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2020 SPRING SHORT COURSES: PAGES 23-26 MINNESOTA Grassroots Government Minnesota Association of Townships Townsh2020 Winter Issue Insideip r TOWNSHIP DAY IS MARCH 10TH! MORE ON TOWNSHIP DAY More Township Stories Pages 8-13 Page 33 Minnesota Town Law Association of Townships Town Law Grassroots Review Government Page 28 Review Executive Perspective by David Hann, MAT Executive Director Recently our youngest son services they are entitled. graduated from the Naval The last admonition to the graduates of the Naval Officer Candidate School in Officer Candidate School was to Get Input. Leaders Newport, Rhode Island. My aren’t leaders by virtue of a title or position. They are wife and I made the trip to leaders because there are people who follow them. A the ceremony and spent a leader without followers is just a person out for a walk. long weekend with our son We often think military officers just give commands and other family members and things happen. But everyone who has served in celebrating his transition the military knows that some officers are leaders, and from recent college graduate to active duty naval of- some are not! And, it is always better to be in a unit ficer. At the graduation ceremony the President of the that has leadership and not simply forceful direction. Naval War College, Rear Admiral Shoshana Chatfield, Naval leaders learn to listen to those who they lead, was the keynote speaker. Taking on the challenge of and township officers need to listen to the citizens of leading young men and women in a difficult and pos- their towns as well. Listening doesn’t mean putting our sibly dangerous environment is the unique duty of a fingers in the wind to see which way it’s blowing. It newly minted Ensign. The counsel and encourage- doesn’t mean just following the crowd from the front! ment the Admiral offered is worthy of passing on. When we listen to those we serve, we are seeking to The Admiral had three pieces of advice. First, Get gain a bigger understanding of the problems we face. Qualified. Every job in the Navy, and every job in every Often, especially in a political context, solutions are environment, requires learning new things. We cer- better when they represent a compromise among sev- tainly bring our past experiences and knowledge, but eral options. we need to become expert in our new occupation. The Our Association is dedicated to advocating for town- people we serve depend on and expect nothing less. ship government at the state and national level. In do- Our Association takes this task very seriously; we ing this, we seek to find others who may be willing to want every township officer to “Get Qualified.” The join with us in advancing our interests; we try to build various training and education opportunities are de- coalitions. Part of the reason we have been encourag- signed to make sure newly elected officers have a ing greater participation from township officers across sound understanding of their duties and responsibili- the state is to build relationships with state representa- ties. But even experienced officers need to have their tives and senators. We want them to listen to us, but knowledge refreshed. Sometimes we develop habits we need to listen to them as well! and practices that may need to be reevaluated and So, the advice I pass on to you is: Get Qualified – changed. Our training is designed to do this as well. attend MAT training and continue to learn what du- Secondly, the new Ensigns were advised to Get Busy! ties and skills are required to be a great town officer. Each of us has been gifted with unique talents and abil- Get Busy! Continue to find ways to apply the unique ities. Combining those innate characteristics with our talents you have to solve local problems and help ad- newly acquired skills and knowledge gives us a unique vance the cause of local government in Minnesota. role that can be filled by no one else. We all know why And, Get Input. Keep your ear to the ground and form military duty is called “Service.” But all of us are called the habit of continuous communication. Understand to serve others. what your constituent’s concerns are and build good Accepting the call to serve on a township board is relationships with all your elected representatives and just as important. Our fellow citizens need the leader- senators. Don’t forget to keep us at the MAT office in- ship that a township board can provide. Communities formed as well! We want to hear from you! don’t just “happen;” they are the result of long years Finally, a reminder: Our spring L&R meeting is later of care and nurturing provided by those who recog- than usual this year due to the delay in the start of the nize they have something to offer to others. Part of legislative session. Please make sure to put April 22 the mission of the Minnesota Township Association is and 23 on your calendar and plan to join us in St. Paul. to secure for township officers the tools necessary for And, don’t forget to sign up on our website to receive them to fulfill their obligations as public servants; and the legislative alerts and to participate in our advocacy to strengthen and extend our form of township gov- efforts! ernment in such a way as to provide to the citizens the 4 Winter 2020 • Minnesota Township Insider State of the Township by Gary Burdorf, MAT Board President A New Year The holidays accessible to more township officers. We need are over and now your input. it starts anew. April 22-23 are set for the Legislative and Re- The weather is search Committee meetings in St. Paul at the Best cold, and we all Western Plus Capital Ridge. I’ve noticed in some wish for spring, of my county units that some L&R members but be careful have either left because of jobs, or maybe some what you wish have passed away. If you are interested or know for… remember last spring’s frost boils? someone who might be – just let your county unit know. There are no limits as to who can attend an We’ll deal with all of that and do the best we can L&R from a county, it’s just the voting that is lim- for our townships. ited to one per committee. We welcome anyone who wants to be informed. This process is very The new year also brings lots to do as far as poli- important to townships. It is the information we tics. You are all likely having County Unit meet- and our lobbyists use to communicate with our/ ings where we can pass on information of con- your legislators. cern. Your district directors are planning a Lobby Day at the Capital. Reach out to them for details. We will have a NATaT (National Association of A Lobby Day is one of the very important parts of Towns and Townships) Fly In May 11-13. We are how we can connect with our legislators and we sending six of our directors and 10 township of- need to do that. How else will they know what ficers from around the state. This year we’ve heard townships need? that county units are still putting funds aside for the fly in and there are officers waiting to attend. March 10, the first Tuesday in March, is Town- This trip and all expenses are to be paid by the ship Day! You may have your township elections participant’s county unit, not by MAT. As of this in November, or they may be in March, at this writing, we had 4 of the 10 slots filled, but If you meeting. No matter when you have your elections, are interested, contact David Hann at the MAT of- your annual meeting is where business of your fice to see if there are any slots left. township is done. Most importantly, the town- ship levy is set at this meeting. Hopefully, you all Costs are estimated: Hotel room rate $359+tax have good attendance at your annual meetings. If and fees per night. Airfare from Minneapolis to you’ve figured out a way to do that, please share DC estimated at $500. Meals and miscellaneous that with the rest of us! about $100 a day. Total estimated cost per person is $1500-2000. You can also reach out to me with Spring Short Courses will be on the way in the questions by phone or email. last half of March and into April, and I hope you all have or will have a chance to attend and bring Until next time, think Spring! We’ll try to forget a friend. about the frost boils for now! April 16th marks the date for our Town Law Review at the Best Western in Burnsville. We are hoping in the future to be able to make this more Minnesota Township Insider • Winter 2020 5 - DIRECTOR INSIGHT - Lyle Stai, District 6 Director How did you initially get involved with Township governance? The day in 2004 was memorable for two rea- sons: At the grocery store in Kerkhoven, the township clerk approached me and asked me if I’d be willing to be clerk. Later that day, I was also asked if I’d like to go along with the group to fire the local minister! I said yes to the town- ship, but the minister resigned before the meet- ing could take place.