The 14Th/20Th King's Hussars, in 18Ct
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Volume 8 APRIL 197 7 Regimentaournal l J of the 14th/King20'sth Hussars COLONEL-IN-CHIEF : H.R.H. THE PRINCESS ANN E AFFILIATION S Royal Navy, H .M.S. AMAZON 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifle s Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanr y ALLIED REGIMENTS Australian Military Forces 2nd/14th Queensland Mounted Infantr y 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles New Zealand Military Forces Queen Alexandra's Squadron R .N.Z.A.C. Zambian Armed Forces Zambia Armoured Car Regiment REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION Home H.Q., Lancaster House, Manchester Road , CLIFTON , Manchester M27 2PU JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING 'S HUSSAR S Editorial Readers of The Hawk may notice som e slight differences in the style of the production this year. This is because we have changed printers W. H. Evans, our new printers, are an old family firm at Chester and it has been most helpful having them just over one hour's drive fro Home HQ . We are most grateful to F. J. Parson for all they have done during the past sixteen years and for the high quality of their work . I thank all our contributors and thos e who have loaned photographs . Martin Davis ha again produced some amusing cartoons an Roger Fellowes has done a grand job as assistant Editor at Bovington . EDITOR : Major M . A. Urban-Smith, Mc (Rtd) ASSISTANT EDITOR : Lieutenant R. J. L. Fellowes CONTENTS Foreword . 4 Officers' Mess Lt.-Col. L .A. Pharo-Tomlin 5 Sergeants' Mess Brigadier P. B. Cavendish . 6 Quiz and PRI Major P. C. Clarke 8 Sporting Activitie s 1976 Events 9 Polo . H.Q. Squadron 10 DLOY `A' Squadron 16 6GR . `B' Squadron 21 HMS Amazon `C' Squadron 24 Regimental Association RAC MDT . 30 Articles KAPE . 32 Regimental Gazette . 63 AYT 34 The Regiment JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING 'S HUSSARS 3 Lt-Col J . A . Pharo-Tomlin 4 JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING ' S HUSSARS Foreword by Lt-Col J . A. Pharo-Tomlin The last year has been one of considerable move - Rugger Team beat both the Worcesters an d ment and change throughout the Regiment, an d Foresters and 27 Regiment RCT in the earl y the same is happening this year . At the start, w e rounds of the Army Cup only to be narrowly were an Armoured Reconnaissance Regimen t defeated by our old friends the Welsh Guard s based in Herford, West Germany, although 23–18 in the quarter-final . Because of compli- 'C' Squadron were still in Cyprus . The first cations over the move, we were unable to send a 5 months we were involved in an intensive con - team to Bisley ; however this will be rectified i n version programme and a prolonged move . At 1977 . the end of the year, we were almost half-wa y In August, Colonel Forty Allen was succeede d through our tour as the RAC Centre Regiment , as Colonel of the Regiment by Brigadier Pete r with RHQ, 'B' and HQ Squadrons at Bovington , Cavendish . The time and effort spent by Colone l 'C' Squadron at Lulworth under command of Allen in furthering the Regiment's interests ha s the Gunnery School, and 'A' Squadron i n been very considerable and we all congratulat e Warminster supporting the School of Infantry : him on the award of a Bar to the Regimenta l the equipment of the whole Regiment consistin g Medal . At the same time, it is a great pleasure t o of a selection of virtually every armoured and 'B' welcome back both Brigadier Cavendish a s vehicle in the Army and in 'B' Squadron, having Colonel of the Regiment who last served wit h 256 of them, and a strength of only 155 all ranks , us during his highly successful period of com- is a ratio of nearly two vehicles to one man, mand from 1967 to 1969, and Major Peter Clarke . which I suspect is rather higher than elsewhere ! Chief Clerk of the Duchy of Lancaster, a s Deputy Colonel . The Bovington/Lulworth part of the Regimen t e In November we were delighted to receive a has to provide all the men and vehicles for th visit from our Colonel-in-Chief, Princess Anne , effective running of the RAC Centre and its at the Regimental Dinner at the Guards and numerous courses. This includes laying o Cavalry Club . A large number of retired an d n various demonstrations to a large number an d serving Officers were present and it was good to variety of official visitors who come almost daily . hear the new Colonel of the Regiment earnin g At the same time we also provide hospitality to a his spurs after dinner despite his forewarning fair number of less official visitors, usually from that it was not his 'forte' . other Regiments, who reside in a single-storied Colonel Bill Stockton handed over to me o n building near RHQ! The principle visit of th e 17 January having completed an unbroke n year, however, takes place on the RAC Ope n . He Day and numbers 50,000, and those of you wh o period of 4 years at Regimental Duty joined the Regiment from the Greys , after read the Daily Express will have seen a report on attending the Staff College, in 1966 . He was last year's . first 'B' and later Command Squadron Leader . 'A' Squadron is organized more convention - After his last job on the Staff he returned in 197 2 ally, being required to lay on a large number o f once again to command 'B' Squadron, whic h set-piece demonstrations for the School o f was then in Hong Kong . He moved with 'B' Infantry, and its Chieftain tanks do more track - Squadron to Herford, after which he becam e miles than any other Squadron in the Army . Second-in-Command and he assumed Comman d Vehicle serviceability for all our roles is critical , in July 1974 ; this succession of Regimenta l and so far we appear to be more than holding our appointments is probably unique today . His own ; long may it continue. efficiency and hard work have been largel y Our main sporting successes have been in the responsible for the Regiment's present good polo and rugger fields . In the Inter-Regimenta l name, and he has been rewarded by the award o f Polo we beat the Royal Navy, captained by The the OBE on which we all congratulate him . All Prince of Wales, and the 4/7 Dragoon Guards i n our best wishes go to Caroline and to him when the early rounds, but were beaten 5–2 in the fina l he takes up his appointment at the Ecol e against the Welsh Guards ; bringing us in sight o f Superieur de Guerre in Paris . the Cup last won by the 20th Hussars in 1907 . I n As I write, the Regiment looks forward first the Captains and Subalterns, however, we wo n to a relatively short period of consolidation i n the cup defeating the 4/7 Dragoon Guards 3– 2 our present role allowing many Officers an d in the final and continued a success story started Soldiers to be retrained and individually qualifie d in 1970, by winning this cup in England o r for promotion . At the same time, maximum use Germany every single year except one . The is being made of the many and varied sporting JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING ' S HUSSARS and other activities that are available, so tha t Regiment last left in 1962 . The role there will be everyone can get the best possible enjoyment ou t that of a new style Armoured Regiment wit h of Regimental life . four sabre squadrons and therefore more tank s You should all have had by now the details o f than we have ever had before . Apart from th e the Old Comrades/Families weekend to be hel d many advantages of serving abroad in these at Bovington from 3 to 5 June . We hope to see difficult times, I anticipate a period of consider- many of you here then . able challenge, and adventure in every military In October, we all move to Hohne which the task that we may be asked to do during our tour . Lt-Col J. A. Pharo-Tomlin Lt-Col John Pharo-Tomlin joined the Regimen t and Training Major of the Duke of Lancaster' s al Sabratha in 1954 . After serving as a Troop Own Yeomanry . He served as Brigade Major o f Leader in North Africa, England and BAOR , 11 Armoured Brigade from 1972 until 1975 whe n he was posted to the Gunnery School as a n he was appointed GSO 1 in the Defenc e Instructor in 1957. He returned to the Regimen t Operational Requirements Staffin the Ministry in 1959 as Regimental Signals Officer and was of Defence. Adjutant from 1961 until 1963 when he becam e He assumed Command of the Regiment on an Instructor at the Royal Military Academy , 17 January 1977 . Sandhurst . He attended the Royal Naval Staff College in 1966, returning as 'C' Squadro n In 1964 he married Joanna Pemberton, th e Leader in 1967 . In late 1968 he was appointed daughter of the late Lt-Col John Pemberton an d GSO 2 at Headquarters Singapore District an d sister of Major Andrew Pemberton the Second- then Second-in-Command of the Regiment i n in-Command until recently, and they have thre e 1970. In 1971 he became Second-in-Command children.