1971-05-23 University of Notre Dame Commencement Program
One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Commencement . Exercises OFFICIAL MAY ExERCISEs THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NoTRE DAME, INDIANA THE GRADUATE ScHooL THE LAw ScHooL THE CoLLEGE OF ARTs AND LETTERS THE CoLLEGE OF SciENCE THE CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The Graduate and Undergraduate _Divisions of THE CoLLEGE OF BusiNEss ADMINISTRATION Athletic and Convocation Center At 2:00p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Sunday, May 23, 1971 PROGRAM 0000 PRocEssiONAL CITATIONS FOR HoNORARY DEGREES by the Reverend James T. Burtchaell, C.S.C., S.S.L., Ph.D. Provost of the University THE CoNFERRING OF HoNORARY DEGREES by the Reverend Theodore -M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., S.T.D. President of the University PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES by the Reverend Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C., Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School by Edward J. Murphy, J.D. Acting Dean of the Law School by Frederick J. Crosson, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Letters by Bernard Waldman, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Science by Joseph C. Hogan, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Engineering by Thomas T. Murphy, M.C.S. Dean of the College of Business Administration THE CoNFERRING oF DEGREES by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., S.T.D. President of the University PREsENTATION OF THE FAcULTY AwARD PRESENTATION OF THE PROFESSOR THOMAS MADDEN FACULTY AwARD PREsENTATION OF THE PREsiDENT's AwARDS CoMMENCEMENT ADDRESS by Dr. Kenneth Keniston Yale Me_dical School New Haven, Connecticut SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS by James J. D'Aurora CHARGE TO THE CLASS by the Reverend Theodore M.
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