The Daily Egyptian, May 12, 1987

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The Daily Egyptian, May 12, 1987 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987 5-12-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 12, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 73, Issue 152 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 12, 1987." (May 1987). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1987 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1987 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Tuesday, May 12, 1987 , Vol.73, Nfl . 152, ~t) I'd,!,·, ............ ~~~:-.............. ----.... --~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~ McFarlane: Reagan had larger role WASHI GTON ' UPIl - ~------~--~----Meese seeks probe Robert McFarlane revealed to the Ir.n-Contra panel Monday of Wed tech acts that PresIdent Rpagan had a fal gr,'aler r ole than - Page' 2 prevIOusly known in E"fforts to Illegal. help the Nlcaraguar. rebels In what could dra'v other keep " body and ,oul logether" administration figures into the wben Congr.... banned I) S. Co ntra cash conneclion, aid. McFarlane said North told him The former national security he had received approval for adviser said Reagan knew the diversion of prof;\s irom Saudi Arabia chipped In the U.S. arms sales 10 Iran for millions of dollars for the the Contr~, - but McFarlane Contras in 1984 and 1985. and said North' .' not tell him who Reagan interceded with a lhird approved lhe :.cheme. country - said by a panel McFa rlane is the second s""""'" to be Honduras - that witness t(l quole North as had seized a shipment of saying he believed he was Michael Bernhard. senior in design, design s how. The piece on the right, Co ntra military supplies operating with a pproval from displays some of the work he 8f'!tered in the " Environmental lighting ... won first place. purchased wIth the Saudi superiors. Last week. R i ct~rd mone'- Secord. while saving he had no McF dr lane saId he gave first hand knowledge of what e>pl 'cit directions to his staff the president knew. said North Seven students' creativity told him he had discussed the ~~~~t!;~ be ~~~~~~tedS~f rth~~ Contra diversion with Reagan. lne law and recounted how he In long·awaited le:stirnony honored in design show told aide Lt. tol Oliver on.h dLring the second week of some of hlS plan!) wight be hearings b,' the House and By Tracy Bartonl with his "Environmental LlghtlOg" proJect. Senate comm ittees in ­ Stattwnter lhe pyra mid·shaped li ghl fixlure. Da"o Gus Bode vestigating the scandal. Waskin. senior i~ design. was awarded ' Mcfarlane oifered a White Objects varyillg f':om an alternative type second place for his " air lowel" proJect. a Rouse insider's view on efforts .J' of running shL>e<; to a pyramid-shaped, dryer that makes the ""~ ui :'lWels obsolete to keep the Contras armed ,nd turquoise·blue lighl with jagged edges or hot Michael Szott, junior in design, received fJ:\ to sell :; S. weapons to Iran. pink were fealured in the design show beld third place for his " thermolex office Last week, the panel's firsl Monday at the Design Department. system," a computer workstation. ~ witness. retired Air Force The show. which was co-sponsored by Sue Peterson, senior in design, grabbed lop I Maj. Gen Secord. described Creative Concepts ,n organization of design honors in the visual commuincations for four days his role in im- Gus says Reaoan focgot how students, and the Induslrla l Design Society of category for her advertising campaign for much McFarlane remembered. See MCFARLANE, Peg. 5 America, honored seven design students for the introduction of condoms. Second place their crealive efforts of six 10 eight weeks, went to Laura Niemann. senior in de:,lg' l. for said Brian DonneUy, a n instructor in product her design of a movie poster for " Out of Insurance proof required design. Africa." Robb Miles, senior in design, earned Donnelly said the pr~ J cts, which ranged third place for his ~" mpaign for "Autrey from advertising campaigns to furniture, Shoes," a modern alternative for Reebok for new parking stickers were part of an assignment for a design running shoes class. He estimated the cost of making the Tom Benoisl, senior in design, won the besl Students must purchase new projects from $200 to S3OO . OVP"aIJ prize for his "Navcom Satellile parking stickers for the faU ~~r~nt~~n ~~d r~~ma~h ~d~~ The show 's calegories included producl Navigator ," a wristwatch look·alike that semester when they return to sura nee compc.!l Y wi11 be riesign, vi"ual commUOlcatwns and a best computes a person's location while orien· school. says Merilyn Hogan, accepted as proof. overall. leering lhr~",gh the wilderness. Benoist said maru>.ger of campus parking. Otber requirements (or In the producl design categol-Y, Michael the device.:an compule the person's previous The 1987-38 stickers WIll be purchas:,.g a parking Berhard. senior in des;gn. ;t·oo first place location and give directions for return. available Aug. 1 10 the parking are a valid driver's licer.!.e. a office, Washington Square D. vehicle registration card 1r a Current Slickers expire Aug. notarized receipt fron a 31. license application, and a valid All Universi'y administered University identificalion card. Resolution proposed to regulate bicycle sticker. will need to be Hogan said tha I during the renewed in the I:>ll, she added. first week of classes, student Hog<.n said a new rule will withoul stickers will be able to require faculty and staff to park in four on-eampus lots : asbestos in state-universities by C~"";yn SChmidt show proof tha t they ha ve lot 56 south 0; the Arena, lot 59 lBHE to report by ~~a rch 31 , munily colleges," he said. liability insurance. by Lesar Law Bu, ding, lot 100 StatfWrifer 1988, its findings to the c.eneral Dunn said he would have " Before, we just look thelr north of Washington Square No laws or agencies require A.ssembly and suggestiO.1S for liked to introduce a bill instead stalement that they had and lot 106 near the East state universities to monitor or raising the money 10 eliminate of a resolution, but there was liability insu' .. nce, bul now Campus lowers off Wall Street. remove asbestos, but a asbestos hazards. nol enough time to do so before everybody h;.s to show proof of " All other regulations will be resolu ~ion in the state Dunn, who visited Morris the Legislature wenl inlo Insurance," enforced during the first week Legislature may change thaI, Library March 20, lold library session. if passed, a bill would She sai~ a (Opy of the in· of classes," Hogan said says state Sen. Ralph Dunn, R­ employees he would try to gain become law, whereas a ----------------------, DuQuoin. legislative support for funding resolutil'n is simply a Dunn proposed lhe asbestos removal in state recommenda lion by the This Moming resolutior to eliminate universities. The meeting with Legislature. potential hazards posed by the Dunn was arranged by the Dunn said he may introd',ce building material, known to JIIinois Education Association a billata later date. TrJen pregnancy hits many cause cancer and other related and employees concerned Until legislation is passed, -Page6 diseaseS. about asbestos in the library. universities must enforce t.'>eir ResolutiOli 169 would require A hearing da te has nol been own inspection and abal"menl universities and community sel for 1M resoiution. Dunn programs , said IBHE Safety key to fun in sun colleges to report to the Illinois said the I"'.solution, if passed, spokesman Ross Hodel. - Page 7 Board of Higber Education tbe would be a "nrst step" in A campuswide survey for amount of asbestos present OIl applying more stringent aclion asbestos will be ~"mpleted this their campuses, the extenl of toward colleges and univer· summer, s&id John Meiste·: , 3 named to aJl-MVC team SIU-C pollution cont,'ol -Spor1s20 the hazard, the COSI for in· sities to identify and solve spection and control, and a their asbestos problems. dtrector. plan Cor corrective action by " We have to at least fmd out Since January_ sru·C has Jan. I, 1988. the extent of the probl.. m at POI1Iy '''''''Y. high _" TIle resolution also asks the stale universities ant! com- See ASBESTOS, Page 5 Mod.IOpen: FOr health 9-5. M-I/10-2. Sot I U"lt tal insumnce, Newswrap St" p by Wall & check with Campus D~ Today f worl d / nation SEE state Farm. , MEADOWRIDGE «III Lc. reen Mason Peres presents proposal 41 5 W Mam TOWNHOUSES CarbondalE' Il for peace conference Luxury Townhouses for groups of 3-4 529-2909 JERUSALEM CU Pll - Foreign Miruster Shimoo Peres -Individual" Dryer presented his plan lor an international peace conlerence on the Middle Easl to the Cabinet Mon day but no vote was taken on the :~:::::r ~ Meadow proposal that could force the cf'JUa pse of Israel's coalition '2 '1, lath. : - Ridge government. A second Cabinet session was scheduled 'Ned­ • Sundedr I", nesday lor debate on the Peres proposal and a counterproposal ·Cabl. TV • . Call4174:J21 \I .... ..... ... ______ _ _ by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir lor direcl negotiations with - -~ .--.... Israel's Arab loes. It was not clear il a vote would be be taken - Wednesday. w ~ F; Con9'tatu[ati.on1. to thE. cNWJ '987-88 Polish looters take rings, money from plane WARSAW. Pola nd (UP!) - Looters descended on the burning c5gJC ChaL't/1-E.Hon1.
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