Abe No Yoshihira, 172N25 Abutsu-Ni (Nun Abutsu), 25N2 Affective
Index Page numbers for figures are in italics Abe no Yoshihira, 172n25 Akiyama Kenzō, 9n12 Abutsu-ni (Nun Abutsu), 25n2 Amayo danshō (Notes on the Rainy affective history, 3–4. See also affective Night’s Discussion) (Sōgi), 217n21 language; fiction/history oscillation; Amida halls, 88, 89, 90, 92 monogatari Andō Tameakira, 49–50, 53 affective language: and female voice, Angen onga no ki (Record of the 13–14; and figural genealogies, 96; Angen-era celebrations) (Fujiwara no in four princes narrative, 130, 131; Takafusa), 255n8 and gossip, 98; and history/memory Anna Incident (969), 56n79, 115 oscillation, 13–14, 110; and limitations Ariwara no Narihira, 26, 135 of male courtier diaries, 82; and Armstrong, Paul B., 11n16, 86n25 Middle Regent’s family narrative, Arntzen, Sonja, 32n20, 39 77–78, 81, 96, 98; and mono no aware, art, awase in, 247–48, 249, 250 66; and narrator as medium, 16–17, 98; Asao Hiroyoshi, 27, 28n10 in nikki, 66; as prosthetic memory, 81; assemblage. See multiple perspectives in Sanbōe, 38; and spirit possession, Assmann, Jan, 20, 48, 154 192; and tamaya interments, 73 Atsuakira (prince) (Koichijōin) (retired Akashi novice (Akashi no nyūdō) emperor): abdication of, 131–33; and (Genji), 97–98 Akimitsu, 179, 181; baby’s death, Akazome Emon: and death of Michi- 188–89; as crown prince, 131, 171, 181, naga, 68–69; and feminine comport- 184; genealogical charts, 116, 133, 180, ment ideals, 59; historical neglect of, 262, 265; marriages of, 132, 179, 184, 75–76. See also Eiga monogatari 185–86, 188; profile of, 261; and Seishi’s attribution to Akazome Emon tamaya interment, 112.
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