Canadian Maritime Bibliography

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Canadian Maritime Bibliography CANADIAN MARITIME BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by Gerald E. Panting ANTHROPOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY BERNICK, KATHRYN and REBECCA J. WIGEN, DELGADO, JAMES, "Taking the Initiative. Six "Seasonality of the Little Quaslicum River West Years of Gains in the Cause of Maritime Preserva• Site," Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 24, tion," Sea History. The Art, Literature, Adventure, No. 2,1990, 153-9. Lore <fc teaming of the Sea, No. 60, Winter 1991/1992,16-8. CABANTOUS, ALAIN, "Les gens de mer et les autres: vision d'un monde (xviic-xixe siècles) Cana• EASTON, N.ALEXANDER, "The Archaeology of dian Folklore Canadien, 12, No. 2, 1990, 39-52. Straits Salish Reef Setting: Past and Future Research Strategies," Northwest Anthropological ERICKSON, KEVIN, "Marine Shell Utilization in Research Notes, 24, No. 2, 1990,161-177. the Plateau Culture Area," Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 24, No. 1, 1990, 91-144. ARCTIC GEISTDOERFER, ALIETTE, "Ethnologie d'une BARA, WILLIAM, "Shipwrecked on Mansel island, culture maritime qui disparait: Saint—Pierre et Mi- Hudson Bay. Dr. Henry Brietzche's Arctic Health quelon (France)," Canadian Folklore Canadien, 12, Cruise, 1864," Polar Record, 28, No. 166, July 1992, No. 2, 1990,123-142. 177-190. FORD, PAMELA J., "Native Gulf of Georgia DELGADO, JAMES, The Dauntless St. Roch: The Sussistence and European Contact: Can We Detect Mounties' Arctic Schooner, Victoria, British Colum• Cultural Change in Shells and Bones?,* Northwest bia: Horsdal & Schubert, 1992. Anthropological Research Notes, 24, No. 2, 1990, 179-193. JEFFRIES, M.O, GJ. REYNOLDS and J.M. MIL• LER, "First Landsat Multispectral Scanner Images of MITCHELL, DONALD, "Coast Salish Subsistence the Canadian Arctic North of 80 N," Polar Record, Studies and a Methodological Barrier," Northwest 28, No. 164, January 1992, 1-6. Anthropological Research Notes, 24, No. 2, 1990, 239-247. KENYON, WALTER, Arctic Argonauts, Penumbra Press, 1992, pp. 150. POOL'S, GERALD, A Place to Belong: Community Order and Everyday Space in Calvert, Newfoundland, TRAFTON, STEPHEN The Location and Mapping Montreal: McGill—Queen's University Press, 1991. of the Camps and Cairns Associated with Sir John Franklin's Last Arctic Expedition on the Northern SLTTLES, WAYNE, "Central Coast Salish Subsis• Shores of King William Island,* Mariner's Mirror, 77, tence," Northwest Anthropology Research Notes, 24, No. 4, November 1991, 407-415. No. 2,1990, 147-152. 31 32 The Northern Mariner WOODMAN, DAVID C, Unravelling the Franklin 1870-1920 Halifax, N.S.: Art Gallery, Mount St. Vin• Mystery, Montreal & Kingston: McGill—Queen's cent University. University Press, pp. 390. ECONOMICS EAST COAST GARLING, HUGH, The Canadian Customs Scan• BUFFETT, PETER, "Peter Buffett and the Shark," dals, Part I," Nautical Magazine, 248, No. 1, July Cape Breton's Magazine, No. 60, 1992, 61-4. 1992, 28-32. HARRIS, LESLIE, "The Labrador Boundary Dis• GARLING, HUGH, The Canadian Customs Scan• pute," Newfoundland Quarterly, 27, No. 1, Fall 1991/ dals, Part II," Nautical Magazine, 248, No. 2, August, Winter 1992, 21-26. 1992, 100-104. IMMACULATE, SISTER, C.S.M., "A Compilation KUMEDZRO, R.U., "Regional Cooperation: A of a Brief History of Lennox Island," The Abegweit Recipe for Economic Development," Review, 6, No. 2, Fall 1990, 49-60. [Canada/Ghana] Portus, 7, No. 3, Summer 1992, 10-14. INGERSOLL, L.K., Wings Over the Sea. The Story of Allan Moses, Goose Lane Editions, 1992, pp. 159. REILLY, JAMES A., "Damascus Merchants and Trade in the Transition to Capitalism," Canadian LEHEUNEN, JOSEPH, Tidal Wave and Ile aux Journal of History 27, No. 1, April 1992, 1-27. Marins, 1929," Newfoundland Quarterly, 27, No. 2, Spring 1992, 16-8. WILSON, MARK, "Luring Hong Kong," [Hong kong Shipowners] Canadian Transportation, 94, No. 11, MACKINNON, KENNETH A., "Cultural Studies, 1991, 47-48. Tourism, and Atlantic Regional Dependency," Atlan• tic Canada Research Letter, No. 1, 1992, 8-11. ENGINEERING AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE MACMANUS, GARY E. AND CLIFFORD E. CANFIELD, LT. CMDR.LEN, "Labour of Love WOOD,, Atlas of Newfoundland and Labrador, [Restoration of HMCS Sackville]," Sentinel. Magazine St. John's: Breakwater Press, 1992, pp. 77. of the Armed Forces, 28, No. 4, 1992, 25. MCLEOD, DAVID A, CAPTAIN, "Cape Breton ROBINSON, TERRY, The offshore: An Introduction Captain: A Treasure," Cape Breton's Magazine, to the Technology, Terminology and Operations of No. 60, 1992, 55-9. Offshore Oil Exploration, St. John's: Jesperson Press, 1992,194. MCLEOD, MALCOLM, "Lots of Enthusiasm: The Life and Career of George C Whiteley, Jr., ENVIRONMENT 1908-1990," Newfoundland Quarterly, 26, No. 4 Sum• mer 1991, 24-32. DORCEY, ANTHONY H J., ed., Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Water Management: MILLS, CHRIS, Vanishing Lights: A Lightkeeper's Towards Agreement in the Fraser River Basin, Vol. I, Fascination with a Disappearing Way of Life, Vancouver Westwater Research Centre, University Hantsport, Nova Scotia: Lancelot Press, 1992. of British Columbia, 1991, pp. xi, 592. MORRISON, JAMES H., The Duke of Kent's GORRIE, PETER, "Water from theGround," Cana• Astonishing Telegraph [Halifax 1799]," The dian Geographic, 112, No. 5, September/October, Beaver. Exploring Canada's History, 71, No. 6, 1992, 68-78. December 1991/January 1992, 24-32. EXPLORATION ROSENBERG, NEIL V., The Gerald S.Doyle Songsters and the Politics of Newfoundland Folk• FOSTER, GREGORY, "Northwest Maritime song," Canadian Folklore Canadien, 131,1991, 45-57. Revival. Celebrating the Role of Small Craft in the Age of Exploration and Encounter," Sea History, The Social History and Photography: The Atlantic Region, Art, Literature, Adventure, Lore <& Learning of the Canadian Maritime Bibliography 33 Sea, No. 61, Spring 1992, 16-9. BAKER, MELVIN, T. DICKINSON and C.W. SAN• GER "Adolph Nielsen: Norwegian Influence on HARRIS, CHRIS and JENNY, The Bowron Lakes, Newfoundland Fisheries in the Late 19th-Early 20th British Columbia's Wilderness Canoe Circuit, Mile Century," Newfoundland Quarterly, 27, No. 2, Spring Ranch, British Columbia: Country Lights Publishing, 1992,25-32. 1991. DAVIE, VALMA, "Ghost Fishing. A Winter Dive KENNEDY, J.E., "Journey to An Eclipse: Intrepid Uncovers Some Active Fishing Gear," The Westcoast Atronomers Go North, 1860," The Beaver. Exploring Fisherman, 6, No. 11, May, 1992, 33-35. Canada's History, 72, No. 1, February/March 1992, 43-6. DAVIS, ANTHONY, Dire straights: The Dilemmas of a Fishery, The Case of Digby Neck and the Islands, LANCIONE, LINDA, and BERRL WILLES MOY- St. John's, Newfoundland: ISER Books, 1991, ER, Undiscovered Islands of the United States and pp.225. Canadian West Coast, Santa Fe, New Mexico: John Muir Publications/ W.W. Norton, 1992, pp. 197. DOHERTY, TIMOTHY, "Sorting Out the Fish Boats," Resolution, No. 26, Summer 1992, 11-14. LEVESQUE, RODRIGUE, (Ed.), History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents, Vol. I: G ROOT, CORNELIA and LEO MARGOLIS, eds., European Discovery, Gatineau, Quebec: Editions Pacific Salmon Histories, Vancouver University of Levesque, 1992. British Columbia Press, 1991, pp. 564. MCDONALD, LUCILLE, "Spanish and British Sail HAIG-BROWN, ALLAN, "Double-Seining Her• Meet in the Northwest, 1792," Sea History, The Art, ring. Management by Race in a Canadian Fishery," Literature, Adventure, Lore <t Learning of the Sea, The Westcoast Fisherman, 6, No. 11, May, 1992, No. 61, Spring 1992, 33. 38-41, 43, 45. MCGHEE, ROBERT, "Northern Approaches. HEAL, S.C., "Vancouver, Host Port to Foreign Fish• Before Columbus: Early European Visitors to the ing Fleets," Nautical Magazine, 248, No. 2, August, New World," The Beaver. Exploring Canada's His• 1992, 91-92. tory, 72, No. 3, June/July 1992, 6-23. MARSDEN, MICHELLE, "Marine Debris and NAISH, JOHN M., "The Health of Vancouver and Ghost Fishing Gear. What Can We Do About It?," His Men," Harbour and Shipping, 75, No. 9, Septem• The Westcoast Fisherman, 6, No. 11, May, 1992, 53, ber 1992, 25-28. 55. TOVELL, FREEMAN M., "The Other Side of the MCLAUGHLIN, GORD, "Death Watch Down East. Coin: The Viceroy, Bodega y Quadra, Vancouver Union Leader Richard Cashin: Judas or Savior?" The and the Nootka Crisis", B.C. Studies, No. 93, Spring Financial Post Magazine, September 1992, 21-27. 1992, 3-29. MCRAE, MICHAEL, "Misunderstood Predator VIPOND, ANNE, "Spain's Enlightened Voyages," [Tiger Shark]," Equinox, 65, September/October, Pacific Yachting, 33, No. 12, 1991, 40-41. 1992. WILLIAMS, GLYNDWR "Myth and Reality: The MEGGS, GEOFF, Salmon, The Decline of the British Theoretical Geography of Northwest America From Columbia Fishery, Vancouver Douglas and Mclntyre, Cook to Vancouver, Part 2," Harbour and Shipping, 1991, pp. 265. 75, No. 8, August 1992, 29-32. MORTON, ALEXANDRA, Siwiti-A Whale's Story, FISHERY Victoria, British Columbia: Orca Book Publishers, 1991, pp. 47. ANDERSEN, RAOUL, "Nineteenth-Century Ameri• can Banks Fishing Under Sail: Its Health and Injury PEARS E, PETER H., "From Open Access to Private Costs," Canadian Folklore Canadien, 12, No. 2 1990, Property: Recent Innovations in Fishing Rights as 101-122. Instruments of Fisheries Policy," Ocean Development 34 The Northern Mariner and International Law, 23, No. 1, January-March INLAND 1992, 71-83. BODO, PETER, "Relections on the Sweet Little ROOS, JOHN F., Restoring Fraser River Salmon, a Upsalquitch," Atlantic Salmon Journal, 41, No. 3, History of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Autumn 1992,14-6. Commission 1937-1985, Vancouver. The Commission, 1991, pp. 438. CAMPBELL, KENNETH C, "By Canoe to York Factory. Summer 1911. The Journal of a River Jour• SANGER, CHESLEY W. and ANTHONY DICKIN• ney," The Beaver. Exploring Canada's History, 72, SON, "Newfoundland Involvement in Twentieth- No. 4, August/September 1992,19-35. Century Shore-Station Whaling in British Columbia," Newfoundland Studies, 7, No. 2, Fall 1991, 97-123. FIEGHEN, GARY, Stikine, The Great River, Vancouver Douglas and Mclntyre, 1991 pp. 132. WELCH, DAVID W. and LEO MARGOLIS, "Slash Marks on Salmon. New Evidence Points to a MCKEEVER, LARRY, "Voyage of the Nelson,- Oka• Deep—Sea Predator," Westcoast Fisherman, 6, No. 11, nogan History Fifty—Fifth Report of the Okanagan May, 1992, 25-8.
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