Canadian Maritime Bibliography
CANADIAN MARITIME BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by Gerald E. Panting ANTHROPOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY BERNICK, KATHRYN and REBECCA J. WIGEN, DELGADO, JAMES, "Taking the Initiative. Six "Seasonality of the Little Quaslicum River West Years of Gains in the Cause of Maritime Preserva• Site," Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 24, tion," Sea History. The Art, Literature, Adventure, No. 2,1990, 153-9. Lore <fc teaming of the Sea, No. 60, Winter 1991/1992,16-8. CABANTOUS, ALAIN, "Les gens de mer et les autres: vision d'un monde (xviic-xixe siècles) Cana• EASTON, N.ALEXANDER, "The Archaeology of dian Folklore Canadien, 12, No. 2, 1990, 39-52. Straits Salish Reef Setting: Past and Future Research Strategies," Northwest Anthropological ERICKSON, KEVIN, "Marine Shell Utilization in Research Notes, 24, No. 2, 1990,161-177. the Plateau Culture Area," Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 24, No. 1, 1990, 91-144. ARCTIC GEISTDOERFER, ALIETTE, "Ethnologie d'une BARA, WILLIAM, "Shipwrecked on Mansel island, culture maritime qui disparait: Saint—Pierre et Mi- Hudson Bay. Dr. Henry Brietzche's Arctic Health quelon (France)," Canadian Folklore Canadien, 12, Cruise, 1864," Polar Record, 28, No. 166, July 1992, No. 2, 1990,123-142. 177-190. FORD, PAMELA J., "Native Gulf of Georgia DELGADO, JAMES, The Dauntless St. Roch: The Sussistence and European Contact: Can We Detect Mounties' Arctic Schooner, Victoria, British Colum• Cultural Change in Shells and Bones?,* Northwest bia: Horsdal & Schubert, 1992. Anthropological Research Notes, 24, No. 2, 1990, 179-193. JEFFRIES, M.O, GJ. REYNOLDS and J.M. MIL• LER, "First Landsat Multispectral Scanner Images of MITCHELL, DONALD, "Coast Salish Subsistence the Canadian Arctic North of 80 N," Polar Record, Studies and a Methodological Barrier," Northwest 28, No.
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