Life of St. John of the Cross of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
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BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henrg M, Sage 1891 /?.Z.\.\..S..J'J. J.0j...3./..i.fP.'^ T Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. &i •rf\ LIFE OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS. : LIFE OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS OF THE ORDER OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL BORN A.D. 1542, DIED I59I. COMPILED, TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY DAVID LEWIS, M.A., Author of " The Life of St. Teresa," &c. LONDON THOMAS BAKER, SOHO SQUARE, 1897. K^ii^']7 PREFACE, The following Life of St. John of the Cross has been compiled from that written by fra Joseph of Jesus and ]\Iary, who entered the order of Carmel in 1595, three years after the death of the saint. Fra Joseph was appointed annalist of the order, and, no doubt, had access to all the papers necessary for his work. But his life of the saint was not regarded with favour by his brethren, and the publication of it took place without the sanction of his superiors, who afterwards deprived him of his charge of annalist. Also firom the great chronicle of the order, by fra Francis de Santa Maria; the life written by fra Jerome of St. Joseph, commonly prefixed to the works of St. John of the Cross ; from that written by the Padre Marco de San Francisco, in Italian; and from that written by the P. Dosith^e de Saint Alexis, in French. Great use has also been made of the life lately written by Don Manuel Mufioz Garnica, Canon of the Cathedral Church of Jaen, and published in that city in the year 1873. In Festo S. Joannis a Cruce. A.D. MDCCCI.XXXVIII. — CONTENTS. LIFE OF SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS. CHAPTER I. The Order of our Lady of Mount Carmel— St. Simon Slock—The mitigated rule—St. Teresa —Maria de Ocampo—The prior- general of the Carmelites—The reform of St. Teresa—-Fra Antonio de Heredia—St. Teresa in Medina del Campo—-Fra Juan of St. Mathias I CHAPTER II. A.D. 1542—1568. Family of the saint—Francis de Yepes—Poverty—Don Alonso Alvarez —^Juan de Yepes at school—His longing for a religious life—Enters the monastery of the Carmelites—Profession—Is sent to Salamanca —Ordained priest—Returns to Medina— Intends to become a Carthusian 14 CHAPTER III. St. John of the Cross persuaded by St. Teresa to become a friar of her reform—Duruelo — St. John of the Cross in Valladolid—Goes to Duruelo . ........ 38 CHAPTER IV. A.D. 1568-1570—1572. The saint in Duruelo —Beginning of the reform of the friars —Change of names— Life in Duruelo—St. Teresa visits the friars— Monas- tery of Pastrana—Fra Baltasar of Jesus—The friars remove from Duruelo to Manzera—Novices of the saint—St. John goes to Pastrana—To Alcala de Henares—Fra Pedro Fernandez—Fra Angel of St. Gabriel—Fra Dominic Banes—Francis de Yepes . 4 CHAPTER V. A.D. 1572— 1574. St. Teresa sends for St. John of the Cross to Avila—Reformation of the monastery—Illness of a nun—Trances—Exorcisms—A learned nun—Conversion of sinners —The saint goes to Segovia —The vicar-general threatens him with imprisonment . .70 CHAPTER VI. A.D. 1575-1577- The friars of the mitigation^Fra Jerome Tostado—Chapter of the mitigation —Decrees against the reform—Fra Jerome of the Mother of God—Chapter of Almodovar—Death of the Nuncio Troubles in the monastery of the incarnation—St. John of the Cross made a prisoner . 78 — CHAPTER VII. A.D. 1578. Trial —Imprisonment—Hardships of the prison—^Adonde Te escon- diste—Light in the cell—Vision of our I.ady—Preparations for escape •«» CHAPTER VIII. A.D. 1578. The escape—Dangers—The saint takes refuge in the monastery of St. Joseph—^Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza . ,. 113 CHAPTER IX. A.D. 1578. Troubles in the order—Chapter of Almodovar—St. John of the Cross made vicar of Mount Calvary— Fall of fra Pedro of the Angels The saint visits Veas—Reforms the monastery—Mendicancy Poverty—Writes on mystical theology ..... I2i CHAPTER X. A.D. IS79 Foundation of Baeza—Poverty of the house—Miraculous succours The Saint at Mass—Dona Maria de la Paz . .142 CHAPTER XI. A-D. 1579-1581. Pe:-. ;e restored to the order—Election of fra Jerome—^The saint returns to Baeza from the chapter—made prior of Granada—his visits of ceremony—discourages begging—his charity . 155 CHAPTER XII. A.D. I5S1. Anne of Jesus—The saint founds a house in Granada—is insulted in the street—watches over the novices under Anne of Jesus . .170 CHAPTER XIII. A.U. I5S2 — I5S5. Trou bles in the order—Fra Nicolas of Jesus Maria—Chapter of Almo- dovar—The saint opposes the re election of the priors and the foreign missions—Famine—Writings of the saint—Foundation in Malaga—Restoration of a nun to health—Mary of Christ—^The saint in Malaga . 180 CHAPTER XIV. A.D. 1585. The saint in the chapter of Lisbon —Election of a new provincial^ Prophecy of the saint—Mary of the Visitation—The saint made vicar of Andalucia—Corrects certain abuses . igi —— CHAPTER XV. A.D. 1586. Foundation in Segovia—The saint in Caravaca—visits PeQuela—founds a monastery in Cordova—visits Seville—Miraculous escape—Fra Martin and the novices—Anne of Jesus sent to Madrid—Miracle —Bujalance—Catavaca 202 CHAPTER XVI. A.D. 1587-1588. Miraculous light—The chapter of Valladolid—Election of the saint to be prior of Granada—Picture of the saint—Foretells the canoni- sation of St. Teresa—Fra Jerome of the Mother of God- Division of the province—The saint elected prior of Segovia Don Juan de Orosco— Letters of St. Teresa burnt . 219 CHAPTER XVII. A.D. 1588. The first general chapter of the reform—St. John of the Cross prior of Segovia—Fra Nicolas —The discontented friar—The dis- obedient preacher—Francis deUrena—Death of Catherine Alvarez —Austerities and prayer of the saint —The mysterious dove 226 CHAPTER XVIII. .A.D. 1591. Discontent of the nuns —Resolution of the friars—Fra Luis de Leon —Royal interference— St. John of the Cross neglected by his brethren—Retires to Peiiuela—Miracles .... 242 CHAPTER XIX. A.D. I59I. A great cross— Illness of the saint— Harshness of the prior of Ubeda —Visit of fra Antonio 259 CHAPTER XX. A.D. 159 1. Fra Antonio visits the saint—The prior relents—DoBa Clara de Benavides— liies and Catherine de Salazar. .... 272 CHAPTER XXI. A.D. 159I. The approach of death—The saint's humility— Fra Antoaio's visit the last sacraments—Death ... ... 280 CHAPTER XXII. A.D. I591— 1596. The funeral—Sermon—Incorruption of the body—Removal of it to Madrid and Segovia—Contest for the possession of it—Canonisa- tiou .... 289 LIFE OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS. CHAPTER I. The Order of our Lady of Mount Carmel—St. Simon Stock—The mitigated rule—St. Teresa—Maria de Ocampo—The prior-general of the Carmelites—The reform of St. Teresa—Fra Antonio de Heredia—St. Teresa in Medina del Campo—Fra Juan of St. Malhias. The Order of our Lady of Mount Carmel had its beginnings in the east, where, for many generations, it grew and flourished, unknown to the dwellers in the west. From the day of the great prophets Elias and Eliseus—so runs the venerable tradition of Carmel*—the holy mountain was peopled by hermits who, by a life of prayer and penance, according to their measure, shadowed forth, from generation to generation, under the old law, the greater graces of the new. Hermits of Carmel, sons of the prophets, were among those who heard the forerunner of our Lord in the " desert of Jewry," " preaching the baptism of * Benedict, xiv. de Festis B.M.V. lib. ii. c. 6. n.i. In eo monte traditio est, adhuc vivse B. Virgini sediculam esse extructam a piis quibusdam viris, qui eam noverant, quique Joannis Baptistae prsedicatione Christi adventum satis cognitum habentes, evangelium amplexati quotidie illuc convenire consueverant ; ex quo nomen illis inditum frairum mentis. Carmcii. 2 LIFK OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS. [CHAP. I.j penance unto remission of sins " ; and again in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, among those who saw the blessed Apostle standing with the eleven, when " the law came forth from Sion and the word of our Lord from Jerusalem." They were converted to the faith of Christ, and on their return to the holy mountain, raised an oratory in Carmel to the honour of our blessed Lady, whom they had seen in Jerusalem, in the very place where Elias stood when he saw the little cloud coming up from the sea, bringing with it the long-desired rain which God had so long with- held from the earth. The hermits were known for a thousand years after the Passion of our Lord as the brethren of St. Mary of mount Carmel. They had left the world, and were living in caves and in hollows of the rocks, intent on the service of God and their own salvation. In the beginning of the thirteenth century the brethren of Blessed Mary of mount Carmel began to be heard of in Europe. The troubles in the holy land, and the growing weakness of the crusaders, as well as the growing strength of the infidels, forced some of them to depart from Carmel of the sea, and to seek a refuge in more quiet lands.