May 23, 2013 Vol. 190, No. 15

May 23, 2013

Major Changes for Adventist Media Center 8 Above All Else 14 Good for Nothing 26

Ziggurats, Mountains, and the Stone

An ancient prophecy and the heart of mission

“Behold, I come quickly . . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ by presenting stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return.

18 14 11 6 COVER FEATURE ARTICLES DEPARTMENTS EDITORIALS 18 Ziggurats, Mountains, 14 Above All Else 4 Letters 6 Mark A. Kellner and the Stone Rachel Lemons Battle Creek’s Gerald A. Klingbeil Long Shadow A glimpse of what it 7 Page 7 A prophetic snapshot means to be devoted that reveals a lot 8 World News & 7 Gina Wahlen Perspectives 2 2 A Call to Service Beyond the Basics Ellen G. White 13 Give & Take We have responsibilities, but we also have gifts. 17 Transformation Tips

24 A Day to Remember 2 8 Ask the Doctors Helga Pedzy Some things are just 2 9 Dateline Moscow impossible to forget. 3 0 Etc. 26 Good for Nothing 31 Reflections Next W eek in Josette P. Stevens-Lassen ON THE COVER It’s amazing what some Unity in Diversity people consider valuable. The image of Daniel 2 still What happens when young captivates and still of- adults from around the fers a message of hope. world live in New York City Illustration by Steve Creitz to serve God for one year?

Publisher General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, Executive Publisher Bill Knott, Associate Publisher Claude Richli, Publishing Board: Ted N. C. Wilson, chair; Benjamin D. Schoun, vice chair; Bill Knott, secretary; Lisa Beardsley-Hardy; Daniel R. Jackson; Robert Lemon; Geoffrey Mbwana; G. T. Ng; Daisy Orion; Juan Prestol; Michael Ryan; ; Mark Thomas; Karnik Doukmetzian, legal adviser. Editor Bill Knott, Associate Editors Lael Caesar, Gerald A. Klingbeil, Coordinating Editor Stephen Chavez, Online Editor Carlos Medley, Features Editor Sandra Blackmer, Young Adult Editor Kimberly Luste Maran, KidsView Editor Wilona Karimabadi, News Editor Mark A. Kellner, Operations Manager Merle Poirier, Financial Manager Rachel Child, Editorial Assistant Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste, Assistant to the Editor Gina Wahlen, Quality Assurance/Social Media Coordinator Jean Boonstra, Marketing Director Claude Richli, Editor-at-Large Mark A. Finley, Senior Advisor E. Edward Zinke, Art Director Bryan Gray, Design Daniel Añez, Desktop Technician Fred Wuerstlin, Ad Sales Glen Gohlke, Subscriber Services Steve Hanson. To Writers: Writer’s guidelines are available at the Web site: and click “About the Review.” For a printed copy, send a self-addressed en- velope to: Writer’s Guidelines, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. E-mail: [email protected]. Web site: Send address changes to Adventist Review, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740-7301. Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from theH oly Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all photos are © Thinkstock 2013.The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161- 1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® and is printed 36 times a year on the second, third, and fourth Thursdays of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Periodical postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Copyright © 2013, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Vol. 190, No. 15

Subscriptions: Thirty-six issues of the weekly Adventist Review, US$36.95 plus US$28.50 postage outside North America. Single copy US$3.00. To order, send your name, address, and payment to Adventist Review subscription desk, Box 1119, Hagerstown, MD 21741-1119. Orders can also be placed at Adventist Book Centers. Prices subject to change. Address changes: [email protected]. OR call 1-800-456-3991, or 301-393-3257. Subscription queries: [email protected]. OR call 1-800-456-3991, or 301-393-3257. | May 23, 2013 | (451) 3 age of 21. If God had not taken Roberta Hudson me in, I would have been Strachan destroyed many years ago. South Bend, Indiana inbox But somewhere, somehow, Letters From Our Readers the kind and loving God Wrong Message became a fire-breathing Given?

3 5, 201 April 2 monster to me, and I prac- We love receiving the Vol. 190, No. 12 »»

April 25, 2013 ticed my religion on auto- Review and have subscribed Adventist Youth March 9 Against Violence Human Suffering 14 and Creation 22 More Than You Asked For the originator of evil, Satan, pilot for a very long time. to it for many years, but I and his cohort of demons are Baker’s use of Paul’s victo- have some concern about the In the Kitchen irrational beings. Nonsensi- rious life as taken from Holy message conveyed by the With Helen cal behavior is a hallmark of Scripture is commendable, cover of the March 21, 2013, TAriAn Vege S Food goe AM MAinSTre demented individuals, and but however correct and edition. The caption under insanity is a legally valid appropriate those verses are, the picture says, “People defense in human justice. they don’t have any “skin” on leave the Adventist church” Helen’s Kitchen Satan’s rebellion began them. The skin I refer to is “because they’ve changed »»I thoroughly enjoyed with his challenge of God’s 12-step programs. I began their beliefs.” I thought Wilona Karimabadi’s cover fairness, when he was not attending regularly in 1994. about the many hands just article about Helen Moore accorded identical privileges At that time the only thing my particular issue goes (“In the Kitchen With Helen,” to Jesus. While his behavior, left of that 21-year-old young through until it reaches my Apr. 25, 2013), and will look casting aspersion on the woman was a shell, a very mailbox, to say nothing of for her products next time Lord and bringing suffering thick one. the thousands of other mail- I’m shopping at Sprouts. and death to countless At first the members boxes that received this same Since Moore is no longer humans, is unspeakably evil, would say to me: “We’re issue. I thought of the many producing and selling her it is completely consistent going to love you until you pieces of “literature” we all tofu steaks, it would be very with his character. It’s a can love yourself.” Quite have distributed door to much appreciated if she rational means to under- frankly, I didn’t believe a door, telling the world about would share the recipe. They mine God’s kingdom. The word of it. They kept saying a loving Savior and the true sound wonderful. great controversy between it to me knowing that if I biblical message for these Arteen Wood Christ and Satan is a battle of kept “coming back,” I would last days as it is found in the Escondido, California ideas as demonstrated by the learn how to love myself. Adventist Church. In one dialogue between the antag- These 12-step meetings sweeping moment a message »»What a nice surprise to see onists during Christ’s temp- are usually held in church is sent to the employees of Helen Moore’s picture on the tation in the wilderness. basements (non-Adventist). the USPS as they deliver our cover of the Review! The suffering and death of [The Adventist Church has mail that “more and more” Remembering her and innocent children is one of organized a 12-step program of us no longer believe what Tony from days of yore (sans the many indicators of how called Regeneration. I have we have been preaching. Per- children) in So. Lancaster, far we find ourselves from attended a few of these meet- haps we all need to be more Massachusetts, and to see the Edenic ideal our Creator ings in Takoma Park, Mary- conscious of how easy it is their faithfulness through intended for us. land.] In the “outside” for words to convey the the years—and their contri- George Javor 12-step fellowship I’ve come wrong message, even on a butions to the faith—is New Leipzig, North Dakota to know God through Jesus. magazine cover. inspiring. He is kind, compassionate, June Loor May many find their way Dealing With and lovable. This Jesus is the Hendersonville, North to good health through her Disappointments very same Jesus who cared Carolina witness via food! »»The message I received enough for me to spare my Marlene Smith from ’s “Deal- life by bringing me into the Beyond Belief Naples, Florida ing With Disappointment” Adventist Church. »»I was particularly inter- (Mar. 28, 2013) is this: pull We have a saying in our ested in the article by Andy It Makes No Sense yourself up by your own fellowship: Religion is for Nash entitled “Beyond »»If evil is nonsensical, as bootstraps! people who are afraid they Belief” (Mar. 21). From my suggests By some miracle God led me are going to hell. Spirituality observations, I believe that if in “It Makes No Sense” (Apr. to the Adventist Church at the is for people who have we can find the way to keep 18, 2013), then it follows that already been there. people happy in the Ad-

4 (452) | | May 23, 2013 h 21, 2013 Marc Vol. 190, No. 8

.org March 21, 2013 www.adventistreview 6 A Faith of Don’ts?

Church to Receive $45 8 Million in Reparations 14 The Perfect 10 Jesus emphasized His teaching. An understanding of Bible truth will always lead us to Him. Cause they’ve had a bad h only be MoRe AND C es ThAT adventist Chur Dy iNDiCAT New sTu belieFs. Ple leave the MoRe. A TheiR Peo NoT ANy ChANgeD e, right? CAuse They’ve erienC AviNg be exP s ARe le h MeMbeR MoRe ChuRC “ —hubert f. sturges, Grand Junction, Colorado ” ventist Church, we will also find the way to win more every day. It opened my eyes 1927 WMMC asked my Thomas Edison was con- souls into the church. to things I hadn’t really father to come and be their cerned that inventions made When I was about 35, an known before. chef. He worked there for 10 to cause good could be older church member told Jesus emphasized His years. Then he and our fam- turned around to cause evil. me that the local church was teaching. An understanding ily went back to Michigan. Satan would want to use unfriendly. (He never actu- of Bible truth will always What modern facilities every invention meant to ally left the church.) My wife lead us to Him. We need to they now have! Praise the convert the world to cause and I conducted a little look at what is preached Lord, WMMC is listed as one sin instead. Let us pray that experiment: that next Sab- from the pulpit. We need to of the best hospitals in the we will be good examples; bath we each just stood in support nation. also pray for those who can the foyer of the church and teachers who will lead Bible- Evelyn (Knecht) influence our children and did not approach anyone. We based discussion. And most Wellman youth to gain victories over counted 14 persons or cou- of all, we need to get back Dayton, Tennessee addictions—pray too for our ples who came to us with into the habit of just reading pastors, teachers, and any- friendly greetings and con- the Bible through every year. Every Article one who will be guided by versation. As we grew older, Hubert F. Sturges Outstanding God to be winning, tactful, this did not happen as often, Grand Junction, Colorado »»Every article in the Febru- and firm in their counseling

February 28, 2013 but we also recognized that Vol. 190, No. 6 ary 21, 2013, Review was of others.

February 28, 2013 it was our duty to approach outstanding! Velma Beavon 7 Driving Distracted 11 Adventistshonduras Provide emergency Care in 24 those we didn’t know and Alternativee Adventistducation The call from God and the Dayton, Montana welcome them. passionate power given to OF 100 Years and Healing Earlier this decade I posted Care the ministry of Carlton Byrd (see Celeste white memorial medical center regularly on an “Adventist” Ryan Blyden’s cover story Internet forum, which might “Carlton Byrd Takes New better be characterized as an York by Storm”) took my We welcome your letters, noting, “ex-Adventist forum.” breath away! I pray that God as always, that inclusion of a letter Almost to the letter, these ex- White Memorial will keep Byrd humble and in this section does not imply that Adventists presented doctri- Medical Center dependent on Him. the ideas expressed are endorsed by nal differences for the »»I was happy to read CMBell “At the Well,” with Galina either the editors of the Adventist reasons they left the church. Company’s cover article Stele, was inspiring. My Review or the General Conference. Yet as I got better acquainted “One Hundred Years of Care heart was stirred with com- Short, specific, timely letters have with them I found that most and Healing,” on White passion and understanding the best chance at being published had bad personal experi- Memorial Medical Center over Lilian Han Im’s “The (please include your complete ences, or couldn’t accept (WMMC) in the February 28, Eternal Chapter.” Han Im’s address and phone number—even what seemed to be faulty 2013, Review. I’m 89 years old, own renewed hope gave this with e-mail messages). Letters will administration of the church. and the picture of the First reader confidence. be edited for space and clarity only. Doctrine is very impor- Street Dispensary brought The article that prompted Send correspondence to Letters to tant. But we must under- back memories. I remember this letter, however, was Vin- the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 stand doctrine in the light of that old building, which was cent MacIsaac’s “iDols.” Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD the cross. I have always used across the street from the MacIsaac gave the best advice 20904-6600; Internet: letters@ the Bible as a reference book. hospital. himself: “Let’s use current Three years ago I started tak- My father, Elwin Knecht, technology to transform the ing about an hour a day went to Loma Linda in 1922 world, and at the same time, reading four to six chapters to take the dietitian course let’s not be transformed by it.” when it was first offered. In | May 23, 2013 | (453) 5 Editorials Battle Creek’s Long Shadow BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN, where the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists was organized 150 years ago, may loom larger in Adventist memory than it does in real life. Signs in the downtown business district point tourists toward the “Historic Adventist Village,” but apart from a certain, well-known breakfast cereal maker’s headquarters, there’s little to suggest an Adventist “flavor” to the place. Yes, the Seventh-day Adventist Tabernacle sits on a downtown corner, and several hundred come each Sabbath for Bible study and worship. But if you look for “The San,” as the was familiarly called, you’ll find a massive federal office complex—and a his- torical site marker. , longtime Adventist and later apostate, has truly “left the building.” I came to such somber reflections when in this city for the General Conference’s Spring Meet- Mark A. ing. The fellowship was grand; the historical presentations were both excellent and informative. I Kellner learned a lot, and so did many others who’d had far more years in this movement than I can claim. Driving around Battle Creek (my hotel was not the main venue, hence I had a daily commute), I saw, as noted, little evidence of a Seventh-day Adventist impact on the town. In a way, that’s understandable: after the fire that claimed the Review and Herald Publishing Association build- ing and after Ellen White’s vision that our headquarters should be close to Washington, D.C., the Adventists moved on, and Battle Creek went its own way. The aforementioned Dr. Kellogg—whose brother, Will, founded the eponymous breakfast food empire—built the San into a major institution, only to see it destroyed by fire in 1902. Ellen White counseled that the facility should not be rebuilt, but Kellogg ignored her advice. Forty years later the U.S. government bought the property for use as a hospital for returning World War II soldiers, and John Harvey Kellogg died a year later. What are the lessons Seventh-day Adventists can take from the Battle Creek experience? I can’t claim a complete list, but here are a few thoughts that came to mind after five days in Bat- tle Creek, Michigan. First, God knows our destiny better than we do. It might well have seemed—to some of our pioneers and their successors—that staying in Battle Creek and expanding our “empire” there would have been a good thing. But the Lord had a different plan, and that difference may well have shaped our destiny. Being in and around Washington, D.C., has created great opportuni- ties for our movement’s leadership and our people, ones that might not have been available elsewhere. At the same time, we have a responsibility to remember the past. The Historic Adventist Vil- lage in Battle Creek is a fine reminder of our heritage, but much more can—and shall, God will- ing—be done to show that heritage off. Not to boast, but to remind our people and to inform others that what began in a small Michigan city has since circled the globe. I believe the Village and its sponsors, the Adventist Heritage Ministry, deserve your support, including financial, to accomplish this task. I believe we also should brighten the corner where we are, to borrow from the old chorus. While there’s no doubt that much was done for Battle Creek when it was an Adventist strong- hold, perhaps more could have been done to ingrain our message in the community. What might Battle Creek be like if our health message had continued promulgation after leaders decamped for the shores of the Potomac? I wonder what we’re doing today in each of our towns and cities in which we have a major presence. Can we do more for others? Can we be of greater service to those in physical and spir- itual need? Can we touch more lives in the manner that Jesus did? For me, one of the greatest lessons of the Battle Creek experience is that not only should we learn from the past, but we must apply those lessons! Wherever we find ourselves, we should be good and fruitful ambassadors for Christ and for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, sharing the blessed hope we have with others, and helping them find that which we have discovered. n

6 (454) | | May 23, 2013 Beyond the Basics not long ago, a college-age friend made a big turnaround in his life. Wanting to learn more from God’s Word, he dug deeply into Daniel and Revelation, amazed at the accuracy of prophecy. But recently he was startled to hear a presenter on his Adventist campus state, “When I no longer have anything to say about Jesus, then I’ll talk about prophecy.” “Jesus is what matters,” a theology major echoed. “And the fruits of the spirit. Love. Joy. Peace.” Basics are fundamental, but it’s important to grow beyond “one-plus-one.” No doubt about it—Jesus is my “all in all.” He is the foundation of my faith. But He is much more. Jesus reveals Himself through prophecy. “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7, NKJV, see also 1 Peter 1:10-11).* We cannot separate Jesus from prophecy. Many churches, including ours, preach the amazing truth that Jesus died on the cross to save sin- Gina ners—and we are all sinners. Many, including Adventists, serve the underprivileged and seek justice. Wahlen But Jesus calls us to move beyond Basic 101. He calls us to be His remnant people, those who “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus” (Rev. 14:12, NKJV), and He urges us to preach the “everlasting gospel”: “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth”(verse 7, NKJV). This is no exclusive club—He wants all “who dwell on the earth” (verse 6, NKJV) to be part of His remnant church. The more I learn about Jesus, the more amazed I am that He actually entrusts the proclamation of His powerful, life-changing, lifesaving prophetic messages to us. n

* Texts credited to NKJV are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Do you know the signs of Watching the Signs His coming? Are you watching?

ScofferS famineS peStilence

earth- War 2 Peter 3:3, 4 Matt. 24:7 quakeS Luke 21:11

Matt. 24:6, 7 Mark 13:8

going goSpel loverS of here and to all the SelveS aS in there World fear the dayS Dan. 12:4 2 Tim. 3:1-5 of noah Matt. 24:14

Luke 21:25, 26 Matt. 24:37-39 “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). World News & Perspectives

■■NORTH AMERICA “comes after two years of research, con- centrated studies, continual meetings Media Center Board Votes (which included two major summit Sweeping Operational Changes meetings), as well as private interviews with stakeholders. From these meet- Simi Valley property to be sold, ings, NAD leadership has developed media ministries to relocate documents that summarize the aspects of the summits, meetings, and inter- By MARK A. KELLNER, news editor views. Participants of the summits After 41 years as a church entity and 18 to maintain and provide the level of included media ministry speakers, years in its current location, the Ad- programs and services which will meet innovative Adventist pastors who are ventist Media Center (AMC) in Simi Val- the future needs of the division,” he already using innovative media effec- ley, California, is facing the end of its added. tively, as well as church administrators existence. On April 29, 2013, the center’s As voted, the move envisions the and communication personnel.” board voted several actions that will church’s various North American radio The NAD announcement stressed two change the nature of Seventh-day Ad- and television ministries, which include other points concerning Seventh-day ventist media outreach in North Breath of Life Ministries, Faith for Adventist media work in the division, America. Today, , Jesus 101 Biblical which claims more than 1 million “The media ministries’ mission and Institute, La Voz de la Esperanza, and members. messages of hope and wholeness have the , to relocate away First, the division will maintain helped to spread the gospel of Jesus from the Simi Valley facility, which an “ongoing commitment to provid- Christ throughout North America and is to be sold. A time frame of 12 to 18 ing funding for the media minis- beyond. We appreciate the tireless months will be allocated for this pro- tries,” the statement said. “As a part efforts of the many media center cess. According to an NAD statement, of this process, and in clear under- employees and ministry staff mem- “efforts will be made to minimize the standing that the media ministries bers,” said Dan Jackson, president of the impact on employees who will be are part of the NAD ministry effort, North American Division (NAD) and affected by and during the transition funding levels from the division chair of the media center’s board. “We and relocation period.” would be identified for each of the expect the media ministries to continue The decision, the NAD statement said, media ministries in order to allow NAD photo HOUR OF DECISION: Members of the Adventist Media Center board met on a sound stage at the organization’s Simi Valley, California, facility on April 29, 2013. The group voted to allow the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division media ministries to relocate and for the media center property to be sold.

8 (456) | | May 23, 2013 them to fulfill their mission.” significant role for the media ministries tee will receive the recommended pro- And, according to the statement, the in the future of media in North America; posal from the AMC board.” A final vote NAD will make a “commitment to beyond the role they currently play.” approving the move is expected at the explore new possibilities for media According to the NAD announcement, year-end divisional meeting in Novem- development. The division anticipates a “the North American Division Commit- ber 2013. n

■■SOUTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC Adventist Youth Among First Responders at Bangladesh Factory Collapse Four rescued alive, 26 others recovered by teens trained in disaster relief. By BENJAMIN RAKSHAM, Bangladesh Union Mission, reporting from Savar, Bangladesh

Seventh-day Adventists were some of the first tance. According to director Serpa Santana Landerson, responders to a commercial factory building collapse in ADRA Bangladesh plans to donate cash to the Prime Minis- Savar, Bangladesh, that has captured international media ter’s Relief Fund after committee approval is received. attention and sparked debate over building standards. During an April 26 Adventist Youth evening meeting, Ten Adventist youth trained in earthquake preparedness young people spontaneously collected 12,100 taka (approx- and potential building collapse situa- imately US$160) for the victims. tions were some of the first on-site Reports have confirmed that at least after the April 24, 2013, collapse and one Seventh-day Adventist, a boy helped bring out 30 victims, four of named Bitu Baroi, who was working in whom were still alive. one of the garment factories, was still Another group of 125 Adventist young missing. His mother works at Polly- people went to the disaster site on Satur- wog, an Adventist-sponsored handi- day, April 27, to assist rescue teams. That craft industry located on the Adventist group helped recover three women as Church’s Bangladesh Adventist Union well as several bodies. They also pro- Mission campus. vided food and water to survivors. A ikder F labian S haikat by photos The disaster area is about 12.5 miles DOING GOOD: Rescuers work on Saturday, The eight-story commercial building April 27, 2013, to recover survivors of the (20 kilometers) from the union office. is known as Rana Plaza and is located factory collapse in Savar, Bangladesh. Ad- The garment industry is a major for- approximately 28 miles (45 kilome- ventist workers wore orange uniforms. eign currency earner in Bangladesh ters) from the capital city of Dhaka. and the biggest industry in the coun- The building housed five garment try. Bangladesh is the second-largest factories, production lines, banks, and garment exporter country in the world hundreds of shops. An estimated 3,500 after China. There are more than 5,000 people were in the building at the time such factories in Bangladesh, mainly in of the collapse, the majority of whom Dhaka and Chittagong regions. And were female factory workers under the that number counts only factories reg- age of 25. At press deadline approxi- istered with the Bangladesh Garment mately 400 bodies had been recovered Manufacturers and Exporting Associa- and 2,444 injured people had been res- tion. There are hundreds more not cued, but hundreds were still unac- under this umbrella. counted for. MEDIA NOTICE: Adventist Church member There are about 6 million factory ADRA Bangladesh also responded Thais Landerson is interviewed at the fac- workers, mostly women, employed tory collapse site. She is the daughter of promptly by providing oxygen tanks, Serpa Santana Landerson, who serves as directly in this industry. n masks, flashlights, hammers, shovels, Bangladesh country director for the Ad- —with additional reporting by Adventist and other tools as preliminary assis- ventist Development and Relief Agency. News Network | May 23, 2013 | (457) 9 World News & Perspectives

■■WORLD CHURCH Adventist Church Promotes Next Step for Comprehensive Health Ministry At Spring Meeting, delegates hear about outreach approach By ELIZABETH LECHLEITNER, Adventist News oberts Network, reporting from Battle Creek, Michigan

Adventist evangelist sive side of health minis- R : B randan photo quoted a line April 14, 2013, from his try—the blending of HEALTH EVANGELISM : Mark Finley, special assistant mentor, television ministry legend physical and spiritual com- to the Adventist world church president for evangelism, urges Spring Meeting delegates to reprioritize the , to encourage Sev- ponents. The discussion was church’s early health message. enth-day Adventists to take a more pro- a continuation of what active approach to personal and world church health and ministerial such as Mission to the Cities, church corporate health. leaders first addressed at a summit last leaders said. The line comes from a story Vande- month. Some delegates, however, questioned man was fond of telling: The only way to “We’ve been doing this for 150 years. whether the world church’s current reach an ancient monastery perched It’s in our DNA,” Finley said. “But we’re budget for health ministries could fund atop a towering mountain was a single taking a new look at it.” a quality, appealing program that will rope. A monk peering over a sheer cliff Delegates reviewed and accepted 10 impact the community. A delegate from pulled tourists up in a wicker basket. recommendations that came out of that the church’s South Pacific Division “How often do you replace the rope?” summit. They include refocusing on strongly urged the Executive Committee one asked nervously. Christ’s method of meeting physical to review existing successful commu- “Every time it breaks,” the monk said. needs before spiritual ones, and finding nity programs and incorporate them The punch line hit home for many ways to integrate these methods into into mainstream ministry. He cited delegates to the first business session of curriculums and practices at the depression- and addiction-recovery Spring Meeting in Battle Creek. They church’s education institutions. The programs as possible examples. laughed, but they also paused to reflect document also pledges to support the Mike Ryan, an Adventist world church on their own lifestyles, not unlike early work of “centers of influence,” where vice president, agreed. “We have so church leaders who, 150 years ago, first such ministry is already taking place. many programs, but bridging them to heard church cofounder and prophet “ ‘If less time were given to sermoniz- something big, we’re weak on Ellen G. White’s account of her vision on ing, and more time were spent in per- that”—which was the impetus behind seemingly radical health principles. sonal ministry, greater results would be the urgent call for “comprehensive” Don’t smoke. Exercise. Leave that pork seen,’ ” said Dr. Allan Handysides, co- health ministry. chop off the menu. director for the Adventist world church’s Jonathan Duffy, president of the Ad- That vision, given in a time period Health Ministries Department, quoting a ventist Development and Relief Agency, when bloodletting and doping were passage from White’s landmark book applauded the new approach to health common medical practices, would The Ministry of Healing (p. 143). ministry. He said there are steps to con- become the backbone of what is today a Adventist world church president Ted version, beginning with raising aware- wholistic global health ministry. The N. C. Wilson also referred to White’s ness and ending with lifelong Seventh-day Adventist Church operates writings. “The best thing you can do in discipleship. a network of approximately 600 hospi- New York is medical missionary work,” “What excites me is that this is a genu- tals, clinics, and dispensaries world- he said, referring to a line from a letter ine attempt at blending ministries,” wide, and counts many innovative she wrote. “Health,” he continued, “is Duffy said. “All of us have to consider this health leaders among its members. the right arm of evangelism. Health is and ask, ‘How am I contributing to this But at the movement’s Spring Meet- what opens the door.” ministry?’ How does ADRA fit into this? ing top church officials called for a Going forward, health ministry will We are part of the preparatory work.” renewed emphasis on the comprehen- be deeply rooted in church initiatives Handysides said not only should the

10 (458) | | May 23, 2013 message be comprehensive—appealing “Every church, every hospital, every are going to have to change,” he added, to physical, mental, emotional, social, institution, every supporting ministry referring to the long hours spent sitting and spiritual needs—but the delivery must be comprehensive in its message,” in conference rooms during church should be, too. Handysides said. “Even these meetings business sessions. n

■■Inter-Europe At Conference, Faces in the Crowd From all over Europe, they all come with a story. By STEPHEN CHAVEZ, coordinating editor, reporting from Prague, Czech Republic

The European Health Conference munities in the Czech Republic and Slo- therapy, addictions, and counseling. (EHC) held in late April and early May in vakia. They’re called “health clubs,” and These health clubs are augmented by Prague is the perfect place to experience they are neutral venues where people “reconditioning camp meetings,” where the Adventist Church in all its diversity. can come to stop smoking, learn to cook small groups of people spend up to seven Participants at the conference all believe more healthfully, reduce the health risks days in a natural setting. The daily sched- healthful living is an essential part of associated with obesity, discover how to ule includes outdoor activities appropri- what it means to be a Seventh-day Ad- come to terms with their addictions, and ate to both summer and winter, and ventist. But there are almost as many receive counseling for depression. features lectures about health and well- ways to demonstrate the message as The concept has been so successful ness. The evening program includes lec- there are participants. that it’s been exported to many coun- tures with a spiritual component. Kern, Bohumil Kern is health ministries tries in Eastern Europe. In the Czecho- who pastors three churches in addition director of the Czecho-Slovakian Union. Slovakian Union alone more than 260 to his role at the Czecho-Slovakian Union, He’s honored that Prague was chosen as teachers in nearly 90 health clubs “teach says that many of those who join the the site of this first all-European health secular people about the Adventist life- church have had contact with one of conference, and he attributes this honor style.” The clubs meet in community these health clubs at one time or another. to the role Prague has traditionally centers, schools, civic buildings, and Flynn Bosch, 14, attends the confer- played as a gateway between Eastern church social halls. ence with his mother, Edith, from and Western Europe. In a partnership with Loma Linda Coimbra, Portugal. What does a Kern describes a ministry model that University, teachers in these health clubs 14-year-old want out of a conference has for many years now served to break twice a year receive intensive training in that features such topics as “Biblical down barriers and make friends in com- specialties such as nutrition, physical Views on Disease and Healing” and w R evie / A dventist tephen C havez : S photos CLUB MAN: Bohumil Kern, health minis- EARLY TRAINING: Fourteen-year-old Flynn PRAYER PARTNER: Carol Squier, attend- tries director for the Czecho-Slovakian Bosch from Coimbra, Portugal, visits neigh- ing the conference from Berrien Springs, Union, helped develop “health clubs” bors and helps with health expos as part of Michigan, is a walking testimony of the throughout the Czech Republic and Slova- his healing ministry to his community. power of prayer to heal both physically kia. “They’re not just exercise clubs,” he and spiritually. says. “They’re about disease prevention.” | May 23, 2013 | (459) 11 World News & Perspectives

“Hope, Healing, and Diversity”? ing the Adventist health message? The experience with prayer over the past “I’m interested in all kinds of health eight natural remedies: nutrition, exer- year reflects perfectly the purpose of and disease,” he says. Not surprisingly cise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, the EHC to explore “perceptions, expec- he’s considering a career as a medical rest, and trust in divine power. tations, and facts; an exploration doctor. His mother says that one of his If you’ve ever been part of a prayer through science, faith, and culture.” She favorite books is about anatomy and chain, perhaps you know the name lost both her husband and son to cancer physiology. Carol Squier. For years her prayer last year, but not before they both In his local community Bosch is active requests have been shared around our accepted Jesus as their Savior. They may in his church’s health ministry out- table at Adventist Review staff meetings. have lost their battle to cancer, but they reach. At health expos he and others After hearing her introducing herself to received something far more precious. take blood pressure, help measure body someone at the conference, I was finally Squier, herself a cancer survivor, mass, and take blood samples to be able to put a face to the name. makes sure people who experience the screened for diabetes and cholesterol. Squier, who lives in Berrien Springs, trauma of that diagnosis don’t go What does he consider the most impor- Michigan, is a sincere and devout through the struggle alone—not if she tant thing to share with others regard- believer in the power of prayer. Her knows about them. n

■■WORLD CHURCH Shawn Boonstra to Lead Voice of Prophecy Ministry, Board Says Former speaker/director of It Is Written takes the helm. By MARK A. KELLNER, news editor, with reporting from the North American Division

Shawn Boonstra, a veteran of Seventh-day Adventist interim speaker/ media outreach, will be the new speaker/director of one of director after Lon- radio’s longest-running religious programs, The Voice of Proph- nie Melashenko, ecy, the flagship Adventist media outreach started in 1929. then-speaker/ “Shawn has clearly demonstrated that he has a heart for director, accepted evangelism and for reaching those who need to hear the a call to the Ketter- messages of Christ’s love and redemptive power,” said Dan ing Health Net- Jackson, president of the Voice of Prophecy board and of the work in Ohio in North American Division, in a statement. July 2008. Kinsey Shawn Boonstra Boonstra, a pastor who currently is an associate ministe- was named VOP rial director at the North American Division concentrating on speaker/director in 2009, while still serving as the assistant evangelism, was from 2004 to 2011 speaker/director of It Is to the president for communication for the North American Written, the church’s pioneering television outreach. He had Division. In August 2010 Kinsey was asked to serve VOP earlier spent six years at the Canadian It Is Written program, full-time. including five as speaker/director there. Earlier he pastored a Under Kinsey’s leadership, VOP expanded the voices heard number of Adventist congregations in British Columbia. on the 15-minute daily and 30-minute weekly radio programs Boonstra’s selection to head the Voice of Prophecy (VOP) by Mike Tucker, Elizabeth Talbot, and Willa Sandmeyer. He ministry was voted April 30, 2013, by the organization’s also led the ministry to become involved with social media, board of directors, meeting in Simi Valley, California. including the introduction of a VOP iPhone app. Boonstra has also authored more than 15 outreach- “We are grateful for Fred’s ability to bring a diversity of oriented books. He and his wife, Jean, social media coordi- programming to the Voice of Prophecy, which allowed this nator for Adventist Review and Adventist World magazines, ministry to continue to win souls for Christ,” said Jackson. have two daughters. “We also applaud his commitment to the Seventh-day Ad- Boonstra replaces Fred Kinsey, who served the Voice of ventist Church and the role he played in communication Prophecy for five years. Pastor Kinsey was named VOP ministry at the division for many years,” he said. n

12 (460) | | May 23, 2013 let’s pray Have a prayer need? Have a few free minutes? Each crews © terry Wednesday morning at 8:15 EDT the Adventist Review staff adventist life meets to pray for people—children, parents, friends, cowork- ers. Send your prayer requests and, if possible, pray with us One recent Monday morning, on the way to school, our 4-year- on Wednesday mornings. Send requests to: Let’s Pray, old was singing passionately from her car seat. She belted out her Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, two lines again and again. She had inadvertently mixed up two MD 20904-6600; fax: 301-680-6638; e-mail: prayer@ widely known songs, however, creating a cute and still meaningful mash-up: “Jesus loves the little children; over the hills and everywhere!” —Kimberly Luste Maran, Laurel, Maryland poem I was at my friend’s house right around lunchtime. Her 7-year-old son invited me to stay for lunch. I told him I’d have lunch with them I Thirst another time, sharing that I was going home to have a sweet That dark day of death He said, “I thirst.” potato that was already in the process of baking. Not wanting me Now He thirsts for grape juice. to leave, he replied, “We have potatoes! And we can make them Nothing else tastes the same up there. sweet!” He’s been waiting 20 centuries I just grinned from ear to ear. to savor the flavor of crushed grapes. —Jenni Lane, Summerville, Georgia He can hardly wait to drink it again . . . with us. Juicy fruit marked our fall from grace. This fruit juice connects us to the gift of grace. A drinking party is planned like never before . . . the joy of fresh grape juice together at the beginning of perfect eternity! *** Today I thirst. He tells me, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.” And “Blessed are those who . . . thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (John 19:28; John 7:36-38; Isa. 55:1; Matt. 5:6).* —Doris Burdick, Lincoln, Nebraska

* Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Heart and Soul: Theology above all else The 14-Day nutella Challenge

BY RACHEL LEMONS once had a friend who was an athe- The proof is in your relationship with ist. He was also as smart as a whip. Him. Having completed a master’s Are you experiencing God in such a degree at a prestigious university, way that you are assured of His exis- he could easily go toe to toe with tence? Are you experiencing a God who Ijust about anyone in cleverly giving answers when you call? A God who gets proof of God’s nonexistence. From an involved in your story? Whatever your intellectual point of view, I knew I was answer may be, I would like to invite you no match for him. In fact, we never to go a little deeper with God. Experience engaged on this level. a God who is active and eager to answer when you call. Experience a God who Seeing Relationships loves to get involved in the human story. One time, however, he brought up the subject of God. He asked how I could The Journey: Sharpening believe in something so nonsensical as a God Our God Gauge I couldn’t hear or see. So I posed the fol- Christianity is a journey. There are no lowing question to him: “Can you explain couch-potato Christians. Take any foot- your relationship with your mom to me?” ball player at the end of the game with a He shot me a look of bewilderment. clean jersey and pristine cleats, and you “What do you mean?” he asked. can conclude that he’s been sitting on “Your relationship with your mom. the bench for the entire game. The same How would you describe it to me?” is true in our Christian walk. Christian- Silence. I continued. “I can’t explain my ity is a contact sport. It requires that we relationship with my mom to you; how- get involved and get dirty. It involves a ever, it exists. We talk; we laugh; we love. God who is actively involved in our lives. The relationship exists, but how can I We do not serve a god of wood or stone describe something so intangible? I can who doesn’t answer when we call. The only experience it. That’s why I believe most exciting thing about Christianity in God, because I experience Him. I see is that we serve a God who loves to get Him moving in my life. I talk to Him, involved in the human story! and He answers. It’s less of something Far too often our spiritual growth is that I can explain and more of some- stalled because we are unable, unwill- thing that I experience.” ing, or unaware of how to hear God’s So now the question is posed to you: voice. Our ability to perceive God mov- How can you possibly believe in God? ing in our lives has become dull. And What proof do you have to support your sometimes, at some point along the belief in God? way, we begin to doubt that God actually

(462)w 14 (462) | | May 23, 2013 mature Christian, it is your responsibility to be open and expressive about how God has moved in your life, because in doing so, your experience will give evidence to those around you. The proof of God’s exis- tence is in your relationship with Him. above all else Finally, we must trust that God will answer us when we call. If there is one assurance we have in God’s Word, it is that He will respond to our prayers. The Bible is replete with assurances that God gets involved in the human story. And anyone who comes to him must believe will listen and answer: “Call to me and I more than anything else, this is what we that he exists, and that he rewards those will answer you” (Jer. 33:3). “He will call want. We want God to show up and be who earnestly seek him.” It is impor- on me, and I will answer him; I will be real and apparent. When hardship and tant that we first acknowledge that God with him in trouble, I will deliver him destruction come, we want clarity and a exists and recognize who He is. and honor him” (Ps. 91:15). “Before they solution. We want to see a manifesta- Next, we must clearly understand that call I will answer; and while they are still tion of God. We want to know that our God actively gets involved in the human speaking I will hear” (Isa. 65:24). God is as real as our pain. Our God gauge is off, and sharpening this ability—learning to tune in—will take us to God already knows the desires the next level in our relationship with God. of your heart, but He wants to Speak, Lord; I’m Listening hear from you. Not so long ago I shared a story with a friend about a plane ride I had taken. As I sat in the middle seat of my row, I story. Even when it seems that He’s How to Experience God felt impressed that the woman sitting somewhere offstage, He’s still a charac- Moving in Our Lives next to me was a Seventh-day Adventist. ter in the story. Psalm 66 gives us assur- Sometimes even seasoned prayer Over the course of the trip, during my ance of this. In fact, Psalm 66:5, 16 invite warriors find themselves at a standstill conversation with her, the impression us by saying: “Come and see what God when it comes to understanding God’s was confirmed. While I recounted this has done, his awesome deeds for man- moving and leading in their lives. Try- story, my friend interjected, “How did kind!” “Come and hear, all you who fear ing to discern God’s action (and inac- you hear God’s voice?” I paused and God; let me tell you what he has done for tion) sometimes sends longtime thought of how to answer that question. me.” The psalmist speaks with assur- Christians into a tailspin in their rela- And again today I ponder that question. ance throughout this chapter about the tionship with God. And often enough, How can we hear God’s voice? How can awesome works of God’s hands. it’s most difficult to understand God’s we rest assured that God gets involved In this concept we see two levels of movement in our lives because of our in the human story? For many of us, if responsibility. If you have not yet experi- emotional involvement in the situation. we could receive confirmation of this, enced God’s movement in your life and Understanding God’s movement in we would experience an immediate you want to go deeper with God, it is our lives may require a drastic change growth spurt in our spiritual lives. your responsibility to read the Bible to in perspective. Reading a book with the In order to hear God’s voice and expe- see and understand how God has moved page pressed against your nose permits rience Him moving in our lives, we in the past. Spend time with Christians, you to see only one or two words on the must first believe that God exists and those with strong spiritual experiences, page. However, when you adjust the recognize that He is the God of the uni- who can share with you how their rela- book to arm’s length, you can see much verse. Hebrews 11:6 says: “Without faith tionship with God has impacted their more and read so much better. it is impossible to please God, because lives. If, on the other hand, you are a Our walk with God is the same. | May 23, 2013 | (463) 15 Obsession with one moment of one day sion. Focus on delighting yourself in tianity’s most exciting, spiritually revo- of one week in one month of life’s expe- God. Don’t selfishly ask Him for any- lutionizing aspects. rience is like demanding full beauty thing during this time; just spend the from a single thread in the vast tapestry time with Him, getting to know Him and Conclusion of our lives. By contrast, Psalm 37:4 enjoying His presence. Read the Gospels. If you find yourself questioning that invites us to “delight in the Lord, and he Put yourself in the story and imagine God will actually get involved in your will give you the desires of your heart.” how you would react. Delve into Psalms story, just check out the fire of His pas- This formula involves two jobs: delight- and spend time praising God for who He sion for you in Psalm 18:6-14. Read it ing ourselves in the Lord (the easier of is. I guarantee you will begin to see and now! Experience a God who sees you as the two) and experiencing our heart’s perceive God’s movement in your life. “the apple of his eye” (Deut. 32:10) and desires (the harder one). But the harder You will experience a God who is who longs for you to prove His existence one is God’s business. actively involved in your story. through your relationship with Him. He So tell God what you desire. Reveal longs for you to hear Him when He your plans, dreams, and goals to Him. Implications for the whispers your name. He longs for you Be spiritually vulnerable before Him. Church at Large to recognize His movement in your life And focus on doing your job, which is Our 14-day Nutella challenge may as evidence of His love. delighting yourself in Him. seem to be an individual matter. But it Your God is deeply involved in the could have a serious positive impact on human story. Contrary to all our low The Nutella Challenge corporate spiritual growth. It all comes expectations of Him, He’s committed to “How do I do that?” you ask me. down to Philippians 2:3, 4, which says: doing exceeding abundantly more than Think of a few of your favorite things— “Value others above yourselves, not what we can ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20, 21). football, chocolate, your cat, your chil- looking to your own interests but each Truly delight yourself in your relationship dren. Whatever it is that brings a of you to the interests of others.” with Him, and you will hear and experi- to your face, think of it right now. Put a Delighting yourself in your relationship ence God as you never have before. n picture of it in front of you. Revel in the with God frees up your mind from self- joy and happiness it brings you. Delight ish preoccupations. You learn to “not be Rachel Lemons, a graduate of in the way it gently tugs at the corners anxious about anything” (Phil. 4:6). The and the of your mouth until you break into a energy used to pray for yourself and University of Virginia, is the smile. Now think of Jesus. Imagine your your own needs can now turn toward author of Fish Food, the 2013 relationship with Him. Does it bring the needs of others. This allows us to Young Adult devotional you the same joy? Changing our per- channel the same fervency to stand in published by Review and Herald. spective is about learning how to the gap for those around us—to delight in the Lord. It’s about taking our approach God in prayer on their behalf. eyes off our desires and fixing our eyes When we are assured that God is con- upon the Lord, just as Peter had to do as cerned about us, will act on our behalf, he was walking on water toward Jesus speak to our hearts, and move in our (Matt. 14:22-33). God already knows the lives, we can confidently speak to Him desires of your heart, but He wants to on behalf of others. This is one of Chris- hear from you. Tell them to God, and then focus on enjoying your relation- ship with Him as much as you enjoy your favorite things. This is your 14-day Nutella challenge. I call it that because I first posed this challenge to a friend, whose number one delight in life is Nutella. For the next 14 days, let God be your magnificent obses-

(464) 16 (464) | | May 23, 2013 Transformation Tips Almanac Advice and Anniversary Anxiety Most Adventist believers are aware that 2013 is the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The first General Conference session occurred, and the formation of the Adventist Church started, on May 21, 1863. It’s a bit of a misnomer to use the word “started,” because the golden thread of Seventh-day Ad- ventist beliefs are Bible-based and can be traced from Genesis to Revelation (see Isa. 61:4; Rev. 14: 6-12). To the thoughtful believer this period is a time to reflect on why we are still here, and ask what we can do to help finish the work that will lead to Christ’s return.

Almanac Advice We can profit from counsel Ellen White gave to Arthur Grosvenor Daniells (1858-1935), president of the General Conference at the end of the first 50 years of the Seventh-day Ad- ventist movement. In a personal letter she wrote: “Again and again I have been shown that the past experiences of God’s people are not to be counted as dead facts. We are not to treat the record of these experiences as we would treat a last year’s almanac. The record is to be kept in mind, for history will repeat itself.”* Last year’s calendar and facts have become dated, thereby having little value; so we discard it. Ellen White’s advice to Daniells was perceptive. Don’t treat the history of the early days of the Adventist movement as old, irrelevant, and discardable information. Instead, review, study, and learn from them. We should be enlightened by the trials, tragedies, and triumphs of our move- ment’s early days.

150th Anniversary Delbert W. Recently the leadership of the Adventist Church was enriched as it followed Ellen White’s “almanac Baker advice” and reviewed the history of the first 50 years of the Seventh-day Adventist movement. Church leaders met in Battle Creek, Michigan, where the church started, at a commemorative sesquicentennial event. For two days leaders prayed and studied, listened, and discussed engag- ing historic presentations on a wide range of topics that highlighted many lessons learned. After the commemorative sessions, and after doing the business of the GC Spring Meeting, leaders headed home inspired and refocused to forward the movement where they have responsibilities. Ironi- cally, as they traveled around the globe they were confronted with the glaring realities of a suffering world.

Anniversary Anxiety As the 150th commemorative events ended, national and international reports repeatedly broadcast news of the Boston Marathon bombing (April 15, 2013), citing those killed and wounded in the explosions. This event and multiple other news stories provided an unsettling reminder of the impact of sin and our inhu- manity toward each other. The month of April also reminds us of other historic events that speak to the great controversy and demonstrate the weight of sin and strife in the world. In history a number of devastating wars and heinous acts of violence have begun in April: the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Mexican-American War, and the Spanish-American War. The Branch Davidian fiasco occurred in Waco, Texas, and the Oklahoma City bombing shocked the nation in April. It’s the anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre, the Virginia Tech shootings, the race riots in Los Angeles, and the ecologically disastrous British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. As Adventists were commemorating, these and many other anniversaries cause us to realize that our work and witness are badly needed in a hurting world. While we learn from our history, we also long for the Sec- ond Advent, when Jesus will establish His eternal kingdom and end the reign of sin, suffering, and strife. n

* Ellen G. White letter 238, 1903, in The Publishing Ministry (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1983), p. 175.

Delbert W. Baker is a general vice president of the General Conference. | May 23, 2013 | (465) 17 Cover Ziggurats, Mountains, and the Stone

A surprising to a well-known text BY GERALD A. KLINGBEIL

just don’t get it,” one of my students had told me. “This book is too difficult for me to understand.” He was referring to the book of Daniel, one of the all-time favorites of Seventh-day Adventists all around the world. “And,” he had added, “what are all these weird animals and strange prophecies supposed to mean, anyway?” Juan1 came from a solid Adventist home and had just recently committed himself to fol- Ilowing Jesus. “I know I should pay more attention, but every time I start reading Daniel or Revelation I feel like ‘turning off’—it is just too weird and too complicated.” Juan’s reaction is, undoubtedly, duplicated many times in Adventist academies, col- leges, and churches all around the world. While many love spending time with these fas- cinating prophetic books, others tend to be turned off by their language, imagery, and complex symbolism. They may struggle to look at the big picture that these apocalyptic C reitz teve books present—all pointing to the Lamb and His final victory in the great controversy between good and evil.2 S by I llustration

18 phetic timetable to those who loved and worshipped Him—regardless of their racial and ethnic backgrounds. Daniel was not only a book for its time: it speaks to all ages, and particularly to those living at the time of the end (Dan. 12:1-4). power of deities was measured by the success of their earthly worshippers. Setting the Stage The book of Daniel was written in this Daniel 2 is a great chapter for seeing the particular historical context and with link between God’s story and human his- A Book for a Special Time these questions in mind. Its first part tory. The condensed version goes like this: The book of Daniel was written some- (chapters 1-6) tells the stories of four a king’s dream becomes the nightmare of time during the sixth century B.C., a young men from Judah and their inter- his scholars, who fail to tell him his osten- perplexing time for God’s people. Jeru- action with heathen kings and an often- sibly forgotten message from on high. salem had fallen repeatedly to the Baby- antagonistic society. Would they stay Never one to do things halfheartedly, King lonian King Nebuchadnezzar and, faithful to their God? Would they with- Nebuchadnezzar threatens his court finally, had been destroyed in 586 B.C. stand the temptations of assimilation scholars with execution if they are not able Ruins now marked the place where the and blending in? Would they be able to to recount the dream. Daniel and his three Solomonic Temple had once stood. become a blessing, hinted at so often in Hebrew friends are informed of this dras- While thousands had perished, others Scripture (cf. Gen. 12:1-3), and reach tic decree that will affect them as well, and had been taken as prisoners to Babylon, their captors who had become neigh- after requesting more time, they pray for where they had settled. Instead of using bors and perhaps even friends? their lives. During the night God reveals to their native Hebrew, these captives had been forced to use Aramaic and Babylo- nian instead. A new language, a new Who would be stronger than the political system, a new country, new gods—where was the God of Israel in gods that meet on the mountain? all of this? Could He still speak, or had He been silenced forever by the seem- Guided by divine revelation, Daniel Daniel the dream and its meaning. Daniel ingly more powerful Babylonian gods included not only faith-building stories then approaches the court official in who were worshipped by their masters? but also mind-boggling prophetic pan- charge of the execution and is brought Questions like these must have oramic scenes that highlighted one before the king. crossed the mind of more than one of important concept: the God of Israel, Yah- Truly this is a real-life suspense story, the Jewish exiles. These questions were weh, was in full control of history—and full of nail-biting moments—yet it is also legitimate in a world in which the interested in communicating this pro- full of God moments. The first occurs | May 23, 2013 | (467) 19 right after Daniel received the vision. I second chapter of Daniel with my Bibli- what will be after this and (be assured), would imagine that everybody (including cal Aramaic class students—one of the the dream is certain and its interpreta- me) would immediately rush out of the few chapters in the Old Testament that tion is trustworthy” (verses 44, 45). prayer meeting and knock on the door of is written in Aramaic.3 Here is my per- Did you catch it? The descriptive sec- the king’s palace. There is no time to be sonal translation of Daniel 2:34, 35, fol- tion mentions a stone coming from lost. No precious minutes can be squan- lowed by the interpretation of the dream nowhere (verse 34) while the interpretive dered. However, that’s not what Daniel in verses 44, 45: “You watched until a section has the stone coming from the does. He settles down and praises God in stone [indeterminate] was cut—not by mountain (verse 45). The translators of the one of the most significant prayers of human hands—and smote the image at Septuagint, the Greek translation of the praise in all of Scripture (Dan. 2:20-23). its feet of iron and pottery and crushed Old Testament, noticed this discrepancy Here is another God moment. As Dan- them. Then the iron, the pottery, the and thus inserted “from the mountain” iel is brought before the irate king he is in verse 34. The biblical text continues confronted with the key question: “Are with a surprising description of the dra- you able to tell me my dream?” What a Daniel turns matic transformation of the stone, which temptation just to say “Yes” and get on the way people becomes “a huge mountain” (verse 35), with it—it would have looked great on filling the whole earth. Clearly this stone Daniel’s résumé. Yet Daniel does not fall think about is beyond this world: its identity and ori- into this trap, either. His answer is illus- religion and gin has been of particular interest to bib- trative of the type of person he is and the lical interpreters.4 A quick search in kind of relationship he has with his Lord. history upside standard commentaries on Daniel brings “No, I cannot do that; matter of fact, not down and to light a number of interpretations of one of your scholars can do it, but there the stone/mountain symbolism in Daniel is a God in heaven who reveals myster- inside out by 2. What is Daniel telling us by saying it ies” (cf. verse 27). Daniel understands the unexpected the way he did? What would a Babylonian real balance of power—even at the epi- king, living in the sixth century B.C. in center of an ancient superpower. outcomes and Mesopotamia, understand by a text surprising involving stones and mountains? The Dream and the Stone The large statue made of different effects. Of Stones and Mountains materials has been a solid staple of Ad- There are few references in Mesopota- ventist preaching and evangelism for bronze, the silver, and the gold were mian literature to stones used in cir- more than 150 years. We have heard crushed altogether, and they were like cumstances similar to the ones found in about the golden head, the silver chest chaff from the summer threshing floors; Daniel 2. In the Gilgamesh Epic, the Mes- and arms, the bronze belly and thighs, and the wind lifted them up, and no opotamian Flood story, the main charac- the iron legs, and the partly iron and place could be found for them. However, ter has a dream about the coming of partly clay feet. We also recall its end— the stone that smote the image became a Enkidu (a wild created being meant to smashed by a stone cut from a moun- huge mountain [indeterminate] and teach Gilgamesh humility) as a meteor tain—the remains of the impressive filled all the earth” (verses 34, 35). that lands at Gilgamesh’s feet.5 We see statue became insignificant like chaff on “And in the days of these kings the God from Mesopotamian lists that deities a threshing floor. We may even remem- of heaven will establish an eternal king- and sacred space were often related to ber the meaning of the dream pointing dom, which will not be destroyed; and the stones. Mountains, on the other hand, to a sequence of four major kingdoms kingdom will not be left to another peo- played a big role in most religions of the that are finally upended by the estab- ple; it will smite and put an end to all ancient Near East, as we can see in the lishment of God’s kingdom (verses these kingdoms and will be established architecture of many temples and 37-45). Been there—done that. We forever; just as you saw that the stone tombs. The design of the Mesopotamian know—and yet we often overlook—sig- [determinate] was cut off from the moun- ziggurat (or temple) represents an artifi- nificant details that may have spoken tain [determinate]—not from human cial mountain, similar to the shape and more profoundly to one of the partici- hands—and crushed the iron, the bronze, design of Egyptian pyramids.6 Mesopo- pants of this incredible drama. the pottery, the silver, and the gold; the tamian ziggurats were considered to be I first saw this when I translated the great God has made known to the king the actual home of the deity.7 The names

20 (468) | | May 23, 2013 of these temples illustrate the relation- from a mountain. In the king’s mind the The book of Daniel describes a long jour- ship between humans and deity. For high elevations and mountains were ney that would ultimately result in the example, the ziggurat of Larsa, another divine meeting places; who would be king’s recognition of Yahweh not only as city-state in Mesopotamia, is called able to cut off a sizable stone that could the God of heaven, but as “the Most “house of the link between heaven and hit the statue and not only topple it High” (Dan. 4:32), the one above every- earth,” while the ziggurat of Kish is over, but crush it into powder? Who thing, the one who is actively involved in known as “exalted dwelling place of would be stronger than the gods that human history, who appoints and Zababa and Inanna, whose head is as meet on the mountain? It is this great removes kings. He is the God who comes high as the heavens.” The name of the God of heaven, Daniel’s God; and once close to Nebuchadnezzar and speaks so ziggurat of Nippur is “house of the Nebuchadnezzar has understood the he can understand. After all—and above mountain.”8 Similar, in texts from meaning of the dream he falls on his all—the great God of heaven is Imman- Ugarit, a site in northern Syria, the home face and worships (verse 46). He does uel—God with us. n of the gods is linked to Mount Saphon.9 not as yet understand everything about 1 Not his real name. this God of heaven, but he realizes that 2 This article is based on research presented in Gerald A. Between Theology this God truly is the “God of gods and Klingbeil, “ ‘Rocking the Mountain’: Text, Theology, and Mis- and Mission Lord of kings” (verse 47). sion in Daniel 2,” in “For You Have Strengthened Me”: Biblical and Theological Studies in Honor of Gerhard Pfandl in Celebration of His The exasperated response of the terri- Sixty-fifth Birthday, ed. Martin Pröbstle, Gerald A. Klingbeil, and fied intellectual elite of Babylon to Nebu- I Am Talking to You Martin G. Klingbeil (St. Peter am Hart, Austria: Seminar chadnezzar’s command at the beginning Daniel 2 tells a story of how the God Schloss Bogenhofen, 2007), pp. 117-139. 3 The Aramaic sections of the Old Testament include of Daniel 2 is indeed significant: “No one of heaven communicates with individu- mainly Daniel 2:4-7:28 and Ezra 4:8-6:18 and 7:11-26. Two can reveal it [the dream] to the king als living outside the chosen commu- shorter verses in Genesis 31:47 (two words) and Jeremiah except the gods, and they do not live nity of faith. As Daniel tells the story, he 10:11 are also written in Aramaic. 4 C. L. Seow, “The Rule of God in the Book of Daniel,” in among humans” (verse 11). The refer- uses concepts that were known to any- David and Zion: Biblical Studies in Honor of J.J.M. Roberts, ed. Ber- ence to the gods, not living where mortal one living in the ancient Near East at the nard F. Batto and Kathryn L. Roberts (Winona Lake, Ind.: beings live, introduces us to one of the time. Yet these concepts and terminol- Eisenbrauns, 2004), pp. 224-226, for example, suggests that the rock/mountain symbols point to Abraham’s descendants main themes of Daniel 2. While the God ogy are not just being used uncritically. who will mediate divine sovereignty on earth. Furthermore, of Daniel is interested in communicating Rather, Daniel turns the way people Seow argues that the mountain is a reference to the coming of the future and guides those who trust in think about religion and history upside the nations to Mount Zion (Isa. 2:1-4; Micah 4:1; Ps. 22:28, 29). Cf. Gerhard Pfandl, “Interpretations of the Kingdom of God in Him through difficult times, the gods of down and inside out by unexpected Daniel 2:44,” Seminary Studies 34 (1996): 249– King Nebuchadnezzar are not able (or outcomes and surprising effects. Missi- 268, for a concise history of interpretation. willing) to do the same, since they live far ologists call this process “contextualiza- 5 John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews, and Mark W. Chav- alas, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (Down- removed from humanity in the high tion”—the process of “translating” a ers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2000), p. 733. places of mountains or ziggurats. particular (foreign) concept into a dif- 6 Hartmut Waetzoldt, “Tempelterrassen und Ziggurrate The God of heaven is different (verses ferent culture, using concepts and ele- nach der sumerischen Überlieferung,” in “An Experienced Scribe Who Neglects Nothing”: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of 18, 19, 37, 44). He is able and willing to ments that are familiar to this culture. Jacob Klein, ed. Yitschak Sefati et al. (Bethesda, Md.: CDL, 2005), reveal the future to the king, and the The stone and mountain references in pp. 322-342. God of heaven does it in a way that the Daniel 2 are not the only biblical passages 7 Waetzoldt, p. 332. 8 Othmar Keel, Die Welt der altorientalischen Bildsymbolik und king of Babylon will understand. God that contextualize cultural thoughts and das Alte Testament, 5th ed. (Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck wants to guide Nebuchadnezzar from values to meet people where they were.10 and Ruprecht, 1996), p. 100. something known to something new. At God repeatedly sends messages through 9 Cf. Richard J. Clifford, The Cosmic Mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament, Harvard Semitic Monographs 4 (Cambridge: the same time God is subtly but consis- His prophets that do not leave unbeliev- Harvard University Press, 1972). tently, undermining familiar religious ers with their false ideas but take them 10 Other biblical references that use a known theological concepts. The gods do not respond and further—much further by introducing concept in order to communicate a completely different truth include Ps. 121:6 and, surprisingly, also Gen. 1 and 2, among do not give the necessary wisdom to them to the living God. At the end of the others. know the dream of the king or supply day Nebuchadnezzar falls to the ground its interpretation. The statue, which was and recognizes the power and strength of Gerald A. Klingbeil, D.Litt., is so important to the dream and, as we Daniel’s God, the God of heaven, so differ- an associate editor of Adventist can see later in Daniel 3, also very ent from his own gods. But the story does Review who enjoys discovering important to King Nebuchadnezzar, is not end with this one interaction amazing gems of divine truth in smashed by a stone that has been cut off between Yahweh and Nebuchadnezzar. surprising places. | May 23, 2013 | (469) 21 Spirit of Prophecy are assembled here will cherish their human traits of character. There is dan- ger of their failing to see the need of individually humbling themselves before God each day, and several times A Call to Service

each day, and of asking Him for the spir- itual help they must have if they are to serve faithfully and acceptably in any office. They may be engaged in the pub- lishing work, or in some line of medical work, or in the school work; but what- ever our work for human beings may be we must perfect a Christian character, or we shall miss the mark. If we neglect to humble our hearts before God, we shall fail of gaining all that we might gain. . . . My brethren, in your field of labor, you may be surrounded by unfavorable cir- cumstances; but the Lord knows all com . alt

S about this, and He will supply your lack by His own Holy Spirit. We need to have much more faith in God. Very soon the strife and oppression of foreign nations

ood /G J ustinen © L ars will break forth with an intensity that you do not now anticipate. You need to BY ELLEN G. WHITE realize the importance of becoming od has given His people a time than we have already lost. We can acquainted with God in prayer. When great work to do in the not afford to be careless. We need the you have the assurance that He hears world, and every soul who wisdom that cometh from God, and not you, you will be cheerful in tribulation; professes to be a son or that wisdom which is natural to the you will rise above despondency, because daughter of God should human heart. We need to study the you experience the quickening influence Ggive evidence that his heart is being Word of the living God, and to be sancti- of the power of God in your hearts. impressed by the Holy Spirit. This will fied through the truth. When the truth What we need is the truth. Nothing mean everything to the success of his sanctifies the receiver, he will carry the can take the place of this—the sacred, labors. The Lord has placed various gifts light of truth to others. And when the solemn truth that is to enable us to in the church that we may appreciate worker is placed in a position where he stand the test of trial, even as Christ these gifts, and act our part in the grand is required to bear a straight testimony, endured. Early in His ministry the disci- finishing-up work of this earth’s his- God will inspire that testimony. Those ples wanted the Savior to go up to Jeru- tory. Let us understand our need of who have no disposition to learn of salem and show Himself there. “If thou communion with God. We are to experi- Jesus, and who think they know all that be the Christ,” they said, “show thyself ence the sanctifying power of His grace is worth knowing, will be indifferent to to the world.” Christ was doing this on the human heart. We are to be sub- the communication that God sends; but very thing, but He was doing it in a way missive to the will of God, and willing to it will impress the hearts of those who they did not perceive. Speaking to the engage in the work that He has are humble enough to learn of Christ. people on the streets, and healing the appointed His servants to do. Last night there was represented to sick, Christ was working to make We can not afford to lose any more me the danger there is that those who impressions that would arouse the sen-

22 (470) | | May 23, 2013 sibilities of the people. Even to the last with scorn. But did He cease His work the affirmative. Angels of God are He exercised His miracle-working because of this? No; He would continue watching you, and they understand how power. These were the very deeds He His work until He had gathered about to impress those whose opposition you came to the world to do. Him a multitude of hearers. The Savior refuse to meet with argument. If Christ We each need to experience a thorough would have us study our words and had not held to the affirmative in the wilderness of temptation, He would have lost all that He desired to gain. Christ’s way is the best way to meet our opponents. We strengthen their argu- ments when we repeat what they say. Keep always to the affirmative. It may be A to that the very man who is opposing you Call Service will carry your words home, and be con- verted to the sensible truth that has conversion. Many of us take so much of actions, and follow His example. Let us reached his understanding. n self along with us that we fail entirely of not, when we meet with insults and representing Christ. We can not afford to taunts, take up these things, and try to This article was first published have such an experience as this; for the answer them. Let us rather go right on as in the General Conference eyes of the world are upon us. My breth- though they had not been spoken. Bulletin, May 18, 1909. Ellen G. ren, when you speak to others, and they Often as you seek to teach the present White, its author, was one of reply in a way that is not pleasant, do not truth, opposition will be aroused; and if the founders of the Seventh-day allow yourselves to be aroused. Remem- you seek to meet the opposition with Adventist Church. Her life and work testified to ber that Jesus was met in the same way. argument, you will only multiply it, and the special guidance of the Holy Spirit. His precious words of truth were met that you can not afford to do. Hold to | May 23, 2013 | (471) 23 Adventist Life A Day to BY HELGA PEDZY We commemorate many hen I first met Edward, the man who later would days—so why not the day become my husband, I was of our baptism? Wfilled with contradictions. I attended church on Sundays, so it was dif- ficult for me to date someone who went to church—and even closed his busi- ness—on Saturdays, because he believed it was the day God asks us to keep holy. Edward never discussed the issue with me in detail; he just politely asked me one time to come to church with him. My answer was an emphatic “No.” Being a devout member of a different denomina- tion, I determined that one day he would join my church. The situation changed when I began having doubts about some of my church’s practices and beliefs. I wondered whether they were biblically based and appropriate for Christians. I had a close relationship with God, but I didn’t want to stop attending church, because I realized how difficult it is to preserve a connection with God without the support that church membership provides. I decided, however, not to dis- cuss these concerns with Edward. The following summer in Berlin, Ger- many, I served as a camp tent leader for 12-year-old girls from East Berlin. I had a wonderful time with them, but I was unable to attend church services for two weeks. Afterward, I was happy to be back in my home church, but I encountered another situation involving church prac- tices that was even more serious, and love for my church began to diminish. Sunday morning worship services became mere

com routine, and my prior earnestness to . alt

S “win” my boyfriend to my church denomination was extinguished.

Not Seeing Eye to Eye

ood /G J ustinen © L ars One day I went to visit Edward at his

24 (472) | | May 23, 2013 Remember

place of business, but only his father, Anton, married. Soon after, however, he People can easily become discouraged, was there. Anton shook my hand and then informed me that the minister who had and some end up leaving the church. But pulled out from under the counter a worn, married us would be visiting me each on the anniversary of my baptism I’m taped-up Bible. He then opened it to the week to discuss the Bible and Adventist reminded that strong efforts must be book of Revelation and started to explain to beliefs. We’re happily married; why can’t made to win them back into the family me the meaning of the number 666. they leave me alone? I wondered. I decided of God. Jesus wants us to be a blessing to In the midst of his statements I inter- to put a stop to this right from the others and to make a positive difference rupted with a question: “What would beginning, so I borrowed a lot of jew- in their lives. Our Lord and Savior is in you say if I were to try to get you to elry from friends and was wearing it charge, but we must allow Him to use us accept a different religion, and how when the pastor knocked on my door. as tools in His hands. much time would you give me?” I turned The pastor appeared startled by my The anniversary of our baptism is a day to leave, but then Edward walked in. He appearance, but he came in, and I had of commemoration, one on which we looked surprised, but he took my hand my first Bible study. We studied should reflect on past experiences, espe- and we walked out together. I didn’t talk together for two years. Eventually our cially on answered prayers and the mercies to him at that time about his father’s studies turned into discussions about of God. We also should ask the Lord on words; I just looked at him, wondering various events in the Bible, marriage, that day to motivate us to contact newly why God had put this man into my life. children, family behaviors, diseases, baptized members and others who are friendships, and the importance of seeking the security of God’s love as well as Becoming Part of the Family making Jesus the priority in our lives. ours. Caring for and loving one another is A few weeks later I entered an Ad- Finally, on March 26, 1960, I was bap- evidence that God is working in our lives. ventist church for the first time. The tized. As I stepped out of the water, building seemed empty, with no statues, three trumpeters played “Holy, Holy, Just Pick a Day pictures, or candles. I felt out of place. Holy,” my favorite hymn. I had never The best day of my life was that of my Edward and I continued dating, but I felt so close to God. Bowing my head, I baptism, which is why I commemorate it never returned to his church. I did spend thanked Jesus for accepting me and every year. Some people may not remember many welcoming moments with his fam- becoming my best friend. the date of their baptism. To those I say: ily, however. Anton was a warmhearted, “Just pick a day.” I wish we had a national or caring, and loving person, and he never A Special Day worldwide “baptism day,” to be celebrated mentioned his beliefs or his Bible again. We celebrate many special days in our as we do our birthdays, for on that day we Two years later Anton was diagnosed lives—national holidays, birthdays, accepted Jesus as our brother, friend, healer, with cancer. Edward was very upset. anniversaries, and various other days and Redeemer—and we were reborn. After a year filled with prayers and many we deem important to us. Sadly, how- So let’s remember to celebrate that somber moments, Anton asked to see us ever, we often forget the most impor- special day by remembering Jesus’ bless- both. With a fading voice he asked us to tant day of all: that of our baptism. ings in our past and looking forward to kneel in front of his bed. His weakening I have now been a member of the Sev- His triumphant soon return, when I can eyes looked at me, and with a smile he enth-day Adventist Church for more than envision Him saying once again, as He asked, “Will you marry min Jung [my 50 years and have held numerous church did on the cross, “It is finished.” n boy]?” Looking at Edward, I answered, positions of responsibility, but each year “Yes.” Anton’s face brightened with a on the anniversary of my baptism I Helga Pedzy is a medical technician smile. He spoke a prayer filled with love recommit myself to God and thank Him who enjoys woodworking, sewing, and blessings for Edward and me and for for His many blessings. I remind myself and writing. She and her husband, our future life together. I felt the pres- that the most important things in life are Edward, emigrated from Germany ence of God. A few days later Anton died. not positions, but people, and that each of to the United States in 1960. The The following year Edward and I were us must serve God with a humble heart. couple has two grown children and a grandchild. | May 23, 2013 | (473) 25 Story Good for Nothing Doing good for its own sake BY JOSETTE P. STEVENS-LASSEN

ne May evening my hus- We put Bill on a bus that evening. He member told us how foolish we’d been, band and I walked home went to a nearby city that had a home- adding that we should have called the from prayer meeting. As he less shelter. We saw him later, and he police instead of enabling him. went to lock our pickup told us how he was grateful that we had Well, if helping someone is foolish . . . truck parked in front of taken him in. He added that he had Oour apartment building, he found a A Piece of Junk man lying on the seat. He was clean, One morning as my husband rode his nicely dressed, and held a wine bottle. “Let’s face it,” bicycle to the school where he taught, he The stranger explained that he had no she had told spotted a bracelet on the sidewalk. He place to spend the night. We told him he picked it up, put it in his briefcase, and could stay with us if he got rid of the her nephew, thought nothing more about it. The wine. We invited him in and gave him “no one’s next morning he dropped it on our some food, and he spent a restful night breakfast table. “Here,” he said, “want a in our apartment. honest enough piece of junk?” The next day Bill* said his stomach to return a I picked up the bracelet and examined bothered him, so I gave him some bracelet of it. It was large and heavy, with an herbal tea. As we talked, I asked why he unusual design. I thought it rather wasn’t working. He said that he’d that value.” cheap-looking, but it had initials set in recently had cataract surgery and that stones, and a name and a blood type he couldn’t see very well. prayed for God to help him. I gave him a engraved on the backside. So that afternoon I took him to an copy of , which he could As I drove my husband to school that optician and paid the $50 for an office read with his new glasses. morning, I mentioned that the bracelet visit. The optician, a friend of ours, gave We felt happy that we had had the must be of some sentimental value to our new friend a free pair of prescrip- privilege of helping him, so you can someone. After all, the person had gone to tion glasses—a $200 value. imagine how we felt when a church much trouble to have the engraving done

26 (474) | | May 23, 2013 and the initials set in stones. We decided returned the bracelet was still telling to try to find the owner of the bracelet. around town how wonderful Seventh- I looked in the telephone directory. I day Adventists are because of this expe- called the number of someone with a rience. How marvelous is our heavenly similar name but received no answer. I Father to allow us to have a part in it. walked to the apartment building next Praise His name! n door and asked the manager if he had a * All names in this article have been changed. tenant by the name engraved on the bracelet. He said he didn’t. Josette P. Stevens-Lassen “Too bad,” I said, “because my husband lives in Hamilton, Montana, and found a bracelet with that name on it.” loves to reflect the joy of “Some folks were here yesterday look- living for Christ. ing for it,” he said. “They left a sign.” He pointed in the direction of a nearby tele- phone pole. The sign read: “REWARD!” and listed a telephone number. ? What Do You Think? Back at our apartment I called the telephone number; a woman answered. 1. When have you found something of “Are you Mrs. Hall?” I asked. “My hus- value that belonged to someone band found your bracelet.” else? Describe it briefly. After a short pause the woman said, 2. What did it take to return the item to “You’re kidding!” its rightful owner? What was the “No,” I assured her. I gave her our owner’s reaction? address, and soon an attractive woman 3. Do you know how it feels to recover and her teenage son appeared at our something that you thought was lost apartment beaming with joy. forever? Can you describe it in one As I handed the bracelet to the woman, sentence? I showed her where the latch had broken. 4. What does this story say about the “The bracelet belongs to my uncle,” concept of value? What spiritual and she said. “I’ll have the latch fixed.” She practical applications do you see? went on to say how they had spent the entire day before looking for the miss- ing bracelet. They were frantic; the brace- let was made of gold and diamonds, 69 of them. “Let’s face it,” she had told her nephew, “no one’s honest enough to return a bracelet of that value.” Her uncle had cried when he realized that his bracelet was lost, because the diamonds on it came from his late wife’s wedding jewelry, and it had a lot of sen- timental value. The woman thanked me profusely and handed me an envelope. I drove to the school where my hus- band was teaching. “Look,” I said excit- edly as I came into his classroom. I held in my hand a $100 bill. “Praise God,” he exclaimed. We used it to buy flowers for that Sabbath’s wor- ship service, which happened to be our wedding anniversary. The floral arrangement was displayed in our church sanctuary on Sabbath; then we gave it to our pastor. A year later the woman to whom I

(475) 27 Ask the Doctors

Evidenced-based Opinions

By allan r. handysides and peter n. landless have enjoyed reading the Ask the trol, we call for rational thinking. The tarian diet, and, as with vitamins, once IDoctors column throughout the call for evidence then becomes a filter to you have enough, more does not help. years, but I wonder whether you are as keep out the “nonsense.” What would the results have shown rigorous as you claim to be about evi- On the matter of tea and coffee, how- for decaffeinated coffee drinkers? We dence-based opinions. Take coffee, for ever, we have strong advice to avoid it. don’t know. Will we now recommend example: the latest huge study in the Ellen White describes the pharmaco- coffee? No, because caffeine is still New England Journal of Medicine sug- logic properties of caffeine with the sci- addictive. But we will put this study in gests that it’s good for us. Will you now entific precision of an expert. She then our memory file and compare it to accept the evidence for coffee? goes on to recommend that we not use future studies. Others must replicate tea or coffee. As an “end-time people,” the results. e smile at this question, because we need empowering by more than a Our call for evidence is really a call for Wwe are like the veggie meat in the shot of caffeine. balance. Just as we are cautious about sandwich: open to criticism from both The study we believe you are refer- this study, we are cautious about some the more liberal and conservative of our encing appeared in the New England of the data used to promote one or readers. Journal of Medicine 366 (May 17, 2012): another position in lifestyle among Ad- The Bible and the writings of Ellen G. 1891-1904. The researchers followed ventists. Our caution does not mean we White have provided insights into most 229,119 men and 173,141 women, ages reject the proposed position (though of the ways we should live. We do real- 50 to 71, for some 13 years. After adjust- sometimes we do), but that evidence ize, however, that in modern life many ing for smoking (and coffee drinkers has to be more than a published opin- new factors exist that may make claims were more likely to smoke), they ion with which we resonate. n not referenced in the inspired Word and showed a reduction in the number of prophetic writings. deaths among coffee drinkers that was Our encouraging of exercise, for not huge, but statistically significant. Send your questions to Ask the Doctors, example—particularly of walking— The reduction was dosage-related (the Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia would have seemed unnecessary to number of cups of coffee per day), and Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. Or Jesus, because He and His disciples because the endpoint was for death, it e-mail them to [email protected]. walked everywhere. It also appears had a very clear cutoff. The reduction in While this column is provided as a service to obvious that Jesus was not a vegetarian. deaths held true for most causes, but our readers, Drs. Landless and Handysides Yet still, we recommend a vegetarian not for cancer. unfortunately cannot enter into personal and diet. This study involved a large number of private communication with our readers. We We might easily reference Ellen White people, which is impressive, but recommend you consult with your personal on the elimination of flesh foods from whether the coffee caused longer life or physician on all matters of your health. our diet, and rationalize the difference whether longevity was associated in between Christ’s diet and ours as exist- some way with other causal factors allan r. handysides, a ing because we’re the “end-time peo- could not be determined. Nor did the board-certified gynecologist, ple.” We must, however, be careful not researchers explore why more coffee is THE director of the Health to make too much of a “spiritual virtue” drinkers smoke. If coffee drinking is Ministries department of the of our vegetarianism. causally related to smoking, then it’s not General Conference. On the whole, we call for evidence— valid to remove the smokers from the not about the Lord’s plain and clear equation. When left in, coffee drinkers peter n. landless, a instructions, but on the less clear and who are smokers did not do well. board-certified nuclear convoluted construction many might Whether a group of vegetarians cardiologist, is an associate impose upon them. Additionally, as we would benefit from drinking coffee is director of the Health see the burgeoning plethora of new not clear. Perhaps the phytochemicals in Ministries department of the ideas about disease prevention or con- coffee are already present in the vege- General Conference.

28 (476) | | May 23, 2013 Dateline Moscow Lucky 12

Oleg, my personal trainer, thinks 12 is a lucky number. We’ve been talking about the number 12 since his thirty-eighth birthday on March 12. Oleg pointed out that we think in 12-hour cycles, and that there are 12 months in a year. We also do our gym exercises in twelves: five sets of 12 crunches, four sets of 12 weight lifts, three sets of 12 minutes on the treadmill. Oleg asked me what else involves a 12. I told him about eggs and buns sold by the dozen in the United States. He found that surprising, because things come in 10s in Russian stores. Oleg and I have been working out together for more than a year, three to four days a week. Oleg is a great role model: muscular and toned, he does not use steroids or smoke, unlike many other personal trainers and bodybuilders at the gym. He has taught me a lot about good health: Purposely control the size of food portions. Avoid food after 6:00 p.m. Never relax after a meal; instead, get up and wash the dishes. Oleg knows that I choose not to train from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. But he has never asked why. As we’ve worked out, I’ve wondered whether he has any interest in God. After all, we are sowers of the Word, and we are the most effective when we find good ground to plant in. As Jesus said in the parable of the sower: “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (Matt. 13:23). A few weeks ago I sought to gauge Oleg’s spiritual interest by asking him what he believed to be the meaning of life. I wondered whether he would mention God or heaven. Andrew Oleg winced at the question and thought for a few minutes. “The point of life,” he said finally, “is McChesney to get married, have children, and through them leave a legacy.” Those were brave words, considering that Oleg and his wife separated early last year, that she hasn’t spoken to him since then, and that they don’t have any children. No opportunity to discuss God arose in our conversation. Then the other evening as we paused in the middle of four sets of 12 push-ups, I announced to Oleg that I had thought about him while reading the Bible that morning. Oleg looked at me curiously. I told him that I had read a story about a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and how Jesus had healed her, just as He was traveling to meet an ill 12-year-old girl. Oleg’s eyes lit up. “The Bible also has 12s!” he exclaimed. “Remember the 12 saints?” I didn’t remember the 12 saints. I asked whether he meant 12 disciples. “No, no,” Oleg said. “The 12 saints. You know, they were at the Last Supper: Moses, Elijah, and Judas, the one who betrayed Him.” I struggled to keep a straight face. Oleg spoke with such eagerness and sincerity. But I’m glad we engaged in the conversation. Now I know that Oleg is open to discussing Jesus and the Bible. He is good ground. We have many more 12s to discuss: the 12 patriarchs, the 12 tribes of Israel, the fact that Jesus was 12 when He first understood His mission on earth, and the 12 gates made of pearl in the New Jerusalem, which I look forward to seeing Oleg walk through. n

Andrew McChesney is a journalist in Russia. | May 23, 2013 | (477) 29 Bookmark Manifest: Our Call to Faithful Creativity and Joanna Darby, eds., Signs Publishing, Warburton, Victoria, Aus- tralia, 2013, 181 pages, A$24.95, softcover. Reviewed by Stephen Chavez, coordinating editor, Adventist Review.

ost people see “creativity” and Mthink “art.” Creativity is involved in the process of creating art, but they are not the same. Creativity is that pro- cess that takes the mundane and makes it memorable. It’s what happened when Jesus said, “A man was going from Jeru- salem to Jericho . . .” Or when God said to Moses, “What’s in your hand?” In Manifest: Our Call to Faithful Creativ- ity, Nathan Brown and Joanna Darby have assembled 30 individuals who have demonstrated their talent at being cre- ative in a number of media: academics, Alex Bryan, Kay D. Rizzo, Gary Krause, fest Creative Arts Festival, which for the filmmakers, artists, photographers, Chris Blake, etc. last couple years has showcased talent in musicians, ministers, and writers. The The basic premise of the book is sim- music, art, film, writing, and acting. The book is about creativity, but it’s also ple: To reach a variety of people, you faces seen on the Web site (artsmanifest. about how the creative process informs need a variety of expressions. And each info) are all young, a tacit admission that our experience as Christians, as well as of the chapters reveals how the different creativity is an essential ingredient in our expression as Christians in an writers experience creativity in their reaching other young people. increasingly secular society. own chosen form of expression. The Manifest only scratches the surface of In his chapter Neale Schofield writes strength of the chapters is that the this important subject. The writers are about the many television channels authors speak from real-life experi- from Australia, the United States, the available in the United States. “Sadly,” ences. They share their successes as well United Kingdom, and Germany, not yet he writes, “we had difficulty determin- as their struggles. “Like the prophets,” including the creative expression of ing which were more dull—the Chris- writes Darby, “artists are often called to Adventist writers, musicians, and film- tian channels or the shopping challenge the norms of society, to ques- makers from other parts of the world. channels.” Proof that even though a tion politics and trends, and to point But it’s an important first step. church may have television, Internet, out the ugliest realities of our world. . . . The lesson of the first decade of the publishing, and artistic outlets, that The risk of reuniting calling with twenty-first century—especially in the doesn’t mean anyone is watching, lis- responsibility is that we are likely to be industrialized countries of the world— tening, reading, or engaging. overwhelmed by the magnitude of the is that the future belongs to the innova- The book is divided into five sections: thing.” tors. Faith, devotion, beauty, and Believing, Being, Serving, Sharing, and Some of the chapters contain case literature won’t go away. But they will Living. And, depending on where you studies, short vignettes in which the require creative new forms to communi- live, the authors of the essays are well authors describe creativity as either cate effectively. known: Trudy J. Morgan-Cole, Bruce observed or practiced. This book is an excellent way to begin Manners, Andy Nash, Glenn Townend, Manifest is an outgrowth of the Mani- the conversation. n

30 (478) | | May 23, 2013 Reflections Spiritual Lessons From a Needle and Thread I enjoy counted cross-stitching. The various colors, types of stitches, and overall layout of an emerging picture bring a sense of accomplishment from the project that is different from anything else in my everyday life. While sewing a long, repetitious section of a gift I was preparing for my new great-granddaughter, I was impressed by the similarities between what I was doing and the growth process of my spiritual life. One of the very first elements I noticed is patience. Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither are counted cross-stitch patterns. Counted cross-stitching involves hours of sewing, concentration, and careful adher- ence to written instructions. Any attempt to rush through it causes mistakes that require either time-con- suming restitching or abandoning the project altogether. The pattern will emerge only when done slowly, one stitch at a time. In my spiritual life, patience must also be exercised. Hours must be spent in prayer and concentration on the life of Christ with a clear commitment to learning and following God’s plan for my life. The designer who created the picture I was working on prepared a particular plan with specific instruc- tions to follow in order to reproduce it. Counted cross-stitch involves counting the number of stitches you sew with a certain color or type of stitch, such as straight stitch, back stitch, cross-stitch, or a French knot. It may also call for the use of single, double, or triple threads. If I tried to do it my way, before long the proj- ect would be a tangled mess. And so I am reminded of the thoughts and promises that God has for my life recorded in Jeremiah 29:11: “ ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ ” When I study and seek to understand the Lord’s plan for my life, I am confident He will guide me to where I can be of the most service for Him. When I follow the instructions spelled out by the cross-stitch designer, the pattern will be perfectly reproduced. When I follow the counsel given to me in the Bible, the Holy Spirit produces the perfection in me that God desires. Now though I try to follow directions carefully, I make mistakes. But when I encounter a mistake, I can always go back to the plan laid out by the cross-stitch designer and redo the section. Likewise in life, when I become aware of a mistake (or sin) that has affected my relationship with another person or with God, I know I must acknowledge it, take responsibility, and try to correct it. As I examined my completed project, I discovered a contrast between the upper and bottom side of the canvas. The bottom is a mess of tangled threads with no noticeable plan or pattern. Certainly it is nothing to be proud of. But the upper side reveals a remarkable and beautiful scene, which is an exact duplicate of the picture displayed on the kit I chose. In my life as well, what seems like a jumble of disconnected events that did not produce a valuable or lasting influence in this world isn’t really that at all. The upper side of the completed project reminds me that God looks on the upper side of my life. He orders what seems like the jumbled mess of my life and con- nects the miscellaneous threads in such a way that the pat- tern that emerges is the fulfillment of the plan He has designed for me. And I am amazed. n

Leo Poirier is a retired hospital chaplain who writes from Massachusetts.

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