2, 'Serious' After Hit by Car at Rogers Park · · Radio

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2, 'Serious' After Hit by Car at Rogers Park · · Radio Celebrating 64 Years In The Tampa Bay Area . - --·· • am1• 1ra• MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS SHOW SUPPORT FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATION As part of the Black History Month Celebration, teachers and staff at Van Buren Middle School showed their support by wearing their Black History tee shirts on February 27th. In addition, the students had a special visitor, a Harriet Tubman impersonator, who came out to the school and read to them. Among those who participated in the activity shown in this photograph from left to right on the front row are: B. James, S. Johnson, R. Richards-Pryer, A. Stillings, J. Graham, and L. Demps. Shown standing on the back row are: D. Norman, T. Brinson, S. Padilla, R. Manhertz, A. Perry, C. Williams, D. McCollough, S. Brinson-Belcher, and L. Boddie. Ross Anderson, who is not shown in the photograph, is the School Resource Teacher. · Child,-2, 'Serious' ·· Radio ·Host: 'Voice After Hit By Car Will ·Be Heard' . SEE PAGE 3 SEE PAGE 6 First Tie Opens Teacher Faces At Rogers Park Porn Charges SEE PAGE SEE PAGE ,_2 . 1S- · ~ - - m Ng Features ,..0 :I: (.) First Tee learning Center Opens At Rogers Park a: <( :2 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Director of The First Tee Pro­ >" Sentinel City Editor gram said, "There are so many <( positive things happening at ~ On Saturday, March 14th, the Rogers Park Golf Course. The w Tampa Metropolitan Area opening of the new Learning ~ YMCA, the First Tee of Tampa Center is another example. I am Bay, and the Tampa Sports Au­ excited that The First Tee will thority Will host the grand open­ play a significant role, and be­ ing of The First Tee of Tampa lieve our program is perfect for Bay Learning Center at Rogers the children in the surrounding Park. The event is slated to communities." " begin at 11 a.m. Financial assistance has been The ribbon cutting ceremony and ceremonial first tee shots to ma~e available for thos~ young­ op~ n the new facility will begin sters wishing· -to . pahicipate at noon. Some of those slated to through donations to the YMCA's Building Strong Kids attend the event include: JAMES DENT, JR. DR. MIKE COOPER KENNIESIMS Campaign. The First Tee project James Dent, Jr., theincoming Site Program Director, The Director, Southeast Re­ Director of Golf, Site Program Director for The First Tee ofTampa Bay gional Affairs, The First Tee Tampa Sports Authority is a key element in the YMCA's First Tee of Tampa Bay Learn­ goal of Building Strong Kids ing Center at Rogers Park; Rev. judgment through golf and ing range, three-hole practice The First Tee of Tampa Bay through values-based commu­ Dr. Thomas Scott, City Coun­ character education. An agree­ area, and championship golf Learning Center and Jeff nity programs. cil Chairman and TSA board ment with the City of Tampa has course. The curriculum will in­ Leonard, Executive Director of The event is free and the com­ member; Dr. Mike Cooper, resulted in the YMCA renovat- clude Life Skills Programming the First Tee of Tampa Bay will munity is invited to attend the Regional Director of. the First - ing a 3,000 square-foot former with Par, Birdie, Eagle and Ace manage the program. ceremony, tour the clubhouse Tee program; Jim Dent, Sr., clubhouse at Rogers Park into a certification levels, Saturday in­ Dr. Mike Cooper, Regional and golf activities. Champions Tour Player; Ra­ learning center. · structional classes, tourna­ heem Morris, Head Coach, The First Tee of Tampa Bay ments, summer camp, after Tampa Bay Buc·caneers; and will be located in the structure school programs and enrich­ ~ Ronde Barber, Pro Bowl Cor­ and is designed to provide recre­ ment tutoring programs. c nerback, Tampa Bay Bucca­ a: ational space for community Kennie Sims, Director of APPlications Available LL neers. youth between the ages of 7 and Golf for the Tampa Sports Au­ c The First Tee is a national pro­ 17 who are interested in learning thority said, "We want the com­ z gram providing young people an For Emma Kilpatick <( golf. munity to come out and learn opportunity to develop life-en­ Youngsters participating in about the program and see the ~ hancing values such as confi­ The First Tee program will have learning center. James Dent, Memorial ScholarshiP c dence, perseverance, and (J) access to the Rogers Park driv- Jr., Site Program Director of w BY GWENDOLYN HAYES ....:::1 Sentinel Editor a:> w High school seniors are invited >w Come Be A Part Of The Exciteme to apply for the Emma L. Kil­ c patrick Memorial College Schol­ w arship. The deadline to apply is :I: (J) Wednesday, April15, 2009. Stu­ :r ,.PICNIC-... dents may pick up an applica­ IIl :::1 tion at the Bob Gilbertson a. Central City Family YMCA, 110 z BY.THE LAKE E. Palm Ave., Tampa, 33602J j::;: w FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2009 The scholarship offers $2,500 -1 ( $1,250 per semester with satis­ -1 :::1 -I 0:00A.M.- I :00 P.M. factory grades) to further a de­ IIl I serving student's college or -1w BROACH TAMPA HIGH SCHO~: I11N@ technical school education. z This is the second year of the Martha Darrigo No. 375, Inter­ i= 6400 .E. CHELSEA STREET z scholarship. The first scholar­ national Masons and Order of w TAMPA; FL 33610 ship was awarded to Brandon Eastern Stars. (J) Jennings, a current student at Her other j::hildren are: <( c FAMU. The purpose of the Kil­ Danny M. Kilpatrick, Allen a: Are you looking for: patrick Scholarship is to aid R. Kilpatrick, Sandra K. 0 ..J African American graduates in Williams, Gail Y. Kil­ LL Nurturing Enviroment obtaining additional education patrick, and Rosalind. Individualized Attention and training experience. Daughter, Twila Kilpatrick is \ . "Our mother was a woman of deceased. Smaller· Class· -Size·· · --·-~ · ·· •limited : education, but -she Scholarship applicants must wanted a better life for other · have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 Athletic Program young people," daughter Ros­ through the fall semester of the alind U. Kilpatrick says from senior year; must complete a Dedicated ..Teachers Atlanta. "The family chose the 300 word essay explaining edu­ No FCATs 'Y' as administrator of the schol­ cational go~ls and reason to re­ arship because of what it has ceive scholarship; should have meant in our lives as we grew up completed 10 hours of commu­ off Lamar St.," ·she explained. nity service prior to April 15th The family also chose the YMCA deadline (show documenta­ to reach out to inner city chil­ tion); finalist must interview dren. with selection panel on April Mrs. Emma L. Kilpatrick 27th (daughter, Sandra Kil­ (1-11-25 - 11-14-88) promoted patrick-Williams is a mem­ __R.S.V.P by the importance of education for ber of the _ panel); and "March lith most of her adult life, beginning application, essay and copy of in her home. She often encour­ most recent report card should aged young people to get an ed­ be submitted together. ·:·-To: B 13-623-1751 ucation. The mother of 6 was a The chosen applicant will be member of New Salem Primi- . notified by letter by Friday, May tive Baptist Church and the 1St. Features Former Central Park Familv loses Evervthing In Fire .... ~0 1\) 0 0 (0 THOMASINA DAYMON Two fires this weekend within a block of each other displaced two families. In the first fire Sunday morning, Tampa Fire This is what's left of the home on 15th Avenue where Rescue responded to a Mrs. Daymon, her husband, and their children lived. house fire at 1205 East 15th Avenue. When they arrived, arrived from out of town. the entire floor of the house they reported smoke and This house on Columbus Drive is still being occupied , "As I was watching the flames coming from the just went up in flames. I had after an early morning fire virtually destroyed the roof r house.· television, it suddenly got a dog in the backyard and and rear of the house. g An investigator from the fuzzy like the service had the firemen saved her." 0 Tampa Fire Marshals Office been cut off. Then the entire Mrs. Daymon said she and 10-year-old girl, arrived, flames were coming )> determined that a fortunate house went dark." thanks her neighbors for Aldashia. from the single story house. (/) saving their lives. m serjes of events prevented Mrs. Daymon said the Anyone who can offer this After making sure no one "They were outside with z the fire from becoming a next thing she heard was family any assistance can was inside the house, the :::! buckets and hoses trying to z :tragedy. her neighbor, Elizabeth reach Mrs. Daymon at fire was extinguished. m Howard, screaming for putthe fire out." r- The home was occupied by (813) 802-2692. An investigator is lookinf 1 them to get out of the house. Mrs. Daymon said they tD Mrs. Thomasina Day­ lost everything in the fire. In the second fire Monday into the cause of that fire. c: mon, 30, her husband, "I heard my neighbor morning, Tampa Fire Although the fire virtually r "We were renting the r Alfred, and their s chil­ screaming, then I heard Rescue Units were called to destroyed the roof and rear m someone banging on my house and the owner had dren. the house insured. I had a house fire at 1202 East of the house, the residents :::! door telling us to get out. z Mrs. Daymon said they experienced. some electrical Columbus Drive. When the are still there.
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