2 1,900 7Uc; Dwight Anchor. 7l--c; 2 red, TS'JTSc. Corn steady: No. mixed, 41H3 Sl'i berland. Fruit of the 2 llye QUOTATIONS L-om- No. mixed. LIVE 1 . 7";c; Farweli. ic; Kitchville, DULL TRADE IN GRAINS 41c. Oats dull; Zlhc. STOCK Wisconsin Central ü'c; Fall 2. f5c. Lard firm at $;.42i. liulk Width, be; GT.t EJce. i'c; Gilded Ase. iV-- c; easy; No. KXl'R S. 7c; meats quiet $7.27l. Bacon steady at $s.:5. Hill. 7c; Hop. 7c; Linwwl, Lonsdale, 7'c; at on Adams .... I.. Peabody, 6c; Pride of the West, Whisky, distillers' finished goods firm basis 1CJ K' 'J-- llcj'Ttn American 4. $1.27. Sugar firm; hard fined. 4.5"jUoc. Strike, ti'ic; Pepperell. 2oc; IVppercil. lu-- 4. of rf SIU2ALL Mi -- AGGGÜHT TOO tnitpi statu .... 4. lc; I0-- 4. 11 SjHt No. 1 Androscoggin. Androscoggin, y.IVERIXXU Wheat Mi m Vells-Farg- o 141 c; DE- March IX I PPLV MII.L-l.- CRIPPLED AVIRK SERVICE - California firm at ti 2jd; No. 2 red Ww'frn CATTLE PAIR AM Sheetincs-Atlan- tic 1 ring dui; 4 MISCELLANEOUS ""iirown A, C',;c; Argyle, : lid; No. northern st ?; M M M i activity. winter dull at AT ASIUIT bTCAIlV PIUCF.S. Amalgamated Copjer 17.7i0 in C4c; Boott C. 'oi". Buck's Head, t';c; Oil ton ti:hhi:i spkci'lative at 6s ?4d. Corn Spot firm; American mixed CCC, fee; Constitution. 64c; Carlisle. 40-lr.- new at 4 American vld at 5s ll-- d. SIEGESVE American Cotton Oil 1.200 Mar, 7c; id; 19 American Cotton Oil pref .... 2i!V5 6c; Dwighfn Great Falls E. IK) 5 6l2c; Great Fails J. Hill Fine. 7c; Indian American Malting -- 10-- 4. Eggs nnd Cheese. American Malting pref 24 Head. 64c; Ptpperdl It, ?c; Pepperell. Ijc; Ilntter, rf-- 4. Anaroscoyln. 10-- 4. Am. Smelting and Refining 2,7) ;.T'i Androscoggin, lc: ilc. II In Corn mid Wheat In a. Small NEW YOItK. March 11. P.utter Itecelj.ts. O'l Iloxn Active nnd Slightly lllsher COURTEOUS ÜELGÖCIE Am. Allen dresw styles, 4c; Allen's ttaples, renk creamery. 17'i22c; June Smelting and Refining pref.., 8,4) Prints 5 package. Steady; fresh 5c Allen TU, l2c; Allen's roUs, ,?; American creamery. 15'j20c; 11'.: i.V. Che-s- e Re- Short Sonrcc and Steady Condi- American Sjirit3 Id &c; 3!nrket Provisions StnKiinnt vrlth factory. American Spirit pref .... la ln'diKO. 4c; Arn. Inx cloth. B. Arnold ceipts, 1.1SS packages. Firm; fancy larpe colored lancy. oc; l-- Hamilton 'c; American Met! Hocp 2. SCO i, L.1.C, 7c; Cocheco fancy, ic; n Generally Ensier Tone. and white. HJi'llUc; fancy small colored, tion of Maykctfe Klsevrhere. pinks and purples, i;c; Pacific fancy, Csrgs Merrimac ; fancy small iieceipts. merican steel Hoi tiref - white. 12i:i:4c. c- Simpson's mourning, Simpson's Berlin Wt-tner- American Steel and Wire 6,w 3:3t oil oc; 10.750 packages. Firm at the decline; American Steel and Wire i.ref 4.7c goiiUs i'.ic; Simpson's rinirti. American at mark. 1Z'j 14c; Southern at mark, ICalfc. 62 4c; blacc white, grays. 4- -c. American Tin riate .... 1. ()0 shirtinr. ll.-l'.- utter Kid-nnlsh- Cambrics Lawarus. 4c; Warren, PHILADELPHIA. March American Tin I'late 3.2i0 Id 22; 'ilc iref 4c; Genesee. 4c. tele-crap- h lower; fancy Western creamery, fancy prints. INDIANAPO- ... Slater, CHICAGO, March 11. Prostrated Zc ; y ICkjts UNION STOCKYARDS. ... American lobacco 3c; fancy near-b- 2'2c. lower; Amoskeag ACA. 114c; Cotiestoga, prints. American lobacco pref Tickincs for frtfh near-by- , 14c; fresh Western. 'cc; rre.--n LIS, March ll.-Ca- tt!o i:cipt5, head; OFFICE of CLIFFORD MOKDARRICK, from 10 Worth Pennsylvania Street to :.c:.o r.F, 134c; Cordiu 140. 114c; Cordis T, ll',2c; Cor- wires and a disposition to wait Anaconda Mlnlnjr Co .... 46; Southwestern. 14c; fresh Southern. 12c. catt!-- 1 Brooklyn . dis' ACE, HVjc: Hamilton awnings. 9c; Kimono shipments, none. The receipts of 129 Law Building. Rat. Id Transit the government crop figures resulted in IZZi . fancy, 17c; Unox fancy. ISc; Methuen AA. lvVic; liA LTIMORE, tarch 11. Cheese lirm at Colorado Fuel and Iron to-da- y. "Wheat 12'4c; were lrgvr than usual at this time in ths 1.6h) 4.".8 Oakland AF, 6c; Portsmouth, 114c; Susquehan- extremely dull markets medium, Hutter llrm; Continental Tobacco SW, 6c; U'irc. 1..VK) 102 na. 134c; Chetuckel Shetucket F, 640; Uc, oats imitation, lic; fancy creamery. rCc; fancy ladle. ivk. but the quality was no better than Continental Tobacco pref closed corn UÖ?c and UÖvc ptore-packe- 15fi'16c: fancy roll. 13gi5c; d. Federal Steel 6.P Swift River. 5c un- Kggs lCc. the averape mi Monday. The arrivals wer Federal Steel pref 4,100 Grain Bags Amoskeasr. $la.50; American, lower. Provisions at the close were firm at 14&15c. $I3.i.O; Stark, J1S. female butcher General Electric 2. Ci0 2l3',a J15.5"); Harmony, changed to 15c down. CHICAGO. March ll.-- On the Troduce Ex- rrincijully stockcrs and staples, LMc, Amoskeag to-da- y. Glucose Sugar SC) 4S Ginghams Amoskeag change, the butter market was dull; stock, ami all sold" at quotably teady 54c; Lancaster, 54c; Lancaster detriments to 15.''?21-ic- : tlucose SuKar pref 100 S4 dress. c: Bates. In addition to all the other creamerie. dairies.' lK.lJk. Chw a No Interference international Taper 3oJ 23 Normandles, 7c; Renfrew dress, 7c. business with which traders in wheat have rairiy active at l'j'i'llc. Egps dull; fresh. rricc. The conditions Indicate ttead Internatknal Tai or pref M 74 Flour. to were pros- U'c. narket fur choice cattle for the near fu- Papers deposited In our had contend recently added 11. iaciea ) KANSAS CITY, March Eggs weak; fresh ture, at least. Quotations: ssfa deposit vaults are National Riscuit s,4t-- 4'i; Straight grades, J104.2O; patent flour, J4.203I trated wires, which not only delayed news. Missouri and Kansas stock, lie per dozen. los National IWscuIt !) 34 2 0.4j.Cj. ott, in- Good" to prime .teer?, 1,20') lb? and free frcm all OUtSlde In- fret 4.45; spring wheat ratcnts, . but shut off outside orders. Trading was, case returned; new whitewood cases National Lead cluded. Vsc more. upward $3. S.IO Lead I loo J (3 terference. All busi- National pref sc2 Cirocerlei. therefore, more than ever a family affair CINCINNATI. March 11. Eggs quiet at 12c. Fair to medium steers, l,25o lbs .National Steel 3. ;') 44s2 upward 4.Wtf 5.00 ness confidential. Steel z;:m 101 coffee City prices: Arlosa, I2.2.,c; Lion, 12.25c; throughout a conspicuously inanimate Butter steady; creamery, lfi24lxc; dairy, 12014c. and National pief Cheese steady; Good to choice 1.1.VI to 1,3. Mb .National Tune lk0 ZA Jersey, 12.20c; Caracas. 11.7ic; Dutch Java blend, session. The fact that the government re hat. 114c J National Tube pref 4'0 lolU 16.50c; Dlllworth's. 12.2ic; Mail Pouch. 12.25c; ELX3IN. March 11. Twenty tubs of butter of- steers 4.40 5.00 "J 12.25c; Jav-Och- a, In -- New ork Air-brak- e .... ir.o Gates's blended Juva, 16.5oe; port, giving the quantity of wheat farm fered; bid of la cents, no sales; otttclal market Fuir to medium l.löo to 1.3 ib National Bank North American (nw stock) .... 74 Elite (cartoons). 16.5oc; Good Luck, lö.&oc; Good ers' hands, was due after trading hours. Hteady at 22 cents. steers i.irj 4. CO Pacific Coast . .... 5U4 luck (4 cases), $7.äo. ST. LOUIS. March 11. Putter dull; creamery, Medium to r;ood to l.kx-l- b 's Sugars lxminoes. 6.17c; cut loaf. 6.17c; pow- rendered speculators still more loath 10 , iJ 4.4) J3C0.CC0 Pacific Coast first pref 17(iisc; dairy-- 14&17c. Eggs. lie. steers 3. So? Capital, Surplus, $930,CG0 Pacific Coast second pref J dered, 5.77c; NXXX iowdered, 52c; standard take upon themselves any unnecessary ob- Good to cliolce feedlnsr 4.t.,:i 4. "VI I Pacific Mall Ii!0 247 granulated, 5.57c; fine granulated, 5.57c; extra ste'rs.... 5-- lb 5.72c; Fair to medium feeding steers. People's lias , 9.2') 103'2 line granulated. 5.67c; granulated, bags, ligations. May opened unchanged to Oils. FIRE-PROO- F 2-- Ib Corr.rcon to 3.25"t BUILDING. Preened Steel , 2,Lh 3ti' granulated, bags, 5.72c; cubes, r..l2c; ''mold sood stackers 4.0 Car lower at 75c to Toc. From this the mar- 3.7&U 4 Zi ,1,.. Pressed Steel Car pref . , 1,400 74 A, 6.j2c; confectioners' A, 5.42c; I Columbia A. OIL CITY, March 11. Credit balances, $1.2S; Good to choice heifers. 2(H) 5.27c; H 5.17c; 3 Kldgewood 5.17c; 3. (.J It VI I'ullman Palace Car 2'i6lj Windsor A, A. ket declined to Toss's Toc, but reacted to certlrtcates, no bid. Shipments. 134. .k; bils; aver- Fair to medium heifers .... 3.So5 4 5 6 Itepublic Iron and Steel . i.:oo Phoenix A, 5.12c; Krnplre A, 5.07c; Ideal age. 1,177 runs, brls; average. 7.2u6 Common light .... 2A?'t 3.2i i:i 7 7öH.'Ö5"ibC because of an error in the report brs; heifers Republic Iron and Steel pref.. . 4.400 7 Golden Kx. C. 5.o2c; Windsor Ex. C. 4.i2c; brls. (jooil to choice cows .... z.uni t.u 41 8 Ridgewood Kx. C. 4.S2c; 9 yellow C. 4.77c; to Standard Rope and Twine .... Fx. making Northwest receipts quite light. WILMINGTON, 11. turpen- Fair to cows .... O9o 139 10 yellow C, 4.72c: 11 yellow. 4.67c; 12 yellow, March Spirits of nudium 3.W Money Lend!!! MONEY frAOU and upward. Sugar . 32,900 This was later, making the quan- tine nothing doing. Crude ;iuiet at Common old cows .... l.TS'-i- 2.. to 13 14 15 corrected 120 4.62c; yellow, 4.62c; yellow, 4.57c; yellow, tunentine Loaned upon improved city property, grrantlnir Sugar pref $1.30 to $2.3o. Tar steady. Veal calves 7.0 Tennessee Coal .and Iron . CO.) .r4 4.57c; lt yellow, 4.57c. tity much more liberal, and as the cables, S.r permission to make partial payments. Interest Third-avenu- e 121 Salt In car lots, Jl.221.25; small lots, $1.25(9 MONTPELIEK, March 11. Indiana and South Heavy calves 3.5'Ht 9 graded according to location and of 1.30. which had been delayed, were easy in tone, SSc 3.&0'.r 4 2 character United Statej Leather . l,9i)0 12'i Lima crude petroleum, tri n North Lima. Prime to lancy export bulls money security. No delay. 3.25-.- r Persons desiring to borrow United States leather pref ... . 1,20) 75S Flour Straight grades, $44.25; patent. $4.25 there ensued sufficient selling to send the 3c. it Good to choice butcher bulls 3.50 C. F. 8AYLKS. 127 East Market Street. 100 4.50; spring wheat, first grade. $t.304.50; second 1.Zyi 3. to United States Kubber 14 diminutive to TSVic The close was CHARLESTON, March 11 Spirits of turpen- Common to fair bulls upon improved city property, good United States Rubber pref .... 5)0 t&Vn grade. 3.751; bakery, 3.50y3.C5. market tine nothing doing. Rosin l!rm and unchanged. Good to choice cows and calves.. 30. Wij5'J.U) Western Union . 1,000 Js7"i Spices Pepper, lilt lie; allspice, 155118c ; cloves, easy. May lower 738c. World's ship- UitlSc; capniu. 13alSc; nutmegs, 5t?65c per lb. ic at SAVANNAH. March 11. Spirits of turpentine Common to medium cows and upon approved collateral firm at 37c. Rosin firm unchanged. calves 15.yvj 35. 00 farms, or MANIPULATED FOR GAIN Total sales . 781,700 Beans Prime marrow, bu, $2.552.65; do rea ments were about as expected. The visible and Ex. - or navy, bu, J2. 15:02.20; do red kidney, bu. J2.75($ 1,432,000 bu. Seaboard clearances Hogs Receipts, in) head: shipments, 4.GX). find to ad- rlhts. 2.85; Lima beans, lb, 7ö7Vic; German Lima decreased security, will it their BONDS. 773,000 Drr Goods. The supply of hogs was small and with"" UNITED STATES beans, b'ahc. in wheat and flour were equal to packers und shippers buying ell were foon Rid. Asked. Molasses Syrups New molasses, YORK, 11. Some-- vantage to call at the office of and Orleans tu, while primary receipts approximated NEW March further reduc- sold at an average of 2Vic In prices to-da- advance IT. S. refunding twos, re 10.1 10.v fair to prime, 2S'u33c; choice, 35(gl0c; syrups, 20( tions in wide Fhectlngs have been made y, STOCKS ARTIFICIALLY STI3ICLATKD IT. S. refunding twos, coup 1057, 106 22c. 8;C,G00 bu, compared with 634,000 bu last but sales continue limited. The inattention to over Lift Saturday. There were no prime ... i hops IT. S. threes, re Ill Rice Louisiana, 4464c; Carolina, CxAZYaC year. Minneapolis reported 57 forward business is puzzling sellers greatly and heavy represented., and the zuil TO ASbl'Ili: IMtOFITS. U. S. threes, coup Ill Shot 1.40fi l.Z) per bag for drop. and Duluth has an effect upon prices other than those whlcn strength of the market for that class was INDIANA U. S. threes, small bonds 110'i 112 Lead Ui7c for pressed bars. cars, against CC7 last week and 902 a year are openly reduced as noted in last weeks dis- not established. It is probable, however, THE 1. per 2. V. S. new fours, rejt 1374 13S4 Wood Dishes No. 1.000. t2Tr2.50: Ho. ago. Local receipts were 84 cars, 3 of con- patch. The market is very irrejjular for brown that the bent sort wold have pold as high 17. S. new fours, coup 1377 13SV $2.50$i2.73; No. 3, $2. 503; No. 5. $3(3.25. cottons in all weights. Bleached Heady at as $5.70. Sales ranged from $5.0 to $5.67V. IT. S. old four?, reg 113 113 Twine Hemp. 12i2lsc per lb; wool. SWIOc; flax. tract grade. frevious prices. Coarse colored goods dull. only very light mixed grades selling below U. S. old four3, coup 114 114 20Tf30c; paper. 25c; Jute. cotton. lSQ25c. which militated and Ringhams unchanged. Print cloths ,.u.. CO. .Market Warn Spotty, 'with the Clone U. S. fives, rejf 1114 1124 oodenware No. 1 tubs. $6.50(57; No. 2 tubs. The same conditions inactive. Silk eteady. Hosiery and underwear Quotations: TRUST U. S. fives, coup lllVa 112!4 5.50ti6; No. 3 tubs. t4.50CfT5; palls. 11.60; were potent quiet and barely steady. Good to Generally Ilimj-W- eek Opens against activity in wheat in choice medium and pails, $1.4orai.50; double washboards, $2.23 the corn market. The tendency was weaker. heavy tf.kVfni.C7V. Virginia Ave. Well In Local Trading. Moiidny'n Unnk i2.7j; common washboards, Sl.Wifl.75; clothes Poultry. Mixed an.l havy packing 5.tW(5.cS Cor. Washington Sf. and CIcnrlnK. pins, 60Q65c per box. Receipts showed an improvement In the Good to choice lightweights 5.fi5.67V fcxehanpes. Balances was' favorable NEW YORK, March 11. roultry Alive, un- Common to lightweights.... 5.5.V'i5.G0 $&.5:,7.9V) Iron nnd Steel. grading, and the weather lair New York $nS.44V52 settled; fowls, 11c; chickens, 10c; turkeys, 11c. Common to good pigs S.U-S.ft- ) Roaton lo.SS2.763 1,548.369 Iron. 2.50c: horseshoe bar, 2.755?2c; to curing, although inimical to good roads. Ureseu nrm; turkeys, 10vc; fowls, lw'sc, t.".3 Bar nail rod. tVJ Houghs 5.00ii5.50 Loans made promptly upon the Chicago 23,130,077 1.734. 7c; plow slabs, 4.50c; American cast steel. 'J 3lie: and 40Va408c, ST. LOUIS, March 11. Poultry t New York yesterday money on call St. Loui 7.201.741 1.030,33 May sold between 4141Vic firm: chickens. Sheet Receipts, light; shipments, nons. tire steel, Sü34c; spring steel, 44ö5c. rlrwp.l ReceiDtS 'WK. turkeys, iwac; geese, .c terms 2Gj2i per Cincinnati 3.84fi.is3 nrwl i:T.iL lower nt There were not enough sheep or lambs on most favorable was steady at cent. Indianapolis "si;! 377 402 car's. 30 grade. . CHICAGO. March 11. Dressed poultry quiet; Leather. 1 were of contract sale to establish prices, but. in harmony Prime mercantile paper, SMrfHU cent Haltlmore 2.66.!4tf 428. 22S in l""v-- ' 4VV" "-- a. .fHw PT , nat tht and ruled with other places, there is no doubt that as to time, rate Philadelphia 10,817,422 2,010,132 Oak sole. 32i?35c; hemlock scle-- 2S332c: har corn. There wa CINCINNATI. March 11. Poultry firm: chick Sterling exchange was easy, with actual ness, S223SC; skirtlm;. 2741c; single strap. 42Q easier in sympathy with ens, SWalOc; steady prices would have prevailed. Th futures, and turkeys, 7ö9Vic up- - 46c; city kip, 60TS5C: French kip. 9Oc0$l-2'J- : only a small local trade in demand for choice stock has not been and payments. business in bankers' bllis at tl.tfWJi.blK LOCAL GRAIN AM) PRODUCE. were dull. Receipts ror some sixty days; city calfskin, 90cj$1.10; French caliskln, ?L20 the cash markets also piiea time past. Quotations: for demand and ?i.Si for 1.S5. were 257 cars. Cotton. Good to choice lambs Jj.Oofj5.4j posted rates, $1.&5.34.S3V6 and ll.SsVi. com The "Week Opcim with n Fnlr Trade Nnlls nnd Ilomeshoen. Provisions were dull and ruled easier NEW ORLEANS. March 11. Cotton easv. Common to medium lambs 3.5X(f4.W ------of outside support -- Capital, 51,000,000 mereial bills, J4.S3V!' I.SS74. under liouidation. lack I Sales, 7.950 bales. Ordinary. 6 lCc; good ordi- - Good to choice sheep 3.5oy4.iO Firm, Stendy Steel cut rails, $2.63; wire nails, from store, on nog receipts. j.uay porn, 7V4C. .Jow sil- and Prices. and large narV( middling, 7"ic; middling, bc; Common to medium sheep 2.3y3.üü Silver certificates were bar $2.63 rates; from mill. $2.65 rates. Horseshoe, 15-I6- c; Liability of Stockholders, $1,000,000 GlGc; which received the most attention, closed good middling, 8 middling fair, 9 Lucks, per lou lbs Z.wXtS.'J row 1 ver, CoTic; Mexican dollars, 4bc. I5ar sil On the wholesale streets and Commission per keg. $4; mule shoes, per keg, $1.60; horsa 15c lower; May lard zVic uown, ana iay Keceipts, 12,24 bales; stock., 3oo.oj bales, Surplu. $SO,OOu there was a fair trade for Monday. On Com- nails, $405 per box. Barb wire, galvanized, ver at London closed at S'0d an ounce. $3.25; painted. $3.10. ribs uncnanged. NEW YORK, March 11. Cotton closed dull. mission row Monday is usually a dull day, but Estimated receipts w: Wheal, gc lower; middling uplands, ac; middling gulf. Transactions nt the Inirtntt Yttrds. Yesterday's New York stock market was the milder temperature contributed to a better SO ears: corn. 425 cars: oats. cars; nogs, c. oaies, i,v oa.ies. INTERSTATE STOCKYARDS. 1NDI ANAI0-- oil. 2b.(W CHAS. FINLEY SMITH & CO. a dull one in spite of the lare trans movement of fruits and vegetables than usual. head. L1S, March 11. Receipt light; Linseed, raw, Clc per gal; linseed oil, boiled, Leading futures ranged as follows: Cattle ship actions and wide price movements in It is not the time of year when fruits, vegeta- 65c per gal; coal oil, legal test, 84&144C; bank, Wool. ments none. The market for medium and com- 6oc; Open-in- g. High- low- Clos- some green to any 47'35oc; best straits. 60c: Labrador. West Articles 11. mon I individual stocks. The inertia of bles and stuff fluctuate in irice 20!3oc; 40c; lard Wheat-M- ar est. est. ing. ST. LOUIS. March Wool dull and un grade butcher stock steady, with a shad Virginia lubricating. miners'. changed; grades, 12yiS"e; heavy 10 the general market, in spite of these great extent. The wholesale grocery houses are strained, in brla, yer gal; ... 74 74 733, medium fine, stronger prices on the better grades of shipping" oils, winter tcWc tub-washe- d, 74S-74- H Üil'c; light fine, U'gUc; having an excellent trade, with an advancing half bris, 3c per gal extra. Apr ... 74H 74 l427ic. stock. The demand from local butchers BANKERS points of activity, gave the whole a very 75I,-75- !i 75 and May 76? tendency to roasted coffees. The "dry goods .. 4 Is very good, light spotty appearance. Professional opera houses, in filling orders and bllU brought in Provisions. Corn-- Mar Eastern dealers and the re Saturday by traveling salesmen, had a fairly ... 39 SIctals. ceipts were soon disposed of at a shad 110ns IS 20 average. 40-4- -- 105 were obviously responsible in a Ilami Sugar cured. to lbs May .. 1 41 41! 404-4- 0 .40 11. rionurnent Place, busy day, but trade with them is not as satis- HVic; 13 average, 12 lbs average, ST. LOUIS. March Metals active. Leal stronger prices. Veal calves are stronger, th large degree for such dealings as occurred March year, expected lbs Oats-M- ar firm 4. 4.25c; spelter strong 3.S0c - factory as in of last but is 10fUc: at 2240 at bid. beet grades selling $C.75. All were and for the manipulation which exag to improve from this time on. The hide market livanc. ... 23; 23 23 H 23V23 3.85c aked. at sld. The INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Lard Kettle rendered, pure lard, 9c. 24-2- 4 gerated the price movement. . Where pro- 8ic; May .. 24; 247 241a closing was quiet. Quotations: Is In a weak condition, but leather is active, Pork Bean, clear. $1S; rump, $14.50. fessional manipulation was not at work with prices steady. No change Is noted In butter. Co Tork O.mhI to choice uteert. 1.3.V) to 1.4.V 5.50 11 Bacon Clear sides, f0 to lbs average, 9o; $14.55 SALES OF HEAL ESTATE. lbs.$5.V3 the day's movement will be seen to have but eggs dropped to cents. The demand is 40 20 30 Mar ' to medium steers. 1.1j0 to 1.4 O lbs 4.75'ir commercial paper of mer- good, enough ttupnly 30 to lbs average, 94c: to lbs average. May $11.80 $14.85 $14.70 14.75 Fair We buy been very sluggish, and not a few smal out receipts are plentiful to 25 20 lbs average. 18 Good to prime butcher steers. l,lJ0 to shipments. Cheese 9c; clear bellies. to 9c; Lard-M- ar losses are even among all calls and make heavy is 22 average. 14 to 1 average. l.'.j.) Iba 4.25T 5.7J negoti- recorded stocks to lbs 4c; lbs 10c: , Thirty Made Itee-- chants and manufacturers, and tirm. Poultry also is firm, as there are enough 7.524 Transfers Matter of to good W) to S.75'u 4.25 which are usually prominent in mar- clear backs. 20 to 25 lbs average, 94c; 12 to IS lbs 7.55 7.55 7.55 Fnir heifers, l.lW lbs.... In- the buyers to take care of all receipts, which are May 7.574 Light Miockers 4 W loans for them at a low rate of com- average, C to 9 lbs average, c. In dry-sa- lt 7.C0 ord Yesterday. lww ate ket. The interruption of telegraphic not heavy. Stocks throughout the country are 9c; 9i July 7.60 7.62 4 7.W Hood choice 4.2J less. 7.70 to heifers 4.(''.i see us. munications on account of the storm cur- reported to be too much reduced to allow heavy 4c Sep 7.674 7.C74 Common to 2.75'tf 3.: J terest. Write or call and Shoulders 16 lbs average, 84c; 10 to 12 Ids av Mar Instruments filed for record in the recorder's fair heirers tailed activity to some extent. Of the rteeipt. Provisions are moving freely on good Ribs-- t.ood to cows 3.754T 4.00 Druggitts having erage, s?4c 7 20 office of Marlon county, Indiana, for the twenty- - trime oay's special movements that in Burling domestic demand. are still a "Üi'O Ü25 Ü20 i!25 to god cows 1.75y 2 00 good trade, and the last six months have been seeds. May four hours ending at 5 p. m. March IL 1901, as Good to choice light veals. 5.2".'( COO ton attracted the most attention. St. Pau 7.30 7.35 7.30 ex-righ- among they ever Sep 7.324 sold ts in the morning, the rights the best trade months have Clover, choice, prime, $7(3'7.r.0: English, choice, furnished by the Indiana Title Guaranty and Good to heavy veal The Union Trust Company being enjoyed. alslke. choice. $703; alfalfa, choice, Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady. Good to choice fat bulls 2 5'Ky 1 A quoted at reducing the price local grain market, on light receipts, con- $77.50; 2 Loan Company, No. 129 East Market street. Both 2 to 10 or under. iii,This gave the support The 16i7: crimson or scarlet clover. $506: tlmothv. No. 3 soring wheat. 6f&73c; No. red, 74H&76C. Common to fair fat bulls 5a 2.00 are readily 39c. 2 tinues dull. All cereals taken at 45 lbs. prime. $2.30ff2.40: strictly prime. $2.20a No. 2 corn. 2!c: No. 2 yellow. No. white telephones 3005: Good to choice cows and calves S5.iiu.Vj.t ers of liurlington an opportunity to lift (juuted on the track, as reported t y 3 2 rye. cows .2 J. oo 30. 00 prices the 2.23; choice. iz.lo'az.zurÄncy Kentucky. 24 lbs. oats. 27t,S2Sc: No. white. 264fct28c. No. Charlotte F. Baker to Johann Schoff et Common to' medium and calves. that stock over St. Paul to 15H. a rise secretary of the Board of 52c. Good feeding barley, 3Hi47c; fair to choice Hogs 400; OFFICES Nos. 115 and 122 (Company 2 2 l.z'j: extra ciraii, ovijc, uitnaiu kiuss, extra. al. Lots 41. 44. 45. 4i. 47, 48 and 4S, RecHpts, shipments, 3'. Ths over Saturday of There was no news Wheat No. red, 7"ic; No. red, on milling Sl.501rl.75: top. choice, 80c$1.75: English malting. 4U56c. No. 1 Northwestern flaxseed. 2. No. 3 wagon red Hardebeck's sub of Vajen's Clh sub. quality was common, with light mixed grades regarding the stock beyond the old rumors freight, 73ac; red, 7374c; wheat, bluegrass. 24 lbs. $22.50; German millet. 7 he' $1.66. Clover seed, contract grade. $10.75. Prime (Kuskell Building) East Market Street. 75c. J 14.40. pork, per $14.60 et. bet Bright wood ave and up per of refunding. The coal carrying roads were $1.25; Western uerman miuet, 90cjjji; common timothy seed. Mess brl, Mineral st) $300.00 making the larger cent, of receipts. Ths Corn No. 1 white, 41c; No. 2 white, 41c; No. 3 100 Short-ri- b strong with a few exceptions, where an millet, S0Ö9OC. 14.65. Lard, per lbs. $7.50(97.524. Henriette E. Perry, guardian, to full strength of the market was not shown in white, 41c; No. 4 white. 37s'339ac; No. 2 white JJry-saite- d F. (loose), $7.l.ssr.3o. tnouiaera 21 already 3 sides Grant, of the n of Lot 36. prices paid, as there were no choice hog advance has been made. Both mixed, 3'ic; No. white mixed, 39Vic; No. 4 (boxed). $6. 37 Vs. Short clear sides (boxed). 4 Atkins illy 39-k- 46.62 & on the market. This every of fiduciary the anthracite and the bituminous coa white mixed, 34390; No. z yollow, No. 3 J7.55fiI7.75. Whisky. high si.Za. Perkins's University Place fld. market oiened active at a Transacts character G0VEE1OIENT CROP REPORT. baEis of wines. (Corner Pennsylvania 34th sts) 1.240.00 shade lower than Saturday quotations. In har- can be carried on by an In- groups shared in the movement. Specu yellow, 39c; No. 4 yellow, 30ii37hc; No. 2 Receipts Flour. 25.000 brls; wheat, 115, 000 mi; and business that I 3 Perry to A.' Grant, n mony with reports from out Hide markets. Tha a financial corpora- lators profess confidence that the labor mixed. 3'c; No. mixed. 39'4c; No. 4 mixed, corn. 308.000 bu: oats. 249.000 bu; rye, 7.000 bu; Henrietta 4 of Lot dividual or trust and 3ögj27c; ear corn. 38c; wagon corn, 40442c. 36, Atkins & 1'erklns's University supply was soon disposed of. as orders wer tion. Acts as executor, administrator, questions will be satisfactorily adjusted. barley, 25,000 bu. Shipments Flour, 22.000 brls; (Corner plentiful and the receipts unsufliclent to supply Oats No. 2 white, 284c; No. 2 white, 27c; S3.0K 13S.0OO bu; oats, 208,000 bu; Place add. Pennsylvania and guardian, receiver, assignee, etc.. The gain reached 34 in Lackawanna and 3 Stocks of Grain In Farmers Hands wheat. bu; coin, S4th sts) 3,000.00 the demand. Sale ranged from $5.00 for com- trustee, No. 2 mixed. 2Gc; No. mixed, 2jc. rye, 16,000 bu; barley, 4.000 bu. In any part of the State. 3 In Delaware & Hudson. There was a Hay No. 1 timothy, 12.5u&13; No. 2 timothy. August L. Bruhn et al. to Patrick Ryan mon light to $5.674 for the best medium and agent railway and movements against Gould Smaller Than for Three Years. 9 et ux, part or 130, Mccarty's of heavy. All sold early, closing steady. Quota- Act3 as financial for the Southwes- IUÜ12. lxt sub tions: other corporations, cities and counties in tern led by Missouri Paciiic with an ad- Inspections Wheat: No. 2 red. 1 car; No. 1 AT XKW YORK. the w part of Outlot 120. (Church st, the negotiation of securities or loan. At- vance of 3 points. The Wabash securities red, 1, total, 2 cars. Corn: No. 2 white. 11 cars; bet Wilkina and Ray sts) 1,350.00 Good to choice heavy $".62Hfr:.C7'4 torneys bringing trurts to this company were also in large demand. The only No. 3 white. 6; No. 2 yellow, 4; No. 3 yellow, 1: WASHINGTON, March 11. The March Anton MelerA guardian, to Patrick Ryan Good to choice, mixed 5.60 (jS.CS No. 2 mixed. 2; total. 24 cars. Oats: No. 2 Cerenln Clone Easy, but Provision et ux, part oi 130, Mccarty's sub of Fair to good lights 5.55 t'i.W will be employed as the attorney for tho explanation which traders found for the report of of Depart- w 120. v white, 1 car; No. 2 mixed, 1; total, 2 cars. Hay: the statistician the the part ofltOutlot (Church st, Common to good pigs 5.25 ti5.55 company In movement against the Gould Southwest-tere- st connection therewith. No. 1 timothy, 1 car. ment of Agriculture shows the amount of Cnrry n Firmer Tone. bet Wilklns and Ray st) 327.50 Roughs 4.5ij ti5.30 Loans money upon first-clas- s collateral, payment on the debenture B bonds. Prudence M. Davis to Joseph M. Davis.' Sheep Receipts light; shipments none. a, remaining YORK, March 11. Flour Receipts. 21,027 (Twenty-nft- Thers tut does not discount commercial paper Or There was an early decline of over point Poultry and Other Produce. wheat in farmers hands on NEW LAl o, Aioesch add. h was little doing In this deartment. but prices in Sugar on account of the cut in 1 128,100,000 brls; exports, 16.213 brls; quiet and steady until st, e of Ethel ave) L4J0.00 Ktrong co a gcnerul banking business. the (Prices paid by shippers.) March to have been about bu, continue steady to on all grade. All cid, price of refined suar. The stock rallied the close, when It reflected wheat's decline. Albert E. Buchanan to Mamie E. Otwell, clorlng strong. Quotations: 8c or 24.5 per cent, of last year's crop, as o, s or 15, s wen un- Turkey hens, per lb; young toms, ixt iee sud Lot Henderson $5.nor-c.4.- to over Saturday, but closed 6lc; Corn-me- al yellow 91c; city, 90c; Good to choice lamb i young chickens, 7Vc; hens, 7"c; cocks, 4c; compared 158,700,000 bu, 29 per cent, steady; Western. add. (Capitol ave, bet 18th and lath stf) 1.00 changed. Great Northern preferred was ducks. with or Mamie E. Common to fair lambs J2.Vfj4.50 OFFICERS: 6 7c; geese, run leatr.erea, ij.4uu6 per dox. crop of 1893 on 1, Brandywlne, $2.452.50. Rye steady; State, 5C? Otwell to Albert E. Buchanan, marked up points in connection sith the of the hand on March 8, s 15, Goo'l to choice sheep Z.l'ul.liQ Cheese-N-ew York full cream 13c; domestic 1900 i;,8.00.000 2D.3 57c c, i. New York, car Barley Lot Lee sun of Lot Henderson's HENRY EITEL, Fresldent. presence in this city of the president and nd bu. or per cent, of f. lots. quiet; (Capitol ave. 1.00 Storkers- and feeders 2.oof3.u - p7rerib13Cpoor add. bet leth and lfclh st) Bucks, per lOJ lbs JOHN IL HOLLIDA Y, Vice President. rumors that a melon is to be cut. Amal- ST fftÄfS 3- rölV "If No the'erop of ittg on hand on March 1. law. feeding. 46'54Sc. c. i. f. New York. Mary A. McDonald to George Holllns, 2.5oul.W " The corn in farmers' Is 461. 10th HOWARD M. FOLTZ, Treasurer. gamated Copper was strong. There were eeic; hands estimated Wheat Receipts, M.GOO bu; exports, 152,255 bu. Lot McCarty's West Side add. M Secretary. 2 S1 Eggs 11c per 776,200.000 bu, or S6.9 per cent, of (Warren st. bet McCarty and Us) 700.00 CHARLES S. BR1DE. gains of from to in Chicago & Alton, dozen. at last Spot easy; No. 2 red. 804c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 Oliver LUsevrlirre. Ann Arbor preferred. Fort Worth & Rio Feathers--Prim- e geese, 50c per lb; prime duck, years crop, against i3..u0,000 bu, or 37.2 Dayton Brown to Charles F. Braun, Lot Ice fOc per lb. per cent, of the crop of lhlrJ on hand on red, 7Sc elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 874c 2, John H. Brandt a fud of Ixts 42, 43 CHICAGO. March 11. Cattle Receipts, 22,on, Grande and American preferred. The 44, E. S. K. Including 1,21-- steers, ab-sorbti- Bee3wax 30c yellow, 25c Suo.500,000 1 and T.. and A. E. Fletch- Texans; choice steady, DIRECTORS. dismissal of the injunction against the on for for dark. March 1, 1900. and bu, or 41.6 per f. o. b. afloat; No. hard Duluth. 914c f. o. b. Wool Medium, unwashed. 1320c: tub-washe- d, crop ISM er's Woodlawn suburb. (Woodlawn ave. oth'rs slow, butchers slow: txk steady t of the Guggenheim interests by Jt8ö3tc; cent, of the of on hand on March afloat. Options opened steady and continued so fcneioy and Ullve sts)... 1.500.00 Texan steady. G.m! to prim- - Holliday. burry and unmerchantable, 305c let ; Kffm, A. A. II. less; $3.-nf4.- Barnes. John Smelting Company a 1, 1S9?. I po-.- r medium; C. H. Ilrownell, George Kothe, the American caused fine merino, 15J17c; coarse braid, 17c all day, notwithstanding a vry slack specula- - to Ellen II. Cook $;'j5: to Storkers and in 3U com- Of oats there are reported to be about .v i. J. feec 4). crown Ceme- - feeders, best stronger, others slow at $2.755 4. 5; B. Henry C. Long, rise those stocks of for the HIDES. TALLOW, ETC. tu tr9,io hAüvv vuihi c,mntv ÄM i Hill A. Culbertson, mon and 2 for the preferred. The realiz- 292,SpO,000 bu, or SJ.2 per cent, of last year's 144.00 cows, .t2.5vfi4.25; heifers. $2.534.40; cannert, Thomas C. Day, Volney T. Malott. Creensalted Hides No. 1. 8c; No. 2, 7c; No. 1 crop, in s hands, as com steady English cables and fears of a bullish gov East End Investment Co. to Charles II. ?1.75i2.4'); bulls. $2.7:"fi4.20: calve. $4.5ora.25; ing movement in the last hour cut down Si still farmer Henry Eitel. Edward L. McKee, calf. 4c; No. 2 calf, 8c. 2W.000.000 36.5 report on reserves Kerl In, Lot 5, John J. Cooper's Texas fel steers, $l'j4.: Texas grass all these advances to some extent and pared with bu, or per cent, of ernment farm all served to East $2.5e'?j3.5i. steer. I. C. Elston. Sam E. Raüh.. Grease White, 4c; yellow, 3'4c; brown, 1, VM). check aggressive selling until near tho Wafchington-s- t add. (Washington tt, $3.r.''ji; Texat bulls, the crop of laM on hand on March close. to-da- y w. 2S.-- In the active stocks reactions ran from Tallow No. 1. 4c; No. 2, 2c yifiut-- i bet and Walcott st) 3,500.00 Hog Receiids. 35,V; f: L 1 2 3c. - 2S3.0Oa.000 bu. or as.7 per cent, wnen prices wim rum ana ci'isea State to points, with the close easy. There and of the lower ana easy; "uaren. i'Jn'i yc. closed at Hiram W. Miller et al to city of In left over. 4,Xil. Market orenel uteady. rloe crop l&W on on 1, 1S3D. c, $5.3514 was no disturbance in the money market, of hand March 7'jc; May. 7;Ml-lvso- closed 794c; July. dianapolis, Lot 152, Marlon Park. strong. Mixed and butchers. 5.55; good t THE JOUULG TRADE. at $5.5iii3.70; $"..27 but the weak showing made by the banks ciosea ax 'J' tC. (Northwest cor Dexter and 19th stM.. S00.00 eh,he heavy. rough heivy, '$ 177.4.") R. Edson to city of 5.4.".; Ii?htp. S5 3Vn 5.): bulk of $i.5T tt 5. A. M. FLETCHER in Saturday's statements and some large (The Quotations given below are the selling i'':Corn Receipts, bu; exports, 112.812 bu. Helen Indianapolis, fcheep sale. 2. prices of wholesale dealers.) VITAL STATISTICS MARCH 11. Spot easy; No. M. 43' ic; elevator, 47c f. o. ijots i ana z, uiock i caven & itock-wood- 's She Iteceij tt. 15,0. etrong to a had dividend requirements to be met this week the t. hlgh.r; lambs active and higher. t an apprehension will be afloat. Options opened steady with wheat, after- East Woodlawn add. (Coraer lr. Good cause that there Vegetables. developing Improved English ave and Harlan st) 700.00 choice wethers. $4.4"'J4.W; fair to chedee mlxeJ, Produce, FrtiiU and ward weakness under West- $4.4-"- i some calling of leans before the end of Illrths. ern grading, easier cables and professional sell- Henry A. Rease to city of Indianapolis. $:'. 4. W; Western sheep. 4.:t; Texas sheets the week. Bananas Per bunch. No. 1, $1.7502; No. 2. $1.25 ing, in face of big clearances, closed weak isoi lao, Ingram ietcner s sub of S2.'3.7.: native lambs $4.55.15; Westera BANKER Manning, 2112 at 1 $5'a5.35. There was a very large absorption of Emma and John South Vo4c net decline; May, 4tj it.jc, closed at 46c; Blocks and 2, Ingrim Fletcher's Oak lambs, bonds. ' especially of the low grade and Oranges California navels, $2.5033; seedling. Meridian street, girl. July closed at 454c. Hill add. (Arrow ave, bet Hillside ave F:AST RCFFALO. March 11. Cattle Good to semi-speculati- 1IM.6O0 ve' Isnue. Total sales, at par $22.25. MaRgie and John Riegel, 1610 Chestnut Oats Receipts, bu. Spot quiet; No. 2, and Nevada t) 700.00 best Kmooth fat export cattTe of deirable qual- Lemons Messina, fancy, 360 to box, $3.25; Cali- ; 3, no. z 33Vic; Henry Frommeyer, jr. et to $5..Vy 5. CO; govd 4.R".73; 128 value, were f.,S0'j.Ci0. United States re- street, boy. 30V? No. 3"ic; white, No. 3 al Marv ity, to belt, f shR plnf Broadway fornia lemons, $3.25. white, 224c; track mixed Western, Counsllman, n 4. Lot 3, Square 32. steers, expert choice '3 new Elma and Edwin, L. Atkinson, 1129 3C3l4c: UM'il.l; lull, to extra, funding advanced and the fours Potatoes $1.50 per brl; 4SS50c per bu. 32ö36c. Senate ave, bet Ohio New $4 4 ' avenue, boy. track white. Options inactive and about and York $44.25; Rood to choice t.uteher Bteera. 2.'a So; fe per cent, on call. $2.7o; Churchman BtS) K(mm1 declined the last Sweet Potatuea Jer.-- sweets, Illinois, Joseph Lewis, 773 Keany. 1.00 to best fat null. iZ.'uZ.!); yearling titeeni, Following are the day's sales and $2.5o; Kentucky, $2. Minnie and West North Cut-mea- ts steady: pickled $3.25f79.75. Silas 11. Johnson to John C. good choice, $3.2511 J.5o; good NEVU share boy. hams. Schmitt. to to fat ccw, YORK. the closing bid prices: Cabbage Holland seed, $1.50 per 100 lbs. street, Lard steady: Western steamed. $7.85. Refined part of 8 e 4. Of Sec 12, Tp 16, It 3. $3.2V.;3..V; fat hdfers. choice to extra,tt $4fi4.25; Closing Celery California. 7oo per doz; $1.50 per case. Jessie and Oril Haley, Eist Washington Inn; continental. $G.i.j; S. A.. $S.60. Tallow easy; (Washington township) COO. 00 ÜKht butcher. M.75t4; Canada r took er. 4t4.l5; Stocks. Sales. Did. leiU.w Onions $1.40 per bu; red onions, $1.40 street, girl. city, 4;V4c; country, 4"'!r54c. Ambrose 1. Stanton, executor, to Grace g.Kd to choice Canada stockers. 13. 253. 75. Transacts a general banking business. Atchlwn 13.100 5T4 rei du; led and yellow. 13.5) per brl. Ida and William Longworth, 1415 Henry Coffee Spot Rio easy; No. 7 invoice, "He Mild Julian Clarke, Lots 30 and 61. original Sheep and lambs Rasls on extra Umb. Atchison pref 17.9X) VI, Onion sets Yellow, $1.j per bu; white. $2.25 street, girl. quiet; Cordova Sftl24e. town of Irvington. (Corner Maple and the bulk of sales being at that flj-ur- e. offrnjra. Receives deposits mbject to draft. Divi- per sugar 70 Haltlmore Ac Ohio 2.70O du. Cleo and 13. V. Kennedy, 615 North Illi- Kaw and refined unsettled. 'Central ivcsl 6. 500. 00 lo:. market rteady. LtmU, rholc to ex- dends collected and remitted. Acts as fis- Ualtlmoro Ohio pref 200 S24 Honey New white, lc per lb; dark, 15c nois street, boy. Frederick Julian to Grace Julian Clarke, tra, $5. .'15. 65; good to Choice, $.'..255. So; fair to Cocoanut 50c doz: bag. J3.5o. Lots wj and t.1, original town of Irving-to- n. good. $:'...25: choice to; Canadian Paelne 904 rer Eflie Enos Dodds, 1271 Xordyke ave- Visible Supplies, fa!r. sheep, cal agent for corporations nnd negotiates Canada Southern 300 .7 Parsnips 75c per bu; $2.i5 per brl for best; and of Grain. nCorner Maple aiid Central avcsi. 1.000.00 choice to extra. $4.75?3: srool to choice. Sl.UsJ 3.1, 40O unwasnw, l.oU. nue, boy. to Grace Clarke, 4. TS; common to $2.70i4..v. C'hrsapeake & Ohio .... NEW YORK, March 11. The visible supply of Paul Julian Julian I.ts fair. eecurity issues of railroads and other com- Chloaso Cireat Weftrrn 11.300 22 Radishes 25jiJCc per doz bunches. Mrs. and Walter Giles, 1051 Oliver ave- 60 and tl, original town ef Irvlngton. Hogs Active. Heavie. $l.J5vt; Torkers. $3 fJ ; grain on Saturlay, 9. as Maple Chlcap). HurMngton ä JulnCjr... 45,200 150---- Khubarb 25&35c per doz. nue, girl. March compiled by the (Corner and Central aveei 1. G00. 00 (nt; plg, $53äj6; roughs. $3.2)33.4; stags, $1.50 per . S. to B. $4 panies. Chi.. Ind. & Iulsvlll 40 33 Kale brl. NVw York Produce Exchange, la a follows-Wheat- David Iorah Lulu Ballry, ''4.5o. - - 1, College - Chi., lnd. A.- IxmlsviUe pref 200 7l'i Lettuce 12Vc lb. 5.".8.;3.0c) bu, a decrease- of 1,341,000 corn' Falrhurst'a cor add to Irv-lt NEW TORK. March 11. Deeve Receipt. u DentliM. 1 lngton. (Bancroft ave. near Chk-aR- it Kastern Illinois 2.2iO 1104 Southern green onions, S5c to 40c (Shallots) 21.014.00J bu. an increase of 1.250.000: oats, io vh Julian ave) l.OW.O) 4.511. Market steay to a shale stronger. Money Lon nod per aoz 253.000; Jasper E. Cherry to George W. Chicago & Northwestern 100 173 bunches. seventy-fiv- e oio bu. an increase of rye, 1.115. o0 bu Stout. tl'5.4o: ox. n and ftags. $2.2';4.7;; approved collateral. Deals in invest- Carrots Hoc per Matilda F. Moore, years. a 9., iarKe n ana to West St.r. bell, cn Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific. 125 bu. decay. decrease of4S.w0 bu; barley, l,355,ii bu, a de Lai i iyi; cow f. $23.7;,. Oat'le teady ; live cattls C- At 4!?0O Old Beets tjy75c per bu. city, senile Ol J1Ü.WU. (Warren st. bet Oliver ave 10-- .f 11c : 9 t 764 crease at Llverpxd. at London. ll312r; sheep, ment tecurities. Hursey, seventy years, SOS Henry st) 1 200 M Colorado Southern .. 7.2UO 10 Turnips $l per brl; 35c per bu for washed. Hannah East and lambs. 14!,c. Shipments, Co) cattl Colorado Southern tir?t pref 600 45 Cranberries Jersey. $2.75 per bu. Fifteenth street, anaemia. THADK IN catnanne iingenoerg 10 jonn if. Neu. and 2.5M quarter of bef. sixty-thre- e, GEXCUAL. 1. Block 25. Beaty's Kect-lpts- . of Banks, Colorado Southern wconj pref.... 2.200 154 Apple Baldwin, 3.75 per brl; Bellflower, $4.50 Loretta Susan Cook, years. Ixt add. (Corner Calve 2.5M2. Market fell r.fT 25c to Accounts Bankers per ureenings, per Spy, Minnesota and New bts) 700.00 Delaware & Uudaon 5.000 166 tri; brl; Northern 25S Woodside avenue, enlargement of c 3fc; few early sales at steady prire. $4 heart. Js-ea- N. Richie to Fannie L. n Veals. & Western 2,C)0 195 94 per tri; Ben Davis, $j. one year. 1321 ' Hall, 4. 7.23; choke and $7.371-7.75- ; Corporations and Individuals Del.. Lack. Ulvsses O. Barker, Viero i-- extra veal. no Quotations nt St. Louis, Haltlmore, or oi ii, uoejian Minnn s sub of Denver & Rio JJraruie 5.3 0 394 street, capillarly bronchitis. 14. tmrnyard calve. - Candlea Pinta. Square (Capital ave, bet Vermont Sh-e- p Denver & Rio Orand- pref h0 and thirty-nin- e years. 520 and Other Michigan and ismM Itecelpt. 13.732. Fheo solicited. 11.200 Elizabeth Shearon. Cincinnati Cities. and ets 3.850.W lambs dull and a fraction F.rie 2S4 Candles Stick, ?4c per lb; common street, impaction. Edward C. Lelble. trustee, to staly; lower. Sheep, 7.-- mixed. East Pearl 11. Elizabeth $3.V'fiS; $3.2'.':,; choice, $:.03; $4 Erie first prtf 664 - thirty-fiv- e ST. LOUIS. March Flour quiet: Patent culls. . T4c; grocers mixed. S4c; Banner twist stick. Manus Kelly, years. 419 Ketch- - D. Simpson. Lot 2. Franklin Lander's lreat Northern pref S.20O 204 old-tim- e $3.:i5i3.T5: extra fancy and Ftraizht. tZ.lh'til-Z- 5, iVc; cream mixed. lOffllo: mixed. JWc. ibb of Lots and 7. Blake & Kay's 1 1 f-- K-- J Coal 300 15 am street, pneumonia. rtr Kecipt. Market hlcher " Hocking Soft-shell- ed $2.7'iu2.90. Bran quieter; 5.6. at iV. fc Nuts almonds. lb$2uc; English nrty-si- x clear, sacked, east sub of Outlot 14$. (Geisendorff st, 1. KOGEKS CO Hocking Valley 3.200 54 Delia Nancy, years, Insane Hos 77"u7c. Wheat No. 2 red, nar 6.2); choice State pigs. $5.25; Western skips, $3.1S. (IN CO ItATKD) walnuts. 12uhc; Brazil nuts, lryUc; filbert at track, cash, 724c; Market it) &50.00 Uro 1.500 121 nephritis. 2 "O-- Illinois Central l3Vc; peanuts, roasiea. sc; mixea nuts, 13c pital, May. 734'ii'734c; July. 724c: No. hard. Charles W. Bauer to Maud I Egbert. KANSAS CITY. March 11 Cattle Receipts, BANKERS. BOKF.R.S i3s Wall St.. New York. Iowa Central 1.2l0 27 4 William H. San?terry. three months. J3 IVaC. J. --. "-- ; jiay, July, Lot .". & 3...o native. 3.2i TMn, 4rJ) calve. Market on IN pref .... 2.0OU No. 2, May.i'c; Iunlap Tutewiler's sub rf nd DEALÜK Aim l.'ldinir, lto.ton. Iowa Central 544 Canned Eleventh street, congestion of lungs '.4c. Oats cash, 24c; 2t2; Julv, 20 to 2(5, B. lmn-la- p all gra.Us strong. Native beef steers, $4.5oi5.C5; & Good. West F. Morris's a i l. Lake Kr!? Western 2" 41 years, 2T.c: No. 2 white, 284c. Pork Pteadr; 'Jobbim? lts stc-k- feeders. $1.3.23; Western fe--1 Stocks, BonJs, Graia 503 ana 505 - George Werner, forty city, paresis. st. bet Keiinlngton ami New Jer- rf and steer. I.ake Krl & Western pref 100 112 Corn. 75c 'S 1 1.25. Peaches Eastern standard. Coleman, sixty-seve- n years. 507 $15. Iai-- firm at $7.4J. Dry salt meats boxed) sey sts) $4 2". '! :.2.; Texan and In.'.lan. I3 K4.V.: cow. 3-- lb Marv 1.100.00 and Cottoa Stevenson Building lAke b. $2tf2.2i; seconds. tl.'Mifi: California, steady; extra shorts. $7.37; clear ribs, $7.6u; $1. i .!'"; $3 2.".r 7i; 2.25'a3 & 2i); Pino, street, heart disease. Isaac S. Cox to Every A. Mock. Lot 212. heifer. , canner. U)Ui?Ule Nashville ?4 standard, $2. 102. 40; California seconds, $l.iw'ii2. North sides, 57.6lM;. Bacon (boxed) steady; s calve-- l'lione Old and New l..20 seventy-on- e 1011 clear extra lair-ott- buL. (Tal-bo- tt bulls. $T'i25: $ff.5l. For or $2-l- b. L. Shannon, years, Eiizabetn revised ei. Abner k Investment Indianapolis, Ind. Manhattan L l!.7ü0 119 Miscellaneous illackberrles, Sitf'JOc; rasp-berrl- shorts. JS.124: clear ril. tS.Z.',; clear sides. ave, bet and lMh sts) Hoes Receipts. t.K Market firm. Top. $5.50-bul- Street-ra- w b. 300.00 margin. Metropolitan i ay 9.1 1 ' $1.2öi1.3o; pineapples, Park avenue, arthritis. $s.37'2. Timothy ne.l steady; average lth i;t'n-r- . f $"..4f 'yi ..'.": heavy. , standard. seventy-seve- n receipts, Jane Jenkins to John 6. Alan- - le. f..1J5.Si; rnxe4 special Western Union wire, givin Mexican Central 3,300 IS b. il.Siyi cnoice, iv; cove oysters. Maria S. Newton, years. $.5.75''4; prime worth more. Hay quiet; Iot $V4"'y light. i.'. T "X j.4i; p;gF, , cj CDirect - tlmothr, son ti. Stevens s. sub rr part of packer. (Stock Minneapolis a.- Ft. Louis 76 weight, $l.u5öl.ij; light. 6o'c6j: 421 Capitol avenue, general debility. $T?:1'J. Whlskj Outlot i.; instantaneous and eontinuoim New York Mb. full strine North $St:U; irairie. steady at $127. 103. (East tt. bet McCarty and Mer- tf.vr.. Eichantre quotations. V. s. Ol FFOUI). Mjrr. Minneapolis & St. Louis pref 10 beans. 3-l- b. um oeans. ii.zooi.25; peas, rorty-seve- n years, 2201 Bagging. Bon cotton ties. $1. Hemp Sh.-- . p Recelr 1.7'0. hlrher: Frances Smltha. .i.V. rill sts 2.000.00 - . t. hep. Missouri Pacific P.w ltiS14 marrowfats. 5c4jfl; early Juns.; lob- Jersey street, appendicitis. twine, vc. iiecfipi riour, r.vni dtis; wheal, Kelly 1- hiuh'-r- V. trn IVIVU; Weatern to B. r. lmii. New Brldset Richard 35 - . 1.2n0 North 1'12,'a-- ".1 0 Tuttle. lue-rie- 4.2" C": Mobile hb' u sters. $l.b5tf2; red cherries. jcm$i; strawberries. L. Alexander, one year, 821 Eu- lu; com, .t bu; oats, 91.0'ni bu. hirw ft s w side of 2-- f Wetem y arllnga, $t4 3-- McCartr's lb Clarence Missouri. Kans&s Texas . i.:.ot 2v b, 5cü$-- tomatoes, !th ewes. $3.7j:i4.25; cuö. i;.C safij ncrosiTs. 85'a'c; salmon, ; S5'j gene street, pneumonia. ments r lour. rr ori.i, wiieai, cuv bu; corn. West Side add. It(Birch ave, Let McCar- 4.;; i:.5o. Missouri. Kansas Texas pref . 1!.7"0 M4 90c one year, 99.W) bu; oils. i.w) i.u. ty and Oliver sts) ST. Mrch II. Catt.e Receipt, 2.3V, Jersey Central . 1.6-- ) 1.-- Lotta C. Collins, Daisy street, 500.00 . New BALTIMORE. March 11. Flour David N. Iay to I la May Osgood. i'sYt Inclu-Ün- I,ri.1.7'X Texan-f- Market a shade lower New York Central . 2.C"0 14 Coal and Coke. consumption. x dull: Western sTaTfletcher & CO.'S super. t2.3U2 4': Western extra. $2.45ti3; West 164. Charles F. Bobbins'. 21 N. rth In- for native; steady f.r Texan. Native shipplr.c . 4'.' Hawkins, years, Norfolk Western 16i0 HurchardG. nineteen -- t Anthracite. $7; C. A O. Kanawha. $1; Pitts ern family, winter wneat patents, dianapolis add. (Twenty-flft- h st. t nt:1 exp.rt ftc.r. S''r3.7': !rened and Nirfoili & Western pref 3) s; Imperial Hotel. Ilrlghfs disease. ."j Hi.' ftee- - lef ) -4 14; Wlnlfrede. $i; haymonj. Jl; patents. Burton ave and Grover st) bulchff 5.2; under l.'iO 4- burg. 1. . 13.4"-- Jackson. $3.s(i4.; filing .4.20; spring ster.r lb. Pacific ir--ipi- atot-ke- tStrilco Northern Ii: Island City lump. XJ; lump coe, lie per bu. straignts. s, lu.jit, pris; ex- - St.S v I. ''): and feeders. li4V.,l7i; coma ViLvxlt . 2.1 Z'.'-t- Deposit Pacific pref S7S l K.",; Northern $2.75 per 25 bu; crushed coUe, 13c per bu. $3.25 ports. 977 brls. Wheat steady; spot Transfers, 30; total and t::".: canner. fl bulla, A & Western . S.5t'0 Jlnrrhtse IIceiiitN. and March. consideration.. .$36.974.50 heifer. 30 UHh.nuton Street. Ontario ; per 25 illossburg. $5 per ton; Connellsville 774c: May. 7SV 7S4c; steamer No. 2 fJ.-.-it- : Texas and Indian "teer. $1.45'j4.G5; cow Lut bu; 774'' red, 3 Railway & Navl 42 ; r. OrcjJn St per ton; smokeless lump, per Mary Elaine Hussey. receipt. 12.Ü57 bu; Southern by and helf-- $2 5.'. I'o-llc-m- an coke. j ton: Stead and sample, Alfred - safety against and burglar. Orejr n Railway in Navl. pref 7 7. . Absolute Brazil block. 13.50 per ton; smokels coal. $5 per Henry Heed an.l Mary Underwood. Southern on grade, 76',7SijC. Corn Permits. Hog Ree- Ii If. Market alow tn V lwer. day and night on j;uard. DesiKnd for Pennsylvania .550 151 John ea v: spot and March. 414'i44V; April. Dnlldlns Piss and lights. $5.35 5.55; packers. $5.4'j5.C0; Ab-trac- ts. ton. 44. ri keeplnif of Muney. lion.iy. Willst. C. Si St. L 4 44 f; 65. iafe Iff.!s. 1., C. HÜ') 54 444c; May. IM: 4c; steamer mixed. 434'ä 43 Sarah C. Moore, frame dwelling. 1227 West brteh rs. $'.'. Silver I'late. Jewels and valuable Reading 324 experts. 21S.571 V Sh-e- p Märest Drnci. for H2.7 bu; h tronrf j Pension Veteran. receii.ts, bu; Twenty-fift- street. $2.4''. l.V. Natr Packages', etc. Cuntuiiis J.l-r- Ik xcs. 72 Southern li.ceiit. Trunks, Reading flr5t pref 3.1) 40c; white corn. 47i4H: Southern yellow, 4.Vyie i w. Milliken. irame oweumx, novey avenue. mut'.t n. Si.ilb'': iarr.l. (I tx 3: eiill an! 1 $2.50Q2.70; asafoetlda. - Reading MKnnl ref 2.D50 Alcohol. alum. 24 Certificates have been lscd to the following- steady; No. 2 white. S2'n324c; No. 2 bucks. !2 5";l; Wftern $5tr5.15; Western - Ou.ts mixed'. and Twentieth streets $vo. Z to 65 4c- cochineal, 5C5c; chloro between Nineteenth llt'iit ir l'rr Rio Uran le Western camrhor. 6ioc; receipts J.-A- du; exjxjrts, jj,i,0 bu. Hay Fletcher, rep.tlr of laundry of sanato- isl.tcp. $..7) Cm Western form. WjS5c; copperas, brls. aoc; cream tartar. named Indlanlan?: 3c; W B. (.TO Rio nie iref H4 Russ-ll- , quiet; i iniioiuj, "m.v. 21S North AlaLama streu. $l o. KOUTH OMAHA. March U. Cattle-Recei-pt. JOIIX S. TAU KIN V.itnnKfr. St. V San Fran S.HO pure Jjyüc; 1:10.10. munce, L.aiat., Original Oeorg? Jeff rsonvllle. $S; io. rium rear ujo. x. 11. L. Hervey. addition to frame house. 2l.4l 1.4 i. atror.jt. Iuis & Fran, pref 24) M 35"v4c; magnesia, carb.. 2u22c; Taylor Buhey. Leisure. KANSAS CITY. March Wheat May. 664t? B. Market .active and alow. -- ! St. Louia San first genuine. ?: 2 $150. t"-e- f rled 3 7) I . A & W.. per oz, $2.4:2.70; nal Jes-s- Radge r, Kokcmo, $1), f.Ü4c: July. Mc. Cash, No. hard. 67?jSSc; No. Shelby rtreet. Native Heer. $'''..4; Western steers. St. lüvuts S;in Fran, second pref. morphine. 1. madder. ddltl dwelling. Twenty-fift- h .- Norman, frame steter, $"';3 A5; ru - 40 corn 2 and 1 - per gal. $1.1j'ij1.25: ber- - Increase Henry K. Myers, 2 red. iiay. casn. No. Ansun üilM; heifers, St. Ioul- Southwestern ),P oil. castor, oil. and t'.J."c. . 3.'c; 7ia). TfUi 24 3; opium. ltestTtlnK.ilnl.urg. mixed, '5.'.c; No. 2 white-- at Xo. 2 street. ,t 1U;4.2.'.. I Co. St. Southwestern pref pt.r.iio gamot. per lb. $J.7iy3.; quinine. 1. ova.i. Jl.. Jjc. renio.;-lln;- r MMlel lntlln:k ruot Stork. I'uis r.4 37i-c- balsam copaiba, Th.iina T. hit.. ?"5. white, s.c Keceipis neat. i,U; corn Saks & Co., of Clothing 11 f f Receipt?.. "i.7' A erased eay. Reavr. St. Paul 16.200 At V ' per oz. ; ä5fjvc; i!f.n. wnl Iura. 4: $175. : IntlUnapoli tire Iiik. Stock, H34 iC E. bu; oats. 12,0 bu. Shipments Wheat' llouse. 41 to East Washington street. $". 4 '.V15; $3.?7V-V4- $3.SS'.j3.i; St. Paul pr f lv.'-- j .,n castlle. Fr.. JICc; soda, bicarb. 2m; Cc: increase Mc'i.rmlck. Sleril)urg, 4S,s) cottage, nis'.:. l'ht. :ti st k. salt-pelt- s 19.2n bu; E. Rot bin. frame Ruth . 27S'"5 ,4'l't. t'imiunifr' .V 125 Ui'ulc; sulphur flour. r, William Ruckhart. narpsville. $1; Pierce bu; com. ints, bu. Charles bilk of w St St. Paul nmiha 9.S'o mils Epom. 2U5c; Ohio street, $75. tl t. Market 1j Ittiiidlni; ork. 9.O11) r.'0rl4e; turpentine, 44&jOc;, 17 mlth. National Military II. .me. Marion. fS; March 11. Wheat dull strtet nar Sheep ac'lx anl PfCiTlc 4i TOLEDO. and steady frame barn, 215 North $I.4-'--f-".'. 75; $1.2-01.50- ; 11. Indianapolis, A. II. Tebtn. Rural f t.ay. Yci tllnr. Khrrs, Kaüwiiy . . . . Too 2)c; iodide potassium. $2.6:f2.70; bromide potas- John Prler. ctsh, 7!s4c; May, I c; July. 7Sc. Corn moier- - . Southern 214 V etc. A. street. ev. $3 C"..-'- ; t : lan-.b- $1 'j 5.5. POK Htrrt-- t II y. Co. 4.&0 .5dwV: potash. 15&Joc; borax. UrlKinal blows, Amanda Lee. Arling ati-l- and asier; 4oc; May, $1. 1ihI1imoIUsal: Is. Southern Railway pref 7S sium. clorate K. active cah. 41c Bertha M. K. rawnora. frame cottage. 2130 11. At 13.SO) 29V caroouc vyi&e. ten. s; Haute Rtbln. Sbelbyvill. JS; Nun steady: 2Sc; May. 2t!sc. Rye. CINCINNATI. March Hog active an4 Itelt It. It Cuuiniiiu Stock. Texan Pacific 12c; clnchoniaa. jyjc; aciu. 112; Kvc.'.lne Sulli ts cash. J2'c-- street. $125. pKili 2.1jO 91 in.ttt Kreetown. Whitman. Cloverseed Old prime, $6.t0; cash and March, Chetnut 1700 West Morris higher ut $i.45t5.S5. I'nlou lrs llotul. rnh.:i (Si-ecla- l accrued Feb. 16) Jacob Hahn, addition. street, $2 tir n Pacltic prtf ... Dry Goods. van $v Eva Leapley, $;.75. 4'atlle active and hither at 257t 5. New V:.rk, C'hle iy;o Iorul Stock". I'nl 54 112: Lydia l'arhatn. Elnora. ts: Mar. $150 at $.'j4.25. Lnn,b atrung Wabash 20.74) v if 4 112; March 11. Flour dull; fancy. V J. Moore, frame stör building and dwell. Shep sxi TOlM : : : Ingalls W ehctlnKS Anflroscoggln L. 7c: Berk- - aaret Nipp. Herbt. barah C. Hawk. Caw CINCINNATI. big I y 5.4U. NEWTON Block abash i ref 334 v- - 112 and Washington vtrevta, $L5jw. tor at Ctyitol, - w P"vltn Dunbar. Battla- Orr.nn.l. . . 13.2USJ5.W; UuAly, 2.632.. Wheat quiet; No, Int, Ruth Ww Trivftte lrts. Wheeling & Lakt Er! 209 U ly. No. W. 4c; Cabot, 64c; Cum- niA,