THE PEOPLE’S VOICE Volume IV Number 2 November 1980 Universityof California,San Diego Dick Gregory Speaks

On October22,1980, in U.C.S.D.’s tunewith his higherconscious and Mandeville Auditorium, the livesto enlighten the public with his was graced knowledgeand super-conscious withthe presenceand charismaof ideals. Mr.Dick Gregory, the international- Mr. Gregoryopened the evening ly renownedBlack political activist witha touchof humorabout the full and humorist.He was broughthere moonand its effect on people.On a throughthe auspices of the U.C.S.D. more serious note, he made a Student Affirmative Action comparisonbetween the media’s Committeeand ACUCSD funds, l effortto "ripoff yourmind" with extend congratulations and commercialmovies and the effects of appreciationto the above for their reeferhaving the samepurpose. He superbjudgement in choosingsuch wenton to mentionthe evening news an inspiringspeaker. It wastruly a whereJimmy Carter appeared, all nightto remember. smilesand happilycontent. Said Mr. Atapproximately 6:00 p.m., as the Gregory,"That means the hostage moonbegan to showits fullness, deal has alreadybeen made".He studentsand visitorslined up in pointedout the sadnessof the the MandevilleAuditorium lobby to manipulationof the American public assurethemselves good seats. By in the Iranianordeal. But that is 6:30p.m. I couldrecognize a distinct whatwe want."We go for thestone diversityamongst the crowd in race, oke-dokeand that’s exactly what we age,ethnieity and social attitude. get.For years Black folks depended DickGregory is surelya man who on ya’ll(whites) because we thought reachesthe heartsand minds of thatya’ll was really doin" it. I mean,I peoplein a universallyappreciable reallythought my problemwas you manner. Dick Gregory,political activist, speaks at U.C.S.D.Mandeville Auditorium. (whites).And then, 1 geta piece The evening opened with an integrationgoing for me-and I find updateon the StudentAffirmative ~or thosewho are not greatly hertransition in 1953.) Today, Dick outthe same people that was messin’ ActionCommittee’s purpose and familiarwith the past or presentlife Gregoryis married,has ten children withme willkill you. I thoughtit was activitiesand an introduction ofits of DickGregory, allow me to brief andmakes his living as a spirituallyall whitefolks and I was shocked integralorganizations by SAAC you: Dick Gregory was born andpolitically motivated lecturer whenI foundout it ain’tbut five Chairperson,Arturo Herrera. Black Richard Claxton Gregory on andperformer around the country at whitefolks on thewhole planet. The StudentUnion member, Alma Key, ColumbusDay in !932. He was a variousinstitutions and clubs. Mr. restof ya’llis imposters!",says Gregory.That’s right, white ain’t got followedwith a powerfullydelivered welfarecase and grew up in a Gregoryis a verystrong advocator of nothingto do withcolor, it’s an synopsisof DickGregory’s life and householdwith no father.He has humanrights, positive, universal attitudeand if you ain’t got billions struggles,immediately followed by onebrother and mother that was and thought,health and eternallife is a continualinspiration and major throughpurifying the soul, body and his introductionon stage to a -continuedon page9- standingovation. figurein hislife. (His mother made mind.Mr. Gregory,in short,is in TENURE FOR TOLBERT A specificexample, here at authoritiesthat Dr. Tolhert was the This is a problemwhich Black throughthe mailing o! lettersfrom U.C.S.D., of another Black onlyone in theHistory Department studentsmust assert an effortto studentsto the U.C.Regents, the progessormarked for denialof" qualifiedtoreview work in thefield resolveimmediately. Everywhere, History Department, and the tenureis Dr. EmoryTolbert of the of researchwhich Dr. Tolberthad Blackprofessors are beingdenied Governor.This year, we onceagain ThirdWorld Studies Program and studied, "The Marcus Garvey tenure, removed from their mustrally by theside of Dr.Emory HistoryDepartment. The case of Movement",the departmentwas positions,and are eithernever Tolbertin his struggleto obtain Dr. Tolbertis strangeand a bit forcedto seekoutside opinions from replacedor arereplaced by someone tenure.Not onlybecause he is a mysterious.Two years ago, Dr. professionalsinthat specific field of whonowhere near fulfills the needs Blackprofessor here, but because Tolbertwas reviewed for tenure and research.The reviewsfrom these of Blackstudents in the way the heis an excellent Black professor and receiveda nearlyunanimous (6-1) professionalswere, for the most part, Blackprofessors were capable. an assetwhich we as student,Black votefrom his departmentto deny good.It can not be expectedthat one Evenwith all of thisevidence in andnon-Black can not afford to lose. him tenure. The strange and wouldreceive either all good or all favorof Dr. Tolbertreceiving his ! urgeany of you who have ever takenany of his classesand/or mysteriouspart is thatDr. Tolbert bad critiquesof worksuch as Dr. tenure,the HistoryDepartment did receivedexcellent reviews in two of Tolbert’sunless it is deservingof notgrant it. Instead, they gave Dr. supportDr. Tolbert’s right to tenure the threeareas which tenure are such overwhelmingconcensus of Toiberta two year extensionof toplease write a letterin supportof based,those being teaching skills and poorreports on Tolbert’swork to services,atthe end of which he was to him. Send letter through communityinvolvement. The third outweigh the two excellent ratings be reviewedagain for a tenured intercampus mail (no stamp of these areas, research and h_ereceived for his teaching ability position.That two yearextension necessary)to: publication, were deemed and communityinvolvement. hasrun out, and at theend of this B.S.U. insufficientinthe opinion of those in Hereat U.C.S.D.,as is thecase Fallquarter Dr. Tolber’s tenure is B-023 thisdepartment. However, when it withmost universities across the onceagain coming up for review. U.C. San Diego was argued by various campus country,there is an alarminglylow Twoyears ago, the B.S.U.took a studentgroups and administrativenumberof tenuredBlack professors. leadingrole in support of Dr. Tolbert DarylEIIk page2 page3

EDITORIAL PresidentialSelection Beethoven: The Black Composer I[ I of all composers".Beethoven was "Whatbecame of the BlackPeople AlexanderThayer, in hisbook "Life a mixtureof whiteand Black blood; of Beethoven",says "a tflaeand proximity.)Pass the National ofSumer ", the traveller, asked the old Didyou actually think that the real next time? The same power that a mulatto,the equivalentof the exhaustivepicture of Beethoven Althoughthe presidential race is HealthAct which providesfree man,"for ancient records show that powersof our country(corporate statedthis country is stillrunning it averageBlack American today. His wouldpresent an alrhostludicrous over,I wouldlike to addmy thoughts healthcare for all people. Outlaw the the peopleof Sumerwere Black. powers)are that stupid. Republican today(money). So, whatmakes you Africanancestry is believed to come contrastto that which is entertained on our politicalsituation. This Ku KluxKlan and theNazis. Get rid Whathappened to them? .... A h,"the and Democraticcandidates don’t thinka presidentialcandidate is fromhis mother’s side. Most of the as correct..,if Beethoven’s election(which, incidentially wasmy of the Federal Bureau of old man signed."The)’ lost their representanything other than figure goingto drasticallychange our portraitsused in the books on his life contemporariescould return from first),I chose not to vote. Even if Investigationand the Central history,sothe)’ died..." heads. Some, such as Ronald economicpredicament within his or andworks effectively suggest he was thegrave they would not recognize choseto vote,it wouldnot have Reagan,are a bit eccentric,but herallotted four years. What we as IntelligenceAgency as theyexist. A Sumer Legend Caucasian,however these are madea damnbit of differencesince the common portraitsof noble nonetheless,they represent the large studentshave to do is to take part in If thoseabove requests are some of interpretivedrawings where the Carterannounced his concession featurestobe representative oftheir numberof corporationsthat put theselection process. thethings you really want, then those The historyof a peopleis the artistuses a paintingas hismodel. oldhomely friend...". Of course in long before the polls here in theminto office. Perhaps,the only means of change requestsare not unreasonable. essenceof thatpeople; it defines Hisnationality is often diguised by Californiahad closed. It showsyou the eighteenthcentury white was Alone, l do not possess the them;it is the source from which they ,abelinghim a Germancomposer howinsignificant a whole state can Not untilAmericans, Black and isthrough a major revolution; a total nobleand Blackwas homely. reconstitutionofour political system, know-how to change the drawstrength, inspiration to move whichis analogousto callingStevie bein a majorelection. Did you really white,have a crucialrole in the That Beethoven’s ethnical Firstof all, let us get rid of the $150 government,but together,we can forwardand in facttheir reason for Wonderan Americanmusician. The thinkyour vote was going to count? selectionofcandidates,will voting in background is not common turnthis country around and make it being. One’s name is a majority of both Germans and If youstop and think about it, our any electionbe worthwhile.Where billion($150,000,000,000.00) military knowledgeamong Blacks makes the budget.We have no interestin a placewe canbe proudto livein. representationofthat history and is a Americansare white. part in the electionprocess is dothese parties get off in telling us composer and his works less We mustget rid of politicalparties brandof pride...orembarassment. insignificantcompared to the thatwe havethree major candidates fightingwars especially with other Physical descriptions of importantto us.We do notidentify andinstitute a governmentfor all ElectoralCollege vote. They to choosefrom and nevergive any countriesthat are also struggling for Black peoplein Americahave Beethovenby his contemporaries with white composersand may justice.End the arms race. Use this people,of all socialand ethnic inventedthe Electoral College reasonas towhere the hell they come beendenied a pureeducation of their are:dark eyes and skin, coal black dismissthis entire field of art as one becausethey didn’t think we were from. for instam~e, moneyto betterthe schools, housing, backgrounds.Not votinguntil we backgroundand achievements.The hair,ugly, receeding forehead, flat, not generallygeared toward black smartenough to electan officialas wasa peanut.farmerand physicist; health,and the standard of livingof cando somethingabout theselection masses are taught that their thicknose, wide mouth and pock- people. RonaldReagan, ex-actor, star of the poor.Ratify the EqualRights of candidates,is as much a statement immediateancestors were slaves and markedcomplexion. Other terms importantas the president.Would Aslong as weremain a minorityin Painting of Ludwig yon Beethoven with "Bonzogoes to College";and John Amendment. Equal pay for ofpolitical preference as voting. theirancient ones were savages and usedto describehim are swarthy and votingfor Carter,Anderson, or thissociety, we mustkeep in mindmore Afro-Americanfeatures. Anderson.... (Anderson, by theway comparablework. Nothingmore, littleelse. Our teachersare our moorish.Swarthy is derivedfrom Reagan really have made a big CARRIE thatinformation is communicated did get enough votes to get nothingless. Findalternative oppressors,defining who we are(by the Anglo-Saxonword swart, which difference?Let us be realistic,if from a white perspectiveand is $3,000,000 back from the sourcesof energy.Stop all present theirstandards) and our importance meansBlack. Moor, mot, and mohr votingwere goingto changethe distortedtomeet their needs for self- governmentjust for running.) buildingof nuclearpower plants. to the advancementof mankind. comefrom the Greekword Mauras government,they would of made pride.Black Americans can combat ThankGod that no oneis forcingus (Extremelyhazardous to humans, White educatorshave used this and the Romanword Mauruswhich thatprocess illegal a long time ago. misinformationby challenging our to vote.Why not exercise that right especiallythose living within close powerto perpetuateslavery beyond bothmean Black. T~ese words were teachers,investigating oursources, physicalbondage by misconstruing,usedto describeBlack, wooly haired DearEditor: anddeveloping a Black perspective. seemedto havea senseof direction. coveringup, and makingno mention people,synonomously known as Slaveryof ourpeople will never be I would like to express my It seemed,however, that we did not ofus in theirversions of historyand Ethiops(Ethiopians). opinions on how much more the abolisheduntil we knowour history. know exactlyhow to accomplish the legedaryheroes and innovators Severalhistorians have revealed We willremain a lostpeople until we VOICE IT Black community here at UCSD thosegoals. who helpedshape our country. seemsto be functioningthis school theracial heritage of Beethovenin knowourselves. An illustativeexample is Ludwig theirwritings. F.W. Chadwick, in Rob vn F. Broughton yearthan in therecent past. Three -continuedon page12- A documentaryprogram on Blacks hisbook "A Lifefor Liberty", says yearsago the Blackcommunity here yon Beethoven, the classical commonlyassumed to be whitewill thatFrederick Douglass, the great composerof the eighteenthcentury be aired December 7, 1980 on DearEditor: DearEditor: abolitionist,bore "a certain whose accomplishments have channeleight at 7:30a.m. I am distressedat the numberof I wouldlike to takea momentto labeledhim as "pehapsthe greatest resemblance"to Beethoven. Blackstudents on thiscampus who sharesome good news with health fail to get involved in the orientedThird World students. organizationssetup specifically for Thereis a personwho cares, who can them.Our poweron thiscampus lies helpyou through your confusion and Attacks on Blacks: Death Toll Climbs W O R L D NEWS in our unity,yet whenany of the. evenoffer that extra inspiration il Blackorganizations meet, the influx whichwe all need from time to time. BostonHigh. of new people is small. Black Thatperson is MaryBush, Director Ever since the Ku Klux upsurgein violence occurs at a time studentsare missingvaluable of the Health Care Programat Klan/Nazimurders of 5 antiracists A stringof sniperattacks in Salt when the country’s major Black newspaper,, informationthat these interest U.C.S.D.Medical School. l made in Greenboro,N.C., nearly a year LakeCity, Cincinnati, Johnstown, quotes Alabama Klu Klux Klan groupsprovide. It is sad but the themistake of waitingto go andsee ago,specific instances of racial Pa.,Fort Wayne, Indiania, and other Leadership (KKK) leader Roger Handley peoplewho should attend the Black her(inspite of beingtold repeatedly violencehave escalated tofull-scale areashave left a numberof Blacks wordin thathis terrorist,white organizationalmeetings do not. todo so) because l didn’t feel that terroristcampaigns in a numberof dead/ Thechallenge to blackleadership wasdoing well enough academically Blackcommunities. In scoresof othercities, Blacks supremistorganization is militarily isextraordinary, inthat it causes us The overwhelmingconcensus of the preparingfor "the race war that’s studentswho do not attendour forher to spendher time on me. I In thelast month, for instance, six havebeen killed, injured, threatened. to addressfundamental questions coming." meetingsis that they have 9 study.! haverarely been more wrong in my Blackmales have been murdered in Inmost cases, the violence has gone thatrelate not only to the qualities of realizethat academics must be our life. Editors Arthur Bolton and Allison Neveis. theBuffalo, N.Y., area and a seventh unpunished. Thereseems to be a resurgencefo thatleadership, butalso to the role of firstpriority on thiscampus, but I MaryBush is one of the warmest attackedin hishospital bed. In other Mostin theBlack community find anti-Blacksentiment in the United leadershipgenerally in effecting Statescharacterized by attacks on changewithin the society. findit hardto beleivethat the few humanbeings 1 haveever met. If a developments: it no accidentthat the massive Black adults and childrenand hourswe maylose in attendingsome lackof motivationis now , or has Staff FiveBlack children and an adult Whena groupof peoplewho have growing right wing and KKK of thesemeetins will jeopardize our a problemfor you in thepast, then, werekilled in anOctober 3 I, Atlanta longbeen rejected and removed from activity. grades.It seemsas if we try to youhave a verygood reason to talk Robyn Broughton blastat a daycarecenter. Many local allpositioias of influence comes to convinceourselves that any time to MaryBush. It isa goodfeeling to residentssay theexplosion, which ManyBlacks have said the killings challengethe system,a difficult spentattending a meeting will take know that thereis someonein a Rick Cathey Atlantaauthorities claim was an involvenot just on e oc twoberserk dilemmapresents itself: Do we away valuablestudy time. If we responsibleposition who cares accident,was triggeredby the men,but by the increasinglybold merelywant members of one group utilizethe amountof freetime we enoughto be supportiveand helpme Brian Coleman deliberatesabotage of thecenter’s KKKand otherright-wing groups in to attainhigh positions within the wastedaily, there would be ample alongthe way. Please don’t be inawe boiler.In the last 15 months, the area. Others say that system,or do we wantto changethe timeto attendmeetings and to study. of her nameor hertitle. Mary Bush Steve Diggs moreover,the corpsesof eight organizedor not,the racist murders systemas a whole,to removethose probablyrepresent certain whites’ factorsthat lead to the oppression of We, as Blackeducated individuals, isfor real. Go see her; it could be the knidappedBlack children in thecity resentmentof recentaffirmative thewhole group? In otherwords, are willbe the leaders of our prospective bestthing you will do foryourself have been found. Six other actionprograms in localgovernment we preparedto changethe nature of communitiessome 0ay. We must whileyou are at thisschool. disappeared children remain and the economicdownturn in the thepublic morality, or is our object mold our beliefsnow. We must unaccountedfor. Greg Who.on localeconomy. merelyto changethe colorof the educateourselves to the problems Anti-"busing"forces in Boston It appears that proverbial perpetratorof the immorality? facingour people.Join an interest havemade a renewedeffort to halt backlashisin effect. groupnow. There is alotto learn. schooldesegregation, instigating Blacksare nov, getting elected to The People’sVoice physicalattacks on Blackstudents veryimportant high political offices. John Gibbs ((’ourtesyqf theGuardian) and organizinga boycottof South (Infortunatelyall too oftenthis -conl(tllledtPll ])afc /(~- page5 page 4 BLACK [CAMPUS NEWS-- POLITICAL Lhe fulfillmentof beauty,strength dense, unmitigable aura of anti- and grace. The mothers and Blackness.I have been confronted daughtersofBlack civilization stand bythis attitude in a widevariety of PERSPECTIVES as the hallmarkof our raceand we formsand degrees,ranging from haveno problemsclaiming that their slightlyperceptible racist overtones The Challenge of Cancer Among On Wednesday,October 29, a very discussedAmerican foreign policy beautyis the joy and prideof our to overtracial dicrimination, from significantevent took place for Black andits relationship toBlack people. existence.That theirstrength, manysources: Professors, TA’s, studentsat UCSD. The eventwas He stressedthe need for us tothink intelligence,and perseverancehave staff,,other students, etc. In this the BlackPolitical Perspectives aboutAmerica’s foreign affairs maintained Black people for letter,I am centering exclusively on Black Americans Forum,and the topicof discussionbecauseit has a definiteimpact upon eternities.When the earth and the Warrenresidential situation, On the importance of good wasthe presidential election and its us. Following the panel humankindwere created, beauty was whichis notoriously cold, alien,and The AmericanCancer Society DistrictCity Councilman,Leon "We can talkabout prevention, physician/patientrelationships, Dr. meaningsand implications for Black presentation,there was an inspiring formedin the image of a Black hostileto anyand all aspect(s) (SanDiego County Unit) sponsored Williams. delection,diagnosis, treatment, and L=fallhad this to say, "The recipient people.Why is thissignificant? andstimulating debatd. Much of it woman. This beauty is both Black American experience, a conferenceentitled "The Challenge in thekeynote address, Dr. Lefall rehabilitation,(but) we mustnever of the favoralmost always knows Whatis so importantabout Black was centeredaround the United physicaland spiritual, to be viewed ethnicity,and/or culture. I shall of CancerAmong Black Americans" was especiallyconcerned with the forgetthat the object ofouraffection whetheryou did it becauseyou PoliticalPerspectives? It is States’political system, which andto be felt,to beappreciated and focuson the person I feel has racially, on OctoberII, 1980. This event was wantedto do itor whether you did it importantsimply because Black candidatewas really our best choice, tobe celebrated. ethnically, and culturally heldat the EducationalCultural and whatalternatives Black people discriminatedagainst me withthe becauseyou had to do it." He studentsgathered and talked, Itis inthis spirit and understanding Complexin SoutheastSan Diego. argued,and debatedabout the have for politicalpower. The utmostseverity, Warren Resident There were a number of proceededto explainthat how the thatthe Black Student’s Union and patientperceives the quality of hisor politicalsituation and the future of formationof a Blackpolitical party Counselor,Gloria E. Bader. presentations,including a panel the BlackWomen Achievers sponsor Blackpeople in America.And when wasthe center of muchdiscussion. I becameacquainted with Ms. discussionon various aspects of the herhealth care in the medical facility, the event,’A TributeTo Black toa largedegree determines how well weas Blackpeople,start to sit clown Everyoneagreed on the need to Bader duringfinal examination diseasein theBlack community. The Women’.This program will consist amongsteach other and discussand have one, yet there were some week,Fall 1978. I wasanticipating keynotespeaker was Dr. LaSalle "...cancer is the number two and how rapidlythat patient will of poetry readings,historical plotthe future of ourpeople, it has interestingopinions about its transferringfrom the Reveile Lefall,Professor of Surgeryat the recover. accountsof Black Women,and a killer of Blacks of all ages, gotto be significant. Ithas got to be ultimaterole and possibilities for Howard UniversityCollege of showingof the film’Bush Mama’. residencehalls to thoseat Warren, important.Indeed, it is necessary. Blackpeople. assistedby friend,and EOP Student Medicine. behind heart disease..."’ Manyinteresting details were Thisfilm depicts a Blackwoman who For who would go into a fight The panelscontribution and the AffairsOfficer, William G. Stiles. (I revealedby thisconference some of evolvesfrom an unconscious,non- Afterintroductions, Dr. John withoutfirst sizing up the enemy, spiriteddiscussion all madefor a hadbeen consulting with Mr. Stiles Ford,a physicianhere in San Diego, whichare veryalarming. A few of participantlevel, in relation to the andsizing up your own strengths and successfulprogram. Be lookingfor allquarter about the difficulty 1 was spokeabout the problem of cancerin themore startling facts discussed at Blackliberation struggle, to an weaknessesand devising strategies our nextprogram in the seriesof having dealing with my wild, Blackmales, afterwhich Dr. Harold theconference were: awakenedstate of involvementin the for victory.Would you go about BlackPolitical Perspectives in obnoxiouslyracist, white roommate Buttof SanDiego addressed cancer Blackmovement. *cancerkills more children aged 3 to achievingyour life’s goals without January.The topic will be centered and suitemates.Consequently, he in ’.heBlack female. Dr. Rodney Thisis a celebrationof Black 14 thanany other any other disease; firstseriously thinking about all of aroundwhich direction we ~hould hadsuggested that I takeadvantage Hood,also a localphysician, talked womenand is onlya smalltribute to strikeswith increasing theobstacles to overcomeand about taketo advancethe cause for Black ofthe’opportunity to transfer to the of thecancer problem in theBlack needfor improvedhealth care for is the cancerpatient. If we forget *cancer the timelesscontribution of Black thedirections you must trake? What freedomin the 80’s.We will be Warrenresidence halls at theend of communityas a whole.These three cancerpatients and patientsin that,this meeting and all other frequencywithadvanced age; women to the strength and featuringspeakers from groups and the quarter.)He explainedto Ms. physicianswere the participants in" general,and with the development of meetingslike this meetingwill *6.5million Black Americans will holdstrue for the part, holds true for developmentof Blackpeople. One organizationsthat represent Baderthat the maincauses of my thepanel discussion that followed proper psychologicalcare to amountto naught,because we will eventuallyhave cancer (one in four thewhole. What is necessaryfor us programis not enough.Everyday anticipatedtransfer were based on differentideologies in the Black theirpresentations. Questions were complementthe patient’smedical haveforgotten that most important accordingto presentrates) and one as individualBlack people must be Black men must pay homage to the racistattitude and behavior of liberationstruggle. We hopethat taken from the audiencewhich treatment.The physician’s, attitude person. halfof themwill die of cancer; necessaryfor all Black people. The Blackwomen’s everlasting beauty my Revelle roommate and twoare inseparable. you will come forward and concernedeverything from birth is partof a progressivetrend in "Lifeis a veryspecial commodity. *oneout of everysix deaths in the and give them the respectand suitemates.She insisted that Warren participatein the plannin~ for the recognitionthat they have too many housingwas the most racially controlpills to laetrile. All of the medicine today, which is Peoplewant to live,but they want to Blackpopulation will be due to futureof Blackpeople. We havegot to sitdown, talk, and times been denied. Only the integratedhousing at UCSD, a questionswere answered promptly emphasizing the need for livewith a qualityo]~ lifethat means cancer; andin an informativemanner. psychologicalrapport systems for something.This means that we learnabout our pregent situation and caveman,who seeksto keepbeauty "racialmelting pot" etc., and even Followinga brief coffee break, a patientsundergoing surgery and/or mustdo everythingthat we can to be *theoverall cancer rate in the white discussdirections for the future. No Ken Overton and truth down, would not pay analyzedthe racial content of the formercancer patient, Ida L. Bell, variousforms of therapy.Below is absolutelycertain that they have that populationfell by 3% in the past Blackperson, especially a Black tributeand respectto the Black suitewhich I wasto transferinto. J.D.,who hasexperienced a number an exceptfrom Dr. Lafalrs speech. qualityoflife." quartercentury while it roseby 8% student, can neglect this womanhood. She neverreferred to ethnicor responsibility.Thisis thereasoning culturalintegration, andgave no clue of battleswith the disease and has amongBlacks; behind having Black Political beenthe victor in each,related her *thehighest incidence of cancerin Ken Overton to whetherthe contentsof this Peffpectives.It is to be a forum meltingpot were quietly simmering storyto theaudience. Her case was Blackmales is foundto be in the Tributeto where we can come togetherand or boilingover. an exampleof extremeperserverance lungs24%, prostate 21%, and in the learnabout the pre~ent situation of and courage. colonand rectum10%; I complained to Ms. Bader Black people and where we can Black Women throughoutthe nexttwo quarters Dr. WilliamGrier, author of *in Blackwomen, the incidenceof discusspossible directions for our aboutsome of my suitemates’and "BlackRage", was scheduledto canceroccurs in the breast24%, people.This type of discussionis an RACISM AT theirfriends’ constant violation of speakbut was unable to attend.Dr. uterus14%, and in the colonand essentialelement of ourstruggle for "Blackbeauty is evolvingand ReginaldPeniston, a cardiothoracic Warrenresidence hall standards of rectum14%. truefredom today. We hopeto have cannotbe definedwith finality. surgeonat the San Diego Naval Hegelsaid somewhere that a thingis WARREN conduct,and encroachmentupon A crosssection, all ages, of males and a fullrange cf topics that cover many my personalrights. She consistently Hospital,spoke in hisstead on the trueif it is what it can be, if it fulfills femalesin the Black American aspectsof our struggle. asserted that these were all "Psychologicaland Sociological all its possibilities.From this populaticctwill reveal cancer as the Thisis an editorial adaptation ofa "unenforceable"rules which Impactof Canceron the Family Thisfirst forum on thepresidential standpoint,and from the standpoint numbertwo killer,behind heart letterthat I submittedlast Winter to "everyone"was violating,had been FollowingDiagnois". electionswas a successfulbeginning disease. of ourreaders, Black beaut), will be the StudentAffirmative Action violatinglong before my arrival,and in the series.The programhad a whatit canbe whenBlack people are Immediately following Dr. Committeewith carbon copies to the wouldstill be violatinglong after studentpanel and each had a certain whatthey must be, i.e., free people Peniston’slecture, lunch was’served Thereare in San Diegoseveral Vice-Chancellorof Student Affairs, my departure,and that I wasthe only subjectand gave an analysis of itand withenough power and resorcesto at the EducationalCultural’s facilitiesthat provide diagnosis, Dr. RichardA rmitage:the Dean and residentwho had evercomplained Complexoutdoor lunch area. itsimplications for Black people. nurtureand sustaintheir beauties Directorof EOP, WilliamA.T. treatment,and rehabilitation JulesBagneris, a junior in Political aboutsuch matters. She, on those Shortlyafterward, an American and defineand defendthem. Byrd; the Black Faculty Staff servicesespecially for cancer Science, analized the Carter grounds,labeled all my complaints CancerSociety (A.C.S.) honorary patients.Information concerning and defineand defendthem." Association,and the BlackStudent nulland void, and curtly refused to lifemember, Freida Johnson, spoke platformand gave an accountof Union. thesefacilities aswell as any other of Carter’sprevious service to Black LeroneBennett, Jr. act on them. She, furthermore, onthe cancer society’s programs and the AmericanCancer Society’s people.Petrice Curry, the BSU EbonyMagazine, November 1980 consistentlyemphasized that it was I the needfor morevolunteers. Ms. Dr.Lasaile Lefall is flankedby members of theBlack Science Students’ specialservices may be obtainedby I feelthat it is long past time you Student Affirmative Action Throughoutthe ages, from the who was violating all of the Johnsonhas beenvolunteering her Organization(B.S.S.O.). To the far right is ThirdCollege Provost Dr. writingto: weremade aware of the constant, standards of conduct and timefor the A.C.S. for over twenty JosephWatson. From left to right;Arthur Bohon, Patricia Baines, John Committerepresentative, gave Africanqueens of Ethiopia,to the some background into Ronald stark,vicious, relentless anti-Black encroaching upon the rights years. Gibbs,Rick Cathey, Dr. Lefail,Estelle Garner and Alma Key. AmericanCancer Society strongBlack women in the slave racismthat I havebeen enduring Reagan’splatform and insightinto of everyoneelse by rejecting Dr.Lefall was then p~sented with 711"’C" Street riddenSouth, to the mothersof whathe is reallysaying to Black sincethe moment I first arrived at the participation in any of a plaquecommending him for his San Diego,Caifornia 92101 BlackAmerica, and to thefine ebony Universityof California, San Diego. peoplein America.Lacy Lytle, a wondersthat bless this campus contributionsto the A.C.S. and to On thewhole this entire institution Rick Cathey PoliticalScience and History major, today,black womanhood has been -continuedon page! !- the field of oncology. The generatesand is encompassedby a presentationwas made by 4th page6 page7 Blackfaculty into this university. TIME Itshould not be forgotten that the IT’S ALL JUST white TO ME SLAVE KEEPING problemswe faceare the exact same Confused. (Sungloosely to thetune of "It’sStill Rock ’n Roll To Me") problemsthat Black students face at Notknowing what to say or do. Mixedemotions. 1’!1never cage your words, dear schoolsthroughout the country. Wasthis really happening orwas it a Black Man Decliningenrollment, dwindling of nightmare. In constantzippered kisses BSU Allthose brothers rappin’ ’bout Jheri Curls and white girls, Meantto guaranteeyour affection, Blackfaculty and even our all Black BSSO Fear... Assure my protectionfrom a negative Whathappens now that my life has changed. andtrippin’ off the lightness oftheir skin, thought. collegesare facingthe threatof DoI keepon, or do 1 giveup. Forin ourquest for freedom, having to dissolve or become Everythingaround me was like it really Blacknessis rejected,but what’s to be expected? Yourvoice has been quenched, quelled and decapitated "integrated"which in this case means wasn’tthere Theyaint got no senseto begin. 1 walkedin a daze. In this"land of freespeech." In evaluatingthe Black Student’s theloss of a Blackbased curriculum The Black Science Students’ 1 don’tunderstand, 1 don’t understand. I’llnever clutch your hand like cuffs, andeducatiop’. Because of thisand Nor squeezeyour bodyin straightjacket Unionup to thispoint in theyear or Organizationhasbeen very active on Helplessand empty. Platinumblonde, silky hair, otherreasons we are tryir~g,to Whatcan i do to escapeit all. fashion at any time,we mustbe viewedin campusand in the communitysince Nothing,as ! repeatedagain, nothing. Of insecureand desperate passion establishties with other’ uc Sky-blueeyes---I don’t care. For you’vebeen shackledas no animal relationshipto our goals and thegroups’ re-formation in 1978. Angry. campusBlack Student Unions. This IT’S ALL JUST white TO ME. would, objectivesand what progress is being Underthe guidance of MaryE. Bush, Everythingaround me was wrong. By a deviousculture, isalso the reason for Vthe Coalition of Whycouldn’t i cope? Moreprimative that any you’d known. madein achievingthem. Some are Director of the Health Care Why not understand? far frombeing achieved and some BlackStudent Organizations, an Peoplejust-a-yappin’ ’bout goin" off to Europe, I’llnever confine you to my bed, Opportunity Program here at Death,my fathers’. A shroudof stranglingarms, entangling legs - short range goals are almost allianceof San DiegoCollege and U.C.S.D.Medical School, students Why him? Why now? andpraisin’ their Caucasian ancestry, Thatplace where we onlyfeel - do notthink. complete. universityBSU’s. Time. And God knowsyou’ve been feeling NanetteMitchell, Jay Edmondand Toolong: torture, sorrow, fear. Ouractivities have been CUDA, a Our goalsof increasingBlack Cold,clammy places and cavemanlyraces, HarryMcKinley along with Arthur Shann H. Farmer My possesseionwould be as degradingas the studentenrollment, increasing the master’s. registrationdrive, Black Political West,the B.S.S.O.worked to form neverheld no appealfor me. Forum,the Harambeeprogram, and numberof Black.facultyandstaffare So my kisswill leave the door ajar, an organizationthat is sensitiveto Andif youopen it, participationinthe "Survival for the two of our main objectives. theneeds of Black sttMents as wellas Greek,French, German, Latin, !’11know that a deadboltcouldn’t have kept 1980’s"rally. Internally,BSU However,our most significant youhere thecommunity. Nanette Mitchell is Englishthis, Irish that ’n-- Nor comfortedmy fear. membershave beguna recruitment objectiveisthe total participation of presentlya secondyear medical Foryou’ve broken a bondagemore powerful drivethat will hopefully bring in Black studentsat UCSD in the studentat U.C.San Francisco, Jay IT’S ALL JUST white TO ME. andpersistent, conscious struggle for the Whereyou were not a willingparty. more Blackstudents to U.C. San Edmondsis a firstyear medical Diego.These students are going advancementof Blackpeople. The 1 loveyou Black Man, studenthere at U.C.S.D.,and Harry Andknow that you and laredivine backto theirhigh schools and to accomplishmentof this is gradual brian JAMALL coleman Whenfreely in eachother’s midst. McKinleyis a doctoralcandidate at Uniorcolleges and encouraging process,and yet, it is our most urgent So when! claspyour palm, i:nbT]iingbe U.C. Berkley.Arthur West is a lackstudents to cometo UCSD. task.Every time we cometogether biochemistrysenior at U.C.S.D.and e studentparticipation in this we must be about the task T slideseasily on... stillworks closely with the B.S.S.O. Ieprogram has been good and we of accomplishingthis goal. It is in "~ ncourage more students to thisSpirit of Unitythat we invite TheB.S.S.O. has planned a large RobynF. Broughton There are some very pressing yourparticipation. numberof activitesfor thecoming yearwhich will be of importanceto issuesfacing Black people at UCSD. We wouldalso like to’ annouce the minoritystudents here at Dr.Tolbert is comingup fortenure thatthe BSU office, in theStudent lU.C.S.D.The HealthProfessions duringDecember before the History Center,is in workingorder. If you Career Opportunity Program Department.The same department canvolunteer some time or if you just (H.P.C.O.P.) sponsored thatdenied him tenuretwo years wantto get’hip’ to what’s happening, E_Op conferenceentitled "Pre-Health ago.This is a veryimportant issue pleasestop at anytime. iProfessions’Preparation and for us. As Blackfaculty gets Kenny Overton increasinglyscarce at UCSD,so does ’SurvivalSkills Conference" on :heBlack student population, and October25, 1980 at the Medical sowwe muststruggle for our very TeachingFacility on U.C.S.D.’s T. BLA E T o _. S survivalat thisinstitution. If this campus.It was successfuland universitydenies Professor Tolbert severalvery informative lectures on Igl l/ tenure,who teaches Black American everythingfrom "Planningyour APARTHIED 1 history,it willbe a deathblow to Curriculum"to "EffectiveStudy Blackpeople on thiscampus and will B WA Techniques"took place. There were make any of UCSD’s "com- manyspeakers, some of whomwere mitments" to Black people an secondand fourthyear medical outrightlie. studentsand community physicians. Th°seEur°peansandewsc°ndem,"oedha,"d I’m A Black Woman, CareerPlanning and Placement, We arealso dealing with EOP and The BlackWomen A’ehi6vers was Therewas war betweenHitler and Europe Students Active Towards itsevident lack of effectivenessin startedin the Winter quarter of 1980 Thatwas the war to eradicateApartheid in CommunityHealth (S.A.T.C.H.), Europe recruitingBlack students to this by three Black women here on Andso thewhole wnrld was invited to fight I’m A Dreamer B.S.S.O,and the S.A.S.Program campus.Fall of 1980figures show campus:Allison Nevels, Kathryn Americawas invited hostedthe conference.Information Japanwas invited to fight I’m a Blackwoman ,hatEOP admittedonly 24 Black Nevels,and Alfreda Curry. ~’" Russiawas invited to fight And I’m alwaysdreaming concerningH..C.O.P. and future ;tudentsto UCSD.The numberof Francewas invited to fight I said,i’m a Blackwoman! In the past, the B.W.A. has conferences~nay be obtained Africanswere invited to fight Andthat has it’s own special Meaning thosewho actuallyenrolled was My fatherand yourfather were invited to sponsoreda cultural potluck dinner through one of the host fight I’ma dreamer robablyless. Last year the BSU and a dancewhich were both very AndI believe organizations. Likeobedient children, we wentthere to fight Thatsome day I’ll sit on a mountaintop long with MECHA, AASA and successful.Inthe future, the B.W.A. Likeobedient children, we wentthere to die The B.S.S.O.has participated This,I know! canachieve fNASA rallied against this is looking forward to a very Thereare so manyHitlers in Africatoday VENDETTA linstitution’sracist practices. EOP along with some Thereare so manymercenaries ruling Africa Butsometime my dreamsare all I’ve got successfulyear. Their plans include today ButI keepon keepingon activitiesthis year and the groups Youfeel empty wasone of the maintargets of our poetry readings, a cornrow Some are in Botswana Becausea Blackwoman will be workingclosely in the Is thecream of thecrop Selfishpity attacks. A goal of 200 Black demonstration,and a dance on Someare in Namibia Youfeel lonely students,200 Chicano students, 185 planningqf a student faculty Someare in Saotome Thinkingonly of oneself November 8, 1980 entitled "A Someare in Soweto Yeah,I’m a Blackwoman Asian students and 15 Native Luncheonas wellas an H.P.C.O.P. Someare (were)in Zimbabwe Whatabout others Dedicationto Blacl~Women’.Other 1 possessstrength and will Don’tyou think they suffer Americanstudents was set for this symposiumwhich are tentatively Allover Africa Andwith these factors eventsinclude speakers like Yvonne My dreamsI shallfulfill Dealwith your vendetta year’s ~teringclass and this scheduledfor the 10thand 19thof Killingmy people--tormentingthem Yourpersonal warfare BraithwaiteBurke and Barbara Enslavingmy people-victimisingallof us Yeah I’m a Black woman November,respectively. We havebeen calling on theworld Is it gettingyou anywhere universitydid not even come close. Jordan. I walkwith my headup high You’retoo confused To helpus fightApartheid Andif youlook closely We, along with the MECHA,AASA Yoursense has been used The opento all Black The B.S.S.O.will be We’vebeen calling all the world You’llsee a womanwith a wholelot of pride! and NASA,are workingto get some betterserve the needs of chemistry To helpus to drivethem Youneed to fuse women egmpus-wide.They are on basicchanges at" EOP in orderthat andengineering students since they Nowthey are talkingabout peace Yousee ! havesomething to be proudof, theirway up, so it isvital that all Resolution I’ma Black,intelligent and strong But you may abuse Dealwith your vendetta they become importantlymore haveexpressed concern over the fact Talkingabout it And ! know my place Blackwomen get involved.For any Whileyou’re wondering what could bring ffective. thatthe B.S.S.O. is gearedsolely At the UnitedNations in theWhitehouse is whereI belong further information,you may Talkingabout it Andat night,when I laymy headdown him down As mentionedbefore, lack of contact any of the following towardsthe needsof pre-health Whata humiliatin All of my dreamsrun throughmy mind Yourmind starts spinning, going round and lackfaculty members is a serious rofessionmajors. We encourageall Talkingabout peace with provocations AndI smile round members: Tellthem! Tell them that it is a trick BecauseI know they’ll all be fulfilled, Trippedbad last time; is it worthyou mind? roblemat thisuniversity. There are emistryand engineering students Dealwith your vendetta DamltaDavis.,. 4S3-7075 Freedom,Freedom is all we need. In duetime. o Black professorsin several getinvolved. AlmaEdwards... 452-0343 LosakaIgbinigie fcademicdepartments here. We are DamitaDarniee Davis AngelaRushen ~h (Partlytaken from SunnyOkosums" Holy king more action to get more ¯DamitaDavis ~j RickyCathey War)

I page8 page9 "Str e et L if e" Gregory thanthe Sun .... Now you little punks be resolved. ,Time havea Blackman thatthey called PROS Speaks runningaround here with your little Magazine,and The New YorkTimes honorable,the FBI came down on reefersand dealing with your little hasn’tmentioned one note that I was them.Well, you womendeal in a Anyway,nothing came of this(at becauseI was the oldest and the most wild.Three men had Bernardon the Duringthe Summer of 1979,a very in the bank you can’thave that~ highsand don’t realize that the same overthere and ya’ll say you have free societywhen a man takesyou out memorableincident took place in my leastnot right away). The guy who educated.Bythat time, the ten of us groundkicking him and hittinghim attitude."He’d feel safe if the "white peoplethat planned on murdering press?Now it don’t bother me ’cause .andhe doesn’t ’cop’ the first night he life.It wasan occurrence which will waswatching the ride just told them stoodin themiddle of thegroup of with clubs.Jimmy ran up behind attitude"was directed only towards you75 yearsago, they developed it I couldn’tcare less if one paper on callsyou a lesbian.But that is what is ringvery clearly in mymind for some to getout and they did without giving crazy,dirty, greasy, nasty looking, them, grabbedone by the hair, Blacks.He coulddeal with it then (reefer)so itwould be herefor you this entireplanet prints Dick goingon in Irantoday. America is a timeto come. him any hassleor anything,so I whitemen. I was tryingto explain yankedhis head back, and came becauseall he’d have to do wasget today.They knew there would come Gregory’sname because there is superpower that treats Third World thoughtthat everything as cool. ourside of the story and this guy kept roundhousewith his handsmashing whitesto like(accept)him and then a day you whitestudents wouldn’t UniversalGod thatsupersedes all nationsthe sameway mostWestern Somehow,we all got separatedand yellingat me to lowermy voice. the man in his eye withhis brush It happenedon the nightof July he’dbe safe.Gregory points out that fightno war.Any nation that eats theseold trick papers and as long as men treatwomen. And then,when about twentyminutes later two Finally,I got annoyed with this and causingblood to gushand sending 4thin a smallcity where I livedcalled theconstitution wasonly geared for welldecides they’re not going to I’min tune with that Truth, the rest you say’ "Take your.handoff my PuertoRican guys came walking up turnedaround to himand yelled, "I the man screaming.Bernard then SaratogaSprings, New York.There certainfolks. White women didn’t fight.War is for hungryfolks. of themdon’t count. (applause) thigh,chump!", the wants to to me and Tyrone,grabbed Ty, and did lowermy voice,t" Thensomeone jumpedup swinginga littlesocket wasa travelingfair in town.It was getto voteuntil 1920. "Somewhere, You’renever going to wipeout war Long after The New York Times, go crazyand act likesomethings starte~asking him all sorts of elseyelled "Don’t you talkto him wrenchwhich was attachedto the setup ina largeparking lot next to whenwhite Americawakes up and untilyou wipe out hunger.As long Time Magazineand Newsweekwill wrongwith you. And that is allIran questionsabout if we werethe two that way!" So Ray-Rayshouted end of a string.He carriedthis the SaratogaHarness Track. A few findsout the trick ’they’ put us in as thereis one pocketof hungry beoutof business,Dick Gregory will hastold us. Iran has told us what guyswho weremessing with their "Don’tyou talkto him thatway, aroundwith him to fixhis bike. He of my friendsand I wentto thefair thenmaybe we (Blacksand whites) peopleyou’re going to havea war. stillbe here.Because I am serious sister,or something like that. motherfucker!" caughtsome guy in the middle of his thatnight to watchthe fireworks canjoin hands and turn it around .... I Becausethese are the people(well abouteternal life. I knowdarned foreheadbusting open his skull. Just show. What we got insteadwas a Sothese guys told us that the dude The guy pushed Ray-Ray,and reallyknow what the system is about, fed) that won’t hardly be goodand wellthat I am stronger at themoonwalk said that a coupleof by chance,I happened to seeabout 15 fireworksshow of a verydifferent Ray,being a GoldenGloves Boxing I justdon’t have the sophistication to manipulated." thana tree.And ain’t no way in hell a copsjust standing around not doing kind. Blackguys were hassling his little Champ, droppedhim with three changeit." REVELATIONS: "How many treeis going to outlive me. A treeis sister,so we convincedthem that we punches.Someone reached over the a damn thing (lateron, someone goingto livetwo or threethousand Therewere about ten of us in all; Gregorytold us he’strying to win peopleare awarethat thirty-nine weren’tthe guysand theyleft us sideof me andpunched me in my eye. toldme thatthey heard the police yearsand I knowI am strongerthan Jimmy,Bernard, Ricci, Ray-Ray, yearsago the UnitedStates Army alone.Since we knewthat they had I fell,jumped back up andlanded a officerssay "Let them get their asses the Nobel Peace Prize. He a-tree.Right now, whilewe are Kent,Butchy, Joe, John, Tyrone, invented LSD? How many know to be talkingabout Jimmy and John, coupleof goodpunches on thisguy. kicked,they probably deserve it."). emphasizesthat he doesn’twant it sittinghere, a handfulof pimpsare and myself.We were in no way thatone force that got young folks to we roundedup allof thefellas and Withinseconds, the tenof us were becauseof theprestige attached toit determiningwhether we willgo to preparedfor what was to takeplace Afterabout 5 or 10 minutes,the turnon to LSD in Americawas Tim told them what had happened.We standingback to backpunching like because"you’d have to be crazyto wartonight. At leastthey ought to thatnight. Usually, ifwe anticipated TrackSecurity Police showed up and Leary?How many know that Tim thenwent and found the two Puerto crazy.I wasscared shitless. It was thinkit meanssomething when the check with-me",says Gregory any trouble,each one of us would broke everythingup. We all Learywas a productof WestPoint? Ricanguys and asked them what the thefirst time in my life that I really pimp who made the prestigious (sarcastically). have some type of weaponhandy, regroupedthe best that we couldand Do you think that might be a problemwas. They told us whatthey fearedmy life.After about three NobelPeace Prize was from the same likea clubor stick,or something headedback to our hometurf. Out coincidence?The U.S.Army gave us "As long as you sit back and weretold, and Jimmy and Johntold minutesof thisfrantic shuffling familywho invented dynamite. It’s tapedusually to thebottom half of ofthe ten of us,all but two or three Tim Leary and LSD. How many tolerateit. As longas you sit back themthat there was no littlegirl in around,I lookedup and thesetwo like the Jack-the-Ripperfamily ourlegs. But, on that night, all were made it out withoutany serious knowthat duringthe Vietnamese andtake this old funky manipulative the moonwalkwhen they were in menwere coming after me withbilly givingus themost prestigious Be- unprepared. injuries.I had a blackeye and some War,hundreds of millionsof dollars education(and if any of this everyother Third World nation we there.So we all decided to walkall of Kind-To-Women Award." What clubs,l tookoff in the opposite soreribs. Bernard had three cracked of heroinewas smuggledinto this educationwas any good, 99% of ya’ll manipulatecould tell us, "Get your As you may haveguessed by now, theway over to the other side of the Gregorywants the Prize for is to be directionrunning as fast as I could. ribsand a minorconcussion, but countryfrom Vietnamsewed up wouldn’teven be here).But then hand off my naturalresources, webecame involved in what I referto fairto themoonwalk to seewhat this putin theposition to integrate the Justbefore I cleareda fencethat Kent,Ray-Ray’s younger brother, insidethe bodies of deadAmerican theygot you all believing youall got chump!"(applause) They got ya’ll asa war!It all started like this...we guy’s story was. As we walked Nobelwinner’s sperm bank. Most wouldhave separatedme from my wasthe worst of all.He wasonly 13 servicemenbein.g shipped home for somekind of specialpriviledges believingit hasgot something todo werejust kind of goofingaround, "You importantly,tobe put in the position throughthe fair, I noticedthat men pursuers,I heard someone yell and got his buttkicked good. We burial? How many of you know ’causeyou all here? And you haven’t withthe hogtages.We couldhave playinggames and whatnot, when werecoming out from behindthe to talk to the crazieswho have hadbetter run you nigger !" Thatwas hadto takehim to thehospital in a whenthe bodieswere shipped back evenslowed up to thinkthat if what gottenthe hostages back the second Johnand Jimmydecided that they donatedtheir sperm to thisbank. boothscarrying billy clubs and those allit took.I stoppedand turned. As cab.He was spittingup bloodand I’m goingthrough is so good,how day. Nobodyhas dared ask what wanted to go into one of those "Howand what did they doto get fromGuyana they had drugssewed realbig socket wrenches. Bythe time the men cametoward me, I ducked was reallybeaten up. We foundout come after I go throughgrade thoroughinvestigation could fred moonwalkthings. You know,those themssperm out of themselves?I we got backto themoonwalk, there and ranbetween them back into the fromthe doctors that his spleen had school,high school and collegeI out.Where is the$8 billionthat has biginflated things that you go into thinkI know.... They’re so stupid wereabout 35-40 men carryingall crowd.Once in the crowd,I could been ruptured,and he had a few havemore drug addiction among my beenheld in thiscountry that has andbounce around in. Well, neither thatthey think that their sperm can typesof clubsand they were coming see my boysgetting the shit kicked brokenribs. They had to operateon ranksthan fourth grade dropouts? I alreadyaccumulated $310 million one of themhad any moneyso they for us. I immediatelybecame the outof them.I pickedup a stickthat he injectedin somewoman someday commitmore suicidethan fourth interest,l would like to knowwho justjumped right in, sneakers and all. -continuedon page10- spokesmanof sortsas I usuallywas was lyingon the groundand went andthe child produces will be some gradedropouts. I have more people benefitted,l know damned well it brainchild. They don’t even leave dealingin insanityand going to see wasn’tthe hostage families. And I someleeway that the development of psychiatriststhan fourthgrade knowthe minutethe hostagescome or "Survival ,oo," OMMLINITy_] thechild might have something to do "" dropoutsand I’m not goingto get back we have to give up the $8 with the woman who raisedit." into some of the perverted billion. And if Jimmy Carter Mr. Gregorybelieves that the degeneratesex patterns that fourth thoughthe couldn’tget elected Somesixty odd yearsago whenI ears.They always gave them to their toldme thatthe reasonshe never manyof us knowthat some of these situationin Americawill change gradedropouts wouldn’t even know withoutbringing the hostages back, friends. cookedchitterlings, pigfeet or ears foodscan be verydangerous to our existed.At what point dp you sit and they’dbe on theirway backnow. was a smallgirl, many stories were drasUcally(for the better) within the upin their bellies? Two and one-half toldto me by my grandparentswho Grandma always had ham or wasbecause these were the scraps or health.Many Blacks and especially nextfew years.There are no more read those funky books and And we sit andtolerate that whole leavingsthe slave masters left for the kilosof heroinemade each body challengethose lies? Columbus were slaves, Pete and Mariah baconon thetable, along with fruits, Black childrenhave tendencies tricksleft to be playedon the manipulation.It’s a damnshame slavesto eat. They served beef to the toward high blood pressure, worth$200 million. That could be discoveredAmerica? That punk got thatI’m living in a countrythat has Robinson. My father, Will jellies,and various vegetables. She Americanpeople any more.He says, oneof the most important cases that Robinson,who was born one year slavemasters but seldom, ifat all, did hypertension,and otherrelated lostand you know it! (applause) Jimmy Carter,with all of his raisedcows and calves but she never "Ifeel sorry for the fact that we old has everbeen in a Federalcourt. after slavery,and my mother, slaughteredthem for food. The theslaves have any and that was only diseases.We shouldmonitor our folksleft you young folks ’this mess’ mean,how do youdiscover a country craziness,has done more for me if the scrapswere leh overon the Inthis deposition here (shown in his that’salready occupied? If youcan (Blacks) than anybody "(U.S. AdelaideRobinson, also told me animalswere milkedfor butter, childrenvery closely today for these to cleanup. But you don’t have any plate.One day, one of her best hand)that the Federal Judge has on discover,a country that’s already aboutwhat their parents related to cream,and other related products. conditions. choice.... White America should president)ever has. That’s like friends,a young slave girl, became hisdesk, based on informationand occupied,I can go outto the parking themabout slavery. My mother always cooked the Let us neverbe ashamedof our reallyget hip to thefact that the bringingFrankenstein home to violentlyill and died after she had beliefthat massive quantities ofmind lottoday and discover your car with babysitfor you. chickennecks and feet,which was heritagebut be proudin thatour luxuriesand priviledges that their I was bornin a smallSouthern eatena largeamount of the hog’s control drugs was found at youalready in it. (laughter) "I’m the most precious and town, Meridian,Texas. My ourmain Sunday dinner, along with foreparentstook the scraps from the mothersand their fathers and their Jonestowncolony after the fatal entrails.Many other became ill also. "Howdo you womengo to these beautifulthing that ever hit this grandparentswere very intelligent collardgreens, sweet potatoes and slavemaster’s plate and made it into grandmasand grandpashad theydo incidentof November18, 1979.The Theydid not knowwhat caused it, institutionsand readthose sexist countrybut don’tnobody want to eventhough they had been slaves. cornbread. I do notremember if my a delicacy,which we canenjoy today. not have.Now you don’thave to number two man at the state butsome thought it wasa resultof books?How do you womenlook at giveme credit for it. (applause) And Theyhad forethoughtsand wisdom mothercooked the chitterlingsbut But, let us not teach future worryabout like me andthe departmentwas presentand now the thefood. She promised herself that thatbible from one end of it to the I don’t.havetoget this out of some forthe future of theirchildren and shemight have from time to time. generationsthat the term Soul onesyou’re sitting here in school CIAsits here and tries to admit that shewould never eat this food after otherand not realize that all of them whitesociology class. It’s etched in theirgrandchildren. They bought However,when I was older,I asked Foodis theirheritage but that it was with but thereare some niggers theyweren’t present at Jonestown. shewere free. Until then, this food wroteyou out and got you coming my soul.l knowif yourown white landfor themselves and enough land my grandmotherwhy she neverkept foodgiven to ancestors by theslave comingup behindus thatare not The New YorkTimes, didn’t print wasfor survival. off likesome blundering idiot. If mother,your own white father, your to givetheir nine children, which we thechitterlings orpig feet or ears and master which enabled them to goingto toleratenone of it in no this.Nor did the . Thatnight after her friend’s death, thereis any God that is anything that own whitebrother, your own white stillown today. nevercooked the chicken necks and Survive.We shouldbegin to change shape,form or fashion,i’m not A littleSan Mateo paper printed it. feetor why she never killed the cows theyall came together inone cabin to thisimage as weinvite our friends to talkingabout that violent thing wouldfeel more compassion towards sister,your own white husband, your I remember"hog killing time", as "Cops Have ProbedCIA Links To for beef?I knewnothing of "Soul readthe Bible, sing, and pray. They a feastof "SurvivalFood". becauseviolence will never work. men than towardswomen, then I own whitewife put you throughthe it wastermed in thosedays. All the Jonestown"(headline in San Mateo Food"at the time.My grandmother continuedto eatthe scraps from the Violencenever made things change. wouldn’twant no partof thatGOd. sametrick for thenext three days neighborsand friendsgathered paper). told me that being broughtto slavemaster’s table and withtime It’sattitudes and how I feelabout (applause)The first day you women thatAmerica put me throughfor 200 aboutto helpand to takehome some Americawas a totallydifferent learnedto preparethis food by myself.When I knowthat I makea ION IRANIANVISIT: "I went to gettogether and get your own thing years,you’d get a pistoland blow Iran. Stayedfour and one-haft of thisdelicacy. They thought in experience.She said that not only addingdifferent spices and herbs. L. MarieEdwards differenceand tltat God put me here your’regoing to runacross the same theirbrains out. Black folks dte in monthsfasting and praying.Went thosedays it was a greatevent; wasthe food different but the way in They becamequite expertiseat not to be manipulatedor messed problemthe Black Muslims did. in a Americasix years younger that white everyonewas happy.However, I downto ninety-sevenpounds. The whichit wasprepared was foreign. makingit a delicacyinstead of it with, then nobody is going to countrythat talks about free folks.Just because of thisvicious notedthat my grandparentsnever wholecountry just fell in lovewith Theydid notreally know what kind makingthem ill. manipulateor mess with me. religion,that will let you get a dogfor system,I am a Blackfather with ten keptthe entrails orchitterlings, aswc me. I didn’tgo overthere to deal a godif youwanted to ....but when childrenwho has to sitat thedinner of foodthey were eating or how to Today, we often hear people Becausethe same thing that controls callthem today, nor the pigs feet or withpolitics. I went over just Blackfolks decided that they was tableand has to looksixty death prepa~.With t~rs inhereyes, she saying"Soul Food". I wonderhow me controlsthe Sun,the Moonand and prayingthat whole thing would the wholeplanet and rm stronger goingto gettheir~thing going and -continuedon page!0- page11

page10 roommate(at thattime Tuan Van), writtento me containing racist slurs, andconsequently he could return to rights. U.S.)are playing the game together. womenstarted breaking away and PortolaResident Advisor Cathy sheasserted that I wasso "antisocial" theroom that day. She declared that You youngstersbetter wake up and gettingsome freedomand rights As we reflecton almostevery Racism at Warren Miles,and an objectivelistener, and "noncomformist" that 1 shehad the alternative of moving me turnthis thing around. Be sillysix GregorySpeaks goingfor themand good jobs, they aspectof Americanlife, it appears which resulted in Mr. Van’s provokedhim to writethem, and she insteadof him,that she was under daysand be seriousone day and that wentout and bought their own cars. thatwe havemoved into a period voluntaryhall transfer.) (Mr. Van didnot blame him at all (yet, she, at the impressionthat I desperately wouldscare them to death.Just one Theywent out and bought a littleold whenthe great hero is dead.We no andI hadbeen involved in a serious, my mere suggestion of doing desiredto move into the apartments, yearsin theface when 1 lookat my theresidential social activies (i.e. daygo tothe Pentagon and tell them, VolkswagenBeetle-bug. longerexpect a savioroutside long standing,racism-related likewise,was about to grab a housing andthat besides, it wouldbe unfair childrenthat a whitefather doesn’t "Oldmen makewar, old men fight surfing,skiing, back-packing, I willnever ever trust a nationor a ourselves.More and more the fate of roommateconflict. Frustrated with dismissalform). And most of all,she tohimfor her to breakher promise, l haveto lookat. mountain climbing,acid rock war.(applause) personthat does not love me enough Americaappears to be in thehands Ms.Bader, I haddesperately sought then pointed out that he had parties,beach and/or beer parties, repeatedlystated that she was "Oneday you’dbetter check out to giveme my information.The true of allof us whocan muster the moral helpfrom other sources, including volunteeredto change rooms, that I "I sayto America,play games but hardliquor nights, slave auctions, stronglyconsidering dismissing me KingJames’ version of the Bible. learningprocess has neverbeen courage,tenacity and faith to work CounselingPsychologist Dr. Philip fromWarren housing on thebasis of had desired to move to the playthem quickly ’cause recess is just etc.)and conformity to the(white) Theygive you the key.They don’t controlledby these so called aggressivelyto turnfreedom and Raphael.)During the meeting,she apartmentsif and onlyif 1 could aboutover. If you want to know Americannorm, and thatall of my my noncontribution to the sayGod’s version or JesusChrist’s institutionsof higher learning. True justiceinto a reality;to takethis assertedthat she not onlyknew residentialharmony. room with my "antisocial"and what’sgoing to happen,check your values,standards, and expectations version,they say King James’ learningprocess is inthe top of your countryon a trip-from madness to severalBlack, Warren residents who "nonconformist"friends (l never ownselves out. I’m beginning to act wereextreme and unrealistic. Insultedtothe core, I wentdirectly version.The twenty-fivefolks he humanity,from exploitationto were extremely "social" and receiveda 1979-80apartment room moreand more like you everyday. headand is controlledby the same from the Warren Resident The"’slave auction" it seems,is a The kinds of things you won’t usedto interpret hisversion, hekilled Forcethat controls the universe. equality,from racism to freedomand "conformistic"---thusdisproving Counselorsoffice to theEOP office drawapplication), that to makesuch everyone of them when they got fromwar to peace. majorresidential social activity here onceand for all my allegation ofthe a promisewithout my consentwas tolerate,I won’t tolerate either. (applause)That true learning and reportedthe meetingto Mr. at UCSD. Advertisementsvividly Everythingyou want,I want.Some through.He had a passionatehate processwill never hold enough until There is a historyof great existenceof "antisocial"and Stiles.He thereuponaccompanied extremelyunfair to me,and that she depictinga balloon-muscledyoung of you haveto cometogether and for women.But thank God, for King itis surroundedby an oasis of love. peoplewho blazedthe trail of "noncomformist"Blacks--and that me directlyback to the Warren hadno rightto forceme to moveto Jameswith all his filth,you can manwearing only baggy, calf-length the apartments.She threateningly understand that you can come Thereain’t nothing on the planet at a time in our nation- theywere always complaining to her ResidentCounselor’s office to trousers,and boundin chainsand through with that beautiful tamperwith the cover of Truthbut equalto whatyou got in yourhead al life when blackswere about my "antisocialism"and confrontand interogate Ms. Bader. repliedthat she was in chargehere you can’ttamper with Truth. shackles,and boldly displaying such "noncorformity",butmoreover that andtherefore could do whatevershe leadershipquality to overrideand subjectto unthinkableoppression. I Whenwe arrivedthere (less than 15 catch phrases as: "COME ONE she had residedin neighborhoods pleased. say,"This is what that type of system "That whole war game ain’t haveto reflecton whatthey must minutesafter my departure),one of COME ALL TO THE morepoverty-stricken that I had Taken aback, I immediately creates,let’s see if we can stop it. nothingbut a sexthing. Because we have thoughtof there personal hersecretaries informed us thatshe BEHRING HALL SLA VE (despite her ignoranceof my departed from her office and "Theygot you all believing that the playthe game wRh sex.Nature says capabilitiesin.order to allowthem to had just left campus for the AUCTION!! GOOD MEA TA TA repeatedthis oral exhange to a friend mightiestnation on thisplanet, that you can playwith my UniversalLaw continueagainst the odds.People previousresidences). When I named Thanksgivingholidays. On our way CHEAP PRICE// JUST LIKE talksto the Russians, can’t deal with if youwant to butthe Universal Law suchas FrederickDouglass, James several other Black, Warren back to the EOP office, we whohad assistedme in packing.He THE GOOD OLD DA YS/!" are drugabuse. Why? They can totally willplay with you back.The sex WeldonJohnson, Sojourner Truth, residentsI knew who shared many of encounteredStudent Legal Services advisedme totake it all in stride and dispensedthroughout the resident simplymove to the apartments. wipeaway your mind. There are two organsare basically to reproduce. W.E.B.DuBois, Dr. MartinLuther my viewson the residence situation, AttorneyNicholas S. Aguilar.Mr. mailboxesand posted upon the Acceptinghis advice, I vacatedthe reasonsthey can get away with it. The Sun comesout everymorning, King,Jr., And others.It .would and hadexpressed very low opinion Stilesintroduced us and briefed room and checked out of the One,what’s happening today went smacksnightime, cleans out thesky appear,reflecting on thequalities bulletinboards in and!oron the of her,she answeredthat none of him on my situation.Consequently, residencehalls for good. We spent intomotion sixty to seventyyears and nevermakes a sound.That’s thatthey personally brought to the residenthalls and facifities, atsome themhad everconfronted her with we threemet after the Holidays and the next few hours desperately ago and two,we don’tthink that power.The same God thatbuilt this situation,that they found themselves time duringeach quarter.This their views or opinions, discussedthe situtation in detail. combing the apartmentsfor a muchdifferent than they think. planetwill be the only force to tear it to be humanbeings of extraordinary "spectacular"eventis held in---of all therefore,it was all merely AttorneyAguilar decided to arrange vacancysuitable for me to move into. You lie to your childrenabout down.We don’thave nothing in all capability,and wentfrom there to places---thecafeteria, and comes rumorand that,even if thiswas a meeting between the Warren equippedwith all the fixings (i.e., I endedup checkinginto the only Christmas(alie is a lie).They lie ourarsenals combined that can equal succeedin theirindividual life true,we composedfar too small ResidentStaff and us. butit doesn’twork right until it’s strugglesina waythat led to a better chainsand shackles,bullwhips, a proportionof the totalWarren apartmentthat was soon to be vacant wholenations and startwars. One what MountSt. Helen’sdid. And The meetingwas heldDecember 3, aroundlove. worldfor all people, of all races for fiddlers,etc.) Each "slave" is, in turn, residentbody for her to even andstaying with my frienduntil the day you betterstart checking out thatwas amild volcano. There isn’t a 1979 between Ms. Gordon, alltimes. ledby leashonto the stage, where he acknowledgeour pointof view.She last occupanthad checkedout some of this mess they got you machineon the planetthat can do l do not believewe have gone Ms. Bader, Ms. Miles, hookedin to. Checkout everything beyondthe pointof no return.I do is exhibitedbefore the audience, and insistedthat becauseI lacked (December1 !, 1979). whatthe humanbody can do. Withthese examples in front of us, Attorney Aguilar, me, Summingup all theinteractions thatyou dealwith fromwhy do I believewe can turn this thing auctionedoff to thehighest bidder, sufficientfinancial resources to "1 beg you tonightto understand itis difficult tosee how we can fail in Mr. Stiles,and Dr. Raphael(Dr. betweenWarren Resident Counse~o~ comb my hair to why do I wear around.Those of you whobelievein whomfor one week,he or she must resideoff-campus, and due to my yourbody and how beautiful it is and theresponsibilities we have towaru Rudeewas absent) and time. Despite GloriaE. Baderand me, 1 findit prayerand believe in Godhave got a servehand and foot. This activity criticalacademic condition, which pants?If we wereall priests, we’d whatit’s all about. Take care of it. our community and toward the Ms. Gordon’s and Ms. Miles’ utterlyimpossible to deduceany wear pants. Once we became lot of power.Put it to use.If you hasoccurred three times that ! know wouldnot allowme to takeon the It’s 97% liquidand 3% solid. wholeAmerican people. desperateefforts to frontfor her, Ms. logicalconclusion other than that spenthalf of the time dealing with the of (inFall 1978 at Revelle,and in additionalburden of part-time cardinalswe wouldwear skirts. The Increaseyour liquid intake. Stop Bader,throughout the meeting, was she is a callous,deep-rooted and popewears skirts too. What is it God Forceinside of you thatyou The People’sVoice Winterand Spring 1979, at Warren), employment,if I were unableor puttingsalt, black pepper, white clearlytense, self-contradictory and irreformable anti-Black racist. She is Courtesyof ’TheBlack Scholar’ andit wouldhave occurred a fourth unwillingto adjustto the Warren aboutthe pantsI wear?It mustbe refinedsugar (the no. 3 killeron this spendon Chemistryor Mathematics, self-incriminating.They all were absolutelydetermined, to seekout you’dbe surprisedwhat you could time(in Fall 1979 at Warren),if residenthall environment, I had bad forme becauseeverybody, when ¯ planet),and animal properties in totallyblind to ourviewpoint, and and destroyany and all Black hadnot prevented it by submittinga absolutelynoother alternative butto theyreach their seat of power,takes your body. What kind of head do accomplish.It works.It makesyou "StreetLife" loathto compromise, and it wasonly Warrenresident(s) who possess the offtheir pants. strong.Once you let your light shine, copyof the advertisementto Dean drop-out and seek full-time you haveto put somethingdeadinto aftermuch debate that we reachedan intelligenceandthe dignity to reject and Directorof EOP WilliamA. T. employment.She suggestedthat I "TheU.S., with all those satellites a live body?(applause) When you wheneverand whereverdarkness himthat night. The operation was a agreement. the adoptionof white American prevails,you shall have the strength Byrd, who then submittedit to residewith those "antisocial" and up there,you can plantsome green geta chance,go to a healthfood store successand he lived. culture,the conformityto white to comeout shining." Thenext night we wentall around Vice-Chancellor of StudentAffairs "nonconformists"friends I allegedly On December5, 1979,Ms. Bader peas in your backyardand the and get a good book on bran. In American standards, and the townrounding up thebrothers so,we Dr. RichardArm#age, who had it had.In responseto my replythat confi’ontedme at breakfastin the satellitecan tell you if there’s some spiteof eatingbad, if youjust add SinceMr..Gregory hassaid it all, I convictionof the big,boldfaced couldgo backand getrevenge. All cancelled. eithertheir residences were occupied Warrencafeteria with information fungusgrowing on them,’from way bran to the mess you eat you’ll canonly close by suggestingthat you whitelie that white-on-Black racism togetherthere were about 45 of us or theywere in conditions similar to about a notice from Assistant up there.And yet and still, with all increaseyour life span by thirty years’ put your enlightenment to In earlyFall 1980, totally burnt- Resident Dean Dianne Zinky is longnonexistent, and therefore andwe wereequipped with clubs and mine,she inferred that this in itself thatsophistication and equipment years.Eighty percent ot thetmngs immediateuse! And ifyouevercome out fromcomplaining to Ms. Bader regarding Warren apartment BlackAmerica is deeplyindepted to sticks.We all swarmedtowards the shouldtell me somethingabout upthere, it neverdawned on you that you mightdie from,you won’tdie acrossthe opportunityto see and untilI wasblue and dizzy,when she whiteAmerica for its consideration. myselfand my so-calledfriends. vacancies,which l was supposedto thosesatellites notonly see where the from.Allbran, Shredded Wheat, or hearthis man in person, do notmiss frontgate like a blackcloud. When wasmerely reinforcing her attitude Underthis mountainof racist we got therethough, the police WhenI contradictedthat it tellsme havereceived that day. I thenand poppiesare planted’, see when they Grapenuts(with sugar in it) won’t it! and behavior, thus becoming pressure,I havebeen finding it wouldhot let us in.So, we splitup somethingabout the societywhich theremade it crystal clear that this grow, watch the poppies when reallyhelp you. Just go to thehealth increasinglyinsensitive, I took my increasinglydifficult to retainmy createdand perpetuates white-over- was not in compliancewith our they’reharvested and see when foodstore and get somebran. One and surroundedthe outsideof the complaintsup theladder to Warren sanity,not to mentiona sound KathrynP. Nevels fairand jumped over the fences to get Blacksocioeconomic injustice and agreementterms, and that this being they’reput on theboats. And when tablespoonin themorning, noon and DeanJulie Gordon, and to Warren academicstanding. Consequently. inequality.She assertedthat not finalexaminations week, only if time theyget here, we can’tstop drugs? nightis enoughto do it butI would in. When we got in we saw ProvostDr. Lea Rudee.They at withthe assumptionthat through merelywas this just the way it was permitted,would ! evenlook into it. (applause)They got satellites suggestyou eat at least a cupfulin the somethingvery unfriendly. There least listenedto me, and made thisfog of discriminationthere werepolice all over the place with andjustly so, but futhermore, that I On December6, 1979, Ms. Zinky sophisticatedthat whileyou’re morningand one moreat night.In comparitivelyjust judgements of my deliveredthe noticeto me at my shinesa ray of justice, I request that, theirriot gear on (helmets,billy was the one who was racist--for sittinghere, it can detect every reefer twoweeks it will start rolling all that complaints,but nevertheless as soon as possible, there clubs,and tear gas). In addition to rejectingit--and that, because I had door, whereuponI restatedmy you havein yourhouse. They are deaththat’s locked up in yourcolon. confirmedthe existence and the per- position. be conducted a thorough this,the carnivalguys who we had nowhereelse to reside,I must thatsensitive. They criss-cross every Pleasetake care. I hopesome of you durabilityof "unenforceable" investigation of the racist foughtwith the nightbefore had gratefullyaccept the residence hall On the morningof December9, inchof this country evervfort.v-nine allwill be aroundwith me." rules,and strongly emphasized that attitudeand behavior of theWarren Black situationas it was. She also 1979,having had no timeto look into minutes.And you Blackfolks think guns and guarddogs. We decided my onlyescape was to resideoff- ResidentStaff in general, and of the "Automobileindustry in America proposedthat I spurnall my old the apartmentvacancies, I went to whitefolks don’t know about you? Leadership that we had betterforget about campus.Ms. Gordoneven described WarrenResident Counselor, Glori~ neverwent into business to makeyou friendsand makenew oneshere. the WarrenResident Counselor’s You’dbe surprisedwhat they know. " gettingrevenge and just cut out. E. Bader,in particular. a car.They went into business to electionis notused as an opportunity severalemployment opportunities to WhenI repliedthat I hadoften tried office to check-out of the The nextday thefair left town, I neverdid receive a reply, and t~ "When the Russians moved Inanipulateyour sex thing.That to changethe nature of oppression. helpmake this possible. mybest to relateto white(or white- residencehalls for the winter whichI wasvery happy about. It is thebest of my knowledgethere never 400,000troops across the border into automobilethey built was and is an l believeit is imperativethat we To thebest of my knowledge,the identifying)Warren residents break (the deadlinewas I !:00 strangewhen l thinkabout it now. was an), such investigatiot, Afghanistan,Jimmy Carter duped, extensionof the malepenis. That’s dedicateourselves to a higher singlemost effectual example of Ms. (particularlythose who weremy a.m.).Ms. Bader, upon my entrance, We wentthrough all thathell for conducted. Warren Resident "Duh, duh, we were caught by why you always see dudes out moralitythan we presentlywitness, Bader’sattitude and behavior is the roommatesand suitemates) but with sternlyordered me to promptly sucha stupidreason. A coupleof Counselor Gloria E. Bader. surprise."Sohow is it thatwe didn’t washingtheir car. ’Hey man, what and that we come to believein November21, 1979meeting between rareexception received in return removeall my possessionsfrom the coincidently,resigned at theend of kidswanted to have a littlefun and residencehall premises, because she see Russiamove into Afghanistan you gonnado tonight.~ ’Yeahman, ourselvesas a peoplewith such herand myself. (This meeting was a racistmockery, she emphasized that Spring1980. Nevertheless, theanti- someguy had to twisteverything had promisedMr. Van I wouldhave and Russiadidn’t see us moveinto I’m gonnawash my car.’Whydo you strengththat we can lead the follow-upto the precedingday’s I simplymust try harder. In response Blackracist situation at Warren aroundto be somethngthat it was movedto the apartmentsby then, iranand we werejust fifty miles from thinkthat 99.9% of everycar stolen movementtoward a higherpublic meetingbetween her, myself,my to my showingher notesMr. Van continuesto prevail their border?They (Russiaand not in Americais stolenby a man?When moralityand a recognitionof new l)arr/E//i.s BrianJ. Coleman page 12 strongerand have a definitesense of BlackScience Student’s Organiza- present)1 wouldpersonally like to VOICE IT purpose.The formation of theBlack tionare all examplesthat Black say...THANKYOU!! Women Achievers,the BSU’s own peoplehere are on the move.To all In the pastthree years we have of youwho have contributed to this Recruitement and Retention StephenDiggs seen our communityhere grow Commiteeand strengtheningof the positive,Black attitude (hast or TH P OPLE’

AL ND R HealthProfessions Career Opportunity Program has tentatively scheduledPnscdla Gonzalez to speakon November,14, 1980, at the CenterFor The People.Ms. Gonzalez will talk on Healthrealated career opportumties. Bill C.obham---greatJazz drummer formerly with the Mahawshnu Orchestra, wall perform at Montezuma Hall S.D.S.U.on Friday,November 14, 1980,8:00p.m. The BlackScience Students’ Organization will hold its 5th GeneralMeeting on Nov.14, 1980at the Student Center.Complex in tne N. orth ConferenceRoom. Mary Bush, Coordlnatorotthe SpecmlAdmissions Services at U.C.S.D. MedicalSchool, will be thequest speaker. The Black Student’sUnion wil hold its next meetingon November 20, 1980, at 7:00p.m. in Apphed Physics and MathematicsBuilding Room 2113. BlackWomen Achievers meet on Thursdayat the CenterFor The People,Thwd College.F6r datesof meetings pleasecontact the organization. BLACK FORUM (see advertisementon this page)



When :oop.m.

Black.Women Achievers mee.t on Thursdayat 6:30p.m.,for datesplease contact the organlzatmn.

Dr. MaulanaRon Karenga,noted lecturer movement activist. and associateprofessor of BlackStudies at Cal StateLong Beach.will .bes eakingNovember 13,. 1980. Thursda . The- sub9ect of hisaddress wall be Kwanzaaand Etfinicity." T~e Need For A BlackValue System. The lecturewill be fieldat APM 2113.Beginning at 7:’00p.m.