' s Brown: $5 for Lunch,$l00 for Dinner GSU Votes 'Things are Bad': They Loved It Need for Unity Addressed On Union by Mark Stadler by Sara Lowen NewlEditor Community Editor Affiliation The good times are over. In one of his first ventures into political fund ralsmg, since last Choices AFSCME, That.was the message Gov. Brown gave to the 750 people assembled at November Gov. Brown spoke here last Friday at a $100 a plate banquet the US Grant Hotel for a no-host lunch Friday afternoon. for state Senator James Mills. AFT, No Union He told the overwhelmingly white, upper-middle class assemblage that "the accumulative demand (on government) outruns what everyone is Addressing an audience of 600 at the Kona Kai Club, Brown spoke of his By Craig Uchida willing to pay"-and they loved him for it. accomplishments as governor, the porblems of the 1970s and the need for Opinion Editor He told them "unlimited expansion" is over. '''Difficult and even unity in fighting those problems. The Graduate Student Union pa inful choices lie ahead"-and they hailed him as the next President. Brown termed his first year in office " a pretty good year," pointing to (GSU ) heard from representatives Therein lies the paradoxical appeal of . such achievements as the farm labor bill, closing lax loopholes, keeping of two unions, discussed unionization and commenced Of course, the people at the $5-apiece luncheon may not have believed state taxes down and reducing the penalties for drug use. Brown. voting on those issues at their Brown also cited as one of his accomplishments the But he was dead serious when he discussed his meeting last Thursday night. " new talent" he has brought to Sacramento. " There Voting will continue through next "new spirit, a spirit of b~ and compassion and are many new people in Sacramento, people who thoughtfulness, but to do so within limits that I per­ Wednesday. have talent and energy, but weren't given a chance At the meetil1g discussion ceive and that I see upon us. before, " he said. " It's a very hard thing in this state which has only Avoiding Extremes primarily centered on union af­ known growth and easy opportunity, just as it is a Brown summed up the past year as " a balance; filiation. Arguments from both very difficult thing in this country to face without we've tried to thread our way between the extreme of sides of that issue were heard, as flinching the fact that growth, easy mobility and either direction." Brown said there are many well as presentations by two AFL­ access, which we've all enjoyed for so long, is not problems still to be solved, though he commented CIO unions-the American quite what it used to be." that the banquet was not the forum for dismal news. Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the Association of Federal, State, CaltraDs Employeel The Governor referred to the problems of the County and Municipal Employees. Not everyone at the luncheon was a Brown-fan. seventies as "economic change and increasing (AFSCME). One table was filled with employees from the state demands for equality." To solve these problems, he Join " Broader Movement" Department of Transportation, which has been hit by said, " the people as well as the leaders must work The GSU Steering Committee Coatlnued OD Page 1% Gov_ Brown Continued on Page 12 presented a position paper in favor of affiliation. It is the committee's view that "to strengthen ourselves for a long-term effort, it is crucial that we join the broader labor movement, affiliating with one of the AFL-CIO unions active within the UC system AFT or AFSCME." The committee also stated that affiliation with an AFL-CIO union would lead to membership on the San Diego Labor Council, which would give its sanction to the GSU strike, if unopposed by other on­ 'Wont Some Original Artwork?' ov~r campus council members. Trouble AfAc Post An opposing viewpoint written by one of . the GSU members showed concern for the cost of Th~M~2~ic C~~~!!!!!~~~ Averted Thursday affiliation and the true support that The Con. art sale Saturday afternoon. would be garnered through Serious trouble primarily due to The very word brings a glint of Original art work, by such unionization. misunderstanding was averted last excitement to the eyes of any true recognized pros as Steranko and Membership dues would amount Thursday over the hiring of a comic book freak. Charlie Schulz, was on sale, and to $20-30 per year per member, but student affirmative action CooT­ A con, or comic-convention, was " It all goes to bail the Comic-Con what, asked the GSU member, dinator. "could we expect in return for our held last weekend in the El Cortez out." The misunderstanding arose money?" Hotel. It was part two of the San If that statement was true, the over the nature of the position, Diego Comic Convention; part one Con sank. Artwork, whether it sold Continued on Page 8 whether the person was to work was held in August. One thousand for $8 or $50, did not go well at all. primarily as a Women's Center people attended this sequel, and Even Comic-Con founder Shel Coordinator or as a general student Privacy Act were treated to old movies, guests Dorf's best sales pitch failed to affirmative action coordinator. from various media, an art sale convince buyers to buy: A search committee was com­ Guidelines for access to and a medium-sized dealers' room. " Do you know what it is to own missioned to find a person for the records concerning students The movies included rare Walt original artwork? .. ! guess you job. They interviewed many and faculty are printed today Disney films, a James Dean people just don' t appreciate people, and decided on Maria Del in the Triton Times on page 10. feature and a Boris Karloff film original artwork." Drago, from UCBerkeley. George Murphy festival. The festival, held Friday The pitch did not impress the old Last Tuesday, Vice-chancellor night, was the highlight, with such and Dean of Student Affairs classics as "Charlie Chan at the The True History George Murphy announced the job State Scores in 3 Rs in Opera" and " Abbott and Costello was no longer in existence, Meet Frankenstein. of because the position advertised The Dealers' Room is the focal At the Comic-Con, , and interviewed for by the search 12th Grade Fall Again point of any con. At a large con­ who created Superman in the 19308 committee was not the same asihe Results of 's 1974-75 an error in the contraction vention it is like Fun Row at a job that needed to be filled, in his with , told the true statewide testing program show "should 'nt" . and "isn't." the county fair. The various dealers, story behind the creation of . the estimation. that scores in reading, writing, and commitee added, "The weakness like barkers, call out to passers-by: Man of Steel. "Substantial Difference" mathematics continue a five-year in punctuating possessives, "Interested in original artwork?" There are really two aspects to Murphy said Thursday afternoon decline at the 12th grade level and perhaps excusable in the 6th grade,· Wanna buy some Fantastic Fours­ he thought " a significant nwnber" the creation of Superman. One was are below the national average. was hard to justify at the 12th cheap?" Their tables are often that Joe Shuster and I collaborated of search committee members saw arranged colorfully' and Alexander I. Law, chief of the grade level. " . on newspaper strips Uke Detective. their search as one for a Women's California State Department of The committee's findings 'lrategically, to lure the hapless Whenever we offered these strips Center coordinator, who would comix freak in. Education's Office of Program showed that high school seniors to the editor they would say, 'Wow! work a little on gener;al student Evaluation and Research, released had difficulty discriminating The Dealers' Room last weekend affinnative action. He, on the other­ It's not bad, but it's not sensational the state Board of Education between effective, succinct was smaller and mellower. This hand, saw the position as a general enough.' meeting last week. statements and less effective, made it at once more enjoyable coordinator of all student af­ We kept bearing that line so often Test scores in reading at the 12th wordier sentenc.New York City to protest education cutbac::ks in the financially As in previous years, test scores could find the answer to this It is disheartening to a poor troubled city. in writing skills and language problem: " This discount is 15 college student to see a twelve­ The city administration, forced to make broad, deep budget cuts in an achievement at the 12th grade percent of $9~1. What is the sale yea r old peel off five-PI bills and attempt to avoid default, has listed education among the items of lowest level were considerably lower than price?" buy one comic book. priority. any other area tested by the Afte.. v it; w illl!j \.11 I t::"u.i~ il'ulIl But tbere wasn't that many 01 The resolution, which has already been approved by the Associated statewide program. statewide testing, Law said that an those sales. At both the summer Students eowreil at San Diego State University, would emorse a The language assessment· ad­ empasis on improving ttv> in­ and winter cons, sales have shown demonstration at New York's city hall Nov. 17, and a national march on visory committee said the per­ stuctional program will be placed the effect of the general economy. Washington Nov. 19. formance of higlt school seniors in on the higher grades during the Prices were much lower at lasl The resolution passed at SDSU reads, In part, "Cutbacks in education capitalization and punctuation was next two to four years, primarily week's con than the summer, and financial aid In NYC have beMun to drastically affect the educational below expectations. as a result of the efforts of the where some dealers reported 10" standards of our (own) university system and undennine the right of In punctation, only 59 percent of Reform of Intermediate and sales. every student to a decent education." the high school seniors recognized Secondary Education Program. Mo .....y, Novembern, 1171 Moaday, NneIUer 17,1f7I •rlic •• f' OM'S Pageihree 'United W~ Stand, Divided We Fair ...... G.8eto Letten to the Editor CIty edtt.r. Women's Center. Fun, Fellowship, learning Camejo No Fence-Sitter:

Craia Udllcta Man St8d1er San LoweD by Debora Weber No Peace on TM Issue Writer Reveals Guts of Speech Opinfoe edllor Newledl.... CommuJty editor What on earth is a Women's Center? What would one do, or find Every Bite Annoying -Beware Cults Margaret Krueger's article on Mr. Camejo questioned the later tortured in Latin America Peter Camejo (TT Nov. 10) is a there? the past few Issues of this newspaper have contained two letters which traditional concept of American jails for refusing to become an FBI hodgepodge of haH truths with The Jriton Time ~ is recognized as the officio I student newspaper by Not having the faintest idea of an discussed or argued the topic of Transcendental Meditation from opposite citizenship. He pointed out the informer within the Socialist the CommunicatiGns Board of UCSO. Unsigned editorials represent answer to these questions, I enough facts and figures irony of Hispanics being evicted organiza tion. the views of the majority of the editorial boa,d (above). and not the TM· (carelessly - carefully?) omitted dropped in a few weeks ago. I was poles.The controversy of whethe r or not IS VImal·d· te rests me bee ause I't IS' from places whose names their Two, Ms. Krueger states that to portray Mr. Camejo as a viows of the University. the Co~municalions Boord 0' the studenl pleasantly surprised. a model system for a whole range of phenomenology prevalent in our evictors cannot pronounce. " We all " Camejo went on to cite the crusader of banality, a propounder ~ . I am not your everyday female modem society. came from somewhere else," he Rockefellers and DuPonts as of the obvious. activist, but] am a woman, and It is evident that a large number of special groups and movements are asserted; and if anyone has a right examples of the 'ruling class.' " In very much concerned about things active on all college campuses and at large in SOCiety. Some of these It must be noted that the to deport it's the Native American. fact, Mr. Camejo did a little more like equal rights, equal op­ include: TM, GampWl Crusade, Scientology, Maharishi Ji, Transactional Socialist Worker Party candidate "Why don't we ask him who he than cite them. He gave a concrete Or the Bush portunities, and even how to fix a Analysis, Hare Krishna, etc. Other mode"! movements are more spoke for well over an hour on thinks should leave?" Mr. Camejo example of how the interests of a BeJiaDbtl Wed.... y, ....e UDdergraduates - mOlt of tbem In tile car. Coiltinued on Page 1% topics ranging Crom Vietnam body quipped. wealthy few can supersede the lower dlvisiaa - will flad IIIat their TAl are mlsslq claues. counts to US coal reserves. Yet Ms, needs of the many who are poor. I foond the Women's Center, If H Feels Good,.Do H He also suggested that if we were It wiD be, for a Iaree .Ulber of tbae .....ergraduates, tbe flnt clue Krueger is unable to quote him located on Muir campus by the 5 rea lly serious about .. illegal needs $800 million ,lutt tben is a aaJoo of lfllduate studellll at UC San Diege. Many of them . After reading Mr. Post's Letter to the Editor (TT, Nov. 5), Helta desire more than' once, and then only in and Dime Coffee a place with aliens" we might try a novel ex­ to avoid default. Its totaI budget is wea't realize that the .... bas been aroad slace last spriDg, that It has shoP, to correct some of the mIsconceptiOll8 he e:a:pressed regarding tran­ the most general terms "The US answers. They have a small but change program with Latin $12 billion. Of that sum, $2 billion jockeyed a rather simple set of four delD8Ddl through every UDiverslty scendental Meditation. has a ruling class ... "). American countries. The pays interest on bonds (analogoLlS good library filled with books, Most offensive is Ms. Krueger's $3O,OOO-a­ clwuael tllere Is, ud that, flDaUy, has voted for a tbree-day wort stop­ I want to address two issues in particular: the substantiation of claims year, dCHlotbing Exxon e:a:ecutive to the federal figure of $38 billion). . magazines, pamphlets, and use of yellow-journalistic page this week aud an bldeflnite strike ne:a:t l(Uarter. as to the benefits of TM, and the question of religion being involved in the in Mexico City could e:a:change 18 percent of that amount goes newsletters dealing with women. technique of lend appeal to a rather atmosphere is friendly, and the There are a lot of opportunities practice of meditatioo. places with the grape picker in the directly to the Rockefeller famJ!y. AU tbey realize is that they don't understand differentials yet, 8IId the One can books concerning the lind people nice. for fun, fellowship, or for learning. Like others involved in doing research, I don't automatically accept a dull, uninteresting text. I refer to Hospitals have been closed, fiDalls Ina week aDd alutH. , history of the woman'S-- rights San Joaquin Valley, "This way," I think it's a valuable asset to our conclusion simply because It is labelled "scientific research." I also the headline and introductory Mr. Camejo stated, "everyone will firehouses have been shut down, This set of ukDowtq [of tile GSU aDd of dHferentlals] uudergraduates movement, child care, and even passages which focus on the Last Friday, as - I sat there remain skeptical of some of the "explanations" Maharishi gives for be back in his own culture. " school milk deliveries have is sort of coming Ia on the tail end of it all, because tbere's 1101 much left to one on how a car is put together campus. ] only wish that we could "alien"question. argue about. reading MI. ] noticed a girl with a various phenomena. stopped. Yet no one suggests rot and its mechanical functions. somehow have a person center, Despite his apparent jocularity, ~itar enter the room. Within five However, several lZood studies have validated the claims that. in­ On the other hand, one must giving the Rockefellers thdr That is, the GSU .... four demaDds they say wiD take _,000 to meet. where one could find out about Mr. Camejo obviously feels very There are also some very minutes there were banjoes, dividuals benefit from TM. Those interested should read a short review applaud the reporter's sagacity in " welfare check." The administratiaa says there's no money, but that It would take $800,010. oneself and others. We are, most of deeply on this subject. He ex­ comfortable chairs, carpeting, and -guitars, even a flute. They pulled article in a recent "Psyebologlcal Bulletin" (Vol. 82, No.4, .pp. ~), refraining from the use of quotes Three, Since the government b!lS The GSU says that there is money, aDd points out a number of ex­ plained that his brother (who, travageaces that cou1d he eliminated or cut down, or where investments - a magnificent (?) view of Tioga out some music and began to play. us, humans, and conceivably profit instead of relying on magazines like Plycbology Today for information. on any of the remarks she at­ not provided minorities w' th tributed to Camejo in this issue. unlike Mr. Camejo was born - in tbls case, In laud - could be haDdled more wisely. Hall. The center is divided into Not feminist music, but good-old from more an "all inclusive" This review article takes a very critical look at some research done on But paraphrase is not a license to outside the US) was deported and Continued on Page 8 Most of the examples, in tbe administration's eyes, come three rooms, a lounge, a meeting backo(!ountry bluegrass, popular gatheriDl~ olace than from mant TM, and winds up concluding that while it is not clear what aspect of the d0'?,l to distort, so let us attempt to variations on what one official caUed suggestiollS that UCSD sell room, and an office. There are songs; \ just anything that was factional ones. "United we stand, practice is crucial, there is little ~.~~ that it_works. reconstruct some the sorely With What He Is notices of lectUres, petitions, and playable by the group. As I am Continued OIl Page 1~ of UDiverslty House." missed context. The GSU calls them a reordering of priorities. A popular phrase. sign-up sheets for interest groups, never without my recorder, I divided we fall," does contain an One, Mr. Camejo claims high Well, we've tried to trim away the gristle and come up with what we covering the bulletin board that joined in and spent a very en­ element of truth. It's something to . SUpports Maharishi's Oail1)S Fed Up unemployment is due to the feel are tbe tbree essential facts of the matter: serves as a room divider. The joyable afternoon. think about in these divisive days. For the past few weeks, the cafeteria staff of the Muir Commons has In rebuttal to the letter entitled (TT, Nov. 5), "Transcendental Administration'S conviction that 11 Undergraduate education isn't getting any better. There are balf the Meditation Debunked," by George Post, we would like to clarify certain served the poorest excuses for meals I have ever eaten. For the price we, profit is more important than the students, pay to live in the dorms and eat in the Commons, the qu lity number 01 sections as last year in the largest math courses. ADd at a time Politics: James G. Soto misconceptions concerning the TM technique. human needs. The federal wben educators are trying to figure out wby more and more students The claims Maharishi made for TM are both well substantiated and of food should be much better than it is now. can't wrtte hy the time they get to college, the Humanities sequence is government could create more Last year at a gripe session, the Director of Food and Housing Serv :es, quite consistent with our own subjective experience. For verification and but instead chooses to spend $107 lessening wrltinl requirements because of tbe graduate student cruJlCh. Larry Barret, promised us, in the fall quarter, an improvement in )()th validation of the 'claims' Maharishi made on the Merv Griffin Show, we billion on the military each year. These, as they say, are facts. Phillip Marlowe Follows it ~p the quality of meals and the variety of the nemu. rcfer Mr. Post to the numerous research articles which have appeared The second largest item in the 2) UCSD has one of tile worst TA-to-undergr~duate ratios In th.e ~ystem. Now, a year later, the cost of living in the dorms has risen 10 % (from ove r the past decade in such respected publications as, "American federal budget is $38 billion for Of course the administration's figure would dIsagree, hecause It IS based •' The Presidential Sweepstakes of elections get influenced by tacky three vice-presidents in the space $198 a month on the 19 meal a week plan to $216 a month for the same 19 Journal of Psychiatry," "Lancet," " Electroencephalography and bond interest. The lion's share of on state plus this year's emergency work-study support from tbe 1976" ought to be the title of a little episodes like Watergate. of a year- a year where there was meal a week plan). Why, Mr. Barret, cannotthe quality offood improve? s~pport Clinical Neurophysiology," "Scientific American," " Psychosomatic these Cunds, Mr. Camejo pointed federal government. 10 other words, UCSD state-plus-US support is Raymond Chandler mystery novel. no election- is a little to much' for Medicine" " Journal of Counseling Psychology," "Circulation," the US As continuing students have noticed, nothing in the dorms has be m Marlowe continued: "But who out, goes to an elite 2 percent - the changed from last year for the better. compared to other campus' state support ooly. Chandler, of course, was the anyone to handle, even Marlowe. C ongresi~nal Record and " Proceedings of the International Symposium In reality, while the University is supposed to be working toward an famous mystery writer who could think that this little heist most affluent members of our If those responsible for preparing and planning the meals at Ml ir Back In '" on Drug Abuse." to name just a few. average ratio of 40 : 1 in three years, for 1975-76 UCSD had taken a step In created that cool and caustic wit, pulled off by a few small time society. He termed these payments cannot figure out how to improve the food, here are some suggestions: J ) On another oddity Marlowe In trying to invalidate Maharishi's statement that one percent of a Cubans could result in Nixon losing "welfare for the rich" and con­ increase the number of entrees from two to three per meal; 2) do not the srong direction. . Philip Marlowe. Chandler died in continues: "I started following this population meditating will noticeable improve the quality of life, Mr. Post his job. Only a few months before, trasted them with the much overcook the vegetables; 3) do not serve any more stale pastries (in­ Some say UCSD is getting sbortchanged when it comes ltme for the 1959 here in La Jolla, but Marlowe Wallace character around the points out the j£reat suffering in India. neglecting the fact that far less that Greek-they called him Spir~ criticized " welfare for the poor" cluding rolls and desserts); 4) do not serve any more unfresh lettuce; 5) University to distribute support money for its grants. But whatever the has ~ontinued to be immortalized, country back in64, the first time he (han 1% of the Indians practice TM. gets bumped off on a tax rap. allotment of $9.5 billion. find some mode of degreasing the meats and poultry; 6) serve real meat problem is: you don't get to 40: 1 by adding natural numbers. . . especially on the silver screen. ran for president. I thought then It should be emphasized that in 360 cities thoughout the world where at A scapegoat must be found, says for a change; and 7) get those obnoxious flies out of the cafeteria. 3) UCSD has one 01 the higbest administrator:to student ratIos 10 .'he When Chandler died in 1959, life like so many people think now: the least 1% of the population are practicing the TM technique, the crime I just don't understand it. We got Mr. Camejo, so that the real These suggestions are blatanUy obvious, but It that the food system. The administration [who else?] says It is because of ScripPS was more simple. Back in '59 Wallace campaign is filled with a rate has declined on the average about 17% . Also sickness and accident seems this guy from Grand Rapids as profiteers - the 2 percent - will not service still does not understand them. Students at UCSD are fed-up with Institution of Oceanograpby and the medical school; the GSU sa~ other Marlowe never had to abandon his lot of crackerbarrel types who in rates declined. Mr. Post erroneously quotes Maharishi as saying that TM President. Nobody would have bet be blamed for the economic crisis th8J>oor food. How would you, Mr. like to walk into the cafeteria campuses have good graduate programs, too, and that UCSD IS over­ sordid crusade against bizarre no way could move the big boys develops immunities against diseases, when in fact, the point was that Barre~ administrated. crime, because there was not a nickel on Ford four years ago as they have occasioned. And so, just after a day of classes and have to consume what we eat? around, the big boys like Larry research indicates TM strengthens resistance to diseases and thus im­ as Jews were blamed for the The last report of the Western Associatation of Schools and Colleges, a anything else that might attract his a White House possibility. proves general health. If the old adage, "you are what you eat," holds true for those of us who Rockerfeller is the guy who has 'O'Brian and Robert Strauss. Well, economic woes of the 193Os, our voluntary accrediting or~nization. supported that poslti~n. . rather musty talents. Foreign_ dine at the Muir Commons, then we are all full of shit. got me worried the most. Look at O'Brian is playing basketball now, Lastly, Transcendental Meditation technique is not a religion, not a present day villain is the "alien." So we're back to reordering of priorities, a concept that IS often 1Ovoked affairs was simpler, economics . STEVEN M. GOULD the dough the character has. He's and Strauss is acting like Wallace philosophy not a lifestyle, It requires no belief or faith in anything. It is a when the money runs out. People seem to think the function of reordering was simpler and pro football was lost three times in trying to be is his long lost brother. " ve ry simpl'e. natural, practical technique. The only requirement is tfie priorities will somehow generate morc dough. simpler. Even politics had a ability to think. . . , .. Of course at the end of every body of money WiUl a fancy name is refreshing simplicity. president and now he's only a Marlowe might be most confused heartbeat away. Who likes the The misconception that TM IS an Eastern religIon has been dlSclauned GSU, Undergrad Interest the Same someone the floor and barely making it, or a .researcher by the plethora of candidates the s~eeping The only mystery in politics was guy? I don't know a Democrat who by clergy members of all faiths who hav~ publicaly endorsed TM as an working to feed his family. [f we layoff grouuds people to hire TAs, we Democrats have opposing Wallace. whether the party bosses in their likes him and most Republicans, adjunct to their faith rather than a conflictmg ideology. James G. Soto's opinion column conditions are undergraduates' have still layoffs. "But we're in the business of education," the GSU in the educational and employment smoke filled rooms, would pick the especially the Conservative ones, He might say: " There are so NORA MALKIND " Who is the Patsy in the TA learning conditions. situations at UCSD. might respond. . many Democrats running that you party favorite for nomination, or would just as soon knife him in a RICHARD DAHOUT Dispute?" (TT, Nov. 12) does this Soto, then, is absolutely correct months of attempting to Yes but if the Teamsters for one reason or another stol'lped Illaktng would think the president has got Mter whether the bosses would seek to dark aUey." PRESIDENT campus the service of raising the when he chastises the ad­ secure such change through ad­ delive~ies we wouldn't be in the business of anything. create their own Frankenstein. some top numbers or vice racket SIMS., UCSD question of the relationship but­ The an~wer is not pleasant. For all tbe GSU's research, it is quite That strange turn of events ministration for its policy of ministration channels, the GSU Today, nobody knows what a pa':'y which led to two presidents and PAUL SCHWEIZER ween GSU activities and the un­ regarding undergraduate mem­ obvious money is tight at UCSD [yes, administrators make ~ lot of Continued on Page 8 now proposes a short-term in­ Cavorite is, and even if they dId, Cheaper to Relax dergraduates' educational well­ bers of the UCSD community as terruption of classes to win GSU money. Tbey do everywhere. We can think of few ways to take It away nobody belongs to a party anyway. being. Soto makes some telling from them). So UCSD wrings its bands and looks to Berkeley. Berkeley second-class citizens. If the ad­ demands which would provide Today however, things have I want to thank Fred Schindler for his Letter to the Editor (TT, Nov, 10i points regarding the status of ministration placed highest wrings it bands and looks to Sacramento. And in Sacramento t~ere sits a precisely for the maintenance of become so complex and con­ commenting on my article about TM. undergraduate education at UCSD. priority on undergraduate quality instruction at UCSD. We governor who has realized that there is a finite amount of money, and that tradictory, that st(Jmeone with a His concern for TM is to be commended and certainly personal ex­ His commentary errs gravely, to give more to UC is to take fr4m the poor and tbe bilngry. education - and this should be its take our action, moreover, in tough and inquisitive nature like perience is to be carefully handled. My article was not aimed at prac­ howe\·er, in so far as it attempts to highest priority - then it would not response to an insensitive ad­ Tbe GSU ' wbich has tried to seem oh-so working class 1 has said it tioners of TM but toward exaggerated claims for TM by the Maharishi Marlowe is needed to sort out this deny the existence of a genuine consistently choose to undennine ministration policy which, if left doesn't advocate taking from the poor and the bungry. but rather wants a and his denials it is religiOUS. The nature my article was to take issue twisted and increasingly covert of community of interest between the considerations of quality un­ unchecked, wiD force a permaaent redistribution of funds within the University. Fine. But there is not a with the Maharishi's statements, so people can evaluate them. election campaign. UCSD graduate and un­ dergraduate education through and drastic deterioration in un­ single expenditure that is not depended on by someone for his living, from True, the majority of people in India do not practice TM - they practice dergraduate students. If this were a Marlowe movie decisions which either impoverish dergraduate instruction. Fur­ the Chancellor's gardener to the man wbo vaccums the Mandeville suite. other forms of Hinduism. However, Maharishi claims only one percent of with Bogart or Mitchum, or even ThIs community of interest does existing educational opportunities thermore, the administration can And while a lot of administrators make a lot of moncy, a number of them a population practicing TM is needed to end suffering for a population. also perform vital functions, and some of tbese perform them well. And Elliot Gould, our story might begin e:a:ist. We need look only at the or deprive undergraduates of such put an end both to the short-term ObvioWlly, this is not true of India. Certainly, if TM is more widely humanities program and the in­ opportunities altogether. interruption and its long-term anyway, despite Gov. Brown, the difference)n income between a chan­ something on this note. practiced In the US and Europe than India (according to Mr. Schindler), troductory sequences offered in the These administration poliCies _ devaluation of undergraduate cellor and a janilor will remain the same. " It all began with Watergate then Iwould have to say by all appearances Maharishi's TM is not This, also, is f:,ct. . four years ago. I was working on a working here either. mathematics department for among them cutbacks in TA funds, instruction whenever it wishes, Therefore, wc support the work stoppage by the GSU, just as we would runaway child caper in DC when I strtking confirmation of this fact. inadequate attention paid to simply by agreeing to implement My reference to the articles in PlydMlOU Today (April, 1974) were the employment and educational support any stl ik by any group of frustrated wo.rkers who want to first heard about the Democrats meant to point out that research is hard pressed to support Maharishi's Increased work-loads and an teaching abilities in faculty tenure r 'order prloriti !s with themselves on top. But creepmg over the edge of office being bugged. overall reduction in the number of . decisions, and a cavalier disregard guidelines set forth in GSU exaggerated claims. Please not the authors were ready to admit possible demands. uur consciousnejs is the realization that we aren't here just for education, Bush League Stunt benefits of TM but not to the exaggerated extent the Maharishi claims. TA FTE in these departmelU have for the quality or lower division I It meant for graduate studelU both educatioo - make for the corrunon but ~ be a responsible segment of a larger society. The GSU, at the At first wasn't interested. My reference to the articles attempt to point this out to people so they can But are undergraduates, as Soto moment, is thJ! ame as the Rlversid blometiiC'al program, the sounded like the Democrats maybe honestly evaluate Maharishi's claims. layoffs and be~ened exploitation enemy of both UCSD graduate and put it, the "patsies" in all this? Of University's s tTu~ling affirmative action programs and tbe college at bugged themselves. It didn't figure Mr. Schindler either did not read the articles I cited or he overlooked a of their labor energies. undergraduate students. That is course not. They stand to benefit UCSD that. as yet has no bUildings. The same as all the people and that the Republicans would try !(re3t deal of information. otberwlse, he would know that Gary Schwartz And because of these jlll$S in why it is absolut ly crucial that materially if the administration IJrograms in a t 'ni ersity that is beginning to discover how good it had it, such a bush league stunt. I thought is Assistant Profesaor of Personality Psychology at Harvard and is ex- the studenttrA ratio, it has meant undergraduates support them­ upgrades thi:1 year's section ex­ Scoop Jackson, or maybe Mayor for undergraduates a further de- selves by supporting GSU WOrK. and that being f'lr ed to reallze that it is not in Oz, but In Califomia, where CoII...... Pa .. l. perience by immediately hiring IIlC pie Is geUin ~ smaller and smaller and the will of tbe people to provide Daley, tried to pull a fast one on the persanallzation of the clasaroom stoppage and strike activities in more grad~te student TA's and by more revenue i shrinking comparatively. National Headquarters. You know experience, a 10IIII of 50 percent of the coming weeks. insuring 40 ,1 studentITA ratios, There is no doubt that the undergraduate, with bis ootebook opened on those two stili had it in for that guy Th. Triton Ti .... il recognized by the CommunlCOfiON Boord of UCSO 01 the the fonnerly available section Nobody likes strikes or work­ such as Berkeley and UCLA his dcsk and his eag r eyes on the blackboard that will remain blank, is from South Dakota and his crazies officiol llildent _...... 'ublialf\on it on Mondayt. Wedneedoys and instructioo time in math, and a stoppages; neither the graduate already enjoy, for the coming year. fridays during the ....Iar achool year (•• cept on officlol holidays~ fdflorlal aught in th middle. His TA wlll seem Important to him, because his TA that had wormed their way into the f~en~ deterioratioo in the students who risk having their pay Undelg(u~ 11 bt '1=t ,pany organization without the and bUlin... offIc.. are located in 117 Blake Hall on .... R..... 1e College .chIng of basic writing skilla in docked or being fired nor the un­ is th ooly one who, at thi point, can explain differentials. Possihly comP'll, Unl.,.,.tty of California, San DIeeo, sies" only if they allow themselves because the professor's Ie tures have been so oblique and self-Indulgent bosses knowing what was going humanities. dergradllltes who willloee SOllIe of to be - only if they p8S5ively tt let~.. ID the Edhor and opinion columnl Ofe w.lcomed. All lubin_10M that the concept wasn't made as clear as it eould have been from the on . $hou ld be typed on ° 7.-ipOCe line on notlefalobl. paper. They Ihould not Thill, eduClItionaUy irrespo,.. their class time. And the GSU has acquiesce to the administration In beglnnillg. Marlowe thinks like anyone else, '.eeed thr.. pages in I.ngth double-apoced, The Triton TIm. __ th. sible adminiatratioo decisions not made its wprk-stoppage and its impoverishment of their Howev r, as we com to realize, finally, that we are not alone in the and might have considered elec­ "WI H,., predel. 1I0Il11. • f_ tf...... ,..., right 10 edit ..,bmlsalonl __ of ipCIC. IimllOlionl or style requir._nll. affecting the job status of gra~te strike decisioos IighUy. It has programs, only if they refuse to world. we hay difficulty decldiJlg who. really,ls rpore important: the TA tions at one time to be relatively' For edllorlal, call .c52~ for bull_ and display advert"._ntl, call studelU take their toU ultimately made them because we believe IRI•• I" .52 . ~ , fight and to stand up for their or the garden r who trims the hancellor's bushes. easy thing. Nobody figures that .... . on undergraduates as well. It Is that only the pressure of such educational needs and rights. And I' ••. patently true that our working actions can bring any bettennent " I II. "' .. I '" CoatiDaed 011 Pace U ...... ,.,~17,1I7I Moadey, November 17, 1175 '. rI•••••• D'S Page five Simon isappointing Garfunkel in Decline, Cobha Fun, ElO So Boring UNI'VERSITV BOOKSTORE by DanIel wier Garfunkel nee«bl the leadership many ups and downs, but generally ArtI~ and support of Paul Simon. The speaking, there are more ups than STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL best cut on "Break Away" is "My downs. . THESE YEARS • PAUL SIMON. Little Town." Even with the help of A FUNKY nuDE OF SINGS - Columbia Records. Graham Nash, David CrOl'lby, Toni BILL Y COBHAM. Atlaatic 111e music and lyrics are Paul Tennille, Klaus Voorman and Recenll. Simon, and they are good. "Still Nicky Hopkins, the rest of the LP is Typic" BWy Cobbam. Hard p. ays* Crazy After all These Years" a failure. music being driven at a frantic though, is a disappointment. The song arrangements are rate by Cobham's drumming. Not Compared to the common fare mediocre. For example, the great music, but fun. Big Week For Photos turned out by solo musicians, the Flamingos' old hit "I Only Have I always enjoy listening to album is excellent, but Simon has Eyes for You" cries out for vocal Cobham, and this is no exception. by Elizabeth CbimlDt proved that he is not common. hannony and receives only a sweet Cobham is a not a great band StaUWrtter NOVEMbER 11- NOVEMbER 20 Compared to what he has done in and sickening string harmony. leader. His group is too lOOl'le. It the past, the album is mediocre. The abortive journey into acting falls apart before it gets going. It is If you are into photography, then this is the week for you. 111e lyrics, especially, have lost Three new shows of photographiC art have opened this week around San their verve. A majority have Diego. Photographs by Amalia will be on display now through Nov. 22 at degenerated into trite nonsense. the Photo Workshop, 6151 Fainnount, SUite 115. A show of photographs by The proclaimations of "The Sound . Jim Hair is at the Unicorn Theatre Gallery through Dec. 3, and Bernard FREE T-SHIRT of Silence" and "I am a Rock" Kolysher, photographer, will be featured through Sunday, November 30 have been replaced with "You at the Focal Gallery, 1965 Fifth Avenue. don't need to be coy, Roy," and The San Diego theatre scene is presenting a number of fine productions WiT" PURC"ASE of ANy HEWlE I I-PACkARd "Hop on the bus, Gus." for your entertainment. Right here on campus, Nov. 18023, will be a Of the ten cuts on the album, only performance of Tennessee Williams' Camloo Real Performance time is three are worthy of the Simon of 8 pm at the UCSD Theatre, Matthews Campus. old, and all three are done with plenty of help from friends. "Gone Daddy Was A Welfare Check, a three-act drama by Arthur Graham will CALculATOR at Lalit," with Phoebe Snow and be performed at the Stage 7 Theatre, 1041 Seventh Avenue, through Nov. the Jessy Dixon Singers, is a 30, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm. There wtll be matinees at catchy concoction of fun music and 2 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. lyrics. "Silent Eyes," with the A drama on civil and economic liberty entitled The Incredible Bread Chicago Community Choir, Machine, will be presented Tuesday, Nov. 18, 8 pm, at Sambo's, 4865 features touching lyrics and a fine Harbor Drive. The production is being sponsored by the Libertarian pi:mo performance by Leon Alternative. Pendarvis. Electric Light Orche.tra Then there is the song that Feminist poet Susan Griffin will read selections from her writings marks the reunion of Simon and has left its mark on Garfunkel's composed of good mUSICians, Wednesday, Nov. 19, in the fourth program of the fall New Poetry Series. Garfunkel. Although " My Little voice, which now lacks the vitality thol;lgh, and when they let loose on The reading, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 4 pm in TOWll" seems to have disappointed it once had. Throughout the entire a solo, it makes listening exciting. the formal lounge of Revelle. many people, it is my nomination album, his voice is noticably This is particularly true of for ' 'Bicentenial Song of the Year." strained. Not once does Garfunkel Cobham's drum solos. He is the A resident of Berkeley, Griffin has published four books, three (Someone is sure to come up with hit high notes like the ones that premier drummer today, and " A collections of poems and one of short stories. Her play " Voices" won an such a prize.) The lyrics have made " Bridge Over Troubled Funky Thide of Things" proves it. Emmy Award for its Northern California production on public television caught the reality of the traditional Waters" a classic. This is the first time I have ever and will be published this winter by the Feminist Press. small town America. But, most of all, the music is heard a drum solo succeed on If you did not like " My Little terrible. Songs such as "Disney record. For nine and a half minutes She is currently writing a book about women and nature and will have a Town" the fi rst time you heard it, Girls" and "Waters of March" do even. Cobham calls it " A Funky book of poems published next year. Griffin also teaches writing and women 's studies at various colleges and universities. listen to it a couple more times. It music wander s too much. Kind of Thing," and the record improves each time as the idea However, the actual performance jacket says it was recorded in one If you enjoy poetry readings by contemporary poets, you might like to take without any overdubbing. MANUfACTURERS REpRESENTATiVE BooksTORE HAS. inf iUra ted into your mind. It is is good. Hammer's performing check out the series being presented by The Loft Bookstor~, 935 Sixth "* certainly the best of the album. capabilities have always been THE FIRST SEVEN DAYS • Avenue. The series presents new poets reading their own works each BREAK AWAY - ART GAR· better than average, and this is no JAN HAMMER. Nemperor Sundayevenin!!. will bE iN ThE BooksTORE TO 8:004:4J MON-FRi FUNKEL. Columbia Records. exception. Records, , . Here is definite proof that Art " The First Seven Days" has Cootinued 00 Page 8 Enjoy yourselves, ok? ANSWER ANy OUESTIONS. Eros Carries Symphony, In Golden Hall Concert Chorale to Flawless Moments Wakeman Shows It Off the neul HP-21 Scientific. $I2l.8ct by Tlmotby Mackenzie piece from two sepa!ate entities. ' Wakeman, despite poor jokes and by Daniel Shawler StaHWriter Other noteworthy selections in- history lessons, illicited an ex· Arts Editor Rick Wakeman is no' longer c1uded "Catherine Paar" and ceptional audience response, The mood was not set fo r last Friday's San Dieg(l Symphony concert " Catherine Howard" from the "Six bringing the crowd to their feet on ~D touring with orchestras and choirs, Now $ buys: o You solve all problems-no matter how eomplex­ until the end of intermission when the San Diego Symphonic Chorale nor is l)e staging bizarre ice foWes . Wives Of Henry VIII" and "The several occasions. • More power than our HP·3S. 32 pre.progr.lmmed one step at a time. You »t'Vt'r work with mo'" than began to populate the stage. With the wemen in long blue gowns and the Instead, he appears quite satisfied Forest" from "Journey To The Opening the show Thursday fun ctions and o~ ra ti on s, including rectangular/ two num M t'S a t once. men in traditional black tuxedos, it took almost five minutes to seat the to travel with his keyboards and Centre Of The Earth." night was another fine keyboard polar conversion, "'gister arithmetic and common o You get continuous and immediate feedback . You 120 members for Beethoven's " Ninth Symphony." back-up group the seven piece If all you saw when you watched musician Gary Wright. Wright has log evaluation. see all intennediate answers i... ",.diat.ly, because The chorale produced the large voluminous sOWld in the "Ode to Joy" English Rock Ensemble. Wakeman's fingers was a blur, been a studio musician of scme • Smallersize.6 ounces VS. 9 ounces for our HP· 35. your calculator executes each function immediately that audiences all over the world love to hear. Too often a group of such Not surprisingly, Wakeman is relax, there was nothing wrong repute, playing on many albums, • Oisplay formatting. after you press the function key. )Iou watch it 11appt'll . proportions proves to be unwieldy and sluggish, but this was not the much more effective here than with your vision. The man is that including George Harrison's. • H·P', unique and

'.', "r."t., •• ,.tt ••••••• •••••••• t ••• I •••• t~ . .. \.\ ... '.\\~\ •• \'. '.\ ~ \\ '.,-t. t •• ' •• '1lt •• I.' •• •• tl' •• • • ' •••• •• • " •• • ••••• "1' •• '·.,"l t ... " , •••••,., •••••, ••.••• ' •••• '.' ••.• t ••••• ' ••••• ~...... ,. ••...':.· ...·.·f.·.': .·.· ....'I .....·:.'·· p.4 :30 pm C... Uuaiq EducaU... Program. University of San Diego Lawyer's Assistant 7:30 pm - MeetiDg of the Folk Dance Club. Recreation Conference Room, Rec Gym­ progrllDl representatives on campus to discuss program and admissions. General group nasium. ~ti1ll9 -10 am. Appoinbnents 11 am - 4: 30]1111. Career Planning & Placement, 412 MC. 7:30 Rm - Seminar. Professor Martin Shapiro, Department of Political Science, " Certain 9-3 pm - Birth Coatrol Cea&er ... See Tuesday. Inalienable Rights ... The film "Freedom and Security" will also be shown. The progrllm is WHAT'S ON: 11/10-11/2 10-12 pm - Open Counseling with Dick Weber, 701 MC. sponsored by the Extension Office. CaJl then at 452-3400 for more information. Free with ID am - Fireside. The Bliha'i Faith will be discussed in the Student Center's Upper UCSD ID. General ad-nission $4. wmge. Eve.,.one is most welcome. 8 pm - New Music presented by a music presented by a music performanceciass. Recital Noon - . Carolynn Bowen Hawley will conduct a Music Department Seminar on Hall, Mandeville Center. \ ~usic Audientes. Room B 210, Mandeville Center, 8 Plll- Drama PreseDtation. Camino Real...see Tuesday listing. Any .v.IIl In or lUOund the UC Slut Dkfo communily is «I6ible Noon - Meetiag of the Conditioning Club. Wrestling Room, Main Gymnasium. 8 pm - Handcrafts Exblbltlon aDd Sal\!. GaJlery 8 will offer for sale a melange of imported lor inclusion. in WHA T.'S ON. oon - en. Third and Fourth Colleges will sponsor " Rae, Rich, and Kevin" in and domestic handcrafts. Featured will be a wide assortment of jewelry and textiles. ""QM flU tIN style tIIIdlomt/ll you see below lor submissions. cGllce rt. Free, Matthews Cafeteria Patio. Baroque music performed by a recorder group headed by Ralph Lewin wiJI accompany the Turn them In ehher to 1M stUM"t "Iller by 4 pm Thursday, or to Noon - Meeting of the Muir College Program Board. Muir Activities Office. B.Y.O. exhibition Gallery 8, International Center. tlte Triton Times by 4 pm Friday. LlJllCh. 8:30 pm - Drama Production. " The Convention" by T. K. Blakesley, is playing at the oon - CllDcert. Edna, the UCSD Student Information Center, will sponsor the return Crystal Palace Theater, 3785 Ocean Front Walk, Mission Beach. tngagement of the Mike Peed Jazz Quartet Front Gym Steps. Free. / 8 pm - Department of Drama presents THE LAUNDRY directed by M.F .A. candidate er Job Interview•. Airesearch Manufacturing Company. Seeks BA, MS, l;aI) pm - lleeting of the Graduate Student Union. USB 2622, Revelle Campus. I pm - W rsblp. Christian Prayer Meeting. All interested students invited. Lounge John Ovrutsky. The play-a sometimes frightening, always bewildering, comedy by con­ ies, Engineering (electric, mechanical, aeronautical) for work in en­ 7: pm - Meeting of the Folk Dance Club. Recreation Conference Room, Rec. Gym­ Conference oom, Student Center. temporary playwright David Guerdon-will be presented in the UCSD Studio Theatre (409 1 transportation, and power conversion. Appointments necessary. Career nasi I pm - eteralll-Come to a rap session to discuss a Veterans Organization, a quarterly MC ). Admission is free, but passes must be picked up in Drama Office. cement, 412 MC. 8 pm Drama Presentation. The Drama Department will present Tennessee William's work study or any veteran related issue on your mind. Veterans Affair 9 pm - Dance sponsored by The Third World Cultural Program. Admission is $2.00 . ting of the Communications Board. Office of Student Organizations, Student "Cami Real." Director Arthur' Wagner invites you to join familiar characters Don Revelle Cafeteria. r. Quix ,~mille, Kilroy, and others on a phantasmagorical journey along ~he unfamiliar Re'cett1tioa. Meet your Provost. Munchies. Muir College Provost Office. 9 pm - Concert. Coffee House; one night only: " Duff" at the Keyboard Muir 5 & Dime, - .tiog of the Conditioning Club. Wrestling Room, Main Gymnasium. path of the Camino Real. General admission is $3 and admission for students IS $1.50. UCSD plli~SelqJm18r. Professor Gilles M. Corcos, College of Engineering, UC Berkeley, will Lower Muir Commons. Free. - ture. Mr. Forrest Miller, Meteorologist, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Theatre. Shear Layers: The Stages of Instability and Their Possible Relation ill speak on : " Effects of the Environment on the Catch of Tropical Tunas." 8 pm - Fireside. To all those who have been wantinginfo on the Baha'i Faith come to the idIl'llr bl~lel~ce." 7104 Urey HaU, Revelle Campus. ries Center Auditorium, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. fireside. The informal discussion will be held at the Mesa Apts. 3296 HH Regents Rd. Call 4 p ' dmlnton team versus South-western College. Southwestern College, Chula pm - Chess Tournament. Student Center - Awards for Hacks and Experts ... Entrance Exhibition. The Mandeville Art Gallery will sponsor a showing of " The UCSD 453-2094 for more info. Ask for Julie. Vista. at the door 9-9:30 ... Chess for everyone! Rounds 9:30,12 :30, 4:00. . Coli ' The collection features paintings by Picasso and Monet and other renowned • 4pm- ater Polo team versus Redlands College. UCSD Pool. • m-Badminton tournament. Mesa College, San Diego . at\i!>ts of the te nineteenth and early' twentieth centuries. The Gallery is open from Noon .-r4Ht!!.... &e School Meeting. U. of Pennsylvania Wharton Graduate School of 4 pm - lor. Dr. Alvin Liberman will speak on: " Perception of Knowledge." Small 9 am - omen's Swimming team will partiCipate in the Santa Barbara Invitational Mcet. to ~ . ., nday through Friday. The exhibition will continue through November 25.. disCUSS programs, admissions, financial aids. Appointments requested. Career Seminar R ,Salk Institute. Uf;SB, Santa Barbara. . 1 pm - ' hip. Christian Prayer Meeting. All interested-students invited. Lounge cement, 412 MC. 4 P cussion. Barbara Penn from OASIS will conduct a discussion on " How to foam - Meeting of the Aikido Club. Wrestling Room, Main Gymnasium. Con e Room. Student Center. . 9 n raduate School Meeting. Clairemont Graduate School to discuss programs, Prepare for finals, " including the arts of taking tests and memorizing. Matthews 10 am - Meeting of the Karate Club. Main Gymnasium. '\!,llW...::.i;n;;A!pnar. Dr. Allan Rosencwaig, Bell Laboratories, will speak on: "Opto-Acoustlc etc. ~oi ents requested. Career Planning & Placement, 412 MC. Recre' ter. oa'm - Course Offering. In conjunction with the UCSD extension program, Betzi Roe will Sp ctroscopy. 307 Vaughan Hall, Scripps Institution of O~eanography . . . 10 : 00 am - Meeting: Fourth College Career Planning Comm. Matthews Rec Center. ~ : 30 eling of the Gymnastics Club. South Balcony, Main Gymnasium. conduct a 'nar on " The Art of Dance." The class will proceed until 3 :30 pm, in Sumner eeting of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Handicapped m the \0-12 pm - Open Counseling with Dick Weber, 701 MC . . . \~ : 30 pm - L cture sponsored by the Visual Arts Department. Susan Smith, art historian, AlI.di , Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Call the Extension Office at 452-3400 for Dis led St nt Center, Revelle Commons. Everyone welcome to attend. ~ _ aduate School Meeting. Drop by to talk w}th representatives from UCLA wullecture 0 " The Naked Judith - A Study on Methodology" Mandeville Center, room 103. more mformation, including fee schedule. 3 - Fie Hockey team versus USIU. Muir Field, UCSD. Graduat Sch I of Welfare about programs, etc. Career Planning & Placement 412 MC. 5pm - ure sponsored by the Uepartment of History. Professor Charles Rosenberg of 10 am - Bike Ride for riders of all abilities. Meet in front of the Bike Shop. 3: pm - inar. Dr. Allan Rosencwaig, Bell Laboratorie~, w!ll speak.on : " M~th~s oon - eting ofthe Conditioning Club. Wrestling Room, Main Gymnasium. Depa ent of History, University of Pennsylvania, will speak on " The Hospital Patient m - anksgiving Turkey Trot. Predict your time for our 3-mile cross-country and pplica ns of Photo a coustic Spectroscopy." Sumner AuditOrium, Scnpps InstitutIOn oon - Coaeert, sponsored by the Muir College Program Board and the Student Center: 19 Ce ury America." Garren Auditorium, Basic Science Building, Medical School. course Tho closest win a delicious turkey for your Thanksgiving table! P rizes to be of Rogtaphy. "utah Phillips." Muir Quad. awarded in a number of different categories. Sig n up in the RecG ym Office. pm - Meeting of the UJS, conference room, stud~nt center. . _ PIRG Local Board Meeting, Student Organizations Conference Room. Meeting of the Belly Dance Club. Recrea.tion Conference Room, Recreation 1 pm Soccer team versus Northrop College. Muir F ield, UCSD. _ Meeting of the Table Tennis Club. RecreatIOn Conference Room, RecreatIOn Gym. Disc ion of ter quarter projects, etc. ALL INVITED. 1 pm - Fencing Tournament with Cal State Fullerton and UC Santa Barbara. Ca l State ( Ten~tiVMAcation ) 1 - Wo ip. Christian Prayer Meeting. All interested students invited. Lounge eeting of the Yoga Club. Adaptive Room, Main Gymnasium. Fullerton, Fu erton. p~ y Reading. Susan Griffin will read her poetry. Revelle Formal Lounge, Conf nce Room, Student Center. eting. M.E .Ch.A . Meeting. North Conference Room, Student Center. 1-4 pm - T E GREAT PAPER AIRPLANE CONTEST ...Many valua ble prizes awarded R onunons. 3-4 pm - Clinic for Couples or individuals seeking information or counseling on sexual eeting of the Campus Program Board. Game Room Conference Room, to winners4n a numer of categories: best and craziest design, duration aloft, distance 4: 30 pm - Meeting of the Gymnastics Club. South Balcony, Main Gym~asium . . matters. Leaders Judith Jorgensen, M.D. and Hugh Pates, Ph.D. Revelle Counselors Cen flown , and others. For a different type of adventure in space, contact RecGym Offic e for 5 PQl- L.ecture sponsored by the Visual Arts Department and the Project for Art/SCience Office. J{3490 6 pm - A of Leng Meeting. Lounge Conference Room, Student Center. pre-registr::tj,~)D and further information. Contest to be held at Tioga Hall on Muir campus. Stlidies. . Carlo Pedretti, a UCLA art historian, will speak on " Leonardo's Battle of :t pm - Field"JIockey team versus Ca I Poly Pom~na . Cal P?ly Pomona, Pomona.. . &pm- eettngofthe Muir Outing ClUb. A.P.M. 2402, Muir Campus. Sponsored f71' KSDT and PE dept. Anghlara ·In Anticipation." Mandeville Center, room 103. 3 pm - Meeting of the Coop Steering Committee. Office of Students OrgamzatlOns, 7pm - Meeting of the Fencing Club. West Balcony, Main Gymnasium. 2 pm - Department of Drama present THE LAUNDRY. See Friday for details. 5 pm - Meeting of Students for Tom Hayden. All interested students invited. North Student Center 7 pm - M ing for all those interested in resuming Intercollegiate Track and Field at 7'38 pm ... Film. The Chinese Student Association will present a film. F urther in­ Conference Room, Student Center. 3 pm - Me Ing for women interested in the first UCSD women's softball team. Rec Main topics of discussion will be past, present and future 01 track at UCSD, in­ fo rma tion .. forthcoming. H.S.S. 2250, Muir Campus. 5-9 pm - Clinic at the Birth Control Center is open. Appointments are necessary .. Call 452- Conference room. . cl udinlg scheduling, budgeting and equipment. Gymnasium class room. 713O-anCHo pm - The Campus Program Board will present the film "Seduction of Mimi," 2669 . 4 pm. - Meeting of the Table Tennis Club. Recreation Conference Room, Recreation Gym. - UCSD Roller Skating Night at-the Tri-City Roller Tink, Solana Beach $1.25 in­ comic and olitical minded sexual farce by the highly acclaimed Italian woman director 5:30 pm - Meeting of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Club. Lounge Conference Room, (Tenta tive Location) transportation, admission, and skate rental. Come join the fun! Purchase tickets at Li Wert lIer. Admission is $1 .00. USB 2722, Revelle Campus. Student Center. 4 ~ - Seminar. Dr. Kenneth H. Nealson, will speak on " Inorganic Redex Reactions, RecGym Office before Thursday noon. 8 pm - Drama Presentation. " Camino Real" ... see Tuesday listing. 6 pm - Meeting of the Christian Science Organization, Blake Conference Room. CatalYzed by Aquatic Microorganisms." 202 Scripps Building, Scripps Institution of pm - AUDITIONS for UCSD Theatre production of THE WEDDING BAND. See pm - Mus c. The UCSD Opera tudio and the La Jolla CiviclUniversity Symphony will . Wlednesclay for details. 6:30 pm - Meeting of the UCSD Student Cooperative. North Conference Room, Student OcP.lDO~raptiy . p rt's 0peJ8 " The ic Flute." The opera studio will be directed by John Center. 4 pm - New Poetry Series, Formal Lounge, Revelle College Commons. Emmy-award i pm - A B Meeting, Revelle Informal Lounge, Elections this week, all members asked rge and the sympho by Thomas ee. Mandeville Auditorium. Admission is $1.25 for 7 pm - Discussion. "How to Take Essay Exams Successfully," led by Carmen Schoensee, winning poet Susan Griffen will read selections from her writings. Free. be present. U SD studen!4i and $3.00 fOr others. Academic Counselor at the Writing Clinic. 4th floor lounge, Blake HaJJ. 4rpm - amatic Presentation. The Drama Club will present: "The Summoning of Every pm - Seminar-Dr. Thomas J . Fitch, Research Fellow, School of Earth Sciences, ~lW1- De rtment of ma presents THE LAUNDRY. See Friday for details. 7 pm - Meeting of the Student Dance Club. West Balcony, Main Gymnasium. Man." Oil th~ front gym steps and the mound opposite them. The presentation is a lian National University, Canberra, will speak on : " Contemporary Tectonics in 8:30 - Dra Prodlidiwl, " TlIiH.:Jlnv~ntion" .. .Se e Friday. 7:30 pm - SIMS advanced meeting for all Transcendental Meditators. Revelle froma l medie mo ity play for modern man. Free. Australia from Seismic Body and Surface Waves." I.G. P .P. Conference Room, 9 pm - Dance. The Revelle Resident Hall Board will sponsor a dance. Student iden­ lounge. 4: 30 pm - Meeting of the Gymnastics Club. South Balcony, Main Gymnasium. . Sc'rinrl!': lnstitution of Oceanography. tification is required. The band playing to be announced. Revelle Cafeteria. 7:45 pm - Meeting ofthe Aikido Club. Wrestling Room, Main Gymnasium. 4 ~ pm eminar. Dr. Gordon Sato will speak on: " Domatomedins and other Growth - Drama Presentation. " Camino Real .....see Tuesday listing. 8 pm - MEETING OF GSU SUPPORT ORGANIZATION. Open to all concerned un­ Fac . 21 nner Hall, Revelle Campus. - Game Nlgbt at the 5& Dime. Here's a chance to meet with other game enthusiasts dergraduates interested in aiding and participating in the upcoming GSU workstoppage. . 4:. pm - LOGY DEPT. SEMINAR Dr. Judson J. Van Wyk of. the Dt;partment of brush up on your Backgammon for the upcoming tournament. B.Y.O. Game. Open to 10 am ~ encing team versus CSUF Epee. Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton . The GSU invites both groups and indiviudals to attend an organizational and informational Ped trics, 'son of Encrocrinology, University of North Carolma, Will speak on . 5 & Dime, Lower Muir Commons. 1'.30 am Wors!llp. Catholic Students Mass. North Conference Room, Student Center. meeting. USB 2622. "So tom s and Other Growth Factors", Room 2105, Bonner Hall. 10 pm - Kayak rolling lessons sponsored by the Muir Outing Club. Pool. 1 - Chess Tournament. Student Center Rounds 11 :00, 3:00. 8 pm - Meeting of the Israeli Dance Club. Recreation Conference Room, Rec. Gym. . 5'1'ft'1 - Mure featuring Tom Hayden, US Senate candidate, antiwar activist and one of 7 pm licate Bridge. Revelle North Dining Hall. 8 pm - Organizational m eeting for all interested students of the 5 & Dime Coffee House. 5 the Chicago Seven defendants. USD Law School, More Hall. 90S pm - areer Job Interviews. American Hospital Supply. Seeks any major/degree for 7, 3Opm- ridge Lesson. Revelle Formal Lounge. FREE. & Dime, Lower Muir Commons. ~Qlll- Clinic atthe Birth Control Center.. . See Monday. . of sel tiCic lab equipment. Also seeks BA, MS PhD in Bioengineering or related for 7 pm Film. "Duck Soup" at the Matthews Cafeteria. Admission: 50 cents. 9 pm - Film sponsored by the Monday Nite Films: Clint Eastwood in, " High Plains 5:30 pm - inlier with Dr. Douglas Magde, Fourth College chemIStry 'profe~ . Mat- engineering positions. Appointments necessary. Career Planning & Placement 7:30 pm -"poetry Reading in the Loft Bookstore, 935 Sixth Ave., San Diego. Upstairs, 2 Drifter." 5 & Dime, Lower Muir Commons. Free. thews . , MC. ' d J'3roadway. This week Bruce Boston will be featured. Donation: $1. :n - Meeting of the Student Coop Budget Resource Group. Office of Student 9am - eetlng of the Student Dance Club. North Balcony, Main Gymnasium. 8 pm - Films. The Yoga Club will present the films: " A Difficult Man" and "Sex, Organizations, Student Center. ughter and God Realization." USB 2622, Revelle Campus. t,O pm lOam - Administrative Intern Meeting. Office of Student Organizations, Student Center. -Career Job Interviews. Burroughs Well come Company. Seeks BA any major for ~ pm - MeetiDg of SATCH. Office of Student Organizations, Student Center. sales/marketing in pharmaceuticals. Appointments necessary. Career Planning &. 10 am - Japanese Flower Arranging. International Center. 8-pm - Dr a Pn:sentation. "Camino Real .....see Tuesday listing. II JIIl- g of the Triton Wargaming Society. 902 Tioga Hall. Everyone welcome to 12:05 . Mr. Craig Fusaro, Biology Department, UCSB, will speak on: 8 pm - Mus C. The UCSD Opera Studio and the La Jolla Civic/University Symphony will PlaceJDent, 412 MC. atte perfenn -M,cprt's opera "The Ma . Flute." The opera studio will be directed by John 9-3 pm, - Birth Control Center is open for information and to make appointments. Student Slllnnl1H~'

disclaimer , " For those concerned: been equally great if It was not S.de Door • I ••• ...... "ooday, November 17, 1175 • ••_ ...... 1... .,.. Guidelines for Access to Student Records [TIle f.llowtD~tIIe pidelbles, lulled by UC Sa. Dlep'. Office of Studellt Mfaln, Student requests to inspect education records pertaining to the student'. status as a for tile Implem • aI &be FamUy EdIleado_1 R ...... aad PrIvacy Ad of 117.: I stude~ shaU be granted within 46 day. after the request has been made. St .dents shall students are aol that under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and have an opportunity for • hearing to challenge the COIlte~ of the student's records, to Privacy Act of W1 ,every student is accorded the right to inspect and review education insure that the records are not lnacc~te, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the $1 a month buys all records directly ::-elated to the student's status as a student that are held by any unit or privacy or other rights of the student, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or department of UC San Diego. deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate data, contained therein. The right of inspection is available to students who are or have been in attendance and Students are advised that the full text of the Family Educational Rights and PrIvacy extendEdgar Rice Burroughs; and for­ Kirby, that make comic books the creation of SupermaL" Gita (Hindu writings) sing the glory of the imperishable self, the ...... " BEING ... the Upanishads explore the BEING as Brahma in the regions ...... mer world karate champion Bob vital art ronn they are today, and . Then steppiDg lightly off the o Low-cost personalized checks .. . .. \ Wall. make comic conventions the stage and smillDg gem.Dy, Jerry where cosmic prana takes its birth and explore it for man within him­ 1 :)/ And . Jack " King" thoroughly enjoyable experience Siegel headed tewanl UIe throng of self." o Overdraft protection * Kirby, refered by millions of comic they are. autegrapb seekers. On page 34 he continues, "The Bhagavad Gita gives a very clear ex­ freak as THE creative rorce in the position on the path of enlightenment, the transcendental deep o Monthly Timesaver R Statements industry. Kirby. of Fantastic Four. meditation ... " Then Maharishi tells \Ii the technique for experiencing the Do It..• Being: " The process of bringing the attention to the level of the tran­ CaptaiD America and New Gods It does not make sense to me that someone would not avail himself of a o BankAmericard R * fame. They billed his talk " Kirby scendental Being Is known as the system transcendental deep userul technique just because the mechanism has not been completely meditation." (p. 46) . • Unleashed." It was a slide show figured out. I doubt that many of us will stop taldng aspirin for headaches o Educational loans detailing his ~year career as a No , practicing TM or going through . he initiation or the puja do not just because its mechanism of action is not well understood. make a person a Hindu, but a person is pI t;lcticing Hinduism by following weaver of legends and teller of Concerning the question of religion, I must say that lowe no allegiance o Personal savings account heroic tales. Maharishi's TM. I trust people can reco,'nize Maharishi's error about to Maharishi and do not subscribe to any Hindu religious beliefs, yet denying his TM is religiOUS . The slides detailed facets or his thoroughly enjoy practicing TM . The fact that there is an innocuous o Individual counseling from career, and Kirby commented on However, all is not bleak. The value of relax methods are not lost. Dr. initiation ceremony when first learning TM should not prevent someone Herbert Benson of Harvard. an extensive r~ earcher or TM, has come up each, giving his personal viewpoint rrom taking up the practice any more than he should refrain from going Student Representatives on his creations . The slides in­ with a method that achieves the same results of TM. In his recent book, to baseball games because the National Anthem is sung at the beginning. Relaxation Reponse, Dr. Benson explains how a person can relax using cluded The Forever People, his In short, it is possible to retain all of one's religious, political and other statement of young people as "the no Ea s t ~ rn jargon, or initiation ceremonies or religious connotations. For • Ava ilable only to qualified students of beliers and still gain a greater enjoyment of life through practicing $6 .95 the book is not a bad buy when compared to the going rate ror essence of life," Darkseid, his Transcendental Meditation. sophomore standing or higher. " interpretation or ... total power" Maharishi's TM . .TF.DROSE GEORGE POST TRiTON TiMES CLAssifiEd Ads

Girrard 72 B Turntable Shure 1.191 ed Car­ Explore Old master draWIng & painting. tndge. xlnt cond o 565. Also. Wah Wah Learn how to prepare your own surfaces & lOST 6 fooNd Peddl e. new $;>5 . Dave 755·1378. (11/17) Classifieds should either be printed or typed on a 3"x S" eard paints. BIll 436-0109. (11/24) Lost Monday . TurquoiselSilver Arrow Depend on us. More (avaitable in Triton Times office). They may be submitted Wilder Guilar Amp XlQWatts· RMS ' -17s . - Broach. Very valuable to me. Please bring 10 anytime between 9 and noon and 1 and 4 p.m. 10' S Solid State Solid Sound S600 0< best. Are you adopted? Seeki ng natural parents? Sundry Store. (11 /17) The ' following rates are for 100 spaces - if you use more 481 ·050? aller5. (1t /24) 2:P-65100

1) OlympIa plus S. Marge Banlett • X«J3? or 468·0055 . "t Ill) LOSI Lecture notes -Just a Taste W ll1 00". UCSD SenIor. II Inti In h,S van. seekS to rent • need th em. Reward. Chart ie. 452·9187 a ;'·car garage With kitchen and blthroom SERVICES " t i t', prI""eges. for a hu '" tia.;f. c-o.., P"Y""f" 10 Jim will be at the bookstore from SSO Imo Includor g utilities. Call 454 ..8549 and leave your name a numberllt /?l) FOR SALE .. Turquoise Jewelry at People mover5- Moving advice and .... slance Very reasonable. Call Jefl WHOLESALE Prices. Call 453-5671. ask 10< 2n. SSW Travel Ofllce. UCSD International Roommate 10 .ha" 2 bedroom apt . Own J078. (11/;>6) Fred Excellent work I (1 t /11, Center. XMAS NY Ch.". r VIllI: MlIlatzan room 'ully f "nished 11 2 SO /mo. In cl camping St 39 ; Cent. Am"lca 3 -'ts 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on these dates . uhllh... on PB. no pets. Call 273-t529 THE WOOO DOVE·A gourmet Natural Food. 69 F,at I ~ 4 Spider. new top. under 40.000 :0479 .. Inft Student 10 . Summer Europe /11/ 11) ResulIJr.n!. recenlly Opened in Solana miles. outstanding cond ition. private par1y Chaners .... 45 ?-0630. 11 am · 4 pm. Mon. A len. Igresslve. ..arm h ..rted , penllvel1 Beach. 150 Acacia (Next 10 Another 8 lrd'. 51895 453-6879. It. 117) Wed. Frl only. analytical. uOO.'enol.. Iemal. deSlr85 Open t I - II Dinner (rom 5.. 10. Special oft,,· ( t ll~) Female grad lo>l<'"g 10< lem rmmate lor 2 br relationship wl1h "",Ie 0' s_ qualities apt ,n PB or 10 100II In s.me area Helen 270. ~'ull Smoolhl • . 45 cent • • Oct. IS.. Nov. 15. Xerox 1013 M,crofilm Reader. appro. 575 Europe. Israel. Orient . NY TGA low-cost B""" 755·0941 or write ' 1 Xl79 CamlnllO 3136 or try ;>15·01 41 (11/17) Toll56·58' O Call 45 ~· 4 ;'97 (11 /11) flIghts AIS! t436 S. LaClenega 8 1. L A . del ROClo. Del loll ... Calif. It I I t9) 90035 7t4-54 4·9333 or ; ~3-66?·7n7 . Roommale needed 10 share Ig 3BR house In Collegiate reo.ltCh alds·thouMnd8 on ' ile. VWI9f)g F aslback. only 40.000 miles. greal lit 1;06' o B Ocean vIew plus many extras. St ~O plu. Send $1 for YOIA' IE() pao- mal lOI'll. catalog. COnd $1400 45 ~ .a.41 . keep trying. (11/19' Cum ;.. ski m, AI_. Meat someone or uhl E"co9 Ii' 117) you're I"ad 0' .pendlng 10 much tim. Need ride? LOIIVIng F" Nov 2t l or Sin cr.mming. maybe Ihey are lor you. Sold 1.1 - Drtp-Thou hast laken the name of 1hy Phyurg MOln GUlzi 'SOcc '10 M olC hanlcally perfect BernardIno Valley ar.. Call Kathy 778· 11 06 . Wanted Female Roommate nonsmoker. La Th 11 ·()().t :OO Revelle Ouad. Get all back In vain · Thou shalt I)IIY The primary 01· bUI needs seal cover. $87~ 0< best oller 453- K""p trying 111 /11) Joll8 459.0' (11 /11) 7'3' evening 111 /17, Issuea ("/17, lended OM8 (I t 111) Paptwelft Mo." Neveaaber17, Lunch••. layoffs due to ~ction in freeway construction. people. He bas shown that at UC RegelU meeting They wore black armbands and questioned Brown and press conferences. about those cutbacks. He showed it Friday with some of the are "Doesn't that bother your conscience?" they asked politicians, notably state Senator Jim Mills an CAPEi.~ Working with the EAP Office in him. Supervisor Jim Bates. When be was asked question' the International Center, and in "AU government bothers my conscience," the about local issues he would tum to one of them an CAPE has announced that it has conjun~on with counterparta on governor replied, bringing down the house. say "Here's Jim MiUs, why don't you ask him?" been unable to contact several other UC campuses, a San Diego Then getting serious, Brown reflected his brand of It W88 thiI mischievous quaUty, tbis flair for th professors to set up an evaluation campus committee has been reality. "The fact is the work is not there .. .In our unexpected, that deUgbted the admittedly pro-Bro appointment for their classes. If fonned which consists of minority society, I think, we have reached the peak of ability to audience Friday, and has doubtless contributed to either professor or students in­ students who are EAP returnees. move from one place to another... The problem is, amazingly high popularity ratings he has received. volved bave an interest in seeing The committee's functions are the what do we find when we get there, from point A to the class evaluated this quarter, counseling, recruitment and point B? There are problems of education, health, contact the CAPE office at Lower orientation of minority and employment and lots of other areas more important Dinner••• than transportation." . harder to imprpve govenunent." Muir Commons. financiaUy disadvantaged students Brown emphasized more than once that whil The foUowing professors have interested in the program, with ~ !:Srown was also asked about his past statements on people tend to personify leadership, that governmer' not been contacted: Hecht­ hope of making information more reduced standard of living. is not a one-person show. He said that "people mW I Communications 186; D.M. accessible to all students whose "I don't know if you noticed or not but your stan­ recognize' the common purpose that puUs u Dryden-Drama 152,153; Jameson­ primary drawback is financial aid. dard of living was reduced this year. Look at your together." That purpose, he explained, "is protectin LiVGen 152; Nave~LiVHeb 1, 10; All freshmen and sophomore grocery bill and utility bill. In fact, the only thing that the country for our children. " Blanro-LiVSp 25, 130; GUillen­ students who are interested in didn't go up was state taxes, I want you to know." In an evening that played heavlly on partisa LitlSp 103; Haff-Math 4C; obtaining information on the Someone asked about the limit Brown placed on polities, Brown made few partisan jibes. He did Fillmore-Math 5A; Druian-Music program its requirements and on state aid to adult education. to the Governor's Mansion a favorite topic of hi~ 36, 13IA; Chase-Mwlic 40; FarreU­ individual study centers should Brown replied that had saved $156 million this year, Brown said he had no use for the masion, and joke Music lOlA; Phil-Scales llOA, 170; contact Phyllis Quan at MC 402. that could be used on other projects. To meet all about "using it as a halfway house ... or inviting m .. education demands would require a doubling of the and Doug1as-Soc 121. Travel Notes friends to camp there." state income tax. . Med School Seminar U. Gov. Mervyn DymaUy, a surprise guest at th It Student centers are now open in always came back to money. To save money, to banquet, made a speech preceding Brown's. Dymall keep taxes down, some things must go. Those are the Both lower division and upper New York and of­ praised Brown's appoinbnents of minorities an requirements of any priority reordering. division students interested in fering discount accomodations to women to the courts. It appears Brown realizes that, unlike many medicine or the health field will students. " Gov. Brown has achieved equality in the crimin: politicians have the opportunity to learn about The New York Student Center is justice system, filling in the gap of minorities an, Jerry Brown's appeal may not be so paradoxical the admission process for graduate located in Hotel McAlpin with rates women who have been excluded from the judiciary, after all. schools this Wednesday and at $7.50 per person, double oc­ Oymally said. . Thursday at a pre-med/allied cupancy. Located at Hotel But he also showed a style that is completely unlike Many local legislators attended the banqu(. health seminar at 8 pm in the Stratford, the San Francisco the stereo-type politician. l"or one wmg, his hair honoring Senator MiUs' 15th year in the State Senato Revelle Cafeteria. Student Center offers rates of $6.00 never stays in place. It is always flopping in his face. Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin (D-Sari Dieg< Wednesday's session is per person, double occupancy. would never stand for that. toastmaster for the evenign, described Mills ~ primarily for freshmen and Reservations are not generally He is mischievous, reminding observers of a sprite " more than a senator; he's a teacher who has taugl sophomores interested in the required. A Los Angeles Student whose chief pleasure in life is bedeviling stuffy us considerably about honesty. in government." Health field and also for those Center will be opening during the seeking possible career in­ summer months. formation. Thursday those GaDle of GSU Letter... students attending the seminar will • • • it's clear that one of the most as mandatory T A Trainin hear about application procedures A camping trip to Mazatian, pressing needs of undergraduates Programs to make gradual and interviewing techniques. Mexico's beach resort just across Week••• - right now is to win for themselves a students better teachers a n Speakers for the two-day the Tropic of Cancer, has space of Tony Jelinek and Al Johnson put rational and workable studenVT A obligatory review of gradual seminar are: Jean Parks, pre-med available to UC San Diego mem­ together an effort deserving of a 12- ratio. This is what makes un­ students' and faculty member. advisor; Tom Bond, UCSD bers for departures December 13 10 game one victory. dergraduates and the GSU allies in teaching performances by ur chemistry professor; Percy and 26. Each trip lasts ten days. the current conflict. dergraduate commit'tees cor Russell, Professor of Biology at the Off to an early 2-0 lead, the TBAs Transportation by 14 passenger encountered trouble as the No Soto's attack, moreover, on the cerned with quality teaching. Medical School; Judy Blick, Dodge vans will allow space Names, aided by the hot hand of effectiveness of graduate student But in order to have un Assistant to the Dean of flexibility. Included in the $139 T A's in teaching undergraduates Cole Francis, went on a 7-1 scoring dergraduate review boards fo Admissions; Harvey Selverton, pl'ice is a bilingual driver-guide, are unduly harsh. Most un­ health sciences advisor and spree to take the upper hand in the quality teaching, there must fil's insurance, camping equipment, game, 7-3. TBAs Newlee and dergraduates have a genuine be teachers to review. Thus, it' Laybon Jones, second year UCSD campsite fees and tourist card. Jolinek quickly countered with two appreciation of how central T A absolutely incumbent upon UI medical student. Travelers supply sleeping bags, instruction is to their ability to The all-campus event is being field goals apiece to tie the score at dergraduates to support the GSU ' personal sundries and a . 7-7. Johnson then scored the go master material in large lecture drive to put more teachers i sponsored by the Revelle Resident "cooperative attitude for cooking courses. But the elements of truth Dean's Office. ahead goal for the TBAs, only to undergraduate classrooms. Ani and cleanup. It have Erzinger and Francis score in Soto's attacks do serve im­ then together - undergraduate an Education Aboard • • • again. With the score evened at 10 portantly to underscore the need graduate students, and eve apiece, TBAs Newlee sank two for undergraduates to forcefully faculty - we can all make moves i The University of California Openings are still available for a consecutive jumpers to close out assert their educational rights. concert. to insure the maintenanc Education Abroad Program three week winter program to the game at 12-10. Undergraduates should be and improvement of qualit. (EAP) now has supplemental Central America. Included in its At the start of game two, Greg organizing - and I'm confident that education at UCSD. funds from the US State Depart­ $479 price is airfare and other Holms substituted for TBAs the GSU would support them in this ment for direct grants for nllnority transportation expenses, 21 nights Jelinek who jammed his fingers -- in order to have the ad­ TOM LEW! and financially disadvantaged at hotels to be selected by the near the end of the play in the ministration institute such things GSUMEMBEF students, who satisfy the academic traveller and a one night layover in opening victory. Commencing play requirements, to study and live Mexico City including hote\. This without the services of Jelinek, abroad for a year in one of the is a do-it-your-self program and is who had grabbed the bulk of the seventeen study centers around the recommended only for the ex­ team's rebounds, the No Names world. perienced traveler. Introducing clearly had an advantage on the First to receive this financial aid For details on the above boards. Capitalizing on TBAs will be EAP participants involved programs, contact the Student weakness the No Names with the program since January, S rvices West Travel office in the dominated the game, leading up to Schlitz Light 1975. UCSO International Center. a 12-2 victory. As game three rolled by, Holms had tried to the point where he had Beer. to be replaced, the Terry London Cults.•• substituted in an effort to offset the No Names' rebounding strength. physically oriented, such as the various types of Eastern martial arts and other clubs promoting a special type of exercise or recreational activity. In the tightly contested game in There are also innumerable crafts courses and art related hobbies in which the lead exchanged hands which one can obtain instruction. three times before the score was The issue hich concerns me, is that many of these cults promote an evened at four apiece, neither ideology a 3 \fell as the special tecnique or skill that they offer. To live in team had the early advantage. our society is to be beset by this vast collection of cults and to decide With the score 4-4, Erzinger and which one IS or is not valid for a given person. This situation is becoming increasinr;ly difficult to bear, especially for the objectivist who wishes to Francis combined for six goals to guard his .1eutrality and not be fettered by the bias of a particular cult. nearly ice the game at 10-5. TBA Almost every day, each one of us is accosted, either through ad­ stubbornly hung on, closing the gap vertising or personal encounter Ly a cult. Decisions have to be made to 10-8 as each of their players concernir g personal endorsement. Often it is not easy to keep abreast of scored a goal. It was not enough the latest fa s about each cult's belief in order to decide intelligently. however, as Dave Merz soon A particull1rly difficult movement to be knowledgeable about is the scored making it 11-8. Francis took natural f(lods trend. Since the field of nutrition has not yet approached the an inbound pass from Erzinger for level of an exact science there are no final answers as to what foods we a lay-i n bring it all to an end. should in est to become immortal. Yet, I continuaJly find that I have to justify to others why I am eating a certain food. Certain members of the Captain Erzinger, crediting the natural foods and ethical eater's society believe that somehow they in­ victory to a team effort, hopes to trinsically know that a certain food is good or bad. I find it most annoying lead his team into the playoffs with to have to ponder the long term implications of each bite that I take. a win in the final game of the season this week. What I am trying to say is that almost every cult has severe deficien­ One third fewer calories than our recular beer, cies in the certainty and logical exactness of their ideology. The true but an the tute you'd expect from Schlitz. op n-minded soul cannot wholeheartedly endorse a particular cult The Putnam exam - a challenging without becoming omewhat of a closed closet. mathematical competition - will be It took ~blltz to bring Therefore the best thing for us to do is to weigh, judge, gather and held fhis year on December 6. If the taste to llgbt. examin data, but never, oh never, join a cult (seriously). Interested please contact l. A. ED MOCZYDLOWSKI Campbell at X2625 or in APM 7230.