on cus- tomer-focused operations to build enduring customer relationships, with mobile apps being one of its prominent examples. Drawing on prior agility and ECT literature, this study proposes a model to examine customers’ view of a firm’s customer agility. Our empirical test of conceptual model from data collected in a field study from 128 customers demonstrated that the conceptual model offers good explanation for customers’ view of a firm’s customer agility through relationships among customer expectations–customer perceived firm’s re- sponsiveness-satisfaction. Data were analyzed using PLS, polynomial modeling, and response surface method- ology to examine the relationships between customers’ digital interactions with the firm, influence of digitized interactions on customer expectations, customers’ evaluation of firm’s responsiveness, and subsequent customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Agility, Mobile Apps, Expectation Confirmation Theory, Customer Satisfaction, Competitive Advantage

Ⅰ. Introduction Grover, 2012a; Tallon and Pinsonneault, 2011). In consequence business agility and speed to market Achieving sustained competitive advantage is elu- were ranked as the top two management concerns sive in highly volatile contemporary business envi- in 2011-2012 globally, whilst business , ronments, thus firm success is heavily determined mobile wireless applications (apps) and customer re- by its agility; that is, the ability to constantly sense lationship management were featured in five most the rapidly changing customer demands and respond influential technologies recently (Luftman et al., quickly to opportunities and threats (Atapattu and 2012). These novel technologies are now influencing Sedera, 2014a; Overby et al., 2006; Roberts and agility by driving the proliferation of dynamic service

*Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 610430940705 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover delivery channels (Weinhardt et al., 2009), and in- al., 2003) but it has not been discussed in detail venting novel interactive customer touch-points, thus until recently (Roberts and Grover, 2012a; Roberts presenting organizations with a great opportunity and Grover, 2012b). Whilst Kidd (2000) defined the to connect with techno-powered digital natives two types of agility – internal agility and external through ubiquitous smart technology whilst the digi- agility, Sambamurthy et al. (2003) classified the ex- tal natives, and ubiquitous technologies, networks ternal agility into two forms – customer agility and and associated systems are also increasingly weaving partnering agility, where they used the concept of themselves into the very fabric of everyday life of operational agility to describe a firm’s internal agility. both individuals and firms (Vodanovich et al., 2010b). In the interim, Roberts and Grover (2012a) have Such dynamics not only allow organizations to better discussed firm’s customer agility taking the firm’s deliver services through their traditional use, but viewpoint. However, the customers appraisal of or- more importantly allow innovative ways of connect- ganizational agility, or the customers’ view of firm’s ing with profitable techno-powered digital native cus- agility remains largely absent in the current agility tomers to identify their needs and wants better than literature (Atapattu and Sedera, 2012; Atapattu and ever before (Atapattu and Sedera, 2014b), possibly Sedera, 2013b; Atapattu and Sedera, 2013a). However, better than the competitors through the resultant understanding customer agility from customers’ user generated actionable intelligence (Susarla et al., standpoint is important as how customers perceive 2012). Roberts and Grover (2012b) referred to this firms would ultimately define the competitive posi- trait as a ‘firm’s customer agility’. Whilst firm’s cus- tion (advantage) of the firm. Simply because unless tomer agility relates to positive organizational out- its customers do not recognize that the firm is re- comes, how customers perceive firm’s agility ulti- sponding well to their needs the firm run the risk mately defines the positive outcomes that a firm is of losing its customers hence the competitive position. ultimately able to achieve (e.g., competitive advant- Taking the firm standpoint, Roberts and Grover age, customer satisfaction, market share) (Atapattu (2012a) defined a firm’s customer agility as “the de- and Sedera, 2014a). Thus, this discussion investigates gree to which a firm is able to sense and respond the customer’s view of firm’s agility and firm perform- quickly to customer-based opportunities for in- ance, which is absent in extant agility discussions. novation and competitive action”. Capturing the cus- In the broadest sense, enterprise agility is defined tomer perspective, we define the customers’ view as the firm’s ability to sense environmental change of a firm’s agility as “the degree to which a firm is and respond rapidly (Overby et al., 2006). While able to identify customers’ needs and wants, and how the definition of agility consists mainly of two compo- well the firm is able to fulfil those requirements quickly nents - sensing and responding - a firm may articulate and effectively”. The first half of our definition is its agility in many areas such as in customer-based about the customers’ view of firm’s sensing processes, in supply-chain interactions or in its capabilities. It showcases the extent to which a firm day-to-day operations (Roberts and Grover, 2012b) is able to identify customers’ expectations. The latter ultimately leading to customer agility. The notion part of the definition focuses on the firm’s responsive- of customer agility have been mentioned in the liter- ness, which symbolizes how a customer views a firm’s ature for some time (Kidd, 2000; Sambamurthy et responsiveness through customer’s experience. The

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 81 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective sensing component of agility fundamentally focuses ation-experience gap and its implications for custom- on identifying and interpreting customer expect- er satisfaction will be of great value to both research ations, while the responding component of agility and practice. This becomes even more significant focuses on fulfilling such expectations quickly, effi- and important in contemporary business environ- ciently and expertly. In other words, the notion of ment as the firms are increasingly deploying new a firm’s customer agility can be explained with a technologies to sense customer needs and wants, the priori customer expectations and a posteriori custom- customer expectations are heavily influenced by the er experiences. amount of sensing these firms. Prior customer expectations and post-experience Advancements in IT offer organizations more op- evaluations provide the contextual underpinning for tions (Adomavicius et al., 2013), for innovative cus- this discussion thus, this study apply the notion of tomer engagements, and allow firms to know their expectation-confirmation theory (ECT) (Oliver, customers retail expectation better (sensing), while 1980a) to appreciate firm agility from the customers’ customers expect that their ‘unique’ needs are met perspective. ECT is widely used in the consumer by the retailer with ease, speed and deftness behaviour and service marketing literature to exam- (responding). In other words, the customers are ex- ine customer satisfaction and post-purchase behav- pecting these firms to know their unique require- iour (Brown et al., 2012; Dabholkar et al., 2000; Oliver, ments better and to that the firm responds to their 1980a; Patterson et al., 1997). Different models of individual needs are personalized. While the organ- expectation confirmation, with varying underlying izations’ objective with the mobile shopping systems theoretical explanations, have been put forth in or- is to better connect with their customers to gain ganizational behaviour, marketing, and insights about their shifting needs, customers expect information systems research (Anderson, 1973; that organizations be more knowledgeable about their Klein, 1999; Oliver, 1977; Oliver, 1980a; Yi, 1990). individual requirements through specific deals, dis- Meanwhile, a stream of research within the IS context counts and promotions that are tailored for them. has been conducted to understand expectations and As such, the context of this research provides an IS outcomes multiple contexts; such as system con- ideal opportunity to gauge agility through the per- tinuance (Bhattacherjee, 2001), implementation-re- ceived customer viewpoint. We position the custom- lated issues (Ginzberg, 1981), evaluation of received ers’ perceived sensing and responding of the firm benefits (Staples et al., 2002), benefits realization time in relation to the growing mobile sensing and re- series (Wang and Sedera, 2011), user performance sponding technologies, and we argue that the custom- (Szajna and Scamell, 1993), and technology use and ers are better positioned to determine how well the satisfaction (Brown et al., 2012). Given the widely firm is responding to their expectations. accepted importance of happy, satisfied, positive cus- We employed the notions of agility (Nazir and tomer for business success and superior Pinsonneault, 2012; Overby et al., 2006; Roberts firm performance (Kumar and Reinartz, 2012; Liang and Grover, 2012a; Roberts and Grover, 2012b) and Tanniru, 2007; Wagner and Majchrzak, 2007), to understand firm agility and to define the customers’ the challenge of delivering superior customer re- perspective of agility. We further drew from expect- sponsiveness and understanding the expect- ation-confirmation theory (Bhattacherjee, 2001;

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Brown et al., 2012; Oliver, 1980a; Venkatesh and On the other hand, ‘responding’ is described as the Goyal, 2010) to develop our conceptual model of firm’s physical ability to act quickly and accurately the customers’ version of agility, underpinned through on opportunities and/or threats at its disposal (Dove, Expectation-Conformation Theory. Against this 2001; Overby et al., 2006). Another main attribute backdrop, this study is designed to achieve the follow- posited in the literature is the environmental turbu- ing key objectives; first, we discuss the firm’s agility lence which focuses on various change drivers such from the customers’ point of view; second, we discuss as competitor actions, changing customer require- the methodological and analytical limitations of prior ments, technological changes, legislative or regulatory agility research. Subsequently, we develop a con- changes, and economic shifts (Overby et al., 2006). ceptual model to measure and understand firm agility As prior research has established, agility is an im- from the customer perspective, through ECT. Lastly, portant determinant of success in competition when we intend to empirically validate the proposed model agility is defined, operationalized and measured using using polynomial regression and response surface the two main constituents of the sensing and respond- methodology. ing components (Overby et al., 2006; Roberts and Grover, 2012a; Roberts and Grover, 2012b). Moreover, several different aspects of agility have Ⅱ. Theoretical background been discussed in the literature (Huang et al., 2012; Roberts and Grover, 2012a; Yusuf et al., 1999), in- 2.1. Customers’ View of Agility dicating that a firm may display its agility in many different areas such as customer-based processes, sup- Taking a broader perspective, Overby et al. (2006) ply chain interactions, and day-to-day operations defined enterprise agility as a firm’s ability to sense (Roberts and Grover, 2012b). Traditionally, agility environmental change and respond rapidly. There research observes agility by asking the management exists a range of definitions that describe the notion about the firm’s sensing and responding capabilities. of agility (Bititci et al., 1999; Day, 2000; Goldman To date, all the studies have evaluated agility by asking et al., 1995; Roberts and Grover, 2012b; Sambamurthy managers of the organizations what they thought et al., 2003; Setia et al., 2008; Sharifi and Zhang, were their capabilities of sensing and responding. 1999; Yusuf et al., 1999), but they all share some For example, Roberts and Grover (2012a) requested key common attributes. For example, the two attrib- managers to comment on how well their organization utes of sensing and responding appear in multiple sensed as compared to their competitors. However, definitions of agility (Overby et al., 2006; Roberts according to our knowledge, no studies to-date has and Grover, 2012a; Roberts and Grover, 2012b; attempted either to comprehend or to measure a Sambamurthy et al., 2003) wherein these two compo- firm’s agility from the customers’ perspective. nents form the two main constituents of organiza- The customer perspective of the firm’s abilities tional agility. Sensing explains the firm’s intellectual is not new to management science. For example, ability in finding appropriate opportunities and/or Kaplan et al. (1992) in their balanced scorecard ap- threats to act upon (Dove, 2001) and represents the proach appreciated the importance of customers’ knowledge component of agility (Overby et al., 2006). viewpoint by introducing the dimension “how cus-

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 83 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective tomers see the firm?”, as a key strategic performance 2.2. Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) indicator. Moreover, the significance of customer for branding, business relationships and The instigation of ECT can be traced back to con- firm performance is well evident in the business, sumer behaviour and marketing research streams management, and marketing literature (Langerak, (Oliver, 1977; Oliver, 1980a). The theory presumes 2001; Niemuth, 2005; O'Loughlin et al., 2004; Sullivan that satisfaction is a function of prior expectations et al., 2012). Hence, we argue here that, how custom- and a posteriori dis-confirmation1) (Oliver, 1980a; er’s view the firm’s agility is an important phenomen- Susarla et al., 2003). Oliver (1980a) elaborated on on for both research and practice. Following the the process which consumers go through in forming definition, customer agility is the process of under- repurchase intentions using the ECT framework. standing customer requirements and responding to First, consumers form initial expectations of a specific them with appropriate and quick responsive actions service or a product prior to purchase (in this dis- (Roberts and Grover, 2012a). In other words, it is cussion we refer to this as a priori expectations/ the process by which a firm understands the prior customer expected firm’s agility). Then, they agree customer expectations and satisfies them with appro- and consume/use that service or the product and priate post-purchase customer experiences. By look- they form perceptions about its performance based ing at firm’s customer agility from the customers’ on the experience following its initial consumption standpoint (i.e., customer perceived firm’s agility), (we refer to this as customer perceived firm’s agility what customers experience indicates the firm’s ability / a posteriori experiences). Third, they evaluate its in responding to customer requirements. Since the perceived performance against their original expect- customers can recognize the firm’s capabilities to ations (customers’ evaluation of firm’s agility) and respond to their needs in the form of customer-based determine the extent to which their expectation is competitive actions, the customers’ perceptions of confirmed. Subsequently, based on the level of con- the firm’s responsiveness are a valid indicator of firmation and the expectation upon which the con- the firm’s agility. Hence, in this discussion we propose firmation was based, they form satisfaction or that the customer-perceived firm responsiveness is affection. Finally, the consumers form a repurchase an important component in understanding agility. intention when they are satisfied, and dissatisfied We do not intend to undermine the employees’ role consumers discontinue use. in assessing a firm’s responsiveness, but our aim The predictive ability of the theory is demonstrated here is to highlight the importance of customers’ across a number of different contexts, and a stream participation in an organization’s agility audit. Also, of literature affirms that satisfaction is a key determi- we argue here that to comprehend a firm’s agility nant of repurchase decisions (Oliver, 1980a), and entirely one should also consider the customers’ continuance intentions (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Brown standpoint as one of the dimensions. While the organ- et al., 2012; Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010). A common izational perspective provides the internal view of theme in the ECT literature is that satisfaction is the firm’s customer agility, the proposed customer perspective has the potential to provide the much 1) Also labelled “confirmation” in the extant literature where the theory is called “expectation-confirmation” or required external view of the firm’s customer agility. “expectation-disconfirmation”, interchangeably.

84 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover a function of the magnitude and direction of dis- (Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010). Venkatesh and Goyal confirmation, whereby the customers are satisfied (2010) recently discussed the issues relevant to the in the case of positive disconfirmation whilst dissat- direct measurements and the analytical limitations isfied in the case of negative disconfirmation. The associated with the use of linear models. Drawing variation in satisfaction is also higher as the degree from theory, realistic job pre- of disconfirmation increases (Venkatesh and Goyal, view, and prospect theory they proposed a polynomial 2010). The initial conceptualization (Oliver, 1980a) model of expectation-(dis)confirmation in in- of ECT posits that prior expectations and dis- formation systems to better understand expect- confirmation are the only determinants of sat- ation-(dis)confirmation in IS and to deal with the isfaction, whereas some subsequent research (Churchill shortcomings associated in prior ECT research. A and Surprenant, 1982) shows that actual experience more recent work by Brown et al. (2012) further exerts effects independently on satisfaction in addi- demonstrated that the employment of polynomial tion to the impact it makes via disconfirmation, whilst modelling and response surface methodology pre- according to some others (Brown et al., 2012), experi- sented a better explanation of the relationships be- ence is the sole determinant of satisfaction. tween expectations, experiences and use in in- In the IS literature, Ginzberg (1981) examined formation systems. In this discussion, we also employ the impact of unrealistically high user expectations ECT to understand organizational agility and to ex- on satisfaction in the information systems context plain the relationship between customer expectations and found that the users with realistic prior expect- (customer expected firm’s agility), customer-per- ations were more satisfied than the users with un- ceived firm’s agility (customer experiences), custom- realistic prior expectations. In another study, Staples ers’ evaluation of firm’s agility and customer et al. (2002) argued that unrealistically high expect- satisfaction. ations will result in a lower level of perceived benefit when compared to realistic expectations. Further, 2.3. ECT Perspective of Firm’s Agility some researchers in IS used ECT to examine how and why the attitudes and beliefs towards IT use Roberts and Grover (2012b) defined a firm’s cus- changed over time when the users gained experience tomer agility as the “degree to which a firm is able with a particular system (Bhattacherjee, 2001; to sense and respond quickly to customer-based op- Bhattacherjee and Premkumar, 2004). They found portunities for innovation and competitive action”. that satisfaction with the system usage was the stron- As such, in customer agility, sensing focuses on the gest predictor of intention to continue. Furthermore, firm’s ability to identify and interpret customer-based they highlighted the role of disconfirmation and sat- opportunities, while responding focuses on the firm’s isfaction in driving the change in attitudes and beliefs ability to respond quickly to the customer-based op- over time, which shows why it is important for an portunities the firm has sensed for innovation and organization to be continuously responsive to their competitive action; thus, it focuses on how well the customer needs all the time. Recent work on ECT firm is able to act on the requirements of its customers. focuses on the methodological and analytical short- Précis, a firm’s customer agility denotes how well comings associated with prior ECT research a firm is capable of sensing its customers shifting

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 85 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective

Firm’s customer agility Customer’s view of firm’s customer agility

Customers’ “SENSE” Needs and Expectations


“RESPOND” Customers’ Actual Experience

Customer’s Perspective of Firm’s Customer Agility needs and expectations and responding to such superior customer experiences with ease, speed and changes with precision quick and timely manner to deftness. When observing from the customers’ view- gain competitive advantage making its customers’ point, the customers experience firm responsiveness satisfied. Thus, the customers’ view of firms’ agility through the customer-based competitive actions that corresponds to how a firm’s customers evaluate the a firm performs based on what it senses about its firm’s customer agility through the evaluation of cus- customers. Hence, through their experience (customer tomers’ actual experiences against the firm’s re- perceived firm’s agility), the customers are able to sponsiveness that the customers expect from the firm. recognize that the firm is responding to their unique Thus we employ the expectation confirmation theory individual requirements. Consequently, the custom- (ECT) (Oliver, 1977; Oliver, 1980b) to further inves- ers will be satisfied as the firm is agile and is able tigate the firm’s customer agility from customers’ to meet their pre-consumption expectations. If the standpoint. The
depicts the customers’ firm fails to deliver what their customers expect, take of firm’s agility. they would not be satisfied. As ECT hypothesizes, Taking the expectation-confirmation theory per- customers’ repurchase or continuance intentions are spective, a firm’s sensing capability demonstrates how primarily determined by their post-consumption sat- well the firm is able to identify what their customers isfaction (Oliver, 1980a), and in this discussion cus- expect from them, while the firm’s responding capa- tomer satisfaction is defined by the goodness of the bility is about how well the firm is able to act on experience that they perceive. As discussed in regard what is expected. How customers experience the to the notion of agility (Roberts and Grover, 2012a), firm’s responsiveness indeed symbolizes how well repurchase or continuance intention is an important the firm responds customer’s individual needs. In determinant in sustaining the customers’ loyalty; other words, a firm’s agility, from the ECT perspective hence, it is an important determinant of competitive (Oliver, 1980a), explicates the firm’s ability to under- advantage. The expectation-confirmation theory pos- stand the customers’ expectations via the pervasive its that satisfaction is a function of prior expectations interactions ongoing basis and respond to them with and disconfirmation (Oliver, 1980a; Susarla et al.,

86 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover

2003), where satisfaction is considered to be a key gruence (Brown et al., 2008). Contrasting to the dis- determinant of repurchase intentions (Oliver, 1980a; confirmation model, this model anticipates negative Oliver et al., 1994b), hence the sustained customer outcomes for both unmet expectations and exceeding loyalty. As a result, understanding the expect- expectations. The experience only model suggests ation-experience gap and its implications for custom- that the outcome (satisfaction) depends solely on er satisfaction in light of organizational agility will the actual experience, rendering expectations incon- be of great value for both research and practice. sequential to the satisfaction outcome (Brown et al., 2008). 2.4. ECT, Satisfaction and Limitations in All three models view satisfaction as a function Prior Research of expectations and experiences. Brown et al. (2008) analysed the three competing models through three Based on met expectation research (Porter and different graphical and analytical representations. Steers, 1973), Brown et al. (2008) introduced three The subsequent empirical tests suggested that the models to study satisfaction, namely, the dis- equal role of expectations and experiences posited confirmation, ideal point, and experience only in the disconfirmation and ideal point models was models. The disconfirmation model suggests that sat- not evident; that is, the influence of experience on isfaction is influenced by the degree to which the satisfaction was comparatively stronger as depicted expectations are unmet or the level of disconfirmation. in the experience only model (Brown et al., 2008). In that model, disconfirmation suggests that either A strong role of expectation in determining sat- the experiences fall short of expectations (it reduces isfaction is evident in previous research (Ginzberg, satisfaction due to the effect of disappointment) or 1981; Szajna and Scamell, 1993) but the overall influ- the experiences exceed the expectations (it influences ence of expectation appears to be less prominent satisfaction through the positive surprise effect) in more current work (Brown et al., 2008). Brown (Brown et al., 2008). Which indicates that satisfaction et al. (2008), for example, cautioned that flawed em- is a function of the difference between experience pirical techniques such as the use of linear models and expectations, wherein the degree to which expect- and the limitations associated with different scores ations are exceeded leads to greater satisfaction while may have led to the overemphasizing role of expect- the degree to which expectations are falling short ations where, in reality, it only had a marginal influ- leads to lower satisfaction (Brown et al., 2008; Porter ence on satisfaction. and Steers, 1973). This suggests that the expectations Recent debates on ECT in the IS context reveal should be understated in order to increase the degree several key limitations associated with prior ECT to which the experiences exceed expectations (by applications (Brown et al., 2008; Brown et al., 2012; maximizing the expectation-experience gap in the Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010; Venkatesh et al., 2008). positive direction) (Brown et al., 2008). The first group of limitations relate to the predom- The ideal point model proposes that any difference inant use of linear models and associated analytical between expectations and experiences will result in techniques (Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Szajna a lowered evaluation, and hence result in a lowered and Scamell, 1993) in ECT research when the theoret- satisfaction regardless of the direction of incon- ical propositions of ECT (Brown et al., 2008; Brown

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 87 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective et al., 2012; Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010) and sat- relative impact of expectations and experiences on isfaction (Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Cheung and satisfaction (Brown et al., 2008; Irving and Meyer, Lee, 2009) predict nonlinear effects. For example, 1995). As Irving and Meyer (1995) reported, re- Anderson and Sullivan (1993) reported that negative sponses on met expectations questions are likely to disconfirmation affects consumer satisfaction more be excessively influenced by current experiences. than positive disconfirmation, and this nonlinearity More recent work on ECT suggests polynomial re- has been well documented and empirically demon- gression analysis and response surface methodology strated in consumer-behavior research (Cheung and (Edwards, 2001) as an alternative approach to counter Lee, 2009). The linearity in general implies similar these limitations of prior research (Brown et al., 2008; effects of expectations and experiences on an out- Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010). come, whereas some prior research hints that the assumption of linearity possibly masks the true rela- tionship among the variables (Edwards and Rothbard, Ⅲ. Research Model 1999; Staples et al., 2002). As Edwards (2001) argues, higher-order terms in curvilinear representations Following the notions of agility (Overby et al., have the potential to explain substantial variance over 2006; Roberts and Grover, 2012a), ECT (Oliver, and above linear representations. 1980a), competing models of ECT and the paucity The second group of limitations highlighted in of research that investigated customers perspective the extant ECT studies includes the use of difference of firm’s agility in prior research, we propose a model scores in analysis. As previous studies suggest, the (See

) to understand the notion of custom- difference scores carry significant statistical flows er agility from the perspective of firm’s customers. (Brown et al., 2008; Peter et al., 1993; Venkatesh Whilst ECT posits that satisfaction is a function of et al., 2008). For example, the use of difference scores prior expectations and disconfirmation (Oliver, in expectation research suggests that expectations 1980a; Susarla et al., 2003), in this discussion we and experiences possess equal and opposite effects relate firm’s customer agility to customers’ perceived on the outcome variable, but it does not always hold firm’s agility (experience) and customer expected true and is likely to impose constraints in some repre- firm’s agility (expectations) taking the customers’ sentations of ECT models (Brown et al., 2008; Hom stand point. Thus we relate the firm’s sensing and et al., 1999). responding capabilities to customer expectations, ex- The third measurement issue is associated with periences and customer satisfaction using ECT. the use of direct measures of disconfirmation Expectation researchers both in IS and other areas (Bhattacherjee and Premkumar, 2004; Bhattacherjee, examine expectations, experiences and outcomes 2001; Brown et al., 2008; Oliver, 1977; Venkatesh (Brown et al., 2008; Brown et al., 2012; Porter and and Goyal, 2010) instead of using the measures of Steers, 1973). By definition, expectations are a set expectations and experiences separately. In this ap- of beliefs of products, services or the experiences proach, a researcher is essentially measuring the de- that prevail prior to the consumption /experience gree to which a participant’s expectations were met, (Olson and Dover, 1979; Susarla et al., 2003; but it does not support the understanding of the Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010), whilst disconfirmation

88 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover

Firm’s perspective of Customers’ perspective of firm’s customer agility customer agility

Sensing Expectations / H1 (Through smart mobile apps) Needs H3 Evaluation ( customers’ take of Satisfaction sense-response alignment alignment) Sense –response Sense

Experience H2 Responding (Customer perceived firm’s responsiveness) AGILITY

Customer’s View of Agility – ECT Perspective is the discrepancy between prior expectations and competitive position in the market. Consequently, the actual experience (Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010). the recent research in IS highlights the existence When the experience exceeds the expectations of nonlinear relationships between the constructs of (better-than-expected outcomes), it leads to positive expectation, experience and satisfaction (Brown et disconfirmations; when the experience falls short al., 2008; Staples et al., 2002; Venkatesh and Goyal, (worse-than-expected outcomes), it results in neg- 2010), whilst the original manifestations of ECT also ative disconfirmation (Churchill and Surprenant, suggest non-linear propositions. 1982; Oliver, 1980a; Oliver et al., 1994b; Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010) and that defines the overall sat- 3.1. Hypotheses Development isfaction or the dissatisfaction of the customer. In this discussion, the expectations portray a customer As conceived in ECT (Oliver, 1977; Oliver, 1980b), expected firm’s responsiveness on the requirements the expectations defined as the set of beliefs of prod- that are unique to him/her. As the firms now have ucts, services or anticipated experiences that are the potential to sense such requirements that are formed prior to the consumption /actual experience. unique to each individual customer and respond to Whilst a firm’s customer expectations are typically them in tailored and timely manner exhibiting greater developed based on the firm’s marketing communica- customer agility. As such the customers could eval- tion activities and/or, during the customers’ pre-pur- uate a firm’s agility by evaluating the actual experience chase interactions with the organization, con- that they perceive during their interactions with the temporary firm’s now have the potential to sense firm. Upon which the customers form their sat- such expectations through smart devices such as isfaction or dissatisfaction thus defines the firm’s smart mobiles and associated apps. As such, the cus-

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 89 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective tomer expectations also influenced heavily by the As discussed in the extant ECT literature, custom- amount of sensing firms do with novel ubiquitous ers can either be satisfied or disappointed based on customer engagements knowing that the firms are the level to which they confirm their initial expect- sensing more about their individual preferences. ations (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Venkatesh and Goyal, Then the customers evaluate how the firm is able 2010). In other words, the level of satisfaction depends to fulfil their individual shopping needs. In doing on the actual performance of the firm or the re- so they evaluate their actual experience against the sponsiveness of the firm. The firm’s responsiveness initial expectations they have formed. In other words, then defines the level of experiences that perceived as argued in ECT, customers form their satisfaction by the customers (i.e., perceived firm’s customer agil- based on the level to which they confirm their expect- ity). As conceived in ECT literature (Oliver, 1977; ations, or in other words, the satisfaction is based Oliver, 1980b; Oliver et al., 1994a) the level of dis- on the level of expectation on which that confirmation confirmation defines the ultimate satisfaction where was based (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Brown et al., 2008). initial level of expectations and the actual experiences As conceived in ECT, customers assess their actual provides the two reference points for such evaluations. experiences (i.e., perceived firm’s responsiveness) in Thus, it is reasonable to argue that the superior cus- relation to their initial expectations (i.e., customer tomer experiences (higher levels of firm’s customer expected firm’s responsiveness) in order to determine agility) form higher levels of customer satisfaction, the extent to which their expectations were confirmed whilst the inferior customer experiences form com- to form their level of satisfaction (Bhattacherjee, paratively lower levels of satisfactions. Thus, we pro- 2001). In other words, the level of a priori expectations pose our second hypothesis: will influence the outcome, in this discussion, referred to as customer satisfaction. Herein, the a-priori ex- H2: Superior customer experience (firm’s customer agility) pectations provide the baseline or the reference level is positively associated (directly proportional) to for consumers to form evaluative judgments about customer satisfaction, such that customers with the firm’s responsiveness based on their actual experi- superior (mediocre) perceived firm’s agility will be ence (Bhattacherjee, 2001), so it is reasonable to pre- more (less) satisfied. sume that when customer expectations (customer expected firm’s agility towards their shopping needs Following the notion that customers form their and wants) are lower it is easier for the firm to satisfaction based on the level of expectation con- satisfy those customers compared to the customers firmation (Bhattacherjee, 2001) and the idea of con- with higher expectation levels. Thus, we propose our gruence (Brown et al., 2008), we predict the sat- first hypothesis: isfaction to be increased when the difference between customer expectations (customer expected firm’s H1: Prior customer expectations are negatively associated agility) and experiences (customer perceived firm’s (inversely proportional) to customer satisfaction, such agility) is minimized. In this discussion, customer that customers with high (low) a-priori expectations expectations serve as an anchor which the customers will be less (more) satisfied with the firm’s evaluate their perceived experience against. There responsiveness to their requirements. is an ideal point of experience where the mismatch

90 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover between expectation and experience is at its competition to attract better market share. As the minimum. The agility literature also suggests that retailing landscape is heavily influenced by evolving the firm’s sensing capability (identifying what the technologies such as Smartphones and Smartphone customer wants or expects) should be aligned to applications (Narayanaswami et al., 2011), the in- its responding capability (meeting what the customer dustry is making a global shift towards ‘everywhere wants or expects with appropriately matching cus- retailing’, and ‘everywhere ubiquitous sensing and tomer experiences) to deliver better firm performance responding’, thus the two retail giants too are trying (customer satisfaction being one of the performance to exploit such technological advancements. These indicators) (Overby et al., 2006; Roberts and Grover, firms are now able to tap in to digitized heterogeneous 2012a; Roberts and Grover, 2012b). Bhattacherjee data bases (Krishnan et al., 2001) to extract insights (2001) also argued and empirically tested that sat- on individual customer preferences based on the in- isfaction is a function of the degree to which expect- formation footprint left by customers (Wagener et ations are confirmed, whilst Staples et al. (2002) af- al., 2010) and strategically capitalize on such customer firmed that user satisfaction is at its most optimal interactions and understand untapped market poten- when the difference between prior expectations and tial (Dou et al., 2013; Niculescu et al., 2012). These experiences is at its minimum. Following this, we organizations in general are now able to discover propose our third hypothesis: customer buying patterns through understanding how customers create shopping lists prior to reaching H3: Alignment of a-priori customer expectations to the retail outlet, observing recipes that the customers perceived customer experiences is positively related are navigating through, and combining statistics with to customer satisfaction, such that customers are more location maps. Alternatively, customers can compare satisfied when the difference between expectations fuel prices, find out what fruit and vegetables are and actual experiences is at its lowest. in season, check available specials, receive exclusive daily offers and specials centered around the things they buy most, sort their shopping list by aisle order, Ⅳ. Study Context and find the location of their nearest store and its opening hours. They also can shop easily with secure The study context represents the exiting use of mobile checkout and instantly send their shopping novel, ubiquitous and smart use of technology for list to an online store – simply and safely – to sensing and responding. It is based on the mo- have the groceries delivered fresh to their door, at bile-Customer Relationship Management (mobile a time that suits them. They also can share their shopping) application for virtual retailing in two of shopping list between app users on different handsets. the largest retailers in Australia, namely, Woolworth s2) and Coles3). Together, they hold 80% of the Australian retail market (Boley, 2012), with fierce

2) Woolworths / Woolworths Ltd 3) Coles Supermarkets / Westfarmers

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 91 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective

Ⅴ. Research Method from customers of two market-leading Australian retailers, whereby they used a mobile shopping app 5.1. Development of Measures in their routine shopping engagements, in order to measure the constructs in our research model from The study followed the guidelines of Churchill the customer perspective. We administered our anon- (1979) and MacKenzie et al. (2011) for developing ymous surveys online, with the invitations sent to the measures of our constructs. We conducted a multiple sources in order to capture a sufficient num- literature search on firms’ customer agility first, in ber of respondents who actually used the mobile order to define the domain of the study construct, shopping app in their shopping. Alternatively, an namely, firm’s agility (See ). Following online survey was posted on the user community the definition, we then reviewed the literature on pages on the social media sites of the two case organ- agility and expectation-confirmation theory to com- izations, in addition to invitation emails sent to a prehend agility from the ECT lens and to develop selected sample of current and potential users of the sub-measures and measurement items for each the mobile shopping app, comprising of students, construct of our conceptual model taking the custom- faculty members and other staff in one of the leading ers’ view of firm’s agility. Based on this literature universities in Australia. Our exercise yielded a total review and validated measures of similar constructs of 129 respondents who actually used the mobile (Kohli et al., 1993; Roberts and Grover, 2012a), we shopping apps, with a response rate of 40% (from then generated sample items to measure customer 324 who actually accessed the URL). Our subsequent expectations, experiences and satisfaction. Where screening for missing data left us with 128 usable possible, the existing measures of constructs were respondents (one of the responses omitted data). adapted to the context of this study. For new measures The demographics of our sample revealed that they and those that required significant changes, we were mostly young (born 1965-1989 = 45%) and followed the standard scale development procedures male (64%). stipulated in MacKenzie et al. (2011). Following We used wave analysis (Armstrong and Overton, this, we conducted a pre-test and pilot study to 1977) to assess the impact of non-respondent bias, assess the reliability and validity of our measures. whereby the respondents were grouped into early Our pilot analysis and subsequent follow-up dis- and late respondents, and comparisons were made cussion with a subset of respondents created sufficient according to the respondents’ age and gender. Our confidence in the scales to proceed with the full-scale analysis revealed no significant differences between survey administration of the target sample frame. early and late respondents. Based on our findings,

lists the sources and some items for all non-response bias did not appear to impact on our the construct measures (For the complete set of items study. Further, to check the extent to which common please refer to the ). method variance - spurious variance that is attribut- able to the measurement method rather than to the 5.2. Sampling Frame and Characteristics constructs may be a problem, we first conducted the marker variable technique. The results had shown We operationalized the study model using data no significant correlations between the marker varia-

92 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover

Construct Measures Construct Items a Measure source b Customer expectations e.g.,…. (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Jayachandran et (Customer-expected firm’s agility) I expect [retailer] to al., 2004; Kohli et al., 1993; Roberts …provide information [about] discounts and and Grover, 2012a; Roberts and Grover, promotions based on my specific requirements. 2012b; Venkatesh and Goyal, 2010) …be responsive to my changing needs and wants Customer experience e.g.,…. (Jayachandran et al., 2004; Kohli et al., (Customer-perceived firm’s agility) [Retailer]...... 1993; Roberts and Grover, 2012a; - quickly react to the fundamental changes in my Roberts and Grover, 2012b) product requirements by providing me with relevant customized information - is fast to provide information about discounts and promotions based on the shopping list created in the mobile app Customer evaluation of firm’s agility e.g.,…. (Bhattacherjee, 2001; Jayachandran et - [Retailers] responsiveness on my shopping al., 2004; Kohli et al., 1993; Roberts requirements is better than what I anticipated and Grover, 2012a; Roberts and - Overall, most of my expectations from using the Grover, 2012b; Venkatesh and Goyal, [retailers] mobile app were confirmed or exceeded. 2010) Customer satisfaction e.g.,…. (Bhattacherjee, 2001) - I am satisfied with... - the purchasing products functionality provided by the app - my overall experience of the [retailer’s] mobile app use Note: a 1= Strongly disagree, 7= Strongly agree. b Although we drew our survey items from well-established measurement constructs in marketing and IS, we only adapted items that corresponded to the conceptual definitions of our constructs. ble and the other variables in the model that are 2005) software to evaluate our research model and theoretically unrelated instilling more confidence in the measurement properties of the constructs and the research findings (see ). individual items. PLS also allows a researcher to test the psychometric properties of the scales used to 5.3. Model Testing measure variables in a measurement model, and the estimation of the structural model on the strength According to Barclay et al. (1995), an assessment and direction of the relationships between the varia- of a measurement model should examine: a) in- bles, simultaneously (Xu et al., 2011). dividual measurement item reliability, b) internal To support individual item reliability, we checked consistency, and c) discriminant validity. We used the loadings of the individual measurement items the partial least square (PLS) technique of structural on their intended constructs and compared them equation modelling in SmartPLS 2.0 (Ringle et al., against the recommended tolerances of 0.60, or ideal-

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 93 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective

PLS Analysis of The Research Model ly 0.70, as stipulated in the extant research (Barclay efficients, path significances and variance explained et al., 1995; Chin, 1998). All of the measurement (R2) to test the predictive power of the model. The items except one met the ideal tolerance threshold paths between each of the constructs of the research of 0.70. Moreover, as seen in , the model showed a strong and significant positive rela- loadings of a given construct’s indicators were higher tionship (expectation-satisfaction, β = - 0.002, p < than the loadings of any other, and the same in- 0.05, experience-satisfaction β = 0.645, p < 0.0001), dicator’s load was higher on the intended construct with the confirmation of expectations and experi- than on any other, lending support to the discrim- ences explaining 60.3% of the variance (R2) of custom- inant validly. Alternatively, we created a post-hoc er satisfaction for the post-hoc model (
). model of expectations-experiences-satisfaction for The predictive power of the dependent variable in which all the individual measurement items met the our research is in line with those reported in expect- ideal tolerance limit of 0.70 (Barclay et al., 1995; ation confirmation and satisfaction research (ECT Chin, 1998). The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) applications) in the past studies (Liao et al., 2009; also suggested that overall the discriminant and con- Thong et al., 2006; Venkatesh et al., 2011). The high vergent validity of the model were acceptable (see R2 of the current study can be explained through ). Further, we calculated the composite (i) immediate gratification between the two con- reliability and Cronbach’s alpha for each construct ditions, where the respondent seeks retailer’s inter- to examine the internal consistency of the constructs vention to their expectation without delay (ii) the and all met the suggested tolerances of > 0.70 (Fornell likelihood that the scenario depicted in the research and Larcker, 1981). model demonstrates the reality, (iii) the better align- We next analysed the structural model to see the ment between the experience and expectations and significance and strength of the relationships between (iv) the general fit of data with the model. Whilst the constructs using a PLS model using SmartPLS PLS analysis shows support for our hypothesis but, software. We examined the standardized path co- it doesn’t provide information on how the three main

94 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover constructs expectation, experience and satisfaction Hierarchical analysis of polynomial equations in behave in combination, nor does it explain the polynomial modelling can be applied in both con- non-linear relationships that suggest the theory. So firmatory as well as exploratory approaches (Edwards, we use polynomial regression analysis together with 2001). In conducting the analysis, the data at both response surface methodology to test our hypothesis points of measurements (i.e., dependent and in- further. dependent) were calculated with the scale-centered item measures. Scale centering is done by subtracting 5.4. Hypotheses Testing the scale midpoints from the actual score which re- duces the multi-collinearity problems and allows Following the theoretical perspectives that sug- meaningful interpretations of the coefficients of the gested nonlinear relationships, we used polynomial polynomial equations (Edwards, 2001).

modelling, coupled with response surface method- reports the results of the polynomial equation. ology to study agility and to interpret organizational The resultant higher order polynomial equations agility from the viewpoint of customers by under- that often results in a polynomial model are difficult standing how agility relates to customer expectations, to interpret (Edwards, 2001). For example, simply customer experiences and customer satisfaction. So, inspecting the signs and magnitudes of the co- we propose: efficients reported in
reveals very little as to the shape of the surface they represent. The Satisfaction = f (customer expectations*, customer ex- response surface methodology (Khuri and Cornell, periences**) 1987) provides the basis required for testing and Z = β0 + β1EFA* + β2 PFA** + β3 EFA2 + β4 interpreting the features of surfaces corresponding (EFA × PFA) + β5 PFA2 + e to polynomial quadratic regression equations. The response surface is a visual aid to get a richer and Where, in this study *EFA = Customer expect- meaningful deeper understanding of complex poly- ations (i.e., customer expected firm’s agility, **PR nomial equations. The combination provides the so- = Customer experiences (i.e., customer perceived phisticated statistical nuance required to examine firm’s agility). the extent to which the combination of two predictor

Results of Polynomial Regression Analysis Beta coefficient / Unstandardized regression coefficients Intercept / Constant 5.526 Customer Expected Firm’s Agility (EFA) -0.278** Customer Perceived Firm’s Agility (PFA) 0.663* (i.e., Customer Experience) EFA2 -0.116 EFA*PFA 0.019** PFA2 0.031 * p < 0.0001, **p <0.05

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 95 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective variables relates to an outcome variable, in particular Customer satisfaction reaches its minimum when when the discrepancy (or match) between the two the customers set their expectations (expect firm’s predictor variables is a fundamental consideration to be highly agile) at its maximum (Point B), while (Shanock et al., 2010).

depicts a response lower levels of customer expectations (expect very surface for customer expectations and customer expe- little or no agility from the firm) yield somewhat riences (we refer to the customer-perceived firm’s moderate levels of customer satisfaction (Point A). responsiveness here) as it relates to customer It also suggests that the moderate levels of customer satisfaction. expectations (i.e., better managed customer expect- To test our first and second hypotheses, we first ations) are more likely to yield higher levels of cus- examined the two curves, namely, the expectation tomer satisfaction compared to lower levels of expect- curve (line along A-B) and experience (customer ations and specifically the higher levels of expectations. perceived firm’s agility) curve (line along A-C) against Our second hypothesis, H2, suggested that custom- the outcome variable, namely, customer satisfaction. er experiences (i.e., customer perceived firm’s agility) H1 suggested that prior customer expectations are are positively associated (directly proportional) with negatively associated (inversely proportional) to cus- customer satisfaction. As shown in the graphical rep- tomer satisfaction and in fact it does behave the resentation in
above, in fact the findings way we assumed however in a curvilinear manner. support our arguments as the customer satisfaction The expectation curve suggests that the customer is positively associated to customer experiences (line satisfaction is greatest when the customer expect- A-C). Customers are highly satisfied when the cus- ations are modest/modest level of firm’s agility (along tomer-perceived firm’s agility reaches moderate to line A-B, closer to the midpoint of line A-B). high levels (towards point C), while the customer


A Customersatisfaction B

Expectation Experience (Customer expected firm’s (Customer perceived firm’s agility) agility)

Customer Expectations and Experience as It Relates to Customer Satisfaction

96 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover satisfaction is at moderate levels when the customer rience and how they relate to customer satisfaction. perceived firm’s agility (i.e., experience) is mediocre As visible in the graph (also refer to ), customer satisfaction is relatively higher when Our third hypothesis, H3, suggested that aligning higher perceived firm’s agility (experience) is com- prior customer expectations (i.e., customer expected bined with low expectations (customer do not expect firm’s agility) to actual (perceived) customer experi- firm’s to be highly agile), whilst customer satisfaction ences (customer perceived firm’s agility) would be is relatively low when inferior customer experiences positively related to customer satisfaction. As eluci- is combined with higher levels customer expectations. dated in Olson and Dover (1979), this suggests that Overall, this response surface has the following the customer satisfaction will be greatest when cus- key features: 1) the relationship between customer tomer expectations are equal to their actual experi- expected firm’s agility and customer satisfaction is ence (we refer here to the customer-perceived firm’s curvilinear whereby the relationship is negatively as- agility). The solid line on the floor of the graph sociated (inversely proportional) to customer sat- (

) depicts the line of perfect agreement isfaction; 2) the relationship between customer expe- between customer expectations and customer experi- rience (customer perceived firm’s agility) is positively ence (i.e., perceived agility) (X=Y, representing line associated (directly proportional) with customer sat- A-D on the surface of the graph). Moving along isfaction; 3) when customer expected firm’s agility the X=Y line from the front of the graph to the are equal to their actual experiences, the customer back (from point A towards B), the line of alignment satisfaction will be greatest when the line of alignment of expectation-experience, as related to customer sat- of expectation-experience, as related to customer sat- isfaction (Z), has a positive slope. Thus, agreement isfaction (Z) has a positive slope; and 4) customer between customers expected firm’s agility and cus- satisfaction is relatively higher when higher perceived tomer perceived firm’s agility matters. The lowest levels of firm’s agility is achieved (experience) in level of customer satisfaction (along line X=Y) is combination with low expectations and vice versa. at the front corner of the graph where customer expected firm’s agility and customers’ perceived firm’s agility are both low, and increasingly higher Ⅵ. Discussion towards the back of the graph where both customer expectations (expected agility) and perceived agility This study proposed a new approach to understand (i.e., actual experience) are high. a firm’s customer agility from its customers’ stand- Additionally, the dashed line on the floor of the point, which outlined possible complex interactions graph in
, depicts the line of incongruence between customer expectations, firm’s responsive- (the X and Y variables are not in agreement) between ness and ultimate customer satisfaction. Herein we customer expected firm’s agility (expectations) and integrated the expectation confirmation theory and customer-perceived firm’s agility (experience) notions of organizational agility to understand cus- (X=-Y). Moving away from the interception of two tomers’ perspective of a firm’s agility. Thus, we relate lines to either the left or right direction shows the customer expectations (needs and wants of customers degree of discrepancy between expectation and expe- that matters to the firm) and customer experiences

Vol. 26 No. 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 97 Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation-confirmation Theory Perspective

(firm’s responsiveness / customer agility as perceived (Roberts and Grover, 2012a; Roberts and Grover, by customers) and customer satisfaction (in de- 2012b) from the customers perspective through the termining a key outcome) to conceive customers’ lens of expectation-confirmation theory (Oliver, standpoint of a firm’s customer agility. We tested 1980a; Oliver et al., 1994b). Broadly speaking, our the proposed model in a field study that used survey empirical analysis found that customers’ expectations data from customers of the two largest retailers in and their actual experiences in the form of perceived Australia. The customers responding to the survey firm’s agility were significantly related to customer instrument were regular uses of the retailers’ mobile satisfaction. shopping apps. We collected data from the customers Our study has a number of implications for agility who uses the smart mobile shopping apps about research. As we isolated key attributes and character- their expectations of the firm’s responsiveness istics of agility from the customers’ point of view, (customer expected firm’s agility on their needs and we suggest that future research is necessary in order wants), their actual experience (customers’ experi- to consider the attributes and characteristics we sum- ence relating to firms ability to respond to their needs marized when conceptualizing agility from the cus- and wants that are unique to each individual / firm’s tomer perspective. Additionally we took two varia- customer agility as perceived by customers), and the bles, namely, customer expectations and customer level of satisfaction that customers attain based on experiences, in order to view a firm’s agility from their actual experience. We tested the conceptual the customer perspective; we suggest that future re- model using the PLS technique of structural equation search could consider customer expectations, experi- modelling in SmartPLS 2.0 software (Ringle et al., ences and satisfaction in a longitudinal study to 2005), polynomial modelling and response surface understand the temporal nature of the customer’s methodology and found that in fact the customer evaluation of a firm’s agility. We also suggest expectations and actual customer experiences did that future applications of agility research take multi- influence customer satisfaction and explained over ple perspectives when investigating agility-related 60% of variance in customer satisfaction. Additionally phenomena. we discussed the importance of aligning (achieving This research also highlighted an important con- or exceeding) customers’ expected levels of agility sideration for both agility and ECT research by relax- with their actual experiences. In the remainder of ing the linearity assumption and the use of polynomial this discussion, we focus on both theoretical and regression with response surface methodology, by practical implications of our findings prior to the staying true to the previous theoretical assumptions concluding comments at the end. of curvilinearity (Staples et al., 2002) among the varia- This discussion sought to make contributions to bles of interest. Although a number of studies have both agility research, particularly in regard to the investigated the notion of agility, this is one of the customers’ perspective of firm’s customer agility, and first studies to consider the customers’ view of a expectation confirmation research in the IS context. firm’s agility. This is also one of the first such studies In this study we conceptualized customers’ view of in the agility domain to use ECT as the theoretical firms customer agility and empirically tested a re- lens to look at firms’ agility. search model that viewed a firm’s customer agility For practice, our empirical investigation suggests

98 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol. 26 No. 1 Maura Atapattu・Darshana Sedera・T. Ravichandran・Varun Grover that a firm should align customer expectations to poses many challenges for developing meticulous the actual customer experiences through a better uti- measures, future research should develop more rig- lization of the firm’s responding capabilities in order orous measures to view agility from the customer to achieve business benefits and sustained com- standpoint. We believe that this study adds more petitive advantage through superior customer detail to the agility construct by introducing the miss- satisfaction. Hence, we suggest that firms place equal ing customer perspective to the extant body of (or more) emphasis on nurturing their responding literature. It reflects the importance of the customer capabilities in order to match or exceed customer perception in today’s hypercompetitive business expectations (as sensed through the firms’ sensing environment. However, in order to understand this capabilities), by configuring and organizing them- critical, yet under-investigated perspective, and to selves and aligning their sensing and responding build on this work, more research is required on capabilities. We also suggest that firms do not set the nomological network around customers’ per- customer expectations at very high, unrealistic levels spectives of agility. Now that we have investigated or at very low mediocre levels because such levels firm’s agility from the customer perspective using of expectations are more likely to produce relatively the contemporary mobile shopping context, future unhappy customers. It is better for firms to set cus- research may extend this work to other relevant con- tomer expectations at reasonable levels and meet texts such as supply chain agility and operational such expectations with superior experiences as per- agility in order to further investigate the customers’ ceived by customers and to have happy and satisfied view of organizational agility. customers. In conclusion, our study focused on investigating Our study has several limitations. First, our use how customers view a firm’s customer agility in the of mobile shopping as the context may limit our context of contemporary mobile shopping systems ability to fully understand customers’ view of firm in retail. In doing so, through the lens of ECT, we agility from the expectation-experience-satisfaction showed how customer expectations and their actual variables. While the constant advancements of mobile experience of a firm’s responsiveness relate to cus- technology, nature of mobile applications, inter- tomer satisfaction and subsequent business benefits activity and their use in the organizational context to the firm.

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Measurement Items

Appendix A: Definitions of Organizational Agility Definition Source Firm’s profitable comprehensive response to the business challenges in faced in rapidly changing, Goldman et al. (2007) continually fragmenting, global markets for customer-configured, high-quality goods and services. The firm’s ability to change and adapt quickly in response to rapidly changing environmental Bititci et al. (2000) conditions. Firm’s ability to cope with unexpected external changes, ability to convert and take them as Sharifi and Zhang (2004) opportunities, and survival ability on unprecedented threats posed by the environment. Firm’s ability to grow and respond quickly in a continuously and unexpectedly changing, competitive Yusuf et al. (2004) market where the value of products and services driven by customer. Organizational ability to thrive in a constantly changing, unpredictable environment. Day (2011) Firm’s ability to sense opportunities and seize them by assembling requisite knowledge, assets, and Sambamurthy et al. (2003) relationships with speed and dexterity. Firm’s ability to sense environmental changes and respond readily. Overby et al. (2006) Organization’s ability to discover new opportunities for competitive advantage, tie together the assets, Setia et al. (1977) knowledge and relationships to seize them, and adopt abrupt changes in the business environment.

The ability to sense and respond to opportunities and threats with ease, speed, and dexterity. Nazir and Pinsonneault (2012)

Ability of the firm to sense and respond quickly to customer-based opportunities for innovation Roberts and Grover (2010a) and competitive action.

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Construct Measures

Construct Items Source of Measure Customer I expect [the retailer] to…. (Brown et al., 2008; expectations - provide information about discounts and promotions based on my specific Brown et al., 2011) (What customers requirements expect from the - be responsive to my changing needs and wants firm) - provide personalised offers based on products that I purchase regularly Customer - [The retailer] quickly reacts to the essential basic changes in my product (JJayachandran et al., experience requirements by providing me with relevant personalised information 2004; Kohli et al., 1993; (Perceived - After browsing recipes using the mobile app, [the retailer] is quick to provide Roberts and Grover, responsiveness) promotional information for the products required to make that recipe 2012a; Roberts and - When I continue to purchase a new product (e.g. baby nappies) repetitively, [the Grover, 2012b) retailer] is quick to respond to it by providing other associated product information (e.g. other baby products) - [The retailer] is fast to provide information about discounts and promotions based on the products I purchase regularly - [The retailer] is quick to provide information on discounts and promotions for my preferred store based on the products I created in my shopping list in the mobile app - [The retailer] is able to recognise changes in my physical location to prompt discounts and promotions on my usual purchases for the store nearby - [The retailer] often recommends products that can easily satisfy my changing needs - [The retailer] can easily satisfy my new and changing needs - The product displayed in the “my specials” section of the mobile app reflects my specific requirements - Overall, the promotions I regularly receive from [the retailer] are useful and match my unique daily requirements Customer’s - My shopping experience with [the retailer] was better than what I expected (Brown et al., 2008; evaluation The responsiveness of [the retailer] on my shopping requirements is better than Brown et al., 2011) (How customers - what I anticipated evaluate their - Overall, [the retailer] was able to confirm or exceed most of my shopping actual experience) expectations Customer - I am satisfied with... (Bhattacherjee, 2001) satisfaction - the personalised promotions/offers I receive from [the retailer] - [the retailer’s] responsiveness to my changing needs and wants - my overall shopping experience with [the retailer]

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Results of Marker Variable Test for Common Method Variance (CMV) Evaluation Expectations Experiences Gender Satisfaction Evaluation 1 0 0 0 0 Expectations 0.442 1 0 0 0 Experiences 0.2513 0.2162 1 0 0 Gender (Marker variable) -0.0702 -0.0331 -0.1747 1 0 Satisfaction 0.6307 0.355 0.3243 0.0996 1

Internal Consistency, Discriminant Validity of Constructs and Inter-Construct Correlations Construct AVE Composite reliability Cronbach’s alpha R square communality 1 2 3 1 Expectation 0.9477 0.9731 0.9448 0 0.9477 1 2 Experience 0.6912 0.9569 0.9509 0 0.6912 0.1417 1 3 Evaluation 0.9548 0.9845 0.9764 0.374 0.9548 0.4896 0.4322 1 4 Satisfaction 0.8574 0.9232 0.8340 0.6027 0.8574 0.2046 0.7468 0.5140

Results of the Regression Analysis

Testing Slopes and Curves Standard Test Effect Coefficient Error Stat (t) P-value

a1 : Slope along x = y (as related to z) 0.39 0.57 0.671 0.503

a2 : Curvature on x = y (as related to z) -0.07 0.31 -0.220 0.827 sig! a3 : Slope along x = -y (as related to z) -0.94 0.28 -3.367 0.001

a4 : Curvature on x = -y (as related to z) -0.10 0.12 -0.837 0.404

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◆ About the Authors ◆

Maura Atapattu Dr. Maura Atapattu is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Information Systems School at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. He received his PhD from Queensland University of Technology in 2015 and published his work in Australasian Journal of Information Systems (2014, 2015) and leading international conferences ICIS (2014, 2015), ECIS (2013) and PACIS (2012, 2013 and 2014).

Darshana Sedera Dr. Darshana Sedera is an Associate Professor at the Information Systems School at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. He received his PhD from Queensland University of Technology in 2006 and has over 70 peer-reviewed publications including the journal of the AIS (2008) the journal of Strategic Information Systems (2010), Information and Management journal (2014).

T Ravi Ravichandran Prof. T Ravi Ravichandran is an Irene and Robert Bozzone '55 Distinguished Chair, Professor of Information Systems, Associate Dean for Research, Area Coordinator for Marketing, Operations and Information Systems at Lally School of Management of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY. He is a senior editor of MISQ and ISR and has published extensively in top tier IS journals.

Varun Grover Prof. Varun Grover is an American Information systems researcher, who is the William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Clemson University. He is in the top 3 IS researchers in the world (ranked by volume in top journals). Grover has received his B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering in 1982 from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, his MBA in 1985 from Southern Illinois University, and his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems in 1990 from the University of Pittsburgh.

Submitted: March 17, 2014; 1st Revision: July 20, 2015; Accepted: January 11, 2016

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