THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1901. 2 1,900 7Uc; Dwight Anchor. 7l--c; 2 red, TS'JTSc. Corn steady: No. mixed, 41H3 Sl'i berland. Fruit of the 2 llye QUOTATIONS L-om- No. mixed. LIVE 1 . 7";c; Farweli. ic; Kitchville, DULL TRADE IN GRAINS 41c. Oats dull; Zlhc. STOCK Wisconsin Central ü'c; Fall 2. f5c. Lard firm at $;.42i. liulk Width, be; GT.t EJce. i'c; Gilded Ase. iV-- c; easy; No. KXl'R S. 7c; meats quiet $7.27l. Bacon steady at $s.:5. Hill. 7c; Hop. 7c; Linwwl, Lonsdale, 7'c; at on Adams .... I.. Peabody, 6c; Pride of the West, Whisky, distillers' finished goods firm basis 1CJ K' 'J-- llcj'Ttn American 4. $1.27. Sugar firm; hard fined. 4.5"jUoc. Strike, ti'ic; Pepperell. 2oc; IVppercil. lu-- 4. of rf SIU2ALL Mi -- AGGGÜHT TOO tnitpi statu .... 4. lc; I0-- 4. 11 SjHt No. 1 Androscoggin. Androscoggin, y.IVERIXXU Wheat Mi m Vells-Farg- o 141 c; DE- March IX I PPLV MII.L-l.- CRIPPLED AVIRK SERVICE - California firm at ti 2jd; No. 2 red Ww'frn CATTLE PAIR AM Sheetincs-Atlan- tic 1 ring dui; 4 MISCELLANEOUS ""iirown A, C',;c; Argyle, : lid; No. northern st ?; M M M i activity. winter dull at AT ASIUIT bTCAIlV PIUCF.S. Amalgamated Copjer 17.7i0 in C4c; Boott C. 'oi". Buck's Head, t';c; Oil ton ti:hhi:i spkci'lative at 6s ?4d. Corn Spot firm; American mixed CCC, fee; Constitution. 64c; Carlisle. 40-lr.- new at 4 American vld at 5s ll-- d. SIEGESVE American Cotton Oil 1.200 Mar, 7c; id; 19 American Cotton Oil pref .... 2i!V5 6c; Dwighfn Great Falls E. IK) 5 6l2c; Great Fails J. Hill Fine. 7c; Indian American Malting -- 10-- 4. Eggs nnd Cheese. American Malting pref 24 Head. 64c; Ptpperdl It, ?c; Pepperell. Ijc; Ilntter, rf-- 4. Anaroscoyln. 10-- 4. Am. Smelting and Refining 2,7) ;.T'i Androscoggin, lc: ilc. II In Corn mid Wheat In a. Small NEW YOItK. March 11. P.utter Itecelj.ts. O'l Iloxn Active nnd Slightly lllsher COURTEOUS ÜELGÖCIE Am. Allen dresw styles, 4c; Allen's ttaples, renk creamery. 17'i22c; June Smelting and Refining pref.., 8,4) Prints 5 package. Steady; fresh 5c Allen TU, l2c; Allen's roUs, ,?; American creamery. 15'j20c; 11'.: i.V. Che-s- e Re- Short Sonrcc and Steady Condi- American Sjirit3 Id &c; 3!nrket Provisions StnKiinnt vrlth factory. American Spirit pref .... la ln'diKO. 4c; Arn. Inx cloth. B. Arnold ceipts, 1.1SS packages. Firm; fancy larpe colored lancy. oc; l-- Hamilton 'c; American Met! Hocp 2. SCO i, L.1.C, 7c; Cocheco fancy, ic; n Generally Ensier Tone. and white. HJi'llUc; fancy small colored, tion of Maykctfe Klsevrhere. pinks and purples, i;c; Pacific fancy, Csrgs Merrimac ; fancy small iieceipts. merican steel Hoi tiref - white. 12i:i:4c. c- Simpson's mourning, Simpson's Berlin Wt-tner- American Steel and Wire 6,w 3:3t oil oc; 10.750 packages. Firm at the decline; American Steel and Wire i.ref 4.7c goiiUs i'.ic; Simpson's rinirti. American at mark. 1Z'j 14c; Southern at mark, ICalfc. 62 4c; blacc white, grays. 4- -c. American Tin riate .... 1. ()0 shirtinr. ll.-l'.- utter Kid-nnlsh- Cambrics Lawarus. 4c; Warren, PHILADELPHIA. March American Tin I'late 3.2i0 Id 22; 'ilc iref 4c; Genesee. 4c. tele-crap- h lower; fancy Western creamery, fancy prints. INDIANAPO- ... Slater, CHICAGO, March 11. Prostrated Zc ; y ICkjts UNION STOCKYARDS. ... American lobacco 3c; fancy near-b- 2'2c. lower; Amoskeag ACA. 114c; Cotiestoga, prints. American lobacco pref Tickincs for frtfh near-by- , 14c; fresh Western. 'cc; rre.--n LIS, March ll.-Ca- tt!o i:cipt5, head; OFFICE of CLIFFORD MOKDARRICK, from 10 Worth Pennsylvania Street to :.c:.o r.F, 134c; Cordiu 140. 114c; Cordis T, ll',2c; Cor- wires and a disposition to wait Anaconda Mlnlnjr Co .... 46; Southwestern. 14c; fresh Southern. 12c. catt!-- 1 Brooklyn . dis' ACE, HVjc: Hamilton awnings. 9c; Kimono shipments, none. The receipts of 129 Law Building. Rat. Id Transit the government crop figures resulted in IZZi . fancy, 17c; Unox fancy. ISc; Methuen AA. lvVic; liA LTIMORE, tarch 11. Cheese lirm at Colorado Fuel and Iron to-da- y. "Wheat 12'4c; were lrgvr than usual at this time in ths 1.6h) 4.".8 Oakland AF, 6c; Portsmouth, 114c; Susquehan- extremely dull markets medium, Hutter llrm; far.cy Continental Tobacco SW, 6c; U'irc. 1..VK) 102 na. 134c; Chetuckel Shetucket F, 640; Uc, oats imitation, lic; fancy creamery. rCc; fancy ladle. ivk. but the quality was no better than Continental Tobacco pref closed corn UÖ?c and UÖvc ptore-packe- 15fi'16c: fancy roll. 13gi5c; d. Federal Steel 6.P Swift River. 5c un- Kggs lCc. the averape mi Monday. The arrivals wer Federal Steel pref 4,100 Grain Bags Amoskeasr. $la.50; American, lower. Provisions at the close were firm at 14&15c. $I3.i.O; Stark, J1S. female butcher General Electric 2. Ci0 2l3',a J15.5"); Harmony, changed to 15c down. CHICAGO. March ll.-- On the Troduce Ex- rrincijully stockcrs and staples, LMc, Amoskeag to-da- y. Glucose Sugar SC) 4S Ginghams Amoskeag change, the butter market was dull; stock, ami all sold" at quotably teady 54c; Lancaster, 54c; Lancaster detriments to 15.''?21-ic- : tlucose SuKar pref 100 S4 dress. c: Bates. In addition to all the other creamerie. dairies.' lK.lJk. Chw a No Interference international Taper 3oJ 23 Normandles, 7c; Renfrew dress, 7c. business with which traders in wheat have rairiy active at l'j'i'llc. Egps dull; fresh. rricc. The conditions Indicate ttead Internatknal Tai or pref M 74 Flour. to were pros- U'c. narket fur choice cattle for the near fu- Papers deposited In our had contend recently added 11. iaciea t.as ) KANSAS CITY, March Eggs weak; fresh ture, at least. Quotations: ssfa deposit vaults are National Riscuit s,4t-- 4'i; Straight grades, J104.2O; patent flour, J4.203I trated wires, which not only delayed news. Missouri and Kansas stock, lie per dozen. los National IWscuIt !) 34 2 0.4j.Cj. ott, in- Good" to prime .teer?, 1,20') lb? and free frcm all OUtSlde In- fret 4.45; spring wheat ratcnts, . but shut off outside orders. Trading was, case returned; new whitewood cases National Lead cluded. Vsc more. upward $3. S.IO Lead I loo J (3 terference. All busi- National pref sc2 Cirocerlei. therefore, more than ever a family affair CINCINNATI. March 11. Eggs quiet at 12c. Fair to medium steers, l,25o lbs .National Steel 3. ;') 44s2 upward 4.Wtf 5.00 ness confidential. Steel z;:m 101 coffee City prices: Arlosa, I2.2.,c; Lion, 12.25c; throughout a conspicuously inanimate Butter steady; creamery, lfi24lxc; dairy, 12014c. and National pief Cheese steady; Ohio Good to choice 1.1.VI to 1,3. Mb .National Tune lk0 ZA Jersey, 12.20c; Caracas. 11.7ic; Dutch Java blend, session. The fact that the government re hat. 114c J National Tube pref 4'0 lolU 16.50c; Dlllworth's. 12.2ic; Mail Pouch. 12.25c; ELX3IN. March 11. Twenty tubs of butter of- steers 4.40 5.00 "J 12.25c; Jav-Och- a, In -- New ork Air-brak- e .... ir.o Gates's blended Juva, 16.5oe; port, giving the quantity of wheat farm fered; bid of la cents, no sales; otttclal market Fuir to medium l.löo to 1.3 ib Indiana National Bank North American (nw stock) .... 74 Elite (cartoons). 16.5oc; Good Luck, lö.&oc; Good ers' hands, was due after trading hours. Hteady at 22 cents. steers i.irj 4. CO Pacific Coast . .... 5U4 luck (4 cases), $7.äo. ST. LOUIS. March 11. Putter dull; creamery, Medium to r;ood to l.kx-l- b 's Sugars lxminoes. 6.17c; cut loaf. 6.17c; pow- rendered speculators still more loath 10 , iJ 4.4) J3C0.CC0 Pacific Coast first pref 17(iisc; dairy-- 14&17c. Eggs. lie. steers 3. So? Capital, Surplus, $930,CG0 Pacific Coast second pref J dered, 5.77c; NXXX iowdered, 52c; standard take upon themselves any unnecessary ob- Good to cliolce feedlnsr 4.t.,:i 4. "VI I Pacific Mall Ii!0 247 granulated, 5.57c; fine granulated, 5.57c; extra ste'rs.... 5-- lb 5.72c; Fair to medium feeding steers. People's lias , 9.2') 103'2 line granulated. 5.67c; granulated, bags, ligations. May opened unchanged to Oils. FIRE-PROO- F 2-- Ib Corr.rcon to 3.25"t BUILDING. Preened Steel , 2,Lh 3ti' granulated, bags, 5.72c; cubes, r..l2c; ''mold sood stackers 4.0 Car lower at 75c to Toc. From this the mar- 3.7&U 4 Zi ,1,.. Pressed Steel Car pref . , 1,400 74 A, 6.j2c; confectioners' A, 5.42c; I Columbia A. OIL CITY, March 11. Credit balances, $1.2S; Good to choice heifers. 2(H) 5.27c; H 5.17c; 3 Kldgewood 5.17c; 3. (.J It VI I'ullman Palace Car 2'i6lj Windsor A, A. ket declined to Toss's Toc, but reacted to certlrtcates, no bid. Shipments. 134. .k; bils; aver- Fair to medium heifers .... 3.So5 4 5 6 Itepublic Iron and Steel . i.:oo Phoenix A, 5.12c; Krnplre A, 5.07c; Ideal age. 1,177 runs, brls; average. 7.2u6 Common light .... 2A?'t 3.2i i:i 7 7öH.'Ö5"ibC because of an error in the report brs; heifers Republic Iron and Steel pref.. 4.400 7 Golden Kx.
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