Public Document Pack

County Offices Newland Lincoln LN1 1YL

15 September 2016

Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee

A meeting of the Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee will be held on Friday, 23 September 2016 at 10.00 am in Committee Room One, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL for the transaction of the business set out on the attached Agenda.

Yours sincerely

Tony McArdle Chief Executive

Membership of the Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee (11 Members of the Council and 7 Other Voting Members)

Councillors C L Strange (Chairman), Mrs V C Ayling (Vice-Chairman), A M Austin, C J T H Brewis, A Bridges, M Brookes, R G Fairman, J R Marriott, C R Oxby, C Pain and R A Renshaw

Other Voting Members District Councillors R Austin (Boston Borough Council), I G Fleetwood ( District Council), Mrs F M Martin MBE ( District Council), P Vaughan (City of Lincoln Council), J Money ( District Council), B Russell ( District Council) and M D Seymour (South Holland District Council)


Item Title Pages

1 Apologies for Absence/Replacement Members

2 Declarations of Members' Interests

3 Minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2016 5 - 12

4 Chairman's Announcements Verbal Report 5 Announcements by the Executive Councillor Development Verbal and Senior Officers (Environment and Economy) Report

6 Property Level Resilience (To receive a presentation from Mary Dhonau, MDA Specialist Independent Community Flood Consultancy, concerning Property Level Resilience Measures)

7 Environment Agency Update To Follow (To receive a report from Deborah Campbell, Flood and Coastal Risk Manager (Environment Agency), concerning Environment Agency issues)

8 Investigations undertaken in the County under Section 19 of 13 - 28 the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) (To receive a report from Mark Welsh, Flood Risk and Development Manager, which provides the Committee with the latest position of all the current Section 19 investigations in the County under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010)

9 Development Road and Sustainable Drainage Specification 29 - 30 and Construction (To receive a report from Mark Welsh, Flood Risk and Development Manager, which informs the Committee of the new County Council Development Road and Sustainable Drainage Specification and Construction document which has been produced to take account of the changes introduced by government legislation in April 2015)

10 Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Work 31 - 34 Programme (To receive a report from Daniel Steel, Scrutiny Officer, in connection with the latest position with regard to the Committee's Work Programme) Democratic Services Officer Contact Details

Name: Katrina Cope

Direct Dial 01522 552104

E Mail Address [email protected]

Please note: for more information about any of the following please contact the Democratic Services Officer responsible for servicing this meeting

 Business of the meeting  Any special arrangements  Copies of reports

Contact details set out above.

All papers for council meetings are available on: Agenda Item 3 1



Councillors Mrs V C Ayling (Vice-Chairman), A M Austin, C J T H Brewis, A Bridges, R G Fairman, C R Oxby, C Pain, R A Renshaw and D C Hoyes MBE.

District Councillors R Austin (Boston Borough Council), I G Fleetwood (West Lindsey District Council), J Money (North Kesteven District Council), B Russell (South Kesteven District Council) and M D Seymour (South Holland District Council).

Councillor P Wood attended the meeting as an observer.

Officers in attendance:-

Deborah Campbell (Environment Agency), Katrina Cope (Senior Democratic Services Officer), Jonathan Glerum (Anglian Water), David Hickman (Environment Commissioner), Daniel Steel (Scrutiny Officer), Mark Welsh (Flood Risk and Development Manager), Andrew McGill and John Ray (Senior Advisor Flood and Coastal Risk Management, Environment Agency).


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Brookes (Lincolnshire County Council), J R Marriott (Lincolnshire County Council) and Mrs F M Martin MBE (East Lindsey District Council).

It was noted that Councillor D Hoyes MBE (Lincolnshire County Council) had replaced Councillor J R Marriott (Lincolnshire County Council), for this meeting only.


There were no declarations of members' interest declared at this point in the meeting.



That the minutes of the Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee held on 28 February 2016 be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the last sentence of paragraph seven being amended to read "It was also highlighted that the Drainage Board pay £450,000 in precept to the Environment Agency for work to be carried out in the Drainage Board's."



The Chairman welcomed members of the Committee, Officers and Councillor P Wood to the meeting.

The Committee was advised that the two working groups agreed at the last meeting had been set up. In relation to the Anglian Water & the Planning Process Working Group, it was noted that Anglian Water would be sending over some information in the next couple of weeks for the working group to consider on the statutory consultee planning application process, and that a meeting date would be arranged for the end of May/first week of June.

With regard to the River Steeping Working Group, the Committee was advised that a date would be arranged once the remodelling had been completed. The representative from the Internal Drainage Board (IDB) clarified that the IDB did not have a model. The model they used was an older Environment Agency model that covered the catchment area.

The Committee was advised that due to work priorities, and available resources the re-modelling work would not be completed until the end of September 2016.

Some concern was raised regarding the time taken for a solution to be reached with regard to the River Steeping, and to the damage done by badgers to the river bank.

The Chairman reiterated that everything was being done to get all agencies together, and that a meeting of the River Steeping Working Group would be arranged for the end of September 2016 to ensure the required outcomes were reached.

The Chairman asked the Scrutiny Committee for their support for the Chairman, Vice- Chairman and the Executive Councillor for Economic Development, Environment, Planning & Tourism to draft a letter to the Government (including a copy to - local MPs, MEPs and suitable European ministers), highlighting the concerns raised in relation to the impact of badgers on river banks, and how this could adversely affect the local population and clarifying possible actions that could be taken within current guidance/legislation.

The Committee agreed, and it was:-


That the Chairman, Vice-Chairman the Executive Councillor for Economic Development, Environment, Planning & Tourism draft a letter to the Government (including a copy to - local MPs, MEPs and suitable European ministers), highlighting the concerns raised in relation to the impact of badgers on river banks, and how this could adversely affect the local population and clarifying possible actions that could be taken within current guidance/legislation.



The Executive Councillor Economic Development, Environment, Planning and Tourism and Senior Officers (Environment and Economy) advised the Committee that the Joint Scrutiny Committee site visit to Gibraltar Point on 29 April 2016 had been a fantastic success, and that the Committee were further advised that the Visitor Centre would be opening at the end of May 2016.

It was also reported that construction work had started on the Coastal Observatory building at , which would be opening in February 2017. It was noted that the Council's Procurement Rules had made provision for the building works for both mentioned sites to be delivered by Lincolnshire companies, John Martin Hoyes for Gibraltar Point and Gelder's for the Observatory at Chapel St Leonards.

Congratulations were extended to everyone who had been involved in the Gibraltar Point Project.


The Committee received a joint verbal update from Deborah Campbell and John Ray from the Environment Agency relating to:-

 The refresh of the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee capital programme; and  Changes to the Flood Defence Consent process.

The Committee was advised that between April 2015 and March 2021, the government would be investing £2.3 billion of capital investment in more than 1,500 projects to reduce the risks of flooding and coastal erosion across .

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) investment plan set out how the commitment would transform flood and coastal erosion risk management over the coming six years. The programme of flood and coastal erosion risk management investment included projects delivered by local authorities, internal drainage boards and the Environment Agency. The risk management authorities' then had to work with their local communities to develop schemes.

It was noted that each year the programme was reviewed; and that there was a big drive to push things forward. It was noted further that if there was a scheme that sat outside the six year programme, there was provision for that item to be brought forward as long as there was national funding available.

The Committee noted that the national programme update for 2016 had been delayed and would not be published until after June 2016. However, copies of the Lincolnshire programme were available on the Lincolnshire County Council website.


During discussion, reference was made to the following points:-

 That the framework identified greatest need and greatest risk, based on evidence received. That the Environment Agency worked closely with neighbouring catchment areas and with individual authorities;  Secondary sea defences. It was noted that provision had been made in the programme, but as a low priority, for the current year. It was noted there was some new legislation which allowed for secondary defences to be designated; and that some work was being undertaken looking at the costs for re-instating  It was reported that allocation of funding was done on a risk by risk basis, and that there was no priority order for the local delivery areas, as the programme was a national programme. It was agreed that information relating to the total funding for Lincolnshire for the six year programme would be circulated to members following the meeting;  Proposed development at , and the threat of flooding from the River Rase. The Committee were advised that since 1990 two flood storage areas had been installed and had been updated over time. It was further highlighted that the open/closing of the Ferriby door did not have an effect on the water level on the River Rase, as there was no direct link;  Flood defence consent. The Committee was advised that from 6 April 2016 a flood permit had now replaced flood defence consent. It was highlighted that permits would be under the control of the national permit centre. It was agreed that further information regarding permits for flood risk activities would be circulated to the Committee after the meeting; and  River Steeping – One member advised that he was still waiting for a response from the Environment Agency with regarding to queries raised following the last meeting of the Flood and Drainage Scrutiny Committee. The representative from the Environment Agency confirmed that a response had been made on 1 March 2016.

The Environment Agency representatives asked the Committee what areas of additional scrutiny activity would be useful for them to consider to ensure a greater strategic oversight, whilst being mindful of not duplicating work of the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee and the Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Drainage Management Partnership.

The Committee gave consideration to the Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Drainage Management partnership information detailed in Appendix A on page 17 of the report presented.

Following a short discussion, the Committee agreed that they would prefer an update on the whole spectrum of what was being provided currently, and what was also happening strategically.



That an update be received on the strategic work of the Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Drainage Management Partnership and also on the projects being delivered in Lincolnshire.


The Committee gave consideration to a report from Mark Welsh, Flood Risk and Development Manager, which provided the Committee with an update on the Government's Flood Re Scheme, which had been launched on 4 April 2016, which offered capped insurance costs and time limits policy excess payments for domestic properties at the risk of flooding from external sources.

The Committee noted that Flood Re was an industry owned and managed not-for- profit re-insurer who had been designated as the Scheme Administrator by Ministers and was now a publicly accountable body with statutory objectives and powers including levy raising powers.

It was highlighted that the scheme applied to domestic properties built before 2009 and was based on Council Tax bands A to H. Page 21 of the report provided a table which advised the Committee of the cost levels at which the floods elements of insurance cover was capped within the Flood Re Scheme.

It was highlighted further that properties would transition out over the 25 years lifespan of the scheme.

The Committee was advised that the scheme did not apply to businesses. However, there were some exceptions such as Bed and Breakfast accommodation under certain conditions.

It was felt that any claim made post 2009 would be against the person who had built the property rather than the local authority.

During discussion, the following issues were raised:-

 Some of the Committee felt that small businesses should be included in the scheme;  The role of Planning Inspectors with regard to planning appeals;  The role of planning authorities with regard to planning applications, particular reference was made to low cost housing that had been passed in in a flood plain. It was highlighted that there were some challenges ahead, and that the development of the East Lindsey District Council coastal plan would help the situation going forward, making sure that housing development only happened in areas that were not at higher risk; and  That there was also a need to ensure that drainage systems were maintained.

The Committee was advised that previously Water Companies had drained urban areas. The County Council was now working with District Councils relating to

Page 9 6 FLOOD AND DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 13 MAY 2016 sustainable drainage with the County Council acting as a statutory consultee. The Committee noted that during the year there had been progress, with the County Council adopting drains which abutted the highway. The Committee was advised that Lincolnshire was one authority who had adopted a partnership approach to Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). Officers agreed to present a report concerning sustainable drainage to a future meeting of the Committee.

Reference was also made to how planning measures could prevent flooding; and the role of the Environment Agency in relation to planning applications.

The Committee was advised that Mary Dhonau, MDA Specialist Independent Community Flood Consultancy would be attending the next Flood and Drainage Management meeting due to be held on 23 September 2016 to advise the Committee of Property Level Preventative Measures. It was noted further that Seth Williams, Head of Public Affairs, Association of British Insurers would be attending the 9 December 2016 meeting with regard to an Insurance Industry Update.

The Committee extended their thanks to the Flood Risk and Development Manager for his informative report.


1. That the report be noted.

2. That a report relating to Sustainable Drainage be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.


Consideration was given to a report from the Flood Risk and Development Manager, which informed the Committee of the position of all current Section 19 investigations in the County.

Appendix A to the report provided the Committee with a spreadsheet summarising investigations under Section 19. A request was made by members of the Committee for the Appendix A to be printed A3 size going forward, as the A4 version had proven very difficult to read.

The Chairman invited Councillor P Wood to advise the Committee of the problems encountered in Long Bennington, in August 2015 when 23 properties in various locations had been flooded. The question asked was why did the properties flood, was it as a result of excessive rain, or was it as a result of poor maintenance; and the excessive time taken to receive the implementation report.

The Committee was advised that flooding had occurred as a result of excessive rainfall, some 66mm in two hours. The investigations arising from the flooding had taken longer than expected, and it was hoped that the actions arising from the report

Page 10 7 FLOOD AND DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 13 MAY 2016 would be completed by the next meeting. Reassurance was given by those involved that completing Section 19 actions was taken very seriously and that work would be done to complete the required actions.

The Committee was advised further that the report carried out in the division was in a draft format. The purpose of the report was to identify what work was required and to get all partner agencies working together to resolve the issues. It was highlighted that the report would only be made available to members of the public after the FOI team had considered it. Officers acknowledged that the nine months timescale had not been acceptable and that processes were being looked at to react better going forward.

During discussion, the Committee made the following points:

 That some flooding incidents could be as a result of blocked gullies. It was highlighted that due to the necessity for reducing costs it was intended to reduce the amount of maintenance to gullies going forward. Officers explained that gullies were not the number one cause of flooding. It was confirmed that a more targeted approach to gully maintenance was proposed going forward; and  The fact that rain storms were often a one off situation as in the case of Long Bennington.


That the report and Appendix A be noted.


Consideration was given to a report from the Executive Director with responsibility for Democratic Services, which asked the Flood and Drainage Scrutiny Committee to consider its Work Programme for the coming year. A copy of the said Work Programme was detailed at Appendix A to the report presented.

The Chairman advised the Committee that it was hoped that a Flood and Drainage conference would be held in the autumn. Officers advised the Committee that there was to be a Northern European Flood Risk Conference to be held in Lincolnshire in September 2016 (Kring). The event was to be held over two days and it was hoped that the two events could be combined to share experiences, and to raise the issues in Lincolnshire nationally and internationally. It was agreed that officers from LCC and the Environment Agency would liaise regarding the above mentioned conference after the meeting.

The Committee was advised that the two days conference was due to start on 26 September 2016. A full day would be taken on the coast looking at the engineering in place, funding in place and the processes undertaken. On 27 September there was going to be a trip to to look at the growth of the economy; and the

Page 11 8 FLOOD AND DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 13 MAY 2016 changes made to defences. It was suggested that there might be an opportunity to have a joint meeting with the delegates while they were visiting the coast.

The Scrutiny Officer guided the Committee through the Work Programme as detailed on pages 46 to 48 of the report presented. The Committee was advised that Mary Dhonau would be attending the next meeting on 23 September to talk to the Committee about Property Level Preventative Measures.

The Chairman requested that officers should invite a representative from Severn Trent to attend future meetings.

The Committee noted that there was to be a joint offsite visit of the Environmental and Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee on 29 July 2016 to South Holland and that the full itinerary for the visit was still to be agreed, but would include a visit to CaNeBuZo (Carbon Neutral Business Zone), Stafford Proctor, Wash Frontagers' Group and Tydd Pumping Station.


That the Work Programme as set out in Appendix A be agreed, subject to the addition of a report relating to Sustainable Drainage being added to the programme for a future meeting as agreed at Minute 49(2).

The meeting closed at 12.05 p.m.

Page 12 Agenda Item 8

Policy and Scrutiny

Open Report on behalf of Richard Wills, Executive Director for Environment and Economy

Report to: Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Date: 23 September 2016 To report progress on the investigations undertaken in Subject: the County under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA).

Summary: This is a standing item to inform the Committee on the position of all current Section 19 investigations in the County.

Actions Required: Members are asked to view the current Section 19 spreadsheet at management/flood-investigations/117780.article (also included at Appendix A) and inform Committee Services in advance if they wish to raise any particular site(s) at the forthcoming Committee.

1. Background

This is a standing item to inform the Committee on the position of all current Section 19 investigations in the County.

Members might be interested to know that in the period April to September this year, 36 individual Section 19 investigations were commenced involving flooding to 48 properties and one carriageway. Of the 36 incidents, 17 occurred in June alone. This compares with 12 investigations affecting 39 properties in the same period last year, although it should be noted that 8 of those investigations relate to a single event in Long Bennington during August which caused flooding to 23 properties.

The inclusion of an investigation on the 'ongoing' list does not necessarily mean the investigation itself is not complete as the spread sheets also include any outstanding recommendations arising from the investigations. These recommendations can include remedial work by other risk management authorities or even riparian owners, and the completion of such third-party works are outside the direct control of the County Council.

Page 13 2. Conclusion

Members of the Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee are invited to consider and comment on the investigations undertaken in the County under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA).

3. Consultation

a) Policy Proofing Actions Required N/A

4. Appendices

These are listed below and attached at the back of the report Appendix A Spreadsheet summarising investigations under Section 19 of the FWMA in the County.

5. Background Papers

No background papers within Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 were used in the preparation of this report.

This report was written by Mark Welsh, who can be contacted on 01522 782070 or [email protected].

Page 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network North Area E - Contact Officer - Jeanne Gibson- Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

There are currently no on-going Section 19 investigations, or works resulting from Section 19 investigations, in this area. Page 15 Page

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network North Area F - Contact Officer - Steve Wiles - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

LCC - Yes Further detailed study required into the ownership, condition and capacity of the surface water sewer system with a view to Surface water drainage scheme under Flooding was caused by surcharging surface WLDC - Yes Keelby providing a new pipe system to intercept flows from the A18 Yes (may also require consideration. Further LCC investigation and Investigation & water sewers combined with overland flows. LCC 28/06/2012 4 Barton Street; to reduce flows entering the village, and to Anglian Water design required. On-going Feasibility 2015/16 S19-032 Severn Trent Water - AW Maple Avenue, Riby Road and Pelham Crescent upgrade the pipe between Riby Road and Caddle Beck. Further investment) Feasibility 2015/16 Possible works 2016/17 4 Properties Yes LCC investigation and design required. Scheme bid submitted Work 2016/17 for feasibility and works. Brookenby Internal FloodingFlooding caused on 12/06/2016 Sunday 12/6/16 by surcharging manhole in 2 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-179 Dale View Road verge 1. That all RMA's inspect their respective infrastructure and Over a period of 60 minutes during the take any necessary steps to ensure it is working as well as afternoon 43.4mm of rain fell in possible. Gainsborough, of which 35.6mm fell in 30 LCC - Yes minutes (a return period of 227 years). The 2. Advice be made available to victims of flooding with regard Further investigations required by all RMA's. surface water drains and combined sewer Gainsborough WLDC - Yes to resistance measures which might be appropriate, for example Liaison with Severn Trent Water in hand. LCC Investigation & systems were unable to cope with the Marshalls Yard, Elsham Walk, Tower Street, Hill Crescent, Limber air brick covers and flood gates. Further investigations with regard to flood Severn Trent feasibility 2017/18. 09/06/2014 intense rainfall, the various systems 50 Yes On-going S19-115 Close, Trinity Street, Silver Street, Caldicott Drive, Darwin Street, Severn Trent Water - risk management measures subject to WLDC Possible works consequently surcharging and the resulting Rectory Avenue, Spring Gardens, Priory Close, Long Wood Road Yes 3. LCC consider improvements to the highway surface water meeting the requirements of Defra Flood 2018/19. surface water runoff entering properties. In drainage where this will offer resistance to flooding from surface Defence Grant in Aid. all around 50 properties were flooded runoff. internally. 4. That the LLFA investigate the feasibility of overland flood 50 Properties routes to manage the risk of flooding from surface water Page 16 Page

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network North Area G - Contact Officer - Kyra Nettle - Acting Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status of Scheme Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Completion Programme exercising functions

Increase frequency of routine cleansing Carriageway flooding - 02:23 Hrs - Polcie Ad-hoc cleansing of outfall with high power incident 39 14/08/15 - Deep flood undier rail jet-vac bridge on station road Potterhanworth.. Car Increase frequency of routine cleansing Cut grips into the verge at regular intervals stuck and freed by FB. 02:26 Hrs - Kier Ad-hoc cleansing of outfall with high power jet-vac east and west of the bridge to reduce the Potterhanworth North ER to attend and close road at bridge. Cut grips into the verge at regular intervals east and west of the 14/08/2015 0 LCC - Yes NO quantity of highway surface water reaching LCC On-going 2016 S19-131 Under Railway Bridge, Station Road 03:33 Hrs ER team on site very bad and bridge to reduce the quantity of highway surface water reaching the drainage system. needs closing. 03:54 Hrs - Road closed and the drainage system traffic diverted via Heighnton. Works programmed End Feb 2016 A Jet to attend site cway flooding

The length of dropped kerbs are no longer Standing water collects in the carriageway required and should be replaced with full channel at a low point between kerb offlets, The length of dropped kerbs are no longer required and should face kerbs to provide a barrier to water flows over a dropped kerb and footway and be replaced with full face kerbs to provide a barrier to water ingress. Further work should follow on to 13/08/2015 1 LCC- Yes NO LCC On-going 2016 S19-130 Newark Road down the access to the property. ingress. Further work should follow on to address the standing address the standing water on the water on the carriageway. carriageway. 1 property Site work programmed to start w/c 8/02/2016 Cherry Willingham Flooding into the property due to drainage, 15/06/2016 water in customers house. 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-164 Ancaster Close 1 Property water runs down blacksmith lane and then goes into the customers driveway. This happened on Friday about 4,30pm and this has not happened before. Water flooded the house as the heavy water caused the moat around the customers property to overflow Boothby Graffoe and burst into the house. This got to about 3 14/06/2016 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-165 inchs high. This may be just a coincendance Main Street but the road was surface dressed a couple of weeks ago and this may have contributed to the flooding as customer states heavy rain

Page 17 Page before has not caused any flooding to the property. 1 Property Water is not flowing now but this morning just before caller got up he says there was a it is recommended to lift all the centre kerbs heavy downpour. The surface water has it is recommended to lift all the centre kerbs to re-establish a to re-establish a 25mm upstand. In Welbourne entered callers kitchen and living room on 25mm upstand. In agreement with resident, it is recommended agreement with resident, it is recommended 15/06/2016 the ground floor. The road was surface 1 to raise the existing kerbs directly outside footpath to a full to raise the existing kerbs directly outside On-going s19-167 Cliff Road/Leadenham Road dressed recently and caller thinks this is 110mm upstand. Dyke also to be unblocked to allow gully to footpath to a full 110mm upstand. Dyke also possibly the reason why it has entered the catch surface water and outfall into dyke. to be unblocked to allow gully to catch property surface water and outfall into dyke. 1 Property Cherry Willingham Cherry Willingham – pumping water from 15/06/2016 Close and flooded conservatory 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-175 St Hughs Close 1 Property Potterhanworth Police are requesting a road closure at this 16/06/2016 location. - CW flooded 0 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-180 Under Railway Bridge, Station Road Cway flooded The water is currently all the way across the road and causing vehicles to stop. Also all this water is flowing down pingle lane and Wellingore into the front garden of a property on that 10/06/2016 road. This is an ongoing issue and roger 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going S19-187 Road would like to know what is going to be happening in the long term regarding this. The drains have been recently jetted with no result

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network North Area H - Contact Officer - Dean Myhill - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Surcharging from the highway drainage LCC has investigated the highway drainage system and system due to blockages within the system, undertaken a CCTV survey which indicates blockages and root Chapel St Leonards root ingress and possible concerns over the infestation. Gullies and connections have been jetted. Further Design 29/06/2012 2 LCC - Yes No Work being designed and costed LCC On-going S19-012 number of gullies. work is planned to clear roots and blockages within the system, 2014/15 The Esplanade and install additional gullies. The improvements are currently 2 Properties being designed and costed.

Development has taken place to the east and north of Riverhead Terrace, which is partially complete. The new development is ELDC commissioned a hydrological study in significantly higher than the Terrace, and has severed the April 2013 which is now complete. The report natural drainage and flow routes from Riverhead Terrace, such makes a number of recommendations - the During heavy rainfall (estimated to be a 1 in that surface water from the Terrace and land to the north is most significant being to install a much larger 60 year event) flooding took place in trapped against the new development. AW pumping station.

Page 18 Page Riverhead Terrace due to overland flows The only means of surface water disposal from Riverhead Louth East Lindsey District AW to make a scheme submission as part of from adjacent Riverhead development, and Terrace is now via a combined gravity system with an assisted AW 28/06/2012 3 Council - Yes No their Price Review 14 process. Works have On-going Autumn 2016 S19-016 flows from the Terrace area being unable to foul pumping station. The pumping station was installed, ELDC Riverhead Terrace, Louth Anglian Water - Yes commenced (Aug 2014) into the upgrade of escape. subsequent to development, at the east of Riverhead Terrace. It the sewer system. Work to be carried out in is unlikely that this foul pumping station will have the capacity to two phases, first being Ramsgate Road Area 3 Properties deal with surface water flows from Riverhead Terrace and its and then Phase two to include improvements catchment area. to the Riverhead Area. All works to be completed by the end April 2015. The new development is to be drained by Anglian Water foul and surface water sewer systems and also involves the Following the investigation into the flooding several factors were identified: Level of property which is situated 1.3m below Extreme rainfall (1 in 60 year event) meant carriageway surface; surface water system capacity issues were the highway drains were unable to cope with also identified due to the extreme rainfall event; and surface Salfleet the amount of surface water on the water and overland flows from adjacent land. The Root cutting, possible re-lining the pipe and 09/06/2014 carriageway and overland flow from the 1 LCC - Yes No LCC On-going Summer 2015 S19-094 recommendations identified the need for replacement of a 48m replacement of section of pipe. Main Road surrounding land. section of pipe to remove a bottle neck within the system. Additional works to possibly re-line sections of the pipe, repair 1 Property damaged sections and root cutting works are to be programmed for 2015.

Extreme rainfall caused significant overland flow and highway surface water to enter low lying properties; this was due to capacity LCC to issue a small footway drainage improvement scheme to LCC Highways to undertake a small Louth issues of the existing surface water drainage help alleviate problems in the area although this will not resolve footway/drainage scheme and carry out 08/08/2014 system. Residents in the properties were 1 LCC - Yes No LCC On-going Spring 2015 S19-088 the problems during extreme rainfall, but may offer assistance further investigations regarding drainage High Holme Road evacuated to temporary accommodation due during heavy / average rainfall. capacity issues. to internal flooding.

1 Property

Extreme rainfall in the Louth area, caused a property to flood internally. The property is located at a low point and surface water from the highway entered the garage and flooded Due to the intensity of the rain cleaning and jetting the system the living room and conservatory. The won't completely resolve the issue. Assuming the drainage Louth surface water gully located in the Minor works to increase the upstand of the system is kept in good working order the most likely solution to 08/08/2014 carriageway outside the vehicle access may 1 LCC - Yes TBC dropped kerbs will be carried out in due LCC On-going Summer 2016 S19-126 ease the problem of flooding will be to increase the upstand of Sandringham Drive have been blocked or the amount of surface course the dropped kerbs to +25mm. This will be carried out as a small water may have overwhelmed the drainage highway maintenance scheme. system causing the internal flooding to the property.

1 Property

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network North Area H - Contact Officer - Dean Myhill - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Due to capacity issues the gully cleansing and jetting is unlikely to resolve the problem during extreme rainfall, as the quantity of surface water would overwhelm any standard drainage system. However this will hopefully ease the extent of flooding and be Extreme rainfall in the Louth area, caused 2 effective during heavy / average rainfall. properties to flood internally. The properties are at a particular low topographical point of LCC Highways to arrange for a CCTV drainage investigation to Louth the town and subject to overland and be carried out. Depending upon the results may arrange for a CCTV drainage investigation to be carried 08/08/2014 2 LCC - Yes No LCC On-going 2016 TBC S19-124 highway surface water to flow from the higher scheme to be carried out to upgrade the existing system or out in due course. Westgate land in the south. create additional facilities.

2 Properties Once a solution is identified and costed, funding / contribution may be applied for through the LLFA.

A flood alleviation scheme is planned for the River Lud at Riverhead in Louth.

Due to capacity issues the gully cleansing and jetting is unlikely to resolve the problem during extreme rainfall, as the quantity of surface water would overwhelm any standard drainage system. However this will hopefully ease the extent of flooding and be effective during heavy / average rainfall, together with the Highway surface water entered the property solutions installed by the residents. through the vehicular access and flooded the CCTV drainage investigation to be carried Chapel St. Leonards driveway and then entered the living area of out in due course. Along with the installation 10/08/2014 1 LCC - Yes LCC Highways to arrange a CCTV drainage survey to identify NO LCC On-going 2016 TBC S19-125 the dwelling. of an additional gully and increasing the

Page 19 Page South Road any blockages or defects within the system. Assuming the upstand of the vehicular access to +25mm. drainage system is in good working order, the most likely 1 Property solution to ease the problems of flooding will be to increase the upstand of the dropped kerb to +25mm and install an additional gully at the lowest point (determined by level survey), and connect to the existing surface water drainage system. This will be carried out as a small highways maintenance scheme.

Property flooded twice over the christmas Louth period due to surface water running down the Internal flooding confirmed by DM Investigation & Report 25/12/2015 1 LCC - Yes TBC Awaiting Report LCC On-going TBC S19-151 highway ongoing Eastfield Road 1 Property Louth Property flooded twice over Christmas due to Internal flooding confirmed by DM Investigation & Report 08/01/2016 water running down from the public highway 1 LCC - Yes TBC Awaiting Report LCC On-going TBC S19-154 ongoing Eastfield Road 1 Property

an issue of flooding where surface water run- off is travelling down the slope of the road at 10/06/2016 such a velocity that it is bypassing the 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-177 Orford Road drains/gullies and flooding internally 1 Property Internal FloodingFlooding caused on Brookenby Sunday 12/6/16 by surcharging manhole in 12/06/2016 2 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-179 verge Dale View Road 2 (Possibly 3) Properties Chapel St Leonards 27/08/2016 Water entering business from FW/CW 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-182 The Green Customer called to report his business Chapel St Leonards property being flooded due to heavy rainfall. 27/08/2016 Two years ago there was an investigation 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-184 The Green and it was concluded that the drain pipes needed replacing. The customer states that during the heavy down poor that was experienced over the Chapel St Leonards weekend her property was subject to flooding 27/08/2016 because the drains are blocked. The 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going S19-186 South Road customer requested that we investigate and arrange for the drainage to be cleared of obstructions

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations Network North Area J- Contact Officer - Andrew Ratcliffe - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Extreme rainfall (estimated to be a 1 in 50 year event) caused significant overland flows LCC has undertaken a check of the highway drainage system in Blockages removed and gas main relocated. from the adjacent school field, hillside and West Street and has cleaned out a number of gullies and A bid for an overall surface water study for 2014 Lincoln Road. The surface water collected at LCC - Yes removed the blockages. LCC has also undertaken initial Horncastle has been submitted with & 28/06/2012 the bottom of the hill causing flooding to the 3 Yes LCC On-going S19-002 Anglian Water - Yes modelling work to help understand and assess surface water feasibility and design programmed for West Street Grammar School and adjacent properties in flood risk in Horncastle. A bid for an overall surface water study 2014/15 if approved; works to be 2015 - 2017 West Street. for Horncastle is being submitted by LCC. programmed 2015/16/17. 3 Properties

Whilst the flooding was caused by extreme rainfall and overland flows, LCC has undertaken a CCTV survey of the underground Extreme rainfall (estimated to be a 1 in 50 surface water systems. This has revealed a number of condition LCC gullies and system checked and year event) caused overland and highway concerns in relation to a brick culvert system owned by Anglian repaired. Anglian Water checking surface surface water flows to collect at the low area Water. The report has been passed to Anglian Water in order water systems and may 2014 Horncastle of the Bull Ring and South Street that they consider future action and repairs. LCC has in addition Anglian Water - Yes consider improvement works in future asset & 28/06/2012 overwhelming the Anglian Water sewer 3 carried out repairs to gullies and connections in South Street. Yes AW On-going S19-003 LCC - Yes management plans. Feasibility and design South Street and Bull Ring systems; which were also suffering from LCC has also undertaken initial modelling work to help programmed for 2014/15 and if approved; 2015 - 2017 surcharged outfalls due to high river levels. understand and assess surface water flood risk in Horncastle. A works to progress in 2015/16/17. bid for an overall surface water study for Horncastle is being 3 Properties submitted by LCC. Anglian Water works to clear blockages have been completed. Planned Environment Agency works regarding outfall issues and river levels may reduce flood risk.

Extreme rainfall (estimated to be a 1 in 50 Whilst the flooding was caused by extreme rainfall and flows Highway drainage system repaired and year event) caused significant overland flows from adjacent land, investigations revealed an intercepting ditch functioning. Anglian Water checked the from the adjacent hillside and agricultural which flows into a culverted watercourse which is shown on surface water system and it is working land, which was not contained by the Anglian Waters records. East Lindsey District Council has acceptably. Initial works delivered. A bid for Horncastle interceptor ditch. Combined overland and LCC - Yes cleared the culvert and trash screen. LCC has also undertaken 2014 an overall surface water study for Horncastle 28/06/2012 highway surface water overwhelmed both the 3 Anglian Water - Yes initial modelling work to help understand and assess surface Yes LCC On-going & S19-004 has been submitted with feasibility and Langton Hill highway and surface water sewer drainage Witham 3rd IDB - Yes water flood risk in Horncastle. Ditches cleaned out and 2015 - 2017 design programmed for 2014/15 if approved; systems on Langton Hill and West Street, discussions are ongoing between Anglian Water and Witham works to be programmed 2015/16/17. and caused flooding at the bottom of the hill. Page 20 Page 3rd Internal Drainage Board regarding ownership. A bid for an overall surface water study for Horncastle is being submitted by 3 Properties LCC.

Whilst the flooding was caused by extreme rainfall and flows Extreme rainfall (estimated to be a 1 in 50 from adjacent land, investigations revealed an intercepting ditch year event) caused significant overland flows Ditches cleaned out. Discussions ongoing which flows into a culverted watercourse which is shown on from the adjacent hillside and agricultural between Anglian Water and Witham 3rd IDB Anglian Waters records. East Lindsey District Council has land. This was exacerbated by the Anglian Water - Yes regarding ownership. Horncastle cleared the culvert and trash screen. LCC has also undertaken LCC 2014 interceptor ditch being restricted at its Witham 3rd IDB - Yes A bid for an overall surface water study for 28/06/2012 14 initial modelling work to help understand and assess surface Yes AW On-going & S19-005 entrance to the culvert system, which caused East Lindsey District Horncastle has been submitted with Mark Avenue, Accommodation Road and Prospect Street water flood risk in Horncastle. Ditches cleaned out and Witham 3rd IDB 2015 - 2017 flooding to properties in Mark Avenue, Council - Yes feasibility and design programmed for discussions are ongoing between Anglian Water and Witham Accommodation Road and Prospect Street. 2014/15 if approved, works to be 3rd Internal Drainage Board regarding ownership. A bid for an programmed 2015/16/17. overall surface water study for Horncastle is being submitted by 14 Properties LCC.

Extreme rainfall caused overland flows to It is recommended that a new watercourse be cut to the south to Witham 4th IDB considering a capital surcharge a number of watercourses in the Investigation Toynton St Peter divert flows from Toynton St Peter away from the flooded scheme submission with possible area resulting in flooding to a low lying Witham 4th IDB - Yes 2016/17/18 28/06/2012 1 property. Witham 4th Internal Drainage Board is considering a Yes upgrading/realigning of drains in the area. Witham 4th IDB On-going S19-010 property in Ings Lane. LCC - Yes Possible works Ings Lane scheme. However, this is likely to be a low priority due to the Investigation works programmed for 2018/19/20 cost, legal issues and minimal benefits. 2016/17/18. Possible works 2018/20. 1 Property

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations Network North Area J- Contact Officer - Andrew Ratcliffe - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Internal flooding to four properties, during intense rainfall, due to inoperative highway LCC have cleaned all gullies, restored the Wainfleet drainage system. This was caused by LCC should clean all gullies and restore the highway drainage LCC - Yes highway drainage system and ensured they 28/06/2012 damage from utility companies and the 4 system and ensure these are running efficiently to the River No LCC On-going Spring 2015 S19-017 are running efficiently to the River Steeping - Station Road outfall/ditch not being maintained. Steeping. Further monitoring should be carried out. further monitoring to be carried out 4 Properties Intense rainfall overwhelmed AW surface Blockage/damages have now been Skegness water sewer system causing internal flooding Investigations by AW discovered three blockages/damage to the addressed by AW and the private drainage 28/06/2012 to one property. 1 main surface water sewer on Sunningdale Drive, due to No AW On-going Spring 2015 S19-018 Anglian Water - Yes system cleared. AW has applied for funding Sunningdale Drive incursions from other utility companies. to CCTV survey the remainder of the system. 1 Property Overland and highway surface water flows entering low lying property due to suspected Works to raise kerbs and regrade footway in lack of capacity and defects in the hand. New surface water sewer/drain in LCC have investigated the surface water system and identified surrounding highway drainage system, carriageway with outfall to Catchwater Drain LCC 06/07/2012 1 LCC - Yes damage caused by utility activity. LCC will enforce repair once No On-going 2014/15 S19-024 despite previous kerbing works aimed to is budget dependent. Initial discussions with LMIDB High Street utility has been identified. mitigate problem. LMIDB have been undertaken to investigate routing and outfall locations. 1 Property

Intense summer rainfall caused internal AW to investigate the capacity of the surface water system. The Skegness flooding to the hotel. Surface water entered Further investigations to be carried out by LCC - Yes property owners should investigate whether they have sufficent LCC - Complete 09/06/2014 the building via the ladies' toilets. 1 No AW and recommendations advised to On-going Spring 2015 S19-101 Anglian Water - Yes drainage within their land to accommodate the normal flows AW North Parade property owners. expected. 1 Property

Following torential rain, the highway drains AW to investigate the capacity of the surface water system The were unable to cope with the amount of Skegness property owners should concider installing cut off drains to Further investigations to be carried out by surface water on the carriageway. The flood LCC - Yes LCC - Complete 24/06/2014 1 collect water before it enters the property and ensure discharge No AW and recommendations advised to On-going Spring 2015 S19-098 water entered the property. Anglian Water - Yes AW Sunningdale Close to an appropriate location, or consider other property level property owners. protection measures. 1 Property Page 21 Page Following torential rain, the highway drains were unable to cope with the amount of Following investigations carried out by AW in 2012, third party Skegness surface water on the carriageway. The flood obstructions were identified at several locations within the Further investigations to be carried out by LCC - Complete 24/06/2014 water entered the property, whilst the owners 1 LCC - Yes system. Three of these were resolved in 2013 and a further No AW and recommendations advised to On-going Spring 2015 S19-099 AW Sunningdale Drive were away on holiday. drainage survey was carried out. AW to carry out further property owners. investigations. 1 Property

Following torrential rain, the highway drains were unable to cope with the amount of AW to investigate the capacity of the surface water system. Skegness LCC - Complete surface water on the carriageway and a ELDC should consider investigating whether it has sufficent Further investigations to be carried out by 24/06/2014 1 LCC - Yes No AW On-going Spring 2015 S19-100 property was flooded. drainage within it's land to accommodate the normal flows AW & ELDC Theartre, Grand Parade ELDC expected. 1 Property

During torrential rain, school corridors were overwelmed with flood water from the 3 internal downpipes located within the school's corridor. Due to the back up of silt Skegness AW should investigate the surface water system for possible and debris located in the main drain on Further investigations to be carried out by LCC - Complete 27/06/2014 1 LCC - Yes restrictions to flow. Further investigations regarding the outfall of No On-going Summer 2015 S19-102 Pelham Road, excess water from the AW AW Junior School Academy Pelham Road the system need to be undertaken in due course. downpipes overflowed into the Year 5 corridor causing internal flooding.

1 Property

Intense rainfall that fell over a short period of AW should consider investigating the surface water drainage time caused internal flooding to one property. LCC - Yes Further investigations to be carried out by LCC - Complete 08/08/2014 2 system within the local area to determine if there is sufficent No On-going Summer 2015 S19-118 Anglian Water - Yes AW AW Bethlem Crescent capacity to drain the local area to 1 in 30 year standard 2 Property

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations Network North Area J- Contact Officer - Andrew Ratcliffe - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Skegness 05/06/2015 TBC - 1 property 1 LCC Under initial investigation by AR, awaiting feedback NO Awaiting Report On-going Summer 2016 S19-142 Police Station, Park Avenue Internal Flooding occurred when a re-build Langton by drain which is blocked within the drainage LCC Further investigations required to identify LCC 31/12/2015 system flooded the area and entered the 1 Internal flooding confirmed by JH investigation & report ongoing NO On-going End 2015 S19-146 AW blockage/colapse within the sewer system. AW Langton Road property 1 Property Swaby Potential Flooding 06/01/2016 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going S19-153 1 Property Mill Row Water is running down callers drive and entering the property via the air vents. Caller Burgh Le Marsh says Bill Lovelock was dealing with it. Please 31/05/2016 call to discuss what can be done, caller has 1 Awating Report Awating Report Aw On-going s19-163 Wainfleet Road put sandbags in place to try and prevent damage. 1 Property Page 22 Page

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network South Area L - Contact Officer- Rowan Smith - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Overtopping of Ruskington Beck (Main River) Environment Agency- The Environment Agency is to remodel Ruskington Beck Investigation ongoing LCC, AW, EA meeting Ruskington and surcharge of foul sewers and Yes (hydraulic) and carry out riparian enforcement. Anglian Water is held with all partners' involved to discuss LCC Feasibility and Design 28/06/2012 overtopping of riparian watercourse. 6 Anglian Water - Yes investigating the foul water system and is considering an Yes scheme brief. AW On-going 2014/15 Possible works S19-045 High Street North and South, Manor Street, Chapel Street and Witham 1st IDB improvement scheme. A bid for an overall study for Ruskington Feasibility and Design 2014/15; possible EA 2015-17 Chestnut Street 6 Properties (Enforcement) - Yes has been submitted for feasibility, design and works. work 2016/17.

Surface water surcharge from private parking area and highway gullies onto private Investigations ongoing LCC, NKDC, property causing internal flooding of Witham 1st IDB - Yes Investigations ongoing between LCC, North Kesteven District Landowners possible work being Cranwell conservatory. Possible contributing factors LCC - Yes Council and Landowners. Work to divert water away from investigated to divert highway water away LCC 28/06/2012 due to the development of adjacent land 1 No On-going Summer 2016 S19-047 North Kesteven garages being looked at. Landowner has been written to from private land. Survey complete & report NKDC Thorald Avenue which was historically an area of flood plain. District Council - Yes regarding possible cutting of new dyke. received. Further meeting with NKDC Nov Non maintenance of riparian watercourse. 2014. 1 Property

Overland flow from field into private Digby properties, also blocked culvert/watercourse LCC - Yes on school playing field. 8 Yes S19-048 Witham 1st IDB - Yes North Street 8 Properties Local maintenance work carried out by LCC, LCC, Witham First IDB and the Environment Agency are to IDB & Landowner and residents on Green Overtopping of Digby Beck (Main River) and Environment Agency - Digby undertake local maintenance and are considering improvement Dykes and North Street. LCC Feasibility and Design capacity issues on the foul sewer. Yes 28/06/2012 2 works following consultation with the Parish Council. A bid for Yes Wider improvement scheme under Witham 1st IDB On-going 2014/15 Possible works S19-049 Anglian Water - Yes Beck Street an overall flood risk study for Digby has been submitted for consideration. EA 2015-17 2 Properties LCC - Yes feasibility, design and works. Feasibility and Design Overtopping of IDB drain (Digby Beck North 2014/15. Digby Branch) and riparian watercourse. Suspected Possible works 2015/16/17. Witham 1st IDB - Yes failure of Anglian Water foul pumping station. 10 Yes S19-050 Anglian Water - Yes The Hurn 10 Properties Page 23 Page Surface water from public highway and Sleaford private land flowing into properties through LCC to advise properties on self prevention measures relating LCC actions completed but awaiting AW LCC - Yes LCC 28/06/2012 front and rear entrances. 2 to flood resilience. Anglian Water to investigate capacity of No investigation. LCC liaising with Anglian On-going Summer 2015 S19-053 Anglian Water - Yes AW Southgate combined system. Water in regards to capacity issues. 2 Properties

Improvement works on watercourse undertaken November Local work involving excavations to provide Surcharging of open watercourses and 2012. Ongoing LCC investigations, further excavations to access for CCTV survey on-going. Kerbing assumed restrictions within culverted commence to provide access for CCTV survey, also minor work completed. Wider scheme Timberland & Thorpe Tilney Village Witham 1st IDB - Yes sections. Surcharge of public surface and kerbing improvements and works issued. A meeting has been Feasibility and Design 2016/17/18. Possible Feasibility 2017/18 28/06/2012 3 LCC - Yes Yes LCC On-going S19-054 foul water systems. held with the Parish Council/Flood Group/National Flood Forum. works 2018/19. LCC to carryout regular Possible works 2018/19 Various Anglian Water - Yes A bid for an overall study for Timberland has been submitted for monitoring. 3 Properties feasibility, design and works.

EA completed modelling, discussion on- Overland surface water flowing through Environment Agency - going with LCC regarding possible escape private land. Separate case of overtopping The Environment Agency has completed its hydraulic modelling Swaton Yes route for residents. Also considering LCC EA Feasibility Study of Swaton Eau flooding carriageway and works. Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board has previously bid 28/06/2012 2 Black Sluice IDB - Yes resilience measures for properties. EA On-going 2014/15 Possible works S19-056 property basement. for an improvement scheme. Environment Agency / LCC have West End / High Street Yes Black Sluice IDB 2016/17 been asked to assist with scheme promotion. LCC - Yes Awating conclusion of EA/IDB catchment 2 Properties Study Surface water surcharge from private open Burton Pedwardine Black Sluice IDB to carry out enforcement. Resident met and Discussions still ongoing between LLFA, IDB watercourse to the east. Black Sluice IDB - LCC 06/07/2012 2 awaiting proposals which may be subject to a highway No and residents. LCC have found and cleaned On-going 2016 S19-062 Yes Black Sluice IDB White Cross Lane / Asgardby Road contribution. Awaiting confirmation. 2 pipes under road. 2 Properties LCC instigated modelling works for LCC proposing to replace culvert on Church Road, and the catchment area including the village which Newton near Haceby Overtopping of riparian dykes. Black Sluice IDB - Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board/LCC are to explain further will take account of new private protection of LCC Feasibility, Design & 06/07/2012 7 Yes riparian duties to residents. Details of additional enforcement Yes properties that have been carried out since On-going S19-065 Black Sluice IDB Build 2015/16/17 Newton Village - C343 Walcott Road 7 Properties LCC - Yes requirements to the east of the village have been sent to the enforcement letters were sent in June 2013. Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board. Proposed culvert replacement programmed. Land Drainage Consent being sort.

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network South Area L - Contact Officer- Rowan Smith - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Following investigations it is assumed that saturated land and heavy rainfall caused overland water to flow down the gradient to the property. The lateral sewer located beneath the property was blocked by foreign objects which caused the sewer to burst and push water up through the floor. Anglian Water investigated as to where the excess water came from and suggested that it may have gained access from the foul system through the LCC to consider installation of new gullies kitchens' open gullies at the rear of the property. During a period of heavy rainfall this property near the property. suffered internal flooding from the lateral LCC highways are considering installing additional gullies near sewer beneath the property where water AW to carryout investigations into the foul the property and undertake a survey of the dyke to the rear of Dorrington came up through the living room floor. The sewer system. LCC LCC - Yes the property to determine the outfall on the southern side of the 23/05/2014 second event was caused by overland flow 1 No AW On-going Summer 2016 S19-084 Anglian Water - Yes village. Main Street where flood water from the garden came in IDB to continue the monitoring of the dykes IDB through the rear patio doors. and enforce as required. Anglian Water to carry out further investigations into ensuring where possible, the excess surface water does not enter the foul 1 Property Riparian owner to maintain the dykes and water system. ensure they do not restrict their flow. The Internal Drainage Board has been requested to continue monitoring of the dykes, and take enforcement as necessary.

The riparian owner to maintain the dykes that they are responsible for and not to do anything that may restrict their flow.

C1- 1 day call back - THIS IS NOT STANDING WATER IN THE CARRIAGEWAY , IT IS IN CALLERS HOUSE - no other reason code option on Lagan. Caller says his house has ventilated floors, they are raised up from the ground Heckington creating a void of about 2 feet. Last night 10/03/2016 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going S19-158 surface water went into the house via the air Hale Road vents, the electricity tripped out. Caller still

Page 24 Page has about one foot of standing water in his back garden and says the sewer is full of water. Please call with a view to meeting on site. 1 Property The village of Billingborough suffered Anglian Water were preparing to carry out surface water flooding on West Road and A part CCTV survey was conducted by Anglian Water in excavations in the affect area to repair the Station Road on the 5 th July 2012 and 22 nd March/April 2015. This had identified bricks missing from the culvert and once this was carried out, full May 2014. Billingborough Parish Council soffit of the brick culvert and mass root ingresion into the culvert jetting of the sytem was to take place and made Lincolnshire County Council aware of in a section in Station Road. At the time of writing this report Local Lead Flood Authority, Anglian Water this fact in August 2014, however, Anglian Water were preparing to carry out excavations in the and Lincolnshire County Council as Highway Billingborough Lincolnshire County Council had not affect area to repair the culvert and once this was carried out, LCC - Yes Authority to contune liaison and monitoring of LCC 6/7/2012 & 22/5/2014 received any other reports that two 2 full jetting of the sytem was to take place and CCTV survey to NO On-going TBC S19-162 Anglian Water - Yes the area. CCTV survey to contiue. County Anglian Water West Road residential properties were internally flooded contiue. Local Lead Flood Authority, Anglian Water and Council as the Highway Authority to carry out during the event on 22 May 2014. These Lincolnshire County Council as Highway Authority to contune a full level survey of the road levels to see if internal flood events were not reported to liaison and monitoring of the area. Upon publication of the any accomadataion/adjustment works could Lincolnshire County Council at the time of Enviornment Agenicies catchment study all risk Management take place to reduce the possibilty of the incident. Authorites to consider where apprioprate any conclusions or highway surface water reaching the reccomendations derived from this study. properties. 2 Properties

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network South Area M - Contact Officer - Mark Heaton - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / S19 File Reference Properties Common Works whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Internal flooding - fire and rescue in Woolsthorpe by Belvoir attendance with pumps and sandbags 14/06/2016 distributed by SKDC 6 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-178 Sedgebrook Road and Hillside Road 6 Properties

Drainage requirements of individual properties are to be assessed by the property owners. Anglian Water are to carry out a CCTV survey of their apperatus on the area, The IDB are to assess water courses Long Bennington Several locations within the village were AWA - Yes and ditched in the area. LCC to liase with the LCC Internal flooding confirmed Multiple locations - investigation & 24/08/2015 effected by surface water flooding during a 23 IDB - Yes NO IDB to ensure all open water courses are IDB On-Going S19-137 report MH/LG various locations within village sevre rainfall event- 23 properties LCC - Yes reinstated where they have been filled in or AWA blocked. LCC have designed a drainage system that would benifit the viacarage lane area, awaiting funding to implement this. LCC also to investigate kerb levels. FGIA bid to be put forward Page 25 Page

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network South Area N - Contact Officer- Kevin Brumfield - Area Highways Manager Identified Actions/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

LCC to repair blockages in highway surface water system.

Welland & Deepings IDB to clear the identified blockages Maintenance work to be carried out by LCC. /diversion in their system and ensure the entry feed in the High Following torrential rain, excess water on the Street is closed during weather warnings or during periods of Property owner advised on preventative carriageway forced water to overtop the heavy rain to ensure there is capacity for surface water two measures to protect the property. Deeping St James LCC - Yes LCC footway and enter the properties causing drain away. 22/05/2014 1 AW - Yes No AW On-going End 2015 S19-105 internal flooding to the public house. AW to clean & jet its system and divert the Horsegate WDIDB - Yes WDIDB AW to maintain the surface water drainage systems with current system into the watercourse on the 1 Property recommendation that its system diverts into the watercourse on high street. the High Street instead of linking with the WDIDB watercourse. its their entry feed on the High Street is closed during periods of heavy rain. Resident to consider adding drainage to their exit to the driveway.

Blocked drain causing flooding. Flooding that Stamford has flowed into the property. Customers 04/03/2016 states that this occurs annually. Date of 1 On-going S19-156 St Mary's Hill incident: 04/03/16 1 Property

The A-one+ Integrated Highway Services on behalf of Highways England to clear out the open dyke and unblock the piped Dykes ajoining the site to be more reguarly Garage workshop area flooded during period culverts running alongside the A1 carriageway and between and robustly maintained, and a swallow hole South Witham of persistant rainfall, causing surface water Trophy Cars Garage. The Land Owner of the adjoining land / to be constructed by the site owner of trophy 09/03/2016 to the rear of the property to encroach into 1 open fields are to clear and dig out the land drains / dykes.It is On-going S19-160 cars at the rear of the site to allow water run A1 North Bound the workshop area recommended that the site owner of the land where Trophy Cars off to be contained away from the building 1 Property is located is to construct a swallow hole at the rear of the site to complex allow water run off to be contained away from the building complex therein.

Flooding from rain from collapsed drain Bourne

Page 26 Page which has not been repaired. Water has 15/06/2016 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-168 entered Customers kitchen. Spalding Road 1 Property

Bourne 4 fire engines attended – ejector pump used 14/06/2016 to remove flood water inside 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-170 Beech Avenue 1 Property Caller reports that water entered the property South Witham last night at each of the addresses. SKDC 15/06/2016 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-173 supplied sandbags to all of them. Great Close 1 Property

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network South Area P - Contact Officer - Andy Wharff - Area Highways Manager Identified Action/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

Skegness - Following partial destruction of the stone wall at the rear of the promenade, discussions are underway with ELDC to agree partnership funding for a permanent solution based on a EA & ELDC staged approach to construction Yes On-going Complete March 2015 structural and cosmetic spilt. Work to construct this permanent of permanent flood wall. flood wall will be undertaken under the local regeneration scheme later this year.

Boston - Preparation of the Transport and Work Act Order for the Boston Barrier Scheme for submission to the secretary of Recommendations remain current. DEFRA state is due to be submitted in Autumn 2015. Subject to Yes consulting on Environmental Assessment On-going 2017 - 2020 approval, the programme for delivering a multi-functional tidal scope. barrier includes construction to start during summer 2017 taking approximately 2.5 years for completion.

Gibraltar Point - No emergency work has been undertaken. However, the Environment Agency are looking at the future of Recommendations remain current. Bulldog Bank sea defence and are reviewing the economic Yes Mathematical model undertaken and being On-going TBA justification to fund its repair. If funding is not achievable assessed. alternative options will be considered. Skegness to Coastline - The annual beech Black Sluice IDB - nourishment campaign (Lincshore) ran between April & June Recommendations remain current. Salfleet to Yes 2014, replenishing the material lost over the last year. Over a Yes Gibraltar Point Coastal Strategy Review On-going TBA 20km stretch, 6 areas have been re-nourished in this years currently being undertaken. Witham 4th IDB - Yes campaign. Bath Gardens - The tidal surge led to partial failure of a 10m South Holland IDB - Shoreline Following the tidal inundation over the section of a brick flood wall. Sand bags were used, not only to Yes No Recommendations remain current. management Complete Complete weekend, highway, properties, businesses temporarily secure the opening, but also afterwards to protect partnership approach and high grade agricultural land suffered the new brickwork against subsequent New Year high tides. Environment Agency - involving: serious flooding. The incident occurred due Yes Black Sluice IDB to extremely high tides combined with low air Black Sluice Pumping Station - 5 diesel pumps became Lincolnshire coastal towns and villages and various properties Witham 4th IDB pressure and onshore wind direction. submerged by floodwater, causing temporary loss of power and along inland tributaries. Anglian Water - Yes Recommendations remain current. Black Sth Holland IDB 05/12/2013 Extensive damage was caused to sea 820 saline intrusion to the diesel pumps and gearing mechanisms. Yes On-going Summer 2018 S19-075 Sluice Strategy Review being undertaken. EA defences along the East Coast and tidal Following maintenance work to the pumping station it has now Various streets in Boston, Friskney, Trusthorpe, Skegness, Gibraltar Boston Borough AW Page 27 Page tributaries inland including The River been brought back to working order. Point, Tetney Marsh, Wrangle and Susworth Council - Yes BBC Witham Haven, Lower River Trent & River Lincolnshire County Slippery Gowt - Following a 40m wide breech, an immediate LCC Humber. Permanent repair work completed. Further Council - Yes temporary repair was completed during December to secure the ELDC Yes improvement works to be undertaken Complete Complete East Lindsey District defence using sheet piling and stone. A permanent repair to SHDC 820 Properties following ground investigation. Council - Yes improve the defence is underway. WLDC South Holland District Council - Yes Jakeman's Slip - Area downstream of Grand Sluice on the left bank of The Haven showed signs of movement following the Recommendations remain current. Further West Lindsey District No Complete Complete Council - Yes New Year high tides. 300 tonnes of stone was placed and monitoring confirmed no more work. completed in March 2014 to prevent further slippage. The Haven (St Ann's Wharf and White Horse Lane) - Movement of the flood wall was evident in a number of locations and a structural survey was undertaken. The flood wall was No Recommendations remain current. Complete Complete repaired along Oxford Street, and a new 30m wall constructed at White Horse Lane. The Wash - The area south of Horseshoe Point where bank- raising is required has been identified within the Medium Term Recommendations remain current. Works Plan for completion. Following a meeting in January 2014 to Yes still progressing in Medium Term Plan to On-going TBA discuss the localised community emergency and flood plan deliver improved defences. (CEFP), this will include the use of flood wardens and the creation of networks to share information.

Susworth -Preventative measures for residents, including No Raise footway. On-going TBA raising the top step of the footway on the river bank.

Water has started to enter properties after Kirton persistent rain for most of the afternoon. 16/06/2016 Customer believes that this is due to a 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-169 Penny Gardens blocked gully 1 Property Kirton Flooding from rainfall and blocked drain, 16/06/2016 water now in shop premises. 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-172 Station Road 1 Property internal Flooding at the property - in Frampton particular the dining room. The water had to 30/08/2016 1 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report s19-183 be pumped out. This is the 3rd time this has Middlegate Road happened Properties Number 28 & 30 Station Road flooded on June 16th 2016 following heavy Kirton rainfall combined with surface water run-off. 16/06/2016 Surface water entering the properties via the 2 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report S19-188 Station Road air bricks and filling in the floor cavity before then entering the property up through the floor boards!

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Appendix A Duty to Investigate Area E Ongoing Section 19 Investigations

Lincolnshire County Council Section 19 Investigations - Network South Area R - Contact Officer - Debra Greeves - Area Highways Manager Identified Action/Works

Risk Management Consideration for Authorities with Estimated Timescales Number of Flooded inclusion in future S19 Report File Date of Incident Town & Location Description of Flooding Responsibilities and Actions and Recommendations Proposed Action/Works Promoter Status Recommendation / Properties Common Works Reference whether they are Scheme Completion Programme exercising functions

The drainage system has been jetted; and indicated a possible blockage within the system. Excavations have been carried out Meeting held with the owner of the property The road gully outside the property was and no blockage was detected within the drainage system. opposite to discuss amendments required to unable to cope with the excessive amount of Since the reported incident there has been further heavy their roof water disposal system. Preliminary rainfall which resulted in surface water prolonged downpours within the area with no repeat of the designs undertaken for proposed alterations 20/07/2014 entering into the property, causing damage 1 LCC - Yes No LCC On-going 2017 S19-113 previous flooding incident in July. It has been concluded that the to LCC surface water drainage. Scheme in Chapel Street to the dining room and lounge. current system is slow running and the surface water was programme for 2017/18 subject to funding. exasperated due to the excessive amount of roof water flowing Bid submitted for assistance from Floods and 1 Property onto the highway from the property opposite. Further Water. investigations will be carried out in due course.

Customer states that this is the 5th time the properties have flooded since November 2011. The customer states that the drainage system is too old and cannot take the rain in exceptional rain. They say the drains are not man enough and the fire brigade has also said this. Customer states that the properties Spalding were flooded yesterday 16/06 in the evening 17/06/2016 4 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-171 and the fire brigade attended. Customer Stonegate states that if it rains again the properties will once again get flooded. The customer states that the current drains need cleaning out and the whole system needs replacing with a better, more modern system.

4 Properties

Flooding incident on 10/06/16. Third such incident in 3 years. Flood wter was up to 5" deep within the property. AWA have Spalding attended and state it is a result of surface 10/06/2016 water. They previously accepted 3 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-174 Page 28 Page Little responsibility when their own main drain was blocked. Other properties known to be effected but could be whole strip of houses. 3+ Properties

After the recent heavy rainfall, surface water ran off the road & down the driveway of these Gedney properties & flooded the houses. The surface 22/06/2016 water drains do not appear to be blocked, but 3 Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going s19-176 Marsh Road could not cope with the volume of water

3 Properties After the recent heavy rainfall, surface water ran off the road & possibly surrounding land Spalding and flooded these properties. This is a 16/06/2016 private road and there is very little positive 9 Information supplied to TSP. Awaiting Report Awaiting Report On-going Mallard Road drainage.

9 Properties (including a business)

Lincolnshire County Council 12/09/2016 14 Agenda Item 9

Policy and Scrutiny

Open Report on behalf of Richard Wills, Executive Director for Environment & Economy

Flood Risk and Drainage Management Scrutiny Report to: Committee Date: 23 September 2016 Development Road and Sustainable Drainage Subject: Specification and Construction KeyDecision decision? Reference: No Summary: The report is to inform the Committee of the new Lincolnshire County Council Development Road and Sustainable Drainage Specification and Construction document, which has been produced to take account of the changes introduced by government legislation, from April 2015 – requiring Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems on all major developments.

Actions Required: Members of the Flood Risk and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee are invited to consider and comment on the Development Road and Sustainable Drainage Specification and Construction (DRS 2016) document as detailed at Appendix A of this report.


The committee will be aware that following the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) upper tier authorities were given additional duties which established them as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), in addition to their existing duties which includes Highway Authority.

Schedule 3 of the FWMA deals with the introduction of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS), for the purpose of; reducing damage from flooding, improving water quality and protecting and improving the environment.

From April 2015 government legislated, through amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework, that SuDS are put in place on all major developments (10+ properties) for the management of surface water run-off. Accompanying guidance was produced by Defra outlining broad high level principles, ostensibly relating to flow control (flood risk from developments) and reduced flood risk within developments.

Page 29 In addition to the specific requirements relating to SuDS, it should also be noted that the new legislation placed a wider responsibility on the County Council, in its role as LLFA, to provide statutory advice to local planning authorities, on all development, to ensure that it is safe in relation to surface water drainage and surface water flood risk.

Industry guidance has been produced relating to detailed design and construction, which includes the Construction Industry Research Association SuDS Manual. This guidance covers all aspects of SuDS use, relating to; buildings, commercial premises, private systems well as the public realm.

Whilst there is extensive national guidance in place there is a need to translate the national requirements into appropriate local standards in relation to highways which are to become maintainable at the public expense.


The DRS 2016 covers in detail the design, construction and quality requirements which developers must meet when entering into an agreement under section 38 of the Highways Act for the adoption of highways - incorporating the new requirements for SuDS.


a) Policy Proofing Actions Required None required


These are listed below and attached at the back of the report Appendix A: Lincolnshire County Council Highway and Flood Authority Development Road and Sustainable Drainage Specification and Construction

Online: licences/control-of-new-development-affecting-the-highway/development-road- and-sustainable-drainage-specification-and-construction/87183.article

Printed copies of Appendix A are available from Democratic Services on request.

Background Papers

No background papers within Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 were used in the preparation of this report.

This report was written by Mark Welsh, who can be contacted on 01522 782070 or [email protected]

Page 30 Agenda Item 10

Policy and Scrutiny

Open Report on behalf of Richard Wills, Director responsible for Democratic Services

Report to: Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Date: 23 September 2016 Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Subject: Work Programme KeyDecision decision? Reference: No Summary: This item enables the Committee to consider and comment on the content of its work programme for the coming year to ensure that scrutiny activity is focused where it can be of greatest benefit. Members are encouraged to highlight items that could be included for consideration in the work programme.

The work programme will be reviewed at each meeting of the Committee to ensure that its contents are still relevant and will add value to the work of the Council and partners.

Actions Required: Members of the Committee are invited to consider and comment on the work programme as set out in Appendix A to this report and highlight any additional scrutiny activity that could be included for consideration in the work programme.

1. Background

The Committee’s work programme for the coming year is attached at Appendix A to this report. The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the content of the work programme.

Work Programme Definitions

Set out below are the definitions used to describe the types of scrutiny, relating to the items on the Work Programme:

Budget Scrutiny - The Committee is scrutinising the previous year’s budget, or the current year’s budget or proposals for the future year’s budget.

Pre-Decision Scrutiny - The Committee is scrutinising a proposal, prior to a decision on the proposal by the Executive, the Executive Councillor or a senior officer.

Page 31 Performance Scrutiny - The Committee is scrutinising periodic performance, issue specific performance or external inspection reports.

Policy Development - The Committee is involved in the development of policy, usually at an early stage, where a range of options are being considered.

Consultation - The Committee is responding to (or making arrangements to) respond to a consultation, either formally or informally. This includes pre- consultation engagement.

Status Report - The Committee is considering a topic for the first time where a specific issue has been raised or members wish to gain a greater understanding.

Update Report - The Committee is scrutinising an item following earlier consideration.

Scrutiny Review Activity - This includes discussion on possible scrutiny review items; finalising the scoping for the review; monitoring or interim reports; approval of the final report; and the response to the report.

2. Conclusion

To consider and comment on the Work Programme.

3. Consultation

a) Policy Proofing Actions Required This report does not require policy proofing.

4. Appendices

These are listed below and attached at the back of the report Appendix A Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Work Programme

5. Background Papers

No background papers within Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 were used in the preparation of this report.

This report was written by Daniel Steel, Scrutiny Officer, who can be contacted on 01522 552102 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Page 32


Chairman: Councillor Lewis Strange Vice Chairman: Councillor Victoria Ayling

23 September 2016 Flood And Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Item Contributor Purpose Property Level Preventative Mary Dhonau, MDA Specialist Status Report Measures Independent Community Flood Consultancy Investigations held under Mark Welsh, Flood Risk and Update Report Section 19 of the Flood and Development Manager Water Management Act 2010 Environment Agency Update Deborah Campbell, Flood and Update Report Coastal Risk Manager; John Ray, Senior Advisor, Flood & Coastal Risk Management (Environment Agency) Development Road and Mark Welsh, Flood Risk and Status Report Sustainable Drainage Development Manager; Warren Specification and Construction Peppard, County Manager for Development (Flood Risk & Highways)

14 October 2016 Environmental Scrutiny Committee Item Contributor Purpose Performance Report, Quarter 1 Sean Kent, Group Manager Performance Scrutiny (1 April to 30 June 2016) Environmental Services Lincolnshire Minerals and Neil McBride, Planning Pre-Decision Scrutiny Waste Local Plan: Site Manager Executive: Locations Document (Pre- 01 November 2016 Submission Draft) Carbon Management Plan Douglas Robinson, Update Report Annual Report Sustainability Team Leader Household Waste Recycling Sean Kent, Group Manager Update Report Centres Update Environmental Services Environmental Services Sites Chris Miller, Team Leader – Status Report Strategy Countryside Services The Implementation of the Chris Miller, Team Leader – Status Report Public Rights of Way sections Countryside Services of the Deregulation Act 2015

Page 33

02 December 2016 Environmental Scrutiny Committee Item Contributor Purpose Performance Report, Quarter 2 Sean Kent, Group Manager Performance Scrutiny (1 July to 30 September 2016) Environmental Services Water Recycling Centres Brian Kane, Regional Treatment Update Report Update Manager (Anglian Water) Update on English Coastal Chris Miller, Team Leader – Update Report Path Countryside Services

09 December 2016 Flood And Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee Item Contributor Purpose Insurance Industry Update Seth Williams, Head of Public Status Report Affairs, Association of British Insurers Environment Agency Update Deborah Campbell, Flood and Update Report Coastal Risk Manager; John Ray, Senior Advisor, Flood & Coastal Risk Management (Environment Agency) Investigations held under Mark Welsh, Flood Risk and Update Report Section 19 of the Flood and Development Manager Water Management Act 2010

For more information about the work of the Environmental Scrutiny Committee please contact Daniel Steel, Scrutiny Officer on 01522 552102 or by e-mail at [email protected]

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