rite feffiri fere fflririTte 5fe fefe 414^14 9ffT rita, feT-tfeff, ffrfteraff, i-ii^ gfeff, ff^ fete

ffff ffTff : fe fe^^ fffe fefffe : 27.02.2019 felTff ffTTT fflrif^ AT ffffff fftari : 24 ffffT rite fefffri ffte ffri ffffte fe ffffll fffe fe :- ri. ra^^ ffvlff ffT. ffT rates ffffff ferare ffrer feff rifffe ffefftef ffffff feffff re ferafe star fffe feffff ffrifete ffffff tariff fffe feff re 191 tffffeffT ^Jri feffff riF3ffT riirara riT fffe f rente ffre re i t^fe taiffff ff^cFffri ta ffff 4icrre re i ffff fffe 41 (Bd TJET • tatal fe ffefe ffTff. fcfe riffrilff ' '1 rajTfflff ffff ffiff tariff, fefe 414^14. ritaT fffe "feffri SI^41 fftrioiff te fftar re fffere tfefewff ff^^f ffffrer re i ^iteff ^u fffe ffTff tariff, fefffe ffTffffTR re iff! riffri fffe fenfe ffTff ^ ; tariffriffjffiff 4j^^-ii ffriffrara fffej re I .'•• atiqcplfe, fffftffvfrff fffe ffeeilRittl ffTff 1 sjufe 2017 fff tet.ffrafe. cTTTJ, riPfe te qs^^iq ^ffT feriff, te fftefeteff ffiff/tariftecri fftff ffrerre it rafet e, arra; 3rijffffte." tare te rare itar crrar feffff irera te fffter^ffre ffff fete^ffT tarri ffte e i raraffe ffriffffrrfe tare ^ra ritafe/feffff ira te tariff ffef—15 (fffe e tariff ffteffriri) fffe ffof—16 (ritaT re tare ffTff) ni^ 4i4i ^rite ftete ffnte f i tare te ^tfefefe te 3r^raTff tariffffffriffR ratate fftaffere fffet ritfe f I ffite^^ ttz • tariff ffrer te ffrretei 3ite fffe h/fs feit e ffnte tafe riff ^^d-1fa/ ffel-16 oi l^teral I^fe ori^4:l'41t1l4tei fffe 41

t. riri fferare rarer fere fe fetee 191 ferae iirerai rare ff^ t tararafe tarate terete reraff' tare te reraraffTrara tarre rarra erfeterej tafe rafe e i ta rate terete eerfe fffe atftarrera tanra te". ffiriff rare ffTta tete te ffffrara te eTtaer Itan rarer 11' •-.

arara te ta^^ eprer 3rerarira taffta i8.02.20i9:rata arPtarerrare tererrita ffreiff rare ftereffera tam rim 11 uur^rem rererfe tarefe rerera fferere te t teras irrerafe rare fecra ^^ rerifteraT aoretcr rererra te tartar rare tan reffeffetaraf fera rarete te 3rife?T fe ffefe reff 11 ta ratara te rarftafera ffrat.ffra.sfe. rafe te ^ff reretera tarar reran fe ta ta rafefeffera fete 3retarare fffe ffefeffT fe ta te re tefe fe i. .• fecre ta reifetera fffe reftatet te rarera tarafe te ferara iTrarat ;fffe fecra fere rerfeteRT (Health Trade License) ferife ffefe te f^^ff ffffe tariri te NOC feta Sl^M ffte't I (ffffeffre fffe y^^^lfe re^^fe'ri* 'ri') ffj^^ raterara f raaT The National Capital Territory of: Delhi Laws. (Special Provisions Act, 2011 fffe fffffe te^^fe'riri "ET ffff ffteFri tl taffiteifftefflrt 3 te ffTrira ^tfe'fe te tareiff? raFffrafffTte te rateo-rare 11 rarareraira tarari giffi ffffr fftare rette ffeta iran rafeta 'ri'ffff1

fffe feffri rirarar MPD 2021 te rarira tam cte rajra fete, notified commercial streets special area ffff- old [commercial area te rare fffe fe rare fffferatte te fefffffefefet fffe tareriffffriff ffrifeteffT ff sre^rfcf fet ffrite re I fete 4 fftarte te terara &^1. 3teff feratefera te rerfete'raj rante taff ta 11

arrgrara rafetara re I

tarn r . '

t 6•tejcrO^^ cb *• ; -'• 1

1- ^t : North Delhi Municipal Corporation 1 Public Health Departmednt karol Bagh Zone List of license Guest House Vidhan Sahha Rajender Naear

I,oc^^^nTi/Eandmarli _l^ w^r4 Ender Nagar Health Trade License Suspended Ms Hotel Rock Well Plaza. /14. WEA Karol Ba^h I^ 102 Running 2I M/s Ram^nujam Lodging House, 4/58, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar 102 5/82 Padam Singh Road Raiender Nagar Running 3| 102 Ms wahi Guest House, 26-B, Pusa Road, New Delhi ender Nagar Running 4 I 102 lotel Akshay Palace, Ra Rajender Nas^r Closed lealth Trade License Suspended 5l 102 M/s Hotel Durga Delux, 5/40 WEA Karol Bagh 12/4, WEA, Karol Bagh ender Nagar Running 6 ' 102 M/s Ramhhujam Lodging House, Ra 2A/35 chanaMkt. Karol Bagh Raj ender Nagar 21osed leaith Trade License Suspended 7 ! 102 Ms Hotel Roopam, Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 8 i 102 M/s Hotel Yatri, IA/33 WEA, Karol Bagh Closed Health Trade License Suspended 9i 102 M/s Hotel City International, i/20, WEA Karol Bagh Raender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 10 i 102 Ms Hotel Inderprasth, 17A/54 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 11 102 M/s Hotel Prince International, i4A/24,WEA,KarolBagh Rajender Nagar Runn 12 : 102 M/s Paniker Guest House, 5/22 WeaKaroL Bagh Rajender Nagar ng Running 131 • 102 Hotel Western Palace 14A/80 WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running I4i 102 M/s Hotel Regent Continental, 4/72,73,74, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 15' 102 Ms Hotel Sunstar Residency 8A/50, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 16 102 Ms Hotel sunstar Haritage 8A/43, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar 1 Running 17: 102 M/s Hotel Harj as Palace, 5/43, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Runn 18 102 M/s Hotel lakshmi Palace 6/65, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar ^R Running 19! 102 M/s Hotel Superbhat, 18/24, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 20: 102 M/s Hotel White House continental, 14A/4 WEA, karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 21 102 M/s Hotel Royal Palace, 11A/27, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 221 102 M/s Hotel Golden Delux, 12 A/17, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended : . •' 231 102 M/s Hotel Classic, 17A/59, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended • ^^ ^ • 24 102 M/s Park, View, 15A/60, WEA Karoi Bagh Rajender Nagar • ^^^^^ Closed Health Trade License Suspended 25; 102 M/s Hotel Sarthak Palace, 14A/34, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Health Trade License Suspended 26 102 M/s Hotel Kama Palace, 9A/34, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed ' roil Running 27 102 Ms Southern Guest House 18/1 Arya Samaj Road, Rajender Nagar Sunning' 28' 102 M/s Hotel Surya International 4/33, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar • V^ Running 29: 102 M/s Hotel Swati I5A/56 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar 30 : 102 M/s Hotel South India, 10211/16 Ajmal Khan Road Ra ender Nagar Running Health Trade License Suspended . •• 31' 102 M/s Hotel Taj Princess, 15A/25, WEA, Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed 32: 102 M/s Pawan Plaza, 8A/52, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 33. 102 M/s Hotel Swati Delux, 17A/32, Gumdwara Road WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended Health Trade License Suspended 34 102 M/s Hotel Cosmo, 17/40, channa Mkt. Karol bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 35 102 M/s Hotel Le-sency, 7A/47, WEA Channa Mkt. Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 36 102 M/s Hotel Swaran Palace , 15A/33, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed 37 102 M/s Hotel Bajaj Indian Home Stay, 8A/34, WEA, Karol Bagh Raj ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 38; 102 M/s Hotel B. Continental, 8/14, WEA, Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 391 102 M/s Hotel Sun Star Grand, 7A/17 WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 40 102 M/s Hotel Crown Deluxe, 8A/37, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 41 102 M/s Hotel Pooja Palace, 15A/11 Opp. Pooja Park, WEA, karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 42 102 M/s Hotel mehar Castle, 15A/9 WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 43 102 M/s Hotel Tribtmwan Palace 14A/31 WEA, karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 44 102 M/s Hotel Vishesh Continental 7A/12, WEA, karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 45; 102 M/s Hotel Deluxe Otani Inn, 6/85 Padam singh Road Rajender Nagar Running 46: 102 M/s Hotel Welcome Palace, 17A/12 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 47 102 M/s Hotel Lee Haritage, 8A/3 WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 48 .102 M/s Hotel Red Castle 7A/18, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 49i 102 M/s Hotel Mejestic 4/35, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 50 102 M/s Hotel Singh Palace, 8A/30, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 51 102 M.s Hotel Singh Continental 8A/6, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 52 102 M/s Hotel Bill Palace, 7A/I8 WEA, karol Bagh Raender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 53. 102 M/s Hotel Crest Inn, 4/27, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 54: 102 M/S Hotel Good Palace, 15A/63, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 55 102 M/s Hotel Krishna Palace, 4/36, WEA, Karol Bagh Raj ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 56 102 M/s Hotel Jagat Inn, 6/87, Padaro Singh Road, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 57. 102 M/s Hotel Clark International. 5/47, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 58 102 M/s Hotel Good Times, 8/7 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 59 102 M/s Hotel Swisston Palace, 17A/18 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 60 102 M/s Hotel Metro Height ,8/35-36, WEA, Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 61 102 M/s Hotel Arihant, 7A/69, WEA, Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 62 102 M/s Hotel Ivory Palace, 14 A/27, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Runn m 63 102 M/s Hotel Unique, 7A/51 WEA, Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 64 102 M/s Hotel Arpit Palace, 17A/1 WEA, Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 65 102 M/s Hotel Astoria 11 A/28 WEA, Karol Bagh Raj ender Nagar Running „'•" -- Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade LiccaBiuspended ' 6^ 102 Ms Hotel Hill Palace, 14A/32, WEA, Karol Bagh Closed Health Trade Lice5uspended •67i. •02 Ms Hotel Citi International Dx. 5/22 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade Lic^^^fiSuspended 102 Ms Hotel Eligant Intematinal 6/28, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar ^unning 6 <^ 102 M/s Hotel Garden View 5/12, WEA, Karol Bagh RajenderNagar Closed Health Trade Lipehse.Suspended 7ri 102 M/s Hotel DE-Continental, 8A/44, WEA, Karol Bagh Rajehder Nagar Running 71 ! 102 Ms Hotel Grand Central, 15A/32, WEA, Karol Bagh Raj ender Nagar Running li 102 M/s Megha Sheraton, Plot No. 53/1 Bada Bazar, Old Rajinder Nagar Rajender Nagar ^unning 13 " 102 M/s Hotel Taj Royale Guest House, 16/16 WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar li 102 M/s Hotel Bharat Continental Guest R-548 Shankar Road New Rajender Nagar Rajender Nagar Running Closed Health Trade License Suspended 13. 102 Hotel sirigh sons. 7-A/10-11, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Health Trade License Suspended i^ 102 M/s Hotel Ashu Palace , 12-A/34, WEA, Karoi Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended ii 102 M/s Hotel Maurya Heritage, 7A/58, WEA, channa Mkt. Rajender Nagar Closed 78 102 M/s Hotel Ambika Delux, 7A/68, WEA, Channa Mkt. Rajender Nagar Running Health Trade License Suspended 79 - 102 M/s Hotel Sun City, 11A/34 WEA Channa MKt. Rajender Nagar Closed sd 102 M/s Hotel Singh International, 4/64, Padam Singh Rd. KaroLBagh Ra ender Nagar Running Health Trade License Suspended 81 ' 102 Hotel Grand President, I7A/8,Wea,KaroLBagh Ra ender Nagar Closed 82 : 102 Hotel Metropolitan, 13-A/24, WEA,Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5 Rajender Nagar Running Health Trade License Suspended 83^ 102 Hotel Kanishka Palace, 7A/1 WEA, Channa Mkt. Karol Bagh RajenderNagar Closed 84 102 Hotel Singh Sahib, 8/34, WEA, KaroL Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 85 : 102 M/s Hotel Bharat palace. 3/73-74, Old Rajinder Nagar Delhi Ra ender Nagar Running Health Trade License Suspended 86 ' 102 M/s Hotel Perfect, 16-A/2, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 87; 102 M/s Sky Rich International , 17/A-19, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed 88 ! 102 M/s Hotel Pablas International, 12-A/22, WEA Kara! Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 89 102 M/s Hotel C-Park, 6/13, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 90: 102 M/s Hotel Relax palace 12-A/9, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 91 : 102 M/s Hotel Royal Holiday, 17-A/35, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 92 ! 102 M/s Hotel Royal Residency, 12A/23, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 93 ; 102 M/s Hotel Baba Contintal, 5/30 WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 94? 102 M/s Hotel Paras International, 5/25, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 95' 102 M/s Hotel Welcome Plaza, 15A/53, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 96' 102 M/s Hotel Kashish Plaza, 12A/8, WEA Karoi Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 97: 102 M/s Hotel Lucky Holiday Inn, 12A/12, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 98 ; 102 M/s Hotel Jyoti Delux, 4/68, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 99' 102 M/s Hotel City Continental, 12A/13, WEA Karol Bagh Closed Health Trade License Suspended iod 102 M/s M.S. Regency, 15A/23, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 101 102 M/s Hotel Star Palace , I5A/17, WEA Kaol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 102 102 M/s Hotel Florence Inn, 15A/6 WEA, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 103 102 M/s Hotel Crystal Place, 2217, Old Rajender Nagar Raiender Nagar Running 104 102 M/s Hotel Rediance, 15A/5I, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 105 102 M/s Hotel Emperior Palm, 15A/7, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 106 102 M/s Hotel Bonlon Inn. ,7A/39, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 101. 102 M/s Hotel Shimla Heritage, 7 A/36, WEA Channa Mkt Kara! Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 108 102 M/s Hotel Rijak Continental, 12A/14, WEA Karol Bagh, Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 109 102 M/s Southern Guest House, 18/2 Arya Samaj Road, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running UO 102 M/s Horizen palace, 6A/7 WEA KaroL Bagh New Delhi Raiender Nagar Running UI 102 M/s Hotel Nice Palace, 17A/13,WEAKarolBagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 112 102 M/s Cartel Palace, 8A/49, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 113 102 M/s Livasa, 7A/38, Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running Il4 102 M/s Silver Arc , 17A/6, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 115 102 M/s Hotel Saar, 14A/06, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 116 102 M/s Hotel MaanK, 8A/29, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 117 102 M/s Hotel Soutern Residency., 18/5, Arya Samaj Road, Karl Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 118 102 M/s Hotel Sun Court corporate, 6/67, WEA Kami Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 119 102 Hotel Kingston Park, 8/5, WEA karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 120 102 Hotel Mid Town, 17-A/7, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 121 102 M/s Hotel Sun Star hight. 8A/41, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 122 102 M/s Hotel JP Residency, 15A/28, Saraswati Marg WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 123 102 Citi international, 8A/21, WEA Karoi Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 124 102 M/S Hotel Chinar 4/67, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 123 102 M/s Hotel Ananda, 8/41, WEA Karol Bagh Rajeuder Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 126 102 M/s Hotel Ambika Home, 8A/63, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 127, 102 M/s Hotel Jainiffer, 7A/1, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 128 1 102 M/s Hotel Karat 87, 16/21, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 129 93 M/s Hotel Lavista, P. No. 937, Street no. 3, Nai Wala Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 130 102 M/s Hotel Grand Peopai, 4/1, WEA Karol Bagh New Delhi Raiender Nagar Running 131 102 M/s Hotel The Pearl, 7A/43, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 132 102 M/s Hotel Madona, 53/7, Old Rajender Nagar Raj ender Nagar Running Running 133 102 M/S Megha Place, 39/3, Old Rajinder Nagar Rajender Nagar 134 , 102 M/s Royal Palace, 1/65, Old Rajinder Nagar, Ganga Ram Raiender Nagar Running Running 135 102 M/s Hotel Sagar Place, 47/16, Old Rajender Nagar Rajender Nagar Raiender Nagar Running 102 M/s Hotel Karat - 87 Inn. 8/19 WEA Karol Bagh ta Closed • Health Trade License Suspended •nt 11J2- A/s Regent Intercontinanta] 1/73 WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running i^^* !lO2 0174/1, Gurudwara Road Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar 7A/14, WEA, Channa Mkt. Karol Bagh Zone, Rajerider Nagar Closed ; Health Trade License Suspended i^ 102 *sYugvilla, Closed Health Trade License Suspended 140 102 M/s Hotel apra Internationa!, I2A/35, WEA, Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running Ml 102 M/s Hotel Jivtesh, ^lot No. 11 Road 34, Pusa Road New Delhi-05 Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 142 102 Ms Hotel Vedas Heritage, la/28 WEA Karol Bagh Deihr-05 Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 141 102 M/s Hotel Apra Inn . 'lot, No. 15 A/61, WEA, Karol Bagh,New Rajender Nagar Closed Health trade License Suspended 144 102 M/s Hotel Apra International, 15A/57, WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi Raj ender Nagar Running 144 102 M/s Blue Berry, GF 08/13, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar Running 14^ 102 M/s Hotel Moment, 7A/74, WEA Kara! Bagh Zone Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 147 102 M/s Hotel Taksh Inn. 13 A/26, WEA Karol Bagh. Ra ender Nagar Running 148 102 M/s China Town, 12A/15, WEA Karol Bagh. Rajender Nagar Running 149 102 M/s Silver Stone, 13A/22, B. L. Marg WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Running 150 102 M/s Delhi Darbar, 15A/26, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar 151 102 M/s The Olive Inn. 7 A/10, WEA Karol Bagh Raiender Nagar •tunning Closed Health Trade License Suspended 152 102 M/s Inn Tawang, 8/32, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 153 102 M/s Hotel Metro City, 12-A/6, WEA, Karol Bagh Raj ender Nagar Health Trade License Suspended 154 102 M/s Metro view, 17A/3, WEA Karol Bagh New Delhi. Raiender Nagar Closed 155 102 M/s Welcome Pake. 17-A/12, WEA, Karol Bagh New Delhi. Raiender Nagar •tunning 156 102 M/s Dream Suit WEA Karol Bagh, NewDelhi. Rajender Nagar Running Running 157 102 M/s Hotel Kings Inn, 14A/7, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar 158 102 M/s Hotel Gold Souk, 7A/35, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 159 102 M/s Hotel Amrit Villa 15/10169, Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh, New RajenderNagar Running 160 102 M/s Sohi International 8/25, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi Raj ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 161 102 M/s Mandakini Palace 8/29, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 162 102 M/s Hotel TJS Grand 16/7, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 163 102 M/s Hotel Intercity, 17 A/42, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 164 102 M/s Hotel Persona International 12A/17, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi Ra ender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 165 102 Ms/Kyran 15A/45, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 166 102 M/S Hotel VISTA INN situated at 12A/27, WEA, Karol Bagh, New Delhi Rajender Nagar Running 167 102 M/S Hotel SUNRISE situated 4/52, WEA, Karol Bagh, NewDelhi RajendeT Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 168 104 M/s PalmsDrincs Medisoa & Stav. Plot No. 7. commirmtv Centre. Naraina Phase Ra ender Nagar Runninp 169 104 M/s Hotel Liv Inn. E-14. Naraina Vihar Ra ender Nagar 170 104 M/s Hotel Anila. A-15. Naraina Vihar. Ra ender Nagar 171 104 M/s Excel Inn. E-16. Naraina Vihar.New Delhi. Re ender Nagar Running 172 104 M/s Picasso Pnve .A-14.Narama Vihar Raj ender Nagar Runnine 173 102 M/s Hotel Universe Inn. 17A/51, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 174 102 M/s Hotel Paradise Inn 15A/49, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 175 102 M/s Nand Kartar Orchied 15A/18, WEA Karol Bagh Ra ender Nagar Running 176 104 M/s Hotel Crown Dx. A-l, Naraina Vihar. Delhi Ra ender Nagar Running 177 102 M/s Nanak Residency 3A/90, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 178 102 M/s KNK International 12A/I9WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended Gulnar Residency GH, 7A/45 WEA Channa Market Karol Bagh New Closed Health Trade License Suspended 179 102 Delhi-110005 Rajender Nagar Gulnar Residency GH, 7A/46 WEA Channa Market Karol Bagh New Closed Health Trade License Suspended 180 102 Delhi-110005 Ra ender Nagar Hotel Pawan Plaza 7A/9, WEA Channa Market Karol Bagh New Closed Health Trade License Suspended 181 102 Delhi-l 10005 RajenderNagar Danish Residency 12A/19, WEA Karol Bagh New Delhi-l 10005 Closed Health Trade License Suspended 182 102 RajenderNagar 183 102 Hotel Marble Arch 8/6, WEA karol Bagh RajenderNagar ^losed Health Trade License Suspended 184 102 Hotel Raunak Palace 4/70, WEA Sarswati Marg Karol Bash Rajender Nagar :iosed Health Trade License Suspended 185 102 M/sJevanlnn 16A/3, WEA karoi Bagh Rajender Nagai Closed Health Trade License Suspended 186 102 M/s Gold Inn 12/24, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 187 102 M/s Victor Inn 12A/24, WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 188 102 M/s G. N. Residency 12/8 WEA Karol Bagh Rajender Nagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended 189 102 M/s Aman Plaza 11 A/29, WEA Karol Bagh RajenderNagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended M/s Benz International 10175/1, Nai Wala WEA Karol Bagh Closed Health Trade License Suspended 190 102 RajenderNagar 191 102 M/s Surva Palace 2A/16. WEA Karol Bagh RajenderNagar Closed Health Trade License Suspended ta

NORTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION (Office of the Deputy Health Officer) Public Health Department: Karol Bagh Zone Anand Parbal, New Delhi— 110005 Phone No. 011-25818502, E-mail ID No. [email protected]

Dated: Z No. DHO/KJ3Z/20I9/

The following restaurants running with Mpl. Health Trade License in

guest houses in Rajinder Nagar Vidhan Sabha, Karol Bagh Zone.

Address SI. No. . Name of M/s GF-17A32, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi 1 M/s Sudh Restaurant GF-5A/56, WEA Karol Bagh, New Delhi 2 M/s Suruchi Restaurant GF-17A/1, WEA Karol Bagh, NewDelhi M/s Cross Road Restaurant 3 4/72, WEA, Karo! Bagh, New Delhi 1 4 M/s Regent Bar & Lounge


INo.Dy.MHO(PH)/200B/ '

s^: GranlVReriewnl of Hrnlth Trade Uiconse

, Corporation vide resolution No 23 har appiovcd lot qt int o trade licenses without NOC fiom building Department Accordingly th circulars regarding grant of health trifle lltanct for Co if I n ic / run areas,circularNo.Dy,MHO(PH)/2008/507datedt?/-i No,Dy.MHO(PH)/2008/6Q2 dated G/G ?O0B and NoU\ Ml K (I 1 ;/ ) dated 2/7/2008 fpr mixeff'use area ore hereby partially modified, to the that while processing a^plications fo health tiadc llccn^ tl NIC Building Depth will not ^'required.

I The applicants will'be required tJ subm t two et o( docunu it of location of premises oh notified coj n^ rial /mixed u e/pede li n " 1 plan of the premises where-Iicense ha been appi ed part lay out | 1 location of premises/key plan, decla nllon icca dinn pj^mcnl of c 1 charges, parking charges and registral On cha qC ilon with p o f f p of these charges; structural safety ce tif^ ate ! om L ictU al Ci c i li safety certiheate jh case of ti;ade like cj^. a t hou^es rr o^irant1" ^th i 50 seats, hotels, :motels a-nc! other tiTd i vh t f 0 C f 0 F* U | II thejrequiremehts for health tracic lice v*^ c Ion w th all U l docun H | reqiiired for prqesssing license case ptcni in i 11 H protection Linden para 16.2. ^ of NlPu ,_ I Will I u cd to registration of^ p^emises within A month1 and liiictui^l afty c rLfrciL next • ssix months from the elate of noliif ccation ofl MPD 2021 i l 7/2/-'Of information rega^ding grant of licens^ alt ~ic \ th one ct of doct sent to [Building Depth by iCr'1 of ne^t rnbnth for nece saiV action f in thej Building Byedaws. All such provisional Nccn b hall u i l ic 0 31st] March of the year in which it is i sued o or he yecr named r ^ that year, as the lease may be.

On subtinissidn of sanctioned bu IdinFlab ^ rancllon Inttei ( h unalithbri^ed ^regularized areas/cop/ oelegulaVlza1" on Plar^ o^ structufes(s) in 'blue-print) regulai llcenCwill be i ued fo In i m procedure,

(Ol 1 1 V tl pdl Htai (h ( II Di5lzributiorii 1.Chief Tow Plann 2.CLO 3.Dy.Cummifisioneri (IT) •1,DyiCommissioner (CL 5.SE:(Dulldiny) 6,Dy'- MHO (13H) 7",AlPDHOs 8,All zonaTlfE^^ (Bldg.; Copyfor'inform^tion to: 1,Secy, to Conimi^^si r fc f nd 2,Adcil. Comrnissionc t jq j 3,Add!. Commissione lH ) A.DOV



Sections 1.Short title, extent, commencement and duration. 2.Definitions. 3.Enforcement to be kept in abeyance. 4.PProvisions otf mthis Act not to apply in certain cases. ^TP^o.w ,.en^r o^ fJT CF5e ,n.it-r^a^ lT GF3 o— v-e.rn^ m-^. e-.n Lt tio — g-^i1v- .e^. dJ i1rc.cit-ifo^.fnt.sft .t 6. Validation of acts done or omitted to be done, etc., during 1st January, 2011 up to the date of commencement of this Act.

I THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI LAWS (SPECIAL PROVISIONS) ACT, 2011 ACT NO. 5 OF 2011 [29th March, 2011.] An Act to make special provisions for the National Capital Territory of Delhi for a further period up to the 31st day of December, 2011 and for matters connected therewith or incidental

thereto. Whereas there had been phenomenal increase in the population of the National Capital Territory of Delhi owing to migration and other factors resulting in tremendous pressure on land and infrastructure leading to encroachment or unauthorised developments which are not in consonance with the concept of ' planned development as provided in the Master Plan for Delhi, 2001 and the relevant Acts and building bye-laws made thereunder; AND WHEREAS the Master Plan for Delhi, 2001 tyas extensively modified and notified by the Central Government on the 7th day of February, 2007 with the perspective for the year 2021 keeping in view the • emerging new dimensions in urban development vis-a-vis the social, financial and other ground realities;

AND WHEREAS the Master Plan for Delhi with the perspective for the year 2021 specifically provides for strategies for housing for urban poor as well as to deal with the informal sector;

And whereas a strategy and a scheme has been prepared by the local authorities in the National Capital Territory of Delhi for regulation of urban street vendors in accordance with the National Policy for Urban Street Vendors and the Master Plan for Delhi, 2021, and is being implemented;

AND WHEREAS based on the policy finalised by the Central Government regarding regularisation of unauthorised colonies, village abadi area and its extension, the guidelines and regulations for this purpose have been issued;

AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the guidelines and regulations necessary steps are being taken for regularisation of unauthorised colonies which, inter alia, involve scrutiny of layout plans, assessment of built up percentage existed as on 31 st day of March, 2002, identification of mixed use of streets, approval of layout plans, fixation of boundaries, change in land use and identification of colonies not eligible for regularisation;

AND WHEREAS more time is required for proper implementation of the scheme regarding hawkers and ui'ban street vendors and for the reguiarisation of unauthorised colonies, village abadi area and its extension;

AND WHEREAS the revised policy for proper arrangements for relocation and rehabilitation of slum dwellers and jhuggi-jhompri clusters in the National Capital Territory of Delhi has been formulated and accordingly, the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board Act, 2010 (Delhi Act 7 of 2010) has been enacted by the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi and notified with effect from the 1st July, 2010 to provide for implementation of schemes for improvement of slums and jhuggi-jhompri clusters with a view to bring improvement in environment and living conditions, and to prepare housing scheme for such persons;

AND WHEREAS the draft policy regarding farm houses is under consideration in the Delhi Development Authority;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Master Plan for Delhi, 2021, the Zonal Development Plans in respect of various Zones have been notified which provides for regularisation of schools, dispensaries, religious institutions and cultural institutions; Andwhereas the policy with respect to storages, warehouses and godowns used for agricultural inputs or produce (including dairy and poultry) in rural areas built on agricultural land are under consideration of the Central Government in consultation with the Delhi Development Authority;

And whereas the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act, 2007 (43 of 2007) was enacted on the 5th day of December, 2007 to make special provisions for the areas of the National Capital Territory of Delhi for a period up to the 31 st day of December, 2008 which ceased to operate after the 31 st December, 2008;

• AND whereas the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act, 2009 (24 of 2009) was enacted in continuation of the aforesaid Act for a period up to the 31st day of December, 2009to make special provisions for the areas of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and that Act ceased to operate after the 31st day of December, 2009;

AND whereas the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Second Act, 2009 (40 of 2009) was enacted in continuation of the aforesaid Act for a period up to the 31 st day of December, 2010to make special provisions for the areas of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and that Act ceased to operate after the 3 1st day of December, 2010;

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to have a law in terms of the Master Plan for Delhi, 2021, in . continuation of the said Act for a period up to the 31st day of December, 2011 to provide for temporary relief and to minimise avoidable hardships and irreparable loss to the people of the National Capital Territory of Delhi against any action by the concerned agency in respect of persons covered by the policies referred to above.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-second Year of the Republic of India as follows:—

1.Short title, extent, commencement and duration.—(7) This Act may be called the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act, 20II.

(2)It extends to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

(3)It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1 st day of January, 2011.

(4)It shall cease to have effect on the 31st day of December, 2011, except as respects things done or omitted, to be done before such cesser, and upon such cesser section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897), shall apply as if this Act had then been repealed by a Central Act.

2.Definitions.—(7) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—

(a)"building bye-laws" means bye-laws made under section 481 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 (66 of 1957) or the bye-laws made under section 188, sub-section (3) of section 189 and sub-section (7) of section 190 of the Punjab Municipal Act, 1911 (Punjab Act 3 of 1911), as in force in New Delhi or the regulations made under sub-section (7) of section 57 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), relating to buildings;

(b)"Delhi" means the entire area of the National Capital Territory of Delhi except the Delhi Cantonment as defined in clause (77) of section 2 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 (66 of 1957); (c)"encroachment" means unauthorised occupation of Government land or public land by way of putting temporary, semi-permanent or permanent structure for residential use or commercial use or any other use; (d)"local authority" means the Delhi Municipal Corporation established under the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 (66 of 1957), or the New Delhi Municipal Council established under the New Delhi Municipal Council Act, 1994 (44 of 1994) or the Delhi Development Authority established under the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), legally entitled to exercise control in respect of the areas under their respective jurisdiction;

(e) "Master Plan" means the Master Plan for Delhi with the perspective for the year 2021, notified vide notification number S.O.141(E), dated the 7th day of February, 2007 under the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957); (/) "notification" means a notification published in the Offici^l Gazette;

(g) "punitive action" means action taken by a local authority under the relevant law against unauthorised development and shall include demolition, sealing of premises and displacement of persons or their business establishment from their existing location, whether in pursuance of court orders or otherwise;

(h) "relevant law" means in case of— (0 the Delhi Development Authority, the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957);

(ii) the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 (66 of 1957); and (Hi) the New Delhi Municipal Council, the New Delhi Municipal Council Act, 1994 (44 of 1994); (i) "unauthorised development" means use of land or use of building or construction of building or development of colonies carried out in contravention of the sanctioned plans or without obtaining the sanction of plans, or in contravention of the land use as permitted under the Master Plan or Zonal Plan or layout plan, as the case may be, and includes any encroachment.

(2) Words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957), the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 (66 of 1957) and the New Delhi Municipal Council Act, 1994 (44 of 1994).

3. Enforcement to be kept in abeyance.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any relevant law or any rules, regulations or bye-laws made thereunder, the Central Government shall before the expiry of this Act, take all possible measures to finalise norms, policy guidelines, feasible strategies and make orderly arrangements to deal with the problem of encroachment or unauthorised development in the form of encroachment by slum dwellers and Jhuggi-jhompri clusters, hawkers and urban street vendors, unauthorised colonies, village abadi area (including urban villages), and its extension, existing farm houses involving construction beyond permissible building limits and schools, dispensaries, religious institutions, cultural institutions, storages, warehouses and godowns used for agricultural inputs or produce (including dairy and poultry) in rural areas built on agricultural land, as mentioned below:

(a)orderly arrangements for relocation and rehabilitation of slum dwellers and Jhuggi-jhompri clusters in the National Capital Territory of Delhi in accordance with the provisions of the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board Act, 2010 (Delhi Act 7 of 2010) and the Master Plan for Delhi, 2021 to ensure its development in a sustainable, planned and humane manner;

(b)scheme and orderly arrangements for regulation of urban street vendors in consonance with the national policy for urban street vendors and hawkers as provided in the Master Plan for Delhi, 2021;

(c)orderly arrangements pursuant to guidelines and regulations for regularisation of unauthorised colonies, village abadi area (including urban villages) and its extension, as existed on the 31st day of March, 2002, and where construction took place even beyond that date and up to the 8th day of February, 2007; (d)policy regarding existing farm houses involving construction beyond permissible building limits; and (e)policy or plan for orderly arrangement regarding schools, dispensaries, religious institutions, • cultural institutions, storages, warehouses and godowns used for agricultural inputs or produce (including dairy and poultry) in rural areas built on agricultural land.

(2)Subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (/) and notwithstanding any judgment, decree or order of any court, status quo— (0 as on the 1st day of January, 2006 in respect of encroachment or unauthorised development; and (h) in respect of unauthorised colonies, village abadi area (including urban villages) and its extension, which existed on the 31st day of March, 2002 and where construction took place even beyond that date and up to the 8th day of February, 2007, mentioned in sub-section (7), shall be maintained. (3)All notices issued by any local authority for initiating action against encroachment or • unauthorised development referred to in sub-section (/), shall be deemed.to have been suspended and no punitive action shall be taken till the 31 st day of December, 2011.

(4)Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Act, the Central Government may, at any time before the 31st day of December, 2011, withdraw the exemption by notification in respect of. encroachment or unauthorised development mentioned in sub-section (2) or sub-section (3), as the case may be.

4.Provisions of this Act not to apply in certain cases.—During the period of operation of this Act, no relief shall be available under the provisions of section 3 in respect of the following encroachment or unauthorised development, namely:—

(a)encroachment on public land except in those cases which are covered under clauses (a), (b) and (c)of sub-section (1) of section 3;

(b)removal of slums and Jhuggi-Jhompri dwellers, hawkers and urban street vendors, unauthorised colonies or part thereof, village abadi area (including urban villages) and its extension in accordance with the relevant policies approved by the Central Government for clearance of land required for specific public projects.

5.Power of Central Government to give directions.—The Central Government may, from time to time, issue such directions to the local authorities as il may deem fit, for giving effect to the provisions of this Act and it shall be the duty of the local authorities, to comply with such directions.

6.Validation of acts done or omitted to be done, etc., during 1st January, 2011 up to the date of commencement of this Act.—Notwithstanding any judgment, decree or order of any court, all things done, or, omitted to be done, and all action taken, or, not taken, during the period beginning on or after the 1st day of January, 2011 and ending immediately before the date of commencement of this Act, shall, in. so far as they are in conformity with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done, or, omitted to be done, or, taken, or, not taken, under these provisions as if such provisions were in force at the time such things were done or omitted to be done and action taken or not taken during the aforesaid period. rftrtfet ^^ •ii- ra^—(TEOO'Vooore^^P^—ci registe^e^ wa.

WRcT Zhc <&az^tt^ of <3fadia

EXTRAORDINARY tip) II—^pi 1 PART II — Section I

^^ 44]fffe f^^^^ft, TftffR, r^ffwf'kH, 20177^ 10, 1939 No. 44] NEW DELHI, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 20I7/PAUSHA 1,0, 1939 (SAKA)

^^ ^ire re f^re ^^^ ffrs^^ fel ffira) t P^ o^l ft Separate paging is given in tliis ^art in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation.

MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department)

^ew Delhi, the 31st December. 2^\llf>ausha 10, 1939 (Saka)

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of Jfre Pjjesi4.est h Ike 31 st December, 2017 and is hereby published for general iBfenjafioa:—


No. 32 of 2017

An Act further to amend the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Second Act, 2011.

Be it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-eighth Year of the Republic f I4ia as follows:—

1.This Act may be called the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Shoo title. Provisions) Second (Amendment) Act, 2017.

2.In the National Capital Territory ol Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Second Amendment of Act, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in the long tifie, for the words, long'ilie- figures and letters "for a further period up to the 31 st day of December, 2^17", foe words, figures and letters "for a further period up to the 31 st day of December, WhB" Shall he substituted.

3.In the principal Act, in the Preamble,—•Amendment .of ^ream^le. (a) fourth paragraph shall be omitted; 2THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [Part II—Sec. 1]

(b)for ninth paragraph and tenth paragraph, the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:—

"And whereas more time is required for the regularisation of unauthorised colonies, village abadi area and their extensions and special areas;";

(c)in the last paragraph, for the words, figures and letters "for a period up to the 31st day of December, 2017", the words, figures and letters "for a period up to the 31st day of December, 2020" shall be substituted.

Amendment of4. In the principal Act, in section 1, in sub-section (4), in the opening portion, for the section 1,words, figures and letters "It shall cease to have effect on the 31st day of December, 2017", the words, figures and letters "It shall cease to have effect on the 31st day of December, 2020" shall be substituted.

Amendment of5. jn the principal Act, in section 3,— section 3. (a)in sub-section (/),—

(i) the words "hawkers and urban street vendors," shall be omitted;

(ii) clause (b) shall be omitted;

(b)in sub-section (3), for the words, figures and letters "till the 31st day of December, 2017", the words, figures and letters "till the 31 st day of December, 2020" shall be substituted;

(c)in sub-section (4)^ for the words, figures and letters "at any time before the 31st day of December, 2017", the words, figures and letters "at any time before the 31st day of December, 2020" shall be substituted.

Amendment of6. In the principal Act, in section 4,— section 4. (a)in clause (a), for the brackets, letters and word "(a), (b) and (c)", the brackets, letters and word "(a) and (c)" shall be substituted;

(b)in clause (b), the words "hawkers and urban street vendors," shall be omitted.

DR. G. NARAYANA RAJU, Secretary to the Govt. of India.






*Note: Areas have been found by looking up chief electoral office website/portal for the assembly constltuenty (Rajinder Nagar)