(1996)34, 460-465 © 1996 International Medical Society of Paraplegia All rights reserved 1362-4393/96 $12.00

Folic acid and defects

RA Minns Royal Hospital fo r Sick Children, Sciennes Road, Edinburgh EH9 ILF, UK

Keywords: neural tube defects; ; myelomeningocele; paraplegia; folic acid

Embryogenesis The primitive begins as a flat neural post defect and their precise pathogenesis plate 2 weeks after conception, having arisen from has yet to be clarified.2 They result in failure of fusion ectoderm. This plate becomes indented by a long­ of the midline cranial structures with herniation of itudinal groove at 20 days with neural folds on the tissue and cerebro-spinal fluid. They are a flanks. These folds begin to fuse in the midline forming distinct group of neural tube abnormalities with a cylinder in the middle of the plate and then in a many more females than males represented, differ­ zipper fashion this dorsal closure is promulgated ences in the anterior versus posterior site depending rostrally and caudally resulting in a tubular structure upon race, ie anterior encephalocoeles frequent among with an open anterior and posterior aperture Bantus and Thais, and they are associated with a corresponding to the anterior and the posterior number of characteristic genetic conditions such as the neuropore. At 26 days the anterior neuropore closes autosomal recessive Meckel-Gruber syndrome, auto­ and at 29 days the posterior. Factors necessary for the somal recessive occipital encephalocoele with myopia neural tube formation are intrinsic in the neural and retinal dysplasia,3 Joubert syndrome, Walker ectoderm and adjacent mesoderm. syndrome etc. They have been reported in association A teratological insult in embryogenesis timed to with forty miscellaneous conditions. They may even be interfere with the closure of the anterior neuropore deformations rather than malformations arising by will result in anencephalus with failed development of extracranial evagination of brain tissue at 20 weeks the telencephalic vesicle and the normal cerebral following raised ventricular pressure in foetal hydro­ hemispheres are replaced by a mass of undifferen­ cephalus.4 tiated cells and abnormal vessels. Anencephalus is Encephalocoeles result in , mental responsible for about half of all the neural tube defects retardation with or without , epilepsy and is incompatible with life, and the natural history is and ataxia from associated dysplasia in the occipital for spontaneous abortion, still birth or death shortly lobe, and cerebral cortex. after delivery. In broad terms therefore, neural tube defects result Failure of closure of the posterior neuropore results from incomplete neurulation and refer to a wide in an exposed spinal cord. When this is subjected to spectrum of congenital malformations in which intrinsic hydrodynamic forces and extrinsic mechanical separation of the midline vertebral and cranial and chemical forces of the intrauterine environment, elements are the common feature, but are usually then progressive destruction of the spinal cord occurs, taken to mean anencephalus, spina bifida and which results in the full panoply of permanent encephalocoeles. neurological damage and deformity recognised at birth as spina bifida (myelomeningoceoele).l Aetiology of neural tube defects Although it is predominantly a neuro-ectodermal abnormality there is often involvement of adjacent It has long been accepted that there was a genetic­ mesodermal structures. The resultant spina bifida environmental interaction in the causation of neural deficit includes life-long handicap from motor and tube defects. In any large series a positive family sensory paraplegia, deformity, neuropathic bladder history is obtained in about 10% and we have seen and bowel, Chiari II malformation and hydrocepha­ family trees with neural tube defects extending through lus etc, with the extent of the deficit depending five generations. If a man or woman with an affected predominantly on the pattern and level of spinal cord offspring, or either they themselves suffer from the involvement. condition, their risk of having a child with neural tube Encephalocoeles are traditionally considered as defect is increased tenfold (about 5% risk). After two closed neural tube defects but they are probably a such affected pregnancies it is increased 20 times (10- 15%). The risk can therefore be calculated knowing a detailed family history. These genetic and other Correspondence: Dr RA Minns, PhD, FRCP (Ed) epidemiological studies have given rise to the concept Folic acid and neural tube defects RA Minns 461 of high risk 'patients': (1) those with a past history of planning another pregnancy and not already taking neural tube defect; (2) maternal age of < 20 or > 35 supplements, and did not suffer from epilepsy, were years; (3) parity (primip or grand multip); (4) social included. The effect of supplementation was investi­ class (poverty). gated by a factorial study design which ensured that There are 13 genetic loci in rodent models at which three-quarters of those taking part received or mutations are known and three mouse chromosomal multi-, or both, with women randomly models that produce neural tube defects. 5 In man allocated to one of four supplementation groups: (1) various chromosome abnormalities, Trisomy 13 and folic acid alone; (2) other vitamins alone ( A, 18 and triploidy and other unbalanced chromosome thiamin, riboflavin, B6, vitamin C, vitamin D); (3) rearrangements and ring chromosomes, are known to both; (4) neither. By April 1991 sufficiently conclusive be causes of neural tube defects. Single gene autosomal results were obtained using sequential analysis to recessive conditions such as Walker-Warburg, Jarco­ warrant stopping the trial. There had been 1195 Levin, Meckel-Gruber, and Robert syndromes are completed pregnancies with a known outcome. associated with neural tube defects. Autosomal Twenty-seven had a known neural tube defect, six in dominant conditions have an association also, such the folic acid groups and 21 in the other two groups, as median facial cleft and the syndrome of anterior meaning a 72% protective effect. It was also concluded sacral meningocoele and anal stenosis. that the other vitamins showed no protective effect for As well as the genetic risk it has long been known that neural tube defect, nor did supplementation cause any teratogens are capable of inducing neural tube defects in harm. This careful study assessed compliance and took humans and experimental animals. Copp et al5 precautions, by measuring serum folic acid, that discovered from the medical literature more than 60 women did not additionally supplement themselves. teratogens that produce neural tube defects in animals, It must be recognised that supplementation with 4 mg including radiation, maternal , diabetes per day of folic acid did not prevent all the neural tube mellitus, hyper- or hypovitaminosis A, infections such as defects and these cases did not have unusually low congenital rubella, , cytomegalovirus, and serum folic acid concentrations, and this probably drugs such as aminopterin, valproic acid, aliphatic reflects the heterogeneous nature of the condition. nitriles, trypan blue, cyclophosphamide and cyanide. A The second significant study from Hungary was a number of environmental hazards have been hypothe­ randomised controlled trial, that showed that the sised, particularly dietary agents such as soft water, occurrence of neural tube defects could be appreci­ blighted potatoes, nitrate cured corned beef, canned ably reduced by giving periconceptional multivitamin peas treated with magnesium , effluent from supplements which included 0.8 mg of folic acid.17 factories and zinc deficiency. This study was extended to look at the effect on other congenital abnormalities as well, again with a randomised control trial of supplementation with Periconceptional folate studies multivitamins (including 0.8 mg of folic acid), or Hibbard in 19646 first suspected that folic acid (a trace elements supplements daily for at least 1 month vitamin of the B group) might be involved in the before conception and at least 2 months after aetiology of neural tube defects, and following this two conception. 18 It was found that periconceptional intervention studies were published which involved multivitamin supplements could reduce not only the vitamin supplementation around the time of concep­ rate of neural tube defects but the rate of other major tion for women who had already had a child with a genetic syndromic congenital abnormalities such as 7 8 neural tube defect. , The first study was not conotruncal cardiovascular anomalies, defects of the randomised and women were given a mixture of eight urinary tract, congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, vitamins including 0.36 mg per day of folic acid. The and congenital limb deficiences. risk of recurrence in this supplemented group was about one-seventh that of the unsupplemented group. In the Mechanism of action of folic acid second study, which was a small randomised trial of 4 mg per day of folic acid, a significant lower recurrence The mechanism is still being investigated but several rate was noted. In a further six observational studies positive facts are emerging. Firstly, it seems unlikely and a non-randomised supplementation study, all with that there is a primary . Kirk et aI have the exception of one showed an association but these shown that mothers carrying foetuses with neural tube studies all either suffered from bias, or were non­ defects have a lower Bl2/folate during pregnancy than 9 - IS randomised, or were inconclusive. mothers carrying normal foetuses, and both folate and To avoid bias, a large MRC study was proposed Bl2 are independently predictive of neural tube defects and launched in July 1983 with the intention of with Bl2/folate levels well above the deficiency range, 16 obtaining at least 2000 pregnancies. This was an suggesting a metabolic block rather than a simple 19 international multicentre double-blind randomised deficiency state. There is other evidence that B12 is trial involving 33 centres, half in the UK. Women also involved and others have found an elevated with a previous neural tube defect, not associated with level significantly higher for mothers of one of the autosomal recessive conditions, who were neural tube defect patients during pregnancy than B12 Folic acid and neural tube defects RA Minns 462

matched controls, especially in the lower half of the Optimal delivery method of folic acid B 12 distribution, ie these cases metabolise homocys­ teine less well than controls at comparable levels of Conclusive evidence from the MRC and Hungarian BI2/folate.2o,21 Adams et al also reported elevated studies means that prevention is effective for women methylmalonic acid values in mothers whose children who have not had a foetus with a neural tube defect as had neural tube defects, a further marker of B 12 well as for those who have,31 and a clear policy is insufficiency.22 necessary to prevent primary occurrences and recur­ Of the 16 f 0 late dependent enzyme systems, rences. This could be accomplished by either supple­ methionine synthase is the only one which requires mentation or , and because of the B12 as well as folate, and a defect in methionine public health implications of the latter option the synthase would lead to this increased level of advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed. homocysteine suggesting an abnormality of methio­ Supplementation has been recommended by the nine synthase together with its co-factor Bl2 could be Expert Advisory Group to prevent recurrences of the responsible metabolic defect. 20 neural tube defects by taking a daily dose of 4 mg Other situations that can result in an increased before conception and continued until the 12th week homocysteine level might also be implicated and a of pregnancy.32 This advice was also for the offspring mutation has been identified (677 C� T mutation) of women or men with spina bifida. Only 5 mg tablets in the 5,1 O-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase are available and these only on prescription. To (MTHFR) gene on chromosome Ip 36.3, which is prevent the first occurrence of a neural tube defect present in 13% of neural tube defect patients, 16% of extra folate was recommended for all women prior to mothers, and 10% of fathers, compared to 5% of conception and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, controls who are homozygous for this.23 This and the suggested ways of achieving this were by extra mutation results in a decreased MTHFR activity, a intake of folate rich foods such as green leafy low plasma folate (another marker of abnormal vegetables, not over cooking, and by eating foods methionine synthase activity) and high levels of fortified with folic acid, and additionally taking a food homocysteine. This mutation can be regarded as a supplement. The recommended supplemental dose to genetic risk factor for spina bifida and supports the prevent occurrences was 0.4 mg of folic acid daily hypothesis of defective folate metabolism in at least a when they begin trying to conceive or on the suspicion subset of mothers with neural tube defects.24 of pregnancy, or if the women recognises the Cystathionine synthesase abnormalities can also possibility of pregnancy following unprotected sexual raise homocysteine and this has also been reported intercourse until the 12th week of pregnancy. In any in a minority of patients with neural tube defects.25 case at the suspicion of pregnancy supplementation Overcoming an abnormality in homocysteine metabo­ should commence at once. 0.4 mg tablets are available lism, particularly an abnormality of methionine without prescription from chemists or health food synthase by folic acid supplementation, is presently stores. the favoured postulated mechanism of action of folic The advantages of supplementation are that it targets acid. Methionine synthase is pivotal in methylation only the population who are at risk and as such the reactions for producing myelin basic protein and in type of medication, its dose and the target group can making tetrahydrofolate for DNA synthesis, either of be clearly defined. which may be the responsible pathway for producing The disadvantages of supplementation are: neural tube defects.26 (1) That a large percentage of pregnancies are In experimental animals various results have been unplanned and this includes about 95% of the found, for example in mice folate did not prevent pregnancies that end in a neural tube defect. neural tube defects but methionine did.27 The folic (2) The practical difficulties are considerable in acid antagonists aminopterin and did attempting to give all women supplementation not cause neural tube defects but rather limb before falling pregnant, particularly those in a deficiencies. Valproic acid results in 1 - 2 % incidence low socio-economic group who are at a higher of spina bifida possibly by interacting with embryonic risk. folate metabolism.28 The 'curly tail mouse' has been (3) There must be a public health strategy in studied extensively to determine agents which prevent conjuction with the supplementation about the neural defects in embryos and prevention has been necessity of it, dietary advice etc. found with retinoic acid, inositol, hydroxyurea, (4) Although small, there is still a financial price to mitomycin C, 5-flurouracil, cytosine arabinoside, pay for the supplement. possibly riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin D2. But no (5) The theoretical and unknown risks of providing prevention was seen with folic acid, folinic acid, supplementation to popUlations who already pregnavite forte F, B6, B12, triamcinolone, cyclohex­ have a low incidence of neural tube defects. amide, zinc, homocysteine, methionine and thymi­ (6) The background dietary folic acid being con­ dine.29 Ovulatory drugs such as chlomiphene and sumed before supplementation will be variable hormones do not cause an increased risk of neural and thus the total daily intake variable. tube defect.3 0 (7) In 1995, 3 years after the Department of Health Folic acid and neural tube defects RA Minns 463

recommendations and a public awareness cam­ be consumed to achieve adequate levels. For paign, there was still widespread ignorance about example, Asian communities do not eat bread the need to supplement by most people.33,34 and would require fortification of chapati flour It is likely therefore that supplementation would not with folic acid. be sufficiently effective and is beset by a number of (7) Fortification with folate alone may be insufficient practical difficulties. Food fo rtification was therefore and there remains the possibility that other considered. multivitamins might be responsible for prevent­ It is assumed that in the UK the dietary folate ing malformations together with the possibility intake is now on average 0.2 mg per day.35 To bring that if Bl2 was added as a fortified constituent it dietary folate to the necessary 0.6 mg per day by a would necessitate lower dose of fortification with change of diet would be difficult. Some breakfast folate. cereals and at least one brand of bread are already A new public awareness campaign was launched on fortified with folic acid to a reasonable level (one 26th February 1996 to run for the next 2 - 3 years. The slice of bread contains 0.05 mg of folic acid). This question of whether widespread fortification should be dose is unlikely to cause any problems and the arranged with food manufacturers on a voluntary Expert Advisory Group recommended that fortifica­ basis or whether it should be compulsory is still to be tion was restricted to cereals and bread, but that the decided, but there are a growing number of advocates range of fortified cereals and bread be increased so for strengthening the voluntary recommendations to a there was a greater variety. They did not, however, compulsory policy at an early stage, eg at milling sites recommend universal fortification thus allowing the rather than at manufacture.37 important choice of unfortified foods to remain In the United States a new fortification order available. requires folic acid be added to all enriched foods The advantages of fo rtification are: from 1st January 1998. The Public Health Service (1) It ensures compliance in all of the population at recommended in 1992 that all women of childbearing risk by consumption by the whole population. age should eat 0.4 mg of folic acid daily and by (2) Collective action has always been an essential fortifying grain products they were making it easier to part of public health achievements. achieve adequate folate levels in the diet. It will be (3) There are minimal side effects, even in large doses added to most enriched breads, flours, cornmeals, it is not harmful and folic acid is water soluble pastas, rice and other grain products. These represent which means it is not stored and what is not the staple diet of most of the US population. The needed is excreted and does not affect the foetus, fortification policy is designed to keep daily intakes of unlike other vitamins such as vitamin A. folic acid below 1 mg. (4) Primary folate deficiency exists in the population and would be treated by this fortification policy. Declining prevalence of neural tube defects (5) Unfortified bread would still be available although it would have to be labelled as the The birth prevalence of neural tube defect appears to exception. have been declining in many parts of the world since The disadvantages of fo rtification are: 1970.38 (1) The theoretical concern in older patients with In Scotland the decline has paralleled the institution undiagnosed pernicious anaemia given folic acid of antenatal screening. The 'adjusted birth prevalence', which may alleviate the anaemia while failing to ie birth plus terminations for neural tube defects, fell detect signs of subacute combined degeneration by more than a third between 1974 and 1982. The of the cord, although this may then present actual birth prevalence, ie excluding terminations, fell sooner and timely treatment with B12 may even by 63% for spina bifida and 91 % for reverse the neuropathy.36. suggesting that antenatal screening was responsible for (2) It may result in EEG abnormalities in epileptic most of the decline in anencephalic prevalence, and the patients who may require more anti-epileptic decline in spina bifida prevalence was due to other drugs. factors. Antenatal screening probably accelerated a (3) Patients taking folic acid antagonists are poten­ trend or natural fall. 39 tially at risk. In South Australia between 1966 and 1991, the total (4) It might be considered that fortification infringes prevalence remained stable but prenatal diagnosis and the individual's rights, that is, the power of the termination resulted in an 84% fall in birth prevalence state overriding the rights of the individual and durin these years, with screening detecting 85% of § following on from that, the concept of coersive cases. 0 healthism for those who do not readily follow the There does appear to have been a natural fall in government line. prevalence in the Republic of Ireland where there was (5) A theoretical risk of overdosing if additional no screening or termination as well as in other complementation with folic acid was added. countries before screening programmes commenced (6) Lifestyle and cultural differences would necessi­ and this natural fall in prevalence has been tate guidance for all ethnic groups about foods to exacerbated by screening programmes. Folic acid and neural tube defects RA Minns 464

has been less than 10. In the UK approximately 2000 40 would still occur although three-quarters end in stillbirth or termination and most of these would be prevented by fortification. !ill TOTAL Prior to the periconceptional vitamin study the o ENCEPHALOCOELE • DIED alternatives were for screening and termination

u.. (depending on parental wishes) of all AFP positive o 20 cc foetuses or those detected by ultrasound. There is no w m possibility of predicting in utero the degree of ::;: OJ Z neurological deficit and Hunt with a series of 117 spina bifida adolescents between 16 and 20 years of age, who were likely to have had an elevated AFP level, showed that some 7% of these had little or no 41 �oo�oo�mnn�N�MnMMOO�����M�MOOOO�.ro.� disability. The AFP and ultrasound are not YEAR discriminating and if positive all are offered termina­ tion. The 'verebral level' and the 'lesion level' and the Figure 1 The figure illustrates birth prevalence of cases of spina bifida (myelomeningocoele and meningocoele) and degree of hydrocephalus from the ultrasound are not encephalocoeles admitted to a Regional Paediatric Neurol­ good indicators of subsequent handicap and vice versa. ogy Service at RHSC Edinburgh over a 31 year period, Low level lesions may have a very significant handi­ additionally showing the number dying in infancy. The cap. What the ultrasound cannot do is detect the impact of AFP/ultrasound screening and termination from motor or sensory neurological level, although attempts 1975 is dramatic but the consistently small numbers since have been made to deduce levels from flexion and 1986 conceals the total prevalence. From 1986 - 1994 extension of the knee. Since it is not possible to detect inclusive, the total live births using ICD-9 statistics for the severity of neurological damage in-utero a anencephaly, spina bifida and encephalocoeles was 22. Over termination policy is an imprecise secondary preven­ the same time period, terminations and stillbirths for neural tion of neural tube defects so that all lesions tube defects totalled 86, showing that screening/termination was responsible for most of the decline, however the yearly functionally good or bad with an elevated AFP are numbers of terminations and stillbirths have also declined offered termination. steadily over the same time period from 18 per year in 1986 Postnatally many units have used a selective policy to four per year in 1994 based on modified Lorber criteria for operation or not. 42 It must be remembered that the operation is not curative and, our own unit has a selective Secondary prevention through screening with the postnatal policy but with the caveat that a U-turn in option of termination has been available for the last 20 management policy is practised if the child survives. years. All cases of anencephaly and 66% of cases of Secondary prevention (termination of affected spina bifida will be identified by alphafetoprotein foetuses regardless of severity, together with postnatal (blood and aminiotic) and ultrasound scan. Termina­ 'selecting out') is ethically less acceptable than primary tion together with a selective policy postnatally has prevention of the neural tube defect, together with the been responsible for the main decline in prevalence. possibility that in the future, in-utero repair of the Primary preventative measures therefore in preventing open spina bifida may be feasible for those neural tube the development of neural tube defect in the embryo defects not prevented by periconceptional vitamins. I by periconceptional vitamins would have an additional A number of unanswered questions remain. For and overlapping contribution to the decline. example the dosage, at present a 5 mg tablet, is made The birth prevalence of myelomeningocoele and by a number of manufacturers, it is cheap and there is encephalocoeles admitted to a regional paediatric unlikely to be pressure to develop a 4 mg tablet for neurology service in Edinburgh over a 30 year period daily consumption, but could it be that the original from 1965 - 1994 showed the dramatic impact of 0.36 mg is enough or 0.8 mg as suggested in the antenatal screening from 1975 with a steady decline Hungarian study. Neither is it known how long before to about 1985. The virtually static nature of our birth conception this is required and will dietary and prevalence since then is largely due to the continued supplementary folic acids be compatible, and will the effectiveness of screening and termination, and it must benefits of folic acid be the same in populations with a be remembered that there will always be a limit to the previously low prevalence. effectiveness of antenatal screening/termination because Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and not all pregnant women avail themselves of all fortification represents a major advance in the antenatal services. The impact of periconceptional prevention of neural tube defects in a primary vitamins supplementation is too early to say, but there preventative way. The MRC trial which brought this does appear to be a decline in the total prevalence, ie about is a milestone which, with or without live births plus terminations and stillbirths using ICD-9 termination, will make a very dramatic influence on statistics. For the Lothian Region in 1985 the total the number of infants likely to be born with this major prevalence of neural tube defects was 22, and since 1993 congenital malformation. Folic acid and neural tube defects RA Minns 465

Acknowledgements 19 Kirke PN, Molloy AM, Daly LE et al. Maternal plasma folate and are independent risk factors for neural tube I am grateful to Dr E Sowler, Principal Medical Officer, defects. Q J Med 1993; 86: 703-708. Department of Health, The Scottish Office and Dr Marion 20 Mills JL, McPartlin JM, Kirke PN et al. Homocysteine Bain, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Information metabolism in pregnancies complicated by neural-tube defects. and Statistics Division, Trinity Park House, Edinburgh. Lancet 1995; 345: 149-151. 21 Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Boers GHJ, Trijbels FJM et al. Maternal hyperhomo-cysteinemia: a risk-factor for neural-tube defects? Metabolism 1994; 43: 1475-1480. References 22 Adams MJ, Khoury MJ, Stevenson R et al. Midtrimester serum methylmalonic acid as a risk marker for neural tube defects. Meuli M, Meuli-Simmen C, Hutchins GM et al. 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