the Maple Leaf City of Maplewood, Missouri H H Spring/Summer 2019

his is an extremely (4) Currently there are 7 elected representatives in important time for Maplewood for 8,000 residents resulting in a ratio the future of the city of one official per 1,100 residents. (5) The Better Tof Maplewood. The Together plan has 33 elected representatives for 1.3 prospect of a statewide vote on million residents resulting in a ratio of one official per a city/county merger will deter- 40,000 residents. Draw your own conclusions. (6) The mine how well our city operates establishment of the Metropolitan city will result in or if it even continues to exist. the 9th largest city in the U.S. (7) The Metropolitan Attorneys for Better Together Statistically Area (MSA) population on which poten- Mayor Barry are suing cities that use tax- tial businesses make their decision will not change. (8) Greenberg payer money to express opinions The crime statistics per capita will go down. (9) There counter to the Better Together is no tangible evidence that the total number of crimes, plan. This city pays for printing and postage of the reported and unreported, will decrease. (10) There are Maple Leaf newsletter, so I must stick to the facts ways in which the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County because they can’t prosecute the truth. and the municipalities in St. Louis County can cooper- ate and increase efficiencies and reduce redundancies The facts are: (1) Maplewood doesn’t have a billion- without Better Together. (11) The establishment of a aire to fund a campaign promoting or contesting any Board of Freeholders can address this cooperative ef- plan for our future that doesn’t include our input. (2) fort without the threat of a “shotgun marriage”. Maplewood residents are used to a response time of approximately three minutes for police (and fire). I can’t The Better Together plan solves some problems and factually say how long a Metropolitan Police Depart- creates others. Maplewood citizens need to research ment would take to respond to calls in Maplewood, the facts and determine whether the “optical” advan- but you are welcome to talk with any City of St. Louis tages of Better Together outweigh the loss of represen- resident regarding their experience. (3) Planning and tation and reduction of services that COULD result Zoning are issues that are best addressed locally. from implementation of the Better Together plan.

Stay Informed Sign-up for special notices such as road closures, public hearings, meeting notifications, events, and more! Updates are also posted on our Facebook page at The Fun side of Maplewood! Stay up-to-date on events and happenings in Maplewood.

@Enjoy.Maplewood @enjoymaplewood EnjoyMaplewood Page 2 the Maple Leaf Spring/Summer 2019 Business Buzz New Businesses in Maplewood! October 2, 2018 – February 22, 2019

Anahata Awakening Essential Harmony Natalie Clark Studio 7346 Manchester Ave., Ste. 202 Bodywork LLC 7354 Manchester Ave., Ste. 8 618-310-5995 7346 Manchester Ave., Ste. 200 314-560-5311 Massage therapist 314-351-3432 Hair stylist Bento Box BnB Massage therapist Pan Galactic Digital 7113 South St. Friends of Kids With Cancer 7379 Marietta Ave. 314-610-2529 16 Sunnen Dr., Ste. 161 314-596-2793 Short term rental 314-275-7440 Digital marketing agency Brandi Cook Charity organization Rustic Renovations, LLC 7354 Manchester Ave., Ste. 2 Independent Taxi Drivers 2915 Sutton Blvd. 314-882-5923 Association 314-809-1100 Hair stylist 7403 Manchester Ave., Ste. 140 Officespace Columbia Sportswear 314-898-8040 Ryan Cathey Company Officespace 2518 Circle Dr. 10 Sunnen Dr., Ste. 150 Kelly Knight 270-227-8191 314-410-2257 7354 Manchester Ave., Ste. 18 Home office Wholesale showroom 314-540-8440 Shared Health Alliance Dishandat Hair stylist 3155 Sutton Blvd., #201 3244 Walter Ave. Law Office of Joan M. Swartz 314-328-0139 314-398-1631 3348 Greenwood Blvd. Officespace Office 314-471-2032 Strong Roots Tutoring Edward Jones Legal services 2915 Sutton Blvd. 2714 Sutton Blvd. Leopard Boutique LLC 314-809-1100 314-352-1253 7407 Manchester Ave. Officefor tutoring Investment services 314-279-5220 Taco Bell #3002087 Elmwood Women’s boutique 2721 S. Big Bend Blvd. 2704 Sutton Blvd. Mercy Go Health Urgent Care, 503-722-2825 314-261-4708 LLC Fast food restaurant Restaurant 2015 Maplewood Commons Dr. Zipline Live, Inc. 314-293-4023 2816 Sutton Blvd., #1 Medical services 314-960-8851 Officetechnology

Maplewood First Responder Meals The First Responder Meal Program was the relationship between first respond- in hosting a meal or would like more conceived by two Maplewood residents ers and Maplewood residents as well as information, please contact Erin Sulli- in 2017. The meals are intended to neighbor to neighbor relations. If you van [email protected] or Laura foster communication and strengthen and a group of neighbors are interested Miller [email protected]. Spring/Summer 2019 the Maple Leaf Page 3

forefront when it comes to consolidating Farewell to City Manager and sharing municipal services. In 2008, Corcoran was awarded the East Marty Corcoran West Gateway Council of Governments Gateway Lifetime Public Service Award. After 35 plus years of service to the City of Corcoran has been very active in the Boy Scouts serving as Cubmaster of Pack 362, Maplewood, City Manager Marty Corcoran Scoutmaster of Troop 362, Pathfinder is set to retire July 14, 2019. District Commissioner and has been awarded the District Award of Merit, the orcoran, a Maplewood native, that the best person to take Maplewood Vigil Honor and the Silver Beaver. Of all graduated from Maplewood in the right direction was Marty himself. these accomplishment Corcoran’s greatest Richmond Heights High We had developed a friendship during is his family. He and his wife Tish have School in 1966. Upon gradu- this process and I learned that Marty had C been married for 48 years and have three ation he attended Southeast Missouri Maplewood roots. I was convinced there children, Jennifer, Marty Pat and Jeremy. State University. on an athletic scholar- may be an opportunity to persuade him to They have been blessed with three grand- ship and received accept the challenge of children. his teaching degree. helping the city reach As we bid farewell to Marty, we wish him Corcoran served its full potential. After the best in his retirement and thank him his country in the a lot of arm twisting, for his immense dedication and commit- United States Army he accepted the job ment to our community. during the Vietnam and the rest is his- era. After returning tory. Maplewood has home, he pursued a become the vibrant When I moved my business to Master’s in School community it is today Maplewood in 1988 we had a few Administration from because of Marty’s things going for us: great people, Southeast Missouri influence.” an availability of cheap com- State University. He During Corcoran’s ten- mercial space, the Maplewood spent a few years ure as City Manager, Chamber and Marty. In my roles in the Berkeley and he was instrumental in on several Maplewood boards and Ritenour school bringing stability and commissions and especially on districts before being hired as the Parks respectability back to local government City Council, I developed an ap- and Recreation Director for the City of and providing a sound fiscal basis for mu- preciation for the professional and Bridgeton. Corcoran later served six years nicipal operations. Major redevelopment effective manner in which the city as Bridgeton City Administrator. projects under his leadership included the was run, so much so that I moved In September of 1983, he accepted the 62-acre Sunnen Business Industrial Park; here in 1999. As I attend local position as Maplewood City Manager. Maplewood Square; Maplewood Com- and state meetings, I am awed Former Mayor Andy Hummert recalls mons; Deer Creek Shopping Center; and at the regard in which Marty is hiring Corcoran. “As a newly elected The Schlafly Bottleworks Brewery and held by officials throughout the mayor in the early ‘80’s, my first order of Restaurant. Another major accomplish- state and how many current city business was to hire a city manager. It was ment over the last decade, has been the managers he has mentored over a controversial time in Maplewood and revitalization of Maplewood’s downtown his long career. I would personally the previous mayor had just been recalled. area. Corcoran has served as President of like to thank Marty Corcoran for Marty was well respected for his leader- the St. Louis Community College Board his service to the City. ship qualities and financial skills. Through of Trustees, President of the St. Louis several conversations he provided great in- Area City Management Assoc., President sight as well as possible candidates to con- of the Missouri City Managers Assoc., Mayor Barry Greenberg tact for the position. Although his recom- President of the Missouri Tax Increment mendations were good, it became obvious Financing Assoc. and has been in the Page 4 the Maple Leaf Spring/Summer 2019 Maplewood Police Department Police Statistics Synthetic Opioids 2018 2019 ytd ne of the most press- stantial risks to individual and public Reported Cleared Reported Cleared ing public health health. Clinicians, first responders, Homicides: 0 0 1 1 challenges faced by and lay persons likely to respond to Othe United States an overdose should be trained on Robberies 14 8 0 1 today is the epidemic of opioid synthetic opioid risks and equipped Burglaries: 17 6 3 2 overdoses. According to the Centers with multiple doses of naloxone. for Disease Control and Preven- Naloxone is a medicine that can treat Stolen Autos: 33 14 8 1 tion (CDC), overdose of opioids a fentanyl overdose when given right (including prescription opioids, Larcenies: (Felony) 88 29 17 12 away. It works by rapidly binding to heroin, and fentanyl) killed more opioid receptors and blocking the Rapes: 4 2 0 0 than 47,000 people in the United effects of opioid drugs. But fentanyl States in 2016, more than any other Arsons: 0 0 0 0 is stronger than other opioid drugs year on record. Nearly half of these like morphine and might require overdoses involved fentanyl. multiple doses of naloxone. Because Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic of this, if you suspect someone has 2018 ytd 2019 ytd opioid that is used as a prescription overdosed, the most important step Traffic Stops 2,493 844 drug to treat severe pain and is 50 to to take is to call 911. 100 times more potent than mor- Field Interviews* 108 14 All Maplewood police officers are phine. It is also made and used as an trained in the use of naloxone to re- Traffic Tickets 2,452 819 illegal street drug. verse the effects of an opioid-related Synthetic fentanyl is made in labs overdose. Naloxone kits are deployed Parking Tickets 536 352 and sold illegally as a powder, in all marked department patrol ve- Calls for Service 17,571 5,108 dropped onto blotter paper, put in hicles for the treatment of overdose eye droppers and nasal sprays, or victims. Ordinance Letters** 765 85 made into pills that look like other Any member of the public who Housing Letters *** 40 1 prescription opioids. encounters substances suspected of Some drug dealers are mixing being a synthetic opioid containing Summons 264 10 fentanyl with other drugs, such as fentanyl should exercise caution and Re-checks**** 559 200 heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, call 911 immediately. Only properly and MDMA. This is because it takes trained and outfitted enforcement *Field Interviews are reports generated by a police officer that has very little to produce a high with professionals should handle poten- questioned a suspicious individual. fentanyl, making it a cheaper option. tially dangerous materials. ** Ordinance letters are sent to notify a homeowner or businessper- This is especially risky when people Everyone has an important role in son of a violation. taking drugs don’t realize they might preventing opioid overdose deaths ***Housing Letters are letters sent to property owners citing code contain fentanyl as a cheap but through education, partnership, and violations. dangerous additive. They might be collaboration. ****Re-check is a return to a residence or a business to see if the taking stronger opioids than their reported violation has been corrected. Sources cited: John Howard, “The Opioid bodies are used to and can be more Crisis and Staying Safe in the Line of Duty,” likely to overdose. Focus on Officer Wellness, Police Chief 86, no. 2 (2019): 18–20 Lack of awareness about synthetic National Institute on Drug Abuse; National opioid potency, variability, availabil- Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of ity, and increasing adulteration of Health and Human Services https://www. the illicit drug supply poses sub- and news-releases/2018/05/nearly-half-opioid- related-overdose-deaths-involve-fentanyl


NEWS and NOTES The library is not ust for books anymore. We have Vs, s, audio You now have the option of being books, Internet access, links to download Ereader materials, and programs alerted to all we have that is new to teach and entertain. ome in and see us soon. to our library. For free weekly emails of our latest books, movies, and music: UPCOMING SUMMER READING PROGRAMS AND EVENTS http:wowbrary.orgsignup.asp The theme for all of our summer reading programs this year is “A Universe of Stories”. l18 Please note that the starting dates for all of them are the same but the ending dates are ______different for adults and kidsteens. MEET LIBBY ADULT SUMMER READING PROGRAM th th A fresh and easy way to borrow ay 8 through August , 019. and read or listen from your “A UNIVERSE OF STORIES” is the theme for this year’s Adult Summer Reading Program. We will library. You can borrow instantly, be eploring space, finding what stars we can see from our own backyards, what ars looks like for free, after downloading the closeup, how to organize our own personal “space”, and many other fascinating facts about far th th app to your phone or tablet. It away worlds. Sign-up begins Tuesday, May 28 and ends Saturday, August 24 . ome in, sign ust takes a few taps to find and up, and get your reading log, puzzle sheets, initial prize, and instructions. When you sign up, we borrow a title. Once you have will ask you to sign a registration sheet so that we may send you notifications of upcoming prize downloaded the app all that’s left drawings and events. The drawings will be held the end of each month. In addition, we will be is to find aplewood Public having a final checkin and drawings for prizes. To be eligible for those prizes you MUST bring Library, put in your library card in your log book for staff to see and fill out a slip with your name and phone number. Final th st number, and you are all set to go. check-in will be August 26 through August 31 . For more details, ust check out the website or Libby even provides a “tour” to flyers on your net visit. We will be hosting a variety of programs during the summer including a help you get started. It’s fun and performance by storyteller etraordinaire obby Norfolk on easy to use. Search for “Libby” in Thursday, uly 18th at :0 pm. your app store. Libby is a service "A Universe of Stories" is the theme of our kids’ Summer Reading Clubs for 2019. of Overdrive. Program runs ay 8th uly th. We will offer an online, mobilefriendly registration and reading tracking process for the kids and teens summer reading programs. Families with internet access on home computers or mobile devices will find an engaging, customizable, gamelike ue to unforeseen eperience that includes a variety of challenges. We will also offer our usual personal attention and circumstances, programs and incentive prizes. Online registration starts on ay 8th. The program concludes with our times are subect to change. If in traditional family swim party at the aplewood Family Aquatic enter on uly th. For babies, doubt, please call the library toddlers, and pre-schoolers, we will offer a computerless, parentfriendly reading club with before coming in. stickers to track library visits and books read. We will be hosting a variety of special programs for kids and teens, such as crafts, music programs, and a magician performance. Watch for flyers in You can also “like” us on: the Library and information on our website.

ere are some of the additional services we offer at COMMUNITY ART DISPLAYS the aplewood Public Library: We have been very happy to host ——MRH Yearbooks On-line the art work of talented local And now you can also follow us artists over the past few months. on Twitter: The aplewood Library has begun digitizing its collection of aplewoodRichmond eights igh School yearbooks. aplewoodLibra1. There is space available for other urrently online are the decades of the 1950’s through local artists who would like to the 1980’s. We will be adding more years in the future. display their work. isplays heck it out at: http:tinyurl.comy8zcbak would be ehibited on a monthly —-Large print books —-Hoopla APLEWOO basis. To make arrangements or PULI LIRARY —-Library Elf —-Overdrive to look at potential display areas, 550 LOEYER —-Telescope rental —-Book Club Kits ust contact the library at: APLEWOO, O 1 —-Document scanning/fax —-Mobile printing 1811 1811 —-Heritage Quest —-Learning Express DISPLAY CASES —-Mobile app for your phone —-Tumble Books We love to show off the collections OURS: ——Playaways for kids on.Thur. 9am to 9pm of the community. If you have a For details, check out our website or give us a call . Friday 9am to pm collection you would like to share,

Sat. 9am to 5 pm on a monthly basis, call us and In addition to all of these free services, we offer we will see what can be arranged. e sure to check for weekly programs, as well as a monthly book club, Our residents certainly have some any weekly quilting classes, and a monthly writers’ interesting heirlooms and special holiday hours. group. For dates and times, check out our website. hobbies.

PARC: Parks and Imagination Station Ages 5-12 Maplewood Family 8-week summer camp for ages 5-12, and runs Recreation Cooperative Monday-Friday, 6/3-7/26, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. Aquatic Center Special Events This traditional camp is designed for a wide va- Serving the Cities of Maplewood & riety of conventional interests that include arts Opening Day Celebration & crafts, group games, sports, swimming, field All activities are included as part of daily admission. Richmond Heights trips and more. Campers are typically grouped 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Public Swim 8001 Dale Avenue by their age at the time of the camp. 11a.m.-8 p.m. Concession Specials MRH Early Childhood Center 12-1 p.m. Pictures with Spiderman Richmond Heights, MO 63117 2801 Oakland Ave, Maplewood, MO 63143 12-2 p.m. Free Games & Activities Main: 314.645.1476 3 p.m. Kids Q&A with our Lifeguard Staff Session Dates Fax: 314.645.0502 Session 1 June 3-7 Father’s Day Celebration Ages 18+ Session 2 June 10-14 The hop and Flop Daddy Drop-Dads only cannonball Session 3 June 17-21 contest could land your pops in fun prizes. $1 rootbeer Session 4 June 24-28 floats for all dads at concession stand all day, $3 for any Find us on Facebook! Session 5 July 1-3 (no camp July 4 & 5) non-Dads. Daily admission or membership required. Session 6 July 8-12 S 6/16 Dads can compete at 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. Follow us on Twitter! Session 7 July 15-19 Session 8 July 22-26 Under the Sea Programs Ages 2-8 Tons of Transportation All Ages Programs held on Saturday mornings, 9-9:50 a.m. Program includes games, craft, snack and swim time in the pool. Pre- Want to see a dump truck up close? How about Registration a backhoe…or a fire truck? Join the cities of Space is limited and sessions max out quickly, registration required. Richmond Heights, Brentwood and Maplewood be sure to register early. If a session is full Ahoy, Me Hearties! for Tons of Transportation. Whether you come you can opt to have your camper put on the Only a landlubber would miss this hunt for the treasure and out to see a police car, excavator or fire truck, session waiting list. If a spot becomes available other games led by the lifeguard captain. we’ve got them all. You will be able to touch for that week you will be contacted as soon as H1 H 6/13 9-9:50 a.m. them and even climb into the cab and take a seat. possible. Mermaid Academy The ride is in your imagination, but what a great Watch your feet become fins as you take the water to learn all things mermaid. games and treasure hunts “hands on” adventure! Fees* A1 A 5/4 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Residents $85/1 week session get you ready to become the most graceful creature in the No Charge! Nonresidents $100/1 week session sea. Participants may bring a mermaid fin to the program. Location: St. Louis Galleria South Parking Lot Session 5 Residents $51/1 week session (Fins are now allowed during open swim.) Nonresidents $60/1 week session H2 H 6/27 9-9:50 a.m. National Park and Recreation Month Payment is due at time of registration. Regis- Sharknado July is National Park and Recreation Month! Since tration will take place at THE HEIGHTS. Sharks crafts, activities and games will make this program a 1985, America has celebrated the importance of *On-line registration is not available. sharknado! community parks and recreational areas and the H3 H 7/11 9-9:50 a.m. Brrrrr!! role they play as a contributing environmental Magical Mornings indicator for better health and physical activity. Campers may arrive anytime between 7-9 a.m., Frozen water has taken over! Games, activities and crafts PARC is celebrating all month with programs and but may not be dropped off before 7a.m. all have an ice theme. activities. Check our Facebook page for updates Residents: $28; H4 H 7/25 9-9:50 a.m. on programs offered! Nonresidents: $35/1 week session R&M $5; NR $7/date (Registration for child only, parent Session 5: Residents: $17/1 week session participation required on land and water). Bricks 4 Kids: Super Heroes & Nonresidents: $21/1 week session Avengers Camp Ages 5-12 Cardboard Boat Regatta All Ages Join Bricks 4 Kidz for a week building Super Enchanted Afternoons This event is a blast! Release the inner engineer from within Heroes and Avengers with LEGO® bricks. Create Campers may be picked up anytime between and try to build a boat from ONLY cardboard and duct a fantasy world and protect it against all the evil 3-6 p.m. by a person on the camper’s pick-up tape. The objective will be to race against other home- arch enemies with custom contraptions made form. made boats for a chance at bragging rights and fun awards with LEGO® bricks. Residents $35; Nonresidents $42/1 week session will be given in a variety of categories! Corrugated card- M-W 8/5-8/7 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Session 5: Residents: $21/1 week session board only, duct tape of any color, and glue and silicone R&NR $100 THE HEIGHTS Nonresidents: $26/1 week session caulk may be used on the seams. Oars can be manufac- tured or made of material other than cardboard. Card- board will be available for free at MFAC and for you to Pokémon - Young Explorers Ages 3-5 decorate the boat however you like. Two people must be Pocket Brick Monsters Ages 5-12 Let your kids, be kids this summer. Young Ex- plorers is designed for campers, ages 3-5, and in the boat during the race. All boats must be human pow- Get ready for an adventure in the world of ered, no motors please! This event is growing each year ® ® runs Monday-Friday, 6/4-7/27, from 9 a.m.-12 Pokémon ! Capture wild Pokémon creatures but there still needs to be a minimum of 10 registered boats and them for battle. Tap into your inner p.m.. Your camper must be potty trained to attend camp. Daily activities include, water or the regatta won’t float. Please Register by 6/30! engineer as we build Dratini, Pikachu, Poké Balls, play, crafts, games, story time and snacks. S1 S 7/14 5 p.m. check-in & voting and more. Show off your skills as you battle for 5:30 p.m. Race begins ® Please send your camper with swim clothes for power in your journey through the Pokémon R&M&NR $5/rider universe. Do you have what it takes to become a water play on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Young Explorers campers have the option of attend- Pokémon® Master? ing Magical Mornings also. Dog Swim Ages 13+ H-F 8/8-8/9 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Maplewood Dog Park is holding its Annual Dog Swim at the R&NR $68 THE HEIGHTS MRH Early Childhood Center 2801 Oakland Ave, Maplewood, MO 63143 Maplewood Family Aquatic Center. The swim is for Greater St. Louis area dogs more than four months of age. Rabies Minecraft BRICKS Ages 5-12 FEES* vaccination paperwork is required for each dog to partici- Enjoy a week of building MInecraft charac- Residents: $55/1 week session pate and must be presented at the front desk. Participants ters with LEGO® bricks, amateur LEGO® robotic Nonresidents: $70/1 week session must sign a liability waiver. No children under 13 allowed. motorized builds, and playing the real Minecraft Payment is due at time of registration. Regis- Children ages 13 to 18 must be accompanied by a parent computer game. No experience necessary. Two tration will take place at THE HEIGHTS. or guardian over 18. No more than two dogs per person. great things that go great together - Minecraft *On-line registration is not available. Wading to the knees is permitted. No human swimming. and LEGO® bricks! Dog Park and Aquatic Center rules apply. Proceeds from M-F 8/5-8/9 1-4 p.m. For more information contact Kate Whaley at the dog swim support Maplewood Dog Park. R&NR $150 THE HEIGHTS [email protected] or 314.655.3663. No pre-registration. A 9/7 12-4 p.m. R&NR $10/dog & two-adults-one-day $1/day for persons without a dog

MFAC: Maplewood Family MFAC Pool Fees Sensory Friendly Swim Day Ages 0-9 Enjoy a day of family fun and sensory friendly Daily (must be accompanied by a resident) swimming at Maplewood Family Aquatic Center. Aquatic Center Resident Guest Sensory Swims are designed for individuals with 7550 Lohmeyer Youth (3-15 yrs) $4 $5.50 special needs and their families, who require Adult (16-59 yrs) $5.50 $8 Maplewood, MO 63143 the quiet and calm for recreation. The water Senior (60+) Free $5.50 314.646.3665 features will be turned off. Daily admission or membership required. Season Pass Resident Guest T 4/9, 4/16, 4/23 9-11 a.m. MFAC Hours of Operation: Youth $75 $170 Opening Weekend Adult $85 $190 Ages 18+ 5/25-5/26 A/S Open Swim 11 Adult Swim Senior Free $160 At the Adult Swim you will be able to enjoy a Regular Summer Hours Family (up to 4) $160 $365 peaceful float around the river, a splash free 5/27-8/11 M-F Open Swim 12-8 p.m. -each add’l person $25 $35 swim or just relax poolside. The concession A/S Open Swim 11 a.m.-8 p.m. stand will be open so you can grab your favorite Lap Swim Hours Value Card* (10 Visits, Residents Only) pool treats. Rafts and innertubes allowed during 5/27-8/12 M-F Open Swim 12-8 p.m. Resident this event. Comp pool not open during event. A/S Open Swim 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Youth (3-15) $35 Daily admission or membership required. Special Hours of Operation Adult (16-59) $50 T 8/13 4-7 p.m. Memorial Day 1. Child 9 & under must be accompanied by paying Ages 18+ 5/27 M Open Swim 12-6 p.m. Twilight Swims adult. (see Basic Outdoor Rules) Enjoy a starlit float around the river, shoot the Independence Day 2. I.D. card must be purchased at THE HEIGHTS. slides in the dark, or just relax poolside and 7/4 H Open Swim 12-6 p.m. 3. Non-resident daily must be accompanied by a stargaze. Games includes slide races, soda drop Cardboard Boat Regatta paying resident with a valid I.D. card. and biggest splash contest. Each participant gets 7/14 S Comp Closed 5-8 p.m. 4. Five paying nonresident guests permitted per a free glow necklace and sno-cone! Night swims Labor Day resident. are open to the public. 9/2 M Open Swim 12-6 p.m. 5. Family consists of 4 members; each additional F 6/21 8:15-10 p.m. End of Summer Hours family member: R $25; NR $35/each . F 7/19 8:15-10 p.m. 8/12-9/2 M/W/F Open Swim 4-7:30 p.m. R&M $5; NR $7 T/H Open Swim CLOSED MFAC Pool Rental Rates: A/S Open Swim 11 a.m.-8 p.m. 1 pool 2 hours $250 Basic Outdoor Rules: 2 pools 1 hour each $250 Lined swimsuits only. No cut-offs, athletic Early Season Pass Purchasing 2 pools 2 hours $500 shorts, biking tights, leotards or thongs. Skip the long lines and purchase your MFAC Sea- A deposit of $250 is required. Each additional hour is Children 9 & under, must be directly son Pass before the pool opens at THE HEIGHTS $250. Rentals may begin at 8:30 p.m. and must end front desk. Receive a MFAC promo cup and get a by 11:30 p.m. No alcohol, DJ’s, or live bands permitted. supervised by those 16 years or older discounted drink from the concession stand all summer Must be 21 or older to rent. For additional Informa- wearing a swimsuit. long! (While supplies last.) tion contact Jeanette Days at 314-655-3666 or at Patrons wishing to use water slide must be at [email protected]. least 48 inches or taller. Combo Pass No rafts or inner tubes permitted in the Already have a pass to THE HEIGHTS? Buy a Maple- recreation pool. wood Family Aquatic Center pass and get $10 off the MFAC Party Pad: price of an individual pass or $20 off the price of a Enjoy your party at the Maplewood Family Aquatic Use swim diapers for non-toilet trained family pass! Center! You may bring your own food and drink or patrons. purchase at the concession stand to enjoy in your No goggles, fins, glasses, metal watches, or MFAC Splash & Play: Ages 0-9 own gated party location. Deposit due at time of swimsuits with metal zippers, buckles, rivets, registration. Available times below: Parents, bring your little ones for your own special buttons or metal ornamentation on the two- time in the recreation pool throughout the sum- M-H 5-7 p.m. R&M $135; NR $165 story water slides. mer. The waterslide, lazy river, and comp pool are not F 4-7 p.m. R&M $165; NR $195 available during this time. Daily admission or member- A-S 12-3 p.m. R&M $165; NR $195 No tennis balls, water guns, or Frisbees. ship required. All children need to be accompanied by 4-7 p.m. R&M $165; NR $195 MFAC is not responsible for lost or stolen an adult who is in the water and wearing a swimsuit. Maximum: 30 partygoers; Extra people may be items. Please do not bring valuables to the M/W/F 6/3-8/9 10 a.m.-12 p.m. added for $5/person. pool and be sure to lock all belongings. No Splash & Play 7/29-8/2 For additional Information contact Jeanette Days at No mermaid tails. 314-655-3666 or at [email protected]. American Red Cross Swimming & MFAC is not responsible for lost or stolen Water Safety Program: Proof of Residency to items. Please do not bring valuables to the pool The main goal of our lesson program is to help individ- Purchase a Membership: and be sure to lock all belongings. uals to be safe in and around an aquatic environment. Residents of Maplewood, Richmond Heights, Brent- Participants are evaluated at the first class to ensure wood, Rock Hill and City of St. Louis, Districts 23 & each is enrolled in their appropriate level. Locate the 24 must provide a picture ID and an unpaid Utility Outdoor Weather Policies: age and level you wish to enroll and find the days and Bill, Personal Property Tax Receipt, or Occupancy Hotline Number 314.655.3602 times listed that match your needs. It is common for Permit*. Lightning: The Maplewood Family Aquatic Center students to repeat a level to master the skills of the *For family memberships, an occupancy permit is will close when lightning is seen or thunder is level. Swim lesson registration is only available at THE required. heard in the area. It will remain closed until 30 HEIGHTS. minutes after the last lightning sighted or thunder There are no make-up dates for classes missed. We Proof of Residency for Daily Use: heard. reserve the right to combine classes due to low enroll- Residents of Maplewood, Richmond Heights, Brent- Inclement Weather: During inclement weather ment in any level. Participants must be enrolled by the wood and Rock Hill must provide a picture ID with the Maplewood Family Aquatic Center will first day of class. current address to enter the aquatic center paying remain open until 6 p.m. After 6 p.m. manage- ment reserves the right to close due to weather MFAC: Tuesdays & Thursdays the daily rate. Residents in the City of St. Louis, Dis- tricts 23 & 24 are not eligible for resident daily rates conditions. Rain checks will not be issued. T1 6/4-6/27 11:05-11:45 a.m. Low Temperature: If air temperature is below T2 7/9-8/1 11:05-11:45 a.m. and must follow the nonresident policy for entrance. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by those 70’F the Maplewood Family Aquatic Center will R&M $39; NR $49 be closed. MFAC: Saturdays 16 years or older in a swimsuit. H2 6/8-7/27 10:05-10:45 a.m. R&M $39; NR $49

Page 10 the Maple Leaf Spring/Summer 2019 Public Works Garage Sales Lawn Maintenance The property owner is required to submit the video inspection with a bill or let- arage sale season is fast It’s growing season, please remember to ter from the plumbing or sewer cabling approaching. Any resident keep your yard trimmed. Grass or weeds company to Public Works. Once the need wanting to conduct a garage may not exceed 12 inches. The Maple- for repair is confirmed, the property will Gsale is required to obtain a wood Code of Ordinances can be found at be added to the City’s program repair list. permit at least 5 days prior to the sale. The Questions? Call Public Works at 645- permit fee is $5 per day with a maxi- Search Section 54-56 to read the full 3600. mum of 2 consecutive days per sale. Two ordinance. sales per calendar year are allowed and 6 Water Line Repairs Recycling months must lapse between sales. Applica- If you think your water line is leaking, call tions for garage sale permits are available Single stream or All-In-One recycling is Missouri American Water Company to at City Hall or www.cityofmaplewood. so easy that anyone can do it. Republic request an inspection. If you have a con- com/garage-sale. Services has 48, 65, and 95 gallon rollout firmed leak, please contact the County’s Fall Tree Planting recycling containers. To request a recy- Residential Water Service Line Repair cling container, please contact Republic Program office at 615-8420 to obtain an Plan ahead for fall tree planting. The Services at (636) 947-5959. application. The County will solicit bids or City of Maplewood will plant trees, free Sewer Lateral quotes from participating licensed plumb- of charge, this fall. If you would like a ers and pay the plumber directly for the tree planted in the tree lawn the sign-up Repair repair. Remember the water company may process is easy; just complete the online Do you suspect a sewer lateral problem? not confirm any leaks on the inside of the form at Before contacting City Hall, the property house, nor does the program pay for leaks or call 645-3600. owner is responsible for having their sewer or repairs inside of the house. lateral line cabled and then a video inspec- tion performed (at the owner’s expense). Mosquito Control The City of Maplewood contracts with St. Louis County’s Department of Health for mosquito control services. Please call St. Louis County at 615-0680 to make a request for mosquito spraying. Maplewood is scheduled to be sprayed on Thursdays. Every street is not covered in every spray- ing. Maplewood Family Aquatic Center Opening day is May 25th. Don’t waste a moment of summer fun, get your pass today! Passes are available at The Heights, 8001 Dale Ave. For pool fees, hours and events see the PARC insert in this edition of the Maple Leaf or call 645-1476. Spring/Summer 2019 the Maple Leaf Page 11 News You Can Use Trash and Recycling Pick-Up Public Meetings n City Council meets only on the The summer holiday schedule is as follows: ll of the City of Maple- second Tuesday of the month in June, Memorial Day: Monday, May 27: Wednes- wood public meetings July and August at 7:30 PM in the City day routes will be picked up on Thursday, are posted on the City’s Council Chambers. If additional meet- May 30. Awebsite at www.cityofma- ings are added they will be posted on All meetings the website and Facebook. Fourth of July: Thursday, July 4: Wednesday are held in the City Council Chambers n Design and Review Board meets the routes will be picked as normally scheduled. at Maplewood City Hall. second Thursday of the month at 6 PM. Labor Day: Monday, September 2: Wednes- Meeting resources, including agendas, n Park Board meets the third Thursday day routes will be picked up on Thursday, are available at www.cityofmaplewood. of the month at 7 PM. September 5. com/boards. n Plan and Zoning meets the first Please note all meetings are subject to Monday of the month at 7 PM. change, please check the city’s website n Sustainability Commission meets April 2019 for updates: the first Tuesday of the month at 6 PM. Election Ward 1 Maplewood Parks Karen Wood re-elected to serve a three-year Explore our beautiful neighborhood parks! For a full listing of the parks with ame- term. nities please visit Ward 2

Central Park Ryan Hummert Memorial Park Eleanor Pardini ran unopposed to serve a Walter Ave. and Elm Ave. 2400 Sutton three-year term. Ward 3 Deer Creek Park Sutton Loop Park 3200 Laclede Station Rd. 2815 Sutton Jenny Schmidt re-elected to serve a three- year term. Greenwood Park Trolley Park We would like to take a moment to say Kensington and Commonwealth 7700 Jerome goodbye and thank you to long-time council Kellogg Park Yale Park member Tim Dunn. Tim served as council Circle Dr. and West Point 2104 Yale Ave. member of Ward 2 for 25 years. Thank you Lindbergh Park for your time and dedication to the City of End of Lindbergh Dr. Maplewood.

Build a Butterfly Garden If you like birds, butterflies or most any of nature’s creations, you might like the St. Louis Audubon Society’s Bring Conservation Home Program. Courtesy of a partnership formed in 2018, Maplewood residential property owners can receive the full at-home landscaping consultation service for the member rate of $25. For more info and to request a consult, visit the program website at Page 12 the Maple Leaf Spring/Summer 2019

City of prsrt std us postage Maplewood paid st louis mo City Council permit no. 4542 Mayor Barry Greenberg 7601 Manchester Road Maplewood, MO 63143 Ward I Karen Wood - Deputy Mayor Sandi Phillips Ward II Eleanor Pardini Ray Crader Ward III Shawn Faulkingham Jenny Schmidt Spotlight on Parks: Sutton Loop Park Maplewood City Hall business ormerly a paved trolley and If running and jumping are not your thing hours are from 8:30 a.m. to bus loop turned picturesque you can grab a bite to eat from one of the 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. neighborhood park. Sutton neighboring businesses and enjoy a picnic City Hall phone number is FLoop Park boasts a large green in the park. If music is your thing, try your 645-3600. space bordered by beautiful trees, shrubs, hand at the public piano situated under the and flowering plants. The park is usually pavilion. It’s a great spot for an impromptu The Maple Leaf is written and edited buzzing with activity from a pick-up game performance or sing-along with family by the Community Development of kickball, to frisbee throwing, to yoga in and friends. Department with contributions from all the park. The park is also home to a little free library city departments. Inquiries should be ad- and a 10’ tall sunflower. The dressed to Laura Miller at sunflower is a functional piece (314) 646-3607 or E-mail: of public art. The center of [email protected]. the sunflower is a solar panel and the base is flanked with Newsletter Design USB ports that serve as a and Production: charging station. STUDIO X 2737 Sutton, Maplewood, MO There is a paved path that borders the park perfect for riding bikes or sitting on one NOTICE of the many benches while The City of Maplewood, Missouri is an enjoying the scenery. equal opportunity employer. The city does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or disability. Holiday Closures City Hall will be closed for the following holidays: Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 Independence Day, Thursday, July 4 Labor Day, Monday, September 2